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GRAMMAR REVISION 1 6. Some people define profound and total
deafness in the same way ---- others say
1. People die of hunger in some parts of the that total deafness is the end of the hearing
world ---- huge amounts of food are wasted spectrum.
in developed countries.
A) despite
A) due to B) whereas
B) while C) moreover
C) despite D) because of
D) because E) as though
E) therefore

2. ---- a corpse as a final rite of passage ---- in 7. They have done all the cleaning ---- they don't
practice since prehistoric times. have to clean anywhere at the weekend.

A) Burning / has been A) so as to

B) To burn / was B) thanks to
C) Being burned / had been C) in case of
D) To have burned / is D) in spite of
E) Having burned / must be E) in order that

3. If you want to keep your teeth in good 8. Black holes ---- the most mysterious of the
conditions, then you have to clean them ---- many predictions Einstein ---- just over a
plaque doesnt form on them. century ago.

A) are / made
A) even if
B) were / were made
B) unless
C) used to be/ making
C) in case
D) would be / had made
D) only if
E) must be / having made
E) so that

9. Many people using cosmetics are unaware

4. It is well understood in psychology that
of the potential dangers that ---- their health
you are more likely ---- something if you ----
while ---- them.
it separate over time.
A) threaten / used
A) to retain / learn
B) can threaten / using
B) retain / will learn
C) being threatened / use
C) retaining / learned
D) threatening / having used
D) retained / would learn
E) have threatened / being used
E) of retaining / are learned

10. People with mild hearing loss ---- it hard ----

5. Some wild animals are ---- alert ---- they
speech, particularly in noisy situations.
sense danger and run away immediately.
A) can find / followed
A) too / to
B) are found / following
B) more / than
C) may find / to follow
C) such / that
D) must find / to following
D) so / that
E) used to find / to be followed
E) the same / as

11. ---- you have enough self-confidence to be 16. The internet allows people to exchange
noticed, you will miss many opportunities. information extremely fast even ---- they are
located on opposite sides of the globe.
A) Only if
B) Unless A) so
C) Otherwise B) when
D) As long as C) unless
E) Only when D) despite
E) owing to

12. During stress or heavy exercise, ---- normal 17. Baby food in jars or packets can be handy,
heart can increase ---- output up to fivefold. but portion sizes are often ---- big and ---- of
it has the same texture.
A) the / its
B) a / them A) enough / most
C) an / itself B) very / each
D) some / their C) such a / some
E) each / it D) too / much
E) several / a whole

13. Paul Czanne, who had extraordinary 18. Liposuction can improve your body
creativity, was ---- revolutionary painter of contour, ---- it will not make you fit or thin.
his age.
A) so
A) more B) for
B) similar C) yet
C) the most D) nor
D) different E) or
E) as much

14. Its necessary for children to be continually 19. Orphans are usually defined as children ----
exposed to ---- of different words in ---- have lost their mother, father or both
different contexts. parents.

A) many / all of A) whom

B) each / little B) which
C) a few / whole C) of whom
D) some / every D) who
E) lots / many E) whose

15. Myopia develops in eyes ---- focus images 20. What ---- good bread is the attention ---- to
in front of the retina instead of on the the dough, not the recipe.
retina, resulting in blurred vision.
A) makes / given
A) that B) is made / gives
B) where C) is making / to give
C) of what D) was made / giving
D) on which E) can be made / give
E) by whom

21. Hypothermia is known ---- when your body 26. Teenagers who have unsuccessfully tried
gets cold and loses heat ---- faster than it to commit suicide in the past are ---- likely
can make it. to repeat it ---- those who havent.

A) occur / quite A) as many / as

B) occurs / much B) the same / as
C) occurring / far C) such / that
D) to occur / even D) so much / that
E) to occurring / too E) more / than

22. Not all volcanic soil is rich because 27. A tsunami is a series of huge waves that
hydrogen ions ---- and make it more acidic, occur due to violent an underwater
which will be harder for plants ----. disturbance ---- an earthquake.
A) alike
A) could release / growing
B) such as
B) may be released / to grow
C) enough
C) have released / by growing
D) so that
D) can be released / to growing
E) the same
E) would release / having grown

23. Some brain diseases with severe symptoms 28. The Venetian Republic used to be a major
are classified as dementias, with Alzheimer's sea power ---- being a very important centre
disease being ---- one. of commerce and art in the Renaissance.

A) more commonly A) in spite of

B) so common that B) by means of
C) such common C) regardless of
D) the most common D) in addition to
E) commonly enough E) as opposed to

24. After the Soviet-sponsored government of 29. The use of grenades, ---- name probably
North Korea ---- to conquer its southern dates from the French word for
neighbour by less violent means, it ---- the pomegranate, significantly increased
Republic of Korea on 25 June 1950. during World War I.

A) failed / had invaded A) what

B) has failed / has invaded B) which
C) had failed / invaded C) whom
D) was failing / could invade D) where
E) fails / will have invaded E) whose

25. Many studies have examined the 30. Cancer plays a deadly game of hide-and-
relationship between the built environment seek in the body, and, sadly, the drugs that
and health. ----, how the environment are sent to treat ---- often lose ---- game to
influences our health behaviour is still cancer.
poorly understood.
A) it / this
A) Likewise B) them / such
B) Even so C) itself / many
C) Moreover D) theirs / them
D) Otherwise E) these / those
E) In other words

31. Spain is part of the Iberian peninsula, ---- it 36. If you still have a reasonable amount of
shares with Portugal, and represents control over your circumstances, you
almost eighty five percent of that area. should do ---- really matters.

A) that A) what
B) whom B) where
C) which C) which
D) whose D) whom
E) where E) how

37. It is a fact that animals and plants ---- face

32. ---- having one of the fastest growth rates overexploitation may become endangered
of any EU economy, Spain is still or lost forever.
subsidised by Britain and Germany. A) even so
B) most of them
A) Prior to C) that
B) Despite D) although
C) Since E) by which
D) Due to
E) Unlike 38. When you are outside on a cold day, your
nose will try ---- best to warm up the cold
air that you breathe before sending ---- to
the lungs.
33. Getting a good night of sleep is one of ----
important things you can do for your overall A) the / them
health and well-being. B) its / it
C) one's / its
A) the better D) it / itself
B) most E) your / them
C) good enough
D) the most 39. There are many options available today to
E) better help older adults to stay at home ---- living
in a nursing home.

A) with respect to
34. In 2008, ---- 85 million people in the Arab B) in spite of
world watched watch the final episode of C) as a result of
the breakthrough Turkish soap opera D) on account of
"Gm". E) rather than

40. The information provided by geography

A) such as helps us understand ---- our planet has
B) no more changed over time.
C) hardly any
D) as many as A) which
E) the same as B) how
C) what
D) whose
E) whom
35. When you look back on your life, you will
have moments ---- you are proud and ANSWER KEY
maybe a few you regret. 1 B 9 B 17 D 25 B 33 D
2 A 10 C 18 C 26 E 34 D
A) in whom 3 E 11 B 19 D 27 B 35 B
B) of which 4 A 12 A 20 A 28 D 36 A
C) for whose
5 D 13 C 21 D 29 E 37 C
D) during which
6 B 14 E 22 B 30 A 38 B
E) from what
7 E 15 A 23 D 31 C 39 E
8 A 16 B 24 C 32 B 40 B

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