A) A: B: F F Tcls BQL I F Ay I I F I Cou/dn't I I F 'Ó .. Nor.¿. I

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5 Underline the best phrase to complete the The text contains 12 spelling mistakes.

Rewrite it
fesPonses. with the correct spelling.
a) A: I think it's stupid to take a gap yeaL Awaste
of time. Vnen ctl secondfy schoo\, f t cls
f r-zcr-s
B: Absolutely. / Oh, I'm not so sure. Some one of the best pupi\\s in tl-re c\cLss, bql
people need time to made a decision about Ay 1
f a\...2r..ys hctd cr prob\em r^ziln spe\\ing
their studies.
besl subjects \./ere lecno\ogy cLnd phisrcs. I i
b) A: i think that the retirement age should be 55'
B: AlsoluteJy. / Oh no, I don't agree with that. r-zcrnled lo go fo unniversily but f fcLi\\ed I
We need people to work until they're 70 lhe enlranse exc.m becluse they cou\dn't
or 75. fec:l my r.rriling. Bul Ite second lime, I i
c) A: This country was much better when young pcrsl cLnd f sludyed chemislrie. f ' ..
people had to do militarY service' 1
reserch sienlisl nor..
B: plr,!,m _n9l so_ -1.!!*e-.,-lOh yes, I agree. It ..
- - - -- - f .::-:.-:::: :_---= -=:==:r=ra=r:.;=g9:=:-:=1r:J: =q=;3.-"-_:
was an important part of a young man's
education. When I utas al secondatlt school,

d) A: I thought the lesson yestrday was real1y

interesting. And You?
B: Absolutely. / lEtt,_lt-d9!"-qqs.I loved it.
e) A: He should go to university and get a degree
Don't you agree?
B: Oh, I'm not so sure. / O--h yes,J;tgr-ee-._
Maybe a vocational coursEa better ide?
0 A: \.44rat do you think is more interesting,
Physics oi Chemistry?
B: Well"it depends. / Oh no, I don't agree
witn tnt. Wiiti a ood teacher, they're both

6 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

college nr#se+Y place,/ PrimarY

;/ "---"-*'1
secondary,/"subject university / vocational
lror o0 I
a) I only went to nu/seru school for
one year and I can't remember anything about

b) I learnt to read and write at

c) I started e c*'r d* rl ' I
school when I was
1l and left r,r.hen I r'r.as 18.

d) My favourite Subr * el was Music

but I wasn't very good at it.

e) I couldn't go to s because I
didn't pass my school-leaving exams.

f) I dicl a course in secretarial

studies for two years.

g) \A,4ren I was older, I studied Economics at a

in the evenings

h) I passed my exams and got a

p,lro- C at university

Education 49

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