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Sharing district data - an example [20 minutes]

Quarterly supplement in newsletter? Example from PSUSD in OCREAC folder
How do we share assessment data with stakeholders? Who would do this???

Illuminate: Lightning Grader What is it, why should you care, and live demo
LiG will be the scanning solution within Illuminate by next Fall; GradeCam
will be phased out.
Target Date: August 1, 2017
Available now to pilot
Big Ideas & Features
More dynamic scan sheets
Image capture
More flexible file types when scanning with copier/scanner
Built for use in Chrome browser (if scanning with camera option)
Illuminate: Innovation Configuration a.k.a, the Rubric [30 minutes]

Illuminate DnA
Innovation Configuration Map Protocol - Recommended

Date Action Step Person Time

Responsible involved

By SEP The Illuminate DnA point person should DnA point DnA Rep 60 Minutes or
30 convene a diverse team of person Team less
representatives from across the district.
We recommend you consider including
the following roles and/or areas of
practice in your team composition:
Central office Illuminate DnA
Central office technology
Elementary, Middle, and High
School teachers (general &
special ed)
Elementary, Middle, and High
School administrators
A variety of content area teachers
The DnA point person should review the
IC Map Overview Slides, then the IC Map
itself. After completing the review of the
Slides & Map, this team should
determine current implementation status,
as measured by the IC MAP, as well as
determine goal rankings for the year. The
Illuminate IC MAP Resources can help
guide ideas about how to move toward
full implementation.

APR 1st The Illuminate point person should issue DnA Point All district 5 Minutes
- APR the Illuminate Implementation Survey to Person staff
30th all users in the district affected by the
districts implementation plan. The point
person should take steps to ensure that
there is a minimum response of 30% of
applicable users.

BY MAY The Illuminate point person should DnA Point DnA Rep 60 Minutes
31st convene the Illuminate DnA Rep Team to Person Team
determine the teams consensus on
rankings for the IC MAP. Then, the team
should review response data from the
survey to determine areas of alignment &
misalignment from the Rep Teams
consensus, fashioning future action steps
& goals.

By JUN The OS Illuminate DnA Implementation OS DnA Illuminate 60 Minutes

30 Team will schedule a conference call to Implementatio Point person
occur in the months of June and July with n Team
each district Illuminate Point Person to
review IC Map scores, provide
consultation and guidance in the
identified areas.

Document for implementation:

Upcoming PL Opportunities
Oakland County Effective Practices - June 20 & 21 at Bloomfield Hills High School

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