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Ballet of the Paris Opra/ Zurich Ballet:

Kammerballett, c. Hans van

Company Wayne McGregor Manen (ph. C. Quezada)

McGregors codes at the jures up endless imagery and the

Opra desire to rewrite it in movements,
images and sounds.
Tree of Codes dir. and chor Wayne McGregor, McGregor worked with visual
mus. Jamie xx, visual conception Olafur Eliasson artist Olafur Eliasson, a wizard of
Paris, Opra Garnier illusionism (slanting mirrors mul-
tiply the reflection of the danc-
If one wanted an example of modern clas- ers and jumble up real and virtual
sical ballet technique it would suffice to take space), and with DJ Jamie xx
a work by British choreographer Wayne whose extremely poetic music con-
McGregor and in particular Tree of Codes jures up magnificent landscapes.
created in 2015 at the Manchester Interna- But what is most amazing about
tional Festival and revived a few months later this revival is the osmosis between
in New York. BALLET2000 reviewed it on McGregors dancers and those
that occasion; we are taking another look at from the Opra. Rehearsals with
it now because the work, created for some McGregor entail long improvisa-
dancers from the Opra and others from the tion sequences and the dancers had
choreographers own company, was presented time to mutually discover and
in Paris last February. boost one another. Those from the
This is an emblematic work of McGregor Opra contributed a more classi-
who is always seeking unprecedented expe- cal rigour while those from the
riences. It was inspired by Jonathan Safran Company Wayne McGregor a
Foers Tree of Codes from which the chore- more modern freedom. The interaction gives mination to outdo themselves. In his solo,
ographer took the title and method of com- rise to virtuosic dancing with grands jets Blingard, whose image is reflected to infin-
position. How did this young American writer and arms opened out as wide as possible, ity thanks to the mirror, gives the impres-
proceed? Safran Foer took the book of an- plis and pirouettes executed at flash-light- sion of constituting an entire corps de bal-
other author, Street of Crocodiles by Bruno ning speed, and great allure. let all by himself.
Schulz, allowed some of the letters of the This gymnastic dancing suits Marie-Agns The living body juxtaposed with the vir-
title to drop out (Tree of Codes is what re- Gillot very well and she and the more slinky tual is a new experience for the public that
mains of Street of Crocodiles) and, by leav- Jrmie Blingard hurl themselves into it with allows itself to partake in the experiment
ing some blanks and spaces, composed a dif- gusto, surrounded by Sbastien Bertaud, where the boundaries between image, sound
ferent text out of it. This fascinated Julien Meyzindi, Daniela Neugebauer and and movement have been broken down.
McGregor for whom this book of gaps con- others, all of whom seem driven by a deter- Sonia Schoonejans

Julien Meyzindi, Jrmie Blingard, Daniela Neugebauer

Company Wayne McGregor Paris Opra Ballet: Tree of Codes,
c. Wayne McGregor (ph. L. Shao)


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