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Digging into Data

Christine Gullen
April 27, 2016

Prediction of Oakland county data

What do you think youll see?

Oakland County Data

Aging population
Shrinking number of students (75,958 from 84,024 in 10 years)
Higher % EDD, Hispanic, Asian, African Americans, ELL

Predict Clawson data

What have most diversity?
Growing population?
What might you find in looking at each grade?

Clawson Demographic Data (past 3 years)

Growth in HS
More EDD, ELL, diversity
Lose students from K-1, 1-2, 5-6
Small numbers in 2-4th; how does that translate to MS and HS in the future?
When are Clawson residents moving out of schools? Why are people leaving?
How many children that live in district are not at Clawson Schools?
How many students are at Guardian Angels?
Connect homeschool students to CASA or other classes?
What happens to DK numbers/kids?
How could we connect with schools from Pontiac charters that end at 8th grade?
Can we expand our DK program?
How do we grow and connect Preschool to Elementary schools?

Predictions about Oakland County Assessment data

What groups would you expect to see positive/negative trends?

Oakland County Data

Slight but positive trend in reading
All subgroups making growth; ELLs the least
Gaps in subgroups still exist
Slight discrepancy in females outperforming males
Much different picture in math
Scores flatlining or slightly decreasing for all subgroups
African Americans have lowest scores, then IEP, EDD
No gender discrepancy
Not as much support in school and out of school for math
Math is not as practiced during the day

Clawson Predictions

Clawson Data
ELA and SS are on track with rest of county/state
11th grade scores are low...due to test fatigue/motivation
8% proficient in Science in 4th grade
Math scores lower than county/state in grades 4, 6-8, 11
3rd grade math scores outperformed reading scores
Middle of the pack for Oakland County

4th scores due to what?
Time spent on curriculum?
Hands-on vs. reading do we bridge?
Testing fatigue (students took Sci last in 14-15)
Support for new students in HS? How do we assess them coming in?
Communicate purpose of the test to students/parents...why do I care?

iReady -
Data seems to correlate to MStep
Students in HS not taking it seriously
Do we need to give it in 12th grade?
Can students test out in other grades?
District-wide culture surrounding can other teachers at MS/HS support it?
How do we systematically use scores with students to make it meaningful? Should
students chart scores? Set goals? Data binders? (include PE, art, music)

Next Steps:
Share data about assessment with community, parents, teachers
Figure out how to make data meaningful to students (Data binders/goal setting)

El Salvador:
Our students are probably not considered refugees...due to court involvement
Have to have a connection or a sponsor to get in US
Have had a traumatic experience getting to Michigan; some in MS/HS have made the
journey alone
They need to work while here...need $ to send back, pay sponsors, legal fees
3.8 percent increase in foreign born population from 2009
Enriques Journey Sonia Nazario
Link program for MS students in future?

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