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A Brief flow

Phase 1 - video (Duration: 0.5 minutes)

1. Intro video
a. Clip 1 plane crash
b. Slide 2 after few hours in heaven

(Meanwhile the team stay down on the floor wearing halos and white clothes wrapped around)

2. Video stops after 1 minute

Phase 2 Blame Game (Duration: 1 minute)

3. Team gets up from the flow

(Each team member will be holding an item as described below to represent what they thought
was most important we can swap items as we want, following is to just give the idea)

Dhanushki: Water bottle

Viru: A parachute (a paper printed with a parachute)
Chinthaka: Book
Kushan: Map
Saajid: Vodka
Gihan:? what to give? All I know is we cant have him hold the mirror:D: P
Anurapriya: Salt tablets

4. Blame game starts as below


Looks at the person (Anurapriya) with salt tablets and blames him Its because of your salt tablet we
are now in heaven, Now has it been the most important thing to survive in the dessert?


Looks at Kasun and Kushan and says Why blame melook what they are holding as if those are the
most pressures stuff on earth. The map and the compass. Has those been no use

Dhanushki or Saajid:

looks around and say Guys, do you see any tap nearby to fill this?.. and everyone looks and shout


Only if you listened to me we would have got better chance of surviving. All of you made fun of me
when I pointed out this..shows the pic of the parachute


I wonder what went wrong


Only if we had taken the correct decisions yesterday

Everyone starts thinking with their hands on faces.

5. Rewind clip >slide to show 1 day before

(All of us remove our halos and white clothes and go back and stand)

Phase 3 Animal behavior (Duration: 4 minutes)

(During this the summary of team profile will be shown in the background)

Narrator comes and explains what the audience just witnessed and pitch the phase for the animal
behaviors simulation.Below discussion took place few minutes before the plane crashed > decisions
taken under pressure presented to the audience in slow mo (narrates)

Chinthaaka (eagle):

Once we are down there its useless to think of moving. first we need to stabilize ourselves and then
we can think of moving in the desert. And I think salt tablet is much more needed. True it
dehydrates, but can be handy to avoid cramps which is most likely to get when in desserts.

Team freezes. Narrator explains: The direction oriented behavior of an eagle


But Dont we need to move? How can we survive for days if we are to stay at one place in the

Kushan (Mouse):

Well I thought the same as you Viru, but I think what Chinthaka said also has a point. We cant start
moving right away in the hot sun. Dont you think? But more than the salt tablet, dont you think we
need water Chinthaka, what you say?

Okay okay, so staying it is. What are the things we need? So water bottle one and then salt tablet?
Lets quickly grab those, we are running out of time

Team freezes. Narrator explains: The action oriented behavior of a Buffalo and people oriented
behavior of a mouse

Then pitch the direction for more details on the team profile to describe about the DISC action
Phase 4 - Routine for slides (duration: 16 minutes)

Kasun/Viru/Chinthaka (6 minutes) Slide 1, 1.1 etc.: brief of Disc profiles (Kasun)

Slide 2, 2.1 score analysis

(How were decisions made?

(Viru )

Who influenced the decisions and how?)


Gihan/Anurapriya/Saajid (6 minutes) Slide 3, 3.1..etc.What went wrong

(Did people listen to each other? if not why?
What roles did group members adopt?
How was conflict managed?)(Anurapriya)

Slide 4, 4.1 How we could have done

better(How could better decisions have been

Slide 5, 5.1..etc What we will do next time


Kushan/Dhanushki (4 minutes) Slide 5, 5.1..etc Learning points

(What have you learnt about the functioning of
this group?(Kushan)

What kinds of behavior helped or hindered the


Total duration planned:

21.5 (+ 1.5 minutes more than the expected)

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