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MAY 28, 2016 $1

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Feds predict CoUnTy aGrICUlTUral CenTer

near-normal How much power is too much?

season for
NOAA expects more Atlantic
tropical storms than last 3 years
By JennIFer Kay
Associated Press

MIAMI Government forecasters

expect a near-normal Atlantic hurricane
season, after three relatively slow years.
But they also say climate conditions that
influence storm development are making
it difficult to predict how many hurri-
canes and tropical storms will arise.
The National Oceanic and Atmo-
spheric Administrations outlook Friday
called for a near-normal season with 10 to
16 named storms, with four to eight hur-
ricanes and one to four major ones with
winds reaching 111 mph and up.
The long-term season averages are 12 PeTer.WIlloTT@STaUGUSTIne.Com
named storms, with six hurricanes and Keith Fuller, who was the horticulture agent for st. Johns County for nearly 20 years, was given notice of his non-renewal of his annual contract on aug. 4, 2015.
three major ones. he is to be terminated when his contract expires in august.
The Atlantic hurricane season offi-
cially starts Wednesday, but tropical
weather got a head-start this year: Hur-
Horticulture agents removal raises questions of University of Floridas control
ricane Alex made an unseasonable debut
By JaKe marTIn loyal to Fuller, against a backdrop of Of the 12 extension positions identi-
in January over the far eastern Atlantic. questions raised about St. Johns Coun- fied in the countys projected payroll
On Friday, the National Hurricane
tys memorandum of understanding with budget for the 2015 fiscal year, eight were
Center said an area of low pressure
Supporters of Keith Fuller, the former UF for extension services. paid 100 percent by the county, three
between Bermuda and the Bahamas
horticulture extension agent for St. Johns The terms of that memorandum, were paid 60 percent by the state and 40
became a tropical depression.
County removed from his post last year approved by the Board of County Com- percent by the county, and one was paid
PLEASE SEE STormS/4a by the University of Florida, say his oust- missioners in June 2014, changed the 20 percent by the state and 80 percent by
ing is indicative of problems greater than status of Fuller and others at the Agricul- the county.
personnel spats at the countys Agricul- tural Center from long-standing county The countys reimbursement to UF
tural Center and symptomatic of the uni- workers to non-tenured and non-perma- for salaries and benefits for the 2015

Rental costs versitys power on the countys dime.

Fuller, who has also been an unpaid
columnist for The Record for three
nent employees of UF.
Meanwhile, the county continued to
pay 100 percent of Fullers salary and
fiscal year was $501,478 but budgeted
at $582,715. Budgeted for the 2016 fiscal
year was $600,200, which has again

pose challenge
decades, was given notice by UF of the benefits, as well as those of several other been requested for the 2017 fiscal year,
non-renewal of his annual contract on former county employees. According to according to this years Administrators
Aug. 4, 2015. What ensued has become county documents, Fullers salary for Budget Workbook.

for state, county

a nearly yearlong fight to regain his job, the 2015 fiscal year was $51,594.71 plus
aided by Agricultural Center volunteers $14,343.33 in pooled fringe benefits. PLEASE SEE FUller/9a

Report: Person needs to make city pool opens

$18.46 an hour to comfortably Lifeguard Tyler Hagedoorn
afford a 2-bedroom apartment gives Marabella Cavanaugh, 7,
By Sheldon Gardner
a swimming test at the Willie Galimore Center Community
Earning enough money to comfortably
Pool on Friday. For the fourth
afford a rental property is likely a prob- year in a row, swimming at
lem for people in Florida overall and in
St. Johns County, a
the pool on Riberia Street is
See the report recent report indi- free and continues through
To see the numbers for cates.
In order to Labor Day. The pool is run
yourself, go to
afford a two- by the St. Augustine YMCA
bedroom Fair Market Rent apartment
and not be considered cost-burdened, and features lap lanes, a
someone in St. Johns County would need swim instruction area and
to make $18.46 an hour, according to a
report by the National Low Income Hous- a handicap pool lift. The
ing Coalition called, Out of Reach 2016: facility is open every day. For
No Refuge for Low Income Renters.
information, call the YMCA
PLEASE SEE renTal/3a PeTer.WIlloTT@STaUGUSTIne.Com at 904-471-9622.

IndeX TodayS WeaTher They SaId IT Copyright 2016

84 69
hIGh loW
30% chance of storms
FolloW US
This is not just for Memorial Day
weekend. I wouldnt expect that it
would go away any time soon.
mIKe enGland, TSA spokesman.

OBITUARIES 4a ForeCaST on PaGe 10B

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