Tool 7.1 Action Plan Template

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Tool 7.

1 Action Planning Template

Goal: To improve fifth grade students’ performance in math while also improving their attitude and
confidence in their abilities towards math through increased use of cooperative group work in the
math classroom.
Action Step(s) Person (s) Timeline: Needed Evaluation
Responsible Start/ End Resources
Identify area of Leslie Bailiff, July 2011 Meeting with We will meet and decide on
focus and Principal my principal some specific research
develop questions to focus on to
research work towards the stated
questions goal.
Review Leslie Bailiff July/ August Internet, the I will compile a list of
relevant 2011 two textbooks several resources that
literature from this focus on cooperative
course, ERIC learning as an instructional
digest tool, especially in the math
Collect data Leslie Bailiff August 2010- Curriculum test The assessment data from
April 2011 scores, district daily assignments, tests,
benchmark and district benchmarks
scores, TAKS from the first semester will
results, online be collected and compared
gradebook for to those same
scores from assessments during the
daily second semester after
assignments, cooperative learning is
TEK being utilized. There will
assessments, also be a short assessment
and weekly for the students to take
tests after every math TEK as it
is covered, to determine if,
on average, students tend
to master the individual
TEKS better during the
semester of traditional
instructional delivery or the
semester using cooperative
learning instructional
methods or if there’s no
difference. An attitude
survey will be administered
at the end of every 6 weeks
to assess how the students
feel about how math. The
3rd and 4th math TAKS data
for these students will also
be collected so it can be
later be compared to their
5th grade scores in April.
Develop / Leslie Bailiff January 2011 District math Beginning in the second
deliver lessons – April 2011 curriculum, semester, I will begin
that include meetings with incorporating cooperative
opportunities the math learning lessons as my
for group work/ coach, various primary instructional
cooperative internet strategy and will use the
learning. resources data I collect from various
assessments to compare
the students’ academic
growth and their attitudes
towards math to that of the
first semester.
Analyze data Leslie Bailiff April/May 2011 Curriculum test Compare the assessment
scores, district data collected from the first
benchmark semester to the second
scores, TAKS semester to see if there are
results any marked changes/
improvements. Also,
examine the difference in
their fifth grade state
assessment results
compared to their 3rd and
4th grade results. Lastly,
compare the responses on
the attitude survey to see if
there were changes in how
the students felt about
math after cooperatively
working instead of doing
the work on their own.
Compile action Leslie Bailiff May/ June Data and Compose a presentation
research into a 2011 resources used (handout and Powerpoint
paper in all previous slide show) to share my
action steps findings with my colleagues
and use the Delphi Method
to decide where the next
focus for action research
should lie.

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