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Enlarged, hardened lymph nodes Desire weak

Tonsillitis Weak erections

< night
Throat burning & raw Atrophy of testicles
Enlarged prostate

Physical weakness Uterus enlarged and hardened

GENERALS Doesn't care about his image
Affects striped muscle
Weak memory

Pressive headache Childish behaviour

SAI brain moved in skull when head moved Slow learners

Better fresh air HEAD Easily frightened

Baryta carb Inferiority complex
Worse heat
Lack of self confidence
Weak digestion Homesick
Liquids only Feel incompetent or ugly
oesophageal spasm

Liquids only SAI plug or leaf in throat Cataracts

DIGESTION Dim vision
Irregularities of appetite EYES
Thickened lids
Constipation with hard, knotty stools
Sudden urge to stool
With deafness
Copious catarrh
Swelling & soreness of nose
Eruptions on scalp in children
Eruptions on or behind ears SKIN Sore throat < R side
Catches cold easily
Palpitation Especially in old people
Heart Rattling respiration
Irregular pulse
CIRCULATION Cracking noises in ears

Bar-c.mmap - 15/10/2006 - Rev. 45 - -

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