Teatru - Prietenii Tai

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Episodul Pilot

Eva- Messy


Peter - Smiley

Smiley: It was a sunny day outside, the grass was green, the sky was blue and all the flowers
beautifull. Oh, sorry, i'm being rude(necioplit)! My name is Peter, but everybody calls me Smiley
because i'm happy all the time. People tease me ( to tease- a tachina) about that ...

Messy: Hey, Smiley, you look like a monkey who saw a banana.(rade)

See? But i don't mind. As long as she is happy i'm happy. I like seeing happy people. So...it was a
perfect day, i ate a perfect breackfast, my mom gave me a smile a kiss before i left. I love my
mom!...(se emotioneaza)...anyway...with all this joy inside me i hear...(se ridica si imparte in
public floricele de hartie)

Apar in scena Messy si Monkey care se bat. Messy ii fura ghiozdanul lui Monkey.

Messy: Where is it?

Monkey: Give it back. You have no right to do this.

Messy il imita :"Give it back. You have no right to do this.(rade)

Monkey: There is nothing there.

Messy: You are lieyng. Where is the letter for your girlfriend?

Monkey: She is not my girlfriend. In fact i hate her.(isi da seama ca a recunoscut si pune mana la

Messy: See? You admit!(to admit- a recunoaste)

Where is it? (ii arunca lucrurile pe jos)

Monkey(disperat): Please leave me alone!

Messy: Just tell me where is it and i will.

Monkey: There is no letter.(ia repede un caiet)

Messy i-l fura si scoate din el un plic cu inimioare.

Messy: There it is!

Monkey(disperat): Noooo, please! Give it back! (incepe sa planga)

Messy e victorioasa. Defileaza ca statuia libertatii cu scrisoarea in mana.

Smiley se intoarce pe scena si i-o ia.

Messy:Give it back, ugly face! Give it back or i punch you in the eye.(punch-a pocni)

Smiley zambeste: Hello, Eva! How are you?

Messy incearca sa-l loveasca dar nu reuseste pentru ca e mult mai inalt decat ea. Smiley doar
zambeste. Nici macar nu se fereste. Messy incearca prin diferite strategii sa-i fure scrisoarea, dar
nu reuseste.

Messy : Give it back, Smiley. You have no right.

Smiley zambeste.

Messy: What are you smileing at?

Smile: At you. You're hair looks good(Messy e ciufulita)

Messy: Are you making fun of me? (to make fun- a-si bate joc)

Smiley: Not at all. It looks wild and beautifull. I love you're hair.

Messy are o ultima tentativa de a recupera scrisoarea.

Messy: Ihate you! i hate you! I hate you so much, ugly face!

Incepe sa planga.

Monkey isi recupereaza scrisoarea.Isi strange lucrurile si se uita nehotarat la Smiley si Messy. nu
stie daca sa pleca sa nu.

Smiley: Noo, please dont't cry! incearca sa ii puna o mana pe dupa umeri.

Messy:Take you're hands off me. Leave me alone you ugly freak.

Smiley: Freak - ciudat

Smiley:I'm not an ugly freak. I just saw a banana . Look!(scoate o banana din ghiozdan si ii
deseneaza ochi si gura care zambeste!
Messy se uita si-i vine sa rada, dar se abtine.

Smiley:Why are you so angry? you should smile. Look how many nice people are looking at you.
Say hello!

Messy se uita la public.

Messy: Hello, ugly faces. I hate you. I don't know you but i hate you.

Smiley: That is not nice.Come on, introduce you're self.

Monkey: to indroduce- a se prezenta

Messy: I don't have to introduce myself. They know me, right? Come on, you know me. I'm Eva.
It's imposible not to know me. I'm a star. I'm the most popular girl in this school. Eva(nicio
reactie). I won the box contest this year. Look!(isi arata muschii, face cateva miscari de box). I
could punch anyone of you. Oh, I'would love to do that! Any volunteers? (trista)Come on guys
you have to know me...Oh, i know! You know me as Messy, right?

Monkey: Mess- dezordine

Messy:(fericita)The call me Messy because everywhere i go I create a desaster!

Monkey: desaster- dezastru

Messy: Stop interrupting , Monkey! (il ameninta cu pumnul)

Monkey: They don't know these words.

Messy: Yes they do!

Smiley: Brian, why don't you introduce yourself? Come on, they shoul know what a wonderful
person you are.

Messy: Bla, Bla, Bla...

Monkey: Ok, you are right. I should be polite.

Messy: Oh, you're so boring.


Monkey: My name is Brian. I'm a very responsable person.

Messy: responsable-responsabil

Monkey se uita la Messy.

Monkey: I believe in rules and i believe in teachers.

Messy: Come on, nobody believes in teachers.

Monkey se uita la Messy.

Monkey:I think you guys should understand how important it is for you to have principles.

Messy: principals-principii

Monkey: The rules of politeness say that you should not interrupt somebody who's speaking.

Messy: But they don't know these words.

Monkey: No, you don't know these words. They have stuidied with Miss.....and i heard they are
very good at english. Right?

Messy ii fura scrisoarea pe care el o tine in buzunar la haina.

Monkey: Oh, no! Please don't. Give that back.

Messy si Monkey se lupta. Smiley zambeste tot timpul fredonand o melodie. Habar n-are ce se
intampla in spatele lui. La un moment dat monkey o loveste pe Messy cu ghiozdanul in cap si ea

Monkey (disperat) : Oh my God! Meeeessy! Incepe sa o scuture. Meeeesy! Pleaseee, weak up!!!
Oh, my God! I think i killed her. Smiley, help me!

Smiley isi fredoneaza melodia cu ochii la public. Incearca sa-i faca si pe ei sa cante (Couse i'm

Monkey: Smiley! Smeiley! Se duce si-i pune o mana pe umar.


Monkey: I think i killed Messy. Please help me!

Smiley: Oh my God! Messy! Messy wake up!

Incearca amandoi sa o resusciteze. Palme, scuturat.

Smiley: Try with some water. I have a bottle in my backpack.

Monkey: Here. Oh , my God...i didn't mean to...

ii toarna apa pe fata. Messy nu reactioneaza.

Smiley: Yes...i think you killed her...This is the first time in my life i fell unhappy.

Monkey: What should we do now?

Smiley: We should call somebody.

Incep sa strige amandoi: Heeelp! Somebody help us!!!!!!!!!Pleeease! Somebody help us!

Monkey: I have an ideea. Maybe we should kiss her.You know like in Snow White.

Smiley: This is a briliant ideea. I fell happy again.

Messy brilliant - stralucitor, ideea stralucita. Apoi revine la lesin. Cei doi nu o vad.

Monkey: Who is doing it?

Smiley:Not me! She hates me!

Monkey: well, she hates me too.

Smiley: Anybody here wants to kiss Messy ? Come on! it is her only chance. Nobody? Nobody
wants to save her?

Messy: to save- a salva

Nici de data asta nu o vede nimeni.

Smiley: Well, the truth is she hates everybody...so...

Monkey: Maybe we both should do it. In this way she won't know who was it and maybe she
won't punch us.

Smiley: Ok. Let's try!

Cei doi se tot invart in jurul ei fiindca nu stiu cum sa se aseze. Pana la urma isi gasesc pozitiile.

Smiley: Ok. I count to 3. One, 2, 3. Cei doi o saruta pe obraji.

Nicio reactie.

Monkey: Messy!

Smiley:Messy? Messy please wake up!

Monkey: Messy!!! It didn't work.

Smiley: Do you know any other stories? la public Any other ideea? Can somebody help us? Do
you know some other stories?

daca vine raspunsul din sala o sa se reactioneze in functie de raspuns daca nu o sa zica Monkey: I
know, the seepling beauty.

Smiley: What happens there?

Monkey: Aurora is cursed, falls asleep...Don't you know the story?

Smiley: Well...

Monkey: You should read more, Smiley. In life it's important to read a lot. You will find out a lot
of usefull things. I will meditate you at english literature if you want to.

Smiley: Ok, but tell what happend in Spleeping Beauty first. Maybe we get some ideeas.

Monkey: Well, she falls asleep and after 100 years a prince comes and kisses her and she wakes

Smiley: We tried that already.

Monkey: maybe we didn't do it the proper way.

Smiley: proper- corect

Monkey: In all the stories , The beauty and the beast, Little Marmaid...the prince kisses her on
the lips.

Smiley: That may be the problem. But what if it has to be a prince? I'm no prince, are you?

Monkey: No...

Smiley: Is there any prince here? No? No prince?

Monkey: You know what? She doesn't resemble to any of the charathers of these stories.

Messy: resemble - a semana

Smiley: What do you mean?

Monkey: All the girls in the stories are kind. Very kind. and she....

Smiley: kind-dragut

Messy se ridica din nou si zice incet: What?

Smiley: She looks like a princess to me.

Monkey: Maybe you should do it then.

Smiley: I don't know...i have never kissed i girl before.

Monkey: I would be happy to do it but...i'm afraid she won't like that.

Smiley: I think she won't like it anyway. It doesn't matter who does it.But we have to be brave.

Messy: brave-curajos
Smiley: We have to save her.

Monkey: I think you are right. Maybe i should do it because i killed her.

Smiley: Ok! I'm here for you! Good luck.

Monkey: Ok! Now i'm doing it!

Monkey se uita la ea si nu indrazneste.

Monkey: No, this is a bad ideea.

Smiley: This is our only hope.

Smiley: hope- speranta

Monkey: I don't know.

Smiley: Don't you want to save Messy?

Monkey: Of course i want...i love her.

Smiley: Then do it. this is the right thing to do.

Monkey se uita la el, se uita la Messy, se uita la public...isi face curaj si o saruta.

Messy se trezeste si incepe sa vorbeasca foarte fericita dar in alte limbi

Messy: Ciao ragazzy! Che succede qui? Qui siete voi? Io sono...no ho idea qui sono io, pero mi fa
piacere di conoscere voi. Se intoarce la public : Ciao! Come state? tutto bene?

Monkey: I broke her. - am stricat-o

Smiley: Messy are you ok?

Messy: oui, oui! je suis super! Meci! E vous? Ca va bien?


Monkey: What is she saying?

Smiley: I have no idea.

Monkey: Is it just me or...she looks happy?...and nice?

Smiley: I think this is the first time i see her smiling like that.

Monkey: Is that a good thing?

Smiley: Of course...I mean...she looks happy but she is weird.

Monkey: Messy, do you understand us?

Messy: ....

Smiley: Oh my God, what a beautiful smile she has.

Monkey: Smiley, can't you see she's ...i don't know...not herself anymore...

Smiley: well, she is defenetly not herself anymore...but i prefer her like that.

Monkey: This is not right!

Messy urca pe scena si-l pupa pe Monkey si pe smiley.

Monkey: This is not right! We can't leave her like that.

Smiley: Why? She looks fine to me. She kissed me.


Monkey: We have to do something about this. She woun't be able to talk to nobody
anymore...not even to her parents.

Smiley: You are right...i didn't think about that. But what can we do?

Monkey: Maybe we should try with some water.

Smiley: Let's try.

Cei doi ii arunca apa in fata, Messy trimite bezele in sala. Pare ca se dezmaticeste si se opreste o
secunda, dar apoi incepe sa vorbeasca in rusa.

Monkey: Oh my God it is worse. What is that?

Smiley: I don't know but sounds good.

Monkey: Smiley...are you serious?

Smiley: You are right...sorry. I know...we should do the same thing that made her be like that.
You know? Like a bouton, you push the bouton and there is no light, push the bouton again, and
there comeas the light.

Monkey: Wonderful(ironic) You want me to hit her again?

Smiley: No, no...what do you mean? Did you hit her?

Monkey nu zice nimic.

Smiley: Did you?

Monkey: I didn't mean to...I'm sorry...

Smiley: O, my God this is bad!

Monkey: I know. I already said i was sorry...

Smiley: Then you...should...i don't know...

Monkey: I think this is the only way to make her Messy again.

Smiley: ...then...maybe you should do it...Good luck!

Monkey se apropie de Messy cu teama, apuca ghizdanul, isi calculeaza lovitura si o loveste.

Messy lesina din nou si apoi deschide ochii fiind din nou ea insasi.

Messy: What are you looking at, ugly faces?

Smiley: Thank God!

Monkey: Messy!!! I'm so glad you're back ! si o imbratiseaza.

Messy: Get you're hands off me, Monkey.

Monkey se retrage intimidat. Ii e frica sa nu fie pocnit.

Messy: Whay am i wet? What happend?

Smiley: I think you should thank Brian. He just saved you...

Messy: What do you mean?

Smiley: Well, you were dead and...

Messy : I was dead?

Smiley: Yes, you were lying on the floor and you couldn't hear us and Monkey saved you.

Messy: How?

Smiley: Did you read Snow White?

Messy: No, i don't read...i don't waste my time on reading. Who is that?

Niciun raspuns.

Messy: Come on, tell me. What did you do?

Smiley:"I guess you should read Snow White to find out how he saved you.

Messy: Smiley, tell me now or i'll punch you!

Smiley : Come on Monkey, let's go. She is allright now. dau sa plece

Messy: hey, guys? Where are you going?

Smiley: Good bye ,Messy!

Messy: Go, go! I don't need you.

se aseaza cu fata la public si incearca sa afle ce s-a intamplat.

Messy: now, tell me what happend.

niciun raspuns, sau daca se raspunde n-o sa inteleaga nimic.

Was i really dead?

public: yes

What happend?

Monkey? What about Monkey?

Who killed me in the first place?

moonkey? Oh, my God!

Monkey, Smiley, please come back!(e cat se poate de draguta)

Brian? Peter?Please come back...I'll Be nice, i promise. I just want to thank you for everything
you did for me...

Cei doi se intorc, Messy il pocneste pe Monkey in cap cu ghiozdanul. Monkey lesina!

Smiley: Eva, what did you do? Why? Oh, my God!

Messy(satisfacuta) :Revenge! It's called revenge(il ameinita si pe el cu ghiozdanul)

Smiley: But...he saved you.

Messy: Yaaah...Just after he killed me. And you took part at this (Messy il urmareste cu
ghiozdanul incewrcand sa-l pocneasca)

Smiley: Oh noo, no...I didn't know about that. I was just having a good time, singging a happy
song with my new friends here, and then i hear Monkey screaming:"Smiley, Smiley, please help
me...I think i killed Messy. And then we tried to..."
Messy:I don't believe you Smiley. You shouldn't lie to me. I'm too smart.

Smiley:Eva, please, understand, it was an accident. But now, we have to help Monkey. Look, he
doesn't mouve anymore. This is bad. This is the second time in my life i feel unhappy.

Messy: Yes, i'll help him. I will punch you too so you will understand each other very good. I can
hardly wait to see you both quiet.

Smiley: Eva, this is not right, nobody wanted to hurt you.

Monkey se misca si se aseaza usor in pozitie de pisica si incepe sa miaune.

Smiley: Thank God! Brian you're alive.

Monkey: Miau, miau ...incepe sa se gudure pe langa Smiley.

Messy: Oh nooo...incepe sa stranute...

Smiley: oh, i understand, we are playing a game. Kitty, kitty, kitty....

Messy:Oh, stop it i can't breath.

Smiley: I just remembered a little song about a kitty. Come on, sing along!

Smiley incepe cantecelul...Messy cu ultimele puteri ii dau din nou cu ghiozdanul in cap lu
Monkey.Monkey lesina din nou.

Smiley: Brian, oh, Brian weak up!Oh, nooo...Eva, why??

Messy: Because i'm alergic to cats, that's why!!

Monkey se trezeste si inicepe sa faca ca o maimuta.

Smiley:Brian...thank God ...again. (suspicios) Oh, how cute, we are playing the game again?

Messy: (incepe sa rada):I thimk it's the backpack that makes him act like that. That is
funny(Monkey incepe sa-l caute de purici pe Smiley)

Smiley: I don't thimk is that fun anymore...

Messy(la public) : I wonder what happens if i hit him again?...

Smiley: Eva, don't, this is serious!

Messy il pocneste din nou, dar de data asta Monkey incepe sa faca ca un leu si Messy si Smiley se
sperie foarte tare. Smiley se piteste in spatele lui Messy.

Smiley: Oh my God! See what you did?

Messy(disperata): Monkey, Monkey. wake up! Come on. I don't like this game.

Monkey rage foarte tare si incepe sa vina amenintator spre ei. Amandoi incep sa tipe si fug.

Messy: Come on. Be nice...Kitty, kitty...Monkey rage si mai tare iar Smiley tipa de groaza.

Monkey sare sa-l insface iar Smiley sare in bratele lui messy.

Smiley: Oh my God!!! Now i'm really unhappy. Messy please do something.

Messy: I don't know what to do...I'm not going to hit him again, it's too dangerous!

Smiley: Oh, i know, let's pray together.

Messy: You pray, i'll run away!!!!Da sa fuga, Monkey rage din nou. Oh, Or i can just sit here and
pray with you. You start. You start...I have never done that.

smiley: Just repeat after me. Dear God, please make Brian a little boy again. Eva is very sorry for
what she did.

Messy: Eva is veryy sory...oh no, i'm not sorry! He killed me first.

Monkey se repede asupra lor. Cei doi tipa si fug in public.

Smiley:Pleease, help us! God pleeease!

Monkey se repede in public dar pare foarte speriat de copii.

Messy: Smiley, leave God alone. Look! He is afraid of the kids.

Smiley: You are right. Oh, god thank you, this is a miracle. And thank you my friends.

Messy: hei kids, why don't you sing a little song to the lion here, so i can run away.

Smiley: No, no Eva. We can't do that, we can't leave him like that.

Messy: i can!

Smiley: This is not right. We have to find a solution. don't forget he saved you.

Messy: after he killed me.

Monkey rage din nou, dar n-are curaj sa se apropie.

smiley: please messy!

Messy:All right!i'll help him. But only because i want that letter.

Smiley: what are you goning to do?

Messy: well, i'll use my wish.

Smiley: what wish?

Messy: I did't use my wish when lost my last tooth.I didn't know what to wish for so i thought i
would use it when i'll have a really good one, i would ask the Tooth Fairy. But i need a little help
from you guys. Do you want to help Brian become a boy again?

Ok, clap youre hand and sing with me...

monkey isi revine. Smiley si Messy merg pe scena, se imbratiseaza.

Monkey: What happened, why are you hugging me?

Smiley: Long story. I think you should thank Eva. she saved you.

Monkey: Messy saved me?...oh, sorry...Eva?

Messy: Don't worry, i desearve it!

Smiley: no, no, no...you're a good person...deep inside!

Messy: This is not true.

Smiley: Monkey...you were very disturbed and...Eva used her wish to the Tooth Fairy to make you
normal again.

Monkey: Really? That's so nice of you! ...Eva, i have something for you.

This is for you (ii intinde scrisoarea)

Messy: O...no! That's not for me.

Monkey: In fact...it is.

Messy o ia dar nu indrazneste sa o deschida.

Monkey: Don't you want to read it?

Messy: Can I? Should i read it ?(la public)

Monkey: yes, it is for you.

Messy citeste tare:

Dear Eva,

Yesterday i've seen you putting another dinosaur in my locker and you know how much i like
dinosaurs. I know it was you who put the other 4 in my locker this week. I'm very sorry i thought
you were a bad person.

Do you want to be my girlfriend?

Messy e foarte emotionata si nu stie ce sa zica.

Monkey: Do you want to be my girlfriend?

Messy: i...yes!

se imbratisseza

Smiley: I'm so happy!!!! incepe sa cante si cei doi impreuna cu el. Dans.

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