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Period 49


I. Choose the word with the different stress pattern.

1. A. attitude B. difference C. partnership D. appearance
2. A. certain B. reject C. public D. matter
II. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
3. A. dates B. chores C. talks D. helps
4. A. obliged B. proposed C. sacrificed D. followed
5. A. scholarship B. mechanic C. chemistry D. machine
III. Choose the best option that best completes each exchange.
6. When did you arrive ? ......
A. Tomorrow. B. Yesterday. C. For two days. D. Once again.
7. I hate opera. ......
A. You are, too. B. It can, too. C. I am, too. D. I do, too.
8. Yes ? ...... Yes. Do you have these sandals in size eight.
A. Should I help you ? B. Can I help you ?
C. Will I help you ? D. Have I helped you ?
IV. Choose the part that best completes each sentence.
9. ......, the more I like it.
A. The more is it dangerous B. The more it is dangerous
C. The more dangerous it is D. The more dangerous is it
10. ......, he would have learned how to read.
A. Unless my uncle had been able to go to school as a child
B. Had my uncle been able to go to school as a child
C. If my uncle were able to go to school as a child
D. Were my uncle able to go to school as a child
V. Choose the correct sentence with the same meaning as the one in italics.
11. If I were you, I would tell the truth, Peter, said Amanda.
A. Amanda advised Peter tell the truth.
B. Amanda advised Peter to tell the truth.
C. Amanda said that if she were Peter she told the truth.
D. Amanda advised Peter telling the truth.
12. Barbara couldnt swim in the sea because it is too cold.
A. It wasnt warm enough for Barbara to swim in the sea.
B. It wasnt warm enough for Barbara to swim on the sea.
C. It was so cold for Barbara to swim in the sea.
D. It wasnt enough warm enough for Barbara to swim in the sea.
13. People say that he was falling asleep at that time.
A. He was said to be falling asleep at that time.
B. He was said to fall asleep at that time.
C. He is said to be falling asleep at that time.
D. He is said to have fallen asleep at that time.
VI. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting.
14. (A) Most of the furniture in their house (B) were (C) almost (D) worthless.
15. If you (A) come to England, (B) youll soon get used (C) to drive (D) on the left.
16. (A) At a very young age, children should (B) be teaching (C) to distinguish between (D) right
and wrong.
17. They (A) moved the piano (B) so as (C) there would be (D) room for the Christmas tree.
18. No sooner (A) I had got home (B) than I (C) realized I (D) had left my bag in the shops.

VII. Read the passage and then choose the best answer to each question.
Family types vary in different countries and among different cultures. In Western,
industrialized societies, the nuclear family ranks as the most common family type. It consists of a
father, a mother and their children. But nuclear families exist alongside many other types of
family units. In the single-parent family, for example, a mother or a father heads the family
alone. A blended family is formed when a divorced or widowed parent remarries. As divorce
rates have risen, the number of single-parent and blended families has increased.
In many parts of the world, parents and children live together with other family members
under the same roof. These complex families usually contain several generations of family
members, including grandparents, parents and children. They may also include brothers or sisters
and their families, uncles, aunts and cousins. Even when relatives do not live together, they still
consider themselves members of the same extended family. In Latin America and Hispanic
America cultures, the extended family includes grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.
19. The nuclear family ranks as the most common family type ......
A. in many industrialized countries B. in countries with nuclear weapons
C. that consists of more than two generations D. that leads to the divorce of parents
20. In the single-parents family, ......
A. there are often no children
B. only one parent lives with his or her child or children
C. the number of blended children has increased
D. children live alone
21. The word which has the similar meaning to the underlined word blended is ......
A. complex B. married C. mixed D. formed
22. Grandparents, parents and children are mentioned as ......
A. the three typical generations of an extended family B. three branches of a family tree
C. the closest and happiest relatives D. a complex combination
23. The second paragraph is about ......
A. relatives and family members B. American culture
C. the relationship between family members D. the extended family
I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
24. I couldnt answer the phone immediately because I ...... to finish some work.
A. try B. am trying C. was trying D. have tried
25. Well go to the theme park when you ...... your meal.
A. have finished B. will finish C. will have finished D. are finishing
26. Did you ...... goodbye to everyone before leaving ?
A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk
27. He asked me ...... I used to work.
A. what B. who C. where D. that
28. Five hundred people ...... from their homes up to now.
A. have evacuated (di tn) B. have been evacuated
C. were evacuating C. have been evacuating
29. I wrote down her address ...... I forgot it.
A. unless B. if C. in case D. when
30. Ill see you at nine ...... I phone to say I cant come.
A. if B. unless C. when D. provided
31. This room, ...... any more, belonged to our eldest daughter.
A. that isnt used B. isnt used C. which isnt used D. it isnt used
32. The football club is getting worried ...... theyre losing popularity.
A. because B. but C. although D. so that
33. Shes not a good teacher ...... her pleasant manner.
A. despite B. because of C. instead of D. owing to
34. My plane was delayed. I had to wait at ...... airport for three hours.
A. the B. a C. an D.
35. All the players usually shake hands ...... the end of a football match.
A. in B. on C. for D. at
36. The ladder wasnt ...... to reach the window.
A. too tall B. enough tall C. so tall D. tall enough
37. You ...... drive without a license.
A. must B. should C. mustnt D. neednt
38. Its not worth ...... so much money for such a poor quality product.
A. paying B. pay C. to pay D. paid
39. The number of hotels in ...... for the 23 SEA Games reached to thousands.
A. operating B. operation C. operative D. operator
40. They have decided to interview only the best ......
A. appliances B. application C. applicator D. applicants
41. Its not a very pretty town, but the surrounding is very ......
A. beautify B. beautifully C. beauty D. beautiful
42. A ...... is a book or movie that tells a story about a love affair.
A. horror B. non-fiction C. thriller D. romance
43. There are four generations in the Smiths. It is a(n) ...... family.
A. nuclear B. extended C. crowded D. single-parent
44. At the new college, Andrew enjoyed ...... with the other students.
A. socializing B. meeting C. conversing D. speaking
45. In ...... elementary grades, pupils may spend all the day with one teacher.
A. main B. chief C. primary D. secondary
VII. Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to complete the passage.
Nowadays there are many good reasons for using bicycles instead of cars to travel in city
centres.(46) ......, bicycles are both silent and clean, and as well as this are easy to park. Secondly,
using a bicycle also (47) ...... people fit. However, city centres must either have cycle lanes or be
free (48) ...... private cars completely. Some large cities, (49) ...... Amsterdam in the Netherlands,
are already organized in this way. Finally, a combination of the use of bicycles with very cheap
or free public transport solves the problem of traffic jams and makes the city centre a (50) ......
46. A. As well B. First of all C. In fact D. Personally
47. A. keeps B. gets C. becomes D. turns
48. A. with B. by C. away D. of
49. A. such as B. yet C. also D. or
50. A. pleased B. more pleasant C. most pleasant D. most pleasing


I. Choose the word with the different stress pattern.

1. A. spectator B. opponent C. precision D. energy
2. A. publicity B. incredible C. fascinating D. technology
II. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
3. A. appalled B. washed C. injured D. survived
4. A. adopt B. cross C. propose D. poverty
5. A. promotes B. admires C. reasons D. becomes
III. Choose the best option that best completes each exchange.
6. Jane : You look great in that red skirt, Lora ! Lora : ......
A. No, I dont. B. Oh, you dont like it, do you ?

C. I bought it at NEMs. D. Thanks, its my mums present on my
7. John : Dont forget to send your parents my regards. Tim : ......
A. Thanks, I will. B. Youre welcome. C. Good idea, thanks. D. Its my pleasure.
8. Jim : Do you agree that doing physical exercises can keep our body fit ?
Laura : Youre right. ......
A. Of course not. B. Theres no doubt about that.
C. Thats very surprising. D. Im not with you there.
IV. Choose the correct sentence with the same meaning as the one in italics.
9. My uncle John has never been so much healthy for months.
A. Its months since my uncle John was so much healthy.
B. Its months since my uncle John has been so much healthy.
C. Its months for my uncle John was so much healthy.
D. Its months since my uncle John is so much healthy.
10. Remember to write to your mother, I said to them.
A. I reminded them to have written to their mother.
B. I reminded them to write to their mother.
C. I asked them to write to their mother.
D. I wanted them to write to their mother.
11. The gate was closed to stop the children running into the road.
A. The gate was closed so the children running into the road.
B. The gate is closed so that the children dont run into the road.
C. The gate was closed so that the children couldnt run into the road.
D. The gate is closed that the children could run into the road.

12. My Indian friend finds using chopsticks difficult.

A. My Indian friend is not used to using chopsticks.
B. My Indian friend cant use chopsticks.
C. My Indian friend didnt use to using chopsticks.
D. My Indian friend is not used to use chopsticks.
13. It took me four hours to fix the washing machine.
A. I spend four hours to fix the washing machine.
B. It took me to fix the washing machine four hours.
C. I spent four hours fixing the washing machine.
D. Taking me four hours is fixing the washing machine.
V. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting.
14. It is (A) generally (B) believing that men (C) make house and women (D) make home.
15. It is (A) the most (B) interesting book (C) that I have (D) never read.
16. They will explain (A) what (B) do you need (C) to know (D) to complete your report.
17. Hell get (A) thrown out of school (B) if he starts (C) working (D) much harder.
18. A small (A) amount of money (B) was all (C) which (D) was taken in the robbery.
VI. Read the passage and then choose the best answer to each question.
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has 150 member countries. They are looking to
improve trade. Trade means the buying and selling of goods. The WTO provides a place where
these countries can talk about what they need. The goal of the WTO is to make grow by
removing legal barriers between countries.
The WTO helps trade in several ways. First, it asks countries to treat each other equally.
They should not give special trade deals to one country and not to another. Also, these countries
should not try to stop foreign products from any one country. The idea is that goods and services
should be able to cross borders easily. The second way to improve trade is to lower tariffs. These
are special taxes for things bought and sold. The third way to strengthen trade is to make sure
that the rules will stay the same. In order for people t invest their money, they need to feel secure
for the future. The fourth way is to allow greater competition between countries. The central
belief is that competition makes for a stronger economy. The last way to improve trade is to help
countries that are poor. They need help coming up to the level of modern countries. They can be
helped by allowing them extra time to get their systems in order. They can be given priority in
making deals with other countries.
Free and easy trade is the WTOs goal. It supports rich countries and helps poor countries
get ahead. It is one way of improving the lives of more people in the world. It asks countries to
make laws that help this process. Every year, more countries apply to be in the WTO. They see
membership as a good thing.

19. The word barriers in the passage is closest in meaning to ......

A. bans B. obstacles C. documents D. borders
20. Why does the author give details about how the WTO help trade ?
A. To illustrate how the WTO improves international trade.
B. To complain about the actions of the WTO.
C. To distinguish between the WTO and banks.
D. To promote discussion about the WTO.
21. According to paragraph 3, the WTO ......
A. helps rich countries get ahead
B. gives poor countries lots of food
C. helps improve the lives of more people in the world
D. asks rich countries to help poor countries
22. According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT
A. The WTO wants to improve trade by lowering taxes.
B. The WTO wants to make trade better.
C. Poor countries are not given priority.
D. Trade means the buying and selling of goods.
23. It can be inferred from the passage that ......
A. the WTO is a multi-national organization.
B. the WTOs goal is to trade with other organizations.
C. the WTO helps remove political barriers between countries.
D. few countries want to become a member of the WTO.
I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
24. We hurried ...... be late for our appointment.
A. in case B. not to C. in order not D. so as not to
25. They were playing in the garden ...... they heard a scream.
A. when B. while C. as D. because
26. She spends ...... her money on fashionable clothes.
A. most B. most of C. a lot D. many of
27. Our car ...... just as we were crossing the bridge.
A. took off B. went down C. broke down D. put off
28. Suddenly the fire alarm ...... and everyone had to leave the building.
A. set off B. went off C. turned up D. got up
29. The larger the apartment, the ...... the rent.
A. expensive B. expensively C. more expensive D. most expensive
30. Its a difficult problem. It needs ...... about very carefully.
A. to think B. thought C. think D. thinking
31. All the information ...... on the computer.
A. should be kept B. should keep C. must have kept D. must be keeping
32. He couldnt catch up with the leading runner ...... he ran fast.
A. because B. so C. but D. although
33. It was careless ...... you to leave the door unlocked when you went out.
A. of B. for C. to D. about
34. They live in a beautiful old house ...... 100 years ago.
A. building B. to build C. built D. build
35. You cant open the door ...... you know the code.
A. unless B. if only C. if D. provided
36. Lets go out for a walk now, ...... ?
A. will we B. shall I C. will you D. shall we
37. Did you paint the windows yourself ? No, I had them ...... last week.
A. paint B. painting C. to paint D. painted
38. Jake ...... for not phoning Angelina earlier.
A. excused B. accused C. regretted D. apologized
39. The major goals of ASEAN are to ...... economic growth, social progress and cultural
A. cooperate B. accelerate C. communicate D. operate
40. People use dto consider women to be ...... for child-bearing and homemaking.
A. regarded B. suited C. understood D. kept
41. The Vietnamese were very satisfied with excellent performances of the young and ......
A. energy B. energize C. energetic D. energetically
42. A(n) ...... is a person who is very interested in something and spends a lot of time doing it.
A. enthusiast B. economist C. commentator D. worker
43. Different conversation efforts have been made in order to save ...... species.
A. danger B. dangerous C. endanger D. endangered
44. Children tend to read ...... books that tell stories through pictures.
A. novel B. fiction C. science D. comic
45. She has made an ...... for the job as a nursery teacher because she likes children.
A. apply B. applicant C. application D. applied
VI. Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to complete the passage.
A complete career education program in schools begins in kindergarten and continues at
least through high school. In kindergarten and elementary school, youngsters learn (46) ......
different types of work. In junior high school, children begin to explore the occupations and
leisure activities that interest (47) ...... most. School teachers help children find educational and
occupational opportunities that match their abilities and interests. In high school, students get
more specific information about (48) ...... and lifestyles. They may be in classroom, small group
where they learn how to make career decisions. They also obtain the skills they need for further
study or for a job after (49) ...... They are given information on such matters as how to locate and
apply for jobs and how to be successful in (50) ......
46. A. on B. at C. over D. about
47. A. him B. her C. them D. it
48. A. occupy B. occupations C. occupant D. occupied
49. A. graduation B. test C. terms D. examinations
50. A. answers B. meeting C. interviews D. questions


I. Choose the word with the different stress pattern.

1. A. technology B. community C. certificate D. institution
2. A. bewilder B. concentrate C. contribute D. develop
II. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
3. A. linked B. declared C. finished D. developed
4. A. peace B. leader C. threat D. clean
5. A. enough B. thought C. though D. plough
III. Choose the best option that best completes each exchange.
6. Could I borrow your calculator ? ......
A. Yes, you could. B. Yes, you can. C. Yes, you do. D. Yes, you will.
7. Can I help you ? ......
A. Yes, you can. B. No, you cant.
C. Yes, I am looking for a jumper. D. Yes, heres a lovely one.
8. I feel really thirsty. Have you got anything to drink ? ......
A. Do you prefer some lemonade ? B. Do you take some lemonade ?
C. Would you like some lemonade ? D. Could you have some lemonade ?
IV. Choose the correct sentence with the same meaning as the one in italics.
9. We spent two years studying drawing.
A. It takes us two years to study drawing. B. It took us two years studying drawing.
C. It took us two years to study drawing. D. It took us two years to studying drawing.
10. I havent had to make such a difficult decision for years.
A. This is more difficult decision I have had to make for years.
B. This is the most difficult decision I had to make for years.
C. This is the most difficult decision I had had to make for years.
D. This is the most difficult decision I have had to make for years.
11. It is said that many people are homeless after the floods.
A. Many people are said to be homeless after the floods.
B. Many people are said be homeless after the floods.
C. Many people are said being homeless after the floods.
D. Many people are said to have been homeless after the floods.
12. The test was very difficult. I couldnt do it.
A. It was so a difficult test that I couldnt do it.
B. It was such a difficult test that I couldnt do it.
C. It was a very difficult test that I couldnt do it.
D. It was a difficult test that I couldnt do it.
13. The children couldnt go shopping because of the rain.
A. The rain prevented the children from go shopping.
B. The rain prevented the children from going shopping.
C. The rain prevented the children to go shopping.
D. The rain prevented the children going shopping.
V. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting.
14. We are (A) looking forward (B) to (C) meet you again (D) soon.
15. We (A) were watching TV (B) when he was working (C) in (D) the next room.
16. There is (A) a tendency (B) to choose young people (C) who are (D) qualifying for the job.
17. He doesnt like (A) listening to jazz, (B) and his brother (C) doesnt (D) neither.
18. (A) There is (B) a number of problems (C) for you (D) to solve today.

VI. Read the passage and then choose the best answer to each question.
It is clear that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, established in
1967, has achieved remarkable progress in strengthening the ties and promoting cooperation
among countries in Southeast Asia, especially in terms of cultural, economic, and social
collaborations. However, it was not until the Fourth ASEAN Summit in 1992 that cooperation in
the fields of higher education and human resource development became the point of attention of
the ASEAN leaders.
The idea was later developed into The ASEAN University Network (AUN). The Network
was founded in November 1995 with the original number of thirteen universities in ASEAN
member countries. After the enlargement of ASEAN by the ASEAN Charter in 1997 and 1999,
the AUN membership increased to 20 member universities (with the addition of two universities
from Myanmar, three form Laos, Malaysia, and Cambodia, and two fro Indonesia.)
The main objective of the AUN is to strengthen the existing network of cooperation
among universities in ASEAN by promoting collaborative studies and research programs.
Furthermore, the UAN attempts to promote cooperation and solidarity among scientists and
scholars in the region and to develop academic and professional human resources as well as to
produce and disseminate scientific knowledge and information among the universities in the

19. To which of the following statements would the author most probably DISAGREE ?
A. ASEANs growth is significant and pretty fast.
B. There are noticeable improvements in several fields.
C. Giving higher education a low priority is reasonable.
D. Cooperation and collaborations are the key to success.
20. According to paragraph 2, how long did it take for the idea of true cooperation in higher
education and human resource development to take shape ?
A. two years B. three years C. four years D. twenty eight years
21. Which of these is NOT a synonym for the word founded in paragraph 2 ?
A. established B. made of C. set up D. created
22. Which word in paragraph 3 suggests that great efforts are being made to achieve something ?
A. strengthen B. cooperation C. promoting D. attempts
23. All of the following could be strategies of the AUN to achieve its goals EXCEPT ......
A. Conferences on education and science.
B. The transfer of scientific knowledge and information.
C. Exchange programs for students and professors.
D. National training programs for developing human resources.
I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
24. Why are your hands so dirty ? Because I ...... on my car.
A had been working B. was working C. had worked D. have been working
25. Why didnt you ...... us what you wanted ?
A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak
26. You can look ...... this information on the Website.
A. up B. for C. after D. at
27. Jeff had his car ...... two days ago.
A. steal B. stole C. stealing D. stolen
28. I wish I ...... money when I was earning a good salary.
A. saved B. could save C. would have saved D. had saved
29. If my father hadnt stayed up late last night, ......
A. he wouldnt feel tired today. B. he wouldnt have felt tired today.
C. he would have felt tired today. D. he would feel tired today.
30. Those are the people ...... credit cards were stolen this morning.
A. who B. that C. whose D. whom
31. The dress is still dirty ...... shes washed it twice.
A. although B. in spite of C. because D. because of
32. ...... Vietnamese are hospitable to foreign tourists.
A. B. A C. An D. The
33. Sydney in Australia is very famous ...... its Opera House.
A. in B. for C. with D. about
34. He has ...... many books that he cannot read all in a short time.
A. such B. so C. too D. very
35. You ...... park here. Theres a No Parking sign.
A. must B. can C. mustnt D. cant
36. She had a cold, so she couldnt help ...... all the time.
A. sneeze B. to sneeze C. sneezing D. sneezed
37. She plays the piano ...... as she sings.
A. as beautiful B. as beautifully C. more beautiful D. more beautifully
38. The detective asked Phil ......
A. where was he staying at 9 oclock last night.
B. where had he been staying at 9 oclock the night before.
C. where he had been staying at 9 oclock the night before.
D. where he has been staying at 9 oclock last night.
39. After graduation, she found ...... with a local finance company.
A. workplace B. career C. employment D. service
40. A job is available, and he is sending in a(n) ...... for it.
A. introduction B. application C. requirement D. interview
41. The group leader wanted that everyone worked together; she asked for everyones ......
A. cooperation B. competition C. responsibility D. combination
42. Education in Britain has improved since the government started a program of educational ......
A. system B. experience C. resources D. reform
43. We bought this car at a very ...... price.
A. reasonable B. reason C. reasonably D. reasoning
44. English is understood more ...... than any other languages.
A. wide B. widen C. width D. widely
45. Some people say that in the future the whole world will experience a period of .....depression.
A. economy B. economic C. economical D. economics
II. Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to complete the passage.
Teaching and learning methods and styles (46) in various cultures, at different
colleges and universities and in individual courses. For (47) , the atmosphere in many
classrooms is very formal. Students use titles for their instructors, like Professor Smith, Mrs.
Jones, and so on. Some teachers wear business clothes and give academic lectures. Other
classrooms have an informal atmosphere. Instructors (48) casually, and students use their
first names. In this relaxed atmosphere, class members work together in groups. They (49)
their opinions and talk about their ideas. Some teachers always follow a course plan or the
textbook. They give a lot of assignments. They give points, scores, or grades for homework. In
their courses, students take many quizzes, tests and exams. All (50) the world, there are
teaching and learning differences.
46. A. differ B. different C. are differently D. are differences
47. A. instances B. an instance C. examples D. example
48. A. wear B. dress C. put on D. take
49. A. say B. speak C. change D. give
50. A. in B. throughout C. of D. over
I. Choose the word with the different stress pattern.
1. A. ability B. advocate C. advantage D. agreement
2. A. stability B. accelerate C. initiate D. integration
II. Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.
3. A. techniques B. sentences C. earthquakes D. envelopes
4. A. identify B. facility C. library D. difficulty
5. A. finished B. missed C. decided D. hoped
III. Choose the best option that best completes each exchange.
6. ...... Im a doctor.
A. What are you doing ? B. What do you do ?
C. What do you look like ? D. Whats your name ?
7. Hello. Could I speak to Maria, please ? ......
A. Good morning. How are you ? B. Yes, of course.
C. Hello, Alice. How are you ? D. Speaking. Whos that ?
8. It was extremely good of you to send us all these useful materials. ......
A. Yes, thats right. B. Yes, please. C. Oh, I did that. D. Oh, it was the least I could
IV. Choose the correct sentence with the same meaning as the one in italics.
9. They have never been to Egypt before.
A. It is the first time they were to Egypt. B. It is the first time they are to Egypt.
C. It is the first time they have been to Egypt. D. It is the first time they had been to Egypt.
10. Living in the countryside is boring.
A. Some people found it boring to live in the countryside.
B. Some people find it boring living in the countryside.
C. Some people find it boring to live in the countryside.
D. Some people found it boring living in the countryside.
11. It is such an exciting place that I go there many times.
A. The place is exciting enough for me to go many times.
B. The place is exciting enough for me going many times.
C. The place is too exciting for me to go many times.
D. The place is so exciting for me to go many times.
12. Lets go to the restaurant for lunch, shall we ? said Wendy.
A. Wendy suggested to go to the restaurant for lunch.
B. Wendy suggested going to the restaurant for lunch.
C. Wendy advised going to the restaurant for lunch.
D. Wendy advised to go to the restaurant for lunch.
13. People say that he has been to the US for holiday many times.
A. It was said that he has been to the US for holiday many times.
B. He is said to be to the US for holiday many times.
C. He was said to have been to the US for holiday many times.
D. He is said to have been to the US for holiday many times.
V. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting.
14. The boy (A) whom I spoke (B) to on the phone last night (C) is very interested (D) on
15. My mother (A) still (B) spends fourteen hours a day (C) do (D) the housework.
16. Mr. Brown agreed (A) to let Tom (B) to work in a department store (C) for (D) a few hours a
17. I have (A) a very (B) interested job because (C) as a journalist I (D) meet many people.
18. I went (A) to the library (B) to get (C) as many information (D) as I could.
VI. Read the passage and then choose the best answer to each question.
Man and most animals need a constant supply of water to live. Farmers need water for
their crops. Hydroelectric dams hold back needed water and provide power for homes and
Trees and grass, and other plant life play an important part in the natural circulation of
water, thus help conserve it. Without plants most water would run off as soon as it falls, taking
away valuable soil. Rapid runoff would cause frequent floods, and leave little water during dry
Nature has many ways of conserving and controlling water. But man often upsets the
water balance in his desire t grow more crops. He drains ponds, swamps and wet land. He
ploughs under the natural soil, cuts timber, and dredges and straightens streams. These changes
reduce natural storage of water and speed runoff.
Water can be held on the land by plating vegetation. Forests and grass should be planted
where there are no natural growths. Dams built across rivers help hold back the water. Reservoirs
behind the dams store water during wet seasons for use in dry seasons. Dams help prevent floods
by controlling the flow of water.
19. What is the topic of the passage ?
A. Water circulation B. Controlling water C. use of water D. Water conservation
20. What is the consequence of having no plants on land ?
A. No water B. Frequent floods C. Dry crops D. Valuable soil
21. Which is one of the ways that man do to affect the water balance ?
A. Shortening streams B. Cutting down trees C. Preserving water D. Protecting
ponds and swamps
22. What is NOT a natural way of conserving and controlling water ?
A. ponds B. streams C. swamps D. reservoirs
23. What do people use reservoirs for ?
A. growing plants B. building dams C. storing water D. preventing floods
I. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
24. We hope the difficulty can be ...... by getting the two sides together to discuss the issues.
A. solve B. solving C. solved D. to solve
25. Many publishers ...... surveys to find out what groups of people read their magazines.
A. make B. conduct C. carry D. perform
26. We lead into the farewell by saying something ...... before leaving a party.
A. pleasant B. pleasing C. pleased D. pleasantly
427 My dad is a ...... person, always attentive to every family member.
A. caring B. care C. careful D. careless
28. Our school has established a ...... curriculum of couses in many subjects.
A. chief B. leading C. principal D. core
29. The council is expected to ...... the new policy at its next meeting.
A. adjust B. accept C. adopt D. adapt
30. Volleyball, basketball, football and handball are ...... games.
A. team B. group C. individual D. aquatic
31. Ask the teacher. I think he can give you ...... advice.
A. some B. a few C. a D. an
32. She invited a lot of people to her party, but only a few turned ......
A. on B. off C. round D. up
33. Im ...... for my watch. Have you seen it ?
A. going B. looking C. waiting D. leaving
34. It was getting dark, so I drove ......
A. slower and slower B. more and more slowly
C. more slowly and more D. more slowly than
35. Dont forget ...... the lights when you leave.
A. turn off B. turning off C. to turn off D. turned off
36. He needs ...... harder if he wants to make progress.
A. working B. to work C. work D. worked
37. Youve been late twice this week. You ...... be late again tomorrow.
A. dont have to B. mustnt C. neednt D. cant
38. He didnt walk ...... to keep up with the others.
A. enough fast B. too fast C. so fast D. fast enough
39. He was very intelligent, ...... he didnt pass the examination.
A. therefore B. however C. so D. but
40. Remind me again ...... to call her.
A. in case Ill forget B. unless I forget C. if I remember D. in case I forget
41. Brenda was the only person ...... the scholarship.
A. to get B. who gets C. that gets D. getting
42. John has just passed the graduation examination, ...... doesnt surprise us.
A. that B. which C. what D. who
43. ...... that you had to get up early, I would have woken you up.
A. If I knew B. If I hadnt known C. Had I known D. Unless I had known
44. I am having the computer ...... at the moment.
A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. to repair
45. Hes gone to Dalat, ......?
A. isnt he B. hasnt he C. is he D. has he
II. Read the following passage and then choose the best answer to complete the passage.
There are a (46) ...... of causes that can contribute directly or indirectly (47) ...... the
extinction of a species or group of species. The causes for each are varied some subtle and
complex, others obvious and simple. Most simply, any species that is unable to (48) ...... or
reproduce in its environment, and unable to move to a new environment where it can do so, will
(49) ...... out and become extinct. Extinction of a species may come suddenly when a healthy
species is wiped out completely, as when toxic pollution makes its entire (50) ...... unlivable or
may occur gradually over thousands or millions of years.
46. A. popularity B. differences C. variety D. many
47. A. to B. for C. with D. at
48. A. damage B. deforest C. disappear D. survive
49. A. go B. put C. die D. take
50. A. nature B. habitat C. reservation D. diversity


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