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CALCULATOR WNathematics 2013 Edition ngr. Re i us aoeeno AGUSTIN CalQ Publishing Manila, Philippines Calculator Mathematics 2013 Edition Copyright 2013 by Reynold M. Agustin Allrights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Engr. Reynold Agustin. The title Caleloigr Mathematics is solely owned by Engr. Reynold M. Agustin and no party shall use it without the permission af Engr. R€ynold Agustin. Previous edtions copyright 2006, 2007 and 2099 by Reyndll M. Agustn ° ISBN. 978-971-95650+-7 a ~ Published by: \ CalQ Publishin; 2211 Bauhinia Bidg,, Tivoli Garden Residences, Hulo, Mandaluyong City Cover design by Lay-out by Melanie Viernes To my Mama Cora and my Ading Bong, Lou Ann, Khiel and my nephew Kyle - the greatest family one can ever ask for Introduction ginnnings of Calculator Mathematics seven. years ago, istil find it hard to believe the suc- cess thas gained over the years. What many people thought as a plain income generating hype is now one of the most indemand books in Mathematics in the Philippines. Having pre- sented in countless symposia and endorsed by the most respected Mathematicians and Mathematics organizations of my beloved country, thank you is not enough. The over whelming support by the people i have met ‘through the years has inspired me to study more in order to help more. The 2013 edition of my book is my way of saying thank you to the Filipino engineers, teachers, students and faith- ful friends who believed in me and stood by me ‘no matter what. First, let me thank the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Santo Tomas, the Isabela. National High School, the Buenavista Elemen- tary School, and the Sta, Rosa Primary School most especially to my former teachers who | owe a lot. Likewise, | wouldn't be in this position if not because of the belief that the Review Centers from all over the Philippines has given me especially ‘when | was just starting. Thank you to my PNU family most especially to Dr. Elisa Baccay and Or. Rose Marievic Diaz. | would like to give spe- cial thanks to Polaris, Mindgym, SLRC, and MET for their support. Many thanks also to the Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines - Secondary Level, to the Mathematics Department of the ‘Mapua Institute of Technology, Engineering Department of the Uni- versity of the East, St. Louis University and Lyceum of the Philippines, College of Education of the Bulacan State University, Benguet State University, University of Southeastern Philippines, University of Santo Tomas and De La Salle University - Lipa. Special thanks to Melanie Viernes who did the lay-out of this book. To my friends Rodel Satsatin, Jay Fernando, Marc Lester Dagondong, ‘Amaldo Marzo, Jenny Medrano, Joseph Torrijos, Rose Hubilla, Husnain Ali, and to all the supporters both in and out of the Philippines. When you find errors, or sections of this book that are unclear, i would appreciate if you will let me know. Engr. Reynold Agustin ° ; Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Table of Contents Introduction © ‘hepter 1: Applications in Conversions and Scientific Constants... How to convert units? How to convert units in temperature How to reveal scientific constants? “Test Applications in Conversions and Scientific Constants a \apter 2: Applications in Basic Math a 31 Fraction z 31 How to convert fraction to decimal and percentage? 33 Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor. 3a How to convert between degrees and radians? - 35 Test Applications in Basic Math .. 37 ‘Guster 2 Applications in Algebra and Quadratic Equation : 5 aaa) REMAINDER THEOREM : FACTOR THEOREM oo. ‘QUADRATIC EQUATION .. ‘Sow to factor 3 Quadratic Equation? How to factor a Cubic Equation? .. Mow to factor nth degree polynomial? How to apply Remainder theorem? Mow to perform Trial and Error Solution?. sen 58 ‘ow to resolve Linear Equations in 2 Unknowns? 59 ow to resolve Linear Equations in 3 Unknowns? 60 ‘Sow to solve for the Discriminant of a Quadratic Equation? .... 60 Jes Applications in Algebra 62 Yes Appications in Quadratic Equagions and Logarithms. Chapter 4: Applications in Progression Analysis... : 27 PROGRESSION. : i 27 How to solve the nth term of an arithmetic sequence? 29 How to solve the nth term of a geometric sequence? 29 How to solve the nth term of a Fibonacci sequence?..... 130 How to solve the nth term of an infinite sequence? - 130 How to solve the sum of terms of an arithmetic sequence’ 3 How to solve the sum of terms of infinite sequence? 12 Test Applications in Progression Analysis ‘= 133 Chapter 5: Applications in Complex Numbers, Vectors, and Matrices .. 158 Complex Numbers . 158 How to rationalize 2 complex number? 158 How to transform a complex number? 158 How to simplify a complex number? oe 159 How to multiply a complex number having different forms? . : 160 VECTORS .. * 161 How to add, subtract, multiply, and divide vectors? 161 How to solve dot product? 163 How to multiply a vector with a scalar? 164 MATRICES 164 How to Solve for the determinant of a matrix? 164 How to solve for the transpose of a matrix? 166 How to solve for the inverse of a matrix? ee - 166 Test Applications in Complex Numbers, Vectors, and Matrices w... 168 Chapter 6: Applications in Differential Calculus 188 How to solve limits? - 188 How to solve the first derivative of an exact function? . 189 How to solve the first derivative of an inexact function? 190 How to solve the slope of a curveat a given point? 191 ‘Test Applications in Differential Calculus 192 ‘Papter 7: Applications in integral Calculus How to solve the integral of exact function? ow to solve the integral of inexact function? How to find the area under the curve? . How to solve for the volume of solid of revalution? .. an 23 24 aaa 25 ‘Test Applications in integral Calculus. i Puta ‘See & Applications in Trigonometry, Geometry, Statistics, and Mechanics 237 TRIGONOMETRY... 237 How to solve exact trigonometric function? 237 How to solve inexact trigonometric function? 238 ceomerry. 240 How to solve for the area bounded by 3 Points. 240 stansmics 2 How to find the mean af a set of data? 243 How to find the population standard deviation ofa set of data? 243 REGRESSION ‘ 244 How to solve linear regression? 245 MECHANICS = 246 How to solve forthe sum of the horizontal forces of concurrent forces 247 How to solve for the resultant of concurrent forces? .. “248 ‘Wet Aoplications in Trigonometry, Geometry Statistics, and Mechanics 249 cm2013 {Chapter I:Applications in Conversions and Sclentific Constants Knowiedge in conversion is so important that anyone who doesn’t know how to convert units Is facing a disaster. There are 3 systems of units today and having the ability to convert one from the other could help you solve numerous Peouems Pressing the SD key after the equal sign will change the How to convert units? format of the final answer from fraction to a decimal = number. Be ee ae feed Enter Nath Mode areal Ener Computation mode fee] |] Trter Computation mode | on] Ente proper keys a — Conversion and sve erro ran oS = 0) Figure 1. Final calesdator Figure 1.2: Final caleulator splay for Example 1.1 i display for Example 1.2 Pace & Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin . ” ‘Chapter lsApplications in Conversions and Scientific Constants M2013 How to convert units in temperature? [Ss raha eceacctria acer ae ar Corpaatin ne fs] aaa fas | Same Coe — 8 pe | as 31 Figure 1.3: Final ealelator nha e Figure 14.Final caleulator ... and the ANS WET is! Page 15. s . 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Then convert liters per day to ters perhour by dividing it by the number of hours in a day ...and the ANS WET is! questo” Problem ¢: a dimension of 300 In x in.How many liters of hold i fons in Conversions and Scientific Constants choices goe> 492 000 liters 500 000 liters 30 000 liters, 674 o00 liters cm2013 here Phin, 2-Step Procedure: 1. Enter proper keys. ELLIS S ‘0 Then convert cm3 to liters using the conversion 1L = 1000cc ... and the ANSWET is! Page 19. Engr, Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 Chapter 1: Test Applications in Conversions and Scientific Constants questio® choices here ’s how Problem 10: A 0.956 watts B. 0.746 watts meee One horsepower is equivalent 0.986 watts ‘ep Procedure: to how many kilowatts? ee 4. Enter proper keys: oe a 0.406 watts 4 ei ps [2j(9) C=] 2. Then convert ow to watts using the pote and the ANSWET is! Page 20, me SS Engr. 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Pace 27 ‘ Engr: Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 [Chapter 1: Test Applications in Conversions and Scientific Constant question choices her #’s how Problem 18: A 348x103 J)k B 138x103 91K What isthe value of the Boltzmann 1.18 x10 73k pone D. 278x103 ik (=) dam (25) [=] ... and the ANS WET is! Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin” ' M2013 Bes Acplications in Conversions and Scientific Constants r., s questi choices here’, Nive, prose 15: cise: & Enea Sere ot ton Snot =) ae (0) 0) “~ ate 4) 2X) | ae 0 Dz ... and the ANSWET is! Pace 29 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 Chapter 1: Test Applications in Conversions and Scientific Constants questio® choices here ’s how Problem 20: eee x10 ® mis x10 4 mis 2-Step Procedure: How much distance does light enim nae sao "mis ". Reveal the constant in your calcula ais pres torusing the proper keys s) aim (2) (8 | (=) 2. Multiply the given constant by the umber of seconds in a day ... and the ANSWET is! Pace 30. Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin . DAcplications in Basic Math, M2013 FRACTION A fraction is a ratio of two numbers known “= Se numerator and the denominator. The "sumerator is positioned on the upper part while the @meminator is positioned in the lower part. If the Enter Math Mode (sar wooe])/ 1 | ‘semerstoris lesser than the denominator, the ‘Soct00 Is said to be a proper fraction. ifthe eee l(a ‘semerator is larger than the denominator, the Input data and solve ‘Secon is said to be improper fraction. A mixed ‘faction is the sum of a whole number and a fraction. ‘samples of proper fraction: 111 100 21 Figure 2.1 Final 23423434 cleat display for Examples of improper fraction: B20 123 23 12 3 Examples of mixed fraction: 23, Pace 31 Engr Reynold Medrano Agustin a cm2013 {Chapter 2:Applications in Basle Math Enter Math Node (wr) [woe] 7] 4 Fama heat (aa lal er onpaatonne | SIT] Enter conpaaton node [ooo] Tot citawdsove 73 J] aa 3/9] |" eee pial amie e235) 795) =1.2=3) (Ce It=) Figure 2.2 Fiat or a eee. Bad mr Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin fe Basle Math fraction to decimal and percentage? See fection isa ratio of two whole numbers, they can be easily expressed as either decimal or per- “© Serer to decimal, simply divide the numerator by the denominator. To convert it to percentage, convert then multiply it by 100. "Percentage comes from the root word per cent which literally means per 100) cm2013 ath fonction | [oer] [non] mn Pol HO pose | (oor ooo) ICT Zrodation mode | fram ter computa: 7 i fame | Gel] za and ———-— Petes end ove TILA Input dataand | Bai 2\ly RWG | 50] fez = | [srr] [so] Figure 24 Final Figure 25 Final ‘alealtor splay for Fee dear Bead Beas 7 Page 93 Engr, Reynold Medrano Agustin M2013 Chapter 2:Applicatons in Basle Matt ——<$§——$— ar iprications in Basic Math By pressing sD, the calculator will change the answer to decimal, by pressing shift SD, calculator will convert the answer to improper fraction. Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor The Least Common Multiple (LCM)of the num- bers X and ¥ is the smallest positive integer that is a mut tiple of both X and Y. iFeither X or ¥is zero, then the LCM, of Xor Ys also zero. ‘The Greatest Common Factor (GCF)of the num- bers x and ¥, is the biggest number that will divide into (is 2 factor of) both Xand Y. Page a4 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin The steps are as follows: Enter Nath function —_ | [sar woos] [11 =e El Enter computation mode \We can get the LCM by adding the reciprocals of the given numbers. The denominator of the result will be the LCM of the given numbers, trout antaandsove Tq ima BLP IMS Figure 2.6 Final calculator display for x26 Therefore, the LCM of 18 and 23 is 450. Enter Math Mode Enter degree mode Tnput data and solve Figure 27 Final calculator “splay for Ex.2.7 Figure 2.8 Final calculator display for E28 Pace 35 Engr, Reynold Medrano Agustin swe have a 4 degree equation, we expect ‘shave 4 roots, From the test performed. ‘of the equation in Example 3.3are 1-1 & Therefore, the factors are (x +1),(x~1), (x How to apply Remainder Theorem? Enter Wath mode Enter computation mode Enter equation ‘Apply Remainder Theorem, Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin em2o13 Figure 3.4: Final calculator display for Example 34 ‘Therefore, the remainder when 5x? ~ 2x! + 25x42 99 is divided by x — 2 is 233, How to perform Trial and Error Solution? ‘The SOLVE (shift + calc) key is very important in almost all algebra questions. This enables you perform trial and error solution, Study the next example. Enter Math mode Enter computation mode Pace SB. Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Enter equation | Enter inital value for iteration and sove for x ie 1 Figure3.5: Fie afeulaor dsp Jor Example 35 Therefore, the value of Xis 5, Since the trial and error approach uses iteration, the us ‘ust input an initial value for iteration. in this example, umber ‘ was used as the initial value. M2013 How to Resolve Linear Equations in 2 Unknowns? computation Enter Math mode foe] TIL) ‘pital value eration and for x Enter equation mode Enter choice 2 for ‘equations 2 unknowns Enter coefficients of the first equation Enter coefficients of the second equation Figure 26: Final calenlator display for Example 36 Figure 3.7: Final calculator splay ‘afer pressing the feys above Pressing the equal sign twice will reveal the value of kand Y. Pace 59 Engr, Reynold Medrano Agustin igure 3.8: Final calcula tor dlsplay entering the coeficients ofthe 3nd equation in Example 3.8 Enter Nath mode By pressing the equal sign, the values oF X,Y, 2 2willbe displayed. Enter equation mode | [wooe][ 5 How to Solve for the Discriminant of a Quadrs Equation? Ener chice for equations? ninows | 2) Erte coef of the st equation (siz) Enter Wath mode |[awrwooe]( 1 ][ 1] Enter coefficients of = =| | freeccomperat = the second equation i) a ee Re ae Enter the discrimi Enter coefficients of rant formula (4141 the third equation 2 C3 IL=] Pace 60 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin . ” M2013 % Final ei display etree 3.9 The solution was obtained using the formula for “ers the discriminant of a quadratic equation. Itis stated “problem that the quadratic equation has only one Sees, therefore the entire discriminant equation must be Iepealto 2er0. Page 61 Se a Ys : Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 questi” Problem: solve: Pace 62 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin 4/8 + 3/18 - 12 = choices pore Chapter 3: Test Applications in Al hers 5 ho Enter equation and solve ... and the ANSWET is! 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BE = 200K St Applications in Quadratic Equations and Logarithms gop> choices ont 20.0 033 40.0 here s h ow — aoe (ir an = 2) x = O07 Note The number 0.1 was used as the intial value for teration. ... and the ANSWET is! Pace 119 Engt-Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 ‘Chapter 3:Test Applications in Quadratic Equations ana questio® choices her t’sh Problem 1g: Enter equation and solve for x 2 Solve for the value of X in the 3 tes) [6] [4] (3 2 [es] [610 J [4 equation. eoep log 6 + 3logx = logx + log(s2 + 4°) Note: The number 1 was used 2s value for iteration. .., and the ANS WET is! Pace 120 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin choices A 4 Be fe the base 4 plus log ce as Sone: ese 2is equal to 2, oe 5 Enter equation and solve f ‘of xis what? aed feos) [2] i) ‘Sly ‘Note: The number 1 was used as the initial value for iteration. .. and the ANSWET is! Chapter 3:Test Applications in Quadratic Equations and questio® choices here ’sh Problem 21: nm fe Find the value of x: cS Ae [Enter equation and solve for x) Log .x=3 [logui (6) >] io) [> [a4 aim [3 —ei1)/2)1 Note: The number 121 was used = tial value for iteration, .., and the ANS WET is! PAGE 122 me Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Applications in Quadratic Equations and Logarithms fom choices here show ° io ae 1) Be. 313) 4) elem (3) a a pomp value of x: ... and the ANS WET is! Page 123. Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin M2013 Chapter 3:Test Applications in Quadratic Equations ana questio® choices here sh Proa38 sw rarer Solve: Sy logul] {logal| logal] 2 10g ve nase 55 2 Ban Sec foe lene 2 > > 4] [2 > SI] ...and the ANS WET is! Pace 124 ——— Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Enter Computation mode | Enter equation and sove loge] 7 | & |B ase ... and the ANSWET is! Pace 125 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 Chapter 3:Test Applications in Quadratic Equations qu stor Problem 25: If 3% =54, then 3” is equal to: Substitute the computed value the second equation Page 126 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin n or sequence is a set of ordered num- ‘trend, The more common sequences . geometric, and Fibonacci sequences, sequence is a set of ordered numbers SFerence of two adjacent termsis constant rence). 2 2,4,6,8,10 sexomple, the first term is 2and the last term data given, the common difference is 2 sum of terms by adding the terms of the sequence on the other hand is a se- sin which the ratio of adjacent terms is on ratio). 34-6, 12,24, 48 sgressions can be summarized by a general ‘se sequence. In the Example 4.1, the general nth term =2X M2013 Ifyou substitute tas. value for X, you will _get2 (1 term). Ifyou substitute 2 asa value for X, you will et 4 (2" term). The complete substitution is given in the table below. Table 4.1, Complete analysis of example 1 x 2x term U 2 i 2 4 a 3 6 3 4 8 ae 3 10 = ‘The general equation of the Example 4.2 exampl nth term =3 x (2)* Pace 127 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Table 2 gives you the detailed analysis of our second example. ee 2 Compe ant of example} x 32" term 0 3 1 1 6 oe: 2 12 a 3 Ey] ae 4 48 = Notice that in example 4.1, the general equation of the sequence is LINEAR wihilein example 42, the gen «ral equation is EXPONENTIAL. This true forall Arithme- ticand Geometric sequence:Therefore, the general equa- tion for ALL Arithmetic sequences is given by equation 4.1 While the general equation of ALL Geometric sequences is given by equation 4.2. Pace 128 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin The general equation of a Fibonacci Sequence is equation 4.3. (uation 41) (equation 4.2) and B are constants while X is the variabie: A Fibonacci sequence is a special sequence bers where the nth term is the sum of the two pi terms. F438 144,2,3,5,8,13 Other known sequences include Lucas S: Harmonic Sequence, Triangular Numbers, Square Numbers, Gnomons, Oblong Numbers, Pentagonal Numbers, and a lot more. M2013 How to solve the n'" term of a geometric sequence? Enter Math mode ‘swrt)(wooe] | 1 || 1) the n‘* term of a arithmetic Enter computation mode | woe] 4 Enter the general equation in) a the eee Ear JcoP 4 Solve for the n®® term | caie|| 1 | 0 ]/ =| Pace 4.1. Final Figure 4.2. Final sulator display for cakes ply Bamps Jor Exanple 45 in the generated general equation of the tn contrast to the previous problem, inthis problem when when the value of Xis zero, you get an answer _you substitute 1 as a value for X, you get the first term. | to the frst term. Therefore, you can get the Therefore, to be able to get the value of the 11" term, sub- ‘ith term when u substitute 10 asa value ofX stitute masa value for X. Pace 129 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 How to solve then" term of a Fibonacci sequence? Ean gaa mane Oe ee ie Enter Math mode Enter Computation Mode Figwe 43. Final calculator display for Example 4.6 How to solve the n' term of an infinite sequence? Enter the es Enter Wath mode me Enter computation mode Solve for the term Enter the general equation of the sequence Solve for the 11% term PAGE 130 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Figure 44. Final calculator display Jor Example 47 "SOLVING FOR THE N™ TERM OF A SEQUENCE the general equation ofthe sequence using 20°. substitute the correct value for X in order to solve the sum of terms of an arithmetic Enter the general ‘equation of the sequence un der the SUMMATION key. Enter the initial value of X See Enter the final value of X and solve for the sum of terms. Coto) Figure 45. Final calculator display for Example 4.8 Page 131 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin M2013, How to solve the sum of terms of infinite sequence? Bramole 9 Finds ofthe ne sequence given -045,0.25,-0.125, 0.0625 Enter Math mode — |r] [woot] 1 [1] Enter computation | ison mode E Enter the general [swe] Ho equation of the a0 Ia sequence under the | [De] ||P |) | Lat [arm SUINATION Key. | Sa BIC] Enter the initial value of X, 1) Enter the final value ‘of X and solve for the sum of terms. PIGIME Pace 132 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Chapter 4: Applica Figure 45. Final coleulatar display Jor Exanple 4.8. In getting the sum of terms of an infinite se quence, you can substitute 50 as a final value Test Application in Progression Analysis fie” choices here’, Bi, A 95 8 a Beth term of the c 104 Enter general equation of the sequence progression D. 83 and solve for the nth term. 7, 20, 232. MWe Fel [catc| ... and the ANS WET is! Pace 133 Engr Reynold Medrano Agustin Chapter 4: Test Application in Progress M2013 questo” choices here's h Problem 2: A ogi Boon Find the sth term of the cote Enter general equation of the progression D. 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Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 Chapter 4: Test Application in Progr questi” choices here ’sh Problem 6: A 94 a 26 Find the 3oth term ofthe e 151 nter general equation of the sequence ©. 88 and solve for the nth term 1,16. 6] + [5] fama) 611,16. 6)[+ [5] Ee leatc| [2 |[ 9 [= ... and the ANSWET is! Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin 4 Test Application in Progression Analysis Fore hoi h 9 enolces fre'sh ow A 4950 = B. 4851 Enter general equation of the sequence c 5151 and find the sum using the summation roto 100 D, 5050 added. .. and the ANSWET is! Pace 139 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Problem 8: A 10100 8 10302 Find the sum of the first 101 é 9900 Enter general equation of the even numbers. D 10506 and find the sum using the su hey: pio \|>| {olf} ... and the ANSWET is! Pace 140, Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Zest Application in Progression Analysis fon choices here s = A 10608 B. 10403, of the first 100 odd © 10200 Enter general equation of the sequence D. 10000 and find the sum using the summation key: (2 | [A im he eli ... and the ANS WET is! Page 141 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 Chapter 4: Tet Application in ro questo” choices here's h Problem 10: A 1254 8. 1370 Enter general equation of the Find the sum of the first 20 « 1654 and find the sum using the terms of the arithmetic o. 4654 progression 2,9,16,23. ... andthe ANS WET ist Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin = Application in Progression Analysis M2013, ise choices here’, hoy, A 409454 Enter general equation of the saquence 8. 2097150 and find the sum using the summation tthe frst 20 terms © 2096246 key: vic progression D. 1022165 => (2) (0) (a) co ny nN) ... and the ANS WET is! Page 143 Engr. 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Reynolel Medrano Agustin Jest Application in Progression Analysis A B45 c D. here ’s how Enter general equation of the sequence and find the sum using the summation key: st | aim (9 )/ x) ©) 2) 41>)3) [) OD) far) ay r\(>) 0 5)(0jf=] ... and the ANSWET is! Page 147 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin m2013, questio® Problem 16: Find the sum of the infinite ‘geometric progression 6,3, 302 Sls Pace 148 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin poe choices 42 43 40 45 Chapter 4: Test Application in Progress Enter general equation of the ‘and find the sum using the sur key: SH) gi | 6 DIG am >> 0 [5] ...and the ANS WET is! of the infinite Be Application in Progression Analysis A 8. c D. here 5 how Enter general equation of the sequence and find the sum using the summation hey: sat ( L 14> 2M) (xr) ie | | 0)[>) (SI oj ... and the ANS WET is! Page 149 * Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Chapter 4: Test Application in Progression uestio® choices here ’sh 4 Problem 18: A 20567 B 40922 Find the sum of the first 10 © 10233 Enter general equation of the 5 terms of the geometric D. 88572 ‘and find the sum using the summa progression key: Baas (0 alim [37] 2) am >> 1 Oj (oI) ... and the ANSWET is! Pace 150. Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin septation in Progression Analysis choices here’, how A 48 Enter general equation ofthe sequence B26 and find the sum using the summation os key: D4 JIB) ain (4 ra [0 )[>] Note: Substitute all the four choices as the terminal value for X-The choice that will give 1000 as the answer is the correct answer ...and the ANS WET is! Pace 151 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 questio® choices here ’sh 9 Enter general equation of the Bs /and find the sum using the summa How many terms of the cy key: sequence-9, -6,-3..must be D8 taken so that the sum is 1802 sw 3 > bi 4 ] Note: Substitute all the four choices a terminal value for X:The choice that 180 as the answer is the correct ans and.the ANSWET is! Page 182 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin © st Application in Progression Analysis M2013, #0 here sh Sty ect Enter general equation of the sequence B20 and find the sum using the summation @f the progression G4 #300, how many D5, ere? G9 I= Note: Substitute allthe four choices as the terminal value for X:The choice that will give 180 as the answer is the correct answer ... and the ANS WET is! Pace 153 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin questio® choices Problem: A 639 Enter general equation of the sea B69 ‘and find the sum using the summat A stack of log has 61 bricks in 646 ey the bottom layer, 58 in the D. 651 second layer, 55 on the third and so on until there are only 1 login the last layer. How many logs are there altogether? .. and the ANSWET is! Page 154 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Application in Progression Analysis jor choices here’s how A 75904 Enter general equation of the sequence B. 75025 and find the sum using the summation fterm of the < 75000 key: D. 74500 . and the answeris! Page 155, Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin questio® choices Problem 24: A 16710 B 17510 Find the sum of the first 20 © 70 terms of the Fibonacci sequence D. 16950 1545 2,3,5; Bessons Pace 156 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin ’ Chapter 4; Test Application in Progression here ’sh Enter general equation of the (ot) im (1) rR ILOn Ve) (5 (>) [>] [2 GA) ie PIE El msi> (P)O I BE) 2) at [ DIMGiaio ... and the ANS WET is! and find the sum using the summa 3 Application in Progression Analysis ” choices here’, ay, A 20 Enter general equation of the sequence 8. 987 and find the sum using the summation of the 13th, 14th, C1359 key: of the Fibonacci Dd. 57 ae COLO Oe) > SIP IO1 B2558, HE wWSIpI> (P10 GE) ie (> PIMBIPIMREe) ... and the ANSWET is! Page 157 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin COMPLEX NUMBERS. A complex number is defined as a number that ‘combines a real number and an imaginary number in the form of a + bi where a andb are real numbers while i =/—1 Figure 5.1. Final caleutator Display for Example 5.1 How to rationali lex number? a alee How to transform a complex number? Enter Math mode Enter Math mode awe] ] AT] Enter Complex Enter Complex noes] | 2] Mode —— = a Enter answer format inter the equation [j=] 5) (rectangular format) and solve for the [eng] x Enter equation and answer solve . Pace 158.1 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin 5.2. Calculator after pressing mode + down Figure 5.3. Caleulaior ‘splay after pressing the corresponding ‘umber for complex. Seton Display for eeepc 52 ‘Upon pressing the keys SHIFT + MODE + DOWN, or will display 6 choices. Pressing number ications in Complex Numbers, Vectors. and Matrices M2013 3 will display a window that will ask you to give the final format of all your answers in complex mode. The format of the answer in complex mode can be changed from rectangular to polar format and vice versa. The step can be done before or after the operation. In this case, we set the format of the answer before the opera- tion. Should you wish to do the change in format after the operation, just press shift followed by 2 after pressing the equal sign. How to simplify a complex number? EreerMath mode | fr) CLIC] cea tane ales Ener Com 2] Pace 159 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 Chapter 5:Applications in Complex Numbers, Vectors. snd Enter the equation — TENG] How to multiply a complex numbers ha) axdsage aris Ct ffesel 2] GEIL2] different formes? A ae (S)01P 4) Cline 1) (x4) (5}[0)L0 > iene) (=) Enter Complex Mode Figure 5.5. Final calculator display for Enter the equation Example 5.3 and solve forthe answer The calculator recognizes both polar and ‘The calculator only recognizes a complex number _ gular form. These two forms can be added, multe raise to the second and third power. However, using our _ subtracted or divided even if they differ in forma. knowledge in exponents and radicals, we can perform format of the answer can be either polar or rec ‘operations which include a complex number raised toa __ format depending on your choice by applying the: number greater than 3 as in this example. dure discussed in example 5.2 Pace 160 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin 5 Vectors. and Matrices choose the number that corresponds to Dim. When you wish to edit elements of a vector, you must choose the number that corresponds to Data. VetAns can be used when accessing the answer of the last operation per- formed. Figure 5.7. Caleulator display when ‘accessing the vector sulator has ined vectors. ral 3 predetermined: ae A,B, C. These vectors however are ‘why the first step in solving problems that is to indicate their dimension. The dimen- be 2 dimensional (x and y coordinate) or 3 (sy, and 2 coordinate). After indicating the yee can proceed to entering the elements. entering the elements, that is the only time be able to perform the operations. Your “<= only perform mathematical operations for s =the same dimension. “The process of addition subtraction, multiplication, sor mode, you can access the operations by and division of vectors fallows only one procedure. First 7 +5, When entering a dimension, you should isto define the dimension of the vectors. For Vet A, you Pace 161 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin cm2013 ‘an do that by pressing MODE followed by 8 and 1. For Vet Band C, you do that by pressing shift + 5 (vct) + 1 (dimen sion) + 2 (VetB) and 3 (Vet). The next step is entering the elements of the vectors. Only after vectors are defined will you be able to perform operations. Enter math Mode Figure 5.8 Veco Enter vector Mode Select vector A Figure 8.9. Yector B Select dimension of vector A Enter elements of vector a Select vector 8 ccna id Enter elements of vector 8 a ea S41: : Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin : Figure 5.10. Sa Vector and Vector B zations in Complex Numbers. Vectors. and Matrices M2013 The dot products a common operation for vectors. and you can solve for the dot product of two vectors using ‘the dot product key. This key can be found by pressing SHIFT+ 5 under vector mode. dot product? Figure 5.1. Yeetor A Figure 5.12. Vector B i= Ts isi) Figure $13. Dot L754 j=) 2 Pace 163, Enter Math Mode Enter Vector Mode Select Vector A Select dimension of Vector A. Enter elements oF vector A Perform operation Figure 5.14, Vector A Pace 164 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin Figure 5.15, Vectord witen multiplied with 4 ications in Complex Numbers. Vectors. and (MATRICES A\ matrixis a rectangular arrangement. bers with a known number of rows and number umns. Like vectors, matrices can be added, sut multiplied and divided. There are also unique inmattices like determinant, transpose, and i In reality, the number of rows and col be as many as 50. However, in your calculator, ‘mum number of rows and columns is only 3. This ‘you to perform operations for matrices with rows and columns not greater than 3. Under matrix mode, pressing SHIFT + 4 you the sub-menu for matrices. The choices i Dimension, Data, Matrix A,Matrix 8, Matrix Determinant, and Transpose. Like in Vectors, the: use for entering the dimension and elements of The Data is use for editing the elements of 2 is use to solve for the determinant of the matr Tmis use for getting the transpose of a matrix. Enter elements of Matrix A Perform operation Figure 5.16, Matrix sub-menu for the determinant of a matrix? ae Figure 5.17, The elements of matrix A Figure 5.18. The caleutator ddsplay when finding the determinant of Matric A Pace 165 Engr. Reynold Medrano Agustin

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