Ephemeral Mess: Jorge González Zavala

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Jorge Gonzlez Zavala

Ephemeral Mess
Act 1:
(Violet getting away from home and walking)
Violet: My name is Violet, today is going to be my first day in my new school and
Im pretty sure that this year is going to be amazing.
Violet (sure of herself): So... there I go!
Violets mom (Only the voice shouting): To the other side!
Violet (Turning to the other side): There I go!

Act 2:
(Cool guys are outside the school)
Bryan: OMG! Look at that girl
Dare: What she's doing here?
George: I think she's here for the same reason we are here. We should stay far from
Dare: Silence, she's coming! Lets go, lets go!
(The cool guys get far from Kira slowly)

Act 3:
(In science class)
Teacher: Guys, please get in couples.
(Everyone get in couples but Violet gets excluded)
Teacher: Violet, are you alone?
Violet: Yes teacher.
Teacher: Ok, youre going to be with George.
George: No way!
Teacher: Okay George, if you don't want to be with her, you can be alone.
George (Between teeth): I prefer it.
George (Acting as if he was happy): Ill be with her.
(George breaths roughly but accepts with the head)

Act 4:
Violet: George, let me help you.
George: Oh! No thanks, its not needed.
Violet: I insist.
George: No thanks.
Violet (grabbing some chemical stuff): Let me do this...
(Violet accidentally hit some chemical and causes an explosion.)

Act 5:
(Outside the school)
Bryan: George! You failed the subject, you can thank Violet.
George (With a sarcastic tone): What?! Thank you genius!
Violet: George, Im really so
George (Angry): No Just shut up!
(Cool guys again get far from Violet)

Act 6:
(After school the cool guys are riding their skate and Violet wants to try.)
Violet: Hi guys! Can I be with you?
Bryan: Humyeah, why not?
Dare & George: What?!
Bryan: Just don't care about it.
George: Do you know how to ride a skate?
Violet (Nervous): Of course.
Dare: Well, you can ride my skate.
Violet: Humthanks.
Bryan: Are you nervous?
Violet (Lying): Nah!
Dare: Ready?
Violet (Telling herself): Not really.
George (Shouting happily): There you go!

Act 7:
(Violet appears in the trash and leaves crying while everyone's laughing)
George: She's a mess. Let's get out of here.
Bryan: Yes, we can go to my house.
Dare: I can take you in my car.
George (Looking at the small car of Dare): Are you kidding? Have you looked at
your car recently?
Dare: Oh cmon! Its not that small.
Bryan (Laughing): Keep telling yourself that and maybe can convince you that its
not for dolls.
Dare: Ok, ok. Well go on the bikes.
(The cool guys go out of the scene in the bikes)

Act 8:
(George and Dare are in the school playing football)
Dare (Asking for the ball): Hey George, here, here!
(Violet arrives to the scene)
George: Here comes the trash skater.
Dare: Oh! Fun is over.
Violet: Im sorry if I bother you, I can go.
(Bryan jumps into the yard)
Bryan: No, you can be in my team. Lets kick some butts!
Violet: Oh thanks!
Bryan: Ok There you go
George: Dare, stop her!
(Violet falls down when passing the ball)
Dare (Grabbing the ball and laughing at the same time): Thanks!
(Dare notes and George and he win. Again all laugh at Violet)

Act 9:
(Cool guys are eating while Violet appears)
George: Oh! Look whos here.
Dare: What do you want?
Violet: I just want to be with you.
Bryan: Nice!
Dare (sarcastic and malicious): Yeah nice! Maybe we can show you our secret
place where cool guys meet.
Violet (surprised): Really?
Violet (doing a gesture with her voice): I mean Yes, whatever.
George: Ok, lets go. But first the pizza.
Violet: Oh! Sure.
(Violet calls to the Pizza Delivery while the cool guys leave laughing)

Act 10:
(Cool guys are talking and laughing)
Violet (Jumping from behind the table holding the pizza): Who wants pizza?!
George (Just about to take a piece of the pizza): Oh nice! I am hungry.
Dare (stopping George): Wait! First we have to take Violet to our secret room.
George (Looking suspicious to dare): Oh yes!
Bryan (Touching Violet from the shoulder): Come here Violet.
(Bryan takes Violet to a door which has a sign that says SR)
Bryan (opening the door and pushing Violet in a slightly way): This way Violet.
Violet: Oh! Youre such a kind guy.
Bryan: Yeah. I know.
(Violet crosses the door and Bryan closes it after)
(Bryan, Dare & George laugh while George takes off the SR sign leaving in sight another
that has written on it EXIT)

Act 11:
(Violet outside the EXIT door)
Violet: And wheres the secret room?
(Violet notices that there arent George, Dare and Bryan with her)
Violet (Confused, looking at everywhere): Guys?
Violet (Realizing the situation and feeling sad): Oh no! I thought they were my
friends. I even asked Pamello to prepare the special one.

Act 12:
(~3 years later~)
(Violet is talking in a TV show while George, Bryan and Dare watch the show on a TV
inside a pizza shop)
Violet: Never let people hurt you
Bryan: Watch the TV!
Dare: Is that Violet?
George: Yes, I think she is.
Bryan: Wow! Now she is rich and famous.

Dare (feeling bad): Guys, I think we treated her very bad.

George: Yeah, we should go with her.
Bryan: Of course, we shall apologize, because, after all, she succeeded in her life
and we are the ones working in the Pizza shop.

Act 13:
(At Backstage of the Big Evening Show)
Violet (Surprised for seeing Dare, Bryan and George there): What Wait! Youre
Bryan, Dare and George, from the school! What are you doing here?
Bryan: Yes Hear Violet. We really owe you an apology.
George: Yeah. We were young and dumb. We didn't really know how much we
were hurting you.
Violet: Don't worry guys, we can be friends if you want.
George (Continuing the apology): Yeah, I know we are very sorry
George (Realizing what Violet just said): Wait What?!
Dare: We hurt you a lot!
Bryan: Yes, why do you accept us just like that?
Violet: Because you didn't accept me because you saw me as a weird person and I
was new at the school. It was only a mistake and we're all humans, also I make mistakes,
and I forgive you.
Bryan: OMG! Thank you!

~The End~

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