Occupational Noise at Sea 1

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Occupational Noise at Sea 1

Occupational Noise at Sea

By [Name]

Professors Name:


Date: 07-04-2017
Occupational Noise at Sea 2

Chapter 1: Introduction.

The current study identifies occupational noise by indicating that it is

difficult to manage because it is not a new risk. In the context of

occupational noise, the current study indicates thatsound is a physical agent

that can be objectively measured. However, it is not implied that a given

noise measurement will be perceived by two random workers imposing the

same risk level. Regardless of the accuracy of the measurement, risk

perception is highly subjective. However, negative effects to health caused

by high levels of noise are well documented of which occupational hearing

loss and tinnitus are probably the best known by the general

public(Standfeld and Matheson, 2003).

Occupational noise is not a new hazard, neither is noise

management(LjungbergandNeely, 2007). Numerous studies exist about

occupational noise management and how risk perception influences safe

behaviour(Health and Safety Executive, 2005). Unlike those studies, most

of the research that focus on seafarers tend to emphasise noise

measurement and noise exposure(Chao et al., 2013). Such studies

generally assume that once crew is informed about noise risks they will

behave accordingly. However, based on anecdotal experience of the

research, it might not be the case. More evidence is necessary to sustain

that assumption by saying that occupational noise management can be

measured by informing noise risks to the crew members.

Notwithstanding noise levels, a comparison of the pieces of legislation

iscreated to protect the workers from expected noise threats. The

International Maritime Organisation (IMO) updated recommended noise

levels in 2012(Badino et al., 2012). It also explores different types of

Occupational Noise at Sea 3

domestic levels as they are presented in legislation and applied to the

offshore scenarios.Nonetheless, protection levels are lower than those

provided under domestic legislation. Moreover, comparison of both sets

might indicate whether there are practical differences when applied in real


The current studywill explore occupational noise management in a

very specific environment: those working in the noisier environments on

board ships or self-propelled units. Therefore, it is necessary to add

evidence that ships engine rooms are noisy environments and if the noise

levels change significantly over time. Given the limitations of the research,

it will be done by a combination of secondary and primary research. The

values obtained by the research cannot be considered universal and

representative of similar kind of floating units. However, it will add to the

existing literature on the field.

Nevertheless, the research indicates that a little would be added to

what is already known about noise without exploring the attitudes and

behaviour of those exposed to it on daily basis. Therefore, by using already

existing research by the Institute of Occupational Medicine,the current

study intends to obtain data from active engine room department workers

on their attitude, knowledge and behaviour on occupational noise(Areces&

Miguel, 2007). In addition, more information is sought from those workers

regarding their attitude, behaviours and knowledge level on occupational

noise to make sure it is effectively used in managing noise at work.

This study explores current level of protection from noise of engine

room workers at sea and the way it could be improved by influencing

Occupational Noise at Sea 4

personal factors. To achieve such aim, the following objectives should be


1. To measure noise levels and exposure times on a sample of


2. To compare national and international law on occupational noise.

3. To explore how perceived risks, knowledge and attitudes to safety

may influence engine room workers safe behaviour.

4. To determine how companies could manage occupational noise on a

more effective manner.

Occupational Noise at Sea 5

CHAPTER 2: Literature Review

2.1 The Legal Framework associated with Noise and its relation
to Health and Safety Management

2.1.1 What is Noise?

Before the effects of occupational noise can be discussed, it must be given a

clear definition to the term noise within the occupational health and safety


There are several uses of the word noise, but no clear boundary has

been created between them. It is well-known reality that noise is a word

which is most frequently usedin English. The Oxford Dictionary as described

by Hornby (2005) has defined noise as A sound, especially when it is loud,

unpleasant or disturbing. While this definition is easy to understand, it

lacks the accuracy needed to manage occupational noise. As an example, a

classical musical piece hardly could be considered noise by a musician.

However, when that person plays professionally and may suffer from

occupational hearing loss, it might be regarded as noise.

The second aspect of the word noise that the current study would like

to differentiate is the use of the work in acoustics. According to Ziobroski

and Powers (2005), noise is any unwanted sound. Despite its broad

scope, it does not include the concept of noise from an occupational health

and safety point of view. To clarify this argument, the current study

provides argumentative approach to exemplify the situation. A power plant

operator might have his or her stress level increased by the unpleasant and

loud level of a warning signal from the control room. However, this sound
Occupational Noise at Sea 6

could not be classified as unwanted given the fact that it is essential for

the safe and efficient operation of the plant.

The third and more relevant aspect of the word noise is its legal

term. Within the legal framework, noise is any sound in the workplace which

is likely to harm the health of the workers. However, due to an allegedly

lack of scientific evidence, the exposure limits are decided on the potential

harm to hearing loss (Directive of the European Parlamient and of the

Council 2003/10/EC). Moreover, the research conducted by already

published articles indicated the lack of evidence stated therein, even though

they find relation between noise and negative health effects (Baliatsas, et

al., 2016).It indicates that noise could potentially harm the health of

workers working at a workplace environment at industrial units. But, there

was a lack in scientific research on determining the influence of noise by

which it could affect the health of workers. But, the research indicates that

the studies conducted by other researchers like Baliatsas, et al. (2016)

provided the necesasry evidence of negative influene that noise can create

on the health of workers.

The current study provides some basic operations and definitions to

ensure there are not misunderstandings with the basic concepts of key

importance associated with noise and their influence on the health of

workers. It provides a deep understanding and thinking of the reader

regarding the concepts of noise that they could learn from more specialized

texts (South, 2004; (EVEREST & POHLMANN, 2015).

Occupational Noise at Sea 7

2.2 The Legal Framework.

2.2.1 Maritime Law on Occupational Noise.

The current study identifies the relevance of the Revolution passed in

the Maritime Safety Committee Act of 1981 to the introduction of resolution

MSC 337 (91) that was used to provide a legal cover to the workers

influenced from the negative consequences of the noise at the workplace

environment (Maritime Safety Committee, 2012).More than thirty years

passed since Resolution A.468(XII) (Maritime Safety Committee, 1981) to

the introduction of Resolution MSC.337(91) (Maritime Safety Committee,

2012). However, legal protection of seafarers barely improved with the

latest introduction of Resolution MSC.337 (91). Some authors have

dedicated great effort to highlight the deficiencies of the latest international

effort to protect people working at sea (Beltrn, et al., 2014). Indeed,

Resolution MSC.337 (91) lack enforcement capabilities expected of any

legal instrument. This is based in the fact that the whole chapter 5 on noise

exposure limits is recommendatory, options for compliance, or

informative in nature as stated in section 1.1.3 of The Code (Maritime

Safety Committee, 2012) and the use of should instead of shall denotes

its shortcomings when it needs to be invoked to safeguard the health and

safety of seafarers versus strong production and technical arguments. The

Codes produced by the Maritime Safety Committee (2012) provided

necessary support and cover to the workers in safeguarding their health and

safety against technical argumentation of seafarers.Moreover,

recommended exposure limits as set in section 5.3.1 of 120 dB(A) or

Leq(24) below 105 dB(A) are considered unacceptable in any industry in

Occupational Noise at Sea 8

Europe, including in the United Kingdom as it will be reviewed later in this

paper. In addition, a seafarer could be exposed, without hearing protection,

for 8 hours up to 85 dB (A) without the need of wearing hearing

protection.The current study provides the necessary recommendations to be

taken into considerations to ensure the safety and health of the workers

while working at highly noisy workplace environments that could negatively

influence their health in doing their job responsibilities.

2.2.2 European, and United Kingdom of Great Britain, legislation on


In contrast with to Maritime Safety Committees view on the safety of

seafarers, The Directive of the European Parliament and the Council

2003/10/EC (2003) provides a greater level of protection against exposure

to noise at work. Although it applies to Ships registered on European ports,

in paragraph 11 of its preamble the Directive allows Member States to delay

the implementation of the limits set in Article 3.

As required by law, the United Kingdom revoked The Noise at Work

Regulations(SI 1989/1790) to transpose the above-mentioned Directive into

British regulation in the form of The Control of Noise at Work Regulations

(SI 2005/1643). Moreover, European law provided a safer level of

protection to British workers as the new regulations approved substantially

reduced the exposure of workers to noise. It not only reduced action levels

by 5 dB (A), but Regulations based on European law introduced an exposure

limit even lower than the second action level of the 1989 Regulations. It is

well known among professionals of noise assessment on board ships that

either limit is considerably lower than any other recommended by the

International Maritime Organisation in its later document (Maritime Safety

Occupational Noise at Sea 9

Committee, 2012). Moreover, MSC.337 (91) was published nine years after

Directive 2003/10/EC came into force.Therefore, it indicates that the engine

crews need to follow the Maritime guidance which is applicable to the

current study to ensure workers health while working at noisy workplace

environment at sea.

On board ships, even those flying British flag, The Control of Noise at

Work Regulations 2005(SI 2005/1643) is not directly applicable as stated in

Section 3(4) of such instrument. However, this is achieved through The

Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Control of Noise at Work)

Regulations Statutory Instrument 2007/3075 (2007).The statutory

Instrument specifically focuses to control the noise at work in merchant

shipping and fishing vessels.Moreover, Maritime and Coastguard Agency has

published a Marine Guidance Note in that respect known as The Merchant

Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Control of Noise at Work) Regulations (2007)

or in its official short form as MGN 352 (M+F). Both documents ensure

similar level of protection to seafarers working on British vessels. In

addition, as provided in section 18 of Control of Noise at Work Regulations,

these limits might be applied to foreign vessels in British waters. But, the

current study indicates that no such information was found regarding

foreign vessel had ever received an official notice or warning of detection to

control noise at work.

2.3 Noise Effects.

Although it is scientifically proven that high level of noise cause many

health problems like cardiovascular effects (Munzel, et al., 2014) high blood

pressure (Stansfeld & Matheson, 2003) and no less important consequences

Occupational Noise at Sea 10

like annoyance(Miedema & Oudshoorn, 2001). Probably hearing loss is the

best known damaging effect of noise on health(Occupational Health and

Safety Administration, 2002). However, the current study indicated how the

assumptions made on workers of the engine room were correct working on

the ship boards. It also clarified that the assumptions were correct

regarding engine workers because necessary information was not spread

among workers to take precautionary measures against noise at work.

Moreover, the current study expanded the necessary information regarding

safety and security of workers working at ship boards to better understand

the issues regarding noise at work because it could affect their physical

health and hearing loss in future. It allowed the management of ship boards

and other relevant organizations to adopt better management of

occupational noise and its adverse effects on their workers.

Sataloff&Sataloff(2006)also provided comprehensive evidence

regarding noise at work by saying that it was the responsibility of the

workers to understand negative influence of noise while working at ship

boards. They needed to have basic medical knowledge to determine the

negative consequences of the noise on health.Noise induced hearing loss

has some characteristics. We must differentiate between acute and chronic

hearing loss, although the former may provide an indication of excessive

noise leading to the later. Tinnitus is a frequent side effect of exposure to

high levels of noise along with various health concerns for the workers over

extended periods of time (Sataloff & Sataloff, 2006).

Due to its physical nature, noise at work management published work

tended to be paired with measurement and management of vibration

(South, 2004). However, occupational vibration effects, either hand-arm

Occupational Noise at Sea 11

vibration (HAV) or whole-body vibration are out of the scope of this

research paper. However, the current study recognised the similarities in

measurement, management and control between noise and vibration.

Moreover, (Ljungberg & Neely, 2007)estimated negative effects of noise

and vibration on the workers health in identifying that physical agents have

the same effects in the same degree (Chao, et al., 2013).

One of the arguments when trying to stablish noise level limits is

where to draw the line. In other words, it is necessary to know a safe dose

of noise which has no harmful effects, or the consequences are acceptable.

In that line several organisations and authors have suggested a dose limit

based on 8-hour exposure lower than the first action limit of LEX, 8h= 80

dB(A) which is the legal limit in the European Union, to make hearing

protection available to workers. Contrary to this conservationist approach,

the research indicated that the noise exposure are the limits recommended

by the International Maritime Organisation in its Resolution MSC.337(91) as

discussed earlier in this research work. In that respect, the Maritime Safety

Committee provides limited explanation over the scientific evidence in which

their recommendations were based.

Other forgotten aspect of the noise exposure, not mentioned in any

piece of legislation and with limited research studies, is the effect that

frequency might have on the exposed persons health (Baliatsas, et al.,

2016). To be more specific, Baliatsas et al. (2016) refers to low-frequency

noise. In addition, more research is necessary to evaluate gender as a

mediating factor on the negative health effects of noise (Eriksson, et al.,

2010). Although the selection of the most appropriate weighting system to

assess occupational noise exposure is not part of the scope of this research
Occupational Noise at Sea 12

paper, Sun, Qin and Qiu(2015) explored the use of an alternative F-

weighted equivalent sound pressure level which combines A-weighting and

C-weighting measurements into a single scale defined as:

PFeq(t)=A,T(AW(t)*P(t)))+C,T(CW(t)*P(t)) (Sun, et al., 2015, p. 31) where

AW(t) and CW(t) are the A-weight and C-weight filters, being A,T and C,T

the blending coefficients applied. The current study will not go deeper into

the mathematical explanation of such assessment filter. However, the

research on noise at sea indicates that a thorough consideration should be

given to scientific evidence suggesting more effective ways, or additional

influence factors which might improve the protection of workers against

physical factors like noise. This scientific evidence should underpin future

legislation and industry best practice.

2.4 Noise at Sea.

Ships are noisy environments (Borelli, et al., 2015) where workers

stay 24 hours per day for long periods of time. Moreover, machinery spaces

are the noisiest places on board a ship (Soriano Tarin, et al., 2011).

However, this section of the study addresses noise levels in relevant areas

by indicating that noise on board shipping boats is entirely different from

the large offshore construction vessels where the space limitations are less

critical.In addition, the current study also indicates that the levels of noise

have showed changing variations after several years in operations when

compared to initial assessment as conducted by a recognized classification

society during the sea trials (Oldenburg, Baur&Schlaich, 2010).Both factors

may have implications on how noise should be managed depending on the

type of vessel and her operational life cycle.

Occupational Noise at Sea 13

The relationship of high noise levels in the workplace and safety is

not limited to the health of those exposed to it. It is generally known that

human error on board ships may have catastrophic consequences, e.g.

Herald of Free Entrerprise in 1987; Exxon Valdez in 1989 or the recent

Costa Concordia in 2012 just to name few of the best-known tragedies at

sea where human error was a significant contribution. A study conducted by

Montewka et al. (2014) links accidents like collision and grounding to

human error which probability, and therefore the risk, is mediated by

factors described as Diffuse Effects and Acute Effects (Montewka et al.,

2014, Figure 1). Within the group of diffuse effects are included: noise,

whole body vibration and ship motion. The way those factors could increase

the risk of an accident is evaluated by reducing human capabilities.Although

worth mentioning and in opinion of the current study is very interesting

subject to noise at sea, but it does not attempt to analyse or study the

effects of noise other than its direct risk perception and mostly on

occupational hearing loss. It indicates that in-depth research work is needed

to determine the effects of noise at work along with their risk factors that

are mostly concerned with occupational health concerns for the workers

(Oldenburg et al., 2009).

On a similar research Turan et al. (2011) clearly found that the

highest levels of noise exposure occur to workers of the technical

department. A positive finding of that research is the comparison of values

against international maritime regulations versus European law. Moreover,

their results showed how fifty per cent of the field measurements on each

ship were compliant with maritime law while none of them complied with

the European Directive 2003/10/EC. Despite the great contribution to the

knowledge and understanding of occupational noise exposure of seafarers

Occupational Noise at Sea 14

the current study is conducted based on some limitations to determine the

influence of noise on the health of workers while conducting their normal

job responsibilities. In the Maritime industry, some main propulsion engines

have power outputs of up to 80,080 kW (Wrtsil-Sulzer RTA96-C) on a

single engine. Moreover, as they are similar ships, they have similar designs

and their crew have similar shift patters. In contrast, if an offshore

construction vessel had been chosen with 12-hour shifts different results

might be obtained. However, it could be said that one of its main limitations

is that Turan et al. (2011) only measured A-Weighted noise and they did

not take any C-Weighted measurement which is evident does not allow to

ensure compliance with any of the valid legal papers at the time of writing

their research.

In the European Union, many efforts are dedicated to reduce the

noise and vibration of ships following the pyramid of risk prevention by

concentrating efforts on improved ships design. As an example, the EU

program Ships Oriented Innovative Solutions to Reduce Noise & Vibration

(SILENV) has funded research in that area like Badino et al (2012).

2.5 Risk Perception.

Although Regulations, both international and domestic, the Health

and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance (2005) and many other

regulations(South, 2004)have established the priorities in the control of

noise at work where the preferred method is the control at source.In the

current study as per information collected from various sources, the use of

personal hearing protectionis considered a last and temporary resource to

protect the worker while other measures are implemented. However, it is

Occupational Noise at Sea 15

well known that many companies rely on PPE as the only way to protect

workers from excessive noise exposure (Morata, et al., 2001).

Research found that workers are more likely to use personal hearing

protection based on a high individual risk perception regardless of noise

levels (Areces & Miguel, 2007). In addition, Areces& Miguel (2007) found

that their sample of workers were not accurate predicting noise levels,

which is consistent with the findings done almost thirty years before by

Weinstein (1980) with his theory about Unrealsitic Optimism. Moreover, in a

previous study, Areces& Miguel (2006) found a negative relation between

education level and use of hearing protection, being self-efficacy the main

factor in the use of hearing protection. Self-Efficacy is defined as The way

workers perceive that HPD [hearing protection devices] can protect them

efficiently and that they are able to use it in a proper way (Areces &

Miguel, 2006, p. 1042).The current study indicates that in terms of negative

relation, greater educational attainment is needed with the less PPE is used.

But, in terms of self-efficacy, the study provides greater clarification of the

workers in perceiving hearing protection devices that can be used in

protecting them from noise at the workplace in an ideal way.

Risk perception is not a new research subject and it has generated

considerable research in the field of decision making. One of the most

prolific authors in the field of risk perception is Paul Slovic, president of

Decision Research. Risk perception is itself affected by many variables

extremely difficult to evaluate. In addition, every single risk, e.g. noise in

the workplace, has its own characteristic which is not static (Slovic, 2000).

Slovic developed a risk map which is applicable to the current study

indicating the possibility of allocating any risk on a Cartesian grid of factor 1

Occupational Noise at Sea 16

and factor 2. Those factors are elaborated by the correlation of several risk

factors like voluntariness, known to science, common / dread or severity of

consequences among other (Slovic, 2000, p. 97).

Figure 1 Hazard Locations on factors 1 & 2.

(Slovic, et al., 1982, p. 86)

Not all the authors agree with Slovics views on risk perception and

his psychometric paradigm(Sjoberg, et al., 2004). The current study is also

focused on highlighting two mayor limitations on Slovics research. The first

Occupational Noise at Sea 17

of them is the use of a very homogeneous sample like the League of

Women Voters(Slovic, 2000, p. 87) and the difference he assumes between

expert and plain peoples risk perception.

However, the current study identifies another important aspect of

Slovic& Peters (2006) in determining how it could influence our perceptions

of the risk combination with perceived benefits. In this case, the research

indicates that if the worker has a negative affect about the wearing of

hearing protection, it would indicate as the Risk is high. The research also

indicates that most of the workers are likely to present a problem by

pointing out that the Benefit is low and presenting the problem to protect

the workers health relying on the hearing protections (Jakovljevic,

Paunovic&Belojevic, 2009).

To conclude, the author recommends the reader to seek further

information on the limitations of individual hearing protection to better

understand the need on controlling noise at source instead on trust on the

bulletproof vest to stop the shot.

Occupational Noise at Sea 18

CHAPTER 3: Methodology

3.1 Research Strategies.

The Author will follow the structure set by Bryman & Bell (2011) on

the review of the methodology chosen. The following sections will be a brief

indication of the research style according the The Research Onion as

illustrated in Saunders, et al. (2012, p. 128).

3.1.1 Epistemological Considerations.

Epistemology is the study on knowledge which is presented in the

current study to determine the influence of noise on workers(Steup, 2005).

The current research acknowledges thecritical realism from an

epistemological point of view. The critical realism provides the situation by

which meta-theory of the social sciences is explored. It is much more

concerned with the philosophy of epistemology and depends upon the

consequences of predictions and objectives of the social science, where

epistemology indicates the situation where knowledge is generated through

possible social science ways(Gorski, 2013). The view of the world from a

critical realism perspective has deep implications in the approach taken to

add to the general knowledge in the field of health and safety management

(Zachariadis, et al., 2013).

3.1.2 Ontological Considerations.

There are two positions on social ontology: objectivism and

constructionism (Bryman & Bell, 2011). The former consider knowledge as

created or discovered while for constructionism, knowledge is constructed,

not created (Zachariadis, et al., 2013).

Occupational Noise at Sea 19

3.1.3 Methodology.

The type of data collected and analysed, its time frame in relation to

subjects or participants i.e. cross-sectional or longitudinal, and the strategy

or strategies chosen -e.g. survey, ethnography, and case study, from part

of the research design methodology. Although Saunders et al. (2012)

identify six methodologies in their research onion, other authors group them

into three general methods: qualitative, quantitative and triangulation or

mixed method research (Creswell, 2014). The current study follows a mixed

method research; however, it is dominated by its quantitative part of the

design. The mixed research methodology is based on qualitative as well as

quantitative methods of data collection and analysis regarding occupational

noise at sea that could influence the workers through various problems. The

qualitative method is much more concerned in discussing the research

qualitatively by explaining theoretical observations and their relevance to

the current study. On the other hand, the quantitative methods of research

are more concerned with the statistical inference of the data to determine

the influence of occupational noise at sea on the workers.

3.2 Data Acquisition Plan.

To be able to answer the research questions proposed by the author,

primary data must be obtained. The details relevant to each type of primary

data will be provided in the following sections. However, it may provide a

better understanding of the research data collection plan to provide some

general indications.

The first block of primary data collected is noise levels on board an

offshore vessel. Although the type of data collected and the procedure to

gather noise measurements is provided if detail, for now, it is enough to

Occupational Noise at Sea 20

know the main reasons to measure noise levels.The current study evaluates

how the noise measurements will be made and evaluated by describing

their relevance to the study. In order to measure the noise levels, various

tools and techniques will be used to determine the negative influence of

noise on the health of the workers offering their services on the shipboard

of offshore vessels.

Although other research work measure noise on board vessels, they

are either small fishing vessels (Soriano Tarn, et al., 2011), navy warships

(Sunde, et al., 2014), small oil or chemical tankers (Turan, et al., 2011),

passenger vessels (Borelli, et al., 2015) or either they focus on comfort

instead of occupational noise (Goujard, et al., 2005) or environmental noise

(Badino, et al., 2012). Therefore, the inclusion of a self-propelled offshore

construction jack up vessel will add external validity to the knowledge

database in the fieldwhich indicates that further research is needed in the

already conducted research work.It is not intention of the study

whichsuggests that other studies conducted on the related noise-related

issues are somehow incomplete or too limited. It also indicates that more

emphasises should be made on the complexity and wide range possible

scenarios, requiring to build up a collaborative knowledge

(Salyga&Juozulynas, 2006). Such knowledge is necessary not only to assess

noise exposure of engine room workers, but to compare international to

domestic legislation in the same way Turan, et al. (2011) did before the

new international legislation entered into force for engine room workers


In addition, the current study indicates that noise levels on board a

ship may change significantly after a few years in operation. Therefore,

Occupational Noise at Sea 21

such assumption must be verified before any recommendation could be

made based on objective evidence. If it were corroborated, it would have

important implications on how noise is currently managed on board vessels.

However, this study would be very limited without an insight in the

perception of risk and knowledge of noise that could influence the behaviour

of workers and regarded as a hazard of those exposed to it (Slovic, 2000)

and what is done to protect workers from such hazard. For that reason, it

was decided to use a questionnaire which could measure those constructs.

Given the financial, time and access limitations of the researcher, it

was decided to use an already developed questionnaire. Moreover, that

would allow some comparison between the population used in the Research

Report 028 (Hughson, et al., 2002) prepared by the Institute of

Occupational Medicine for the Health and Safety Executive. It is worth to

mention that these kinds of reports are covered by the Open Government

Licence (2014) and so it was confirmed by the author contacting Her

Majestys Stationary Office, Licensing Division.

In fact, primary data is obtained through a double questionnaire. The

questionnaire called employee is targeted to engine room workers to better

assess, inter alia, their perception of risk, knowledge about occupational

noise and its consequences, and attitude towards personal hearing

protection. The other set of questions, named managers, is intended to be

answered by health and safety professionals or those in the relevant

organisations with health and safety responsibilities or in charge of noise

management on board one of more unit (Okokon et al., 2015). Both

instruments were translated from English to Spanish language to be able to

reach a wider range of participants.

Occupational Noise at Sea 22

3.2.1 Noise Measurement and Analysis.

Sound is changes in the pressure on an elastic medium, i.e. air,

caused by vibration or turbulent flow. As a wave, it propagates

longitudinally, and it shares some of the characteristics of other types of

waves. Therefore, the frequency of a sound wave will be = ; where is the

speed of the wave approximately 343 m/s in the air at 20oC, and is the

wave length. This is an important concept, as the human ear is only capable

of hearing between 20 Hz and 20 kHz and it is not equally sensitive though

the whole spectrum (Sataloff & Sataloff, 2006). In addition, it explains why

noise meters usually measure only up to 16 kHz. If we apply the formula

above, the wave length corresponding to 20 kHz is less than 2 cm. This

length is of the same order of magnitude as the ear channel creating

negative effects in the hearing threshold. The device chosen is able to

measure from 12.5 Hz to 20 kHz. However, measurements are taken from

16 Hz to 16 kHz, which is the accepted range for occupational noise

assessment in 1/1 octave band complying with IEC 61672 (Serrao, 2014).

However, A.337 (91) (Maritime Safety Committee, 2012) requires a range

from 31.5 Hz to 8,000 Hz to assess noise on board a ship.

Although sound level -and for the purpose of noise assessment we

consider noise as any sound in the workplace- is measured in Pascals (Pa),

which is the international system unit to measure pressure, it is more

relevant to use the decibel scale. It that way, measurements taken between

2.10-5 Pa to 2 Pa correspond from 0 to 100 dB in the decibel scale.

Therefore, the sound pressure level (Lp) is measured in the following way:

= 2010 ( )
Occupational Noise at Sea 23

where P0=2.10-5 Pa

Although the above formula and others in the following paragraphs

are easily obtained by simple mathematical transformations, the author

recommends reference to South (2004) for more detailed information on

the formulae used within this research (Schreckenberg, Griefahn&Meis,


To assess noise exposure of engine room personnel, it was decided to

use a handheld noise meter. Details of the instrument used for measuring

are given in the following sections. However, the author decided not to use

personal dose meters, also known as dose badge because their use would

have not provided additional information in this case regarding the influence

of occupational noise at workers offering their services at the offshore

sea(Tao, et al., 2016). Therefore, noise exposure will be calculated

manually adding individual exposures based on observed working patterns

by the researcher. The method to calculate those exposures is with the

following mathematical transformation:

= 10 10 [1 100.11 + 2 100.12 + + 100.1 ]

Where, T=t1+t2++tn

And Li= equivalent noise level during ti

Notice that T is one of the main differences between different pieces

of legislation. While is 8 hour in European legislation (Directive of the

European Parlamient and of the Council 2003/10/EC, of 6 February 2003) or

its equivalent 28,800 seconds in United Kingdom (SI 2005/1643, 2005) in

Occupational Noise at Sea 24

maritime law is calculated on a 24 hour exposure time (Maritime Safety

Committee, 2012).

Occupational noise considers human hearing particularities (South,

2004). Therefore, equivalent noise exposure is to be A-weighted, while the

assessment of impact noise will be C-weighted. A representation of the

weight applied to noise assessment can be seen in the figure below based

on the values from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC),

standards IEC 61672-1 and IEC 60537 as seen in Bech&Zacharov(2006):

Figure 3-1: A-weighting and C-weighting

The meter used to measure sound levels is a Castle dBAir GA141

Class 1 with octave bands. The device, although capable of measuring from

12.5 Hz to 20,000 Hz is only enabled to measure from 16 Hz to 16 kHz,

which in any case is more than the recommended by the same classification

society regulating the initial noise assessment of the site analysed. This

noise meter complies with IEC 61672, adopted as BS 61672:2003. Noise

meters classified as class 1 have an uncertainty of 1 dB. However, notice

that the noise doubles every 3 dB approximately. Recommendations in

Occupational Noise at Sea 25

Europe, ask to account for 3 dB error in the assessment, while this value

increases to 5 dB in United Stated (South, 2004).

A noise meter capable of producing octave band readings was

selected. It is recommended to obtain octave band readings to better

analyse the effectiveness of personal hearing protection. However, the

information provided by personal hearing protection complying with BS EN

352 is between 125 Hz and 8,000 Hz, with the band of 63 Hz being optional

(Health and Safety Executive, 2005). In addition, it will allow comparing

values when estimating the level of protection based on another attenuation

figures given by hearing protection manufacturers, e.g. Single Number

Rating (SNR).

3.2.2 Survey.

Some of the parameters relevant to the present paper cannot be

measured in the same manner as noise is measured. Therefore, it has been

considered that a questionnaire is the best available tool for this purpose.

However, survey techniques are utterly important (Fontes de Gracia,

et al., 2010). Following with Fontes de Gracia, et al. (2010), quality of a

survey depends on the errors incurred during sampling, measuring tool

design and data collection. It indicates the quality of survey depends largely

on the best utilization of available resources, tools and techniques to gather

data from the selected respondents to determine their opinions on the

negative influence of occupational noise at work. It also indicates how

negative influence of noise could influence the working of the employees

offering their services in the offshore settings.

Occupational Noise at Sea 26 Sampling.

Given the characteristics of the population the researcher initially

decided that a random sample was not feasible given the resource and time

limitations of the study. Although the population is easy to define: workers

of the engine or technical department of ships or self-propelled units, there

were some difficulties to obtain a probabilistic sample. The international and

isolated nature of the population and the complex structure of shipping and

offshore companies would have risked the gathering of essential data for

the research. Instead, it was considered the use of a non-probabilistic

sample using a snowball technique (Atkinson & Flint, 2001). Measuring Tool: questionnaires.

Questionnaires are useful when the researcher is interested in how

descriptive variables relate between them (Saunders, et al., 2012, p. 419).

However, its design and administration implies more than write some

questions and collect their answers. Concepts like reliability and validity are

also given necessary considerations in this research work.Perhaps the key

factor in reliability is internal reliability, an indication of the consistency of

the concept measured. Whereas, validity represents the situation by which

it is measured or intends to measure a social phenomenon describing the

influence of noise on the workers health(Bryman & Bell, 2011).

Given the considerations necessary to design a meaningful

questionnaire, the author decided to use the questionnaires designed,

tested and administered by the team formed by Hughson, Mulholland and

Cowie, Institute of Occupational Medicine, (2002) on behalf of the Health

and Safety Executive. A copy of the questionnaires can be seen in the

Occupational Noise at Sea 27

Moreover, use a good quality questionnaire in not the main purpose

of those instruments. Those questionnaires measure exactly what the

author tries to explore in the present paper; however, not focusing in any

industry or applied to workers at sea. Therefore, both questionnaires, the

one known as employees and the one known as managers, have been

slightly modified by the researcher to make them relevant to the case

studied. Additionally, both instruments were translated into Spanish

language so they could potentially reach more participants. Translations

may introduce additional errors; therefore, questionnaires in Spanish will be

pilot on a small group of engine room workers. Data Collection.

All four questionnaires are self-administered through a specialised

website, www.smartsurvey.co.uk which allow access from everywhere in

the world at any time with personalised links that could only give access to

selected participants. In addition, it allows filtering participants and skipping

question not relevant to some of them. Moreover, participants must read

and accept the terms of the survey, were they are informed of the

confidentiality and purpose of the survey.

With the questionnaire known as employee (empleado in Spanish)

the researcher intends to measure the following parameters:

Personal working practices, in general.

Risk perception.

Knowledge on occupational noise.

General attitudes to safety.

Organisational issues.
Occupational Noise at Sea 28

Meanwhile, with the managers (Gerentes in Spanish) what it is

expected to explore is:

General information about safety management.

Noise assessment.

Information provided to employees.

Instructions given to employees on noise.

Use of hearing protection.

Health surveillance, and

Any comments participant would like to provide (free text).

Unlike in the Research Report 028 (Hughson, et al., 2002) there is

not post-intervention questionnaire for the obvious reason that it will not be

any intervention. Although intervention proposals will be given based on the

results obtained it is left to another research team to test its effectivity.

To conclude, data collected has to be analysed to make sense of it

and obtain valid conclusions. Although there is not agreement on the

minimum sample size (Mundfrom, et al., 2005) the author aims for a

minimum sample of n=30 to be able to apply specific statistical tools

(Rumsey, 2010). Although it is expected to achieve that sample in the

employees questionnaire, the researcher foresee more difficult to obtain

enough respondents to the managers questionnaire. Field Observations.

To make possible a calculation of noise exposure it is necessary to

know the working practices of engine room crew. Therefore, it will be

performed an evaluation of the times and activities carried out by different

roles on board. It doesnt mean that other studies are not correct with their
Occupational Noise at Sea 29

time observations. However, different companies have different working

patters, although working on 12-hour shifts is common practice in some


Moreover, to support or contradict responses in the self-administered

questionnaires, random inspections of personal protective equipment or its

use by workers is deemed necessary. However, the author is aware of the

limitations of such anecdotal evidence.

Occupational Noise at Sea 30

Chapter 4 Analysed Findings

4.1 Noise level on board jack-up vessel Wind.

During summer 2016 noise levels were measured on board a self-

propelled jack-up vessel. For confidentiality purposes the name of that

specific unit has been changed to Wind. The importance of the

measurements taken on board Wind has been already discussed in the

literature review.

Where the size of the room or the variety of conditions was

significant, more than one sample was taken to account for that variability.

Sample points for each room were chosen on the most likely location of the

engine room personnel while working on that room. However, there were

not present any member of the crew during sampling. Samples range

chosen is 40 140 dB in the machinery spaces, while for the

accommodation a low range was found more suitable for that environment.

The value obtained for each sample is the result of 20 consecutive

measures of 15 seconds each one. Therefore, measuring time is

approximately 300 seconds. In that way, noise produced by automatically

started machinery is more likely to be accounted for.

The above-mentioned noise measurements were taken in the

following spaces:

Cabin: Space where the crewmember rests and spends most of

their free time between watches. One of the cabins was

selected to represent the whole accommodation. To make sure

Occupational Noise at Sea 31

that the cabin selected was representative, the rooms with the

highest and lowest values in the design were discarded. From

the remaining rooms, one was chosen randomly.

The results of the noise levels are summarised in Table 4.1 and it shows

all the different sample points for each room where more than one was


Table 4-4-1: Noise Measurements Leq

L [dB] min L [dB] max
(1s) (1s) Leq [dB] Lpeak [dB]
Location 16-16k Hz 16-16k Hz 16-16k Hz 16-16k Hz
BT Room Hydr. Loc.#1 72.6 102.6 97.0 121.8
BT Room Hydr. Loc.#2 76.2 108.8 99.2 125.7
BT Room Hydr. Loc.#2 77.5 102.7 96.8 122.3
BT Room Tanktop Loc.#1 80.0 114.8 103.3 131.7
BT Room Tanktop Loc.#2 79.6 105.0 102.4 118.7
BT Room Tanktop Loc.#3 81.6 104.5 101.7 117.9
BT Room Tanktop Loc.#4 78.6 100.1 98.3 114.8
Fresh Water Room 55.8 90.0 83.2 113.5
Sewage Treatment Loc.#1 62.2 85.0 81.3 103.5
Sewage Treatment Loc.#2 57.7 84.1 78.3 103.7
HVAC Room 53.0 82.1 78.4 100.0
Transformers 63.6 82.9 82.1 100.6
Auxiliary Machinery Loc.#1 39.9 91.8 80.0 105.0
Auxiliary Machinery Loc.#2 39.9 77.7 68.7 98.2
HPU FWD Loc.#1 72.5 91.7 90.5 108.7
HPU FWD Loc.#2 73.4 103.4 99.7 117.7
HPU FWD Loc.#3 86.4 105.2 103.7 118.9
ECR 39.9 77.1 63.6 97.0
STBD Passage way Loc.#1 60.6 82.4 81.5 106.9
STBD Passage way Loc.#2 61.7 88.4 87.5 107.5
PS Passage way Loc.#1 55.2 78.1 77.1 104.1
PS Passage way Loc.#2 62.6 98.0 85.6 117.1
STBD Switchboard 55.8 84.2 77.5 112.4
PS Switchboard 53.6 74.6 73.7 98.5
STBD Engine Room Loc.#1 92.3 112.9 112.1 128.5
STBD Engine Room Loc.#2 91.6 112.1 111.8 128.3
PS Engine Room Loc.#1 85.7 108.3 107.7 124.6
PS Engine Room Loc.#2 87.6 109.4 108.8 126.1
STBD Pump Room Loc.#1 80.6 103.8 95.2 114.0
Occupational Noise at Sea 32

STBD Pump Room Loc.#2 67.8 89.0 88.2 107.7

PS Pump Room Loc.#1 71.3 100.6 93.1 112.2
PS Pump Room Loc.#2 69.3 90.7 89.9 111.4
Aft HPU 57.1 84.2 81.8 103.2
ER Workshop (Fitter Work) 63.4 101.3 98.8 115.2
ER Workshop 48.3 75.0 68.6 100.5
Aft Store Loc.#1 57.2 78.6 76.8 104.7
Aft Store Loc.#2 77.5 99.6 96.6 115.8
Aft Thruster #4 69.2 94.3 92.4 115.0
Aft Thruster #5 73.4 94.4 91.4 113.1
Aft Thruster #6 70.8 93.0 92.0 116.5
Cabin Deck C 31.2 64.8 50.9 103.6

4.2 Personal Hearing Protection.

Engine crew of vessel Wind had a diversity of personal hearing

protection (PHP) supplied by the company after listening to their

preferences. The type of hearing protection supplied is ear muffs, helmet

mounted ear muffs, foam ear plugs with neck band and disposable foam

plugs. The characteristics and level of protection is given in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2: Hearing protection equipment noise reduction

Octave Band PHP#1 PHP#1 PHP#2 PHP#2 PHP#3 PHP#3 PHP#4 PHP#4
Mf Sf Mf Sf Mf Sf Mf Sf
63 Hz 20.8 3.1 20.1 3.3 24.8 4.3 28.4 6.4

125 Hz 17.4 2.1 17.1 2.3 28.1 3.2 37.3 9

250 Hz 24.7 2.6 24.5 2.8 26.5 5.6 37.9 9.2

500 Hz 34.7 2 34.8 2.2 24.5 5.7 39.1 9.7

1 kHz 41.4 2.1 40.2 2 25.1 3.3 36 7.9

2 kHz 39.3 1.5 39.6 1.8 31.7 4 34.6 4.6

4 kHz 47.5 4.5 46.7 4.2 42.5 1.8 42.5 4.9

8 kHz 42.6 2.6 43.1 2.5 40.9 4.7 46.4 4.7

EN352-1:1993 EN352-3:2002 EN352-2:2002 EN352-2:2002

3M PeltorOptime III 3M Peltor Optime III Sperian Hearing
H540A H540C Protection QB1 HYG Honeywell Bilsom 303L

Headband Earmuff Helmet Earmuff Inner-aural neckband Disposable foam plug

Mf= Mean attenuation
Sf= Standard deviation
Occupational Noise at Sea 33

When those noise reduction values are applied according to British

Standards Institution (BS EN ISO 4849-2:1995) with a coefficient =1, plus

4 dB to account for real-world factors (Health and Safety Executive, 2005)

the values obtained clearly show not all the protection chosen for this

particular workplace is fit for purpose.

Table 4-3: Application of noise reduction levels to rooms sound pressure level

BS EN ISO 4869-2:1995(=1) +4dB (HSE)

Location L'eq(A) L'eq(A) L'eq(A) L'eq(A) Leq [dB]
BT Room Hydr. Loc.#1 75.1 75.6 79.4 71.7 97.0
BT Room Hydr. Loc.#2 76.0 76.5 81.1 73.6 99.2
BT Room Hydr. Loc.#2 73.2 73.6 78.4 71.2 96.8
BT Room Tanktop Loc.#1 79.1 79.6 85.1 77.5 103.3
BT Room Tanktop Loc.#2 72.7 73.2 81.5 75.4 102.4
BT Room Tanktop Loc.#3 73.5 73.9 81.9 75.3 101.7
BT Room Tanktop Loc.#4 69.9 70.3 79.3 72.7 98.3
Fresh Water Room 65.4 65.9 66.2 58.3 83.2
Sewage Treatment Loc.#1 59.0 59.5 62.5 55.7 81.3
Sewage Treatment Loc.#2 58.4 58.9 60.0 53.0 78.3
HVAC Room 48.2 48.7 58.8 52.6 78.4
Transformers 57.9 58.3 64.2 56.7 82.1
Auxiliary Machinery Loc.#1 50.6 50.8 63.2 54.2 80.0
Auxiliary Machinery Loc.#2 44.0 44.4 51.8 43.1 68.7
HPU FWD Loc.#1 63.5 63.9 72.0 64.5 90.5
HPU FWD Loc.#2 71.9 72.2 81.4 74.1 99.7
HPU FWD Loc.#3 76.6 77.0 85.5 78.0 103.7
ECR 40.1 40.5 46.8 38.4 63.6
STBD Passage way Loc.#1 57.5 58.0 63.9 56.4 81.5
STBD Passage way Loc.#2 60.4 60.8 69.8 62.4 87.5
PS Passage way Loc.#1 53.2 53.7 59.6 52.0 77.1
PS Passage way Loc.#2 59.8 60.2 68.4 60.3 85.6
STBD Switchboard 56.5 56.9 59.5 52.1 77.5
PS Switchboard 49.2 49.6 55.7 48.3 73.7
STBD Engine Room Loc.#1 83.8 84.2 94.1 86.7 112.1
STBD Engine Room Loc.#2 83.3 83.8 93.8 86.3 111.8
PS Engine Room Loc.#1 79.6 80.0 90.5 82.5 107.7
PS Engine Room Loc.#2 81.0 81.4 90.7 82.9 108.8
STBD Pump Room Loc.#1 64.5 65.1 77.1 70.6 95.2
STBD Pump Room Loc.#2 62.5 62.9 70.3 62.6 88.2
PS Pump Room Loc.#1 63.4 63.9 75.0 68.0 93.1
PS Pump Room Loc.#2 62.8 63.2 71.8 64.2 89.9
Aft HPU 54.2 54.6 62.3 55.2 81.8
ER Workshop (Fitter Work) 64.8 65.1 77.9 72.1 98.8
Occupational Noise at Sea 34

ER Workshop 47.3 47.9 50.7 43.6 68.6

Aft Store Loc.#1 54.0 54.6 56.8 51.6 76.8
Aft Store Loc.#2 67.4 67.8 73.2 68.2 96.6
Aft Thruster #4 67.0 67.5 73.2 66.9 92.4
Aft Thruster #5 65.5 65.9 71.3 65.8 91.4
Aft Thruster #6 68.8 69.2 73.7 66.7 92.0
Cabin Deck C (Accomm.) 35.9 36.6 33.1 30.7 50.9
##.# No PHP worn or Required
>87 * Protection is not enough. Danger area
85-87 * Protection is not enough. Limit exposure
80-85 * Limited protection. Additional measures required
75-80 * Optimum protection
70-75 * Good protection
<70 * Overprotection according to BS EN 458:2004

4.2.1 Personal Hearing Protection Management.

Personal hearing protection is to become Class 3 personal protective

equipment (PPE) under the European Union Regulation EU/2016/425 to

recognise its importance to prevent occupational hearing loss and enforce

what it is already required under current legislation. Therefore, it will

require to record instruction and training as well as periodic inspections in

the same line as it is required to another PPE like working at height

equipment (Sampson & Thomas, 2003).

Figure 4-1: Damaged helmet mounted PHP

Occupational Noise at Sea 35

Figure 4-2: Correct use of disposable PHP by Sr. Engineer

4.3 Noise Exposure.

In order to calculate the daily noise dose, it is necessary to measure

or estimate for how long the employee is exposed to every sound level, as

well as, whether he or she is wearing personal hearing protection

equipment for the duration of that exposure. In addition, total daily

exposure may be affected by the legislation chosen. Whereas European law

sets a working day of 8 hours, or 28,800 seconds, international maritime

law calculations are based on 86,400 seconds (Dzhambov&Dimitrova,


In the following table, the amount of time spent on each situation is

calculated by different workers on board. The estimation of time is based on

observation carried out during the field work operations.

Table 4-4: Typical time distribution on board M/V Wind

Thypo TEng TFitter TMTM

Location sec. sec. sec. sec.

BT Room Hydr. Loc.#1 654.5455 100 85 75
BT Room Hydr. Loc.#2 654.5455 100 85 75
BT Room Hydr. Loc.#2 654.5455 100 85 75
BT Room Tanktop Loc.#1 490.9091 75 85 75
Occupational Noise at Sea 36

BT Room Tanktop Loc.#2 490.9091 75 85 75

BT Room Tanktop Loc.#3 490.9091 75 85 75
BT Room Tanktop Loc.#4 490.9091 75 85 75
Fresh Water Room 1963.636 1200 85 300
Sewage Treatment Loc.#1 981.8182 1800 85 1800
Sewage Treatment Loc.#2 981.8182 1800 85 1800
HVAC Room 1963.636 600 85 300
Transformers 1963.636 600 85 300
Auxiliary Machinery Loc.#1 981.8182 1800 85 100
Auxiliary Machinery Loc.#2 981.8182 1800 85 100
HPU FWD Loc.#1 654.5455 500 85 75
HPU FWD Loc.#2 654.5455 500 85 75
HPU FWD Loc.#3 654.5455 800 85 75
ECR 1963.636 5400 4055 4000
STBD Passage way Loc.#1 981.8182 150 85 150
STBD Passage way Loc.#2 981.8182 150 85 150
PS Passage way Loc.#1 981.8182 150 85 150
PS Passage way Loc.#2 981.8182 150 85 150
STBD Switchboard 1963.636 75 85 75
PS Switchboard 1963.636 75 85 75
STBD Engine Room Loc.#1 981.8182 1800 85 3600
STBD Engine Room Loc.#2 981.8182 1800 85 3600
PS Engine Room Loc.#1 981.8182 1800 85 3600
PS Engine Room Loc.#2 981.8182 1800 85 3600
STBD Pump Room Loc.#1 981.8182 1800 85 300
STBD Pump Room Loc.#2 981.8182 1800 85 300
PS Pump Room Loc.#1 981.8182 1200 85 280
PS Pump Room Loc.#2 981.8182 1200 85 280
Aft HPU 1963.636 1800 85 450
ER Workshop (Fitter Work) 981.8182 1800 21600 10800
ER Workshop 981.8182 1800 10800 1090
Aft Store Loc.#1 981.8182 1200 85 300
Aft Store Loc.#2 981.8182 1200 85 300
Aft Thruster #4 1963.636 150 85 300
Aft Thruster #5 1963.636 150 85 300
Aft Thruster #6 1963.636 150 85 300
Accommodation 43200 46800 46800 46800

Therefore, given the above sound pressure levels and the times

the workers are exposed to those levels, there is only left to calculate

their exposure for each situation and when using, or not, any of the

PHP provided. The results are shown in the matrix below:

Occupational Noise at Sea 37

Table 4.5: Noise exposure level for each situation and PHP used


Hyporoom 8h 102.7 74.9 73.9 84.6 77.1 Directive 2003/10/EC
Hyporoom 24h 97.9 70.2 69.2 79.9 72.4 IMO MSC.337(91)
Engineer no PHP 100.0 IMO MSC.337(91)
Engineer PHP>85 dB(A) 24h 74.9 74.5 82.4 76.4 IMO MSC.337(91)
Engineer PHP>85 dB(A) 8h 79.6 79.2 87.2 81.2 Directive 2003/10/EC
Engineer PHP Company Policy 76.6 75.8 86.8 79.3 Directive 2003/10/EC
Fitter no PHP 93.9 IMO MSC.337(91)
Fitter PHP>85 dB(A) 24h 66.0 65.8 74.2 69.0 IMO MSC.337(91)
Fitter PHP>85 dB(A) 8h 70.7 70.5 79.0 73.7 Directive 2003/10/EC
Fitter PHP Company Policy 67.4 67.0 78.6 72.4 Directive 2003/10/EC
Motorman no PHP 103.0 IMO MSC.337(91)
Motorman PHP>85 dB(A) 24h 75.6 75.0 85.1 78.0 IMO MSC.337(91)
Motorman PHP>85 dB(A) 8h 80.4 79.7 89.8 82.7 Directive 2003/10/EC
Motorman PHP Company Policy 79.4 78.6 89.7 82.2 Directive 2003/10/EC

When applying t-Test for two paired sample for means to the

values above in order to compare the results obtained flowing the

European Directive EC/10/2003 or the MSC.337(91) it is clear that

the difference is statistically significant (t=415.18; p=99%, t-critical

two-tail= 4.01).

4.4 Employee Survey.

A survey was carried out to allow an insight from the

employees point of view. Despite the survey used was proven and

tested (Hughson, et al., 2002) due to minor modifications to the

original survey, an additional pilot test was deemed necessary. Faults

in the skip logic of the survey were found and corrected. Moreover,

pilot responses were deleted before the final survey was made

available to the targeted population.

Between October 2016 and January 2017, a total of N=60

responses were collected. The survey is divided into seven sections

Occupational Noise at Sea 38

and not all the questions are mandatory. The purpose of each section


A. Personal working practices.

B. Noise risk perception.

C. Knowledge.

D. General attitudes to safety.

E. Organisations safety management.

F. Applicable legal requirements.

G. Demographics.

4.4.1 Section A: Personal working Practices.

The sample studied in employee survey is formed by a 76.7 percent

with SD 1.0 of the workers is exposed to noisy environments for more than

five years of period. According to the information, 80 percent of these

workers with SD 1.5 were exposed to most of the time to high levels of

noise. People who do not wear PHP contain 62.5 percent with SD of 21.8

and they are uncomfortable or not available when needed.

4.4.2 Section B: Noise RISK perception.

The sample scored high on noise risk awareness. rb=499 which is

92.4% of the maximum possible score. Nearly 86% of the participants

achieved a high noise risk perception. In contrast to the 80% who wear PHP

all the time (section A), 98.3% (SD 1.0) acknowledge wearing PHP to avoid

negative consequences which seem to be very or quite likely to them

Occupational Noise at Sea 39

4.4.3 Section C: Knowledge.

Level of knowledge could be considered medium with a score of 327.

66% scored medium, while only 23.3% scored high. Moreover, nobody

scored the maximum possible of 9 points or answered the first three

questions correctly.

4.4.4 Section D: General attitude to safety.

In line with noise risk perception is the noise risk perception is the

general attitude to safety. The sample studied scored rd=2,877 which is

73.7% of the maximum score possible. Therefore, participants have a

positive attitude to safety. In addition, the sample has a strong internal

locus of control L=175, which in practical terms means those individuals

believe to have certain degree of control over the world. However, it may be

an effect of the sample being formed predominantly by western European


4.4.5 Section E: Organisations safety management.

Only 48.1% (SD 1.4) of the participants know their company has a

hearing protection program while the other 51.9% do not have it or they

are not aware of it. Notwithstanding what it could be a poor management,

92.6% (1.0) support their organisation in this aspect. Moreover, none of the

participants stated that their company does nothing at all about health and


53.7% (SD 0.9) have received information regarding noise at work,

which it is mostly during the induction training (20.3%, SD 10.8) and

posters or signs on the wall (29.7%, SD 10.8).

Occupational Noise at Sea 40

Other interesting aspects of section E is that over two thirds of

respondents were consulted on the preferred PHP. The positive aspect is

that all of those who were asked by their company received what it is the

best PHP in their opinion.

4.4.6 Applicable legal requirements.

The sample is comprised by 86.5% (SD 0.38) of respondents working

for companies under a European Union State flag while the remaining

13.5% with a flag from other part of the world. It means that European

Directive EC/10/2003 applies to most of the workplaces in this survey and

the International Maritime Organisation MSC.337 (91) to the remaining

ships. It is not considered to be representative of the total world register for

which the EU only accounts for 19% of the flagging (Department of

Transport and Regional Economics, 2015).

4.4.7 Demographics.

Although not all the participants decided to provide personal

information, for those who answered, 62.7% (SD 2.2) are between 25 and

54 years old, predominately males (90.9%, SD 034).

In order to get an insight from engine room professionals, they were

asked for their position on board. The majority of respondents are

Engineers, 71.4% followed by Ratings with only 14.3% (SD 0.2).

Chapter 5: Discussions

In this chapter the data obtained during the primary research phase

and analysed in the previous chapter is considered together with analogue

Occupational Noise at Sea 41

findings in the literature review. Three main pieces of work are considered

in the discussion of the result obtained in the primary research. Namely,

Hughson, Mulholland and Cowie (2002) from where the questionnaire used

in this dissertation was taken and it will allow comparing results with a

larger sample. Arezes and Miguel (2005, 2006) because their work about

the relation between hearing protection and risk perception, without forget

Paul Slovic (2000) who is one of the first authors in the study of risk

perception. This is expected to allow completing the objectives necessary to

achieve the aim of the present dissertation.

5.1 To investigate and measure noise levels and exposure of

engine room workers.

A total of 24 locations on board a motor vessel were measured to

investigate engine crew exposure to noise. Unlike smaller vessels, the unit

used for the field study has the machinery divided into a larger number of

rooms. Therefore, sources of noise are distant one from another and

separated by stiff bulkheads. Similar to the measurements taken by Soriano

Tarn, Castro Bugarn and Rodriguez Rubianes (2011), the study vessel,

named Wind for confidentiality purposes, is powered by 4-stroke diesel

engines rotating at 750 rpm. Hence, auxiliary machinery is similar and

consequently the nature of the sound produced by them. The fact that the

ships analysed therein are fishing boats in contrast to Wind being an

offshore construction vessel is irrelevant given that only machinery spaces -

and one cabin- are studied and not their production areas.

From the measures shown in chapter 4, it is evident that peak noise

is not a problem in the machinery spaces. While this might not be the case

in other areas of the ship, e.g. production areas, those are out of the scope
Occupational Noise at Sea 42

of this dissertation. From the 41 noise samples, only one located in Bow

Thruster Room, tank top level, its Lpeak(C) level is above the lower exposure

value set in both, European Directive EU\10\2003 and MSC.337(91). This

finding is in line of what Soriano Tarn, Castro Bugarn and Rodriguez

Rubianes (2011) measured on four different vessels. In fact, none of their

Lpeak(C) values is above the lower action level.

Unlike what it is expected from a larger and more segregated ship,

noise levels in engine room spaces, both portside and starboard side, are

higher, while sound pressure level inside the engine control room is

significantly lower. The preceding statements require a more detailed

explanation as they have important consequences on the overall exposure

of engine room workers.

Noise level in the engine room space where the main and auxiliary

engines are located on board Wind has a mean of 110.1 dB(A) (standard

error 1.09) whereas on the ships analysed by Soriano Tarn, Castro Bugarn

and Rodriguez Rubianes (2011) the average noise level in similar rooms is

102.5 dB(A) (standard error 1.18). In terms of noise pressure, there are

above four times more noise on board Wind than on board smaller and less

segregated ships. On the other hand, it is worth notice how the noise level

inside the engine control room is meaningfully lower in the former than in

the latter case. The mean of the cases studied by Soriano Tarn, Castro

Bugarn and Rodriguez Rubianes (2011) is 89.3 dB(A) and a mean of 81.4

dB(A) is much higher than the Engine Control Room on board Wind where

the mean is 63.6 dB(A) and a maximum value of 77 dB(A).

When the ship chosen for comparison is a much larger vessel, like a

passenger vessel (Borelli, et al., 2015) the noise level there is similar to the
Occupational Noise at Sea 43

fishing vessels with a mean of 102.9 dB(A) (standard error 0.75). However,

noise levels inside the control room seems to be of a similar level of 67.1

dB(A). Regardless of the difference between them, it is worth mention that

noise levels in the Engine Control Room of larger vessels provide an

effective refuge from noise and well below the lower action level required by

the Directive 2003/10/EC, whereas the control room of the fishing vessels is

completely ineffective to reduce noise exposure to engine room personnel in

the cases referred in Soriano Tarn, Castro Bugarn and Rodriguez Rubianes


To support the finding that impulse noise is not very likely to present

a problem inside ships engine rooms, Borelli et al. (2015) found peak noise

levels (C-weighted) consistent with measurements on board the other ships

mentioned herein.

It is not possible to know from the figures indicated above whether

engine room workers are more or less exposed to noise than industrial

workers on shore. A study done by Areces& Miguel (2006, p.1038) with a

sample of 434 industrial workers of five different industries evidenced that

33% of the workers were exposed to levels of noise above 95 dB(A).

Therefore, engine room workers are among the workers group with the

highest risk from occupational noise.

Other two factors still need to be considered to assess the exposure

of engine room workers. The first one is how much time they spend inside

each room with its own noise level and the second factor, whether they use

personal hearing protection. If we stick to the limits set in the European

legislation a typical worker could spend his or her 12-hour shift in the

engine control room of the vessel Wind without exceeding their daily noise
Occupational Noise at Sea 44

exposure level or wear any personal hearing protection (PHP). On the other

hand, the same worker would be allowed to work in the aft thruster room,

with the same noise levels measured during the field work, without being

exposed to dangerous levels of noise as long as this worker correctly uses

the right type of PHP during the whole duration of the shift.

Noise levels were calculated using information provided by the PHP

manufacturer giving as result the noise levels shown in Table 4-3. It could

be argued that not all protective equipment reduces the risk to an

acceptable level at any given time. Although noise reduction (NR) values

published by the manufacturers of PHP available on board Wind are very

similar, their effect is not equivalent. Numbers show that in the engine

room of vessel Wind, where diesel generators are running, Sperian Hearing

Protection QB1 HYG may not suitable because it does not reduce the

noise level below 87 dB(A). Moreover, a noise level of 94 dB (A) will limit

workers exposure to no more than 1 hour per day (HSE, 2005). Although

less extreme than the previous example, disposable ear plugs Honeywell

Bilsom 303L have the same potential limitation. In the other range of the

spectrum, where noise levels are less intense, any of the PHP provided will

suffer from excessive noise reduction causing overprotection.

Overprotection has negative effects as mentioned in the literature review

(HSE, 2005). Those values calculated in the previous chapter are theoretical

values based on data provided by the manufacturer of the PHP and may

differ from the real-life protection. Indeed, lack of training, individual

differences or progressive damage to the protective equipment may result

in less attenuation levels than those declared in the equipments manual

(HSE, 2005).
Occupational Noise at Sea 45

Different roles on board have different duties and daily tasks.

Therefore, they may not work exposed to the same noise levels. Moreover,

the length of time they are exposed in the same location is likely not to be

the same. Although it is difficult to predict working patterns for each

worker, after a four-week period observation, an estimation of different

working times was made. Despite the bias introduced by the observation

itself, it was already discussed that the use of a personal dose metre does

not differ significantly from the chosen method (Tao, et al., 2016).

Because of those measurements and estimations, a daily exposure

level, measured in the decibel scale and A-weighted can be discussed. In

this sample is no doubt that engine room personnel are exposed to high

levels of noise during long periods of time. In addition, it could be argued

that depending on the personal hearing protector chosen by the employee,

he or she may not be protected against the damaging effects of noise over

their hearing.

5.2 To compare European and International law on occupational


During the literature review it was exposed that legislation applying

to ships is complex. Given that the dissertation focuses on a European

audience and given that United Kingdoms legislation does not impose

stricter limits, the discussion is whether the European Union and the

International Maritime Organisation offer the same degree of protection to

engine room seafarers. Regardless of the limitations in applicability and

enforcement of, the Directive 2003/10/EC and the MSC.337 (91) (IMO,

2012) the methodology on how to calculate a workers exposure is clearly

different. For what it will be called in this dissertation the European

Occupational Noise at Sea 46

exposure the noise is calculated using a time T of 28,800 seconds (8 hours)

while what it will be called the international exposure increases that time T

to 86,400 seconds (24 hours). In the former, individual exposure times sum

may well be greater than 28,800 seconds, but T remains constant. Needless

to say, that in the international exposure formula, individual times added

together cannot be more than 86,400 seconds by definition. In the daily

noise dose calculated in chapter 4, for the European exposure only the time

spent working is used, while in the international calculation according to

MSC.337 (91) the time the employee spends in the accommodation is

included in the sum of partial times.

Results show a clear difference between both methods. Although they

do not present any practical difference to the health of the fitter, it has a

massive impact on the protection and health of Engineers and Motormen.

Consequently, the current study also highlights the management activities

of noise at work. The most significant effect occurs when those workers

chose PHP#3. In the case of the crew on board Wind, PHP#3 and PHP#4

proved to be the most popular personal protective equipment (PPE).

Although anectodical evidence, one of the engine room workers explained to

the researcher that his choice of disposable hearing protection was based

on its light-weight, availability on different locations on board and comfort.

A Motorman on board Wind who choses PHP#3 as his or her

(Motorman is a rank word which does not change with the gender of the

employee) personal hearing protection, he or she would be working safely

with no further actions required from his or her employer. However, that

same worker, employed on board a ship flagged in one of the European

Union member states will be obliged by law to limit his or her exposure to
Occupational Noise at Sea 47

noise, even wearing personal hearing protection. Therefore, the employer

would be forced to adopt different of additional measures. Obviously, this

case is subject to three main factors, namely: noise level, exposure time or

more accurately times and personal protective equipment use. Yet, still a

plausible combination of conditions which might put the health of workers at

risk. Moreover, workers do not wear their PHP all the time (Areces& Miguel,

2006). This has been acknowledged in the calculations by assuming on one

of the scenarios for each rank, that this person only wears when the noise

level is above 85 dB (A), which is not the worst-case scenario for that

breach of the company policy. In the case of the Engineer when calculating

their exposure under the European law, there is no practical difference

between the level obtained with the assumption just explained and the

worker following company policy. Therefore, although one decimal value is

given in this dissertation, only integer numbers are used on occupational

noise reports (Serrao, 2014). The reader has probably noticed the law set

noise limits as integer numbers. Therefore, in the case of the engineer 87.2

86.8 87 dB(A).

It is against intuition that exposure level result on a higher number

when calculated under European law than the lower international maritime

law, but the former provides better protection than the latter. It is easily

explained in the case of the Motorman using PHP#3. If the employee when

using PHP is exposed to a Leq,d=85 dB(A) at the end of the working shift, the

employer is not required to take further measures unless they decide to do

so. Whereas it results in a Leq,d=89 dB(A), the same employer is required by

law to take additional of different measures to reduce that level below 87

dB(A). Notwithstanding that the exposure limit even using hearing

Occupational Noise at Sea 48

protection is 87 dB (A) under Directive 2003/10/EC and 110 dB(A) for a 8-

hour exposure.

5.3 To explore perceived risks, knowledge and attitudes to

safety about occupational noise by engine department crew


The use of personal hearing protection will depend on several

personal factors like attitude and knowledge among others (Slovic, 2000).

The findings of a survey carried out among a sample of engine room

workers will be discussed in the following paragraphs.

5.3.1 Personal working practices.

The sample obtained is formed by participants who are or have been

exposed to continuous high levels of noise for a long period of time.

Although it could be argued that a use rate of 80% is low given the high

levels of noise in the work environment, when those figures are compared

against other industries, it seems to be a safer behaviour among engine

room workers. Arezes and Miguel (2006) report a 54% (sd 40.6) use of

PHP, being only above the 80% for workers younger than 25 year-old.

Areces and Miguel (2006) results are consistent with Hughson, Mulholland

and Cowie (2002) with a rate of 55.3% (sd 37.4). However, the results

should be interpreted with care regarding when it refers to generalisation as

the sample might not be of the same cultural background.

Two major reasons were given for not wearing personal hearing

protection: availability and overprotection. Several responses to question

Q06 were more specific. Participant 46926000 said depending on the

situation I cannot go and bring back the ear muffs (translated from
Occupational Noise at Sea 49

Spanish). Participant 511122763 Occasionally [I dont wear PHP during]

the short period of time [it takes] to cross a noisy area (translated from

Spanish) and Participant 51265322 provided the following statemen, I not

always carry the [hearing] PPE with me at all times, so I only use it when

previously I know I will stay or cross a high noise area (Translated from


5.3.2 Noise risk perception.

Once more, the score of the sample of engine room workers is higher

than the average of other on shore industries (Arezes and Miguel, 2005;


Although 98.3% (sd 1.0) acknowledge the negative impact of not

wearing personal hearing protection, its usage ratio is not close to 100%.

Therefore, it could be said that other external factors affect workers

willingness to use protection. Linked to the paragraph 5.3.1, it is believed

that availability and overprotection could be those factors. However, with

the available data it is not possible to find a correlation between them and

PHP use. Moreover, it would be interesting to explore to which degree they

affect employees decision to wear protection against high levels of noise.

These results are reinforced by Hughson, Mulholland and Cowie (2002) from

where the questionnaire of this dissertation has been adapted. In their

research report, the authors found similar high levels of risk perception and

overall PHP use, which provides support for generalisation of the findings to

the population of other European engine room crew.

5.3.3 Knowledge.

Knowledge about occupational noise could be considered one of the

weaknesses of engine room workers. The sample resulted on a medium

Occupational Noise at Sea 50

when classified in low, medium and high as it has been explained in the

previous chapter. Only 13.8% (sd 2.9) knew when to wear hearing

protection according to current legislation, and 19.6% (sd 2.2) know to sum

up noise levels when given in the logarithmic scale. Given the technical

background of the population, it is considered that this percentage should

be larger. This relative lack of knowledge could be linked to failures in the

companys safety management system, given that it is a legal requirement

(2003/10/EC) or the effectiveness of the training provided. However, with

the data available, it was not possible to determine a direct relation to one

or another factor.

It is noteworthy how the chosen sample follow the same response

pattern than the sample in Hughes, Mulholland and Cowie (2002) where

with a much larger sample and a different target population, except for the

exposure to noise, they obtained similar results: medium knowledge, and

only 10 and 35 of N=280 (after pilot test) knew when to wear hearing

protection and how to add noise levels in the decibel scale respectively.

Unlike Hughson, Mulholland and Cowie (2002) and Arezes and Miguel

(2006) it has not been established a strong correlation between knowledge,

risk perception and use of personal hearing protection. Contrary to what is

expected from the results obtained during the primary research phase, a

weak positive correlation (0.265, p<0.001) exists between knowledge and

risk perception and positive moderate (0.371, p<0.001) between risk

perception and the use of personal hearing protection. No correlation has

been found between knowledge and use of PHP.

Occupational Noise at Sea 51

5.3.4 General Attitude to Safety

As expected from the positive results in noise risk perception, there is

good attitude to safety in the sample results. The internal locus of control

shows a moderate individualistic culture sample which believes to have

certain degree of control over events like hazardous situations (Slovic,

2000). Therefore, it might justify the high percentage of PHP use compared

to the other studies above mentioned. However, an alternative explanation

could be the social desirability bias as the percentage of PHP use is based

on self-reported data instead of objective observation. The finding that the

sample has a positive attitude to safety provides additional support to this

alternative explanation.

5.3.5 Organisations safety management

Participants reported a positive view of their respective companies on health

and safety management matters. Despite that almost half of the companies

are reported not to have a hearing protection program. As it was shown in

chapter 4, engine room workers are exposed to high levels of noise.

Therefore, 51.9% of companies without hearing protection program it is

considered a low rate. Moreover, from the data provided in chapter 4, just

over a quarter of engine room employees receive only induction training

and posters or sings on the wall. This relates to paragraph 5.3.3 where low

level of knowledge of occupational noise was found because of the present

survey. Both, percentage of employees who received information about

noise, and method chosen by employers to provide such information match

the findings of Hughson, Mulholland and Cowie (2002). More accurately, the

results follow the numbers found for medium and small companies.

However, if only the ship is considered, based on the number of crew

Occupational Noise at Sea 52

members on board -29 in the case studied for the field observations- it is

understood why this is the case.

To continue comparing the results obtained with the sample of this

dissertation and the results obtained on a much larger sample by Hughson,

Mulholland and Cowie (2002) it is although there is a significantly higher

number of employees asked for their preferred personal hearing protector,

both studies agree with that all the employees consulted were provided the

PHP requested. In common is the preference of employees to receive

information from their safety representatives and courses at work.

However, information from HSE inspectors is not among the preferred

method to receive information given the particularities of the workplace

(e.g. international mobility).

5.3.6 Applicable legal requirements and demographics.

The las two sections of the survey can be discussed together as they

just provide additional information about the composition of the sample to

make the reader aware of potential limitations or potential bias in the

sampling process. Although the sample is dominated by male participants, it

is considered to reflect the reality of the industry where the presence of

female engine room workers still low. In addition, the clear majority of

participants are Engineers. Therefore, with a college or degree

education,the level and working for western European companies becomes

much easier and competitive in the similar industry.

Occupational Noise at Sea 53

5.2 To determine companys noise management alignment to

current legislation.

In this last paragraph, it will be briefly discussed how shipping

companies or operators manage occupational noise on the light of the

findings of this dissertation.

One shortcoming of the present research, is the lack of managers

information. Although a managers questionnaire was designed and

distributed, it was a very low rate of responses. The questionnaire was

created in 2 languages and in addition to the distribution channels used for

the employee survey, it was sent directly to several shipping companies.

Only 5 responses were obtained. Therefore, they are not included in the

present discussion as they are considered not enough to be statistically


Another factor that could be contingent to the employee survey is

training and information, as required by the European Directive 2003/10/EC

and the International Maritime Organisation MSC.337(91) which is

information and training. A number of employees, as seen in chapter 4,

reported the only information they obtain is either in the initial induction or

posters or signs on the wall. It could be argued if this is the most effective

way of fulfil such requirement by the employer.

I would not be ethical report the weakness declared by a sample of

engine room workers and not their strengths. Both, the data available from

the research carried out for this dissertation work and the accurate and

precise research carried out by Hughson, Mulholland and Cowie (2002) it

has been reported that those employers who consult with their employees

follow their recommendations. However, it is necessary to assess such

Occupational Noise at Sea 54

consultation and back it up with informed decisions. In the case of Wind,

Personal hearing protector number 3 (PHP#3), an aural neckband foam

plugs, was requested by the engine room crew during by their health and

safety representative. However, in the light of the measurements taken, it

has proved not to be the best option for that specific workplace.
Occupational Noise at Sea 55

Chapter 6 Conclusion and Recommendations

Occupational noise management requires multiple approaches to be

effective. Moreover, international maritime law MSC.337(91), European law

2003/10/EC and UK SI 2007/3075 The Merchant Shipping and Fishing

Vessels (Control of Noise at Work) Regulations have the same requirements

regarding occupational noise management. This dissertation used European

Directive as the framework to evaluate the level of protection of engine

room workers.

6.1 Exposure level and its organisational management.

In first place, it was decided to calculate the exposure on board an

offshore construction vessel where the crew work on 12-hour shifts, 7 day a

week. Although several other studies already calculated the noise exposure

of engine room crew, they were based on 8-hour shifts (Arezes& Miguel,

2006; Soriano Tarn, Castro Bugarn and Rodriguez Rubianes, 2011;

Turanet al., 2011). This is important as it determines the actions an

employer must take to manage occupational noise on board. In line with the

studies above mentioned, it was found similar levels of noise. Moreover, it

shows how the design of the workplace plays an important role in the

control of noise exposure to workers. This is the case of the noise levels on

board Winds engine control room (ECR) to the same room on board the

fishing vessels in the Soriano Tarn, Castro Bugarn and Rodriguez Rubianes

(2011) research report. In addition, noise levels found to be in the higher

end of other noisy workplaces on shore (Arezes and Miguel, 2006).

However, noise exposure on 12-hour shift vessels does not necessary

means higher levels of exposure to noise. The key finding from the

measurements on board the vessel named Wind is not the absolute noise
Occupational Noise at Sea 56

level, but how this level changes with the working pattern. In other words,

the current study also highlights the organisation of the engine room crew

work. This is evident from the different noise exposure of an Engineer and a

Motorman on board the same ship. Therefore, when engineering methods

are not possible to reduce noise levels further, it is required to implement

an organisation of the employees work which allows keep noise exposure to

its lowest value possible.

6.2 Consultation with the workforce and personal hearing


It is deemed beneficial to combine the use of personal protection -

Article 6 of Directive 2003/10/EC) and consultation with the workforce

(Article of Directive 2003/10/EC). It could be concluded that there is a

medium to low level of consultation with employees over occupational noise

management. Nevertheless, those employers who consult with their

workforce are reported to follow their employees preferences. This result

shows consistency with similar findings in other research studies conducted

on the similar issues (Hughson, Mulholland and Cowie, 2002). However,

from the exposure levels calculated using each manufacturers attenuation

data and accounting for additional 4 dB as recommended by the Health and

Safety Executive (2005) it is concluded that not all the PHP chosen by the

workforce may be suitable. Thus, an evaluation from the employer on the

suitability of the protection equipment is necessary and mandatory.

Moreover, several hearing protectors were found with signs of damage. At

the time of conducting the collection of primary data personal hearing

protection is not classified as Class 3 personal protective equipment and

therefore not mandatory to record its inspection and condition by a

Occupational Noise at Sea 57

competent inspector. However, it is highly recommended to implement a

PHP inspection and training program to comply with the employers duty of


The primary data suggest that an increase on risk perception

correlates with an increase on the use of hearing protection. Although

causality could not be established, it is considered worthwhile to explore

this way of increasing PHP use ratio.

6.3 Engine room worker information and training.

Knowledge was found to be of a medium level. Moreover, contrary to

what other studies report (Arezes& Miguel, 2006) no correlation between

knowledge and PHP use has been found. However, information and training

is a legal requirement. Despite that engine room workers report to receive

most of the information from the initial induction and posters or signs on

the wall, they indicate as well their preference to company courses and

information from health and safety representatives. An employer wanting to

go beyond compliance should establish an information and training program

on noise management. Although no relation has been found in this

dissertation between employee knowledge about occupational noise and use

of PHP, it has been established in previous studies. Therefore, a company

aiming to excel in this area of prevention could explore this relationship in

more details. The topics to include in a training program are well defined in

the Directive 2003/10/EC. Among those topics, the ones identified in this

dissertation work as the weakest points are:

a) Legal limits applicable to the workplace.

b) The basics of noise and its measurement.

Occupational Noise at Sea 58

c) When and where use personal hearing protectors.

d) The reporting of PHP condition.

The results obtained in section C -knowledge- are consistent with section B

-risk perception- concluding that employees have a good understanding of

the negative effects of noise on their hearing. However, it is not clear

because of the design of the questionnaire whether they are aware of

another negative effect of noise on their health. Thus, no recommendations

could be done objectively to increase their knowledge in this area.

6.4 Conclusions on management.

Due to the low rate of response among health and safety

professionals and managers the dissertation must be limited to the

information obtained from the employees. Approximately half of the

participants in the employee survey where not aware of a hearing

protection programme. It is not assumed it does not exist as it could

happen the employee is not aware of it. In any case a weakness has been

identified and further research in this area is suggested.

Occupational Noise at Sea 59

Chapter 7

Implementation of Recommendations

Based on the conclusion and recommendations of the previous chapter, the

following actions are considered to benefit the management of occupational

noise risks on board ships to protect engine room workers.

Table 7-1: List of recommended actions

Recommendation Priority Cost Responsible Resources Timescale Performance

Shift Management Medium 1,000- HR Manager Additional 6 months 10%

40,000 Crew exposure

Member reduction

in noise



in dB(A)

Employee High <500 Safety Stationery 1 month 6 meetings

consultation Officer in 1 year

PHP Evaluation Low Up to Safety Training 4 Weeks PHP

5,000 Officer evaluated

within 4


PHP Inspection High 1,000 PPE Training 1 year All PHP

programme Inspector and PHP inspected

replacement after the

first year

PHP use High 0- Chief None 10 weeks 100% PHP

monitoring 1,000 Engineer use

Information and Low 0- H&S Training 6 months 40 man-

Training 20,000 Manager material & hour

External training
Occupational Noise at Sea 60

training per year

and 90%


over the

pass mark

7.1 Shift Management.

If the formula to calculate the daily noise exposure is taken from any

of the legislation that aim to protect engine room workers, e.g. Directive

2003/10/EC, it is clear that daily exposure is a combination of noise level

and time. The priority is to eliminate or reduce the noise at source (HSE,

2005) but when that is not possible, limit the amount of time the worker

spend exposed to high levels of noise is an effective way to control their

daily dose. It has been demonstrated that on board the same ship and

using the same personal hearing protection, changing working patterns

could lead from being overexposed to a safe level of daily noise dose.

There are two possible ways an organisation could achieve it. The

first it does not require any direct investment when the engine room is

manned by enough personnel. This is achieved by changing the shift pattern

from 12-hour shift to 8-hour shift. It will however, suppress overlapping

shifts. When this is not practical, an additional crew member would be

necessary to cover the 8-hour gap created.

The main difficulty to implement this measure is the financial cost of

introducing an additional crew member. However, this cost might be

partially cover with the reduction in working hours of the other engine room

workers and or the increased productivity that an additional worker

Occupational Noise at Sea 61

When this handicap is not considered reasonable by the companys

management, it could influence negatively to the worker at sea. To allow

workers to spend more time of their shift in a noise protected area, like the

ECR on board Wind, by an effective planning of the preventive maintenance

in port is a cost effective alternative. For readers not familiar with ships

operations, noise levels in port are significantly lower due to the number of

equipment necessary to be in operation (Serrao, 2014).

In ships like those analysed by Soriano Tarn, Castro Bugarn and

Rodriguez Rubianes (2011) where control room is not adequate to reduce

noise exposure and number of crew members is limited by the space on

board, some investment might be required on insulation panels for such


Noise exposure is necessary to be calculated after the changes have

been implemented to assess the effectiveness of the measure and monitor

potential adjustments. It is recommended to follow a plan-do-check-act

methodology line with the HSG65 (HSE, 2011)

7.2 Employee consultation.

Employee consultation and involvement, it has been considered an

effective way to manage health and safety (Goelzer, Hansen and Sehrndt,

1995; HSE 2011). Although employers are not very willing to involve

employees when it is considerable financial cost (Fidderman and McDonnel,

2010) this recommendation could be implemented in a cost-effective way

and in a short period. It is crucial to have a person who leads the action.

Usually it describes health and safety professional in the workplace

(Fidderman and Mcdonnel, 2010 p.11). Therefore, employee involvement

Occupational Noise at Sea 62

may increase their safe behaviour like the use of personal hearing


This recommendation requires regular meetings with the safety

representatives on board. Topics like the selection of personal hearing

protection or prevention of occupational hearing loss is better done during

the consultation meetings (Hughson, Mulholland and Cowie, 2002).

In world of reduced crews and cost cutting businesses the main

obstacle to implement this measure is to be able to release a busy worker

from his or her duties to attend the health and safety meeting. Hence, it is

important that the meetings are regular and scheduled in advance.

It is important, like the previous recommendation, to follow a plan,

do, check, act methodology (HSE, 2011). Employee involvement is key to

manage health and safety successfully (Occupational Health and Safety

Administration, 2002) and employees are only likely to take it seriously

when they see commitment and leadership from their company

management (South, 2004).

7.3 Personal hearing protection evaluation.

It has been made evident that not all the types and brands of

personal hearing protection is equally effective for every location on board.

A PHP with a high noise reduction factor to be used in a space with

moderate noise levels will produce overprotection, while the opposite may

occur. A PHP with limited noise reduction level when used in the engine

room area next to the diesel generators may leave the engine room workers

unprotected. Therefore, personal hearing protection which is not fit for

Occupational Noise at Sea 63

purpose shall be removed from service as it will expose the employer to

potential claims.

Given that the person in charge of the evaluation has enough

knowledge to carry out this task, it is not expected to represent a large cost

for the company. It might be necessary to remove unsuitable PHP from

service if it does not provide the correct amount of protection. In addition, it

has to be remembered that overprotection was reported by the sample in

this dissertation, as one of the reasons to not use personal protection

against the high levels of noise engine room workers are exposed.

7.4 Personal hearing protection inspection programme.

At the time of writing this dissertation, hearing protection equipment

is not subject to the same inspection requirements as other personal

protective equipment (PPE), e.g. personal equipment for workings at height.

However, the protection declared by the manufacturers it could only be

achieved if the equipment it is kept in good condition and maintain as per

manufacturers recommendations. Therefore, an inspection programme by a

competent inspector it is recommended.

In previous chapters, it has been found that personal hearing

protection is the main form of avoid worker dangerous doses of noise

(Hughson, Mulholland and Cowie, 2002). An inspection programme it is not

difficult of expensive to achieve. At the time of writing it could not be found

personal protective equipment inspector training specific for personal

hearing protection. However, the in-house PPE inspector could be easily

self-train using the extensive literature on the subject. Alternatively, the

company could contact its main supplier or manufacturer to organise a

bespoke training on its own PHP (Chen, Wong & Yu, 2008).
Occupational Noise at Sea 64

As with other recommendations, the cost involved in its

implementation is expected to be the main obstacle. However, besides the

training of the inspector, there is no predicted additional significant cost.

Perhaps, an increased number of hearing protectors are replaced to

overcome the negative consequences of hearing loss due to noise at sea.

However, its cost around 20 to 50 for product of high noise reduction

values; it is not considered to have a significant impact on a ships budget.

Achievement indication is easily measured by the percentage of

equipment inspected in relation to the total of equipment available. In

addition, ratio of hearing protectors discarded against the number of

protectors inspected should provide another useful indication of the

effectiveness of the programme.

7.5 Protection equipment use monitoring.

Probably the cheapest and easiest recommendation to implement in

the protection equipment is the PHP utilization. PHP usage among the

sample was reported around 80% and some other studies reported lower

levels of use in other noisy industries (Arezes and Miguel, 2005, 2006;

Hughson, Mulholland and Cowie, 2002). Therefore, an effective direct

supervision of its use it is likely to increase that number. However, this

measure would not be effective on its own as, like it was explained during

the literature review, safety behaviour is affected by many other factors,

e.g. personal attitude to the risk (Slovic, 2000). In this particular case, the

high levels of risk awareness and the positive attitude towards general

safety are reported and may be possible to implement this cost-effective

action effectively (Ana et al., 2009).

Occupational Noise at Sea 65

The head of department should take the responsibility of supervising

his or her own crew in the use of personal hearing protection. In addition,

he should motivate and encourage other middle managers on board, e.g.

2nd Engineer, to provide similar levels of supervision. Moreover, this

supervision could be rolled down until the vast majority of employees are

involved in this supervision, not just of the staff they supervise, but their

colleagues as well.

An improvement to this action would be to send Chief Engineers to

behavioural safety training, so they could be more effective in encouraging

safe behaviours on board. In this case, cost is not considered a major issue.

However, the personality and assertiveness of the head of department it

might be. Again, in those cases, the head of department could ask the

company for one-to-one coaching on that area. The company could benefit

of that transferrable skill on a manager.

7.6 Instruction and training.

This action is not only a recommendation, but a legal requirement by

MSC.337 (91) or Directive 2003/10/EC, whichever applies to the ships flag

state. Within those legal instruments, it is outlined what should be the

content of the information to be received by the crew. However, it does not

state how to deliver or measure its effectiveness.

It has been reported in chapter 4 and discussed in chapter 5 that the

preferred method by engine room employees to receive such information

are company courses and information from its safety representatives. Thus,

it is the recommended method in this dissertation. However, the

implementation of a training programme based on internal courses, does

not mean efforts in other methods of information should come to an end.

Occupational Noise at Sea 66

Although in this dissertation a positive correlation between knowledge

and use of personal hearing protection could not be demonstrated, it has

been reported by many other authors who linked knowledge with safe

behaviours (Arezes and Miguel, 2005, 2006; Hoghson, Mulholland and

Cowie, 2002; South, 2004).

This is one of the most demanding actions. It will require to invest

funds and time to develop trainers knowledge and skills (Hughson,

Mulholland and Cowie, 2011) and it may be necessary to bring that

knowledge and skills using external consultants (South, 2004). It might be

difficult to justify a high investment on instruction and training. However,

fiscal benefits could provide a good incentive to companies.

When companies decide to use its own staff as trainers, it would be

advisable to provide them with a suitable trainer course. For UK-based

personnel, a level 3 awards in education and development could be

sufficient for the purpose of improving knowledge and instruction of engine

room workers.

There are two complementary ways to monitor the achievement of

the implementation of this recommendation. In first place, the number of

hours of training per engine room crew member. Based on the number of

crew members required to operate a ships engine room, a number of 40

man-hours seem to be a realistic figure. However, it does not measure the

effectiveness of such training. Therefore, a test to evaluate the training or

information session should be developed and a minimum objective score

decided as satisfactory to award a pass mark.

Occupational Noise at Sea 67


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