Dungeon Master's Guide

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JI!~l!m on ~~, oo:d~D~1 Dl)I~~~!1~'&;' [lJU!!lO!0~ il'U11' CfJI!;lJrL-.It brl!. G~~'~I1'~ ~,~"II: Ji.ri~~!


Thi. WI~'O~f:H:l!.~ ~IT.I~llt>b~~arnDmM~Q O~i'I G~ Con~rnt. 'l"o pon:kill (lfdti! Im.!"hR;ly~ ,Fl!I~U~ rnlill)' ffim'i ~lI'1iQW:1 wti~~11 ,pmn~C>l], Jrc 1= qna~ mt!tlh~' Q,Il~ii 'GIim~ I.tin'~ iIniI U1i: ill;!;I S,jf..t~m U(l:i'!il", (lld~ ~t \liIN\,ll .. tJ.JUil.,~m/~~

Pi, .... rot!I ,r;: n~ 1:I,HI.1lI""" J1 tI ~.".!I_ ""-."'~~>f~1D ~ WIJ.',,,. "T~C<u<T, ~rl\r

W"""'~!UOo.,~ ... ..p;:rn1JLiliw<kI11lll~ ,"«I~ W,,~ dln. ~,""rli<.' ... ~'..r:Qo~ I uu, J ... ~

,',tr.r.:III .. hiw-_,..r1bo~ ,L n~~'l~~,i;ijo. ~!iil!"'k !P<I< ""i!hI:t!IoJm:I'&m.. mil Ctim:d:IJ 111 ~Ifoo!.Dlo;tijr:i-D""d""""IH~{i~,~rJ~~"'1"."""~·~"'J"'I"~r.h~i:I~itJ~,~ Il1o ~ l"lirbJr fblll ~,n,miloW1! ..,JOrJo-'"kl1 w,iPN>~fw> G!u>!. r ..... 1<Dll rr~ ~= TImi ... J:rriLl. .. ",ctoci[d __ ,:!lJr.~""'lIrdfl]lllft,rqI iiI: .... iift"lo~ ~", ~~"'im' «f"wuiliDcimI."" Qj"lb~'nDniotll'f .n;....,l;<IOItoitmIllI ..... ,rji:tlllHt..lW!l~'~ .. ~I'I>'..m.m,"""'"Iu;D~"f\-...Lh,uC<iuI..I.oL 1!iiopiOO""tw. ._.r!irtmn,~lj1ifl1lfiljj!'p_,.,...If""i&.~~~""fI"Jl~~~~

!';wft~ iii ihdilSlt ~d'tlUJiIII~1fIII= Coo". !OL

Vhit oW'~ilrll' at www.wiWd!l..com/dml



1) U N' G E. 0 N MAS T '!: R • S G U r-e E. na;D UESrGN' TEA'M

Mom!. 'G:.O.- .. Ok..I.'~ON.~jI.. ']]'1$41'1 TW]!;1E!T~


ADDITIONAL DF.SIGN fETU..A:IifI(.fS'oN. RltR .... U, B~.~.J!;.fl~ A1i.Tf)"i COL.LIl"'S~, DAVID NOO~~A~



E. D ITO R r 11._1. .11.. S S I 'l' A N C n DU4NE ~1iVEr~J£F(1 Cl.!!.r:Cl>




GO 'It'E. .D&' D c R EAT r vs n IRE C re Bl,

- . -ED 81:A iu;.

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'I:n:..r~ SUiv'lcSF.'K



DJi,Wlt;i MIn.n,T

f) &: D C 0 l~'C E. l' T l1 A.L .1\, R TIS l' S 'l'XilDU L6t:KWOOD, SliM W<pCiP'

Illknr 1.9;'00' D,JE,SrGN

MJ.TT AD'i.UPEH;G'.E_~, SHE'dY ~U)'fD

c OV 'E R J!. a l'

~ H1iJIlilINll,O'll'B:.!iM


L!!I!.S.IG~nWE5'T~ SCOTll' FIS.Gli~H.. J O~N F. QS'1:'l!i!1:, •. Ton, Lc l:iKl1'Q O\O~ DJi.l'l:D M'ilIrt:r:N~ '\,l7Air!o."l!!: Rlil'lilOLD,S., A~l:m. S~~

~V1 N WA[jIill~~ ~1\1N~ \1i1' 0.0:0


T J , a ~ I A r H ~ ~ VU::TOJUJo ADS,L.",]'/;"'DJ, EmN' D\ClR&mS~ A.>q,Gru!I:M JLoKcTz1 -NANty' WALfmR

C A a TOG R A , HER t~lm'D GAJi"iBLE

F HOT 0 6 RAP R E R elll:.iUG JCtrD';t."OHlJPSK~

'BI!.JlNJ) MA.lIJ'AGEli.

R.y~ D~N~iE1'"

~A'flEGORt lIi_Ji:,NJ\GE.R:.


Pl.flJEC:r: ~AN.AG'ER'S

L.UtR'i ~'~I1nlJl~J0SH FISCHER

f)IIGJ·TECH SFE:C[.4.l.J:8lT J ~P.; "FI';R1'lANDF.Z.



CiN'D[ 1b€l.~ TIM l;J;NjclbClllAlW G.-.:ItFru..Dj SXt\iFf "'ELu.'s.A.lrj"D;RE\1IJ: F'TN'<lH

IllJNGEON MA,STER'S {iUI DE ltlE.VI SION n ... :liru:D NQet~AN, RJCH hD~_}.~

P ~D 1l 'E V r s ]~ 0 'l'J 'f EA M RJ(f1f B.umJ;tj h"D"i' CQr,LL~~" .D~\\I1]1;1 ~1 OQil;,'fJ\NJ lECll REDMAN'J :Eh:'l.m' :VlUL.M>~


, Gllr"D."lliOhYN FitM. KESTHL

PROOF • E A D E R S Bu..L MGO£~1iI.4lJj .... ~ CAr;. MOORUl:~ ~"['iU"rQ NJ!!GA~WA

Mi\,NJ16fNGED fTO K l([1)1.1 MOil~



IIU"l:,. SlJ1Vl)C'SEK

A R.. l'

ED [1..11: C T 0 B..

D.}'!WN MtIltrN

.0 VE 11. A. R. T HaiJl.Y HrGG1'N.1IOTR JIM

][N7ERI01l. ARTIST'S ~\,'il"T CII:V()'1.'':r.iir.~ED C,OX~ Lass GF.MA'T~WE5'r~ S['OT'n' F];S'CHE:&"J O:!fl> PO:';lttlt;t JEUMY Jf!Jl;.VI:s,.JOH:til"'ND,LA~ L!t".U~ lo'Pi~ La(a~:WOeD1a DAVID M"!lI:,],~NI' bmN MrMOO!.Jl.,

WAyz;m]b;t:N'QQ)S~ SeC'IT '&OiLLJJJl..


G 1'1. A P B .[ C DES I GN,E 11;.

DA"1.Ni M:mnN



, " 0 TOG R A , H • R G1:u1G CIJl)NOHUfSK1"

~VIC~ :ri&UDI]Et'NT OF "U]'LIfHII t:>,Tft MAf.tY )il.Jtc ~FF


j,Jjj-r'8QIr."Y V AI. ]']EJ!.1I.J!





R~]) [>0 N' 'T I.U B TO iii. S P;'lTJ;.13Ci\'B.pT.Ay~M_r(lEmu (l;tlR T F.nl~ J ~N~lFlHI.

.Cm)s:I~N~"utm$'" WU:'k"ES"r 1~1JC~ I..C OMJ!lJ~t.~1v1r'U _'"' DJiVUlI.1C'XELBE:R.1!I.'l,. SK.A;lll> J!:!..UAS •

.tQ~'lm\\';' FrNC~-.I! 1 §FF UUT:llII. B.,OR" H~m.so OJ GW.!Ul'DO'L;WN 'R:l\i.f. Kjl';5TJlIE:l~ GHR.1 S-rQ~ImR

F~.NsJ Cmal.p.s Rl'AN,. Mu:~t.

S:EL ~ll~ .Jfili'VlTFuI.N: T\'1r\lF.. '1'~ JI'L\iB Wi' A'TT

SPE.C 111.1. THANES I\(AJI,'Y ELlUR.E::'rl:l Au.ENij 5-r:]!]!~N RADNEY· M'CPAIi:1..A:!il'El, Ltz SClftml'Al:.Ex WEl1'l... An,t

SMIrIi'I'I~ M.\']' S.\lI·:n:l~ lE:F:rnR.SQ~ DUNLJlIP

MisceUl!lu!o~ Fe.amres 6

C!lVC-l.fi$ illiltl. Cotlap&~S • ••• • .• 66

UlumiII!Ulon , , 6i

Ira~ •.•.•••••••••••.••.••.•••••• ifiZ

El~m!!.nH ~ a Teap •.. .. . • ... i. i6;f1 SmnpleT~~ ••.• _ ..•.. ., ••••• to

De.siSl"Iil'lS 11 Ti'lIp •• ; , ••• " ... jl~4

:crollgll'Ql'l I!.c:o~l:lgy ••••. _ , ••.•• 76

'Cungeon Ani!miIs .......••..... 16 iIlldpgMQI1SL:o.tS.~L' £, .... n Ra:ndOm.DUIlg~OIl!S, •• ~, ., ••••••••• 77 Dug~on l.Ii~el~. . ....•.••. 77 The Mlip itnd ihe.Kel'. , ••. , ..... i1 Rluldom I)ll~ec," IEIl0000nrers •. 78 A Sample J\d"e:illtlfi' ..• ,_ ... ,. •.. 78 StnLstics ElI~,h ..•...•. , •• ~. OJ ••• as W.udemes~ Ad\l'~fun::~_._ .. " •• , .56

G~nmg I.~f _." .sll'l

.roJJe:5'tTem_in.... .. .. ; , .8"7

liI'IecQ[SJgbt...~~ ..• ~_ 21 M.II:t'Bh T~rraiP SB

StiI:nll'l,g.wlltmmW .l2mlls 1c:rrmln. . • • • •. • .••••••••• S9

New.Com.inmrnL. kk' __ •• , 23 MQum~w TI!'.l'fain ... _ ....•••.•. SSI

~epiill.g Inion&!, Movi1ilg, •• , .. ,_ a lCSe'" ~ ••••.••.••.••••• --91

Comb,l{ Actf~ ~.~ ..... _ ~.~ ., ____llbi.ns Teirmln. • . • • . . . . • . . • •• " • ..9'1

A(fackJwlls .~ _~.. _....__.gll::nkT~ 9':!

Dilluagill_ ~~H ~._ .-~,.2L 'Unduwllrer Comb:u: .••.... 93

EWec:t orJ~eafUn Size ....... " • 2S We'l'~her ..•. u • .... '.' ... H .. 93

Spla h..~~!i . ' .. . ••• ~, •. lB. brtdom \l{fU4cwe.:s.:>.

Area p,e~ ,_. _u • ~l8 E.n~01.VfltmL"' .• U •• , ~9's.

B'1g ~.od .. .unle c:: ~fU![fi U~1iI 1IiI!flIm~~~ ... _~. __ , ~. , , , . .9,8

Ln .. QQmb~[ " .... ~ ...... - .. ~ Weilpon mC! S~l1mrictionll. '!!i

sb!1l ~~ui Abilll)' .Chi!~'~ . , A~ .M.' ~~lO lTrbmn l"emruIcs '.' " ,.. ..C!l~

.s~y~1I!uo\", .. • " 33 Urban .Ent"aun~Oi. .. WI

AdijlUiiCiriog M!iglc. . • .. • •.•• • •••• ].

Desmbing Spell EfI"t:rn.... .• ~ .. _..3 .

H:Uli:llin.g Divinations ~

Croathlg New pelkA. U' ~L

Ele\v.ii:,rds~ • _., t I ...... I I. t i .. L 11-,," _!. II-~'

E!xpoerre~r.:.e~~ '~'d u ••••. 3

5roX')' A'OOlm .• .• ~~ _ «1

~ho~~~.· ~~ ~ ~ ~

rmkinU NmCb!ll1lmt... ••• _ ~42

C~.'ll p;~ AtliJrel:'lml1!!s •• " ••. ',. ~ .• '1,~

~Q.ti'\~dOJ;J .. \i ~ Ii 'i ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ _ •• .., • ~ ~ I -II 4~

Stnlt:ture " , .• ,. "H

5ill."-&sed Advcru:ures •.••.•••.. , •• +6

jivent·BlIsedMv:mtnres., ,_ -' 4-7'

Tile Elld m.. .. . 48


C'Il;g.,~~ t: BAtt:1llra:l'iflll[h~. Game ••••.•• S'

·W,nMl$.~ DlIot1 '. ", ,.5_

Styte orpby ~ I ~ w _ .. " t; ~ I- I • I- of I = .~l

wmpJe of "Play a I

RllfLliiln,g ~ Game Sessiml .•••.. , •.• l!l_


C L .i!p~t!f 2: U ingtl1e ~ .

Molf~ Movl!1llelll Rules 19

M!O\\l.!lllfJiU arulrhe Clid .. .. .• 19 Moving In Tb're~ Di~l>iollS.~.lO Ev.IJ:sio.n ol'laPrmlilit ...•••..••.• 20 Mavil'i!) ~ round lit :Sq~_res • .• . .10

BOflus 1YJl1I •.• " •.••..• _......... .2.:1.

c,oJf:i,n.ru' ..... ' ............... ~ •• ...ot ............ ...t ........ i .......... oJ ..... .3."l.

Eni;QU"l1IleD •••.• , .~. ~ .... "...,. ... ,,", ••• ,~ ,

T;l.I"mI or St~l\!~ Q.!.lQ ••• ~ •••••• 'f-ii

Chmll~ 1J8ilRII-ringi il_l1.d _

131lco.untll r Lewis ,d _ ... _ •• _. +S

t_oifflC;Wif .. .. . M , , ~ •• ". 41iI Tg,1J.gb~r MOI).'lIW ~ A~'''' .. SO

~.QC'a.t~~.I'!II, ~ I .. ~ I. ,~ I I ~_~~ J I " ~ I I .. 'I I .. ~

RCl,;lom~ Dn.d B.e:hlMor ; .a..Sli

~$Ute'.II.J ... ~ I ._ I I." ~ II .. ~ I ~ 0 I .511

BtlGg;tl]g..&l~~"tUurc--s Tog~rhi!;r •..• , • j Ben~illllidlmtu:R"S .......• , ..•.• .l1

l'he'JJ~ .L· ' ,··_· . .57

DuIlge:c::Lnl'ewm.._ , 59

W.ldls..... , .. 59'

litoo.ms.. - .........,._ " .. 6,1

t-----C~~I~" ~ ~ ~ r -.II i I" ~ I ~ .. iI. I ~ 6:3

C~III;P!.!:JI 4:, NO!lp~Ch.ua:ctc!~ 10

..Elo'eryolle in the.world ... L 103

c...CI~5.e!t..-., "','" •••. L .._10l..

Adepj :ki "'i ilL 07

Arisrocnu _.~ ~. _ ..• ' 108

Cotnmone:t.,. L.L. _.._ •. -LJI .• I ...... -" ' •• .l08

~fI 1 I ..... I., , 1 ~ I • q , •• , , •• t,091

WIiI.r:d(lr_.. .Ii.~~"" ~ P 1 ~ •• , ~ • I I •• Loo'

N.PC St~~i$tt~L.., .•. ~., ••.•.••• i •• Ito NPC Atti~:t........_ , . ; , •. , .... ~ ..... ua Flesbrng OllI NfCi. . . . • • . .. . . .• . n6

C.lJill'p'l!er.5; C:!!mp:lligns 12.9

Esfabuming._a Cllmpaign 129'

]\,:I,Mnmi.1111l,g !:I Camplign .•.••..•. ElQ Chl1:l'D.cr~ md (be Wadi!

:round Thi!m I I I; 1 I • j 1 L. f,. • ~ 4 ~ •• 1.3.:1,

\Var and Otlser Cafumiti",," I J~

Qrhu C~rI'L.P~ues ••••.•...•• I.'il.f \'Wo:d.d·IMldl]l,G; , •......•...•....• tlS Bu{ldin., ~ DJffi-~!I:.nr WC!dd. " .... l<14 Ad"'entlUring ~!:l Otl'lC!'PIAnil1l . , .. , 147 P'hl__ll¢ D~wptioli:is:". , •.••.. " ...•.•. 15 ~ Cr~;1til!!f! II Co.:;moloID'. • •.•••..•• 1~7

Cb!l!p'ter Ii; Ch~~en U9

Abil.lflo' Se-ores, ..• ~ , 1 9:

Races t70

Subl"llces - , l10

Modiij1ng:l Common bcc D"1

Clunges thwu-R;h AddJtiOll

.and Sllb[~1Lt:lion ..•..•..•.•. l7.1

Chrss/&ce.Rcs-mctlo-m , l71

New R,ai;el; .; .. '" .. "." 111

M'I;J05(e:r.; as R_:jiCI1<5 •••• , ••••• t 11

c::Ia5Sa.it-...ItI:.., Eili 1,[4,. I •• I ~.~ 1'1 •• I •• 17t

Mooil¥q..chmc rer cl~sses. ~ l74 ~.~ CiMres. •• '.' 4~; • -175

']!;re,~ge.cla~j'" ~J""""""~' •• .:lZ(j· _Am.ru!Mche:J:." H •• _ •• _ •• .J~

Arc!In~ Ii'JcMt~r .~ ... ~ •. ~. ~ 1.I'Z...f-

--...Atdl_m~gec ...•.... .. .... .• m_

A:vl~in ., .• !So.

ll-lAdgu:tJId IBI

Olll8pn Di$dpLe _LB.3_

.Dllelist •.....•..•• , ...•..••. ~ J.8.5

Dwlm!:e.n De£oender ~.. 18&

.JndIir!;h Knight " _.. L.s:7

.ll1erop.b~l1l~ IS-B·

HonOOD WlIlker , ." 189·

r.oreml;~te:!' •.••••• , .•••••••.•• t5IO

MyS'rt.c Theurgtl , + , lJl

Red Wi:ard ... ..~ ~ .. 1513

Shl1dO\li'diJn~gr.,.. • u~, •• , 194 l1m!m~t\ll1li$l_. M ... _, •• , • L t!l'6

How pes lmPI;Il!li:_ ~~,., •• 1.97

LealTIiflg,Ski.lls.anii.&1! ~. ~ • 197 _L_!:!i!TI:Iifi8NCl\tSpclls.......~~ 19'8. ~:limtlg ClmlJ.enetl)L ..•• ~ us

____C.menLDwmtime~.~ •.. ...1?.8 GWltrin,g tixWJ:alrfuint:l .•• , •• 1908

CGiiiQ&_OCs .~'lNv= ~.s~ Lt!\I\L!.L ••.•• l~1)

~~eej~i Cohurts. " ..• - 1 'Tll'

1lIt1lilil1ll:$ 4 ~ .... I I •• I " • ~ •• II 01 n ..... I • _. '100 ,{OllUlrs· • •• • •• "................ • ~Il+

liJ'!fmal Com.palliQrui •..••...••..•• W5

Epic Cnarncl'el$. • lOll

Ch:lpll9' j;J_,lllgic ((em .• , •• , ••.••. tu. lw:ulliDg M:1g;il: 1 fll!m ••• , •••.••• ;U1 1l.fugie Item Desc:riprions; .•..•• t •• :n5

ArrnoT H6

We'npo-ns .• + •••• , 2.2.'l

Fmi(lns jtlld ~b 2.2.'9

BJIl,gs , 2~·

Rods _,~ 2-9-3

~lk , .!}7

SUlffi.. ..,..... . 2~:!

W~fids _ .......••. .. 145

Wondrous hl!ll1s •..••••. L.~~ .• 24'6

ntd]igell[ Items 2.6;8

t:~~ II'ems'. . ~

Axtir..~t5 ~, .. lZZ..J

Crt."':Itln_g Mmgic Ue-ms ..••. U' ~ ~ • 2!11 M([sfe~'j;trJill(erru;~. _. u .~,.~ t8! Spewl MII~I~_, ,. ~ •• e, •••••• 28;1.

CmiptH 6 ~ C[~<SiU}Loo ... ~ ~. , •• 2,851 SpeciQ] AbiJi:li_~ ...... ~ ............ , . '- 2S'.? Condition SummliU • ,. •• ~ •••••• laO The EnvWlliIf.Ient ..... ' ........ ~' •..• 31l:l

Vi._~l.Ali:ls ,....... • .~ .•. c, ••••••••• 305

IndH.': •••••••.• " ~ 'c' ••.••••••••• 11!1,7

LiB;r:ofsrdebw U9

LiS'r ef NI.Iim1J.er~ T~bles ..•.....• , }4[)


This is· dn: DUNCEI:lI'lS &: DMCCI~r& RoJe'playlngJ;anu: .. .th(l g::itm: th~l defines clt~ gelilT~~ W set me stllllda:rd [om mullS)' m,rep.~ying (0, moR thlln_3Uc'iQI1~.

Sp~d£k~ lLy, thwl!i~4~Dull.g«,n Mll~tfr't._Glmk, ',rb 15 book ~~..D. ~[~j ill. if:lfo:tm ~ti~n rh ~[ ,g"I:l:EyJ:iul1l,ge(l',1iI M~5lier lDM) needs 10 g;4 "' ~d,,,,en;tlJr~. fIo~fTII[e ~hc_,;];mO!ll<flJll dl.El manners, ~:I'Id reJnefi Lhe DLJNG"l;O"'i~ &D1!.h""ot-!s g~m>e'.,'1ru5. booo,k, tile rJa}\~iI'~ I;laudJ'iWu ~iUId.th~ M~Il~4IL'lI'M~J~!lfl.1 GDml?n~rh:!UiQl;'I'l r!.ll~ faJrhoe C&Jl!. ~ ~g3l,fi11:.


Wt'Vtl di$tliletl a-tI1t.kru;l\ .. l~tl,iil)1 ahheO&~ pmc im'Otbil m n:reri~l til ~(fol~"'~. 'Wnm.'I:'( f'QltI 1'I~:~d tI;I, k;npw hOW~Q d esi.gn ~f1 Dlrlv~tiJntm. L'!lm~~. or~ntltll t;lID1C! wodtl. rh~ 'm M~ri~j it! Iltis.Jm.kLm.Jl nd: ",.,i.I1.. he~p you,

~llQ~emhno£Q seLect gmup. TrulY. ]!Ol.f"Very;o.ne has tbt.~ fti'l,hy ~,nd iliI:d~ical'!onro be a l')!, .. tD~w.'oQ!'IM~terll:tEfDMli1g'l. c::J1iI be cl1~l~llgmgl...hul Lrls Ilot ~ dlQOI:, 'tOI!l':r1:' m~ !m:ky Me" out" of 'jlJUll' emilre cird~ {If &iendl5: l, ... ,!Jophl'! the gwme, True rei'll filn ism }l'0Yf !w:Jl" As )'O~ flilP mTcmgn me Jlibrl:rj~ M~~~.UQ r Of look llir ptl bl~~d m1~~~I:tin:s·1J1'I a 510',re ~~Il;, you g~, to dL'dd~ \!,IQf the pl!lY;~ir chtll1lI.:~~f!;{FCs)t1lk~OIHII;!)(~ 1l'ou~1 t~lluUd ~ Whp!~Wlldd, :is~vel1 ~d~$~gn :lrn:J. play ~11 11$.nonp,141'erd."rmw.: UY]JCs).

h'5 goOO. eobe rh~ DM-

W.:hi DlfLd~[tlle~ thElg;rm~. A gwtlDld:~uul~.s__m .~ goril pme. SifiCll:: you ·COlHro·~ the:: p~dng, Olnd Ih'l1 ·tYPJ;'~ ~~d\l'~I'lI.ure5 :and eJJlcmml~rs.th!LWbo1~tf!mlr ill th~ ~lIIIe ~Uf hands, !r'cs; fUll;. ibllt .it's ~ big rce~mihlruty. If '.Irou.'re the wn_w~i'lersQ;l1Lw_b Q lLkes to ~p~d~ [he £11[1 fClf Y\lu:r frtellld., or m IXIn~_~.tu.ew.lde~!ii., di!llll you're: :1ln iil~~~. UL10:til:1tJi" for JJM

O\Pce Y(fUl g'rolJpni3!i iI DlIrtgfJ)n M~5(~r, hOV!!~tr, ~hil.u]oe:!il'l~ .1IlCllfiJ:hat-YJ01l c<ll'I.'t.sl..lliKh.:l!fQlll'1d Sc~,DMs Ilk~ m.takc ~ t1.WI j !bdllg.i1P~iI)'II:i". ~lId lll!mypbY~~~'I'~JlnJi:l[~Y_W'lIlf~'O h;y [h~if b~i1d, al IlMiD.gL


The new D~,m!';E.ON~. &, DAl!iW~~ glIIme de!bul:e!:l in .ZOOO, In the I!h ree ~afS ~in~e' Ille d2Ci G~m~ S')'Srem ene"ilz,ed the r<llepl~~~n.~, game Iflldlll!iti)'. W~~ .&:aJthmd I:On~ of dmacl1 h~WI'h~Ei~U'I~~ I~ ~I ME pl~~[1_ Wr:. cQnsid~, D&D tn ~ ~ h~i!'lf: Fm~ fh ait ~gl'1~l:iIn1l1 ~'oiClI.1,I\t!~ a~ it i;$ r!i'I~[t Using the ilatft~i'@d F~dbad:. Wt,'~~ ~hJali!d tn~ gaml! from Ifli!:

Grb~ fit! up· and ill'lcor'p-oraMd e",~!'y(!flI!'S ~ugG~tion:s lO imp r9ye dle fiam~ ,iilnd I:n I~ pr.oi:luCi:-

I f this r~ YQllirrirst ~~.n~ ioI'Jilh 0&0, we ~Iwrn~ YI;lU l'l;l ~ ,",mlierful W(I'1ld ohdve~t!.lre O!ind im!!g5J1ilillnL If yotJ plll(l'ed 'the p.rit1r ~er:skl" or Ihi~ .boo'k, ~'tas.~ur«lltn.~~ !h[~ f.~i~iQ.n i$ <l! '~~s:t;lm£'rn kI Our d~!~tr(Ji:i to I;QnlJ!nUt!u~ prgiilYl;t im;po'G\I1! me~t .~r;d il'!~tion, Wr:'~ upd~led $!Ti!IiI, ~~ri~K1 rul~, .polrzshed ~he p~5ef1l:ilMOf!, ~ftd I'mid~lhe f)lIme' better itrii!'l it Wi'S. This j5 if! ullilr"d~' ofth~ dlQ S.'f5le<m, ~ I new edillon Qfdle' 1!;lI!'1'!ie, Thl~ foev·j~kifI i~ almpiiitible with exi15l.ln,g prod~(lIs, .~rtt:! Ihes~' prWum, ~'" ~ 'WiSed WIth the re'm~on WI,~19 ollll~ !'!'Ii n~udJus:tm~nll.

W1h~t'::; fle'W in the Ife\i'Jie:d ~~all Mo~~ C;uirk? The efll1Ire 00e~ hilS bNt1 poli~necl ~'I1d reFiIil~d, ~Jt in r~PQi\5f! to )'lI.ur r~blad:' and 'to r!!1I~. too w.~II1~ ~T1'li!! ~5 ittllJa;11y b@;il1lg plillp!d. W~'ve H!ylser.i ~h~ ,ert'l:(!Unl~e~ tables !11m:! rna:s!iC iter!'! ~~tlgrl r1.Ile~, W.e've, e.:oIijlBIT1d1~d ·th:e ~ffienl ~!II@s, InaJ!!;B~d lJj~iljjml:!.i!t Gr' p~!ltiEC dii:SSo!!5, ~dd~1 ~n:s of new i'f\:l&k= ~i:J1!ms an;d maillc.l~m sp~(:i~l abjllh~,!l, ~!'Id pm\iid'«f pll!i'!l)' cf~c-oI~ to l1~rp pKl~ 't~ tn~aiimnsJional i!)i~rilt!na.

1iilk~.:Ilo(Jk, pl~plrie FJiaii'l1ll. Wf:.lhlnkyOu'lllih n(I!We\i'eryll'1jl'lC MI'le>d ~1I1:.


N~,g;I!: ~~~t.i rail w 1'1\~d rh~;5' book COlO'l1:f tl:l caver. ] U Jl1Jl.,;. nevel, ~W1~ad, ~'le ~rrmgr,titb ~klnro lO~i.o!! lh~"~'1i!;1u c~lLreft'~ 10 when you il~~d ~helill. Eh~ ~ n ctxtCfnded SJoo5l.lry ~l the b~~k 0\1

.!:!he book ]lf01illd~£qllicl:_l.'d~~' ~o DM·reb~~ ~o[,lics,

l!;1IiEd QIl m~ ~nIaill~ Q!lhi: g!lm~ [h~r rOil OOltrro~. )lou'll flnil dlll'prers l.h~I.d~h"''ilk.~g [~g:Ulue,. ~dJud~Cl!Imrg_]lby, w.ri{' ~~C ~d?eIum~.s, bLlila~ earn~jg;n, 3Wlro ing ~JI~r!enc~" 11 nd mn,ding. Qf cU;[I:d fig r.b~. tight m~gic ifiemi ~Q..u9.cl!;J'Ol[ld Utl,g~~ Refer tlOl tb ~ [~bie: 'tlf ~Q'!'Iten;t5 ~11 d die In..J.g~ l'Q lc.~~ I~il1i(; tl')pk yotl need ~l ~]I~ gil'ell, lime.


The D4fr&:g.m~ ~i5ClImes the me of rniTIiill~~,.~d iliIl fU~e~ ~F~~im-n rfOlm Ithat~r.s;~cbl~ Tn ls blook commlJ'l.S ~ b:lIUl~ J}rld md o!h~rwoh; 10 h~lp 'f0~1 ",!SY~!he ~~tiolil_

t- rhs poster-sized s,h~e~ in the bil'l:k ohh~ oook h~5 m I.·.illch gn.d ~t Std~, stid iii ~olk(;l:ioJ'l of walt:l;5_Jh~~ c-~_n. h~ usedte .r~p:r~ :;:tnt ~~ ln a d!Un.s~ol1lltl m!.'t athi:1' $.Ide.

Thel~[ llpggE:s of d!iJl bOO~ O~Ulh~d aI: IhrjJld~ru 1'_re:s~Jlt:~. v~riety of vi.will ~i!d~ Ih~J '1ml can tl~~lJjf'j u·p_ nne1 ·~h)LD1H ~'.tK(illllt~rs_m,dJl dvellm~J)_ the grid·

-S]N ·P\:lE'Il':S 0 C d i.;Jgf~ nr~f II ~l ~ClW. t bUlllLl~~ r~in,d wi~hil1 ~~e~~ of diRLm'1'lt si~~ ,~ml Sh~~io ~rll:lJirilpnk !iil:!plU~n~ ilf 5p:L.c~ $nd rr.::",,h fi;jJ( ~:ri:~ifYreo.5 of'i'(I;ryi.ogsiU5.,.._ __ . _

-SjjOi pilI&'e5 o.fllllllS[r~,Ulln~ [h~[ repleJi_e~cig!ol~lJ!ll,ge~1'I fea[l1[fs~sf,lI~d r<Lllt the t-I.f.lch gdd,I'h;;J1 'I'Q~om..rhOO"Q~!.liR¥'..cu· I ilion, a tid' pla,e 01:1 InC' grid-!1.lla liIling pJ~~(5 t~tlul1)!_s'i::~ ·\?Jlult ties before [h;:u tll.llme~~r:!i il2l!hil}' !luke the!iILlII':a'l- daro ugh ['he aUI:Ig!eon..


Th(l [lO\ye;-r ofcte~i'.ilJigwodd$. ccllr,toUmg d~[tt~~ :lind dtq~IlS-!o-.Tnd le:r:ding ~lJtifll. .Iillinom is 11'1 yOI(l~ h:n:mh, "lOll Rrn rne III Q'sJ~, Qhbe i!lamf-th~ rules. mil s~nins, the tlcOl}n,lIltd __u!~Im;l tel¥.J;M {un. This is ~. ~.N1e.'1L[ mp'lwer,O/n.d 'IOU mWlt w!l:lnA~LieJy.. This book. a:bo'W.s YCLIDOW,


'(otl' II 5e~ 1J.1b~ks ·t;lf Ilt!lIt that loo~. ~ill!~ this I]ni!'fne.quent~ tn rm.iglomurt. d:!i~ b-o<Ik, 'The i I'YfQrrnniO:r1 iJi dile~e ~ideb~r$is. not Il<!·r;t Q{tke ru Ie'S· peT ~~. bllt: }'~I!I'li ~J'Jd them ys~rYI~~d hnereitirJ,g in ·thelr c.w,iT! righrb Mo~l :side~r~ lin th~5. boDok 5>e~ eVltq~'( tG I n trod ute ru·les VilJri~ fits ~f 10 g~",e you II ~)impiSe "tbehJnd ·th~ cuftaJiit" [nto i1~~ :~~fIl~· 3S'F!O!Kt of th~ 6)&0 giI!'Ile' W,~$ ~reilledl.

Y.ari@nl.: To gJV.e yo~ ~n idei of 5lOm~'of the WoII)'i· in WhLCk rOY Colin ,~rter th e 0&0 rutes fel,' )'D~r 1(liI'J{n ampiilgl'l. 50m~ sril:rellllJ~ 5U&~~'5t vllra~ nts lih<llt YQu can ~dQPt or rn~IF)llo ~lJlt your ,~m~.

Tl'I'c b~sic rwlM. pJ!!SenMd illl thi~ ~liIat I~.t~~ry'thir'lg Mt Id~f\o tined ~s a v!ln~ nt-aiP,~1 ro the ~ueli n~ D&D c~mp~Ii}l1, If yOti iJre ?1~11 n,~ in ~ n II PGAI) Nt'twc rk ~fn, U,,;,I ~~t u:s~ th~ I:!~.~lc: fult!ls in tf'll:s, bocJ.o!li. E$tabrlstrirng a $tal1dardS!!l!l Qr ~!.!JIl$ !'IlIa ki!:'.$ a world ..... ldl! i!!pffl iflg JletJNor~ pos5i'b~~'.

Beihijnd Ute C~rU!rll!lr ~'m:j~' ~ideb.J'~5 jtll'i!:lo\fide'.~ Fu rtk-e:r~!1'pl~.n~Ucm or whylihe fU!es ~ re th~! W"i~ they .~r~ lo@k ~bcehl nod ·the' curtaJ.n~ UlIlQ how InC! gamel$d~ !lIn~r.$ilrIa~e i!iI~lsil;!!ii~ ~ bout tn~ rw I~. If rolJ'r,~ th~:

Soft of DM "",.no II~~ oo,tln~~r ..... itl:i H1i~ rur,~~ oflhi! 0&1) gam!!, th~Si! sMi~bar~ a"~rSOI11l~ ad'lol\i(~ a'ntlln~pjl':illiOili ~S. yOli (:1J~tom~z.l)' tlt~g'oai:t'lfl r¢)f )itllit$eW,md ~iJ1r pla),E!f5.

11 )'tI~r rbl~ ws Vlmgeqn.M ttost~r. yvJrI! Ih~ f«tg ~ ~ grulIe.. I f III gl!ii\~'!; Ei!1lI. f[ w.l! 1 be rei your a-edil:. rf [f'~ a [tli1\1N, >'Ollll g¢t tit bbmtt'Lc-, wheme r i:r\ .dese<rVI1:cl or nnt, DOlll [ wm-ry. tho1J!!h-illl' .... nlnG ~ D&Ot pm .b n(i~ ~ h:ll.td;lS item:11' ~=m ~dit.~t. r BUl don' ~U th pbyl'l tIt I~

11 ~

r Me ll-b I 1:111& i:nml\'e:5 vmtng, reaching, alnc. referee--

i'ng;, ubimcti"g, DIM rll~illt~ril'l,g, D~l ed be-to'w jferhe- dkt1"erent

iil,llti:ei of-rhe DM- YO'llU (Wi di nqrQU Hlce oo,w.c mUr!!.dlllll o[he~ &~ in ~ DY hDbbl" IDCUsOJ'l !I.I,ha. 'Vpu ~liIjC}' the Hi, t, 'b11l~ reml'lmwr [hilt .zJhhe .o[h if tllull:$ 4'1" :llsrt.im~ltlIl1l.


\\1\11' l')fll1J1>n IiY [1;)1 - J It clt~ g me ~ 1;1;1 pnl enr ~irnl litrs j1i wh kh rh oil dULr plllf r :un'-ol I:'pl1l th~ if' Ilharm: r '[S, a ompl4-fI ,hb, you aeed rCi spelld !imt: oo.~gfdt: It.bil p~.res ion~ 'them- 1fe1\l\~S, J!'ff'J!'ilr'lng. rli'f~-is Uti ~ wh&:m,~l")l'Qu wrile YOJLU Q\""!r-advJ;.nru ril or. use p1N1lp;u-~d dV!mtuOJ:$ [b~T }'Oll bilVI:- 11lnmP5etL

W' n 'dl,jlm r $i

CW1Jtbii! ~d\i'~lIuJI't.'!I [mk~ a /-1,r~a[ d.~illt tiE ttmi!-. Mg'll\l Uh'ts flll(] ,:h~1 Lk~y ~l1d til 1'C t.hm: i~nmg lo!:Idy fu[ r_he !!lJfI1t than me ,10 ill die ubI Qcttl;ll!ll. pia ·Ing. Tlu'~ s:;une DW; Q lUi Iifld '" CJY.. rl!;llil tlmt to b., tl,te mO:!i\ un [Inti n w rLJjn~ pa.\'[ ill bcln ill D~ I Trl!!!!"on M~Shlr_ ~hki;n& II p t"ter-.f!S'I1:l'l'g l.:fmnl tlr.t':S1, $tr~I1g.1i, ,1 t~. ~m! Ilh~neng~i HI ,':;L'~5e'llt bcllJ'Tt' }'IJUt !d.-Ii!J:Id~ can be a gril~r c~c;;Itj- .. 'e iMll-ti:'t.

WrirLng: g;GO Jd.voWmre i om i:mPOrr.tllt thaI [t r cO!i\'~s it.

Wo"'):! cl1IlP~tllf in u.is lx!obk- ~I.' ell n ph!r ~~ W~~[~l'I.,g!l1l Adventure..

. 1119 li'umh s d Adv I:IIUfe'S

~puDhshed, ;IodV!!l!Itlll.r s ure ~'Q~J~ble fw- }'Q'U ttl ptJ d, 'liSe If yaLl dO-fit w4nl ~g. WD'tI: OlIn e 'Dr~jl:lut awn, D'I: Jf '~o]J.

USI wan! II cltanlli! of ~Iil. In pu1diShc:J ~dl,'Mru~, you'U get pJllE' I!vlilCLI srerul(io With. gl]rhu ~ i!CSt IDOn- 5111'1:5, ~ncl n- ~,ures yOIl need, ~1Hllm odvenrlllTL> plot dclilJl,n1.ld fcc m<IIk~ i:h'l!fIlil:l~r I!!Jf dlilrn, ~ml1ri:t!:1- wh~n you We it pl.lbli.dmi lId'l'l!!'Ill1~. 'YOu'll see th1lflt pr'~l!fi~ ~h:llll!nge!l >'Oll \!,l\Dtrld 1I11v-c P-C~Cf lh()llglu I) !lIllYOm' -cn~

Ilero;~h.!r, hcwev~r, ~h~~ YOJJ'~ ~e '!!n~ Wftl;i' 1105 10 nil! l,h.llllil,venlut<:"~ ~yrhIDg ~pu """11:1[ [JD) C!Mngll"l'Ou C.U1. In !bel< you will C ulI1illld fO'"l,I ne..:-J to m:lke lit IC:I!tt sm'llll cIJllTl!!e-~ w, r [he :dy.en lUre mro YO'l.Ir 1l1l:lgliflng ~1J mpildg:Il o.mI ~OI g,:t 'TOll! phlty«~ :turD the ~cci~l'II. "\'au ''-,In' hll.~,t n ~'1:i,t d III of n Il'J'i'JlItiU,8 rhl" vUlai n. of run l(!"cnt~ft' \ 'ith Pl~ Ih 'pbtyers-.h:JV(! ahll3tiv hmu·tl of Ln enr r:Gmp.1!:gn, D~ gbw:rging tD.!>' b:lCI.o_gNlllIlG or she ~clwrmueso rlut n u.",~lves ~OIU p[llYeJ:'5' ch=rrncl~ ~ in M~ tb:nt th ~llks drngnf'l' m,wer O1UJrl1inw ['DSiSihlyimilg;i1'l :d.


om "I:ho Iu g.Q1il'lg_ 1(1 h~ ),PIJr r $pan.!iihlliry 10

leium n.eWCOni6~ ~oihe 811m hDW IOplm ~ 1'.W:s.isn'l

bui'd'l:IlI, bm".1 wOllaufull:rpponw'Iil T~me_h,ing atber people how (Q_lllcy Jll:tl\l',1,cl!!$ )/Iltl M t h n~w p'lll'l" ilt'S ~tttI.aIlm\'~ you .:0 ~~l I ~ u ;m· IlIIit me p~ t11 HI boec;g mill,!; lop.norch m~pl::lyel?:.lf:S-l!'.llSier-m lenm te ph)' \~,;dl SQrneafl1: \\I'lIQ,~ IreadY JmI'A\I5 r_h!!jilh'I~ Thool! wha .rc ro.ughr by ~ ,g9Cd tl;!lldl~r who rum ~ run g.J IiIW

!Ire mOire llily '10 joJI:I In thr:Jwbh}Cfm: diu:. kmg.hauL Use this oppornm~ty to encourage.lll!W. plQ~lRco~ sDrt of people you wan, (0 ~m.1! '{'lith, .

Here lire ill few ]l'Ql,nireJ.'i.01:lIeiJcl~i.njphe game:.

Re,a,d the Pl~YL'r'J HilI't~~Q~1I and :knQ;\',' tbll character c:J[:e~li.oll.rules so ytlU can hdp~v. pkyers bmLW, C~Leril, H.n'e tilidu at

~'the ne.\IIIoom..,e:rs:tili y.ou w.bllt.J;on of clHI:rnc~~ h.eo ~ she WBfUUo! .1 oIIfld th~I! ~'h(ll!'" Ih~m. ~ tby, C.IIID Ctejt;~ cllo5o!li b eroe.s_.,wjd4 e. D&D eules, If t:bI!Y db( know .:wh~t to 'Play, shew t.be.m th~ l1h¥e.r..chll1racrer ,1lC.1$ lind clas L:£illl.J.l:li~.J'llOj1'r'J IiiIlld~.,I.:, brldl~ dlCSalb.e ,e(lth, ELnd l;e( them cltQOB . rhe one. that arppe215 '[0 ehem L the..mcs~_ A:mnher opd:oru~p il.,few simpl(; ch~P1cte-rs :.tmth :IS: iI 19r-Ievd nglull Ill' fOgl.l1ll,)_g[QU:nd for ne.wcam,ers.

I1dvll!ricl!:~hQ$~ chuacten.in 1!\'\I=i lIS the: p:lirty :IIdvances, and you'll h.BV!! "Illd..fIm~1oIho adven BITe \>Tid me pUI)' \),'h~n .ne\V(:omen: p.b~ tltem. _

Qn~e_]:,IJi:.1.~ 1m:, ~lu~d. dC'JJI WOIT}' ~bolJt t~ch.ill.g rile playlI!Oi lllL du:.tulL'!S ~lh-e~d g-f TIme, All th~ tru~ need te kllO\Ii' Il:rt§ilhe

_iI!5'~Q~]!l'l-m.JI.IJlderSr-.IX1di.Dg I:hclr C'.h~f,i'I~t~f!i (1101;'>' s" .' .

~',", "h .. '0 "'.""~ h ... , .... ,il&. , ... ,.I.m), .n; m.,.

CiIl!I pk:k up linou.c[Wh II1-fo.rm[lj:~cl'I as the'.rgo :llong. Remembet; the Il'II:II-r haslc: ruJ~ TOo Q tmt:k. 1l'I!!!!l:e: It s:lviDg th:mw. or l.I!ioil a ~ki.I.I" rolh fi20 ]1.I:ul no:re for n hieh .liurmhil"

As long as you know the rules, 'ute :plil'~jI,-eii be col1oemed emIl' whn their c:.harnt:{fr'!i. ilild bOI dJey JeIl.Cl to w ~f h!lpPII:I!s to thmn in the ~t_lU\1~' plaYI!!t'S 'Ed!. 'jtiU, \Wt they ;,v,mt thell." charActers; 10 do, Il.lld mnshll:e that in~D .game (~klr lhem. T~a.i:h !'.hem h,m'olme rules \vork wnl!'J1I tM.'1necd 10 loom [hem, GUll 3 use:b:Y-"'case b~~_ £OJ!' Cl,lIlinple" if the ~ of ~ ~ wants to CllI5 t.·~

rdl of .the; P]1i¥Ct ofm f.!ghtti WlJDIi5 [I) nUll~Ltb~pb')1ieueUs }fm;! wb~[ lhe ch~rncter i.5 n!t'm~til'log. tbe:I'lYOI,l!ill.J:b.~',J!I.f'lt wlkb, m!ld~fk<rOf m.Mlfitn:: rc atld (D th~mI1ob dl!l~thttthll'"pel'lB ~a res-uk ... \ftC-I: af~w timd. the player wiIl.Iwa.w,lrlwJ.a.do \VLm· ~1W1.l~ ~~Jdn8~


EVfIY-D~:J!5!ter is die c:rellto~ Q.I:..he:t.oym.c3m~ world. WMdll!t Y0!,ll Lise the GkeHIAWJ:i; lien:i.ng!rh, s{:Illdwl D&D ,campaJgD .!>tl!uililC) or ~mll:ber..pllhlW!ed semngior rh'"-"L~+-

latm~, saeb as the l'ulCam.:N lli:Jr;L1d CI)JlIJ!1!%I!!Pi StUb!!. it'ti..s.t;iJ1

you r 'i.VOdd.

lhelfenill& is :Ill Ol~ [b,~n.;!.!S:LIl. backdrop fe, IlJiJivelUtI res, alchClug;b t~'s:rhQlllOO.J'bc Si!l'tmBJli.e~f.Cl)'thil'lE; in the' J:lcllD.ll:ti wrn1d

exc~Pl fu[_l~Ks..~lld~he ~d'i:l:IlJ:U«' pl.o:t. iJ. 'I?;'e.iL: ~:na.

WOU·.lt1ll VI'cdd seems b:I go, o..l'l...lIIroulid 'r.he PCS-LSO rllnt f(!t$;l ~

pan o.ugm~~'eid Gr_g~jlfi.fr~O:[Ic.b 'me PCs ~ rc pow.el;"fuLrnd i1JJpOITlllnt. they 5:luJllI~bc resi.dHl~ of SPI'!U: &ntaS)'.woddJ:b'!ll i.5 ultim,nely Larce~,

Com;is;rency is rhe key 10 :(1 'believtWdic:lfol1.'illl !'\'-orM. wh~ II t'hr: ~_blllck mID ~n'l' rllr.il.lpp~~ th Y...D1.i,&hl' 10 mWtmter som~ ,o(muame NIles thty,m\' bef{)~OIl, Ibey'lllegm the b~rk~ep's: lllllme-:m.d a~em.IKi[ wlui iLS wtdl Once you have adlie"'ed this dwuoLc~s:nAq. hOWC\i'r:r. prnvidut1 oc;Q;J' uomlc.h~ilfie. IT we ,PC5 co~ck to blil,~1 mOl:~ h,Q~~E ~he 5t;r hies, you, QQw.d_ho~e..dterruit.s£m:.t:uh_,u,ulul mJlUI wlw. [;til ~he pl~ce wc.D'lr~~"J~ iH!I:L'II'~ Hl rhemga:. cUy. Q;,(f~ tb,~ .hilb, ~J]d :11I0W hi~ ae:p.kew TUiIlS m,~ famU)'...:bl.Wllw • .I111l.rmur[~.IDg'!:.."""""-Ill'lt that IUl~ nothing :to do wifh f.he P~i:red!:¥oJ'l_llt ~l'Iuh~r they~l I:tOftC:I.!-ID<lkes the pl~yeI.5Je~lauhQugh m~d~urli)g In II Uvlnpv.odd ill r.f;l ;u:bc~,i!5. Ill3ljllSE ~J1..1t Itackdro:p tbJat

ds~Qnly_{gJ:,fh~m 'to ddvc tIS Wng,oons. _J:'aUllucl:unm:e.QIl.LtHIIIling" Cil!ll'lpai,gI1..~~ ChillJl1er.S.


w h~ ~v:eryQru: gUII'hers ~":ltmd th~ tabm III plly rh~ game, yt:Iu'l1e [n c.b~~. Ihn detesllJ me:lIl yo l.U ~]'fI ~dl ~pl~ whJl r 10 dO' oLut Sj.de..tbeJro'Llln"rillr.l~ or ~he-l:!i~me', but il does, me:m trm fou'r-e tbCf

Rn~f thlWllesw[r.b.tn tbr iI!D'I -Good p]~YI!I'$,'wili ,iliv.lI'Yli recQ~ War YQU h:nre u.I1iln!lIe l'iUillloril')' O\'~rthe gllfn! ml!Ch~Jl,' b~:fiIi~_mg.some[hing m ~ rule-book. Good I)M.!s know I not lQ clmegg.ol:J;\.ve.rw,m ~publu;hed rule \yitholiu n good, logit4L Jus.ti£iuli.oll so thilr (hc:_pl~$u' dOih'l f1l:hel (m!Oilre 011 rb.llt Ll:ler),

To ~~·rrv oUt ~,h:is.m~lliJt)li Y'!ml:le~d to knmli" m,e rules, 'fuu'n! j;Jo.fni:ql:df~~~w..In!!m~ UiJe ru1eooo.k,~. bl,l;~ yoll. ~bou1d b~e.g clf!'.t!t[d~~ c.b'iruuSiruhem. t;Q d;WII~ when ~ iUtUlUiQn CQ'me.s up dlli'i.r TOq)JtIil'e$i ~ tI1_lin,g~YQu k.l'!ilW wnC'l'e iII .diuem:~ tbe prope:t:. wli:! in me book. --:--7'""1

Of[l).il 11 ~fuoti>Ol1will mise iliu imlt e,,[plk1dy_m.'lered by ~.be t\I'les. ill such a sinwlion, YOIl need [0 praride..i~:!;s_[Q.bow. [[ shQ\l1d be ~liolve.d. When )lOU ceme upoR.JlLsi[qatiQA dI<lT me rulJ!~ dont.l5«m til.w.'~t; consider the IDlh~~ti!l!g.~~ of~kdQ

.' loo~..sinJilu si,umrlon tnllt 1.rt::IW'~~ [0 ~K1:mpC!b.tt ITol:lil \'l'h~'t you 5'.C~·pmmted tb.er~..md -apply 1! 10 .-:dte ~Il~ ru-c~n.ce.

• If you h~~ to m~ iSQlI:I ~tb.iog U,f'o i[Ja wi:tb .fa Fm: the R:St of ~hll. cII.mp3ig,n ~.:i£.r.rilled,~ hoWl!: nJ.l'~.)CoIL~iSll~I'ICY kGGp! 1':I~f~rs sa([sfied,~ ~lve~ rhm I'ill! fc!dmg diM tbey ;i!h'~iltuIll till a S't:lMe. ;predimbl!ll 'lIl1l],'~_I:._,:[mll1Q:L.in some" !:i1l1lli(l'1ll. 111li115~IfitIC<ll pb~ subj~'t O'ru:y to.the.D!M's...~_

,. When In WUbl. [M1emlJ.u...thll:s..hmdy lltIh nUt::..hvlmlbll:!

Clol'ldi:liOJ;)S. C1dL2 to :In)'...d20' roll IItlllD-fi3!lrmlbIl!. cgn ilitiol1S pen:l1iz1!. die roll by -=L l'oull be surprlstdJlil~to:£Jim this "DM's., lli$l:Ine.nd" wllholv -prob!c:ms.

If 'IOU. ClJme 1I~.I1 ~'1iI ~pp:lfenl tol:ltcldirtfQn, in lhIUWesL(()Jl-

ider these. iiK:tQl.Uihen ~illudIJ:Brl.fl!l' 1

• A. rule fOUM tillJl.nJ,!~book I)vcn:ule:s OJ:lf lound.in a puhlished m:ivml'nJ:fC. Illi11c.5:LW nie pIe.se.med ill cll~ p~.ID.e,g,. , ru~e d!'w \vitb.~'n]leth inS spl:fcific :llld l'imited 00 dI,~ ;1iI''Ir''eI\Iru.

ltsi!l1 __

'. ChcoS'e th~ rule Wil4'mi llike the besr, rhel'l sock \"d1h.ir fW'.JtID!1 rest of me (<lID]XLign_ CQNI.S'!e.ncy fs ~ crltic:l1 iil~l m_rulcs. ' adjmlkMltlll.


'Whlle::!]1 dil! pkyettl!re l:C5poH$ibl~Io;r wnttilmliDg re me game. the on I.l!! musl u I tim IJrdy f:inL lJilKIll..tk~ DM to keep the g;;l me mcving. m"i.ni1li.ll plalftll:l:.JJ:u:c.res"1. Mld kcrC}1 IDmgS l!.ID- IWfDi:m ber ,hll~ keepmg thinGsmom:m~v£ mOl!!: im-pal;il'lIM th~n setlrc:h· Il!\g l;htm!.gbl'ld~hocIkUQJlll.t!J:lie ~'lla..d~ uUh ail ~Dmepoin[O'r ~dll'ilg;.I:Im;;: In leng ~ti2!Jl\IU.,~ declsiofls.

El.!m.,1i w~t!tm;n &'lml~ cm..bo...,g dQwn...s~:meti:m.ea. Per.bllps th~ pkYHli.h:we.»een II: h II. whi.k ruUI ue growIng !lll~d~ liffi:I. of th~ ~mi1 o.Id_dllng. MJlybe ~ piaying ~.essiDn f!lib; [k[ for .Ill:! appBte'lU H'!I:Sl::ltl. Sam,rn.me~ rhis Clll:I'[ be hel:pecl-ymiN only IUI111111l In ,f.JC:I, tK:Coi$ir;mally you w[U tmd...il'S.hJ!ue,r riO Ciil.nru II plll·ring se • sian or nrt j[ shOll ramer mrua h:L"f.lli poor ~xperkI.tC!! I nlll m:ty ~t ba,ck tb:~_whoI0 campaign.

Howell'lU; o'ln ~nm~ge- pla.YU1g&SSlOACIUI be rnmed JUro 1I mem· CJlIbJI;C'1l1l> m~ej_!rltlrt.C'Illl...be..spmd ulP, For I!1!l3mplr!. proP$ C111..b~ew J:lfe..q:~e."'yc,u_CG :ml1kil= &k~ ];!ll:~dJJl1lmf £om J.'IQI.lll,ml1il~per. ~~~,Il," ILb1 wru:tiJ)g iI' ~Hghr.lv \JoIlth wiJ'I!-e Cir 11'.-'11 ~nd.:t~l~lilfi,g it dry 'to ~:n LJfI-e~ll4!dJcn.v, Tos~ il'l a f~ .lde;l;se-;o: ot mt~ll tip5'; a.Di:lI~{~r'W~d1. t:b~, res Ili:l~ liI'mmp at II rndlSOlg;c you elll mttuiUy hmcl..l't (0 ~~m. o1d rotl1:!i, t';irot cmiii, ~ b:m\l~~.k.m ~ fOrcigfi 1u:!1tl1~. rmdilie '!ibl ;ill.!ru!h \7i'Onderlulllll.rUWUl£ilU g.e[pbY~lb.up.iriltor me game,

AIl'~r.herJ:iRd.(;!.(yisu:llllld is AflWtlr.k •. In 1111 D&D~~pmdiuct,5· ~1l1Lfilld wjj!ldedul fan iJ:I!i}' ill iI!ufiuI.DliliS:.~~lu!uQlJiGlL IlltJ$c.;'Jl:J;fl.l1!:f:i....QLflJlhbook..~O'ileLOUom~thet.JlK!.Owt.C..I tP:ro\lld41l.i1.svtlh~,p~tu[e rha,t fu,; ~ome:.thiu-8_the pes ""illl.. .l,.tIlaiWilt:I ... :rhCll..,WMn rJl~.£.{lWllnlJer wm~m.F=' pull atlllhe #1C'fUIje,_;ind Si?!. "n i5 tii,wh.1t you ,see: 11. whn~ p] :liytilrs' im_:li,gtn~¥J.Il'~Hlme{1mes seein,GA d~p!~~klll oJ SD.m.~lhInS rbt:!y

entOW:)mUIi~rn.4m~-'iI ~hmIllct(l~, ~ mOliliS'ter. C~~, plnce-

m:ak~s th~ 1;!~1H!riUlCt: aU the m~~~~citi!D, or real, ~omelim~ 1'V1J (;00. find ill'I.!S1J:lIl:io;n in odd places.. Jewell' ,catalo,gs clIlII_provide visual ids for som:ema&~ i[~.ot h"§.1.'llr,~ ~!clim~ II hkwry blO;lokor e.ncy~opedli\j"1Uh·llJt.ls~tioJlS iSJltst as Ilqqd Il~ ~ fan'msy 1xIok.

of cO'UJI';!il!l,j"_OlIS_atr.l" ~ ~w~p; h m~e ~ ProA i)~, ~ p.il:fIl;re of sOlm~_ m.Or.l~ter, oN.PC, or ~I,;,!:t' th~U¢I'p; 11~"'1I: c:rs-~ I\~d, That's ~~hen Y!!!!} .1!!1Y. Oil lin evocatJ~'e:, ~~[:~_o.. :p.¢pper you.~ tt~sc~~ r!9f1S ofwh:ln [be Ch~J':l!C"l'e!'$ ~~ with -IU~c[IY~ 01.1110. viyi.:l ',-:~rlis. ~~bcr_ t}J~t you lret_nE! plal'~'r$' ~J:I!! and ~:j]n, ~A ~~k

cil:II!1bf'r wnhmoss: grow~ UI 1;I1l;cl\:s m [hi: SliIJI"l~ '\\I'.'IlIs~ is. much 1 ~mqrn e'l!dulI_g .hon ~a 1o.mQ,[·bl';lIl-{OOI room:Thro~ghOUf ~ .,nmA C'olltinuQ.lly !15k YQ~: Wh.llt.,:tx4CII}1 ae tim chIl.Glcr~~ se;e?Do rlUl")' hear ,;m},thi.1!I .~ '\£1: (h;~n: i:ltly f10liceable odors? An unpLeHant t~DS 'tn fhe D'h'-, Dl) riLl!. • fll~l lilt ehtll wind ;gam1;( du:i.[ skin~ 15 theiir h~i~ ~l,!d b,J' bor, fl~mp g1I:5IS?

N_~er.will fi:n;g&~~l1-ll.5e b~n'(! on ~ c:rIlmblIng brwJge: il'I the

, middl~ qf~. r.bunc.le ~;t,,_~_ Th~ ~5'1 wily w gin tbi!: ,I:ry<ers' anI!; t ~.!RItti~~ u:n.an, While nO[ ~ve:rr eneou:nle.r needs lQ~liI1l'.thr~merlii~ Oil' eatr:h.-sh~kLng, k""ep m m.ind haw i1 wm~1d IlilLSceem in some .1I-t:nii:l_T1 mOVI~ 91" e~irirtK book Villains ~om fRt.· _

[be I'5l a5the.'f~ghn, ~mI mc[];m':!'S~f meJll1rlrigl~ if ~ fichuplrut golli is ~ltit!l, LmBBin~how mu.rnmore excl'liDg: lIficPf \~Ol.!Td be mgmlns I gnrills on it ledge around n In.'''ilpit

Som~ DMs ~n~Dy acildn,gjllil[ ,the dght anDospbere far theit "pb.yi~g s~loi'1S, Mus:lt 1$ OfllCl'i a~ IN!!)!, tD~.~-e.ompllsh 'this, fl'~ sop of like Im,ving ,5o,tmdrnds- fur yell.1;[ g~r;!' Not S'1.I.rprts1ngly. rlll)s~' who ,j!l'Ijoy using music in theiriW m!COS oft ·1iI I1I:[e rou.nd.ttllcks

Ifr"m ~dveilH.!re movies. ~khQlIghp1~Slc~1 ibl:t'lbieDt, or O!dll,e:r • ~_t)I'J e~ w~rk ~vdl ~e'p.m !Din!!, ' , fhQugb., th.nl5l..m~I"y'f'r!il ID~J tEind ;mw~c d·~tl"Jlif;tmg, B~ titC(!p,tl!'\~!XI wh~U!J.l!!.ll!ly:m;_1.tlu!-m 1-:jjImO'Spbe.re In ~),1hid! the.y Gtli1'rh~ilr,;il.fidis1L"Jl.cr~d.grDU'Jli ~joyiI!g themselves is l'II~ver a goed QOI:.O :h~t- II ~c c:.re~I'ean 1II.:m~ele are with. p:ili."Jred mi.IlJj1I~5I1inii d iqr~_m~~eci..uly ~hl:$ d HI! ling, .lllild eve 11 !!!'il.Uld f:1I~lS.llf !hi!' Oem! [(!th~ reora }'VLI an:_in ~1I 11M. yournil)' 'oWlit IICi ~ dlll[ when me FCs_Dpen II

dI.lD!le!J.i1 door.) __

Al1oth~' e.I menrID.!tJl)' DM~ ~pLil¥ ;trul mn.ny'!,~.y:e.rs£IDPYj,i fur me DM [I' U5e rlilkfelJ.t: WtI~u_~b.e:r.I speakilltg "in_ c'''~rnt:t~r"· IJ:r.J:edcing ~eNerllJ rliffe:t<em aeeenrs Oil" ""'>lys of spe~ki.llg, ~:nd .n~siglling litem ro difftHe.J1f ·N1'Cs ~an be ~ su:[iciD:lg 1WliIY to m!!ke ~hose ch,g'r:!O!~[$i $!ID\~ oLltm thl:--,-I_g~·'.5'·llliflds,__ __

O'C:c.lSion:illy.J hnle mirnilJE_£[ Il.~[i Qli)~3JLI1.!W?pl,em ent 3 8£.!E!.. tn;'lt odU~I"!.'{i5ie e-me; only in )mUT Imll~lIt1ol'1 If 1m N 1'( is slu:hl'~\.i!d. !lind smoped evee \vhen site

walks umd II, :a.nd Yto\v dle puyers exacdy wh;!.!: YOLi m,(:!::Ii'I. When_the c!.'!'li:lilg:nbovetbe PCsbegins 1[0 eollspse, ISlam yo~t'5 1liP-9_IlJ.he- ~~ blc,u! s;!!JII1[qte the $O\lJW iJf r~ tli Ri rock£ If_someone, bQib QUI his hm.nL.;I:I~ offur~ !Ocm~thjn!llo ~ PC. mimllheJ actitln-,~I moS'r '~\l'i!:ry rlm<!;a,lb." 'plllll~r (~'ssl!Lmi:ng the eh D'!£r£wrl ~f'~ wb.:u's ~red} wlJJ. follow WUr c:1I! in~!incri!.!,~I'I ~nd re-a.c'h

out, miming the CblJf;;J;cte(li gnJ.'ipl.ng wll~~"'~r hj&. YOIl mu.~d _~ mnke':lI- p~er ,~hll!5!: 9lqH.,~et is invl$lb.le sit 'U:t\d_l::nh~ l::tql~' to remind I:vu)''OI1~ fh~.t fh~r Clin'r S~(! b~rJ lind, her 'I'Oj,~J~ -list comes out of .!'I(I';!;"l'u~re. K!l<ep in mind; 'Iho'U-b rh~[ this son of Jlc'ii'>'ity CM. qUickly ~t out 'Dr haad, Don't 1IC:~ Ollt,_m..IIl' QfiiI~r:s:.. Ql' 5'QmOOr.te could ~[ a bl~ ere.!

finally, ev ry on'Ce In II .... 'hile, reallly !>u_mtlse l'!,Ilr:p~'~' The NPC_rhe.y thC'lI,&in was a "!Uain 'rIlrns am [oM_ shap~ch3ned unic!i!.rl1 'wlw only the besi of in'ren'(jolls. Ibel due. die)' dloupt l~cl ro the ~re:.IlSu~ v~lJ.l[ mms o~r_IQ_1ll:.!.Fd h~rrmg. 1£ die :~w, a.n~ il'l ~. dUIl,gi!'i)Jj] fOCU.t'I, and I .f1J~~T i5 ahout,to SIO:t'm into the 'mom. and ;~nOl.d{, kl!lt!p y,OUf VO!f:iI! In !I. mo.tietn,[t Il r '~"''I!fI ~OfE level whil~ d!CscribillS the mora. Thll!~

--; $ul;ld'l!nly, rill se YQ-1lI.t' !lo'ic;e ~'f.ld I~~"p-, to you r feeT m~ [he giam enters, Thlltll gt't thnir c:t~tldol]+

Th~' DJ.>! p~ des th~ ltd\l~I!Iru.n .and dt:f· r (I. Th~ J:!llIyers an.d. du: Dl'A work tO~ ·du:<r 10 ~te the gsme lIS lI~ol~ow~wLJr's your respo~ilitfro guide the WIll' the ~m is! ·Ia ed, The 'hi$[ wily to ,a.coo:m_pLish rhis is by lenn~ wb~ [ '!bep.illve:r$~m [llif T figuri,tJS ,ollf wb~if:_~~ ~'!I:ilf!iS w!ill M~riy $[f] s oF~ ~ t'i.'mt sUU c'prD_sir~ el'lCis,pf rhe p'1a'")'Ul,~ ~p~trumJ!1"~ diC'tatled! bdCWtl5 ~:amp:;,.

KrC K 'N THrliOOR __j

-.. --- _ . .-.--1

Th~ pcs, kick 11'1 ml: dtm~.cl'l a.oor, fight ih~ mon~r:erSl.!'lI1j_g,ftr ~h~

tre::iSUJ.'le. This ~!)'],I(! of play is sll'aig]:lIiOf'iWl.'D I fun, ~J:!C.iring. ~1:ull IIctlon-onemed. Vel)' liffl(! time is sprll[ on developtn.jl.lWl'SOnali for the player charncters, 1"CIlep]:li.ying noncomhal '1.!r2.u_n:~I.'S. or d!51:1iI:i1Si.liIg cilullticm:s o·ther wlin whiles

gOing o:n iII the dUllg~Cn.

.l:n srld:il :1 g!lm:~, '11::[ r'be K-s f,a~t' m~vil mmm.ffS lind CppOIlCf<lt5 alnd meet dc:n:ly good b,e.lpwl PC..{fXCIl!;io.lII· ally). DOll) ~c:t PC8" 00 anguis'h overJYw ~Q_dtLWIrh_pd.son~rs. Of \Vh~I:h.e"l" i[~ rigbr Or'\~8 10 UiVild~ ~iiid \'ripe aUIIDe bugbear !aJ 1"_ DOI'I'I: borherIDOJ:ruu:.iLwLaD. mru:'!,I!Y or rime spemm tD\"'tJi. Do wh~~e¥1it b tlk!l5 IQ.MI cha.J1Q; b\Jc:k mIt!. the ~~iQIU8 qui-ekly ilSt-

.p~b~~ Cb!1llllC11Ltl" mDt~v~tioll tt~ed 'b~ tit! iII~re J!\I'I1'~mpe(i ~b.~n ILf. , di:$ir~ to kill il'l!JllJjn!~ 3nd ~QgutL"l! l'I\emm:.

R.u1I:S md gilIme balance lIXe 'vel)' imporlilm .il:l this ~t1'J!!' ef p13f.

I'.UIJme_du![Ilcrers na'l',e WJll.bAuhi.liI:J-~illet' ~hal'l ililtl 'ClIchel r kll0y;'.5. unfillir 5c1rtn~[i:(ln5 m!l~eve!opJJi whIch t.ht=c p~ycrs of til!' 1l!ifr~'I'~d dl1mal:lt:rs ~ ful.ndltJ1liQlJl ofdu= dillUenges lllldl mllilivc 1'Qon!fu:n. ]f)'Q,u'ru ngthi5,.style, ~ve'1' o;ilrernl about IU!jlldicaljJJ'.Rr1.ll~s aDd dunk long 30il hanlilbollt :lIldiOorl!l or c:hmIlg~ w 1:h~ l!lll~,*fQ;~ m:Jki'lilg r!iem.


~lltil!f~.' cut:y,o_rG~~~wk 1qh~.,[tl'noo .• bYr.nriC;~' ~rmoil.!.he'} lCtm~Wct:rulY.wti" dtt mlombe!$ or ch~ru-h:n.!l:, COim';:1110 ~ their dUie~~J)cu .. b!J t emlf'l I:lnly d I;! 90 ~f~l' tl-g~y h!Jl;<e wme rei ~e:m'I:;_

I "'111 theLi OW!'l dilImng outlwk.s and ~.8ecllda'i, Thh nyle or guninK is tlclt'p, Ol'IlnPIr:x. ~nil chillengi_ng. The fcru:o ~1'I"t [11'1 rombaI

bm 0'11 mlkln;g, d'evdopillll in·dep,th perscnns, and ~bl![llCte:r in reeaeriol\. A whole g;!mc S~$SkI1l ID,ijijlpi:lSS ~vitl:l(nrr II s£ngle die roll.

]JiI '(his iflYL: of g,lm!1, 'the N E"Cs houhllll:::IS c-omplex:md rkhly rletllliJI@d liS] Th~I!C-~-:dthl)!.!8h meo.l:o,;uuhouk! be OD mllU",iIlfOrl

i;ld per.;;oooliit)". not game sratisrics, bxpe.c:dQllg_digrejS1oIls from ,~lld_ p~[_ilh'Qur wnllr h_is.or hU'..cbil{jl'~U do, !1m! why, ~Gtlil:'lg 10 a soon: ro buy lam rnt£aru;· ~n-d__ro~ .QUI lie as imPQ[jtlllU lfi epC'OUllill:'f ~g!nln& Ilr-cs. (And a:on'~ru_dC!_ In fl,g1u

~hc om: ar ;di unless Iheir ~hl[L'1JC;f~~i ;a,re_mo~~ro do m,) A. hJ~~[acte[ wm ~o:meJ[lmes rfI_ke a~[Em,U ,~gi~*r'~ bt'M~r ~dg:m,e:l'It.IxC::lIgse "matI wh~1 th~ djilillt!rtl'l~uJd_do,· Ad,Yen' [urea ~dlii ~tyle ,of pi:ly deal mostly with nq_llIri~rimI:kprJlitlcal m rrn-eID'fl1t'lgs~ illld chDrrllcr,er tllte~rioa lllil¥en talluLblUU[ the 'sto~" lb~t!~ lire' wll~lf'i!cly ctell.li.ng.

Ruk~ ~J::imIe less ImPOrl13,lIt III tl:ilUtJle..Sinl;_l::J;"mb~nUhc !tKlI,._gmle mecb~ Wi!! a back. eilil ro cbm:r:ai:l'Cr deve!.gpJlWIl-·· Skill modifien; mJu. pr~{'edenC'e I..'lV-U' toli'lbBl bfil!1.U!s, il:lUlv " . them the ~ciulll Ilumher.5,often donl't me-~n milch. Feel ft<:~Ll~ cb~llge rules W fit rh ~ pJaYJi!N IOJep.lilIYlliig ,il~~~, YQU m~y e'VI:Il lWI'I1 ~>l 5(U;1mllnll! rhuom.bmt SfSclW'i sO r.h~~ h I;(kes Ies:s rime ~wlly I-fo.m th_~ §t~rf.


l'h~'~l"{l'f'J:I£pl"YJn.mQ_S'rQMpa_jgru; etg9WgX'Il'&U berw!:'lm tht1' IWQ exlreIDt'~ JUSf descrJbr:d. TIl\'!re's pl~n:t)' Q,!- a~t1aIllLb-ut lhen~'s II, saory- 1I!Je.aiildin~a:ioll etween c-baI['llCle-rus~ 'cl.l Pbyerswill C!~lIl!lop th~lI: c-ham~_reI'S.l!L1[ lhey'D.be eager IIQ &f" tllfO i'I ftgbL Provide nl piu mixtll~_Clr ml'tq3laymg__~~_Ilrlleruo.(l ornbllf mOlllfilcf5. Even ill It dUllgetJl1, fIl'IJ rnll p~~nl NPCS lliilll 1I!R-1T1 HI!.'Mlt 10 be ,[JijUghl but rntb~r ht!1p~J3_i;;ilJr.j:I~ -d \'\±lh.or Jus r~ ro,


A le\,;, ad; er- ~1')1'1~ -lei iIIl~-d i~~u.es nr W.WI'b, you:\' mflsh:l~llJdol'l.

Se:r'bJ'U;S .... e:rsu,s Ilumol'oo' l£o.w ~riotl!llii you .1>:Ike thIngs !.f'I:~ ,d1.e smlld~rd [or bo-~phWfS.'l;ih trun,g,s. Jom ~Ild ~lll-y cem~tkJ ~~!D m~ke ~qlLi'im(: m~fujJ.julLlhl1i)" <:an :1150 di!.Ir:ll:J from 'me ~ctlOIL If YQ:luna.k.t. Funny !;mll1'mli~.ullldn.g 'thee

ga:lIii!',~Cf th~tthl: pln~ will, too.__ _

Llkewlsu. if youude$i&n ;rdvntufcs thllt are liglltQelned, crelll~ l.Cs.,dulII; 3J I.: .sJ:iJllnly sllh,. or iflf[~d Il~C: mb;lrI-a1i§l;ilg.Q£}IU mOIOWS!lulldQns hue ~bCJlllmi:j ~alize th, t if C'hlln~S' ihe r~'nGlr Qf

~tlu:.G~~.!Erjn=_ki~he' bun.l·i5 a t:ill!:ill,g dOl: nilmed ]\A u!f-yJl'. if [h~ .PC5 hliV_r (~, filld 3 bmmtl't Df r!t>m.m I,,! ~'mJ mOil nng rill h er t~ililo-..lIl_hm.;1llI ~t'lfmtj~rill ~mmJ10Y1I11g, don'r ~'lq)eCi! arlyan~ [0 v:dt~ tb ~ ~iIlQl~ [OOj!i~ril.'1t1,dy.

~1t's-HComIJIehd!ed tbrnt you ph)' drlngs :sttlLighl • .Dtln'L llilll!llI:iQ.I:I:Jlht.i.nseri Jokes il:l((!! th~ g,ilme. ThBe'll be ellflllgh jo_m· Ing;l!.rQllmi ·af dwm:ble qjreadrlD keep th.e game :G:m. 'fbI) Irldlilml:. ~t"IjQll.5hQlldrl remain fuidy ~~"O:LIS (Air.hougb an occailorutll\ll:1ll"j

~OJiI'iiW-f is fl.!!!!).

L Naming COl!'ll'e'Dtic'JI s: Rd~t-ed to bow serilHls or humllfiOus int' ~m'i'l i5t ,~h~ r.iq« Il'J!,IJ,lC;!ic:5hQI,II,d be £I:iriy U!l Uiorm. lrJ s!yle thwughOUIt the ,!:rcl~F' AltPQ'I.Igi:rIlJlY cb~nI~(~r nlllJl!!.ls nn,~ 111. ,!LI)d. of at=<~l~ II ~IlP lh~Un~IJ~~-! ehamc[r'1!! 1l-'l'lIIcd Bob du: Flghlll',t AWonus KillHven ,ofl'hlifillecio.wf.I, and &lIll~®vackuhi! C'CI'1ilS: ~ U-llCY w be c.redible.

'Ml.'lll:ip~e ChilU(~u!'[, ~ You need To decide iLe.ru;h.pl:l}'l:l i GoJI'IG.-'tO ~ Iintill~d [0 OM chOltatlteT!DL' can bll~mQIt flui__n CIIII~. and wb~'t1ter III pl::W .. r is IJI!O\\I~d to !lCt'lJ:all~,(~ thuum~ ,e:bIllI'8UC!JlI thu:u:n, time. Gen:efll'lly. ir'~ ~S~J!.lu- p__m__Ql).e cl1l1:r--agcr per plllyeT. HtI'o'G VN, ""heD pbyers ~re few, 1'IlIl! m gilt ,:liJig.w tbi\'rn ttl 'run mme thill]! one eharse [U jrn:1 U) g~llb~1Jlp , iu \lp' roM ~~asl.follr cb~n!:'[.eirs:.

~ E""S,OlTOMillQ E "

Yo-t1ft If.( cll~~, This ~.n{J1 bdrlg miha~n ndltllg ~¥er.fOlle whitt to 1:10. Ral'htt, you g~1 to de:~L1i: hQl·l'.¥Q1.ILPII),e<f &WJJiP i~ oing [0 pl!l,y __ dlls g4mc-,-»'h, II rod wli.e:re.J.I:lIudXUlUlres fl'kl'

pb!ee. and wh'ilJ LlI:PPCns, 111pi1 kmd I) b;:-ing. l!il..'C:Il!!!. _

A DM_guide!lfuUQ1~ye~thl'Ou:gh rlleil!'fl~ .. Rk" ~J: lin pl~'1-fil)g lOrd' ~k (II (h!'!~rr 6.gine{[), MhI]~e: laJL~ t(wIZll_Pl.}.. la:ml (a huwllJ c~nG1__~nd Lldd:! lw h~JID:ng rn-&\1~J~The:S.U!l11 ,~,&w!'ir'UJiWS see~ thc.:nlimJ:!I ofan D.pmdo.L'led. monis'l1l:t:y. tlnw.l'l b\' ,rom~tS -cl ~ fu~~ tlre._o;P3!t ~'LIp'po,edli'b_irl,dell 'there ~, rhe, ill_boo~ wben d" e pbee W,;IS a~Uldred.

Mtu- ~ing rnmllgh du~ 1lfd.css ,3bo;,'~~u:m:i ruins a-E Iht mOllme!,)" ~ Q\ilmrufem find II rubble-..me:wl'I MlIi.mlse leawJlJWO'IIo'II.

Tort!ek: lei's Give d:! ese upper rubu Qti~ meal' qll (cldQQ:k,

DM: [MlIlmlS SDm~ I'Vll In tm'1, lml f:n(l'wmgj'hrrl! l1:JJ'hj!1g fa flll& HI rht' .bumrJ-wlfl th"Jl "r IIlr .MDnllfl 1l~]_¥C.lLd:o.ll'r £If1a nn thln8. W'hn! ~H!' you goil'l8 10 dQUW'?

JQZ.iIl: Let's go do,\,o'" I

Llddl;a; WilT JJghr ~ ro~h b __ -

OM,: [in'!:, bur j'lJ_.n~td..rhe :m~~hll!g crd!~_f ~~I;,H rou'U be iii, A1 IIJli$1-1tlJ11l r, J tl e p,rfl~ 11-n'I~jJgtJJlrfil:.Jllt '1{II!mt frS!l!rn~ (ItCh r'!i1'1l"

flflimg ~JU ~atlmrttr. III i~r cmtr rn ill'Jtjdl !hry t~~r_r IIIQTCh down Hr~ 11"1n- Ullld.nr~r~ dll'L1.m tam.!"", 01110:1 mr~r TWIiI~)- TurJ(',ti. goer ~m. fof,. rlllwd ~Yl~~n lliJdJllh~ t.tln"M,lhrii MIllJtt, LrrUn urmgrllp r'rrmr.tlPf PMFf nillil'lgJl'lMi ~t I L'llIllI' 'I !il lIlllll Irch lilt! lflt'''1 II«llsirJlIlIrrY.

ifillt pl"1I1ffldidJ'l,'j Jr.l1ti11'lJIilllillllUItS, wrilillgdiJIL'JI th~ Illdlrhillg(lrJtr (! 111 yJffI' "I rap IWilli:! mJJlli' __

Tonlrk: EoI'JU.I'IlIIely. (he! tchll_'won'tspo,~ my ifurkvisicTJ-tbli(llJi!~lpU$llindg;l(t::.i;n I'he diUkdWll d:l.l9:l'.


DAo1: You d~"d 5_Q\irh",ilr-d'-PQS5ib~y 3<0 feer !.tuer.:llJ1f. md ~r

tb.r.l"Jl{l ohhe $JI!i..,.~ay '.l'tll.1 !i'~e'jJn_Q,~n spa.ce. lbrdek: 1 '~:n['f:r md look ~mlJloo.

J!;)ZlUl!: I co.me III hehinLi wflb r_ll!! tDn::h_ D~t -)_'QU ~~ j 11 ~ dl Bm be.ubu'lU 10 f~~t II.t~S to" [h~ 'S([I,!!J!u '

.30 e;., w-I~~ ~ Il.d...~. ,You S.R lo-foot--wide paS5~UR r!Jelen Ilod righ J ~ wen :lUrraighlllhrao, 19th In ,die' ,c-eonrr e i{~ re ~-

ti\ll! -1 OOkm_gl!3Ck" )'0:11 $ c: rluH;tlliTW;ll), b¥ ~b ¥lRLel1l_

dle cbi1llJlber.i;n._~ <e1'll1~r £rhl! n-om ItiJIIl -,-

:uddll~.w",IIII' else (113 \lott kILl? D :,_Ibdloau .QI!gh :In.d_.dllmp, TIl ~iliogjs support d bd ~r.dI¢~h~t pwb:ihl:t'm~ qO meet in dll~ cent·e:r.:abou[:2;O mel moovt"

~thlmrd_IQJclI hecm.asc ohllth~ webs. Som.~ mo.ld.enng, old 5.11cb.lln: lfillgjrl [he SQmhlfNW oi:C,iulI:f, Bn d w:mc flJ.bbish IS j~ 111..

bled in, dle ~lJ!ler of fh.~ Ooor-dLn .. o1dlea~~E.dQ,rh. and seme sticks ox bones.

Ap~r II ~J.:NJrl d li"mum I"lHd I fir fli'r~1I1rcLon o.fA_~l n ']d:fI(h..pjJ])1'T ~!l Jlamir.~ Il:I1 aclli:'11 fur hiHrI jiM' rhlll'Tida Tl1'l'tItk Iwb dOL~'IiII"rt ~1!ulll JIIIllo1S~,.t\lfll1lr.tl? I n IIcdjgilll~s r'r~ rlllmWl III lIlt' m iJr.I!t.}(jt,1I11 j'o(Iakr t.1 fill' ~!d J4clu. ~fld Li"JI11 j(JoWQI!.IIL Ifl ~ Wid pilH ge. rlrr ,pllllyt'o ~$I!J~ jj'ltiJ' frgmr~ ~n_ll floor III~TI 'I 'i~ J'lM h.lll f.~l"tdl1fl (ltf' (fIt jlI1JII."t

r Jillrt ITO Oll~ ~id mr wdl,i ~ll)llllr~Jlfjali. i~f 11M JlXm' U!iJlT)"lIlJt1ld , roll~teks 10 J<N 'k~ fJ'ldn

......._DM:._ okay_ M rwo of "tiIll lIJ[~gAt'lWr.l (h~ plssa.g.ey;nd IOl!~ '~torts Im:tk.ingJll tJb.e'!i!J;{:J,is,... LTllr DM l'Cib iI jall,h ~fllldl fur jhUl1911~~]l'(tU ll1JIi« III i'll' ~N1i~j.lfe "114lLM..l~ I i1 djru!i!~ mUt" 0tM1lil Jll nrmli:lillw" a<C!')"Pllt' ACJdrm I Dftillll'lIIl1lllmll'l\" Uilllu'C j~ a.] ... Mi,u.I~e:. }'OLi fo~l somr~hinlland OD fOur shOl1!d;,:r-ll[ f~I!,ls hB!ry ~llId move~ IiQ:l;VI1ni1 1I'Oll;!, n~'lCkl

MilJlee: flkes! Wb!lr~irl

Tord!!k.; to he:! r her (;~ 1:1.11 I'll rum IUtl LInd. Wh.:I1 do I se ~ t D~I: ~\'ai. [ J~I!R.II min. tilt!, Ftoo. Milll~. roll fur I.hid:lri~e. !._MWcc:..(&Illi:J.lga.r ~ 191~

DM': Ut(lU~, mUiLtltw fcr I~~ sJlid~,. 'lind s.:~h ~ ~.] EveryoJlI: else, should roU fOT fur tUUt\lt Iil..!l wdllbmilk, yOU! he.nd MMl:~ gMp, :I ad YDU film fO Sec Ia:rgot, hliry spidel' 1:11'1 hE'f lid

~~i1n Illl!, n 10. Li~!dd .1n S, IlIld TlJrddt ~. t

DM: 1II[i~1t~, you 110 flINt. WaDI do you do?

M~e: I gmb it from my .shoulder mt! thJm,v IUD th~ IfOllllrl, wilDe t '!;lIn smmp On tr "'[(h !!if boot. _

DM~ Ok~'f. hut y01d"IiIf1~,tm,;;;d ~rl'U'k.~e'.s mn ~mck ,of op,porlunity.{rom the spider, 50 it bi~W~UJl.l]b.~I iL rEIr ro'!J; 1111 iltlll~k rpJJ D. HIi' Jl'lder; IInJ gt'IJ .. t .} Ugh! MiaI~L yOll _ei:!1 II simp prick tin YClJir n",t'l1:. i\lJa,kt: iI Fo'rlina'h:_s~vjD.g. tbf0'.r. __

Th~ F'~Yl'n ['II! g-JllV In !~lIr- MI'~'~~ m'b II (hi" I~II~ WlilltMJII,I '~~r tlii'il!·

Imll mD.~il1rr. &V~fj Ill~ I III +0:. __ _

I MUi!Ie-e: Forrirnde, my WOXS[ save! 1,;:,'5 et=r plw:_O is'] well, 1 s, .[5 th!u gtIod !l:ilotlgb~

_ DM: 'l:'QU !~~i ll'1!lay. B1.L[ tl:t~ bitt still ~t1L~~'lp.oIDlLilif d~fI'I:l,gi!. l\oimJ~e: Oueh. OkiY. [b~n I roll n 14 rQ &f111b h nd throw 11 10 the gmulld. Ik'!.l~uCCleed?

DM: Xe-s. Th~ spid'l!I" 1~lld5 ID'h file gnmna and !Qo); 1ikc.:I(s" Ilcillilg ~:o St"JJuJil' g\Wf. p~ rh~'ps Ir.!ck WJl ~h~ w:JiIlllO theMi'hu~ .. jO'LtlI: My 1:1.11'.IL 1 ntll U.JllQ I.t n nd SItHligh i[ wllh m,}, m~cer J ron ~ fl:ll.rura! 2U! Wim mylxm~rh"t's 22 In "IL

.DM; Gooa roll! '(ou C-3.R miiM! mJU 'fUr ~l'Iti Dlud:. SI) m:oike' a mn

~o S~ [f dl!U"5 ~. '~~r~f;ll hit.

JOUl.n:!J::«'IItiIImWl18 1»111 n.l.b:.U..\-.goodi (!l'\tmgh.7

DM: Yeop. Rolldi!m~c-_N'~ iub:lllbe l'esult~ lttg,cmelr:.

JO .. ,;ul;.l&!II.f..J S, '':I!lt Tw:e:l~e Fl>llnl'5:.i.klll~r o:tl'c I ~tM my StRI1,gthbClnus--whidl ~ISD ll1olllbltl'dcWith the en~!

PM· Thwtrlllighty blmo.· mi~ibe1i abe creawre w b-lts.

Mi J,ee: Coo]. Wdl, ,nOw thu ililihe I!lfcilll':lIlenI i~ OVI"'I, l'm ~glQ~e:aL'lili ilirougJ:. this rdY!i!',~ru:he f100rlike 18l1d l Wl1ll1d.

DM: olt:l.y. Bur,. 'm~k(!! !!n.tl~h~ :F~rl ~il:Ve EO ~ if there ~ ~ lI.y lingering effet.:t5 ho . ~h~[ spklc:rbure.

Mw_e~ Uh-o,bLlhru doesnj s!:)]IJlld~od .•. [&Ik) .. IIII'

mil: Nop!pN~ _I tnj;n y~ ~eel fme.looki:1'I{l ~[ rhl\! pile of dehr.is, you!:! ,w:qe~!ii h'~pw!n.\dt..n:£u:tl; fwfl;l ~h~ !ipld~r--lefilJll'm of IQ; V£alms Inti tEl Ool,yn ~~n~,.Amld bits orooli'l!! .~r.ld linlu.s af dlldtll'lg., ~Qn find 19 silYe~__pj~ nil me ~ s.cllrth c:heck.

Mi!tk~ i'lIJl$ 1\19 i1mllUlds h(r:t_f;_&lum m~I;Jj~rJrrru:mJ11 o/tS-Illd m~!i8h til I1(1J!r,e Ii rmM~J1 gnp julllqnrr!_

OM· Yo~. ~c~ ~otn~mlfi.G_spldt:,l1:lM.id-= ~ sni~1I5kWllooklll& d~e.L 1'01.1 set! if's· iii gem= .gmme·

"itlc' rurU.get if fUlUlld pJ.ltitlrurlly polilch- ~e Ctll:lll'~ ~...;l.pR1,~1Lbu,r. ¥(iq kno,w, I'm ,gl!ttin~ ~ Ii Itl ~ 11 UYQlllj ~ boll r tbal·w~l).

I:.jdd:i;_GoodI polm- ]02;lI.1I. why' DOl !isht the webs (in An' with YOLluill'dll_

J~.t;I; okay, I do.. Wh~1 ,h~pjil'Cn&~ {Lw~ allJu! DM.]

D..M. -:h~ \y~.hUiu:m ,qu.id:1 , !U !.hey do, l:il'l)' bumingh sm .. lli::r S,~l'i..r:lU from ~he ceiliDg. bUl nDmm.c th~ size or die:

Cfdl'WlI:Jh~LlIn.d:~d .

llO'Rlek: [Oil rllQ~'UJdJ wh~a' do we ~l!l! ..-lcWll fhl.! ~51Igl'S? _ n:tr.t: The smnh tun neljjJf1. 'rlIigbr as f.1r as you C!J!:l set. The _ .!i'ItS1 OOlTiJOf_e::ndS in ~ boUI~ 20 ftef.t.

'f,on!ek olroy. til 3l:s. ,g~n~ dO~\!f!llb~ t'lI!5t P~~~gs"

DMi You :reri'h~ f~Lcwrldpr"&oe!l;smlg]'I! fot ~1xlU'l._JQ£'~i ~n'l. tb!:!il tlll::lIS :a mrner to b~ noJri h_

Lidrlw. LeI'S t'bedUlliuliL1~ door- rf!'rJI)'IIrtc (tgm"1.1

DM, OkJ:iJ. 1ftru w>dk dmm tilL' Wd't p;lIS5:i1~ lbe.doo~ m g.;t'~I, j h~;ry th~ nil widl Lhug;l: ri fig ,of tarl'1;!d~d btio!ru'.llt meJ:.e:UID, Tam.t!k: Mi;l1l.'l~. your Liflen m~-r is bel1t~[ til 1Lmtne.. wh

don'!. )'Vu Ilst!!'n J.r this dooti' _ _ ..

MJm~~'; .1 m~V!1. f6 r ....,~ro [0 a.o ,so, LlYIllUlDib.:u.JlIllJ J ~r iinythlngi

..,_DM: Yeu heal'lI fuin I moa:ni ng; tluil!l-you c:m't lell]~ ld.lMtilt lil ~~h:rl ri5~:lliId Inell fades lW>ly.The door is biAgil!d~1'I me lefl~ mdJao!ks lik¢ i~ p.IJll~Jn.\'Qrd K1'I1i'IUY 'yOJl.

Mi!d~e: 1 hel!rmopnlng an 'lite {ltner ,,[d bt's il~I' r¢~d.y fer, lIm.on! And, by dll~ WIl}l.1 mol,llUO mV-l'o-sil:imUmv:mhhe back.

Tlnd'ek: LL;IIligJl~-] AUtlgjlf l'tl_Jlpen the door w:hile.lh.,= elf, ~mbh:'i to11m.bilck ~h_lu:_lhne._

.oM: MlII.ku_Sttc:tLgth dlJ!ck.

Tol'drk: lRUIJ~,J lli.ml~ IP.' 10. If rhaa..noL.gwimg.l.Igh. Cli.ll 11

tty~~. 1

DM: ih~t\llot gpod !!'notIgb.lmt If YO~&Ji:I~ii;temhllo I tim~ \JI1il It. yOll ~.3ueep trying.

l'o.de:k: [T[1 t~~ !1llitF pjllym.llClO~' Wl mlll-WlUl'!._J;U:eL rhlUllgh 'this door. righI~ mit}' !gi1't.';0 I'ht rJi!'yt:r lLu'IU bilckh lilU>1.J.lIra.j \",ill mg !'O s~DiI ~fcI0jl&:h lime t.CI 1'~h 2U C),1n my .wll. Wiili_;~'" S~grh bonus. m~t~une all.

DM; Ah, ell~iJy good_ennugh. Mienl tvllplc: of mlllUIes, lordek foree~ cpen ID~ ~fuck dOOf; Immedlllrcly II bl:l~ of cvld • .dnmp air igl:l$'~ UlIO tb 'PiS:~. \l.!he~e y01.l ~!N!. b low[l'Iij; Qut]J.natl's farc:h.

Tor.dek: [10 1 see :m)l1lhin,g ;,.~ ... th tti)f dlld-. ..... I.s!CIIl?

DM: B(!yorlil me door is ~ I:hllimbeir with RJlIg,lu~Ib..nOI bloc:b or stOfU:: like the room be.hind }'l:I1.I. [t's Z5 fe-Gt lvlrl~ o.nd. ezaends ~b[]IU '10 f~@.!: 1.0 riD.!! !\lIlud'6.1u.t:l:o(l\IDl~thm1.!ih rbe :rooln iJI~D ~ pool canytng wa.h u a.m:hL.dI_iUI!.1iP b~~. ''i'01l dOJ!l~ see mytbing ma\llng mmund.lm'LSQ'ID.u,lllb.mdutnd bl,l.ckt;1'! ~n= herr.

JQ7. n;_.Lrnsl Jlghll)'J1 ~I ~~'lI ,!lever gtE I m:rdt lit til rl1:~w~ntl

DM: Okay. POW o:'Y'e['ll\one__el[l.,Slte.._

Iw-dek: [ lQOk ~I' the ceiling alld the il~or f~r .ailY ml:l~ Dlily

~rp '-

MUll!:!.!; l'Ulook 1.11 rbe ~:rtC1s ,lUltl. 'b~et5.

IiI.dda: joo.'In,. bd ns. yo!.!r ligh~ ilf.lil, w~·U check om lb..: pojil. DM: Tomek md .M.inJ:ee, m:dit: l:il~,h checks. IJd.il.JI and jOlml,

give me PQT cb~l:ks. S'W.{le ytrlll:l!!l1't:'~.d!' Ihr: paill wimolilt gelIring_in'lIJ it, b.ur fOLI t;.n 10lDk m~~~r 10 'sPlt ~fi'·Ylhtn,g: thBt rnignt krlme.I:lhe P.'IiI'U~ r.omp1)o._,1Od .r~1i Ih!' D:1i-11lufPr nI'.mlh., ,'lIhl'JI,I!lulIUlMM.0~1l I db iJ'J nail) uIgjiJl' llmfeic [iI'- M!1fI, , !l> JIIId'-1 Tk~r_e' ntnhin.g ~!ilI"ming!lbolU r.hc: c~ilillg ilnd floot, and tbe I1lltK'lits IItt '~1IIP'r:i'. Th~ pool h~Li'llll;l ~ mJ_~1l 'WhJ~e &h dut l~k h~1I1IIleS$~thl'!Y dcm:'t ~(:t ~[nlloo your lIg,ht. The ptIli,lloo,hJO he

4 tlil (; fll<!'f deelH\?irhiJ fClugh ~rul ro~ky OOltolIl. JO~(ii Ilirb.f,IJjH result 0 ti'}!O!.I :iI.luh~twh~t ion £irS<[ S'~lmIed to benock fllrt!lilldtlfl nearnnl;: 'lW ~(l"[_of ml.l :P-&lQII~pkl; som~·whilir tikI!\' ~ ~lW~

J~::an;. C«ill.Miilie ",,!]I you L:UI. your own j~ ~~ ~ mi~d.Pwn Hlttl tile pool 10 gel .. bf:~r_k~.it Jh~ toll? .luni~Qrnl:iliillgjrnell!,dng._ .

Mill~e'~Ok:n',] dQ.

J~tJ:ru:.1h~k dun;.(ye C'~,~ hghlJi.lljW.llL_tmo r!he w;!Im·. m.ww the cenln wthl:~L

__D~1II:'5lQlll!. (i:Li~[,o the ~rwm of me pool .• illuminlidlIgrne '~f'rltc:r. thf ~Jlrm~1 [ClIIl is t:l ~I:rl'i ~ Hm~,cw'l!r $.kd!!ooll-it m'IJ5"1

bav,~ 'been there for mllA}' yraf$ Q_UUt~!~~~. sdrring up din md muck, md dldDdgf5 Wbill~llIl5JQ_b_~1I ",Under 300m: ~,fiX!i'tang. Th~ cumllr qui.ckl· hc:gi~ tQ ~ju:WIIY; ••.

:Wada, Oh, no! I iap .. .hIlO the ~"'lItu 30d gf'[ It_I J~S[ rn be ~b]~ to See do.JYrI tDe[e~til!Uel. in t..e~', 'b~8.I.!&e of my low-tig,bt' v:i.5tOll.

UM.! limr.rum. MIlkuS\1J'i~ t:hliCk.

~dd~: u h· [!Iii, I don'!: iJ.ll.yuh ~~ 5ki ILUIItrnined, [ IIff mv J,5tter1i!llth bOliuS." tlgJ-u? ubh ... dOIlT !m:v.~ one oCr.bas'o!l etrhee [&1lJ~JE!!yUftill gOlf ~ lil

JJ.M: '~ij rgu~ II t~ roLllIl$ g«.'L Qlli,ght. lid!:!~; evrn with 01 J1tll hy fOlr: rhe weight ~!: ~lIm ~~n.g.}'i)U s'ln:cec-d. YIlt! m;ID{tge to j i.ml.p ill arul.mim up ro.the Jll 00 JLKt.aS d}_~ cut!' TIl is g,omg [0 !;weep it CUl o.Jhroom and dowti rhi! uild'ground SrnrurI. You h.:lve.JJc;ldcufJh~r~ would be air [iii breethe if you S\V~m dOWll m~ illl.k,J;IUIO\V pa5wg~ whkh ~~mS ta be eem-

~pJe~~uh WLW .. _

r ~~ ~~~, .dw.l"I.tt(y Co ~b the rube, !low .. ' ~~~~lliU;k mIL

...Lh~I~ mlh !ii8~ m-!ll~h ,fDgmlr Ih~ fnrM. Tht OM ~1Ii1J Iltu ul/~l'in~' !I01', i1,!d LiJtiL! qWm.!' liP III tJIUI£~~.aml dfrn.1lHtW: at ~11t' ji!Il(Ij ,Wlljll~r. ft~lp at I 1r, ,d"~r'J-illJ Df wJlllm ~illla II rll ... Illig' ~he'ir' dliln1l(;(v;r; nv:Mi IU't1IUla' Jt" to R'~ ulhal dl~':r {t!1Hu:I. Tilt DM' ,cl';f!£n,!;.u t'tC mtl~d 114'~'.

lldd:a: I dry of[ the rube 1l1i'ttlc, and rhe-.n t1~n k. DM: Inside is It roll o.f v~jlum.

Torde,k: Lel~,g:er om of rltisTOOm..and:baclc mtothiilc enny cbamher wh.~re we Ci!rl Jlgj:1[ l'Orch.eS ~ .. Jn.li: p,mb;Jbkncli g,om.glf) be L::lIS):IO mi!a.d.a,.saoU or wm.I1...,,'envithth~nt rrlll allt~ PCs gm, 1I1lbillicy 11Itllfll tD !l.~Jinll'VOt'1'l, d~.$.jng_mt door ~dl lid Ijl~rJI!.l

UM: Thew be..mmr hB'!re ~UO'\1i'!dJ1bi~lerJt.l:l~,Jp sWt ... Jy, bro:lllls-epm~ of Ime ~O!"OaJ r:I,rl! smud,gw:!. ,llJtd.J)!ilil~:niI, but yO'll ~C~f.I; S~ WM~ 1oo~~ Ll..ke .~im:!I"p ~ft'he" p!11i~il.Gder.theJlUmllS'tery; lou mcogtliU' ~h~ st1li.s d!:lWl'l ~:nd the mo~~.idub.i:..pQOl md 'ir~I" [nus. 'rh~ 'e'i1Si09:D ron:mn ru the mjlp lume~mdllc'fOiIldJ!:glbUity. huL¥mlRII_t"hJu.ne.sol,uh.lXlss:age rlJM am.oidle ~tLre in now lO ;t..blum.-d ii;~~, ~Dlrb l"Ii:J'l1a trutt }'Ol.l ~eu~ lIlreil 'will! ,"QWnUk~ drawn iIhIll,g 'rh~ pcCJllitlu. .,-- __ --:---:-_

Tb:rde k; I.e t'J lind 5iOU rh aad see ,,,b:lli me m ilp is" lading

~DW'atd. [El.ffl'lillt a.gm:s. IaI'tM.: i:(gJIls n iDn:h ilml flIl"t.!: IlKkl'ltl.1 -l-

OM; Yo,u PI1:>S dt;;J,wIII ~ long P'~S5~ge of SUmA! b!od{~ wld:ulR !liebe-rei cdlif1:g ~bo!.it u.'tiell't Q\1erhe,,~ Th~'p;rn;:j&~ ilR!rne £Or iI!:lOi.U 60 r~~'L then cpem .. trno thUQrrbem 'pcroWl,of UII, unlit' cb n m,~r ~hat 'loo'f.;:s to 'b~ a oout_j:O feei' by 50 r'e~.t ee these of you wuh d~r.br.t~uI~d9M'~igh~ '4ii.wJ..JJ'u::omp.leJ:el.y ,e.mpt!l' Q.rul S!)eln~IO .~ il!le..,dI md, Wh at J.I!;I.YO~ do?

lidd~hj:;,ID!?m look Jike..m'l: cmoWh..ml! coffill 5hwpes

~~~- -

OIl.· QJd'oobmofC like the b.W.d:t~ilo:n memnp,

_Miih:e: 1 ~r dt~k'$ Ii! 5't'~r'el dQQUmTe'. Let"s child the slImh tom

L rlJl:...DM d~ct"r.J Ill' m AWl! SI:!l Jl'h urfhs IU1'll:fo:"If, 11II1;dtll frmm Iht piU}'4'rl wl/lld Ihe')' II'QJl'Um.lH\llu.c rt:!ulfr, fk ~}1~ "!ill jJwr rlIlI'llimf ~n '110118; !"lIm' lIU Jll'ilI'I JJl\!tU.l.Oitd ,nl,;;ul"f j.I',,, P~fo b~l ~le "Bm'j' WQ'rlt Ihl!'flii In ~Hm~ 1l11111.l'ifr.tlfug~,~ 1~rt~ Ill' iJu= iWlIl m,Jlijrn fill mll.mrh~ DlIt l'tlttd'~mli'~iIf!~mt!nruWitJiu:ui.Ullcm.U,j1 oollil,rg g J4. fh! (lJ~ 111Jl'~1i'I II Uf!tn dud~ [vr' rh~ ghoo~$ ~~ Ib~r .nlll Df lilt !«I'tl mrrilfbr-dl~ 18 '" ~'11ll f rhq Iljl\O\~ hml'd I r~.ru1)'_ij1J1Jt1.11gJlliJ '" IWIl!.dookj Mg for (I f1(1J11i1ll ~I(II.

DM; Tbe wllll :;eiUllS 5,QUd • .JiQWi:v(,r..,. • ...I!z.Ede~1.LDori,~d IWme 51r.iir1~ Iro.!es il!l the M II-sqLf3~ pl~ce-& Cut l'iI[!Q_tll'l: :5'tOI'lL", ~I;h..amutt lW(ajQOt ou sIde ilrI.d ilIb;p1.l1t dial decr- Th~rt...:rtlLfoulC aIlJ;CI,gidl1~r...:Eaili plIilO:E.hclcs 1s_I.CL e.cUiP~'". With !line 1'.1.11; ibc1.lt ·eeUr!;lm..theJloor aodrhe m:her park .1haUI!' li f~f liP. 'IIOti find,

OiplimeWn one of r.he holes Joz.iI~sl®k ,ilr lhna' mmp' jgaln.

TQDk~.hjJ~ )1atl do t.b;~. ru F-etll ~roYnd til lliuJiII r.he ho.ks..

,Mvuny l~w:n; or Cin:hcs;or ilinythi:ng. I


~"f,;Utg.&W.l(_ml'ilulIIg!it" ,.,Jlj, k"IlWII~ tlim'.an ,to 1~1Il'1'11'o

fl'lif.U,fa!i_donLllnd :aJl1lhtng like fh;n, Tordek..

. 11 le:e:J:h~onJv wing l OlD think Df is [luI the holes 3[e iQC:k~ ers fuUQme~lull!'aCld~n c:owttucullll,

_ lida~ Sure] HOl\La'iwJJ1.l1J::lmp or &I:ii~rs? Iiow high i~ th~ ~iJl. jjn,g [n ~ pk«~

DM: oh. ~~E ~ te~t __

Lidd~ l-lcw ilbOll.Lbo1il;ing ,me IJp and [wil'lg me mI[lth up


JO%l1:P: Cood itieliJ~k. will you he~p me hold her it"e.ad)t? 1btdek SI.!I'C.

Mialee: While thf:j' do th~t, I'll Im~p ~ 100MB' bl .. ms .1: ,ut: ..

IlGlhtng snr.tks IIp behind us f"mm th~ WilY w~ ClIme.

DM:..LD.oks elear, Mialee. Ucldi's not h~ypU gpys.:..dmiL h-:ll'e l:O~t..streJilgth t.h1tC;l;;5 to Jifi her,,:i!1.Il!...d,_~il.Y_e.J".O!..Dl!!!b. thrm 1.'0 hold her S'lell.dlV 50 that sb e can, .. Wb~l, it 1 yg..rn:"",~j;n I.o..do OI'iQ! ~"OLI"ro hois-ced U" Wd:1'

LLddll: Til !IC~1lr th~ stone oot to see if Ili~rkifl,gS or SOItl~' opt:!b'1u· rlDfl dC-vit:e is ev~deJlJ:..

1. :DM~ o.lr.1:f,nl:lW ,~bO'Lif woe :SU~'I1gth ch~cks? Tofdck, you'O!: strollgu, so JOozml'l is hclpm,g.fQ.LU<I thl!t tha~Jlhc a-m!:r WII,/- tmII'ld Jfth~ cleric ~n sl.lc~cd on ~_cluckJlgll.inaDG.J..o...b~H~dd.;i;llo

Tordek's me:mp-t;. __

Thl r~('('lumdtl.i11'11 g.l'I!d..fnllOlr,g" 1"1111' anMUi.i!.rl.hr=.(IlUIfI'..!!1~l~ III Im!fl blddjl ~.i)l.Ja Iht DM r!1l1l:ls iI '~tilfib dlt~TliJ . Slit ~lIils

fDllltlf1illlg. _

DM; I..id.th, VOl.! £inc! orne' Sto.l1e prDje~tW:m: thai ie~tnJJ1fher

~'trlt;IQf.h. as £fwom:.br use, m1

Llde.1.: TJilfll J'ISf'e!i 1 ell n mCl\!~ ~.I'Iy of thl:! bcb.~ ... Mil.y.be Ibe:'Ii:1 open ra secret door.lll;pull pusb, 1~\'i511 1tmI, -:lnd ~lidl:. _ .• ~

D.M: Okiay.JJn~ of q:hil fiSl-~~d proJect1ons JlilfO¥e'!i hlJowrdJ.ljI~ ,tb eres ~. grlnildil&JiWUld. h J o-fo~u-bv-1 (J.r:oo~ s~n'io.ll.Q( the \\.",U,~ UI f.!llt a bO'io'e the 110flt.bl rbe ce:ruer of '~he ~Mlt n .:wJl.IJ,~'1 ~ loward md III the liglu.

udda~ I.'U p1!dl myself up 000 me d.oorway-mil wnJ'UseeJfl can U~ my ~0t01s to somehow enebor a rope up hetl:.ro._he1p_~he ollieu climb,

DM: You get 11.1, lhere. il!nd PJLI're 1 I:!IJd,II&.:RQPIlrl for 12 crack or some,th~ ro wedge 11 ~ wtM.gm? }.bk.e...l.Spor check

TIlt SFJI illt~ iJ; ~.cft!i!r!r! .:reLifJ.iII~Il5l'tt Ih~' .cbouh UM ilillg m fill' .h~ bnlllddiJ d.ornt't1mQllLlim:Ul1r~!rm rglllffff fJ!Cllll~! lilt OM'dldn'l 11'1'. Jilr.l.tSMn;h dl~,k mj~~ IfJilf'ii'd pJi 11 llI~n t~l'jtllt~ol pl~)"'t!'),

litl.tl~Oo-Ii$,h!J!h:d a.z._ _

NitL'-I • .Hre' DM ~ql:jl1.rn.Ur,,~ U1ldu .. ,fglJh~ ih~uk Tflre pii~)'C"r$ IIfll ~tthjTl;~ ~mg.·on, inwi IIlh}' hr~ mrr'Jl8 Riot, btrl hu sJJ~rlu iltM~ IV tJJt h'1I· riun QnUI~llit, Til .. ·hmul:! flU Uli!iol w1Hr H~m ,plllrnly.:IJlII..Itlii(h.

DM: Uddm. milk!! Ftlrr:!t\ld~ $i\'t!.

utk!:i; oh ItG! wl..y? Amp? lBalli.l Augh-a 1. This ill w.here ~Ul[ 1 .. t:k n!JJ5 Oil·

DM~ [TD t~E IIfhm,] \bu 5eCJl_i~ ~li¥ iI.ml, smi.k~ th~ l1.nMllng I!$ be'~ 1000king. amud lit thi: lfloor$btre &h~ mnm" 10 {@Jilt above I you, Sh'ILmters;! .m.uffid c1l'Y, ~.n.d 'Ihe.n ~ ~hi!d01VY fC'OIl dr.Jg;s her Q\lld~ighJt. m.u..dO.N~ dp~,- __


Mr.ef e'{er;;thil'l,!1: .is ,l'rer31~ed, ~Ild t\lt.'I'}IOile ~i~ down.ar fb. 'IRe fDiI're.en. l;quur ~haw. Htre ne :Slmit: pi)in~ to cOI1!ilt!.:ll..!Y.bill: al the tablUllQ ~fore$W I!¥'E! r gel Imtrc, KI he.lp m'ltswe.runas RIIOOilily :sa p.o~s~bk


NDrmilly. .h14t.1!1i1lt ~h¥II)!':;. the DM is Ui di3~JIlf im!;iling.,pllly~ts I mpJa:)'..inJm.Quer.pmc:. If rlUs is ~he CiiI$Il.lt~ ),]QutJe$pom.ibilil)· I:Qhom.~:I'IiLulld!c'UlJ:lf1Jd e~cli of lhe~e peopl"1i wt'U Itll~gh that iOll.i:UI h.it i'(,!i~fL~bly- ~!.l re rh~t dtey'Jj ~ 1111l'e[ a long. work weU I;i',g~w.e r. ~d~Qf. the rort of s~nl~ ]l'rn.I mIL

AI lot of r.his b.~ ~~, do W'itb"pJa,'iillg.,slyl~SJ1tlm.l:~~u!a'\l'e to know the kind of game you;!: phwe.rs wallI [~b:y=~:mi, \1dd:! play. ers: new to the g;lme lilT lI.llnvty fgmJ~Pl . .mu.ImawJgd.ge mil)" tlIike;s whi1~ m emerge.Jl.gagnize thou \\!hiIe. yo.u're mcharg~. it's lIellUy ilverybody's gwe=~ !that the plw.yCfi ru:'~ a1lhe.rc, C(D_mi:n

rock Se-s~'CIfi afli!r ~..bwi;. "~.b., .... "",,, •• n help "'J DlI!(B ~ £i.m,"arLdre>'o'lHTiiing~miDg el<Peri~.

Tb'bl; Rules --

. One l:!hing_rh:uwil! help !.\w~,,~w.1J.I!d DM2li1re, w~ 1n.!QJl,g is~~m blisi.in.1! 3 s~ 'Of nde~e:'O WI having IUJth~C W da..wtth thf '~auru ,gameJJw dm~ Whill hBPP~ 'wirb the pfOop]l: !l~Wlcl t.lu mbl~. __

Som~i1:Ibl e rules issues dw. you'll need t.Q d~] witb even mn.lly lIJ!i! discu5il~ beIQw.lt's,. beS1t 10' come "P with dl.e:ln,s\vCfIi be!o.re ytlu stan ]I reguki cmnp~ You Can establish tbes~ rDUr.lel!, or $I1~~the:m Iilij;l~ players.

N!)W!:~g Jl1n)~c5: So:m.JU:imt$3 rlI!,gu 1:1 r player en"l shmv ~i'i~eWQ_1l. The 'i:J!hm ~r<ll' [~oed wflh me qlJres[i~ wba!: (() do 'i"lm~ or IleT character, 'lot! ~\'t scwrnl rltc-i~

• SQtQtol'lC 1!'1s~_th.:u clJ.:nutllf l"tlr the session (3:na dms rues • r\VO d:witcU!r5 IlIt once). Thill is ellsim Olil you, bll~ 5Oin~ I'Im~ the mJ·in pb.y{.'l" resenlS the Iil8k. or me replaud pillyer is unhappy wltb !Rh1i·t·ln!ippe:tl.fd~o me dwuurr in Ill:; 0. her ~~l:It~

• You run me c.hmctgl' as 'thClU~ bil m s'newere ~f1 N1'C.. This mi.&-h~ !!orwilly bf! Ih~ hl!:!iE soJUIiOll, bl:U_illm't dQ 11; hfrun ning a h;;tr]l.a~IC itnd ll!!.1IDil'lll dw pmeilll tb.!l.'same .. tiuI~ is too m!.u:b W y.oll-and hum the \..,bole ~s.siWiL

• Th~_cltiU'aclJ!l!', ltke dUl! 'pb.y;er, clint be P~~[ for dtu :ad".eqrun. this sDlu~o.n o.nly \Yo.rks in c~-pm~ilIiOM !lUI 1£ it m!!k~ 5~'nse {'Or d'i(': cllllIracrl!~ tQ hubI~n!~ dun's i hnnd:y w~y 00 tuke th~ C:b!ilw:t~r CU~ of the acrj~a..~~es;<;iol'l!. Ideally. the reasen fur the mllL1C1ers ~b~W1~Ihi! :dl~3 him or he'!': m jUl!Dpb;ar;k in with :I milllimwn of ,fuss..wlll!H me pltV'~allAilablugllin. ([be chmctcr ~Y.-ha.~ oIlw com.m..ibn~rn;, m sh~ ~gbrr flilij \'it;lim to 0jJ"~0't;.di5:calii:. fu;t_.tn~I!UlC_e.)_

• -r.lu: chail';lt:ter 'des imo thl.llm1lt,gn:l1.md (lQf Uti!; ~e~Ion .. lhiHs.

I'rnh~hlr ihe ICII.5t derlnhk_mludon, ht.>t:~r lr swi~~~ one's 5uspell.SiOil of dlisb.elid

I.lecognize dHlr pJmYI.l:D..1;oml! ;Inc! go, Someolle wlllm~ 1IWilY. uo[b~ ~'s E\~&IJu.'r life will 'b~com~ l:1l.1!~I~r. iU'I d fiI:~ :melbu wiJl glO\Y dred of the gam=. !n~(jlquit, ,iJll. rhf~me rim.c, Jl('W playi'J5 \Y~1 w:J.nuo~jci:ll.J.rJ..M3ke.sure.dw.ill.'fSJiO.1I~p' Ichr: gro"lllP a t a size rhBl ,!!OU're.wmful'lable wi,th..IhC.Ilw::m.;J'lilzl:d grOlJflI is ~mulld four plmJw .. {wHhw..DM ;LS:Jhdi!th_pt:r5t1,n,). HO\\·E';'I:r. Simit: gwups He.iS smaU a5 IWO p:!Qyen;, and. aUD'I!1a liS luge liS e~gt.~ or more...(~F' grnup!l mliIl~ILfI'IeJ.li5.e .. Vlimp"'-ye:r iL~s;i.5t;rl1f who

.,help~ :rn;m[lg~ pbyer mio:u,s, [UkscEefe~g" lnd NPCs: 1[0 help tluLDM keep from geumg_oo~~UQWXI..) YDu C~D kapbry lh~ gaJ:lli~;ne cn 1:11'1 ~.'vidJ.JlISlOfi£ playtlt mil ~ DM. bur lhu's ~, ... e:ry

rllD'ertlu S1!n:'DCpf . e'.!li:'511 goodv.1!W ~[] hlli:1lcllt! $pCdftl

missions:such au ·s.;mm.emelll:.)

IF YOII c:ll.fIJ ITJi'JtQJlnd Qm.fmm tbeplav= how ]anG ,neyu intere4ll>ed w_ F1ayi:ng.MLd..tQLIWUlmO'dI!:~1 mmm!lm~rll. Irnm 1h~m 10 !ihm .... LIP' on A ~gJ;Ibd;15it.d,udng thrrr dm.e_

Inu~grntiqg New FLt~ Whe.il SOJ:IlJ!olltliot.wjoills; [he C".unpihigt\, b.is or hercbarn,cr,1H" lW.llcb tQ"bt:Jnte~d mtlllhe gAme. Ai 'rnl: rune lim~, me phl)l:e:t l.'I~ __ dsJ:~I'eu.i'led ifirto_m~ pup. Muke: S\lre 'du~ ~ !:lew I'.'k~l' klHJ\'ii tb~ I'IIbJe nd~ IISJvdl ruI thf:

ggmt ru]e!, _

. D:i.tld;,o~dons_:.J'th~.l"I iiOmew~iike5 ,~ wIlWi!l,h~_clie

-rLmd5l:1.1l.w'CllOOl' ,_dQ..Yol.I moll it or Ll5~ dle dW as If Ut.5'~ wh!: dll ~wu:l~a_dk_muJmdll rocked "g!lUm boc ~ At~ plnfeu_ n:ql!imd-.KL1f.IliLkie ill! die rollS1 w~ tbe OM~,[I $oze 1'hlffD? Ihe~!! qtl(!~~. !'ill' rig)u 1l'r wFO.ng anE\Ii'er'j but dec Id iD,8: 'lOLl_[ gro:!lp.':i;JlIswers ~he~d, ofr.lm~wtl~ ~\I'e you{ro.m itrgurlillmti ]~te-r;.

~ak Use;..lt'dresl: if:rou d,itCid~ ~ltml Q[ '~im~ wh:icli ~~;1 tothfI:.dwuhe.Pflli)'£r's lliI~ll('il~) Q pLiy,1!l' cnt1 reffft'lII~ dtl1ll1l& a

p.la}'iDg.ruslJ;m... I

R~ Dlsi:U5Slicmstlt~_l!lObIibIy best if plil:yerS doni' q~ ~In rulID,gs tit ~t~b1Lilie~ropore chlllnges 1"0 the ,i:ulcii; 01' • enducr di~1:UEdoJlS WlI..Qth~_asln."('t'!i of the game (mside fulm WhJJl'r; ;mDlOOiil_~e1v ~!tli~nd:td.xmtg the wr__m.c iucl£lSud~ .m:~n'el'5 3re.bm ,tdihUSiS~-d;,uhe~ Dr enll ofth~

Jokes aJIBJd off.TopkJli.sCU5Ston : T!ieIe..tre lllwllYS- furuw. thiniS Ill! be said, mQ.v.ie.qLlQles; good goli~dJ:;J:h~ tiOIlS thti( crop up dwiDg 'ih~ game, whether ~y~dll)i l wwu's ,SQ-iflg on In the~oll or CDmipl~reJ.l eKIl1Ul~J:ledd.e. for YOllISMr (ruW: ~Si @: ~p) hr:lW IHlUc-Il is roo..Dlu.d1._:hnu:mhti: tI.'UIil LIru~JIIg;Ilne:_lIIIdpoopli!!lite therr g()hos:e1~[_;);ube..~ tlme ~eep.me1oo1J.lj IlIrime ~C.YOIl5 of lh ~ ~w:s..sC:.Jbi:.JlO'hllle.i pi!lYIDg ~Dn dltle.snl p:!l>S iflidle WI:.


"lI;glilhl}'"C1:rl' w,mt.tlll:_Slimt milgh:; In~m...Elcb thinks his chm,ctttr-

.p;llIl'l IIISe it ~St or descrvt.s' l~ for whnJl,~'s do:ne. [hh,!! pbym ClIilI'a find ~ "\'~ to, ded1iJ:. wJ!iClg.e:LS..iL.~OUj~l1!:ln oob.imul!.O.t: fmpose II BO)lJiIIDD, Or, W!lISe, o~a~b IIlIlQthe pJill'l.er lrn: liQ,lllemtllg tkru: h.n:pj:tlmil!Ci ¢P!flieciw.uio:},-.&lUl:Sfdll,ilie gam~. so nlnv lti&.cl:I~rnctt'1JtlriC::5 ]);1 ~!i.o.tJey!j'n km the Ilth~. Id.a'li!r'~ chmt;c~er; You 5!h.olilddt: ,sit b;kUl.dJeuhl&.hppe~.II'sj up 110 11011. [0. srep.w-ll.nd l:li:l.p,re$QI!i.~~Cli!j. ;sur]. ~uh~. Y~lI'rc ~ son Cllmuler cf eeJirmom~ ali w~pJl_e.d~~ the ~ 1.1lk wJth tht lIrguin& pby.f_IU!;r_c[.oue,p.m.~ (J1II(5jde the pm essiull wtd 111' UI llesnlye '!he ccmt1i«-MlIW dear 3!i mcdy ~D.IUdlJl.Ihot l'O'U eml1'!. l~ l !lllyone·s_:[r&ull!Uffirs.~ rul'l'I, ~bepme' JCit.J:h~h~r pb)'"e'IS Ind th~~ you ~WI;j' . rt'Il!I'wolOhi hllfd ~gt.~l':cling lhe way dimncte_rSiJNli:hl:n.W &ilm~ reliC'! ~o ,eadtDM _

If II pbJyer ge;!"S ngry when you ruLt: .apiDSi h~r. bUinn.1wI kind III mrling her thn ;'00 rry ~f(i'L1r b6[ ~o be air a:mLthn_f.iltt.., c~irI'r h~ve ~ngrr O'UlDII.rus .spolli 11& evel)'OD.1!!; ds!: lim..Senle__1he ID!I"Uil't Oli~idc: me ,!!Gme s~"lon. 1J51I,en [0 hJl!t.O).m.p,IW,n~._bQf [e mem.ber .:hill }'QU:.fl! 1~1!.fm.'lIl ~iblta aDd t.hIll~:h:)l' ~g;re !ng I:ti pl;fiY in f<JUl:' ,ill me ~hl;: has ~1soJl~ceepJ;..¥Our deciSions :i~ DM (see When 1Iad 1'Il1r.Ig!l..l:hppe.n UJ, CQocl Chru:~ll:'a. j):L1!,C! 18),

Some-limes one p~ the tim for eYer}'Ooe, AlII abllo:oillw.s', .in',(lspolJi~ibll!.Jmll4bl~g_p,lli.ye, (:;Ill mak!! fh~ gmne~l'_llnplt!1:1s:anlL. Sm'm:[iJru:.5;,_he ~IS Q-th~r cl!mcl~[$ killed btc[IIQ&Ui'IMs_~(Ii~.et tim,5.h_l~~I'Qp§; i'.be ,glum ~tIQg.(!lhtlf Mlh lIIgIl!ttI!llts, lIlDlWm5, Qf oH~[Qpic OOnVl'i:5illnc'n5'. StiIJ oth.er tilDes huWglltJ,e.ep' eve(}'tI'D! from playing b)l' bei:ng IJlI1' me [lot ~bm 'ing,Up at ill. Uld.mJtteJy, yO!!! mould ~'t !id o.f rh is pb:tyer. 1)Io-!'I~ in,\liu.him n~ lime. Don:tplaLthe,g1m]"e wit'll somf\Gf.le;YOIJ wo!.ddnt ~nJ~Y speDdm,g iimeEID il1.ii1iIClrbe:r ~l ~t'I'Iir!g,.

1£ !:I1:l~.YC'rdDm.mmI~~ lhe_gtll!Ill:.md [l'l.i:mapilh'U5vo~l' llm~ wirh..il![ cliUtilC"ICO !miol\S, ~!:Lp.hy= will Q_uickly gFOW di,ssatirfi~. Make sum. eYeI}laJlQ.,p1£ ltis Dr her rum Also. IDIlIke

ure_~ ]lJa,)II.;_r.~I.$_lQ..w~~.h~ QWfi ded:s'Io:ns, (Overeager crm'C:WIli-lin.g pl:i.fe~:S~:!Jll·!i:oLa.5.try to 111:11 the ~lh~n; w~ ~ do.) [[QIl~!af'er ~tSO!l ~o'lI:r.o~'eI1flMng,tlillk to him..cunsid.e the game seS'SiOiiL;QJnd ~b{1l l:bl1l: hill tI~tiO.llli ar-.e makilll,ll;' tJhmgs_. les!; .fun far ~tryo]1e..

METAGAM.£ llt.l.6I KIN G --==.j

·J~l:bmJJ...l:Jo.aleYeJ,cu'lht! oth~'t':~iJ~ IJflh~~~ 'l~res_ilicJl!lll':a.:~ $l')'.t1O J1:.b~ ori'acn. "he_~UieJ.h~a' n~ve~__i~IlllIP-ili:iUl'iU>:!uJd.ti't d.i:l.Il::ll'MUll'm__cbIln,:.n,:f' '. e.mmple 1:1' . mc~~ ~J.nkio&J\,nv ruru:A.e. p!a.¥UIi b~se_ m.cir:

~~'"'ttoll!i IrO llRic..rh:u_,d~p!!nd5.muJu:jlle( rhn ,theyi:e wl~_gam~l.ber·r uSing mt'tllg:!f.Il~ lhmltillg. 'Ibis I.,ehlivior lshcuil~i..be~~d. be~au:se It dce~;iC1.S Eram. real rolep1~yID&mcL~Uu.h~JLI!T~~ns'illlu) r dl:ibelid

Stll;Pris.'!! you:!" phiym ~y wj] ing.metllg;aIll~~g.._Sy;ppose the IIlmef I>Lde ()J tbcepjt hms aJ:e)I!~J. lQr eJ<,'Jjmpk .. bIlULS; [1!I§'rt'il and useleas. Keepyml!l:pIaYE~~]] tbeiJrIQ!$lIXLd d'onltleuhJ:IlIlc~~f.lJ· glIe'M you. TeUtthe:!nlo.thilLl [II l'CrnIS·of thc!:,gmIe wmld, HOt In r'~rm,g oJ YOll as thf! mUll rftl!! guli'iJ:..:wo.i'kl~ !'i:QmeQ,tI(:< m~d(l rh!: nllp in. the dii!ngeo~~e. !OII hl1lr';e.6,gllred (m, lh11' Bm!:IJL... why d~f nap ~xis~ ilnd me r.~ \",nIl I1~ed l<I do..dl.e slime. I

~ !i\h.or~., Wh~n. (l.!llSS;lblc:.):."WIJli~au11i~~. 'I§~ t.b~ plil.Y.~I:S.IJ:Q t~P:loy ~;3me. Confrol;i~;ro wkh ili~ sl:mw.tmD l:j"~J1 nlxM: .. ~mpp'WPl'i~re re~me fml'l'l~~u~:r ~ ~16g1ll!'~ J.bm1L,._

but ]ewri1ln the otbel' Siude~e_;PiiI (hOt deaN1Vl[t'-S" Ih,~ ll'itp, beJ:1;1JIl~ W~ gnomes w.he mruifRl£lcdJ:lu: ~p Dlitl~!' "~Vl: ~n:!e.'I.!lI:S tQ. de~criwrl~ l.t"" ].11 f~CiI~~nl.s_ IS'..Wond~rful-it ~1ti\!,ft!:!:rn~t1 I:hill[\;· llli,R: ll.~ well as ir6p£C~: fu~ Jh~ \'erisim,Hirudc of th,e ~:m e world,


.ollt:_'1~ilgc.ciI~r ¥~~\!i iw\'~ .a~er9 p~nJeSi"io.D.aI wri l>C!f ~~sJpklg.,",n ~d~firLU'I:! ~~ !h~[ you know YOIllTpl~1~:[':!L You kllow-J.,_whn.Ihq.lh!'-'''!ilialt..ney're kkeJyto dtl, wh;t~ rhclcr ~Ip~l:dliti~ .m: ..... uuiwbl! t's g,oillg 011 in yaU'l' i:I:!:!'!Ipali,~righl ili;l~ 1:h~'fs \~lhy l!:ViI.I1 wh~I:lYOI.I Illlii!:.OlPub1isbedi .~d\\\~"NPl!I 1flil1.l11 wlOIm 10 w.JilrJc 10 _

Jt;n$liI['C: di~1 tr l1:~ts ~,gmwd inlo yOUl" C!mF~cn p~dy-

AI good DM \"Oill dW~Y5 knO'w th!.!' fOJJ owin g rll'~t~ ~bout the ~1:h~~cu::rS Ui !:!is lilT bet gmlC!.

~ Chooluus' B:l6ic St:l:Iisdts;.This;,lllcludes d~5:s, r:lC"e.levi:L _1m po<intlio S!!""~ mel "rn:lcl:: lbol1iiil5leS, spills._md_spedai ~billn~ \loll ~oWd.b~ ~blll ro ~OO:k~l.~ImIDgtds hiq:!mn~ AC...ll_:ad.spedal ilj/1llll. r:~lH.ziIld hit iLble ['0 Jud:g,e wb.etne.: [l1L~_cbillle.ng;e. Q:unp;:m;.

fDf e.~pl~, !-hI!: mo.tI$!lI!~ AC W'llm lb~ iWfii,-kJxmuxs of the< dwiac~ in th~ &1VtIp--p!lmrul:uly thdlgJn~m~u ~s.s1LIll'!: ,weil:lllle rolls, Cllill rhe fl,ghtNS hl,t ihe· crelrul~l Dt! ~1'I~~d ebove-

,!!Wlr:lgerclM (]f:llO, the duillel~ge will be ga:.aL) OoJdJ,e).' need anaeJ.m'll :W? (lfS(!, the dulkn~ ~~lmt)Sl ~wly~lDQ_diflladt.)

E~mil'\t dl~ Ol.~t'.:!d:boH!1'!l.of b mO'ru:tet. Ltilck ~l th.e..d~m~g~ it Cil!ll'd~~Ur.hlti:l_ \ioa_c~m:Il~re rll.e.se ·p!~~e~Ullfutmn:IiQ,!l!fll:.bf' A~ ~:nd hil po:~. (If LhllfCs; \cl1 the mOllls~~.e:_ahl11' .~o:.b,i[ ~r 5'erigg~I.)I'~.e t:be cl.~!r;;]cl;ers~r\W~I!JuIfil1O!mml:nl1~Jlo.ne? lf~1: mW'l~>i:r~ gU<tdcbcinus ~dcl~ Ul AlII i!Yern,se d:w roLLb:lts Ibc. ~rac:~r:s AC I1ml . .th~ lliwtmge dllPiiiBI! rl~~~:r is Jl!J.OO! r.ll!ln.thllJl.c;s... [om! hil[pt1ifIlS, '(h~:m.OJ:lSllilf_\,~~UkiU d'le cbiarac~e,r: Whe'ri ·yotlJool! a[ dl~· Silve Des .for the m@£er'~gpeoJ;il~rtm:lrs~~ rethe: dI~f.i;l("~1:S.tiJJldy ~Il! !s1l~~sfllu" j'f!!~l Lhc illiJ:l1lckt

Th~:;:e som oJ i:JY~.mm: iUlId J)1lil!ly~t'tl :tilow you ~Il judG~ J\IW.!l" sctf'rs,t.lllWlll'lj_e_~;lJIId:~d_'1_ffll1lln'UJldd'!!f~rmLIl.i! '"hJeI:b.er i:hcy a~e ~ppf,op;rl~n: [Ct, 1'.Qy r ~oup. ch~U~~]gI:' & ftl1lg ~5~ijg:JiI rn~rs tor 5'Ud! (fID~~de~ llrlp, bUl nc.L~n~~5¥Oi.I]: .. gl'J!Jup of ch:w:'!~b:rS;~ w,~lI;l!~ 'itllli. do. (S~ Ch~pl~t" 3:Ad\i'~nl!m'.s;fordetilltl1s ~bollit C~tlm,cl'l.ll(i~.)

i K~~j)·ll. r-ec1Dnl: ohU rb e Ci:bIlt1Jt«:[li, lhe Ill' ~biJj I!f'st~pel]s, .W~

~ill~AJ:, ~Dl'" 5C11 rGrlth._cm~ w~Y.Jlad~lhl.!. 310 :t\equ.t~ r.hepl~y· I en; liQ.,GiVil 'iO:W. ;~ ('I;ew ~.of d'ldr di_,'lnttlJCi!" Sh~N wh~"""'er t~ ch~,t.l{!~e'f ~lmf;I'I!t~· tw_wJ~~J:1m mfo:tm nlMl11 isll,elpf'UI Ctl·~'O\!: oor blll<l!nci.llg ent~u[_'1:n.;uld.~,till'8 hiit·,t'!!~lIt ros~~nd liJi!eH d~pJelil'lifi durriDg plmf.,.,lli_i1lw·¥!er)' :t'~I1dy if a p-hIyf:r Cilm m~!ke it [I:! ~ scssJ.o1'l, erulbl~;l'IOMI~Lrn.h~lfid. the diI~.mC(l!f ~h~~~ 10 Whot:·\1',(!.f ls' ml1nlJrlg !:ht: dl~~~liCr rCluli<ll ~iDn,

the P.~lI,yer:s~ Likes '~'I):~ D.iLd:ik~~m ~g!'!Q!.li,p:sJl~u: .pclitiu] Ul.~r1i&lie ~jJd aVOid Ot igilOQ,1 11 m_f(tycl:t;l£gQJi!J. dp.)'n mr,c dlC~ t:hJll,gcol1- O!'hcr ~t!P5 ~W ~I1:jil!:d,'/..lQrI.1!l1!l;un ~~tiow Wn:l.b~~ t.h~i!~l1!g~. :SlllmegW!.il;'~pteeful' adio'~IlIfi1Tes w.iIlh~ fll;l;'1~rs

l.mtl f!;Sw:])Je;, Scm~ dom~ 'iQU:~1l th~ b~51 judg.e.if N.tl'r'~\~:m" of

th~Uhe~p.~.1iki~.!I.n;M.bil{ el'lp;"e;s__iiu.rw.m whecthruh!1.Y w:lil1 :K~m_in~jQ)'.·~ pl](fiticui~r enoeJ.m!:tlr Clf Idvmlme. J~mpJ~.LD~IilI:u: find r.h~t IDd~lfe Qr gp.hi m"'~~' , the ,res m be~ gIDi.llp. Sbe !mows. me'.n,rh~( ill orner to &11'1 ~.nem

m"Qi_v~.in. JQ~ ~dve'.ntJl,:m~. she hlS w.rJnef.l (or purchllcs;ed), r&~ h~l!; to b~me; [~suU' ,mVlll~. ~f.td '11'1::' E'OlI:l~l!!flIDknt!W 11001.11 J

it ab~e~oth~r group. however. mIght be i1!lli~reSRdin be._Wi~ di:edi. ~y dlll1i~ care a.boil~ money,. blllr ·if lbey.be-:1t~h.11 ~ 1:h!Ulllc.h.y;sjn.~Il~f'n:tm 0'iJ SIOml·COf!.!Jf(i.lIJ.llg W~liIrd, rbe~'k_otI:..J ~o :SUlp Mm hi ;aJi;asik . ..J

No:!.W.ng.:s more fi:u5'1[;I]Jm,JQl:,[I DM (run ~o !;.re~lJt: 1m ~~[I:-

..J_wnl;ma pr~d~ the ~.:mi.I.b_~ hQok [h~1 ",.ru! btil\!l [h~'m i.IIJ!O !he ~cJ(1'pl'I. finly III ~\luhelllJgfl.ore. o~ ~vel:l ('(I~i»llll>· n=Jecr ~.L No Ofi~ Wi1ll:t~ 1,0 ~fle.JW: orhi:.i:.i.aveiutlntgo lUlplay.td ,[{no~y what [nm,(l8n8 ,~lid motl\i'll~~~ grol!,t\il.n(l yoy'JIll::Mi eble ~o ~V(lhIILhl£

~~,s:Irt.e:arr!i!t.ii:nG possihilit¥- . _ --}

Whll~'s C;:Y'.ifig Qfi. ill. the C!lmp'lliip: SiH« :ji'llll.~llflA&tllg 1[~1~ 'i!iVUUS ltl dll!gmu~, you iiI~td '~o lu!~p u:ad;: at \Ub~iJil!!.AI'I ~nywm)~ h'~imFLiHllmt 1,(1 ~hVll)l'~ know wlut th~d!~]'ilt:t= n~ doll.ig~IIId. Uinle about their p.ic.os. ~f t~ f!_~U.l'lJ"il\'eru ~rel lnt,bf-'!cl tnl'O m~ mOW"!Ta!r!lS HI fmd ~;me: QUhIt,d.Ull~~Wd 1l!lt!1Uc;lR, 'you !1~ffi 1O~~~'P i:h:lJ Inm!t.!.d whm p'roi!~m~~ :ftl.ti. sLon's ~d",~.m,l~ and Ln pbn:!llrng ~h~\ld for funl~ ~~$siOJl:5 .

.._ Ej!~p~, n!CQ~ of C·Y~nI' sjgnitlcanu rt'i19t tMl oo:u'p: j n rntl g:!J:n~ _,JuimcUm: ,(;;i;I:n :neJi~!.:I k~pmt~kQLwh~!l .c=\'~l'ltli hl!pp.~n~d in ~Iwlil)l'I ttl) ·~di "'ther (it!5p~tt:1illy h:mdy fur monltodng the a(;o\'l· t[~ or Iili:cY~cvilbin~) . .AbQy~ iU._rn':l~il. '5U~i.LYDll ~lw:lly_5; h;w:~ a i~md .Irrtisp II;!If N.PCs' JiI:il!me.~ (p::[fl:icu[iI!!~i4'~tl'!e' foreed j(1l Ql:I~e lIpiDW_e..:miJdleQ(~~)t so m~uh.e.:g;n:lIle 0{ the~!l clo~.mlteh~g:e ~b:IJ.1,dp' [TWJ] !Pessio:JUO ~~fJ'L~(~~yQU shll!uhllVm~'t'Ibt"r wh~tt1tr PCs 1u'l'l1 ~ cl':om"fu:.Md...w.here lh.ey b.",~· ileen\ e.IIl~lll1.!:eS _y hilve made, ~tmwrth..


'Yilur"rc ruon.m,g th~f, SD 11'01.1 .h;a.Vl;\ 1.0 bl;lW~\i'erv_thm,g._JWiill. 'mmybltl!tI'[ cllerjl'th:ing,ltLl[ CI!ctt:liiniV e nough U) fG~e~uhi~7r Ing. !J you ktlO\\!.!h~K'l!~w .. nl 110 htt,:td buo th~mQJliil'!mtlsJQ; helpful I:t; !tIw~d af_dml1.Y;~u h~~ looked IIt10 hO:W.lllDiI.Il1llW:i tr;J'I\~l:dmro IDE ur mtl\\'m1e:nrr.. wn~t irs Ime to 1e in. th.e mi;lun~ili:n5 (po!lsolb1y d'l!i:ItIgD. mm~ ri!!.se~.rch :In ~.n ~l:u::ydt!ip~·dI;t ourav:d book). ~nd. Qlh{!r (:(l1'Is;i.:ienniotls fdim.bing ,ge;t:r. :I1l.01ltl!.~ili ~~:OW1:u:.~ ~Ild ttJ!: HI!!:l- J! yo~ h<l,loil: ~ c.1:urn&!:. tIl __ Ef'.i1-roclu;:limbi .. ~. o.rl£ yotlj~'!l' dan!: if ~fo.M, '50 much Ih~ ~n'ef--tMre'i; n.o~hin!! Ilk~ ~~ollil!1 ~~~n'"~t'"' Lt:.I1.d n:Wism..lV ·fl:tYI." d.e5ai?tk!l1~

Mol'(' ~~. ih~ POI]!~.fOU l'illl __ W~nI: 1"'_ h!lvej;1JJi!]fJ:tr!d ~$ IDucb :il'8 yo~ ~. [oJ" th~ ~i1",i:m UI(ew~d I'If:iu:e.'io,u win f"""'n~ to h ~vtl Oil" uwd !lim \!i'h,~1 ""ill b~ppt: iii ;fi.then. the.la~ttur ~f dili!:! ~te.1 (bo~h ~~t~ .hf~~·s~~I~I'IlId$cil'(!'i!.~:ndjfldMdll.iJll ~nwtJHU~r ~r\'.~~). whiu Lh~ p..cs.w.ill eiilCtlUnl~r .if :dt~..(I1O.'I tfUt p.;u:ricul~t i(1re~, hew Nl'.Cs ~fI'" OOIli nt~lced. lit the adve nltne wi IJ ~~>Ct ~IJI the PC5., ~:I1d the e .... enr5 iiJ!~ly IQ.h<!,ppen l:rut:h .:rs. ~ CUIlVI1:I:'SlO"ir1 or:l fipfJ<

Whe~u. ~re ru.lll!lirnE; ~ publlllh ~d ~d~'enmr.e, ~his IH~p~l:![ia1\ tl'ft~.n ;tmQJlU'iII:!i UI re~.(]i1i'li! ,th~ nUlllil:n~1 ClIrefully ~MIIl.aki:tlgnClTefi \~cre ~lllJi~L'd mem, USi."SuI p;t)I@.1$.11O no[~ mil!~[ il'LchJ.d!~ tltW of .~~ fo~lJ\vll1ig.

• P:tgellumbitrs in rbe ~bock.fu,(I1;l]'il5 YOUi know you'U M~d lill mf~e m.il ghlRIil.I1;Jilrount1)!1:.

• cb~~d.1!dlQ[jhe...c_~1'I1'LJ1re .ro,fitalto YOL!l[ ccmpuigIl,

• .cPmlg,e& lI'O'i.lWl!nI~ IV m~~ 'Io~e rQi.ltr.1sn:s onhoS>e of y~U.f JtIQl!pt.

• f~pi;nncd :t~th:lI15 you Wmlf 1'4 PGs to mk~ in ~gi\!'E'n !C'nccll nt,er (limblt:5h.e5. dying.!!~me5, s:peU ~~lJlence5).

• fkomltll.1~ to YOI!I:~. If ~bo!.l. t IlIIt~:;, ~clveoilt!m: smllt"rurnJ..~:~ ll:it:n illlgln ",<:L!lf' (:mQn iIJj. U"OIni:larn I:'ni;OIll:rrr,~r ell ~JL_G .• •

roWie~\l-~n.c~s.w:~m~ III mi:lw,m. _

-- - _ -

lE' YQJ! ~_d_~i)glliDg >1rud~e!Jm~J.l_fiU"t.Omlo 1i.QJJJ:..Jl~milim mq!.lhf~ (ol!wi9l1slyJ :it lotll!olc time. Thill Ftlll!:u:;;rrl'Ol'I mighr 1'[1-

~.m)'JJf.m~~kll}enr~, ~_

.• MBp6C1lf tbe!lmi'l O[lj~~ sc~lel ~ml of speciilc smMl~r ~:lI:eill5 wheli~ _e:oc(lulli~_likcly !o occur. These ,an be ~$ s[m.p!.e~ll.d

5'k~ldqtOU£_tlCl1:!Hi!rl4:!i you lik~.

KNOW~ NG TIiE R,ULES T H lulling Unba~anced pes

II ytlll kl'low dm I' lIn ~ullli mmlr.1II m1f's,l.";'iU be need~ (tl, play eu ~ sam Il:rimes. IDQilg_h, u,i' 1I1i1~C'II~d \l,IiIllilapp.tIl.l'.b.e Cihll'!l!;l-effi

thl!!b~lde! ill whi.ch th~ f~ He lUOu'l'If,ed on 8IrlffVl1Sl1ndi the il!!r- m.')1 ddil!liI,t ~~. fioiliDlg Iotna1 the vlJWnL:tmi VOW.tbOug,hIW;!!!

ga les mllck them, rev,jew those mles bef'Or~ pbying, When rl!d~ an Ull !oppablc esea_pe pbnLilttd ~n a l'OJ18lWI&Di.~JJ~

less ofre'Jl UstlG com~ imo play in rhe Wl!lf.se of me- i3diVeIllllre. ir ult!:lldei! 'lohl.lltllO theIr hilfltkPQ: emrLI.Stm Ktdeli¥eum. :im-

ows 'thllng d01oll'111£ yi:llJl Il;I\I'~ 10 ~read_ thWl in lhe ntid5t 'Df:ll F.!a IIIl illS tigl-!trul OWiltt IP<!Y dfrlde (0 si.mp~~~

game. Looking over com.monly used rlll~1 h descdpl:lc~ eVO!:Il mort Ukd)', l'hi: combimrioDl of some..ne~ULC:quisitiQD '-rim.1

!LSp£~u know N'PO;; or PC~ It~~p:r. d...1lLeven the basEJ:: • n item or 5"1"1:'11 O:[_~~'er!! dU!rnC~f ahl.!tUi¥-bll;S.:Ml1ptQV~

i::Olllbatrllles~b~f:llre ~ grum::Sl'.ssilJl;i' 1I.I\\\lY$ - g9I)d [t:iej ,!Ll'ldng i:n a way 'Oil dtdn'r.fore:see.

wh(!Jljl pllly_eI: h3~ ~ rules "l.lI'e'5UQ;n.l'OlLilwuldJ:!!uh(J;me ~ \1l?lien~' mi51ti~cls.mltd~, Bnd ~ p,e e:nds up IDIl.prrocediil.~

.;~blt: 10 a.!'is\Va ~h~ q!.!lJ!:~r.iD(L Mae[eoy DUn.!! tl91il5:.i5.IHI~ ~i!I:SC!'H ,Hilt 'leI ~ClS1. In .r<l'lJ~'~Uiu~Ur s;impw to 1.1l.crtC:!i~ the dllll.le,n~4

wh)'th~ :OM is 'S-om-!: tiIni~ ~ilcl'~eR!fl.:'r~e.__ WI m~ c_mmceuo1;~~p him or DIl'I ~m broe1.,+n~ I'h~

No m.Tt¢!ni' hew well you knon, .. ' mil! rtile~ thLlUgh ~r might enerm erers, [.[IJo\1i'~~is war or so'h.d [!gilif! P rcble:tl1i elin k

I'f'me,mbe( s:Qme pomr lim du!n', CCJ;ur tQ)'o!Jj\!fO!it ph):Ii", q,lIit~ hIllSSdsfyl.ng, mul It ~~n me;m ili~[ the en~uDters~liImil' ~ d.if·

pw.m:rJy, WQ,II'1' wm it Q'>'1lf Yl;lU ihh~)[ Irn~'!iwn~b,;utr F.l.i:.lIla. ror rhe otb.er Pes, At clil!= s~me lime, as mlre'lIl,r_J'lg,~d. if~

l.n;m YCl\uto.lf som~n~ ~ ~l the IllIbl!: romm..yJtuu~lllll'(tion DelO';'r fun ro IQ)\~ Some II!!'''' 11$p!!cr IOf yOUfc.1mntI~'" llulJurn~ Q1I(

of rill!: ~d.ds Sltmlc pc,l.ltr yo-u hadn'l l'bctllghutnC.Jh nk.tlllif to. be W'lbaillfming.. FrlOm the playeapoinl of.ll.l· •.. nm:.hl:j:: W

'pi:ryl.'f ro~ !lis hlillp. When peopll;' .'Oope'l1I~ '10 m~uhr pille. her liuk

bemfJ"", eyerll'tlne benefits. ----. )'OI!I ru.,ve' I:WO Dp:tIo.ns. __

--I- Dell.1 wifb tb.e Prob'le.m.lnrG.._ml)'· ·In-g,arne" L~ ~ !ll:rrn U$i!d (0 dof1':>oerih~ something tnt<! bilP~!lili ill t.ne s~ry t;ro~t Ii by the' Jlby of'rhe game, for e.x~m pi~.'iUpp9!$Jl:.>I, K...b~.com·~ ~ I.tn6J!mC(.>d ChU;t;~IIlLhy. JI~i:f1g ; wirJm iJI.d,i 10 1!i1L1' k~:r5~.l:r Ith~ ~billt)' to Ol$t ~ he.rpfltp.~~d.J .. pells l'W.Hie'HtlU:f..tb:lUUI11~e. {This ~hr;ll1ld .. ~ ... ~t happen fmm~ 1 ~'I~ll. but DoMos do rI!)iIke mistakes.}A:n fn..:g;ime solution migbLbnoJwtl! ~ n efiCJ;ny de'fJc IiISJe ~ 1'r11~ldt '10 rob ae r qf rb.Jitl1e}lotli;mn II llbillW. Wh>!J~f yall dill. uy I'l(l~ 1"0 UliIk~ Ir ObV!OIl5i dmt rhe itlilaticR is 1I1:"tU:lUy ,W.su IOillll(j bnbacl! ml!' I!lnf.i:lJ(~. Instead, mue jt seem j1.!Sl; n }Iart:af rh(, !ItIVlln'ltllrI!. flf you dOIl't, ind ign9!llt pia:ye:n win ge~ ve~J

De-ru with the b~~Mem Ol!I~g£GlI1l'Ie: ·OUI-of..gllllle· mei!~ SOlllclnw.g.thlir ItIIk~pl:!!~ h1 thuedwarlcl but 1\.15:111 illilpiltll: ,C!1I:l me g:.umc.,Lw:l[ An.QI.II,:ar·~QJLiflo.n ~o Ihe pmlll.e til described iII r.oe I:m paw,graph would be ro t.llui- thf.i piwyer ~side be.twCt'i! ~essiotliS..and.e.~I~:n m:rt die g.~e' .DOmme u1'lba.lmcesl~liI5"e of h~f di~filcl:efo--mill:gsneed ~ dlll!rn&~, "r tb~ game rn~y r~ U :rJ;'lln. A rell.sOfili'blcpe~ will ~t.'lh~' V\lI!.u~ !ncontinumg m.e..pm~..II!m;l !th~'n wad!. \loIi~h mUI diliet bl.game (perh~ps dl:lrurling. II ~m. , ,'telililam 1q:)~1'i3'!!.mC 1l1iaroRlln) Clot OU[,af~~l:p.emmih.. imiSIDg th ul1b:daD~ ~\i\C!1' of BIiMJ from hl!il'~chlln£teUhfCt J Jnd l' j;!:IetmdiDI. i\,.,.;\S DE\!« r.bt:rc~ Be..\lo'arB ·d. ho~It!:~~i ·romc.·~~j~oun(Qfl:jJtru~!!J:. \:I ..

f.::sen. iag, 'up;~.g(e:lr a.bUif'J 0.£ ll'em ~e.it.chmcltl' "e.arned." ...... ...._."'"""" ... T-!~' ~L...Il!O~\DoO 1V.fur:geabauut...mq'll hi!crudg.c the

11{>~2, What's WOf3l!:. aft~r m uafC!ntnme c:;:cb;mg.e of itill! lypr, h w.ilLseem..olwi-o~d Iilcnm~tI ff)'Ol.1 tty 10 hIl1~l\,c~ ,tihinglO with ~n l.n-g;i1'liIlelllooQIl, Nobody s~id DMi'rng W\1S elliS)'.

• A key 10 l:he map or mill'S dfBilinlPJil'Cl:iaLm [Id ,,,,blll

rni&ln be. ,enrnunrrrcd In ~i!dlllil!le, indudUtg~illies. [[e;,lsure, rnp.s:, ell "If'!lnmcf!ral J~[1llltilms,_ 1IIlLp.CI'.S.ii.J:d)C.._even de5lC"riptiClIl!l of wh:auhf! PC~ s~._hc.ur, liRa expenell(;e IILpilll enterinG, an nf';j.

'. NPC. lLsting5 U,BtiUdc .. ihdr S"t.:i.!l.SI1C5 mnd rtfH . tll'l th~

J?I;Ilie'ntJIn ~ l~1'!cti{ltl~. _ _ _

J300ktnlll~S ~ ,IDe nl.17 books_lor (10r.eSlIwJng,[lI3g,elmmbe~ ruJ,es tl:til.t iD1gh.t n.:u1i to be d't:tcmC:t1. J N.Qt~ tm t.h~ oVe'l'lIl1 .sroZYc...Cr....plal ,oI thr ilU:lVe.nIUR IlJ. i5.

);Om.pl~'Ji_ _ __

• ~t'h; for ;"Illy IlI:W m,pII~i!~aWc.ln[l'OdUiCing.

lLh L P rcpaJrn[ion eaa ilm!:llml. il:u l!!il of work. Ht!\'I' ver, TIl1!fevery ~dWillLJre ill ,gqillg..lo leqU.ke. reams of notes: i:n o.~d~l to play. N!)I (/,vc-ry DM 1J1w~ 10 pa:ep!lre.deflllJed nares iJ.be;:ld oCf lime. Some D:l'ile IDQl"!tfL,l!.YIrru.:y jl.!~( 0( )11ll!1,iIL:'_Ancl >oI,lm.elimes; OM would Ii.k.e to i b. ~bctrel:.'prerared. but dJ,~rc i~r Isn~ d.tl:le. f1nd th~ styl~ (!If DlW'j !,g~lIl...Ml!it«h1gllhDlULli~ you be:st.


A .Iat 0' 'pil'cp'~I.u:k ~oou_t gam~ ~JI~ TbIl!Y rof.cr 10 rullS '!hey like as ·bllllli1~'ed~ ~m:l roles dI.J!I &on't' Kern ~tl \;",ot1Ic 115 "111.tb~J ~'nut" 131m .lYhuUl'l:IgL~roeb.:Wi.fic~· mllv mij1l:n! AH Jl~m~ b.:JJ. anee iloe'5 is; to enru_fe'! thar ~i.I:.'cb :wI"(;1 er ~hoites 1Ilt~' tJ:ladvdv ,equ~li1uenmll 'dteir.cbmresJ.QDIllX..e.'S5i.A Jmnnced g.ame iJ(jn~ m wh tch orw: chllr;Kltf Jo~ro'l: dorn in il!lII!.ovcr rbe Jre~ becau...~e of a ch91~eJru.l.h~ln s-1I rru.de (f1iIi:.!:,d.Js~ ~kiU.iCi,1r .. spdL md lOan). !:r III Il refli.'t15 Ih t the cb.=clns :U'i:n'~ rio!'! pOWi!tfi!Ll [or rh~ J1mmtlhe ' f:lce; yt't. ndWer at ~h.q .hiflpoel·$~ly QVI;;rm:n.ched..

The 'tWO !actors rhllt dnV'e ~ml!l ~allll1t:e Btl,) ttl!:!;U$.Scd hdl1w, C.ood DM hif:uugement: A DM :whc c",n:f~n~ "~al'ch,~!tI1 pcrrklllu of dl~-FmUo. ~ltn.JilDdtlng ,Ctts O'LII af his Qf her oontTItll heJps ki!!e:p ~b ~iG ~ttiru;:(t[l res ~nd NP,C~; viero:rtes: ,:IlIl.iI deEeats',~"i~lIlCd uu:ui nfflicti iJUh.U'eji Slu,re fOI;lm:t ~liIC.I tn'ii.Hi.r~ ~o.l-iIJ [!!Lese ~s:pet:ts; mlLSi hiUll~n.i~Q\L~d tQ :rn.mlnt,gln baknce:. No Dnc dJlI:nlC~t! r Shtlliid N[Qm~m1;md't-g[e~~u thiln rli'!l or.b.e.rs. If Lh.is do~s hJJPPe'n, tnt CI¢b.er:~ dlolllkl b:l.~ opportu!!Illf ['0 Ctl!tch up in dmrtj)alIeL.Ih~.c~_uw"ih.Q::!iliI. IlIWfl ge( sopowe:r 1.11 th~f ill] tb.e c.hnl]tJl,~beeQmc tnvw..(!!l them.

.iii' sbO'1ddJP ·y_b • CQJl.m!1'1tly cverwh.dmlld b~:u du~y mU$d~..J:t's •• nQ :un (Q alw.liYs lose ... nd IIh\'lIYs winni.ng gets"

i bcrln~ilSI.l.:rru.sl:. types. oJ g~;ne' ore kno~"n iI s "k,j 1.1 ~r du 11- glttlfJ,S ;uld· ont~[.li!cg, re~er:tiv:ely.) When !e!ll'l~ 1mbal:lIIlc s.d.o.D(CIJir. iI'U:liSkr (0 Eli\; .nero D)' Idllllf.iDl: dn ~hlllCrl~ rluIllJJ.)' dntlg;ln,g llJ .. y~hjD:!g ~bOlU [he PC~ and lbeit pow.en,Pr .eq~lip'mn,t. Nc Olle Hke5 to g~r ,$(lnl;~~king (Q ne\'<...

mUie r~, for,.examplc), illilly ro hJlve U r k~11 :lW"'1' iga~ bel;aJ,I ·elr \ UQO Urn h;l]MldI'l1}

Rb~:t- , . .:; It l!1ay~ slic!1J1JO tfUSt rhe DM. u:uu.,~~

..,g;l:ined 0\'BJti:me ,hr qlnsi5tent 111511: of the ru.ICll, by not ta'~g ;fld?1 tID~[ ls, 1'101 IiLVIlT'mg !;I1\~Pb.1UAUlilc[her·~ ~I'I ~), ~ml by mIlk·

.!.m~ j~ cl~u 111.1'1 }'.Qu're .Ilot lo'mjiClli'iol'~ ~:QW.trd me p.b?eai or ehe PCs.

If [be pl;),crs ~r1tl~':t~~nd ,~lI:r,ough you, ~.h'e PI1'!~ &y!:[~:Dl[die), wlu' reco81'1i~thJiLII~iJJ.i th~t '~T1Il1!{stht g1Wli: h~skU! cnefully alI'I5iderc!d..Jf..yCl.l ~{jjtudil;i;!~l'!;m si1l1adol'l., Ihl! play..:Ci

~h.euW be ~ble Ie truaj[.jJ$lI fubCllllllnci fioLQucn!ooUiI.:!icrollid· r guess it. That Wlly, the. playerS am focus tbe.ir .atllt!lruiaMJl..P.b_ meld' characters, suC('eedillE 11'1 th~ g~me.iliIlId hao\"mg.fI1D~g_ YDlIIO I1lke Cllfe e IruIltns of f'3imes:; mel reali.$m.lBq alSQ.U1U't I:h t '0),1 will do wJarC:\\IeF yOll Ci3D ,0 makuLm!.ilic:~ oWk.JUl.. ujov p1a\!in1}.dl~ir Ch:!!,;1CIii!n, C1:Iii pDli!:fi1JiJlll'{5JlCOeed Ln [be 1 g::mJe, :Il'ld wUl h~ve. fun. tf 'thi:s diig~ee of I~II !l aJ II. be. :ehi~d,. fUll ~'II'il1 'be mum mare fi:e!lIO !ldd (II c:h.;!lig~ r.hi:n~ ht~'C

pIDtl:Ul'Uf wDrrying OIl baLlf rhe play~(s pwtl:' ~hlg ~f 's,cnai:ll i~g .. ~ df'oCiBiorL

Il.:}!o.mi sim,pl,)! ~djtidicP:rl!lg, wmctim~~ 'YOl.ucq_oi~wa:nu 1.0 clm~~~ dJiXl,g5.1h.ilt"s Ii)k~!,J:ktW(!;vw,Al:.~1lw: m]esJu chl!l· ~tm.ge fur ~, DM wid:! oaIYJllitde ~eJ;tte.

j\Jrering the Wa:yJ)ilg,icJ'lfcrk

~,verrru.le iotkf: lla~n ffJlluloo[!k \C'i'~n~1il fut ~, I1t:'L~rln. Th", r ;.d~m me1rn 'fOUl can't ~rule:UKy~J;!rQWII g;1:I1l~ Lb. .. liPS 'YI".l:IfPl-iyelIS dt)l'l[ like [he WillY.' Init:imlttw~, .de<!enn in~':'~T ..}!IIl!l..fid lhn fh~ m<!l:5 fe. leammum...sllei ~$ ~ tOO Ltm.i~ ~il."'k::; th~t llQU clmn~ rruyQi!r:..~~nu: f1jf~ (:lIn~d hb1.l!l'e .fiI!k~,.L. j.G:i.lI;lm-thc:...<:I:~:g liv'itr oIJl~ .. IIIlt!tC!sr ti~e't)' c~mp3ign will. m .ti.mJe. develop Its Q1.vnh~~j._

Th~ I!b~Ji:t')I :to US!! ~ht ~ch~fl it:!l ~s ~'!:llttv,Lsib ,ill ~""mI!lUJII'1!tt! the way m.I~plll)diltwmt'~ \~fk-----pl'ID'i.d!rn.g ~ .f~~od\: fOr'YOu mil the:playm tJjl.crea_m~F:ligu:'l,.S!jJl, dn:;!"lg,rlng~:Pc ~,y ithe ~~~~.liQltleih.i.QumwdJ)'t b~ f,~Iw:ll liis<bdy. n th~ Pi!llL'Y't ~nda, 'k.~~, . _tlUhJl1·T1II., '11t~. then thmllgli" CUI. the DII. J1E . .a, n Mll. r~,r:.l .. + ~~~a.Q!ll.LI. w.ill1imi_~pbln.:It;joG!S fo:r whY' ilio5.e m~ life rae 'W~'4 r..h{'!j.;IT!e, Read thes~ t'xplm:JIl:ilJll'i emrefuJ!ly. ml.d r~fu.elbe im~iC3[~OflcS: for mruki:llg_.;h,(J!JlJ!W.!i,

C(l!n;s~d~T me following ql,l~!i:llcll.S whcl') ¥l;ltl w,anr UI c.hu~

;)It!l~. .

'. Why am .~. c:hS.f)Gifi{! !:iii>!: n:d~?

~ Am 1 dtollf On bow rhe rule dt~1t ['m [ljlfng 00 d.~:Dgf ~.l~Ly


rJDl.i\t. 1. CC.:rI.rld~~d "' " rule 'I:l.KiSUltl,' ;);5, ',it..d!d .. lll [b.~. 11.1':5'1' p1J~eL _

How..:wiU the: ch[Jjn;ge implc!~ Qtlwucb!J~J:..5<El"UJltiorur.

f ~~~~~ cl:.~~eJ~'\II~{ one d~"S~ ~.#, s.kil1.orlll'~~.e: th~1:'I Lilt

__ove, WI. is. ~hl,:S rn~llgi:gl'lhllg, t.'ill milk, tl I1lrm:..FI~,){~ h~m ~.'

JlL1hiliPl"Y? (tf the IUlS'l'j1et ,is -h~j)i'Yi· m~~~ll m en~uge is"cn't

unbala:ndng.. .II tlJ:e ,iUl ~~ i~ "u ~,:hilPW.:.JllI~,u~the ... dlAJJnge s \'JO~nh tt.)

Often. .. plllyer5 ~"'lInlt ro h~lpJede~gll! m.1~. njU4J111L~ okay; slace jhe._,g;;J:~ 'emts Wf dill' eIlj{lyme:Jlt...~IUt..s..,p_wqpan15, ~1i'Icl e~e'lI[iiv,e: pbf~:rs call, .oft:e;o find. W[JJ}!S to fill~ :nt:rJIe~,Jk1 r~,cep ~h~f' to 'pl~ye~ COIl"cl1mf ;al;<~JJl If.LIll~ m\lc:h~ mc;~,-Auh_e., !;;llltlc tl~, h ~'We¥er! '~~ M rr o£ p,I;Jlf.~'15 w,h.o (wh-c:di~'r sdtt'1hl)' (j't: innoc:eIlit:ly) "1al1(OO clJ~n.ge the nlI~s fur lhek I)\VjiI }len e&.... ""[lie' D&..D g;ime ~YSfeJD ts l]w.:iWe.ltl:U it'sabomcClln~ ~o be' :JIl:kmlanced s~,t of nlle\l!, 2lnyel1S m ;}y_~'.55_11 d~5'lte ttl h;[\1'0 .lIe eules ah'O'll'fS W1J:rk ilJ.llW;U:!liV\lr._blu • .:I:hu:r:;Iityi5m:ll~ ifrh~ri: WC'(C: ilO dull~!ligc~ fQ:._thech~r~tlefi..J..b.e·gU!llie w!JllIld Il'yid:ly grow d~d1. R.r:s15,[ ~lil~iQ~ .tD"'cl:!~ ~c.,tb.I:ull1es jl] ~f !O ple1l;!;!!" yQIH pl~lI'e'f:;' M.:!k-e! 5Ir~~ th~l~ jJ ~b~!fl~g,iC'i;Il!lifl_el~ bn,pwy~~ yol,!~

f mp~llf>t:t e~lo:l7bcdy.


TlWefo.lIowing .inds of ,eql.ll pmeflt ~'re a'i'Olil~bre liD ~l!'!r.llmll ne Or Enh~lI1ce yOl!fE"~~e" The)"re not for e~el')1'On"e, ~ow~"'ef.

10M SI:~J'j~ Thi~, i~ a c~n:lsl'Ock !1~re~i'I ,a",ail~.bl'e in m~.n)' game Illd ~'bby S.torilS) tM:a.t s~~n-ds up ,01'1 ~nl! t.il.bI~ bf~i:'I :;au ian.dllh~: playe.r'.i_ It h~~ ~8~ll:ah~. :iMti rule~ !'!!miliKter!: '(iii it.!.O ~p~ p~" YOUI can ~I!!lo, ~Iip nDll!!s kll~ ~ you Ciln ,~ I.llNi'l bu! t~ p.!ap!t!, ~'t, I!~htnd Ihi~, ~Q!'I!!~n, )'DlHall put )'O~f l!I'iI;!p~a!il.d rlh'lo.rd~orl ~n~ tdb'le. :a~ roll d'fce wh~re th~ pl~:feF5 ~'~'I '~ l!Nh~l '~u'~~, d(lirl,l" lh~ ()11J1fr dl'ilowb~ok 1~, 11m ~ ~aoonl creil~,~ W.i!l~ ~~n :fO\l ilnd Ule pla:;oerS. whrd1 OI)fi be dl~!lC'i\llg. I1)M'$ WilD wish ~t! h~~e'lhe' rnfurmii!ltm ~"tr.e spe~n han~ bllll i!ltm't ~t ~ s.e't th~ms.e1"'es i!pift fn;)m the Ilb'~ ~!l!rt!ellm~ 1i!1 d1!! ~ell 'a!lt 'Df) t~ t~ble il'l frcmt ofth_, h!(Ji"~ ~d~eI1lure \Illlil~ ImderJl~i!th.

'Cay~t~ IIF you th~I1I'L h ave 11!11!llQ~urell!lure.$ 001·S.,.e:ry d'lanadier Qr c,relil!lJ~eth~ pC::; ~",coliIl'ller" ftlU Cim 1J1i!:: ~nf5grt5 "'( u:! u ntef5 to

,Ao01IlDinim TI1E GAME

& DM. $DLt.jJ>!!l ~i:lI JiQali:i~' up 'your ow.1:! ~s, IIfIa,~ I.llems, r.g:c~s. ~n d_mOJ.l:mnJ(lU[_Cfl~ign mi,gb I hAve a real need fO[JL~n1 th~'rrum~rQ~.w ~snt.I, OJ: ~InQns~e.rr W\ie:!'~tI In dozeN C1uelk.

EI~S,til:r.n, dF.l' . .illS hJ:l!~ ft~1d:nlla~tgres. AddIng m:WQl:cS, 15, mCiJ:'lS:r.er,s·, iIJId mag1cjjt«ns cain be ~ red1'l:IItlE!l"ir;J.hl:mg ~l'Id

~tdi!l,g ~.:pei:±~:tIC~ . _

OJ;'! .lh~ dow1'!~d",.1i~~irioll. !odle. W!'h'1~ ctR ~dl ~mf h~·. !ll'IJ;~_ As 5!1l:lled ~!!itlicr~'lllfltllliiJ:hl:ll! blill!vn<;e is ~ifi UtJporl1ill1'Jl DM ~~~i~~HI¥ M~SLlMlIl~n.d:ng ~crors am. 3cru,aJly .lta4l.,~ K~ It'ol1sid~fifd DM cr,e3[latl~ Doi'\'!: il!l (hll ~ l'Iilp~l'iuTo...}!Q1Ji,~_

OaC' ~y 1'0 jll dge.sldlef.her e !.'lew sl:jll, ft~. ~~Jt • .Jl.Uuhe.r J:1]t.., ti@n ls b~lll[l,ed 1;:;' tc a5:k ¥ul.lrnlf, "If I ~cld dtl:5~cllJ:"&;lIfil.~,lsJt so ,g:ood .. tlIlIr I1"Veqr\1T.1f' wilWMIt tlJl h:n'itW:" Au:hu~~ Um.~. Ilsk you.~1[, .~ ~1li:!: ~ril 11m! !~I!i !.IiI.:u . .1'1.0 one wiJ!lh!! m,tcr-es~cd..iD ItT K~ep if! m i n,J W~t i~'s" e~lSlc r ;~IiJcl m~ '!:e.mPMJ:...l.ll.a;eilll

~li:Im~tbi~g ~blL~' 1iO~ gQQd railie:. ih~]'Jno~ g.a.od ,e:n~lIg,h..'mulCh ~1JJn;elf:

Nj:akiflg Mlstak!(l'S' . - .-

tt Il'HI,gic i[:eRl tbiu ~.u.Qws.lhlLclI~l\Kre~[!:I:.LIiI.~'I'e..:thfQJlgh "",~lk ull!b.i:nd~'I"f{l e , cLv.wll~bern eil~f_"cr;.e.£S: ~~Q.ru.lJ'!pJa~~ ,yilt! 00 1'I!i:l't \Ul:llU ~hL:"..m to,go (31 h:alil_wl~o~(g:r-e~~t'llj,s ,~ 1'I1~m.I!,:. A+rh"t~'!,'j!'l£peIUh~I li1JjUlOJl~tipl.~f{les:. w:itb...ruu.~.'li~ tbrnw is

~ l'IlIi:(![a,b .. A l>I~. wirhom 'lJ!!lyel~dju1ilmemJiu.d (I}~Jxm1;l~es 'If

+4 ~J:!I :St~l:IG[h illl'ld Df:.1Jlre~ity Is ~ millt~,~ -::--_

US'U~llfl die lIIimk&s ~h;a! cre~p UUO' a ClUI:I.p.ai,cn.ne..[he_on~~

.,1JThBI S~Qm II'I:Ilot.UQllS_M ,9irsL A 1 ~1.·,levd $;-pdJ...ae.iuin~~w5itJlfl windr:lul lrnock~W_d.m~[1 ~p:p~;U':5 lQl oo_an~~1L4._S~~ pl.ayer nsej h IQ kn~~erl"1I1 QPPOl:teJl1 off the •. of i.,dilL Ol'! l:he odn~ii. hood ¥oldi J:tniIW d,glu :iway dult you_~~b-ruJl:d l'I1:~ h:liVC: PUt a ~w.ff III d.Wi~ rrNlljJrut wirh 1.In.Ib!~ c.h~irg~~ in th.u mOl· $tire che:>!, C11"' YQU "Should tI ew:~b'l;1!!e ~Ilow-ed l'Olll'pJ.t'.ll-tt::> to' ~ stlltde )'0'11 d!.1t dt~ gliime> wOI!l~d be mere mIl if rnti~~ hits.mlJlld· pl~~d ~lll:l:im~i~b~. fj\1~

Whenm:ll:lgs ~[ LIll1b3l:i.n,et:(J., 'jml .nflfd m. fbi thEntI!~[her in· eilIDect ol.!J:-.oI<gt;m:le, d:~pefi(lifl!l: on 'th~ sim~dovluLrhejJil:'!ro~JIot!d playef's"peLlionmlies. LJ'JlOO~~ ,,!JmJI'lI.~t~U1Miti,~~ ~r 11\(lIDS :J._f(! be;sr h~ndl~d: m~e, bl]t:nwu;;h__~y'~ h::mglleJ 'Ol.1tIJf~gmJ~" S'omel:im~; ~t5.beat W YIJU ~o ,~d.mh ItI dl~ pl~y~'~ !h~ t' yWm.:td~ lIuwu:, .!I.Ild..n~s; u;) w1h.tdi ID I'lnl;~r I!~ k~(!p 1M g;Jme [til'!, ba!!il:nted.;J:Jil~niq; 5m.oolhl:y. Them.Qt'l'!. ir~~O'Jti· ni~Ie.~!"D"I.UlBI toe m!ilrll 1Iilw~\1t j)itYW; m ~o J;lhtlN$.Ulfirl_


It's \V{lnlur:aJi.n:lg_ggain:: On~ m,il gmI~_:5:t"<Irts! HSihlii up lDymL Tlhe p~~~e!:S,a;r" ~ikidf lQ ~~.k ~.beil!' CUtS ~m y,ou ~11 h'l'l"W 00 act inl'lll:l rca!! •. If Y.J!tu, MndJe ~he. .~!! ~rn(lu~Jv. 1.ht'y',U "b(!: llIl.orr likrly fill

repres<~nt "Iit~r;JJj:ter~ ~:".d mliln:!)~~rs: prir1itw wuriler5, willh prcu.!R:'5 of 'th~! cre~hire~. pckEr dlips, ch~drers, COln&. ~ctap'S of p.~ller-an:ftnl FIg yau ~Wlnt.

'CCimpLJitm: Witn II COIYlp.ut~.r .it ·the tabre to, lit ~OUJ $ridg n:ltifby, hut sihle1doo f~m Fllay~n:J. yGI:I earn bep ,~II 'fO'u r note~ in dl mllps In e~~ronk, 1iII~~ r!~~i~ ~:e~rch~d ,~nd rt'rer'~IiI~e.d durrrJjg tile ~me, :5 ~aJ DM ut!lilty I!lro,~,rm; lire ay.ail'lIole lho~t I"I'Illn3g~' NIles, PCs" mOJ:lM:ers" 1:relJi~uroe, ~:fHl other' ~ijnds or in ftlr.m~tTon" Some will aeter.mrnt! randoml 1~!iI~tmn~~ OF~a:te ~.:lJr;:Lc;ter.s, ~f1d ~eFler;aIJe F.lndom Wi u r'l'iber~ Not illlrdl~pla)'iiilC IIfguPS prcrt'tkl use ; gjmpUblr, 19(1""'e~~t !:l~itiI u.!;e or 'dl~ tll!iI!llMC.)' of !Jh~madllili! to draw tho!! DM '~, aJtto~nlJlC!J:m ~w~~ fJ'(lm the p!a:fi!\ifS ilnd Iihcg~mli,.llrYOll {ind ~otitself:sflrilllil ,ill th~ ~orH!Fl n1IQr~ lh~rn at ~!,IF pla)'~r.;;, «IfI$~d~r '~~II n,g b;a.~k th~' ~gm plIlll!r'S, l!i1i8il r!1~! me ~Iild 'rEsU"ll:t I~ III gt" ~ra~llng o.r mafliplill~tl "<E, m~~rial ~tw.!!~" se~~io;!'ISi.

t;ki~'it ~owl)t If)fOli cQmljl ~~~1l'j1Ih.~J~JJPthE2lited ((liL'l~,th~y wLIlI. cr.::ICk ; re\~ jokes ~mI ~k~de D1m:nrum.Its'L:lf th~ir tlW,l'I. "iOIil :n1l::J.k~ lire c.ame rile 11.'1111' 'jOU WIUl't il t.o..be.


".L::hst UIIII~, ~ou.h;d.j~red m ~ eJlwnll [{I me 1m I<ll l~ boJ:Silis.k.,:tntdl !.~,1:1'. U{l'dt . .bilE ,~, wbi! (If.'.~ohll:, __ lIS .ll:"'. m.' '8 ]).e~rh)' ilP, _ ' \WJ'rsh{:p~ rhe ~c:aWl1~g<!dJCUl.lo.Ven; n.e)r. 'I:he ~

. ('.ttID d~.of lnll\l'cl.',ln.!l. th,~ugh W!t.llw!..§iIl, ful'~l~ NJ!Jfallli:.e :: .. ~

~ Jiw!d ~ua;~r'ed ~t!i,te~r..:w~ ligh nin!: til ~ wi

jlobh ~OO~(.s,Krusk. W;lQ!l~d,t~~JD'igh:!rll, th. e ,,gohlms' .~. ~."p Lmd..deilmdl. th.el!lltiltB'1U!I.!l~b:uuhe.[fiS[ (liF you wked hum

Ale) 1L~lpm.~ you, find ;a.:S'!llnbie.pl..!.ce tI1lJfl~ ~ ~Ie Bl:Id der(i;nrlble ~mp. ·r·h~ gobl:hlS, 'mealil~~, we r~ obvil;lw;ly pn:~rmg. for ~ fi!ll~t, ~sed QJiI WUOUIl&! y~u.lMd, hE!~m e;!II:ller wt d~.,~ Now. ~5 rile S111i15~1ll h~yol'ld '[he ~!l1i[ ,1l),Ql!llUilIin:J, i:t~~'Ins as 'rhoufjh r.be ~~~ w1I:hinJti.lllir....wh_;:JId~ 'yotl dof"

, .!tu:hc.wddk O£A C!!mP'<!J:g~, fi:G!lpplflll ~c~tvhy (rnm '(h.c=: p~ j,.QLl:U~§iotL{ou~on!l) ~[ dl~ S!'ll:t"[ of lneW S~Q:tI ,Llflil!:tI hdP5+- 1.IlS~ rh~m.~.o.cI li!fu:l ~lif!iil:l.fll~N~~1I01'l!t what WlI!!I gO:~"!l.OOI" It 1 cmbe frnstt!l:tiQg._t.aDM ~tIidphll'll'ts ~iik'e :th~t wh& In di!1' g;l):jJi:; ~ the chnTil~t!ilr5: WDtinll~ wh~~dley W,ere just doil'lg, in re:iI life lbe pL:t}'l:Hi h;J\I1~ Hved perhaps se1;'~ daiYs c[ re:d Om!: 1~~1[I rnl:'n tIIldno'>'. They miPt ha.ve fOl'gQu~~ im~rt;J)lIt dll;t~ thmt \U1IU :IlIfktmllil' decirJ= iftDer d07:tr~etremi.nd~Q.

Of C'ou;~e. rOil l[Ieed tQ keep rlli;lte;t.all 'wbat Iwppe:.e;5i 59 ~h~I' fOil don)! f~IEi~~ clthe~. At the ye'f1ie:lst., JiluIng.dDWlI ~ f~w sm· uence.S".mlJ'uL'WJhlll~'I?;tSlloing on ~r ~:eJ:!.~ g1l:.lll'f: seS5:ion !md. bringing !them O~n ,~t ~h~ bitgi.ll1l.lfig_ofdl.e..Ju:ii[ S'Cni.on [Si mw~y,5:~ coodj~~, 'You may find ~hm YUIlW~d.ilUb iDIk;~bol.lt liu: ,t,pm11c b~l"'~'f\~:n sesslens :mG~ than fn~ P.hy~J_cl:Ul~; you .h<tve ~.~(t~r ~sp of the IlIl{H!!($. 'if(lU ,1lIl~y get.lQ ~L.lJit whel'e ~1QU \li'IfJn'[ f~~&(I;!: wh~!: h~~ htlp;p~ned tnp1iW:.;SC£5rom, esp~cia]ly ;~ifiC~ tht a!d,ven~~~~.)lo.UR wo:dtID~ onnOWc.W'il1pfren..1ullld a!! W.9S~ ~~t5.~


M, ~t:ll Of.Jl'.~-h~m. d3c.gu. ':ro, ~. i1:r-.~' US,l:d,- lIO k, ",Ili¢S'f.l.m 'd!.·'",~r.:IaJ., em,. Irui~I ~i!7IrI ~eni!ry m ~be ~~ You ~l'I1.j)5IC:J:hil:-mQ.n,~ g,rl.dI~dl!l!.\~ncll

tTpto.t~~hl: @ls~q; ~~, iJJdi'Yld~t:ds, lQo:I!tiIlDll.tt'll'e'Q~!, liui:.of sigkt,1Yld .!IIl1:1fr1i~f~, ~oflC~ This ~ l:nd.~ (ltwD·sklMPI'.sre~ 1:l'I:IJl ~g ~ ~~ ~~ onesi.de ~fiJ;~ l·jnr.,A grid Ol~

me omer. (For, 1lSe. II virl¥llllii,t wkb. B grid. tbal70II e:m write

en "'[~.M:pt.: , - t1:it1:!; ~d:iill)tJJIi~ M~~ of Uiili; snrr ~1I'e

~rt~ ~wlhtbl'.!J ~I~ thu~mlt hahb;f ~d ~;Jim(!Sl~~ t:b;n ~i1dic~.)

Ewn.;wclt{l;u,r..~_g:rid, )'OU, {:~:n U~I1~~~ ;NlIf~iI.ol:I dill' [~Me lO sho_j1l' ,!ruIlIT'ni:D!l. oJder ~cl relllivjl_:~iQml, or 1I\0u [;an 'L1ie

1 UlIJjIe. !D~~.lill! .al ~I~ ~r 1. i:nl:H ,. nJi;!I;l..tiUif tc=i1il~' d[st:io~s en dle lllbl~toppr~cis~lv. S.gme~tmi:£.paSi;ltlnn in comb~.tme~~ ,.Ih.e.dW:il:rel'l~t- ~f!oIfll~n ]itC and deruLh • .!Ind mlnAlIlllU; t1:g:ttm (per~,t!!puIo:r.l!!lwlth ,orher .ml!w..ble objeCI)!IJ!tI: r.epl'tl$'Bm: II!~~ £elJrlltle:i Of (htl].geo.l'l~h~1.h~ ~QIl~.ap OOl~e ~CIf;:IIt1~m of M3r.1Crt'.t5, c~~~md~~(!IbjecB.

wnh a[tnl~ .~~Kb!I:I&,~;pb.y:tf c~n uSlldy fi.!UI ~,;lnllIli~UJ~ ~~~J~~mb1l}:5 :th~ ,~hm.ct.eJ:.k.m- she \'ii'iID1,$ l(lp~,," ~dpe:..rh!IPS 15 e:v;~:n jlOWi~d (bl: \\F,I,y th~~dill[:ll:~r WQJJld {':11m' b:im~1f Of he~ar.:


WheJl or.ll~ (lftbeFlI:J¥e~ i5.dlr~~:l.mj.p,a5.clre ch~eftl~(!II~ ' . .:Irle:""Fla(e"gi~ bet~ b~!I!.De~~be.dJ.eJ;];YQj.l[~f~,J~re In. ~s

~LJCh .. d.et!t_Hlde Willnt!l..[!!I.dmlillg,.d.l:nJelil&~IlIB; ar~~.F«r_cliIr,~~bLdmw 1lJ.I~~pe.,.md m~ of~, ""!:lOll Cl.!U.grJ:d ill rornUlf ~ witli:ng 10. ~peat IJJ d~scrilp!1oJl iJ needed. ])e\Srl",~ ..l~ib.iIl~ilrwll;llt.i.bQuld bl:abJt.I~ (ro,liIi~d_etir.llgill~n~HgnJm4 ~lI: .. owl'I!l'i~iol::lI:~p;:i,llIilid~$) o.r nas(lllm~hly I1:lIWr.Hllli~'

'(su~h i1S.'IDe dWaDce,toQ titl:! ,~l' wlIlll of ~,CiliV~lll). -t


Df.c..au:eill. whm tHe pes ~u: ]051' It! ~ dungtOI!l Oi[ wiillr.i:D,g:,

d!rcOu_gh...Wg, tac. wllol!epo:lmcf dJ!: silt!!iti"'r1 l~ th~~ they.dan't emil w'b_gm.t~'.:IIt~ .(01' wh.enl the:f~re ,f;oang).ln C:I$eUIilcll.:IS.!lhe-~, do~~ ~~~ ['O.liitlp the· m:ll!ppeil'. If [necliar.u;£et§"~~{e.i

pC,ilktn,g ~wugh c. ~;l~.e.y nlil.:,'~ ~, wro.fiG lUIrn, ir!i ~Il.the -Jintire nm wben. r.bl:f 1:r:l\[~~d:I:I':I&


De plC~ of the g,:rnIe.del~~ :bow mud! Dm~ 10'U, ~d IJIJi.Jl ...,gj\l\~:n ~c.tiVliI:'lf M:u::W;i.lUl!kL'll by IDe ch:nil~lI1U. D1ff2~t p.4y~ +~Diov dilI'e.,f<:iDI paC'es:...sDm~ players Mve their cb.1mct=~:ilPl every copper piece;.mD,BS dedd~ in nllt ,,",anh.~~')ing tim'll.. Some l'Oiepllj' ,eve:ry~al1l!nt~.!'j wl.~I:~ some Vl!aJ1u.o.iki,PJ)JljQU!eo

-good bl~Ii~CJmb:lit mel otber ~cdcl1l'orlmllHl:tCtMQ'. _

D!1I' yoUL...bf:5>t l'D-lfIle~se diegl'IJI.IIp. bQ~ ,~bwtU.Ll..hgp.thing.s

mOl;1;[['I1} .D'O,llt [;eel t:h:nllt's neCifua:ry to p1:.'1 Itlt~t zes tFt~rlodr;, ~plenIilhi;ng SUWlies,. Q,r CIl L'l'jIillg aLit ",MUy t~sk5 uillecsuim:play· tc:cs \\'il.Il:! 11:1. Som~.Umies thi:l~' de:!l,e2~! d~tlill5":Ill tlP'lXImUliiV. tlJ. ' _,.d=p ch~nC'~E'S ... .hLn moo~,of m~ OlD!: it~ u.nlmpomlllr..

DMe'n!l'l.iIrI~ ahead of ~m.~, if potl'll:>:ib]~, how ,kl.Il& iliepll,yi:ng. ses~i)t.I WIll lut. I:.lel:ng mis. :enS!b1~ }lQI,Uo.JUtd,ge.. alxn!uOl>' JilLu..dt_ Iim~ 15 r~ft !rl iliIl}' pointmd.pa~ t:h!ngli;lwm!inglf=you shcJild , ruWlIiYS end U~[1 ill ~ .pUIOppieg. JDinl.(scrlibi.tlijJg~S~ I 51I0.fl. b~lo\~~. ·~w fulIT..OO~tsJ.s,.il ~g gmIe. ~~ ,~cp]l!..iilY:: to' "bv ]O!l&'C~ isl!:!ls;iQns..~_QlLil t'l',e. etld. £'olUlifYO'Ii I:lI1nnal]y_ pbyfw $hO!~~illiI1i:tI.tnes. k'S

j:Yn ~I;lm.n ~ hmg~., • .m~."'d. ..... """,,- j

Referencing RwLeL _

100kutne w:lll'~g.n1;v..w:!.IJrn YO, L1trcly:Il00,', d (Q'd,.Ill:m,g.:a!.»mE~ .. , thi\l rul~boo.b~~ll'le to h~.llf YOII, p:lging drmgp l b~_~ d:oubllH.Derl: VOLWd.(~;S:l(tW tbings d,,'iNlL'II. Loo.k\'i'hm.nec~iU')!.< (and mS!riI thil'Wi yoliU.n.e~d m refer TO ~Gmin with ~OOokm~rk),hu~ ~, . ~Ih, ruj,d .. ilrOnl m, ,eanQl)l'.' ,\vli!cll YOUOln., "totllif!~y aerbe ~dv ctl:rrm in YOW' ~C(I)J1C'C~[o,I],bu~ the gmI~ ~cfP1l milll"m .

Aslcing 'Qu.es~ions

Dorn.~be ~""M ~o ~l,'Op ~nd ~k in:i~ttall:~ ~/JIeswns, If ~h~ pfulyers $~tm, boi1!dJ, ¥I!.if mcy i[VOY~.}!WL~.£kiJ:uheild 00: ]p:Lik up the p.a.c:~. 1£ '~ou'~ U:J:I!iIll'~ ho~y....wllm 10 hi!l.llldll~ Q, sI[u,[d~n. ;~~k.

T ~jng •. B.[1ea K:S

Wh.en,yoll. finls.h up a lc:::pgth.f-.COnlbi1l~ nOOIlIli~~:r il1'" ~ [~D~!PI'I' fWcdJS~ne. lilikl'1 :l brei!!.k. ,E;m;ll:~JD. a llimg: phyIng ,m~!~J1. !:$t~blt5:h. II '~lj' In~i3k$ for flfi~, dJrllllks,rrtiP'StlnJ ~hll' bluh~m,o:r jru.1 ~l:ittle.lime.ltlrebM. Durtlfl:~rthilll:im.e. youCIIll[ik--e y.cur mi:nd IDfI" r.h.b~for a few .mmu.~e:s, or you, ~n b.e_gJJiI t:o ~:l.1'e fur tb.e e.l!lm~g.~I:;l:!UI!I.t~r.


The mtpona;l!It pod:lll!.lO reJn.e;mbe .. ~d.{Il,g (he· lCOOll;'i oJ pilly-er chtm("I~t$.dlJ;liIlg.~thtmul~.is 't.!mt ,m:h p.!tIYi:;c rollO'Ol~ h!:sC!f _be~hm..;I.~aui;J'[~~..n!;~l!rw ~ ~ spedEiC~CdOil (~ II~ clI;m~~Iif.r·1s und~!' ,~.m~gkn mru:pul~iol'll, see' ~lo!.v). DO'.rit lclia.:plafl:! wh!l.~ iUs oI_h'il(_cbiilJ';l~~:er'S i!rnOlilY.l(l1i~ :m::ve'lil if,II.O Nrc widu inp Cb~js~a.;KOn'l an~Jnp'l'S ~D ]leI:SUade.1L chumtlu.,.DO m.:t(! ilil!m~hho!'!M forn II C.bPf~~lf.l[J.II.:tl:uiQl;ll1l+ ~~dtlng. SQ<Dl'i! ,tiIll~~ i.n rb ilim!:! ~pplly SJ'Icd6.t:~U'f w.1!l£CU ;1ltil nQLOCUh~ m{li1L~i1lc~'lLr of wht.cb" ~l\e. du:: .. ml~ m,!): MKartiO!l{t~..(s~e. Nrc Art.itud~~pll&~·UI!I .. tlind~JlipkJ 'mr~ey £k&aPlG~U;if rh~ ~1I~\Ilrl JiIn""~~ Th~1)U:I~h~d" ,.;J'lC~iCrk~l'iW :l.Q1!!l;ibl!l:~tl1·'~~ lk~;';~ly~e.h~ ~~te:r li'l~w~lh~J!..ND?C.Jllh.en rUliuli.ng.: alrl~l'lld fnlc to ttl-' +l~i!1lg.misl~~_aidIll~~joJing, '~UII;illg.niJlg ~ ~h~r:I.-t:~~r,

~ b!ilt.dDIii.l45.e)fQ~! [l1;!ithQr:I~ ~;.])M I!!;l el:,eri j;;c.nrr:o.i CWle1"" wh:u ~ t~1a1lf£..dtmc~u~

M ~gi cal to mpw~ !i~CIJ1l

Yl'ltlfroe!:pct.nsiihl1h.y fOr dic·!a~~ngJ'C~criQ.M ~hi(j8. w.h.e.n ~ phy.crr ~h,~r~ct\e'r be<:IIl mes :s'lIbJ~f rO~fI eff'eIl:ti~u.~uJmWLF1'rHliffl ~di !Oil' ili~Jcmtn:itiwubruty of ~ y,ll!mrpu'cl mll ~·p'l,ll'li.bJm 'Dr ht:f ul'ld~r tb~ c{!1'It:rol m jLqUI'~tl~t ,t:l~. ~1lI NPC'. Now me Ch.l.F.lCIJef 14-

c.oQIrnpt!'ll~d 'to do ukhidding of his Of he.r conutl<Uer-rcp~ s~nt~d by you.

.~ me.tim~,~djydicntm.g,,~1i01l O~hUllItlWl i:n'IQi~~ ~~ II nIl!: line;: fo~ imtul04if:lilt N l'Ccwn;liId hIi£j~~ ~~~l clJllrn! Ptl~1l

~-IU ,PC, ~vh~t wm )'01;1. (31 .lhl:...WWnllcrd(lf_!he dlJI~('te[_ u:td)ol

'c.cmding (0 tk~ ~1J a~scDi~i.l:u±u::M~jI't'r·~ I~!Iilj'h~, "Yc.u :JUl.'t:t:y ED ghe the !lUbj~l.:QiW~L}!OJ.l II] !!I~r mn ~!:I op-poSted C:b:[JilEilSll11\~ chack to CQ[JWIi:_U~UUl;l dG;! :l1lf-r.hl;ogit wouJdII'J: ol:'di:tmily clo.~ Who d,e~ld~~ w.hat..ilie.FC ~MI:l~[ ord.mrud.ly dO- -yotIor

I'he pl~y<!!~? _

Th~ ~n~r LQ fb.tl.qU~$AOI!L ls nm:;lv i:JeaHUti ,~[ [imleS. tl ma~' rbell~~~jJ~yW...iiI:fitLrh£:_p6)i\trIO COime 110 lIi1lJ ilgw:nh~:Qr O:~ ~wll~tID~_c:hnr.Ii:II~r would \villfugly-'" do b~.~ CJ:11l:)hl sir'U4litLq(J., 1'lis joE"" .,[ th ~ t'm,,& il1 rhc:'gl1lm.c wlt!!riJ4!'!1 shQuldi nCll m~h rJ~ ?-~ ~1iIY«l;!rQ'i'i'tD-roll,fur bricl]y wid:t Ih:.~ pl:!J~~ of !.he p~ and>-+ :rli>summc IIDth (;!f.y.w!L~rereasl:mllb~.e ~ooIlId!e' S01lpotl ~fwb~t dJ e

dIlil1r,BW1r would do,Jr &DauJd n't be mmculot tn ~(I:jUl:lt.c:a[~, IDe ,dfell:T ohhrspcll

As :;;[~pllb:u~d ill an ~,d",et:l",llre' you hllve wrinem (or PW'l.::hIlstld), iln N PC or: ~. mOioslIer wb.(l &iilJi1lL~ ~onttl:ll ~ r ~ ell alr:lC'l;e~ m.~.y be .mo~~~li~d by g~i£ 1.h~Ii!lj~~ ')IOU ;J:P id'eaDI.wll~r ~Q Orrler th~ Fe rti:l. do. S6me[[m~~. the' Ehrrn:lne.r'S .r'~:ipoil:le_w.MIdi !IE onle.r (el.I" ph.e..c:b~u. c[tr!l oppcrmIli~y re ~ .. Lruu.'!p:~d Chc.risnm I~beck) will be ea~)' 10 dete rnlin.e, a [.gth!eUi!:DIf!~. you I m~y l1~ed liD ft:IC~ gf! ~:gri!eI1'len:~ wkb 1Iht' pJ;ilfJ~:r ~ ~ii dtscuss\:r:I ~bo",~


Ll(~fN!m.m"-!~~tp!nlfl.~m'll, thrir jtn-l MIIJDlJon::


Nl!rm.ll1y...:MfCs sbm.lld ",bey ~Jj the s~m~ m[es ns PCs. Ott~!li.on" 3UV....)lQJlIl~i WI)I.'I[ to :fudg€ r.b~ niles fol' them in on~~!'. !Ulotha{~e.t!.m..tC~OOg_'!.I'u:1 f'1.a1'i!l" PerofpttonsJ Mill"'}, bJ.H in

~i:I'l~r.ilI~ NPCs: should LUtu:ndjl~-f~U i!.nd SU~Ct~J- .... ·by_dll~ d!~E. jl,lSlas to dQ, ~_

Be as qu:ldt~o"-i:l~etlr::l~ wh:at mr NJI'.cs do. alt I1lm ti!!t:11 .~~ di~pLi;yell:s ~~hm...deciilil'!g Lne rCs' ~cl'lQru"J@ k~ tDwi,!l mllYi!l!,!, b~ ttadv_lilh~;iI,d of Iim~ with w.h~l e~ili.gi\l'en NK. wHil del_ (Sfl1!l:e yo!.l! klliOW :tI.~~~rl of time t.b.ilIIJ.h . ~Jl~WJiI:e.t.is CQ!lllIicg, 'f(l~ C~f.I. PttF3!)~ better rhan [b.ep.Inye~.Uo.uro'ill'lI~ Nrc sl:rolegff!:!: ilJloDg-side.llIdr game;smi:m~

~till, NJilC$ :m~ ~p!c loo.Do!l\~ t~f if be Ob,!daLllil tQ_thi:-ph:i.'1~ Ih~1 .~ pmkular ch:R~Rr Is ~jlll5r 3. NPC:....im~&-tb.1l1 wl!;'1-.h1l.-.:, m,~hl!;~iI'I':W!lm3r[ or ~m!Mr[BIU~llWh~[ ~_PC_d{!offi.\\tbil.eJ;b~t J ml.ghl ~ [fU~J 1l ~Qu.Ld1t't ~il'Jot! [0 be [rUe'. In oniex: 10 _eJhe ~t w(!Jrltl seem ~r. dl.cp~ople wino '[l'dpl!llilln~ 'II silf'lu1~;'ll.


~1~y~[S nh: ,itIL die [r Cl!etlrom VQjI. ]£ yo!!! d~rlb~ SOll'l~,[hi:l!lg iIl00IDp!erely or poor.lYI~be.plll.~Jl1,ItlI19 iihll.X1Ce IlfLmdi:~l!I nding WP.:lr5 g,_mnfj.:JlII:! ~Ul r:h.e»:me. \'i\t!cld \"1.bh.~ imPflf!gr ~lI., dle rime' tb;t ~ ~lIlJi~, b\ ~ru~w..Jb.;rL'fOlld1:l IE will dUl::iJlg.co~~

"I'l:mr ee.smpliQm of e~~h iKtir;)r1 dlrU I~~.~ ]QIj:mloJil5 (1'1 ~lJ: lmrerGI . .JiU 'O~I:;- ~ntl ~Jiti!=ipilln:t5, :md lh~~J!:vm;mIngnt >In' ali aru.~ to me p!l1yen;' mill.W.es '[0 IliI1I.k.e ..i:n:t~~I'!}q -i d:teirclliJ:;.ICle~l1w§;, ¥o!,ll'l~robede'olt~ ... ~~ , Ih.e plll~L':S m~lIlJ.~litms ~nd, ~:[l:sw~ iliern j!i G{f.ilcl<'~lus.ya.u ean, R~~Tm e~cllr._WU:~ta: di:i:. .J1V.I'iIeI~ HllIcu'Jt [fyou eall i!~cl!_N!c":dl.:JitJ ,1Rr'T~ \~ltJ,evHJ:n~lC. m~an • .lf Il...cm CI:I'ISlU..,

.~ ~ " .• ~~.--_ .. dts:.a~h~ h Mms, bEn:, ,I)r~ 50 ~t tb~ pla)'"eni nd emruld ~".Ni [ ~h~ ~~:~r ~s doi.n.g.

If ~ plaYe:J".oli (J D !'lor 5ICmi Itl_.iLt'ie..und~Qmw.Ut& '10IJ !i~iil. =<~f it ~gllm Stnn~dfJl.l,;5 imllOrtnlU po.t_ms mii:. qUlmlling lIm of new decscdptilJn. iDO'tlthe ~frQltl tll.U~ uh1ltl llg;Jii:l1l d~~ll or h ear eoraes lip from we_gr;Ue, Or c;!c:h.Jrime me i!lugQJl1!le moves, rl:u: ~eiliSlg rllmbtes.Jlnd dust slu.kes dQWII Dnto dill (1001". Th~ wo:rst Ihnmll bnppmiuh:fitplayers.!I.r'Le fC:lDWdoed hO\\l lmpmtan t:ful~t!llJe.m'i,u'l[ 19'. aad r.n!!y will~~t ~c. .. Ol'di~

wh~ n ~ ,~h~r:Jcler mCJt;rt!!i.~.ddback;grou:nd. Say ~The m.:m~ mO'l'eS'~,way from Iheop~Jling in the.!ilr \yjlJJ. when~ me follismdU , lUllS ro origini1tt!!,· Dr -ThE b~;IJ~ eVen tiQSl!'1: 10 I M..lUl.:' Of "The ropln' sUdl.!$lowJy ~ lhtJUl~Yilll fIoDr." ,«'h!m ~ cluP II.lliUlSE'S:ln objeC'l. cleS(ti~cle..obIccL:Jhe W'i1friQ:r!.hi.sh~ }'O'u w'lth.hcb: w,1.vy·blnded ol!.g.geUiJllUt:h hertel' dUIll "He Wts yall Em 3 pclnts o:fd,llrngge'

ThL\ wne: OIf 'il:luullo''i'Crll'tion5. cotlm" tiu: t1~w I!l£ ~JII. enoou.nru md 1M meed !:M( the ~'QtI~t projfclS OvI!Il' l.he enli:re group. H ,olu~._qw.dil)' :L1Id.i.ntelldYi.lhl~ 1~liIds illfe.II~llY ,0 me, :1("[101\, rI f'."o.lU"-wonis m fmm~~. they will mmh dl(~ ITIDH;iCI (It-the s:cen'~ ~ ULquurul..d~...D'Ie. __l

Sblm~tlm.e-:s it's e&mve ro, W:d J! HI1]t- p:mtcml:i11tl ee your deSC:riptiCIIlS, II Il ~pOlt'lem::rlIises bis buge tw[l·h~lIdeJ sworo above' b L5 helld '10 l[r:tJi!ck the Cb.ilfllaer, llIise YllUr lillmd.s as if you ue i!!!l'ruipin:g 'me sword's Wk Wht!B IlmelU"ltc ritkes ~ tll'l'Irible hit in ~ule,rutf!:ll or te.G~iI wi [h II. mome.nml1' look of mood paln, n rhe pes ~_.eflght:li'lg iI jl.'tm, ~[tIl'Id 1IIp when l:he ginn (likes bis :n::rit}nSl lwkillg ~W~ ~L me sl!'a~:eJ FiaYe:lll,

Sc'm~ ~ Il'11'n~~ il's I:tmrd !Il' ~v!)id~-ayin& "'iqu IIili:~. He hit5. Yo LI tm ll_flt)intli "f d!llm!!J;:~· And omt:.li:mC!i...Jlu[~s 11).ka:y. Long verbal (tescrl.prlrms call g,et lediouoiJitlg:i!llt"alid IOhe;]F.nd die .g,~me effects· (e tlu: iQtPon~m dling,s, Kilwe.!£el,--I.b_~r'5:_ [~ ex~epriO'n, not r~en1le, M~t of[ he t:[me~ ~[ dl ' :YU)!.c It:~'!It. make tlm "H~ dm::k.s. 'lJnd sla~ne~ with hl$, l.ol'lg~wm for. U.i19i:Pt1i ru damage. W It is urudy better to a d,esn-:!.p tiY~J.J!lU:dk ~ bout dei1ling.,Oill!!ilge rather th.aD tWn,g, dllm~g "'L5 .. do.l(\'J radw Ii !XlIIIU" lur le-nS"l .om!:wbllf iIlte~Hmg._l;lII."tJllIu .lik~..poiJlt!· d es~d_be~_n iJlhi ng,

Rtmemhet. wo, Ib1Jt an M:tllt::k r,h~(:.dIil=S I1QuiI.'adg I)a;l~ ,rllin al:1\'3.y~ ~ mf~ Tn, [ht on:1:rnary ~nse ohb~ \VW'd. He::lvU~ M(Ilo.ted cll .. I:1C1!t!ll]; m~? he E'reqlilendy bit'. ~u, mLti'[ mnor prot~I;ts_lhem.1f you ~,y -.HIs s.hon swonl giaJlCle5 off yo !.Irphu: !I.I1Ji)or,· rill S JWi aniy cl5Cribes the ~ttionJHn m like: th!.! player ktl 100!! nlxllIt 1m choie~ to spend e:KIl"iI gold. On the good ~nnQ.t.

NPC Adiuns

When ,;tl], NFC liiku ~ c:ombatJtWQIl!, I:he: 1'Iaven 5l:lm~thn~ ne~ ro baive'JlAu~:d;guuyJmt!t g~~hJ:n__rhe ftcliol'l:d fellility o '[he game;J1) d in ~1lII$ of the g"me'$lllc.c:hal'liCl. This. m,ems diu \Vb-en a Ib:a__idfo1k with m 1:ros:500w i5~JLkild.'1 ,actiol'l ttl C01o'H r,thlt' ~v~; [n frmlt C!h door, I:h~ pl~'fllI$.s:hooMha;,o1; II pr>cIly gODd idra dUllllf they mm't' 1iI:!.from: oLthrJJ door. rh~ Ijnrdfolk is, ll;.oi:IIG lO.:shQ.Q[ 'th~-rD.

YOY need ro .hiliJtibouU¥hlll 'iF,I!'i.om: n:ctlom .~k like wllil1l! they'ri! .h:lPPt'IlWg.. yglJ 'were. :alllYilJICh.ing rite rnmbill jJl _ movie, WhBI \vould YOII Sftillh~tLwJ,a.l;n:I ~;lSI$ a spt'la or do~s SOJIIi"fhi I'll! ril~ dl:tlll'Ioru~.o(you haw: C'~'l:t.$i1!e:n areal pet5Qn clQ? Be d:~. mllti>c, ~cltltt des~d.b~ rhe: :l.c:'dtJJLfi,illy.._hlilt ~witl CI¥Cl:expidnllil~:, bc~llm.:=: m~1I_ will !;low d~.th~W'LiIr!h~..II~lMI!, Bt: co.tlsJsu.:nr as \'11:11, hecil;w;e 'lour \\\IOn!!; ~1l:-lIQljllft dt=$o:Iptitl!l.Jn 'y'r,~ C'u~ b)' whid, (he pltl'tefs .make pme_di!\cm_oll5._1U:l:llu~~ rom'eone IJ'sed ~ :rid "Ilothcu(:~~ yOIl ,des.cribeJJUl "~[lng' 'i,UO '1lilll'ryIDg," J;li5C thQie \'l'Vt:ds qll.l.n. If d .. ~t me .. nuh!!t Il:[f'ity ~l:I~\[t.)'.C___m IJl>I:eJ] [~tllir Cksui;lllion ~.I1d d:lI:ajay~ -ODb, .ldllt~\~..DUJlit.be QliSMg ~ spell," ~'lltl have 3ccon~pllshed som~

WIl8 gQ_ad=t~ p'f:W¢tS_Jwv~ lenned-fQUf..:verbilll i: U e~ [~ .:5~l~ .ci15ilitlg. NQ.[ 'DnI}, dotl' .bar !iII!}" .. , meml 10 m.ak~ RPOO daC't:;lons ba eUll.,~dl;'5'CriJ1tlolliS". bllr h lends ~tie!l'lIbiLity tl:I ,the f~r1iD~ ~!)rId YOlJ] :IIi! CreI1.t:lng.

l'h:ttJl~mlUfh'id d':5l:riptiol\s fOil! ,C'<j.1] use ~ (ell ph~'ef& wh:u's.g,mn-g till! w.beo ~. ~i:ef tlike5 ;t ccrmiJ1l iterioll,

R'eildy a

flillged Wli!api;m Gl!ctlu~11

Cn·t I qu.ldrmed ,p=11

Ca5,t .~ ~lIeficed $p~1

u~ iI $Jir~dil.l ublllt)'

A~II~art~ a mil!gk It~m D~II~


-He ~u"g.es (Q~.rd ilt fulllptt'd, I:~S rutl or YiDII!!iI~~.~

~J:.1il.i.n~ h~, W~i1POIII ~nd WJkhef: )'I:IlJJ ~~W.~IIlC'I'I1PIlIllC, ~ P>lJry f:adl@n~.'; "\(Illite lils all~ ~lbru-. he dim. ~I'I 111m! o~t of th'l'! liCk t, dl~tflll:llngliilii rQ!~."

~H~'!1 got h i:s wt'olIlP«! trlIlned..on thit .3'I't'lI. IlDvlol1l17 w~ilil}g: l!l' MlI'II)e:thin,&. ~ -He move'i his h~!1tL~ in a d~lIb~rIlW manner and ulters wora5 .h~~, ~4luna mutll Il~e ::llll ID~tIoi1 ~hll".11 !<!:"tfiuce, •

-SIJ.~ ~p-ta.k!l a reI!;' ~hol'it woai5. ,nilr'n~ lIIk-tltly .•

"Wiitl1 ~ word a"d i1 IIrd ofhi~ h~l'!d. ~

~Ske does 110t!;ing bid m~~~ a powerful


~Wl~t1Qu' using words or ~tul1i!5-. she (iill!. upon SOr1le' power wlthTn h!:n.elf. using: h., g~i!Jl1fi~11 I nd 1""eI"5t~RJtI1" ~

~He. f~5e-S IrItelllly 011 h~A.illl:m1--

dn~lling p<CMr frDmJ .... · '_' _

~She'~ IODking ilro.ufid. s<~llfg up W@ siluatfQn, and waiUng to re.aa"

~nt~f1e$ting Camba L The spanlp;nhill'll'IUOSc.J.I.P 'Il! [h.c cin:ukr pl~tf{lrm "....h~re dlt~ ~. enreen m~~c~!_gelills.\ 'ef!: ht'ld .!.I'l. ~~~s~s. I!dow Jl1e p<:iL[M .wething poil of fll,W, e~lO$l~ magiCllI eli'I.I!·rgy waitlllClJib.JIlI c~n milw. the f01:lr advenrurecs climbed IIp Utit' pub, eaget.J~;l~b rheitpl, bllt~lIdd nly;! ~t swoope" &!liwnfmm ~mi: htdden rec,~ss 1i:"d~k drew hi.f5 :IX'!!, ,Iumwrng I rullr .~hting Oil thi.s n:rffi)W ~th ~\'>OlIld he cl1ffiC\w mnl dlID,gc:!'J;Iu~ He W~S;lliDr_e_wh~ulcl hBppen if,om' of them fell uno lb~Hm~g;J.w t!flerg;f. bu! he o.Ld:n'r wn.nt loflnd Ollb

While my tt1mb;n can be scitlllJ&-1'QU ahouM occ.:I!SlplIllIlly hllve tM pes- file!: OPIJOi~iJ.JtQl:tlnl&iriolll l ~Iling:. Som'I:ime-sJllJ.'Jj.!Ht.ed OO'mbal, Of.11£;n.~l.(Om~'lLql,l) provide II ch:mgcl;lf JXl'l:. iII1dJ:wdrtWilU,;r smiti~ c~n_be i'lltllre5'ling as ",.,~:u. .4. lilio;rl' Iirl ~f oilm 5:11.gg;e5ri01~ ~ppe:n, bulOl.'C

F"'~I;!l __

p~, ch~R'I~. bridgl!S, i1nd led~5

'IIIhlrllnll tiI~dn (If gianl. spll'll'J.ng gears

Rk[nll or lowt<tlflg pi IIOIm§.

h:e or:_g~lIQlHl'l'

~'UI'i'Il:e-; _

C;afi'l~ Efli'ecil

CharaCl~j'J 1: ~n .altempl to piJ5h

ilp-peneill$ WI~ ~ l)ulllru5'" (5ft pige 1 S-~ lid '~iI.~ ~~t IfrlNtb~DkJ.

(or'FcS;ilmeo1t:(2D.Z6 n~js~ ella "c.e} For '~ijlell)'l'Il\e In~t;l'I'I«i.

Ch:lrad:eo; musll1l1.ilke OC 13 R~tlI' !.a.ves Nth f.DunG Dr rnkt! id6 ~n6 Of5!itsi-riog (If bhmg.roning: dlrrra~~.

'Olle~r.lld.o:w..d1~J'\lllll!r must m~ke;_", D.C: , S R~1ieJi; iil'o'e ea!:J~ rou ~d ~r tak'lll ~ di_plllnl;!l, ~1 cI~m~&e rrom flirt: fu=~L

o.lOIfi1tlus ClOD 1»)1[1, ml!!l~ opJKlnents ~,t Itle ul'l'Ie'elevollltl:l'f'I': pJatfo-rm'l change ,eIIlOila;l. Qn e!(~ OIh~r round.

'0l~~1M'S mlil~t 1'I1·~koc tn:J (lJ.l.I];iI']~clJ_ . ~aduo-~ net arJiIlL P.L'OM_ooLl.lwug.elld !nllioaJ ~tml') 'tost.l ... d~ __

jfot iIIQ[iI.;: \h:!!5, SCI! !hI: HJilVl:rlllllmen,t il'l Ch:lpu~r S: GlassilLl1'. iC.b~lUeU:.AdYe..nlUle:s, or ['l.ktit'lliPLmIlOIII Ftom ~1i1 t'lCCirlll,g mthol'l I'IiIOV~ Ox book.


'llou'\l) the ~r'I:Ii(l!'~ m eRl:}frni n8 IhlltJ!I:O;p~ ID Ih~g.;:rge.


Ralling Dice

S~1ll e die 1>!1ls. w.b_~;, p;La,'.(el. n:V.til] UI!!I

e~. A pbyu who mh 10 ~~eJHt!r clm-at~l!r

Q tlitP ~1'It3 s~s :!h__iliuhLhas.lo&d "'~[)'

f Y kllllW-s:m3[ [he 1:n!f~llI!.~rWliJ 'r'CIil. gli'f9 hl!r as ..uuu! til! mill m·[~ is p~lrably. L!!1reIi"bl, .. rN~. No ti;i[l),:PS,~-dLwm. [ch~[ WlI:l',1I"!i m:I!l 't01L.!LiUlLlJIliL.·) l'M P ls ~mo~ iIl~~~~Slil1g~ :t.lw_phy..e.u~f ~ dilnlC~i!' Ilymg L;O ~d4l or movo!: sile ndy dlJe.-~IIQl 1rnQl.1" \',lhellhe'[ rll~ cha~it:{fir h~s


In C;1,Sle~ \vhelii'1 mql:b)'~uhoul.dll~ kln!)"" IJie d!~'r~uh.

V{)U rnn m~k.e [b~ ron~e~n.c ilic~ behind. a s:ctoiifi (If !l~h·

§. f:.~.lU a.f. $ig,bt~:b..i.k.dW. I~h$ same of t.b,e fWi of

g dlee .. ,ij,WII.' "'.' fro .. m..th.C! pill. ~fS .. (>I~ .. d.' .. 11:.1'$ ,rl'la:.'i!,_ ~h till: fI~tiU¥ 3,!rla£ilidiw,.oU:h~' pm~). h hdps you Ii!:! ~11li1a!.Jl WIl:'

\l<!fw,h~u:b~ ~t Ii!tl~wsit!]d !IDe.~]1]"t knQ1i\~-

C{Ii]Jsider millikiJig.dJ:eiks invruvilrlg me following sWb for the p!l!yer. wh~'ll' he ~JZ' she C.;]Jn'! see [he I"~ su II: lIh~ff, Clplijj'llu~y, Hide. wte.n i Moy-=:

SH~mJYi U.'!!! Rape, Sem:cl:J\ l!11ld s,ol.

Do dnscn .~ ca:;.c~brc::l5'e basis, \0/1el11 pD85ibl~.

III1w~l'~ let plD:ycf\lim ~ke the wU~ them.-5',eh'e' s,

~ni/;h it. ",01. ;.""" "'P"'" '" k.,p Ih"" in [f: .dark.JlllL tb~ dklt YOUn1~rr.

i' A:.(5" lInd.5.a lill ng Th fU\!i~

o~'t. !dlpbyel!S._ what. -!:hey flC.: ~d '~o rell ~o ~i:Cu. d .. .lJo.-.IJJ.' tell ~ WhfU alhh~ motilfletS:~· 'to th~ ndl.l.etwd~ l'l::l1 tht_pllil)'l:'1'$

t~~-[ lree:pin.cmck. of 011 !:ho~ thllll~ is yoW:j~ !tb~V i~l_dte.dl~.~Ud1~ro wlltl~er~h(l.Y~Il«.~0tlO{ &it, _.

..--Ih::Ls~.pD[;!lUIt ~ ili!lt plily,~rs~&m~U1ci_u.hni!Q1'r.;; He do.i~~ (!In dt~ .f:m!l'lb~$_ n ~ !Ibo.a Will loluidu!l.lIliliky moll·

~~t'l~uer!cs..or~ occus!t?fiil!l DM m~.l.~ee.bL'.bd._ .



lfrrihl1l ~n~ eM! hJ!(PItm 11:1. dU~lIi!m~ ~OI~~dtJ!t.d!lC(! j~ &0- IIwry.Eyerythi:Ili,f; .m.igJu begamgl.i:n,e, whell! £udd~nly the 'pl.J.ye:r5i have 0 run 0'£ h;td lyc..f.;. A rc U1!l.d LUJI!r. h;!lilf the prnl''$ tl~'Wli fouhLcawllll1l.d ili~.oth~r bili :ilmOiOI C"l::l1!iIml.y ~n't ~ QJiI th~fQe-5th~f..riffi;1Illin_l!.~\'"e~J:I!~: dle.s. me ~tD;p.!I:lgn m LPt .. ~.Uf:-wdLe:tJd rh-en ~Il~~ !h~~J ror ev.eryone .. ,DQ }'~;u iSfIlil),d. by aJfIa. w9rcb r.ht'1IlcGt~ lla~.dlJered, or do ',i~U ~hE':il~dh~".~ i:be roe~ fiUIl ~ff. m:.fudg,eJ:he dJierul~ ~ I harthf' PC;s !i[i1l mir.o,~ LJI~ol!lslv \1,IinJ.t:l (!i!:l t:lIiI ~ "Ih~:te U~ ~~ i~slJ:esMh~.lIiL

I- tl.iLllOu d:Je~!1 111 e 3.ll~ The OM .really t1l!l ~ ~h{!~f" You!re ~e ump1 re~ ~liId wh~~ll!J:_!;il1 gof~. A:!i.$llldl. i!t~ ocrmmly \vtlhjjn y,.::llIr r.ipl$ I'e:'! ID!i'lI.~gs._~r or ~.l:ilctlu,r 10 kC<~PE(lplc bJmp:py or keep thl:nguwmln,&,poolhiv. h'~Jiloflln ]O~Il;l.WJ]g· [~,fU'n l;b.jlI(;l_cl'u_llIthQ.~~~ ~ tan. A &lJod rtI1~of~hilllll~ i:s ~h~, 8 dl.:U;-.l(;t~i" sh.QJ1Il>tll"l'r di~J,![I ~ nivi.:L1 ,,,,,all' ~C~1.iSt:' ofSQlliUt fhike .~f lh~ d[~ Uil.lc~J;II~Auhe W3S dll!iI:ijU.CliIl,~'r.bin&. ri!:~Ily

~,t'Upitl.~l die r.i!ni!_ __- _

H~f.YOl;lmiglu ]J_ocdtiilkJ~f~el'l ftm.;lmless; YOI!! obey the 5tIlme rules th.e:.phi.xeruio .. &m.edrli:les lhe!!Q.gilt lycky ,'IJld_~ u.~~J,!_h-~.ttph~fI~~~ a.wuml fou lw1;g ltiime..

S~~.~· thWgs:,GG..1pllU'! rb.c lCl. ~'HI ~ 'I1'Lll!}ilJ¥ bef~11 ibem. Borfl [he OM m!lldJl. !he pl~ver!i fOlb Ihe bad ~g!1Q.d.Ih_lr'~dl.p;er£eccly BC-i;~b~e.way UI pl~Y;JW.dj£ ~h~rlis:W.dilwl mll~hQd cf DMillg, th~l's i.t'. j:~~J:K'IDnta!Us511e. ~mWll\!l'!" is wheche:r tbe(l~}'f::1'5 rea~

i.:re lMLY-QlIh~.t'ld rh~ rul.~_ EW!1lJ If ~'Ou d ecld~ ~~ :iiI SI:ml~dm.e;s h!s

~)t'~.UWk t~ lei d~~ dii)i'lI ~!>l![s $!Ulrli'ivc SCI th~ I!J!m~ 'C~nD;U~, liau't!d lJ'lt ptll~ ~n ~u jJIf1 .. tj'tt4f~u. I[!; ill)po,rmn~ 10 ili.t gamJ!_t_h:~IJ:bJl:~Jh1!if dt~r~Cl'~fS W! alW'3~ in d1i.ilger. rftiht!ci.rky,tlD!ikliolW.e. ccns:ci.Qu!>ly Q~ ~'LIhc;orn.cjollJSly.lfullli'oojll []~~clfit;_, bad things h.allpoel~ w~dmaae[S, they1] ch;tlng~ dJ ~ Wlf!' they ~c~ wld~ no dl:lm~t Q£ mk. \i'Jtrory will SCillIl :t~ ~-e~t.. And if th~re;1lfwr ~cme:[bEn.g.ho!d-,rw.il,lJippefl flo ~, dl~""c-r,~r:, ~thll[ pbyr::r lmiY De1i~e }\ou'J1l,l 01J:UQ,,~J..llirn if.b~ Leelliyou. s~ved. orner pby. C~ when clwi'r ch::li]:a~_weR.c I:lill1ioulb:l!:.

When Bad Tb.ing SHap pan m Goad Cbill! racters; ~

Cml[;!cttlB slliffuul1'lb~d:s, i.mle lOO,gicjU!lJ]jltj_ L1~billi:)!...!ic"Oife

p~1 ~te.~, .~ose' le~e.b, ~nd d.le (!1omedmeue,p.f.;l~~. UnfoJ:o!o W1]1;!lti lI:c'\'lliIt.E~ !I~~ P:lI:t o{ the gml ~ lllmil:>l:.u:5 mitr;:]] a~ c;,csS,$ln:ung h~l;'e]5, '~':lImln,g m:~m~d ~lt~!lm&. Et,~.'me:li:!i. Bllt pky,eI5 dop't !O!.hYQ.}',s liiklLit w,ell_.m.rum ~omlC[hiDg b~d h~?pens tot:hcir cb:lr~(terS._

Remmd pJJllyc:rn; mail 50JIIIlffimes bad t~ J);[l'Fpen, diillq.e5-'!1~w.bil'lt the p.gl~$:l1l ~lXllllt f.'mllt ,!:IIlI tb.1 [ II. SeID;]"k mm be rumed il.ntQ an 'Dr-~:r~UJlj.ty to sueceed

b[u~ rf ~ ch~~~wJdi~~,':o.I1ooW'J!~rh.e__ol1ii:[ plnyteiffi..tpm:b~~u!,JIbd}') tij)'h~~ [.h~il: dJ~I:IlClJfo!fi~l.dr.u~d_w!U1'i:I~i5.Gd O~ rc.umii:!t~ dtlki-J! t!bJ:iJwcJ,;m opti~Il:r.IU.h! p]~Y~llf !h~ ~~,d ~bmcter tb~l d~~re ~ts C1f!:!PJMmm-dwWil~"'" cbar~.cl:er '~s sb..e h~S''I!I'i: ¥~urLe.d, A bmrd ~mi::\'th.~lp~J'tll.:bjllL!cd ;lOOur the fillen char;j.C[oCrti hem'll: d.em.i~t.'S!'~..the.gtO.i!12 we.i!, roll'l!c~h~r mw Pc. The g~lll~ gc~ O'Jit

It's flI'Il:il!'r!,.:~~b~e l:bllt~n ~Iltire ~..£!Jl.he wipedL:ll.it

.1 n !il!ch a c:.asll: Jlic:n'r Ie ~ [11 Is OIlr:lJ~U'Qipl1c.w_thl!:.wltaI· g.atJW... N.P.C_;~dve:tlnw:ts m. ight i1~d ~~.Cb]l_d.b~1 tbem n;d~ Qrl:\l:~c"l'edj pUi1mgtheJ.':C! deqJlll' 1!l., ~hLti¥ dJ:ibl..(~.n ~dVeDnif'~ h!i:lok if CYe:t..tl:it'{]I!l WA o~]...I'!:ul phyill'S CD mm~1l' atemporn:r.y p:my £'m:.. rh ~ pll.rpo;se of reu'fevin:g I:b.e bo;dJe~, of the. &il<m ~dvem~nrs for mlilflg or ;[ least hO!l~]eJnmnL

Or, everyolle C~1l oo:U tip T1~W c.h:l1':lclcr5...!iJ:ld $t~n 1I1lt'w.._E;"~H th:ntl! Il'Ol mallly ~c emil-in fllft, ![UllU~P.I2'lm.m.il)' f.or ~ dmm~I:lc. eMn,ge o.f p;:!Cf!..

[NtH NG A stssro«

TL'y fl()t~D end ~.~mc.s=o.ai~~tddh:p[lm ~roulJl'.l':r. ~Jl'l"mg '~\IIJ:Qthi.ng, hi!Ilgilil~ilu:hi:s,w:OiY~iS.:ii"lem!bIc ,n.ct~to end OIl. ~t'~ dilIkll.~r: [0 keep tnlck;.!l_fmfQ,mIIl.tiDMw:.b as i:niti[lj~ve. mJer, .ipdL dun tion~~ ~md illlu~,ulC:L1.nd..!l'l.mlllltl. dJ~ 1]1115 b~ ~i!~fIIll~!iiOru;.1hc ,tm1V~'C.c~flol'l ~!iI this. guld~~ is wl!l!n ya-u pUXpQsdy ~;gd .. II. ~Oll wiIb 11 ~~ A

I!I~ilg,~r ~lld:iQ~ fs; one in. wb teh the story p.:liuse!>. j1.l5til~ 'em e'flJd.Dg.moIJJumentllli h~p:p~.UI;:; or some ~UIpr:l5tng ltlm of e"'l:t1its ,"cCUlt!;, The PU1~FO:s.c:-I~_tD~e~p pl:tly\t=r'5 inh'ig:u.c:d ~m:l

~__r;i1'erll!1)ill. fh<in~ .seruc..._ _

If ~omeQ;l1t' wacs:mi5sm.~fID.!i!l ~OIl :rna: ~'OR had ber chllTIlC'[f!!r Jea"l!!.tbl!? PWf fQUL.whil~, m.:Uti!SIIl'il rn.!1JI dwr¢s ~. W<!y ~o work b2l: cb:tt:i~t<l.l" b;Kkm..M:!eI'l..shlt Jeru~ Scmet'!:mCli ~ di£fu~ll,I}.li!r t;ilJI ~!:l:Vtl t1rriis Jl1Jf!l(lIi~dt~ PC L;Q,IIlIfS rnD.al(!l lilro the mkk of thillgUm~ t:h~ m\i't1I.ry to help_hetbeie:tgmred. friends. _

ru.tQ'W.~O'JD.e rhne t~ few millllJll\lS \villdol ~ [ !:be ,~d Qfph.y ~o h::l'v-.e e~!: ryCll~ d:i!OC1.lSiS tl'lll~~IU~ of th~ ~eoS1SIDn. :J:;i5l'eI] m..lhru ~!iit:ntlil.\S :sQ. 'j.ou. e~nj~~!!:n..lIlIore' oJ w,h::t~ they ]ilre ::lnd dOJil't lik!t. ~ Rei.llfo~c.eJ'Lhmr" y..o.uJh1lMJl,ht werell,ClOO ~-ec:i£iQns_a:nd S:0l~!..I ~tOBS:U.ll t111::it:.p~5"~5:Ltd! infOmtatirut gi'i'~ to.Q..mMdiuwr:4'?I

1 for IDLlld;v~11l_;tcl, Ah~:LJ'5 ~:I:I~ tb~ S~~iDIU:"I'!L.~ J,lQ§ltl~JI..!1J~ ¥ou..may~"'mllQ..~~[lmce pOInts m.b~ CJld~b;tdJ..5~ siM._m_~~.!l.:mJg,bL\~__m:~l~h~_tl.Ddc of ~dl-'1.dJ.!l.lJItllre- n mE's 1JIP+

Im¥llJ.1.J;l:Q!N~r,_thil$nd.Oll!_d,p~dll;L'I"r.::'i£.~a,:gi!"&th:r::m ()-U~~, dli: end .oUitdumm.-® lil!\'i~ w.bO$~ ch~ta~ go !:If ~ J~",'d h.iwc ttmUi.O.choos~llW.~t1Is.h!.!f 'sMls, and OO;~ 'CllIIC of odi~r d~.d:s relat~d UlJ!l'\fdL~:d~l!Ile~tlLt

( ....... L;

Tne PfJ1~W~ H~oolllf, i::gVo=:r, ~J!llt:lll ;tilt! Qlp'~dl1l:1d m~iEllt for Slrulfl ,l.I1d .Miedl\ml ~mm.i~ I!idw:r Ifil<VdLnI.f~ Ih~ gniUlld, D'r usin ~surna<J'Oimh IIJ111~ ilimI Swim. Th~ ~~.::I:dOfi or th1! ru~ ~P:lDds on rbm iMo:mutiOJ1l 1(;1 mciud C"N0I]'U1lI$ $.milll~1'" th'll'Q Small iIf.Id LlI'!lenhm Meelmn lHld jIll5e d~ - ~g mml'emelilL


W~lllt Lhi ~!l ~11l ofill\llgin.nilnll, plOpS mild vi5Qm;.ids om ball' t';Vilryone i:magjn.e rhx ~rt:I lhl~, ,,"'oid (Cnfl!lS101I, ~d dl.mnlli: thi! I!lltlrepmi!! 'Pia)' exp~ence

ll'l ~ ItIlLn.!.I-h!o'-rou IiIJ film.ulll! ien, p:irdt;"ulfJ~ly wb-en fOU ~f~ U I D),I: mm lnrures, mCW~mefil wi H somelimd J!~oI!l &h:!!IPPY, If ~ .11 tlii'lld h!f' t1JJtI!i ~cro:it ~ 1"Jl'Qbt;50 It!r~ rJur it IQ1reS him l rnu.1l1~ til ~o 5Q, ~r rnlghr ~i;'m 8!; thElUgh he rUl'li h If''rA''ll),. Slops. ;J!I'l1il ili~ n

lfl!o th~ M~ of r.iu! w~ :I Il tIl.:; LHItt. M t 11fi\1gh ~hHe's; IlCI \¥ol)' to :l.vold rep're elllliIl: mov m;s-Il~ Lri ~ .1llr[-!>I'0!!l·~tlrt~mp f1i.ohiol'l, If}' [I) \:eep in mind-md emphllStu ro r:b1.' plIlY('l'1i~t.h1l1 all ml'\l1! mCl'Lt aUJ::l.rig, jill Il'IICOUlIrer is a:e:rually IIrlljd nd C"Ollll!ll'UOI1$.

Muvent 11k Ild Position

r~V c:b.. ru«<'!"5 in 11 t1g:b~ JIM likely II) ~Ilmcl ~1ill D:r!otlc> Enemies' Ilf.~rml ch.rrrgl! th", ~rtyi I.b~ Ddvel1turr:rE rrp~y, Q.ih'~nclng ttl IQ.~~ 1111 IIllW f~j; .. dt~r th~y ii1t11'm dmlr fif'lr ~r;polU!ms, W~ ctn:ll! rltt! 11 hr, lOij.klllJ: far lhlt be.st place ttl use their mcJ]&LC-;

fOgy qUill!rl. Jl;. rr t:h~ !I'lCl.:>, se-cldn SI'U!:C"lH !ill' lin 1l1I\;"1I poneilfiO srikr . fIb .iUll~1lk nle ,Wi tlt ;illlil~ tflc;!l m p-C1W£l"Jn& J!lilLI:Il( iIlI~, SO Ii way ro _r~Jll'I1lient ciura t:1 ilXm:t!'tin WIW1DiI dd1nellhnlO,CllI'I WoIlIy ~t1 ,he i:f!!Tl!I~

!-..I.uLiIle mo¥~mmt'all.d ~tlllll.];,;;o ll~ nil fnr~",MJ ~ flglite'S. (n', ~ limO:. Minim! ~es '5ilO.w wlic(e flg'I.!ll! 15 I'll \'I!!.(:a. ~q~-" Ipot.Mn, iIIIld lh4lJllid ruij~ If Jltol1r ROIiWmrtbechp!P ~"c ... ts lind mOI'lSl~ni SIr.! lliliAYl!.

SUind~rd Scale l·iiI~QI1 8tiJiU;1Il'e", S r~e r

30mm .£i~e .. 'Bi,JmI:UL-she creal11re

eela and "Squar'Eli

Th • ~1I.ndilrd unlf lor Ili'Iw~m:aF-i is rlw' S"tOO( qUilir!.'. This Ullill till~fu1 fm rni.iwltu~.rnd ar driIWing dunR~"lI:;l 1lli1~, 'WWdl JJr~ IEolJ:l.lI~' Cf.elI tlbfl DOl.gr.!;pn jilJl(lifr;

I II II figl!!!, e~t:'h sm:Wi or J.Jrleclium c:iDl!llllClH oonl" pies ~ sin~!c SAool: ~llii ~ [~·I1~[ cremJrures rok1.1' 'up m,gofl;l $IlIIiLDrn:~j 11011 d ,~e\1'era} 1I!l:IIIIJilcr iITiMIWl"il.so fir In a $qli~tt:. $!~ 11Ibi!!, B:-4' C~lflI r~.Sill' ~n~ 5~Qh~ p.:1&1:

I \J of 1M i'J1lftl'~ l.tn1~l!i:Iillt.

I~ C1.Jl:l11 Mavelmmt:

Whll!n mcwing ~mny 011 II ~d. ull rst qUlIn :hie,," dI CaRmI: II j Feet I:l r rnt'lYem pl. b ur I h

K'OnG dtu,gooal ID~OOlilnf$-;J$ JO f-eel. Thi" pllrtl!m of 5 feel IJlld ih en ~ a feel Wl'llilHIt: as limg ~s ili~ dmril~~u lIltl''o'es dl.a.goniIJY",/i~1l ~~'~t. ~nt.ll!bl m.1:I~mltll[ duough !qLi.fJreIi ieP.:n;Ul!5 ,~~ dh:lgQJ,li~1 1IfOVe!l, For ~)I~mplt" ~ ~lt.~rn,~r~1i' IJUl''''e.!;, l sqlJ!~u' ai:lgcn~lIy

(.5 f~er). then 1 squ:!(U ffi'i.i,&h I (1SJe , ;Jilt iliCll ;molm:Dql.lllTe

(]I~i!:,on;nll}; (t 0 f@~ falF .Hl1tllllJJloV menr oU~ , -

AnnGJrand Encumbrance

The Plilyrr's tbln,Ihillall ~1I~ns du:.efftiCf or umC'J" ,;Ind encaml1r;ulil:~' on ~'::Iw~f~~~e(hl or20 recJ!J.I::mfuet~ IIIt:..mbk. .. below provil:les reduced !iip~ed Og,um ii'cn::",U hase' spf'Cds fmm..1(l J'ee( Ul 100 f~~i[ (Ln m:foru ~eflts)._

EI~~~pe:d. 2(1 ft.

_10ft. 40 a SO ft. 60~

B-'3A Sfleed 7(1 fI, ___ ,10 It

90ft. UKI ft.

lRed'u~" Sp=d ~CI rt.

.55 ,lit.

I6D ft. 70~t.

,~edl!!ad Speed 15 ft. 20'Ft. 10 Ft. 35 ft.

40 ft.


oU.YU'j C'f'i!;ltur~ ,g~J~ ;:mun d _by willri:ng md rnnn.mg. A :ihlrk. ~ '~~niholl,ghJt.mmi'~'S.by sc-wlm:mirig,OIllll$kf;U;lf.I ~CfJtm IO~v.lm+ f.mec. A C-h'Ll'3(,:lie.LUnd~r rheilifll!l.~:nce of !!Ifty ~dl CUI m'g.ke a 'flying m~I!'I:. Ai;li_m bjJli rniJef t:mll use p.:i rt of Ms- speed eo c.umb d~w'l'l It sho-rt 'MIll Ifill ~hen me the relln;lliMe'! to .l1I.11;'I1e tD""lIn:i' ~ {"ae. Use dl!~ mON'(,l'I'Iem rul ~o ~pplv 11.'1 My !>II" of movement, lun jus;r \\'h~ U3~Ul'Ig ~CIOS- ~ Bill :sudu~

1i ctical J\eria Movement

:£h,e ~'If barb~rllln mounted on Ih~ gi~nn:~glc $WOOp5 over [he J.Bmlrp Qtmil!ld t1l1Y~rs, l:lluneb.illg a ~Jmmlti~bo\¥. One of [hI! ml-nd Ib.:re" ~ I L'iugtd boqtl U i1d _~_1101u.t~j,[ tQ better cooru1'lU the.elf ~e maVrnl11'Dr be.CQm.eub~lm.nI~ij}nQ~ill'ld ~JiIvolv~ turnlng inmhiWr ilIllI:i.I mlllllltummg ~.mlIl!im~lnl V!.;'IK\f}'

~[O 5't"a'l .rnloft, Ii: ~D.;lD1qle ,oon~pJjCil'l u~rl,

Mps-r flying ~l1tu~eli I:!,IIIV-e t.O slow d.Q'J,'llUlde~u_hule Iro In~~ rum, ;m~i Illmy;a.t !1'!'IIIite<! ~o [mir!y wldc {!.ISIlIUnclnnI·sr m!llll· nl!J:okUlill1imum rqn .. nLspeco. E~~h flying miiwn:.bau m~liIeu· vernbilii}'..~ ~1:mwl!I 1m Tabli!: 2-J: M nel.lYcn!bil~r,\.Thll_enmt~ tin n!'llLl- j1tlHkfinecl bdqw.

Mil1tm!liil iilnilltnt Spc«l; If!!l fiying Irn::itup: IIDIs ~lJ m!!i!llam il"5~ minimum .f~:t:J $IlCocd. iI' trlU II"jjJ€!;lt lh~ !omd ofits 1TI~J3II.

I ( i r i tee h1j:b llbove I he' g;rol1ndi fO l~lfId, irflllli s'mlllg,h~ Ii DWJI des<:mding 150 ~l In .s:be firs! round off~i1I:ng,Jf Lhis dist'lutc.e bl:lfI_gsir [0 [he groLlnd) it J3kes [oalli'llg_oil_IlMIg_e. ~E rh e f~U d(l(!!n' MinI: the ne.;lt:ure ~Q till: gm'Untl.Jf musr $p1:nd i~' 1!1~ rum woO'l"I:-riln,g Cwm_mc_.s'I'.I1IJt.musl SI!I.""d Wit! ~ DC ::!Il Rene:\: SiJ\'elo reoo~er. OI\.eIW.i5dLfuIlj;.lDl'Jth~r 3(10feeJ lift bits (hit' gmu:mL h likes_.fiIlI.tnd~th~n~th[l:unl:Jdl-~-t_chmc_~ [0 recover 01] i ~ 'ileA'!: tu[lll.

_H~Ii\l'r.11:!.I:'ii!biLL£)IIO 5C1ry in one 'pi QI! wbil~ ~ir1xtrnl:.

Mot'(' liI.Jf~'wm: The :I'bill!)' tD move hlCkwllfli withllllt [lIImin& _mtll:ld.

Rflmr._A ~11.ltl: \7>'Iith g.oDd m;lIli:uverability uses up, S feer Clf uS speed wsrID't flying bacl.. .. "lIril

U'll~_Hoy,'.JDlIdHhe c:nlillure call mm afier covering lhe'_S'!a{~ tfu:l:iIII,ce.

Tum Ill' !'fw..-:: It C:~,;jJllift , .. iih.gol;1g or aV~;r:;]ge m_~u~raJbjliry

can ~so-me onllii slJl(~dJuurn In platt!.

M't~J;j~nUIl T~jnl~ Hll',VJJIllCk 1ru:.iI;ft'~I:Un!! mn !'UI[Jj In ~l'IIy on!!! $pat:l~'. Up AJjgt~ 11:t~ 'ilin~#_IIU Ihlcb dnl' Cf~~tute Cil.i1 ,Umbo

UpS~l~: [<[til"" &r~ I:b~-'W'!ltll:rc CElli dimh.

Dltlm Ang1£ nil aqIe at which the crearutc;:m cli!Sl:C'Jui DmUlI Sp«il~ A !lyi'lll!- e:rl1!9rure ailii £T JO'W:I1_llUl.lli~ ITUlO"m'I~1


BrlWt'm DmVtI' iura LJp: Anll'll\er;agc; poor, OF cl111!llB1-llierl'l!lusr..i£ly le.vdl"QLa.m!nlmurn dlsl nee aft~r-dS'Sce.nd_ milbe QI'e climb: irI~ AriyJ&r..om begin dill~Citfld i Jig .rnu g d!mb WiLhouu111nt!:!· !,'eI'I!JI thstlll:l(:¢ ef k'll\d 0!g,1ii1.


-, nnnn:!·br-w!.Ifll!Lmonmel"\t, !'rlmIFhr 'tll.mrlng ,"'" ~IJU~E~. it's

'i mJ1i'tl.ssib1e- (ill a :do'w tlIl~~(;Ile[ '00 C.-ec mli'l1f from 41 Jel:emJ.iJred £oSI eharaerer wid) om m i ~ig;;!.d ng. cif('IlIJl,S(iUl;~~, UkelY; SjI!_, it 'UlQ • problem ~or a ~!ilclaaln!~III!f, IQ: ~IIIW~1f I:wm ubwcr one.

when [hI:: ~cds 0: (nt' tWOJ: f.lccmcd Chiltlam llru:qw, mC're'.s ~ liimple WJIl'f ~lve II ch~¥e, Ii one Cl'tUureJs.lilllnlW~o[liIet bmh::l!l;e moyttlg ar rhe s;me speed, and me_:chn,-se_c~lllJinlil~ [OI IU Inn II flm'nmnds. 1m them IIDIke ~ Jk.ui:rllj.!:b!.'(WCL . i: ~vbl:l is !.he r':ls~!"O'oI"~r tltosi! mund &flhecmlU~ ch>ls:OO wins, ill!!5C]pes.. If tile p~ .. "",in . it Cl!l1'Ch~ Jhc ~~atl.llil:

o'me'tlmes ~ .ehaae OOCl1l"S overl;rtd snd eould 1m ill_d~y. wtih_ me twO s<ldi!'g ol'llx.~o.l1al!y gllm:njt glimpS~ oLttldl!!~_tbtr !!it dl!HlI_Il~C_ In [hcsa~' ,of ~ lOll!! i:.h~$e', ~tfi opp.o!Wd_CQltlnh'LIrl~~ ch~c:k Jn~dl!! by ttl! .pntles dt:re,rmlll~5 which C~i'I. k~", p01C~ rh tllllgcn. u me er.emu:e.l~~g cll itSecl [(Ids die hig!1i~Sl.jl[ ~(!'rs ~WilY_ [f nOl, [hI: c1~~~r nms '~O\"'n it!> pr~y. m.Hl~s:rlng It wi dl c5llllIDma.


The chl!Imt;tet:s iml ill ~Ihm il corridor omyS fe.~1_wld~ Ilg;fner stand-sill the ,end of che CIlI'riGor. ~ i III dead.end. HLts been p0is0lled !lind] is d."mg. The cleriC' W.l1t~lQ ge , ilt rhe, glullf m help; I:rnr twO ciliher i:h!H;l.'l;!m !lfe be<1\\reen ,j,em. ll1U$, then.~ no \WI)' [onheo clenc In gc;r ne;'1 ro Ih~, fI~J;'Il1f.tr:mo ~ ".h;!Itii"( poj$i;J;l. You CliI_1! rule ~hn! it'S "lI'4,. fo !-bj: dmc ~o ~:W_.¥il~ lh.:_cllil{ll~:elS whD !Ire in the WilY, ,~ tb.e_~l~~ ~nd dum mWlt ~~~k~~ lih~~ .she PUlvlOUsJy sIDt:ld:,

II'I&~l'Ier.!~. wh~J'ltb~cblnC-.JuLRl:JI\l ,~:ng;og~J :In 'r,DIJ:nd.b.y,WI1IIO oom'b~f, drey '5ltClllld be [l.ble 10 MO\I'~ ~ywh_er.~ ~nd In !LIW 1IlI~-llI'iet.~hilf y..cw _C;l,iI:I (m:ag!ne tea I PfiOple co:ul&' A 5·f.oor s.qUa!fe, far Ui:S'~IlI01:. COl 11 hold '''''''1:111 dt~ra(:t~r~ 'thl!'), Jl.P;t am~t' ,~Jl figlin c(fcc:rlvdy jn d1iLl .mIlIll ~!t'e:. Thc:.rolii's fi21:r IfiO!,'I!n:lcIU arm [0.111- tilles art! impOflillH fQr c.omb~r .. bl-lt aUl~i,de comb~[ dl!:' !:1I1'i tm pose. UDn«esS!l1' hindrance. OD htlrnc~( aCtivities.

J!erfKl: Cgod __,1ic~n1!ige. Poor ~mS)'
(\'YJiW'w:i$p~ fWhQ~'e~ l'Gar~I~'l' ,tw~r:n,) (M~nllillorciJ'
'Mlnlmldm ~Jd !ij)~~tI NOlle None Hillf Fhllf 1-iI~lf
HO'L1~ ~e$ Yes No f'/Jo, Na
M ili\I'i!- b:adiW:! fjj 'f(.e~ 'I'll'S No No No
R.eve;r:;e. Free -HI.. ~~ Mil ttQ
Tum Ail1 91)"/5 rt. "5~/S ft 45"/5 ft_ <lsa{10 ft.
Turn in pia C~ Ail~ +00"'/-5 fL 5°/-ll No No
Mili mum W!fn An'! AIl)l 9tIP >\IS" 0150
Up ilngr~ An,! Any _fi~ __ 4~6 'IS"
Up_ speed Full Half Hair Half Halt
Down ij~;Jd~ Arty Air1~ ~ .. sa 45°
I)oIlol'tl'ipH'd DoLtbl! DcM.ibr~ IDoubl! [l(j~ble DOlljbl~
il~lw,ee" dDWn ,~r\d w p D (I 5_1T. 10 ft:~ ~O Ii. Mmy r~dotl :.billtles. russit'iimres. 5,dJs~md IDlIiglcJJi:JIl5.J1lft'l1r IXIJUIlSti on ;~ r.p;d rolls, d~m~!e rollls.sw!l1& throtvs, Armor cbs&, ~b.ilil.y'scmes, oJ[~ chcc:h. The-se.boIl!us~s:are d~ed by :md c.nch lY('u, brlel:be~bed below.

ilMUStS of di:lI~'l'i1'[Ittyp~ dWl!Ys s,til~_k, SI;) ~ doo" ~f rrdltlliltt .~ 1 wdd~; ~rlGe OOIlUS.aIi ~&_ilirowat\'Vol'k5; with 3 pakdlns bol'LllS onsnvlng: throws from rJIi~ dhiine' ij1'aU citlss reamre_ IJ~ ,oolt.}"pe--S' of.btmu~$ cia 1100t SU~jIJJ rongn~n:I ( .... ; enb:lW.c .... l l'llemM:nus fl!lul+J to Qn.u.ck.~3 md;l:m~!'f~ \'i'culd no~ hi! dr~r~d by II "'i1gl' IWIIIICIII5pElldur' gr.mrs.a...wr:iI;p0l.'I; I ~lIhiln(~I:l'Ii!lu bO:JluS on IItIlld !!,,,d diL~,

mffe<renl IUlme.ti DOJilllS..Qtpes MJ stnek, but us:u:l'Ilty ~ .named b.Oifl\lS does !lor srnck 'whlil! no lb er boaus of the 5l!m oe Ililmlf', i!2:~p~ fur doodg~ iJol'IMc-und WQh!' ckl:'u.m511111~C 1;q~UISI!S. ~\ldte:!l_lfC41]: An afch~m~nm; .rep~sent!: rh ~ b~lIeflt from ~lcompound, usulIl1V o'ile inges{ed p~io'f to'nla! \ling Ihe.j bstnlJI£>JWlrox).n. fu:c: ~lIrnpie, p'w\lldesw if5ndu:~m~CilI bo:i'lW'_mt I Fmritude SllYinllmoo.ws ~gaimt: poison

A1rmor: "This Julie. boD.1l!i chru non:mag,iClll i!-fmor gives II eJmr:acrer.. A speU tlm1 givliS ~I'I 'BIn\L)f lXIIl,us typiariJy ~BI!e~ ill! j.n!i1sible. [:lngib!e Silid of ~L'C~ IlI'mmd rh~ illec~d cliI3rucror,

Ci:rct!Jms~BlliCC: Thl' Is i1 OOIllJ.$ orpenlilry based Dn s"il:u:nilmill f~ttt;ll1" which IlWI ,'1Ip'ply eblu r to! 11. tb.~cil: or th~ DC for tb ~'! check. C:it(:l!t'I'i$l:lIlCC modifiers ~E'llck wLm.t.:lcill!lth.el'. I.Ul] es:5 I&Ul:)1 mSe" from ,e~eJlti!illy the. !lame Clrcl.lms{an1:i1iO,

~o<mp§;IlMCft~ Wilen m di~f!!CCer .has_iI1.JXm'Ipe~ww bon ~ I:II~ acrl.l~[ly ge-n; beue!'!IIt WMI hits; dl:!lng~$i.lih ;lSwlrll the gJlMllmt iij)illl

L .Dcfli.e&tio:n: A de:[I~O'n l;.onWi i.ru:rease~-'L!&;hl1mait'l' ,cAC by l!!13i[lf.lg ~[rnJ:ks veeralt $!I.dil uw.ltb [be sliddJ.ofjllirh.spdl -Dooge: A dl;1~ bonus enhanc~!i II (hal"llc;l~abilll¥ re g~( 0111 or tht way lJu.h::k1r~Dt:ul.~ beneses do 's.tu wid! om:c.t.do.Jge! bollUS.es.~ awl Jrulgic i rtrnS (I((';l~ol:'l~lIv. g.mru dcdg.e.hmus~s.

EnliI.nDQem,ent: :\1'1 enll!!.Ila!Mel"![ bonus repre~eJlts lUI inCl',e~ inlhtl sucngth...ClJ: effentvene55 of tlc;hm1c~t['u"mouW.ellpIJIi!. aJi mtb thr lil;!lgic I'tsim n f ;md mllE;ii lI'U~fK'n spells, oo:.a ~erli1 bonus ~ fill. abru.ry gore, ruch D WJ rh [he tll.rj groCt spell

mber-ent: An iMr;::rent bonos f,s n i.tanU'S It! ~JIl ,,'bill!)' SCOff Lbn't re:subs from pOWierfill mllglc • .$'IJ;i!h as ; i\~~1r .spell. A chll'mCt~r ls limited ro J:I [ol;;i[ inberi'liI[ bafiUS Qu.5 10 Imy tlbiliW !Oomt

Insight; An wight IJomLS m~kl!u chn["IJ;Erer be-tteT ~it \:vhBll.tes, doing. beC'<ll.Uk hdtas <l1!l,alfl'l~(lt'Cognllwe bmv.lNge of fiIctoJS perrine Ilt:oo [he ni'viIly. as :wir h Ihe ,fmc J'I-rll«< spdl_ :bn.dr:AliJck,b:wJw:ls ~ ,ge:nC'mw.l'lu th~'1 (E'pE't:Silt'lJS got;KI faI-

nme, rudl.a5 from dw djvmr (i1110rspd].

MM'Il~e: InQr.de bouus; repre-St'Q; iliufflC(t of greater hope. ("gLJr.lJg,e, lind: d~te'rnlin~tLOIi,.stIch QS £'wm the W@ spdl

~;nW'.ru. Armor. Ii nllwn1.1 S.l'lllP!!' bCJInu~ b; the l'W~ of boolllU:5 'tllil liilli1lY 11I0:LmHS gel beCl,~t' of l'bek U)ng;b. or lic.:llt hid($. An

lil~eru·tQ IlilIl'Lll1i11 ElOfIM 1lo1J~ b~tld by ill s:pill~ ~.:rriu'duJ.l.ndit:llles th_~ !he mhjeo!:1'5 sk1n bit ' b~t:mn~· I!Ol.Igb.eL f'.mfme~fune bonu$ rcpre-!ii!lIts me pel"'!:" (l.f ev~~ !IF.l'IUed by- 'the.~~pdl

RB.dai.~ CreaJI.lIlts. Wlin.J:ac:i_al bOlll.lS!:5---'WllilllYI'1lI i1sill OLclietks-b~d WI. iht.kind g(mawTe lili~ He. Eigle.'i receive" -I'sl'lld~l bo!;,l'IIJ:SCIl SJ,lllRdI~~!!ll:r ~~pte.

Re· s i S'tsiiiCC ~ A (eSislIlD~ bO'ilUS 1$ a genJ~'tIl L1tQ'rlJl5 Jag.IiJnSir liJllI.gic or h.~Dll, Ees.ill[alil~lx!!:'IL~{!,S ~11JW;S1' ,lIJhVll}'lS Qjf"cC[ ~ 'ing

~um~ _

Sa.c:rcd: Ihe oppaslr!! oJa pro£iUI~' Iwnus,.lI SilO"~ rolatl!8 ro the fKi\"'i!:i' of good._suehas grmwd by the.~lt(fmfUp;ell_

Shlelc:ll: M1:Jcb Jik.c ,~D. ~rmllt bonus, ~ !iludd boJ[l~r.: llep.I}e'~.t:'!1.TS: .b.e Il'lWeed~lI ~ nDTI1Ji\"giol ~hfeld dfank.A~db!lIill~ ~ hhddJ1oilIlS__USUllnr~e]1~t.fl~ jlil. i.nYisihle .. wgHduble.ld.D£ fqn:.e th!l!l 1l!I0'l~~ to p1'Otea-d'U~ dmt7.ti:[e~,

, . ~~l wblf'rI: ~I eMntt'tC'r 8~ts ~Igg~:r {sum as th~cli.lgh_the eiIecr !:If lID m/nJE!" pt'nlfll spelil}. his lTt!JI__gfh It'':.~ (:115 mighl' hl5 Con- 1i1l1r1J:m~ Truu'u .sll.l:.h:lmlJ$.

The blllV~p1IlI)I' of ~dYe[ll'\Jrus· mlSb~s Ihm~ thruvo.od!!ll m i:lnd IlIm:ll!! ,lImhllsh flfblooddlir.sty Ilo.bgnl;dtns__\~~s:rul,l:l rusted bl1ldes. l'he..ldo \tit kniglU8 ,e.h~rg~:uhGWgh.I,b,c iQllei[ en the hr gillllnr mOl.lil!:S. lh.elrl~nees phmgiru:.i[l'lQ.r,h~Jl1~lUlf ilie norribl • bl,drn th~t Mit nellfr ,hr ri.vu:utlg:· Ihe drnggn i;:Ikelti cli~ air ami.cbi1lSeS the ~lf kirrd .. nd_~~~\!.iS.StlA pll'll ~hmd them.a;S_Lh~~T1JJn i.1II ~error.

Com:bllt is b.ig_~ wh.3t miiik Sl:he D&D_~ ~t{dIl.Dg..l 1'h.m;: <!.l:t:ii.'W beUe<I my:; to t,~S~ j'our mt"nle ~WoLi:nsl ~1l1l1: fES WI! ilil pllJ::h .. <d blllrle..l'l:!1.ff rn()SL Impo,m]'l[ job n~ OM b; rl.!oIlIli ~Dmb:It~',_milldng ~ move qlJJckjy ilf.ldsmfXJlhly~ nd ~djl.ldk, I:Qting whmt b~ppeu~ dlJri:I!Ig ellen WYlrn:l of r.be 3c:[iOJL


lin~ of ~ight rrnbLalle!i wbe[h~1'"; p~rticu.!JU' tMm::~IU:1:iln S-ce ,rom~dili!~; eJse f!p~I!&l'lnl:e!1l on r.h~ pid, When..wJ,ng ~ grId. aTllw :In imn'giJll!'ry IiI.!! (or u~!luuqle_r Q~ iii pJJ:.at_d" suing) from the ~q,l:IilP dj,~ chUil~le'l' ts ilUtI' the Ob!~Cl In 1j1J1:'S"Eitln. rf IH!t1.'rJ.l\g blow I:hU litle, t.he _dt~n~1l51i!1~ of os;i.gJu (.0 IJd C'!! Ii! Ihus see i( tl} 1::1 ~Il on it! ml.'g_~t ir.mth tl bowo. nd so furth,), If ilit objeCT iIi qlle:iriO!l is actuBlIy ~ll.oJb,eL~ilrUJt', !l!:'Itl'SIUll lim of sigbf rl'om wU'IUar'll rhe cb ~~Cler b huo~h~ sqU:ire .fln th~ ~re'ilnn,e occ:uple~ Jf II chancn~r (!In Site II portion of :i l!!rg~ UClUl!R' i:Mt occ:uph: .. tmore 'rnmll one sqll~'r(!, ~Iu 1:'1I[n I\1IIg~( m:1'I ([t!nrure IiDr ~ Spell Qf lmY_othel' atud,.

[nine i:if.s:ight is completely bl«k«i, ill Ch;;[f3C:tet em'! CjI [!>'p~lli:

Of us.c n:nged W~-ilPOI'I5 ~ga.'lnsl me ta.rge r. H'if's p:n"ti.;llly blodred, o;;ut::h ~5 by I'be: ro.m~r of llbJ.dhlinAo.,;Sp;ells~'Olk no,nmt]ly btl!f~:b~ I:llrg-~ AC inc:re.3ses due 1,0 Ihti~

'BEHIND THE CURTAIN: STACK~NG BONUSES K@@pJnS track 03' In e d1ffereol'li: t)'fR!~ or banU5es II ch lln'ill;'!llif 'g~ts from dtfferent 5Oi.m:es ma), 5oe~m I i~~ 8 tl!al bother. There :Ire gtH;J!d reiJ!llliilS 10 dQ tnis. tlO\lie""~r,

Blilance:: The ll1;1!iiil reason to hep 11"itrr 011' Vfhat ~~ch ~ MI wh~t CQMn'1 stack [1, f~ kee:p I:OtaJ !xi MUSes from getiing O4lT or h lInd. I r Ii ~h;1"i!lct~r '!I!I~~ rs Ii ~t IiIJ~ia.pjoi SllIliJ'IgiJr, it'5 unb~lancing ~i) allow the cI~rI!:: to C!illit bl.4J!Os i!P~Rglh {II'I he.r I!.S well ilnd allioW ixJtk b~nI.l5~ 'io Idd lipi. l.ikl!liilis1!, .~ cn.araI:L~r wit'" 1I'~gll ami!]" magic: pl:l'le O!!rmOr, ;J rif.l,g·"fpmtui1Icll, ,B"l'! a d.i~jl!l~foV(lr5pi!-!1 wOlild be I,jl'lb~l~ntecl if ~'I "is. bonU5~ Wer~ CURlllilatJ..re. Stacking restrid:lon~ k~iP ~e ~~me 'WIthin mana,g~" ble limits. wh ill! stili allowing Will'i"t:ter$ 1'0 ben elil rrom

fflLllt'j)Je m~-gic iteoms. for hi!'itln!:e. ntlle th~t ~omll oh" ~ dem5 ItQm the· pl'li.,rio~ '~:rIiampl~h-e m~-gjc plate ~rmar. 'lht' ring, lmd .he dj~Jn~ fo'itOr spell. 'for !!!,Jr.ilI1Jpl~ourd W(lrk ttlgeil1!lj. Iil«..al:lle tht=)r provide boan u se5 of difT!lJeni ~)I'pH.

CoJ'lsislemq md Lo,RjIC! Ti1@ ~~m of oon u ',>,pes Pro'll1aH ~ Woiiy ~D millc'.e 5Je1l'l~!i Ollt o'f wh~t ell'! work 100i!thcr and what CllIl'I'l. Ait s(im~ POll'll, wh~n a!:kJII ng t)'pe~ of PH)tocttO!i fogethr.r. ~ rU~QlI1ible playmr mt!!~li~5 Utili '~(1 rn~ ill ralmil:lri$ ~fII' J U.~t r~culld~ nt. Thi~ s:r.;t~m [(),8.lca1Ir por!tar.5 hmll It III mil~5i 'SlI!I1Si! lo.grtMir.

'Enall.lragtn:g Good Placy.: Car~orl'&Jng lxinl.l~e~ b~ typl! allow~ pl"Y" I!r~ 10, pOL t.og:etner ~iJ Illes or CiIr~Cl~, thaL da W&rk tn conjunction In ;iI tOJl5ISlen1:manllllr-encolllfilglng Seman JilI~ l"lI,tbe:nhill'l plle-il-l:ln pl.lY.


M 8l'1eOIlll,U1" c:n.n ~glfl in tJ:n~f dim :iimi],tl~

• Ofi~Sid!1~Grnes :tw:ire of the milfl..anilJkllS..,cm;'I~. ., Born sides become 1I.\W)e! Gf ~i)ch q~.tt ,In dx.5am1: lime.

.' .Sam!:, bill.t npE illj a'llliltll~ an DlIIe .Ql" bcnh sidles b~wme. ~ oE .:he othe! si.de. . . 'hell 'f{lld dec ide •. ,_, ................ _ ......

P1:l5':; ole fl:lT e [~b er stde ~o b!Comt\ 1I'I",;n;~ ,cf th.1:..

~otDu~r,J.l.$e Spot cheCb. l.m.m checks, iighr

..DfI_ge1. and ,~, 011 1'0 de I'~rm~g!: which cftbl.l duet II.l\Iov.ecas:> t-' om e,s. .mltJ pl,:t~.,


~~£" .

50m,tl cili!.tlc!.! d<!!'~ecr n cnm ng IItIICou.il~l!'r.li.ldm:Jjn:ty tit's yO\l

who, deC'id~~ whel1 the Ikn

rOIlD d b;flgl!iS :!Inc! wht-re i!'~(:b

ISjd~ i§ when 1 uI~s~ Ont id~ A'WItl'e FJm'~ 1rI his case, )'O1l Qe[erminl!! (I~V much [~m e tili! a WlIlI"a ldJ\:. has beftll;t! r be I!Ilm\l~J'e side ~U n rt'~n. Som~rim,e·8, rn.~· lunllw~.r~.$:lde h~lI1 rJ~ lim~ te •. to.v..r do ~ny(bmg ~fo1['lt Ihe lIWl!te c2I

~5icle. g:e~ n dUllLlL;e 10 iltlen~(, \J1~o ... th, ouracaer or }lllttY

rn.af is 1lJ"WiI~ gers [0 tlIkc ~ mm-

Q.gtd ~ttI~~f:w;:unhiil.t:h"'"e is rolled; wh:nle rn.e I1f.1.iIWill\C ~~:t:. 1)1' :il:JIfq' dDei !Ill:lrh-itf:lg :1.1'11:1' ill clllIghr Ilal·foor:ed. J)urln.ll. ~his ~ill.i 1::. dHI .• Wltl"~ehm~lfE or pam' ~ill5' no ~'1ll!dty bonU1jU.Ac..... MleI In'iu.clioll. boduides make i.niliauve cheeks to aelem:lint!

th.t otdle{ 1IIl which rhe' ~J'JU'!i act.

O!h~r Iiml:l. me IIWMt.~jd.~ftI[ ~ !1rnr T~lIn!,ts ro p.epm'. (!fju tJne:m.b~m .!i'.C~ the otht t: siGll.01I in the dist~na'. n.~:ldin;g tb ~i1" \ .. ilY, [or e~lup.le.) 'l'ou..dm:u.l!.d...mu:l 'litl'll: m reoImds aiLtbis l'fllnI.tO dr:tll.t:mlfU:i h~w much~~

!lW\lfC $I1lIClcrs_C::m..ill.I;i:; ~

pli:ih. OIlC,e tht:.:tl.'m 'w ~I;lmlt mrc !:'ODtlIet, the. gWm.,h~Dl.cIW c~lII rake ~Slll nd ~rd:(ltl;iG'n_whi~!~ fb~

LUiil'W".J.~ d~~fl!.C"!:eI"~~eqtiD

o.r:::;;; rnta..Lrh, i(1

Ibc.:lWllifl:~ le the

~WlIif"i:. _

Exa 'MJlI~ (SatM,jl.A\WlIDIO.s};.A koboJd sorcerer wid. ~I:\$ ~ny af :ldvenwrer:s:.m.mingd.Drp. long., .lul1wllf. He ,C:i!1 S"4:e. t~il.d'o'l:Iltu_'mli. s1l1W th.eY·1f(!! got ligl:u"huuhe"J-can1t

Sn hl!n because he' QI.J.{ o£.I~ t1Ill~~ of tbc~r iUumiImtion. Ib S1)"!'t~ g,e15 It 5limdud ;L'CIWu ,,1111 C"aS[s If_ghlll ill" tl3 rhe p.my. amglu ~~e puty can do nt;ltb.ing.llIH filiI


Some ~1~~P.ilindi combal m= fun ii 'the)' 8& til fOIl hlllJia'tioile eve:'}l round Ir.tt"'e~ th4ll'l rollins enee at !he i)e~fl!li"fll cf th~ le!lCiOLmlw. ~ad1er Ul~ 1'1 de~ermimrtg a !i!1ql.l.en~!i!" Qr ;i~itl1l1~ (01 lC:iich rou nd' at tl\e b~i!i n n Inl: or ~ n r:nCOLll')"te;r, th!::! plll:rer05, iii nd DM reroll fer.;llll ~(ilmb;i~" ann, dl!'!mTlJnil'lR .Of different 5eq;uen~ It the ~t~ri: or eaeh t\1!W wt1llln!l._ The g01l1 ts to gi ... e the oomb3t a f~lJnB or sn[·fting Y.~riablllt)i'.

Ullimilll:4!l)'. thi$ v~riilllJi" rule doe!ln't. ch;ang~ Il'Ilill!S mlld'l. YOI;I'III\.n:cl that II ~IOW$ down pliy. ~tl5~ ,ill new ~eqlIilllc~ of ~C1:lvlty Villi n~ed! to b~ d~MI'JI1;ned eil~h rouf\d-more die tcll[ng. mote c-alC\llatiQ!,!,. l'J'It!re Otgllnizing- ·Iim~. It dOil~n'l cl1!~nlle s~1 i)h,JW;lfiol'1J$, ·or how VMi· CI LIS. co ",bat ac:ilIollis work, E.ffi!tr~ thiit 1;JS1 u mil th.e chi r.,.,tr'ts n~t a etlon still Dpet!!~ thoU Wily, The ,nRC Mee is that Il':S possible for s(JrneOJ'l!Hll take if! cllon:1I thl! Il",d cf 0",,, miJl'ld ($uth as II chi'll!! ~ ttiLck) '!bit puis nl rTI at 3, ~i'IIa.lb)' u nlll 1";!5 1'I~:tl ~ut.Qn, i-ndl tr;en 10 roll well in th~· nm ~c!r.lnd ~o tl'lat Iti~, I!;o~s n~t ~ rrd ~he p!el'lilll'l' 11;11~ no e:Ff""el;t:, Tht~. fflt'aps 'that ~om~tim~~ it Cilil be b~I1I~F!tJ~ I h) roll low ror ~nltiali~ [III ~ round.

A.nd ~.OIIl~idtl this ~as~ A wi~lJ".:I w.m~ to Q15t ill 5,!:lIl1nhind~roiid by Ihl!' oncoming monic whQ rushes; toward him. He knaws Ibat if th~ FIi111!1~ re~dl!~'S hfm, il will be ~mriCult to c.a..s.r a ~pl!ll Without dnwlil'lg ill'! ~It~dr of 'opportunl,ty rrom n.er, Ii-Ill' In lnks IiO "im51l!lf that 'h loli i;;J!ttmS~ \'IIdl d'epimd. !;Iii! wtn~rh~r' "'~ win~ r I'Iltfald~1'! In thl~ rll<1J nd b'DU n~ed to keep tni~ !lgrt Qf chanee ilr'l ilppr-oilth In mind If you us.-e th[s ...ar1~nt). Me~rrwhile, tlt~ monk wants ~g reich !he wrurd :llld use l1er stLli'llnlng auaa 10 brp him from ti!stlng spell1i. The,r wll Inltfalille, and till!! wJz-ard wins, c,O!1i'Iing i 51)1:11 on 1l11:!l monk tbUllhl'! mon·k saves and isn't

~«e;::tl!d~. The monk ~lJn5 f!lIWiiTd iI'nd ~1;U1I15 Ihe "'~rd. a c:cnd!t!cm 11-1>1\ 1'lII~1::I until tM monk's fl~ ilc:dolll, In lh~ next round, Ih~ mDl'I,k wins Iniliat[1IIe again, ~ nit:! ~tliidr5. but mi~51e5. Now lh e wiz~rd ~a ,anDihi!'t $~n-,tnilt b~"(!iu Sol1l he IQSl initlaitill~ in lhl~ 1'0 und, atlc .a~, aftii!;r the m~nk'5 ilctlQn, !he liltt Ihl1.t he w.a,~ stu n n ed hardily hi nder"!!ld him!l'lillt

If YOIl! ro11 i"~tiatlve each rn (lilli. t:a.ki,flg a reildl~ i!(;tiol'l I.!'te~ In Ih~ ~ me rQl:! m:l or delaYI ng an ,a.cttO!l IJ ntll ['aJ11! r i'll, Ih.e 5;1me roulld gWe!O :rOLl iI cullnllilltl .... e -2 peR;ah), on lat~r I r'llhi!lll~·~ rolls, rrhe Iir$t time you dc, (hl~ eau ses ~ ..,it pen;a!tr. if fDU tI,1te !! t1t.atlled ~dio" Illler I ri the· Slm~ f"OlJIIIld ~r cI!la~ an action, u.,~i I later 111 ~hoe 5i"l'III~' f'(IlJJ!H:l Ic~ln lihlti ng tliecu:rfeflt com~t. ·the poelll~11.)' Ibemrnlls ""I. ana se on.1 Th1dnlll iii re~dieci a.ction In the next r~l1d or delayi ng [lIIIiI th e tle"Xt round carries ne .perIiIlty, biJt}l'll U Get n.o ~heJ O!c;tiQ'1l ti:!11 . round.

.E"V~n ir you normaUy use 01 sin ~e ~el' of inil.!!ltive 1'0115 (or Ihe wliK:lle c:omirlal; ~om~ tu rn or eY~l1ts ~(;Il.Ild m!!l1.r.e rt wontftwh~l!: 1.0 re'rnll Iflilla· 'tlll~. Hlf ~a mp!e.Ilh~ ~CS ~,r'!! I1ghtt~g ~ d row w11<1 rei u:si"g.g.r~.:IU;J' '"mrl1- iWilt')'. It's iI. i;flm~c~!; erU;;QU niil:r with ·the 5 u:rvlYoll of the pni)' ",I nglrlg:

O'n It:. The d..-aw. QI'I his tUrI'I, w"rk", wltnin 30 feet of Imla n, who, h;$ Q$[ 1""lsiblIJty pUlie'. Suddenly, Ih~ dr{ll,l,! is vislble_ Und~! i'lotmalllii·tii!!Ili ... ~ ruIn, wh~r baP1l~ n1i to ~ct ilMt WOlJIfd b~ ilb!e ,t.o i:tIack the newly 'i'i5~ble drCIIW. ~U:le rrom game fJl~chl3 nics, th-ere'$ flQ goo-d r,U50111 t~ let thin ~n~riI~l!C'r ~cl AB!. .Add~!ICln;al~ I!vl!if'ltm-i! ~I$!!' will g;e:~ one ~~rn Imime the !l~ow gets, ~o ilC"t :lg-ain, ! IIIslelUIi of fl:lltowl ng the pl!!-Viei!i5 order, ~(itj om Coill for eve:ryol'le-ltie orow lncll!lded-l.'O roll Initl~N~ ag .. n to See how (i!!it ellch char.u::lier reacts 1:0 Ih~ jji!W cOlldi lioll ~thi! drow ~comilll!l vi~lbl'e',

----' 5i1~11g lhtl;rws. Ol:l~e me dUll,;l~m..da_J:..s::p_~~, .IxIa:h

iilde5 mUmid~tI.""e.

fillmpl.t' (nll!~ !a Pr\:}'lItd Jtmli..rJw. Juic he~.a h mmds of Cnl.1:!WtS moving beyomJJlc door in 1Ii tUJ}g'eOl).. FIe IlJJIIQ.bears some \,olties, and dett:rmbltl5. ~h air the Crl1iitlllNs..;.:re ~IP 'akm~ Orc. H-e 6g~ r1Ul [bey dOH" how' he!s There. He IlLk.e:s .be limi: ttl< CIIst Itlrss Wld_

fhrrld 'If flllih on himself

Ji1!.liCWl ape'l:! i mg [he deAf .uJ_oI:I.u$ing g sl'illi1d;)fd ~ctil!ll'l .

Ul c~~,r h~U pen~iJ on dl.~ OOE for he sees, I';1ILt"lHi tol$ [he htl IJ j1n~"1l 5p ll,..hda(i!!· (1!l)'fmlciUJl!lkes 11ft i Iliri;) tille..dl~ck, unless du: o.rc~ heud him c:mS rl Ilg IrII!b. or Jllktlf J,U!IIJUn me previl;ll.l$ ~ [QUflr;! 1,1.n which cas~ thlll}" be~{lme aWllre. Jcz;ln doc.m'Lger we .li-t:tiClf.l cb~[

enebled him 10 Clj51 ju,ldpcrwl'l, and be:d

bener h~ he !!~£S tit!: I1icbcrre u.It 011 his

illltt~r.lYG check,

,1:m.h Sih~~s A.w.~~e "'~: the ~ 'n:me~ ].f hotb..s:n.dts ,oft ijWil,~ ~t clu: $a1l1e rime aJld can ~m:eIl.'Cf. b.cu:h nQUid roll in:lli;]tive IIml

~I~ .:)_C~il;lll$ IlOtm:!1I ~

If endl sid_\! bllcom-cs QWILOO of the tuber inn Ol!l~OI: !Jn~f~n Immel! i~tel)'. -rnd: dll;l~' In munWi.

giv.iJ:lg both sides the .mIle nifillql:ln.!' of Jim~ in flill rou1"I.lh, umil [he tWO' sides ~liL. bi!llw [tu.il~!it'.!C[ •

.E1C~mrJt (lMh Aw~rr ,~ ... d elln htltrild 1111 m elli n !dr,k.A.pOWI (If mlv1irntllreu..b;um_ iii I'O.~ dU!'IiWfi room full ofcrc.s, i1!l'I:i1neitb.er knew ·of [he. (Idler ~JJemd of time Jill :m~ e;crwdly ~uqlJ" ~ . equililly fbr-fDDted.lnllilitiWi J$ roll~d .. rdl~clil:lg l.hlli ch se ~h:.u:~cIrDl with berrer rei'! Xil:~ :lCIJIIUCke<t'111 sitch :sIwilOltIl-'l

.Exd tIl pl~ (Bafh AI~'4lTr ~Iil Connof.lfiilemd Itmilfflilltfly}: A jnny Q[ ad.ventu 1'I!l'E'S ~O.IQ,:e:S ~.I.Q ng ;l_d.llJl,gJilolJi tQrndo r ,~liJ he.1'IT8, tb,e 19_1lghtlC.~of 1U1:U:e.)':OfI.dtbJ:, .dw;tCiJUl;O d. M~;tl'l.whtl~, thl: ore lcokout sees.wt aO¥eDL'U!i:S thm.1JJ8h ~ 1'eepno'llllfi rhe dlO'Ilil" lind wamswomt!id - The door u~~rect inletllaiOH is po.5~ibl~ ¥Jl"l,JOZJ.11 C¥I!I Dre~ • .LLdd"-~ll.Fotto:O. om'ell: :md .1¥:fuJ ee rncoo;tlp ~tI the do,QV;. A,f the S Iru:Jim..:e.. ~he ercs mo\"!! tilt!)

posltlgo,. ~r1d o;lI~ 1;15e~ II ritlg 01 iflllui.iJ,ily to bide:, The !1M retCJIrds the JiI1lIiOS~. of tiOtliR.d. The llid"'~n ililil'~rs B!ITlI nger:hJllmselvflJrnlund me doot;Orui mike ~ qLlick,plao- Th..e (liltS rUf.ll over mbles ;1I:U~ flOck 'l.[to.wsJLl'i dll!'lr ,honbClws. The DM t[~cks :lllotber- rou.nil.:Du:lig.bie.t;.Dperu: the t1D1")l".»\d dt e DM e:llIs fur on .i:J.Urullivll' I.:he;ck.lwmjj,lI. !.hI(! Ihird round In~glll.S, ~his rime with r.hf! om~of ~ hcingJmporl~1:U (~.tlcl dit:talw by cln i:nlwdve cb LlCk re:nul~),

, ,,~~ru;fJIl ·W OQ~ ,or~BIJr[h std:~-$ Aw,lIXe: .rn th~'!;~~ ~nlv W ~tUll!5 thllt = :n!Ili D'if!' lC1li:llm. The8~ C'.L:~~[lIIre·~ C';:n tak~ S[ Jld~ln Wo:r:e th~ D1lIil'I aCllOIli ~~m

.ENllmplc: l.idd,u J.UCOllf'q lIbead, be lind II g;rrg;cyJ spcn .. ndi I I oiliu simultal'lrouslfj bl:.lf..th~t 0- .Uttdl1~ Fty c:lae-rn", seiUhe Ol'l$U:f hhougluhey ;ue.dIWlt.CJlOugh 10 hear SJn~! flAbd:ng w[ fU.pl$)' rMdB ~tid the.,gt_r,gm1u:lch set ~lInd:ud lIlCti.cn., ~Ild th~1l fiCU::m~] cQlmh~uu«~ dm glild lite g~l"goylu:oll.IDld~~w.-e.. bdOrl rilkillgJheir ~cdon5, md ~Y'!:l'YDlli! else rnlkinlr:iarivuI'U::,LilIOIie .1Cliom :n~ concluded.

The Surprise ROIJTlL _

Wnen.»nly Oil (i. ide i:!i.il~lltfe._of ~h..e~mb.eJ', tthi: DM 11!o!J$ th~ .IlJf[ fOund Q'(oi;ilmbn mu surp~1! lQ.l.I.nd UI this nnll'l'Ci. ·~aclt clm'at~e'rge!;WnlY'lJGuld;gI.d ,~,fii;Jt1. OriJ¥thO'se1t~Yl'lreQftbl!' ether :>ld~ C:.JIl:I iake 114lfIlCaWn U Il1L This rui~ refl~ c ill I'h~ fac[ 'r'hllft even wbl!1ULamlb.l'i~n[ is I'repued, some ilIDO\lLfi[ of li'liD~ b ~p81'1r nses$Ln_,g Ihe LCGation, IIlld dUll onbf HlifiCiilrJ 1C:lions 'lUe itlJlWoI\!!d [Ill bL'g;ill'l with.

Th is mlr m~ke:s initil:l.uve luootlm of j ~ilfirp;lC:!< s!l:'lc:e It i~ in the fI ... s[ rou.lid when jJ::wti:J'[i~e: m~lJe.t:Um o:>t. :ev.en i!~. WlImor gl!:PS rhe jumptlu >In O'I1Pcncnf., ~~e._caJl milk€!' m sl ng.le at'l:!lick 3gaiJIUilJae before that f1le I:nuE

NEW~C:OM'mArsrrs _

Tb_ltlliiw:nru~~ au,,, filgbti.ng fo.uh.el~ liVE:; .IlgMnS"t II g~ollp_9'r li;Olls imem on f.h.~g lb.em m~D ~ dm:k pit 10 fee-d tothii.' drngq.o dl;at


A plladi'n'~ m()unUs a_~ 5m~Jtt 8$. $ilrr1l! cfl~rnctnfll. GI ant ell,gleli, lSi" n ~ owls. nd pe~~l ,ire ii II hijilnl~ inh!IUgerlt. WIiI~iI :s.~oh C~~Ll.l re-s, ~re Pi!r1 ohill ~ liaic{1. 1O~1 h ~~e lM!o ,~kCllc~!,

• You Ci:ii'i rOK-C thee mQlJn.t to lila (HI its rider'$ Iflllililtive, just lib mounts; !lir anf mallnlelligrn~. Thi!i me~P5 ~I;il mount iI ndl rilil!f ai::1, essentially, ~im'UltimeOIl$Ir.

'1'011 C;1n ask (he pl.il),ef tQ 1il00ke ~ $epara~ inltr:alIve check for tne mou nt. Thi$ mean51h~ mOLli'lit moves; !lml "tl:J;iro It its OWII p.lacr, In tn'll iniliiiitlVl!! order, ~~inrorcJng ii'S I11.tU re i! s i sep.a.r.it~ d\;lr.idfi. HO'W~"'~r. lti~t may be ~tfli:melJ inoon.veni!!\r1t (or ~ tid~r 1o!ottlo is c;:rtl~d IIWay from i!1.eJ 'Oppt;rn.em! 1 rI sOCk cases, or C.OUf5-e, Ihe "der ClIII ~lWli)'5 del!l)i' 1'0 synd1{1;1iIlI~ her Initl:lliw! cheek u:5L!lt wiitl her mCllJn't's. L.1~5'1:, 'the moo"t may ,d'l()O'!ll!! to d~!ay m wincide it5 mOll1!.ill@i"l1 wirh in ~dU5,

tnIUfti'1.!; this PUt of m~ dungIWD~Suildwlr..w ~ mid~f Ibe fi~Pt. # mike J~am of dw~tve!l \Va nners fJ:lto Wll ~Q\lm. wberr: me battle mg.e;. If. in the eourse 'Dr ill hn trl.e....b:tw~D..I.WO. sidr.s.S'oml! min! g,roup em:e:1!'£ cl,e battle:. 1:b"V shQUld. come inro rhuCli.on in bl:,tw~n rcuads, Th~ £Cllhn",fng; rules IIpply ((I fbi~ !<hu~th'ol\ w'he'th~'r or ['!l;Jtt'I1Cdi1ll:w.gm'!.lp Is l1Jlld M.tbon~ or ~~rc eNinlng.L ,..Iiide' mvru\l\ed in the ~:nc{!JUlruer. r

- \'1!'CO'mi!~:rs Me A:Wlll'e~[l:;.r 1Q.uill)_Il!f dle newco:mea.it~c ,~ of O'!I~ er both of th~ :sid es i n alt~[dt. mer Wte '[,heir ~~til;!rn; b~Ia[e [l11'lQRt= else, En ,=ffi:ctJhc.y...gla.lltH til th~ Inill~ti~ . . GiU~:m;e. Tb.ek i:Ili.tialive c::heck resuh ~ toJlSldernd i!~ h~ • !idght'r ~It hi,Chest il'Iili[ni\!Lt.b ck...reSiul'moli\g t~e '!lither panict+~;dIU In fhe elflcoU::lJr·er.J(jif(eenfJIIUOIiL iii needed £or rbe ac:IiODS Q[ dt!1.nt:wCllmer:;, they lIttiu Qmu jJ , rbeir De:uuity sco~S'. h.lgh·

!t.!.'i; w 1Ji1We~t.1'ht' t~rnD fQI" lhi! rule ts 'rIvofolld.

• SililCC lht!~"n:: ;tMllie, Dlir rher ·S.JlQ w~,y ro ll~rllJ'l ~c:ti.OJI Qh~.w of • UIl(:)$l;lilU'1$ .t1:,oc;1~I:I!~_eJ:)~un,n"v h;t!l Ihke.oov sr:3f1!cJ), [hey

L&tIJlm 10 $imul~&c. rheiU,iihrn nt~lo!, This MP~ wll ~th;:r th~' ruhiIDhks..Il[c»'0'3a:t! or rhj! ll2W sid!: C'~[,II1~

l· I:!la.cin,g tJ't~ 1'Ie\>'l:omt!:t"S; in tht! be&imdn:g; ohbe round m~ilfl$ I t!:IJU tho:re who.b~d. the high!l5r i'nilimtIve checl! reslLl'ts rrior t@

th~ir ,1IlIrlv.tJ: m'~ r111 Rm dnmu:rel'5' m haw m o:pponunir-y 10 fe1l:1:l' I)) dM!m. This OIifli Lm·port.ml ~dv~m::l&e Dr ~rlI!rs with high pbc~s En ~1e lilll1[1 rlVi! on;te~ ..

N'1mIIi:om,el'S NO'E .. ,:waT~l rf :Uf ID;[ 1111 a-fme imWcome:t"S ue nOI Wllft of ,h,!: Jldu:tr sides when tbey ~nter .the eaceumer ({or -I(,. mp!e. th1i: Ie::. Slumule tmJW~i~ j nro II CigbL belWeen fINO mOil' '5tW in a_dW'lCEC'on), du!! newceme ruti ~l com Onto p,IIY ~nhll

qll'llilng of file round. bur they 1'tIU Iniria 11¥e .narm ~.LIy, 1£ one of rb.~ tlrJ,.~r ch=m:r; tnvolvi1d in m'e...eJlc~.uJlW lu~.)..hJ:gher Init.~· ~I\1lC' cbeclc te:;;ylt t:h~II one I.l'r mQ'W or rhe 'De~Jnm. tn~~ rn.D'llIt· I let ,ctln t(!.~C1t ~J;I thf:l~ f1!.'11~'t:om"'Ci beh:m~ che'l:.Jl,l:1 ~ ib.i.nt'c KI ~t>! (r.hfl! n,;,'!\'i\CoroeIlj 1Ire Cr;iught 09[·fool1!d),

[ Ii IllQte m:HI one tlfW group eme[5 ijln 1i~s:ring,ilml;"'Il:llt~ I[ tb e

"m~ Ilm.l:. l'i:)'!J rnllsr first dedd(l i ~h~~ 1l"'(';I£r..»f rhe c:m;ollm~t': These dual lire prIlIWIl.fe. ·SlLlmblingJn: roD [rririativt'. Tho~ Lb.lt.llre llWl1i~ :lei ft _ If! Elle ~d. ilUhl:..amr:t.Q[ meiI. Dexteriry K)Orel', fVi!:l!I if t.h~y <In: 1101 ill fbe ~;une gfOl.l]kJ,

&"1'111,1('; 11 group o{powC:t: ul.11dvltDFurl!n: Bgbt5.~n ........... ......,._ dungecm HKJ.m. Th e r.I:l1g;1l:QlIe() b~ dl10l fm 1nIIWj.\'C', ntl.ill a:he ad;"eruureIS ;;1Ji:~ ilnore IL Bftween rol.lcds I.bre~ md lour IDf ~.hml bp Ide, m [ee orcs on. 11 rnlJ.do:m_pn,qroulumhle In. Aut tht ~.~ me drne. tooro ffiCI.IIe ll.:t,gllS orrlve, hlviinS ~ 1!!~'U~d by tlw wWlds dr the bau.I~. ruJhf: b"jlin ~W_(IIr ro-UI'lUtl1li[, rhe two IWW Ii !lias "-""I' il!l I:ne pmer "hiul!r Dw;1wl ry ~(!I~ ,Th~1l tlw 11~ roll [cot hli_rl:o.lliW', ilIJid thC'.Ie~uh~,of th~ll!s 1!,~lactd WItb ilruhe llo:rm~ll n ~i i~1 iVe ordef ('oj[ fl:i e t;,~ul!:'- III rh IS c.gc5'e, PQ!:I.f ~heck reJ!lJ!l~ pl~,e l.bem de~d biSf, tv.en. :i~V III eng-in'lll n~

Tht'-i\ rt.e II.Ch.limrnl'llIS ,lICf, IIbl,!! 'til reatt eitiler 'to dte fut.focm:n ~_tO the Ilew D3g:uei'nfcm:ement ,Thcn [he original nllSfi ~l:u .. lIl)Uowed by [he...oJc$ t\ 'ho ~ro~b1y nee ['tom tbis bmle, which!!; dClllfly 01.11..1:1 . their le:aguel, IbiJi same sequence ts: Dsed COt SlIi'broqiil~f Nhlnd'i..c r.bwtde.


lni[f nve dlctlIle5 l.be now of~vho, g,tJeS ,,,,hm. k ls 'the IDc'lllt;n WI! ga:m~_jJ5~~el' things m!Jving. bur uhllna.r~ly 1[\ you wJJ.o r.I eeds 10 _UllIre_t.h~U !upp0ns. Enconr3£c the pbyers to be re~,df w~lb thel:r g~noru:i rtbmcJlcch COlt'S rura mme~ !lip. I'hl~rs I hive' less fuE if iliep~ d il.lar Df ume sinilllg,J~ d!of IJlb~~ wl)iri.J;l8 Ir'!:lf'5tlme(ltl~ else ~L:I d:eeide WJulll'O do

Som~ rcsC'l.!l'cefr.!Lplrqte;r,s..wi..lll,e~'I:Il ~l1clG ee hel'!' ~u moyA, tbil:JSr::dong Wh~D <lmlc:kl.ug,. mey roll aUilc!! ~lI'Id d~mBlle dlce Bt OnC-~'t &!:I rhat j f S1IccE1~lUl, they CCll1 [IOU you Jtht:..d"ma~ tNt they de;,1 im·med~tely.lhh·y know ,th~1 ml!iir !lem ~~tlon will h!QiL1m.i m dle ron, ~lll!v'l1 mn j ahead 01 ttm.e, ~ Thiitwjum, 'o\USk,u.i:m what lhey'£e goittg fa do, ~~y Cilil tel] i'on i1umeclill!l"d,y.J"buack wlr.h m, b;nd<l;lJlre ilInd hir AC 14.1fclla~~ erl{I'Qgh, IJ U! paille; (j[dlimag~ ) ~!)m e DMs like till blllllC: P la¥ccsclfillKc Cllcb ml!l ~p;]Oi1Ite1y. !;!:I you'll h ~v~ Ii) decide ifr yourself I);.II! ethel ·,CII.lIlliOl'" ~lOLlIDg.

Om m~r"lllllltf:n.g;VtDIl coo do ill re wri{~ di;.lwlJ rbl: hnlilltwf! $~ ,.I[I.ICl1CC: Or.l.C~ 1,r),,_deJ.uml:lilcd for itJi~c:n clilCilu~Uec .. [f ytlll pbce this illlfu:rm,!I!IID~ wia~re ~Illh~ plwylo'ri CIl11 ~~l!l .iIi each will know whel'lllriseh~llICtoer's tum is comiJng_ililld hopclulty.wlll.ht.D!l1d)too tell YQIl h1:5 a;;qoil when jr CQI'hU'5 n:me1f1J;l!l,Ill_Itu'C"t..DQn'I..lVn[e dOolNIl [b~ NP.Ci.p.fgc~ 'Ln rhilt.urn·iluive seqruCill't'!:...:tt I~ t ner 111'1111 rhe)! nilW ilCIl!d on~.....,th pl<lYt"(l sbO:Llldn'tlm~w who'f ~irJg IQ !IC~ beftlI:e rheJenemtes II nO whoJl will Dcl aftn. It~ J100 ~:I5)' ttl pbt:n 1Ii:Ii1mS i!«lund whm thl:lr oppollen;t.5 IICY;'_

SimLlhilfletnr5. Activity

When you pllljY bUt' a cembar sceee oHO'me li!I,theu.ctivhy fo'c wbid! rime is m~~ round&, i[ c:J.D be jrruporumfrtt..«mem· be'iI"rl:tm all cl-Je PC:;' ~l'Id NPCs' ~ctloRS~:t'f OIX;l]rdnc.-shnul!Q.itl~ OLl!lly. I,orfn:>'t:lm:~ in QI1Il' G->'I:~Ol1ld~i;IIW1i.ir M~!ee migbtba: lrx.i.rl& t~ tllS"llll spill lit lIlIe 'SHJII~ rlm.e roll[ llildt!. Is mtl,Yillg In ~o milk ~~ sneak mru;:k..

Hmw!fl!t, whi!'n 'CV!:1j(YOilt' lit the 'It]!:.!!! .pl~ys I;l!l~ " '(lJlliIb~I round. each individual iI'-fli in nl:H'! QccordlJlg til ml!' Ini£illtl\' cum fi;lT his "b:tllli:'rer. ObvlllUSly, tb!.! Is Ilil' -SSla ry; b!c'C"\!_~'lLiu:t~n~Jndivi dull mok. his, turn iif Ih~ S~m,1! tiortli:.1IJlil55; ct;mf1J:sicu'l would resu II. H~err ,hiS sequemiol.cmtcr..o j:lJ~ tll-1ii (toC:<:~$;iO!l1lHlr ]~llcl 105II1.WIn1llrn ""ben somethilJ& sig:_n l gn'l h",ppc:,n ID ~ clul:;u::lrr ~t ahr. ~nd (J[ hi:;; turn 'buUberu~rbeJ: ih~f1l,cl~rs hl'J~ !lCf~d, jn t~ sam~..IIDllntl,

For inm nee, ~l1ppo~k h u;£d.t\~ U feu ~ he~ d of M . f'l'iendiLd' QWIU nlnid!ill', U:lm5 Ii '~r:Jl.Iffi ~ nd .l:iu~t!~s ~ noth~. ttl fw[ dO\\ln 3 b,iiltichiJlg corridtl'u, only to n-i',gger a tIALp ~t ~be end of hi.s III tIil..bt Qrrl ~ 'w mlimM.I'I the ~pp~arance of si.m.llitG.llelJ us utH.vlty, .. l~ within your rigb.1!S to' T1Il~ tbliitTordek clo~ll'~ n;,g!!~ rll;; np_until (he md of rbc.IQW:ld, After- aJ!.1l r.i1ke-s hilm rome time I'D gerdown the corrtdor. 'lid illlll!Hlcnu.I real.timr lrunt[oll me other ~bnrne[l~ FlO wbo hill!/!e cuo Cl in Ih~ ooWld \YOU ldbi'! III kin!: rne-1LllIcl:mns .. dw:fqg rhis 'iiW h:m.e.


In fanged ,comb<!t agai"st II ta.rget tl'nn I1Bsc;over, it m~y he Impor. ~aJlt liD knew wi'!:ether th ~ eovllr w:ii$ ai:rLlall~ MtiJa by an in cami I'Ig ,;rli.u:k li'til t m rS.5e-S 'the Intended l:U!!tt fint. di!trrmlnl! i" I>h e attack loll w.Duld ha,,~ hil, th~ ,pro!eC:led target wlth01.1t Ih ~ C:ON'er. If the 'liita.ck mil r~Il:i: Within iI ~l1Il1e low' enough to mT~~ Ihe IlIfget wilh CQIr1i!f but h1ah enoullb tg 5UHlte u'e t.ilrg<:l if there n:ad been no CQlI{er, 1iJ;i!l obl~Cit !.I$ed for COl,IIer was 5ITLlCk. If .:I creIlUue 15 prov d· hill c:oyer rtllr ilfloll'ler' c:na raclflr ; n d I h~ attack rnll ~;:~~t!ds thl: #lC of

iLlli~ cQ~tlri ng C~a~lIfe.. lh ~ OM! rJ n,g ~reiii U Fe ta ke'~ I ht= d ~m ~ge' ~Inte-ri di!d IOi 'II'II! til'rget ..

If tile ,overil'lg crrenlJ re has 11 Oeilll~rlty bQilII5 to AC Ilt ,~ d-odge' bonus. ill'ld l;hl5 be! nU:5 kee~ l"t COIoI'e, i n m!:3 IlIn~ nom bl!Jng hit. tlil!!n lihe ori8ilii;ill ta.~ 15 hit tl'1ls;te<ld, The eovering cre:lli:ure hllJj dodged out or 111~' !NAy and d~FI'1 provldl!' ICOII~r after ~II .. A «Wering l:ire.ature an mOM1! not 00 apply his: Dt!\(t~r[t)' bonu5 to AI; iif1d/or h~5 dodge banus, i f hi~ jnlJi!iiil ks. liD b')' tQ lih:lhe' damage i" oraerl!J' ~!le-P'lhe CD1I~red IdJ'~r'iI~tc<r from being hiL


It. nell WLlh ~ Inllgs'P~~r mClUrlled 011 !l putPJe....W.):IrlllLl:iln fe.1Cn LJllpan~illh~ 'I. 'SIlu,s:r¢s aW':!L',tI. Sw:wu:ndllJ1br meml~ t c~IlJW[clIe jts meunrs atmcb agllimuhJ: s~m.~foe..Jlut H 3ll:1lcliS; ilopill!lIO Ililk.::

Itin'i our of me comhJllt e:o~ly, or it en n !lIlQ,"K one foe <JIJUI en(;our~ge the worm [(I bitdmd..uy to SWlll:!DVO'} m:mthcr while: j I St[v~. thh;d'~nt!ll1y wut it!U"(1l0IrnIlJl~ I'II~L CClmtml ClIl;Ilxi ~ 't~~(jml glll,flJ4., hUil11.l! o(itu:l.f;iilled. with.;ood Imd bad dedslo,J~s..

You need 10 play eaeh NPC: I2ppwp.rllIreh~ It GombaJ-S'a1llV)" fich .. 11:' wid! ~ f<lk IllnJl.I,genc~oa:J.m'i.wIlg.w IIllow his ",ppqnen~ ~D$t ~tf.n.cks of oPPOtltlniIf uw~ be h.as Io.bul a SHI(yJd goblill ml&ht~ A, pblil,Se: spi.d~r w.ltb an llU~11igeme of i' might figm! ti'lBr phaSing in behind die dexwnW'Wlzanl, he's figbting is the hi!sr «rUin of ~cllOIl (sme.e. 'r.Qeo J'lWlrd btas'!:~ noo with a mll,ll1' m.mfr 5Jlt'1i. rru:, l'Dundl. hut ~11 nakoe;g Unn:.Jiigelll;r l)mfpt :no,t know which c:ha,rn~l e r is thlllcigg~~ thrtill.

ARjudltil. j IlQ Aclions NOT CCJ'iI red

~ili:.ili . cJ;lmbu'l ~fion5 ddl:n~d in. ili~ pjll)'l'rl "",nJinw'j !l.llt{..

DlIme,1'ilWl md !'Ilirly cDmpl'e!:Jcn5<"ive, they Co11U'IOI be~in (0 «I)'c (!V\l!ry po ihlf aCiiOll that a tha_r.JI;I-er migh l wn 1l.1 10 c!i!ote.YoLif jOb I!: [0. rnBice up rules on the 5pI1t to' h~l1dle sum r.hlngs. 111 genenll, US~ lbe rul ~5 fo~ ~omb!l'~ ~roQj;J:!l iI;5 gul.deli.lh!s, ; nd ~j},ly !!Di]l!ty cne,ck., .kill iheck5t iUI.d (ml\e:ly~ s~vLrlG tIlTa,\~"5 whm th~f are IIpproplinte

Tke {oUo\YiJlg 31:e II, few e';::im-pluaE d Iw.c: rilles demions.

"~~llfon:emeJllJ :;haw l1p ~D hilpcht bl!~~thjl.~ !:be ~t:h~;n .. t\lun Uj! fighfkig, TomeI: filQ hlto't.lh~e..n~gm~rs ~nil!!n}p:!· IIlg_IO epen tbe deor 1"0 g!::r m. Hc...l'iK'!':Si to rhe doo:r md tries III hi:ljt] it simI lYhl!~ d'llo~ oiheIS fl.o.ish_olUhU~'1 ilu~e:.room. U lr wer~ It nonn~1 OOof, 'YOU n:lIght c~lI ror ~ n Oj2PQ~d "rr,m,gth eheek bmvt:ell Tol;'d~k and (hI;! bugk!lkPUShmgj)ll .. th~ ~OOf. Sino;;t Ih~ door is mlreru:ly srudl, nowc:ver ~wd tl'l!lll me lmgbe-a1'5' mast ifl:r$1' push :It epen ~]ldJlull'l {if 1ilt'}'. $lIcceW) IWIM lIJlO:PPll5le'd chcrl: l&<1.1 nst Ioo.rd.d!..

• A mClIl1 "",anI!! to jlJlmP up, f1~b ~ dl~n.d~lieI ... nd ~ng .. !m l~ iI'lIJHJn:W1!ID1Y You rull:! mal II m: I.l.Jlrnler1r,i..c;b~Hb~ monk IO.l!J'1b lh~ o:JmndeJier nd swm,g. The plityer 9 l;:.jIJh~ ~nk Cl:!n \ISle hi.sTm:nble ddU. ~I'ld 1.'mI ~!.lr lnrn, RlI1Uig.rh:(Iub. ~,mj')[g J..s somi1"~l:m like Qchllrgf;, you 1li~'1: the mQJiiI! ~l!.lwl1iIJS on Ill!! mil 10 !ilt~ if hls.d'nm:ltit swinging ~ltJdi s:ut~e<elk

.' A liorcewr ~diies updl. SIll Wbft!:' en:sts it:o roof! :!IS he see!; DI behcld~r'5srn~U ~'li:·S~h.tMRt'ilfS,m~ docidJ.-s tMski t..h-o ~S~ way

Cor....h!m..t.o.detmniile whil!thO:f th.!! behalrlrr's .mrimllgi r.tv Ia.. currendy.iC'IlVe,) Thn me;jll~, !;I!"wu~r, that the rnys med.lo ~u,wh' .... J[O!iI hefm-e the spell IS C:IlS~ {the speD ~"Lg:"Ahdbri1 the tW in rblS ~£~l. Sti'U. IDe· soreerer m~ed 10 M"QW iiJ Itt: gelS his ~ Clst ~ he1;: w--u.:.k by d!~ dang.lHw5 iilY YOIl NIt 'waf lIthe a.m=rc Cilld}~:rI: the bC"lio1d~r tit 3Jii opposed cl.l'cl!, h~ CEI!l g~( the~ oiL 111(1; !iQ~~:rl!r m~kC's n WiSdi:i'JllI mei_Ie, 91l.d the b~wmses that mr.h 3 DWilentv.. check

CDmbm Acdon!l .. CllI'tside CombaT

Ju 11 g,l.lnllt'!!l] role, c:o'mb~~ mnlnlil:!i shl:luAd /JInl~ptrfo:rmotlli in ~omlm-\lIb.en YOIII'te "kte-pi:ng 'trnu m raund..s;l!.D._dIJ1it..WU!),nl.are. ,Iloumg il~ ini'I:I.IIr;ve order. i01.!'11 lJl.d obvloWLeKc.el'tWl¥! to th1-5, rule, Forcx:tmple,;r derlt;dm~:m't need fa 1'OU 1ni.ti!L~i'i'~Il."'-~ lI,sf!! 1~~irmU QXIJI i[iend ~.ft,er rh~ bmli~ Q1oI~i:SpeJk~ntn md..-~ IJ!:~ iBI'l!!ofaen used otusiae comb!ll. ~nd ':h~ c's fIn~. A"Il\!lc'ki...:!J"~diie.d "'tiOrlS, charges., ,~IIII.i OI'~r ~CilWrt5 lire IIWllm ro $iIDlI1n;E:e~lt'. lhilWil:VN, .lInd 11m b, t uu,d widilil (he nmnd striJ!;t\1r;!;...

_Coll5'id e;r tb~ fQ'lJ~l1ig sltll !lUoru QIJII:§i:de wmb'il r, Uo;ld~ d .. dd~ 1m, pull ~ m.'j5tericU$ 11:!~r. l·h;H s1\~h3S .'o~llld ill ~, du:ngeal'l toOM. Mister, :!!Ill:ndil:lfl. ci{lhl ~1J.ll.h!![hiW rh~t....Llddlls...DId .. d:m plan If. il b:nLO'ne, MmJ.ee...nie5lo Etcrplldd!LIb ~5'[_.!""lIY ID h~ndle rhfs sHu.IItiol\ iJl b-y.J,l:Uo,l; th~ oomb~ tWefii ~~, I!re5'~nt~. tiddlno ~d MM.C'u:oJ.J IIl1!n®Ve. I r udcla.. W~p1J nulKJ~.e:r. IfM.i~lee .. wjns;. sh .. e ~s lidd~.l1eqlliriJt~!:...Wu~h ~.mcl (;1$ if !lIBrtlng gropplcl. If Mhil«, hit5, LlddlLn~_detmniue wh~thCf 0 nOI ~he resists. (Since Mi [L!~i: is ;u::oJld,idmd",llli!hbin JJddll"s rnI migbLltiunough Ito 1IIl:ike heL.Ugj1l.) ~n:.i dd a.Jte.c trying to pull ~rhl: ll'\ter~ use till! gr:tpple t'lIks...m...d~lJIllnii

whi!thl!!'r Mletee c~n hold lidd b;lcl!;. _


/ldJlilGjrntil1g the. Ready....AcW:m

The :reM)Y lICtiCitl ksLl}'3wmllJrty opell~I1ded! nndl~~~re!Uhllr ~ make the pby,e es using :it be s s.pec,tfie as possible ~ hQUl1"'b~( '1 DCII' d1(Ir.!CTe~ ;;u-..e d,Qm~. If~, ,blrflilCkf [f:ldl!:i ;~ ~Il ~ rh ~I: ir ~be C;~5iI' whl:'fl ii (Ot Cllmlt~ It h~, thcpl.1'fC't nHd to speclly l.bf' ~CI 'JX'1l----and you~ jusl1fl~ In oomg...tbe pbr&ddenlify B specific: foe, ecilher one mall [he c:h meter is .c!l[!'l:ndy !lW.lrli'e O['l)r '(lnoe mu 'm~,!I,hr cnme ~l ,ner rttln::u.~titJ'IJ.

If ~ dI~m'l:l~f ~p~ci:fl~ ut';4i~ll, <lni D"n ~nd ~h~ti d~de~ M[ UI perfuTmlh~ ;I.(:!lOii: when the eond'inoru an: tlll"l rhi<! smlldillro. rule i~ that thl! ch~l.er C11l. kcepJlli:s. ilcriO.ll.&~L;d.15ec13!l:st mmbu 'is, ofum_cCJlI1f'ulflDg iltnd 1io.s:r.Jn;)i'i'x..~"J'QJi'[e wimin 'your rlghls to


TIiI~ ~f,,~r"~ I-Itmdbaa.li: sa:fj' ih:atiUl ;!tt8d mil or n~tllral 1 (Ihe 0:12.0 com~ up " lis alWil~! a mi5ll. A lII~tl:lril £{I (Ine di21l CQif'l1t~ up 201 is alIW')!li ~ lilt.

Tni5 tU Ie m,~.m5 th~ t 'ttl!!! !o ..... lIest k.ob<ol d (lin 5~1'ike lh:e tI'I'"~t m Blli~;alny pro!'ecte<d, ~irm ore(j, de~llerou~ t.h ~fa,C:l~! 1:111 ;, roll of 200. II "hi) mean.s. th::lt .efan:lh~!>li of II WirrlQ~'$ haln~nil. up~rll!'n~l!, lirld magic,al ~:s~lsl-allcr. he still misses a gWM roe at liI!Ul5~ of tne llm~,

A differen~ w~y t(l haiidl~ I'nls is to 5!1~ Ih~t Ii fI.l tural 1 is U(!~lli!:da~ II roll of -lQ, 'S'O!llleQfle' With ~n alt:lI:k bOIl~ or 6 n~ iI ~ ~II,. w~ld1 an' nit il'l,ylhing. So.m!!ill"l~ with ~ +23 alQck bonus rolling_ a 1 would hll At U or lower, AI: '~e oth~r i!:(tt,em~, a natrna.1 :;10 is Ilreate-d ~ 5 ~I roll! CiiF .10, E~l'i1 ~omt'i!:!nl! wid'1 a -2 .Ji!Qi!!!c~ peJl~ll}' would nIt AC Z~· wl'tlul!lcha roll.


Mo~e r-.al'ld'omness Qn sometilili~5" e1jmln~,M. ,the rore~ne ~1)m:lu~i(lti of ,:I nip. tiioll!1 cnarllc:ter who I!lWOIy5 hi~. or ,ill row·le ... ~1 on e who never hs ~ cl1;lti~. A good w,~ to Illtroduce Ihf:5" nnaOmn6§ is It! allow (~r

fora) characters, ro miltie d~fen~~ rp115. Ewr)' time a c;h~~!:te.r Is allaoO:ei!!. ra!th~t 'Ih;_n JUII; u5ing his ne~eJ' .. dliiinBfti8. !:l,:l'tI'C AC, he m .. he~ II d 20 !till iiild adds 11 'I~ 1111 his AC m!XI ifi~f5.. EII,el)' atlacio b«o-m~~ ,an oPfiltssi!d 1"011, wltli aUacke lIna defender m"ldiinll ~neit moo:lm~ I'OUS aglliq~l, Ofle iiIlGIJhe-r .. (OI"I~ W,II~ to kKlk lIllt ~~ ih~t W!thQut 1lI;~ der:i!n$~! r~rI.c:hBl'lIcwrs· i<re "tilril'1!li 10" gn ~:h ~ 1'011 ~~ch ~Clurid, ind I.hy'S' iore lJl5i.rl;!!, ~ b ~ ~l! on 00 (tlf Armor Cb5S.)

The defeos!! fila can b~ ~~~ed 'Ik..e lni5:

'101:12:0 + (AiC - 10)

rore):ampJe. a p.~I~dln ~t!a~~n ti~d Mg,hter, The ~IOl!:H'Il JoU$ il.13 :llEid addl nl~ II ttD r::k bonus 01'+10' flo r a t(!SU~! oO!,!, Th~ PIc,!,l1er m~ k;es hi~ cll!lt-tl'S~ roll lind g:en iI 9. lie !idds his d~r!l1!:i"'l!! Ibonu~e~ riiU Ihe thil'lp tl1~'t mOO if; AC, Indudi n Be armor,~, wht~h i!1l'IQ~ iit 10 ;10 11. The IiCI1t:er's Fle~t!~t i~20. 11!'$>s, than 23. so lh~ paladin hH'li.

This nrllmt rull!! re-all, mmeJ In h, ndy 011 high 1'l!1j'~15, WMI!I'e high. f~onlligfrtl!~ a~M)'~ btt wilh Ihe;fr prima ry a tlirili, a"d. other en ~ r::te 1'5 rarofit)t do. Unforlu.natety, ~t C!ln ~ll)w down pla~, ~lmost dO\J1:i1i f1g the l'Ium!~r o,hon~, lin iIIIn)1' given combat A WntiprtH1I'IISe might be kI h'lI~e' ~adi defen.tlcr m:dl~ ~ aerefll>t= ron once il'! ,Ii mundi, using thai, SOlme IOtal for an ittacks medt' again!!>!' him in ~h.ili wl!nd ..

1113k~ I~ P klfl!! h.n,Kl~r ClI1 !hI! Chil rqctu ... 11 D..m!.d1~;u;;dJi11l and doeSin"r tn, Co tlm :action when ,the: QpporitWli~~rt~~!5 kgi! You hll~ n .. o optimlS .

• ' AlIImv d1l! cilwcler [Q_lorgo Ifb.e ~wO'n In ihi: ~Jl:sc...oflos:mg ~htl ~d!ed lICtiOIil.

A:lJow d:a~ dl"r:J,-~u'tJltMlC'mp[ a OC U Woopm check to allOJa tIlking the ooaJi.ed ~ct[{)n.Ih:U.5\ tf ~ dl'lllrae ret COVl'l'S :ill ilCltlf w1ih-J...

_cwssl:J.m", !w CIlO mab_a_:i'~llsdo:nLcl~ [~ keep &.:rm ildmg, di ~ cros:iOOvo' when h:l!s fd'end Lames mf!:)llg;n rlR: doo.. At 5il:we~sfuLclIDt:k mellll£ thallte.d~JiJ:Jkr ar hislri,ef.1d,JiflllJ;S' still reaJ.y to shooI the gluwU:.bBS!iIlg [he friilnd_ A li:I{IIlB'

,_mt:aDS hJ't ()ilmpl~[es_~tlQlLh.e_l¢3djed II11'd shoots die lir5't ~atun! diro!.l.,gh th~ dQi;.! - is (rielld,

Smlln p~ .. rt' g.tl ill& Il!1l::lm r.har 'bemg ~1:'iIi1: Is tI tell hel' IeI' than ~~$l:I~r1ll5l;nemeJ1l~ Ifll ch~!u is ooverling; II dQiClr with ;) ClOs.sj,q'i\) be.1J.l.igh UilY •• j shooi i:he first enemy iliml +-,Q'ID(U~Q.1liS;b thulour: 1I!thollgb pLJyel'01 I:'illl bBIJefLr from

m~tiic. you :rho,li.lld d~.·tlde If ~ ClCn~m ~f of cO'nd iritl'liIS is ~ '{O!:.i ~ciSt...:LC:Qlleu:be' dODr With tn.)!' It.tQ5SWw sp ,harE I 5htJ~uIJc: L Uk.st,l.lilWO\linded ghoul rh~t to:me.5l,hrl[oUl.ghn mJgln be too s:~cifle. iw.ouise it'~ 1lQ~ ~ciIy easy ro Itellll.r.I 'LIDI\VOlmded. g'holl.i &om. 11 wolIDded c:me, epedaJly Whil;1I th~ jlmigm~lI[ mUll( be ,mlldllm all inSI!J;i.Qt- Ul !im!!.~IY, iJt'~ 'YC;y;r C;!IJ..

DC:Uli'l dlow pLnvcl!! rQ U.~ef the read ' at:iioll (lult'Sid ~ 'I:om:b~ r, WilJie 'he !l~V~ ~'<~rnple'$ are 1I11 a~eprllble Ill, m~ middle of a:JII CnC.oUlltu, Ii "bye r Clillilot LlSIl!' rhe 1!CllGY ilcaioD 10 cover II door

~th h~ cm~bl1w (lumd~.eombM. ltii oux fon pia,yer ro 511.'1111: athe£()o'l!elfil'18 [he' door, bUi wit ,uh<lUilll:amJv.h~r tf semeiIlg GomesthtQ1,Igh the door be's U~b!u' .. mgh[ 11lUware. Ift1:utdtllTllr:~m;ommi:l dlll."Ougl! thdoor..msn't~J)(him, be get.S~1l ex~TII stll!nd~rd ~ctfoll, bee~u:sr h~ 5"lJfIUIIs~.ihr Q~ltr dI.; ••

,t:u:r,llInd) so b~, can s.iD.oot me wellpO.l:I. OI:MnY.iie:.he.mti needs to roD i;niti1u:iw fur.hili ch.;J,rnr:r~ir l'Io:t'm:J:Uy.


Rlfill1ng_a.d.lO ~tHier if l!!II ,:I!'13dk hit is m!l, ~ad .mil bUft'e[ of tamb:lt u~J'1'g 31m~ 'C 'rlmnly ~C)st-wmmwuiiiU!ill1n ~l'Iy e_llDliPl.ign_. :Beause of t~l. these ~,,115 run the '[ish. of Iru.~ ing boring, W h.~n JJ .roJl a!l ent:. EinJ; Q od IltljJCflJ:iflI[ ll!LO[lc..rllilll deleorrni:nes SIlCceSS or ill ilmr: ftrI ctl:mlm bNlolfiil:s dull, lfOUVe gen to do samelh.'ilIg ~lxtul i'l

Aitacl! mils C::Il!I be bcl'll"JIJ: tf It pla')tct.thnM$ l:h.1l hi !tin:!!: is:~, loI~ go:l:I~ mndUSiLol:I J:ll: thurr b:15 ,cl1~i:ter ha5 M di~n~ ttl btr, Or.Je

WliI}.'...wn_thi:xul~ui:ld.re this pot,"td1 'PW:b1~m is b~' pro:vidlng dcaciWl1g:llt.li...:k b(lIl\lS~S) for milll'ri'ple ~ttliili. Evell if II Cnlll'ltL:Iler'$_prunlUl.llItt<ic.k:dway~ bits whatever he agilE'S, that's .IlQl true 'QfhU; seWlldatY..J:If le~d.:Jry altllcks,

One ~hinJ! mUQll k'l!c:p.lIlli1ikjiOlls ft.om bc~cmi.n, humdrum ..i$ gwd vi:mtll desrnptW.n.lt'UIClf;fust "lI hitr its ~ ~licol!! rt~'m~ d1~ !,I_r~gon~ tlet;;k, bri.llM f.ormJl gout of fuui1 draOO1'l1c icb.or, Se~ ~'l' EO-fmel'(! ad'o'il::~mrlptioil'l.

C it'ical, Hits

Wi.len ~eane ge'15 ~ ::m till an arW:k roll. 'yJ}U showd huure w pl'J.int 01.1;1: 'fual: tbis is :ub.rellil, 1:10111 cti.ticitl hit',~t a.cril ielll hit ra.Iie~ ape(:tld.olls Lh:l,f rmgbr 6: c!a~ed by l~Hctu". c:Lirit,;11 mliLWhm;ll rnll~l hili:; limieved, a vitaL5J.KtWll the cre-_).IU_l"i! WJ bit. ThiUui:l !lpporWnit' for you til give tb~pllJf,gn;~mn -l.dd dcscriptiOiJI to kc~ 11Ie ~xcll:emmf high: "The ml1.o~ blm ... hits [he ore, J;qUJIifJ::'ly on rhe :>ide of the he..:ld He' lets eu C ~ gl'O.m, :nd his Jm~e~ buckle £mill the imput."

--'illJ'il>1!II oe~m~Cl5' llX.im_ml1fu.~ 'to.c..tllicil hll5 heOiIus~ Ih~y do IW!: lfI~Y~ 'li'fta.l 'Oq:JIn.~ 'pp.l lus.of wl>!ikl1e$ll, af dI UrJ:~nti~riol'l from one poniotl of th~ bQ.dY Ill'. motllteI. bh~~&'{Il~ iu. solid, bum~l1·s6Lped lnlIDi .~[ rock. A gh~5:I i5.dl~h5tmtimL ,rgpor. A &t:lIf om-l!;h~ no fm~f. IIUJ b.1 k.ililld no middl.e..


ifl~e CQrnbaf i$ l! biR. pm of the BlIlne._hiD!lling.d~p-iIi! II b%t p.;ln afbt:1ng me Dh'·

Nan~erhal Damage

Wh~n ~1J;n [)~ flg_~KC'WBbat, m~ kill SlJJ[~ t'hn 'i"(ltlo..d~s;ti_lttJJon:, l~l.hQI ~fid lcrl:j~LdimJ!g~ dll"fennul-y: The db1tm~tiorl.~ItWl'LI!d. he ,d~n-bDI'h i1'L~he.:p~yer~' lm~gJll~tlJOIli amI (lill rh~L[_~;t;., ~C~e~ S:!u~e'ts.

Use IWnLerh:ll r:lem~ge 'to }loundVill:img.~.1t l$ilO II1.fO'Ih.lQlil· [GOI if your liidveml1fe plml:s l.nvolvc tID!! Faa· Cilptu.n: or d~I.~b:U'l-'fQII c1tiJll~ wanr il:l risk killi.ng 'iliem. Bowf!vla'. nI-rh!: Fe '.opp"J3tN -",[,e deollllng mmImm. damllgr more ofk!11 rhOl:ll fj,[J[. m,~ p1t~ !wgln ro 'loge a nr feeli.ng of rbeilr ch:rmc Ie;rs, being_du:"e;l~~liIed Use iliOnlethM dmJ~ge Bpruingl)T. Du[UI.gw:d.effi!I:L

PlllyeJ~ m gmerlll,lulC:1w. rh~ir. ~JllIrilcn.I:'" til be caplUr~d.

When yOI!lJJ: NPCs 5IlId,elllm,c l'IonloethM dam~&e' [jlj th~ th:JJmCG:eB, ~l'ayers mII}"ar::tull~ n'I!D~d th~f.1! II ~he'f \'lIere t~lt1..I:Ig ~~lhn1 drurulge!


Critlc;a I hilS ~re in !he PI me todcl moml!lIls of p~rliI:L.d.3J' acilc.m~nt. Cril:lal hilt!>, hCWll'Y~r. ,are deadly. "I'ht PC:~, Oi,l>i!r Ih~ i:{IlIr!:1! of a singl!: g:ame !l1l'S'5loJl. ~la!on~ a ClImpai8n.a~subject W lfIlilJt)' nlQI'e illild rolls di~n any R;ln.n NPc.. Thilt fl'1i!~e'5 sense, ... In'O: the p~ iJre in every htlle. i!l'!d most NPC~ ifl:' in iust one ~1l'I~ one 1111 whlcl1 ~h~ ~C:! cI~&:a1 them. U5Uill~'). Th1l5. mor.e ~rlt~tlil hl~ a~tl gol:ng to be (t~alt upoo any 5inj1e PC thalli ~n;y ~1!1g1~ N PC ~~ nal I1IIl N p,c Y.r.IS proD.ilJl:lly nCit HollIg: to 51;111'11'j~e il1e ~lIIoouni:er anrw:a~). A.n,)!, gJ~~n fi1C h irr'IO~I!·lllkJ1!ll" IQ s.ut\1j"'e ~In ~nmu n'tfl--btll 2 critl~1 hil algol il1.~t ~e c!hilr~.iCier C;!11 d!i;n!e all Ihat. B~ aijilai'l! of li1is ~~n:~al, and dedde tiow ~!U w~nt te 1liN.1 wit"

ft all~,ad or lim(!. .

The J't:i!sQ'fJ Ihi!1 Crit.iCi,1 hits multiply ~I d.amage, rather l'ttan l!lIst ~h.e die Joll, i~ 50 th~t tIiI~ remain signlfic;ant ilIllhlgh I!!~!d~ Wiler! 8 high.level fighter ;iuilds .. 5 ~!) hi~ ,damaF toll 'Fram m~c aJ1d 10 'From h 5 maBiGllIi;r I!flDam:ed 5[r~ni~h. li'le re:oull of the ld8 !hma.ge roll from Mis IOllf$wotd be!;{] me:; triYi,d. even if doubled by II critic .. 1 hlt. Mulilp!yillll ~rl di!lll!!lle,lhe rorl illldihe' bonus eli. m"~ll ~,lt!c'al hll~ P'I,rtfC'U I~ rly diingellOu~. I nl fil.et, tn ey CaIn comp!el~11 dtlmfm nt' lilt' course of II bal!ll'e hf Olll~' or 1.11.'0 are< d~~1 t. if'haI"~ why th~)' rn~ke 'the

pmil both mQf~ inl.'C'nJ;!'Stmg ;lli\d morfi ul1£.ontrolti!ble.

ItMH!mbe.r, .i crit!tiJ hit fe:ld5like Ii liDt of ail milge. b1.!t tin: difference b!:lween ,j! dtlllble.dltmilite crintal hi! ,and a normal hll 11 MI gJI!a,ier ,,"an the dlflieJel\aI between II mi~s and ar hlL TlIklng :I tripll'!.da'magli c,ltieal hit, l1ow~ ... tir. liS lib G~lblllg hi!: 3i1 illIlta twQ timBS, and ta~ng a quadruJiIj!;..dJ~m~ge cnlical hit 15) lilre geti1J1!l hit lim ml'li t.lillree tl~s.

The we.pen'5 1111 Ihe P/tJ')IUs HIIl'ldbook' UI! b~l~nC'ed wltn the (ollcw· fn:g IDe.a1 in rm~nd! Ooodi we~pOIll~ ll-IIU deal tripl~.damagHfillltll"it~ &.0 S1Q only ~;m iJ 2.0. Ciood WNp<ll'Ii ll'l<lIl. d~.1 d'(!\Jb!e-d~ mag~ critic~l :h fts; do 5D 00 It ·HI ... 2.o. ;ibes ~Ire brig ,and h ~a~1' Their!!: ~[)m~wkat clLfIiloult to U5i~ ,~ffid~nlJ~, !but WhM CIIlle d~~. thi! l~rrKl: I~ d~s;tll.ttng;_ An elIH.ullo.flcr ti!>1!S an ~ lilt, thi~ reason_ ~ard5;, "'Ii ·Ul~ 'D:th.~l hand, afl: moflt! p'nds~word Wielders get in decisive 5.t1'lke5 mOle eflen. but tbey'r'e 001 ~ cr.u5hmg liS 'those de~lt by Ii))e~ A ftw Odlll1' facto" :I'!"e' (.Im$idl!r;etiI !!5 well Ireit:h. 1111: bihty 10 use' i weapon liS .II ranged W.eaPOil, and fl!\{)t'@). but (or !he mOIst p;; n, ilhi$ is the bO!st'" rule Qf ihumb. Th~. It ",'ould be;l rnis.tii1ke to sdd tQ tb~ weapon list s.ome' nrw We'.aJpcm d1~'t d~:.a It lnple-d.amaz;e aibCi!1 hJt:5 (I n iI 19-20. (Re'Sul~ 'u~h ~.!; tltis mfJhl be pos~ibl'e ih~ol!lgh m~!lic: or f~iIi:5. Inn sllould n.ot b~, ill bil.si~, qu~lilr of iln~ We<! pon ,)


Ultlmal~)'. damage ®e5n'l fl'li!iWer 1,,,,111 a, ChataCMf ~ Ul'lmnCSciOll5 or dead, !Il' na!: nil 1l!1i'~ whil~ she's Lip lind lightirtg. It's lea$"1 'to rm~gille. htlWe'l<er. lih,ji~ ~he· !:Qultl tM! Itl~ so 11 M'Ci, tnat she's clobbered', but mlt rmgc~~d UJ;JClDIiI~d!)UiS or d~~d,

LJ::;illg, 1111$ ~Oi,rllIIIU, ih ch~ ~.l-c'l1."r tlah'C'S ~,;jl r her CLlrrel!lt hit 'pg,iM!!: ~III damlige frr;lm a siIlH!! I:Ilow, she is dobbered, On tier l'Iellt turn. ~hi! ti I'! t ke old)\' a slalnda rtl aaiQi'I, ami lillie, rh;1( tum sl1!e 1$ 1'10 Ig"Jl!!r dobbered.

Tnls !{;lrf~ n twill olte., I~~d t,o slightl'}!' Fastl!;r fl,ghl'S, s rl!ll~e til king I!ll,am~II.@' wcndlli som~'Whal ,edUte ~he !!b~m'll' 'li!) deal ,da,m'~I:~. It wt:udd ~hD !ncrea~e randomness by 11'1~rejJ5ll1;g the ~i~~li,AGJII(,e' of d~a II n g 5 lIIbsta ntl al but '~<j~, ttl 1111'1 lelh III dl!mage. It wlll1il1d :iko make hit 'j>lliilts mO~1!! mporhnl; c:lerics MUlld Willllt to CUll!!! light. er5 I-:lng beftue rigllt~ r~ ali! :U r[sk of clyln g, beau5e 'tl1ey ffili:glu b~ al rl'sk o'f be'i n,g clobbered. F In.dly, it may be 'f!Mhtf fOf 3 S"1.!,j:tetia r com b:al~" t ~'" gel unhllCKY, Th iI~ 'r,u;;l [il]u~d, h ~ r! PC5 mol'!il lh ~Il NIP,C$, In~h(i long run



1r.'1 Uo~:nLiI'C! m~e5 ,so point:5 of diffliige or mll~ (mm ~ 5ingr~ lnatik, $ n! m U~it m~tr ~ l'ort:~tllcle 5oil{~ or !:Ill:. Tht~ rJ.tle ~~I:sts pdm:uliy a~ :t nod lG'lV'at·d FNII!m in 'bhe ~!bI;~mct S~5tern ofhU pd,U los,<,;,.A.$ a,t'! ~~ tOYJ:h or I'Nlls!il'i. you ~a'l'I vary [he mas51ve dimilge lihre$hald by $i1(', se th.at ellchslze l:ilWgory 1'lIger at $mall~ than Medium r\lj5i~ 'or lowers mIl Ihr~:s~old Ib~ 11.1 hit JXllnt:;. Thls YIimmt hurts "'aUling ~d !JrIOffii! K!:, Faml11ars, and seme i,nlm!ll «Impalllions_ lit gtcn.i!raIl~

f~~Qr~ mQnSIl!rS, .

Sl~, F

D.ama&,!!, lp

L iO

H C i(

7,0 so 90

I) 2Q

T 3{)

S 40

MI 50


Somctl m~~, d',e~plte' ~he .ibis;tr.!'ct Ji~tllM of ~jjjm~l. ~OLl'R' g.ollll!! ~itl 'IY~ 1'111 to i!!l!IPl'f ,d~ I'I1Bge 11;1 ~"pMjk p\'!lrts, oH1I~: !:loaf" 'S'I.!Cih II~ wh~n ~ l;oor'licl"@'r'5 hands ;a~1! 'Ihru$l I riciO 'Aa mes, y"hel1 he ·ilep5 on Ci!rIJ(lp~, I!U whe~ Ii!! p~eb Ihr!;lugk ii hQIit In the' Willi lind Wl'l1eollesncots iIlli lirrow Into the hole from 'till! i:ltl'irr ~ide. tThis s.hJa-lion CAJm~5 up mO$il f~l!quenlI1 wilil devloU5 trolfl~ mJ!".:I r'IIt iIO eMp lU fnt_. ~masn lingel'"!i. or

l:n~ Ilk~l -

Wh~n :;j, speci fie bodypiU't l:akeo~ d~ ma,R1!-, you call'l a jilpl~ a ~2 plmall), t:o any ,actron that the dlilracte~ ulIlf!eFla ites Ijslnll thlt po rt on Df hl5 bod)'. For elillmple, if iI cha riiOdc!i"!; Angus ge't !Ila~h e:d, h~ make!> attac_b; ~oll'~ ""itih it Wei!pon in Lhailliilld a~ -2 and he ulkes iI -2 pen ~lty O'i'I ~kill d'l.ed:s Tnvol vi ng !he Lise of hi5 lie J\d~. ~ r a ~n ~r· ~cter ~'tep~ Qn a c~tfh"OPI n ~ Uik~~, ,m -2 ~n~ Itt on 5~IIIf;;n~dk5 I rw~i1;t· ing th~, LIse Qr his fll>e1 ~in ,~di!llttDn to tbt' l~ffoed5 de~l:rib-ed I n lh:~ PI"I".I:r'1 HllndlXlok,l,

o,aptl!l ,8, ,or this I:Jooo.k denne:s sOme effects. of da~ge ~o lIpeciAc body p.art~, !\Jdi as wh at happen s, wliten II 'nlt~'l<:r i:; blindo:d Dr d'car· ene-d. I n ~dd Itlg f1 10 ~Inlinformalion. U5'e 'the 'Iii b'le beltM ~5 ,a guldiHo Whid ,ro~l.~ a~ modiFl,~d by inlLlr'l5 to wt1~,t body Pllrt!;,

This poen;ill}' l;ilS~' w ntil 'bh~ cl;~,i'i:i,cte!l' ti~a1s, ~illter ,milgJcall'l' Or Ill}' resti ng, For ~ milllor wm!lild, ~u th as ~;!~p'jling on a caltrop, ~ DC 15 Heal c:he!;k, 1 point' of miig!lt<ll h~~trJIIII, OJ ~I d!ay Df f6t Ir~mOl;l~5 Ihe 1~l'IaltlI!J;_

Yeu 0111 allow a di at~ctl!r to make II Ftlrliltude S~\le I~IDC HI .. damiiSl! taken) to "loLign It <!Lll"' lln,d fgnoJe' ~he peM"Bli)". A!iso, ~h'l!ls~ ~n~H~e-~5 nOl.lldn' l lit~t:;k-mi;l h ~JI1icl I r1J L1t[e;!; should nCit I mlpo-~e' I -4 penaJi~.

llloclition DilIm:l;g:eA.ff'ecIs:

Hilmi Climb, emfr,. DiubJfO Devicie. ~tlaipe Jl!Wst. Fl!lfgl!fy, !1HI, Operllotk, 51BlahU!Jrl-iandl ~nd U5-e RO~!I thech. ittii!&k J]lIIs..

Arm ctlmJb ~ I'IG S'lo'Iim ch~ds; illl'lack ~I~i !iiI ~Ih dleci.ks,

H~d All ~d ro.!~ ~Ves. Bild If'hll!'d!;.

One' ~'/f! Appr"lli~e', Cr __ ',.., Der,;i~eT Xripi. Di.sable Device, Forg.ery, Ope:1I LDCK, Seilrdl, Sense Mo!Ne" Sp;dlaalit, ;l'Id SpOI d'll:clel: S1Jl'litwl meck:5 (fo'[ Ilri!C~rtg}; in tJatlvi! ch~ck!i: [)ed~!y ched!i'lI"lIn&~d ,attat:..~ l'oil5; R~!1~~ :s;alling tnl'tlm.. Severe dilm~~,e !lO bolh i!'fI!s CI uses ~, di~,r.u:tw kI b~'om~ IbUrKle-til

On~ ~f Usp!n ~ ~nlti:a'iiVe dl~M_ ~cl'f' d..;.nuge to belt! e.l~ ea uses " Wi! I'OIt1i1'T to bl!i:om~ de.af4!'fltd..

Foo!/Ll!g lIalanee, ell mil, Juml'l. MO'\I!e Si!errllf, Rld~. S ..... lm, ina Tu mD1a dl;~k5; R.'tJ~e:!: 5il,i'f,ng IhrO'l'i'~ 'D~;(t~riJty d'l;i!dli$.


The P:IIrty ~I~rs a drider arm~ with m3l![(: !hMl: ~words.The' part(5 !lallling rogue i:o defighl!!d. BIen the ~rty'~ hUi'lm'l , nger willlli~ on.e of the SWi;1irdS,. As D M, you g.l!l'Il!Iy Mmlnd 'them !ha,t wnlle-'II1e-), !ire $IiGI1 5WO.rdl~,lt1ey i!r"e latg¢ 1Hri!,~pOn5 (~e<!!' Weapon CirI~l!:irr~ 1111 P~Bi! 112 of the' P!.r'5 H\~lJdDl]t!I.I!). Tn~ hum:arn ranll~' ean use ene oFthem ,~$ Q oPJ~·hal'1ded1 weapon ilt ~ --l p~i1~II~ and tkf; halfli'ng ~ogYe C-iilf! !!J5~ Qn~ a~ a I ..... -o-nandledl weapoTll itt ~ -4 pelll,!lty.

Tn - rule~ Oii! WliilIpCln C2tflgorles 01111: bilsed on ille Jde'a l!hat mo~! w~apal'ls" 110 not look like ~mOilJu or large!' '1~rsron~ or'D'tlie-r we'iPOf'lS, !'lOoT" ~re lhey used irl line ~"ml! f.a:shio:n.. Th~ sl'u~ of a 'o!'lg~rd ulfiec:t& Its prl mil" Y5-e; III lis ngt Simply a br,g d::lfter. Thr'5 \I'i!lrl'!I'IIi Silgg!:!Si:!:, we'~PG" ~ql:livii"len:ci~ ror ClM5 WMO wJsl'I tD affer Ihei r Pl'oTfers mOre uUlI.ty room moruHef weip~n" If <!! IVe<!!Pl!!Ji:J ha:s alii ~quJn. Ie,., iii dJ .. r;!1;~r prcfidl! n't In th e tqlli .... lI!e nt eli n use li'le weiilp(!,n wiltt no j)l!nBlly,

Q n tl-ie1;T1:J11! below, I1nd the MedllJ m We.iI pon lrr question lin tn~ tell ((Ih.!!1f1~ ii!1id tl'i.i!r'I Ft!~d ~l:n:I<liS, b:I l~ il~ of the C're.i~llre I n qIJ1!':5.t[on~ FDr jfl~tl;riO~ • .lIJ Mi!dlum D.a!ltiell!Jole 15 ~qul~ll!'n!l: nJ!lthls S)'!lcrn [Q ~ Latg~ l1ili'l-dalt~ AI~~mali~l!Iy. lirnllhe ~ill! of'liili!- \!Iield~f' ;!,n-d re\ll.d down the co,lumn u.nlil youl Rnd ~I:ii weapon. The Wt!i!pilfi tolitu mn mll,n ~hllW5 whaU!llNiu1v.alMt 'for :II M~lul'l1 Chilr'aic:t!!/. For wmp1i!, ,a latg~ b.arue~ J.s Kjlil;.ti1lmt ri'l thl~ ~:nem to II Medtu m gFl;'iIf!I3:JC!!_

WE~fiO N EQ 1.1'1 VALE M:c:1 ES
M!!dlym S~ or Equlnltnt WeIi!POI!I
Wei!pO!l Tin~ Sm:dl !.arge'
BaltieD-')!..i: Cire,Jli3!l(e- J-1~ndiaxl!!'
Club Cr~atduD Sap"
D-~ilJF~ long:swluod .s~1lfI ~I'd
[).;art 'S~,ar 5Ifn:!r!!O~~3r
I=liil, heavy fr,aII.llin'l
F1ail. light FlaIl. huV'f
c;rllllt~ 8:rru_~
CrNtitlub Club
(;~t~rd I.o~pw~
H~l"Ida~~ Cireilitaire Biw.e~
wng~~ G'rNt5'I.\,1"rd Shoj'1!WIii!rd
Milo:.. mil\!)" M:iice..lJgni
,il~~lllghl M.a~,~
Pid!. he;V)' Plc~,ligl'lt
Pid:. II_gbl Pklk. ~~a'll'l
Sfmt5Pe:il1 !.i~~r !Dart
S~.rt SW(f.fd (j1'i!.a.tiWOM lon~ D~Ut!r
Spear Short:spe-ar
" A sap d~ill:o l'IoJdelhil &ilimslI-I!!. -

You ean m~e du~ Ce'l'llm._d.1I1i1!lll~Welh;aj

d:n Jfifige whelli h ~~lifi$ SPF£rlP:rL~te.. t:!lf e:IllIJlpleLil...Yllitinu m~e gi1;'lliliJl Ch..!I:pt~r S (P~iUOl) m~e.s.lf.h~l.)'Q,U_Cil_n mike lb..: aNi,: li:1.6 (If ,f.:I.Uin:g, d~m~ge~ioJClhlil d!~~~YDU ron do .iW en ~ ~ b~N:~!1~ hlSi~' if}'aLL wish., ~ ~I yiUagcr [h rows jjJ rock (It 11 knighr_ fb~~ d~ rnfg!~11 bUO.lli~U:im,iiI!e. Ct'nail!l Lype~ (!if d !)m(l,ge~ hOW!i:V~f, should never be. Bolli le ~l1a I q!trn ~g~-pllln.t:I,l:I!fifig :W;OUl'I.d~~fid iIl05~ d~m~~1! ,fu:UtlJml!rgV_~lr.:Icll;s. sud'! ~~,nre

~~~e~!n~~!!~~~ ~Ectmcf f~(tots ~h~~st at ~

~;rm~ time, Tile .PiIi:.rI1'f~ &rn!~~9k..dis~:5es tb! ·~ffec1t ""f see tin Io'l:ig_h~ ~nd ~osL. A~eQ'Niing.J!l..Wellptiia QU1300es 1)[1 jXIge 1 N (ir r.illlI hoo.k. ~OS!!l ,lliven~JoLSII:tnll lind MfdilJillll'!'t'~iOi!lS of me We'<1pc111.'l'. Lal'ge ~1~<coSjl twke mS much. Th.e ~ililD,e seeMan ~lY:S 10 h~l¥~ thJil glyttl !N~1ghuor SI:lil~U"'~f~ia:l!.n,!;, UI!!l d~ll.b~,~ .~~ for Llt~~I1;!i,

To (;:~kul~telhe d~immge :I bi'ger- o~ .smiHei[~t~~iI·nlimll~1 t~'if.t'INl1,d_dcJk:liul~j)lll:'mille h, O>v IJ]::lJIY 5me l::~[.egorie~ j~ cb;l]~ lfrilm Med~um, A ~O!1I~m (Il{)OlII~l~y Medium;, cornmcmft'lliseil by~'~dLll:Im bil~l;IgUln Ibl!' .hmd of II Huge diIIud, g~~rI[ iJll=s~s tw.o s]ze e~tJegpri:e:;:_ for eu,cb, cmegl}ry ehg,1:I,g~, consult [be ~C<lOln· p~nf,u~!l [~b!es; fmd ~l'I,g me wen POIIiI!s origmal d~rnage ill the left oohlmfl ;Ild w~cli:III& ,~l:rQss I:l;l' thi! ri~'~ to f:hn! i.~!ll new cbm;!lge.

TI!I!IJI.IE 2-2:IN(:RE.!!ISIINJ~ WEAPO'INI DAMIA,GJUllI' SIZE Number ofSiI~ '!.~~Jn~eiiI

_M~jLlIII! I~ml!,~ ldz -




hI'S ]J:hO lld12 :aM


2<1! 2dl{l

l1u~ F'oi:fr

ld6 IdS,

___ld3_ 2d5

1,d~ Jd6

ld& __ 4d6

~dS 6d6

5.d8, 6d8

&dB &de

~J:lS !&d,S

6d'6 klG

GdS Id~S


M~I!!m N'~-m~ .ClrsrleCllt.e.gerr~ li)eaeued
JD,<lm"g~ Qne 'l'lwo T~~ lFaQr
,d2 l
• ..11:13 h!~ L
i ,d~ ld3 'I oil. 1
1d6 ld~ .1d~ ld2 1
ld& Id!'l ld.4 ,dj llill
h:!IlO 11:13,- ld6 ld4 11:13 r
ldl>i! ldlO lds 1d6 1i:14
UI~ hiS, hM 1d3:_ ___ldl
2(1& 11110 leiS ~1ll6 hl!~
:M8, 2rl6 !dl0 ldl ,lel60
ld'W' ld8 lla61 l:idHI ld! JI. WIl~pon ean Cl'l!Ily d,~~'rell'~ in !1i2!e' SD &!if. \W~ilF£lm; thal ,deOl!Ue~S' ..IDai1l ~ ~Ln:t of d!l!m4gt' h~vr 1:10 j!l,ITCCl. O!'l'ce~, wt'~l?Dn Dm)', d~m i p9inr of drum ~ge> i~ net ~ weoa~J1 if if shd_n&s fufth~ r.


AS;11l1~h \~'~:!l:l<'1:1 1~ ~,C':(IlI'I~ \'l~pwUh n UIll.>lh :lfJU 01'1 .umjl~lOiI. splas.b.LIl,g er 8~tJ!elri:n,il, H!S OOJ1I!e'Jlts~r it;s-ta~~Iid Ile:lr~re~' tU~~5 o:robj~ Most 5pla~~ilOil1li ecl'l~ OfJ:i'qIilW~j such ~ ~dd 01' holy wmll(.!1'1 bre;ili;ilil~ vJ::J1s 51l,dL~~:i)S_.U]ii5ks. .Alt~d!$ with 'ip~~~h W~IIIlQIl:li I~[!!'t:allg,e!:l tl)u(;;h 3~iI1Id:.t..Atr~ ~killg with ~!w, j .. e~pons is ~OYEr,f!d, on :P~G~ HS...l!i:_the..PI~~ !;r~JJ~I~jI_[I".

Rd"Ct 10 p.g~512JB i!~d 1.29 oJthe ~m'1I1imJbwlt.fu,U~6.~, CI1f CiL'!ftijm 5pla5b~:I'pOn5.


s~lJs dmr ~_&CI_ilUte_:a ~n I'IO:!, tlIrg.ered on'~ sj~l(l:;Cr.eiI __ bl~; bill 'elf.! ~.l'<llumt: ~(SIll"e,.;"l'Id. thw! m[~~~ fh ilrlw~be w:ld i.n a. ror }'OU (0 ~:djuclic.:IIIU~:ho ~ l1f&cnd ~ild who~s I1Q1. R~-a:Uzt :ub1.'l~d of thJl,~ rh ~t ~ou wm h~:vc tIl m~ k~ ~d hoc mHn1!;s wh~~ :~ppi'a"i n& :Bf@9~ f{! cit" gr:(d" lJ~ft th e \1fistlm~ ~id!i ,em paif:1i :10,.30)' mo.(1 tit!: following ~l'IfOrntll!lio,n ~s !!l~:iddil'les;.

Bl!!ifo~.5 gil :Eim!!!iI>~li@1i!s;T!lI '~mpJOYlhc sp.dlll!.~~, the Oi5iIi!i:r necilito d~igl:i~!e en In!lt'~~crloil of t\,'10 lLl!lc~ ell!! dt~grld ns !h~ Cr:!fi'I~fof the dfi!cQ_ Fm.m,Jhj'U~~I~m.~riQn. Ifsll'n.sy riO ~lo'Ie:;lsu!re ~:~dil1$ t1SiXlg rh~ s~lilll: On [~ grid. £f ~C1!;1 were rc draw ~ mde using LiJe me';l$Uwot,ml\tol'lln(.grtd.\ririllhc clio!ll(!1:1 tll!:t:t1'«rion


WI1~n ytll.! or ~ pl~)ler ro1l~ ~ n ~ljUr;1 20 OMI ~" ~'tuk r@~I. OJ. crlt~1 n:l11 t1l,j'n~.dUQ see If a ctntical nlt i~ sc:.o~d. If tnatcrill~! ,011 is <1150 :a 20. ·th~t'$ con$irl~r«I ~.~f!!a't fO'r af! ,il"is~~rn~ ~i It Now .~ Uti1L\i1 I'(ll~,~rn in Mal'llt kill FQ1',I~ mi!de. Ifthil~ ro11 swre:s· ~ h~t"'" 1ih11 '~rfl~~ UlI Qli~'5~iO'n rnu5l li~I:' iI nO~rr1i.1 O'm~1 rol~ ilflef a ~Jqr~.!'t', ~e I!i!rge': ls rrl'S-t~mlf 5r~ir'!. C~~.lJre,i; Jmf1llun~ liD mHe:~l hil:s a re: .~r~(! im:FI1lule: ~!:I In'litlillit kfll~.

1'n~ lilsi;a,(rII1 ~III variant ,oii1l~ appll'l!~ 10 n~tl!u~~ .20~. fIltMd!e!~ Dr Ih~ tn""~t fil,f'l:ll~ ~r .~ QDrnba~ii'U ,,' W~[Xl'n. ~'Oth~Mis!!' """apQns •. rBal!!., ~nd m~gkal ~r5 ·~~t imll rqy~. t"~~l r.1il'1ge$ Wtll.Ild b~ 'mu~ rnqF~ poWerful' Ith~il ttl J:)I ~rl!: i n:ti;!m:i~d to be.~

r~e In Sitiint ~illl 'V.ilrli.f!t m!l~eiIi. ~. gam e it'lrcuel~h!d ~rtd tQmJil~.: mor~ l"iI.ndom,. ~rt ~rn~ tOnM:51, .an ine4'e.lI'Se in r:<Iln®m"e'~:5, im')~5 tk~'ood~, fu r ~n ~ Llm:lerdog, SI n~ lihe P(~ wln mot'll ·nghts. II rule ItJ~~ lilah'S Ulmb<~t mOlt! t'lii'1do m hurt!; th~ po; mort th;i1 it In uJl:~ th~ir ~n~ml~,~~


J n~te;d Of m~kl[jll cfJUcal hits mOrl! Il1Itnal,)'01.! ~I'I lfll1hie tne!fll les~ Iclili1l. DQ ~(lI' "7 ~e'ducln:& ~a~n ~~pon·.~ Ihr~~t I'ilInG~' CI1!: ~tl:p. W!!a.JX!fI<.;. wilh .~ ~tr;ar~ f:lJllg~ of ~,O :I,nd:.a K,2 iiituJ~I~ll~ deal 111,0 ~rililc,al hi~ ~t;ill •.

Sl:;i:roaard SWIer Sl;;!ndi!fd SQ'fIet
lh~el!l l'lan,v:: ThreaLIRllinge MI!I'ti,p-lier Ml!ttr;pli~
~.0 :od
19-10 2.0 :.:1 ::<2
18-2,.0 19-20 ~ xl This .,,~ ri~'"t m .. k~ fe,;jls i1nd m~gjgl p=r.;·~~t ImprG\l~ ..n~t rai'll~~ r.~~~ ",aliJabrt', It~li!nt,¥ cil!1(t~,ses, the V'a IIII~ I) f~· mon51et5 intlftwnlty to ,~titi.:;a'i h,ts,. ~i'ld I,: fN"~S fan<lOF1l'1f1t'SiS In ~mb8t.


if f~1Ji W~~ !l)IlI1!!l![!iel .tle' I;,hall~~ ~hill ill cDrtlilat .~ ch'aril.a:~r «Iuld fumble ni~ we~P()r!, t~ when ~ player ~115 .i! 1 CI~ his.. ~m~k~ll. n~~a him 1'fl~1tie a DCI ® De)ile~lt'l' d1e("~ Ifhe f<lil!s. ht~ ~h.~FiaJruJ!urn b!~$. '(~!1 !I~~ ~o dt!!:f1I~ wh~·~ it.m~~l'!ll ~o fuml:ill!:, DU't jn !::~n~tlIl,lh~t (;f'lar.:lil:ter !OMwld IlI81!J~~I~ IMe! a tw'ri ·Gf aC!t!Vil)' a:~ ~ ,,~pr:n~ his :bta1d_"t~. p']ck~ up ~ dmp,pedl w~apQjI. c:Jears !'lii Il~ac!. Iitt;1dl~'S hr m~e~r. 0<1' wtJ~.te~er.

Rlimble~ .alle nat, iPp~llrjlle to ~111lj! me~. They C'~ ~ <l!dd 'e1{(:1!prI'!lmt 'Clr In,t~~'5t lo cClmb~~, !lUi .he), e,m ~ 150 dcotnJu (forr!th~· r!l!n.Th!!), ~~I'lalnlyac!a 'l'I'Iore random "_ess tQ c:omb:at. 41!!:I. hi~ 'II~fla~! f'\Jh~ on I~ BA~r C'~~rur cOll~id~/M[(!I'I"

:ill thcwn:ll!r, thm Iftht! mmitldl¥~etW.~lJ,I1Iru~il1Ltbalt dn-:le, l:ht squ re i!: II 1X!!"l of r.be speU's are. ,

Cone-: lkle:rmilting._th~ lltti3 of UQIle..tl1l!'lI reqlll~res_'rh:Jt the caster declare ~ directitllil and a:n i'lD;l:'ers.ection whli!'n! we cene ~mru.. [Iromrhe.'I"~. dL~.~uX'Jl:mds hlu qullrilltdme, M:b;cilllm,cOIWo UsingJ:.Iu:; rules giy.e~ ~bov'Ll, Apply areas H! dl~ s:mi ~ weU o1S 'you ~mn~Rem'llm,bl'!f ro maint~lJ:I m CCl,m;jJjte.1I.t WJm,;. hac! ~ttl.ed 5qU~$ Jirul:(ea:S...l:ltn dllIer tm.:tb.e uia,!lO,naL -t


Qeili;U:re5 smllll.er dun Stm!l. W:iQU- a:han M~diu.m have !!p~cl-al rilles re luring to posi rion, T.h.e.s.e..I.w.QS cencern Ilbe a~(I'llIUrs'

• faces: Ot sides, and ihel~rll~

Tilbh~ 2-+: Creamtf S;izeullmmarize:s the "hilTIlf:tenS-liC5 of e~cI.'i of the niac: rUe. C3lt~o:n!lS.:rhe M;oc liel&I.'I( ~Ild MaK. ~i.,ght column are gul,dltllll-e~, nar A= lrmIn, fm i.n.stQ:lloe, ~tm.05t ill M«Iium j;11,!-il:11Il'e5 wegh~'i:g:C1l ,6(1 ilJi'id SlltlPOI1Ill:iS, but elite!!" nQ.u,ane.)d§t, The flgute51D fJi,~ Spa'~,~ ~l1d N,nlltocl R'e,~ch ~o.lWD.IIS ~~iI:J.ld bdtJw.

Ip tie: Sp.;:i'ce. Is the width of rlIe SQ\1~l'~' ~ crt.at!if~Ii1Ir!~d:s rQ.., fi~lu wlrilmJ'C penahies [see SCj,lIeezirl!l Tn-l'cmgb, 'bll!low), 'fhi~ wId.m d:e:ler.mlnes how m1lJlY ,creatuJ'Ces em flsht S'lJ~, by side in g l'o·Fool-wide cor:rhlor;:and how m~ny C;IJ~liIel1'li ':Ill ntli~k ~ Cfe:lmR 11£ rh~ ,SlUIJe lime. A crea.i:llre's 5lp:!:t~ doe!> Dot hm"e:J fmn r, bi!ck, lefi, or riglu .side, because cOImb(ltllJlts He CU[1$t:lillly ma~lng and mrntl'l.g Irl b;n::cii!. LJllle.s:s ~ creUlLlr-e is immobile, it cff.~cti\' IV do~'! harve :I fn:llil I:JIr ~ Icl'l Idf=ilt I~ r ,nllt one }'OU I.WIl ~~~ Cl'llhe: tllbll:!t!:!p.

Nauu:ol Reach: Nnuml rea;r;;h is 'bow fur. c:r'Il~tII:u: !;:I_n re.wh wb ell ilt fig!u&.Ilu I;I'if~mre [hren t~l'I:uhur~.lt.,wjth il;l.th~uli5r;Jl.ce £tQm hseLE. R.er.f.ll!'rnber [h~t ""her.! me~5UI'LEl.g_d~c,Wl~ljy. eve[y s~c(md :s.Quart C'QU1tI:li as l ~gUtrr!l:ll,Th~ C!KoCt:p.dOIl i~lLc1l:iWIlJ: wi.th l{}fom reach. 11 du:l?Iltens mBfrES l!rp to 2. Rq1il!t'esJr~lu~hng ~ l-sqtJ~~ distance di~goll~l]f ~W1ly lr:.o_mJI:i .. l:ql.h~r~. cnas II, an ~cep]:jQJl.J'Oa:be rule ih;Il1 ~qu,!:rei.Or d'lngQngU!!J;tam;w m~a5- ORC,- ~ UJeff.

,If II Ilmllnl wI!.'!. t:an5ider rnil~IHCS 10 ~, 'talilll:uheir sp.ace. me-ailing ili:n a crearure can reilch !.fli' 11 disT>! fi~ lI:<qllllllO it't.ip.3ce. plus il5~e~t n.

Big (""aLums

J.iuil~ or lllrge'r cre~rur~s witb w~(;h WeapOIl'li call S'lTi lit: om III double IdIlen! n~rur'~l reach but ~:ni( ~e thllb W~POJ1$ at: rheir ~t-

!1LL":lII1"fIo1!:h_gd .. ~, _

A Cre;l ~lJrt.mJIY mm'~ Ihwu.gh..-;Ul, ot:C'tIpied qun~ Ifh U lh]'t!~ s~ ~iill!,O.l'W;m lJIlore 1ll1lg.er dml'l !he oc!;upan

r~e.l.E 2-4: C'IiIIEATIJIIRE SJlE~
Max. M Natlll ,",I 1l'!!'il";;M
Si~ H'l:fghl.1' We.ighti Slp.!.ee. (l';dl) llJ)ng)
Frn~ 6 'fl .. '/8 lb.. lf2 rL Of, O'ft.
1:I,11!!5§ Qr-,I~
D[mlnuti~ Hi. lib. Hi (lit CHl
nrIJI 2 ~. g'lb, i·~n~ ft. Oft. QIA:,
Sma!1 ~, R. OO~lb. s.ft 5 fit. Sit.
M~liJml S~ 5QOlb, Sit H, SIL
l:lrg~ Ufl.. MOOlb, }lO ft. 1Q fI :HL
Huge 321L 32,000 [b. l5 r\. 15 fl. 110 'R.
C~rg.ilnrl,i~fI 64JL 2,S,{i.OOQ Jb. 20jt. .20J1. ]151.
CQ10t5'51i!1 6'liL 15 (),(100 lb. aa rt. 30ft 20 It Or mot. II' trllIllli Of n1;9re or m~lIe or morl!!

Bjip.ed"1Ib~11ht~~uadluptd'sJflMy r~ngrh (n05(e 10 basI! on"lQ

2 b!l!IJ.~LhaitJbup:aWl!:-'~ FOUght)" a:uilmU:,at ; ugulat allimaU Q'ejJilille milde @f iit'lne 1ffl11 ~Igk o:m.sfderailly mere. A p;.a~DUcS ,~tUI!urll1J!1.~gl1 much I~'S.

Very SntailCl,earures -----I

TInv,Ditni 11II.11iw.1Id fini! ~ mm: have no n,:ulIimi rl'acl!.. 'the, mlU.:5'lenter IIILoppoileJ'! ~ ~\l~re (~Ild thus be S"ubjrcl :ro ;u:u,_~ o(.oPl1l0ftI1IlHYJJn. mdet' (0 ,nmck d'l:u cpponent in lILell:!:.... uhi~ mey a~ ~WJed wuh.W~1lS tbugi\lle r.hem~! lem5. r~l

-+uf reJicn.

~ IleclIUcs(;!' lilil'Y; !lhj[:rinu:El~ Elflil' ,creOlllr~!!: h~ no ,n..,,~ LUi:!] J;e3ch. 'the)' do oorJ1~):.,g:c't ~tl';l.,d~ Ofop\pcftUW1y,,_5peClf).'C" cre~ruI~ 111:11 be exmptiQ'lls, ~~d sll"m!!' may any M.rn W~J.X!.li!i4 dun do thmtcoR ~djll'~t Sl:);UlI!Rs'

MiXJtflg r, Up

"TWo crt:llllllreS less dUD 'two size caregenes "pm ~Qt !llI;CUPY dL~ nle. spaces In CO~t ~c:ep ~ wuie' sped.aL~imuP.sll!;n~u:t.t e-xilmplt:. \\!h~n.grnppllng. rld.kill II moum, or.[(Mi!J.5..w~d~ or dead).

_CreUUfe5 rwo s.ixe O<!tt'gv:rie:> ~p:!!'ft can occupy the smlUl,lJ~ w.i~hall'l ~Il:i:d c.il'C1i mst'3Ilt:e:3, H~U tb ~ .n:ITm~1 humbu oi Cft'~. UJJ:Ci c:~:t'I o.I:CU'[.I~' th~ :5lIatC ~Jj w;nd Ur~Cli1 DIU nre ru:n~1J~w~)_

Crt!Iu.ur,e~ m~f '~t:wp:y rh~, same s:q,l'~:ml! if they iIJ[e tb[~ or mOre ~ju CIltc:goriC~ dHl'tJI~[. for 1:,IlS.taI1l~ •. Q _an.rould~l1'y;;QDe of th~ S(!t1.n:m .1l!io ocropsed by ilplUJI_k!liC.tm

.E.'um'~t: A..hWl'!;3n. (M!.:dium).llghl! iI claud,g,l.Jl!IltiHugeJ.n~ I humili"! Oct·upJ,e.£liing,le spare. 'lhe dQtld_gi~l"je;s roIJ,gbly nil! spii«$.lf (be nu I'll;;! 11 moo 10 OCCUP'i OIU::-'lf.the.g;i~\ S(l'J~. I,I:p ta blllf,~ ~ny bUl:fil!Il$ ~ Eil;lmi.a.1 couid L!liru:~Ih~~ ;are tl;VD S~ilCl:tegvn~~ ::ip;!1l< S'in~i! thaLonl)~_m.o-ne·M:U: of II. .b'llmrm, me hWlliHl crunwt OIX"IIPV en o.ttbr:.~p w.ith.oul grn'Ppling.

.E1I'.IIlnplti A balQiu.gJ:imdh figlus the ~'UIIl1I: dDud,gU!n1. lh h!!lElil.'lg~ liktJh~ b.wnlt!J. ooourpks II s.iJ'll!.t~ SPllC:~. Hili!;' bdllng., h'l~s 00 oc~py orn:.tltJ'he gi~nf$ CJ;Ibes, tb~ nonn~ll'amabtLJiU h~mi.n&:g ({IIl~) eould fit SiDC~ the aCiWm:llre du:euize .C'.ll!Ii~ geries ap~rl

if Ii C[Q';lt!.1fC: ls In ~L l!!li51. ant of me ~C't Q«UFi~i bf~r c:r~IHU.re w hen Ih~ I i:re;II:UR m oves 1:1'111 "r I h;J r spac.I!.J'.'iIhnlll mkmg II ~-jjoo[adjllStmem or 11. wi'thdmw ~tic.m...dlen mC,'sl'1l1l11.1!!1" creal1lre gelS;(J ItlJcks of oppommi Iy "pi IISlih dep;t,mng Cl1eilUl.iX ..

IIII:e ,Q c:re:lture can O"qliCkJ~ImWI_5P.ilC!.' (IInless >Itlficd wlrh n reach weapon),,~ mI.:illfil;[=<Itul'l: in IIln~ of the ~ilC~ 0CCIlpled by ~l:Iomer tlell!lMe..._QIlliIQlWe ~lliilidr.t\.'lIl ~lDth;Fn_

Any_timemore dtm..on~illH:'sl~we ID~9LlPiIlS an eppo~mr's spu~e (e~d1e e llllhe $1me s!llil~wJJitUhe gdd (IT i iii S~~"I'!I'~ sqU!!res). rJu: ~WC'd arnur~s p'w!JuWt..u~iMh tl11l: 'bli!l'Idh of fbnk· lfiG.If ~, c:rt!I_],w~, 1lc"~'1IpIH part IJflUl oppenml 's ~f'. ilpID\l'1des; i1JflkiQ.uu.i! ~]led cre~lUffs oms:id~ t.he oppalleD.l's sp~'e..

f~m~ll ,; A w!wJ:)' cf SlJLl'H~ I rUlY) 0 Ili:lch ; lu:r.m~lI (M,edJ:lIm), Up III f01Jlllil"lyoerelll'UI'eSc.;l!D Qi:~Y th~sa:m.i!SP3C.e. They lire twO :s~ t:lte-goI'iI1S Iput from II nU1ll1I1L ill up 110' R\ltI Tiny $~~ rnn. occupy d'i.l~ ·slIme spll.ceas: th~ humilL1, :a.lld they plo",rdll' ncb OWI:I', wLm Oo.llkI.JlgJlga,ill:n 'IDehllllUl'l.....__

E:mmp!c: t 5qua~fhi!tom~m~1l) ilU3cks a hulf:rte (lJuge).

he..hll1cfill! mk~, Uip.!.lC'I~.'thm~ squares ,iii:ro.U. :Sin~t; Lite hill£.

Ii:Q,p are three 0'( JlWtoe sl~ C;i1IIJt~(!I.d.il.$ 3p>at'I' from rh~ bllIH~, r.hll}T C:~I:LeJ:llel 'ID~Jf~1t the bl:.de"tt!il.!lk~:npi15. Ewell hllll1l ng;&3D] o-nly Qli:CiU'PY nne spil,"Ce, 'im:c· ~he' hulefll1' 1XCj["P!~ m'lle 5q'lllU~~SQ lip to nkl~ hu,ll1ing,s_OllI OQCu,pyth, ~e s'P~'l:e ~s th~, I:rlJh:\'nll'..Ih~~ Iwp IjlIl'O\Il.d~ ~ci1 OWC'f wldt flmkln,g.

Sque!€!z'ing l1mll~Qh- __ I

A c'reatllmLca~Il~CK thnIll&h lI5iPiiCC tIS 11i!nQW.1.n....wrddus.tl:~ bruJ ,liS ~c;e. W.b.il~ {loinpOIM mO'!~SJll halfil!.~~~ rakl'.5 iL-'LpM;d'rV,.(Ifi.aIfilcli:.roll'Hnd il ~~p:e.Il!a.IU'-W_AC. Wlill!} a

.. wtII~ 5..qLle~b.r"Q.ug}:uuul-"l'O'lv !lPil'c...JU..l'lcn plnsihLi! fur Dml:;U.m~Uer c:r-e:Ull~ (tI -alslJ occupy 1h~1 ~rm:e.

_A_u~ ~l;IjmGYfl thmugh.iljpan "tlirh ~ t:1!-tJ[ng ~!i low 45 b~t(Jt5l:Wgh.t:mllb rhe s~m!1a ,pe'IIalHes (i:n sp:1ces both n~rnlW an~

1,(Il,~) ikl'l.ible t:b.e- [I'Il.1l::Lltieli), h~~~W:w~~~i1_ iOil 3~ l,mv as O,Il.~..qu~n:er Iu ~].cht,_blJl_lltJ1UI;St.Wil by lloillg pmn>a llJl'ld ~:r\HV tilllg, rl!u:nQrm ~J pilnslUes Ilnd NSjtt~uions fibir b~itlg ptol1~ :l'pply.


Sfflndjh~ i~ TJgh.t.Jl!J.a[tffS _

IA ~.I:~~,Tll.re fllQ}' fllI.'Id h~ H,UldiinC a:t~1lc!! :wck)l pimlM.l.e, f1chding ~. ~he back of,~ Wttg~~~vm~e_(lf die rover.,?li9

v:idcd by ,I. h.ol~,' ,in dti: PIIUd. In~Ydll.!,'!lSe~, ili~ m~~ ,5j~,~~', ~!IS.~~ IQ ;mi~dt ~hc ..spai:t:...il_hk.OA th¢gm'W:'ld i bYl.ht,.i1!·

U1!Cttllrt. laardf~~t~:d h~e~II5~Jits_ U:PPi!1' b~d)l' ism ~(u:lSU':ai:n~. ]r

tJCatJi_U~cJt!i~W&:a:fGn:S~!ld fia!f~clJLwlrhol1lf ~l'!~ld~.


CJ:rC'!iI:ms:tlmC-<l:S C~liI, modiIyil dl;'lH.~er's die roll, and they c:ilrI modifY the ~q. eil§;; needed 10 suceeed,

.' Circu~ll:lllll;~_'l.th];I' hDpm~ f.lf~G~'..sudn ~hlT\ug me _p~~fm t~1s f~r tlU job, gerUn.g lul'_1'mlillul!uoth~!!' ch:nn~t~, _ood h:l;_,Wl~YaocU!'1l~!: w(orm~tI)QtI,.:pm'ld~~, bonus 011

~ the .tH(l ro]]. _

4- Cio;Ums.lal1Cj)S dmr h~mp_f'.l:pe.!f~~dci!lig fol'lGm, til ~lSe imj:u'Olj1jrs.e'lllW~ or b~v.irtg m1rle_gjMCI:t:'IIl!il:~.on. pnwid.c a. ~Iff iJ'li'! !:bt delt roJt

I-0_ Cff!;,tI!iTlS't3.!Kr:!S r.hn,~'mili!~ ~.11 ~ ~~k ~ask]:..su.tb ~s ~ mc!ldb.t' ~ildl· enee at helpM.envirolmle~WJldi~~.deoe::lSll.:lh.eJ1C.

r ~_crn.WllimI_I1,,~,ID:!ltIDilke~nlllmhl[l)dn is!l~~e~):rdienee QUolln,g \!o'(irk W.~llfQW;~ b~ &wJ~s, ifL~E:.ith~


A bVQElhk_ch~lL!lm5't;l~OI:!.g;iv.e5.a.dn=~er II +liJClnl5 oa.JWJl. Ch~bk (~fA "",;2 :rn~!fi~ro,rhe DC) ~nd ~J! 1;!~vOTIlblt Qn~ gi,\,~~ .. -:l! pet!!~~ry on th.¢ skill i:h!clt (01: <I t:l mC!d:Ul~tttl dl~ .DC). Ta},!!, specialll0'te o.f d]j:s.lCili.e,_~Otjt :IruI)t be, dJoe (ll[ll)' one you'U ne~d .

. M]:j_I~e rum. d,ewR ,~ d.il[l~Ol1Lc:orridQ~t nmllii;l1g noma hiboJder_J'rn:uLliuldile. COm~r ab.e:.ad l%'<lit Me Qgl'es;. DtI~ Miath.'e 11e~r th~ ~tti:~g: ooadytJl:! m_the:k amlb~lSh?n~ DM Cilills w;r ':I LiS~md_ru~.eEtluIt.he:JhiE~gkom~he. b~b(llde:~ m~ke~ It' I~~ likely ililt she's .listelling£iwJ~ -:::1 Jleo~l[)1 on, the

__chKk.J3iuL-W'f (}f tbtl ~~~1s U!ll[h,dIlg.01 'pmcu lias tri!rpJ iUld (be! ~g'WjjfJ;cll ofthlll d>l!vfc!I! mlik!S.aJou.~fflc!is(!: -a modiiil:'f toO ~ 00" DC, Al~~ MEB~';~ ~. ~i!n ~tlodI(!ir ~d\l'el1tliiO:.I th~t the W<g.r,e5J;Jn this dtlIi,geoJUikUD mb.udL3d."i'eJ]t1.m:n;.+:ll b:cn1l!5 01'1 dJ e ch~cl!. Her ~~;r:um:.s~g fromdi.e 1~[[rS;Pjl:U miltftbe

e!L51 :;lI~ ~h e.behWd~~w U lh,'" chedl:. 'rhe dungM1'I I ... illl'e~dy ,llOisybeaulle:..o£ lhe.solillld of t.b.e ml!nJ!g (lrn:gcu'l, on die IlI!wd 'b~QIN._:t2.mo,di!6ru:Jo_m.t:..DC_

You am .:l:ildlll.O.&if.i'l,IDS Il:Il.~l}! J:d!Jillg ,so l~ not I'i:!~lIl1' m &OQd r,hing. :rm.ce it slows d"\..w..p~,l!uuh~.wti~"-'iI!b~ fh~lIlt:he PC'~ 1.iS;[~1:l ,ch~di IIlCdill~£. [h~y~~~~uhgj)lj,1 ;nd th~ Pb.'1cr need tID ft'meml:tEl:r J.rlIe~IOllatj~ l~r~O:l!ai mpdweffi ~!l'e f:ll ~nO: -Uil:llluille__~lti[t!lj,uJd Jlll).lO_g;Lve lliLu

~dle~~rmW ~:t~ OC~aIi~ vahlf" Go~~~ltheJtg]~ [t:s.&emiDll" ~eeeFtllW~ l~ mQdify :Mu'bli~. WUKl:re-.m:id't mvorn1::de· or I1nf:a~'orn'Me c:~rcumsraIlC~i!i.

~"""" ........ ,_",,,~_miiIiui,gI'e,~~'er [h~:nJ It£S [.b~n -l~EOL, '~Ill.]l!;;,_fQllc'1.nilfcide dt~r .~. til.sk Is prnol,cilllly ~~blund modif~muoU or wOCby 2{1. F~IJl'C~ ~~o modify 1:liI~lllllmb~ !l£ yatl.5C~.dhi using mm;lilWl'S":!mm 2ID 20,


A ~ Ul.yt.hmg rb~'~ requires .~ d:i~m.iL C!im:blng half.om's ~~ 'tSE.k..aus.. m~j;ing ~~r, d~&pl~~ 'rh~ ftt~t ,!.nal ~ 't3sk, r.tTs:'Il:u~CQD¢; __ d ,thu[httJnm:.~ tonwcn dll;YS).

A. si[lgl~ task csn 1il!1l~\W.~'t of ~he fl;lUqwrng: ~nlviti_eil< .

• Mcnr]I"I\C>l ~i:tdisg~l':diI'lIlS~:LUd~rnpdtln), Making ~fil! i,rem.. _

.! IttUut!rndllg: O~ULp.e.tt~_aeal[oU!i!. or goo up (DM_deci.des_U:,

N~ '['~ ~(;tm!l:..a$.indio:id~~l;s g~ ~ ~ gl:O\lP'.l ..I

~~lW.g wl~b ofi!:_®icc( (opmilii(! ~ dOO'J ... btt4king._,mJ:II:li~.

1Y]I'iIgIi.~,SUff'wg,o!l~!)f~.m~~ pkking~.ki;:k). 1

• De.!~milliing !Yu.«r~-1! Me p'iw'!of~woIfitll,di~ _

,. Semoeh.mc or trnoong over one are'll (IllS, de',5~b.ed_-W.~~~ru P[

[:e-al d~ptill',o), __ _ __

'.' Pe~I:U:_~Pl1nd or ~(ght (DM dec.ldC5,~..iDDIlP!i

I:m:liv:ldlla&s ,O[ a~ ~ gmtJ,p),

....-.-DdC'tIl',f:!I $kl!~h,p !'Idle 1~Jl;ddli~re!l1~~tI irtd!ff~~n l~, th~ Sl!!m:e.·iJtill·1rnli)' lundlet.:lsils in diiEfe~m \1;'1Iys-clc-pcndmg, .la1LW~:IIU the ch~roJ:~~dll1l~:n~.Eg~rum]JLt=!J l-J.I:~I~H!!JM th~ ....bllier to ~e cae dlaGItle:r slllhill OJ[to.assist in;t ~rm,'rp:SO'>~

healtllJ II; !~re O\'<I!r ~ night::u~ lath Q{[~Ill_t!..§ in,gk._~k s,

requiring 01ll1yooe lVIl _ _

Sc!mu~!l\~...h:!1we\!elr. ~~luequire5I11uWp.huolk 'yOl! liII'LJ5~ ded£l,e, l'Ou'lUmp1e,if II dHr::lI;;re[:~UeJllP~Will1l~..MOO~ on II :gmup O(Cigll~SI:n~!t treat 'cl:i~.m,llS ~ J¥!lI:ll:U(!A.e.rolllot.:a;i,llm:li. vJduilb.,(;l Merell[.JIl:il rllr ea,ch og:ll8},

[f '!W~ di£F!:1t1'lIIt gi1:lups Bwma . .t:;h Q Ch!Ulcm:1mm lL~m~, j he ~. 00 m,ilki: nv'O..cllff~riCl1!I Spa[ checks roJi~~';tQu hll~ d,~dded lb~,l th'~f .~ r~ i.ndeed dilre~~I:1[ gumpii.Jbt dmmct.el'"j ~~a,~hf:$ Otl;~ mlll.l.img, .e S~;]]rh ikill., be m!ghl1indJ.~ >CIb.l~~t~ (lfim,'Il!l:mll.t.J!.-=bu~ )'(111 deddll: til i!t. ti!li,clt_,~lIch objl:it:t; rf(!l.!I:M$ ;! SelNllfiUI:: rollIn 'sud ;L Ca1!t, VOl! should m'll!k~ ml:xolI! b~YOlldi 'f.:h~ 8m oncdJiu=etc As.lci!rJg dl~ pby~r m:m.tkc !][i~ rbu one 1iO][ ~'~ the .same time !live:5'him infOUDiII:l:ioll lb. bL1. ~h(lU:hi:ntb~"'!'t.

A f~\ .... t:.'.>:I!TJ;pies: of ]ong-!cmi dUtlts (!)!I1t! bati mIDY wks wry

CoDmfti;s~) riOU!;iW,. ~ __ ~_

CDa.Jl!O,ef'OJl W3wb~Th~ws[ ~f the. Pattli' ~e~ \\lhi1~ MJ:~k'll! rllk¢5 lh~ wilileh. Ih~ OM.uh fu.u.l.i [!'~l;!..dIel;k ~bout"J,!M IlJ1 n(),UJ' rnto her \1,I.lildJ I ~nii ~2 stJ:cceecb. She heOln, 3. 1'lI5~un!! noj!j'<I! ill !:l1~~ilrl1~ husnes ~:I1d~.Ib: ~bl.in tJJ~U'l!~5n}\IDg ro ~ell.k up 1 OJlUac-Pltrty). Sbe decldeUtl.in,~·e.rnp.t'li!_.:amd cll:~ :OM ~~lli .fOil' ;l

Spot cltdl:orJ?WiOO ihy 1Llfid~~ecldmll'lm~ gobUn. Min!~e dit· ~~~.ll!DlhiJllg (the &Qb\lJuuli:ceosofull_y cit;ln~c~ls it5~ If); SCI' me &'l"es ku:k liO where £ne WQS, keeping Wliltth. bru; t,b~ DM :liliru 1m ~IlDl~en_f'h&k (Qs too .goMixl ooeot g81ilm trie-lii eo mO¥1l: in). HId. she: su~~d!s ~g.'lill. This :rime ~he ca[rhes lhegob!Un MlG aleres We ft:$l. Qr iiI!;; ])tll:ty ~o d~] wlth lhdlle, E~I~l1!ltli:I!ll/ dtil-Y.~ bilr:k til' sJJ!!i!Pu~nd she goe$ b~d tQlLWlIU:I:i1. 1.1[~r, the DM calls {Of modLe.t ListeD check, ~~~ ~Q\lif5 t'hi;U..e~ m:niliiDg 10.

h~:wrJn~ I:ime. . .

Th~J.lIij' ~g_oll Wll~Ch.~u!I<ed wree I.lsii:encli~oo, be,~!W':..w.!'l5l1~k!:JlJJrn:lilil!" ~~I!:m~trn-,iI[ tlIi" fir"l ~pi;tt'iliWiCe to! me goblin • .Mpon..c~ingfo:r ~h~ g,oblin rhe !ile.(:O):Id ~ ~:nd ~fl;(luhe &ob1in W1lS d~a1tW'lIth.

lUd,~ Siwf,lis.srides his hDrs,~ i1long rocky ~e rJ:aln,nJl~JcingJlO mill to perfQtm m is mlJ Ild.:l!l1lll~lik. H~ guides 'it dtl>~"T.I i~Uu<;&£>!!r ' guUy,tlJnd.!pl'lI c~lIl rot_; llC 10 rude dree.k m do so. At fficmm.!:!JiI!I o.fr:neGJIllJ.JIjnJ)Wl~.0lI'Lllle.nac:e.~ ~t wounded cel.nllJJr~Th~~ spul!'u,is mQ:I;I!t1ir.J.ntO- moe £rov. milkil:'LB nomU I~ dJU1l,._.O~Ul

..l-nttl!!.JthIW:lWlkl!!uluheS ~[ t.he r.illiiglt, ,..vIlh m r~~ ~l~KWd~k.fu~mtt!itlli~~M:~uim one 'fa keel,Uhe I'l.Q7II\'~pallick.i 1Il,G. hOI£e fWIlUJ.l1II nlng !:lff. Til e

e:e:uJil~NS_O~dt cb~._.E!lHI Jdhe!:Lde..dd.efO.!1(l !e~p our. of u,a;ddluad1l,ght r.h!l: b~~E,I'j!!qu!rin.g Ii DC 20 Il{ii,~ chedl. ~li:Si.:5'J:I(:c:~~,d:ugll'ifljmocMlillg dun ~e d.1'~mt;l'Utm: wit'h,Ci L1f :6dllrxg ~ • .1Q IlIl.W1ge ilie ()wTh~:J.I:.

DC -1'l a S .5

]0 10 10 UI "0'

IJ1 t'2 n1 H 15 U '15 1]1

15' 16 111 '8 18

~2'0 ~20

im '..1ll-


20 ::m 21 21' 22.1 11' 2~

2'" 2.5



H'tllr th~ ~QlmQ~ III ~ pUd!~d ~;ttl~ .li:KkJet'I..bill gJal'lt~· acress :~ mudd!' R~ld Ctim b ~Ji;nofJt.~d I"O'fl!i!

FI'~al peovJ.u:;!jlking (In Ilie Q~her side, ~r ,31 d~r R:u n QJ !;1il~1i!l,~ d~ilI ~11::(i:p ~liLll'S

f(!1tow uac:~~ o:f '~r~n Ql~ ilCl\Ol!iS r!ri'!l' ~u i'Ld. 1'il~I'I~a1!::~ .~ ,c:h~,!t fLlI~ elf J:LIn~ l~ ~i1d ::I m~p

fi~ a Ilrm kn,ot

Ffnd aut ttt~ (; U1f~11I p!:!llp

AllIlid ~Jflg Ulpp~ by a "",clli A~5~5;S ili~ v~llie fJ)f .r-$nv~j" n~dl:a~ :Re5j5l th,,~ «Jmm~ndl ~PEII

'l3las h ClJ;I~lI'I ~ ~rllilpf;e: \!f!l)gode.n dQCIt M a~~ a dylilil fri~nd M~M~

MIlIIi~ I'M l~t~i1I. pe'GpI~rr~~j'(ili.l' lumpl 10 f~ {wid! a filMll1ii 518ft} Tumble P<l~ ii rOg

C~~ ~ minot li~ ~a5t i!! C!!1il)!_ g,u~nl

h,len~fFi ~ ht,<leyel ·s.~ce.1I ~5 I t r~ ,being ~$t Iilesist li'lIGth,i~'I'el v,~rnpi re:5.dominll:tLr1ill gne BliSh Opel'! ~ ~Irofl,g M:Iod.eIJ a~

Ci:stjir~bQ1j' whij~, b~~lfIg :oOOt Wllj, if! ilHONo' Nolic~ ~ l)'~ru.l 'iec.lle't l;iCl(! r

Nol~Cie a ~.c:lI)'irt,g sensor

NOlfG~ an iil\)o':isib1~ .c:f~al~~~ fflSl'ifn,il' pe~.r,~ prc.k a' YCr'l1~mpl~ I:ac;k

Find OUi~ what ~tJfll; ~f.cr~mei th'e bIilron'$ dml(ghl;e;r' hn gQt.t~n ~I"'~y wilh

A'tOld (>airing li'I!1I ~Ipit u,~p

Wal~ e ij&h<I~

R~i51e ~ dire W(lir ~b.

;~'fJei,~ qlli~dy'pa'!it a' h;f'll~l Sl) fuetilW;(~ Escap~' lirom an owI~,a:l'.s clu"t::!he~1

GnD iii ,grIlI~Jd'~ ~:plI!~r Milli wrr'~t It Obit a,f his ~~ni:t!i Rll!.~is~ til! !l![aIi (Jj~~ bBm!~~ s~~11

Sh!ll!ji an iltIJ1!iliret! SU8rdthrol,lgn :~n ~Ilf~ sUt N,Dti(~ th~t $~m,~lhijlg's WiQrig wlth a.F.ii~nd who's uM.gr a varflpll~,'.s coolr()1

Fmuadi! d'i~ df~gtIfi that ru taJW~unlldl f[lU !ih3,r i~ wlJoki ~ a IPOO ~dE!j lID !~t you B~ lFind !lUI:. fl';>.!JjLi! dty:~ rnh-,a:Di!:~~~~ \'di~ ili!t p~tbehilld Il'ie thrmieJ~

Iym p o~ef.ln !)r~'5 ~d (with ~ ru n n1llg :$ial'll

DI.~~bl~ ~ glypll9/~IJIi1i NQWC_i! a 1,it,!1I·h Iddl!rll $~n:t door a~sb 0PE!n ~I'II iron !!lEfor

CihJil i! hO~!lI:e ~,wlb~i1~ Hlilrne"l)<cllmlb, ~. ~n,,4:: brIde .... .oJ1

lIe;alil ~ Ii!tt~r wl·ineili in2n~r~t Dr.U~llnrC Pld:: aRID~ I~ck

Trii!di: 8 go~lf~ :Ihirl ~~~da~er h;arill roOds iI~~ ~;gl). i1ii'1"d It 'Sn. f~~cliI~

IlWllt;'t~ AbmiJl ,Liill4i~1II (W~,,) '5~~rclil (11111)

.::::1 im'B tSltl _!J.~Wi'l lW~~l

EI~I ~,I'O (~~l S~;!l'-clll (trltl S'l!at~)rI (tl'lt) U~ ~~ [I:¥K)

G~I!'tf Inrotm~ljlllln {Cha) -~Stl;QrIDt4

A,p,flrBi~ (Uj~:)

111m S~~~ ('Wi5~



I)rlllom~~ r(~~l

lump ~SU'l

ilh.ml)'~ lDt!:q

Bluff (d1~)

S~llm Fi: flnt)

\lIj11 5~ye (Wi5),


Cr:m::ent!'GIli::m (Cem) 'Se~rdJ ~Irnl)

- (tn:~,-

~pCit {Wfi!i~

Op~n Lack (D~l

~~11'~ !(:t'o'~ (D~~) B~'al'l'(i l~~ H'aodle.!\nlmO!l (Chi!], Mow S1lrmly (D~~) ~cap~ Altilst (De~l M'~t~ ~U;at~k (5tr) fct!lwd@' !;a~~. ~Ccjj;J~ IR)~hi'ld at~c~ (D~} S~Ii$~ Motlvt (WI:!:)

DI~~ib!~ ~:::~: ~ll1tl S:~~rd, ~~'n~

- ($tr)

Wil~ effl-p;a:Uq ((hi) 'Irmb (Str) OMpn~r Sj;fll't ~Inl) 0P~1l ~dt '~lL 'S"'p1]j'~al ,Wii$)

WhD (&uld DIe, I A COl'llnfllllll~tr on !.hoe' o'i~er sfd~ ,or ;(l;!))n~ will Tll:l1~ ~jlJai'lUotll hl!jYII!f'I&Bl ,Full SFC'lI ~:t nlghl

An a~~r;i!ge 1f'iJl1Ilafl.(;a f1)'ing ~ 15.;p-gulld p~EklIaab5iml-Jlfli!l::l~d..ll'~m"~~U':;n;!Ed b}o' IIUleIi -A 1 il-lc\!~1 ~1iI~

A 1 ~l'il~\tI!1 ~1D~"~r ,., 1 sJJ.!~\1~1 ~mi'Mne'r A hl'l!!"'I'~1 ~m"ner A lnlc~11 ~ommDn~r

A.l~ ..... I~",~1 tiQ;iTlfMJ1tr A 1 st·il!!Il~1 rngLJ.l:'

A 15M~~el wiIam.or I.r(IW}le.'a:~gbW' Aii!l~!e(

A 1 nhf ... ~1 d~tl.:

A hl·II!~~~ p-;a:1~(din A hl.I~~~~A!lM:t<l:t tJ. 1m'J.~~I'm~n~ A 1 S~I~iJ~1 rClgwe

~ WI':!lMEI !liui' nf!~ 81'1fOne U n1'1"iI ifleCI in ~II!I) A low·1e¥el monk or II h~Iit.Ie-vc,' Ii~hter

Iiin ~nfi!g~d h~lf..ci!1"!: b'il.i'b:trr~i'1

A 1~·rgel ..... iz~rd

A :S11r1~ rj;r 5Ue~1 h"lf-!\llr rosU1!

A low-fevel wlzliIrd willl Int 1:11. ~r higher A iuw·rtl'll'e1 mI~r

A d~l~Ul;, l :~t.le<I'd ~~Iimiil& r~&IJ~' t1ml ncn ;Infone LlrItt.aJintd <It piding I~ck<.l~

Pi. 11l'l'!l-1'~1 b,lJj:l

A miti-iatli r~u~ g~ ,~ I1lgn..lfili!1 8ar:a::l11f1 A lo.w·I~~ f~llU~


A kI!J,'"I~ rqJ!lu~

A ki.w·l~ ~g-~~

A rnll::I~11:'II'I!I r~~!~r

A hlglil,.l~1 figl1~

A hrlllii'l~ Iii,hU~F

Ii, nli~J~",m qug

A t:lighJ~.\il!1 B:ntl .B hi8M~'I'l!1 ~~I'd

A 2G1"'·r~1 r;!1II~1:~ \Iie';!li!lil ~ij:ht ~rmtll! !l!r a !l'Ird·I~"'el b1iroonan J,1l'e~nn.E l~t'arlt1w ~wko :really mdy needs ~ Ii! b~~~stJ "1£ spe~ I~ h I1jMer}

A h 19h.J~Ylll i'1lZU~ (b".:lt nll,t ~~l'I')'QiI~' or ~noth~r c,l~jll'l}

A Ml!lin,.J~~~1 roiliu~ .

Il.AJIt gl~lfit

A h!gI1·I!:.'.'~hrnJl[d (,3i~!'Ij)jl(1y i! druid I;If li3iWr) A hlgh-l~ .... el b:a rb~rl~ n

A i:l1~.I~~r wlHrd

A Mgh.J~!j'.e~ ~!t'IJ~

A"lta!h.j!)!"el t~n~r whl;! h<i~.I'l'l!l~ (Jut I9i'UuNi\la;[ ~ki!~~ ncl h~ be~f1 l1gJ1tl n~ g~llnl;)m i!5,nI5 fiiY,tlr~ ~~erny :5r~~ 151 le~1

1 This m I.! mboer iSiC:IU~nr: Jh~ ji,\i'«.ig:e 0011 o:n tl'ie QIlPOn9)(ul,p,p9Sed w:I1ed: flltlte.r..thllh ~ Ii~ ~liImbef. ~:.l;_&~iiLR'C~~~..l!lgh~t.lll'>'(er d~gr::,"dm.&. C1IIh~ ~l!:5I~[cal)ill t'I

...J....!J~~I; _

~i~~tn~et'udiJilfJ_l1d Armor C'I~~s.._ ~

DC: TItt~ I'IlYtD~r;;l· mairaet'~'r rnee-dski roll 00 ~LrQC~I. &J:lmpk;~.ml1llt_iif a ta$k with ·dl~~. DC.

fl~j (Key Abl'1;!fy}~ T1I1e rol~ 61~ ch~r;lr;te;r rr!~~~. 11J$1J'~[d~ OJ ~kllllt.h~~~,

i)u t 'S~.Iimeo Si~'n ~ ~h~o'W. an ibilil), ched:.. Or ~nI arlL~"k:_ roIL.Thlt.QUiwh.u; mQdir~ tlit~ 0011 j~ in paJ[Wlt~~::;_~ i!Uhi.5!. alIUIil!IUI'I~:Uhit 1h~.dI~lI~ I n Jiill1Y_!;~~~ ~l!ill r~qk;-·l ilIa;~t! ~~,~ bQnul!C~..c!r biliil~' ~Ita~ IXililU~~5 1!ppJ!l'- '[

Jl:'M. CculL1i QQ U~ AIn e:<a!lilp~~ ,ru~3.r..a ~~r til-at ,.,rolllid. naveallo:i~l a I 5W&.W;Q~ ~o l.1.u::(l~e.d. 'i.ilhel'l liJifi 'Bi:llty "~mes, ~ chJtr;ll~er b~ d~ur _J!:'»wm~".tb.aUh:e..d:!~llIcter has l!he.~~jlllJll qt!~M<!In. ['ClLh.~J .d:l~n!:1m Il'ii,i,ht '~\I'e " ~tte( gr w.Qlr.s~ ch~I1I~~ !D 5!JtlOil!ed.)

ltidi Ilg,.~ ma-unt doul'I'tn""limill.b:,lnl&!:~!t,;Q!lJt.dill:!1gJ"I!(i B,ifficult t~m!rI or pe:rform i:l!&JI SIlJt'l::ifl...f..!.~5k. i:~vmil;lll ndil!lg requires l rell;

l'r~(:k~g;1' S'Ovd L!;~JS fonowir.lgAgi~ 1'1[ !l:c1C!,rplO'.!II a~f9ss [he dcsllu. H~ f{)lU!!lwunJ!l li'I!:'rmm fQ!r J rnilt:~ m~:k!1'I1 n Sl1nrhf,~] ~hll_ck each 'mL.le~ but ITi1~k~g_l:Dlhesok_5Jl1.d hl>..:elil~Shlijrliy-_".IJ:~~i (he third mll'~J i::t w~nElslA!rm C'~mes '!IIp,_Sov~ehs~WlLit~ it aut, :rnd 11 ~sses ,mer iUI. hour, Ni}W' he m;ulO[_Il,t:me~utth ched! t.O :see]1

~i.lce tiiln pid lIP die lril~.~ Ln lhl1!_ ~1Jtd'IlQ.~'ttd,s;;jnd. Tnl:s cbedc ~s_qr ~il1J.I'!l_~ :mf!:.I'J'_d:Lfficuli rhlitl!_I;hc ~'il~i~~~J:tS ~R:' ill mb1!~~1)1 ,~h_8c.ks_:t1r1!ril the t:l'aik~ r gelcSjC!l r.b.e,_]1a.c.e \~,her-em,e seorpllll!. ~ ~n mE! stann F~'S8ed" __ ~ __ -:-

~wrm~Uy. Ir.l~~g ~~~' Sil~~l ~~~. :t:\3W mile., blll~ ~ . ~mldtl.'l'l cl!;llilg~ m Sltl.l~tl&n ~nf~'tIlr,e ~[I ~ddlt10I'lul ro~L

SI11l!akin;g: lidd~ 1s s;Il~ak!JI_g lhwug;h ,~ dUl'Ig~(J1l (HIed, widl hoil~obli.ns, :Sh~ mUS'[2!lss; b:y ~:n oren d!OOrw:JlY ~rond wh:iib is f1 m,!!m ~h!.re_lht, bl'lI[eU!f_Jl1:mk,ingEmma keg ofrnle. S1~ l\JlJl_:_k,At ~MQVt Sli!mdy d:l~J:k. ~nd: th~ hi:lb&oMw m;tke tlPpo..~ LLs:!en d1et:k!;.l.b_.!Ll.l..Ii~)''<e !lOt r~ri:nill, m'lldi. ,~uenl,lnitI. IJ(J rh~ h.lli~ IjiJg~IH!3,~.b~1 ~n,~U)'. nli! Ill:!lhj;ob%M .~rnn'1 1t'Ol'C1lJ 11:!10ki:nG. ~!: [hi!

door, so .no H]d~1l;; is~qui'rnI.Tog~rC!l,td hO'\'j\c~r,_~:ht m!.lH t pa5>~ ript thR'iugn"~_,guam mom, S he IDWit m!D-ke.~ HJdc dIed; to 'kee II ~'!J til e d:lfk 5n ~dO'W5 f1e~:r d],~ \."{~~h! ~ nd ~ n ~w Mo"1: .)i1einly t;.h«k (l1Ie"' b~C!!!use th,;:li5teners me dHfcmnllli1d~virl'il' m,plus they're m(l,'re~lut) ,to get pilst dw gu~n;I$ ~ndlh.rolllgh the room.

!A n.<IlW M,{I1i'~ SiJcBuy cl!edz. .Lsn~~_d~d {(lLe[~irrermt gTIill.lp ~L.:t s.1b~,r it; try.mlllo avoid. Som~dmes bern ~ Move Sl:i:endy eek ~nd 0 Hide meek ~'iC nuded whell! stll~~killg, ~l'!cul:na S'om~

_lIlegbf'1're ~.£h _


So<m.eT.d.l\Jli~S ~ pr~yer "'JIt s.ly,"l Itje>k afllilJ..!lit!!!!Lrnom • De ]s.t!e r~Jlvfhi1Ur~nd ~ollle~im~~ ~M'lt~:jl"t "ll(1o~ illlP ~l! rOO-Pi,

~)!W"~Jl_ilJ i~l ,~'!\!_!_~~bJ:lld ~,n i]lsl,d~. [I~_gk IJ..i:,b.i:IlJtl tlu ~b;lr .af.ltJhc !ilbl~, ~,nd ll'l ill~Jre1 datt~ ~Ql:n!l_l'S. 19I_1 M$~itr' lI'I b!l'!'h._Gru.~h.~h!",.DM r,~p[i~~, ·l1.h~~ ~Ol C'te4,:_J;!!l\,\lfl~ iI:i. Ihl:~COl'ld el>:l)mpie, diu: ch ~~.Il.C.J(!f h~s s~cblb:eJ Imo~dy o( th~ s innti~l'I;_ Sb(!~ ~~b~lgM.l~tl Ii!: qm~5t~g[lS_ lJJi !:.L1~~£!l.s..ts,t

lllW~t'l6r811b1 I~gl~ffl

dlr ;Zd1ftl.Y!fff1$

~~·\:i';lIl~ ~"':lW tlw I;h~tll cl't:r.~ +:i! bOl1u:!: for fA"'tl:falM~ C(lnllih.1ol1!, h$J!,l;I9.d.1Ullw~l'd. m !:h~mCt1:!f wh[jh!l~, kn01O\.I1J;!dg~ ~h~~ ,~!~ow~ her tOcM}i; ~Cific !j_tliCSrw,ns"

rI_tb~ .kIt~I~j; 3:C'J\I.;t1l'i ~9.1 UI rhe mon.~r bun c'[;oilbr .. ,,'m>i in ~mbll:.~h !;If! dt~ ccl1lli1g;, th.t;'_~hq[E!CIii!f has ne ~ped~l ko1Jwl~pgf

~m3! g~iJls lUI b:tI~nI5, Sh~ iI~21'1'1 g!:l ~peR~1rr, I:hhe{~don.'t pel:L~ spt'l!:Ific q1!~tipM.lf b_o(lJ the: koooid an~ the eleaker me in [M !'OQm, t~pol~heek'.! me requirefllllllles.-'S the rno~~ft1'!i:il.fe \vm,km,glO~edu::l'".as ~ gmup, which .~ h1.,ghl,I.lI'l.Ij'~~'tr), ,J,hC! cb~r:LL::te:r gm ~_~b~lIw; 'tJD du:, cbe£~J the. k~b!illtlJ

~<lIilo;IllO Muus-o.n me_check w !>pont!the clon'llr, _ J


Whe't~ _@t!,!nlli:niujl, howmucll ~Ilform~tit;lf! ~. ~ltlll9>~ck 0 r ;J"lialt. ~ty c:h"e!;kgi,""1'g ch ~F.u:;re~, Ihe de,goo~ ~ iilllCC£~~tD! 'rhe task •. For Ol'Xiallllple, ~JI. jnvi:s:lb.l~ a5ls~~si 1'1 SIlelIik50ljl' Oflj! derieTh~ cieric mll1ke~ ;~ lislleD rnecr. op,orea by the ~;s~g_ve

jlmd.y ebeek, ~.n~ UiI~ der~c:: Is s'lIL:cess.fI.l.L You could describe _~_~ue~e!l~ I,D '!.b(i~1_oF r.h~~i!:OCiJ:l m.~['I)I' dLIT.l!B~n:[ WllI'lii_ dljd~flC r.he~l!.

.' ·Yo~ h~.trd lLI1OIS~ ~nd.J[l1J. kflOw~m~;hHnr's iJ,u[I:h~re, !:i1J[ )"tIt! don't :we ~nything,~

.' ·VOU he(l!~nCliiEe. h ,'i$!un~d lik.e ~I P'!'~ ~vlns.rnlli! h cllmeFrrom, 'o"~~'I:h1!r~' "

• "'~'o!lh~~-:.d.~ tlois~ 'Yojl, 1l:Mwrh~rt',\; ;;in"'i!!ihie 1:t.e~uJ.1'f: ~bti)!!1 '~j f~eln9rthe~:[:t C1f yoU, ~nd~Il~;]9!£t~J c!l!io1'"

t1l.lre·sc lWlIlJ,DIl wilh ~n ;lttllck." '

'To delElfD!iD~ how mU(lh i,nfuI'IIII.uiol:l '1'0 gi",,~ {Ill t • .;,ornpmr~ .h~ l:!IJ!p05cd e hl!cl fe~IJ-bs (Of Fo ~ ~ !iOrto£POS~ d:t~dlJ to ~1 ~be~k reiuit nfl,t_~j:l.Jn fhe eKllrnpl~ ~ho"'!!i. y(nll ~i'l"~ rI:Ut (In;;t ;<I'I;sw~r Jf d:t!l:_t::h!£~ m !1fel~ ,$~u;;ceei:ls en the_~hl:_c~. [Jru:. e~.erj,c heMS th.e'-!s_~a S5lll1ll ehee k eesulr h'l t (I CI nt_ilin!i, n1'~~-~ I :l!t::h.tewd ~ gr,~~for 8U~pesS. mncl he gHS th~ seeead ,~n'S'Io~I1'r. Jfh~ ,~'X,etd~ 1'11'~ as ~'U$tll'S en ~d( res IIIr by 20 cr ml,n~.J h~, lu~ lld.i~1j'~tllI F~rf~t ,5'U«:~{!:SJ mnd he .&4:13 mU (h~ in!ovlf!!Ifotlfl-rb ~ third m~wer.

De,gl'Ccs of sueeess us u;a,11¥ ollly apply when 'toe !lmO!IIAt of iru-OF-!in~ !,~OflYOIi hQ¥'t 'to ~~v¢ ,o-m can. be d!iff~reJll (lepeJ!Io,iDg OJ] h.oll\l ~ v d I the dj~m&:l!l;!.~ s;~Qtf!~;~t ohhe [!me, [h~ a,nIl' our, C(l.m,~ rjl~1 miln~l'~ h whtlh.!:L~,e c_hul:lerl:ili' "l;Ic~,~ed§ iU £:loth"

OEG REES 0 F rJffi.~

u~lll fo~I.I:I.re trseJi·1:s: a,!lIJj{!klent Il.ruiblern ~.nd does mn D~ed t,t:!

be p'I!'JiJ:l'Our.ld~d ~I~~\:'er mll!l~[i,lJiIl~i ,e;) USJ1 mlcli-

tiona.1 p-rnblc!rn~, such ;as .::t SH <l ttil!P or ~~nm!: a S~l'IU)' to

the Ch~Jl~ ~ttr5' g~e:s!!'m;~. Whe;n ~~ch colls:equ;enc~'S, ~Nisl. ~ ,he~k tbm f~iI'L~ $ !l:F[ mom C~U5~~ them to 'DCC-II r. FOI' Ill'i~ rn1"le, Ii l.idd~ theroIDJ~ mls~ ~ Dii;]j~J~_Jk~il:le ih~k by S Ilf more; ih~

selS off' Ih.ef.rnp she!; ttyi:Dgj'o c!_i:s~W~.

sk[~ Is lhat cam ~:n nJdil'iolJl:ll ri s:k Oil'll a f~~l<fd died! ;hn<~\cI.d! m~ fmtowJIlg. Ome'L' l'i.5lb 0.1'1 ;~ f~,itu t'C ~ ~pplYI ~I: YOIl, dl!:i::rr~iQrI1.

S~lll 8alAfia! Climb O"iift

Cis,~llle De¥lce 'Spot (fII!~d[nlltp!5l SWJIIIl


Ri5~ Falll"! _falll~g

Iml.lIn raM! m~~rjllis

ne .. 11;"t!! trlil~, olliS, I'Illt dlllahr~ R'ealv~ f.a15i~ fn f«mitlol'l

SInk b~low 'Swfll'l:e of WJl!tw Ci~pp'1i~'1l hook 'fui1~ I nld4 reu fl:d~


EnC:OUfI1ICl pla}l~rs; kI 1m\: ihe tah_w :mIe. 'WMIi! n chilr;!I::r~f is s.wrnmllIlg or di.mblnj& ~-lUltj,',.,fur ex~mplo£:l Ih.is rule C;ln

..reaIl;'speiild up play; NornmlLy.YOlrllfi~ke !l check ,e:lclilQwlIl with lbt"se movenu~m-rel.af~d.~kil15Lb'i.ir ifih~f(ls, 1\0 I:'lr,esstue, taking HI ~I.lw.', dum 111 a ... cld lIIilting,.:I, IO'~ cfrt!ib jy t 10 ~I!'t' fftlmptli.flt A 10 poinr It

AB1(ni"f CHEe

tTbCJl"ml:lb~s nQ..;tul,~~ for l~I.n,S [ll my gw,~kelhl'!::ILI,gh th ..ru g,~tL \1o/ri li'n!i d ow_n e'ill!'fy WOJ:d :romeo]lc S3y~ wjtnou,t Ii mil;, [11k~, or opel'lingJ:h.~ ~t1.Icl: lid (If ~ C:Ctl'it~j Ile'r \'l'h.bOU'I' spiJIJ!L'Ig, ,1 imWiC d mp of irs eoruenrs, H !JWevu, in rh~ COUJ!,!S:e af 1llI. ~cI\le"fiture my of lhll!51! s:lllIl1l'icliIS cOiild poumrl~lly malu: Col' In~Mc lIiJlj eneounrer, YOLt M'Il'C Io be ll'el1ldy I'tI m~h lip c:h~cks for such IlOnsl':lJ:u:hoo ~c[ivitieli,

U!>fnlhe ,~ple sit1latioll5 IIbO;\Tc. ~yll:Ig !iW!li~e Mighr be .ill ClJmriludoll cheek (.DC 12, -I-t fur eV!:I)'Il'~vlol.ls n~glll't wi.r.nour ~I~p). wi~h n ~If dt~rnc:[e.r gMll~ b~l1 hl!f ch~c.k beeause Il0l1. elr is only glvUl,s: up oJ ho.llru r rt:llMe illste~cl of II h olJ'~_orj1leo.ep. Writi ng down e\'E ry wqcl.lhllL:SQWII'1J1[U: ~~ '!!J(!uld "qui.!"e m. DC tS 'txllelltge:l'I~e d\ed~, ~nil il.-DC U) Cn'llnhy check p'riO'l' 00 th«i Incd1i~~~e check wtlu.M :pro:v'wltL=l..b{lnus on. I'h~ roJ!L Open &ng [I'll: OOfll:tl1n~:r ~vollid 1l0mli~UULULrS~Dglb J:lii:ck uDC ,wtlJIt i7), ;md o-nC:(! th~t~ ~"omp~$beao.l;j DC l3_.Qexrerrii:}' Lc;:lu;c~ 'luequired til kt;:eJii [:rom 5J1llliiGJ.bt ~olil.~em~

The 'rl1I('I!Ie _ [nih Ilf IIhllity ch et:b you ~C1JJlc1.t:1i1llii,.r 10 h'llll dIe !l!

llDrutlIndlim !litlllltlQ;1'I Indwle the fOUOWiq. _

single dleek !:Ising ,11,0 rdeVaDliiihilil)' (<Ii in s,rJyin,g;n",>ilil

• One lI'bility died ..... OIf. rl~p;;nJi.ng ~1l the resl.lh. mighqm::rDd.

. modi£ler on :mol:her Mtd: iDv,olvlng ~ difi"e«>ol ~biHty (ado wrldn,g clown 1!\I't:.f')" \>'OrdJ.

,. UmIU' more .seP:U>ltl:' ;!bi.]il1' ch~cl:. usu.a.l!ly J.n. ... Il,I,vil!l& diffi!.:wr IbmJtiles,..lo Iltlcomp.lish II multl?'iU m~k (sucb as openilil&-the ilJ,g.J~'· :hQ1lD-,iI1illg).

\!:IL-i tilDJI'Iw_u£e 2...00.mbin~ti(jn gf 111'1 mbillt.y check and ~.~k~tl .dl!1ck in om I1PPfllpria:lI: ~l.UIIlii:!ln..For eKQmple1 whell 5C\~imTDing, lin Edgid W~fef. r.Md'~ ;m_i.ghl.hitVIHD nwke 0 COll.!ltilllMll dtee..k '00

liI1volfl laking ~ pe..n.allY.JWc.hU:;I;'&''l'i.rn ~h~c:Jl _

Deds~cm s (II] bQ1ili..H",.!iN'rl.dlf' ]]ciUlsrond.jjrn ~itvllltiullU~ Id~ W your besl judWJII~.I'I1

Mjudi!:"lillg lind Vl!iyinc 8lI\'1I!& throws wotku 'Wi li1~ "adjl.!dial t· IllB iI ndWlQ[ilig 'S'k;iU ;lnd "bJllty checks,


I.onilude, Rellel< (lI[ ww~ \'fbellll:5'SIgnill'g .somt'~hin!WUl1ivJng

hi'OiNi USc Irht'SE gulklrtn es,

.__.&irti'rud,j?! E'arI1tu'~ 'sav,~s ufljl'ct 'physil;~f [O'Yi!llmc~5~ ·rh1!4 &JDJCcrpornrre SI'~rnirJ Q, Dl1:.C.ed cesSl,ph1'liiquAll, hu I]s;,. ItlU.l!IboHsm, re.sj~taIltJe, lrnm1..!llIhy. 'rid 9ther slw.lLu :pb~iernl, qu~lilriill':i.Jr it ,5~ems like sClm~lhingth~1 ~ -ro"fi}u'lJiy,:,would.bt g~ itt..it!i;

Fwtirudlts.tl,,,,,. _

Itdl'e!r. P..efli1'lLsavt!S Iillm phyrlGll (illltl"O'Jll.Wmeule:null ~illty, The).' IUCQipOl1lte ql.lltk!lt!SS, JiLmblcllc :i.JmJl,d-~ cwrdillllriQIl. ov.eraU coon!wdtllJ1, ~lleed Ilnd_rea.mIUl~ • .J.fj~ see:mfi like same thing I itl! ~ ;ill !!gilJe P'""rsOD QluI.d...b~gIK!'d :it • .it'5

..JB Rellex seve,

W:iU: Wi IllSlt\,!t.re.DccUliIne:!' me';fIllm. Ther tl)~Jl.le~wi iI· '~w.er, me:lIIllll ~tibJll~~.J]lC: .. p01o",n of lh~ mlllJ, 1C.'iClhrnledne[~ d~temUi!llui£llD. ie](_-w!dld ~[Ic:e, sdf-;:1:\wrell~5S, tfIt..,;Supmgo, s,Dd rellj:stil.f.iC.t!oo L~11!I~tfuD.Jf it seems like· ~orn~ nlrlillg 'Ib~'r ~.JC~ d~ Of (I~~l'I1li:tl~d~pe~ \';IQuM be,.good ~ Q, its ~ WliHJi~\'e.


A duut'u:rer slIps lind, r:mlli. He tries ra C:IlJjCh h{msell Of! lUedge, \"nlb' an 'thll!T chllr.J.cler reaehiDG.rDr'i~'m:llltlem lo.cPlch him,

Are fueS'C n.e,Il~ Sllves or Ik~relli l''t' cl\ec~? -

The 1!!U'I:vc.r·ro the 4bov~ quemon ls~~rh;" The chllinaeut· lielnpting ~o 5r11Yc ILlmsclf rwdcC'i lWl1~ .Ii'l:. Tn!.' ,~hi!TI!~~Jr tryin.g 10 !JoT,n h him makes :I, D~&iQLcbe.{'k

VARiANT: SKILl.s WITH DIFFERENT ABllfTI[S Someiime's a cflKKln'olOtves ~ ch ilrjl~er'5 lliimng (s.ldjl, raflu) plus ~III in"a~1l 'talent (a Dillty) nflt u~ullUy :1155Di:fat:c<d wJl hi th lit ~!illniFig .. A skin ched alwa),s incillcl~s; sklll !'allb plus alii IIbllllY mod1liel, but yoy !!;!iJ'1 1J15~ il dllTl!'rI!Int ability mfidiFIilr From normal if Ihe charaaer iill ill a :;iw~tfon where the normal by ab,ll!j ch~i!!$ 1101 ,apply..

For eA:Olmple;

• /Ii. d;.:IoF.lC'le.r J'IlJnderwnl!f :lml [rie~ !llIlm~neUlle'r b» pulling hims~r a!l)ng 50i'l1~ Impl"Cl'l!l5~d i1MdnGld~. $ in~:e flis bodf hillS n~tur~1 buD)'iln"! tme<!"ing he d~ n 't n~OI m Jiidl IS hllldlo lift nim'lielf). !!he DM r,w le5tJ,~t th.e piI~y~r' shqu~d m ~kQ ~, CII'mb ch~~~ • 1.0 ~,i;lierlty mtn~r thiln to Slll:ilRitJ.

• A d1.JJ'ilct~r i5 ~!')'il1g, to prd: 'Ih~ b6t hOfSie from ~.fNel'a11 that ~ melchlint fli 5.eilil1g, NOtrTii!fty In is ",",Quit! bl! ;an Appraise ched. but 'amilrarlty wllh homlll otIghi to eOYJ1i For $QrTu:lnulg, Tnt!. DM '~lS film' plil~er ust: the c;'linder's :111 n ks: in lfIide b15te!1d Df filllI1ks in A!,ppral~i!' and app1irlli !he chal7i!:ler'!5 Wisdom m~dWl.I!r (iiS normal ror lin ApF'mi'Se c!hed!J,

• /Ii. chal'a~, M-e.ed~ [0 Uie: milln forte to r~trilrl a flilFllda:d h.Q,rs~ Nilttnilly 1h~5 would ,111 ro:r a 'Sneflgih check, but i! cn~l'i!di!r ski[lrd

~t h~lldlll1g ,ilnhrrlal~ ought In be ilJDI~ 1:0 1oI~~ his kl'lowledge ttl r~trarn th~ nQ[5le 1'I'10fie e,j!~iI1. Th~ OM rels i1ie plail'~r add lh~ -char. actel's nnlf.s i 11 Hllndre A!lll'llill ("Ut not hiS ella l1!imal m4:lldlji~t] to tJill! SIii'!!lIP chedt.

• A chaRdi!!!f nas ereased a m;tSotiltWO'i't dagge r Ii$ ,~I gift for a. vi!ilUng Inoble. Hie altempt$ to insc"b!! it will:! inUialte deSil!l"~. The DM ,rules iJhat tkM IS ~ De:ortentr eh eek to whld1 the chi! r.!l.c.ter'5 fOIlib ill Crlil'l Iweiponsmithln,g) apj)ly_

A, m;l1i!tI!er i5 I rying l'lHllmb " huilder til Ihe boci'lttl tI'I ofa o;ery dellp diyti!._ Normll"~, thi! DM wotild can 'fur II Con~tiitutlQn check tCi 5$! if'lfole t'1t~rllr:U!r (:alll ~i!eP gell ng, bUI he ;:an oil IS(I ill~ow ti1~, FlI~.f tl;l ildd 'Ih~' diil r.laer's 'F~rlk5 in 'Cif'iiib 1:0 tn~' ~Dlt

Tlile5~ 5grt$ ohFll.!stJ~1 si~u,ad~jj~ a~ ~l ..... ay! Itandk:cI a,n ~ C;~5~·by«l50e: bliSi5, ij !HJ on If ,115 'l!lIl~p'IIorli5. TIi~ Va.st m~loriI)' of \k~ lim~, U~ tlile normil ~ey gbilily.

Remt'mber III al when yo\! c;h.i!l'}~ the war iI slrill WOllin in thf:s r..5h· on, ~l!Iu should d c:t:lIle when me d1l1l'l&e '!:Qmes jnto plal-tl's n(lt lip to aJ pl'a~e,r to maim this iori: or dedsil;lrI_ PI ayers ma:~' ~Il' ~o r:alionali~e why 1i'I~ should get to Il~ their be5l .~bllil)' s~Orn modifier WIth a skill Lh~ t, doe~!n'II'lQ:rm ~lIt yse thal abilIty, but you shouldn't .11ow·1I1.~ ~on 'Dr h.ile c:h ~nge LlIII~~5 YGU hil~pen ItHI;gree wld'l Lt_

Ke>,y CQ\IlCIlP~; :1: C'Illo'C:k$ nil: Al4~l!1:.t ~c~m~_'h..;S"'¢!'LlJ;h iElg,

while-~IIve,:; ~n:-_10 lI,whJ liQmel:DJng,. _ -

Key C'oAcept 2: Ch~ m.o,ciifle!l's dOr.l'I.]JIite IJlUl.....'~tllll.'1t cb;rrnq'1;lf level @t de:uj~"'J:L SQ"'ehoI)iJJS~ul~v:l!fS_dQ..JrBE"'.S'.k 'euli!$lik~ h ml:l1.l1d ~;lsl~r. rlJ;;lt ~ Illgh·lt;Vo!l] ch,rnu:tff, Uk :savi.lllg rbr-ow.ltf ilt.5'l!~ welilrSk ~h(Juld Dll' e;qil~ny d:iffi,gjl ,1ior~ml!.)' two l':Q;;JE.:l.c:[~:.rl! wi~h the ,!1~m.e ~lI);ore. in the: re[~v~ur

tibili~y.. 11 5 ~'B check FQLex~e. op:tmug ; dool! Is mel!l:l't-;1!4 refleenen of syre.ngth, 1II;Q,t e~p~du C!e.T-hu~, [['s ~ SurrngiliJ. ,ChN.k. Tbun:iddll~gll".nl.nd ~..I...s.ki.l.dJ.ll'd, sLl~b as ~ ~ ic::b.ll~ ~t!laYt!i.d .fulii:n!l "",:bi]~ f!!m.l1i:llg.a~er bro.ke]illl-~oL!uld A i.&!imle: cher;J; t~Jres 1.c~.!Ul~~yif the chaeacter h~s Il",~nks)il f:h(!~k!! L


,Aj&~glliiJlg Des is '1DUltj.ab....bu( UiU~U1i' [hI! rui.es~m ~rnigL1i (lOr-· ,-l¥~aL1:b.e..~f:h<lU!.snwl:l..uu!~ .For the DC of n s~vIDg dmmr !P1n~..a,spd1" ~Jld_cr,c;l'l.lrt!' ~lJd m.~.gic hitltl.!i: wim 3bjli~l!i!$l:bi!l'q It'O.[Cl:mfllS.lCl..mm s;a,v~ ahWf$ hil~r! dun !l~vU:rg ~hii'OW ditll. ~mi!.ili!d tGr eb.uil_e'l flil!ir~llon j'Lm llkt ~~n~" ~.nJ 'you U,slllhrti spell ml!.}, 'fh~~ rules lU,eaS fOllOW'S.

Spells: 1 Or + ~prii1 J'l1.iNl -I- '1l5ter·s <1biU~ moJifln;.

lrrla:,l]Jlitef' Abiliti~s: 1.0 -I- til mQI1S1'i:fS Hit 'Dil:"4: ... mcrnli!i~r'S :JIbilf:tYnlQiHFl~r,

ML5celb]](!o~s: 1,(1 to 20. Use 1S~s~. dt!'lll!!.LlL

A:;; ,J;iJ.th clier;;:~;5Il~ tnt'ow die r,,,U.U-IIllJwb-e m-DdUled .er the .,.DC C~i1 be mod!fi~d. S~ethi: DM'S Be:.i r,ri~l1dJ pil~ 3a.



J,:t the' Illlidd!e r.l.L1_.gll,tlfli1:ve.1s (6.rh tb ro"c,h.Htb.lI~sl eharse- 1 rc~ cast :sp;c~b, ,D.I1r:1 thev ~t! use :rn:agf~ it"(:mli'~f_Q{-.:wi;.i~ pm.,4;!:ec strnlil~e effoecr,s, .. !,hlilul]dng spdh, ~nd dfc~]\!l 'weM is r:lflt~n p:IJe drffle~oc b~tw~i!'n 11 good g~:me.::l!n.d.il."ll1y ,g~OM.


I f ~ pl~)ioil' ~!:III~ ; iUIAlIti!1 ,~uniflllli:hll~~J' .~£I. Gil ~ djj~".~I~ "I m ,[lr l1i!r to mak~ ,anol1:i~r clt~llil' tbf! ~~~:ond di~ ~$ sll~.~~ss6.d, (nl! ch~~~c· Mr 11 a.s ~~ni~ a aitlc~1I !I.i~s.~ wltfllR~ u.s.-!! or thats~ill [j~ 8.bllity, ~ ni:! $Oiflt'thi'ig paflgC"il~atI1 fiMod h~IlFn.s," U~~!st:, I r ~ pl,~rer rolls, a In.a:turall ; ht! m'l1~ ~ft~ifi.. Ihh~ ~Il'(:(r.ru:l cl'l~ ~~. ~ r'i1illufi$o !ii!! clt~r,arr:tBr h~5 ~d1ig~ ~ al'!ibill fulJUfl! .['m~d-e.;Jul~i~i~ bll,lf!der).~f1d$!l!m~"ll'lg te~!~ b~d t1 ~ppen5.

Irs up !o yo:u to determine u'e spec;lfk result aF ~, ~~IIiClil! liU~5'8 Of fia IltI~ S:Om~ ex~m pl~~ folbw.


On al (I.m'e, dh~k r!)~ SWim di(!C:it, iiI!! charat:l~r M01aJS l'wi~e a~ rar i!S she would Q'.[1 ~ !'10HQillsY~~5"

Wh~I1II.i.S'ifig Drplom~~, ~1Il~ di~rliIC'ber lII1alll~5 ~. ~ocd, Lr1.Iil<er:l (,[ellnl (or IOflg .. ~MII pr~

Wnen u~~fl.g ~ !GnCIIWt@tl8,~ s~illl.lhe di~'faC!!er c~mr!!s 'till am ~mp!t!li1ir'nt r;:~ndu~!~" ~~Ca.~~ 't~liirl! 'Iio!$k ~t h,mdl.

Whan l:ISi"g S!!!~f"h, t!f~ di~.r,ra-er d!~(.O·~~>!"S $!;lm~th!l'lg th~t ~h'e! {Jth~ms~ I'l~~r cooM ha~~ fUu rtd (If .. ~hll'l.l! is p!r@Sleni: ~o D.~ r!;!!lIrld).

WM en 1,I~lrt.l! SU!i\I!\i'O! 110 I)r;j(ik. lll~ war'O!cter d.e~rmi!1es ~ :il!m~~· i ng minutja.e i.b:out h ~r ~1JI:y. ~r In5ti1l'1t1~, ~e re,a li~~ il9i1& itJe Iih reoe ~ul:lKU stre'5 trad:ing iii rl:~'t h~p,py wilh on ~ ~lrIClth~f '~-lIU5~ ,th~'I' OCQslo:n!llly ~top ~n:d .~pj:lil~~intl~ ~rgu~. !mi~ O~ "",tle-re ,th~)' ~I~mcl 11'1 re'J~tIQntO 9cl1 o-iJote".

Wh~n u:sjng Helil to gw.e IiIm lid, ~he ~~Ir~.eter lleji,ls. 1 pOI not of cI a!m~ge deiilltlo ti'1:e sulljed.

DEs,]::KnUri'G_r_SPElL EfFECTS ---:-

M~g;~~:;:b~ WM:iiI ch;ilFol~Ilei'lii CIIi~t ~~lli: Ox .~ m~gh;: iteros,l YDiI . .ihoul_{I~cribe, what the spelllooks, sounds. smell:s. ·I)r_.fuelli hkeM.wdl asi~g,nne..4km.,

A m~gtc liHiotlk could bc:'A..do'lU~Nbllpd bu~ ~f ~f.i~'!:gythJlI' Lm~r.h.l'D\lgh ll:t~ ilii.t..lt.ahtl.~LJld h~ ~Ilsr.likie' CR'~nl)ll :!:If fQIi:~ du.t bashes i.l!Uo Lu.JtUl.l:gtI:O-.r II he' sudden ~'PJI~,;H;;ltllC~ of !I d em6:lll~ h.e:ad ['.M.~iu_a....hlas ~ of el:l'~'fil y, ~he..n..s(lI!rl e.o..!].e bec(!l'lIfie~ ixlv~S'lMe ....ht_oJ: ~he ['QGes i1W~r. A ~:nHlI) Q'l'I e<iI fiend llppem l,I;1uh .a !Im:_.h a£ bkimJ.red: el:le.rgy .l1IlLu-.millD(jUr:W .. ~ t I~.tm.'l~. Orher .speUs have mere obvLc~ vi:smldIe"~li_ A. Jill"dl'l~H~ ~:nd c lit:!llinfng i1a!t,.fuU-'XlImpl~ ll!p'pe~-r 'pr"tny,~eJY>l}!., tho!')' ~:lil!- dr:.sctI~d in Ih..:: Pflly~'~'~ H~ tlid~aok. fin_jr.1~!I~i.~il", howevlrr,)'Ou I:QllItd descrihe tb~ U!fhrn mdclrJl~~:I. tbin ;m; ofMuc.li.ghtnJ:g_g ~Dd ~h~ Ii rf~~U 1I~ :I. bll'llSt ~~!l:JU'lu wj~d, I

1W,~I1kbg l:n.WiU; withJ.I'I it, _

___)'o-ue:m hu pl;t)'er~ d.e-.scl."lbe' [he spe..ll1s:. dI~ I rhf'i'~ cllQI;~ets

tCIIS~ ·[),g,I!I.'t,hl)\ .. ~.c ... er. ~lklw ~ P'~ElY~l' '~o 11:!i.~ ~.Iil[ll'i!lj.n::l.l dt'S.Urll"rIO,mr rll~t:.lltlllll!s ~ :5PdUltltlLtfiOr!t'F{luui dlail illl!l. A fort~~n Sl1~lL h~ r c:rt;~re~ 311 nllJ.Mn of ~ d:rsJ-.Il0n];1I7t:liJ'h Ing f1Bme;s, !:OfS' roof.., r.. Spoe& m~ho-m cbvi.Q:w; vis~~_dI~~s..;_~ d!!sccibcd a~WlI:ll i

Sm~e ~ f;}[ge~ \v.h.o mmii liL]s_!iOI~JI&.~~~L1 bQWlI1 ~hlU sClml~th~Qg..b appelled..:~hJlmo -}l'D1.I. ~Lnd!id~:5"Q1 b~ .~ cb~m1 spd1 or II ~rnp:l.llWm .5pcltn-s :Il!ll:.llJlcl..iliw__tD:01IItnm_g_~cW~ .. hi's; mlTldlh~J 1.e. .mJI1!I.a,ge.s- t~j1ihak(l c:r.[f. r.tl..~dl 'I.~\\l.dled.[OO 1t;;Ii:rglltl/1trJil:l,ld IWr berllMHill o[ :su!:h gtl dfect.i!ll(hi:;; wind;wQtl1lJ ilot·l:Je ,~nlife]~ his I:IWII.J

Serlllld c.:;I!J1,~ i1..[Xl:lJi!l'l'fLJl d.esmpr.lve fu~Jo1.UiQuld.sall wtJlfUsh~nnl!!!;.all is. ~CGom:pml.ed by ~dc'p' of dllUlrde.t...1J.. COil_f a$ (aM. i smma$like~. rmUWn_Il!·.foiLo,wild ~)" a tinkJ.iIl.S of ~1J;y.HiglU:1u:e.ige


s~llssm:h ~s~'~r.fJ'r)pruFiftlilllrM1; Bll.r:I J~.,d ron' ro:qrui~1'Q..UK.O ~OmJ! up ~v~r.bililf()m'L~ri.orn 01'1 tlr-c sJI'o't.lI.vo p<rnble--m.s (:It:!. ~rue..wJlen dl:-4Img wiLD d~vtr:lJniom ;such ~ m~~.

Critic;;jl F:"iinU~

Wh~n U!~lflg;a1 ~i!'ilJ sklll, IrMI! dtarra~l.i!!r di-~p:It"~~M 1'11$ au dUt"jj~ se G~E'MI)I' ijlar thq- wi$liIlg, CD' him. l':i~lrm.

On :a (lim b clil~~l. ,ltrl! eha r,~~E.tor r:a.ll!, ~~ ,bu!r:n~ 'thM he ta b~s ~'n adgj~lon~1 U6 fP'C-1n'ts o~' d~ !'l'loage, tit 'he f.l11~ ;Jld IA!!~'~ ~way ~. ftw giO'!Kl h~n:dh~ldI~, mi!~,in& it iI m~r-e difjih:.ul~ dim!! f+5 00 ~he .DC]: on alhe !'1ex~ u,!,

W~en uSing Di·s.guI5.e, the Idmacrer n (It only cI~~"'t look II.e whit i'I~ Int~n;:l~d. DU't ,~r:I1I;aIJ~ IMk~ lik~ 'mi'l1~~hll'll off"illn~ive O~ h~~e(lil to th~ vlc'.ltoi!~

WIt'i!rI u!ing E~p~ Atti$~, th~' ~har.lc~r~(;l't.i:llI,I~ g~ts tlim~elr m()~ or!!nt!:lfl,&I~d(rr p[i'i~!!d. ~d~lng +5 ~"O Ih~ DC on Ihfl n rn iry,

On ,~ U5ie: RQpe '~her;:k,the' chil !<iCier breakslhe T"tlpe,

IflI1l!i'I U.~1111l: Op~" Lodl. the ~h~f1Iot~r b~e~b:li:lff hi~ pld In IJlI! ltM:k. i'fi~kln8i ]1' Impa$s.iDI~ to ~p~n._

WileF'l i!I~i n.g ~ rltY ~im,t i;lf ~.dle cn,~r~.t!l!tt d~troy5 'd'rE' 'tool"

S(rtrt'!:!Ul'!1e~i lhere!~ J!olhi"~ !'rW!'1!'lltaJ~ ,~" ~ ~~hl~~ wl~n ~, o-itt~1 ~!.io;i!'.s~. o.r Ih~'!i n.othing WDr~~' ttr~fl ~. r'i.'Ormal ~11!lf'!!_ J!'i ~ddj ii Cil:5,!!, !gno~ thi~ v<!rT<r'U mle.

You ~ nOi.l~a ,~~SQ liJ.l1.Qr"e In Is '1~ri!lnt 'w',he~rev,~r ~ Ch.ilfi.t-ter ti~..es, 10 tlr t~hS" 20,. 1I~5 not po~~rw~ to ~chl~e ;:a_ c;rltlCiI ~!u«~~ whet! :~II r(l~' ~ t~~"gl.o do ,I~ comphne II ~a~~ wilhollit ~rl'flflg ,~oou t compt~li"g !t !ii~, w~11 :as FKl5oS'il:rl~. and it's, not' fl'O~sitr!e' te ,g,~ .:II critical rni lure If )itlUI' re not LInter pre~i.ur~ whefl ~GLI' re m:il~~"g th~ (neCk.

1'.ll:1l Pl."lYe:r C'l:lIul~ le_lmI~-.l!ldqJ· Ih'i:...l>l.fM:lqit.'1LSI: IJ'f a d.ll,'i.rt:u:i(lB s:p~Ll could ~nt hUJ much lnfctJrultiOJl iJno I'll!!: hllnds of rhJi~ pIlly!!rs, rWnJng II m'fStgQ'.QLRli~'l1llif.lg lIqmse 100 SOOrl. Thll \\I~y ro Il'loid ;his 'prohl!ew _is [.0 keepjn .mind the cQp;abi:lilies of.ihe' 'PC5.wh~n yo!! C~tNU" J!.dVet1(u'Tfr,.DIlII:I'it IID:;g~ rh~n d\i!~ d.:r:!1O: mlldn:_bulde !Q use her (~nWTlllit sp~U 10 le~m the id.I:Jiulry O'hhe lti:ng"s 'fI11,u;d1!rel'. Whilil'! fOil ~b'tjlllldn'l ~nO'"' It

~dbtit1~t1Oir1 110 gi\Te ~ pb',p'.eUJIolte w,(Ol"m Il!.:W.I'II dmn. )'"0\1 'M'1Jl~ to Il~ve, youslu:lIlldn'! ~h¢:lJI ~.-pllIY.e:t.Qlll of .he effects of her ~pclls,.iUll £W' rhe 8a.k~ Il' [h~Q~m.ellilber21s:o tbl!t cem.in..: . tlli c.an prnlel:'[ semeeae £r,om dwm:nnPlIs such 15 ,jtlfl-l,uvllJ Lnml 'j~C(ru IIL_btn rh !II"UI__O [.11t>11b' mpoint. OOcIil'r dCSlllil si~·

_ ~I'I.'U"iQJlsth~[ make th~ P.c:(jivi'PQ I ~OM ~vort:h.leSl5- de~ign si.'i"lJ" tl!ti.ons. ro t:!ke djvtn~ri,t;llIiilnlo ~~ctlm. I\.S:;;U.n1o! dUl I' Ih~ dr:ri~ limns 'the id.~nljt}'..or_(hlkilil&'s mumeru. Th:lif'S Aile, bur th~ ::ld\f!1'mllr~ Is, aboUI ilppl'eh~tllhllg him, nol j1!$l id.entifying hlm, :mel i[·s..il5.pec:i~llv im~LHl' s~op h'i.m before he kills the lque~fl.l!j; w(l:lt

iUl!O:d,.:)I.D1l thowd ClC!ltttrnl LniannmoollJ b-Ui don't denyiUA/ thr ~ha"l'1i("I;eI who h~s ~~ml.'lII:I.

Ne~dmg Answers 00 th~ Fly: Most likely 'you won'. know .... thaI a c:hlr.lt"I'er is: goine: W use ;J dMmllior.! spill U!J!IiI the spell ~ '~!I'I. :wilso fOU oflel"l need 10 ctlme liP with Il!Ii alil$WCl:'on. me lly Ollie L!lf till: willy~ I.tI ,g~t ~rO"lInd this i'rnl)!.~ d Dbvious. To 3.' s:"\:vel: ~ "lues-Holl ~bom wbn ~~ ~t Ihc b¢Jtoom of the clnclt ~i.rca~, VOD hiltve [Q k.l:IDJW \Vhm~, there.. Ch~{l~~.I!." )'D'il dreaJly &0 knmv h:! fsr.nen; or the rnnratler \ising rhe divin:tdQin IoIo'QU!d:nI: eea-

.. dl:;r [he, qll£51ian wonb lIsking. J!yau.dl}niuu;um~iheil you Il~d to 'lQ:Ur:e som .. tb:mg up in ~ burry.

MQre_d~ffiC'~1h is com ingllp \!d tb...a. W;1~a~e ill!iQr~mlll:lon. f~T ~ mple, the &escn~th;JJI ",lili~ dMIlIIU~tl sPC!~ I nQt~.s: th~f 'the ~d"'lclt ~::Ifi be ~.Hll!mpJ.e ~~1lU p.nnlie. cr It might E~k~ rhe form of Jl uY(leir .rhYIUUI-UllMJ!I.." Crypric [hymes 1111;: o&ell d.if£icuh flO com,eu;p !I\'iIhlDJhllmiddLe of a gl1m,e JJ~.:I:rick 15 to (:~[~ ~ rbyme (li'u;l:IdJ)Uime rh:uAn fir jU!>J ~bolf_l !ll'IY qU"5Uol'll,sud! ns "If X ~s tbe ~~d )'ltLi ~O,w, r!li,p YC1.l wilLl.3I1t!kIlO\:v.~ Wh~f~ X15'lI~ ;rnWl:~Js tbJ::.uiiUit..O::

"Uhuo Xf~u: dorh rh¢ ~~nJ, [hot! will find.l' iI~ thuw,_d·~ when X l5!1. pJ~"e ~tld Y i.l!_iUelUh or 1!;"o1:IllequeI.'lOIlL~'J "dllnger" or ·tl:eiiSU~


rn rror.iv(wg ~ tin bdBl'Iced. s.r.eLLdoes mo,re dllD;kl~,g!l' ttl 'Y'D'UI game • .h1Ul. imJildill-g..DIU ~I:i Lln141.Jmu:l!d m.~gidl;em, It m~gic ilem ~ ge-I'.;o;lOl~JI. destm¥e.<J • .4old., or Ddu;rl\\!~"1:i 11Inn ~W37'but one-I!, a..clum tttbww5 Ilsp~hels ~iQg to Wlifll Ul kei!.p tlsJnll j'~.

When.tt~~WJl 1!Ii!W SFeU, ug<l!! ~be exisdng spdl.$ ~s J:t,ell~h· m~w. ,md ljIi.I!'.'~mmq;)'n ~.I:]jS~ ~t\l!li,tiJII& !l ~Ell is ~J:tuiIlly f.Jk,]yi

ell~~al>s:IgJ!]JiJ",>I 1i!.!.Id fO th~ new spill milr.s.llillJ;d..JL~ "be~1 In.ddc'Ilebpe.lli! 1II\IJ:libIM,:'lIml fhl:: "best"lSl:·Le eJ spellJ&..j rfu!1n, ~nvtt or ,!tell. Jl.ruLrhc.'Il.ew5"peU seems ~c f:!!l1 b~to.!ijl~n thCls~ spells ill 1?'D~'1erljt's_ j:®bj1lb1i' 3 2!ld·ICVl!L spell. {sJ .. ~I" hcrwt!'vt!f, Is n ~~ ,eXDXllp~ilU<SXl ]t'S-li $pell 'r.h~'r i!!![S .~~~ useful

, ~c:he easter gainslHdk=.w:nrplr-ed to n spell attCh as m ~gif m,l'i-_ 'II~ or Ijlllbdill, whl'!:ll gll!thetliH, up to ~ pmnr. for MIlb.~[·Jeye1

c:ms:ler$.lI!L1lk~ lOU'!'!: :i~lb rh;!1 only:llk'C"r hL,>dI!Vei ere ~fiIIfi ID"\\ .. level spells.)

Here are sDmqtiei:eS".cr oo~;ce ro co~'lc:1t::r _

~ If ~JiPCU i51og00d l.h~t}lO"U cm"tima,gtne~9t ""IDring I~ ~u.I:b.~ time, h':iildtMr 100 pciilA"erfui D"'I~ L(~L,

.' An 'lmpmenc-e pelnr tXP) GOSI: .is II good,b1.lll1'idllg fm,t;:~

experu:lve m3terial romp¢nCllI i~ Oltl_ly li modwL~ JnlaDdDC forre. (MOReY '~11 be ~y w come b'V~Jo~ IIlm~t .1lw,~ys 11 UrIS,)

• whJ!.\1"I dcumn~'?d. e(lmp;i~(l.ge, dumflon, ,~fid '1Iifg.OI: _ (Otmrt:ll) 00 ocl~upeUs re 'b~l~nc.f!. Along dunt[-Ol=l or Q inl!'g'(l ~re:J can make- up flOulC$$er_e£kcl~ depfM,i~lg.illl.l:~ spd!.

'" J1;. spell with II :very limit¢d use (omy .l .. otkU~ dr..gpM) i::OI:Ild ml114:::~'ilIbly be ,oneJe.w lawt: .lhmlu'ilDukI b~ If B: h:td :t more g1l1J~ppU~ itiml-E-1'e1l Q.[ B 10\>' .kYJcl, this is lhutl.1t of ~illll io,Wllrc:r or bald n;we.r '!91teS, mdkmeu1lSJM!S wIJ!.11d pr~f&e h ~rI1V if uw;Jm;:w Jlii ~d~'~nLc Itwr::Iwd bel'iQJ.1lmhlle.

,. W1ZHrns an.d $Qrc-erc:rs ~ hould nOI caH healin~j;.JI ulur I shDul-d have tbe.~H Difen5iYll sptills._r(J UI.1c,l1 is; fhshy WI Gumldc. if s:hould probilbly he :J wi:uHl/sQ[C.e~~v:ill.

,. C lertcs ~]\~ be51-'Lum:Jb. ~h~f de,!lj wirh ~lignmeJIUlJl.d:hillll!Jth~ best sd~~lii;llu~fruCln.ve :rna ~'~pl!ii!l' ~,?elh UC)' lIlsoAatR

b8[ !:I!]~tic:a ~r iaUarrnm,rlon·Sc~,lhedflg$i'p.db.. such.. ~ {~lllllUjjl~ mil ~fLlitMli(Jl1T.

'. Druids: :l.11l' bl!sr '[ spells dillf deal wi{h pbnr:s IIDd 1IIfl}:I.~.

• Rmgrn.mci pallldill! ~htl\lld no! h~ve fillishy :ltI dt_1ld1l tlu~ .mmmer of ilIlIglt "'Iiili, ~ lid filiw.11.

'. Bi!!td spdls Llidlli:le e.nchanr.m'~:Iu:5, iaf{l.[iJL!ll:io~_garhJf![i II, speUs, ~.!"Jd 11 mll«l1:~ of other ki:nQ'.! of ~pensJnn dlc n.et il1d.utl", ];IO\"'~r6d Qff.ensive ~lluuw "n~J

Damag~ Caps for SpeUs:,

Foil:' spdls;cliuu de3idlmil~Wll_tb~ tabwsl!elow (nne fiOt ~:rcane £peib. fl.fit for d[vll'lc ~~lr;;uktI.Hmme ~ppfOitlm~ I'~]Y ,how l11uchA;rliPlllge m spe1!_m~:nilii '~ilrribcr rh~,t ~()1IllI:' ~~I~ (filCh ILS hLll'lllng 'Illlllb) U!i~ il d~, for dnm~g~, bur firdlg rl uses. d6, FO.f d~~ d8 dalJlage df,e countS 95 ld6 'In' de[er:millillg th~ maxmlll!:!ll,damage ;I divine spell em dellL


To rna.:!"" lmU5Uai .~ltLl:nion!r. you ,0:111 I:h~"ge the iibllily 5CQ~ tfut mr;;.diRe~ ~ SilVt, jlJna~ 1011 ~n d'o wJtl'l a skill (~iM'l 'the sldcb!i!r<!:!l!lll~~ J.3). 'Thi5 i~ piYnd~ "' va nis:nt, tioW!1,Ii!t, ~IMU not an DM S Willil thi~ d!e~ee olf @rllp~ltiltkir!'l.

IFol'lltLfd:e 511V"n ~:P In~~ ml!ll~iil IIltad:;s ($um ~s plmnwmoj kill~r) could boe b\il5'ed 01'1 Wl5<!ont, maldng it it aos~ bJi!il.Nren ; Fortilude .. .ndi ~ Will 'S"a'l!!. (A.ppi1 ilhe chii!l';l!tter':s foitltLKIe ~W! hi(JJ1IJ~ rr,om Id ilSl~ ilnd le'Irl!l. ~h~i'I add hl~ war modm~r illlnead ofilli~ umstr'tuiion modifii!f.J

Th~ DM mil1 alroow II ch ~ra:C"!ef '!Q cut ~ qu!cken~d dlm4l)\!iorr fkot ~'f:l'!!11 in roc5~i'I!i~ to ~IU1!llg Into II pl,t ~~p, R\e~ai"g ql.!:ld:!~ to a nil p reqlJl~~!! a ~nM ~;,;e •. lrut In 'th~li Ci~e d1e 0"'; miilni' m~~ I:hi~ a Iit~fi~x s,;rl;'1! ba~«l M1 Wi~-clom rather thllfl D9:lerily. ~j.nce 1;4I::;ling !hI! ~~11 ~~ milunly a mi!fI~al ac!jon.

Will 5li.Ye5, "gi!rn!.it 'enclr.inl:mefits COllie! UH: Charisma instead of Will. ~In~ eh:a ri~m. reAec:ts fora or pet50nalrty.

Wjll s.a,Jj\~ ~gp.JIi1!t illUiiOl')5 coufd b= ~eyed tlil 1n:~ligenc~, 'th~ alii I· il)1lhit best rtPf~rtts di~~rnm~J'1t.

:lis. YIIIti 5kI11~. diil n gts, l-o e $a~ing In r1) ..... 's key .a,bl~lt)I1 ~re i!iwa'f$ hilndleG gn: iii t-ill~·by-ca~1! bo,a5,1~, Unlen ~OLJJ in5titulr thi1n&~ tJ;) 5il\llh111 ~h~DW'$,.a,:; a hOLl~'!!! ml~, thesf' d'lallge'S ,are vel) JjIrll,

Rememb~r ·thill whl!:n IOU cl;an:~e tbe way iii 511IJillg InrQW Yitl[k~ in this raitlron, you ~hculd dk~tA:! "",h!(l ~hl:' cnai'lge come~ 11'100 p liIY-~~"~ fI Dl 1.1 P '10 I pr~~e r ~I:I milke ~hi$ so r;t Dr i:hl!~mlcn, PI ar~rs ma~ I r'}' tCl ratilllllllH<lie wh~ ltJe~ :~hDllld II!!'! ~o uS~ 'rhel r ~st abllilY modlfit!'r on iii ~ iwln B Ilh r,,,,,,," U!!l!l doesn't nQ ~ma Ily t1~ e t"~ I abilil:y, bu I YOil snoIJld n't :a,lIow this $ort of rufE! ICha,l1l1l!! Lin le~ you nllJlpel1 to "g~~~ wlthlr.

:I!!'CiiIOO Spill] lev>!!11 1,~t

2i'1i:1 '3m







Mall nam~64!' (Single' 1Fi!~ij S djt:;~

_10d[~ 1:0du 1~ aiee is dice lO tlree ~O d1te 2S dilte ,25 dl~'

___ ~i3IJ1il~iIl~ t~tJil~pleJ'<iI!Ii:,eI5.'1

J_d'ic~ 1(1 d~ll lOdic;~ T5 dl~ 115 ala: ~dft>e :;Wcl~ Z5dl~

Il'i¥ine M:a_!Il:JbI:im~ M~~ ~!'I!I,~,ge
Spcl~ !!i!lYel ~Si!!lglel Twget~ '[M!!l!i,~leTi!~~
l~l 1 dl~
2o.d ~ cilee' 1 di~ i
~~d lOdi~~ 5 dr~e
,'ttb 10di(j~ 1Q d1ce'
~lh n dice 1 (I dJi;I,l
Sf.h T5 ~Eoe 15 dl~ll'
::i'lili Ul Ilit!:l! l§"dl~
:B!.h 2(1d[~ 21) diO!l
9th l~ Idl(~ lOdlo~ nv~ dam~.l!t ~[P clr~J:ld~ on \Vhtl'h~r ~,n SH!!:ClS.~ slngl!!

ItM,g;e1 o[ m!.lI(~~lIi r~ri~I$.A 5j~Ii:~:u:g.~l .. ;S~]b&ct~ (lllly ORe lCJ'l!':~lure QT h~tU~ [Q!l)1 da:l!flrt!.F dlvtded am_O~\f~ra1 a~~nu'ci1- !fot ~i{!:lmp~~, ~..m~gJf m !~~I~ speD .s;;)[I.dcllYeL!...di~U~m~ge to t~~t~,'!t.lfir mkl.~ mill'!: lh~ !lnel~rgll~.j~d~~~ .. d~li:~ Must ~ dhrJd'C!d ~Ullg tihem. A muItipLcc~geup.d1..d~~j;d1 d,omag;e rd:U:two or Ulttll'e ~=tu~e;S. sim.ult.:hI'l~Qusly,...E~[L~p.k._~il't'IuJil

~d:llm~~,~¥e~i]lg..lri~hil! its 2~f;~r !ip1eilid~ _


Mi~~e.e .i1incl Tom E:.k~=d wiml:n 'th~lI!\e'nlJJ~ dHlmbtlr,.$l:I!;)'.~~g tlJ~ ri!'t>l:l.e .. dtem~ the.III. Tllg,.~1 thl:~J\ (hey st<e!w u.l'~C UlQH~by.· p~:>setI 5'eve,L'i:III d~viou~ 11!II*, ~ I'ld ~Iycd I:h~ rrJdkof th~ gQlden gc:t~m~,c !OtOlP itf-rom «J(.lshing them. Now d:lt'f H!f' uot 'OJ!II~ rtciter, b:u.rfwm meiu)..~milre~the)!.h~vegrc:lwJ! 1111 kllo.wlfclJ.l~ :rndjl'PW~:r;

Els~~l:l.'!::cjlQirl:tt .. t1"l,!: ~ me;;!Wi[C of ac;~!;lInJlI1shm~liIt. Th"Y ~ ~(;i!j]l'~ninvI:I.IJ l~ing by dQ~ md ith~y i1JllnM~ tn ~ fllct ~ ~h!!..tin..fim~..lbe_rnore il!J(p!.Hienc;ed ~ ell IhIlIder is, the'~ e ... he .. e .. ~h~PD .. ~~.rlence iXlIrl~ ~lIow ~. dunI!:l(rrIO.,gMn

j' ~~~~ls, G~If;(]n81~.'l'eI~ b~h1lillsJ.'b1: IIlm ~nJ ~~.if~mimt. ll'Pen.eIil{-e p<o',IfI,[! ~be~1 by rs~nCilflet:S [t! :pD'W('f §DDlI~ of fth~jl' moot ]Xlr.eJlt ,~nls...J.lxjlle_rjcl'l~e' poll;[nt~ also !¥!1:un81'1I: [~Hl .. pet:-

~Ol'l~~ pUiS:;:Clll~ chl!jl . .i.lJl.CJ~ fItLUS"f.imbtle Q'~>cr \\'lrll IWI Onli=f te cremi1 ~ f.Il'~!~U('m.

If! ~ddi'tio.nl{l ~rlenee., chrurll~~~ n.IfAl.CitmINJiS~ QIU.b~ !~d"'eD(uu$. Th.ey I1li1d gokl ~:liId ~thrlrv~II~,~ hle5:illJta.U~m III j btPI higger l!iDd be'l.'.e:L.e~pmen,. aad mey hd.Jn!Jgi!GJr~...mjlf givl! them nt\\' ilil1id DL\n1!:[ ~bl~rrie. ..


\Wbe'nr.h~ llJrtr def~t~ DWJlSI,e.rs, yau aW!ln:! tbeD;]jn..c~e~I:x,f'" ~..fI,:;e pci.JllS (XE), I.be more dBn~enru~ the lJ1o.ru:;~~TliL,ompued lO thep:my'llrl!\i\~l. mel!fltlreXP me I:h~rni:llI=.~ ,eun_ Thl;' po; ~lit ~lht. XIP ~t'W.een,thlUD£C.J\I''!!', ~!!'!d ~nc.h_ch_~f~.r ~11af'a!ieB in le\'tl .~:§ his Of ber pe~n~l XP 'to.ts! i'nt'r:e~S'.cs,

You need tQ Qlk:uJ~te ~1b\\';::miut]lclrtg .• ~cnH.lj.ll'.pf ~!1 a(lv!Il!JI" N~ ,Yhet]u:r ir~ QI'I~ 'l'01.I W[Qi:~ or one. f,QI!I J1mu~d, ':i'ol.Wl~y wish.m ,lI~"'l~rilfo'rn:;~ P'QinllHt Ih:e. ~nd c.LuJ~im.l'l lI:I.~ll~bl'il pll1!(e:t'S to Ild.",.ml..c~ tb~j .. !;h;] IlIcrers, m l~"M:..thre.$...h.~"'~ £IlCfl.!,gh ~pI!!rioll!jJ~epol1lt~. Ah,e mQtiv~l)', fQl!I IE ~')i..m~LV~ QU i X P ~Wol!l~d$ o~,1 W~ beginning.of duo. g:nll e Sli5$i.!IDhJlo.l'\l'iruwiu:..QJle! in wl'l[~h th~ 'n'l'rnPl~r:s ~med ~t,Ybi5 gi~I:.i.f.WLti;~1M:tw~1'I ~ssions to us,ejh~ 0I1~~ ~Jld d,e~i:mnimlilub~p.«ie.l!lau:l1'Jlrol..._

No p:ln O( .. dc.~lU1nlnrll.g .. ~.'<p~[ljilll'll;e pojl1t.iI~I1l.:5...}LQ!l.JHte.d-"'-1 brellk d!~ gJl!m~ dQW.ll WO'.tr!ooulIlJer.; Q.lId [hell b.nl:ilJkJhe~,aU:1l: t~~li drn:vn ~I'I~'" ~~ m. l1J'ou'tli1' 1lsUn.g mon!;tI8I'S ,from. IbOfJ!lllsr~r l!.JfumlllL!,s,olillle Qftb e worik has IIhrad.y b~en d~l\e' lor you~E~,"h.. monster in dlQI book...hil£ ~ chl]1~liIg~ R~{{~!l, (CR.tdul.f. whu compared ~tI p:rrry le~d. tfiliilg!~!:e'~ Jif!l!cdy ll100 !ill XJ ... ~\1I'l.Hl

.A 'ChaH~~sti. ]bUI1!g, I!; ~ nt~lIn1n: ofhow !:.as!, Of d.iffl..~b ~ .lIDltlst>E:f m mp ~ ~ Q1;'froo.me, Ch~lJenge Rll.ri.ng~ ~![l! u~ I:o..ch.!l,ple.r 3t Ad~lltl1~S tl) d~l~mi!JIi~ ,l!nO)ui:tu~1t ~'I'ill~!ELu ... lJd!Jn. ltim l:t!oi(:lIfc hov.' d.i.ffi:c1lh ~tI t!l!lJCou·tut.'I" tofte!'! im'o]viIilg mm:ripl(! man5'l~) 1.511;1 QVlilfCll:!liil:!,:, A.m~tct.I£.~~~~i:Wm1l i1Iy d~f~(ll·· '[n,g II In banl~, ~ m.!'p ~, b<:j~bm:] ed, atid se fotrll..

']lOil InU!.'!. dtcide whit!] ~..dl.]:,Uc.ns.lI:_h~$Mf!t1J overcome. Ui!;uBlly, this tu~11' 11;1 eo" rnJ.:dli!E.HlefeJliuh~t::ll.em.y I.n b3rde~Thel:l they meuh ~ J:h~U~llgu nd "iI.:r-lleU!i:J:I~.le:nc~ prnillt:!i. Q~hef


Su:bosti·tul;e: lf1is YOlri;mt fOflh~ ~tll fu:lili'd rn~d1!:"di o~· d~terrnillli n:~ ~~vJl'Ig throw' Des for s ~115 .. ~!)' Lime .~ ChiiJl!..;te.r CliSl'l1, a ~p~11 th~t reqUilfe5 " mrge!t ~tI rrrilke ~, Sii!'II1111!l ~h mw, the CIl~~r rolJ:; 1 d2D ~rnd ~dds ~he ipeJI level~ndthe ~PFlrQpriilt~ llibllit» mOOlIii~f. The r~suit IS the DC:: r~, the ~'atill "iG, I'M row. litoll Cl1CI! ~n r~~ ,~ spel~ th~t ali~ JilJ:l ny ~e<!t(iue,s

This V~{~~l'!t ll'!bt),h'!~5, ~ 1!l~~ii1t deiill l1IIaf~ rj ndomflles~ l"t(JI ~:~Ir. ~S;ljng,~Qmeti me'S: rOIW·I~~~ I :5.p.e~1 ~ "~5t by mediocre' (oasL>I!~ wm h~:v~ hign Des, ,~nd :som~II'I'Ie:& k~&h,I~1 sp~l~ ca~t b1 p~FrLJI CMt~r1 ~~ ~sy '1.0 ~~I!t. It tlownp.lar-; the I~~l irlf die sp.i!.11 ;1m;! '~I! ~bml\l' madl,n~.r, ill!: wilh ¥.:i rlant ~cml;l,~t n.d~:!!. ~n)i clil~nlll~ In ~t I"Cr~iI;~e5 ,chal1a; 11'1 ~ biBnl~ ~a~ors ti1~ ui'ld'~rdCl8J,. ~.n d 'th~t's tI~lIanV tn e ~J,emy Qf'th~ P(:s.


TIu! oonn (If 1Jh~ ralre ~ed lIrIinat~ u r Ci'~ be' ~ombined willn i. FlOI:eI'l~: !'Iii~tl,lre of'h~,fb$ Hl;3~ Q!!:n ~.id r~' te$lO"JlH "',tno'le;ne~~ to l"he @rnrclled, So' 1Wll1":r1t 1~!JIlt! I!ne'lID' ~1r!~II'l~d In th~ wnOKltI(l:n thail i ~1:erlc"whQ 1I~e-S It whlll!! casting ,g!;ttil:!:~ i!:~to,a'iol'! (~;nd Y!5~ i~ y~) m:~d !lot ,de~ot"e ~ n~ p'~rso.n,~1 po'Wl!t pl'P) in Giller In ~~s:t 1 he ~poell..

This 'fiiIr~nl iUOWS fi:lr s~[~1 ~11r'~ II'I,w~dl~nt~, ("~oJ;lj~r rnmpo· n~l1ts:n) 'to lse ~ dld~d 1.0 iII'l.1ifrrl; I ~p~lI mmpl:li'l~fI~ In pl~.~~ of ,a,n XfI' eornpo1'l!l'lt,. '(au'ft' r~tle to ~nD'W '111 i~ on .~ ,~a.~~;l!ry..c'lI!!!~ b~:~J~ .. P~rn ~p~ these 'COIll1 Fi"i'i'L~l1It~ ~xi~t ot'lly rtl r urt-:!.il'l Spi!n~. Th~y'r.e i:tlt~anl)l' i'3r~. and C~nI~ifllf~~p~n~ I~_l¢n to '1:w~l'Ity tU'IlGS E he XP GOIt! JXlI'I~nt m g,old pl~(If,s; i~ ii ~d Ilj5~lIn~pri'e. fynh ~r. ch~ r~~er5, m~f' need till c.Qn5i~lt ~ge'S a rc.a ~t dlMIiI~'tIQIIIS in or·d~.r to 'fTf'ld 'OLl~ wlil;t th~ pmp'~r ingr~dil!'frt~ :I"~.

C.Oill~id~f ric~ ~ II(l'l,!,riog ~hata~~~s, l(I buy r/iDWtf «Iornpol!l~,u5- Instead. make t.n1!1iI1 ~e (]'bie~t ",f ~,n ~dVl:J'jtufe .. Th.e h u!1t f@r th.~ r~d mrilc~~~f ~<il'l ~ ~ th~rl~n Ring ~ nd ~m~rt.l:ll1i!1g adh.r<!:'I"1~{~ by it5~n; b!,;l~ iF ~hl! ·d~f~iit ohhe IiIllnot.'illJf h~ . .n~ 111St: s!JeP tQwarn H,,~ i!D~1 Iilf ib/irIgbig ,tkack .~ f.l'l!~n cOIl'lr.n.:ie, tke $!OeJl.ariolilc~~ Of) ~ I~t~r :im",Ortillce ..

till d~~' s~lIle ~ ~p~c;a~ IIi!lwedilellus Ciln Si!b$ti~ifIle ror th~ XP thaI. a ,ch~nl:l:cJr ~tlit~rwl~~ h;1I tD~p~lIId to crN:tt m~glc ,i~i"i'I~.

This \I.DE~!ll worbi If It ma.k:es pow~frul m~c[c 'M!lO~ eclllorrl,ll carte If it lil;nhe Wil~ ~all wan'Ltll portJ'lI)' m~gic i., you r Ciilmp.Big:n. lit f'ai~i if iI, melll'1<~th~t Ih~ onlt hilrd c.Olltrol 'Oil! casl~ng pow~rfyl s~ell£ :lml Cr9t· ir1i~ migi!: f~l:m~ ~lhe KP l:olmpol1lC'ntl '5lip~ ~w~~" ~o I hlill, ~u c}, ~c~lCl!1l~ ~rD'e COr;rlI']!lGI'lIIIta:c~.

moe», jr ean be trldw)l'. SIl~£~:.iliu~ ... "2tU.Ilecl<..~~pi~ mineraur to ge,t inro rhe Itlngic~J W'lJh-wdL.th~;y O.'i'Afti)ID e the m:[IiOrlllIre:nCQLIIl[~;r? .lfthru gOal WMJllgl!tintQ~the.va1JLJtll1ld [he mi'rwllltl!r'was jusl a gu,udi.c:I!I. then Ibc ~'HS!lI'~.I': is 'pmb:lbl,' ve$. h's UP' [Q yau tom~ke such iLldgmr.l'I15.

Only dtlu3clersu<hQ,..rllke;.pm In ~il enGWllI~et: ~bmdd ~inJtl:t1:f

ICQm!It1~I'I~r3tr~~V'il:Bd~, CWlIlfltll"$who dL~d ~r~ [he e'nwuri~ ~ ,?l!!-c~! !lil" did DC[ p-Jr.til::i;p~t~ fm SClmCJ:lwr ~~SOIll. ~m me. e;\.'fUD If !he)' 3fe [,llt5~d til: ~«lttlltIlier em ...

l1'!.d,mrmiDw th~ XI? ;6'/1!1rd fu~JilJ:n[e;r; futi{l'l.),' .. ,.,""""''''~''''''' l.J.kreOll'LI'I e each ch;!r;lcte61!!~eLD(m'r ftJIgil:110 IicGoUtil Iee J;iCl !sge MO'I1 IlefS: as R.1i:e.:>~ F~ li.:OJull), c:Jf thr: dmf:u;t I5

He ofllJ ];l'OWelullrnCoe. 2. For e:rch monHr:r~1jl!'tl, de'lermine dut single mONHers ~llcm~ R3t ng, 3. U!e Table 2---6: EiqjI.t"rLea:u:ePoint ,AWOlros L5mg1e~"'1j)D5I:c:rJ m..aoss·

I'l:f~ru:~.olle eharacrer's I(!yd .,_\y.ill1..tbe_dWI~ti£l,g fer each d'!:ful'ed mensrer re find rile EJIIS!.t Xl ward.

.' mvide th~ b~s~XP.twa.rd byrne number Dr ,Cl:J ~nlCLil~ in [11~ pnlY. This Is

rile mnQllll~ of XP' [hll~ oae cbmr.l~teI

ru:'I':i~'1:5 fur ht!!.plng clJe:J [ dirat mODSter:. s. Md up a1IlheXP:n~ for.ill.th monseees the Chanci. r helped defeat. -J. P.t.'P'«J I be P'L'OOfSS fm ~~ch dulraw-,i._

O:D Jlot <Iw.1rd XP f!:lT cre:lll1re:s rhall:ne:mj,~mrnilll ee Olhetwis~ tukI to their fon:~ w[rh. r.n3Il.i~ pm1;'.us .. I\B..~~mv'~ .Qbililf 1) Sl.lmmOD or IIIhl these e r~~uU'es is p~.tU!f lile-~e.fIl y's CR

I ,,1relldy. (You don·~ give p,es rn nre xP If a d[,~lIl;rlc.'::lm u"hll!Y

MtglIJ' en mUQ,MU!QIl'r gL\le t~~IIIlIOTe X.P if she CliIm lmOOlcll ll1ullsfl:r I.V.Jrn ~~"d.)

IIilllyIt:.A.P3rI)' ,,£Ijv.~ Pes defem t\\tn CR 2: lllimS1l:ffi ~Ilil II ell..1 mi:!Ili'[ilr.J~b~~ CQJlii6t, of ~ ~:rd-.k",el cl.:i~~C'~lI!I!',_rl;mel!:J ~th·k\lel chwc~, 3ruL.u:1b:t~¢1 chj'J£acrer. The 3r"(),l.evd clt~;r.,l'lCler earns IiQ[J Xl' fm.e.ach.C.R..1monster II..Ild 'Ci[) XP (or the 'C: It 3 'DJOl!I!'ter. Th:ll(5. ~1'IXIXltmd_-W:vid'1'Ii8 by.5 (th~ lIum~~n:l( cli~rll(;'" ten; in the p~n;') yi.tl~ aperimce llW;!lJd.o£illLXP.lhe 4th,

.1evelch'l!(;!(:fI,'t$ e:tc.Jurun.+I!Jt) Xl' U600 600 HOO} +.5] mllil the. 5th·~~\1'~ (:b~r;],(:t,eu:_JID.'j, )50 X'P [(500 ~,) J.._

Mo," rers Below Cit •

Some mOllsretSue hclions: (I[LCh.1lllim.g~ R1UIng. Fbl' tnsrance, I single ere is .D.Qclll...iIPl;li!;.b'CIl11i:n~ for ev n II ~sl·ie"'eL.pu:[)'.d!!lIlxmgh 1 . g miC h I be. You 'could ~biak ~1 Bl1LOfi. U ~,ppro;.:jma(e'l)' CK 1/2. For the£.e.C:lS1,'5. c:liclJllare XF 11:5. if the Cl'1!'.am:re wen: CR t, 'me:n dM~t" ~h~ r'~!iult by l...

Chalienge.R.atmgs far ..N ees All NJ1C W1Lh ~C.cJ~'lS.i.hauCh>Llknge:

_ RatiiJJg.&quaJ 1'0 'I.bt N.l.Cs. le.vc' Ibus ~11

Brbdl:~' 1 :.lttcer I.l.s m 8fhJ~eru::OIln~ & DI rule of mqrm h, ~,Oubl{n.g 'Ill'll: JI~fo.co.dds.::! ['0 ~he EflOll,lI\rer Lrvc.L Tlm'f!fore, rwo iJdk.wa:JJlgb~~mJiL 10 eflcou.mer. A p~rty of four !'.WC 8rh-Ic.\:.e.~..duIi~fru.S":m EL.12.;.


Somlt po.':\'erful creattlrti m~ f;tlIorf ef aJ:hiI1~~I:hJ\Jt'[h.eJ levcl ~''Oti Id sugge6LA...dro"~ lOr ·exal'i~p le, h3S spdUe.si~tilli;t . .lltld '[ltnltubilbl.i.e:5 •. so h.er_CRis 11~l.1il] ttl h#r level +1..

Some uc~mfC.S.,bij,'ie mCnStH I~veb in Illd.dI[Jnn 10 theiv t:l~ levels, $uc:h :IS::! C'I!nWil' rnll,ger. In fhi~ osse, lltirl tlle...t.;re(lwru


vtnen ;: mil tad~t ~~I.5 I sum"""", mlinW' Of ~mlflQl'I jll!!ll!lr!l'~ Il'1Iv 5~~", !lh(! R'~1'5 a typical, rl!!1Idl:'rn 'Cl'@ili.u/1! ,,,F the Itillltl she ('l1!OOSe5. h. a ;,o.at~~lIIl il'l four c~mp~iBn, :fDUI ea 1'1 nde that each 5~lc"l5ll1!r 8~11 ~p~d~ e, ~nd~V1du~ I Cl'Nt~r~'5 rather than j ust ~9ffie !'1iI:ndom CI1!!. flitl~ va:rianl lets j)liI)'l:t5 feel mD:t~ DIIffi~rship, ORr the creill:ul't'.s that wi r ~h;II,Ii:I'~~!, ~um mon, but It entails '~nm~ s~T;L1 pro~~m s, ~o dilll1'l illow II: wltnD!!l[ c.ons!d~rl 1'1& iL unJully.

S:p;ec:ifi~ v.ealtl.~: Whltnevllr a '5:penu.:ster 5l.1mmrllits:a ilngle ereatLll'e of ~, given ~Indi n'~ alwil~' .hill t:~m= mO!ture. II p!:Ii~r ca n roll the ~ burly seeres 'illinl h~i poinl::!:. ror 1!1Icn CleahHe 'ihO!t his chllracrer ClI"' '!ll.li'l'lmolil. 1415 spec:rI]c creatlli'e~ rna)' be ;t:ixI'lfe or below .iII!I'~rase. Allow tne p~a~~J to< lib:: iI~erille ~atJ!tlc.lS I nnead of rolli n,g if 'hjj ~nl ... to il(~old Itt~ rlsk of gettlng5hl~~ with bru:I eke raU'5, (There's no "'MIX'" less (:reatllt~ tl! "II- faf had abilily sCOre! in Ihis c~se,j The pli!'~f 0111 .als.o n~lme e~(;h c;rE"!I'~U rr IIml d~lin~ i~, d'j5I:1nl!l!Jisnlttg ~hatacterl~tf(~

IMUI~.prCl O!wit.llre; wn~"~rF a spdIOSt!t~l' 5:L!mm.o<i~. !1io'r~ .:~a· cuttS, '!hit first one Ii always dl@ :sa m~. :and ram IDCCe:5'5ive. creaUJ re is IIk~h(! ~ Iw~r-s Ihe: ~~I'I'L~. Thus, df M lalilf! elil'! !OummclrI up tIl thte~ (;~r.e5.tial I!a~~ named t(yU.k, Ski~k~,iliid I(]ls~, l"'el'l she IIlwii~ g~t! K(]IlIk whlM'l m~ summon'll one c.etestl:ll ~ilSI~, Kulik a.lle' Sk[rky whl!i'I 5h~ SUmlnOi'1'~ two, ~nd ~IHh~ee 'If,rlmn ~tii~ SlImmCllns Ihree. The p!~r 'llJ1 foil • .billty .5toi'!!'S al'lldl kit poi n15 far iln t~uee.

The !>u mmoner gets the sam!!! cr~2lu rei no m.nte vdlich 1ii!f~o1'l of a '~~II ~he 1J:5e:5 •. Mi~lee g,~ts KYI~k wilh JrljPflmO'l'I' 17lGr,>~Ut " ill'ld 'she g~1:'J I<ul~~ plus pt;!l~,.ibil1 Skit")" and t:lfi~, with wmm~n 'mln.5!~r ,u.

Summoni!!'g limits: Ge:ltl'"i Ihe !;lIme fnt,=IUll!inl ~urnmoned Cil'e'iI. lure O\f>!:r <llid Q~!r .. pin gj'l'fi ; ~umm'!! ner w.rtain ad"'ilIl'lt~g:e.s, She C<ln', fQr In5ian(!!, Si!'ndi a !:realur~ 1:0 5o:!Ut Q1.l~ ~n ~lil,a ~r!.he <:fur.Hioru of mi! spell md the,n $l!JmrnOIl II: up a.!l',lIJIl '10 get .. 'epot!.. I'hh!! a9'

IlJIh! 1$ li>llledI (ami thus sent back to il!l hQime) 01' di's,poi!ll!d, kow~\!er, Ihat indlvliilu;1 ~r~ilU.! ~ I~ nul aY"aifabll! to be 5UffimOMd rClr 24 Mbll'!l. TM summoner 5'!.ImmOrls One £~r cr~tu"e of til arlljnd bIl!C;aIHi~ the uI'Ii';lllllllb'e cre!i~l.Ir@ sill I n ah!l up It5' HClirmiil ~5rot." ihu;s, If I<ulili. I~ killed and I al:er' Ilhat d~y M I ~Iee i u I'I!IJI'1~::; h.il{l .;J!lIR'!Itl-a1 ~~IB'~I. 1tte en'" g-!:~ Sldllky (instead Oor l<ul k lllld Slfilif,.l.

If a CrN"h.ifl:' ~hart a d,.~rac:rer 5LUTII'J'IQI'I'~ is ,~c'\oIally, rrllly ~llled (nol iU!li[ ~.illecl~ whll~' 5!:!mmo~dj, 'it Is no k!l'Iger 1iVi!!Jabli!, ,and lih~ 5~mmi!lnl!f FI'IlH'Ie 1ns aeO!'tn~ ar Uiat land u,iIln norm",!. 'On attaIn, in!:! .. n~ 11!IIIe1l, h(l~er, Ihe 5YmmClII~1 may replace tJ .. e. ~I~ ii"l CI'I!i3tl.ln! (~e:e ~IGWl.

R:e:P'I:i!l:ing Ct.eatLJ.i'Mi: lEach lim e ~ summoner gaills a le'rlelln i! 5peJI.

Qls~nil c:ihi!$'S. !ihe c:an drop out one !;If her c:r~t:url!i~ ,md rell U'FJ ~ new ene ie rill JIS -5ttl~ H For C'J!Iample, it Sth ll!o,!~1. M~ar~~ an 51.11;'1 riiDI'I Kulik, Skitlq, i!1'!'d [(Iiss wilt! Iflmmoll mfmslt.r III, Wll!!!" sh!i reac:he>s6th le'llel. sl:!i1' can d~op ~n~ one ofner S!.lmmon.~ble creawr~ <lnd r,~p'at:)e It wUh ,II flew onl!!!.. In .. li'k h~'i low ~bllilY 5.Wres cor if I t "':15 permllr;er1t~)" died, she C;on drop it i1'l favor Clh new, I'<!ll'lclomly mill!d c::rr:nu~, ..... hldl t),e<i'I ou.llpie5J '"'~' "'lirSt c~L~~l.Jal eagJ~ slot,.

l'mprcYl~!I' Cire:Plu~es: S:tJ'l'nmCi"~irS an imp!'Q'Ve th~nr u~atLu'e~·, 1'yplc:all)" th.eyd~ $1\1 b}' gA ... Ii'li I 11m magic ii~5 af rliltli:r Jpecf:al obJms. Th~ trick Is, iii 5umm.onflll' cn=nlJ ~ I;!ln'~ tim I.i'IlI!'lg~ billel! Mme' ~Ih Ir. WI:U!n 9SIJmmollled Crea!~r~ di!loappeal'lir It rei!~·e5 all t~ Il'tings {hat it g:lil'lM wMII~Oii1lhe M;}!ef~1I1 Phml!'. Mllir~~ can't jusuummolil \lp I(!.!jik il!ld giYEi It a daalt: oj rais~jj~ She h BS 'tD go to ,ts, pline' IJ{ brin!! II ~ttLli!1 '1 (]n~D 'tlit~ Mal!N~I!~ [iJJiI.ne Wqrl!!' ShE c:JIfI CI~iIlll ~ Il}'1hing It eli rI keeF'~ Tfite way to get l1 at'lI,luliI!! 10 ~dua[l)!' CDlni! ttl • .,= r.1 OlleritJl Pjafi~ i5 tD use a lruu pillnoar ~Ifr: phJrHlr ally. FeU( pla,m!t 1J11loIl~prQ.rrDr Wrfd· ;"& piIlPIQt' ltim1l.l'1g. gl't:'Ilk,. p~"'lilr bJ"P1ding, QI ~.~ s~l, 5IncPbh~c' ~re ilill i;;illrng $pe1l5 ,lind 1I1:1IiII11~ brillR thi! ~alu~ 00 the CiSler.

Tt~U: =:;6: ExJl!I!IUUlCIE Po" HI ,AW.I\ID.S IlS!~J;:;I.'~ M'ONSTE,R)

Ch:llra~ Chlnemg~ biillll-----====~--------~

Uvcl C:R~ 1 CIR 2 CR 1 C:R~ ell 5 CIUi ,CR7;___ CR 8 CU CR:UI
'~t-3rd 300 600 goo, 1.350 1,800 1,700 3,600 5.400 7,100 10,800
4th ]00t ~oo aoo 1,100 ]',600 2,'100 - ..l.200~ 4.S00 _Moo 9,600
~~h lOO ~OO 750 l,lJIIXI ~.'51mo 2,2-50 l.OOQ 4,5!l1 m::,OQD 9,000
6th 300' 43'0 ~ 90C! J~).OO 1;2100' 2-.700 3,600 .5 .. 400 1,lOO
7tl'i 2'6l' 350 525 7{1tO UI$O 1,4110 ~~oo ~,lS0 ·uoo iEi,iOO
!tn 200 lLX! ~ ,600 800 UOO UOO 2;400 Moo_ _o1.aOO_
gT" ~ m H& 4SCI 615 9Qtll 1,15[1 1,,800 2,700' 4,05tl
1001 ;I,- .. :!SD u) 5.00 7!iiii 1.000 1I,SOO 2.000 3:,000
1hl1 * .. 'Ii 2?~ 4ll 55(1 .312.5 1,100 UiS!:! 2.,2OQ
~21h.. .., -e- , ..- )00 'ISO 600 9QO_ J.lOO_ 1.8.O!L..
13111 cO- .. v • ~ 3;21 '*88 650 !l7S UOO
141h ... .. .. * '" '" 350 _5,2!i JOO_ __ lJliCi.
Uth ... * ... .. .,_ -. 3)'$ 5'63 7'5-0
1i'i1:n 1< 'e- ..- ~ '* .. ,;, 'III ~IlO fjoo__"
11th " 1Jr • .. '" ... '/I ~lJi
nt" ... * ,., * ~ '* * 'It ~ ...
nth * ,. .. 1; I ~ .. '" .,.
2·1:11:11 ~ 1; * fI' I " '" iIr ... ...
Cnll'I".'ICler CI\<:illIiii'ipi lIa~iilg
I~~lf.el ell 1:1 en 11. '(OR Hi, CII'14 CiFllS; 1:11116 cln, CR"lll CR19' erUO
hl-lld H I; ;H,- *' .- ,. *" - ....
.JJih 12,&00 ** ... '** ... ... ** ** - 1111
h:_ '1li~ 11,.000 oft ** - tIT ...... !II1r '"'
10,800 N.~OO :n,fiOO " .... "" ** -t,,;c .. "..
71h 8,400 12,600 16,800 25.~OO """ '"* n -frO ** """
---.BIb '.200 9',600 1~"i400 19.200 2~S.800 111:% h ti ft ,....
!ltlI $,400 8,1'00 lI!l"m:l 1ii,200 21.600 3:;1.400 In)- ri *'" *'"
'ILlth iI,500 6!,OOtI 9"OOO_ J~'2,OOO_ 13.000 2.4,.000 3,6 .. 000 V1II driP H
mit J,clOO' U:S'fl Ii,rsoo :9,QOO n.zoo 1!iI,;soo 2,~ .. 4GO 39,EiOO '"' 10-'
12th 2,'100 ,1.600 ~.400 noo 10,&00 14,,4C1ii .1l.6OIL 28,800 4UOO Tr*
mh f,9SC 2.600 UDO 5,3150' 1,800 11Joo 1 ).600 23,400 11,'200 ,~6,1'.OO
Hili \,400 2,100' 2,& 4,~OO' 6.300 1,'1,00 121600 uu~oo 2U~ )3.600
151h 1,115 1,500 :!,no 1,000 4,500 6,15iJ 9.000 13,500 11.000 27.001)
1,6ID BOO 1.200 1.600 2,400 },200 4,100 7.200 9.'600 14,400 ]9,200
111h &31 8j5Q 1,215. 1,],00 ~5SQ J.~OO 5,100 MS.!) lUOO 15.300
18111 ~50 67S 910 1,:UO 1.Soo 2,10(1 ),,600 s;~oo 11,100 100,8001
19th T ~'S 713 959 1.<1.25 1.9'00 2,350 J ,000 Sit7'OO 8,5')0
20lh • ,. 500___ 7~O ~,ooo 1,500 2,000 J.OO\I 4,000 'SjOGO
Far mtJ(~llir'S wiiih CR:sJIiglm 'Ihan :1.0, ,i:loubre._tb~rd1 For a. Cll two 1~'IIeb ~ow lh-e deiimdJ:B:. lilUIS, ~I CR :ill rtw.a rill ~qu~r~ d-oubll! tit! c: R: HI
rewnd.. CR;:2 B ,cl:~!e:.theJ::FI 2.0 ~nt.'~r&, ell 2lj5.JiiQllbl~ 'the CR: 21 rew~~. lind ~o on.
Bord IIli1mb~~1JndIG'tit IbI!:_~mj).ull~.ofXP 'Ibn ill ~tmdndL~n~Clun~f ror II Fm'1y iIlf Ih~t t~ ~Iit[)!ild ~m-\Ilde..
.. T"'~ tahluf~:l ~lJppott XII For IDO-ns'l>er~ ~h:art iM!Md'u:iI_ll~ ilI~figl11 Chllli!'jtg~ i'ilatrn-gs tOw,ef th:an th~ wl'i!Cber~ 1~eJ. 5jl'l~ in en-wunlJer wi
mlillti,pl~ ~ u~atlI~ is he rXU'I1JIlceii5U:re. See. j\5'iiglilog lI~d Hoc XI? Awam'!:, page: 19._
.. Thi!! _tabl!! dOO!iJ'!:'t !>upport a!H"rds_fllI_enCOIl~eighl QLmo.~e_Oaalienge R.ai:l:n;gs highi!f t1t~n mig dJ~r.Ji:ler'de ... eL1Elhe pan)' I~ w.~lni!l on
d1.alt~rtg~~ !!hat Farabove tbeid~I~SDmelhillg:stmn~Hi-gorng_Dn..al'ld the DM i'lrl!!tk '!Ii Ihlrtk ca~lIy iiboutlhe iWlIrdS ra:lhenhilllLfit ",'ldlllg
tI!tmao[ it iiI,ltIe.. S:ee k'OigniJ'l,g; Adi Hot. XI!. AIIQrdl, p.a;&e 19. base. eli. [0 IUl tOI~siSJell'lch, [0 ge~ Wi overall CR. For ~JotJJmpl.li!', ~ I:MIlil,UUs.CR. 1. ~lUI c;mtglll' WhO'5 lII)!1o ~7dJ,·le'l'e] nltll!i:r Ls 'CX -S,

Sin(e N:FC..cl~5_U~~p:_teJI:.:Si.CIlJlllPaiJg;Ml ~ \1;;e~~r dum PC ~6$S>e!>, levels iII:m.NR.C c~s c;cmnibme: less 10 l e_re;a_IDIle'~ CR d:lJl!lll~viili fn ,!ll'C dOs5.~:C.mt~~._de:lt~ __ =hl!: hcr ch~lIe:il# Rnlll'lg :L> if ~hemuK ,cli!s~ Ocne less I~ .. e], FIJ[ aerearere with mm'ls:ter:JewsJJ:Ul:ddidolUJU,'K.__cl~ ~~!,I\~b, :w1l dll1NI'C k-vels -110 the c:ruitl.ll'Etshlse eli.. (al\Wys,addiug ~t asLl).

~pk.._'i\'.belU!.dding class Je.Ye1s 1t1 Scme 5m1pl:e ch:rrllC. me llh_'\Uhing CBs, would bl!: lIS giVllfi Jfl! ml.'::' fuIW\'lililgt:lbJe:. +R,Ii:w.el~U!l-. '~IWtl~ NflC d!ss._ilfid JigluuJu. EC_clruis.

---::==J..~I\i~ l!nels ----

Q~t!l!M__ 1 i!

D,\N'~rf~rOOl C~ 1j2 (!:r;I 1

OJH,ar£lIghkOr _ ell 1 CR :1_

Ol't;:~ui~ Cf! 112 C:R 1

Or~ Ii,~btw (!Ii 11 CR 2

'DroIio' warriar CIl 1 <LR 2

Draw Iigh!U,_ __ ell 2 CI? J

'OI~wBrritlrl (11:3 C:~ l

OgrUighreL_ ell 3 eu ~CELl

l The ~~lmle:¥-els..baii. __ CR DrLO~ with dlilS5-Jwejs_

ret. In tn!'1fr.oIlllinai ~ HD. aitad bgn!.lSe.s., mic.du:[_~pe,"15~lilflheir moollwJ!t"L!Om~.~ __

1'0 CIHI eli! 10 ell: 9 _crllO (.no


Chall~nge Ralings for Trnps- _ -_ ---:-~-lhlps vuy cD.!.'lSldembly, ThOi£ ,resclned m.'iliisllook (5eep!fl,@:"'$ 7'C-14) h.R,,'eJ::h<lllenge.ku:iilp-~-~, slgnf!d, to them, for 1TIIp.!l you nno YIlW'~yers mijW, :IS II rule of !lurmb. :lSSiigIl t clLlo:r every 2d6pQint&DiI.:dIl.lJlage_dle rr~p dem, Formagi1: 1TlipS, wn Oll' Cit· iIfId tben ~!iijgn H .. CJt for I.Wi!ff iill> pomtuf_d~mliiguhe.. tnp . J!IDs ·Of +.1 mlDlT eveflo' level of ~ spell theUBP simuW~ naps geller-aUy a,lm.ukLi~_a C.b!ilJ]~t1gti, fbril'lg g,.re[l'lllM:.uum ,W_ --...Of:ul:oming the ch.illUlge. oL u;E>lP involves !:DClonnrerillg tM1mp, 19:iliruy disanning i'-i ilvoTdi.ng it"uuim,ply 5vr· '~·i.",iJ:lg t'h.e Jamli,ge. i.r de.aJ.~. A, 'tmp !l~yer d i ~t,oi\l'~'rf~d g r never ,bypassd:d was ;not eDCa~1!d

r~ henc.epIOyidu no XP

Modifying XP Jl,w,i.mls , JI'ld Encounrer lbe\lets .M (In: wil~:nd I,h~~ mtr~ (he i'Cs b" flying OVer clUJ:n:I ,

nn pliln'ili\ll~ Im~g .gMlCers and dropping b:rg,e rocks is nor the ~;I.In~ tnc:ounrer as eae iin '~yhich tbi1! "w.,j1w dw-g1l in whlii spl!'iln:_ SoJtH~dm~!I. the. ,dfWmsI:mCe5 gf.l'!: the.. I:bi!.t1ictCl'S· oppoJW.nt!i a watmer: ~ ~t!!ge- Orhe r times:.. the PCs h~V(: Glll .adv..ntmy,e. AdjuHDDe XI' IWM'iOI :md the n dloipimtling on ho"' ~dy eircum._ tID,L::~ ehg,G~ the Cl1toUllterS dilTkuIry.

..Enctllmtl!B .oUL 2 ~r J01\I'ef 3.re, .rhe ~epltllD!. The~ mCtease and cle.c:.Ul:!U8' Ul prop"'mWl.J" the chm~ ill XP. EO~~plc.

lUI In. j el:u;c1.ill~e:r ·,h~f$' I'\V~te_as dEfficult II 1l~rm:d1s1112. tiC[ E[ J.

Yo!.! crn, of eeurse, UII:r¢!Iie or dleoCrCli~~ )(1:'

b~· S~I!! Ilu 1I.mllillfiSS. ucil ss t "Iil'.f -HI%. md iusl e<yeb:111 the EL

MOOifrill J!Ls wniI i."!'.xp~ciUlre ~Jf'w[lr:ds 9S 'YOll sil!lLl'il • ..hIi.~]lrn~·siLp.lSJ.p.

mind. .

• :E}1P~PD!ru:s drilf~ thc_ g1unL. .

IMa'l be.roo sttng'l O[ (00 geli.'~W'lI~_ .' _~lHe'ril d(ltlct~ mod.i= fJ'ing, Dan't w.aSl'e II let Df time "~rrylng .iI:hllur ~h~ mrnut'Lilc:..

Ilanll.l'lDlq'-llbour modifyjng enmmm:1'S ufllil.1ifter YOII._h~t:

played dl.l: g:l!!IDiC ;j; ~ Me.

'" I!~d rolls IN poor choioes em t:.k....ECJ' pill'i! should not modify E"k 1lt..'iO!j .ul}am If the en COIIDti:~{ is. dilll';:lIi1 ~~iJu.s1:; tIll! pII'iYt!l'~ WeM I1nlllcky tlr C;lIf~$!I. tM)l..dtmlt ,Gllt m.Ofl] ,e:l."cril:!.r.lce.

• Just be\ci:tu!le we PCs lire WOrn downl'mm..ptil1 .eIIQ:1.lIll" n::rs dOl.!S r.loC'~llruhwt la.tv JmQ:re d.lmeu It) encc,ufuen_snnu1d_gaiA,

higher 3\"",'Ids. Jud~e_d!diflt~ulf}' of4UJ Imt"OIlIU1I1r en ·il5'OWIJWU ...... .,..__

Ass.igning A.d Hoc i"~ Awn"'ds

Somefim~ the XP lahle d~u.i.I~ cover II giv.en s-itU;Ho.n., Jf,two errs ~re mJll.1 em::aun~~r,lOurolU EL.i!. dgw:O'lr.sliL s:,lI!Il.d.skt~i:I oro ...ELJ.:..bn'lll he,),.Il[e..ib.iny.-two 'I:l=

n JEl j moomw:dAparty_.cf 911 htyd ,i).Il:tilCtw..itmD~t.'cem.lnl'l _0IiIl Mpe th~ll'ith ease lIy...2.m Jevel,ll ChHa_i;.~Ji.Jdef@:s!:s,.Jjl;ll!ilO good iliB.lJl_.iC!1ld~,

111m o. hU"Illld.w:i.l:_~. . • eQEI by i.gmu.c"lu...oUhiIk

I:Ou],d deslro¥-illlhW ~'m'CI. OrCs:. Af sIKh PQiIU..y.o Jlldgm'::llIr QlLtm!!le:i;wb;l·ever I]U:: XlI ilIbir "'Il'~ SlIi

~WI~.~ Sll~~dutJ it u~~ LlllJ1D'.Il!: c,r -ilmQSUQnIl of th·!.'.: PC~' "(l'!Sl;}lI[\i:es J!i.lw:uldn\ resulr 1.lii ml'ly XP IIwanl u all, w h.ile. ~ d!!i'.ig!:fOU& UlrollJlt~thltt tb_e...P.C ow; £oome h.alled)' _tbmJ.1g.h I u (;.k Q. I:llcellelllt J,IJlI[('g',i' Is W!llrth ,full x:e. How· ~"'e.f. :In eneouarer In ~\!'hkh rh~ I!'Cs d,de~ I :>iJmethin,g fur ~bove their OWD l~\I'el (ells high~~ thgnt1"1i:h:l~\!,d by e!lght or ffiQR} MS, pfcb .. bl)1 th~ result of f"HI.i":lIS111': Iud or a D.1I:ique :J;I.'LD!.dri:WllS,!nn~~s, mild Ih.US:a luII . XII IlWIltd lMy~ppropri~u::. You're g.o.ll'lg ro billli':e lSI 1111llke l:be5-e.decbi.cru- As.~ pe[ne, th~, mieimwn_l!I.tUl.m ~ullU.w,:u-duL"en o~ T.dhl.e1-6: £lopmmCe PDUi[ . W\1ifDIii t~ngh:j"t"merl (or ~ grnu'p ,of II giViID _ID.rcl_lJfl:, 'lht It'.'LS1 mil. most X~ YClI.I should. IIWiIW_grollp. Cj{(;!;I!tn/j'!'.ii nees m yom e"f:l~png;n Il]lliY mh\t!T dlls. hQWe'YfI ou mig;ht deddc ~hilt ~ .IiI. :2 ~Ilcmmll:r'~ \I;'tlrdi it[ IttiuJ:i!ll.u.~

Cil'P!QII$Ili,ilIm XPc' .y(<lJJl Adjusll'l'1ecnt

H!ilr~dlflil;ull Xl" 1/2

5~IJ:~ilit:ilI!lUr 1m .dlfficl.!l _xP AlIJ E L -,

Sigrrtlbnlly ~ ·dlmwlt Xj!I x l.l/i a+l

Twice il~ diflkull ~ EL.;!l


I r'l5tl!ad or calClollatJng experience poln~. tbii5t hand cnll IbGlI1 ;; 5 XP t[mjj~ ~e aY~ng~ piny ~~ ... !!I fOr each clt~r,lIcler il1l the pnl)' per ~;["~ ei'lQGUlI'Iter_ H~lIId aut mClt't'l ,rc,r tOUigt! ~n:wu.nt~r~; 100 Xii pi!f 1~~1 p~r ch~rm:::tet. or e ... en 150 XP. Aw,an:llt':;~ ror ~1I5'f 'Ol'le5i: 2.5 to sa XP. Al~rnijIJlY~1! r~u cOllie! ~fye' out 300 XP 'tlme~ thi! ,air;le~age pifl~

le'l'eI for ~.{I.I;" dlilrac:itli" per s81>1Qn. modified .s.ligl1ltly j'gt tough Qf 'e<i!:i), se~5'IDrl$_

If's ~Ul" Simple 11;1 trlJd how q;w if.~ly dtataC~r1 gain levels l,Jr~i ng 'IJ;is ~~mm, The' d~wb~~k is that it I!Il:neralll!1!<i PC rew'~ rd~. filth~r th;~n IIP-:lntil!g them based 0111 '5pednt ,ac~ompU5hmr:nt5, \(ou 'risk play~.~ bewming dlssal:f$RoN:! ,by pining dle ~ilme reward 1!vt:1')' !;ession,

YOIII 1 arb-li.WiI j):rny since i~ c:aU5J:d.'meDUlbw.aituome tII:Jjor .spells,sD yeti give them .nll( We XP.1I11'l EL llI1COWllCUlim!.1d bllY\! ,e3mild them, er ! 1) X P. Qr you, rnlgl'u lll~e .t.Iur_.d3[g.~ .. qJ;!lInrity otCR 1 monsters 15 j,m:l.eiH:! ~n ~pl!llllpD3tel:h~lIenge for 9 loth· level party' bet}!lse Ihe: glllUP W losu..u lbclf tqu!pmeJiU bcfcr

.he Bshl: !:~ru::d. _


~ PCsh~ rescued 'thC;J;onsmb~~m rhe ~roIlIBir. Th(!J ....

~iO'C m, JIliI': IInti !~QP ibdr cum:n Q.tt~o ~hCYC!li] wtum tb~ WlDg.iJoy'ttl hils hmne 1Il:1il pll!rl!t1~ • .Do Iller gel ~ence poinl"i


- S:.ojpl~ DMs WllU Ihe..IDlm'JI!t to bl:....·of eeurse [hey 1:10: To

IIcoompli!!.b this, YOLl .ru:ed,.KitSn liP!! ~t!m In whidl you C:.I1l IIWi:lro Xl for Jt!:c~mpll:iih.liDg gO:llis lind. .r~ r ac([iUlS MJd f:fiCOIJJnt !S t1m[ don'l ill~~ !lC!lmbilt~

SW'n~ 'ill'1I 1lU}"_~li.tIl.IQ cs[ims'lc e~rieflc¢ poil'lll ~vi1J'ds

~m iICtion£..lli;. I norma Ii'~' dtm~ resulr in;m A2' ~''I'ilr-d under [h~t t~M~:~.:[h~s~ lire t~Ued 5t'a:ry ~w~Hl s, and i:ilJ1'Y s.boillM 111r be usOO 'by Iln e"''J!I'Ildenred DM.

CRs fer Nam::ombat Encoumers

YGl.l1:1:I1.I1d llWiU'd expe.rie:n~ po In IS COt :mlving iil. puzrle, li!lm!hg II, sl!'c:~r. ~nvind:ng 01.1\ me l'l:! help. Of esaping from t:I powerful (0 Myswries, puzzles. and roleplaying e 'nCO\lnre'l!S (rucb :Isl'Iegoo:njorn;;) can he 'I:ssig'lled Ch:lUellge ~tings .. bur ~heSlf sorts of

~"rdi requiN IfIO.l' ttd hee illling en me VMs ptlff.

ChallE.ol1ll:. hrli1!&S for nOI1C01ml:ta~l'JWl1U'S :'0: I:VIm mlll:t' of \/w hie than naps. A mlepLliylng ~:n«lUll~[ shou1!l o~ly be !Con' deeed ~ c.hillBII,&e ~r:tllllthere'$ SIOlIle.rifk [n't1Obt~d.jtll~_suwtSSS r £lIillJfe really mlluen.];or fl.:lIDipilt, 'Phe.£C~~fI$O.UD~eor.~JI NPC wba lmmvs Ih.: seerer ~S:;wanllo ce~ 1.n'tQ.~~J'lJ prlroll ~h3l Hw'kk l:h~ir wmp;miCl~, Ih~ 1'0 must. !I~,t jh~~~[onc!llllt of :her~lf they iilofll:. th~1f fn-e n.eI recm rums trnpped m~r~ I' n !In-

.o:m~ i:n_SWlte.l4e en 'IlIJ;IefS rnwsu:l;Osu mgj'lI.lujy_~(lrLmdl.ng,. swimming, Dr climbing ~l:ms5 ; wp~. I.hhq fllit d!etcanlt UT (0 where. ~b m.1g1:t: gem hl:$, <Llnl if IllIlyl;ill ~~ly._.tbun: \!''1l!She.lllwlllf down rue 0:\1 . IF.

Y:CIIJ mig!;" flee such sitllations 13$ h~:vi!Jg ~I Ch;tllt:il~~_tig . cqud 10 [iI.e Ie.'lfe:.l oflh~ p~lty. Si.mp'~' pu:!;Zli$ i!rid mdllcr enccunten; s:hould..h.ll,ve ~ CR IO'lltCf.d,Jfi .:hl: parl:'{'!i kvd. if tb~y lire w~rth ~n ~.ward Illi nil, n,I1'',iI'-sb'Q,l:Jld ile~ 1uiv~ ~, C13:. higher than tin p;my's te-nL As·~ 1ll1~1 )'lI'k! PllOb.mbl't9ot'l~ W'illlll to bmd GII~ a 1m of ,~erie:Il~~IW.:ili~ejdI!d5:.Qf.eII;I':DJmtets DIDI~~ 1'011 in~e.n[lo:nmlh' W~l'I't t\iI mn :! IGW::~'i:J!'nbat g,IIme..

In llllL~d or SI()ry ilW!ltdfef'k~ity mlI!:b .Il.kr II 5t~m!ord IiliYJlm. Don't ever !eel obligated I[Qcgi~_o.u~ x.p fllf lUI ,m· ooulller IDllt ytnl don'[ feel was milch '0£ ~_dll !l!Jl,~e. RemerlObl'-O rhiu the 5i!Y \\'llirl in ·~"qIeril!n~t: award" Is (lWil iitl -rb!: Pes 'tihallld 'l \!tJo do m!'£!~lh[!:lg impIt'SSive,JIQ gl:t .m lli\\'ITIt!,


VOW 'OCIr1Iln;,I' !h~' pac.@< ,oJ ch~~(:Iler prog,r~l5. ,~od th e ei!~ieS"t W!iI}'lO do tkal i~ th rctJ(!1i e;l:periellclli' F'olm iliWi rds. Ob-yj",u~!1' ~j you wunt !he diil'llc.liet$ ~ pHIg;re;sli fnter, 5imj)l1 m ~Ik~ e~~"1 ~w; rd, 100(., 200b" or even 50% laJgi!'r. Iryou want tha.r-adefs ttl pr"gti!SS more S~\;)",Jy, give award.!; tha tart !lOrnl! sultab!.1! rractlo:rll Qf lh e (lrigitl~' .iilllj'<!rd,

Wh~i'I modif'ring awarcl~ !D 1:h'5 wa)" ll!~p lirad{ (]Ir ih~ i!ffiOUl'lt of c:n:JInge you impa5~ on I n ~ IPC!:' pt,ogi'r!ii!. You ilii~ In b.a,lan~ tn.[s will1 ihe P;lC.e Qf!JeiSul'e ii'll.qfded. For~;; mpfe. Iholl rna~a:!ie th~ amount ,of eJ:p-erience· -elImedi by ,the' dm r'IIaelS by :lOw. acoo'J.s th~ ~rd. tu'JI' 5J.i11'e IIlso need!; to i n-creas.e by 21)%, or .j!1~i! tk~ Ii!C!i iind up pDDr .and Lfl'l~rr.qulp'~ ror tlilelr I!~I.


Qhem :lf1I..iidvenrum hss I mimQn er II gpal tbai: pulls the P s mto the :1I:;dull" Shmdd lhi! i.Cs IJcl:'OmpJish !heir- gmJ, th~ • m.i e sHlrjtalwR Ni:l..Cb..::sJ.knga RJI'lwgs.!![e hnlO!ioIed here: 1'b.m XEj ",wll'l'd is enti,ei'r" up ~:O~}lm - __

Su,.;h Wl'i1ili~dj ~bQU\d ht [Bid.r .Ii1~rwr;g.t:, alQugh IlCI SI;t'-ll! sJgmaC! n( whell c(lm~lO Wi." stwJ:tilEln:l ~\c'."Ilim.:; e!lm~d, II!lllltlgmi:' w;]'1 to\'II!l[l!htoChie~~fj_Q.n goaJ.. Tb~ ~iO'Jl;il.wmi "bmd.d be mere than !theXP r&,~J;ll' ~Ie e'!lconmerQIl meml~iol'l,.bu:r not moro rfuLli all mndwId .il\VilInIs [C!r encoWIIWJi:ir.we mliISi.Q:n pur ulgedu·r (see . tory Aw.IIIl'Ih and Sland cd Aw,uds bdoW;, Phrello:alh', VCiIl GOuld give OUI 0111 'srot;y aWllrru_;;I1Id.ruur:mOJl.ttl 1I.(\'3rt!s,h:! thiSnommmdmd Slime, dre misSlion.a~.::woUild be eha mil in q>nrd 1lIi1~Dr [0 rhe PCs' experie lIIee polDUoa

If~ I"cW!)l!:!! m:.lt illl! 5illsle ~d:'lreI~IUl'l' ill y.my mR.b;ncemlllnpl~ gO;il!;;. StlrneE:irn.~ the jDllIi ~rr, :llllumwn al tlw I:tLlr.iel: lliIcltII in the gold d[;Jllon, d-emJ:!lY or frm,primJI ~he Iwo, blilel!: d~ nd inc! dte !Ol1!r lia!! ~f h~h'lg, SQ!mctimeslhe n~ gorulls dimwcortt! when .:he fi,f$!' one b..ll cctlXliip1is,h~: Now thll!t th~ JJlhn:ld ts deitd ... _ alii! ~h~ p~(lpl~ wfll;\l 'Were lI11decr bs .nJI~ ilt:ll mnttoiJ :II1l1:i bring mem lr.-!d '[0 kIwn,

Somo:: pilryeu.'vill W.1IIH ro .. Jet IIp.pets.tWJl~sJor theit .. dmf'~'t~q;. re'ID.1Ip<S the PC pal~dill hol~ II gRUIg.&UlpfQ.5Ir!lIuligJu hllg from w..hen willy e.1l00JUltOfl:d he. 'b~ful~thO.!!gb mu crleteal fQ_fhe ;lldN~IIUJJfe 1 hand, h bl'cQm~~ml Coni to l'ilo',engi1 tlie wnmgs sb ~tlmmi.tted._h d~nmtinglle.r...Or. lIIIlolhcr ,~hjj:nCler WlIn.tS te find the magic:JJ:em.t.bnI willenilble her tl:l f(,WlrR r~.hH home vhlJiage iifl-d 5ilap&t1utph&~ VIIo'l1hy g(li~J.lI. ~ nd ~.he individum! J(h~,r:lne:r who idiievjl! them. should ge~ II 5peCi~~ IU~Lam, ·r wilnt to' gel mot~ l='crwerru lUs.J.lc! ~ n in.tlilo'·hhuu gN L !iJi n~~ [b~r~ w,hm Jl.iSI ~IKIIl:r e,\I.'e'l)"OM W.oJ nti, ~II) ~c"tI:mpl'~.

Re-me"moor. A g~ rh.1Ii.I!1I3f ~CII ~OMlllplnh is wllri:h futk Dr no IWArd.:uk~8e" ga:Jls 111~! m,ea!lv n!llmsl1d1clmrd ~\liilm~ t~.umilS "Kl'U aU th~m01Dsm~ rn this cIIW:m ~(jrnl)~)n~hollldhe ([~[ro.~s I>tliDdm! aw_

Rolepldying Awards

A plll}'er who ltlljoys p!lli)"i.ng_iLmlt...wdJl...Di,ii,Y~$omel:im~s m~kl!! ded';101'I5 tOgt fir his or he~lUllCi:e[__lm~ dQfl'( neiles:>arllylead '100 Ihe mD5i fllverm'bl.e eJl.l",sn'l!Id"r fh~i chln.Clfl. Coed r.olepllllyers mlgbt.pcertorm some_de~duhJl[ sf'el1Lpilni'i:'u1~.r]y fhring (or lbe:iJ: eh il!DCIie~ . .s·om~OI:l pla'l'LtlI,I! II bMtl rnigbl CQm'lpOS~ ilS.b(l'j'f po-c m ~~~ .~ 'll'el:l1.5 In t'h r:.!;1iJJ]Icp;dg;n, A ~rn.~n"i.leck ~or~e'Cl.l' lti~gb. ,mck UI in-J!.lim~ jck!t' th~t sellW: i'he IlIDe'r ptll'y~mlD lh~ flMr wugMn.c:_Anolhe'r F~for might luve !:till charlll:"!er f",11 [11 love wirh lIll NPC ~m!l Ehr:n devotoe some pt:Jr~fol'l of his t[me w pia yi I1g V.1.lt.. [1 aI Jove !I.ffa I( Il<: h rol.eplll yiJl_g :s b ollldbe rewanled, since :!tnhIlD~5 lhe gJlYJle, (If:tr dee-m'[ enb:lllCf the Clime. cll}lllci ... ~ ,:J.D, ilWan:L.l

Mod..l't1ng C:h.Jln~lIg:e !ladng,s

The otloier M~ to mod'lf)' dta~aeti!'r ptqg~'!s, is i'o mMifr me d1~j'en~ Raull[S of mOi'ls~~rr~ ~ncounl:liriicl, If YQIiI i na~"'5!! ~h ~ Clt~ yo", !m;lI~iJ;$e !hi! 'fip-i!rd~n~ .i!o,!t;irds <lnd sr;!eed up i4v1l,.~emem.

,Of ~Otlr5e, ..... heihe r or InfJ,t )lOLl wdnt t·o C'ha:nge dha I"iIct~, progress, 1GLI m~ clooiae 'to modll'1' 'll'i1riOIl5 Cflallefl;ge Riatingj;" Ir)lrllJ ihlllk tnat iii cen.In mQ-T15.~~r is wo,lh mOH~ ,[or less) 'chan i~ MomfU Mo."WDI noIting. fel:llTee w d!!!!'Ig,= i!, Keep in mlnd. hGWellC'f. thal just bec;lIIuoe ih~ p~ in ymu campaign hap,peJ'l to.dl h~~ bane _~Ol'l:i Yi~ful against ab~lTal!Qtl$, that d'oes.p't n;el:)es$~rily m~~ beholder5 ,II Iel;$er ,chilll~ fl,,!!l1 Q1,!',er!!lll. I. jun mean, that YOllr I~ tty ~S' pirl!icularly l1li",11 e'lLtipped t-o de,a I with Iile:lr I:hlllen~,

XP :1\J,1:1Ilb ror fQl.eptll'jillpg ~j;w;..lh_llu • .aU)'_Iir:Wil ~ISi~ fur ~s5Igl'1i~g c:hgJ1eage lbiliDg5 110 b rs,c ' ml$ymg. The 1l.\e"~Ms .duml,! he Jwt laliS-l: 'i:IlOligh fur Elli:.pl4l)',t [O,liIan c th~, plXlbatblyno 1J'i10rt tb4~n.HI X P per t:h:n-actC'r lwel p~ adwn:run=..

Story Awards and....5ulidard Award~

Yo L] i:'llif.J. h~Ddloe W~[y "'Vi1"QI:ds.. tl'l ene Qr t\!.!O \'\t"!i'~ Th~ Ilts:t U:JO make:all ~M:rds 5ttll:y ~wmis.lhu!. killlog..mQII!!~.n would. !I>Ull.I .ne ~,~r.limce in and of Ir~lf-althougb it mn}' allClw dltll'llcren JlCJ:JIi:hi'eYe 'What wr n""~ W doJ.n.onLIlt.t:O e.~m ~ $'lllrJ' itIwmLJ.f YCJ.llollo-w iliis method, )'OU shQ.w.:Uull pay IIUeIUiol'i ttl how JIIlIIIY t:",prrl~coC poln(s.duu;.h:ltl1J:W'S wou.ld b~ euning bv rl.C!~l1dllg ~ n~mi~5, !O .hllt y.o~ eun mmk~ run. the': pas' rreaoliu(@ rersls aN' in 'Iin~ with wh~t.mey ~bO'uld be e;rrni.ng.

Tbe second \\'<1)' 1:; l~tlJlS.e ~;Jill&rd II"w:m;l~ fur detl5ltlng en ~IDies mu ~ ~wud enl., h~[£ d'lt I'IcQlmiil am m,ll:nr ~f domg sG,m<1king '~p ~, Pther..baJ[th1'Qug,.hsto~\\'~~ lhis mefhcd hl1o!ilhe 'il'1l"lUf' of ,.keepfrlvhcJ!(ea5t1N earned :ir,~bol!r the- same rare as )G",eamed, 10lml.limP,ly_~qd_~]O!ry [I"""'~~ to $liI:n.d~n:llIWllrd5 (eYcl1 if f-}!mJ c:ompel1S;U~ by l!1,ving, c\]I' mor-e hW$urc $ Wfll) 1I:nless ~101 'oIl'Ull to spe~d.jJ;~ ch!lrrilW!1 pmgres5icm ..


Ch UllCfi!:fS ca n 10:00= experit nce -pc InE by ~tlng cert ail"! spelb er ~>ldJ!l' lI't!lg[c if>l~ms.. 'rh i~ ~Ilocadna cl pe~un~] powe:r.serve:; ~ilic I:lBm.e fun.c:rlWli: rdtmil:£nndcol."ltrro ese sctir.'HLeS', .~5 well as lfiDlkililg, [hem Lllle.~I11t doiCf1 CDr ~!I..v~r~, l~l.'Ieril.l, .bQVi:'~~"er, 'lOLl llCwldn.'t ~I:.-~i:'ritl'l~e 'Pi!l'Iio'1lri~1ii til' ~ny arhu $lllliltiOIL WhHe ~V.~tdHil:l1 be rued 10 C!.I'ICO~lrnge bel:illv1oorr.F'eI'lll.l[if'-S donI S f.~lro:rur~e b:J:d

~ehavior, Uw:( '~II~' only loC<o:d to .ugu:lnt'nts.l1nd <Ulger. If ~ ~p4~'ec behll\'ll;!i iJl iI w'ily yon dm1'1 'Vimr h~Qu:.l'idk IQ him "bour iit. lfbe continut!~' Ip pkymg,.:withlLi


[f.m c-.ru.mcJer Illke5 pan m ;m enCOI.Uile~. e:VlW if ~h~1e , during mlC. cm:m.anrer, dliilf dltJmlqer gf'1UI! ~hilre.o.r!hu~ enee (IOinl ~ If CnllJiCIU cUes. I'ld is rnised,lh il1o'i'0I1'liJI:d.. I!Xperiellc~ points" Hi! g:11umd [0 her nfrer !ine comef.lNdc._ fmm the de~d {~nd ~in:r~~he loses the ~~"'I:l rrom de~lbj if. DPJlroprl.QlleoJ.


Unle~ }'OUIe milkLn,gJ.tp ~n"ai!Ye.n:~'" ~ YOU, gel, yqu 35~gn £reas:ug: I15.You 'make up eI'lOQlLnre~.The rules flJrrre:mIrf ~nd othene1l:u:dOl,p~,I' W .Chllpte~ :.AdWi1tureL_



Th ~ I9!p-el'lt n ce pooil'it ~';Wa r'dl r(l:f ~IIIC01J I'lLer5 i$ b~5ed GI1 thtJ cOl'lc,ep,t thllt 13.13· ItJ!lCOI.!nlI:e.~ or a,1I El ~qtl,lI~ to the: pl~~r c.h~rildt'r~· level ,alLliw Ihem 1.0 g'iln iI leyel.

Ttl i FI~III or r,nnnel'l i!(I(Ol,iiltt :5 C ~n ,e-em ~o gill lboy !i~ i'f qUickly.

Thi5 Is padicuhuly uue ~t 1I;i ..... I ~~'i!I~. wn.~{11 lfl'1!)1;l (JHh~· enCoUIIillit!f'~ thn ch ar..ctJ!l'~ 'c;,ke p-art in lire .. pproptiatll for lPre I r levels. At h'ghu I e~el'ii, th e P,Cs fa~~·~ ¥illw~d r!lIIge 'of Erli:Ollln'h~.~ le'lel ~ l[mQrt1' !lW.'i!.r 111;,n hisher, if therre to 5I1Jf\lJY~l Inc! thu',j, g~in I~~tl!i som~lIt nlOI1i! sIDwl'l', High~r.levet ,c;ma ratter!; all.o lielld to 5'p'l!m:l :morn and more time ili'tenl(tinll wltlll!'ach other ~I"d wI'th NPCs, wnich res,Llt~ Inrewel )(,1) 't;I~er II m~'

Wit" !his jrl'Form:nlolllll mind, 0\1 (;;in loughly gauge how !jllidc.11 in e PC5 11'1 )It! uqja!'1il~ ;,yJlIa.civaLllce. I n r~~t, yall C;1.i'1 con~olli:. You ~ re in cn;,rg~' of whill e nC(JIw I'i~r~ happcl1 ~"d th~' cirCiJji'I:!'Ia nres I n wht~h they I)CClIl'. You c.an p,eg iet It wh<l~ JNel the c:nlll1lcte r$ will rr:a,C'1iI the


[r Ir.rppe:ns.. &I~nturililg i~ 1I high-risk e'.lilte.rprise. Chill"W!f~ yDL1 kellmp,tigl'l wi]] 11 ie, ~1IW1im~btl"C311S1li meywere fC("JdI:-SS. ~l1.di onmime-s lx-t;luseluck,.was.~ dl~rn.. Thn:llI'lilJTdy. J)&[) is, ~

. _me,!Hid dtath QQes:n'it.hUUilil Ix Lhr end.

JtlHl~ Iit~lIl, fl!"mfllnw.tIQii, ~~"I'n'o!C!ii:m, Bl'Id ~m o·,r.t.umt filln can rerum dmm:tevs '1QJi£~Dllllac.k th_,;:Pe~d,_01l..pa,g.r l(tJJf rb~ P.rI1}'l'r's Hi1T1r1~"(/~".hti(!{If aiStDSSes iitlJ COlli; Alii)" I:rea..mN broughl: ~ck rJ:l Iift.J~~ (1fI~1f'Ve1 fb[ ~li'~ dl:1lc.wmlm:..bm~ h~d.;: wi'l:h liI'llll'filuwd~~". fhl! charac[i!r's .II~V ..K£.mrmlJs.m.idwD.,' ootweeJI the minimum :needed for his c[_be["Il~~<I d,~ minimum 1l~e<leJ. for Ihe r,!.ex~ ene, J r thl!; c.hw~L:~e;r:..mlil~ Jc.vd, h~ 01:.. ~lte 1i:ISf'5 '2 p"l:ntS Qr C(lI1Sli1'llfritm inne~d....aL!asi.Elll ;'IDe ThJ~ lil'vclJ"'::i~llr COlur~rlaion less c:uu"ll~·Lbe...ttpUre!Lb.~y. mortlthl'ell. e'V'c:n li,j~h or mimdf. atill, W~ OOYi.\I'i!d ,hilGl!;"[i9:'.s;~n

..Jmprnv~' his or ber COi!l$Qiw.tion mo;rm.'lIIl'f tOil' 4rh, 5t.hJ2ili;..l,lth. and ::!!lm l,e'll'fi) Jltlld earn Il!Xpcrlence by furth{'[ ad.\·enruding It:! re,g'!lm Ihe la:n IIt:'leL

Rnilil' dt\lU1 ~ ~ I'IUll!l~r of lliniJ::Iriofi&. the eIlSler c.:m only mise dlarnclen who_hitve..hetm_d_ea~Q . eue, d~f 'p_c{ (;3'Slcr

leVll'I. Cm;rUig hlJl~ IS ~J.irlgl~ minJ!.(e. lr dllll'll.h.i:i1I. 1 hn'lpocl;in pill" HitJJic, btll [hl:.R1b: Qf th~· niu;d.c.b:hfKlCJ." t1Iustb~

. \'\'htlle, Iilllifufcml c!'CI-l:SI1't r.c:gCirleJrtJtte mus:ing bn~_pw:;;.

E'iiyinl!:~mc!~~l1;e I~Q c~st m lie d.wd COSIO!i,'i;sq~mmj!,"" Slth~'i:l5~eJJ plus.s.OI)O gp for expen.m:.c 1Iitll~;L;;mll~l]. &'inrllirrmr~ bLing.s: b .. .dc cre:tim'e5 d~~~ WUili, Iml m ~liIitCl'll'~\·".'bOO~ TI1~ ~bJen:.of.~hi!.!'am hvd.~ Of CQflsrirui:ionl'oss:J5 \,.jlh othr. reIkBll~SJmJeoee to' c.;JSl.ll'JIffit.ti1~lf C'Os[SI,2S0 gp (OJ !i'YIllII1IC 1l.11~ cau.e-r), nulToiingJuhe leti[ ~mi~'e~plill!f.L T'ht:.dl'!lwb~Jlf c:m~.Js m;ala;M p!lI~ h::l'HIt!l l:iolmOl ~nll~ DeW furm.l

mdmnr}'.lJ(Jtbe\,l;'ltlromeina~ d~ ~

RtHI m'dlllO' g;J'!l!!S~ be C~Sl wiIhin 1 0 'i!:3!r..s .. ~er l<Il8'Iet J.eV"~II:1I( th~ttm-e' Q(d-ea\h.Jt 1I'.'luks.-as 11l~i1S ~.IIme mt II

....:::~~O"" ponton Q.[jh _ ~lmuc.rer'~ __ ....... ~ 'badys'I"ill ex,iSls,

d;1 rk templl!! ,liild pr~p~ re gecord't ng1~. I rlt 'turns out lhat ~ou 'pre(ll~l~ ncafffl:t[I', YOy (:alli I!flHin~r eI'lCioun~e~ 10 allow [hem ~D ,reilch til!!! iljplprl!ipna~~ I ~~el or ifu;rl:~~~ tnt d,li'iC'l.l1ty of tne IC.mpoll! ~~ClloInliers iI~ Il~ded.

P'ubllsllt=d adventure:. !i!IW3)'l: provld~ lluldellme fl)r willen 11-\OIe1:ii or·th;a,i'tlctMl au ~ppropriit!e ·to play. K~p ill mind lihat this InFo,· 1'J'ij!J~:iol'l is h-i!j~ild on c:hllf~ ~lier power a!: well .a~ e:tpede4 trea~ur~, fllble 5-1; Ch~filc:t"'r Wnllh b)' Le ... el give!> Oil gl:lld~linefor ilbOUlllmY much treIl5t.!~ til cila'rllcU!1 of:;j ~IHltlilT!'! 1~'I!oI!1 sl:ioLltcl "(!is.5es~. This gl,lhtt<J I n ~ i's hase-d, onlh e' I(~lilllilll'!l more th~ nlU<! I ~n.rn(ll LlIII,en' per.le-vel: rOiTI'lul~, and ~5!illm!ls. i!~i!lagl! t~uUlre:5 wer,1;'! glv@n Oul. If 1~!.I IJI!;,!! a published Iiidvel1bHI! !lut tend to be l!loenerQus wit.!; cxpe~lel:'l~~ pOintli, yo"", IfI'i 111M fj r\d th~ t tl1l!' ~h~~tt~.r~ iii ~o u r grQUp d on"t h.a.ve ilS I'1'Illll;:n trea,sur~ all. Ihe ~«!n~ri!) ;lo:;sume:s.. Llkewise,ifYllu're ninll)' with experll!nce jiolnt~, the chilr,~ct!1of$ Will probalbh ~'n lIeas u'r,~ 'r.a~ter th~m levels, Of Cli!li.l.f~C, If ~ou'fe 5tilll!:)i' 01 g~n~'r(lu5 with btlth i'r'f.3sur,j! .alnd elLpe~ie"iI:e pOints. It might 11151" all eVen cUI.

~!lg rime 15 t:l fu1l10millutes..Ji1l. ~_chm.~tn..£t)miPl· ~dy ~"i'hlm ~.lmt me clu1l"ilCl:er mll~JS [he sameJeyclJo.s:s..oi 'Comtitu!i.(!,I~ loss ~:!i wim mift IIMd~B1yjng SOm("(Wli:..lo 'C~.iUUi!'dwr] aJlSlS 910 gp (~ssmnmg oJ 13ith:leyel castlld~:uo.ootlJW COl" ~Ilsive m:lt.edal cmIlpo!lnell.t:i._

'1'hrl' I\!'nfl'l"l'dfQnJikeErul1'(t'J'iim,cIl11 b~ Ql~' Qil ~ cnarnctl:!lF\'\i'h .hu been dill'.nd for up .Ul HL)NJ.a1'S 'pef CS<$iIt~f I~el No l'!iil:U of til [d~asoo istequired flY! th~_C'l1sliq ti.meduMI1@ minU'les~'. trrut lY,fffrrcrfjtlli rf'S!'OTt-S II ,h!!lU!,(:r.et.tompl~tel'f. \'D!~~ I'IQ I:G$~ 0 lad or C!limtiU.Hio:l'!. Thls..i.s tb~_i1i:Qi[~;m5ii,l(:! or Ih~ ~-peUuo h~K Cash .f.aymg SDm~O.ml Ull IJll;lt rrfl!rm-h~li GO~IS ',530 II" (,tuum:i..llg . 17th-level t~ gp for elfJ'~nsive: m~(e--

JlJd oom'PQnilJ'l~


A p!.I'I'r'e~ m~y de<:iduillht dlf! ~'l'1IIJi!S 00 flulwllJ fi~W di~fllCIl!r rnth~r :Wu".c:a:.ro;iJl.ue_itd.v~tud.nA.'lvlri her ~xl~'!'ibg one, Or Imyile )'OU~c:...ttCruh~ ~ :tIcW P~}'W for y~n.llr camp:!~1L WileD ~ P!.1Yel j lnakEli ;j :~n!r.;.dIanU;~i:f fll r your gllme, youh'mv~ u lmponrm

lihoice tomake: Whml level Mll the Jl.CW ~himlCrer b~r

In. gen eral, UilIk'D..e;nrnll.mge~ COlli ifiUit)' of ch ~fRC~en; ill ~b!.l ~ dv:e[lnumg; group. I"~ayers ge'I' m g['c~ 1iI!' ~l!~5~ oJ a:lXomp'iis Ita tonf it thC')' devoelc, their th:lIl'1lC[llr.s ewer rime. Th~ gmup [5 tnD.T'C l!'~clive-.'l'Ild bas more fUn-if I:iley 1= th.e sU'Mgr.hs, \OSe'"kl1es5es, and quirks of the pes they're ~dvel'lru.Mg wi~1L A ~ens~ ,"f u'=ILI'IlIWQf.k is nard to de'Q'elopJf [he [O&[~r ofpc~ is ilhvqy sbJIrw,g.

But dUl:re ~fI! rimes when m~'killg._;l..l'li!.w:._dm.QU" is l:be besl

~PtiOOl' lJnde<r the ftlli.CbWlng. ,G:iraLm!il'll!llci!~~ch~rn~oI!,f DID}' he WIl mlJlIliftd. _

• A n,e-w pbY11r joilu tbe c,;mpthlgll..

• All eKinrngPC dies. nn.d di,~, p:3'n;y doetfi'lli;'l, .. c.~COI$S [Q lIIDgk

til n~ brin,(,I$ her back to !If'!:- __ __

.• An ~KisOOg PC is WllllHe to a,dvclliJJre [w:.m_e.'lteucl'f.ltpe.rl.otl of time. ~rhl)pS hc._w,a5 IUmfd ro SKlue by ~dlJ~UiiliJow.hldi, Wen ab.scomled \"'i~b me statue. The resr Q(Ih~ pUr)' irl[elUl, lC ru;Ctll:-him,lnll until Ihllt h~ppc:m;_he Botud...havL.iI!IlO'lllllr ,chmC'fa 1:tI-P'llly $I;! be'5 not leftcul~

• The ph.~f,!i) fllld they don . hllvl! a.dlu4crer to c;oy.eu k~~t rele, If th~ play~ i1fllu sak fC delic m~ a\'\l:l)', ;madll:r pbJy~r might 1tJ.ak~' u- ~. n!"' cltrl!: so ~h~ p:rll]' ~11 has ~(;\;es u)o b.e31!ng m!l,gk.

M ,eNisling PCJiI~S be~al]lf': d:~mi;'u.h Hl' J1IJ.:t.;'. ~:nd the pb¥e'.I' is; nne:ilI[W~ i'Q...IU!f.'W....dlairru:t.c'.~f~ you ~ Uo-w.eil otu 1:Ig!'ie' lndm:l::m._£C inl'~your gilmc .... bm the pla~fS &.41 dI~'f pfj!r~r po.llitic~lIigueuDd lI~b~rurei.

.• A pl:n)'e'LI5 e~f [OJ 'IT)' ~ I'le.w .n(e.ou:I~J~_

.HQ\¥ flutbil!ldlle ea.cll of rh e!Je i~l.Ilii rum.sJ5:.upto )'Qu.. ChoosiD,g ;t1C'~ th~ new dl.lIfictllr 1$ ~I)te t of Bnd:i~ d:t~ 1rntl:u.l~iI: pgint

WbCrt.JUL~thiI;OlCl'er is wilDie IUld fim to pby wimout I!lI~IDoo:l.lIgJhi: IliIItil!: res.

J]Jltif;[.QlOn CWo,::!;!"Im!pres, jI! !lC'W cha r.ilcier should bcgill.p'lDi.y !lllhe begID.e1ng of the. Jl)YJ."1 low -r Ibm the pI~,yer's; p're'lliou~ EC~ ,.Eo. e:>Rll'Ip·Xe, ih pby~~~hi$ ~hh·revel p3lad.m [Q tide orr in,tc the S'ill'l~etl hblU:lI'I'..tbMIICtCl ~'!:lU;; wi~h 2$,000 n, the 4begiflfling; of !u:h J,e~d..AJ:Li!~pbye;r!!.hotl.lill:n;'ll!: . .hb: M[ dULl''l!Cllcrr =:If tbe ·be-~Il'I:lling.m_thl1: Ie-vd ",,·.h~re tbc- 10'\lle'M·l~1 ·~xi£(· iDg: PC i~

In som~ drt:lUlliililliteb. you m:!g.h[ Willlrl lei bc,JIIliID:! Itm:k:lu

[he Imv.e:5'[-l~v>d p~ Is lit .glcatlly ImpriscII!!d. ~Il C'ilnJet thaI pllly.er cmt1Ire ~ M'\l4.I~rnporn ry th!i!:KICr 'iLt~.silmC.kv.d. unrU th odglrurl PC i:s rescued. But mroid situations w~~ef_\''i!cud d be pUllished fllT stic.kiIIII: ".,..jlb m emung.JliC_lilllw:_Ih;m._~, ll& ~ n1:W_l;IInul~ b:1l1 ~Ilr oontlnu:i'l' j,f:l pl:I.Yi:it.~ UlU.dbnc.w 1 oth~JI!""el chmll.::fle[ ever ~ longtime PC who will tOme back bom

.. e dead ~ i9n:h lev:e.l.

You ilhq need ~Qlell ril~ p1~yc.r Ctlmlling thil: [lew character baw mu..clI -iE';l:r 'U) Ii~v~ l.b De~"'.PC ~bumdd h~.1i'e the p:mp:e! equ:tpi;)1It'm ro hi!' .~I'I C'ff~t:tive ch.atll~it!!', blli' hi!, W~IIp.Dr.t~ ~mlor, Bl.'ld, Q:i:l'ttgit' ifierns ~bould'n'[ be 'sugOO'!:hb at.tb~Ife_j_edlo.l.lsf !llnons

me ·orner ,J1lY'lll':l, Two r1loCIOr;:;1.a-er.eUD me ~uch.g.~ar to...gjlaw.: tin: ~vl!rnge runll1.lin~ of ~" mO'J)g I'b~ tllhe.t.l.Q ;'Ild whelluf the n~\!i' (ilC \\iLl hil!luca: to:ln Qkf PC~ &~il;r._

As ltiIlg;1i£ ymucmlp:lign ~ re3sonab!y_dw_e_m..the E'C gear gui.d~Jine.$ outlined ..Ill C~llgt:il'lg P s alx)'~u.SLL1!'leUp3~.1!l9)j you CiJn II!S~ Ta hie 5-1: Chi'Il:Qc:ter Weilhb bUltV.d.lO-s_euh' g~~t For ~ph:, l1i n.~w Jth·l vel ch;!lOI'Cl'! r. 5hom_UiM~..IJD.DOa..gp In g!:iIlL If your cliO!Jllc:rer"s, llXe more [han 2,O'i.hi,gheI'JOdQWU th~l'I [he 'II'a.1I1,es~b!e, .lldjusc: Lb.~· gtllr v_mhl.e.iou:.bl!_~ I cb411r.lc:a~r by r.he_~;IDle 'p~n:ellt:age. If Ihetb.~ B 12tbde¥cl dllllR51 'tel:5 each h;:l,Ye U2.000.,majD:l ~ulpmtju (SQ% lLbr""dh~ ntl:l'm llf; 88pOO}, give <'ll:lew'.llth-]~\ldchQ~cut 99Ir:1[)O.gjp (SD%ilibc\l'~ ah.tl. noun Qf t'OCiltlOO).

[f EIle new charm, rer 1.5 repll1tlllg an 0 ld P,C, le<iUk:f ·the_[ ,1:>1"

IIU ~m(illlItf by wh!il[~ver the !lId PC ICiWoi:5bcl:wu:l. r~ple, Lf'l pl:iyer c:~:ue5 ;! new 3ro-lel,lel drLli.d becnllluer tb.-J.evt!1 druid: dlhtd, sb.~ CtlA. jU.!l'1 plck up the Illtl pc::.!leH lind use ii, rnmel'lhu &elMg a g~;Jr oIilQWilDtt~Qu.lIt.1l ,frhl: pla},er m~kecS a ;U'().le\Tel rogue w!I,·cnd, !hI:: gC'illl ofll4~h·ll'Vd ditdJ WQI1.'l: be lIS 1Jl!e:fuL u: lDe p~n~d1s tnt druid's g!:~f for 1,llDD gp\ giv~ Th.o::_ilI~\\1 ~nd.!c~~lrogu;lUl.__gc~ illawUll;e' of :1,700 gp so me d.OfClCIIU will hli~ ~ Ml..l Q[l,1.l:tQ_gp ;ij.ruqlliFm~liIl.. If clLeli':lifl'f In:st~lld.bllriil!;.the dndd \riw bu"f'l;JuJp,m.ent;E,i\"erue rogue Z.iDIl gp WO'rth of I.'qu~pmll'nt~

A~ [J_g~ Di Ie. Ii llew clmmt"ler i:1J:tI 5pelld 110 mO'.!'ie' lhru! billf ller roltq~ we~hh 01111 ~ingll.' ilem, line nil! InOlil11hm one qllat'(e.I mil.' lmill' .... ~ultb IlIII cOIl'Sl:UII:lb!es'.1:'Uch u ilmDil1.D.l.liOIl, .s,cro!.l:s • potiDM" wands. i:!Ir IIlch~tta! tem·.



iD&D ""'orfl:~ b~H whell ~Uth~ P,C~ ar'e' ~ithi" a !evell;l'r iwCl Qlr,~~ch o thl!r. The ~185'$'e'S .~Ire C~ refuU~ bal.meed iI.~III!'I~'1 l!ilC h oHt~~ at I~d'l ~i!lIel, ii n d Ii'!e ('h ~II~ n ~e Ihtl n g sys1e<m glve1 ~QU grf;a.t ff\l:!fdDIJ1 ~D desl!!" OipprelHi~te chi! Ilenl:'~s tha:! ~ Jt! rlJin -rar ~Vi'!ryoj\1! -.a~ rhi! til boll!,

But i:lft·~n an LinllJd)' PC-llr 'tile' PC OIF:I, $ClrnA!tlm~-ab:!i!!llt .~hi~~rwill fall b!!hlild me ~l of'IIie party. If if;Ie differel'l« i:; 0fI!: tlr two 'Ieyels, you dlJf'I't fj~ to. tlQ anything speciaL The ~!er1ce patnt $'f5tem lIiv~ bjgg~ lI_rd5. to Iowl!r·ler\ft'l PCiI, SCI :I milr.lCl!l:it' whD's b.!hind by i1 revel er lWU will fl ... tI.U~:ln,. catd! up over Ilme. For ~ampJ~·. I f' III parly of IhJee·!3th.level PC~. a'l1d one 7lh.,jevel PC d~{e".;!,t a al 9 'lrrod, tilt!! 9U1- r~1 PC.!! each VI 615 Xfl (2.700 ... 4), but dl~ i!!h.4~ PC gets (4,200 ''1- 4) 1,000 Xp,

The H'j)~~le.,c~ polnll,y~I:I!m wJII cll·mlnl"h ~ Ihf~ .. ·II!!\IQJ 18'l'P oval" time" Ib u I it m<~gJII' not ICi/a 51! l't. And 1I PC Mlir C r mcf~ II!~I?I.~ b~h I n d 'ltu~ re~l of lh~ p.:IIft)' is. a ~cJpe for hOll l:ill!_ .An ~ n cal.i.rU@f e;n ~1I~HigI FI.g tJ) tk~ fi:!~i or the pa rt)' ~$ ,[l~~·rW.h,ell'l1ii I'lIi! ~o the lowe~H~'II'el t:hiir. ~ci!r. ini;r'Ei!5In;g the IlkoellhoO'tI th~~ dlli l'lI~te r will dte-.aml t:lll.15 fall fIJi1.her b.ehll'ld. Tilie plij1~r of lion! I'Gwe5t·l~cl c:I1nllcur miGht f;'eel like hill thllJf~u:;ter e;a.,·'t do anything i.l~~rlli. and !:hI! other play" ers might r~!i'~nt ha\l;il'lri toO keep Hie l'owes~-Iev!1j ch~r.acter out of h!lrm'~ WIi..,.

If ~IIP'C f.lIUli 'Ihil fir b-ehrnd Ih~ !'esl ortne party, tilb :IIc~on 'to re.st:ore a s~mC:I~f1Q! of b<!lli1nce. VG'ItI C;ln dI5CUS~ ,ill !'lew dlJ.l'lIIt'er with th~ pla~r, wri~e .1.5010 IId\l'el'l!ure for Ih~'t chal'lllcu:r '10 NFn the XP lIIeetled 1:0 Qldl up. 1M cle~lgn encou:nlllfS I hili, Slffiu Itaneoysly pn:llVillll! ohal· r~IIIV!l, ilpproopl'1l;tJ!! (Clf d1e 1Q.w-level p1ayef ~i'id i:hf! te.S1 anne pcs.

rejl:~mg adrvcnlUEIlS-is'ilJM oflh'l:' gn::at \J.i!i'i't!fiu <IlClILriIl}J J Dil tlgiilo 1IiII ill;. I P.;; II Wol}' IQ ~~r 'S!i y{lUl$.dC t'mllvdy, dig:p.\ngilm:liftk pbws1Jnd ~oIei1'IS flUi1d with mOJlll't(!'~ :aJl:d I~P8111l11~~·~clf"lemi!HI5.Il;f dl kinds. Will!l'Il{olll. d~i~ ]I ~d"'\!iiltm~. you call t.bc sb ell; "I'crn til;! thing:; ~"IIy the ~'a1 ~u W:ur 00. D~I luug m ad". ohm: n i;! IO:loLw rk, but th~ tewllfdli mre gnm~. Yo~byt"$will thrill nit dill! cH~1I ~IHlrmd M'fl!;tillits yoa h1J l" fni.~ll ~J r~r I hem . .f"Penen wd DtJ5 pride. d\~lves ol'li ~!l!iiW({ II utlli'enlilfr~.alil n,ve 1Ie\'I' iltl:tJoolIS and JOOIitls, ;u~dmtJ'jgtllbi: Nl'C!. A ~·d.l"hDlled ~~u.!lI'l!f.-lw.h~Ln ... r u's :f mM~I.er, rn Ir.Ip. O-['1I\.NN ""'.h.t! .IDll!i:r: bt! I¥~"~-d wflb.-;..e;JI Iii' ~ !Iii' 6tbernuly..

".h~t .i51!I1J111ciWl:Illllrel" ISl"~ ~~UIIS)' g qtJA!~r.i91l m 3 W1Wef ~ j'Oli mighl thhll;., W'1il'II~ ~ t:IIll'IpaIgn lli m ~d~ tif!' Ilf liAWnHl.Jl!!'S; If n lIt\\·; dtM'wherrc.,DIl ;tth"¢IHUtr !:lJ:ld~ Mid ;;ulIub!!:rN! inti' l\tll.i\U1il LUeS ron b~ so vnrl ed th.1 ~ I~ fillUgh 'tt1 pin dO'li';'11 tit, b$1tSn; '5 .:hapl er ii ll'lI:lIPO ft)' l'!:I'l~lP1:-.ou do rMl.

~\II ~liv·e.l'Irur 5ilm" wtrh som ~n ,,(bollk wh lh~r iI~.lI1 nt.l1It'1r CJf'rt'l!lil>lr.I,rolLLn III'L IilIlti. ~hltldoMd I:r.l!ll'l.rn:t'ry or ~ F'W~ ~ h~jp fmm'lh~ q~~ Th.f' hook is ~ .. r,3t dl"ThW'!! the PCs:'lJlla du! Jn1.On :lI1ld ~1Sh"t>1n to lite pilim wher~ dt.: [m:y r the lId.vel.'lc ruN! ~l.Ilt', Degi ~ "rbit! iKliltt l!i~glu 00 ~ !c~Qd(llfl (~~ :a!; d.te mell)Q!SI~q or ~ l;]u1.!ltI'Ii; p;l1;lCl: Of ~n CVl!I'I1 rh foert AID qu~~ 'l~epl'l,! ,\ .... hid, th res ;I no fII:rlwd WII It ret: v.arl.ng.:

AcI.VL:cDHl~S ~~~ bmkw dQ\7Jn illl.tl enr:m.lru~ ElI1.;;¢IU1iu~~.Q~e rypu;aJly keyed 10 ;:L~~.II!!1 Oil. iii ma, dut ygU hO'l"~l?t~I)ill'd:cl.

nttlwu~L'5 em 1m 11· dl!Si81i~d 111 rh form 0 i /flhen S[3t~ 11'If!Jlt! ~lrt.bll! PC$Wld~ Qlr.Il..lI"ItI.o.dlle druid'", ro~'e far mb.i1i! rhlD.,a houl', ahe n hJ~ dU"e~ rniai!.d .1 n\' belln .lILI.1di. lh.c.lmc~lJ1Iil'S m 1m "dvelUuiCe ,!reI:! Itillinked III iOml1 WIW, ~'I'henhf![ m them H rID ~ ~I:ICOUill1e.r"5 ih~ ~ o.c.~t II., w~y rnrve'l from rh C tt'l" r!!If Cnr-

hawk [0 dl.l: Cr.} ... t:lJ~l'Ill!lt ~16L:1nr:lln~1.1m:~t~~Il.('1ll the cl:imotmrers m th~ nil'll of Goirul.:' ~mcrf(}' tI' 'C,~ (~1J l.be em:oUGte.rs Thtllo(tC'i:Uf lI!! dte PG; 1IITeJ1iIIH ro ¥~rue dle m.:If01'~ ron f'rom R~biIrg tht! OJ:U J.ml'l~).

MQw .... l:iJ4n IS wh.u.r driVil:S duo ~dli'CI]tillC-l.Ls Wlllit gel5> dw Pes Jh.~ I'\lc:d 1.1'1 ""rule-Vet' 'f U b:)\11;: dl!5lgml!.d fur rhem ~t;I d . If tD-r i'Cs::n:rdmll;)t~\·iT~. fhe\! wt)nI~ JIl whmE yeu \ 'ani lhern ~! .loti;lll ~"C\rn'i'.tJcl\;. ~V"lJl1le \1'ii!irRd. ~d, elL., reVIIDgI:, n • !d, III mUry. m!g,er, IIlld oChlMshy ilM iiJl p.J:I\I.,ltriul morL;t{!:Irb g, Dfmlini~, 15&11. N~' rfOQtA!1

thn ki;'1..Qb~.

Writing 1'1, :aiVlIlnnrre- wi.rh ron mO[J'l'IlItllilll 1.5 reaIl, :J. mIter 6flimQwing ""ha[ ny'~'Q'r g.UII;p;tl:! ffil! IIJld p"lU pl~y~ ?liOJ[.,.r (~,,; P'$&~ f :lDr ~ d~1il Df fllf· fii:!!m1tpl Vl-ng tyJ~),


T!liltqn.-d mj:lli ..... lIIDm 1[1" ones d1.1lIt ~II b:t\,j!' 5p1?dl:'iClI Try dl!:Sip'"d wlm. ~.u~ gJ't'lJP'" pes ill Wild.. Hem. JJ:eju til h<l '!:If mM\" ~.STh'le ~:!IAlJDp.I~~'-

Th~ ~l'Jl'e'" ~litIle!'led limu p of m.eJ;C~lJlIncs:-nOl InleI;e$~ed it! rlie ~llg f "lnUOI:llJnllS: or the Motlo or ('\iiI ili~1 .. II rearen ~tl~1! gti'{lil killl,!ld.cm. flu"l'i ~. thr ' Me qmt~ lTrreri'5'!~in 'id •• ,

., Mble:eotht wi711Nb.:J!,belID$1<!in by-t]I~Gl'lr;gwIl" ulthe ellYI: ms cf 1J'~1Id_ Now Wll" Q/dll~r: PC$ ~It: n liiu::rJ!lj 10 misl:! her. Th ,,!maw .::i gOOd-~iII'ii~ ] lit MOl' tv It he IDtI ili. a 1'1 th~ !tit)! 0[ DYIo'f"r!I W'.bee

dH~V ilLrriw:, ilied.e:ricis wi.IImg 1ru':I"~1ilili.. ... bl.lwn4tiEm.\tPCs heip him by ridding the r,eDlFl!~ bJ;)llt I~\!ewr\?;'~tl>.. , , ¥olllrnnw d.t;]tme If!IJrqJl~jWl[.~ de;W;nc-o!:lu~ll!IM's tOW'!:r :in.tI b;lS lell:!: Ortrtasute,Thi:mlQ~1 yl!lll dow!: lu~ cll~mlo the [I~ ruJ~;ru:e.i..lSID_g ID~'pro.mire~f gold, but .im:!'i!'m;! MI:4 the rWIl.'Or..!thDilth~\~~.it dead,lmth~£ Ili:se;n ~5 a ... umpmt lind IYis S'l.wrJil ~IlF' , .•

'. Im~~ 'bwfberR:d~~ Ol)]l.e;s m..thr. :JC~, eqbiD5 ~

~r.cihle mggdy hlS DeM[ the aWiln'ea crty oJ Th.i.madm. mdft-JikSifor theill' herp .. . __

IA~la~U!i quo 'WiOU.V~lil!ll'l :Wl~l1J11ari¥lldcn. ill clte :'l,tric~ $U!~ o.[l'~'.t:W~rd. b~ dw [~.tr rill;l:r1£ilr ill'Stllin.~) ~d~'l:!!1fi!1t!!' :t!"!\'OI{IS~lllhl! LJ5~ Vtilley for imyi;!ln~ lvJ!JQ'-tbrES_b~'C ~h~ WYVtlm-htttmIJeci. cln& ,rh~[su.rrQu;ml rni!Lphitlc. ~ FCs ,1;;~1rI CO cl:i.C{~ or OO~, d~p.l:ndii:L1Jl O'n oo.~ they feel

~iI rillikII~'.l~iliJ!!ili;.~ fl)ll' elli5uring (ha~ ~be PO; elul

~IUU:hUdI,l\2f1Mlre \lmlha~ .aes:i.plld .illnd fm'lf!:rti:n!ll:h~pla~~ clilin mdr.dlmq~ itll;V(t anal pb~ W lhc WoO:!'ld, ~§11:;1ltlScW:at mgt:Lvilt!OIJ. ~llc~v,s_YOI!. ·tQSet up Sil"lIli!tiOl!:l!O ullreIQ~.cJ. teth ~ FC~ ~e(:ifiC:!iUy. C'I;ri.ng,:UJl.s· w:ilte:s ~ ~en:s~ of ],l~~Clfil,i~l cll~ fe~I:L[lg .... d'lntflic e::!:Ifi'p~IVt l.!c'l'ltM is ~~jl pb~~ Ih~ri!KII:.nd!:bt.)l!:!lnrllllt! ~


An..ld\!~m.1!.!rc_mmj 16 !r:~Ilr(ie [w,m tbe beginni.1lg to :I~.erul1~ Spin..:: ~dVCll'lItD~ me OiImplellf:d iII 3t1 heur. OrMrs .ak~ months_of tldllVing, 'S:essloll5·. LcIlglb...iutp ~~WOII. IiIltbo\.lgb ifs $mIEn 11l ~.1.aD -LoJiI.~<Id ~!l.d knowm~l8hl~1i'-Wlny Sjl!5iiioru~:n ~dv(l!nt'Ure VI'iI1I t~t 111l1Ji1d IDlIju~ ~ fhD[ ~ i:UID1IJl ~LlF iilf pliiye,l'~ can ~m,]t to

!luI ] ~l':th 1 foUO\'i'ing.u~'s'!l~.e guJdel1nil's to k~~ m.romd fIn s~ good 'llIdyE!1U~s; aruill:lJoWinC ha:t:J OD!''''


Cood ~,dvcl'!~S mdun TN~4; ~J!. c::l5i}' gt'n~mbtl~D.o.b.u,t il'~ ffi!~. An ~dY~!J,tyre th:1il ~Wl)'~ne enJ,QY~ Ubty Indud~rhe M· Jo,.m~gJt.l:tliUCi$.

IChO~~~5: ll..,gQ1;lld ~d".enm!l'1:: h~ ~ r le~'l aJ(l¥!t.~w~ riM: plll'.l'm Imd·~ ma"kt impomml dec:Lt;icn5;.. Wb:n ther d~~ should. llilive ~1gp1if.l~1 jIDp;t~r Oil \'i'ltMh:ll~ru5 l:I~gl. A ~hi:)ice_C!W.be.. as ~plc: ~ .&1 ~ pll1fCrs d!~dding !:lor re 11\00 Jm,vn ~h~~orlido~ to [he Jdliwhi!t~ W.il. p¥m.~}'dt;l_\~u: [or 't.h-ellill ~nd lfi~~~d!J!:!~1'!g tOme.. right hOWilrd th~ ml!gf~ iDulltllili),qt as wmp]~ as m!.: PCs dGcid·

m.g ¥let ulhe!p W~ gUI!~ :Ig:li~l dJ ~:.gr.IiIld. l.tizleu (so Will she enw:

IIp ooing :n !l.'S~~s<iru~rf1:l ~r!l:Ltb ~ :!o':1,'/;!«'s: j:WpP.R~S .rh¢ r~lrIe),


u~~ th~ follOwln!! list fu.r $~ur"t!f'!he<mOl'fle1'lt ,idY~i1ltu ~ ~~5 or for Il,enll'nltil'll!l: ideas,

d~, Ad~~tll.lJfoI!' IdE!~.

1 Thl~ ... ~ s;t!!\3i Ih.~ (linn JC!'W~r"!i"

2 A d~~go" l1-i~ 1,,1.0 iii towFl ~n:dI de'm~m;ll~ tJlbutt. ] The ~orn'b ef ~" old wirz.arci has b~~!1 d~sCO:rllreodl,

4 ~aj.a,111i1~rcl1~ nt~ ,~Fce 'b~ilil klllHlln Ihelr hemes,

S ThJE: St.atllJ~ ri'l the ~JlWfl S"q!.!'.a.re 115 fEllLJ~ 'to tie .~ ~tfl'~~ p;ill~dl n, 6 A ,rn,a,v::m of lmpllrtmt gGOO~ i~ .~bou·i '1.0 rM~li ror ~, 'trip'

I:hFOufi ~. d~lI1Z~I'>O<U~ ~r~~.

i Cultim ~ re ~,dnapp'! Fig pattnillal ~C~r!CtiS,

8 (jIQb:lil'l:~ riding ~pld~( ~ln'I:Jfl h~ ... ~ b~~n ~tlukl ng Ih~' ClI.!IlI.irl~ CIIf~ oow.",

9 lo«il~ b~rr~i\s h~w [eined fQrces lo'Iuh ~ lidm.e orb.ugrea.~.

HI ,A bla~gtl~m r~ Qrga.nJl!ing rr1(ln~ler8 in an af,~a.

1 ~ A gall!: to Ih~ Itw;I~, jl-lai!l~~ ~ml;IlI=i'1i~. m cfit'liC mere d'~mllll~~ to .hl:' WtliIrtL

12 Mfrnersluv.e ,~DI;idl$l:a lit r·er(!~$i9t1 ~JtH~lh[nil! a"".~1 diM GrK~

'N~:!; blllf~~ d~I!f'

1'] II. wl;;!iaJd~' gplilil dtall~i!lgof!.s 'ih~ ruJ~tfE O!!nm.ll:ll. 14 RO!(M ten!itcn!S ri:!~ bi!!l:we~" hum~l1!!!i ~i\!d .~_~, 15 .J!. mystel'iW!Ii fog lJ~fng5 ghl'l:i~~ irno ICIliIm.

, 6 The Inoty ~\"fIlbogl·Cir ~nTgh pri~51: IS m~50smg,

, l' An i!~,1 WII!;311i1 h~5 ~Itiped ~ 1iI~ !ill'ld Ilf g(ll~m. , I S~n'lwn~' I .. b:!!,ilno isa WIlrewolr.

HI 'S1~~efi~·«!1rn1 t"l!1~ toO rildl ill 10fjI1 wmllnlln'ltty ZO° p, lire elerr"~n tIll e.~,~~ ·Fio:m ~: 'Wi:iliim:!!'~ !~'b>,

il BlIP~ill'5 1Jii:: demil"!,n~ i. !:till 00 iI well·l1riveled b'rl~

21 A mlnw 'If Qppo.~riall ha~ CoI'lIlIt~d an 1l~11 c!upljcale af OII1~o. ,2.:3, T_Qt~~rlb~!l ""':lEt! a: btoo~r WaL

2..4 New' ti).MtJ1JctioJ) r~~T~ a pili!~~:sl)' Uill~n~ii IlInd:l!!IfIlJ'Otlnd


lS A n:~:orb~ klfllldoITI l~lIlIl'Ic:h~:;; ~Ii Irw;t_sfcm. 26 two Woe!II·krl>OWn neroes light .lI du~1.

(Sf An ;I!fPOl:'I1!l.$1WOrd! musi: b~ r·ec~r'~ to :d~fuat 8 r;J~!!.iilill! mgns~.

28. A I;Irgplh.~ fgret!!lts !lJf ol;lmln;g d!)tlm u n1es$ ~n nli(iiCll$ Je~n::d.

,j!fl! Ogr~ ~idl'!ilP Ihe. m.3,fQr''J d~lI~h~r,

30 A wi~ird 1<:5, buried ill ~ 1r.!p"~tI~d wm'b iMllih hell pt:IW~rrvl ma.gic hems.

lj.l An ~~_flte~ I~ c:ompeUlln~ (lii:he~~ ~~ 'Stear fOr hi m.

12 A. ~~~p~ch~n:E.~ I1fI !i1d ~ ac)'~ k~ IR.a!ll~JI!!1.~ l1n~ntal!lltltl~r(!!I~:d ~~NI!m~,

n A pn;i&U,= bm'Y8kt bJ ~'I!t$t5 th rfiiI'~!J5 " romm!llI'I.if)",

34 The bl)'5 ttl disimlln.g ~ lithe mi!gic traF'-S' iJii! w.izard's' !tGW~r 11~."rre gOl'! e miSlslng,

H :Ii~"Li~GI n iiI~ b~lrtg drl¢tl 1llJlt Clhh~.,!;~.:li '!Q ~lt:rck ~t~1 VlI!~I~S.

36 Grav~dltc.g~rs !:Ir,~~~ ~ h.U:R,~. gnouJi.filf~' mnlCltl.mb under Ihe ~i!mt't~1)'.

31 A "'W~i~ Il~i;; !lJiIf1j~ul'ilrj~ {ijr~ ~fIlelJ ~o.rn~nent found Q!"II~ In th~ d~.l:p JU n Bt~

l& A I'Illip ~"(!Wrllg Ih~' I~trol'lllf;rl .t."oern I'Tl3iEic force r'S, d~s~lJ'I'~r.ecl.

~9i \laE'IQu~ mpfl:~MB I<i.a.ve ~~n.g pn,:;re-d ~pOII pCGpl~ from w~lhln

1I1i~ s~ IlIr; i1i'!,ajQr i:!lt)l.

40 Ati @;rliii~s~ry gol ilj; tn~.o .m .hll~.tll~ Kln,gd!:lrD iI!!~~~i'I ~S~M '11 lIi.B!mpi res ~rl! P~~IIlK IlIpl!i\n ~ !:m~Jr il:tlWn.

4~. A 1l~IJIfl!iOO' ItOWl!r i-s r!!put:e-d ['0 b~ IlU~d ~I:h lr1!~~loIr~. 4J l!:~lbllfr;;.M, bl!g) n llI!~tifill up Hili ;l;,E~ 1"1 ~ ~~oJI~t tilGt!.. M Ci~~!1t~ ~~~~I ~uJe fl·!)r1'I [~l r~r!'iiel't.

4) LlI1e'.(pl\iine~ Srlaw5t@~m~Mn.g wl,der YIbIYe5 111\'0 1IF! :Ilfn~I'WiS·J: peacerul a rf~:,

~D A ID"cl~ mDU nt~[nfJ~!:~ is. ~.afd~d by ~ p!llWCr(ul ~phhw den.rin.~: ilIIIP'iI:S'~~:Ile.

~,J' E~~I mll.r.t:ef'li[rje~ boegill'i Q;lfl!SI'I'l,IIt;:ljng i! FQr1Ie-:li~ IIIEI'~ flii~ rl'l;li'n ~


48 A!l ~nI.!Idotii:' to ~ m>!lJ,ic pol'son mU5l be (Quod befgre "he duh'


4-9 Ii. dfl.iid iie!!M h ~liP liI!!rl:'jjdi~& h~f 8I1W,~ ~i.aJf [J:~t i!l0"'IIII~.

SO An 8n~i~.f!t G.J'{$I!! I$UJrn.lng i'nlnQe~n~ fttOpt1!! 111t-Q ~II murderJ!n. 5'l C~g.(l}'l~ ~ r~ ~lllil'!.&.ill.a.nt '~iin!~' '" ·th~ m!JlU1l.u'l;s.

52 Miyst.erlotl~ .m~rd'l.ii'nl'5 ·sell f~ulty m~;~!~ 1t~I'Ii!' fn ~own ami !hen ~u~rn~ttl) ~Ii"~ ~Wll]l.

~] Ii< r«.en~11 !'1llI;l'we~etl Brti~iit;~~ailiie~ .~rta,lJ'~ ~.~llca.$t~r$1 p'ooi,N'e.r~ l'l;l.IP';J,].'.I1)"

!i~ A!'l !!~ll r1ttble' pui::5 i prtu Of'! ~. 1Il~ ngbll;!'s h~~~t

5S ~!'Itlilrm ~~p.l!'lril1!g l! du n~n h;!"1/e !'K!'t n!tUfof!~ ill! a: .... ~!t.

D1ffrl1jJI Cllf)itn;~rhen. 13, choi(C' BaS.,;Ii..iigclJknllu 1;!lIJ}gqll~!:ej it mould ~metim DI1' a difficult ont! to m;ake. shwld the tel> help t'h~ dmrc h of HeiwlleO\l5 \~~ 1.'\I,lI1r' en he ,go ,- • though the c:on.Elk(. wl1! ~Imos;u;en;(ii:ruy keep r.bem fwm reac;liing 'rru:

Forness of Ni~ b~fut'e I hum!. rLu.keUJ;MmDilS ili~.' l~2di a5Sa.~~ S'hDultl the PQInI~ ili~w~J;d$ of 4 daJgQtIo.or igflClrt he.r \wmi~

niH'UUl1l1: S:Ol'1!l5»rJ5rn::i'Jt""ii:i'I'h~~ A g<J<OO ad'icnn1re siJ;DuM JfIl"!I: ..R ~ u umber of dit'f"r~4Ptril'mc:ts-=>lll':ltk I t!Jen~, ];lIll1t.; l~m-5QMng. mlepl;aytD,g.lIlIld 1.I1VI):5t1m1rion; M~.k~ S'Ulfr you YoI1l' 'iiw1c.inds i:1f I1'm::ou:ntef5l'he, otdxen.ulo1J:',,]~i'O.Vid.e!: (s~c En~ounlm-.. p~ge4a),

.EciUlI.g Events: like.Ju.·lclhtokbJory, II sPod ~dvenul.u should hlllle ~i 11g.II~ld £m_lling Ien~n. rh is. ron cf padlilg, is easier to !lccoltlpl,t!l.h \\'j rh an .i!!li!.D.tebas ed a !:I"tnllUil (slll1:'!: 'fOLl i'llIve more Ctlnnol OV'~r wh!m. ead.ellem.lmu mk,es place), but it's ~ sible l:i1 a she·b:as,t'I'd.idXtJ'U1..I.te [0 desi,l!t'I ;a lecale w.b'l'".re the en OQWJll!U iWl tikely :to 9Q~lJ.r.l!i n ci.I.'.S"!reil bshlon. Make sure [(I tJ;ti'U:t_i!lr.ellli appropriilitely. 5tmsl(lll'i'Jr~nd h~~ th~ ~c:!ioJl bu.rM. A dlma,u.cJm~unf!:.r a.lways; If.I!Ulke5 for ~ ,R,ood ead Lng.

~Illlcoun~ers t:hat Maike U'$e of 'PC Abiili:t1es~ ] f the' p:a nt.r"s.. wi1<!lrd Otsorce.w.,;'~J!fl ~.1!S'I. 1I"r" t1uJilkaoou[ 1f.1;C()l:'pOr~ a:i1'lg ~,e:rii:ll cnCoun[(!ts !tl'lC f.hU~,vell~ wllm dlltU.'s a c:lerh: II1lmg, CCC'CiII"

S Dllllil !J.:d.ltde I.Wlcad rita[ shr em Ll5e her luming IIDilify..JLJ1. IL me pa:nyblJ$ '_1J3~~( Or:l dfilld, Include cflttlUl'LferS; with ill'limals (di.re..;:mimab_C:l1I mi ke challenging cm;oumers for tVi!JI JJl.JA.:.,m-, bighd~,,'d .PCSi ~e me .'1ell;rtC'l' J,f~lfl trilll ~I; mrne tnfQIID~dcn). The... IIdvke ttl wll1~l.'Ober 'f.s ·E~Ilc..gcl$ ~ cha.ncr !O sh.t.ne_~ All ,~bilj-

_ti~ lIy.lilblil~ t!;J l'Q j\(jL~ d~ign~d IOhl:lke m~ C.l'w-.u:leDi b~neil'i bm ~11 ~biJjtv {OI:(I ~w1llidin~ a cb~rntl~r :nll"'t!J' ~[;5.,to.Jl.seilS a W,;}8['iO.


Try [0 ~void Ilhe pitfulb:..desrnb~d bt'io\';', _

L Le-adim.g the P'Cs 'Dytke NDse: 1'J. bli d e~·I,ln1·~~~d\'lm'w~e' iiJ mlifked by m31ll:hue50..usP!icling PC aCliom:.Qlts.__bjl.!i.~~®L that oc:~Yr no mJ)un \,,;,l1ii[ tile PO d.o. For e.'(3mpl~....tI plot roal lIi:nge:lLol'I thl! PC £illdlllg a my tl!DOUS h,c:irl.oQm ... onb~Jqh;;ylUl !>ttlT~IL~:'pCs.js d;:!ngi!roll~-iffht pli!ye~~ p:rorect the Il.I.ddoom, tbey WOi'\'~ like hllvl.ng I r ~Iol~g ilPl'W!ly_j.uSI b£.i;ause dlllltS wh"tyau hlldpl~nil'led lnliou:hmrut The pllly:f;~_i:,lId I.lp !.:ell.ng, ,pilw~deS;S" and ttusiIll:led. .ND m~mr wh~t. ;LU ,ildve:Il"

-+l1l~ should d~Jl'C'nd_upo.n ,l,lioyoar cnoli;e,s, nad pruye:5 5bQ!J.1d fil:~l , liS cbough wh:!.I. thtr .th.oO<.Se._~ do m.;'lUUS. Th~ resu.lts sh.ullld mffKt rhe (;lIrnp'oigII $~'t'tin.g.(~lb~l!.Li;tI:fbIlP.sJ1I In mOLqI;lm:l, .md tru:)' ~hogJd h~\!¢_cClIl:St;ql1efict'!i181Ji1K1 oJ:ln~fRthi: EC" •.

51i The fUl'leral for,~ gOQd r\.g~1v 15 disrl,lp'tllid j)y el1emi~ ill! m~;:jf'

whitt' ;alill~_ -

5 ~ 'clibsi51ii1 ~!rrnl:n 11 ~ ~tFllyfl1l: 'IL~~ of Ih~ des~rt 10 ~tt;;u;~ '5~I¢I~ment$.

sa, A!Il evll '~iirqt t:llllj;w~ "QJlQliii::'l~l~ ~anl:tfDn.ed1 m~gl~ U~.

5"9' A J,uged'Jrf- wfllr; ..aF'P.~~f!il,. Immune till! magic, i~ Clrg.anl:dni alile wcl~s in the\lItIM.

160 A communlt, o:f gnom~1 bulld~ a nyfng ship,

61 An Island itt llie Cetlter or the liI~e Is '-luall)' the !(1Ji1 .. h ~lt.illillget, !lUbmuglld fDrllHS"

62. Bllr!~ .b~ow the' li~~e: or the World Iles .he M'!Js!ef" Clock of TIme.

6] A child ~ nde-T'i ~'Wl it "'!I~I ~etl'DpobIl<5, jrqd dusk. "'flproill:h~ qul£kl~

~ All tn~ ,dwMVe.~ 11'1 a:n u.-u:ierI!lfOI.!'ld, dl)' h4ive d i5~PP!iill'i'!d.

6S A IIJraI'l,!l:1! ,gri!M ~1I'I!:I~e billl:iW5 I)~t of ill ~ n e:~r ill mr-o.lll!ril;l~~ pwl!l_

66 M~,s:t!rIIl1A5 8lraallllttg ~!:lU Md;~ come oflom ~ hlural,«i ~ it r\lgl<tl,

67 Thim\lIl$:'~h!'.a.1 a tt1eat ltea'llili'! and ft~ InliO Mcalr.!l.wj'f~lI'j m~illJfl«~r mlll'lJ,lon.

68 A sorcerer allempb" to travel ~hel'e:ai~ blJi tt~5;lI,ppt.a1'S c:ompletel~ In the pr!:l!:ien.

69 A paladin''S que!>t rer ,artoJlemef1l leads het to -II ITO" rmEI' WOo well

d~renc! .1:1 ftll h!!r 10 !adh! alonof'..

10 Ii. bngdGm kJJI;l1NI1 rQT 11:5 wlZil rds prep.ares, fot waI. 11 The l1i~1 pffe~l hS" a III Ilrwsi[)n,

72 II lIIew nob~e seeks tD cli!:ar a p~tdi af 1Ni1d'~rne:~s ohll


73 A b,..I.e~le IS I.e;alirlg ~:FD n ~~b!~ rllrml~ nd.

741 lin ~nr~natIQn or ~Ilrg.es dri~~s ytJc:JN1:l do~r ~o cMn~d l.a nd •• 15 Tt!!!atils fn th~ ~ ~tl! 11D~:Ile1teel b~ a hu.ge iln'e or


7Ei, Cle:riu"wo n,!liv,e. fe5'IJIToeotted ~ Ion g-de:ad h!!fO disawcr 5Pt~·~ not IIiIhiil th~ thDujht.

n A. ~Grt5wfulllard tells. :llldili orhls imprlsoned companfo;n'5.

7,S E",ill1obl'es (Jealle ,:iii ad~!iiuti!I"!I' gUIld to monlbor alna tonlfo1 ,lI:dilnentureF5.

19 ~ hlilAlng Q~Vi n ~ !.I·5t tlOi~~ .n ,an k~ejtllllr~~!~d WUdeml!'3

,80 All tlite doors tn tke king'i ,.rstle .. re ~l!dde"ly Qrt.alllf la~d aJt'Id JIM Wlppt4.

11 A.JfI inlJQ!ter'lt m~n • .abo(.1t lill b!" hanged. pl.ead:s fCK" iClrn~Ollle V,l n~lp"lm.

S2. The tomb t!~ ,iI ~!tFU1 ~~ar,d, 'Riled w1tl1 mag1c ic~ms, n~1 SU1I k ~I'1W t,~ S1>'I~ml'l'

'83 Sl:J,meon~ isslilbotagill"jl Wig))"" ~,n:d' t:il'lli to a!ITIe' apo;a!1i WRen dle.y havel' at kign !l~.

S4 /Ii cemin .irlll of ft"OiI~' rOlindi 01111" in an ~5mallMl ~Uel'o f-:llillike: rain en a major c:Ily..

8S It it!alou:~ 'iv:lllhl'Nt~ns. 10 SlOp I welhllel'ld:e<t wed'dl'lg.

86 A womall who mystello~y Y~nlshed yei'r$ ailQ.ls ~I:I!!II walking, on tlil~ luri';;l:e of II IIR.

117' An l:<Jrlhqill~:e un~ I prelllo'U51y u"knll'W1l dun8!lJn.. 88 A wrcngecl hcalr·elf ne~d5 a i::'fl.ampion to fight for tler tn ~ gladilllOtia I ~nal

891 1\1:. ~h~ eye Qif ~ S~Drm th~l ~aJ& ~:C·fOD 'th~ tQrtd I~ili; ~ IToati n il':

~lt"iI'~el+ -

gO Peopl~ Srow '~IJ~pkioIi5 or n.a.lf~t·~ m~rc.:na nts P'~Ul'1;ll go!ld dragon pans lin lh-l! mar~!.

'1 An ilb5enlml"d~i!I wiz"rd I~ts Mrr md til,.vMule, lillln1iD tnl:i wrong h:lnds

92 iJnGHd shadows "'9 ,;[ l>itge librnry, e'speOilll)' lI!1o/ltI stm,j!i'OOm IDI'IIII~Ft u.n-dI$lutbNi,

93 The deer I n1,lo a n aha.ooDfird h~ms'l! III the 'mlddl~ ortown hJms out '10 e I m~rgtCi poflil.

94 !luge pll'1ltei l'Il'iI'ltoe iii deil with ~ ~Qwey !!IF hags ~ ne ~~~ ~ .,'8Ih toll to us!: !.he riVer,

95 TYoto parts ar a magic ihlm Me In the ,~~ nds ;F bitts ~lIel"fll~i ~hl!.ltIlrd pJ~Cl!! i$ 11IlI!;['

96 A nirl!l~l: Qf ""'ii"erns i~ (lfl!!)'l n;gllpOi'l ~tI~1!p1 a.~, WIIll ~~ I~pherds. 97 bi' deric~~he1" in sl!cret lro !t.ln'lIlfIDii a monflrcm; god ro the


98 A cify faee5, a! slCfl:i by;iii ~~tie ,Qf huf!'I!!II'Irs" dueTgr'lI, ilml Kflgll~. 9S1 .0; huge gem 5Wfle ~l!!pp!lisedl)' li~ IIIlinll'l a. l'tJinl!d lI1onasll!ry. ~O!ii Liz~rdlfDllt ridiril! dRgan I.'IJ rtl!!s $~II th!!it s.~rvices as

me,oel'lilne-s 1:0 Ihe l1ighl!S'i: ~iddi!f.


P(;:s ~s: 5p~c~!i~JI!I'f"St 1 nj,~ i~ kr.ndJQf.b~Il~PCs iliCC(lmpll.!;h ~U du~ LmpC!lnllJU ItllSks. Th~~ mig)n b~~rufli~l!rcsri:ng ~wrygoing ant bm it'S filliJlg M It~IlIHd Jh~ p..Qi..ru'Ld dur)! lillY!! very U~de rc 110 wt'[h ikb~ll.ch n_:)!.ou mig_nt Il~e one_ of your' III po, wls( ~he t1fgti [~ 1:I:'i~~ him cr h~l:. ~~compl!~h j!~'C'I1,tbia~ iMl~d of Il::nID&Jh~mjjjl m!!"rorn... ~gn!~ t as It~1glil'd)e: ~C'

h.:J!vC!.y ..•. ol;ll' hig N .. ,K .. :h!l:r.n.B..iru I:h~~\ttil = (~ .. '] .. 'Sil:l n.n .... ~.' .

~J1te:i1jJJg the l;md., i~dI_l!:m ~players If all f _

get t~ do is WoItt'D. ~~I.'IS.e>t)l(:;lcl:rm.:I,lSimit~r~!il:.JIh~,a$~c!lImrS",~r -.-' I !m~el:ltia1 pltfiill of ~he d~Uf 1l6illi!rl[IIIr.fil, II. t~m'I ~ilitdltl d>t:~n1x! IJ'he:.t!'ndii:n!: 1:0 a soory [R_wll ~cl:u;he...l~ioiJ'd:; re..soh'edJ~y the lIJ,tfi~i!ti",.tI Q.F S~Ilni:; Q"1,.I1,~:d~~~Q' tIlthe-r ti:@l by me ehrurnC'lel'S' ~'m

~,Ifui:!S. Dcn'r J!llt ~ht FDi in ~ill!l~n:iltnS In whir.h ili,~y 1titIII. onl~ surwV!!tJiu'Ollgh l~ i,fitervi:flt1all. of o~b~~ S!:!im~~lm~ h's Inte1'e.8UDG to be rescued, but' I.lsln&.E~OrtJlf~~S(~p~ hll~~I-I" g(ll~ (VIlSll';Itil'l!! jQ~rh:pJ.a¥~VSi...,qlJ'i~ km."p~uld(:ldw~ cl~~I~' yo.1,mg dl1lgon

QJil .tM:i:r...m'P. . on. J:h~,l1r~!:1! nl. ~:rIc.· t~:rlt 'W'flIIlI.' . ._:111]£1 "' c~£.;~;'i. ~. il' b.ll~·51~'

aJ1..igbdm!Lm~C_u:1~po!l<n! in to 1'I!e!~p ~hem.

I- _;r~~pt.l:iilgtl!ili Cli!lJf:llcmq' Ahl.lI.ti.est IiI's G(Ilod m, know tl! 1'09·· ~pabilit"e~Jil11.)'»\l ShOUWffl dcrig!'! ~d\i'e:nlllllr.C-S' [h4l'~ ~!'IfEfijo t1DUy '~OUl!l(;Ufj~nd...i:lf full wl:i~:r [h~_y c~:IlI_do, tf [bill Wll.-iLrd just l:~:ll'.i1M firt!1~l~, do.n'l: ~cullHnual!ly duow .GJ:'~m~i5t'\a:n1 roes .1 him. Dol'll: eresre du:ngeo:ns wh~re JlPlld. jl'~Jli:Irispe:Us d,OJlT wll:rk, jl.1:!l1 beOl:U$~ h~lilo~ d.tlI'lCuh 1'0 i!le~!gJi'l d oJlengltttge!ll.co.umel'! for dl!!!tl!OIm withlbm~ c:lp.ii.bl1itl~lIs.c..:me. OCJ_' mWh[i.t!l ~'l ~Umv m~m teh :liveIl]lQ~~ int~f~rlllg 1\:'1'L~l:Illnt~t5~dtJns: nbirr:mly rule .dlnnhL\ix...!;l'IlIViJ:'r,S' ~h1ddellllr dori~ '>¥(Irk.


uch of die m;,!.!~ru.rt' of an advW~!I.lJe....d~pmdulrl... wh!lll nht Fes nQw and w]u~'lllh(lr Le~mil, ]f In¢)' ktlQW lhii:uhc[t'~.lUitll~~tJ I!J 1.the..lIDt~Dm ('If the c.UIl'l,g~ol'l. they \1,'i1l ro.Ds~~img~h fur ~l~at '~ttClO!!!.I'f~1!: ~ll~ hav~p'rope~' spill$. ~ l!Id.4~ale&iejjj,lWJlarEd. Whrell.~~ 11:1101 dllit idl:~ltl)' of II tt]l,il~~I:b~pm~g ~ct on

m ~ 1:nfIO~m;.~iQIil Wl!nl~d ~ud,., IJf d\ilY l~;!rn~oo..l .. ~~ iliit ti, ~ir aed010S WJ:liliUS~B C!lw.m oomr.I~l{ 10 (lcl.L..!I[p~,~¥wo.ill'J:. ~l~w

~ep iI &cw_h;l:ppelili,ng. __

Il:m'[ give I1W11Y the whololl plm[n, ane.g'Il. ian do. ~Jh.~lll~ 6il'S so'.rne ,new bit orkIlw. .. Ietl.gc ~I'f 50 oltm. Forw::III1:rph:!j ihhri drew ~1\i'CiS lIre the secrell:!!l;5le{s bdrind = upri:sin,g !)if gia:llitM silllwiy reveal dues ~D th_o~ he r.lnrQLm!l Hem gJI!lleJ whiI~ f~h:tillig tb!:! MU gi~lj: le~d_s tneVC~ ~Q the hpsl gti.cllI!ll,. w.nJ ru illl.turn garill=fS d!t.llulu!l'ub'I'[J~kt..mi!m_:uubJ:_~~ll, oJi~y 1Im~.ng '!hc

a~Q;iilDJ:i...dlll. cli~ e_n.~tlllJlt~f Infummit!~ l]nH!~4ti~ [h.~Q1 w~d~nf~:ntl; thlll th~ d:ro\~ ~retn\1\cl.v~d .. ADd l~Jj the Hl'ln ~J'I:--1 COWLW wlt~,Q~.d.rou' 1!I'l~~rs is.. T.Il~C 011 t~il mere .dmmiltk"t

] IL SOlll'e:.HruanQn5,..i~h:~ ...J~Cs ~now CPr'!:Il,llhll:lE] Im,e'Y n~ ~l!.bo .!know ~wrf rb~ ~ii'l:~JJ[UI~ ~. That's okay. O!::~jionlill:r, tn(!tl: !f!i .nl':l.lIlI,yg~~ Fer cWl__m;pl~<:'[ld~gn[lIJ:fiS ]euil mn ~ h~ulll!\!ld -l-t~w~'r' l[fI [ih~woodsj'S!_mih!lbit~d bra v~mpir..e and her mjJJ:'lj'Ons.

The-y ~CI! in. wid, SI);]~es_~ boly W3ur. Si~;]jy 11 b1JtIld.9[iV~de~.iIlJ!l.d ni'i~Uy m.~ct up w~ ~h I:hc: ""'ilmp~re ~:nd nkll' hltf iJiUL. Th~t's ~ ..fl.lli~

lid\'~:mlU't. SOliDetlm£'~ .. howe. ve .. f, ~_$.'Urp;r.i:Si: clt~ Uhe_PC5i...rL~~Lf '(.m] d ha .... ~ ~~n l:l;I'i(rLII1Ig :tI'II~k~s II alt r.It~· I1I'IO.rrJIW![(!'-i'til~t he~ vMT:I;piife t1mIS O:U:U(t~;l g.ood.~ligl!led Itll.d~d. t~l:s..ti_~~

lust hut s10"111y ~TQt:I!unMrlg ro the tempt.alIlOl'lofm_eIfu¥§_d;,:ml who Ii~~5_1J1l~~r the church b:lu in I'O!Nn...J1QJ.l'lJh. "hQ.,SlIip_i .:md LIw. ·lJ!n~~credl)l"''isit· !itm~~ w(lidi .wttu...&Io~.lWl4 ~"'Oid ovel'll~flllg Bilne'.r:

1) l,tj.l'lation Magic

4K'i:~F .:ilv'lruulou..J1'liilc;i!;jJl mind 1iVh.~l'Ip,~d\'!r~rminiItR llO\Y. ~u're go,En.c to ,~ontroL [he. flow ·cfinlofm.HioiD. Don"t d,~nythe ~sopd~ metr pCI'renc)!" w(e~d, bl'll..w.iunm ~'I'I ~1ild,~~:rI!I'IQ[ dQ.

~:nd, pbn. for [b~' PCs IOIl~e the:rn.!:!I.C!e:.l[~lilllL O~vimtil;;mi5, + ~:!Ig;e 3~}, A£iu ~U, jf )'c,u hll'l'lt ~~:>um~(Ilhmt.t~l>u"i:l:IU lei cm~th~ p]!Ofle'~ s'lt'dk ~nd .they dQlu use whntS;J\illibbk liOtnem.. (ber deseree tQ!"i!IL


The Tom~ of hlOmlI!fo. tb e Temple of Elmn~n~] EWLthc Gb.:QJ1i T.owe:~ or i llI"'ernt'5ill_~~ are pki~s ofiege-no •. ID¥5'11:1)'i II!~ I!.~ ~Il!ru~. If yo.u 'reo! ~UI:I ~d'i'l!'nt\l:re: h~l;oo n-01:llEld ~Qlm~ 'id;I- ~~ thJJiI~!l. ~ ruin,a..rnollfl;taln, m.VJlJl]ey" 3 ~.Ve'ODmp~x; QJi)(jld~nre~1 IIIDWn-d'teR fOil Im\'.l:..crl!:iI~ed ~i $;~e·b~$ed 'Qdve'n:rtlre...sjre-blied,. li:!VeIllllI:es; reVQ.h .. e m1i;lund ~1lJ np with .~ lI:ey. d~mil~. UII~it~n! SpOt~ en tb~~n::I~p, 15acQ1I1'Iten in th~ advel'ltun;' ~'r:e u:~~ud wluliiI the'!!'Cs mler ~ 1'I.i:~' 1,",~;Jtion ~tth~ :dte. The Impllt',;ldtlt'l lB, tll~~t >e~l;h ~~Otlli!~t dC.9c:nb~s- w.h~,~ QGltti~ ~ (j:h~t~.i:l~wh~1't [h~ PGs :mi~ l(Jf .o,rrl'VC rot' ~.~ flft'lr tim.e),

C~~d ~g ~. ~"itc--b~~~ ~dlj!~mtllfC:..lnv.oL",~ tWQ ~tep.!l: d:mwID.G a m:tp ~nd keying ~fl!!!:!flCO\.!iJlitCI(S;_

D:ft!iw!!. M;;;)y. C:l;l'lpn_p3~j~.!.1scliJlfow ltI:lpp~ng out du.ngmns" ~Cllu-~u.em ~~siglu..LCIl!!c..!illrJh'll.ml!tIi~. s~di ~s :; f~el· or 10' reeLl:~f. Si:J1l!~re. The prlllle1f.c.grl~ ~_1:;1OI gid i]l dmwmg ~rnl.ight lilllC'~lp;mculariy 'U~~ \m~lIfcQuB.nl~pp'i:nrg: d1!~ imeritJf of ~


II r ~ou wa nt '1:0 writ~ ~,n adv~l1IlH~ bill D r~n 't ~U,~ wnere t'il 5tl!'rI, ju~t 'NOril your wa1 dOWil1 dl~ ,en eckrl~t belG'W, l5;adl Mtl}' cMresponcls ~o a, $,ectic.n fou nd !~W nnthl$ci't~p~r.

iBr.l.lnswrrn erne .;IF 1l'KI:!'e m~IvaU@!ll~ 'rllf ~Iit~· i!d"'l!liIhr~. ~~p'll1g 111 frjJlJd Ih~ ~Jtyle Oflill~r you preli!~ Wn)' \Mill thr PCs jJIJIl: 'tlHlir 1111'6 ~~. f~~~? Dedde wn~,th er fOti want ~I ~~IIe-I!J~~~d .~d~~iI'ItLl~, ~'i'I !l'!t£nt-b~~HI ~d,.eI'liU.lf~.or !l1!I~clventure th~ l il!lc!(lrf!lri~~~ born.

If !t'5 ill ~ilil!!·b<as;~d a(hr(l~tUI\~. Im~,!l,in~ wh ~r18 L'he .a,h~i'lttllre ],!jill tllke pH~~ 'fa~ do"''!' "~ :t[!! kl!lQ'W ~f)' 1!f1:I:aH ~I. 111~t ~ b~oad !.i~n~e Clf wlla! the ~I aoe i~ libo.

If It's ~n event·!b'iii5~d id~e.ntYJlf:, irn~i!lir'te th~ 5'l~rtl rtg ~Jterte. ~ ~ik~1y cllmll~ ~(eI1e. ~ n cI are\<\! ~5~t !plece~ inteHJlIIOI[i!!;e ,~(erJl!S you ~hil1k ~ldb~fi!Jn.

Cn'lXksl! t~ ~st.impo.i'tant .;lj'jta~D[\~$ts mr th~ Pl's. If allJ!':'!, PitrtJ n:s" Dr[J~i1'r N PC~ OI!~ I mpi)ltiJ;j n1;, 'thi"k ~bQlil th~m tM,

i3e,gan a~~mlbll r;g YQyr' ~d've!lll:u~e. If it'.!5 ,~ 'S !~-j)~~~d ad",~n~u fl;!, 5k~rl:ih outlhe sl«=' illnd detide Wh~f'~ro~r rm~rt!!nl NIPC 5pe~d !!l'10!lt of·th~ir Ilrn~. m~~ ~ 1'1 ~"fC'l'It,ba~ed ;d,.,~nture. iclelil~il) tlii~ mQs.t

Ukl~~ ~1l<iI!.I~iIl~ of ~9~ ~n~l ta~,,= tk~ PCs rrom Ih~ ~gJnnil!lg S~ne ttl Uu~ dl !'1'1~~, hi"t!'lg tlll@' er m(!~t! IjrtJiie impottaru rnltJi'ltedr. i1.'~' i5Q~es; .~llO "g, the WilJ,j,.

fill 1111 ltie d~~ il~. CJ,eam~ 'IJile i1re,~s i nd sc~ nes th~,t~r'e!1'l Int-egr<l1 to Ilhil! ~dW'ntl!lfC but. fliI;JY ~ rlln Iilf ch~IIe:r;wnlil iIIo~el,",e:le5"', D!'JiIIN Ihe Iln!ilP~ fCLI'11 n~d, bUltd !:n~ N PCs, ~ndl cn::III: ~'"~ nndClffl enm u n· ~~ you want. (tlUI'I'~ a.:i~~nw~,

• eked ftlUr woli:. E!I:~mll'ie "m~ ~ YlT.l~·~·E! d(ln~, blll: th[ii1K II k~ your p!~yt{5. 15 ~heJe ~ d~ Wiy to bypo~'~ milll)' of th~ ·~~~~J1tl!lre' ~ dl~l· l~n~~~~' Thfn'k of ways. to rl:'M~rd cl'evern ~:>5 WI~h(lu t fll:f1de.ril'i8: th~ a.dvcJ'l t.liRl obSll:lll!'t~,.

NQW th,~! )'lPu'l(i! WDrked 1!;1U r Wi!" dawFi the ~h~(kl~t. ht<r~'sg, secR:l~ 'ftiltldQii't 11~~ 1.0 do tIiI~ il~J'I\s ~n ·o~er You alii ju=:t n ei5_1;y sUin by ~a~~ng, "J w:tflt til, wril!e ,~n ad~~l!"It!.!~ wi!..." m'il'ld Il~yer ,~5~~5$in$ iIIslhe m:a]n \l'1Uail'l.~,~ s.tnlil:l!l wil'h the 1I111U1~l'Iin'.'i lIn.;! !II'I:a,~ir1,~: th~· ol!h~r rnDic~s r.aili!r. Yllu might d~~ 19i1 ,a .site itr'!it, theli ~Eiu r~' out l'iow to ,~ntlce ~e dt~fiilC;~,1'S iil~li:I!_ 8u,t U's ~Jw~11,a gcod Irl~~ IiO fi~nl: wlll, motjYiI1l:)n. l!e~u5e' il'~ th;e ~flel1lY ~ho~t :~~~~ \'OYf ,ad~ntuf~ olhh~ grtluJld.

building or g, dungeon). M~Ik i:m!jXltt~t..:Ire~rh.n~m, or J~tJ!Et'5 'tlm rt'IereJlC! m~ m~]1kf'r, .~ilf IlQ1~ ~Jul:u~.ml!P desmbe InI4Il'y!hi.ng 'Df Lmport'l1nct, lD!:'h'!di:ng,.,rCl~m mll;lclll£1~m[lles, 1'0015, fur.n±t~[oe.prullil'~..sti'p6, pjts, cumLim. and 00 .ol1)J1i1n CUt which nreas 1Iif~ HnJI.ed b~~i,mill[1tr or rtiltL'1e ililh~bil\1m.s. P.l'tl;E'; ffilp:l! l:llking can 110 Mte lW~ly ili~ llX:ltitm Qf rnp ttliggers. {:CI'nsidell: spell m'lJle~,....IbIlNJ'(; \vjz.m:! is in a:ll':ulkulrrr ~re:llIl'Id yell J;.nmvcnfi[ she mi.E: .. h [ c.[~r ~ pJ!I[!:i(:'I]i:au',p.Jill, .~. ;IV~' YOlILrseU"ti~.! e:.e'l ~uri.ng l:he pl.llyir.tg Ill£' me. aaVC.D.tt1[C b;l1:l~~Ll\C ,MW'jl how far l1l:e1

$pd1dI!!Cl ~n ~XI~f.lrl __

k}'Ol.l m~p CUI!: ~he silt,ililnkllhc.w:.b~ y.ou.'il ,drpiC't eil~ i!I\~iI J..nLth'l1 ~g t:iblco_ 1(; ,lILhadi,;h:";i~ fot .:li:~l!ttiJil~, !O d~_o;:!_gp ~ Slr,~ ~ll'jrh :m~ny.~ [h:rn~ <lire~:1rI tD.e.grid yoll pJ~~cy,Q!;!r IDillii:;l" rures QiJl. If 11"5 Llkety rut cliQ NcteT5 wiI trg\,iI bad ~:nd fOJ:tn betwee:n two acl~!!.~en:UIilOm5, m ~k~~:L~h t!r~he r~om5~mdi cllDuch !O ihDDm af iliell1J;1lli the mhl~,top gr.id at: the ·SiliIIre Iim.~

ru:m~w~ ~:w;J~J€!r$" :m' c~mlYfi~ fo:rcill:l1lg.e, w.hill:,.¥~pllw, lllo1t:JJ::h:mg~c~~!:d 'by!h~ PC)<'Pre!!~u=::~t sihl¥-~~x~'itlp~!IMll direcdy en m~ m>lp. nm~ W;iY iI's, ~il51 - remembt!r, 01:1 the [eco;nd tim ~ ·they p:l!55 rh I'!:iIl.lgn ~ n ~~, wn tdiw dools Ille}' b;\l'~ru,.oclred down, wMchmps dwyhave tLigge~d, ""bleh ml-:lsu res ~hJ'\Y lmve IO"~>!lcl,. whi t::h gM~d~~.n~ dil~T h~loI~ defelll~~, lID!!! ~c' fom.

'C~,t,,~:;i; Kr.w- A rnapl!.ey is ~. ~nf!uHt)' .. (~~ d~tl!ik.d. O~ briJ ol!i YO!.l. rleed ~b,~m ~o. be) d.etll.iLill,g eaehuOl!a's tll)mlel'lt\S, NPCs (cles!:'ri(!J[i;IlIl, ~~~wlful), possible .It;!:liom). ;!liUll).'j'hll.re~r ek~ m~:ke:5 ilil! ph~~ SpoI.ld;U!. for ~:lmilll~, on iUl oqtdoor.m;liit~ mipn: m~!l'k

:aD ama m.~twggm a 6nili:lid~ if emma .. :Lbm:j.goe O'l"ll!t 'rh~ riv~ lizJOlldfolk, ood tbe hk Q(ab~-J:Dmp~~1:! with "boeHl' th~ iruto:!nor o[ tile Lri[ ~:nd~ro. ioo:merly in the p.t}S'SllssiOl:'lofihe .haM-,eate:Jl, l>emflJed~v:i~IIU!.lrI the b:lick.

,E;iw UU'y should r:ndud~ the gamr i:ruf~~~1kd [D .run IDil:1 e·n.«Itlllll!1'f, If ~n ,~rea h(!S f!(!Ilh.~g ,t~wrl~~llbout""Il:nl't bother m!lrIrn:!&i~ On tb~ ~

___Hqs;~....dungeo:ll~r~mre~ are ;we~biUe..'Ci~ IhLD.wagea<]lj jl'.l~:S1" m::;:wctl ~. !h~ ~~mp~~ JJtjji:!.geoi:l..!ld"'~l'IH!:Jblll ~m (In p.'Ige.7s.

A S~U!:·b3Sll{l ~.[h.l'~I'I;nlr,~ IIi i(fjw~ Ih~ .I?Q: UI Iii live rh~, if rhev QI)!.lte' ll) ~ fork Inclie. PilIG:h, dle}t're £rile 1:0 cltoo~_w.l!uche\"~1t, Wily 'th~y WIlf.iJ!~ J~ dEl~llirmt!!ue1i~vhidi .pii.~ th~y mlla~, ~r h£tb¢cy n~l,I\er.gt:l it!l<wn Ofi.~ p:ttAilitm!. fu cl!lIrni;U:ni ~ ]!::UoI! dI!!]~ rll;lrl and !WIDe ]b:lick, ~lLimiqIh.i: md\lUll'U!r~ ~~~d1l' w.lum: they Mt cHMthcugh ~Ome ~~.¢fd:u~ sil~ liI'!.lIf b..:I:Ve ch~ni!ltd, d~~dLng an~tl" tlll~5itUs.::i~~Q1;"'},

A 5it'::"lc.lI!:ed il.d."'I91WR i$.C!:IS'tJtI ~ allC!! )'ou'v~ ,m:.1d~' aU!!I!!. pri:p:w1iQ""111t~rmniqriI5 titb I rb~~ Y'l1l, (In dtettulp andJn t:be br. B~twee.lil ith~ !tW,Q_oLrn.e'JI:I.yQL1 5'bauJd ~e ~We ~Q h.llndk lin}' SOft of ;{;(iDIli .~ E'C:Lm.a., take during th~ I idveflWft.

Jllll!·b[!!s~d:td"'L'llirnm Qfll!1'lJ iu~b;1~d ~mp1~' on. th~ l:l'PU· tru[iOIl ·of tire s'hejbm stm!letitn~!S ~IU~l~rolmt m.ggm l.site-ba:sed advemurej d:rnwmg.~~[Q.Jb.e loonctLIlI:'I. OIl.Cll dL8J' m1! ~t di;(1. rite,~r m:Jp:li!l.ll i¢b',i' (:~~ htlO play.


S!:m:r~time$ ~. SIi~l:.b!l.'ie,&.~d.v:enlll1i~c Eak~5 pktc~ ~.~. a~r.iri.i:: 1000(iOfl. The rn~p deprltt5;l1l illd ~~d$jili IilIlJ!IiI!i~~~ sb.~ ~ .. h~f'~ dt~ ruu::hnu he;llS~s~ ~:liel~~cl~v.ithi:n d!,~ win. w:1UIe th~ mps m' danger spo:ts ~illfe:lll~r~. ~~$!l..£.ln..Ihe:l~~~~.:r[ llWi foe':! rl\)ll~l ~ydm.e'.i>m.f.-.a.s IOJll& ~'!i.U!le'y de'SUe .• Je~.hellever ~rb.ey :WIIID:, md 'l;Q:I])e bi.d b~~,l:'JQfmil the li'!Ii~ prcillty mludi th~

t_m,~Jh~WUt(alclaIluplllllrl:_JI!iDJlS~eZ$ rn~'1 ~iL~en 'i.IIjl' Wd~kau-fell.\'~ hil.'le \'o'll!Jlde11ed eff: :mnyoo a rut!" ms~jJ.· q~~~~dllo 11)Ili.eoJm.;uen~ilie J!Cs.._[j.I~P the ]l'Q,Pll:riaI!SbO:Jri~ h~s .boee:nR:;5e~),

])c~ UI~dc siJ~·b'i!sEd~dvUIfUroi.' Is £Q1dy 1!1l51':l(cJiLi dQnlt h~'i'ua.;r,hil1k I'IiiI.iII::h ~bo~t imw the resid!i!Ht$ I;!hhe 'f:!nOU5 en-

WUlIlllCb~~intl:mQl, ~nd ~4d:t ($lOOg;'!l1i.lf;l!~Il~~d gf!!btkd~ 9p1:d: with. the m~:;t imm~~HlItol;l !mpUClItiQn!O in mmd-Jl!lm~y. \?;Ohllllt_ap~he:D..ilie OCsarrm?

]y CO'.IlIns.!, :LgOQIi~le of (I.dYDa_mics:il1l!' is ~ d~w ~ Hm1.ple. A dyn~l1IIiuitl.t ~u,;[U')" ILl:lvoLvt!$ S>Ome S{,}f~ of I.n~dligell[ D~Il~rlall. IV, ilii! fC:I m01o'I;;. awWild tft stiJ'e, w!:.y di~cnve{d!~r ~il::tiof:lS hl tl~n~in ~:I'iI'~~li ~~ IlnOClllflUH"j[~l'I ,o;lh~t ,~tJ;l~S. fot iOOIm]i!e. ~ltbAl PC::'sJtill:t.\'\llM£the !X{!ow FIie.st6St>~ciathdi)~> ~rallll,pJe bu~ ~lfuw ~ Ithm:l O_.Uf ~~ 11':SC';!;pe, rlle mmC;"Hemple nwhb ~:!i iIB !'»,illLb\e~-~!l'W cief~.ml~rn n~ m~~liInilwm~ [inn m!I:lClltlJ:1n ~nd lire mnJ:dll.mfi.~e li:r.:;ely ~o 3t~_lIj"'l unkllQ!ovn1 'i.n,Wddcl'$ r;lMEI" ~~ sk que·!i[ions. .~ rha;p.~ [he 1V&dBad.IID~~ "$l!estise from.fh~ dti.@;d mil> ~mphi~ aqcl ~W:Lae3I±rJ.g. ViDilnPm. 5P~wn ~ bmi~!i.

De~[n! uY~3micS:~li!: ~·mQil: compllClt~d,m.:m..df!igtdngJl1l m~c on.(l. In:!iddirnm t{! cr~;;nmi:l ~!iD;[!p.;md :a.blf.=wth of whicb ~i,gb:1 be updJ~ed signmc:Jll'[dy liS [be ~dvclJiruTce· (l!e:\1d~J.I ~US[ ~ddresll dldou.owting i:mIM ;]8 we~L

l~_.aJln:i!ld;iil~ dd'ellSh:t. lililm ftlt' ~~hit~I'I,~ "If ;~til~d. the.... g~~nk ~!: rhe.spng.lIO mis1:' lh~ ~'L:tm. The !!loWld of l~ ~~n,g gn..lJ,e h(.'IDiI.in ~rolli~LAJ!'.tnd_[tIh.c rnh~bi:!!lm5Jn:thtm_iJJ!lli4 h..!l~l:iJly dJ:llD hldl~ ,lEImt:l.li WWJids) ~nd.(ll,'fi,[oon.u.'blcs:_ KLgiR.J. dJ~!!h'~I1,t. Thc:s.~.in ~~l!_O,It,!it5Jlltlluullildb!U~~1!I I 1im~titJ!! :md d:tl:..~~J'harl;ut,·

• D'e"cl.JJp Oi'.Iiltilt[c)I)I;1I.1 requm:mmrs fot J;;m~~~ d!is~ d.~ tlu:.~ unh[iliy gems l.IIPIJlu.b.c:--'Ill:,n;r •• ihu:JnfJf!tDid, C~i:e-s In_;I1;e.a :5 ~i:tl1nwiDiIl~~~es$lIl. ~~is...b.~t ~:d>o.l c,1!l!wg :3d~ bGtlmu.dll:'lll~ ~vh\l iili'i! ill r.b.i:.~Y~y..aJIdl come Otl~~.~u'.mghu:oIU<11d rhe ~.ollil1I1lsdil!;' ll!l.J. S=m:j!c ndliU9," Det~"Ih~i.lwDrs·lo!:lg·~erm plill'l~."~cm:ti's.limc' the guidins wIllLbll;1\'il 'iJmpJ'il:t~d tiu: wun mll~. W:irh.w d:l1.f8~ fa ful!..hoid!..DQ.(hIllY ilegir.lme =n;ul,t on.Ul>i:: .kobWd C~V:I$ m. ~~a8 5,2 mmugh .37. If no o.l1el:mer'Vo!ID~fi,~~ gQb~ ,,\1il1 d~~!I' OIU the koboh:ls.in dtfJilil ~!:ks and lh~ gobJm.1d~~ \~'ill glIm the Wil mi 111 'l,iI'Ii1~ UI.ll bon smr~d m rlLLt 5~UJIJI1JtJ n ~1r.~ 3,)."


T..be de~th c.f ili~ki.Dg.l.b~w Qf C:olarh~.5~ 1E1:1:e 'fbe Ci:I:mIV1lti ,~wlllll !'Own. UQ~~idwp~c..e!~ M~Bl'IInS oEDfIIIli IOtl'lt1lilgfu~fCilW!ligt! __ w:k . .E"~JmtS!_~J 00 3!1i.\i'1'1'.nltll'eS, dl';1Mng; Ull:: ~d gclOOig m~vnk:l!dJn.a:tn8~nr.tgpredJca.menr!l.

Wrum }'Ott ~~:c 1m om ~b~dil~!UEll, f(l'll structure It lit! th~ ~ of ·SQ!D~(hlmgh:'ioppe1lS. ~I:td 1f (he pCsdo mu, [h~n !h~lll""ppco:s.. "An ~~'f!;tu·b:Jrod ~dVenMJJl!:i~ bu:[lt aOO'L1I1{i ~ Sil:ri~s of ev~in5 iIlflil'~D;C!ed by L!hl: Fest Ilicria'J]$, The pes' ~:lcti·oru: cb:DinV ili:e.e'l'.ll'JlfS ib;at OCQ;lr, Quh~m'in whicb dl:ey ~I1Vj Qr OOIA

JnO!I1l:"'!:!'H.b~scd 1t!!l~~~e..PC~ mmilly b;a1i'l! ~. goa] or iI miSsion he)l:Qnd. ".Kl!bill dw. m~K w: "Q~ ~s !Duch lteaSUN ~s 'p05s;l~~Lor ~n ·~pmJj~ th~s.ll!l[ea.·lhe Ild~~ntL,!~e i.il~t~~d fillc~1'I. dle..adve.nt'i:nttr5 I:J:!,l;iq m_ :It:(ompli:shi $om~.t:W."g ~ citi~ 'lb~ Cl't~U 1J~\'ll\li El'Iwelidlol'mtun: oocu r ~ .:til. oUsl1oc!I !iJhh~~ effi:u:r=cilnet.a1S ~. m!llse"Ji.lIel'l(l~d their lI;~rnlll's, Oil.' illi ar,!l.0si~g. f~rc:GS ~t~mp!iqg, I~ $!np them, or both.

This 1I1111d (If ~d1wj]nH~s ~fum de:s~.rlb~d ~5 'SlI:IQ'~. becllllsiititstmm:: .lik,e; a book O![ ilInQ1o.':Li: 1!I!'Id le~ 1l~ ~lq!krl:3rJOilt :a ~"'!Ui.r..t...i'l.Jl-oil:'i'~ba~~d ~ d~'!.rntiJ[e- U,5will'i;_da~' 'roOIttl:b1f~OOOIIl!. klcy...c.f g_lcc.:Ltiitm but ill~t.e~d OJnlil5t:i~.Q(n*s wbic.h. ~.I;IQ:~I whg,1il. Two of tfl(l; ~.st.Mra¥5.wm,g~u:h ' n~t~~tUn_th~iam:il oh:UawciJauouJlIru!.Iln£.. _

~ID~:Jir,-mw:IDg,~ed ~jmw, ~\!e.i!U

}d~IilDo!s' iIl.;th.~:m • .iI:'5.;~a5yJo vi:iuil]VI:Pldl.:the:1kI\~ of ever!!.':,';. "AiJhe..:EC.sJn\le:>rig;Lre ru1:l mIJIJ~ dLLry'· que1itlao th~ ~l:IJikeep~'I" I S1;lludhJmauhllt site: ~\.~ SDIU~lli.n~ SIlSp~l::l!oushailllgi[l,g :amlll:ld t ID~ b.ad&bili~la:s~ fiiRht.1fth.ev !l'!lK ~~I:Ik;d1y ~bout Greg-

'1:11)', she! r~lL; ,them wlnmt h ~ JiL\!e$' 'hiscJ:.'(llJD_pk._ulI:Jlm 't.bm lUll 1\\'0 lines drawn awll')' &om hI: ItInki~p«.. Qi:ie._goe$ 110 dtr hVCiry nlla the o'thl1r CP~_ 0 Grego~ilse .. .si.Il@ tho~e III,\! ell.: two. likely (XIths t~c IlC!i.M.'.iU t:lke lDesL

Timeline~Anacl:it~ JI!iIIf.JtI o'g;i!nilc lib !!.~nit.·bJas.td .il~~nt\l:re Ii. by m~ p~!Ilf tiwr:..6.WmeUI'I~ snlil't.~ wh im tilt. PQ; g!!l in.\H11v.c.S In Ih~ slruy (ar oom.~t.imeu~ boefo~' ~lml ILillD;~ Wh~T h:0'~ ~wh~n: "One tby :tfi~~lIlJlli.m, JO~Bm (:(Udit!l tbLYll ple.atlillill fur hf!tp\ lile J:lext,d:J)",Jahillii is found di:ld in 1m flQ,onUI we. inn lllll evenmg.._G1~!;Qme~ it! dli: inn. pairing, 3lOIWd for Illfom!li.![Um 'Ios«lftheblld'r' has hellO fi:n.md."

C.ombmilinolil: Ail ,(l,_~~_ad'«ll!tlilre m~ghIU:!le IXII:h J Jlo~\,t:bo:l1:'[ and! !I rimeli n~ ihllIJLliI\! do~ly l.I1~epred; 'lfdlt= POi ask tbe iImhl:penboLit Gwgal] Ii du~ day :lJi'l!l' me mllrd~r. hI:' rells tbem whfI:R he liv~~1lLe .:fuIlQwi:llg moming, Gregory ~hows up:lt the 'In.nLhe-aWy dts-g:ui~d.....JId convJoc:es tb~ Wl'lh¢prt't.h~~ he [s bftn,gj'umed {Ql' th.e..llluudeL.S.be agrees 10 hide him, Lf wt' PC~

!lS.kclJ~ I.n.nk~ptr ~btmt GII't',gory ilfn~r lid:§' cceurs, 'sh~ gj~'e5 '~~a tb.J~1J~~ hn:tU$!I:-bL.lL shl! ,~Iso Idh: ihf' PCll ({IntI: ..• ;~th!llt GRgory h~5 ken ~w:I,)' fltl:M 1:Q\'i'tI em a rrLp' oor the las several d~y5.·

R:mdlom Ei:1I;Oil!n'~l1-E'iI@ J:I nn ~.d'l'dJiruu IIn,val by events, nn I:nOlU[lCer i:!JtIWlllUrdi to tit¢ n.ow of I! v rums ClIri se~ HI elnpbilsi.z~, (cr d.ismctFr~m) the QilWJi.1fIg plor, Stll!! TII'hle 3-28: Urb311 .i11!:ounters, p:ig~ 102. fef an ~~mplt of an tytfir-ba,sed I'3l.'1dcm encounter table.

THt:tND (?)

_ y_en fll B By. ~:I.I~h lUi! VI: ilfll r!:l 'OP:rtJ4' II:Uln .J::rui ... Ju:,li J:IlI~~ic 'en~QU1lte.r plllt:e:s: a nit;e u·p$lon'll 01'1 ~t1 ~d:""mm«LP<I n;iclJlldy if iu one i:h.::lt moe pbYlil'S hllve seea (;amhI,C. UllhLQ~rh'llV h~v~ ,lw:111 Bglil'hi.l1i h~~ b~~n l'elicm:ng ro ~ dnq:oDl. tM,Il_2n e'.IIC.OUI'lie1' lwilh .ht..draNln IS ~ !il.lta;i.blc ~Ji1dltlg.l

ml''-lIdie;lltuH~ "'I" re' m def1QUli.m.~lfI wm~ Wf~p·Up [0 de-;II withth~ ilfrcffiLQlb. of Lb~ £!nIl enCOUl~nr. '£b,U t:lID b~ [h lime whClJ.lhl: f~ discover Whill treil:S1lXlC is. ~IlQJi5_haanl "ar.!lm110c...<lCene iri Ih~ ki:ng's oogn i.ll which Ite tfumks. ilie.l!.dY.m· tuu~'[uauli1yllig Ute dragan ~Jld.pas.se5 Inn knigb.t'bWl~ ;!,~ll:lIil, !}t" ~ ~mc [0 .Il.)Qum til Dre (;Om'rllJfi who did !ltit ~rvi1'e tnt' blank. Gii.!'l~l'Blly. me denOllelDelU should nQ 'mire nell ~ lang as the dliii~ iU>ll.I!.

AF. w~th mO'l'I~U nd boot~_~tllWS somettme .. deserve. sequ,~l5 • .M:aDv...lI;d~[1;II:es ~fJiU ir«d¥.J.l!I:I'o llt=W O!d:Vi!ltrureo; for dw 1'05. r~l;;!dj]g.;t!:l \\ih~t.lhl!.yJliI_v!C :l(!compli.shtd: or d:b8IT1\i'~ red. If [h~ ch~:mCtml!o!.~~lhc fo~he_.nil~r1md. du~¥mIY lind. due'S. within thl.' fonre:55 ru:af belitl)' dUHdolltllY 0 ' ~ Irn.IIQf 011'1 the I.ow;n I:QlIfirll who ,bi3s bell-II seQ'ltll :d.dWl,. ili~ \irlI rWrd. 'Pe.r>-

lh;;;d;co O'l'ulord'l; ore ~lIjon j]!;:dh .. t= sjl~ ... bere did ~ley go? ~{lf:!lJ!lttCTwhCtc I'h ~'g£l1 itl'l'.Sllre ~D Clause rnmb.l~l) SlLP~ ~~ :att!lcki.'li di Llc Jlri.YCli(llJreIS whiluhG)! were 011 dtei r 'wy [(I till: ove.donl5 fum~.in& b3'Cklll1.w and fliUdtfig fbI: ll>atidtlS' l:l!ir is :LID ~c1\O\eTltwe-'l'f.hgthJ'U@tice :md !.'ell,geaIlO!.

Ihi;ugillUlIdl P..'C.tl1.dO-fht' keltlllll!1ilnO!'3Ulr is !II challen dOl. Ih~ bmiJcin.n. ;ull.'lther skdletolJ "of!:b II ~~bow is on :t 11ldgc._rh t o~r.be roglltti:ill :reach, only the monK ~allletlp mCTWS tIlc..cb

m pull. mc.leywtl:! r.Ji:S~ fM perteullts ill r1'Qn~ ~r the m~Te.Jm !he c.~ric'5; rnnr!rum ~md~ ~U.JlIJID\\I'S h~r UI g~1 til the rre~nl~L' Ih~ s:k"Jetorn; :lireguJ'L:dW~ ... hile till' b.iult! tligC$.

1 I\.sllat1[lf> q1m eI'lOOWilH::[ fW"I!es ,the .pes 10 ~d~])~ 10 die enarul'tler uth~l!' dli'llflthe Q'Eb.e~Y...iU"jlurul. Bu~~~.li1ol'~ WI C10\'er ['i!JU, ~'IlI.d If .:he I'Cs go thue. the1 enceunter bllgb~;:J:rsl \'i'hllth~T bLl!!burs a.1\C :til ~Ppnl'pri1l.l:e enCOlUIIll.l for ,th~~t. JhiaJlimtoi.l

ncQu:nt~i:" giv~s me ~yorld 13 (lerra1rlveri:.!ij.mi]!md~tI.s0:. if's good

10 m,ix a few in ~\lidt .. h -l..Qlhcr son: of f:QCOUlueG. _

If you decide lill usc only 5lQUI$ quo CfiCllu:nteliS..r· LI s~o\l[d prnlnl:tl'r Ie:t }'tIur playen k:no-\Il :lbO'lll rilis. Somi:.Dfmu:ru:, UA[e;t!" fotIll'h~.w }."QIIT a.d;viffil:l!ml! !:~ tting \\,ilJ b.c:_iiJiI..4ppmpr.i:t re chi! . lengf fauhe pc .. 'bl1'[(Jth(!l'mifgb~ !lot be. Fot iltSlttn(;CJ '!fPIl CPllld

f~dde where the drn;go.i!ls lillr ili: Io.ng before the chIUUC:N15.~Jle..:x'~~nc!:'d eilou:gn tCl SUI'I-'i\lf ; 8ghr ,~~.lnst the dngl:lll, If ,Iayt'ro; ~w lhilfllh~ S1l:lrlJ'l.&.inc;lud~'!l st~tws..qut!l ~n~ll1J!n~er5, [b..1I' thei I lC'h~,ramr..m:~llhl not be mble~o ~arfL(iJk.. Ill~ywLU b~ rno!;'e l.ike:Jy '[0' m;a,ke me righT dec~j.Qn if rh~~' I3Imc.~lp:o.n;l 'tough Ul(:ClJilD,[e·I •• Th~t d~ilD~ cf.wl!l~~ b ~o ~[1 a,vn!i iUildJl&Jn.ag;ilJunoi nu d~)· (when th~ p:l[~' ]5 bettcr ,equipped 10 me~L thi! ch;ille~)




1-\ man.stu's Chall~lIg,e aatilOg(CR) t~1bi ya,1UhUmd.a[ -'Il part)'

.Jfor ll1hiCh TlIm mOtiSlcl: {s a gpod c'h~lIeng-A.m.l:LIlSlL!t: or cas h: .sn gppropti~te clw:IJ~I:,.f,or ~ group orrour S'th~evd.clI~rel,';!i,lf ~he mllfi1ffi:'O; iI~ gfJai;ihe<r l~\I'd tb.!I!! lh.e !:f!gtlfler, rlt~~ ~il:t., }IF beesuse Ih~ malWll[ 5'hgll!d 'b~ em~r 10 ,Jt'b~. LlkitiWk5:>t,if t1nq cbllr1:lC'r~fS e,t\e o.t]ow~d.t'vei tbru:t w moll5l-et's d:i.:tHe;ege Ra!'.i:bJW th~ ID ~I' ~ gre~t~:u~m. I

Parties Wid} 6",e or more mem~11i OIfl OfrFli fake on DlQ'nSI~r5 with h[gh~.'j: CRs, ~l"Id panies Q.fll1re~ or (e\';'I;:i:!ltt' dulJt.n"~ by mcrn;lm wid. low~r Ck. Th~ g~m~ rules \lL::cD\lni hiribi'"~11 .&lCls D\' d!vlditlg Ihe XP I:!litllell b the number of chuactus in the pany (~ R.ecw.a~ ,!I,ge 36)

Multiple Monsters anrl_ElIlcall'lI~ r leveh

Oh\tjoil~y .. lr one ItlttlWeLb qi!reJ! clungn~ R:il:ing,. more thUI ant.! momU:( re~.Iilt.ils;rt~leW~Jkllge [h~n Wgt. Yell can ~~ 1~able 3-1; .En~'i;ll!nU:t fjumb~r.!, [£I de't~r.mln~' the En~O'Ui!lt'~·f Li:".:e 1 oh ~iroqp...of IJiIQ1\Stm.. ~'" well ~s ~o d~[ermJ I'li' hew ml!lil~ mQ".Il$w~~ql!la I~ 'It) a given 13ncClunte,r .tevel (usefid m baLmc.b:l.&.au el)cQ,).mtll'f with a, PC: Jjl:ffiY}.

r:!:I h:lbn~e._~11 en!:OlInto[ wlrb ~ p~rty, d~l,umlJH': m~ P!ln:y's level (UII: .. 4liC'l'lIge Qr aU the' mewuLt:htOlToll:tef levels). You \\':l·nt du: l);rny's kv@i ro Iru!lch lite k'lll.d {I tb~ eilCoUIllter, 50' find thIn nl.lmOO in the "EIlC.Q1l11f ~ l.eJle.l.:.Wumn. 1helllook lIcm5'S iliac 'line. JIO lind.:rh~ CIt Clhhe IUl1Llg[t:n:~ru~ d:I.iU y.oll Wj]l~ (0 me ill ili~ ~!ll;illUlter~On£e, ytlll hllv,e_Jolmd il.look Ct rho: lOp ~r dUI c.ol wml m.li n.d cite: t1l:1mbe.r.oL:u:~tu~ th:lU l1lilk~ ji balanced f'nCQUll'ller rouile r-oUf.

----I~I-PA,U· N TC n S ~tw'OO,k_Sl!p:po~-e you WQnu(U.fJ:ld ogres ac;Um;~ ,liI.Iifh·lllV'id

____ ~_~~~~~...iW!lo!!.i'!..· ~. "",L!ooI,: U:I..iI:,II.JI ..... w,':-···~·, ..;.l....JLIo.o..If\~. ,:,'. 0<1:... pmt)1 Th,~ M~jj~J'I'MdU~II!II!DUl'ltj)11 o~BhQW'S r.hmt [hltJ.:JJil CR.1.

A!; mte~d[lg as It ~ U) t~~~ULJltd.y'cfll'tIio:s_(wnlll:II:~~flrir' be-- ~1ril1&.al uw '"~,. ww in th~ "J3mtllJ ~m~ tcvd" eotll:m:n • .¥QLI rJmd

hi:nd dU1:m l. me p:n~ 1.l! m!l)' cWlpo~edI..QLIlnm1.inIitES...,Eadl ,i.nffi. ~IrIDS;S [0 th~ ·r 'imtLl:\I.:lJIlI3 rhen thKk thl!! IIQp Cif 'Lh~r col:umn_mj

Yidl!a~ ~IIC'OOlltJ!r is like it.i_own i!JImr~'Ri~~midcl!11:'. find dl1l i WJ[LCU~1Uom:rers mike ~, good Iim-lC'O't:LcI):cQc1J DlCrJO

Inl fond. md yjCliOry coDdiliolllUO d~lmIlin~ a wmn.er Wild ,0, I05er. de[~rmine,_ibe..E:.llmunll~r Lenl of II group iIlf mOJl:Sjelli..L~JCts:t

, the.sC!.H~ps;L" \';'ith the IJlllmberorma~lnad.dOMl.lolln~

~Ila R£Dli S ' S "QUQ_ {be aU!~r thlt~~~tu:re,Jlien:.1.atJkJ!.!fun.JR.lIJ IDu~p.r[~

(ust :as with mQtiwtiCIl5, enWLlI.1II:[$ CM. be milol'td .spoeti1icai.ty I (I Il.t gene~.i! ..c[Nl'U~C:'5 C:blllleIU:;c Rwm,g is,,EWO.Jowe dUlLw

ilie..2Ci.o_t.L'WLAuil~m:l.eDml!liUo!lr iw'neJ:n \VIHCb. 'Iou mkc.J.fll!o..___.gt\lTe.n..E~OIJ1l.ret..l-e!ld.J:bl:[l.b!{O ,","e~wr~:s_cf tb iU Idntl equal :to

t(I]!I_Elder>l.dm:u:hat we Wl1;.1Jd PC h'1~ 3 IWflJ c{lm'U1!tJJHy !lnil the tcnCJ)Lmll:rohhu&II:01.l1l~er Ltn,.e-L Thus, ~ ~~iHJf:ro~,grilfltS (ell

J:1gb[=~ j~. Ln iI raj !orOO en~CUln~ir. you d5:igl'l thi n~ ~c fit !,!..cli.cllll£ ill'l..ELJ.l.~liroLlI.'III!r.th~~procre-siiD.I'Iholds of d'Otiblmg

~e 2CJ;~ili~ ph)'!:[.$. fu r~~I, vou tllr! ~J'ItL"i:i.fIdJUy dlts1g:n SO'l'lIl1'- the rlumbe~· rurea'tJUre fo:l" each drop of m'.(l plil~e-ll in. dl eir il'ldi-

'{ldUilI 'CR, SO th~1 full.rCR7 .m__il_~~s;JyJIUILhiII~ lin: all all encolll:ller, 3S itre eight CR.S af7liure:s ( uth lIah:ldQ\\! mll!Sitiffs). This- crueu 1~tio'fI dees 'n~[ wo.tkJ\o!l\le£e.l'....wim~lllti3rurei 'whose CR is 1 o:r ]o.,V5....~j;l be ~I.~<: w.._~(! Tltble" :I-I: E.t!OOLl.II~r l'llliDber.s, for S¥\;.h en~untilU'5,

~Ulled Pm.w. w ht:D df'IDng. with ~ a~ULre' whQse Ch~Ueilj; .R~.~lni.~ OIl[y one k!\\:'i!l" th~1II ~beU:i·leJlldcd 1El..WDU coo mise t~

IWy One bY4,d!dI:lIg~ ~¢ccmil_cre~rul!e ~1iIb.wcCB. is rlnee le.s~ .he de$hlld !L &r ~mp,lt. :'I DM j'i/nJ.'1i _00 5'e[ 1:1, ~ilI e.nHlJ(IllWI" wIlll~il ~bQ.ltl'h (Cit 7) far~.!l S~·le~l]lBirty. n'lli:l ~ool~1115}'il!!u]dJ be.:EL~1~nd heW!!,ms an I.'!fiO)UlUI:[..ofEL 8, se she decides klgiv~ lih:e i\bollllh 1I c:ompmio(UH' P~[ ~Q=mh)e. the e&l!toml[~r 10 EL 8- Cbecki.ngTable 3.-1:lintlQ.II~_Numb.miJshe 'nduhm tlu:~ilUY

far sl'h·lf'Y,el enclJu'IDI'mm.rueo "Mixed r;ai:r~ column is "7f.5."Tbk m~3lU l.b!l~ a cal mp~1"er;nd 'lI CR') mcmS'WrlV&ethente 1m fl 3 fJ'lCOUlruer.

[n,ggnitr.aII..yQJI C;;l n.~"l ~Ll:P Qfcre:uLI res ~S:li .5:1dl.g.te creanrre

~ '!l'b~~e:~C1L~quRI5 rh~_gnu.lp's.El- For txilmpJl!" ll1:S'lrxl.d Df luvi:ng [rilil, :u;~. £n~QlInl'l::E.{l:n!: Cit. -+ '~~fiUIrl! (sal', 3 browli! oo~:r),-¥OPI C!o!Jld ~lJblitLmt~ rwo Cl2 !:J;;;i~[ltJre.~ (npak of Ibbdt he9rs), whos2:+. EL [Ii)gi! l.b.er is .. ~ l:1~c'I;VCy.er\ cre'llUm~s woo~¢ C R is for be'Jow t~e' pm1~ level often provide no dHIILl~llI!!re @f."II, 5t1 do!]'! $Il~stil.ur~ Imroes of m.w-CR CTe3rul:eS fur ii' 5'i[)glc blgh·CR aeatl!,~

Some .monsters' ell.!; ~ futtrlQJlS- Po.' instance, II single ore lCll..

V:l) is nor II &ood dlllRenge e\\'en for iI lSI·levcl P1¥rty. This: m,o:ms: fQIII' (UI s;hould eitl\i~l: cilkuale l..'l' IS if the Iilrt. lI/)ereCR 1, Then di-.;ilie by l. or I ~lll tt:tdl'pilirr of i!lmi enOI:lU me~edJl a CR 1 mllAA~1O _ .ETlW!.I.D [~'" ,vi!h more di~l'I a dO<!Cl'u:rc'H1.lft are cI.iflklllr [0

ijlldge'. If }'tlU need d!jn.een or mOl~ c;te~tlJll'.e.u&I p'rO'l{ide el1fongn XP for ~ srlllldiJId enmumeil', then tbJt;.l~e jmlm_d~~2lJ~fiti~ .l:I"~ 'p..,bahly !iO'~ak 'thai theydon'i m'~ke r{lrl ~,~Jl'\'lJll'lt\!r~ Th~16 wl1y Tabl(! 3-1 d'oC's:n'~ ll;l.Ve 1I:n e::I'Ilry ~~qet Ib~fllWpiv~ f~r

t ~umJ..er of Crenures."


EIlIXM!!I~ NilIlfillet '{If,Cr alui\tl~ MixN
Level 1 2 1 4 5=6 7'-8! 100=1' JI;Ifr
i.z 1fl 1f:i 1J~ 1(6 1(,8 1/8 1/1+1Jl ..
2. 2.3 1 , 12. " 1/~ 1/3 1 lot 'IG _ 1~lj'L
l 3,4 U. 1 1{2. 1 1I2 1(3 1/4 1 .. 1
4 1,~, 5 2 1." 1 1/2, , 1/.2 1/1 l 1
5 ~,5. 6 s Z 1,1 1 lf2 HJ ·4+2
Ei 5,61 t "I ] ~ 1. 2: 1 lIZ 5+3,
., ~. ", s: s " 3, :2 1 H2 5+'1,
S 7,2.91 6 5 .~ l :2 1 i+S
s 8,9.10 7 s 5, ~ 3 2 S+6
HJ 9"lOU]1 8 l' 6 _s 4 3 9+1
11 10. 11, 12 9 So ., iii S '\l 10 a
12 1. 12, 13. 10 9 a, i Iii 5 11+9
13 n,ll,hI ,1 1(l 9 8 '1 Ii 12+10
14 n. H. 1S 12 II ]01 .2 i ., 11+11
15 14. 15, 1Ii 13 12 11 10 9 I 14+1.1
16 n, Hi, 1i' U_ll 11 r1 HI gI 'lS+1l
17 lS. '7, HI 1S 14 11 12 11 101 l~14
11 n,UI .. J9 I( lJ _L'L- 13 12 11 H+15
HI T:I.l!I, .zo 17 1(li 1 S H 13 12 ta.f'11~
~o HI+ 1& ll_..lR_lS B 11 1.9-1'11 Wnaes ChalleJIIging? _

Sci, wltm[ (Ol!Jl1f.~ ~s ~·clI>1U.enge..."lSiJ.'lce. ~ ~me,.$e'SsiQfi.luolxlldy· ~1iId'IJdt'1c m,lIn)'.. '!:IIC(l\ml~rj~y(lu don't WUlt t'lil mIke o'lery etlcoul'Iler..ooi!..dw ~~~Ii '!hit OCSIQ theiLllmit5<. They ""~!lld h!lVl: [IUJO'IU'ilud"'!!l'Iwre :md nm for tin eKren.5'ivc period aft{'f every ,gh ~ nll~r.h>ll' JO)ltS_d.e:.WI'l the g>lll'l~ An.enCOlllUll r wiili~ Etlc!;I\.In'IIi;l level lEl.) !::(!ulll flI tlu: f!'C~' le~d is Dille dl~t ShCHdd

':q:Jl:ltul!lbwiuQ% of weir n:source-s---nh POil1!~5, spe.Ils, 1IlII,c:iq ll:emLl'II·e~. :tIt1d so ClJ!l. TJili: me:.'lru, Oil! :l¥el:'llgt:.. rhru ~fl~t ~bJn,UI' four ...

ellctUUUer g[rht_p_ rl.ys Jevd the pes Deed to rest, llco:tl...;lAd ,n:gnil1 sp!!'ll A..Mrh eIllCIl!WlIf:r wollid probabl~' tvipe th~in .IHH-' Tlile. p..muAol.lld be mble lro take 011 mOfl~' mere IlIlCQJJlll~ 10'fI3'« lh~ III theiile,~Unll ~l'f",r ,ent;~'1Hltm \virln El.s hig.her..man 'rhe:tr !~vd. A! ~,g.eIl,~t"Il ruleJ lite El. is 1:>.'1'0 100000r Ih~rl cl!t: p3«)1's Ji~i1d., the [Jer; ~hQ,u1L'l klIbll:;.lQJJlM 0111 £Wi'!;!!', rIlii m~lly ellOOlUlllIirS

~fore hO'-l:il'lg '[0, -q[OP' ~ru:1 ~uJ:...Th"oO l~\lel~ lower lb" In Jb~t. ami dill n1J!mb~r' of etl(!O\tl1!lI.!t~1'! rope wlr,b dQlllbJell~lIg~iJl, ~l'IdAO on. B, o:mIT,;lst, ~n I:m:Qllil1U~·f til! even on~ or lWQ 1~yel5'l!!illhi1'r than the pi!rty 1~",e1 mjghr 14!N the PO 1.0 rheir limll. ill th.ol!l:&h \'i'id1j

Iluck tb.e)llillighr bt- Dbl!:! tID' gnlm on '['~O such C!UQllllUeuJre£o.re llced'in to [e(;o"'« Rlfinelilbrer tluir whL'tu.ho E~i&M.tJhan mep3fIY level. the ehmllC4li fM FC fla,tillly rises d{jlmlilli~y.

Single JI!'Icmsre Encounters

M.:ill','· a.dve:nlllres read:! rhclr dtlllax wben the par~_eI'lC.lLi.l~~. dI~ nlg.Sltll'Ullind I.leblnd the plo~, or when mey U':;lck n rug..llliJrL~l~r, :rutb ~5;[ dr~gol'l Oi' beholder. ~o h5 IlIjr.. UMOm.lI!I.~td'f •• ~U.lilr<ll'li wi,th 'si_~ m~j1~~1'S ~:q_'bl: 'O't.'.ry' ~switl,m'." rhh~ p~trf

~ke~ I[ih~ time 1:0 US.(l the G:uber In:wTIJ'I ~ IWI'l. skill and di\l'wmon spell!, the)' m~'JI 'begi:LuAA ~.n~o.1JI,'1I[.l:t i.mm.I.m.e to rh.'1VIWJJJl!."r's ~ mLl!i1 PQwer!;Ull WfQp!l1l5. If lh~plII1Y.:3yjll tnitllllt~ .• Jhey OIng1ttlA; up on tlte mQlIs[~r and t;~n:l~ellbn.ltbdD~ I ~n ~t:t._

When :[lll~flnirlg adVen;lll!reS, mnsidcr wJlig or aU of.thelolkrw· 11'111 pointS ro~marke sing;!.e, mQDsrer ell((iLl.rl.[m~i: {'lIlo)'llbJ.~.

• ] f your rnoJlSIii:r lI!R'S_.spdk or milgi~ i(etm:, • .J;!.GPi! ~lilID:n I miisri.cs blocks Ih,,~ shO\'Y th~ i.mp:Jrc( I)r.L~nJnl1r.:en; tllul ,other d!i1f(.'.1J5i! .. ~~l1s ITlld e,ffecl!!: .. De~liIdin L1JumJluleh.L warning the 'IllQni[ecilliliofthc p!![1fY's [lPP'r01kC'ltJt_m~hBire aU r s:o,~ of m:lditiWlJl.de:fenses. RemernbfT' ihcJll:dk~h~:!1Iylt!.&t ,lin ~(:dl:ln 1$ II ttlmoo Il!cnQ.1ll, MIld tim monsll'.r shLlldclri\~ dQ_'~hi~ until. tom blil' ~gjfl~ (no ~if reil.Q'tinll, ! ~ rt~U kbe m~ Meek> fQr~l.Il1P'ri_~.~roll~ form!lilltive)'

.' Prep:!!re yow monsters Itlll,tics i:n .fl:dV;ilI11.CiIl, mdu.<!I.rI1!... w.blll If does if [I I.OSl;5 tbe ffijliilltiv~ roll, r~ m.lly n~'llf if m:l~1Ii'ply cbDb5e different omer rOlf _IS ~dls, :lnd lU:J 1I:s.

.' D.isID!(:t or 5pih 1.IIp the J'ilIJ1¥ If the I!i'i,t[h: lP~rlJ'.CI!.I'I~gan.&.up on II single oppo:nen .. the 19I!;(jtl11:t~r CUI I!lld !l1:ry qll:iddy (~pe"

dlllJy if th ~ny wID; inftin~trn. _

•. PiJ:1 the p;rn:y in "t1I,adOB5B~~ fhey ItIUS~ burn l'emW'l:eB" in order to IDQ'I.'t! 'fO ... ~9t= ~,nmplt, n Ycl)' iw[ ~l:\virnnm~11[ miglu do dam~gJl ~l)'=[~ljmIl.Jiu:d.l1g ~hl!P3lt"o/ f(I use spelli: a1H~h ;aiSJlldu.l'l' ~jmil('"Jl._QI,_t"Jl~ ... _m~ at m~ d~rlc!5 ~Ib 10 hc:1ilup ;1"(; r r~:S~il'lg1hntiJ'gb til • b.ilut:ClI.

• Go' tl!l the ~weS$i"'f. Lel ID~ ~gle mtJD!5'!!.tI' .~utlck I'nr: pilll"ly be:toD!.the F.;lrty hilSn chanee to U~ all itS~[)jllt}' tnh~llc~r:s.llIliil der!:l'l~b:e e !'feelS,

Fwl rlu\ pill'tY. Use loobll.~CljiJld decoy In Ctllli"':[llce the rmr I hQ,i, 11 m jar 'I:JiIcou:.ntu.is 5'1:lt:1:it}g. SO rhy uu. I.DU, eJJ ltigb-le"T~l srells alDci pow{'rflli ilems:. berQl~ tnColll1l1er:ing )'tlilit'" single mo:n$ler~


Som'~~m CS, da~ !pes J!'ru:Otlrillliilr~ll'Ie til L11ll1rhn's m pUJ9h ov.e'r feI' I'h~ro. At o.neLll·iI1e •• ;JIIJ eMQ:Il,RIl~.ds u)o Ii Lfficulr, Ilt'lidAte:., b]J'O'e to nm ;w~y. AW<llI1-ro:n~lnlmd ~dwmwn:' h~ ~ \I!lIi~tr(llfm~oufl' r~:b'i ~1.~cYi!HldlJ!1'e~e.n.: ~i('V,~h1 of dlHkulr,t 'l"lIbll: 3-2: E~~~f DifficulLY sbow~ (in p~l'CeJ!IllIge rf'..mIs) how Wllllly mrottlJ£e~ ceil:,'!! II dilifiCl!liy ~ n ~~nlll:re sh.ould D.ave·.

Tf.J~LE 3-2: :~Q_UJI\lTER IDilf'FICUl:n'

" ofT,,12' . COUMter IO.ne:Qpill)

1'(19(, E'iI~ Ellowlif lJ:ial1l P~rly Jev~

2,tm_ ~'5x.if bill I1dl~d f,i'rop.erl), Speci all'>.~Jall7Wl

lO9£ (h~iIMBt"g fil ~u~l~ IhalofP;fl)'

15$_ _Yc:l')I'diBi:aJh EL ,-4 h il!h~r tn.3.1'1 !larry ley,~

R Ol\'ierpO\Wri~g EL So+ h Isfier U"~r1 p:ilrty 1i!",~1

as-yo The pcs will hand 111. . rbJinle [WI TUili~m;.The Enco'!U!.ler ~'!d rOT dte ,eI1CC)Unt~r Is lower ibm! lbi!..p;~ny le~L The grolip rl!oIJ.ld be 3bk! 'to' h:a IIdl~ ~n.illmQ:Sl !imldess_num OOf of these enCO\llll~T;S,

Ea.s,y if Hllflllltd Pl'Irl:\li:rir: IhILre'5 , u:tck [0 thb krnd of CnCO~11l::Ul'l;'-U trick me PCs must da~()\I'~ ~o h~'lfC...W_ gO,Od clI~:nee Q{¥i~

, ~til)l F'i!l'lril md ~lmjna.te:'d.1! ~\'i..I. d~rLc w:j,rh ~·~Vf ~f!LfMtJ,rrly Bnn , p.w.sbe FlO'PS ~L"1:erlI:Jg ~.liIii.JUI.d'lliJd, mnd t!'l~Ehilile: else ~ho:l!Jt IID::..i ~eIl;C(lunte~ beCQme~ much, ~$I~r..] f )?len .h~tuil¢d properh', ~M$J kind Cf'e:IiIWYllte[ ~CQm~ ~itlIJt!Ming.or eVm 'VIlify diffl,utt..J,.

.cjl!dl~I1gin,f Mos[ enC:l:luntcQj sn!ausllo' dut>ill'~'h u lC35i1' one I member of the group in 5tl:Jm:\YW)'...·thelie are dmlleJ!iglng etlCOU II'

~tiHS,.Il!bout eqool iln Enc:oWli[a..LewllO !be plrl)' le:vid The aveCige Ildvt!£l{1lring ~up shocld_huble w handle fum clJ.al.Iecllpg 1.'11- COlJnll!:rs bdoreJhl:~ runlow on pells, nir poku~, .:IrtJ otbltf milS01.Il"lWs.lhl1 e:lltoiUlro( dcesn't COSt' Ihl! PC!; &l)me~ignilkim! porio~k l:erou~.Jf5i..IlJI.t.c:nall!'ngrng,

,~DtlIrfHrtlOne PC m~blVI!'I)'we'lldi:e. 'Th-e EnClQ!lmt~. wtl.ll.!_ ~1gbel..tbm the p;any level Tn ts mL"t~f E!l1t:OIl:nti!'f"nu,y be mD~ 1 dl1~&,e~~.s .~.:II:I, ·mfl overpoweri:ng eue, b~c:muse ~I'S nat immecl i:l~!Y ObVlCU.s tdlJhe..;ll~yers 'Uh9[[hf l'CS .shoulilllJ'ee.

Olle1flCm~1t1;lg:Th:ePCs ShDUJcl tu.n.lfrheyclol]r'u, tn,eo}, wtll lIim.CISt ,c:6tilI.liIly los Th~ EnOOIlIlU:I uve1 is fiv~ (!"f mOR JniJli hlgb er t1l.:h1l. r.b~ p;my level

Difficullg factars

01.1 b;t\I<C $~nJ tifpUOII5 for m!d.1f1i ilftc:n~~IlIUtr P]iil'll;lt Jess cli' • fi~lt by clmn,gillg the ctJtt:llm6tunce~~ (bi! I91Cr;LUfileJl' to' 3CCO'Ultr ~r. some. fe:il~. of d.le PCS' surtO'W~~ Qf the mrurellp (If the

~p,:lrty.lior: i:n~!'Ulce: _

,. Tiglll qIliillrle..-s: UThllkt! tblfi;g!i mtlTe d.U]ku]Lfo.t_mgue~ stllee it':!;

h~i:d.enQl ~'1ruJk ~batn md gnu ~ mc~k a~Qclt.

,. A fPfe..:ld-mllt rllr1.l~m~kH iMngli mo~e d[fr;u;ulljor.$pella~l\!rs, L 5iltt::e.dl.~oa~~ ~ffeC'roo~· mosl spells i~~ll,

• Mil~S:C[ r~ are harder fur ~ c.baJ:llc[.eu:o..en~ melee than QTlltpc;;werful fDe.

,. Uflde-.:nl.aIi: mucll imm: diffir::ulf IO~iig,b[ .m.thlii.lJ.ulct!~

,. El'Ic'(lunttT.iinvolYingIllliuml:sOl"pb..ll!tsru-~ mtl.cb ml)~ flki.ll~ wilhQUI: !I, druid O[ a fW,g~ r 'in thl: PlIny.

,. .EIICOuntlmi IDV'Dlving:. eril O"IIt5idc:c; !lIe mud! tnme di!lkult without ~ pal:him il'> c:~ri~(;Ind pedJ:rp5~ ~...uam OI'5O"1iIi:l.!led.lill the 'piirty.

.' A.l~!lf'.furoe is mluch I1l{ll~' difft~ult to Sglu Vi'iitDUlI:~, wt...rn:,d 0:. ro.wereil." ill we..:P.;lc:r.

., ~~d doors...llnd mlp;) ~rr l1I1.u;h mQrlldjffi~h to t1~H:'om~ \v:lthQut.ll~e lIu:be ?mr-

• MIlI[!'l:ple cp·mhu CfiCOUif.ilers 3,re m~re difficuh ro wiin wirhom IJ fiBhtcr. j_b~r~ 111!I1. a r1IllgllJ:, OF ~p~iIlIdinilil di'l: P~I1Y,

.' Multiple wmb.'tllmCwlllers III'!!! I1lDTt dlfficu.lr ro SUf\1\1~ wiw..

OJlt "th:ric in IDe p::lrQ1;

l'heJnrd I1ml the der:te make- good_go:up 5'IJPpmt ,c:hll[;llct~[li,. Their p-resen.ce m~~tpr:t'li~lly e~~ ~nooullter f'i:lsitl'.l:

N 0'1li!: of~b<l iib..QYe.f~c;r'~J !bC1t1ld 1'Ir:C:l!~~iilril}, be '~ It,i!.II tru~ lItCOlim when ~ss1gvill,ut IDD.dli)'iJlg Ckill~nge Radngs, bu~ }'Otl smlIdd kee~ ili~m in mind 1Ji'hlllil..de'Bi,gmmg ;r:i'I.cotrn~~f;S_


A TeIlJiy hfE b;J.s;ilfdl \",1 rlt mDrc .b it~pollit'S'AIla ~ high~·r jlt[;CK bonU9: r.hrut ~ 1'l0l'tfi~1. h:lsillsk rs. 3 gJ:~;lIer.cl::]u.l1enG:Jf-¥UU w;e [be nd~s: fOl,lfidlf.i, die MOil Ifr_MlIlHlld fot tiltcreD!Ei.ng rne....HiUJi(:e or ;WOIJ~!:I::l ... )l1l.!l Jbou Id ~S!Qhf.'i!.:fU e dIe expel'[enc~ p.o jlou t;<P)

JdW~QMleLllllpm rlatd~ .Se~ Adv.U:I!l:ed M M.I~r chaI, {lg>_ Rnt!ng"pilge 2'3 ohhe M(t}1~lr }"f(1nlltlh

+_...._. ...... ""'-wwe~in PC O~ Nl!.G.dQ61ses, !>et MO'nsoor:utlld f.ct~~~ pilg£ 2110 of the Mgll~~'~ M~Ii.ua!J f.o.r.hQw 00 deror:mLne

it.s.CR. _


A fight bctwew "l!lII11CUU"S perched il:il ot brldgll' madi: of kulls oveu p~l ~1mbbll:Qg !awls mere excilillE and mom d~!l!m:u !ltQ:II'rh:1f SJlime fl.g.bt in it ni.ce.5<ifc dungeol'll'QQm... Loeaticn s.erve ' [Will pwpo5es., bDlh i.l.qll~lIfjmI,XYUIlIlt. I~ Oiln_l:: a. 'hum &tum t:n· 'l)!:lIlIU,I!:r mo:~ i:Ilt~eI>Mg, ilnd itt;;J1l ma.b ~J[1 '~I1CelJG>te..,us.itto:r [m;llIih m{lfll! dilIicnll~


Makil'lg Tlunqs tme.renrng

Al:g~.iib.ty, W JU1~JI {1S~U is ~ fairly il~£![i~~~Lbll.t e.¥til,Nll!II'j. the same oM ~(l.foal·b)'·l(l·rool room lil:l1r11i wgoow ~taIeJ.ike-l wlsll', ~ mp 1hmugh_ tl1ejbrk WMru.t3!.'1 bll! ill.i:frmiDprulld,gntenli~. bu~ rbe Ullllh ttip ti!ll:"Qugh Is less ~ S!oC!! r~I!i_i1 f<i:nril~1 grune. IlIk1w fOiJn;e1I dll~ [Tee-dOlO 10 (;"Qllsjd~r~~JilUng b:lcjl'[ionIoar.cD.«Jllll:lier5: Imagine n eni;iJl.lJlrI:rinsi_ib:,~ lIQkaifiO ,n.lOIlg ,n Il.IW'CW ledge on [hl1 sjde IlIf,(l dJH, ~ [l.llyitJ,g,Wh~T~ (IT ~ I,I.ndl.'floO'Ol !lC'r thiDk. of the II!xci!ing ~m:nlm) fustLlWllth~n

l'~cny "!lx!il~ 1o-w ;jnd why dll:pCs: would !!f'r there,

_S:~"L~tio~ Wilhi n..uOCillrlon II;:!In hllve ;a~ Il'iUcl:i .Wmplte~ OL'l I h • ~tKllfit!n it5elf; lf~ ItIglJl: h~sto pick l:h~ lod! (lin th~ C!lll)" doo.rouft 'oillle' wproorn of ~IO'\'j'erl'hof's ",1I~p:srn,g.J_fs slid.d~ ~1'" a much

more~dting situation rhllllljmJ ~'l1Qlhc:r lcdicd_dQ,Or il"l ij dUll,geOT1 corridor Cl)eate IlfIl:n~.mle.r: III wh di..rhl:..PQ; mu ,[ be diplomll" whil~.lIIJ ~roiUj;lI;l rhem ~ bmluues~Fill ilIn_under· grlOll:nd C;!V" oompfe& ,-.rith wrne:r 'or diffimmr~j(t of dungeon nd've.nnl:fe. s~ ~rl~ Qf'!:mllllJcnn~fS in ~ . WQdenIOtt-rn!i1 h~PPfn5 (Q.De Oil fire.

5~ dl~ [m~n.'S.lkl.& Qornb:!U; secnen, r-ng~.J1.m:shi7n ~sion fund~ witb th ~ SIl...il!c IS$ut!:.

Modifying DH·'fiqrltlJL o-~ Mth cwss.ow " ~ind m\I'J:,r, firing dl1lwn. ~t ~11 e, PCs whi]Jf: ~h~ d!Olt;l(:~~n CfOSS a..JJillrrow l~d.fl~ C!I\f~r ll. pH fuJI ~[ipille 5· iJ:[~ mud:'! more d~ng~us tlnn rheS<lm~ Qro. b~n1ig tli'ig~G.~il i.li b.lnd· IIG-Iund rnmber ilil same [IlIDm1.l1kt':!Wi:se,ii dill PCUiDd..rh£ID~ $d\lts rut tI billeollY, looking dow.l!l. ,ll[ IlbliYil:ll1ll!lK~ \"bQ ue CIIrry£ni h.lf!'ds of flam.fiulbl.e 011. the em~OUllrel" i likd}' 10 be: much ~sjo(!r rbill! If thi!! 13~ Wefr awn Ir'e of rio. i! PC&

Cil~ni~r tl\fI; SOrtS of r:actprf,Jt'~IBIfd. ~o...,IO£~tion or iil1.l.ll,[ion, thQlltI~e' &Iii '!!IICIlUiUt:'1' more_difflcult. sueh anbe fuUowil'lg.

• :ElI;emy b~s CC\'~r (fc;[.c.'I;:!lmpk. behind ~ low \VlIII1).

• !n..itlIify 1$ ml'1i ighi!f ~(l~';ltdmLo:rjsj, i'l:m 10 geul ron ~ 1~dW! 01' aWl) 1i d~liIDs:rblll ~,;, .. Il}._

.' En<:lIDf has ~...IlI~I~ed,.urPrist ~~ ~i!lli;tp).

• Colldithms, mru:~ it dilRodr [0 SI:! O. he.l.l" (mist, d.:l:d:n~ss, mmbfuJc.machinery ill :LlT.lIlt!:!d).

COllditioll$ make m.ovemen.c difficu.ll {undernF.ll"er, I:h!<l\l'Y ~'I'. Iry. VetflUmlWP:1s-sllige),

Cq,l'u.iid(l~ rcq1ike dl=llt::l[f' mllncuyerlng (climbing dl1l11'l:1 ~ 5hC'~rdiU; b~n,gll1g fitIm dl~ ceilil:Jg1.

• Coml itiollS de:il dlllnmg (in:theiq..cold. in \1 Imming huilding. ovt'u pit o(ac:id).

C.!J.n:\!er~11. t~ £i.r5't tlue-I!> I;;QjldltioJil.i ~"eJ1 ~b-O"\I'e m;tkl! ~Jl1coun!er-;~er from tht:l Pes' 'paQrt nf yiew U'tlwy :In dl~ OIl~S b~w.e~;6fo;liiI J'hc cm'1f~, dt'!ll;'Itlon, ~r !i.1lI!rpme.


&~:C1J nHTri. either i:mHvidtUlliJr O'r mung tOgether, ru\\'"ilIdnl11'1ffi types o(be.billiOlr \lI'hemef you ilre wm;dow: pf it Q.r nii!'..-liru:oltll· lersl'h1ll[ C'.lIr1JU .. m.I!l.S"1 be won by killing the OPRQ:Il.tiJil:5....~)'JU:d lI,we~ImJ1Dd liglniflB IfOVfe~$. II YOll ~et"IIp YAIJI" .mC·oUnliU'5: lik!:! thtj' ... ~-p~:tm1 ' ;uild 'prill'S'1;'i m NCIn~lIU.\lCZY Old en" mre \viili {Iill1ly..emni13t ~e1ls p.t-epareil- "rbe 'PQ. \\!ilL!~ilrn 10 13' !!

_J.IcticUIl!ind.rheJl~itj'lll~' ta..kLI:I toe ene~r;kh~ By WIl'trnS[, f'!l~WJ:Olm Ih~1l. cain be WOII by cl ipklmll~ enOQu,tilge the 1'0; to alk.ro ~'01liJ ~.nd_i:\!,ery~hjng..rhIlY ,1IlI.~~r. JinUIl.IJ'Itel'5 th~t H:mtd $ubl~tfuy Jilld prowling efI.CilII!I:r8.!l~ slle:i.kmes!lL Hnoou.n-

len; fh.!!iE rc\, ... :a~d bOiM.Il~s.speeclu,p-t:he-pm.I:'..._whUubO~l"hal rewmd C:lrutiOIl 5101\' iE daw:n.

Alwa.y,s be ~,wnl.! of the. ~om of ;U:tiOll$_ YO"~'''''~ ttWiilt:il!!lK yout:" p.layers fo~ taking. ll£'\!iJl'w. in. ibis GJ.e,does-n't ju'st 1'Dll:lm e:.."Pedence pp,i.i'lu. jj nil rre.a.sJU:l!, Mo~e gelDer:illy, h means ilIIlyrhin.g.+_ tb~t wl'I5'nsl.iel1dy It.a·~nu.ucces-s. An ~d\lCllrLIJt'lll !l.houl.d el:!'II~Il..:m i:[J,t;O"LlI1ta~ th~ I r..ewiltd diU~tt:Rf l'YPe~ of b~hn~li.o:L Not ~'!;'~rrCJ:.Ile.. ~[e.fel'S rhe ~,jIme klad .. o{ .. tl10011 ntefb~iiid even tbo;se W.i:t:b:!i {~vcm re enjoy ~ ch ~!I'Ige elf pgc~. Remcmbtlf. th~ll< dUll' YQ1.It CM\ o.ff~r mnlliY diffuenl km~ OU:~QJlnII\:J: J Including all of.mi: following.

amlmc: Comblll ,e:nW1IDl"m._w.UUiyi.ded into ,,",,0 g~u~ illlack'ilnd: derenSiC'. Typ1cially...dle P s m:e: Oil dill': :amwk. mv;)ding 11IO:Mters' bif!l ,l!l1d ~lorlI\&-Jl1ll1g~J1S. A deFense I.Ull::otIUltter, in which [.he res rnusl.k~ep..al'l ~, ~I:I ohjec!, 0"1 persen safe from d:IE~' ene:m'fl can be n 1l:~-Chl!)Jg,e of piiU_

.- Ne.gQJti;JtiolP: j\.h~gh ~b..~.!l'!iS ~jm ofl,el"! I>e ~1'I\'rIhfC(I, ~ negan. ~W:m e.nCQUllter mvol~, less S'lwrdpLl.'f ,IUlQm."7 l\tOrdp!lll.~ 'Ctiili!..l \i!lncLrtg bll.C5J~dCLWhmt !:he PQ; 'WIlDt ihLrnl I'D ~li ,th~Il~"lglJI,cli:n'~ booth p.bYL!f9 ~.l1d DM-quid t~ mil g;Clod roIllp1aywgllrn ,the. k~ys here, Don'cJiia: droid Ito pla'}'.1D N PC al'rmpmft~ly (sl\IIfid Ol' 1.iJltillIS,e.Jlt! gCJle'ro1l5 or ~sh), il!llorlg ~5 iii fi15, But d01ll: rn~ke ;lDN"PC SQ poo:!ic 111M eo .ihn the FC!> mil itlwuys tf'U exactly whZl he Dr she' will. de In II ny' gJvlm tirru:m'StDe~'. Cousisr,ent, lI'e!5: o~e' dim':'i'lS;ICiMI,l:Io.

Em'l!,oDm'c.n~,!ll; We.ad~e1:, er;ln.hqull.ke , l:nnddril,es, fmH'mQvln;g ril,!eB,;JJnd SRI> ;all: jillSt ~mit of [he. tJlviroll menta.!. mJi"lru'tlon.~ th;n - JII d1all~ng'c eve:n mld- to bigh:-L· ~1 ~C~.

Pr..oble'mOcSo.i:vLI'I,g: Myste.ries, 'puule~ rrdd les,.ar , nythin.g rhzr ~qUJ(eS r.h~ p:l~¥rrs 00 'LISe J.og~~ ittvd leilSQll.JQ_n:)"JO ~n;ome [he (;b.JlIlfllg-c WUI'lt5 ~$ ~problt.liil.-.rolvlrIg ffiiWLUI ter..._

JtlJIiIgmen:t Cah'"Do W!:1MJp 1111: prb5(1'J:l~t lL!':..te in I'he dLlflj g;eOll. e lil'elll:h.ougn it .might be a tmp?" fuJt1llcc..t}lil.jl._d~Pt!1'I dirtg em .logi~, rhese ,enoourue.J:s I1~UIII'IJy i 1l~1I.h1'e:J1l diD.luioll..Jlnd, gut in~tin~ri

In\l~ri~IJ'lln: Thil;; (:5 ~ h:mg"""1fetm :i.Or! IIlfM(~tmll:rlfl\'plvll'ig !Ooml!' J:u~g(ui!ltiQ.l'IlIl1d some pHlblem-SQI"":!n ,..Anj~ti,glUloh Inay be called for m solse ill mystery or 10 learn $orne~bin_g..Dew.*


wha[ ~d.V~n.Ul:Nl 'woYild be O1mple t{1 Wi(h(ll.ul"I"~~5.l:Irel

A close Ife.oolld. illl im'poHal.'l~ tQ.e"peden~e pocIil]~, treasure pL"Q\l1d~fll:m'~nrl11l9~l\1;1~r [or PC~ tu 80 on ~d",ennnl$. As w(r.h C'N:pt!'ritl'lc-e..p.Dhm·, tre'a~a;UI:' ~mFlQW~ rs the fell, Tlu~ mort' they &1iL.J~YJ!rf 1111 thq..!hetome


111 e :Ui1indn rd w;y to ~ 'qwrt: m:a!'iun ~ 10 ilefe.u eneml es d .. 'l[ ~ 5e~,gWlrd ir, or b.a,ppen t:o be nell!f it. In the iM'un.FIcr .... to mjll r. eV" er:y mC!f1s:~er has ~ treasu t~ 'E:!lring (iDdkariog h01i~" mllt"-li rreru.UR it hit$, mlthOlllf):l rOf. "tP!:Ill: Cl'f.~rnre~J!'he ~ftng is -None"). The mlbles fcWlc In Ihi:s 5ieCnQD egabl~'IO"!Uo.derei'llIli.n!: ml' spH:Ifi~_ Mli~ r..eferem;:ing rh~ I~aild kind of tft::.tSI.l~ (coins, it)OJs. hems) fcm.nd. jl[l thes~~ture~U OJ1I·tb~ appw:prl~'tr: row;Loci ,otul'i'lN OfU1f prop~u~ble ....

When g~nen:J linG ~.Il ~co.JlfI 0:'; il ~;.Itl"lg.J!tti.tl, llli)rllM"~n"5' :IIWlIIY from thJl:lt 1a.tr (:I p<l!m1, 3.\VOl:J'u:ied.ll&J:~teilllilt'tLlIlld liUrI}, rem~m' befth:1f Ii (:m~n.rf'I!·EI!I:ll~· [3M~..:!i}'.hlUjt OlIru:uil:jlen~th It, In r:be t.a$e of ~ c:n~l!ltesucl'uas. 3 dlspbceLWlliJlr, I'll il1t"enerill.y merulS noth n,g,fh omte<r~~~td~.'ilr hlds~ itS tmSl1RQS_W~IiI.i1lii It tolll.!nuJUI.'.i[)''eS it b!:bllld.wllt!:fi Q1i ~$lde m. lalr.;

. :\'nmpr~:.,Goolls rh:1f live i:n Ii dung_e It ofrr.1D le!'lvt!' their t3i'l" IiO

4w~Jl- ~' U1.lmi![bl_Q:l'cbi'ig;ailtl:s~o 5.tliRUteasu'l'·e.l1lld rQO~. 'Ue: pes ~IIQC.J,Hu'~r me d,efe~( rne .snolb; wiant- thl: b~~fhl hum;no.idure 1:111 their Wolf [~ r.J ii! ~h,e O(CS, E,~ cl1 gnon h~s .~ ~m~cl'~rlng...(lf r.oiml O.t .gemS On hs: rers!ilJ:l. The le~d<er Ms the

m:l:m~n1\Pi:kg(l;ar. ,1;'t)N £rom ~be gMU.p·~, hOQrtt ~l.Ild IKe!! fUn:,me baule •. Thc mmjl1l'if}, of the gil~' tt~S'tl.rI!, l'Iow~v!!'r, f!!mains 1ll.J rhei.l'Jl1i~gu:mjed IJr ~ fe\!.\' gnol'ts left ~MIl.d' 3l1d '1\'110 weU,coticealed pi ~n~.

~gmners with Ganes:

-fldmy mom;te.rs a.dva.tl~~h¥ zddi ng ~inti; 1~\I~!.s (s¢(! the M~il fr~f Mn~uNll).lo deliUliD.in&..~lm':fu:r mOn1it'e;~ wilh clas;!! kW!l.s,.~~ glye mt'ID eqWp,mil'lu. ~T])ble 01-23; NPC CeilrVllhJ~ (pj'~ U7.) and usejusr 1:hJ!'iu:lud~.b ~D d~tenn;;ru! til 111m c-U_be~t_~q,l,J:Irr1J!'1l1. Then g~nf'I'1ne theH: rreasure ll£1(;ord'1Jg 1'0 kir moo~r I:lltty gild the rule~ under Building a. Treasure b~]ItS!'L..l.biLmmr. geneml'e mure" m:mS thaf the mDolii ier can uie.JmdJtb,~t fine- {~l' CUSIOIU T~Clllmres. bli!tlW1.

Treasure per Enoollrloor

......T'lbie ~S;Tre:J'SIIre Ills been creared so rh~r If PCS r~noll-gh encom:uers' of rh.e.ir o\V.Il I~ m g,ilm a level, rhl:!lY will hii've ~fso OJi"la,ed cnoui;h It~a~ l.O ke~ th~m..;Lp~ce \vlrn t.h~'we.~!dCl'"1i;y"

J.lt)lj{d~I1flJ't'!Th~HO[l flO1!.lfld. iflnM;: 5.- L: C har.acrer W'e~lLbby level lp\lgel ')S}. )!.1$t ~$ gllin.ilJg_jll~lJl:QI.lhT::Jle[wef:L' rhw.etn.~Tld fou:rt.e~n e!lt:QlWlk'~ of!!: 1?~ro,'s l~vcJ, ~Q.'!OC fC11[W![llWt'ngf' fI:IIlli 1m the table a E m1:! P;!rty'skvl!~1 /\Iil! gel [hem meJ:rea5L1 tt til!:}' 11C!"Cd 11;1 alliJ1 r.h e ,ptl-mplfl.lll! ~rnou Itl, fo! JltLn.extl,igh.en_It''I'el, IISsUmj Ilg 'thllf thi: PCs e)(p~1l1ll !!<Ome rt!SQUrt~~dI.J!:S I.l9UOl!£ .. nd Slrnllls,duri:ng:.rnose !lln~VLi·nI:=


entQllniW 'lireas;uril En",~i1I~r

Lewel p!i:!' ['n~qll"l~ L~\leI

1 lOOgp 11<

2 _6OO_gp 12

.3, goocp u

~, 11.200 gp 14

S lillOO SP 1i

Ii 2,000 gp Hi

"I 21600 gp 11

8 3.400gp 18

!I 4"sOO iF' HI

H) .5.300 gp 20

_1'rita~re. '~r lEiil~O'IJIIi1IlC!:....-.-. 7,500 SlP 91.aoo~p

1l.ooo &p mJOOgp 22,QCICI gp ;Z:8.000g~ 36,ooo.p >1,i'"OOOgp nOOllI[P. 1'0,000 gp

OQ. glle'rllgf, the i'Q;.>·h"lIlli~m cme..Ull.~Slm su.itible to th~ir 1t!\l1.'!1 (Qr I:<!cli encQU:l'lteuhQ'_Il\!,etalDl'l~ The key, of coU:~e, t, ~~'1~i1I.g_c: Some mJ:lI:\t~:efS l"I!Ugh'r..hil\lcJfS~ LTIlli1-~ lhQD ilve~gl:', S'Omt' m ilhrh~v~ .mor~,iIi!ld. s:mn.e might h:l"e none ll![ illl\:!;, )IIOU wnw ~~nnl"l',e. jfs o.by KI cl]lilb~1'I e tb~ iltdlvidU'll1 :Ire~:.ures Li5U~d f'.;! esch moru;t;eJ" in(oeD!: larger hQard. If a dlUlgeol], ~ hom,~ to a..behotd~r lIl'1d lIilll'1efW5b:JJJgbe~l"1i. for e ~lnpl.e, YOli t:i!-'i I~ke OMI:' 01' all or lh~ bugb.i1iH rreasare lind IIdd it 10 the. hdloldds hotlm.

MI:Il}I~OIr the progress of ~'t"U(l;.int(l! the hands of me P'Cs. Fer rnmm;e.)'Clu m~r ~lIm to ~ iot:5 o[hlgh.,ul:'_li:SI1~' or !m:y .. tre.MUre m.~I\St!:r.5, y;~( 5till h~I1d..[J1Jll.:!,JTIWlII~l ;rmgl.UU ofnell.siJ.J.~ ove~l.L 'rile rc~ n ~,~dn'~ hgvOl! averj)'ge rre~sm'e at ·e very St~ge In rl:lIl{r ~~~ lYuf if.® in~bmltlnce (eirb_«-h9&n 0:1" !ow) p!l'r5j5t5 ro~ffio~ rh':)11 II f~\,,' l~v~.Is. you SbQiiM ~1Il!e~illl~l ~1:'d:Q1l 00 (;On:~ it 'by IIwndi:n.g sUg.luly more o-r ilighdy ]~S lfU5:IIIM,

TAliu3~' AIOlRA.GE.1R.EAS'I)RE RES;Ul:rs

1»pe'_ , Cil!m

An ~~jccl

MIilMiane It,em MlIm.mil.gil:.Jl.em M~dlwm 'f1IIail~ 1~lm 'B Clr llijatlc.ll>t:m

A¥el'3~e !Re!;]lJllt 'liS i!f1' UOO!gp

150 IW 1.000 IF' 111,00Q.gp 'l!O,OOO~

TillI'I!.IE 3-St TR:JEASUft£
Lml &% -OIr"',- d% G~5 d~ 1~1'il!l
bl 01-'''' 01.;,ga 01-71
lS-29 1 dBlsJ.OOO c~ 511-95 1 g,rn ...9S 1 mum:hme
la-52 1d!><HlIO sp 9&-100 , art 9&-100' 1 mli1Qr
5J-t5 jdS.-..:l0gp
9&-'00 lM!II!1IJpp
2nd 01-n ,01-81 'O~~~
1'-21 '''lOx] ,000 c:p 82-95 1 1:13, :!,:J:fIl:l. 51,:&S 1 mundilliie
24-43 2l!illixlOO ~p 9~:]i(1O ~d~ arl S£--100 1 minor
44-'95, 4t,I.101(H)~RP
96-HlO 2dfJi:UI pp
lui si-n 011~11 01--49
112-21 cllltIKI JXlCl C;p j'8-95 l!il gems 5~n__ ldlml.illd~ill'/
21-'11 4d!;>;10t! 5.11 !i6-10ll) leU Ikn 80-100 1 mmw
4i-'9S ld$JOIII gp
9~Ul(1 ld1~10pp
otll~ 01-11 QFro O'1~2
12-21 ld1Ox1 ,000 ~'p 11-~'S ld~ Ifem~ 4.3--62 11:14 mli"d~i1f
2,2-41 "dlli 1 ,00(1 ~p 96--100 ld3 ~n 133-100 1 iii'llM~
4,2-95 M6x'100,KP
9~HKI ld&Xl'O PI'
~ 5th 1:11-10 01-60 01-57
11-:t9 hli"i)!UI,OOO cp 61-!lS, ldiA! !:~rn~ S8-'67 1041 muml~n~
iW-JS hl~l,QOO s;p 96-100 hl~ ~rt 68-UiIIl 'TdJ minor
]9-95 TcL8;.o:_l00 IilFi
96-1'QIJ ldl~'Q PJ!II
6th 01-10 01-~6 01-S4
1]-18, 1 djx](I,C<lD cp _5i-,92 1d>t gerM n-S9 1 d4, tmlfltl'\lrJte
PH~ ldbl,lIOO ~p 93-100 11:14 art 60--99 1d3 mlf101'
38-95 ldJ~UIQW 100 l~ium
9:6-]~ Jill' btl II pp
7th 01-11 111-4& en-s, I
12.-1& hn~H),OOO ep 49-8S. ~d4 um,~ sz, 1 ld3 mil'lGr
1~]; ldlbcl.ooo ~p 39-100 ,M ~l 9$-100 I medium
36--91 _ 2.d.6rtOO ~p
g.+-,OC Jd4'xlQ pp
!~h (lH0' 'OH$ 0'...,8
11-1>. ld.l~~OO!l ~p ~G-t5 hH~gem-s ~9'.6 hi'l minor
16-29 2d~1.OOO sp 8&-100 leA'lIn 97-1100 lm~lIlIm
se-sz. 2d~1'OO BJI
,BS-IOO IdBl!ll1 PI'
91n 01-<lQ OHO OI-4l
H~lS ~'6~11),OlJIlIqJ 41-10 hl81"~ms '1~-9'11 lrM m~ni:lr
15-29 1dS:.:l.OOO ~p 11-1'00 ld'" ,alt 92-100 1 m~diutii
30-:85 5!!i4;.:100 gp
3S-l00 2612;<'1(1 pp
lOin 01-10 Ol-:U 01-40
11-2A, ad l~1 ,GOO 5p! ~6-ig ldiBi9IiL >tl~38 M4 minor
25-19 Gd4l<l,OO gp. 80--,100 ld6 ~!1 89-~9 11 medium
Sfl-1Q1O S"d6')(lD P'P 100 1 miliClf'
mh 0]-08 01-2<1 OI-J1
09-1'4 ]1iI1~l.00Il sp ZS-14 IdHII germ. ;l2-8~ l~JIIIiiliot
'5-75 4dcb.l00 gp J5~lOO laG lin 85-98 1 ~di~rn
75-100 4du"~llll'pp 99c-ll» , ri'l~jpr t
TA~I!!.E_3~5:JReAsuIiE IICONT.)
~ ... ~I d,~ ~Golill_$- ,d9f; Gaod' --'"' t!mill!
12Jh 01-'C1'.t OH~ 0'1-27
00--14 ll~Ud,OOO 5P_ 18-7QJ '1 dll'O 8enlS- ~g1. 11:16 minor
15-75 I d~l!(I ,{)OO !liP 11-HIO ldf<lri 8.3-'1 lll'l~!lIm
7iHOO Id4xUlQ FlP 9'1-100 l~Clr
HjJl ()t-O'! ~1-11 01-]'J
100",75 ld'l1xJ.OOO gp 12-66 1d12gt!m! 2Q-.7l ld& minor
7'~1Q() ldlO;>:Ul1 PiP ~1-100 Idllil art 14-15 1 m~l .. m
!l6.-100 1 r.r1:aU.ot
lllt_h ol-0S 111-11 01 .. 1'3'
es-zs I clb1.1)1X1_ gp n-~6 2d8 g;mI$ 2(}-S&' ldili minO'l
160-UXi \dl2:io:.100 PFI fSiHOO Zdi~11 5:9-92 , m!ldll!lm
'93- too_ __ 1 1D~~r_
15tlt OH)3 '014 111-11
0 ...... '4 ld8j,;1 ,OO!:I gp ta-ss UI1Qgems u .... G 1 dlDffiI,r;iir
15-100 111,4)(100 ilP &6-100 ' 2-d1 ~,11. 47'-~O 1'medlum
91-:100 11~ajGr
l€ilh 0'1...:03 0'1-111 OrHCI
CM-H ldl2Xl ,000 gp .0&-64 "d!ig~m~ ~1-4J6 '1d10 minor
75-too 3:d"",fIOO PI' 6So-l00 1dHI ilrt 41-~ ldl me-diulr1
9HOO 1 mll]m
1711h Ol-m 0l-tl)4 OH~
~ 3d·hc;I.000 C-P 0;..63 4.d8,~ 34-~l ld3 medium
~-iOO 2dlOX100pp 64-100 ]dg afl &4-100 1 mllJClr
lith "11-02 01-6:1, 01-2.-
Ol-6.5 ld6 1.00:tl..IP' 0.5-.54 Jd12g!C1S 25-&0 hi.4m~dliJm
tis-]OO Sid4xtOO pp 55-100 ldlO srt 81-100 1 I'ffi!iof
nth '1!J1-1J2 Cl-003, 111-:0.
i!B-65 3d8xl.000 liP ~-50 GdS gems 05-10 ld~ rn~d U.JTI
6&-100 ltlllb<:tOO PI" 51-100 !It!J6.a,rl 71-100 1 mal!)l'
2{lIn Q1~O!_ 0,1-0.2 Gl-1S
OMS ~dl~ ,000 ,EP 01-31 4lilOgems 26-&S 1M mt'dlum
ss-reo 4d11bt:1iOO I'll :;9-100 7(16 a.rll 6.6-100 ]Idlntill!lllr
For tre'MJjijjU ~ ,zDtb l~eI .. Y'$il' t~20th·J~ row iind th~n ~d~ ~ number of rind om m~Jor Jl:ems.. Ii~tl M~tlltm$_ leVell IM:tglC:lmm LtVl!I Magic Iitems
2I~t .. 1 25th 4'9 2J111 13"
221]-[1 +2 2Jltil +12 29th. ",,3,1
21n'd <i'4 271h "11 .3{)th ....42.
J'I'lh it' BU'llD I NG A TRiAS_U RE

You COI'i' lillie. ItE:lJ.-O, .~~i:h.oQli fOr dQ'ICJ"m~nil:ll.l whlU t111'lIl;Ul'll:S fO ifldudc il;LyOIlLe.IlCQuote.lYi crmli\leIl'M~. AliI of them refe:rr ~LJ T:ib!~ 3-Sl1m1su~._lru;u:uuWIl.i..fuir. .!ISing, thllil !;!i:blc' nppelllf Ill. tlsmg the TreaSlJTe' ~ ht]Q\'I!.

Random Treasure

An e~sy ;ppr!Jl3m 15 10 del-ermi:n' ~~i£uru:udJmJl.y-I.L~ing dill! trr..,uur,~ l:tUormatiJ:l!1l gL.ven.im~~llitrt M~rmilJ liue:reb 'kind. cf Ql:li.t~S{)me J:rellttlrcs hlillC mom rh~.11 Ilvr'rage....ueillillre and ~.mrikj£_.IL:rou ~ lb.is.S!l.5tll-m, rbc..ki.trcl.1lIl" CIil'lIIun:sJn:llil1 adven-

~Cler.min!),i how ricl!we treii5ure~ m.An ~dvre.l1~rc wi tlil lDllO of IDt~lligUl.loC'I~·sJ:iilgher ~~g;e fre1]SUilr:l, ~.nd_onf::. WLW .. J'lilOsU:y 001.~s:, ver:miD. and d'tire il'himll.I& bms poor treasure, BlIllmn~e.the.If~Il! by b.tlmdIig ibilldndS of CI',g.lt!lm: ee I'impl')l' by ~djlJ!jrlng: lh~ tRacsUI1I!S tC!Wi:l.m me a\l'er.:tge,

If w.ou W~IU W Indudu baLmtetl Q.lll(ll]Er QrtOO,!iiSu:re, you tIIr.1. jUS't rell ~nIlIblc ~f':l5IIIl! Eat eQlch E1l~(lUlU~r :Ii!::cDl'ding 10 tis fnOOI!ln[l:[ .Ltvd.lf yell. \VlIlltbe 1'~Uf\!:!t m ,11l!hke Sl'nse, l'Oll [Of thruJu:tmdomlf but U\UI ~sc~jg:1l thern Ili:I I b!: 1!I1.!'.oIJ.III~e1'& based Q;D 'Y011]: 'be5!tjudgmcnl:. lli;JuiJ)le or :mpJ e IJ]I £0. some !.moow[eJ.'8~gtvmg them two.or ~ wll~d tffi'!!l1l.l"eS, :rnd ]t'3i~' SlJme ouu:,ts_wiihrm4 [I'~re. ln this\l.'lJ\', yotJ're mi'e mar ln~ tteilsuVoL?S ~ b:r krncm~ij-lhe e.nl:ow.ttW ~ evm.i£som~ cnooull1't!fS bll'l'C' !on\.Cl'[oe.ll£UIe..Jm.dJ o~~ei!'S.!1tll.v.e 1W.I[I.tJQr eJoiljmp.l~, if your ~tl"'e,l:rD.:U'e has :i~v..c.e...~o.un-l l'l:fll QI£l..5...:.1i:b, .ju,st r~U Q]} rue 5 !b.-IJl:vd l'iliV Qg~3:::S~3'- '. SI!!\'l!ilc nme5mKl. a.mgn ilie..se .... w..U'C.w!n:S rnllWll~Im' •

Sliglulv lIlCllli; cmn.plex.you.n,n, fLg"1I.fe eur t:he_p.~fC!!IDl chance .'!.O..gtit.f._adl kinJ of_1:reWUe cnTllhk.3-.s:T~Llife!a.n.cl roIl cnc.cdOI !.:'~ne oa tile tlIble...fot mstlln~1C1 iU U[ level, 'fl'"U ba\l~;I H'Ai chllDcc m gC:Ullppcr ~li:Illl5i DJ 2.1% clm!1~ 'to g~t ,silver t:l:limi, ;I 4j% dD1bllD: [Q.g,J!l.,gt!.ld-coiM. m 5% clmm;i,i (0 ,gel pb~~l'Ioum eeins, ~ 5'%

---- -

JlIIilly:...V.QU cm:dd ;IIc'lold ro'lllng.l!b~dwr and dLoo~c: ITe:IISlII1: -

for- m::mm:;s '!ota!ing 11,ZOO a: you could 1151 invent cairn: nil ~w \VOru,oocIO 6,000 &p,liIllld ciJ.oosemligice it~ll fmnLChapter ,~tllgicJt,ems w:llll the l'eSHlIr,he IMiaL

chil!r.te~ IQg~ III. g<l!:m •. I1.5'''' cl1l1fl~c_w.~m¥wbj~~I\iJ~ce 10 IItr ~ mu.nth Ile: item, lind II :£.1. dJ:lliI~ IJ} iW ;LJl!ImmJtem,This m~~ n~ tb ill Scme treasures wj]} .b.nl'il.-lli!:!j'e.raLd1ff!!:l~mklDds ,or coins, OJ[ bmh II genl illilLIm arr obiec.t..md so forth,

'IiOu can use nbl~ ~::-Ji. 'rull~Uf~ IiI1ii[ fO,[ ge~ lin obJfcr.s..:md litems. 'Ictal .~ ~11J1!_ctlhl! Dbj~c~ r;~.ller. ",dh, th, mbl':'~ Io/"'.rd,. no 1 re ... U"'-

SIIhtr:lt11h~l !O't.ll framjhe l'll'mpr~:JJ~ l.."Vd oE ~1NSU~ !man Thbk Hyoli#!! d~lpj-ng ~ll!nCOUDt;u witb. ~ wizard. ru'btnc r till! value

~:_Trn~~ V;ilJI~~ per J3ncoWl:in. W.bE!l mm~ illil is dll! \I'll IH m -~n:boll!k 3'!ild m~te:dal-'lWDf'I'llel!lIl! (see' Se.llia&-~ S~

lCDUl5ID lhe ITe~SIlU'" CbOOi~ N;c1f1L['vPCi ~~-O:::;i:!Po;;::--~iPO!:!'''''''~o:::!:'__ p~ge l,,_v.ftke pJiI~~ H~lIjiltti~kl from rhe lIVe~ ,

and Il~ {1:iI filii OUT ilie tte.arom:.__ lICmJIe: willl'~ befQIe ro-l1it~i)l.lLng.._u:p

''feu ,"",,1'I11!~ byp.25S TlIb.lC3-· es- ~nt. Alternatively, '1'014 em wid m~ up me.

sure..;nd bas~ treasa reum..M,lllu thel r w11lC of:ill the mmfilll1,LmIll aruiJ:hc.spcllhook i

o:veJ:il11 value ~oul!l be. l'PI:LUiDpl.l, . nd comp;rw ~1tII::ll.l'.,jue to Table

s:inc!: !!l!di 5th-level trea- - b . Tre:JJj~:IIhle P'

SUre i.s""'oIth J .6.0D gp Enmuntet. ElniLrl,e:

(on ~vm.ge), se"'l9J of kYlill tbu...m.,·S(

~em _sho.,i,Lld be dDsclup-

wQ'tth_ailmu:t . Pm<lthes m Bf

lu.1lllLg:p' .. .. --:tor.ml. mad S1l~

Jon 'i~1J ~~i1~i2~~ ItlIrCt h fr.Dm me ~il\'cl or ili~

~ _cm:mmUf. Use Ihtt n_~w lev~l to

gmer-lle tb.e ~,tDftb:tlreas;w:e.

3-tlt Gem'!!, Til:bl~ 3-7:

An: oIlJ,e(:ls; mise (111) mu:l 1:1:l1l on !!hem 111lSJe::1Il1.. To 1>a:IIIIDL:e du:.sc fi:!,ih. )'O'f.I lUted to knew I be M'el3g~ nhl!~ Il[ e,;],ch !>:Ih!foj 5'er:

TllIhle.H:.l\Yll:lIIge TrclllruJ'e .iesiul· So, £i:)t~1! wonh 3bou I

2[)Ogp\ '10\1 could rell funllllru:i:lmn.:m:Jp:item (W,OOOgp) and :,1lll ~n object (1.100 gp) or roll wr fullt.:mfuw:i~U.'OC!O.g;p fi3Cb l [ooL! [lVll !ems C:i!75 IW ('ltd! I, gMnguhe ~W ~ol:d!e ~ppro' pril::u'C ·\r.Illle, D!:'p.mdfug 011 YCltU' mUs, YOII cm&r:um:;a;s1J:K worth ~ than =tlil=ge ,,:r murl! more, b,u Q.\I'erdl~m:~cu Cllmpoil8"l rYQu should gf:'t p-retl)' do e [Q ~l.i'.erngl: .t!~stal.~Gl1I.


There's ~ relatJansl!jp belwee!n T~bli! S--1; Oia riI:ctl!f Weilllh le1reI, Table ]-5: lIn:ii.5lure, and lable 3"'12: EnrolJfiltii:r Dlflkuhy. Wrili'ng .ufw~rmJ~. rQiJ'lllNing tlil~ '1jld~llne5 .n thIs dl~ pt!!f, ~ Il'd lJ!Slng Table ~2: EnCOunler Dlflicull)'. should g~l1er.lit~ 'I!ni:li!lWi tn!~~1LI re u sin!! Table' l-S~ Treil~liIre to ketp c:ha iTactm. ,~bn?~$[ Drlh~' wetil th figure5 deuri~d III f~hle ~-L ,I n filCil:, sueh O!dve"I~.-eTS 5,hQ.].j~d Ilrovid~ more \iI;\e~tth. b~ca u ~j? cl!!~r~CWr5 e:lipe'lld 'wme' :mtm!:)l on scroUs, pOllons, ammunitioill, <111ft rDtJod, aftll of whldn ~t Y5'ed up jill !he COlin'll 0" ad",E'l'itllrrng.

As )'Ilt! ~Dl see, re-wlI,rd1i using tnes~ tables ~nualle more w!:aJth Ihi!n indit;ated. We ssurne ch r.:l,cteno liI:I;e up that ;dd,Llonill rl1l;ml!!;f on elCpen5etilS\!dl as belng raised 'f1"Qm tllil dad, patrons, SicmU~, ammunition, rood, and ~ fDrth,

'(OUf lii:ib is ~o C;:lDm,p~re l!he weillth g:;!il11ed from the entoUnlat'5 In ~"ur ~~rd~l~!!' wilt! ltie !!'l1:p~tecI wt!llIh B.~i·ll ~hl:lwn on 'the 'I:.abl~ ~bowe, If fll!LU ';!I!:llfenl:u ~ na5 mO'll' 1,~~slJ'., reduee il. I r ~blr ad\ll~nture hti less ~.,eMure, pr~nl ~lIIou!ln tr'i!'~~i!Jfii! ri!ltr'!!'IM!!!I to enCl:)liIn~er~ '10' m~tch the 1Ialu~ (!Ii" Odll!'r rfe:a$i,:Ir~, b~~Pwl.

'l"ollr r,OD f:5 al~1:I ·to m;~ ~U~ l:hat weal dllEis ey~;n I~ di51'nlbuted.

The: Ih In:! collJmn i" till! tab!Ji! abil~e 'snoW's U:!oli ~i!d1 C;hiilJiitJlier 5hollil~1:I Btlt ~i'I ~lIal dlar!! o'F'th~ tre\i!iYI1e flrom OIn idv.elilline. If a Slngl~ lir,em., !O~ch "5.11 .1'l1i!!ic 5Jtilfl; makes up most Qfti'te U·I!;a~UI!ll!. Iheil m05t gftll~ polrty e;!l'1'!1i, nCllhllig, ror Ihelr hard work Whl't ,ou can lIIl~ki!' it ll,pto lhell'1 11'1 later' . d ... efl~lIre;l,. Tt 1'5' ix5l to U5r Ihe 1if11!Il'iods iii!!licri,becli n this ch ~pte .. io e rJ5,LlI'e 31 e'ilera dJsl,ibutioJ'11 of weahh.

Custom Treasures

You my ~'.iEh m butJdIl .tlIst:Om ttt::l5tJlrelauhuQeu.gheamonsreI, the helld '~I::~iI<!"y, [h

~..._ 'I\';;~2f!5i~~~r-_, If2aer of rh't!"iEiI!n:1!l'I1!ItJJ-ll.ln ""ar.. !!plici~ll:J1rotmll9:. Th~\~l.Ig.{!(L_

-_h:ltlJiiW[e should.srtll be.deIi.~milu~.d UJii~ T~blll F3: I~l:Int VlIlues p!1'~ RnooLlmer" bur 1Il1S[e.m pr~~I.lm,g..c)'1l T~bl.e ~-5:~fe. )'QU cl!~ dI~ It:ems Il'I d~~ 1=~Im.

Wne'n ym~ do so, ~d IlO more 1:b!lJ'l h~1f r.hil! uealilrn: \~ ~ ill the encmuu,er on [rern~ Ih~[ mighl be 11U-d: tlp,dllrlflg~U.I'I'


hl'ty bpected ne.~Uftl fi;Qm Treaslil 11! p8

~el We~hh 'C~ln EmCOlmlllt!!: C:hilfill~m

, ~ '!lI00 cp 3.9!!!! gp 1,000 gp

2nd 1.1I(IQ gp 7 ;9!1~ SP 2,000 B'P

lrd V'W gF 1 ].'917~p 2,9" gp

4tk 3,600 IllP 15, 996 ~p 3,9919 'SUil

5~n ",000 liP 2U,18 liP S.l32 RP

S~h S,OOO I!.P 2G,660 UP {i,66S '!lP

11ih 8,000 liP 34,651 gp 1i66i5 gp

8th MOO gp 45,322 ,gp T1 ,m gp

g~ 13,000 gp n.m gp 14.996 gp

10th 17,«Kl ~ 71,314 liP 19.129 gil'

nth 22,000 gp' 99,9/15 P 1-4,994 gp

12th 22,000 gp 130,634 ~,p 32,659 BlP

U~h 40,OOl gp 1I1,19(I,gp "l,l21 gp

Nih So.OOO iIlP 2'26,61 0 ~p 56,653 ~p

1S,h 00.000 gp l!'903,.ilIiiO ,~p iI~,m,!p

',61l1 &'0,000 IP ],1:ll,2~D gp g!3;,31(a gp

1111'1 1'[1),001) iF' 4il},1160 III n 9,970 SP

1 till 140,000 8P 62i,.s HI gp 1 SU28 81l

l!1lh 180,000 gp 8l3,HO W 2QU83 gp

!xputd W~!tft 'G!lire Thi~ i$ what f9b1e 5-1 ,lml;C,a:tes a ch~rac::tl!r

~'hwld ,iY'in whIle reich1n,g hi5 oext 1~¥eL r~pm~n'-Thi5 i~ 'the iveRge lJeil'5U~ viIue 1i>Cm Table l-.l: ~fl! vaJu~ per EntoUlJtIU mul~ll'1ted by 1 H~ enwul'lterl.

Trt!a1UIl!: pM ChattlCIIlI;' T:hi$ ~ TJe~$!.I~1: from EIflWUl'liefi di~ided Do)' FcllJlf, '!h~ I!'.{fl«k'.d POillri!y ~IZ!!. The i!mtlU nt~ lire fOunded t~lhe (1il'.a~ gor.d pl~e.

le~. [f ~ Ii fhe itle-ID$ ill the mro~~lWl.U,pe:[ldjj,bl(:!, Slle.h ;lli. porteus a'l1d ~C1:tiUs, }'Cil don'[ W;;:nl m ~ the.cntiret:r~:t' mile v~]lle Oil rb.eu:n. If YD1Lliii.I~ c:h.tru~ ~L ElD.rl' mJ lhing llItit ernpt)' potion benles and fjcl1oll..tubesllf~i!r defe:tling '[be em:otLn[eT.

NPC'5 with Treasure _

lJ'he. F:lJf ih~I' N.PCs C;H:l'¥. s~.au~.b.u.iJLof W(lir trea~ !i.ve.r:ag~ wille of M NPC1; gear is Listed en T~b!e +<23: NFC GeaY.i Jlallll~L!Uild ex'JlIl'pJes; of whal.spi:d1k,gcua chillrncutr of l:I_gi\il~D cla:ss a.nd l!!v~ WDl!Lld h~\fe ,11m il1.lhl!: sampL(! NPC des:c:riplilmS in ~~'l. NfCs may h~aiulie.m ddirio;n 10 .beir gear, at .:)!>Q.ln:.d:iscI:etiOl'l. btu DItI.llfe.C'$..~a.s is ;already "I\tOfW ~ bC~1l due~ [rm~lbe ~nJ,gevalu~ Q[ IL~U~ gf h~ ill' .IlIEf level [)e,ciliatlrJg N PC f'l:l~ hrlIlg.o; ~bgut gte:ilmW'llro fol' ma!J:u~-seike~, but 5.il'II;e. the ~ill' i!; mos:dy mlJ,giclhaf du::.M]ilC ,tlll1 USlil: llgillingr the ch:ilnc:eroS {s~'IIbich 'iuln~elJlllllevel:tS QUt.

o;th.erI reasuLlc___ -=---

At t.im,.:~ )"DUTI! gOing UI W!'l!U ill ge:n.ef1JJle II tre:lsure 0[1 the fl:i" [hillt:S aet direo::d}' [el~t~ to II 1il:II:mSte1'. YOIJI might, (or =.m'Fl~ Jlave crelll!ld, n devlom nu.ugl!llJ! fulil. Df IDps .iUidl'uzzll1's' with 110 InOJ'ltte:5 at :1111. and RO\~' Y!lU I:nlllC tel' genem~ tlUl! ~pnd Rumw' d:wu the rn,~ W~r\! [I1toloCl:'tlnt} \hll Ctl!n :liTillUSll the t3hl.e., F'Ir!tt 6i:nd till!! nve'G!,g~p::trty fev¢,[, dil~n use the l:nhle: in the T~5J!;lre V~ll.!e$ sidebar (~,gl: 54) to .sgUnc~,;'H Ule we:ili.b olle.PC~ shliluld go:1!n in. ili~ OOLJl'Sf of the ~d"e'n~ S'ub~cl lhl!.lDlal \!clue of ill ili~ other Itl!ll!S\!lre in thil 3i1:~'en.tDe. Wh:it\'; lefi::is.J~lue.J:il£lht: g!'lInd trea;,sure. You em geru:t!1I Ih~ COhrre,nts rand. bv find'Lng the 1I.1i'!!I;,..1g.~lre-~~me "..'lIiue CCH Table 3- 3: ire.aslll'lt.vMue:a p~(lwmu: :tJm mo.st dt!s~l)1' mlltdl'e-~IL n~l tclb. ytW iliI: l.e.v.d of ,th~ gr.md l'n~;!lur~t and yOIll QI:I ~5ee:that '!o roll en "fablc..a~..5; DeM y~ fc'r ol)lfI~ &~ds" and in'l:IU.

U.s.ing the.Ireasure Table __ . _

CI'OS5·~~C ~he level ofriae rre~!il,m:ol'l iIlLtJcl't: wJ,dt we I~ of t[t,31S~-rh1:: Illvid of th~ O\~OI'$LJ.re:_iUquaL~CLdlC.CllaUk miDflil~n_j.n rhe fnCOUJlt~~, .A £,tnld'~;l'd Ire~~UIe (mC-Ihl1l D.t1dude$. coins goods, and lu~m51) iequn'e::; rhree rolb .mll::.fu each. ClIU!llP~


'l'rr!.'I.sure (Oomes. ~mnIl)· foUlrlS~JIIl~e;o; of coins, poudits of gems, useful lId..lttliIntt:iJJg.I:ijtJl'l!lm~~_.u:jdJnitglt: Items.

Clil'i:l]~~ Thc.tnJli.i!t basic lype.C£ll'taSufe:15 mc\II~}', T:~bl~ l-5: 1're~E.eil.·m,es Wlfrn,lng Emm.CiQmmo.ncop.per piece5_to{! rniie pm[il'lum piece:-. \Vhen.p.hu:mg II ho!ll..'d of Q(lins. rememb« ili~ vo'lume.ilIl~Lweigl)[ of l:arg;e nl!mbm..o£ clllruJs COlUldl!,L~ble (50 COIbili 'w~l&h ~ 'lXfuml, SD lO,OOC WOOj\l'oC.j.gh 2.00 pOWldis),

_G~; pes ][I'I,1'e' ge.J:IiIliJJoc~lUbv'1l'! _'mi~]I, lig)U'w'elg,h~. Uld easi1)!.J:once:tled ~omJ2l:l:~d ,lii th t.hjLs~me 't~J1J;t iii colas, Ctlm [[e-.JSIl~e5 He mere in1.Ui!Slin,g ;wben_ygu de~be rhem and pl<j& vid~ names, ~AJuslJ1lWj gaidl!:ll fleru1" 'mQl'e mll!rening than ". 100 gp'gem:

AI"~= IdoI:i CII(so!id.gg!.d •. Il~kl~~uwdrip'pmg wJt:h g(m'l~. old P"1il1~itl~$ of il!tlde:ru kw8~ko! ~jJ1:1i\'doo !OJd.e1l f1l.gun~thi5 ~~tf- 11:011' tneludes all these ow.d.mOllt::-fg.i!:lIbilil;y is..lLJlUIiaf C1:!'fICUli. here, Aj~I.\"e!~d cClimb Is ~Sf IQ uc:y. but ~Ji:k=si~ scun~ of a Irni;g]n is ner, IJ1 ,g(!n.emI~e sure~¥mI j:lhc in enceunU'B should be e:lSY (OJ; tlte. PQ{!:lcarry (wd~JIl p"JJ[lM Of

If'-ss). Irears:Lm.l~thlit·s:. imJjl'O~illili:: ~o JiI!kc 01,11 ~f du~ dUllgll~n i:;l'Ii) liy~u~,

bmd::me :~Jtems.: Wh:1L: J'ionfi'l~glC1IJ. [h~se irems ,~re WIJ[.:i:'i~~:l51l!{I1:b1K;t~ m!,.'!¥ ~lt! usefu1.m.;v:al.u3b~~ (]I.!: OOlh.lIbnf Q~hes.e ~iJ~i.Il:e5<!lm IJ;!icd b)! Iludligelu O'~pOIle.llrs rarhelf til:m

] L1St»IU~ mvq ;Is !;oin5 ,Cr gem5 afl:.


SJI~~ ew·:er. ea rvecil bo Me m ~ Matuel~l RlI\e~ W10ug~l ~P'lJlI

gold Ilr:acfle'

105 gF' CIOlfi Ilrgold lllestmenu. 111.1 ... ebll!L mallk wilh nllmerD~.5c d'trin~: ~Il!(~r chalioc wfth Ia.~s ~!>IIi~m~

J SO D urss \!itcll·di:lnelJlO¢l~ ~IPHtly; br.l51$ m liE wilt! jld~ I nl 15 Mil. Silvr ' comb witt'! ml)Qll~lWIe$; _'i"~I'!I]I:ted5tee1 ft!'flgsword ..... ith i~jM_r!'lhlll

700 gp til rvelll h;t~ of ~Qlic: wood witk I~or)' Inl~~ ~ n:iJ; .:lrdlfi gems; ~id gold ~01 11 illh_)

] ,050 gp Cold d~gQn I;Omb wl:rh mel gatlt~t -M~ '&or.d Olnd 'tt)r:m~ bottle :ftO'~,~r cork; CH~n'I@!lrnl el~lrum d~age'l __ '!'rllh.u:ta, n.Jb.11n Ihe jXlltlmei

MOO ~p E~p.Htk with mock ere or nppl<iile ~tlCl rnoo.n$~1'I1!:j Il~ oEMl 'FNl'nd;;.n~ on 'fine g!lld d!iillrr. old mas.ltlpl«e p;iil1Ul1g

1 ,?'SO gi) E!mluordered ~lI~ and ¥.~Iye

m~lllle vdlh lIuil1SQl.k5 moon.!!trnil!!;; ~~pphl~c..RIlnd~nl.CI1II ~ol;:tcmiill

z,sOO KP E'mbreid!!red a nO betWie e-d glo!re; jeweled 0311li!.et; gQ1d mllsJt bI;I~ .

uoo gp c:ioldcn drc!let wilh fD~ ~

,[iqUlllmliIi~O-UiIrim'lJ _fsmall _

pink p~'lIJ5. (ndaclii)

5.000 eli' Je'iWIN gold c:rownj Il!WI!ll!!d ,~tectJU m "JIg

J',OOO ell ,~~cI ~Jld ruby riliir, gole! c:u,p !1ft wi!h ~mer;!lds


d~ !{;i1'i.I~

Ol-2! 'Il<lil &p!

AYel'li[l"e' lOW

'TAI!!.II;' 3-7: AliT OBJ.Ea'S

d" var~e_ A~~g)~

O'HOI hll,Ol<1'O W §'S 8P

, 1-25 ldGx 1 II gp

61-70 3:d~'OOgp


I3:lJ]lKfedi. ~ t!, me» ~R~tJ!; 3z.u{IIi!i blilil quam; hllill'lllblr,

!IPts. IHUU. irr.I!ilchlte: o~idIl~ne, riuH:lochrll<lIe; liger Ii!~e lutq LLQiS't; ((MIirw'llier [ir,regull! r} p~o!l'l 'BIQodi~t"n~' c-IImeJl.a.n;

chlll!cM'o.ny. ehl)'llOpril5e; dlrifle; iolile, 11IIIii!u.,JfKIQnswru:: ~ ~idl)t: I'OckLiptaltdeiu.qLUtrtt): sam; 's.a.r:.dQRy.!;; r.oS'_~~.Ar

~til!r '1'051: q1.iiuU~ZlIrij:ir:l_

Amler. ~me~hys.t~ diif$ilfloe;r.rl~

cOI'llI~ red (If browlJI.;8;Je!JI ~m~l: jadlr. ~t wbite. gold.n, pink, tw ~iver JPwl; mi spmel, red-Imrwn

o.r d~ep gref;.l ~pirt~l; IOl.llrm,dr ne Alwndrit~; ~ qiJmlarJIlIe-; violet ~ glnn~1; Mid: pi)'a FI: deep biLlt:

.spjn~~ gol~eliL)'eIlClW 'I.QP~

e:ml!'~illd; whrre, bllild, tlr fifl!! .1: &lue S,'!iFphl~;:; liery }"!!liow or rich purple ~JlrllJrn; bllJ.'e or b!llc:it

I't~r ~~!!~h If'!!; star IlIIby Cleiru;l..bdgl'iti!i~ blu~whil~. J:IIliaq. plnl:. bOOJWo, Of

!llu!!' d~amo.Jld:.-llicil'llh, ~


d% MilndaJlI!!! I~IIJI

1l1-1 , Illcilemical tleJl'1

01- 12. Aldlemlst's.Bte (ll:l4 Aa.sks.lO 8P ,each)

1 a-Z~ At;ld t?iCIJ1 IhSib. 1 (I gp eal:!h)

2:S-~ 6 Slrlcke:5tlc:h .. (l d~ ,tlcb, 2D.gp ~~cl!)

~ J1......,! HOl~ Wiliu tl d~ nnk1, 25 GP' ~~d1~

W9-Gl AMjto.illin [h:lj_dosllS, 50 ~p ~~ch!-

6,3-7';1 tv-erburnll'l& tordli

__]3-88 T:iifls,lefool bigi nd..Uags.,S1J Sp eitC'h)

l'!I-lOO ThL!I'I'1f~l'5to~e-5 Ild4 ~tDIIM, HI!!.p ~a~

13=._5_O Armor (mU d%' O)..'IQ - 'Small, ]]-100 ~ M~lliIm)

01-12 Chilin silirt (\00 ~

U-II Ma5wPWQi'k 51iUdded Jealllilf (T15 gp)

~9-26 ria e<!5Ipl.liJ: (~OO 119)

2i-l!1 !landed mall (250' 1Jp)

J'5-5~ Hidf.pta~e ,GOD gp)

S Y,Q_ fuoll pl~t~ ~,500 rp~

11-90 c.aJ~qd

Ql..,~O 8uckler (200S,S~}

S 1-1 00 Shield [87 gp~

!n-l00 Mijlii~nt'lJ!lrk ~hi~1d

01 -I 7 BllIdlier {]6S aPI'

18.-4!l Light wMd.l!ll sh!!Id' ln3 BPI

41-110 Ugtil st~1!1 Sbll!rdl (1 S<.I gp']

01-.33 Htoi!V)' wocxlen :51111~ld III t 'Ell)

~-HKl' HillaV)' slee[ s.hi~kI (nO Ell)

~Y3 'II'Inf,lCln~

m -§o M;;!~lIWDrIc common mdee. wei! lXIifl (!'till o~ Tabl~ 7;..11.

C'1J~m()n Mel~ ~p;tIn5J .

51-70 Mi!~flel'\'o1)rJ; • .mI:QIDl'mll'l weapcm (~lLlln Table 7-1 2:

Ulncommon We\lpom)

11-100 M~5Iel'\lJt),r~ ~mmcm flllilier:l Miipcn rrolll 0" lu~ 7-13: ComrnlJl.lll iR,an!U W~apQMl

StI-1OD _Jool~ and gear

tn-ill all:~fJa~k, empty (2 BPI

'~-mi O'OIiYb:u 1[2. GPJ

01-11 ball1!lerlll, bull~~ (12 BP

12-1 G. 1.0>1:., !l:lrnpl~ ~2Q gp)

17-i,l J.cc., Io'llrage 1~[lIlP)

21-28 I.flCk.!lOCld (80 gpl

2S1-~5- Lod:. ~ U pe!ior {HD ~pl

li-4~ Ma nacclf·~. lI'1a~Je'JWQtk t5.0 'BP}

41-U Mjtoor. ~,milll ~liMl (1 QI g-p)

4Hi Rope, ~ 11k (~O ft.) tl CI sp~

II '-53 S-p)'gla~g ~1 ,i:IOCII!P}

5+-505 Atti~~n"~ t~5, mi!~teWll)tk..(S5 g~

59--'63 (limber'~ kit (.80 gpJ

64-168 Di:;S"'I51~ ki t (50 gpl

G9-1J It-! eil.lllr'5 It)! (50 111")

1}7 Holy symhoLsl!li'e, t25 gill

iHl Fli1u.(gl~» r2.5 liP)

82-11 M~gnifJil'1g_gllII;~.lIOO gp)

89-95 M !I<!iietil i n<ftIlJrri""t, mnl9'INo~k flOO BPI

'9G-100 Thievel' OO~. ljIuis'lerwo~lq.:5.{Ii gp}

li.:Hnor, Me·':Hum. :Ind..M~Qtllllg,k.lti:~!i,;.Rder!~ rl:lc ~pproprilue: ,colUMn 011 T~Me.1-J· iW'Ido:m.Mrl.J:,J.Ul!!1ll. Glt'h.:n· nOli and m~ if ro gen ~rrue..rhi:...s~ 1D1Imb~r~(; irem$.


~..lJ:h.I!-rcilul.e£ds ilmljnc:rcOi iDI..IiI:];I\lClricm mme Ilu'i_grllltir~ I!dmiurl!m..o' IDQst'Dlm!.l.lld }WI.I. Hewes..Me DheJl il.Wititihd .gwtps .. Q!.l:wdllwh!t1l!id!.in.Lhe. b\lUdilllg oh&ronghcJds), .. ~kc't!; of fri~!1d$hip from comm uni.de5 they hgVll res~,II.d, ... ~d >eVl! tJ hen OJ ruy t1d~,s of lID biJ i!'y. As tiel em I.e-vili ODd eQJll!.ple!~ ouI.\lef.i I Wi!' lIf[er ~,::IVi!flul.r~. dlfl!r ncu:l1lriol!lt1t-

(gIll::ld.Qr.b.lld) spIeid!l dl'l'llIl1g,ttoUl me ,Imd .ro dUll[ PCs.may ~~EDgnizc.dlem ~I!I !light.

Qn~C5d:sE.1bllsh a n!pu'tlItion. II be(O~ ea~et for JthelIli..W Ilttr.lcl: Hke::mmded_,alhes aad ~dm.mng foUf!M\Iers, Coboo!i ~1fI:iv +~yb.o wlm TO £b<ll1e' l.!Uhclud'iClttul'U, 3~ do Dppro.nJrices t~g.tt ro Ibe willeil by sud! [~geJld~,gU.r'e'~ ViJloilm begm to ~llnslder the PU p¢~ibl~'~cti"nS wLu cliltlctd:ng il1~'ir ~..,jl$Chelrlil:S:. rn" pb~r I::h~rn.ch!~ hilVl! '!~fr ihl!ir moJf:k .:rnd !JlIl,dc !LJl~.fm IMm. s:el"'ES .Il rn e l:~rnll;dp ww;Jd '\lith th~i.t gmnd e::>iPlog rs,

llIucdm:lng ~W!lmull eh ii,S fiQble dd~!~.1mcl...gfilllS ... mcl..~ wh:ldy 1m0'l"lfL rtpU t3tiCfII Ls II m;lncr t1f knOilIo'ing..1.mar I'D ~liv,~ let )'Oill' pbiy.:1:S. l'hes~J~ .lmIgIhl.e re\v:rn:!s l1!nJ.y workl4owt..p,byen Pe'IXei.Ve' them. as v!!.luabJfExperien.ce POlrl'~.ru~Si .. VIll:u~ble, md even eKOr!c lfei:l!fl.l.l't lfP't!~caJl U51!11111ly buoMltu:cash.,butbtHIlJ!. known .<1. Knight of Lh e R.ct! Towel' i.Hally .ww:dt SIi:lllIl::r.IUng ,. lOur plilyer.s !l:pni .11 n.s \'\J.I!UlI,bfu_ Pt!<rhillp;il it!! lr.l.lIlJ:Jrti!lUlcC1l:S ttl

~le paUOfl$ wh.o wOJJ.ldm prJllvfuusl) gh1i tlu: cll~l':!<CI1llS.tJnLl:im(l wf d~ .Mily~ wel1l:!s J l::!ie',rlIrc:h}' Qf1m:lgh,cl}, md~1:5 rl1-lI i tbC"tb.mu!~-

1tt:l5Jl1{1: dC'~emrirl.l:d ~_dfmb.. OJ' m;l)l'b~ ,1~,)-re:r5 just like i~ when., N PC ~s'.Jm.s bm\l' .'lInd ~eL'Jl!pJ:' [11 1.hI;:: 'pr~tl'I~e aJ tlulr c:h~l";.1t:ters. ConsJdiBf (Ile c:liiampkmJl' !lICillll' Hmfig:hliliiglY~n.tllU1",Cb-YJa'

gr:: teruL Ictn,g. EOr Q.llepl Yfl'. Ihe gm1( aks;m~ll-is ~ .chDnce [C! c-re:lfI: ;'I 'b-a.l£.Qf l:![Jtrlllions...md, I~W:JII:I.m1lLk on the ~mttdl· tlit)!o Anorhe:r pJ.ll):ef miplJLJi5't igno£e rbU~;nIe!lLlO !!Il}ay UI :ld'in(iU(-ers' \\,i'lnde'ring 'lifes le, And_Ld.tir_d p1 y,er mig.lu bring tbe gJllll!l ro :. .hili. \!iIOrried !'1m dl.e..k.e.ep_willlxuie~lWl"c~ if b ~ I BiI,ve~ on 1Hlolher iltlvenmrtr. I! 1:",0 rC.}ti:l:._iI iruxod tlcc..Dlher reml'ds. thlnk rnd"lIIUy ~bout bew }'our p~~W!.J them.

WW1e less tlllngib1e .£it:wMi.sr~quh.ft' ~ link .m.o~uvork.rh1l11 m· di;[iOlmtm:::Ist1~d..Lmrerience .IIW~fd!s, rb.ey CiJl~~.wc.tfi.il mrn1~r.o~ ~Cl.plif)1>m pnd9\llIr~~~us~ dl.l.!f ani be..m:.iL1C('Q.:ro SIP Q.~Xl'.A(I.crdl, iI\'l:Qfj1:rII all' of ~ ~-oIJu;ubl~ r:Mn.g t:bn (l'C;onnllhi' th~[mo:~!':y t.lln~ bu.y." YoU! fml~ ill: :,>~tpiU~d n ~.ne' kol'li,gllJs FI~vcu. wi.D go fO .~ct1i.1ir,e somtlning. tbot'ly C:;[l1It 'b-I!I.Y. oorww. or S[~J ~ any othl!r w~y;


T~.ki.n,g dill~'H!ol ~d!;'elltlutt 3:ru:Lt~m& Ihm:J, tog~~hl!!r m;akl.lS ~ eli mp-JlI4!fI, Wn i]~ cre.atil:lg._tlnUJiljli.3.1gnJ ~.disclol5S(:d ~l ~.!.!\,~ he re t~l:'i:. C!J;I'p_tttt:~), bdow ~~:WJll!l'.ide,~dQ[ desi,gIli.ngltcl.venNre$ dIU' HU~~lher,


.lipisodi(' 1!Ji1_y~~(tre those [hilt $lMttl ~1Q.neJwjlh. nortlBficl'l ro the one iliat ~ame bdQ~ Q[ me on . thlll_td IQw5. Tht:;rt >Lei", filUm are fun.,.!Dnc-o.ll:Il'Il1 5C1~dos!.lm t,m bl:wened :J.llytimi! .hey're needed or ~i~t1. Tht!y oft!:'a.ptQ\!ide. inll:'mdllig d.lverslilll from a continUin QlIDpaicn, &u e'X':.iI mip'~ [be mid.dl~ of II series of advearures d e:oli 1liJ; wuh m n C'.1I!i1 prlJiice, his fill n Ion , all d the pl.iliIJuue.wt!l:uIt,;s..DrI r.h, L:ind.~l) res, mlghll-o~v q short epImt dt~g wllh rt-CO'o'~ri;ng ~losl bmm~!.I cuh,

;l'L~II.mg ~d;,o'!.lILlIII'1! an Iinks dun Q;ll'IILeC[ jt5 oompCl· n~tlU .. each or them ;1iI il'ldlv.id:ngl ~dv~i'lit!J'r~ A linkm.o:)' (like the Iiorm or til tl:curtltig N PC O( II g;rOlip of related 1.':ii'l:llts, AID)D;~mr \vho s~mls 'rhe PC5 on three diff.efiml ~dRl'lm:r-es, <1.11 UJ leWvet L05~ iellC-l..fw:ms the link rhJa[ trnn5fornu; :rhos~ three.m s Ion iIl(1)Jl.C01UiJl.II~d".,!mluJe. At.u:nhe[ tKlLm:plunigju.h duc.1) !ldVWlWffS..~.a.I~ wid:! de: '~l'TlJ1g ,III !:vllm.onk !:QPmg, WllhM i'!YI~ CEliUl1e5.wh,Q mmc.llJtjv~gc his.dI~r.h. aruU~mttltc ... ev.il hull. who lie~ the powerful m~gic gemJ.hunol'lk ont,1!! Q,WJl_.ll..U:t.~~coliltin.ublg 00 \I!!.llL~lIi.1.d.s on SOIIlf'~:lR b 1li9' Ql1me...beCofe, wi'l.b n:be f'ilmiOc;ulm'ls of OHe B:er.if8 o! ~llcrn:s .. CllIIl~.maM~'r serh:u.f 'Clo'l!.fll~ incl thllS ?rotIuc1 I'Ig l[iIIi!i,the f ~d.\i'~m

MDsr C;~I;pp;;!Igns need .I b,lend..,of e.pisndlc:.mnt1.couUnu1lilg mavl1:ntl!l!I"e5.10 be.successfullll'ldilJ.D. e . .ger l:bt.bi:Sf of:bmh \'Iodds, iE's; p~5sfbL~ re :string A:Qg,~!h~r a num'be.r ofJm[d~Jtell.tp":oodic ~d~enMef\"wlrh hin~ O£lt.oolltintliIl&.riolln the b4ckgmunil dUll e\l\flJllrulllly COmC5 ro frWtI.on- For ~lUD.ple.1I5 me: PC.s P'''Ogo~.Sj_ ~_m dungeon.to dUIlgwn.md rulllllO ruin. cl1~y De;IHUlJIl.'lf'5 2fi

._llr,J duelS ~l1~t $~'me 5'Uln:!:ffi'ifiC9f1 :ro~e i6 prcp.rrillg 1lI1;gi!!nch~ .suik~ ~gntiMl tru 5t!J1f.'11:J: world. B:rh3p$..acs.J:hey delve LlilllD._d~ gMIlll.lhey Jell m th~ t ~mt of me 1D001Is:re~ r.bey m-cc work f~ Jhe masm:min~ wbom th~y .c~diIDwerlo b.i:rne !lli,nd__lky'(!r~.l'iDa1l'li ~hll' Il~i uti ~l ~ycrs lti.lIb.l.bei:r, ma,\I'~, lind tne pes HI!

, lh~lQ_ SI'OP Ii. Thus, II wes of tmr4bru:.J aG'III1! nnm5 suddenly ..&'I:s like ,:I c.o.berenr" h.ole ... iliJs the lin!t step- in [@tlJ, Ing '!h~ ali!

knowa ,11;5 plot w~"'Lng;,


lot we:win& K);vhaallM_d-aes. W,bCIl be or sbe runs Jnultiple fadvmtll'!les,a[ me iD:me lim.:. fo1' txllmpLe.; In, one :td\rent1.I!n:, th~ I ad'md~tlf. 'm J.!nkm.lllill~ the reI 11lto c,i1!II'IIOI.cr wldll g pm ... ~:dtd lLrnl.iilii:nl guUd ... llil .b,t s~e{uuil mdVennTfe, 1111: ['01 seek a I:II~,G.-i~ staff lIUIIKI.red ~h~ hands of::l troglod ,-~pde$l. [':Fere:s Ollie w-lIy tbe.~e ~d\'~nt\J'~s ran be ~[erwoveD.

1,. Tne ,Pes, t!lc toWl:i ~c!ki:nG thil1 m;g!c $Illffl whtl~~~ a mlln:ln Wh~ QUi.f'~ llX!k ,uno it, rb1:f dt5tiover the i:'ldprh :mdIJ.'lle.k him dO'lvn. He lIg1us to rhe-.deilth, :lnd Oft his body they di!il!:'OVl.';t II mrs!enOUS I:.,u,"o.

~ They [earn rbJu 't:ne sl4f al h .. mrmg the>' S'Ildi: w-~ S'loi.el'l by I tl!Og,lodtyw:~ ~go.

J. Whllr r~y JI1i!m:pr 1.0 ileun JllIDl)l.1! Jboo( th lWg,todYles nnd tiheir lair,;m ~sa:.'SllI ""'ilb '!he same m~5liql,lli;tlllto.o lim! ., lb .. PQ, ... lhey b'~IIJ '0 rbt e~Ve-ti ",,',nere tbew;jglljJ~t~j l1~'e" Tht:y

a1CCUnflll.' hu"Y wsliir~JI:I,~, ilOO wLa.bclHW. _

5, Rem m ing fe' IOwn ag>lill, ~e PCs .fu:UlJlhe:msd ... n..und!!1" surcill~nc.e IIrnd e\'ellnl'llll'~ :mad: 'rom the _guild

_6,~'!i'$Ij,.,tk C,l) the aves <Ind .obE'ilin. tbl!J'.mIJ

7. Thef._ff'IDm 00 to\'ffl ~d, ,,(11\11' 1!:'~fIlI~nllthdOl#lfIiOIil of tm ~'5$[,ssms' glilld. rnnfron[ Ih :is as jlls.dmcdy.~--:-,-_

PI~l ~ !:a inC ClUL mllk.c )'lJ'LIT: OiIIDp~igneem less Ilke umeS.D adve~lUres g_ruJ llJiOn' Iik~ ..• \1/l!lllik!:' [eiillife,rli~ 'lnletmlu.!l1in& ef Jl;d!lellrure~ OUI be dHlkuh !OmJlLll;;l_ge, hO'lWWH. ~l1d once )[£iU begirl to W!lilV.e more thm ~wo_or li1f!!<1' plots log ther, pkl~ rs: mar feel ~mewhat diss!lttsfk!d_w[rh W num.ber oncos~ ends '[htll Bhwr-; ieem ID be Itft behind 1irdatilag 10 (in~ a.dvtm[Ufe wh tie rney fjfld ~ciLdu.tlLOii~..e.m bJ:!llledJruinQlb ~r_ S~:mc. p'la~It!I$ donil want plol$1O l!ldntw'lOYC:D..Jbl:v prefer (c' !:Icll \!o'ith OM g031 if ~irlbl~.u:ICldQn't.nlit'l m~l:Icw Llllltil they fed 'fhc)' bay.: ~chte'1ed1 clc.su.,c on iii' hilt is; 'b~foI'~ them. W Jtht lI1ow: exarrtpie, me. !Csll!ligb.t ~!lWlr~ the ~rog,kiJyre . and tbIt5~H1.Ii:nil ~hl!'lll:a."t

Hl5i.vl11y d~a11 wllh dl~' asS';assins. UJtimal if,:l gwdDM runs i.br:

Oldv.enrure-s Ih:at pbyefSl'limf Eo Piny-ill I'lIrylng<1ltreiild.olJ [0 'thi! .J'\i'~'~~ WBI'I[ ro pl~f.~ _


'f;.Ii1 he-II. !IJl ildventulE~~~ ~u ~hould :iliwys l1mdl.e- ~ few [-It!:ks, b~rore procc;e~ing I'D IDib. nl!.'it.Ofi~.


Eve.n .lfyol.l ~Id '~~rieilCi!_po.i.nts.at_ilie md~gwme Se-.5- sOCm, ~_liIt!lther XP ~\ ... ~rd j:s,,-~Ucd JlJf :ruhe e:nd 0 !.he adv-entllt'Cwhich. pre5l1lQab1)'i is abo ml: 'I:Tid of the. C1JJTIl'n( &arne 5uskm. At 1[~UWe.lliil~v1Il ht:: ~ romm;!'lI~lIU: witih wh«the. PQ ~~mp.le:wm ~Q iWG(;es"fiill:y .r-asol\'~ the :KI"'l!h'll!In!_ I'~ m~v ~1st'i'

:.irn:hidul:QiE}Ul;wmU:l~p~,g~ ~'O}. [£ij clJ.AAi..C~r~W'eJtiough31· w:mIlin,~ n '\'11' k-vd. work wi!ih thalpl.iy-er (ei~h~r bd"~n= the pm~ S'eS~iJll b[eaikup 0.[ be orc fhl: I'i em 3 t1wllturre ~s) to rRcdEli., his ci:hu CM:r:!!CICf sheet :pmpcrl}1


Bd[),g \!C\u. JWI;!:~ I)'A the pes up ltl' dll(C, rrcordlng sud. IKOOm.· plis.hw e.illt:U~_m.'W In'n,giC: i r.ems gairu1:cl, new l.i:vils 'ea~l':lled. ~_ lllti~5_me}' h:avUJ'!~~e.d~ rn~n,d;5 rh~')' hllve made, and mylhin£-1 iiWie thAt'S pudl'l eru:. ThumD1.IDi[ lind d.:'. il 'of ,rhls' In 'OTDl!!Jtillll wili W'L'f de:pendin& I:IIl_wJwher dt~ :tavellt'lJ:re 11m '!;t'!ndudeil W9!S,

-1 episodic «(-.e1Olturin8, Ch;1Q·creu Blld cbdlenge-$, lM pes ~r.t flillt ,likely HI ellCOi.mll~LlUIairJlm-,o.nl'i:numg (femlll:ing c.b~'en_a_niI dmIl{'ngecs rh[u may b "curJing or m Y !ii!;tdlo ather. N!j;L'ed dl:mli:iers !!lui :chall~l


If you :0 ml your p1lyeiS jnst llnislJe:d an ap'Wxl ic..cbmture. you mJl" nO'~ I\Eed 10 sp~d 13 lor C!JJ aim i: en ,mis..m:s.k..sinct little 1£!lllY of wh>1uh.~Cs h~ve just gome tbrou8h will 001;'''' ~:n~' bC:Itinltm'L rb~ fUhlnl e\reli/ls or the 1:'1Ii1l!l'p.lhi!,l1l,

UI~Il!' PC5lg~jLlfl roncluded II pan I:lf~ oQml!l!JJtlii!Ji~.

YOIl!" r-e~Qnl s M"o-d '10 hi: BOE.: thl.lmugh~ Ile SII'lil: ,'tlIIJr flO ti:S Oil! -+WM[ h~PP~Md io th :IId.\I'(!l:)ilUWjU~Ili:C'~rIlre ~d iuffkJc,ruly ___ _J.Ccmp]~U!. Rcrnrd .new N pes e I1CDUilU!!f1id, !5~gfli.bC3rti m m.'Il~lN1i; dmmed. seamS.ltil rned, m:Jgka:l~~vere(l dtnd 'SCI Iur-.:b.

In ilht'r c:~. mo.kr l\orcJ lbgUl npponu:Il~11I furlw ~dWlltuRS bl!~d_an_ wh~r bllUr.apf."l!ll=d in th~Qru:.;rw:_t co.ndudled. I Rein~mbJi't wWtLlhe'pL1'1lfa~eemfi:d [0 w!uruid.iilike._5_~l1 c;m I:ilIIMlIm~ad\l'enll!lI .. es IIc:CIDtlililg!y1


Dungeons ru;e deep, dBrk_pil:S illled with slJb-temmemlu)uon a)lId j !.os1,IIDClID[ Ut'~II.II[~Ii~OIls:m:l.'l .labyrinths ,'\"h!m:_1t_\1l~, ~II!:I cc:l'ml1o'otJ;nu: ~t! _nid~ fl'llll'lll tllJ: ligl'it, W~~tiflg.for uime '1.0 :Strl~.ou~ 1..,'0 rhU'lllr:iiI lads or goo~~Th.mgl:On:!l ~tllll::I~npi!$_~ see;rhmc acltilmd mQll:.Ltap$ W I' bbs[ mtrud'Ill 'WriliItu'. 3j_\~ as iii ng41'1'S gmll:ding (b~li[ !:.o:uds rr.rul m~gie lIm:&_rn w,"rmg'lObe d~t''l:d.

:111 BhOri, d.i.lngl:1:ln~ 1fI1I~;) n ad\lll,)!'Iru«:.,


The rum "dllDge-OIl~ 15 ; '1~~_Olu!. A d_~n IS 1J5U:I!Ily LI ildecground. bu~ an ~bo\lll'!.GRundi Ibl: ~l!I ~ ~ du ng.OOIlIlS '~lL Som~ TIMs :apply the I '[lIUOJI'Inwll:ullr adv ntu:[e site. For ahB disCllssiilD. dll.lDR:C'OI1 is_ru:l.e.ru:lo.sed ... d_wl'led S'pil>t;em!ld'i: ~p of erlCownel. Q:rIi;I~S ,"a[ll1e~5QIn~ f.tshioll.

Th!Ll'ii01 ~(lwmon~rd~ls m I.Inrlf:r~ulld mmp~J! built b)! lmdilgeru ~-el1_tures fur 5Qmt! purpose. Jl!hys.ic:!lly, ~!;h pi:!U blil.s reoms joined b,. c:onidGrS. !:DIltS cOl'll1e,C:;[i.ng it 'w.ith rhc..s-IHfltct=, &Ulld doors -lind mp~ ~llI 1w!.1l OLif intrlJder.>. Til ~ 'tlrihef',t'p:tI duns-ron .!.s ;mb~nd~n~lh crtl1turu Ollilcr ch;n ~1 ~ blJilders nClw o«:tJIpyLnC ~_rel!; withlnJI:. Ad"'lmtll~f$l!!x?lore such p1ac~ wi1b the hOlle of 'l:nilillg ~lU.e ~im,er left beuind br'me original il'lb.~bitlI'lt5_()I tn, ili~ ~~I!ch 5'qlIilIl:rers


The iOlU'b:l5k dung{.'Wl..Q"p'llls il~ deB.ned by th~i:r wlttRI SIr.1tuS. M>m¥.-Wllll&OOllS. lire v.;l_fw:~UOl1s_cm_d\f'$e bmslI: [YPe:s Q'lf.combuii:l" [lOlii$.ru Itlor~lh~:n Llll~ Qhheun. Somelim~B old dug;eoll5)ire lilSea iIIgil.m ~ lid ~g>I in by diiJineJiIl ifihlibhjJJf.l~ for dl.f!:errel'lt ptlrp~(l;S.

RYlned SttuC:RlJ:C: Once oC:Cllpied, Ln'is pb.ce 1.5 I1O\"Lj1kill:.. tloned _[_complerd~' OL~ at) by its cogl IJAl cce;l]or_C,U:.I)e_a~ ~:nd other. 'C;lilllil!llJ:a:~~ wil:iid:~red, .iIl. Mmny !iI!.Ib:tlm:lll11i~n_c~ tll,~5LlXlkwrib:iil,do.ni:dJ.mderg;I'OUlild Clllil5lTIlCIlOns in W.hidLl!11 m;h;u.!1eicl:m:s..Any naPilhit mighlexistJru:~_pmh.-&1y bean set off. bU~"'Jl.il_dIDlig hc:Hst-s: might \"ery well.bc '~0fL

Areii,:i~rh~ mnC1tll~~U}U:~ dlJt!'~ leO thelT oD»nillDl'mdtd.usl:'. WMl iis noW the bi1.r of aJ.;jml.ly or rust ml:!fr stmmi.ghtl;ln~w ~b!:en!lll oldllumili. the ro~r>llig II! mains 0 webt~dsilild othedurniShi:IJgs m.1w.am,ng;ed HI 1'lll~1ce Ilem fotthc

~~tuw~ An <Lnd~llt lhm:neJrODM. a.d~'I!l.wJm m.U1I1I!IID (.If oilt:e-OOau,tifullli:pesuies, migl.u 'be empt)'JUttLJlUi~t-I'be lJil(j!!i1f curs-e rna I $Il'uck d.own !he 'quem sdlJlira:ilgUJLiliUhL\i:r.beFore

the venll.gm:·.mausted bWIJ!£e throne. --

A mined :sttul:'[UJ~dUlilg;~al'l is. a P~E rh~l ai~ GIU' 10 be t' - pIDJied. Ad\l~tlilrers ~g.r tIIks of rn:g,suarnl'llingeri,ng ~ t me~b;mdol!led.l..lb~d1, Itadm,g tht!.1D ~o..bmve tJie d<lkflg:e.rs 10 III FLr:.oyer D.t:.. Thl.s Is the Ilmp1!:itkl!ll.cLlilO~lJlmugIHfClrw.ilrd of rheil\u& g:~QDl (}'Jle5, iIJId i~ tI.51LlIilly balmnt.t::S .d~r (d!~ mh!ibLI ntli} 'lirith ..a-lM ttbe tfHSure), The n:eiuw'ti_dwelJln.g in n ruined $ttL;trnlrc aJR'nrlleCessarily orgalljz(!J,so...:RCs.cm tli>(.!~ I)' Come ~.tul goO .as r.bfcy--ple~I:, mn..ki.ng it CIl-5j" lQ •• HIU.a_ml:nQP' en 3d!le'JUu'~e.

'Oecup:ied Strm:mre: - hiu~ o!dungeon 15 !£till Ii U5 • C«'~ tures (Imlilly im~geJl !llivc mt!~. 3khollghmq HLY Dot be the d.l.ln:geoll~ erearers, An Cl(cupIeo. StruCI'lbf1! might be [I home. £DI:'~res:s, 01 [empIe" II.Il lLt:ti'le.mirlJe. " PfhsOI':!, Dr ~ h~:idIJ.LJarle.' 'rIDs t,yp Q(dWlo.g.-eoaili: Jt.S 1ikc:ht.IO !tiilU n:1i~ ~I w;!:l1idmDS beasts, t aml-IMldlkely 1'0 have: a1i~d ~.tds-lbOlh em W'II ~rlIlUld en,

f pmnl Trnps Oif W'Uldo!!dn,gbe:J.j'l':; tbJtcm:iCh[ be !:!llIU1W'IJJf!red iii rl!., ulil.mUy unJeJ" th~· (;Qrlt.rol. or the OITarpD.'ts. OcC1Ulpicd nII1I.U::[U(t'5 h a1vefumishimp,IQ, S'ul rme Lr.Ih~~~tBnl5, ~~ wdl ,115 deceradons, mpplle5, rutd iliIlllhillry fliI r DCruPiU:n:Sttl, m()V~ 11!:t1\!.l1d (doors ,thecy I;ID opel", h:dh"'llYs brge ellDu~ for wm. m P:1S.S tlttough, :lIIld $0 on). The' i:n~bi~nlS_migbt M~re II cc"mmunirollon sy!ne.m, ~nd they IlbnOSf atmitrJ.y C"ODtrol DD !toece~s [0(1 the ~nNide..

So'me dungeoru ~lle parti:ltlly occupied iUld.parm.Uy empl)' or

, rums, In sur.h 1:ilS.~S. I.hl': OCC'U])il!IlIS af.e.lypialJy mn the origiiltbuH.d.ers_bu. insu~m!3 II gnmp or.i.ntdJ.ig1U!...t.Lre;arul)~s rhal' hmve: s~ r up thei.r base, bit, or [tmlflnl:iolilj.yjrrhin lI1l ~ bl1don.ed dUl'I!OOrl,

USt1: ,~Il oon~,ied sr.rucl'l1fro dUJ!goon fvr tb iUair I:lf~I,gj)bHn rn.bel ~ Sf~L\et underground fOl)tn5S1 or ~ Ii oot::\i!p~s:lliLruis one of th.e.IlUl.~r ch:llle:D~llg lypes of c1u:i1~.~IiIS for. adJi::e.n:tl1:rel$ tOo enter oiIlnd ,~ploft, if m!: accl.I,p;mts ne hp:itlle.Ibe .:hJlUeo,guo.mGs I Em.m th~Iil.fgaDb.cd_rut.Rliru!r rhr iMlbllalU l.l..:s..aloin~~r rill Bght a, fQ~ oil. hi!; Q,\vn terms ll'lan :.~lte lmmcys wdllUld.is pre p:tted to defmd.

Silk 5~w:a~~ Wb ell people l\lilll'lr [Q I'IQrec[ some [1tiL;g. they l!D!,ght bury II UIli! {poUDd. Wbemerl"he iiem me.y '~lu.u-.m..llto: ten Is a .filb~ rreasurc, ~ rOtbidd~iI mifutt. CI.' the cle;td, bed ef" ~J11 imp-DI:'i:lIM Cigll:re, lblC c:.lfj!I~ElI!ble cbje¢!"S are pb~d. wtl h.i:J:u,.. Jw:igeof.i ~]j.il. g-LhfD)I!uld~-d br-bu!1.e'fS, hII:p5; ~liId gl!ll1l00Wl"!i.

.Dte. ;!iaI~~ltfl!l~e oIlIf dUlng~1"i Is rhe m(:)~ lilrel.y '[0 hav.e. rotp hu !heJmtJike,ly m bnW! wn.ndt'Mg b~ TIll!! C".rypt of >lilIllD' d.entJith ~ b.e.fil.kd \:9l th rul m:mI'l!:[ of m:ligi<: traps and G-lJ-'I.Eli:. IlIns~ur :itS unlikel,. dUll an.~" suhleml'lean D~{lIlSI'ers hllYt: m..oycd "in ~d m.:ldB ~ pm of m:.dJ.m,gl!Qti tl:l!:rr Lrlrr-Ille tr.:lp~ "lind fU~· ~1lS will ha\'~ hdd tbemlub-a~ tbi$ typ~ of d,tmgeL:!r.I ~otml1Ll'115 blllil~ fur fun~oi:iI.otl oo~ilpperu.n~, but SDm~'i:imeB ~f hiS II}1'Dil:!DIU'I [ui01l1n rhe..funncl"s.ttlt!:l3l)' 0'[.:pnil'lit·1'b£til].s, this is P>'Il'Ucab:dy 'rnJr Ilhhl: tm:tibs.Qf !m.pClnurn peilllli!;.

SDm.f!i:ime.!l, however. 3 v:I ule er ii a:ypt is -1:D~·tnn;[E'd in~ waf ite5 ro h~~ ~h'm8gu.tu"di~!l!lj..1."h.e ,robolfm.widuhiutrilttgy is l.hilt $O"Im'thing 'm.U!5the dOlle to keep me cre~wrcSllJ..ill.e..bt[\"'i!~ i ilrrusl(lll 3nemp]s. M<lglc f.s; USIlCilly tiM: boe5t 1;"Oll1noD~1Q pl."OIIlcle food ilJlil. Wi)rer for Lh!:'"$f c:n;J!l'U:r~

.Eve:rU[m«6 no WI!. . n frhing livi~g OI.IL~W m :;u e :Ii

nge dun.gE!:on, c:~r[l'I.in l:tIonsu! rs can 5tiIJ 5erVe ~;S. gllru:dillJJ5 ..RuildclS .of ~ulQ at Ilombs afliell p.bce u ndead (;rea[U:D~S Ol"Cpn~rn.JJt:'r'll. OOU! of-which wMm h~,ve :IlD nEed fur rus~f.f.IlIl'Ir~ ~r ~!Jl. 'UigUlitU thei!L" !!:l:un,g~QW"...,MQ:gic: [CIp$ eM! ~n.t!.ck illurudl!iI'!l b~·NlIt:.., momn& .mo:nsrcrs tn~o 'rh ~ dlWJ.P'O'JJ_ Il.u5~ g;;ml'di.!ms itsv need Iltl susreD~, s:tn« [hej..~pPl!at.o.~l:b~ Q~~IIJ.j.d d'islWeil!!' whet! ili~ tad:: 15 !I.lNn:.

Ilrw:d C!lyern Cllll!lplcx.; UItlde:t:gIilWldnVl:S..prn\tide bam for ill! 5Dl'tL.af..S"uilnel.'ranent..mo.nS(ii~Ilt'S,. Cre~~td lIatumU:': .. 2JliLcOIlru:cfcd by .I rnbY"l."imrhi.nc nlllllel s"fii[e1:ll, the! . .uve.l".Il!.HC Il.}t sert D PilIIite.rllj oirder. or d.eciJ'til!ioll.; WiEh.Do.lfi.I:Jill..igentfort:a. behintll~ CON'mlrnOJl, I'hisl')lpe of dllD,gi:ll1l..lS.tbcJmtJikC'ly to

kilt rnp5 m e~dooJ:s. j

FlIDgi or rulsmRdrn,,~ in CtlW5, sometimes grol".'i..llg...ill huge fQicem ~f liIuib.m{!IJmi.Wild.. p~lk SlIIbte-ml,ile.,n pp;d' ~Ulr,i ,r.o:wi. lhe~~ f~Sl~,loo~g Cw those f~-edi'll.g Wp:ilili ~he fun~ SaD;! e ",arl.l erf~~ offil:n.IDJI!l~ I)IlJtphQ~kart.'SI:~nt..gltl'l'l';Fro\lid.iJlg ~ ootur.i1 C'.:l,i,'~.l':"n I:Qmp!elol with [ts.Q<Wfl llm;it~ Ugin ~mnn::e. fu. ether aeeas W d!lyl'ghl speU or simi.lu meglcal eff2C[ can provide ~no-u,gh.ll.ghl for green plmu to' gJtlw.

Ofr'en, ~ 1l"l"l1Inl ,i:QVl1rn CLUlIIpl9 COIlJl.iei::W with Ulllrna lrllI,' ~f dun_geoJlljl, !:he caves luvhtg beu discovu;~d wheluhe mnnuf;n:;tured lih.!.llgeofl wAs delved. A C.lliYIl'tl1 I:Ql;!;!plc,!! CIlII COIU1CC:1 rwo otifbe-[\viSe unreleted llungeon~:lill~cs He·allllS Q

f.ullg~ m.lxrd UilVif1:Inmcmf A l1~mrcal ,t;;;)velCl'I I::lJrDp!!.!1! jeined whh ~noLhef dUh~eDL..~ mJ:Q"lI~ by whie.h subrerl"3:11e~tU res find...tb ~~11.~1 i ntQiUIlilIl'Iw~ci:U,rl1d dUrlgeon


Dl:lllgel:1n5 fia.dilrtnoli: gllm~ plar. Sclng untfl!fgJ"cul)d, llley ~et apart the' "ad"'elllL!~~ !'tom ~n.e test of I.ht world ;[1 a d~ WiiY, The ideil of wilk· in,g; down a co ricor, ~rli nil a door, and, E!t1t.!!rlng- ,!In ert~o!.mte,r_hlllt a gms:!!, OIIei'$lm plilk"l!io!1 il ndl generliliDliolll of wh:gUlI.lII happen [.na dungeon-fllCiliral~ the Rtlw orthe gamf' by J,~cll:lri.n,g. thinRS" dawn to t=a5il~ VM~.d :lind dig~!illbl!! mi'1~p[$.

'fOli luy~ an ,~a:!;y Wll~ to wOllliml tn.e· ~dll'-enllid Il:' in ill dung~" 'NIlhQlUt l~adTI'IS dl~' dt:lr.lm,rs h(!' the "~e. III a dung.KIn. the 1'1IIF.1nwlerS arc d~arly dR~ II~' for ~h~ IPCr-'lher~i!i'l't willk Iih rough w~n~ (no! at fI fSt. ~.M~y) QJ"gQ 11'1~ rool'n~ thli!~ ilfilln'l' ther~. A~lcI~ from tr.CI~ 1IITIIt~, ther ca!'l go wh~l~~r tlni~~ 11~l! I n Whil~~I;'~' ord~r Ihey Itk~, Tht limiltdl i!(jvil'Onlt!ent of .he dUlllgeon ,gt'II nts ptayers :I fte.-lin.g of ml'\'lrol ewer l;heir c:hiltliC!le~.s: de~tiny,

Ii. d\.iiti!!lilll 1-5 feaHr l1otl1ll1l1 hYt ~n ,lIcI .... erriI.lIFe l101ffl:!h.art. rilll' room$ a~ i!!nmui'l"li!!~. :lnd, Ike CDlridor.. ,;!r,e CQ,,~ectttl"5 boelWcen l""~ ,ell~lln'ie,l'li, 1Ihowlng, wi'li.c.n. i!!n(()iJnl~rS5ihDl!lld for could) follow which other oneli. You coul(j design !'i d1.l1i,gC'Dr'iii ke Aowchilrl fQr ,IJn IId¥enluf"e l:hili didn'1tl,k" pi .Cit: 1"1 a dlllilS~jjti ill'1C aCl:i:lmpl15 h I,M !OJ '~.illme lh I !'liz, One t::l'lc'c!U nlu ,Ie,'lid~ to t\im mOrl!', Whi~h in 'tum h:ad to others, .~!O-me of which d\:lub<le back On pre¥iou5 elll~unt~n. The

(hlnll~i:i'n i:.eCOI'l'l.e$ ~ moiill!1. ~n rhis waf. rw ~ n <l:d~ennne!5.

Academic al'l.aly!i~ ,aside, d u ng,t€l n $ a re ~u 1], D~~j:I, d~ II! IInde;r· gl'GunCi p'~(:n af:t lfi)'S-ll!rlallS anell fri8f1liellltng. Cunl!leOM hil~= milny ~nClCLlnl~f!; i:r.Immi!d l!l~ oli@< srT'i'iIll spa!;e. Ntf~h!l'!g I::;, more c=:teiling Ih:lil'i ;iIlntitip"Ullg what's on the olheor side of the next door. Dlln,~-ons offer man~ k~nds or c:halienge:s..-comhaJl. la~rt'C$; ~alilgatiOI1, Q1IeIni mIng Ob5ladi!:!!, ~p$. and rno.e.. The), ellCOl.lralle pl.il:r~l"5lo pi!)' d(tSe .lIJll"dr"lhOIil 10 th~ir I!I'I'1inJli1menl, sllll!:!! everything 1," <I Idungeon 11 ~, fI'Otenlial daJli8!!r:

liii diN! DYtll~E:O"5 &. D~N.S gime. ~ne cl~ne1", spells, magJc I~em s. and n'!~ nY~ O'th~T f~c~~ or th~ g;;lm~ I1Q~~ be.ende ~ IgnHl WIIlM i!l1.Iq,~I'iiS in minll. Ttm'5 not to 5Br~ 11'1.,1, !hot au n&Nln b: the anl~ pos5jbl~ iildlvel1'lli.ni" g; e..1'I",ir,l)nmenl, but l't i~ t.h,~ di!'F.itull s@t~[l'Ig. MOIi!l1 ohh.~ 'Inks Iha! c:1l~raCli!r5 til" do well, 5111dl ~s iI rOglAe-'5 Opecn tack skill m ;1111 e1f'5· i!~llhl:y 'to "olite se.c~r doors, are cen~~lld al,ound dUlIg~llIil iIId'oiEJ't!miRg.

Wn.M in doubt 'Whit@ creatina t"1i~ $I!!i:!.ing f>li, "'" .iI.~l'IliYfe, lise a dlJng,e'On. HIl~\I~r. cI~Splll! ,opporiunities for I!xplol"iltion ~l'Id tf>e wmllaJ..<ln~n~lve nature of dll~goon.5.dl;II1't I'i~glert to i ndUl:l~ Cha~[!e5 for PC:;; '10' irtl~l'.'Ia wid<! N ~.~ such as dw.3.rl' strl~1! i:1!iitl'\S, other ;ldv~m· turing p~if11eo. Qr W't'irrd defllzen'~ thoU iIIre nlippier to ulklt1i n to I"igl1t,

,[lfltlpQPllb~~ j~. R.um.o.m.soa;ll1:e"p:1ru:;e:l..spe~k OcilbI!.Und~k. ~ :sUb~!:mne~[I wodd ria.,,! is on~mlow~"'ttrI caln,l~ runn.illg 1111d~r the .,utu:!: ,Illf mIlR! "OJfl~_

N~ fU!t<ll1 C!ive m t:OIll]d~f!i! can be..qui1~ b~j \YiI:h Stsl'Bclites. stab,gmlt·s, Ilowsro..ne,mlumns.arui Ilthe[ limesrone fm1nli!..O lio:r.t~.Howeve::~, linlallrulihrmtulUlJ; pof.1lul ~W~hf1f hB'~ ,iL5~ .eus ~hoL1~ming: !mh'e~ fililla: !.be d~eon. WilS ]'ICif Cl'mil'li4 .Wu spedlkpLl:rptlsC!', dl~Jm:h:.thtl1\t:e~~ 1.l:PO~ c;ret room illled will,. g.oJd 1m bebi~d by die previOO5 OCC~



J~l" IIll dll.1n!l"''lIM~~Lts. Boo:$. doom, iUI~ ~:nhe( kmds of commoa fCIIlllrel, Acivem.wen: IlJuicklv le:l!f.l~ wh ar tbe ItilllmmGl'I fe1l:llIm of a dw:igc;oD! AU...-anil you ClII'I 1.IIoe' this fact tc yeur ll.d, VIlI'lI1a,gt:. CiDmmtl'H lenw!:ti C're .. a: consb;~e.l'l!:}' (\\.iJlkh helps m5- '()~mi dj"h,.,lief) >IDci pllow ¥'JlL[(l ere-are il'lt'llliestingsuqui.se5 by dumgillgihe &arilJ[~-:.cnn~runes onJy slfgb ~~f. When Ithe~~~

Wl~~Wii:gecm,lt:£Qft:e'II usdid ~Q es-tllbliso ~ornl: ~1;;Ij;I'vel'l'lio "

!h~f miswu.lerst1l11H:l.iIlilE& dliiln'1 c:rup up b~~

ConvenrlClIll. il1-D'efu.ult mkmfnt.s: TelJ your pJgyers whQt tho nool" ts like. wbir dJl!? w:ll~ ilk m:ade of. 4tld how b.igh (he c:e:1l1np ~. SOl)' Iku 'lOti'll fut th f!!I'I lInaw If

;m.}' .(It th.es~dre-hu.h lem(!'rv~$ .cltal!g!:.11im_hd~lhmJ inmgine the d\lll&e~ .t:I.!p~ )'QU lTru.tI lu .... lll,g ~Q repea.~c;d( If mcSl ~f d\.e doors or Ito,mbs.in_¥ullu:lun,w:cn

ILW idel'ltlCal; '!/"QlL~deJimbe tfu:' &<S't (llJe tn <I~tl1li md add.. :uW:~ :fa)' oW· e1wise, m~y'reaU IJ.kuhis..CDIl;."

ConvcndoD ~aru:heJ;;dd. EII.ch squUl! Ha.lI Un.I!~l:~elll YOIl c!I'lIW liornething 5um 115.JLpg!i)lcl' h~ll!;pw w~ller ~m )'D1lt:.map..gtid, lUlY...sgllUt.i:bi.i:~ mOR m:m.h:!lf to\I!i:~d bv thupocl J&_nm=.,.. 5ideRd to hne ~w~r [nit. but Sqoa.l"C!Ldmt

:.-Mo ....... ~~. J'~h~ve: Wilirer in ,ill sm~cti{1I'I of Ibcir

.f£:11 W'~ 'COil ie ~'rtd dry. Using lb is caaYe.nIiO'Il~U:1U:lS 'ou (Ion] btl\l~ re 'Ereme grlLiglu-.eo,g,«I, ~mnuanl·Joo.klll.g terroif.l reil· lures by ~_du:m;,o~lIr'Or;m_liu-S.qlllw:e glil:d dJ:al; dce,:;n"r ~iijl' i:nthe~l:;~

COll\llUiiloILil'3- . s,ta&&h_ ·tlllJdam..Pmt:!'d!ttl: •

o flee rhe.:t..hilr.JcliefS full hUG a pr..ed Lctabie. ~UI~;[[1 whe'll confrolm4wida Stlme rernmngkrnd 'Dr c1:dl!mge such ~~ II dased dClD'f. h's okll)!' lO _"illIte 'thar !:b~ cll'[lil"olt;t~L's; dll..dI;l.I!Y~r)r ttm!:', FI:I[ e,,:alDp ttl 1£ m.~tggl!l~ ~_I\~~'.r's se:lrcill:!l it dom' far 'tr.lp8, ~. JII1ikes.a.1JEtE'Jil c;beck. 1'0 helii wh:n 's Wi lhe a.thu_~d!Co.dre.n_ IIiIl'8 [0 pick 'the; 10<;11:. yc~ can esrnb.li.""_ r1i;1L1dl~_~dillDd proC~dUR. Th~ convention SiVl:.S' tim!!. ~c;1:u;sc.:.fOu.don.'t ll;u~ ~e wait rill' pbyC5 to ~dili(1! Ibcif cmct~tiOl!li .b~lio.~ ~g £'or theciJeiks,:md It h:~~Jth!,tP~ he~IlS~ the'V won't 3ccidenmRy mrerlook ~ 5.umln 1h~ir_S'lillJ.JrmLpmi:mw:e.,


'~CJmll'rim!:'.5, 1Illl50nry wl!lk-S'[~l'I.fS..piled on • ., .... _" ..... _, .• ewch~~14~btlt l'Ioub,y\a'js Jldd m pbc.c. ~'Ii'idi_

. J:!tllltl=dM.ddu.ng~~JIlt(l '1m1COlSuomd ~rs..

DWlGl'::D1l! W<iJlLu:lUI al."O be: hewn frcm solid mck, len.vl.liJ.l, ,IDfdm wkiln.rough.~look. 01', d,lmge.CJii wills;_ca_n b; the .smooth. ut'lblemished sl~lle or~ natl.mdl}\, OCCUlr- I~ rmg_rnr~iJll wnlIs ~ d,mcull to hreilk dm:yll. Of'J through bul thC'l/'r:t: ~ne:l':lIJ~' =)' tlJ tlimh

.Mw!a~~~TlL~ mlilSt c;:Jm'n~H:i'Jlk~d Df dUl.'Igecn~wlLt Wl.SrulQLw.ills OJ.e.USWIl1y ;IllelI~ 1 foot: thick. O[t~.n these mlti.ent 1J.lJllk_spQn ancks mdl ~moice.s:, .miI. 50melimes dang;emtls sBime;s I or.smi!ll mDll5ii:ersli.w. in these (lte3S and \IlI\air for pre)" MII5lOJII¥-! :w~lli s-rop aU bllt 'ilie jOLld~[~e:s.lr ti ,e5 i! DC 20 Cli:mb ch(l.cic

~ to fml!l :iIQfQI!>uotlSllIl:by: m.

.. Sna:pcl'ii~H' Mas~ Walls;l:lome ~im~ m.osO<IUY \\..alb; are bllot(~.r 1mlll (smoolher,.1!.~igJiUlgbtef-nl:tIDg ~o.n_.a:s_.md e.s!! c~ mg). ~:nd OC'C:lluO'nlllly tb.ese ~lIpeJ'ior

w~115'!!~ CIll,vB"lI:d lIikh . .'ph:ster

lien. eoVI:n!G ''faUs oFr!!D bear'

pamIln.gS., C~I""Ied...r.clicls. Or I;lIllur deCODllton, Svp~:tlo~ mnron,ry \v~1ls ure IiIC' J[lore..d.i.ffi"tIIlll'O clelirnly~h~Il rr~OIlq' w~lli but 'iJTe more dtfLImb: uu1limh (DC 25).

. _ Stone: 'VaL: SIJl:b !,;valli I.I5U· mUy l'e5'ylt \ .... !wl:l ~ ch:arobe.. Ilr p~s:s~,e is "Iii .... ~~m (u;l:l:D;lI~IHI wt fmm.soliJ1n:ri±. Tbe mugh

urfnce of ; h~wJl wullfi:iiHjjUeIluy ,r.o· wdc~ m inusc ule led,ge-li w.h.e!1i'l fuogus _

gr,ow:s md fissures whern. !oI'ermUl • .b:II;5l md "uht~em..siil~ h~lu:n stich ~ \'\i'lill hilli 1m :tither ride" (iu«pacmls t"""'~

cl!wnbers in, Ih.e dll.lilg.e.OJ!!),;the \~,~U i~ 1IS'hl"_ .

~lly ~Ue~ii[ 3 feel tluck;.nnytbmg thmil_~ risks colbp:slng from_nhe wcigbt cf III the Slnlle! 1W'1IT11'1~lId. J'L tiJ:k~ ;I, DC.2 Climb rnro;, Ttl dtmb ;J ~'ID. SlIlne wall

UDwOl'ked 81m. :WalL~ ~ T.he£e SII.ttuas ;Ire lIDiwCll..l1nil mrcly fIln,

They mU! =l!:Iodw.cuhll. !Ollch but HmtlotMt!Jilfr1J

flIled wl~h rilly holeA. hidd'~J:I i1£lO'l'es, aJIl.d.l~dp.~

!ItY;lIi.oli~ he:~bts. They'nHJso W'U:illy wet on! IeN§t d3mp.!ilii~ 1[' wllrer inn most f[eqweoily I:l,el1te-.o; llo:rLlr.l1 CiWes. WhiID.~uclI!I ",v~1l h.1L~;1II "QlOC'r $kI~.~ fhl! w;aJI is USUD.lli,' :tt ,r~~t.5 &lEU thld. II I;W ~I DC 15 CIll'nb check tQ move ~lnn.1l ~:n I1Il.W(lcl;:~'Wl~w.:!lll

Special w~~ts: Son:II~i:lrn~.!l YO'lL mn pI:tC~'Kpeciai w',J~lis m 11 dl!JngGOn JE:l'tP~l pllli)''e1'S f,j) ~cuyidu;l!I.~~d suspicion wb.~ 'I:hrlr dmmi:'ll:1'lI Cl'lllrowlreuh~e.UIl'LlSll~IILwlllk_

Rtin{oroutl \Valls; th~ walls_mthJItliI baH Illi ene fJ'I bo~ of Iht W~ll.jlq~Jac:ed wiilim-the. walt 10 5ttengthen il. The nc.:ptbw,!>S or uam£CJ;Ci:d..J.¥.3U m,maiIldHhe same, but its Illf POi:nl~ dcubleQ and tDl:t Sl:rlmgrhcludtDr: III break through it is iru::~iS'.ed b'll' 10.

!~\lI!illk Tne:s' 'WIIlls ate placed with ill dUllgeons aLOl.uni i lJI'port\lflt phces such :r 5, va:ulr.5. l'l1!JII'T Wblk ~~15lirte !he oIlppooin~ of irwD wa.l.ls, plic~d ;li,Knl~11I> rp bloik li:nl! of si~h'l but

flL:lI:itmg 1lillblm _

Wow!J;\U WhIls:J..oodcn_w.alls ofre:n e.xiSl as fe!i:el1l ;IUild.iiIlOrlS (0 older dWigeons, 1.I5i!tI 'fa millie lI.nimllll -J:l~'OR blins OlJ:.jl.lib_tlD m:lkJe:t number ofml!&r , rtlom5JlI.IJ.'oh ~fQ:l.'I;C.

MIlfii:~ ny l'n'flt,rd Wiillli;Iiu.':se \walls .;)jrl:.luo.ngl!:!: r.billlL awrage, \'\l'Jith ~. gre:JIeJ' Mrdll'les:s, more mt::pfilW!i', ~d

Uml~rd II hJghJi:I bnJl!.kDC • .Mlgi(; i::~1l Il.~Jllly d~bolu:hc.., 1JllJt h13 rdne5S and rur polfifS and CUI add lip tQl.lllJ.liJ.jll!~ ~DC.Am;gIDdly lIe.3tl!d w~ .n,l!ilQains (I StlvJ .'. _ilirmv~agail:li!;t spe:Jk rb:Jt could .CLif, mdHhc.sa;'i'e. ha~Wi ~g l.f O'lle-Jmr.£ the ~~i:tk.1.'ldoi~iI_ . - -Rmfl,lltcWg WILW.iIL Ctil!.l1~ mQgi.c.W1IH n!gg~

I ..cmfit \V(lucJmuililm! &31 31'1d rhe.exp_endi!lIJfe of 1,SOO _gp.fuL~ch.1ll.f"Cil:-~ll"rOO\ 'Jilllhe&i:il:l.ll.

WII'11s lid III Arrow 511 Is; W;I!U \vidt 1Ilunw iii.1!! em. be mndc.l1l:a.ay dUGlbJUWltwtbl.lt:l:i'l! mos. «I!'nIllClIlIV 1n015Vnl1'. hewt! none, 'Dr wood_ SII.Ch ; \VnI.1 iillQ1.'l.'s

lYpieill Thickm~


hi"ts:1 90hp 9QtJp TIll!! np ~Qnp OOIi)np OOnp 1 hp 00 hp


Cl[l1'Ibl ce.



1li 2l...L. 20




DC' .H"f'~!i!,~

35 g

Mii!;Drll')' lli

Superior 1'FI!i!~~nl')' l ft.

IWIt1f'or~ lfJI~som)' ~ It

hI~" '~cm~ l tI..

t Uflwa~ s~~ 5 It

I il[on. 3 ~riI.

PiF!er Pj,;ptt".lh~n

~ ,GrMI

~ M.t.l!jDall~tI'g~I~~ . -

ll~dJl.fOOt.b)'·l o,.fQ.ot ~et:titJn. 2 These moodlRer~ ean l:Je.~plLed ~o .;In)!' orltrie OI~iN'" w~n ~. 1 'Or ,~n~ddrtii;JI1Ili.~ Sil hit ~nI5. whitlheve>r I~ gl'eillJer.



lh4:l ~1:hm:J.UO..1llQJDe. d.Uffirulr rIm:n ne-g.Oli:ruf.lg OJ. StiIll'.~tep. buu.n.,

rn(h~pl..«S..ilie !ioor . [ !iu.d.J~ly dfUll! off '!:lrri!i~up :s~ll

'fceL~j[ mo~ t~l.lliii1lg b dl~c:ks III !l~r fl'Jilm ~I!lll SUq;fil'iU~

the oilier. ~~ :lLP'!-tb has, b~en \'\I'f1Irn .md Will] muked hi (he.!

rOom of 3, fI~mnd Cll~'e, i.t.~e.s.2.SqUEllt'C~ oJ fi'lO"I''elll1e1U ~o eIT~ a ~qu ~~'~' wull a 11,t[!iI{K.lltJ~OO(, ~nd fhl: DC of ll~l~ .. ce ~nd TumhJ~ ch~ UU:I:~~ by,.£.,.llUI:'IiI!l.qilfid .:brargm.!:'lll~ 11D~

~~Ie, e.!«~p~ 1I1~ac, '~tM. _

:Silileci;d .F.I.Q!lIfS: AJWmbcr of ~!rlllhl!.;: Hoolings~ aru:)' Hoor tea-

r1JJ1'rS ~~ lie! rrmlm..!ldmg:UOfl iI10PIl il!'lte~JiLlg.___ _

S!lppL'Fy1 \V~~~r, i~t:, stirn!:. !JIf blood c~tI milke :my 1l:if_.t1u dul'l:g,oofl HooI:5 desl1::dbedJn this jell:'~[LlIl. me~ ~acltltlU~.SJj;I:l~~q floo:r:s: i.nC'r.e3S'Cthe: DC of.Balsnce ~l'Id"[urnbIW~~.i-

Cmlr. Agr;uil' (I]ieffl oovelf:!i m pit or an aI:CUQ'I~Il!Jhe nwln.

I'Joo:1', .G~les ,~u!!ullHy .mlld~ (rom lmn, blil~gf!llll.e5' OWl ~ be m~d~ ,room [rol1t;hOll1ll1ddmheR; ),fufll'f gr.at'e.s liIa">t:: . .hi~1l ;ill!l'lw ~OC:~ !D wh ~I I!o below (such gr:'lll~~ Cilfi bil!!lo~k<!d UJu: 3n~' doorJ. w.b ilc :omeJ:]l; ~:r~'pi!'nnal'l~ ill ~:ml de6lglll!1a cot 1'0 mffil'e.. At¥Pl~;i1.d.I)dn.-th.h::.It.iro1il gr.neb~ 25 hit J!'I'!I11iIQ;. Jurod:ne.!i~ HI, "I'ul~ OCj1hl fi:!'!:' Snll:nglh ciI~clu, 10 brn=ak thmQgbif O,!'. t~. h J:®ge._

uiJp~.Ledgcs mlOVol·a:e'l~~~::i~.f,.SomeJ~;Wer ~VllIL Ib,~y often cirdLlo ~!(m.n.d p'ij~A.~kmg ~[ld~r,!!lI'!Jlnu.l..5tre~m5. fgrm b~l!i:tlilU~ :Jiwu.mU.1.{g,i:.J:i:lIJIII:" or pJ:01.1i..d~ II 1'1K~ wr archers ttl' s~d".ii!ihJJr 1ki:og \JIpCln enemtes below . .N2mlW .leJlj~~de.-,::!de.Hl ceq-uin: these m!l;)V'~p!l ~lol'!g.rlJoi.lILJl:I ~dlJ::_.Bllb.iJoclil. c:hltib tsenh!'l skill d~5C.r:Lptic:r:um.p!l~~d!~~}rW

~ •. _"~ H~nd~)~f'i1:.J:i!J!l), .fJliiufr: ~l1h]!; .. ilUheD!}l!ing_cn~~~ .. .,~" ler f:ilLiJ!Ig.offrheJ~e,

tllJd~~~lD.eS have n!liug$.ln.rudli._~ !Ca.s:~ .. c.b..lr:;: '-oiiiiiil_.I~ ~cl:en- -. c..id'!!l-[;l..±S dfCl!!msJ;nJI:!I(If! oonu~ di:! B~l3cecll!:.d;s.j ,::;, UI rn ov~ alon& rbcli!dgt'. A w,gj(jJ Ctef wlto bi :be20:l til;l[, mMlig gUm:> ~ +2 circumstance b01l1lll on lUs.(lr flU 'DPpaS\'d S~l'ength ehi!.ck 00, ~1.'()Id b.eingbu~~t_off th~ed,~

.L..-d!l~S t'nI <lisa hll'i'~ l~w woil!lls ::I 1ilj_f~jl!t Millin ai:png ~b!ii'ir ~d,p;~$, SL!,"h W~U~ pilQVlde 'O'I"ll!r .lI1Il.nn!S'l ~tJt:1~km \V~thin .30' f~t\I' Oilj]u::,Qtlu:r.sid~Qftb.c Wll.'U. ~~Iong ':I$ili~' Wlge[ IS elaser 10 the low will ~hil!1. thl: J),I !~~f.!~L!;,

llilnspiiln'Jll f'iciiil'! TmI!~nm~ •• Ill~dr!: !:If RiilfOn:edgl~$S' ofm~ mtl~!Hi~ls h.'Vel'ii :LIV>I!lpf f~r<~L.,II~ ItlW 1'1 da ngl'r!lHI.5 ~~ttiIl.& ro b~ viMWo!ld 5::iJj1'll' foom :a~o.W!.Irnn$J!ll![..eriit fioors ~:r-e SOTm:~rime:!l pl:we.d mreu wvn POO~:1Ei]'.D~L [llO~l~ff!r de~ ~.D.d H)l'[U1'\~ ch~ln· bets. Tb ~y ~~n he u Si:d. by 'ibfe:l!iid~ 1'15. to w:liu:.h kil';i' iii reas f!J'r ~ntrucli!ffi

SlldlmgFloNS: A :s:Iiaiirlg Roor:ili I typ~ ofl:nll'door, d~81gn.ed fJ~ ~ m~d.[l.!ld [hilS l\ev,B.3l sameth'Ulg [11,,[ .1ii1'~be£le~[-h it.. A [Y!lI~1 sl.ld.il:la; Boor !D0l,'e'$ SO ~1lJ<wi'l trut ~1l'lOl!JiI;! $l!Ini!1.I.]'Ig 0)] OiDe ,C~!l

~\'Qld Lidlmg ilnc th~ l:ll::f~tg:;~ ~~n,g thete'$ somil:wbc:n:

ehebJ gi!J.lf sueh ~ sl.id~.i-I!Jw.ckly enough [b ~t [h~re'll a

chm~,oU:.chn!_mc.t~ illms l:mc.~lolhmViCr lies bt,'I'Ieo.U:i-~ sp{~~d ph. "'..l';]iU!!bl,Jl~ 1ill._f.1f iI_~LB1Ll:.d",.,r.h~ll.I.$~~ht.R 1('5 iI rnIIp Lse~Jl!lg m~

hlilllF~ors: Sinm,~ fl!llot1l ;l.Ilt d!:£lg~d ~Qilt<wlll.'~ ;s,i.lfkl~llJll' d~~g.erolt~. With th~ IIppJj(;ati~~ of jU~1 th~ right. am~U:nt or weigh~, I)r rbJ:l !,un jQ{ ~ lo!l'\'L!i:: -5CfLmm~bier'CLle'llrny, ~p'ike;s41,1)Q~OHf~ from th~ t1~r.gQul!) ofm~m @r fbmJil' shoo~ Lip &01'1'1 ~dd,~ t

bot'!!!;, o.r.munurelloauil!S .. Thc~ S'mUI.g,~ !l~rs m :SPID).l:itlmf'.5. ftlLll'ltil,fj ~I] ~Il:'rul .. _da~lW@d ~CI rnlllu~ mmlbJrs moo: ~'Cltill,g ~ l de3cl]y. Co.~wcr d~~~ t1oo,rs .Q~ VOU W9'L11d ~v.«hc~


9~.(L~~:...dIJ:IiI~eODS Ar~ mlJ.d;Lm01i~ th~eU1 e:nt:r:a,Il.CI~:!I~.nd r.:d1& Qi'lel'l they clnb.e el'IQ.Qunret'Sllll by ~el!!li;-e! .... ~S. i\lnn,U, ~tthiD;g dMIt.c:mtrlg,ge< ~ 1iD~;5tYITllP. ~tIcf you ~ c~ue, ZiIIp }'OU \'1lm ~ spdl,.,IlUImf1ly 'block: li\1lI1l:r wily dr.sel'!O'es ~wj1~nll!l]i.n fil\Dm, rhe

As: with WilUS, L:li:I.f.I,Ceoll. nC,t:lr~ COl:!llt if! m~.niy rype!!l.

fW~·R,5l00,ne: Llkemil~oury \'l'a)Js .. &g'HWl~

~OOT5are mad ~ Ilf fi!t1:~J stoll!!:>, Th'1" Q;!:B ~~y . m.ck~~tI o!lll~ st!rnl ~wh:;1~ I~l slim.::.arui molld ~$' in rh~e Crilck$, Spm~tim'~s ~ .. ~,l'~f roll~jl1 :Y.Ii,Jil~'ts '~e,f'I~eJ1Ub.,r: ~tO'ne$ or 51i~m":;:EilI!gJjJ.~m_,ud~dk~ R~~Il)"t:! .i$~h~liI!!t!$~ W_Q1lmQJLduIl,g~!llInll~ Uii:!.c¥~ Il]~'~one: Q;,;l.lr~lIle, stlm~Jlg~I:~;._c.;]j1Ji

b~C{mIe StI IllloCVEl'n 1:11 ~I n DC 10 B~ lnaee ~ ~~J!lglili.redj!D rJIII'I or chllJlW! 1'ilC~, ! he $Iltf~~ E:aJlure 1:m~.aAS'ciliuh mrnCmE_Cll.liI'I:Wov.eln_ilils. mw:ul,_

~l\i!Or.s iil..jL_[(~ac.bemlIs Ol~: dtis should be dll: ~CP=- It.I~i'~~~; Urm.l'IClit ili~

lre\\I'D .. S~~.IIle I'wl!rs: RouCh lind lJiI!Ieve,n, hewn

flQcr~ :lr..e ~LSl.L~H)' co'll'ered wid!.. loose stones, ..R{illfoYitd·w~l

~.\'sll dirt) oiroille:rdC:bm.A CC 11l' rJ",lwru;e c.bec:kjli~requfred w_. ttll'l or durg.: ~C:I'iC!~ mrili.~.iloo:~f:ail:lIrelille-i1M 1:gJ: ~il~[~ +r;till. m:t,bU![ ·(";l1Il ru.n 01' ~e iam1hrnull.tli,

l:Igh~ B;lIIbblb Srn:llU ciI.wib..o! .debtis 1h1liU Ih~ grou.Ild. Lt,gh:I' nlbble ~d)ds.21Q tk~[J!:oJ 1~IIUJll'umbJ ~ cheeks,

l~~~J!._gb'bk::.lll!.!groli:l:liilisJcQ~ with debris ofl![~ ~~h ~~1s 2 S~WIJI~Ul.l~~tll W:JIDl~( lLiqLl~O: wi~h Qtm:wbbl\'!. Dense rubbk.ad& $ ~o 'tlte DC of ll~nJte. aIuITwnbl~' ch~d.;s.,:mtl it add:;2tQ.i:.k DC ofMo.vc: S:ilently dw;~

SmQDtb SlOne .P:~oot:l!i: F'liI'Ilisblld ~Ild ~Iilt~tim~ ¢Veil pO!Ls~l,~d I ~~QO~ ~refoU1!d .cm~ bi dLH'lgoCOM witb C!l!plbl~ ~!I1.d cllre~u1 hw1r:1cl'~ {Th,~y .~ 11 hmUm~riliUlf_d~?'·ul·ddv~d d t.lng;con:s.) So:m.etim~5.mD~liIicsj:Jjms..11tin.tb.c £100'.('. lijJJiI(e dcpicnll~ il'u'efe'S[il~g im~.g0::5 mil Qrl1~jl:lStsmwtll ~M~.

N~.~ StOOl: ]l'J.Qil!Il)$: Thdj,oc>! af ~ rt:l ~1J1rl11 C:!,W is II~ W'lev~m ~sthe ~. Clkves mclv...h:rv.dht sun~{;es of my g;ren .size_ Rame.,r, Iheir floors bmre ~iliIl'i .lf1i'elJs. SOll'le il:clj~c-e.Il:l:lJ.oQr su.".tc,e~ J:i!lJgW: "IllY In d.ev:l~j.o.llhJ-Cm~l;o.:sllr~It..mtIV~ !rum llln~ 10


Sl'Q:nl! w,~II:!:, I rDli! w:a II~. an.tI. iron !ih;lQfS ~ Fe lJ!~u~11y Ihi~k le'i'rtlL!gh!fl bl~k .iT!IO!iil dt~~~p!!ll!~, ~uth ~s d~~t.! mOJ.(~i.s. WOQ~~f1 w~IIIli' ~l!fI door~. arid ~ttljle d~rs: ~ re uS!.i~1bt not thid:' ~t!'Iough to do ~Q, HO'I'!'~~~.r. ~, ~~ret. stl:lne door built Into iI w~11 ,and 1iI~, thlCkll:li th:~ wc:lIIJ itllrlf ~~t rf!~5l1 foo~~ d~ I!Ililld mtk~t d!!!fUI SFIIs;.

duitl!~OI'i ,e~i'lcr~r. Tn,!! doarwil~Eh_!1 d!Dtt.. ~ .in mllj' be 1'Ini n ard:I!,!5 ;!!l(11i n.r,tls. Dr iIi;1Y be r,~S~QOJI ed 1rh...CilT"rnGSone'R gorgoj'les o.r Jeering,hct'£ Imt !iOOlelim ~$_C:l~'Oros th~, tJl'~8h·t .r~v;el1l,~ due ~o Wir~ lies beY-OJ,ld. DunG.~IHIOQfS__come Il'I three basic; tyll~: woo~,-SWIe, !l'MInin.

\fbrn[.:n J){I~CmIltmcl-;:d of IliiMI; .planks:~~iI~tlllOg,~~ ~=mmes 'berlin!!! \lI'it h lmn f~( $.1:I:l'!~,d'il_COlnilllQ re.duu :rureLtIn,gJ_ .frcQID dUfl,@;~oll d~Inpq~,,~~ dOOJi:UUJh,~ ·Itlo:n COntln_Q~ ~, W~4Xl1.!J1 doof5 come tlllV'\U)':ftl;g s:I:rli.,t1gths; sI:mpl~ iIl~!C~' ~l!id none d09~JiUnf!le dOOfi ll!;wlilkJlC.JJlille nOI' m~~n ~o k~~1liem morl\Pn DC'd IIttl1ders. Good d llon;_u,[t'[I:k DC 16}. whih: sfi!tdy ~ong~la!il'in!!, IIfi! $Iill.!:!i . m,elln rake muci1 punishment

nang door:; 'bled; OC.l3l~ boliUld in il!Olllllnd ,Q'fe iii srurdly ban-tel to these "1~t'IJIF'tinLltJ$1 ~llhl!M.

I'fon hlIlgl!S f!lSICJl tllli: d,!)or ~o Its .rrame, Qnd. IYPleMly a eireu- in leeks lirh('[ !;O'ru:rol :m Lroll b.n_Trl1·~lllltS q.uf uE-T • dOO-UM 11.10..

b~ pull-nil., in the center is die-J'C 1[0 help ope.1I i.1:. Somenmes. the wrui of its f'nme. 01' else a slid il'l,g iren bar or h~'II."I ~, ,QWit-1i bn

~1l~trad.Jlf;tp:llll·r:i:ng;.JI ,d~i!_S:_ilI'IIWIl pllll·btlr on ene Olt' both 1~~;u rests behind ~:he elltme clioQr. Bf mntn5"[~ p~d~o~n:_Jnlf

~idn of the..door re S'!:n'e a~ ~ lundl~. In inhflbired d'u1Jg)eIllI1~~ ~1!1"ifl bLlt u'~WJlly I1J_fi rhl"Oug]llWi)J rings, Oll~ 0'11 the dl)(lr llald

~~u~,t J.I~a.lly wel~ :nu_i_l:Italned (l'HI't sruck) ~,lId _ ill-~-l1too an til\! 'W'4~u..r'''fE' cr,lmp~ I~ SlId! Lt5 ~Qmbl'li!~tio.n

~I'nlocltft{]_ ~hhllQJth Im.porla iiiUfCa;~ are locl:tJ u rdr pllssible. 'Ioc:k~u:ml pm.il~locks-. 1I~ usu~ll)' buil.f 1:1ltO I.h:!i- door jlSiLi

- U:l-ne: CI!J~JIfI_S!lJjd Mods of stone, c hl!SlC' ht;lIY}'JGilellustS'IJ,ch kzyJ~,> ~9.;;b..rv:e l~r;g«._nIlld:_m~I]~.$iQmpl't'~J

U:llwlcM.y dOlus ~rr ~ftel:i, buHr s~, ihnr duo}"~ pUI'OI' wb~J!1 rb~y lire ~rJllji:~ny only fwrnd bu.umI_)' wr.> (~'[tlItJ.g

cp~JiI~d, a.lth,augh d.w::! r'\Il'8 :;lll d ormr ~kJJ1~d cl'llftsfDlk ~Lmj Slit!lle. oDlWI doorS}. __ _ _

~re ~ble liIl ~8hjOIl hi_lIges 51ro~g, en-ou.gb 00 hold up 1I -n., Op~ ~ DC ui_pjek ;3lock.D.(Len fo:Uslnto WI!

smne door:. cerel doors mncealeg,\\I'irhin (I srone wan 'rllJl_ge of20 ttl 3!.l,<llth-Qugl-! fot:kt,.· '~O'I¥li! or IHllhcr

Ilte usuallV SWIll! doOil'S. o!he~!:!. sllch Oool}! LlIn.t1 1L'i' m::s ~:1Jn ~xil>t. A doer can h;('lurumuh:iI.I1JIIIU~t"

lough bun e e prc [e't'tin!.: 5QID C'f h i ng:_ i mpQf't>i1il r ea~h 10 wllk:h mtit 'be L1!L'Iloik'L!Q ep.:ll;iltdf,.LQ~kI; i1R

be~nd. Tbu.s. 'th~y are of[~.D k'lC.ked_tlr_bmea __ l)(ll~rn,lPp;: d I li$fuC Ill" \)J i 111 p.oi :!ion DQ,j!(JI,e.u.n:u

It-o~n: lltI.>;t~ bill S<ltJrooy. iro!l dlXl'rS 3n. a dUllgeOl'lllrf! extend !JuUo pri(:'k ~ rogu,cs fing.l!f' __

jllngf'd ii.kI!"'Of:Idt'-1l dwr.$. lhc~ (lC!lOr':,jll_uh&:.J~QI!Gh· I!wilki'ng ~ IKk j;s s:ome:ttmes qllick~-u'h~n.bm~

I!St fOIm 0f tlOllltlUlgltC~!dtl(lr. Thc)' aJl'ill: ~~UIIB~lorlu:d.or ing lhoe:\'J1J:If)I~ doo'[, 'If ~ :PC MoIS 10 wh~ck ~~ 4~

b~:md. widul ~:rpl!:ln,treat [he ty,k_ru Jock ~ hillVil'l~h..J t-do

r-;-iLo{:ks:. Jl!'~,I'S, ;J'oiJ. 5,ea15: ])o!1,gcon dQ!:I·r.s mllUI.! ne~u 5.Jlnd 30 nil' poilus. A lock ellU-.lOnly he

U.!X-4d •. n:3ppeci. minIolTea, hrred,mjj.g:u;.a~.Je.aledJO--o brokel'! if il t:-<l n be ~tl~ot;ki:d se P3{!Uel'l lltmi I'he

~metime~ju:;[ ulJckAlI but rhe wes:kieu,"",hal:~q~n_ door, wniG'h 1II~~iIl!i rhat ~ bullt-ilillll"'k lmiJli-l:

CUi tvel1_lU mlly kilO':!! do\VlIJ ~ dOllf with 'haltly t~1 10 th}$ SOrt c:f 11't':nm~nl.

S'ueh' ulcd&chtlmm~r. llnd n .IIulllbrr ,of. p_dl~ nd K___eep ill .liIliI1d rh~r In ,Din O(Ci.!pj~d dJ;Wjfon,

m:l C ic it ems gi ve ehc racters 11n I) ~ ~y way UOUjIl d :I eve!)' lodwd timor ~hol-ll.cUu"c. key somewhere.

locked dQO'l' ,UO!L.!,I.J.,;,W ...... -........- lhlk IiIdvel'u,UrtfS ilfe_jlmbl~ [0 'pick a lock or

Anernpts tlil lite t'lI!lly chlllp 11 door J:uwn wj'lh ;'I 513 ht-ng break dawn ,liIr; door. !lid mg wboeYll'r hss Ih~ by 11'Id giilil-

or bimigeonil:lg wea,poll Il$~ the hudnes~ rod W,t p:tJi01f5 ring &1 "\WIf f.mm..itt~r,,_c~1'I be.;n:1l inter,es:r:ing pilIn: of

g_i.v,ell In T~'bLe 3-10: Do(I'~_O-&ItnJhe_e-Micsl 'M}' '00 overcome ~ I~h~ ~dtmtute, __ _ __

I't(~LdrE:lln!: d.oof' is nOt b_y, de:molr,shing u bm by breakillg; A ~jm] dom (~ee 1J.eo1~~1 f<!:rn>lmpks) might h~\11I: A lo~k \l.'idj

IfJl$JQ_(.k" bOl ••. p._t_hID~~ wh~ ~g;m_ng ~ DC t~ no kef,lIl1S1i.e~d reql!.lilring lh~l tnc ri:ghl (IJimburnrio.n of Jile~rb¥

.,_._ -~"".,.~------- Ii!UU<!rIJ:IPI to knock ~ deer I!IlM'rI!, US~ l~l.IIe:r;.; musr b.e mililll~d or [b~ tight synilioh; mlJ~t be p~l'>~~il,

th ~ kilJo.win.( a$l\lidelilles~ on iJ k~d j n the' correct seqncnce to

IJC]O l.fm'l'r; ,;1 door jusl ~hou( open the' dOD •• yl[lti're pede~-dy J1I2Sti·

m)'ll'n . g n bl'itiilt open. £led in rulillg Lb;r 51!!mt! p1liZZl~ doon

D U-U: Ii door dun II SITtIng mlil!U lb\!· oJltled. by Ihl' chi1N!CI'~S

re~(m eQuid Im~ak wid! {Nile try and rntber rh:rn being byp;1sscd f.,t~ , ....

)11'1 ii-'.!tGl:g€t pers-on m~glu be 'lIble m Op,en LQ~~ chc{:k-for ~XiI . .JIlp_l~~

mak~vith.9hCUY. If,~ dO_j)fJ.1nll' I!l'Ilo.ch WHI;lI rhe _

_ OJ: 16.-20.: ~ CIJOli rbal .-buon riddl,uJt"o'e,d__tl.1l hJLCO_n:I!.C.r1~

!m(f'O'I[J" wu!d b«'i.lmk, g4vl!'n ti.ml!. Ui~led, Iche.1I itS up ~o' dt~, ell ~ r-

!:!Ie 2,F~S;ll! dar m~l o.nly ::! ~frotlg at.!l':~J(I sol~'uhe dddle;.

Qr 'te~~:;;tn:mg pt'r~or:l bl!5 m h,l.lp~ of Snu;k D'Gt'I'iS ~ D U liI_,geon.s _~ f,(l_

b(l)~pmb~bJ_)!.'IIIQJ:ljm tlm fi~stlry. g;I'fte'., d~mp. ~l1d som~tim!:§ dOCfr5

DC ~ Itfl' J-Ughrt;il JOQUhM. 0..111'1 m ,ge l S ru k. p3.-ntclI!1;.rly wood en

ru::--"'7>~~ e:x(_~p:ljQnflllY' _nm_1ilg_p~1ir h~.s; iI d,OOf "-!lM rh t.ilb._t;lLJIi: 1.01;1i; of

hop;e_mb~lkiUlg. wood!:u d ~''!i II1d 5% arLlon-

FQr ~ Iftc e!!r,lmple n :lp;plVn.1l wwdtlUll);Q $luck" Thtsll: fiUIm'

[h!.!s'l!' l-liiddhiil t,e Tliibll' '-17: ben ,r:: :aJ)e..double_dll:O___.1i1~:ln

·.::;::~=t:!!....,~~M. Rando:mDooETYPefi ~p:~,~ ro. 1mb. 'rctspe-J,;Jw;eolx).foda:Il,g-dlm"·

Sf1!NcJ,Oflr__ __ Loiks~l.Illgeoll dO-OIl-Jlfl: i)'en do.lwLoJu.'Iegle-cll!1Ldlillgeollls,

locked, ILild ihU$ (h • Open l.t:!c-k skiIJ CClmn l'ilblu-17 rp~gt__7B) gi\l~ Sttengtb

{II VCr}! h~ II_d)·; I;Kks ~re mm:aHy DIJ.lh inro d:m cloor, ~itht'f eft di~ J;h_e.(k :1lC5}JQ O~I1Jl~nOI45 kllUl-s of

c,[I8~p'~we wlh Iii bin,g;e~ or dgh.r 'In ~h~ middll! of (he floor. Builr- ,·!<tuc k dOOrE. .

1:ypicd Hit I3iI'l!'.a'kOC
Dooi'Jiype ]1"'1ckn~ HUt:ln:9Si Po:iimts Swc. _L,~brl
Simp.le- t.\IIQOGell 11'h 5 lOllp 13 15
C;'OOd WQod~n 1-1/ZJIl~ 5 l5 hp ~6 18
SIron;!! WODd~n J rt'l. 5 Whp ~ 2S
.ston~ _'tlrJ~ s &Ohp '~B ~8
Ir(ll'l 2m, '-Q OOhp ~ 21
P'iil1iouJ!ls, YlOMelll Hll __ S 30bp 25' lS'
PDnicuj'ls. Iran 2 JI"!, ro OOlhp 251 iSI
b;lc~ l~, 30Ibp __
Hinge lQ SOhp
1 DC to lin Use :appfOpr)alif! door figure for bl'elljflng~ ,1i!::uRdDoo,~s; 'When i;;han~~11l1[5\Wt tQ_b~QWBJl bilITed m, h's ili~ g;I,l!JjIUy of the bal" tl,at ma(ie~ .. not Jh'f!..JII:J:t;e<IiBLIthe dOOE I:sl'l:Hldi!'oi It '~~~ ~OC ,25 SIt~l:igfuhed~.tQ.:br:e<tk rhrotlgh l al)Of \llo:irn ~1'WOODOIi!~~.;_rund ~ IDe 1(lStrengm ch~k.itili~ brn_r is !n~ de of h:~QIl., ,ChillJ!'~C't€\r.t.cu~ ~ ~t;), ~k [he.d{)Qf ~Ild deSi, ,troy tr.r i.nsteud,le:i!\I'ing dlitbar..h!!Dgfllg m. rh~ nO\V::Q~n dl,Xl~~. ----!

M-agk: SemIs: 11'1 raddlt1ca liO JWl,g:l(: ~!1lIPS (d~'5criJb.e.d.m me ml~ l SJectfoll bcIQ'l~),s:p8l1s .sQ.c,lulitmturJiIt~"c, :m disco,lJ.tIlge l,lilillil&.e:4 LthtOui!tl iii d~r-Adoo~wu:h .i!nl~r<llItf 11X~lt ~'J:I ~[i:s:ooruj,Jered, ~ed e¥il:fI ifh do~~n'~hHt.tt,Mm~~k. h ~Bk~ II ~it!Ck~~ ~ diJrdJIJ~'f 5p~lI, w !l s;m::Jt~fill.LSmD&th ,h~ck (Dc ~qu~l ~QI 10 luh.e:.5'llIhJi~' gi .... e'J1l. ClXlT:vhle:..l..-1Z;JUmOOI DootT'/F-S.p3ge 78}m

..ge[ dtrough such ,~ flwr. _

l'tifige-ll, Mmt d{IQ1'£ hl!l.'re..'pw~ oblo1wl!lsiy, :~lid mg. dw~ do IlOL (T.hey IlSllill"l hl'lll: tGlW Oll." gml:lVt'.s;imte-OO. :mllmving, them to !11i,d~,e~S\ily !O'l)lte sjd~L

SIl!r.tdMd Hlligt'l; ~hiD___geuil'C mCJl!l, joil'lli.!t~gpl'lftEdge of ilie. fdQm ~!;!,_~h_e_a9Drrnm~ Jll~ wlIIltil.ll:mem.,· Dl!'ttlliit lh.: dwr 5\1;'il1gs~ j(.l~01-W,.tb;I:..~d~wilb the hinge!. (Se. ilftne h~g~a~a~ Jl'C~' ~ide'. th~ d.ol:!lupe~ 'to.\Wn;l thm)j orhtl.~ il ope.ru; 11.1,;""',,"", &,om. them.) Ad~tUrefs-sn lI;lh u,it b.ifi'liles ilPiU! one ~r ~time with. ml~ce~ful IJw~Me Device c.hedt~ (~S":>tIming ~e hinges ~:oo en their ~~de of rh~ door, of ell"LIr:IHe~ Sum JOI 1~5k JlJ~~ ~ DC or 2c:1 bec.:ause most hin,~ :lire rus:red er smd. BI~31tt.n,s; n hi~g~l$ tHII'ncult, Mml b~ h,u:alless UJ~n(l 30 hi~po;n.t5.. The. 'breik DC fur iI hinge ls· the Sllme as: rQ~ b:reaknn..g dwn lite Q.00l' bee ruble 3-11:

~liId.om Doo:r1Yfit:s. pr.1g1! 7S).

l!f.ltm lIi~; Th~lfe birl,ges ~:fe mud! mm~mmp1~ thillil QOO ~

I)' hinges., .and .2i~f,,01.lilld 0, '.IlII.Y in ~'meili~.~fJ!xoel1ie, 1'1[.(.' onSWUCl, [Orl, ' ell, Ilr(lfl I1nlka'gfOWid dWial'\llel) dndeL~~_b:UI.t:~.s._J~~ by~ I[

tl;;! lhr w,:dlmd :Il1I~w ~~ dQ!]r lID nvtllg'Q~.n i.ll.ci[h~iI' di(H'r!llll. (:$ Qf!lI G~~ ~I th~ hlng¢s !lO fool wiU! dli1:01..u n.lm..wey btl~,;J!::

• .1mm.1g;l! the rJom:fu!mcor w.dl_ N~ il:lrm~w:I'ilt,mj~l ~f fotlind:

Ion ~(O.1l~ dool'.!i 'mq[.£(;HIQelinr~ an~e:n o.dm~ .do_o~~~s l\.e1I.

l'iVQtJ;~Pi""lS j![~IJ'[ moU}' h m:!);~S .at..l11l..Wu1IIJme.W,kjm Iin:g fm'.11II the ~tllp-; ndbQlll0;Il'l of r;h(l dO(JIrrh at fil.wtD b.oWs i.n ~he doom" ~ <i!lhiwmg, th~ door t'!l~in.:.1k a~li.~(I'¥.i\'lF~~ ~ 'rh~.r "they ~;m1t· b~ d:ismili!dca ~i.k~ hiJlg,t:5 ~:ncl dte.r'n: ~jmJd"li IQ make:. l'h{l cI~!tdl;;lJjn;~~ ,~m:JJ1 ~ ~t:cl~~rrj~'(m: M j ts..cWle[~ C)'f gmvicy (typiclilly III.rh~ mii:W!~). nocl!!ing I.trger lhill'l bBl£ tl'l~ doo.r~ \ry;oidrh, QlIJ. ntth~Wleh.~ 'whh pivo~ ~ro WiW!Uy ~Q,nl.! ~:mI alie o£~~,n qlttte wjd:e 1(1 QI .. e~:Il tbiS dis~d\l'~I:lI!ll.g,~. Allathet ~11l.n:iorl ill ~np.lac~ [he"pi:vo.l:~1iI on~_ji:d~ilnd ua\1letnedoo:L:be dtick\l;f st..:th<ilUn:d ~ndJ'h:ku~.::r low.i!:n:IJh~ oth!l1.t ~nd:51> thil[ ~t ,Op-eIUJl1.0~ Jt~~"llarm~ldru;lll'. itctet eoCllDOl ,{n w~ns o:m:et:l lll.m o'n plvon;J.iI'IU_d'l~geli:: ilirhln~ke$jl_f'i:siet to Din!! the doo~~ Iiire~;LKe. Ph'or~ iL!:o l[JJo'W.ob,eru5 !illdh_i5_boo.I:!{'.[I~e-,li 00 be

lJ£~d !I.S'lc~I' doof$. _ _

)- ~pj'~i31]JJ!Dot's;:An m.· lw:s~il'lgf:t~Hlf3 d:l1lig,eol'lmlglu~ ~ Jgl),led._d,~or (00 stmlllgJ]) break dl!}wl'I •. Sum a doo.r might b~ ~Ol'tmed ~m1y hyliJ!~raling,se;["te'tt;/l"'itches,.or ~lilil.de:II (~Jld d'istllnt) I.evPl$, CIafiybui1dra..m~k.1I5ID~ cl:t~ ~jl)C!i~~ I!:ii; l~lS mon diIf.irult b~ W'.Ltlj~l!ili(!y~~d in D. ~~,::~I ~y.Eor:~ajjt!Jl~"', ;~p~nicU:hlf 900! mlglU' ~tily op.!!I'II.i.f a Sl!!'ri~s drW le'l\'er'.j:1s moved into.~ spt'~if'k.,o,id]g,iI,IlJltlQiiJ-rwo~p~hw tip ~nd' fl,yo pw;;hed dowlI. ff:lli [~\IIil~ h~ m Ll._sW-:;~QJIII[ mrb_e wrong jm5:i~!D~ ,~ mJ,p 1:5 ~:prll.rli. Now ,lm:llJgin~' IW:l!i'.1l'lWclunon-..dj m~UJhjt$.oul(l be if d!i!'~ W~'!\~ ~ ilIm:e.f.! 'Ilr mot'll! ~tl.ver! ..... '9JIitb Inllllip1e.,,1.![I'il!l&S. IIp:re.ad, ~ijtl~r(ll:!,gh the !.lil1Jjj;~ dIl1l~1Iid!lal~~~P~fI !

t~p*i:oJH~l' (p.eirh.lp5 h:Old.irul i'l1t:Q:J~jr::I;loilf., t~~.m:pke"~ tilEr, Of

UlC dJ]l&9~Crnl t¢itIplt).Oln boll' .~n..AdW:vlUl.re lfl. i ~ r'~SQnw~l~ dQ;O.TJlS ~ctdbl!(':IIUiUlflIS OOIl!i~ti.QD, A I~J:ii:;,lCadoarSalt.e.nlll,n;ple" provides,~ D:Jjn:[~.lr~g;tiJil5t m~lly clt:r:ec.twn ~WJ~eA~~rQ.n dQ~ :L'IIIigh.. ~~lI.i lit III I, (:L1'I;JIl;Jr d~~ ~g,~1

ndlJitJog ~1iI.Qfi.It~il~ {lin ~~l'1lck Q.IlC~ it i:s op~fI~a..A m~~h~:~C!l1 dj)'Of !i.n:ke~'I'i~h ky.e:r:5' or JyjQi;hl1';sm~Eb~no~ ope iI iJn.Iess the p(Opru fiI~d:l~nifm iu.cclv:ll[~J.. Stu:!:! d.ot!lnl ,m~il.ltlo. ,5iillk ,moo !.be floor, ,~

u~th~Ufug._ICJ.~f.liko!l! II dIi!~~brtidrs~, ofslid~lnu ~hf;_"':;;lUl t!lr.h~r tb.:.JJl ID~I:e1y 5Wlnglng op.en h~ II 111)!m1al !!JOOf. • S~cr~l Il~XH(s: IJl.sjluEfjoo ~s II bare p:iltEh of \V3U (or floor, 01: ~etl-

il'l,g)._iI ~k.\;IIJli~..l&~V~~Q:r a fCJ~~t:iin, a seaet door ItiicltJQ. ~l

~gllt p~SS!l;ge ~r fIDQiIJil. Som~me_ e:x~Dlmm,g tb e ~Ie~ finds ~ 5cmt I)Df,iI'Il!:r.It, e.'ilil~I~ OQ..uu~cS~(ul.SI<J."Il1ili >t:heclro tDe '2.>0 for ~ typ~ crnI. sec.reot Qoo.rtl) DC.39.fun~~]HI.!.dden secret dlood- iternemb(!~ .that e:~ves ba\1em eh~~le{'~ .~ s~jCrei mol' jll,$.l_D~ ~:S1.I:I_J Iy .

,k>ak!.ng at an <l.l)eili. . ....

M.nfiy IDt:l'e[ doornrtljluire ;5pe~~tn~Ib.~ g[IJOPl,IulliJ,g •. sll.h ~~l

l~ hUW!!J!l bU~011 orpress'lilre ~I~~i!. S~a;er{lot1)n: rnnope~1ik~Jl(li~ m~l d!OO($, Or thl!v.m~~ piVOl. slide, sink, Ifse, Of.c.Ii'Ji'Il,..~dike,~ d,mwb:ddg.e ItO permh ~oce~s;. BLl ild~r5 mi.ght ,,~L[ ~I:U1ir, d opw ~awl'l rCfW nellr I:h!:. flQOr" or high !.lip' III ~ Wlli1lnJdtigg. iuilffi"lOllru!O!l mIld Of~~(;h. Wi;;!;llrti;;; '~Ilid ~tlifW~n: hll~ ~ ~pt:11. ph~~ ~r~; that: ;Ucws, them tiJ aflt~' ~, m;n;gi'l: Sec:r,U door m~t (!In 1)1' I·n.:)' ~!I'I use.

Magic D{lQ(rs~J1llch~mlld b).. the' m.igm~] Duilde.ffi.,,~ cQWwgh.r

~ 1lO,',~~ .. '. - ~-if~, W1lrtling d,' en!!. ii""' .. '~y.l't 'Ill ... [gill k. p'.rorll:ct~.dlrolllr

i il'la'-easin,g it$ hmln~'1D1: gMI'l,gh mOr!! I:l!i~ :pD'[nts ''!$ \IIdl ~iI t-

;:n Lm:p!,I)Vle-d s~"'irI.!! t O:ro'l'.' ~ny.s ilgUlJISt i!li'5fnJ:~gmj~ 0 nd D!h,er simili1r spelk Amagfc_dM( .m'lgirr Jl.0![ ~ead i:lrllQthe 5p~cc.[e\I~W5

beyond ,bll'i in5;1eild it mf,gnt k ~flona.1 tW1nuM;ty.-FI~Q! QI:.~i:I Iflililher Jlbn~ of ~ .. te,m:~tkl.nhlgi( .doarunlGhL rnqudre rruss-1 wo;rils oi- t<J!l!dBlkeys (rqit'\g from 'lhulJJJeaulIlrJl!..an ~\'it e~gk:. In ~l nQ~~ p.l;-J,ym Up<Ul ~,lut1:, te·~ Qelllw..fulme.pfmifHI) 10 Ilpe n~b.em . ..E rrec"!"~"~~~vLth~ Nnge ~:n~h:meW_Qf.JllJg:i!;_q_w~ t5 lUlliled ofliy by YOI!lr. LJn;igtllll.tiQ.1l..

ID~~.:r r-~l1iP~~ MQ.I>L' ofi~n~:iwJ1'l JUSt ~b,;ru t ~1'l}I.Qt.h~rJK.ltI..cl.'4-

~d!i,II:IUO:U. doors are rtot~i:tll'd oYWoilp5. T:he rea~onJ)S..,reBY alwi-I @U~,.....~1iI Q,e1llec:ljWlllle-;)lJS ~:I] 'imrud.,cr. A m~"h~ni'l:~i ~.rn~ClJ1.1lL.j be C!llIiI'lil!~lN:T toO ~ dwr by:..wire.~ or:;pnilg;i ~oth!ll; J~gtJI.Yil'~~$. whcDoj thr d,oOf il QPcned,_flrll:l!li\:, 111'1 ~rrow. rel'~~~in& ~ do~d 'ilI[g_~~~+ Oll'~n ing .~ 'rrnpaoor .. le.ufn,g 10Cl.5~ a mensrer, t1:mpl~ing ~ h ~;:J.'il'4 block (I]) irntild~rs., Or W~t-e~r. Mi:lgiGtflilp!) such as .~Yi.·nu (l!~wrtl. ing ~l\:Jlly ~JTe. Ck~ dlnc:!ty Q.Il.loe door. bbstl neg lim~d'l:.l:S :with (J:lIIJ.~'t!Jrrome oili~tm~giCli.i ~t~~k

:R;,flmdH~ ThL'!s.e,,!:illl doo~ (:Ol1~5'! il)f ifNt!Ol[ tbld~.jrnJ:lblilllfLt!, woollen ~I:l:ifu lh,M dC~~.Ild Cnlllil ~ ~llt~es!<" i:nl:il.e' ee.i.li"ng Jlbow; ~Il ~:E1:hway. 501!L'l.~[im§.~~p:Qncult~Q.~;.~~b2l:8,rh~( c,re~te ~Gr!d. somw:im~~ mOL TypiJ!::~U~ r.liLs~ iJ},' n'le:l'll-s of:! whtd! or ~ i:~p$!ll1il. ~ ,piI)n.cullis C!!Jl,.be ~wed !ll.lIidtl;y. ~.nd the sh;rl"[,~ no. in :Sp.ik.eSi 10 IIlH5~'Ql:U11g!:! ~1:Ift!fl!.t &om S'i':'ilJidJilg uJ:l.d.eIll~dl. (0', f{O:m ,~l'Ien'ljl.l1!:l,g tel di\l'Il:.UilgJ!1'rj~~,.. ilslI.CJ.J1.s,U'nc~ it ~s d:~!ilped,,~ 'porrt:U:ntL~J.o,~. UlIli!$ itLi,_5Q i~:!,,gdh~j nQ lltlrm~1 poel:San col!ld llf~' h lln'fWDI)I. hI a .. y e"'~ nl, liftin.g II typic:L~ porK:l.llli5 ~qt!iw!i c:I DC 2S S~n:gth,.ihed.


Rilorn!5 in dll.lll.:g,eom Vl!Jr.y .In m~~ ;nd, ru.e. .AllhI'lU\gb 11'1~'(;Iy ;:L'i:' s±mpt~ :in wtl'.<;:rn.u::riQn ~fld ~1J!p.~t.p;HtICIJ Itldy hU~fI!Si:ing fooms ba~ lItu]rip'Le k"'e:~~~.rmrp£. o:r Lxtldei'S,. as . will, ,1I;~t(J~:ryk illIUrtpj!t"~ rntl§)]I!l,.bridges, ~Jld more.

KccJ;trln.nt'_th!n,g.>ifI.mind$h~I1 dc~~ip<s ~ dlllllg.ean room: d)i1!ro.r~l;Uon, ~e1liQ,c, ~lUppillir1, ruu;l, e:~~.

MQSc~ kin.ds of inJt.elIfi,gelllt C[e!l!l:ures ha·ve ~, ~emlenCfc~QAemmf1."l ~lJell' M~s. lr shtrU!lil ~ filidy ,omrom!p~JI.ce [0 find c~rvilll~Qr ,ltinnl'l$S on me: w~ll~ of dU~iIlllOllfiCOl'Ds:. .E);]l]lFM!;L~d~U!J)t~ d5C d1Crlell()01.lllreJ; 5J.~~ues~t:ld D:J5 reliefS, ~s w~il ~s :>!:~t1~~ i nu~sS;l:geS!.JnIlicl!s"nd m~ps ~cfr 'behind by etherS w.hQ.h~~'Ilnl>L" '~is\\'Jrr..b_d'~(! of m{l~ m~rks ~:rnotlltnt~' ~nl~te...[lu!l~ g,rnliij..c~bUlIJr.,\y;L5_ h~re:). whi'!~ ath~~ lTI;lyJ~Ul~~5.d ~k! ~~

nn~tUibQ~~mm~ ,l:hcm d"KI.y. __

Und('l'gEllL1ltd C"h~mlh.ll<$neF'WIleW wU~p.s~m~rliY .room~ J:l1l,fti~uhi.clyl;IIJ,gJLQll~b~¥~~ed ~mug.i..Q[_pilbr~ W5UppoClil tlt~ic.h ulf m~ fIlik Ol,\'~:!!be.:td.

___lllii~,I~ :iUm!i·QIi..JO :~~ ~Klls . .tn;(tture.s; i~tlf on'[ ~~rL dOO[i; t;JJ:L'I. 111mb m 1m in Ii se2Ied ITIQJJJ:4 wiilicl:i.t ~~ son of ~'l:nm~

:lSS1Hllnce. u·,ong; 't.re~ru~'I!5'"With.OllUh ""*i]iguo o~..d.OQJlii smash tbern do:~vn if lIece"lII~ Burmtllln g..aeatum.s. mig,ht dig thaw own exils.

In ge.nernJ, both IDCJ"C.'! ~ Ildi Th~ ... Ililllfi$IIi'!'l'$ 5,houJd ~ BWe I'" move :uDUlld ~ 1'000:1 'Mlh(Jl!ll: 100 m\ldt cLilI!cuhy.lag!nin,g a ba!de In p3rr:i~rl}' llcht.!ij"Lliitter5 ~ make IJ:1f""ln intcn~:;ting dumgc. I:If-P~~:e, h(liwl!veF.

_,common dWlgeonm.ow £i1Il rn.l.ru~W lowing btrn~d....OllC'- ....... _g;o:r,ies. Use IMm:ls a li]lrin~ rWf01HOVIIll 'r~liorn;.IiIQE ll!!J Jimi'leJli.~t.

..Guud l'O!U: Ililrilligerll, so£ialdenBel'u; .of Ihl: dUIl,gw,.11 wiD

• !8.131t:il1lIIlV bve .. S4!'ri~s OU,dJilteru rooms du=y COJlsid!l"" "thll:m,' :and they'lJ guard the elJlTIlfiGt::Uc that CO.mDlO'lfntretL A gl!lll.nl. pas. m:lY just '!be ,;I '~ocm wlth...uabic wHere bonril gm:pl.k p,I(lY iJ dI'C:e pme. Or IE mighr be !l Fm of IroJi I!plems hacked up by fWD PrtWilJ.t'lr5titl,g d'r"O"I'i' Wil.o1ni::. htdmg i.nb!llcolllJi!s Q1,rl!'rheod.. When you .dE!$lg.tt [l_guard pps,t~dk.hm'!' m 1IfIr' i!lll'ltril'~ are On dU'ry, :nO're

hifll'_,l~~~iJ:I g'lld Spell mod-16m, md Ideci.de w'!!m [ lkey do W,lDe.Q 1- tQ~V .lD.{ltDWl1l1UtI~j;$", Sg:nle wil:l wsh bC<ldlcJl~g inttl11 1iIgln. \IlhU.c.! ct"hl:m· will n~g.aril1~=' $I)lmd ~r11 ~,ofnrlfCu ~o gl!1 http,

li...m,e, QUI.II:Q1!:'fli: All but iliem~ itommdic': crentu ~1; h8U .'II Imil" ,,,,,be(ellri~ y ~n n:S"ll, ,!!:~I; a ilId slXflto thei.r masure. U"'i:ng qU::IItd'S Q;J'm:mgnly include beds (if mt! O'euure SI(!~psJ,PQsse6simls" t'b;!:l'Ih v3:ll.Illblt': :l!na 1tl;1.I.liIlhn.e), 3nd some .son of fIl!!ld p,L·Iolpi'imlli:!n !lIeli (!!Ill,'rhinJ!: from II w<!ll.,s:roc.kt!d. kirche.n [0 3 (ft pi! 'm ::! hunk _of mtliDg venison). Nrnu;om.ba~iilr Ci[CinU~ ~ch as juvel'liles :ll'ld IJ:he ddedy Ql.'fe .oftenfiCllmdhEre.

work Au.!!: Thoe bugbe~'t'" I1etdlcr bt; m>LI.c.ove when' 5he m~I!I!"~ (lew uL''D\~'$lVr ~h.!.! uibL!. rh! mind.flG)'IlDl hav'l!"~ pl., t.Ol" m~ ,clI. mbo:r Wjle-.!"tI dD_,ey b.nng tbe« ~nJJi.(J.e~LYkr.i.m.do'r b!:illlllo ~Ci!in~ct,iJo..n. No:.I hnd l!1!~i:U" C!'l!iln~:r,e.s donulcfil 't~llfljW1:. gua.ro, est, ~liJdslf'llP. ud, m~:rry' dej,o"O<~'Cl room.& to m13gfc; .. bbooIll tone'S, wO'rksb~~ fur weapom; 311d :l!mmf, er srudlos fer ]]JJ;1r~ e-31:Itnic msks.

Sh:rine::[J.J;:! op in the 0Ivt: ~I!JSIlLCllndl!eJh m,,!(r.tQJh~ slrol! ;.o:f:nc.r child, which w:lUi1l.e<d 11, h.um~ hWil~O: . .lb.UwCl"oo~~ MrSCELLAN EOUS ,fEATU KitS

have: 9 s~deR Q[ tl!1d.t:.fWlI[H ahiil.r!l d edicmJ uuheir.d [~iI,el god Any dUl'IgeoDls mllde more iIIIl"emd ng by th irll:)m;jQ:fl Q" .il!me

BlihdoOl~lp.1m 'arJjli!m marls P:311t u.~ligi~5.m.:u' hl1ve' or:ill of Ih follo""i~g f~Nm-. _

rome plnce dedi!:ued 1{I·u.iMshlp. mel milel'5 may veneMe.50.T:llle- tJiL ': Thil llSU" I way III i:bll'ilei:( diJ!cren.r leYiel'5 of. dungeoll

Ehif:lg ofgrear ki.noricwl Qf penol'llllvilue. Oepe.lllding_!l~ 1$ with staIr!;;. Str.!.igh! .s;mLn:£iJS._sp'h~.a1.51ialR'.il!>e:;. or s[m\V\dls

[IlIe'S, re.so.mc;e.s; II1I1I piety, ~ :slulile can be humble or exte:llsi\~~ wltb mil!Uplc IlI:Ildmp ·~e.twi!enJlighlS of 11Ii1'rUR illeOlilmll'll

.!l.I!l.I:~l'Ie is 'Wlll~re PC!: willlikdy e:ni:wmter N PC derks, m"ld ~t.'s m dll,ilgeOll$, as Hi: r.Hli1!S Cfo:m"uim'~s wirll M I.ncl!ne so :Wg'b~

mmmocllL r,,,r W!:l undi!cl WOll.U[etli to nee [0 a sluine friendJ" to m:ll t itt'PfIl.bl: di£Ekult lQ ;nQJic~SVClDC_J.5). Sroi rs Sire imp.om,llt

cbA:m ;'''o,h,m dJ~}1 's.(!Iek.hecilLlng. IIOCeSS\YJI_fS>, IImd H~ ~~lIU!lillu:.s.s:ualJl,¢:d IO:Ir fro-prell. "fu!p~ on

Vi;!rlilt: W~U pr-wecJ;ed. Q'f~1l by,.ll iocked I !;!;Iii »Jlir~ often ca.~e. IDU1Ud'~IU\LliJid~, 0)1, fllll down ,to~h,~

dw.r. ~ V1IIult is: ~ci:!ll r®JiIl dJ,qICQDlm.lins tttR- l:tolwm wh.ere ~ pit~ spilw.S, ~ ~l g,r acid, o. sorn.~ (1nh~[

SU~ Tb.\l<re's....w'UilIJly, on]y on~ ~.ntnn<:e'~ cr.wgel,i!/wWts.

~ppjoprlillre place for ~ LIiIP. _GPUIi'uru Sill i~ 5fialls that ri~ less tlmn 5: fil:!~t fo, eve')' .)

Crypl: 11[0 c,ug;h li.omgti.m~s ~,g (eeto! hm"zon.t.lI~ di..~i3J1c,eJhe)l' w"'er dQ'JI'! illllct mow·

"~ructfd like i1 va:ult. a crypt r;;a.1II also ~ II weDf. bur enamelers. Who illll1C); II :oe below uum g~in!li H

~ti~s of individu:l1 rooms • .tl1dl.witn. i'roo!lus 0111 ,ltitlltk :rvlls hum OOWll..l1J1.highcr ground MCJ5~~.i.n

'ow Il... S3:n:Op'hig~. !:IlL iLJo.ng I; a Il ,wJ fl:l dllng_lons gre g,rndu:lJ. e'.'itep[ fox .f1'i1il..naits (see below).

reC:'f'-5ses 01'1 ei ~h'er si"~~lYes IT! h olil ;j~~i Slup 51 rn: Chst;ilc!tfS' 1llQ'lin.g.1lF' s.re:epsmtrs {which dre ill ~ 45·

';Qf6m or h()dr~~,~.:l:!U~_iil.~r • d~w!'l1glc.lJr..$H~l'lm~~pemi l.~Wln'>(nmovemel1t~c enrel

10 CI'lc"I;JCU rUe r ilrld ~~d in ~ g:y:Pt, "hI! r an: "l~ifiilliiii.f ~W,...~_ Italia 5l!IIIU~ oJ S<1.!Im;. c.b~C1 e1:e:rs nl.1"I rlmg or I;hngin!!l

mren wJ.lling..:..ro, mk j( ltI.J~Ql":dJ e' tn:llsl,ttl1 c jl)'l,w"5ltnp &"ul.f;!; m,1lSJ:5.Ila:e~ Olll ~.OC HI Bal~i'Lt-'C.duR:.k

w'nls oiten. bll:d.ed 'with lhc.O,eild.j;:;r;;']IJS of mos[ iip0R~I:i:dn,g dm:!€im:ste·cp SIstI'S squartl!. ChO,.:I'Ilcl~ w'bo

c: y It u:!""es ~.~ "'~ I] ilPPCII:l:U~~ Itfid..hlghl~ cd .. ilalr:iUec fuliLstWnble mil'ltl mE end! meir mC"Ve'mt'nr 1 tlll6~E iller:.

sID-t::~ th filet tlul r.b~ Cl)'pl ~s 'Ie:ll'ed ...... t, Cmnnl'i1.'15 \v!w f"MI by 5 Dr m!Jlle t.OO:: ld6 pointS IiIf dllm~

1J~1 § h'CI\~·\!j gre 3t l'e'l'efi'l'IloU fur tnil d.e ~d I 11ld..(llRprone Ixu:hc square whue the.y Me, u.~i:r ml}\le1l1Wt...,

,f:noom heel within. _ ..... ~ .. - SW!tp 5Wrs.iIlCi~1! lbl!: DC OfT umble ch.cclc ~~

Tb..os.e wbo l)Il: \~fol;ti.ed)tbQ.yr u.mleid rr .. i"l11S "Ihls: rom:! Qf ~eep mril'5 is de.rlgn~m ~

nsin_g.f(OlILEbc::..wa\'c...r kuhc: p{ecaLlt on of dl:fhulin~furiln'~~Ch:I1;:Il;tC~iP.io.&Qf!WI~f.cd

-ti;!i~ug.a,ildttllPpin_g ~ crypT~. rbl: o\.itlde- bdow tbem {Ill spjr.I1 stIli.rs b:e!;~rn;u:h¢cIDJ;>~SUi' duck

milioZJh..~t ~:I~~e~ uUC but difficulr IlmtWd dIe S"~itc"~ cenwl slfppilfit.. _

[0 len.Ill'~LTho.se worried ~b{lln tomb mbbets r::.=::.;:~::.~~~ (i,jtDImgf.mi~ 1.m~~rt.f' SMrs thaI ue: apell (0 ~ mDm5

m~h thmT'fPlS d{mclil~' tD gll"~ In~l;l, Srune ... __ ...... _-,. IJf1l.!ln. b1li~'1Lrllilings o .. l,ow WIIH!~. Tbey ful'l-I:ri(l;ll a.:s rl I!!ll:l:ibal btlild!:~ ~o 1w ril, just to be en tb~ mil:! siM. SpiJ't1"i~st~'ifimrt for kdl:l~~U~e..S:pedaJ Fl~Ii • .p;:iF.Ili(j~,


CO~l\:uonR__ =-r

StE""lftcbing .in:lluhe D.ukne8s, 1:1 RlIysredol!lS,; cD!w.·eb·fililed ~a~ d~l!pcrjn.tQ.!h,e d~o:fl C!lI'ib~ inomguing II!I1d llitde frighteliliq::, .All dcUl.'Ig~o!l5. h3l'it moms, 1I11di most ,Imve comdoX'S. Whlle.mo£l. .coH~dDr.s s~l1II.ply _CODjI~roomSI 9'lm,eril'l!le5 they ,t:"'.IiI be CI1«IUn.tef !l:rtllS i!I'I·nhtkQOOl right bec-lIiIJBe of mps, gl.lllm p;itwJs, 3l\d wa.ndeling m.on:ncil1S· a..UWJLth~ nUI'lJf.

Wbmn d~.sigr.linllil. di!l~iID.fM:ke SUIDe me camdcr.s are bl;g~ ~!il)u:gh for [he dllng;emH~s.i.de:I1t!l [0 use, {For e,ll:lJmpl:e. n clrowin fi~l!rls ~ P~fll' big...lunll.d tD g~.r. 1m Md ou.t.of'.l:m Ja~W-e:lllth~ ~ful. er t1!lelltl!d ducngeon buildt:IS Iliil'f f'll!lQ[.lv.lde-'iomdou j re give II g,rllndlJP'!le:m:Jnce rc ·tbeir m._'cidcnces. o.rh~e....pJ'l • Si3g~5 life no farger Lnll1l tbey need to be. ( 'lIll1'l lillgjs..o:R!ln$£te, hack.l')[e<l1kiog. 11"& '11m~"'I:m1s"lrmklg Wl)[k.l....Cl;lrritlD:(~ .. ruUT~ Lh.:l1l Ulie<l:t e D !luke :[t diJIlmh for all tliuoembc.t'S aUh_ic pa.ny ID ger in'l"o.lved HI !my £l&lm; OOt c)~C'!Hi S(lJmk.u:b~th~ exctplioll rnrcller IhaJl-tb~ rule,

C_.w:n:ido:r n-iliPS"~ B.~i;~'IJllili' p~~~ge;woyiS; tlil, dl.mgecl"Il.s fend to be J-I~EWlo"}. cffedn:g few.lUQllmJen~ apti~[Ifu CIIXlRt!Ol'l bl.Jildeo; li.k'i:.lllr p!a,ce[l:itpll inlhem. in .~ ~m,p~(l ~SS"p"Yil}'~ tber-eli ne Wily fur hil'! enders D!O 'nlO'l'e nom~d (:O'fli:e:ilidl p.i~..Jdijllli.'S-loll.ej, 3rmw rrn~ lilting lloo.J(;S. and slidmgJ~r r-oUil'l.fUiK.ks ahiirJiIl thl::.l$.fUt: pa~iJgil. For lhll wme I'!-as~ m:qicl:mp 5utb ast~)'l'lu".lI'f Utll iilljlilB al1:' ~Ir~aiv.e illllll11w;!jls lIS w!dJ!.

Mazes: Usu~ll); p3ssag:esconl1lkt di:uniJerslnJ;b.e simplll":i(!Uid S'~lgh(esJ manner ~ibLe:. SI)'me clIlJl~ikI~~ b,ID,t'lIiIJ deslgo 1I1'tUIZe 'Ill[ B l:abyrl!uh wlrliin tht: dlltl.ge.Q~ gf !;Q"n:.

5ttUoion: 15 djffi~jdl f(ll navlpt· (Of ~t I~ .. l L"I J 11: ql1lckiyl!...

aad, whe.n ftlled with moasterrs or mps, Corn hm ruLeffl!c:n~ 1M .• rier,A ~.ean be.wd.lOJ:lltloffone ~[eIIQhnl:.du;gg.~'Qtl.ddl~· ing. imnIde:l'I5 ... ilWl1Y. [rjllIl.ll Jil"IDtl~c:tled s:po1. Ge:lltmilil¥; du:>ugb. t.h . fu ~ide of I m~ttJloldEs";JiI Lftl~rlnU ~f elr '0"11u1t~ omfl!PJol'~ di~ II:htl d L1f1gGt:lfI's reguillif inMbiA~1!'I1Oi ntrrJr n~ed III G~t w..

Jl!!:I.d~: A b.ridg~ CQIlIlKruw.u.higbu: iifl:"~ s-eP':lliltct:bllIQIIi'lff _rell, Sln'tcitlng across chil.~m, 0 ~. ,a rlvei,_oU~ IIp.h.li simplc hddg~ mi.ghr be II single \vO'Oden, plank:. ,.",l:til,,;.[1 - b}Qr.l.I~ CHle eQuid be 1'i'iQde Dfmaf'wItd ~(>CII\e wi thciro:n sUV,ll)!Dmarlld.~ide rn hi$.

N'aJT!ilw Ilf!!~,r; II ~ bndgejs p~nncukrly 1'l;1!i'OOW, SIJ~h, as a 'lri~ of pbn.ks r,mid !;U'iHJ~'taJl~r>!:'s~ r~I'~ II n.iI I~g.~ {!ee Sp.ecja!l

• .fjoprs,p~g,'!!' (0), h .n:-q;ujr~'S B~IiJIl!:e ·~hC'~k (DC depoe"Dilenl. QlI

f\",Jdih) i"O ~s sueh,!iJ b~idge. _ __,

I ~Qi'l' .i3¥!dg~·: CQn5tr~n;[~J of WU'l:ltt~'fl, pl~l'!Ib S"1I.8Jmded from ~!j~ ~ wpe brld~ is ctJ'F1Venil,;ll't.b~Wi~.h's porub]c ~l'Id mn..bt r<!-slly lEmi:Wed l'Ilnk~:; Itwo full-_!wLWd ~t:tI[!I!l;:lIO IlIlL'le ene rnd of U!:Ipe h~e. bllt ill DC W se Rop.i:'Sherk Fed.uces the time 10 :I tROVe :l(:ttQtL If (lnly olie.Q [he two Sllpporlillg; ropes. IS !l[l'i]ched. eve~·o.!J~ oD d1~ b-ridc,c m II IJc~ed eN:! ;1. DC LS Relln: 51I\'e ro a\!',old f.n.l.l.[ng off. "nd Ithl:rc!)fler m'U!t m;ke DC 15 Climb clDe-cks 10 moW! a long rh ~ rHnlilBl'i1S. of the b.ridge.

Rq~dAtlUfC u:tu U.l.llc.etw[de. The two ropes d.'lr9l iUPp;ot[ 'tlmn b~1le!i ~I'ir ~~_e.i1clu.

I "';;uW!tld~r~m.e..h!idi!!ies b;we m,~i:h~ni5.Dll tha t ~l [(J'W t.h t:1'l'I.1l;I ~tevui~dI !!:II nm:ll:l:tetl froCl1!l th~ gap [~y cross. l'ypicdl~', the winch I:J]-echllfii$m..eld.~ an onl.y ene si.d~' Dr:rh~ ru-tdge. h tIl,lIies a mOi\l\e ij,Cll.OJl t.:> la-WIN Q drawbridge. i)lHth.c b'lidg;e d:oem'l· ,corne dmrn unrll the begiwlIlli,g Df the l.owerifIE: ch.mtOeir5 t1e'."<t tum. [t takes a full·wtm.d 3!:dOJlID mise a dra\!.lbr\dg,e;. tli e drnwbriclge is Up~! .beenrl (I the ilC'liun.

hrtl(:ulp,fly Long or Ide' dTilwjrrdgef mil}'. Wre_ml;m~ time 10 is!!! and Jl;Il.\Oll.... tid SOm may ,eqlli~ SI{ccllgth .c.~~'dls 110 ftnate h~Ylineh.

J',t~ dlllg;llmd Lilll' \~iI~~ SQlme llridges. h!!lr~e mil!il.'l,g$ 0'.1' low "'')Ills .alo:ng._rlle6l~des, 11 obriclge does, l'he,G{Il:II~[,km~ . .:.~l.IufE'ect .EM· ,,-n~Jl: cbel:k'I i11lld bull rugb '~[H'.mpli.~'_cl~:s.uj~,e-diQ:r Jcd~s l5"e~ spj'dd Flocn:.pilge ,~o(Il. L.(I'l,\' w~lk likC'~~myld.r: C:D~'er UI bridGe eccupanrs,

'Cl-llllte~ il!1:'I13 chim.Qeys: Srmixs 3reJ'1l1 ~he· Ql:IIJ' W:lf..1&l 1J1.(Ill'"e! up lind d.O'Wli ill m dUil8ii:OIl Somtl{~m.ts..iL1"e[t1~~l.ihi1Ct ~ruel::IS leovm 9f .dUlI,ft,eol'l or links II, dUllgeon, \Yuh thl: 5udil-go .. CJ:uJlelue lW!illlyrr.lips !.h::l'1 dump [_bilIJ:'llCle~ 1I..kM~~'n II pl~t' fell:U Ii iI.g some: dan,gewu5. sihl:J.t.i<mwilh wInch III ' -1JS;t cenrend,

PiUu: A. commcn sighl iilllnY (hJf!~o!l, pld t~ nnd c(ih!m.~ give suPP!Jrt·m t)t:1 lllllS. Th,~ I n'rger ril'LlWO'm, Ill!: mOI'i!' IH!~l)' it h pi.lbrs, .As :I rule cr dWI1:ib,. r'he deeper 1n tine dUI'I,gecm ~ mom is. die ,clt~clct"r .:he piHBfIl ne-ed Ul be: 'ItI.$Uppcln rhe ove:rb~oo weicht

~illii ~tC!ndJi~ hr; poHs:hcd UI~, (Jnen h:n ""~ c~n'i I'Igs, _p"'l,nllU~~ orlN-C'riliUfoll15 upon du~m.

111"411" ... The~ p1Il;J;ts, !lrt an ~y ~ toot or "YO I ~cro~.so ~bey cllll'l'r O'QCtlip)'. i:I wh91~ "lU!lTe:. Place a dOl' in W~ C 'tlrer 0 ~.:IC.luqlli!Ie_t.hill' b,;ls. ~ ,1'::li1def pill:rr ill ii, ~m.l doni W{JIT}' ;lboUI ,uactiy liOl);" much ~ace It 11Ik,es..up. A..l:r.f'llttll."~' 5t.lnd:i.ng Ie the same .5iqIil;1.i"t tiS;t Lendl."!r piUill:~lIil\!l 0 +2 cO,ver bonills ['ll A:rmoI...C~.md ~ 1 CQ\'\:t hem, uS Q.1ii e,e:!lex saves (thr.u WlliJ:ws,.clPn.\ ~cl: wi ~ PiV"'" I-.olllrn'.~ fml'l'l Otlll'f ~tif(es}.Ih~, P.l'e:oJoel1~i! of 01 ~lelld~ pIllilr does no.t otheml!5lf.l 1If&"'-L~ ·cr,eiltloire'~ fIi!tiULng splice. becllusf il['s: i"l.5'-ll oo~d ,boll[ (he ,'r~~ruw 'l5,U5rng the p~bJ' m fl!.JId¥;Il!Ifw.:wilen iu;an.A ty.pjj;~1 S"l~n i1ll'r piliu hill he., hMdIle5S. 8. 3nd.zs:o.b i~p.cI1!lt •

Wid't P,iIr..tr..Ihes:c.plllllU: U;:lQ ~Iin= square md pro.ride 'O¥M to IlIl_JOIJC bf$.bmd_UtC<IJl. They :b :til! AC hr:u:tll"cP; ~ glui !:l!lCl!i1llWiII

Ii. QC_~t) Clf'mb rhf:~k is mIDci~.u.t.o dim),

mc;SoT 'pjllsfl';; rhe DC i.nc-reo~ It" 25 far jKll'i~bed ..Ill.l.IlHm1~ lIy .sUd (U.te

[ula,gm:iu:/ (!!bc:U~! Th~~'E f~perili1g n.nll'llirnck wll.iIDIl5 e:'n,e:nd fni'tIJ d-u: flt:l~ .!Pifl4~ {sllil~FIIi'iL'!) or th~ Cl!?jlmg \STlI.IBui.re'). StmlB.gmile5

"lld...:tW.~tit¢; £wi (J Ion 1lo5 sler.lli':'f pi 1l1U.!:. !!lthQllib k. ill nllmgn:d Ilun d~!:.p In Ih~ Urulf:nI~J[k.J.oDle wide still gmiles nd stm,c-

,·ite;i£Kist. _

tome: Rf'ne-c:tjQ~ o[b~,[:I~~.!IV~, ngl~ lIe~ rOIllJ'ld in dU'fl.&e9Ji1:ii;;m1iLl:l,l.tt~ lim!: d~;plt:· tieas m Jffi'rso.ll5, I;l'Itilrtl;l:es,J).[..SCtl'll«.~. or !h~y eonbe i ess I ifel:iilw~r..iID!lsery. SI·P,tuc!S t:llfiel:l ~' ~ OOIll'lIlemt<lll1lti,.~ t\~preiM"_fltl;ltlQins of people frtHII. the p.m as wall as idols of ~5. SlalU@! mal' be 'f!bh~pllLillled or Iefi 'batre, SQlIl~ hove insc:ri:prioIiS".. Ad ennne f$ wisely disttll S1" S;l'lIlUeoS I!I)I dl.lfllgeons,f9r fe.!lf 'I,h"t rhey milY m:lte ia'nQ mntt!f, :II S .!I SIiOIlC! ga.l(!:tn Clll do, if! ,;I QIIWOn cgu.ld :lIS(! be Ilign irul'iCiltl.ng..mc_ pres~I1"e- of 1I mOniSt-ex ,;,it'D np:lrifylng Fower (Sl,ch lI-~:lJmed~ ore c;m;kII'Lll,e,l. Feel. lree w ul;ilill.: boUt. [lr dll!~ tdea:s. bm dO'III'[ farget lh:u50m~

tirn~5 a mnli~ {s JI!! [~~tiU}lc,

M.05l mIIt!!le;shm,«IOII ,nit 107oo'M~ p:11!~'a'S,_ mking up a square Ind prnvidj~ ~''IIHL5~!i'tw.t~ are 5Ill1ill!U lIilii act m~ slender pillrn:s..A Oc. LS Climb cltllcka.J)DW,SiI c"hiltakl,l:o...climb ~ smull::.

Thpt!Mi'J: Elabonl!I!!Y l·mlnoidered: plrrernLOT...5.Cl!nes O'n cloth, 1Jipe51ri~ b-u.ngfiom • h~ \\,~lls lolJ weIl-lliPJJO lIll~dulilg~JI.IOll.lUS or I::onidcp. They npt "Diy m"ke' chwmb!:fS_mtJ~Qi!!Dlitmlbk ;iSres!· J~tce !lUI CBD ~a :I' cere:mo:ni:d l!:Iud! ro ~lui:lU'und..dllvillt nlQms, Cmr I)' bulldt!-fS ~k..: i!.dv'illFiroge of [B~S'l:deuo plJ,ce ikQES e.. ~tJ{r ~:I!!l'd doo-r5. or ~oru[ $WIo::.h~ btihind tbc:tit S!:imtctrne.~ th~ lm~J in ~ npr~tl)' ~ijjrrt;li~ to dw I]:aW~ nf tb~ t:.]1hld~[kirlhlllll:.., ~:!nt .. o:n:h~ dL-fnp;;mll l/:t(

T.'1pe8tti~5' fI LVl&l~tQtill "onCe;;l ~mr.fU (!j(]l.;lOm.lss: ch~n&~) tID th;n • ~-c:[US behl ndl rhf'm if J hey'~ hBng;illiF; fl."OIu th~ ceLling. Or ((!Ince~lmen~ (~ miss chnlilr::1l') IrJh.cy'.r.c flush willI ilie wall, Climblng:JI bl_g t~5UY Lsnl p.lnicIIIlDrrly difficuhL[(quirtni iI DC IS Ciim b cheek 'or DC 10 If 1I \ illlls with Ln [i"~-eh)

Pelksndl= Jo\iiythln,B i1npOf!2:lU 011. disphY in dUll! eO'.DJium:l &buJr,1lS m!3mre 'to 11 Co.ffin. III! od'S ro rest .aoop II JX!de'5fal or !!I d ~is. Rai.si.llg the obj:ect oIT rhe ngpr QI.~~5_'U'entiOIl on It (lIl1'1d. In Pr.lCLic!.I ~oe:l:m:5. keeps I~ 5af~ fro m, Il)' ·W~ R. Dr arboer $1!b:itlnlCI! thBr ml,ghR S~l!P 001'1.10 tile fioor}..A.~de1ltal is often 1:I'lIP'iJX'ii to 1"«1- tt(:l \..m.illiCl'er Sil$ ~loOp' l'r. 1l,Cwn_CQru:l~.aI. ,u~cr\il[ ·mllpdoor beI'lC~tb. in;e:if Qf Ilwvide ~ W'i!]ol (QJ:j.!l(S:h~.dslo-r IfIJhe ~elli:n.g ~,btrVe hsell:

O.l'lI),lhi larg.e.5tJK>oCII:$I!S.tip..i:I1Jwtire sgi.l~re; nlCSI Il1mvide n'll'OCIV(,'f,

PwI~1s of w:nercOIl.l.':C1 f.r.Ilft1:I·aU.V I III tow jfPDls ill dUl'Iijwtls ~ 3 d ~y dulJiWllilS TIInt). lbcds 011111150 hi: wclJs Ot MruralllDderg,mllll:ul S]'DJlgs, QT Ihe)' em b '.infl:.l.lticmUly t:i'ellud bilSillil, ~trWl. 3.nd flClIJJlmil1 Lln,'uIY ~""~J]r, ~ 'iUotl'l{" i~ f'ilidy i::i;m1finOIi Lil dll~.n.~h1l!rbol":lng ~iglltJes.!iJ6sh.Jlnd sotntlim:··jlqJtll.t~ :rnolllSl.e[l.Jiwh PI;OVI de }'I'IUIl'£. foul un~ !JOO'!'l.deJlla~flli,MioUh US:~ ~ imPIJ.r~nf m IIIR3 fou p.reooo.oor (0 QlJIJ.troI-'1s in\'ill-cr· illg;Ju:tiu Jm,~WWII(I in tnewild,_

Srr~lJ~w rwl: lr~ ~lIre rol'litalJll~ ~ ~h~ltow Ii'f'"",,,,_

pool. it h~15 t-,;I1.J!gh lloll ftlil't I) f sJllndl Ii' 1;1;'11=. h cOit5_l~q~1~;res of m\n,remelH" u~ rnO\'~ infO :l!gti1l!~rh ~ shallQ\'i' pool. ~ml the DC Q(Tumble t~_C~' in such squires itlC'~5.§..bY.. ~

D~('p...&l'l;_nl~ 11\-1111:' s.h""'o -~ lealo"f_4 re«of)nu:uiilJg \'i,;roUe-r; II' COSI, b'-Wl i"fWlI.J..nr.g~iU(e5_4...~IIUe5 erf

II\~m'enuo '1IlI0\I'1; into' ~ s:qUOIri1 with ~,hl:~~hllmC~ an ~wjm II th.~'1 \¥isUmlll.l.Dr smJtl.lc[ ~r·e~·I'l.IQ;CS

must wim [0 move tbrrough_ .. R'lUMC...tQ~pOQL Thm.b:linC is i.mp05sible in r:I, d~ pooL

The: \\tiiU! I; ill 3 deep ~iXl [ p.:tI.'I\·iJ!e5 cover (or Medium 'Dr b.rge'1' ccrejjJA.Lres. SmiliUu .tre3IUr'f!~ .,t. _b~~

gil:[1l1mproved_C'over.( S ~nw; IO AC. bgnu5 (Ill

Rei:ll!'!t ~a", , lI\{~iliIl"Fr ~~t\Im ClI'o cwu:d'I !IS a m"""~' w:£iQr.l ~(lI g.Gin thitim:p,rQ~@jj.((1.ii~ r; Crea't'Dl[f'~ Wi t:h litis imp10vec ,(;Il,'~ak.(t~ -'leD p!!.MI,ty I'~~.IF.~;' ~OJl ;Ut~C'h ll(gaim{ cre,a,iure~i h~~ ~]1m·t ~bolJlld~:r' !I;I

~'\I.31":r:. _

D~l."p po!)l6'(jullir~$~.re usually.:dWiI~ITed mgether llmiSllm:lLmded 'by II ring. oLshallCW_1lOO1 SiqUll!~S.

Bodl s:hllUow pools IImL:le':!l-poool£ l!IDPO~ ~-2drCU'l\\SIi3l'1te ptll'l:liJly Olil Mm_1: Silt:ndy di.eclti...

sp!lrlill !WI$; Th.1'!;[ugncddHu or Ul:!1ign, II. pool ean ' beeeme m~g,it.'lly enh:l~R!i~y. ~~t Ot!l (ounmlin .t;i~~~~~ ~he .. fi:u:t.mI rh~'1 n~.ihe.~~illw to' bor:~t()W bUII;fldml ln~_giuU].tbIil$~ wbo d:dw ~ from h-hfalin,g; lIbiHty

~.t\':.W~liiaJnDn mn:sm~H~n~i;Ut PlB.ck, Oll" eVitll Scmea:hitlg ~5 ~1I5 !I 1lI~~!J SJi!'l!lI- .However, m.ll§c ~ iIN just adik~lf to' miSe dw drinl:i:er, Cttustng ~ loss cr hegJth. aJ'llU1Wl).l1l~etl pnl)'tnt'Jrphlng, or mlr.l ~ even grcM:Cf 3micdotD.l:'yptt:lll1y, wlnu !mm I mogk j:loallose!> IISP' t@liIq' .If remeved from the pool €or more than ~jJ 110m:: or sa.

Some poo15 R:L't'e fOUllJI;[[ns,. OcOi~cfilill¥-'ilil: e lI!re merely d~C:Dt r.u1ve• btu ,wcy ~fl:ell 50! we as til" tons; Q[ iI lriIp or Ill!! S!O!!~ of ~ F[l~I .. m~~c..

~ Mo,H pcob a:~e: made (If w,;uetJ hLl'tB.!t'.l'rhtl.l,ffll f!O<.5$lble ill. ~ r'"luUlg.eol'l. P(lob; ~ill'l "Qtd. lj,IlS~''''liIrf.£II.Ihs~:ncnc.e.u.\lc;h~.'S blood. t paison, oil, Of mlg;mll, An.d eVc~ tf m pooal bold S Sl!'1 tc.r. j, ca:n b~

TAIBU 3-11: _ 3Z Dung, he~p

MAIO'!! FEA,II(.IRES AIN!i;) '·UIII\jlI!iHi.lN..C.S, H I::\lil s.ymboJ

di% lFeat:urc"l'umil;:~lnll 3{ F"ilIICl1llC1f!C'S

01 1\11:l'!~1! 3.5 flfeplt

01 1\1 !:J{ 3 6 FJrepllh~

113 Ard1 3 i fORI

04 Arrow 111t (wa1l)/mtirc!~ hol~ (c;eilingl 38 fo~

{)5 BIIcM~ 3,9 fllhintalJl

_oo Bartl: 40 furn ItLI~ j.bn:I)ie'j]

00' eed 'Il G1:Ing

'01 BAI&h 4.2 Hall' ~Pi le:~

00 BIKI:KCi se 43 Hal~

w_ BIOI'l:ier 44 Hol~ (bl~:5~~l

11 C:iS'~45 Idol

]1 Caldron

13 EaJ~1

1'1, Can.ring

lS 'e5~el

Hi 11 111


2" zz, 13 24 ~5 26 '1.1 211 29 31:1 31


(hal' Ch~IIIc1~lrer ~hlJ\ooal b~rI Cha~m 'Ch~lSl

'he~I, af CI'IlMfS I:hllteCaal'Jad_ 'CtJllapsed wall ,eta'!!!

cupl!mi!rd Clluajn



Dii!ilr (o.roktllJ

hgl~ -- 31c:f. sah 'iner. tlf \'IlI~i)f liLin!U~d Wilh dts\~:1 t l:i.ee,__JilII " ,. ., fvr $Gm~' JiOssible. disease.s.).

Ele_!l;liwr. In rL!~~ of or in ~tMirion III "LiU~ el .."I1IOI ~mf"nrilll1¥ ~Il .rvers:i:zed dum'~ll'rLcllf\.., t~k~iillh~binrus .EcoIIU):!'IC d Lmgean WYil.L w the rwNt.

. m;h_~]'J _del'OlttlUDifY be mirli.~11k:oiJ (usinc ,g~Mli. pw]e.ys, mtLwincrus) or Il'IggiCli ~ lS\H::h .lIs'Jlr~vit~I't' ~FIJ casr lIl11dj.~_hk llin ~~e), A mecllnmw.elJ.ri~wr _-"""'!ii.' rnigbrr U5TII:dl i!.S ~ PRiilcfcm.Wlilt helld.'!, OIlC ~eter ~l Iim~, er ~s blll~ :is ii.Il mOO::..i.1l'O'11l thitt r;tis~ end lowe-n. de-vu buiWer mi~1 design ilIl.e.le'll~~ rtJOl'Il..dl:lu m~ve:> \Ii]! Dr dm,vn wltboot d1,ji..R"Lllpm~ knw.'11led~ti;l ~Ich mem in ,trap. DmDe..th::lt appem

ltD It.T.'!!' rnovd. \'IIhfA [I,nc'lwll~':ren\nin~ .,n_u.

[ypica] el.ev~~or _ilsceJld~ or de.sc;en__diJG. ful:t_purot.IIId ]irE ~1n begmnm.g of 'rh~ Q~ntOl's rumjQ '1:111'1 miti~llv~ C,~Uilt alf i~ (t1tncdon:s wf[holl'Ul!~__IU wherher ~recatlJre~ ~TI: 1:1111 h. EI,~'~'~'!ors I:~n bf' t!lldos,!!!d . ._tllll. hcv,~ milm&s or Jow ",~lb, {lit tTl ~f. s~ID'fi'l~ b~ u~a(,bel'Ol.t~ fltlMiDg ph~fotms.

b~!l~t~: Wht!l her .Dee "'li:tillfldi!l.& QLDI n.g~set uno ~ W!il.l, dtadd~_r Nqu~CJl:Cllinb iheclua lIS(\!!lld Of descend.-

S:hlftl:llig_StQD~ waI.:__Tbese_re'i1t1mli-'~u.l'tk"~.lO ill ])a;5$!1g.e or roolll,r:r.1lPplng ndvelllllirersin lI.Jl~~d.~ii!'liIdng ~Q:pe Dill of til - QUI}gi:Cft. Shiflin,g ~ lluan.fu~"Pllm:lSJqgD cown a. dl.!lc,eroll- p",lh or PfeWfit l:nemJmm en~~ ~·re3. NO[ ntll sllif1i.ng..mlli need be rnp:s. IQr._~p~umt's_oc§~ noUed by pr.en;ure plllll!s" c,cm.nrenve.igh liS, 'or _II. :se~.MJ lClI'ef 1;:111 shift O'LI'f of Q waU roJw:O'.!IIC' ~ S'!I1.1mu;~ I.e~ding to Lhidd~UlP - - Iwm lilt 5~tr,e, ,!~d,ge. __

~PlL (~iiilrl:iw)

161 ll'Iaifoml

~S Ptoo~

I!iIJ PCflaI!Ii\

J(I Rilck.

7T Ibmp

n Re1;e!>~

7l Rell~

1.4... :SJ;O~

~'5 j1ti 17


'icle~n Shaf'l: stl~lr

46 Iron b.lric
.., I,OIiI i'lUW.Il1'I
<18 thin
49' IJiId'Cler
5!D Ltdgt
51 LOiilm
51 loQgn'1~i!iClnl1'
n M~lIY.Icle~
54 M~liIge;(_
S5 Minor
56 Mo~~ll:
.Sl M.ound or ru.bb~
58 Q.oI!'f1
591 Overhang
60 Painllllil
161 Palf'twly wllllp!>ed cellln:g
,62 'Pedll'sml
63 l'tep.11ol~
~, Pill~t
,6~ P'itf'llO' 78 :Stuln~

19 ipUlnl ng ..... i1eel

.sO 51:1111 or pen

'&1 StaNe

U St"lu~ llll,ppll!!dl g] $t~ps

S'l~ Stool

ES StLl fred D.e.Mt

·86 .S'L!Ilki:l1 v~a

,8;7 'fi!lIh~ tfiiF!i!)

.83 Tibl!..l~roilllll- _

8-'9 T~pe5;try

90 ThrD~C=

'9~ T1'il~h ~pile)

92 TripO<l

!Il 1iroll.gfJ

94 TlJb

95; wall M,sil1

95 Wardrobe

'1 We~PO_['1 fild:

~ W-ell

!)9 IXIill:~n lI~d ptJller

1 00 WnJkb~illdi


COl~.!!·jmca:nd m.ibpSmg tUl'I!Ilel! !lJr~ ~nl!cly d~!'I&t!rnU$. NOl em" do dlwJg~~pkum;fac:& fh~ d.tn,g9:' of~ ttilshlil bY:..l~ flIDDl,gtocJc..._~.~.~ttMVe they mtll:;' be DIlr[eg beaea th a,pjl:e.~ tOh.UI bble~ir Olito£(fwl!:!li.clll: •. ~ykzlo\V!JJ Exit. /'.. c:aV'~'i.I'I.' h1J1ll es W1yo:n~ Ir.I du.:mir.blli. m.l..bIl.JQ~;PSJ:n!l. ilU'~. :mil then ~l.!.iImC deb"!

dil1!lllllC,~imYOn~' 1n mt.:perJ!phery 6flthe ~o];lap!Oe. A.t:y:p.:I.eo.I. ~omdor subject (0 Qrn\l~"~jl bllry~nc \'I1iw:l.l.S-f~ ra.dtus.. md iI l,l;I-f(!(l~~ilh,).ulid~!Jc ~~,di:llg br.:},c)J1,d i!.h~ bl!ty Nne.f

A w¢IIKl;:I1.;.d cdml!i~ b!: SPi'Jt~~,d wi[b II.UC2Q KnQw]~ '~i!ith{t~mre ~nd ell,giJl!:C(ril'l,~ ~rDC 2;0 C11Ifl '!i!u:!l'I~muanqll~ cl'I~ck. .RemlmJ:ber thal Cr. ~l1ecks ean be J1l:adIUi,:~~~d 1lj' 11l- . ~eIJllgell:!~ ch~(ks,A Q.WOl'r.f' Calli lI!I:illke sueh ~.~.ilb~:ply p~s within HI reft oJ a wnkEllled ce!~

A ~~d.c~re'ihng ll~~'f roll;j?SlI' whe~u~~~ to iU!laj,g:. imp3~t or oo.nclJlssiQI1I, A 2hillll(:i!~r t'.:IlI! CIl.\lI'Se lli't3vedin rn,. tlertroyfug hil.]f rhe-pj1lw llo1d1:ng dte c~lllllg up. Il }lOu W.il~UQ.ae3le ~ ~Iti wbelJ) 1I'~QI_Igp$e Is ~ u::t! possibility. fuduae II. I1Llmbu 0.1" _piJins th~1 ~~_j.'1 mpp.!~ be(Qr.ll: -[h~ FCs :l.mve. (Th~ p.res~.nce of hrnl!i~.Il.pi~an; ls ~.n oh';"lol1lS clue [0 a wf:~ened. c~i1i:Jlg" e.vef.IJ for chA[ll~_ Mtth liIiJ:..;plWkulilLr. krnow!~g.e.l ' tl~W:~i.ID>ln dUlI;n.lil1"2Qrn~ Qfll!..e;!li'e· ·nr.o.ke:.!I'Jrl FD~J. J~m~~ .. clI: lulr ~h;tt am,pllll"l 1£ th~y .m3ke ,~DC d£ Rcftl:x S::l.",e. Th~~ :u:~.slJibse'liL1olnl,; Inm'ed.d:w-3lICtru:S.I:tuh" sKd'll J

OOine t"(]lie Jcl.6 poiJl];!i of d ~m~ge, .01' ~~aulllif the}" !luke !1 DC is lefl~x rove, Chi1!!'.;lcmenlruiJ.ulliite zone. who .~iail~dr Sl'iV~ ~r.e b~:r.Iw.

Ch~rm;:[el'S-f~h 1dfi p!:Iinls ohnm.l,=tlliL'lI~m~g="F~

.' millllll[e wh:ii.le. hLLri~d. 1:£ such ~. dmroc~te'r fIlls tj,m'Q:mi'~i(JI:m ... he

rnlJ!sr l11~b ~ OCftC.OJlSUfLltio.l'I me<!:k If II f;Jils'..be !JI~,J..d~

poirm. Grle[hald~m~llu'~!;.Jl ml.1l1.lttl dU!l'ea(lllrtlllltiiUr-ed onkord..1

Di~(atdettw~O!pm1s 1"- P~pe.r

313 OldIes ~? Pil~

J_4I_ Drippf ng' WiI~cr 58 Pip-e: (slil1okm:c pipe)

35 Drt!!11t1 M Po1~

l~ DU'5t 70 Pottt

Engt8 .. 1 lirl 71 PQttefl" ~h.~(d

E,qililplm~nt ~b['jl~fl')__ ~2 I?-o,u,~

EIliulpm~~' l!is~br@) 13 pd,JllIdr~ (walJt.r}

Fl~~~ 17t Rag5

Firm iiilld liF:l~r 15 Rnof

~~hJ~ppll~dl' 1.6< Riwl~t

r;ixIod:!lI""~ (c.chbl~J 11' Ropc,f

F"U "JlUS 78 ~u nei

C,i ndN 1!l' S~~~

H DO!k. ·80 Sc;alt~red ~tQfles.

HcGr~ 1;1 'ilQQFlI:h iiIl;rk~

Hi!J'urg!~~s ; 82 Scroll ~1'J(lmTlO!gtC!t I~

I nC!!!1(:tli U St<rell cas~ le.m fii1)

lilf ')4 Skull

K~ 'S!i ~Iutlt:

K'~ &6 Snu nd ~1Iii1~I~iiil~d~

Lamp &7 S"p:J~fil

Lan t~m St Splh:. ..

M~~II&s, M Tee:lh

MQld se Tonlt5

MlJci 9'1 TQ£I'~

~ ~ bili.~

MI:I!!iI~al ;n5illulIQel'it '9i Tri!~

M1~t~rIQun~!lI~1II g~ Tv~plV

N~!;l (~nllfll~!J !:5 Twint:

'Odor fUllid'-eFltjfli~blel 9111 Um

o~url:l~1 IgY Uten,5ll~

0[1 l~~~IilIt>!:lJt 98 WniH$lCiii!~

P"I nt gg Willilt! ('~rOiP5J 100 Woul.!. ~5Cl'.1;1'oi1~)

Sh[fi::i:JJ&,s;[anesnnl W~US ~[~ ~~~It!!d.~~Pll 'se~ pa!l~ 67), with p'.tggBl'l~d, Se~!rC~ ~d.DhibIt Dey;kj!J1C~, HQ\,\l· ~~~i' th:ti-"\i' don'!: I:i,rnl'~'Chaljk:.nge~~ mllt~~n!ol'~fi' Ienees, :not de;ad.ly in ~I!.d_oQr lhems-eL'lla

Td.epo:rt~n.; S~!!!lJ~~!."..s; ll!SefuJ, Sl:Irnleti.!l!!ts. devjQUS, pli!cc.£ iJI . .L... d.l1I:l'IllitOJ! d:wd Wili.l.!!kFOtliat5.o.n. cfli~i:( ~t:.h ~~ 11 Idtro~ rjWL, alTr~) tr;;ms~t1 t.b=~~ HI ,some OWfJt' ktatIDJ![ In Ute dUDg~~n.I £!.LKln~lIplace .far.lJJ~y, IhQ'...Clll b:e~)!(Ps._~porHng the ~-I j.n;ro d~n~r~ S"i~l,1IU'ifln~> of.iliiff.~ ~ e~ mooe (If rn:~ lWit £joe dI!J~c. whobl!lilkQ[ 1Jye.:ifiwotldl.lifi&l.'.cm, gl!lOHll\t bypllS_~ ~:! t:S ~nd ~'.D.p.·.S' Of $"rmp~'1 ,0... i!W~~tolifld

,quicldy, De-V:LOiU:5' dJmg.eO..!l....dmgll.-eI"S migb.r l'1.lace ~ te]fponer~ll~ da~s>- . FtlfitS ·c:ll;.t':t-Ct~rs to :m.{llbct.~\ln,c;ry ilih~ltl:i· n I ro@1I]. Btl dl,~t th~y ilk,liI1I'~ e'V'I'11l1 kno· ... uleyw been t-e]epIUileg,. A.hJ:rrl1JlliJgU: !;~~11 M4lI..~1dc:'il due ~cubc.,p.rue.nce Qi'~~dl? ~;[. bw: ~ctexpmmll::1i1fi11l:filitll orenbt!" 1~~oWr WilY W dlisi:~r wh~R:

[ili;; !clepo.nf'.~·~e~d'!l.

Altus: T~mp~'l.ttiC'uI~f IlOdaclc goJs--.--of1en ~xis~IIIJldefpll[lcL U5U,~nftllkil'l.s the ~rm ~f a Slone bUxki :m ~I~r is rh(; mr!ln.:fum.1l:~ ~ ild ,,(:·ntrn.J r"tltll.s of sueh.a te:rnp[~. SQm~lilillesilll1 the other .

l!pJ,ppi.fii&,s of the· temple· .~re ~'ng.g~ne. jos~ (Q!hcl'f, ;g~, !itnd d~ny, btu tbi.lrul)li!_r'

r:u:'o'iVe£. SllItl'le ~IIt:U'$lla\l1~ ITi!~ Qr:p,",\\~ IOfu I m agi('. w:ifmj:n them. MG5l mke .!l.p tple QI '~WQ SliIi!IIJ::e,S 0'11 Ihe gml ~D.dp"l'~!tid.L(iQY-e'L['Q..coonl!l:L;e~ hhl:nd dll:tl11.

T"SICE 3-12:


d~ 01 0:2 l!Ii 04 C15 Q6

I Q7

r~ L~~

, 11


fe1!"M'~liF~-rn~s!h~ng ArI1iJ'll



lBal~ (Mra...,) at=llm'ol~

Iltl~ ~ _


_jj11ilJlk.~L ElGDtI itlll'l

Eillne5 ~hu m~lIold) Ill!]"~s [r'lt;Jon1'u.Jm;a noid.' BOGk~


U iloGtli

H BOltle

15 8rnl

1 G B~iI"tlir1g i~o!'l

11 Bro~ll Ela~1i

1& BLic~t:

1~1 Qilildle

tlD CaI'Ht-eI;ab,.a

J2~ C~rQ~ ~p~yi".g wro;l~'

122... _Q)iilns;

, D . Cl.lliN nm~


2li [hlllihtn8.

Z6, CoM'b1i

21 U!lEI ~po!'!t

22 ~.1~511: ~a d'MeJ:ltW"er~

19 (.o'.pSIti ~m~r1islt~rJ

1'll Ci;I~~.

31 Dj'l:t


ChQIQctefli w.bo aren't hllUe'il.can ,dig.OlIt..thett fIl.cnds. J.1l 1 ·roiIiiUr.:, 1.1 ing (!Illy her hiuuls, 11 "h:n:,U::Iu..CIID ~te,:u- lOcks and del1rls equ:!lw five rimes her he-;a\')' I03dlimil.~e.l'~ Cm-

. ryiD.!:l C~~l:iIY. p:1ge l61 qf tb~ rJII}'C[J; Hal'lllboo~). The !lmOllfif of

I""" ,,".' 01", rur, ,j,I ... Ly -s- r-"., ~.~ IOn (":l ptltLllds). T.betii' r~:u~;.th_~~n.gl' ;dv~nt.n:'Ilt (Sn 10, h!1~V)i' load

.lim,h l (10 lb.) ~Ik~~ .~. mmlllc.5 ~tI de-llff ~ 5i-flQltlf cuel'! RI.I~d 1Ji\' ~ .SIlQDJC [U10 Ib. x 5" soo·Jh.<c.:imtlb.;.: t = 2.000 lb.}. A h;uf·otc.l~w..; ~20 Stwngl:h (h~a,V)r ]030 fumt 40o.Jb,).'~D ~ccompUsh the' ~~mu

killi iii t millwt 1400 Jh. ~ or '! ~ffi wit.h ~1iI IIP~ • ale (cell, mch, ~$ OJ piCk. cIO"IIlbar. Cl'lbovt!, 0') lUgger em! ~ loou. ~DJW r;1i"kie il51l11icldy lIS by_hod vou rnBy l!1Ww n buried c:lilar:ICr Il:[ IOfree him~eJf witb..lIJ)J.:.ljjJl:rl:~th ,hec_


Si)1!Il'e ciUXIgeom; He W!!Il-Ii-Ebie-dLwhlle omcn'i ~re as d~r;\c ~5 pirch. rIh iIlumiJ:wi01l jJl1Lcl.u.QgfmLf,o.ll create ~hollkl depend, on '"1o\Q ~cw~'lhr: m~;lU5'lt'I'S ~h~l W;uilbl, ~I' ~.IUI. ~ur pre.lBe.nre ItS a :aDM.

W~"ll'Wns-I~rs widlll'l;l[ :Lily 'WIly JO sec {fl ili~ ilar.k '-. lCili!f_lJ~hl wlil.h lbt:!Il at keep the 01i~~;lI5 ~h~y freqtle.ll:t Wun;l:n~~IZd. Orl [he Oipl'ooil~..(1If die s-pe-ctmrn, C[~rnures wh:h bl!n{i!lig1:ill~ nd rremorsense C-.!I:f1 o.fIDell! de Vl'ir.hoult Ilgb.r. Ir.L g,Mem, I'mlU( mOIl5R:t$. will kup th~ llghl> nIT il thl!!),'ml! \~,tlr.d.ed ;.ro1ll1 ImJcki from nwmllls .md o!!n~r O:~~!'lI~ lhat an'!:: see in me dark. And less intellig!!1Il monrr.&rs-m:l), live hi thi! t1!ttk simpl ' beeause the-y have.l'II: mllslereci [be ~ of m"g:u;; or Dlnking . bl"tl.

Cfeltrumwlth ilio-fOOt Ihtdcvi&ial'l rllltsJlmL:WM~ DI:!rn."een !hi: cxtTilroea. Tihe~1 b;!i.l\~ 4fi i!rlwmage a:gtdDSLUefUllr.es 'wLrhOilt \'f.isltlill if the.y fight I!::! tb~ dnk Oh.!},II:_(I!ht!r b~l'Id, f~w intelh· ~rl{ (mllu'efj aill willinglV ~ tbeia: .da)I:to:.di1!Jlv~ black IIml I white Wh~D ~ rlmiPl~ rod. or Cl-IIWd~([ \~'1)uld l~t m~m,roc,~!Q.ts.. .M:Q:l1Y oode.rgTO'lJ!I]tl: tiYillz;rilllJlS I!:IN.~p ·slllrt~ ~j,gbr,~d, ~U[ do~ dim lantC'.tnS if Ih~)"r~ \Viml,ed of mfl'udem foom.m~{1~ wa.rld

Another aspect of dli.l'!fvWQi"I to cOlJis:.ider. is i:ts limiu:J ran,ce.

C~~ rare \'i'J)O Ih,:~jJI ~ Wil und ej"gIQLUld..kiIY~rlL_[ bave 11)~hes 11il,!igbt fhe: enmflcc:, which oi bel'Wl$c. tiu:y!;.Q\lldn'l SR be-c;w:se.L(LmCl'fC!! r:h:l.fi 60 f~r il!WII,..1m,lll 11l..Ll.ch.D! Ihe.cV!!.m. g~C;;t.'Us:t 1lI!gu.lar vision ,~'!rellds unHlit'!i blocked, tlteiv gmlrd~ C>m. see Without bemg seim~3 ID;IJ:Of w~m:a! 1Ic1Ij'antllge.

,~ou mit)' WIllU tc 1\11"'.1: ~r in tbe dark S'pm'ingl,y booiuse {f QI1I ~ lit.stmtlng {anile lltnycn;..wil.o spend Dlucn of rh!lb: time ,guq .. ~biih !I'"quru:es: .mk r~ ~ .AJlglu In Ll'le d!:i rkllm .15 ~Jso hll!mer for lI'.(l1,l ttt ke~p tra.( k of, bm!.l£g 'fOJl hay!! 'Ctl kllow whe.re ,~"'e:I1'

IIf'Isg~n ~i&Jl~k~ d.;thcl plil}m ro sbnpty ~Iilb.-

llih tlU: wmrcl1rl'aJl tfuJt in. .. g,c:Ofi, Itm:.h ~.~ ~e[ in SOOllas

evwy'Qiect..l3.hmg_.rbe._\'<IIIt'k Bm.dcm! sparil'lglll'-Mld ~u. II fI&h[ ill ih~ daOOleSAC3J1l tum into an: m::iWig CltNlnd:.ffi(I.l.!Se ~me. in wh.u;h chOI'llC!efS.lY~ru good Lisl'l!!ll "rnn~m~y ~ III t:runc to.shitl~

Rb.ru:la.m Fe1'lmres and furnishings

Ta.bl~ l 1: Major .Fe:lrt'll:~and futni~hln.gs is Ii li$1 of l.arge !!lit pre. dommwr Fe.al:lu~s ~w;Qmo.i!id.}' 1o].lml Ll\..dlJogecrui. US'I! Ith.:s ~bte ~ 5' 3 rea i1l're .gener.!lt.Q,IU,ltlium .. creating ~ r.m~Qm rlunglo'1:)l1 of ~!t round OLH on.e }[(I1.I~~.(Qlartl}

Aih/~11I1 urns et11l1 i:llso..lXIDtt: ~cJtj)u,fm~U bitS 31l'ld COlnt'jJf~ of dll,IJ" geon .~ wb:lilt: e;\l!Iooog. Uw Tahle _j-ll: ~til!Io:r E'eDimfeS ~['ld Fl.lmitihiniS 'ro ~ren~r3tfUhe.iii!· CJ;l!Ul~tlllli..l'jlJ1ldom.h'.-ItI'I: p.h::k whltt ~,pe,ili: 10 you, fnlm u..~, ~ ~


In ~..dIJil~ureJS: caD filii io '[heir dmhs. 'be burned W

odind d';e~~ ~p~d wif~ pili~(.;.ned daus.-31] ·w.tthQULf' ... .I.lilrif.ig enccnarered ~~~~; DuIlgGtlilS Tell,:! w' bt filled ~~m oo:mf'lS or m-e-<!hu:ill:'.Hl;ngwPS or ODe kind or ;lllUo[h~f.; Th~

O&wtng s:eeoon dt'-licnb~5.h!lW m:PswlI}rk.pJl)lhl"~d~iI' larrg~ selaedon ofl>ample I:mPi~ff~(U'(]lJiDe biWcmlcs iiDUIiIJt~iltlOO\ . l'ypell Qi "Iirap~: A:mI,F Ql;l'! be fl'ilhar: medJlilIl,~l or m~gic in

.1iIUI!ln;. MrdumlQl mptiDcluae pUs, :m'Q\'l..ir.l:ps.blling;JiIQ~ ",~u:r~Hlll.!d. room.s, whirling blades, :tlldl ~nyd:aln& dseriliill a.epe.m:ls 01"1 ~ mechllillb,-tn ro o;pernu::. A mfcl:tmIaJ.:~ ~ e.u.nsuuclt~cll')' I PCrht:ougn i>uccessful U~I! of the..cWi Cmtpm'lk :ing) kin. I 'ee De:;i_gn.u,g a Tnp, P1l!F H mdJthukl.ll desai;p.dl:m. lli1'l 'pag 0..0 the "'")/CT', H!JJ:lJ~),

~bgic t.~I1·PS ~Ie fUITDer di\l'jded iflto ~1I.t1l tnp!L~t

ed'C.\I'lC! UllpS. M~gic. device [Clps. til .. i.llc.re spell eHeCtIl WLm..ili:Ii· ~red, J~r Mi \vnn&.rodi5, Mg5'. ani! adlEr mlIgn~ irem~ 00. Cre:lII&Jl-Illifl.gii:: dt::1i'ite hO!,.Nqmoes r.iu: craft Wolldnllt1!l lr~ln f~;iU (S~~ Des.igWr.lg .II !mp'P~.~ 74.6 th.~ fei1l.d~5'(:rlprlt:l1'l Oflpa~ !il2 o(

rht: &yrr5l-TnJld~).

SpeJil IDlips;:IfU!rnply 5Pclh: th:Q!ul'U:~lII ~.i..i:r.!ps:... such ,Wi fjm: hilll Or glyph a,(witriUng. CnuLDg..;u;pdL.mp reijWl'e.s I the 5ewices.o£m.cIDu:3cri!o~bo OJ I! ~t th~ded.!pell,~h. \ ... he is, usually 'i!ililer Ihe chlllr.!cu:r C:1'~tin ilium~NPC: spelkaslJef hired l'o:r ilil! (l'lJrpose.


IJqeol1c~ ~r~ fTl!~l!.I,elItly eqw'Vi"i!d !M.n. deadl~meclaanic.lll~\).jl" .rn:l,gi~ miPS, Sl,Id!..II,:i1J:J...idden cruss~w~ ~hnt. fin:.:W'.iwuhe_I~ UrnwirIDlgly :st.ep$ en. a trigger p'hi~~ 01'1 W.Il ilCl(ll', or IuliIw;Y5: d;mN ~CII o)lli1;pse irl a rlwdly ~gMe.;,in..A ttliip iypJ.t,illy 1$ dmlil~~byi~ ~ don and ~ng.con.di.nom, how hn1l'l it ts to spm be£Ore II ~ off. how much d~ge i f d'e~ Is. iJrllJd. w.berl'lc r or r.I OJ th~Jle.ro~li receii\l ~ uving throw to mmgal:1:1 ill; clfect~.lmps wruw.dt..with amJW5> 5\~ PWI bi:,uil$, and lElihf!f qtpts ,of \VL~pomy mak~ nmmal IItl1Jck rolb, wilb :I ~l:: ilfliltk OOJlllil thmt~d bWemI-p~desifOll-

CttaUl:~es who slicrei:d on ~ DC 10 Search ch.ec:k dtt«tlli ~imp!c m~'Ch:.tlucal. trap before it is ~d. tA.rlm.ple lTap 151L m:lW, jI trap mggclWi by II rnpwl'~,.lI' ilirzc:,WIp SlId] as ;a pj~.}

A t.h~t1li:~L).r ~ 'I~h. !he..mp !lUl.cle. elass k~[W'e wb (J 8llcteeih en n DC nJIDr.bish~ Sl!>ll!duhi?ckdel·ec.lll..we!,i.hidde.n o:rcompll'1C me<t;blllU~l tt~p wl:fore ititlr:l~l:d. Co:mplex ~np3 iJre JBlllteJ by thm. tr'g.,gering Diet:h:miml.5.0mtLml,lolY~ pre15L1.t'e-pl.ilIte~. mec:h:vn i5m::ijink(!() '!!:i doo~, ~ges in weigh~, diswbmcesin (h.e lliir~YibaJ;LQln.:;. ~fiil ~;ilJIi',!r $or~ af 1l.luJ:sruJ.il.rigg.ers,


~;Ui sptUs can be w:ed. iO trealeJ!ilngewLIS tnlp$. r!:!f e-l..'1Implil, high-I vel clerics (jill C;f\e31~bullMlilt" or ip1lb~1 spells In prevent i lII.tntclc:rs from ellte:rio,g.Ll~:u;I:!lCiJi~r area. whlle hrgh.-.Ie:wJ wIztlni:t'ilfI ae.i!le.pre j]'tlrJ: Q( r--rnmIH:Jl r m~al:J1~ to CI:Jf!~i!;aI ~fS I:i~ C'CI~.J,g"':IIdw • .1Jn.le~.1he.£pe'lltJr iU!m rl.e:!fltdprl.OfL &'I::lI:eS oilicM;Cse, IJ;!;slJm!e lhe foUowin.g j,tJ be 1t'Ul!..

•. ~..sJJjjcessr .. l s.em:h check iDe 25 -+ :;pe1l l~"'l!ij fml~ b:r ill t1l.'8.IiI.I:' (nul 0'~'1 m IO,s!ll.e) detects ~. lliIa~1.c r:mp 'befo~ ilg~ 'iJ1l Chiler cl1~1."lI:!:t~($ hil~ [10 Cbarti;e 'Ul lind a mm.ch; 'l:rap'~':idLlI. 5euch dlede.


\Un), u;s~ l~P;S'~ Tnps ,~hO!n,I!~ Ih~ plillf griDe gam!.. If th~ ,ad~nll1l~1S 5l.io~pe<1 t. or n,i'l/e e;nco~nte'1'ed th1!m ·r~l!Jenlly In Ih~ ~SJ, I!hefre< mud! mortl litely to Ixl C:!lIIIiOl.'B OJ! adilemure5 j!rtd parti:OJlarl~ t11 of un· geo:n~_ Wh il~ m:stliling a 1111tl~ rim ami pnanol~ 111 players !::oiIrJ be fun, ~ ~hO'uld b~ amite ·thi!t Ihi~ ;I~ IBids ,to sl~ dow" pl~,y. ~nd ~~rdiillJ.&

~"'clY ilqlJlIJa fOOl of' a!mdo, till gel~iou5 fur 'p,layers .. tid DM ;U~

The 101 u tlDn Is tn pl,u;e 1r.aj)5. q[ll)' wtten appmprlateo. Chara.clel'S ;lfId I:renLl~~ pUI t<fil ps On Wmbs i!l'Id 'i/O! !.Ills I'D keeop QIII inttud~rs. but Lra-p:S, Cia n be annO)l'mg and mipproprliite in Wllil-lrillleli!tl ,~rca!!;_ An ii'l:ldllgel1t ':liI!atUfe 15 nf'llef ge;lllllC to" buUd .a nilp' tlli!1 it mi.~ht IiII ;,Iitlim kI itself.

)"I;J,g[c !r.Fp:> lIe'nnit a saving [11 mwia .oW" ~id me._efti r

(DC 10 + ~ level X 1.5), _ _ __

• Magic Hlilpsmay be distu:med b}' a~guclmd otili.!l OOgl!L\!) \vUh 1I suecessful DIsable IBJ'IC"e Icheck we n + weIl16'1'l1'i),

ElEM ENTS or -



An I:OOp:;-m~cbm!l:Lc~h! m~i~h~v~ r'be (oUowi1:l& cieme'nt£:.;..

u;tgg:~r" r'eS'of:t, Se~rch D,,_-D:iml'~'.De~lce_DC, meek OOI\gUQr s,a\i'~:ng tbrow or OIlBN dela'1'l.. diil-milgueU~~r; amd cluHC!1\8'C .kIing..Some trnp5 rna., also, tndudc.._opuoll,ill 'c.kme!'l rs, SlIch 8S ,PUistliIUl:r ~ by~ass. The~c dUlatcu:d~rlc~ Ii~ desctlbf!d bt'low.


A ft;!P'$ tTilg&er dcrerminio'S !J",,'Io' it h sprung...

lociltl(liJl: A Wt:i1rion rigger sprl_I!g5 II rnp when someoae srnnd:S- in ~ y.Imcuhrr ~~ For_e:i:lJ:l'Iple. ~ covered pilt Ir.l,p t)'Pi' t~ll.,..ru;tivl!tei.whf'JLure~repli 01'1 ~ certntaspat.

~lroW:llY: Dis IDg,gt'r aCliynl1l' a1~ IJlilj) when ij, Cli'ClItul'l.1 ~P"'.j.. r~ad1l:S.-W!iI~Ii._CWll~L'I g istlHI~ Clf 111". AI'H-c::o.::~mlty trigg~ ~ ~ fram.ll !c~),lncn ~iL' m dmr I'be cr'ClImre n,eoo mil be §1!alldll1& 1 ~ ~ pg:niciJk~squ~Cwm!!'r'IlS tllm ~re-f111'i'ne CIIlIll5pri'ng,n [(,lip w~[h

iI prc:l."irm if)' bigs~T hut 11(ft' IJIne- with ~ leadem ID.gg!:'t. M«bn u:.:d P-lXI1d:QI.[ry 'rH!W=f:S 11ft! t!!'tmlDi!!.Iry sl!,fISiti\l~ Itt! dw ~llgh!i!'.st dll ng~ in rae ili,~ This m~ke ule-m usefUl o-my iII ,laces $1.!!;h !U) crypts. whel'l: lb~ if JlS; ulI!J-.<;U311)' ~1ill

11Jepwl'ilmit'jtrigge r used me (,I ~en for magic device L-mps is ihe 1I1i1l'm spell Unlike when the spell is cas:r~l1l'1ll1ml spell tilled a£_1U:rigg,i::1" C:llt heve a tI ~11!'.' 'I hal' llQjm-geuh~tJ Ih~ ~ F~" rht" l:mp ij~ qJ.~tU [\ii' PJ:OtC'(I.

T SCIlnC fIll!!J;l'r:...d:.COv-lCC fr>lp:5, h-IWu~.ulp~m ity; rrJggen tb.mt J,Uhf~H~ o'nly when nonilln kiIld~ of (;[~It!.!Ire.s_lPpI)IilIOlt'b> Fell' ~]ilL~ til ardu! goo\lj 8peJl elm tle.f'\le!l;!j' a proKi.lilUi.)t.t~T Of.llm e,,'iI il!1[Br. spril!i~qg the ~'tta:t:h-cd ll'llP only whm.sameo:ne of good ~ l_i_gn[!1!:l1~ g_1:~ elese Ilrtougb ~Q iL

• ,Q'Qn~ Thh mfger ~ng:s ; rruJgiunp 'When if dl:~,t, lillY soUIld. A so-ultd trlgO! r function like;m ear OI-lld b.1s a tU WillIS 'tin li51'eILch~tks_ A stlllC!t$Sr 1.11 M,ove' iknllp:hock...mlJi;iC:ll til II r...otul other eff'tllUl Ibll:l'1 wOII!d lies:! le_l,eilring_ defe:a f ii, 1\ rrap wclilh 11 sound trigger rt!qu11'f'!l 1:'hl:! .CIISliflg .f (!dim t!dllllce til urjngJ DUO • ,5mJ.eOOll.

VI~ulI]: This: I~~t" for__lfIBgicmp~ w(Jfk~ li.ka:;__1lrI1LOClllill it~ soprln!!m!l dil: mIP wh.en~Yn il.;,"$~$_· samelhi~ A tr.!fp' \l!'ith ~ ,tLi;tud hig;erttqtbires [Ile ~l15'tillg {Ir,~'I{~·tlC"t:)\i'. d.(lm'O~'i'!n'~r er fru~ ~~'Ig clYrlDgJ~o,ll.'i1.lJlI:r[Q1I11o.Sigh~~ ~:nd IneSptJt OO:I'iU!iGOI'Ifel1'c-d ,tU'i tltlC.J~pJIe~d ClruthQ •• 5JiJidl dJtJ.$~n. ~j $b-o-wn_

Spell ,a~n~~ cklio!'li'O)'l1ilt:'t lfil= ~~;ng-

Sigl1t Ra~~

Wnr or5fghl tlollllllml~NI range] O"e I"n!!~!t-C.ttd locatio",

l.ille or Si:ghl jl.lJl I" 120 ft.)

Spo1. I3ianu5 ~20 .. H


If you want Ih~ tnI~ "!lee~inthf' dark, )ltlU mu~r !lIther dmase til£' ~rul ~L'ingC'pti~ ~,dd~i~1I 10 the tr.I:p ~.s welt (J:)~TJe· VJJ1ojllim.it5 the - tm¥uighl rnng~ i1!l the d:uk to W feet) Lf wvisi.· bili.ty, dis&lliu!,J}'dll~(tQb:he:.._~pell beill.g Illl~d, they calm Cool ,!:hi! ¥Iso .. l t!"iWr ,a~, well

r.oYib~ A IOuch nigg~lclt__s:wiIliilhrtlrlljU.!h'l1'f1IVIiI~h~df is one of fhe 5impl~5l kina'S 0:[ t[igg~r' ~1J£9ru:tru;;r..Ihi.'S trigger may be physically nt~c.bedJQ_rh.e_P-;m_o{ lklll~j,lilJtiun fha'[ de;nli;: rh~ dJl!ffiage (lillch ~nee.dl'e.t:QiR!,,"prlD~_i:WtO(.iI!{!d().Iill" It 1m))' llClr_Yap,_J:;a.n m;_k~.i..mlgit' 100ileli nigg~r by addin&Jl r'ln" ~GI' lic..lnl, Ill' - du_dng_[~;j [)f the-dlltt !U l;O\li!'-r.QnIy.Jbe nigW'j:J_Q_f- __

Dn~d;_.IhJ!;_iIlg&J:[_l1wodlc,ally ~rtn~th~, trap ilfi~ Q [main dUIl';r!'iQllh~~ pll~l\!d. A5:hupe.ned b!ru1!~ tm t Uirllns OLllt rmm ~ slit In a.comdD[.;WI!IlI!:VC'ry :l;rolllmis is ~n e.K:Imple of 8 rimed tIi

.s~: All spell1t<l1-p$ h~v{)llhis k~nd of mgge& n.~ II'pp.roprj;llI'll '

~1ld~!1M m tilt! !!fll ' 1'1 l-illll.1hoo~ ':lqJlilrirl rnl1 ~rtggt di:d.ond:il:mps uhl1t C'Ol-"l!afn SipJl!lI trtggm:.


A re~i! deme.1'1i is the fl...oWf.LdidOIii~ tUU!~ wb.eIl ~ tl1!P be-WIf.I-l!~ re~J:r ItO, triggeUgal.n..

No 1~:.68le1~ Shtm...o.f,_mm:p.Ji!ucly rebuil [Ii ilg 'I:ne...mp, ,th~ n:'s M wa-y 1:0 trlMl! r i'~ 1'Il0«l~ct, SpeU treF~ b~~~ Ito. n.j,~t el~'1l1l!ljir!~ &P:;jri.f_, TiD, ~t di~ tmp r'U:u;t!Dnrmg ~g;lin, }'lltl must re-pair it .M:mwd: R~ttiJ[)..&thll tr.!p m;!llires-S!lm~l;f.Q1: 11;1 mwe In 'pjl[ iJOO(:k fmO' 'pl_~, 11";5 ls the kind of f~5etcl.em~lUllWn IIlI!"hallic.11 .[taps !ag.\>e.

A'1iI'~omilric; The 'rmp ~ !l1tS t.sclf. ehher jftlmediil~ or gcte timed [11 t~[IIlIl

Rt'palring and Reserrmq Mechanical Traps .

lW-P-;jil'il.i!g ~ 1iI1~ch~JiII0l1 tt!!P wq-Lln~ a CrJ', hw,rplll.D: ·j~1."f.::k ~'];illl5t ~ DC E-qmul (D m~ Ilne ror bu ilding it, The cost foLr.lVi' mmeewlus on~·ftfth Qi! IklmJl-1 ",rigl.a:lrgLnmrk~'I: pric L'!. To ~ lC'ubl e bQW kmg it mile;!: 'to fllMn rrap, USti! '[ht Si!fi!lf C'il~l:1lI1~'Uolis !,lOU WQ~lM 1b.1" bUi.ldi:ng ~I, hilI UR-muO£U)i;ilie mw mOiJl~t!il.lu:,e:gllllv«l ror 'fli':'p.1.!r i:III 'pl::lct' or [be 'mnk~ I (lttCl'. _

Resenillg il.JGI:p LIIs:umlly JIIR__c_s..cmL}1 ~ 1Ilm.\Il~~~-s(')ltIeQn~ jus:t has:m IfiIf'rru n"npdQQr hock inro plil~oi1d..th~soo..\· behind dill! vi'l!ll, or plll'h 'me poisoned £i~[Lb£.d!. lltW rhe lCllCk lOt II mp wlrb B mlJIdLfficull ~lltl1:ld.'iCid_.J~u1d • rh ti me II lid !:ilbor R!quiR-d.

Bypass (Optional Elemend _ _

If dl e bllil~'~r of ~ U'Il,'_mltlfS 10 be nbl~' ro move ~ the mp_;il1u It is I::~u~~d ~ p~n~WL ~I"U good hi~-a ilI;!I built!, il:i m bxpmflll:.ch • ['Ili.s:liIl-sOilJ!~I'ii:lflg Ik~l: loI~ftlPO:l'Qri1'1 di~B:roI~ tit!! rrnp, B-ypa~ ~~~ mellrs~rr!.l typ:l~~ll',Ln~donlv wi~b mec:O:l~ll:Gl~~Upeil mrp; ll~u~Hy have iluilit'l:n allow,antes !or me C~8ler 10 bYPiSuheDl,

lock A Lock byp;J~ n:quirc5 jj DC lD 'Opiln Lock cil~k.tQ ~fI • Hidden S\-nllll:h: A hiddl'n ,>witcb rc:qllLi-re_s a_CCll ell en

check ttl J~ _

Bidden LKk:: A bidd'-'lI lock CiOmbill~ t~ fC!ltut s ;boV>e, RgUW:n,g II DC 25 st:I1!Kh th~l!:]g QldUurula DC 3D Op~n [..Qd; check 1'0 op~n.

S!il'srclul.nd DjsabJ~~~LD.t'3_

Th.e hWIde] ~~tS die 5eilocJ!llllll.d D~;l!h.leQevj_ce DC~ fr.t u m ecl11mre-.d ml'. fer ~ :lflllg;[-c mp. W wluu. d~rcJ:ld_ on. th~ hj,s,b~!iI-II"J,IIt~ ~dl95~d.

M,emmJIi.!:;J!!' ltar: The b~se D~ for both Se.nch aJlL"l Oi5able Devir:;eJ:he.ch ls 20. Ral!img Dr law,eMg elther of Ihue Des I£&~ mc.b:nt: ~l»llT:1b1' 3-151awi pc~sibl)' .he CR (Tllble3-U).

Ma.gk. ltiip~ flu: DC far borh.' .uI'h II-Ild D.i..ablr: D(lvice C:he;;k is eqlila.l mlS: + the spell1eveLo sh.ILhigh.eSl-levelspeJ:J used. Only c:hllfl!('re.~ widl the _tl"'j)p ~~ n~i3_~ellllll.fi: CliII!i lln~.mp[ a e~n:b .::htck at' il..l!Ji~bl.:[k\ll.ct' cbe~k liiil!:illvi.tiig II mliiglc rPlp. Thl!'~~ IDCu:!uouff«uh~ mrS: COSUlf CL

A n&:k.JionusL5 C'lV ing TIIf'QW_D_("

A ~p us:tmlly e-idurr l'IlIlI!es II'n gtt~r:;k mil or t(lID.'(:eS g ~ving [il'r;ow 10 l:I\lli;II(I i~._a~casID,na[ly ~ trap ure~ m.m:.b, oI w~",e O~flcl'l5'_"_(1[ nel-

dt~r {Ii'!:!i! Ne-'Ii'~r: ~l-paCJ: 71)). __

P:its: ~rt hol(:'~j_G_oveted o. not) thllt dJl'I1\icl.l!r~ an.&1J Ll1'!~ tWill ~]i;.;: 4Ib1l:!l!3l:'. A, pic nwcb no ~trad mil. bvr .a...5!l~Itu;6J1 Ilen~~ (UC. ~eI hy, 11D~__bwld.lCr) ilyolds r. pdtcuay~dcpenQ_.. ent mechilllltd 1r.lips aIw &IlUlIO this'Cfii!g.Ury.___

PI_I;sjJubw.geQn;s. CW1l~ if! i.b're~ bns'ie \'Qtii!ide~UlUiQ'lrered, roi"

,~nd chu.ms.llk~ cllilT OUI waU, a p1t CUlLdi<i,Sm fwces: clllli1i'C·

~eru~i,a:hU-dfl~IIt.!UQU!ll.tI il or l::iki: lh~ rune m, d trOu.b,'let,!l Bg.m: ~1lQlHs..li'li.!!Dd ~h1J,SmH"lI__nbe defu~ed by Judl.dDm ~ppU-c~t.iQI'II of~_cl~mb.:;;Itill, d,e lumJUlull, or varioo!; n:lJlgiC'ill meJll'I8.

Uncoyer-ed pitS serve mJllnl tcui~~Ul~.IDw.Ickn..liDln g;om:!!; ~ te'l'l"ii1i1l w'lly. att:hough they CilrU5!l mwcli!,gri.ef la.clurrne'te..,. who s:ru:mbl~ illro dtfm If! dll:_J!U'k, mt dll~ I can ~adf compJi.. cal'C!lJ mt]lll: t king pt!cellfi:liby.

CovI!~ed plrs mi~ lnuc_b more d!!'ll>ii!W'tlS.Tn!!y eanbe delecle wlrh a DC l'tScll~"k. but only {f{_:bcJ:,bIilT4C'~f:r ls

~r.n:g me Iin:II~_to ~fuUy ~Ilmm~ lhe a.re.:I ~forc w;dk;ifig .iI£:milSit. . th:mtcli!t whQJ:lilluo de't~i: ~ cO'l'!:r~d :ph ls still'r:n'tld~d ro..:L DC ~ Refleu~vuo ~void fulling i!llliU

HQwever, If h. WJtll fllnru.ng_il[ tlIi oll'-lng reclde.~s Iy aI th l1IiDe. she geu, nD :i!3vln,g lhro\~ I11lIl f~L1s :[Iummill~feall)t

Ttnp covermgs._QT1 be lUi simpl", ';'IS pi led ~ (5ttawJ,etl.i'j!s. 8th:k5. .,gJIrb'ilge).,_1l ~c._:r ug" 'M.JlU.clL!Jd_ID~OOI .t:om:ealed r'D IIppCU 1l5i1 rti,urn~1 'P~rtll~

floe r, Such n I rn peoor usu!i!,lly swhlgs opem when enouGh wl!!ight tlEU1illy ~b(.HU .5 (J tiD 80 rounds) is ~llleed ']).011 i t:. ~1.al!S Dilp butldel'i stnnetimeJiesi,lln t'rlilp<!ODn so t_hat ~h.~y s;pdng back sbul pl{!er d:u~'v- Q<pen. J:tnJ!il,)" :for dl~ next

_vitUm. The tr~pdo r

l~.Ii&h 10ck'D!lcdt's back inpl~;;e. IClIViD,g rhe. 5t['lmded.dl~£lIC:& rer w:e:11 ;IUd tl"ulv I"npped. Opening MId! ~ f.f;1p.dOO~ is Jlm~ .. dl(ficult as opening, It rcgullr do!;)];: (n S:ilLm ing fn ~ fr'lll're d ,C'.h.!1nIcr<:l:_~~. a Ild ~ DC U_S:rt~J1gm chec ,ne.e.d~-d 0 keep m iprlng~loacled, doa:roPf'II.

p~[ n:aps of'um b:3ve Ilm._eibillg nauler thl!lI I!lKaJum floor ,I.[ ,hl:.. hcm(llm. A lID\) d~~er In,,), pur :;piku, JlULstd!'r:<I, OJ iI pOol of il~ • .Ia~'~.

cr eVen 'Iva:tl:.r ~t dl~ b DnO IIi I lnee e''II'~liI " victim prof-l~lef.ll[ in swi.m.mlng willlll.'·e ,lIDd d fOWI:l if [fliPFed lOfl&_

ICMllgh), _ :Spikes ~l the.b(i~mm.

~{"'.:Fjt~ mr_~'udr. ch:u:al~J'el:5'. The pik~ d·~aLdllm.<ge u..d,ggg,ers \.,..jlb rn-±.1J) al'llld b.onus: and 11 +. PDl1il,i,U,n..!l;Jlromge [(1j1: t.'o'er.yl Ol~et of '~bc 11111 (10 ~ mil!:tm,UID

bol'lus -'!'IL4[lmggt: c +5). If I he ,If rut,> mttlliplil ~p:ilces, r~IlI.jiI

vjs;_!:£mJu.mchd..b~d4 of them. Thi~ dall1llg~ is in ;1t1dJti.wl 10 ~nf dam~ge from. Lhe fidl ~tsi!l(

.Mwlsu'~omeUme5_ liv.e in phs-oo~es "nd Jiillle-s &dtblU .plenqr of fCiO:d wro~w m~m it thettll'ppeil m'~ ~ \Y~Llln~ll:cl. An), mtl!lJs't« mn.CIl'I fit LillO ,he pit miglu have been pll1ud!..[.AeIe by the dungeon's di!s1.grler', or mi.,g,hL_lr __ h,.\'e tUhlil In :ruw. ItOJ been a.blelO b kelt out, In liu: liuter..gs~. eilhc~jt

.hW;lll, bel!'.fi t.he_t~ l!:Ing, or Rlml:thing has: b!.!>L'!JJ f!l!eding it-.lL!.hl:_pir h llS.l'.t:l[J fhl! butldee mily_h~Jir'D~hdjt wi Jh, m'I Ii c:uull.'QmULfish. MODIt'el15 mil'e:. nli1ed.DOSIJSIe:

JJ.Ul1loe.5umJIUrndI!M amI ~t;l;i;~th.e_bt'-s~ chol!>amLCIl:lI1llrCSJI) inhab h II pit •

A ~~~omlmy 'ID1 p. mechamcnl or m~g:'~ cal, i1r rhe bonom ar a pu GJ.1 bl:.. pa.nlcl.Iluly wdjy~tti'a[ecLb)'_ ~ ,f,dl.l!ilg,.y-ictim. Ihe ~e,·1 olldni.nw-llruu;.ks rill:

IIlreiuiy_fniU[~mr:aC"~~J: whm.lh~~dy_.fur

il. Ar~p'_s._hlllm 0-4

lltL~~d..;lllliOOJ ipelh ~r gIJlPlIUJ.Urjln,j I IW'1 I IJr' 'e!lf~1'I Dugie lilJlI.ul~!1 fLmmrrur!l"~.d icf'£ Cll1 all

~ .ro und ,:It the bon'O~,'

ot pus, =::l

lbn~ d :(i~!lcknllps; ThJl:'5e I:rAPI' flLns-d;JJ;l5. ... arroW'S, spe.l i'S. 0 ill tik~ ill \"b~'er iI:CIi't1Ued~IDIP.lhe lruiIdlrr S I:S me ;tTIJck bolUlS. ,A rnDgtd. rmck rnp ~i,ln be eenf:i.gured. !O $1 m.WILItl the i!iTect , .0 11 c;omPQ1ilreJlt.Jw wlLh :I b.lgh ~UtiQglbra"'iJ1.g(~tpa!F I ~~I:I( tbe J11l~i~ HIt,ull!at!!k). whidi _l1[1D"'ldI.l5 'I'll ~ rrnp y,rifh ~, Dolll15 ""11 damage 'l"quOll [0

in mmyb Ililin"

Me·lee Ii. , r.1!..d~ '(:fiJI" ': heseo m1p''' f~hHIl: suehebsrac 1 es ~$ shup 'blaacs rb ~ r emerge frem \!flUS; lind &tolt~ .b1!lCb t.h.l11 Ml &run e:ellingc.S. . 011 ce 19a1:m I ~h(! builder st'ts J.bum.ck hruu.is.

Damage/Eft I

Tb,~ dfet:( of" m p i~ wlm hap'Pe..Ds to ''''-O!ift wlto~.ring l,t. USooli~ thls t\lllu.<s 'Wf:.moo 'of e.irhe:r d~ml(~ot.. :iJl.Iill effect, bur !on'i~ lTDpli hilV_t_~

-::alllllll"" ct.11 ~tJ~~t~

_ Pif!r:.hihngbJ aap.irJle.aluld61 poinUi of lliimQge~tl~ fOl:t of depth. _"' __ -'""'<ill~~I',fj""'" 1k!I,Fs.~ 'bc:!ilo:' mp5_d~whArl'Ver damgJ thelr ammunition nOmiiJli~ w'Quld_ h t:rnp mJII flre~ lllnghw. 3~UOI.. cK:lnlplc. deals ~A8 fOi1'l~ iJ.f lbmage per bit. If ,B

mp is...clm!ullIcrI.'<i wid'l 11 h:igh srren.gth r.:lJIing; if 12 a ffirre5pill:tl·

clinG bonw 0'11 dr!IDi!&e. :F:or~!Il~~l:Iildl ... WtP_W .sLT bonus) thllt fires 5hoftsp~il[rH.Qu.Ld dea~ LijI~nLldW poumi. of damage IJ~r 11l1ccessful. hi' _

Melee AuackT!mps:..:rbe-se mps.lileai [he ume (!.Image liS the iIIll1~ w~mabey wield." In me ~ (I . ~ f:nl!lmgswne block. yo-Uo,...... Of.i as¢p i!i;l1 ~rnolmuiJ;llIdpll'J'lin& d':n.nruI q'OLi Uk1!', DUll'tmcmbeiuh~I' wh~~r"t:5eti ili~ nap liw:an lllflthilll' ~W,i!e' bDek tllllO.~ .A-m~le.e ~nlldlc mp ~m.~td WlI.Il.. il.bIU1!.i~ oonU5c..OJl ldmlll&e mils, jLm: lIS if dw lI'lQll~hn.dJthigh SIr~!![1. $COre. ..._Spel '[mpJ;: pHilI:r;ll'tS pl'llliu i:Jhc:.sRdl's. I!~t I1S deK~Ll ~e 3ppropm~ I!lltfY in rhe .Pi(1)"ffiJ-1nlldtwk. ille: .111 spe&. .!II ~r.ilP ili;s! dlows ~"SliJ.dn.g.JJlI::~~S.; sav-e·.DC of Ul4 speU

uel;tr ~asten; ~rev~m~bllut1pllodiner

MagL~ Dcv\i.ce l'raops 'l'b'llse tnipS prod 1lI~ tI)~ ~rr\llC:1'i of imY spe,11s i.n.dmii!!i in their OIlWil:l:lKtion,!IlS cle.S1:cibed ill Ih~ ~ppmprJ,.. at . enll:iie~ ill me Finyt.rJ: Ha fffl&ook. If the spell 11'1 B m~llft,c iI~viti: u~p'.lIlllWlS<1l,.5iU'lngJkQW.Ju.sAye DC is HI + spellle\l'l!t x 1.S. SIl'muP~kt.aullt:kwlk~t~~d.

s~ 5Qm~mpiSi h~;yemis-c;~lbJ:1~olllS [eaiure~ U:.II'C prod.u,~ p...e.ciill dfecu .. !tuc:h as d:mwnlrlg for Q w:Ui!.r ln1p 0,[ ~bUhy. dnmil~ tit po.J~Mfl!! mwws nd d::un9~ depend llii. the paisDn (~t:'IiI1blc: B-3: I'oisops. p.!ge 1'7) o.'f![ITHe[ by Ine blIUder, as lIppl'Opdlille:.

M ~ scellan eoos T fa p. Fea rures

Somcmp;:; mi:lude upd~1la1 [eiHur~ l'OIlJLtii nJUlilke d1effl w_~Kl· I!'r:lbly Dl.Iire dtlad~~ the most t:omnllm 5IJchl~:UI.Ii[t$ ~I'e disc"lIs!Sl1d

_ w.

Alcbemicallte ml MC::WliruC:d trlIjJUIl:t¥.iIKoEpOt:lIte 4Ikheml-

eal devfcts..Q1" I1Ihra.:sp~Ci31 ~"Ub~t;jni;es..orjWlli'o,5)!cb .lli5...,L'l-DgterDQI ~g~J IhI.thtf.Jtll!ll':5 flr-.:, thtl.ruleI5rlll·ne~. a.lIIdl tbe.li.ke..Somt 5Uc.n JtUJI$ mimic spcll dfC;~ ror ~pk<, m~l!c[..of ~ tllogLc.fiJot b:tg is [mililf ro tha[ of .~I!I m~"nE.lt spclll, rnml! the .. :Ffg,t of ~ i!.IlImd"'rstone I, slmllllf 1'0 !hal cf II ,rtl1fl.ltiS spelU£.thejUl!llJllilniu :l sp_dlcff~, t fum1!~lll 'Ihl1 'CIl ;IS sb.QWD..OnJ'lW~

GOI~: \\litb a gilS lnp.lIir: d:ll'iJ;i:!r is.in fbe inh*,~ PQisolll h d~uV'erLJ:rnp£.~lofln-& P usl!;;l.liy b>!lYe. the. tiJ::.V~. mitt tlIltLO'.!1lie rl'L'bl~f fu~m~ lsee "'dow).

LilJ:l!li& Any tl'liP dmtn~L!,[~nJ.l&l:[ of rul;!wmng ~~w locked IWtn Iillmg wi;h Wi![H iU n. 'palm of qU.lckmu! that thil~ r ;I:,ters 'Cilll fiJl.lnto·) ism this C1!!e'gon-',Trnps I:::mr1oyrn liqllld U9- alli' have th.e DeVer I.lilil ..iifid onset dofl:iY fe:mues (se-", below).

Mw:Upl.~ T~:fg,et: TI:Iip,i \"o'jili Jh.i.sJ,r,Jrurecan ~£(eC'[ m,ore l:ba1tl

one ma.ma ... $"'- _

NeVel: M:bsJhaa Ih~ ~f:I.~ir,ulul'IgeWl w;L1l mO'l!'1l;i to cmsh you, l'.([w:..qulclt reflexes._ w~nt.h.sinc - th~1l !:'alit po:;;sibly mIoSiS •. AJmp wid! rhis ' l':iJrgn~· h;JS ll(ither mlt_ilUllU bonus no!: III Ilvtll&thfQ1tO ;YCid; Inll it d~-.s; hili~l:i!nsH d~I.IIf (5(!~ bi!lcw). Masl lJJ;ap:; illimIvillJg llquul or' gas ;:m= of lhe nJ!:~r nrd~ wciety.

_l!>Q""",t Delay. ,An onm..d.~ky J.uhe 3mClllm I' of d:mI! b~[w.eell whelube U''ilp' [s spwilig_IUlJi wnennt..dJ':(lh dam~~e. A !lever Miss lnp ill\\'ilYs Ims IiIb Q~tdw

b~~:~.vh\ll e<mp.!1;lfJlQi:salllire de.lldLfl!:roh~:J;I r:b !I.Ul1llJ].!... poi~OIlL1U5i_m!!lruClpQnll, ~o they hllV·t ,co~pond!J[lg.!)I' k~ Ch. To c1elmlli IW th~ CR modifier for ~ W¥fll pai$oll • .LO'nmllJ TilbJc:3-11 (pag.e.2 • Only io 'llry, COIl'IlIacr, :llul ifl"~11!d ~:tnu -uitllble for (CIPS; ingesle&l.)"JlfS.jlre flOI'.

Some tlmps. sm::Ii1 il!icUabk t:.Q.ver«J wflh COfIlJ.'Icr poison, simply d~'lIl the pots'cm's d~, o.m:LU;S, fucb as <ai~b{lll£d 0IrrQ-l,'l Or Sillli'ord I:.:hd.e. delll da.m:w W [I·h nll1ged ot:..mell:~ A~1J:J.Cks :IS wei.

P~t' pikec8: Ti:eaj spiktU[ l1eo botlom_Dr II piUS cb,ggel'S. eltcli with;t +to iIl1J.1~k bonw..:.rhc d.J!nl!!ge boIliU5.fI:lUAd! !fPUuLIs P!:9 III _ ~l oCtilu dtplhrilll m~um af tS~ Each clilluler:.who lills-+ Inlio rhl!' pith; ILttaC'.kedb,v ld4· i~. Pit splkudUlOl..nddJiQ the. Qy.enrgt: &imll~ 0'£ the ttIlp (~e AYf'ra~e J'JamJ,gc, .. :p.:wi:J:il.

lilt Bi1nollN 1£ ~D.m~iliIDg ather ami ~ikes.wllt~bil.UOm.t of iI pif· ~ u:ll:IieiU tb;~ as a !>~p3I:i1I~ lmP !5~1: .. :Mu1tili~4 P01&~ 751 with Illm:a:uol1 mgg'iu' fh!lof norb'Oi'te$ Q~Il}' ~c;lm ~P3i:1' 8m:l" as III Mlng chtil'1!cte'r..Pos&ibili lies fur pit bDttom ttllpS

firn:1udl.'! ~d.d. mlmSl'efS, lI.Ild ",'lIIler. _

JwdiAulII::k tlWJe.a:rn;I~ lIJlpliWrol il.ny tfilP ·I.h~~ :noecb ~nllt a ilII~I'lImcb II tlillcl£: tll'l!:1e~ Dr r.!tI.gcil) ~I) Ml


11i1: fo[!o'l\ilIJgJr.lP.l' life- ~-U!'!:1I We..f~T proJ<::cWlgJILd.imgciiln, WIClr:b.~,m gIlUldhous.e:. Dt" mllliX}' C'ompl ~tClSJ:Sl.i;H~d fo;r mecb:!l UlK:al m:ps are m~r<ke[ 'pl'i~e;s; rl1o~ for JlI>WC t~ iID: mw m~mn!d..Qi.S'[S, C'.n!JluJeveLii!ld $S$ for the.spdlu~lLtJJ.,:pm.d:u~e-+ the U'II1l dl"cas "'!'C. provided in 'ru~ e.n:tties fut..Iugil:.dCivic,umpi ;!nd spell ml!p!t. Mullomn spells II t:d Un .. Irl,ggm !U_~pk) the C1sr~r Jevl:l is s5lJ!m~d m be rni! m.U:dmum requ.i.l:cd.


CR I Traps _

..Basic Ar!:Q·w.l:u.p~ CIl l; ml!cl:!lllllc~h I.no);imity ~dgg~ mmw1 ~ Atk '1:10 mnged (hlf'/X3 • .:I.mlw); Seilrclt DC 2-0; Dis:;lP1e Dericce DC 20. Mil '~N Prirl.: 2,1100 gp.

'CamOIilf]a1/ed Ph: Troll,,: CR t; Dlllclillili(.n:I; ]oc(Jti.an..m~Jr .... ml1lm~J f'B.:!t; OC :!O' 1W.flex S;jlV~ I~'cids: tOt deep..ud6 •. [,dl); 'Se:tdl DC 24; Dj!9h!.tl D~ioticeEiC l!o..l!IfIlm.c1 !'rlr~l..stlD..gp.

n~p,er .rn Tmm-: eFt l~ '11'1 ~d'lJ n lc.il:WcIliIIDD.. triJ'!.:!l1l!r. mmoo reset; I:lldde-n swju:h bypus:..w~ nc.m..nc .is Reflex. save iIi'IQidso; 211 f(. det;p (2d6. fidll 1lIIlbip!e...Iw;get5 oot lllIflW[ in each o( ~l;'o"lu3JJ!,~1 ,Ii SqilOireV.$u,r.chJ:lC :;m .. J)i$Jble D vie.: UC 2],

MIlrIi'd..1lrr4t' 1,3-00 IW- _ __

D~ob . m.~l!nd !i£iili011lJ:lJ.l:i1: PoOOI'l; CR t~ mechIlJI1~l~ tll'uc:h tdu-er (ntQc:heJJ. lIIl~lIu~.[eS~I!lQls\lf.l (~.mo.nl:.l'I1wl~r bt'i'l.ln jllJ,'C~. IlC ~;S fomti!de SlJrVi: re..~i:sl5', p.1miYJts/O); eru-cb DC 19. [i[~vic _ DC l'. Mill'~ r &i!l:t: 900 g:p..

Fusil1ide otD;Jrts: en. j; medlllllicQ!; localiol;li trigger; m!lfilllQl rcsi1't; Atk~(J Fanged. (l~d.-'l!-+1. dlu- ,multiple lug~'fS (Bre.s ld4 d; n:$ ;'I[ ~~ch 1Il~('1' hI f\,\'C' a.~i[C'c'.l'!t..50Er. i'l;!uaRin Se:u;ccb DC.l-Ji D1s~b~L! Dt'l.t!ce DC lil .• \if~ ffurjJn~gp.

Bois(W nttt'Ira;p: CR.!: mt'ch~l'Ilit-a....l fOCllrio1'l fri.gger; ltI[1!nu~1 re5fl!t. ~. tk.±!1 filN',ed. d>l· plus rJliw-lWi l:r); pobon (blood-roOf, DC


SCI a c:huac:tH m,akM fier Dls~ble Dervlw ,heck ilgiiMt ii trIIip. Wh~l. dCH!!i. Ihat !iillCi:~~~ do 1.0 the 'tr!Oj:I? With th is Ilaroiilnl' rulli, the aMW~t ;;0 tn"t Ique-sHon depen-d'os on tile amOLlnl D)' which Ihli chQracl~r bellt ine DC Chile" ml!' pilragrilp, ber.c ...... trntr corrll~pond'S [(Ilh~ mal!,1!1 of St.iIDCl!!S,S..

ChI!(. Restllt ... IX +j)..:~: The '1'1e~ tim~ Ill'!: Ui,lleer W'Oul'd 5pnlllg tk~ tnlp. 1,1 d~'"'t Mll~r th~:c, ,k-Dw"e'll'er. ttte I1rigFr Ilpe.ri!ieili nIl'Jnta,II~, .lind :I00'ther DiS:llble D~lte dt~'k ~5 'reo!:Il.!j~ed w di5;rm It ag~llII.

(inec;k Re!OIJlI~ ,= CC+4--6: The dl~rllcle-! ,messed Lip tlte tra,p's Wilrk· lllgs It W'O~'l fum:liDIII IIg)!l" until It's re~b Ir it's ,a. Ir.!p Ihi!t l'eSets ilutDmiitilto!n~. use ahe ,n~wt ~1J11 h!row.

Cl<i(!lC'k 1~:!;Ut1 ~ DC: +7-9:1he ehlirwc:ter really 'D ro~1l ,the lUI', ~t won't go oW ~g'i!lll i:lJUiI ~Qmecme repllr~ ililsing tn-e Cmli: llr.l pmalv.~l'Il1l ~kill ThiS. repair a.m1d&Xlil% aft"!! lr:I!p'~ tllt'al ~i:lil!:mJClial1 CDS"

Old ,Result. DC +1,0 ·or mom: The dlilr;1ctl!!r eoithe<F broke till!' I~'ijp ( .. :; IIbO'l!ll Dr S1JCCle~d~ 1n addJn,g or dl~l!ring ~ b1P~55 ~!!mem. T1115 '~l1e;r Qpl'iQi'I el'!lIble-:o ~h~IlI ~ers ~D el ther get p.ast tk~, tr.l~ wilih(rLl~ triCg!::ril'lg ,I~ 'Dr ,~¥l:Iir:l n~ eFli!:ct, bu'l I n~ tr~lp rl!m ains aC!uvl! .. Far e'xllmple. a cl1<U'<lcter who ac.hle'lre& tnl ~ degrel! of ~ IJtt0B5~ O!"ll ill Disible De'Yi,oe chec:k colll'd rrutnag~ co prop ·opt!ll II sprililg~ h!i1ded trap!lio that it can't Ihe, 01' (,()ull:d "otipe the- nrc;he in the wall lnat FlKllifid~:!: refuge fto m thl! r!:l~1 iflg boOt! Ider.

12 FDnimde 5II,Vi:i r,esms, Il/ld!lCwL~lu:i..1cl!1~_ScHCh.DC_lO. DisdJble Deviti.l DC 1,S.lVlaJk1'1 PI'itt; roo gp,

Polsan Ne~ Trap; ell 1; .rJM!c:h.ullaJ, CQw:h...mgg~ Hilnf!\liIlIl ~esel:;.I\.ll T8 ~ed. (I !l1w; sreellbi~ C!il POjS9n.r. ~~rch OC l2; Ofs:ab!e Devic~ DC 20. l!tloikd Pnr4': l.3\l1l gpo

P,lJrrculli5 'rra:p;_ C1l1~ mcC'hanicil; loeatlon m_wr; 1Il!IDl.IlIl;.. tn!}t; i\:rk .,..10 m~I~~ {Jd6), Sew DC 2Q-~Diilltlt: D~viC'C oc :'W.._~ Jijt!t: Dnl'llmge ~ppHe:s o:nlyJ:Uh;Qie UJl demellw l1.e port~ .Bonwllils: bloch: ~g.eWil;y. MiJnu:1 airr. i ,,400 gpo.

• ~l:I:r-Ym ilUOSS 1hHw:tr. CR..U.mechll:lltciIB. locu:tltJnJ;Qg;_ c,trri .:nO feS~ 11 Ark,," l 0 !IIU:~"le '2d.6.~iIi!:'},m.uitiple lBrge[\S (fitS<t mg_e;t hi e~ch of l'\/oiO ~:djQ~~~; Se-:lrch DC 12; Disable _Deyjce DC 15. M"n~tl i'1ri...«':400.gp,

l\D'1lIng R,g!;::k»ap' .Cl.l4mecnal'liCll~! (ccarh;J!il mgger; :mmulil reset; ALk, +1,OmeJ!iil (2dil,mclcJ; St>'[[Fdi DC 20, Dls~bk Devlee DC

22. MJJ1'i;~t Prit..: MOO gp, _

~ .. Bl_;lde Fr!ID>..clU..i.m~haltfe3Ii loc:i1DOI'I uigg.etl ,,,!!Ito. rn-"''liJ;: 'Pll~r, Ark·ta melee (t,dS/X1}; S~;m;h DC:lli Oj8,tble [)~vi!;i! DC1A .. MjI~LEmtl1.100 gpo.

~>lI."1&:IliP: c:IU~ t!ilKhw~; IN;ll_l:icll trlgger.in~h.u~l fr<SjlfJ; Am +12 r.mged Ud8h;J.speillr)j Sem:ch OC 10; Disable Device DC 2'G. Nt'lc; lQl).fj m~~!lllLIlge, Mrgel: dr:£lctmil'tt:d rnn.domly &am lbtlS~ iIi itS {lqili. M:uI!e[ Pdee: 1,2(1) a

S'witl,Ghl.1ll ~lock Tmp~ CR. 1; mll:c:hQTlIc~I1: limen !ri,ggec: m:m1J~1 me .. <t\:!:k +5 melee (,iii f.,5<tOIle blo.cl:)i SC'g~ch DC 20; lDi5.· (l_ble Device OC 20. M!!rJ:.rt ru,.e:';OD,gr..

Wiln S]mb: l'r.!Jlp:! CR :l: m~,.lt.arnCl'lt; 10'1It.~ mgg.er; al.llom'll1tlc .te~ni bh:ldctl !iwh~b.. brpasji (S~.m:hJ~C_.25,h.A\lk +10 mele~ (2d~/K4, SCYI'ile), Search DC 2:2; Dis.llbl;z DI!.!;lice.DC 22. j\1[Lllrkd ~'e': 2.500 gp.__

ell Traps

BO'le of Brown Mo~dI: CR 2; medl1U'1 leal; touch mgge.li' {open.ingdLeJ;oiIC); ~IIIOrnatjt ['Cser. s-li cold :m~t3.d(j, CQldllQllledtil}; ~il'tCb DC2;!;..Dliabll: ~'Llc~ DC 16 .. .Mlol rlwt fd>GJMlllligp,_

:Sridd~'oI'lt..:Ce~g; Cit 1; mKmm.ic.fJl, [Q,lJch id~1:'i I'e)lOlIT ~et:iArluJ.l.mldee (2cil>, bocks}. muWpL I~WL~i:i t.\.'.10 aliljne.ern s-It. sqU:Iresf, Seitrcl1 OC 20; nis~hle.Ikvi~.~

• ....mrkl't Pl'[(I.'~ 2,40() gp.

.Ihifil Iflg 6J:t!nJrl.r':lp: C!to 2; m.mG.'i~d CVlU i 'prtla(imity rfiigu (all1nfl); aUI!DmlIne rll.set..~11 eff;e,ct (hllmlug hllmb. Uf·l~ .. el wWHrl, ttl"" fire, DC 11 RI:dl~K ~n;~' bill" lIiimll,g~k s~rch DC 21i; O:i.l;ablAl Dtvic~ nczs, Cml:jQQgp. oLD.;(2

C~.m wfillt~d.]!U:..J'rOji!~ _GIl.zl.1Df.lch 3IliClil.]j ~calion £rigger, ilUllUJU re.sc:t:.DG...1O Rdll.'l:o;..5mLi! ~i.ds; 20 ft. deep (2till, h1I~ mulripli! fli~f~~r in ;:;J"dLoLt'I~u.adja£'1l1: 5~rL. sqU:lrtes); Se,at'lt:h DC 1.'1.; D1snble DevnQe D.e i9LJi.fri'*"'l rn,.~ 3.401:) gp.

ll1ni~ I~ght Wt!iui!!:i(I; !~p~ CR !!" m~~ice,~o1!lch ~M~r; !JiI1\1!!liI..IUC' fe};~t; .spll eflec[ (m}lltl jight 1~'JJulldjj, 1~~]rNrl d~ik', di~ L~ DC 1.1. Will sravl.!j, iIf diLl.mt..D;l:. s~ iU'C lit nc 2li; Disab]e D~!oiic~ DC 26. 'Co$r; Soo.gp,:UlXI!.

1ave.U.~Tr!tP~ ClUJ:n~h)l~I: loC'~tiCif.l ~ m~.n1.1ll1 MSe'i; Atk+lfi r.ing~dJ.1d~Ja~t':n't'h DC 20; DiSlllhlr Deyi.ce DC IS. Mil'rllt'l PrkT. 'Ir.SlOO.,gp.

.U:I~,g~ N~et I'ril'P: CR.:!>.mcW nit:al;Jo~riOl:t 'f; mjlfiUllLl

fiG$Dlf it&: tS' melee (s~e. I'lQEe}j Sw;ch DC '1 ~. Device'CC

:n. Nllico Cll'BIOIr.u:r.s:in lo.-It...1q~pplc.t.b..:nel (5"1:11" t8~ If toey fl3:iI ~ DC 1411d1ex: ~;ave. MmtdJ'riih.J,OIlIl &tt. __

PllJ' 'frap: CR. 2; m(!c:h~Jlial ... la.ca.fuI.D ,~ lll_aiiJldlUllr: DC 20 Ii.etlex $:lV1il lIVQ\d!iJ 4Uft.. {jet', (4.06. r~B), Sea~h. 1:.11:.20, m~bJe lleyj,!;C OC20L,\{ijrfltJ Pri,~' 2.tOOO,gp.

~j.sOti N"dicJ:rla(p.:J:R.J; llI\~huncllil; t(lU~ mgger. epmr .rl,ls~rd.oc.k.b¥p.a~ (Qp.eil Loc.k D~ lq};.Atk17 :!!IIdeeJ, ~ phJ5 ~.~..N..!rolt!blu~ \,~htIlJililSi D~CJJ fcrtifUde $~""e I'@.$~ (pois.ofl Q'D 1)'11. CC'li/llllconsdDLtsll.e~J: St:uc:llI DC 12i Difabli1 Lkvj~L].'[ilr~d Pi'ICi1i 4,120 gp.

lilpikld Pit l"nlPI Cit 2; mech;mk;1Il kll::~lioll I.rd,ggea-, ~uro:m;tti.'I:.

m~tD.C.ZQI!.dlexSllve IIvDid~. 20 h. dcoep r2dtl., fa[I)i mulrip~ C.el5 (first ~ m r-:teh ohwo ~dj3cem 5·ff. sql,ln:res); ph 'Sf~~i (btk±til.m.cl~.J.d.:'I;.wlke.~ per n'll'gtt fur 10'4+2 !:!Icll); SeLkKh.n

~ (ii, D~bleDeyf,e 1lCJS . .Mclhd PriK 1,&OOgp-

Tripp~g 'Cliinki: CR:l:.me.ch;lIwd; 10Clllt.!ofl, mgger,lIu!om>ttlt: ' ;[e~~'t; muJrlpLe uaps (1Iipp,Wg nlld :md~1! nn:l'Id{F, Atk +15 mefee tG]J;ch (trip), Ink +15 JUeJ.j~E:: .. Qd+t2. ~p.iktd thabll; .... earch DC lSi [lbilbl~ Device DC ~ J!'i1,r:-11: 3,ilCO g:p.

Ngft~Thi5 frIIp is ~Qne CR lcnp thllii mp • .lnd a s!:«II'l(li C

.1 mIp thar attacks \\'im.il spiked marin. If duurlppiDg_.;t tf(lc:k £JI:,Ieecds, J] *,,1 bonus II,PP.~,e~ io fhc spiktd chAin iltti~k,~:iw~ tht:1 oppotl~nl 1& prone,

W£ll-QmiD1l!f:Ilmgil'd..l'it 1'r1l:P~ Cll <Ii ;m~~ laGJrioll mg,g~ .. rlZiIl~il't; DC :2[) Rel'l~ !;a'll!: ""'OcldlllD Ldee~' S~ttb.JJ.C..:l:Z: IJiSiJJble De-viU DC :/;.().. kf.prktU!IiCf~gp_

CR.3 Tr. ps

I Bllml"g E1imlls II' p: t:R ]j fIl3giC d~e: pmKimill' mCgller ~1t11ln:JI)l ::uuo.~(i\t raeG.,ireU 'e (f~~tllJ"!'1I it3,1l r,lll mis" SIb-level wwrrd, 5d4 £l:0!, DC l1.hflex 9ilY~W tlilm~gell s~-:lxh DC 26; Disable; D "itt' DC 26. CWf: l'~S.oo gp..lDOX!,_

'CilIDou£Lm~d Pit Trap: CR 3, mecharu~iJUi:!1l tl:igger. manlLOl] l"tsel;:,DC.20 RIill.~~ds; 3{) ft d e~I'J3d6",f.cll.hJ:tiWl· I '!ipk t~rg;eJ.S_am.ti:Jt;g~t ill.:C"~ch of 1'WO jld,j~lilil~);...Smch DC 21iDisi!ble De\'ir..e OC 8, Jilmrlowl ~c:.;bBJlD. '

Ceilin.g i'eudulum::.CR 3. me-l:h~l\ica14.tlm.~d w,ggU...4IilW" matic reset; Ark +L5nw.lee o.d12+S/x3,~:

DlsElb!c Devioe .OC..2Z M~" R'Hre; Jl+.10!:tB I

fl1 .. lI'a,PI Cl!..3;.spdjo;;pdJ mWG JIg J:ue{;.~~~ n: 1rap. I ltd-l~!oI'eldruitl! III ike.DC 1'3 Re&."1511Yle half.i!mlil,g_e);.Sem DC 27, Ui$~b!e [If;J;'i..::e.DC 21. Cot!: 115 gp LO Dire NlC sp~1bru:e.r.J

hteBded J3!~i31,t:.li'arpLCR ;, magtc dmc~; pronmil:Y t~~ (dlUr! good); auwmlltiUt.S~!. wel1 urfer (~mded !mur.31'd·leYelj cl~rlc, DC l3 Will saW! neg,Ite'.5}i Sel!rdi DC 27; Dis~~i.de D'e)'[ce. DC l7 C~'= 3t5IlD gp. 280 XP..

GJ'I~ul.lll:ut.h 'Ir.lp: CR 31 Inilg[r d.~v;[ce'. rou:duliiggu,..lWi:l:O'.m~rlc reset; speJl efFect (gIulId I'IIlll", lrd·le-vill wi~. VC_u,fQad;uduave n~glm::s); Sellrch DC 27. n~hlf' Dl.lvLce DC 27. CmtJ.ooo gp. ,loKIX!

Hill i1.'!If Necd]l!!l! CIt 3; mecb..nil'ilI~JRC~tiOIl. mgger; m.lIJ·UiQ l r:eset; IiIlii +2,0 flHll!ltG (;W-\\kSearc:b DC l2; 'D,~~blt: Dcvkf DC 22. .'>1l:IrlrEl ~1Ct: S;~GOgp. __

Mtlf.'tAnd .AmnII 'Intp~.ou,. mtlgij:.Jievice. pRlilCimiry rrigge r (iI'iil7f1}; ~t'nom ~rlc Ul~~1:; AtIul.m.ng.cd [O'ut:h; ~l'iill c:ffl!."ot (Mtr['s Ittfd IIffi1N 3rd~d \~:rd • .2d4.l1ddLfQud fur 1 rounds); Selll.cn DC 3:1; Djsable Device DC 27, Cosl: l,oo!l g.p. l'll·O XP:

PUl'mp;:..CU; mecb:o!IlIQtI.lociOlwm u:iggrerj miIDUtlI T'l!': et. DC :1-0 IWfle,ua.v~ lmid$i '0 Ii d'lli:p (tid'!!, fill); S~rt.b DC "20: DiS'lbl~ Dev!c~' DC:.lO.M~ rJ.ld Prill; 3,{II[KI,gp,J.-

P'oi50aed Awrow Tl:3p: CUm.echanh:lil; much l:riglel'; mUiwt! reset; lock bypot:Ss (QpYLlOCK DC 30); Adc +11 r211getil th:ls plus..WI.iOR, ,0000.,n.,}. pgi:kr.m~gc: mQn~mnJ~ stcrpitOn \l.mlll]b lJ:C H f!1tllrud~ ~alo'~ u;St5t~J ~ Ii'll C:On/l d4· Con); S'l!'~tth DC.Jjl;;J)lsaW~ De1Ilce.DC tJ.1;1~.di't.lbIU: 2,900 gpo.

Jt:ikedl:Jij;m~ CR...3,iIDcchmlc:t!i [oallioD ttigger; ,m:D.nulil ~~i;..cc :w RcO~ S3'V\tl' .wrn.J5;.mlt.Aerp (~d6, f.ill j, mu.ltipl~ t:lTgelS (fh'it'l::Jirg.et in each a! l\'o/O aclj~C!trn[ 5·ft.5l!lti~res)~ p'!t ~1Iik>l:5 {Atk tU) lIIe~ • .ld,.j. spik~s p f I:Il.r~i: £nr id4;.2~achUemh_uc:. 2t; Dl~.hldRvice DC ro. Mmbr Prtg 3,600 p.

Ston"r..81Q~b frQIIIlJ:ei:Hg: Clt.]; IIu:thalilicm~ .. jQ&~ gm; rep~h·~t..Atk itl' mt:lee (4d6, ~lOI'H: btlccl::S');..S.!mtbh ncz, JJis~blc_Q~1(;u;lC.2(1. ~m.1 hir~: ,5.4(!D &P.

CR4 Trnps .

_ltjJtll!...Cllrll.1t~p:._CR 1illlaglc dievite • .lllu!ili. tdgpr (111'1"1 dmCl'il~, Ulonla:th:..rtS~ti .. pd! effett (b~I~U1 (lint, Sm-Jevei ,denc. DC...1i.:W.ilha.vt:l..ilei:nCS}i S~3rch DC 28; DiS:IbLe De-;'.lce DC l8. ~I; J.OOJ:l.,K'~J~JlXP.

'Cnmout'hged Ph'Irap: CR. ·t..mechmicaUticilwm..:wgger; manu;'! re.selj DC 21) ru:fl~ VI: avoids;. 4Q. fL dCi:pC4dfi.IiU)i mulrip~t! Ulr!!,I!~~ (fiBr r~fgt=ll' in (tc:h,cf hUl Ildj"I:~...:-ft...liq~ljlres); Se:tR:h DC 2S; DiSlible Oe\l'ic:~ DC 11.1i111m'li Prier: 6,800gp_

'CoUIl:psin,c: 'C:oLiun:n: CEo 4; .m~c,hnjC1lJJi 'rQuch uiggff. t:irr.;u:;h~);, 1,.;1 rll"oSet.AdW.t.nlcl~~, liidl;, s~OO~~·* SC'lIrci1 ~ 2:0; llil;~bk D~'\!Jc,~ DC 14, Milriid PrI~; 11,800' gpo

In'h '~Wllfding (l!Ja:Wu:.I!.j,,~Il~spdmgg~r-. no ~t,~ eff~I I.gr1l'1,1 o{lI'lInlung [blasr], Sl'J;·tevd dm'c, :2dtUcid, DC H Rt'~ .sn!C-billA:i!iIIU~g~); muhiple tU#t1i ualLliiIrgel5 ~'I!JI.lin S &.k, -' em4 DC 26; rHsab[!: Devk!.: DC jl Cc!IUm gp to hIfie NPC ~lc:nslcd

'i&b.:tn III DoU 'Trap: ell. 4.i..magiJ;_deYlee~ proltimh lr1gg,er toJllmt); lIufcmilric res~p.clll'ff(!'c:urj,lllntlll! 0011. 5Ih.le'le] , .. iZlUd, Id6 electridty, DC Re!:1'ex ~ve h:illf UlIgl1J; Sea rch DC 28; D~ bl~ Devicc..DC 2S c::qiC 7,S 00 gp, roo XI!.

Pit mp~ Cit 4; meell!mi~al, 1oc~lioll ll'i,ggl!:r; m:J.I:IW1J res~tj DC 20 Rdl~:l!.'it;'l~oids',_S~!ulctp (ft~6, fal!l)~ seIl.dD DC ~,o; Ilis~hle [)AY.tCtL[)C zo, ~ rht Prroc~,OClD gPo ~ ~~QJ;L~:Jtt_limp: CoR -I; rt~~ehmtcal~I()C31:kill 'mggel'", ,"~nyjt fg;c.~~11 Ark "1$ ~k1g.fd Ud~ plw, poistlD. dm~ mulripk mli:~L:S t1 dan F'!I'tilrgo:r i!uJ.G-fr.-b)'-io-ft, lre~r. j1C'lsm.'l ~s.m~,11 mollSu:'Ou§

c~Lltlp~pOi!;(!'~" CC: 10 forlirncle 5lIV~ [C'si:m;, ld2 0ex/1d:! ,tJe<x); Seilflth DC ll, DiSflble Dm~ DC 22. Men.,. .. 1 hia: 12,1!)!XI gp.

SepJlI Siilll!u SigJl TlCp: ell. 4; s:pl: 117 ~ell rri.g.ger, 1'10 :res!'!· :peU eJ£et:t (J{!'plll milk, ngll, ~dl-Ievel l'i'i2.ud. DC U j~,e:!]fX 'SOY!! De~.res); Se:a~~b DC 1B; .Disible DevIce D.C.:!i ~I: 650 gp to hire . fpe spElJ!Cll~rl'r:

Sp~ed_Pi~ '[rap; til. i mecnaflii;;alilQl;OlJiWl hi~ ~utom.:1.l'ic reSie DC 20 ll.eil,~lt $3\IIe ~\{ol dSl 00 f"l~ d.i,lep, {je 6. film; I'll: SipLk~s (Ark:l"1 0 1!il.C'1~,J d,4 spihs per tm:;ge.diJodh.5 ~~IT h DC

.,20; Dtfjjb~ ~ce DC 2.1)0. MI1'r~'[1 Pnll'~ 4.QOO.,gp ..

• W~J1 Scytbe linp:C R 4; m,~dloIdiC~~; iocuitm ~d"tt; ~.~no-~m~ti~ res!!!'; hk +20 r.n~l~~ (2d~S/x4, scyrh~~L'dl.DC 2~. Di,~t ~bli! DlWice. DC 18, M~:Y-kL:I J!'rjfC: t7 ,100 gp~

~Jecl';ilkd RlXm!! Trap: CR ,. mW'lllru~~ng8ttr;.

DIJIQmildcr~~J; mul[tp!e!<!rget~ (all tiO!r~tlilUJll Urlj,-b~1o-rl mom);. llfSu.m1ss; nil· el. de.l.a.), (S roumlsJi liqi;tld_; S'earou JX: Ii'< Di:;abld'rn(l~ DC 23. Mom,j Prifll': 11,1(10 g_p.

Wide-Month S,i1c!ed I!' t Tnp: CR 4;mf!c:b ltIlical,!lQi; ti l:rigg:e'F, mmual m!~l; DC 20 Rdltltl: ~!(~ iii!;'I)i'dS; lD fit. de p l2d~. !aJJ); muldp:t~ r.trG,~t$ (fim mge[ til 1!3c:h ill IWO adj ~Cem J-fit. squ~nl's)~ plt spikes (ruk +liD m~l~~d~ spike;.;peuarpl fur :l.d4+2 I:ndth :s~~~h DC u .. Disll'bl~ De\l'i~C 23. Mi1rh~ Pll'iu: 7,:U,][I ~p.

CR 5 Trap;- --

,c~m.o_u£lllg.~d._pl Trap<: CU~dblWi~ld;Jotntion nigg~:tj llianuAl reS'il'IiDC ";lO .Refl.t!x sove a v oid£.lilft_QeepJSd6, ,,1:1); m.ul· ripleJi1rc.~ (first large~ Ln f:ac.b ,ohwo.Jl.dncefil S·fl. sql!.Dn,\s), St rcltDC :is; Disll:!I~ Devlte DC 17 M,llr!u, Pntt; . .soo gpo

. , Dib!l!b ~!U"ed witb CQntllctPD1mn: CR 5; Inl1'ciJ:I:niru, 1"10llciurlgger (~tt:l.(hed~ n\lal lo1eset;_JHIiMm (nith(lril, DC 13- forfir",de ~",;!1ie 'e5"Ui~, Qj.!di..CWiJ,_· e,ln;h llC 25; Diub!e D,evfce DC 19_M",'*'-1 ~:_,~,~ gp.

Pal]mg B]{ldli~ C.R.S~JDtchllinltllll; loc:al1lllltriggel'", 1r.I.'lluultl. res.et, Atk +U_m~1J!e'l6.d6J.:,_mulrlpl 'mrge!S, (al'i 'SllTlk~.:rl! r1m_mc~ tel'S lr.t (W" .ildjgC,NH s:pl:lcl£I ~ds'qll~s); Se~rcb DC 10i tliubJe De1j'lc~ DC ~.5. MlIrl.Iel' ~.J.iJ.l.Wfi!o-...-

IIf.ll ~ CR. 5, spell, :;;pI! 11 mum IHI ~.updl_dr!l1cr (ji rt Imp. 7th-ll.\"111 wizllrd, 11:14 ... 7 £i!!!;o.lli:_uj ll..eij~x.~lI'vO,a1f d~m.~gl!)i Se;rrtb DC 29, I!i!i~ble 1k\';icUJ.c ~_Cllill~:I9i.JW IM\[e NPC piillclIl5ler,

:db,dUUp;.CR5j rn.dewiti~"Jlll.lcl't.niiIler; :lliItDm:ni~ nnl!r; rdI,g((~r.Lfirrb(lrr, Sth·ltwel \lIIiwd; 8d6 fiR.. DC l·~ Rdkx save' b~_d~~i.S.!I~I!.hK_l8:; Ois::lble' ~~e.. DC 'll1i,C(lf~~ 1 ::!.QJJttgp. ~1iOr.

E']oDding .~oom 1'I:'ap: ell ~r met:b~ni'~h p,till,.itn~ty njgg'ef'+ IiUlplI! ~i:!t:; ~S>et; flo ~"g;cl!ml1 necesSJILry' t set! :nO'r~ Hiow); Sell!rdJ

'1lC.21to_D~1!. D..il~1l:'! DC 2:5. No:rO!: It.ocm fLrnxls in 4 roul'ld,d~ DIO'ili'lling._ljIag,~ 304,). ,fIfiukll Im«: 17, DD gp.

&ilhde..il'fDam: ClUj mKblllilali loclf!on ItlIDlt:'tiJT1 I'lL iLt f@$!'lt;J\rli:±t8l\IDged!lU4+t, drunt mu1:ri~ tlll'ge'P'; {ids dimm; pet 1Jill;g~l i.Il n lo-ft..,b}--Uo,. L._~u~Sit:II:cb DC Hi; Dls:Jtble DeviD~DG US. Mdlrmt Prtrr~ l s.oCKl,gp

N.iW1D"I~(;gftiooe,,-!!~iI;U~ ~R Sj m~c:h~nitl:01l]J~ltJ:ln rngts;er. lElltomnn.c reset"..hlddeb...iwiu:h b.yp~$ r,s~m,b DC.lSI. hk ';'16. melee (1 d 12+.8/x3,.gre;l.tlm__e)~ mul.[jj_pli1' mtgl!.!S !hol:htnlfi~ n trow -,Se.ilI'Ch .DC 25, Dt.si1ble Device DC ts, Mtlnl.'ti ruu.:.n.mJ m

I'hilofllt2.ll'11.:1l1 Kl:!Ic;r l'rfIp: CR. s, mag:Jc dl.':vi~e1 proltimit)tmgg!1r (a,ltltl'fi cov,i!rlng .he entire ~m); ~LlcDm~rit; re5\!:t;.AF.£U~~ (plldnlllsm.lIi ~il!rr. 7th-level w~nl, DC 16 WIU.-D\I'UDJ dis.b ,lief lItDd. DC 16 JEor( sa~"c for pi!rtml eITet"i); ;,iNI,W:! Jl.C.D.i Di]'i!ble Ikvlcl:' DC22. Co~,: 14,!XKl' gilt J, t 2D X'E.

fi,t T"mp: CR s~ mech :m:k;;)I, 1000:tiol:l trigger. 1'1II~J'I.w m~' . DC XlRe.fle'J1 ~;ve a\l\Oids; 100 fl. deep ( I 006, [,all); Sen,rtd~ DC..lI:I;_Djs. ~ble Devj(le ac lQ. Ml1rnd P'l'ti:c; ),000 zp-

l''pis'c\g lIiV'iml1 SpiA~.:;~ CRS; rn~~h~nic~l:locrndo[l n:-i,gge n, ma:liwl reset, Ark .~.I'i melee Ud.8H pJI1I~ poiscm. ~i1::c!); muJ[ip'l~ l!!rg.ll!1'S {dib!s~~t t.n'l]!l!t il'l.CIT~h Q(~djilc;enllh. sqlWeSl: potLSOl'I ~ (Mfdium mQrt-Stmw spIdc'rY>eIjClm,.DC 'l2..~rtitlld~ ~~\!C, ~5'tIDu

l~ Sn/~d SU:}i Selilrch Ltc: - Dl5iliblc: D~\'icc.l1C 21. MII.rJ;rf

Prim r~,6S!1 gp.

.sp.ibd. Pit I'fllp: C R ). roechllDic\ll; JII;lldlrWlIurlgg_e;r; Wll.llW

res-el] Il.C :t5 Reflel'lS":Jl.' oids; '1.(J f deellJ~fuUkmutPpk_:rjlT!o-

!lets (fim l~rllf'1 In eil:dl 0 IWO :J.dj~(em,5~~If~l' pit spl~e tAtk c+JO mdee, ul,j- ~lkd, p!l'f I~tgl:" (or ~~~JlC :Hj DL~h1~ Dtvk~ DC.::![l,.i\£tFkc/ Priw.HJlltlgp.. __

sp!k.ed pj!t 'I!'hIJlI'..~S<D.J't. Dee:p,)~ Cit 5. m~~!lic;;d;lgc.~tiQn:tri&::.l gel', m~,f!'UIl.I ~[. De.l.O ~e&lI save ~v.o:Lt15; BO ft. d'~e:p_(B,d,fi~Ji:lU1. pit spike.:; {Am +10 mde.e. Id~ spilte~ for 1d4+S e:lch1: s~Jt'Cb Dr:

ZO; Disab~ D~viCf D.C 20, Mtlri.lcl Prli'c; S ,001;1 gp.

U~g):Il Du_ t V4.pormp: CR5; medmnica.l; lot:lltWll Iligger, manual reset; gJ5; multiple tug.er:s f~tI urgeu ill ~ 10=: rAw· ()oIl' IOO'm)< ruN~r miss'; on§Je1 d,elay (2 fDlll'l(h); PQfSOIl tUll&ll d I»'r. DC l5 f..amnlcl~s;;we resisu', I Chl1/1a6 cIuIplllsJ_Chil.dql.n ;Se~rdl DC 20; Dmble Dedce DC 1· . MMkd Plrfu: !iI.OOil &1'-

CR (j, Traps

BlIlih'I'O.CDllap§,~1 JJ1, ca 6:i mC'thilrll [cllll, pl'_O~':limity trigger. !IE! re5!C\i Ad: +20 m~leelsd6, ~1'Otl~ bll1cks), mlJbipl~ !'il:rg~ I ldtll l!1!r'Wt~ in ~ ~Q-f!<·by·JQ-or-~~}JJl~~h DC l4; Dislib~e Dt'lliOl! DC u. ~~ftlwj E:'r!oc; i 's""lJQ® iii",

Clllmpll~tinc: RODm: en 6; IliIci:.h;.n[Otl; ,~~tt1r1t1 trig!!t'1"; autoI1!lJInl:" re~~r. Qidden ~whch bypiIGs (StO'n:h DC 2.5); wallg m[JV~ log-ether W!ll~ crush); mult.lple r.rrgets {nU to!.vge-rs in ,:I Io-rt.-byla-f, ['OOID1. !lEver mis~t OIl5'e[ dela.y (4 rounds); Seoo, DC alJ; Disabl.e n~ykle DC 22 }.i1ilrk~j I'D,!,: ~ .~Oll gp.

fltllfI~ Sh,iIl "IlrnIp: Cil 6, mag{~v i;t; proximity mgger I~iderl PIlIIE:i.): :iiur011I1Irlc f,eSet; 5pclLcf[~U1Ijl1:J:tf drll¢f, :IIth-lcllel derh::, 9d6 ~.JJ~ 1l. RdLeu~ye b~1If dmP.ligc); Smn:t"h DC ~[); Dis~ble D~vlceJ:lCJD. C'"tf~n..2.2o_gp, J,,~Q XP.

fusi1lilJdill!' ,oLpea'i1:~;_CR 'Iloi. met:innk;J:h prt)Jo.im!ty lTiggu. tt:JWr_:res~r. AJtk +2~ rmged ~lds. ~e.u'l; mWn!ll1f I1ir&'~t$ (Jd6 S'pell~ peT' rorgCl ill ~ ltD fL:by.m.&:, ,t1fl)'!'1r, :s(!'~ru. DC'uJ DiS!1lble D~\!ict[lC 20. ."'l~)rkil fro.; :U ,200 gpo.

tGJwh,[)'fWlti"lirlgflllasm}. ell. Iii spdl: iipli1U nig~lililll fI!SIln~11 effi CI ~f_j"'llmll!&-[hl;tstl, l .. rh.-I~vd cl~rit:', SdS,1'Qnk,_D..CJ Rt!fl~S\1".e jllllf .d~IIHlge» ll'lultLpl~ til rgcts {all mr~tS__Mthil'l:.jilJ.; Seiln:h Q,CJ!ti:i_ 1:n~;]b1~ l}t!VI!;C DC :Iii. C .. tl:, ltQ_gp t hiI.e :c spdl~.,__

_l,iglltPljll,.!'~Itl'tpp: CR 6i mll.gic dIM/icc; p~;dmily trigger (nJUitiJ.;.;iJ.lE01llnlc rl!K!:l s~1 effect (1I,illll:J:illl1l.l,~rl, Wth-]evel ""~~ lQd~~~\';~tity, DC 14 Reflex £ave hiJtlf anm:nge); Sf'nKh QC.l.&i [li~b!e...~:ja:.JX 28. _C~fl; U,DOCi gp. l ,~O ·XE

SiP~ciUl~, &om l~mW!.g:, CJlI. 61 m~di~ mG:i.l, lociuionmg-

g~r; repair resel' Atk +!ll1 mt"l1l.Cl 6d6~s~w~1S bill tBCrget5 In ~ w·tl·b)r.l()..ft.. rn:~~ SltllfCh DC 2'4: Disi!bkD.evit;e DC 2IJ. Mtll'keJ !l'nCr: 21,GOD gp.

SJiiik~d PH Tr.a]l' ~ 1 0 0 .i't, Di!~p'k_C II. 6; mech~m'{'i.t~JOt~don! triMer, rna.lilunl re&~i~ Ol;..lO I\rill~X$l\te_iiVOlds; ,1011 n. deep (Iod6 ' f~L1li PI[ splk-e~ (Ark .IJLlJIcle-e, 1&4 spikd_p« l:r~t lor 1d+t..i e4d1li S~on:h DC .~O; n..hn hi!: De-vi~i! Dc..zo. Un""'"t! f1I'ift: ",oot! B r I WbiiiUnSlloi!loD BLu~;_CR._G;.p!«h"Jilical· lim~d mgge'l'> n~t~

mllm: re J:l hid:d~fI lock bypass { ealdl DC 1 t OpeD Lock DC J,Q)~ Atk.. ~la mel~ Hd-4-+4/t'_2{iIl'!1.I;i ~d~')i ·fQlf.o:lI (~1.!irpl1:

I wom 'poiSO'tI, DC H [jorrlNdc ~1~. ~ dl'i Srrl2d~ SI'I'); m'wti· ph: l:arg.tl! Iene t:J.rg~f m e-~f dlltt_~el~cr,ed 5-fl:. $qli~t\~~r. Sca~h DC 20; Disable De:viceJlC 2!O.~MQl'kl'l peri.; •• lO;lOO' gp,

Whte-li, _ outb E'if tnp,;J:;.R. 6, mel::h ~Ili Cg I; locllUon I tig~ r, IlUnUliI ruet;DC:U R.!H~Sil,\li!. wlds:; 41l ft deep ["Ki~, [ami multipl~ r:aqW IS (~11 tllf,gers within ij to-(1-.·b)-·1O .. ft. ILn~Il)' SIl1l..!:ib DC '.IlSi ~:.hl·J.k\!lGi! ~ JlrjGt: 28.200 ~p.

Wy_ycru A:rl'Ol!i Tit!1P; ell. 6i m.ecl:lanic~l~ PWXIm I~' !rigger; millllill n;:~(i-AdLctJ. ... r-~l1Igi:ld (Lei e P~lLS PQison, Uftl\'1;'); Fcj~'"W'i .!wy'ifetJl poi~on. DC Ii' Fcmru:dc Sil~ r~-s:fs[§. lci6 'CoIl/2d6 Can), SelUch DC 20; DisaMe D~vlcl!! OC 16. MlIJi)rd Pri'r: 17,400 Jn1'_

CR 7 Traps

iI£id: l'D,glb,p: C 1\ Ii Pl1igic de"'fe~, pwx1rnity rrlgg~r (lIia.rm), liI.tIlo$!.ricrl!Se'I;, spell efi;C;f (,uliil~ I ~ d!·!evlll ""tiz.mlj. Zd6/ro-und acid.fO~ U roulluh·): Sea:rdil DC 31, Djsable De!r'icCe_ DC 31. Clld: ~3J}OO gp, 2;6.'I'OXR

~Id~_iltlrrhr hap: ,(:1\ 7: IlU&k_d.Hin~i.J'l~tOOmhy rrlgg~r (1111 nll). 1lI\1ll1mi:!tic ~t, ~pc!'n dl"et"1 (&ltl"~ 1Mmr,r.J uh-IIf~'d clrric. J ld~.shl:shi11g. OC 19 R.dl~ ~3y,e :ba1(tblJlllg_eJ~dUlC3l; '[)~ ~ble Device DC 31 CQf~~ 3:1-,Ooo.KJl't 2,~4.c xi

Bgm[ O!:b.u:t ViJPOT l'nIp~ Cit 7; mKhlll-tilal;JK;]'lj;o:n mggl::l1 (cp;r!r reseCi SliS, mu-lrtpJ,~ l'arg~I$I:Ji11 tlIf~rtill uo-jt,·by·lo-h~ room}j never miss; Oll5'er de-Ill\, (3 mundu..poi.\(HI (lium! otnurr 61m~JJ.C..U Forti rud~ j3"~l~si$ts, L'CoIl dra.:iL'lbdU:~I;n-t:h DC .:il1 i DL511b]~ Delll'['i:.~ DC 11. Mg rk'd I"riirr, 17.S-00 gp,

Challi 1 gnll1htg Tho,.:, CR. 7; millgic dell' Cc.i. tlfOXJ,miu~_m"l.l!r (a!lIml)' IUI[Ol!rutliC' rese 5pI:'JJ ·effuci trliilill If htnl" tUh:krel wiz:lnl., ,11 d6 dt'~ricity [0 t~r:ge!t neJI~ Cell'!.l:.f Cit uigg:eT m~ S;d6clecl-rlcu'-yro eacb of \lp ro eleven s-econtiJ11)' ml,u5, DC.Jjl Rel]e.:!: s~~'e hal! a1l1lUlgeJ; ~h DC_31; Ot.sabli: Device DC_31. CtHt !3.0CI0 gr. l,MO X:P.

.1l'.wm's .J3111M Ttl'lttaduJna,p':,CllZ. tP~gk: clevke-; p:ro:ti:m.ityllllwr {,lJtmll}: 1l~8'tl,;5Q:e~tlEt-'mtl'l:_!/1I'" Il'tllrn-rcf, 7th-le-vd \-vIzIIm, Id4+' u'htltcies:.AI-K 7 me1IlUJl,d!i+-f. tentllclelr. mhlriple tl1l."geUi (up ,toJi~d~RtUil-~[ lnn.ch~dJoiIO(ltlf 5-fl. SqLlilre!ir, 5.eBrc:h DC_29 .. llis.nbl~, ])e-Yict DC 2'1i"._Co51: lJtiW,fp. 'I J 2 xp,

'r!ls~UIl~__ofO~enblood.'m~ I'JJ!~~~LCIil7; m~ch'1n[!:lIll IQC1- lion trlsger; nllilllliltl res~l. Mil IS GilfiEllti (! d4H plu~ pllIison., daru~pofsl:ln <siwenbl00d.PU, DC 13.,forrill.ld!.! ave ~i5't$1 L CoM ld2 COior, multiple 't;lr~tsJld,s dilrJ:SpJ:r la,r&'1t in a U>{I,·by·l00k ~r1:~); se~ reb DC 25~DilWk..Dc;vice DC 2$, MA rkej rl'k~; j~,lJOO gp,

l.o& 'Covu-.d i:nJ!lr;agQ:_~lIili!: C R i'~ mechllnit:'llh 'Ia-tidl I'ffgI!(!l (!lfl!arnl.'d), MH'SIl~i P9i5on.!dragcl'I bile,. DC 2' Fcmtiruth "I1Vr. Ies-i!i~, ::Idfi Sfr/o}; Setlrch_J2~ilbl~ DlClI'ire DC lili. 1IiIlr-k~1 Prl,tl'; u~~OO gp,

Bunt1lt011 M~mtu \i'l 'fiJw;J::ltZ- Illilliii; _d_e.¥i'4,!;_F~ilY m~ (Jllllrm)i no:rese-I:spL'1I ejf~ttwr on rtum-da!D. 11Ih-l~""-e'l ",11:;Jtrl,~ S~~ DC ~I. m3ilble Di:~c.Jl,.rcII: 3J!1ClIWl-liH.XP.

W!ltel:'-Ji1illed R:oomd::a 7.,; Illechnf.lied; 1o~~:ti"JilJl:rigg~r, m_,llfluill U~t{;_liUulupl~:.f;i£,\;els· (3.11 HllQl:et5 ~n II IU·ft ·'by·l_Il·ff. NQI'I..ili.:1l 'y_~imon ~I delay C3JIll~p~)l Wlll~IH' SIM~ch UC Wi .Di~bLtlk~ DC 25. ].,fll'*'tl Pri!lr: 2l ,(l00 gp.

~na· CJr,_o;.u1l!!~i~ lDip: ell.. t':J1'lei:MmCIII: kt~'fJiol;Lmg:. g\!ti ltepalrJ:e$.l.'lj,_m:as ]4>neX'5l1l1'e ;P;'!J1as; '0 fi:. de.ql (7d6.hll); ml.llrqdlt..'t:u:gwJIln_I Im~l1!r in ~:aclJ of two IIdj:tCelif 5·{j_ 5A:_IlJ!ll1red 5-~~tdI~Pi Di5;rbl;,o Dt:vlc:r DC ut .Warlrf! m,~ 24.S!)!) gf!.


Dltathbk~ WaH tfthc~ eli 8; mecharuclil. rllluc.n niggerj ID1l!Il1lln .n!SttI..AJ:k_ 1.6 :m;eol~ (::!d+Hl pJI!IS pC!~S:OIl. s:cyth~r,-~_lll lae~1_:hbbd~. Ill: 20 Fonlulde :f.lJlve r-eslst~J Jd!6 C()n/2!d~LC!1Ilk. , c.m:k DC 24: Di5l!blc D~ JX; 19. M:IIrki-1 ~ 31j-l'lm gPo

1)1-:11 rIIdrlln T~tlp: CIUi. mllgi I;" deYit:e: ~ol!cb frlg,gtll:' (.:r:lllIml); J ~lIlO.IIllI[k reset; 'S'pI1l1 ~ddtfrfll~r(iQn. 11~,h·bwet cleric, DC 2{J Fortiwde Sl"'~' fur JOdr~W); S:~~:n':h OC.32-, DiS!lblt: Pevl,e DC 3,~ Cost; 45.500 gp..3._YO Xl

LlrilltlIUIU1irn:p:..C1J lLm..glc dtl~~h:r, p~ trlggl'r [ilrmJ; 1~'l.Itcm~tit W~t, sp~lli!:ffecr (CJl!J1f,I~!lctlll, ·1)t:h~I~_deric. 65·&. c:aillw. nc H Or 2llRdl~x Sll",re, cl~pendj ng Oil. ~el'I"llUtl,_5t'~.QC

92; DisabJe D!!vitc:D_C 32. eM; 4;,500 gp; 1.,M!I XE._ _

lmiunilY ~&c '\7aporlimp: CR So ffieclm.Jdcal.mlion IIflggm .ft!FoAir ~~ n~"!.lf mlS$j Clll5el dlllllY (11Q:undl;._Il~l:s.cnli~· if)" misl, OC is: I-artitu__de~i.l\l'~ resists, ld4 Wis/2dji\'IW;_.m~lup]~ wgeLS {allrargel3i in ~, to-lf_·by·!o.}I. room); "e'.ilem ~Isablc Ikrl"il' DC ze, Milli'(I Pritl.: 13, 00 gp.

........Mdr. Addil.l'l'lll~..l'rtI~;_cn s; mmgi~ dc...-{,e; ... isual nigger (!nj!tr.J('e1 JIB); au:.IDIrnltric rtWt mwtfp1e Lnp,s (t'I'i'Q! s~mu1tili'leO'LIs Mr!f's} '11ml iIl'JItlI!· mp:tr. Afk +2..n~. u:ru,h alld n1ngt:dlo1J!::h. 'SpeU e.E:fuc:r (Me-! ttlruillmJlI'. tSrn-lell I \"i'i:m1d..2d~ dd dl rn~g_l.l fur 7. rolllld$)~ Si!ua D.C 21.; OislbJ,:;J)I:v:[~e DC "'7_'___ctlJ • 113.S0{l.$p. ·MSO Xll- _ __

NaJr; This_~ i!9~lIy TWa eR I'l Mcln JiI_m:i.nrnu ·.napslhiilJ Eire

s:imliLllt>lllltOUSly;usjng the :>,!me mgga il~ ~ _

PltWi!r Word ~lIn imp.: Cit 8:; m ~gl-c dil:vj.:ei-JUJ.lW: lIi~ no [e5iet; ~1Ji ~~~U!)J:lI~L'T t~'!lm fflJU1, 1. JfhJ~lwi:m~tth DC 32; Di5o'!blc Devic.: Uc..3:l._OIst 4,550 gp,. J~ xa

PrI'sma.'I, Sp7!ty:.:l:'I:ap" CR 8; mJlgft: dwk~pmxlmiQl'~ ~i1jllrrn:)i ~UJtom~lic ft: I:_l. ~IJ L!ff~ct {j'JrrHtI~!it 1PM)& Hth.,J~vd \'!~2.~rd, DC 20 Rc.f1n",f.o"hud;~. or \;QUI &~",e. d~pt'ndiog_o I;'ffl(!c(): Seuc_h DC_jl;_J)i~l!blli D(.l!l'JCll OC 31. CIU' 500 g 3,MIlXP.

Rw~rf~ Gm\lily l't'iIIP: Cll Bi m~git' d.~vicoe, p:rm::~iggrr (II f1l]l'lll, l dl·r.-. ne;:J,)~ lIUJtll'm~ tlc re!!i!t; ~ U ~ IIi:C{ {rwll.lLWliIl.d)l. 1_;!l:b.·l~"'l!l wWrrl, 6"Q;, filII lllponhiulns rh~ _e~tl.t..6l)-fLw WillI room l.lhen 'dIS MI f upon falling 6.0 ,to die flwr 'I",llirn me ~~ti e.nds].IlC 2Q &>E1Ir.(~'Ij',_r:_Ir.iO:IW~lDiW,_, ~i~ DC 32; Di!i~ble [)~~'ia oc 32, ClJ.I:4i.5I'O m 3&~O Xr.

Wdl·Camo~ed j)it..Tr.!.p: CR.ll~ meehwc:~h loo,u:ic:m uigger, re:y.'1:ir !ll-sm; DC lOk~!IY_e ~~j 100ft. de.e'Fl UOd6, fuIlh SIt~ghJO_C "'7; D:ls~Me 1ll!:1id~ OC__'1£ II-lfiJ:krl I'ri~~ 16.000 &p-

~m of C"g'~i D'~~ Cll. 8; ~1r.kAjwlc~~ pm!>lhnity mJ!!llt't (d'cl'trl 101 .... ). IIUJIO'm~ t.icfnel'; spclll!.Ff1:l:T (1Utl)1'tf of dl(!g~, 13th·l~v~1 dt!flcn. e let-. DC 32. Dls~ble D'~v:ice DC 3:!. CDr!: 'l-lhClOtl gp, 3.6110 X-P,

CR 9 Traps

D-rawe:r KiUHUe Sme.aR' ,I ,·t.h..Conm:oct Poison: Cll. 91 IIlOC h~n.i"~ t~U~ rltlgg,r 'mJIi.!O~;rn1,Ul1 rr.~r, IXIkson tbluc.k l£ltuS_c::>:;I1m.i:t, QC..a.a..Eonimg,e ~~\~e r~5"1'S. 3rl6 Coll/ld" Conr, Sf'nch.DCI8. DlsiIhle Ill:vit.:_flCl.-ll mrktl PritJJ: 21,600 gp

DIOppi.mg 'Celling: CR 9;. m~cll~lJic.;rJ: looLtlon trigger; .rep:a,ir ~seueilhD"l_g IDm'es d.owtl U2d..9: ~ruih); mll_lnpl~ ,ttl.fglt!~1 ~org~t!> urn ~ lo-fl:..by-1o.!t.fOCIrn;, JI~wfmWi Oll!lft del~'j (I lr'cuu:l_dll ",~rch DC W; 'OJ able DevM ,DC 16. A>IPwIu!l Prft~ t1, Oo.'_~--I-

~llCtmIIGQ" Cwud Ttap~ c:R~; m3~c d viCl!j p'l'mli'miry lrigg;!rr_ t~ [1II'l'fI}:_:r tUQIlli!lk.tes~i!:Il e.fIeC-l (illw:"dt~ I')" dl,tt.ro • ..l:Ub.=k~ ?,lilllrd, 4.d!.lfQl-l ruUw 15 rn oo.d:s:, DC 22 Rel]~ S~C 'bw_!ld~mag_q. Se;ir~C.~d>_Jl;jsal!l]e C~vh;e DC 31. C(llir ~'OJJ.OO-JW :Ul· .

Wjd~Mo.ln:hJI.t_T_I'llp;_ CR ll.m.e.dl lIuic-mlJttO'ItkiJ!l W,ggrr. .rn~]nl ~I r,es~ r. DG..25 Reflex sa.~e ~¥ojds 1.[0 ft..,deep_ll>I)d6; fuR); m.l.lldpl~~ IU!lll'gI\'i~ilh-[n ~ 1 o--fi.:.b!:J&l~. ':II:e~); S~'II ~C~ 0415; DilS3li111!' D_~v.i~ DC :!l:S:- Milrb!1 Pri~t.: -t-O,soo gpo

; -di¢··~IHI.fh '·piked. Pill:JNlrh Poisoned: S:pikes~ CB. 9; moec:booJc:tl Llilcnjol'l n'i",e:r~ m~ Inl~l re~lli hidJJecn lock bypass

(Se>lrcli DC 25. Open l.ock DCJQ);.DC2ll.l!dkx.:sllYf .w W-JQ fL deep (7d6, fill); muldpLe 1:ILr~:[S (aU l.3~efS within uoJi.-bv-t o-fl. ilIl:1ca); P'I[ !ipikies (AtklO me~t'J ld-. .$J,lik~_pKt.IIr~ d4+5 pills poi~ol'l ei1m); POi~J;I11.(g.i;lln'[ Wil-5'P_jI.OOOn, DC 14 Eon:illlife. ~ilve fi::mts, ttl t; DIDO/td6 Jk1.!!,_&>~rchIJlC.,2,Oj Ill$ab!t= D!tvioe DC ~Il' ~Iflrn' J;'rin: U.91Q &1',--

ill Traps

CflJSl:i.l.ng Room: CR U, mcdliiIlicml\ 1~lIti1QIl ni~ ltutQ::.f... l'IlJIlit re!<~:ti. wilLns mo~ EQ~thmt,U 6d.!i .. t:ru$ll}; mul tlp.le mrgm

rCill ~'rsi n :'i to-n.·b'l-to-fL wo:m.l; !level' tniJ;s;, onset debd1 ~s);. Se!rtcb DC 12;_D.is.abk..D.i.'JlEe DC :W. MjJrh~1 P,ia: _.2..!.ODQ' gp..

C:m:;hmgWalllYN;P'. CltlOl mecill1fllia.l; fiXation rri,gger,lIu~ 1JlI[1i~ ~Se~ 1m :;J1!tJl;k:roll requtred (18d.6, 1::J:US.h,; Sf;;l.n:lI DC 2,{t DiSllIbl.e De\ic.e DC 25; ~tkel' Price: lS ,oog ep.

El'JitJir~ Q l\Q:pi-C1l1Qi mJli!:i~ d~Ylai ViS;Y.i!1 tnll&er tfl'YiI' iCft'1gl ~1.nO:m~riC reSet; luk -8r.mged touch: spell dI'e~1 (iM~rg dnIiLL.J2~i'.!!nI. :l'dl• ~~g;tIliive !t!'!I'~1s ftlr :i4, hQuni, DC FUrll(lJae 5:iJJvenll,g;u~s,); SellifCh Oc ~4. DI~Jh[~ Devii.c~ DC 34. 0:1<$1: 12It,ODo gPo i' ,92~

RirrWtg.t !Lfl d S.IImmQtt Mmrr~:r VJl trap: Cit U!: m~c.lc dtvke, prollImil}, nigg,er (t!liam~); ::JII.IIl:!mni!: reset; multiple U.BP§"(OIll! fOr.e(dgt m, ;md OlJe ~Hlmu'" "'toll51tf VU lrap lh~t :summolls a Ilamamlll), speD eIfiltf iforr;rulge, 13ili-!evd wiz,ara), spelll!!!I~c:r ("111l1fl1m mlmurr V[J, 'lldt-lcv.e! wiz;a_td. hilfi'iillU.1i!); Si!JJn;h DC ~'2i Disable Dl!9'Iu DC 32.. OJ I: 24l,Olm gpo. ;:.lac XI!.

or~:..Thlsm!lp s: p:;dl" Qnl! CR 8 ~ iliaL~~ ~ 1O;rr:t'{~g! lllld I~ ~~'COnd ot !lmliP r.b~summQD!> ~ h~k i.!'ILth~ eSllIl'II.e are3. Lf 1 biOith s;Y'"t;'!led tb~ IllIrn~1:U III jJjppem Jnlld.~,kJr(W'.gt. Theje

~dI~o~ ~re ind~Fntle ~l mHm ethel: __ " . . ,

PomlD!~d. Splilkd Pi.r1'!r1lp+ oCR 1r:t •. mKh~lQ1liJtl,,,ti~fI tn,gIcr; 1i1~]lUi!l1 reses hiddi:ll lock byP;lS'S {S~Optm lock DC :ltl);_DC 2Q bEle!{ s:nve. :Ji\'oids; jQ. fL deepj,!idi6, &1Ui.m:w rfp!e tar&I:'t5.(fi:rsnvgl![:ln eac.b of tWO mdl<1~ a~l;!iIIl'i!5)i Ri! iipl.ke5 (Am +W..mtl!!C.ldf 5pike:s Pirr tllrget f~1: tdftS p~ FQiw:n !!';Ic;n 1; poison (}wrpli! . .worm POiSIlII .. DC :l±:Ew:tiJ:udUa.'iJU~$~~ .d6 su-/2d6 LTli}~earch DC :16; Djsllblt Devico DC 25. 'Mfl~ce1 1 ,,7DO.§'.

Wtil I af Ih~ BAndll.u 'ft1IiP' CR U), Inliglc d~ ]f'1'O.-mnity trigger (i!lIJlf1lIt); ~uti!lrnllttl~ m~t_:;;pill..df!.'(;l (Wtill oj rhe biiniL1U! 17th-level ~ rd, DC l~ fOl.ti.tud.e S!ll~ ne~}; mmrlp1e bil'~t5 (up co 11 Cfe!!!ttJr~5); SelIrdl. __ OC 'Ml Dj,5~ble!k~e OC J'I. GJrt~ iG,S'OO &PI ,5,UO:!I:E.

()rES IGN1J;H'.i' RAP .".-,

Tup-~ hlilY~ng beel] pm or the DM! ~ ~;t1. but 'by using (he Oliilhfiq~kmg) !I.~ill. playitl' cbs fen; crucsl_gn unique r.-.ps to llIIpwve ith~ deleeses ,of .helr h icllOtlU and [~!!5, If t!1l~ 'cf I-JVIlr.pillyetG W!mES 10 Manis Cbm::l:. ~t~r_des:~gn and build 11 ptInlc-

lll~ 'UIJ;p (Ilfld you WID iU.,go.3Iong WIPt rhe ule:l)i Yi:lU carl mke [be

piL1.yer IhIOtlgh fhep<W~!i:ulIlS.P.rlbfdm rh.ii.seeooll

¥Oli Q n 1I1su.mll~ th,ilH' mJ pmll.kll'1,g rules m dev,elop yotlf O''OWI~ci.aJlI'!Vpj w_spring IlIn UTIM L1'. PC&.

Mechomk'glThJrp~J:l.fsj~.iUll ~,hAAIClJ IDlPi.s S<lIDl\\'"hlll rlmpler fer~. OM 'wml ~ i~ [lplll~r daJII'F.lt:illIT, bec~w;~, you dpn'i' h.{l\'e ~o ~ij\orf)! ~botn con:m;ml\'i.AU~bil:i.miiJdJl.g.:Cnft (U':!,pm.n.:klng) cheeks md bavrng. til e lle~Si<l:ry..i1.JIlQUIll pf c¥h Qil hBnd_

impry :se!ec:t rlle elemel'lt5...)IDll.l%i'tn'[_thermp..lo ~rul atld up,

the Ildj1I5hIi ml1,j to til ~ tm~ chllllellJ:t~UJilgJll'llluhQ.seel.eln,t!~1ili i;-Eqilln {SRTabie 3-UlJ.v :.rri'fe:l'1 th~ mp's final Cll~ -glltd.,Mr,w I He raps:lf..a..pliij!.t!l ehilrllctet_ WII.II'!S to di.J:wjhL1I mec.DaniC<lI trap L~nd i£you SO ;doll with rhe llm~fo_Lthe player [Q des:(ribe bls.ldeil!._&~l.gn_rhc IlIWwrJiilJ~ !:;h=!tll{:Hl:a'isrlts. InlIking wh~tn=:\'~r ~.djusrments qO .he co.!'! or..:h~.J'I1I dws:~ !d~frIl:llt'!j i~qui re, :md tell ,h~ p] lIy~l" hew

nwdi it'ml1cOS'rID:O:tIfl' tbe tl1llp.. (HII! :m~,,!':subs~~~mtly d~&ide 10

DmiO;V~(lrm: elemtlnls Co r.l.Loe tlr !awe:rrhe cmLl WJum you Ili'Idlb\1'-I'llIl'~r .n:lli\'fl I.gr,e-ed on wIllI[ ~JtmeJ:ln: dll:: [ml' (WItruinSO.)!'OUJ::III11.d t~rmil'lerhe ell ofllu: fniP. ~l'id from l'h:lIl'lumW fWI !:lin dm)l't.th~ D_C9f rhe CNn I tr.i,pmmking,) r-b ed:~ the_ch1lt:4 litter' m~t JD!ill!ie 10 CVJl51.I!.n;t dWlNp,

Mi'i,gii;; "I:Gi{P~~ As.wirh_m~h~l'Ii.ctl1 mps, you dllm'!: ~uv,~ !o dOl n'tlyrhjn,il: oIlier thq dec:b:hL;wh~t elemenu YOI1 t\,'~.IlIlll!lld then '!I! umlli:lile the ell. Q{lhe:.u'S!ik.i!'lg mp (Slt!!ir Tab:!~ l-1c+},

PC~l)r~igl'jrd Jifitg.f{ 1'm1Jll: .rI w playu cktU'ilc~tr WiUltUO d!:~ig;n :md Ci:n'lstml!:t i:l m~giCI1llp, he mus[ b~\'t ili~.cmf~ Wondrous 1~J:ffi.., fe.lr. III taikbdoJl.I1~ mu~rbl)! ~bl.e to castr!t!: Sf/l:lIc1}t.5pl.llI tit:!1 the I t!rllF require!>-OJ', f:lllia.g ~.M~, he must be able to ~.;~C m Cii$! fbe Spdl5 ft)[ him (~l.'1l 'PC peURIIsrlng"p;qtU07LWh~n you md.!he pll!y~r hl!"'I: agmd till wh~1 ~lls,.aIl1L:llhelr el9l«tnt the mr~t.:Iill5. you. Ciln d~llmninelhi:' ~~iI[«iiIb Cor the .~ and mil! CR of the: [(liP.

'Ii' A.II LIE. 3-13; en' MQD. F'!!lJI 5 FOR' M ECIHIAN I'CAI. TRAP.5!

~tlllre R Mo.:Ufiu

5Wr.di ac

15 o:r fQw~r .U~lI

3D Of hr,~iJer

Oh6!i1t. fm;f~ DC lSl)rlawer ~9

30 er higher -*2

R#Jtt;t SHv:r; DC (Pii dr GUlf..[ S'wtl.D~~denl TmpJ

151 Dr lOWi!l -,1


25-29 +1

30 til, hi&l1~ .2

JWaa hn~ rMe.lu.tll,li'tUlgM' AUt!I't:* Tmpl

"D OJ IO'o'fef' -2

1 to+~ -1'

15 to *19 ,..1

20 to i12.4 :1


A~ragll: d~ml1l&~ 1 f1 pqlf1l!1*

1\;thuii'l'l'il~ta Ftillll1ttS

Afd!!)tfUCill d:C!li.c:e' 1.e1j'~1 ohpell 'I'I'Ii michd

Liqui-d +5

M'1J1~lpl~ lo3fJi!t +1 (or D !h~\Ie1" mi~)

C.ns~ull!l~O fOli11C '1"3

Onset it~la1.2 fOLli~.d~ +2

On!i!':' d~ill l roy nds +1

OJ1~el d.:lilf .~+ lOLl nd~ -1

Poi~OIl eli! of PCllsDIl (s!!'~ bo!lQw)

Black 3dlill!!r \ll!'nQm 1 liiI'Ii!' licorpiol'11 '\Ie~m +3

Black lo~:s ~,;lrac;~ :I?I MII~5li root p,illite +3

1l1ood~1;if 1 Medhlfl'll ~dll:f \4eflOm +1

Bfue..whlnni5 J\JidlilTil: +i1

Bl!Jrnt DtOli/f fiJme'5, +,(l ll'u~l"I{T wmm potSOfl ,JI,

-'ili[ion ;;:rawle£ br~ 1" juice +'1 S~s~ilel@:a r rt~i::llJ~ +3

O~thDlaJll~ i"i Sh'Bdll'!'!' lI!!~soefI'W +3

Dr;tgO<i1 b Ie +6 Smiirl centipede pOr5J;Jll +J

Ci~nl w.as.p ~ison +3 TI:'~n~~ r.cot .... 5

C;oeenblotWI _(Ill +1 Ungol ama

Il'Isi!rlll.y ml~t +'4 Wyvm pOison 5

IPiLspjJQ- +1

TolJdl atlilD 1

* R'o liiided to. l'he ne~t multiple of I !rtlu n d up' f~yerage tlolal _tj~~a~_.lIumhen,), ,Fc2f 'e~jj fllRLe •. .liclr~ I:l that de:ill~ 2.d&,ratlnlS Qhhll1l]ll'P (In 1V1lOIg~ of9 pDlntll) raundu!O:IItn 'ti:! 7. ,_l'Iibi IUIiIU~'ldDt's.J.;Ui, J;h':lin t$ !Or d~ma~ (<In a'o'l!t.agl!' of ~Oj) ~s LJ.PJ'l..L4~

ChaHeuge' Rilling ofaTrap To OIllcWo"[i! the Cb:LLLe:np P.m:Ing o( g unp._odd:ill.1he ell mmUfi~E$ .(~e~ Tab!~ '3<-1.3 f(J!L;' metJhmi.c~l IIOl~S.1"IIb~ud.<'I:10UlB,gjC mpg) 1'0 rlnelmse: CR.fuLlh~ tfBP type....

;Mecbanic:UTrap:-._1hu~se CR for t:I lIIlel:hllllic;lltup is D. I

L;~ Ca." .mJo"""'dOC .. """ ,.Iil,.. '" • clt:::f

lag!!cllnp: for I spdL:wlp.DrJlillJgic.d~lllot!mlp, m~ bnse _L The hlghes[.level spell used mod'iIi~ me CR (SI!e Tll.ble ~l.~) :V9)l)gclJllma~: L[,;Ii..UiIIfI.Le$~~ liIkal or mQgicl.W!~ b:~pmnt drumJ!g\"l. OIk:u.I~l!:: die. ~da.rn~g~ IOr~, s~lXe:s~fcl hit

MliUnund !hill wl\J~ 10 d:u~_maWlmuhi,le' of 7, Use dU5 .. '~ltJ(' 10 ..u:dj!!1lt!!he ClmI!leng~ Rrumg,.whl!! Irop..JISilndiQl.ed (lIlTlible 3-13 orTIDle 3-1 .... Drum~g,c fmm.:p.oi$cnns ~Dd pit 'spikeos dae5 mil count fcrwBnl tbb v~llJe..:but .dtlfi:l!lli!l:c from c hill;h iStI'mgtb I1Iti'llg iIfld f-lI:trn _mge £mm m!.llti;ple ~mcks il.Qt'5. For- eL'Ii.IlIlJple, {f ~ mp lIreill ,dnlSill ~;tchJ~~ vlffilge d:atn~ge is 'Ihe ilVl.lr:lge:

umbel[ o(dlltlSx me ave.r:a~ oamagll per d rt, wr.mdeo 10 m ~"'UIWltip!UlO, ~J :<l-5' d","s x 1.5, petms of d~m~,gr =..6.2S poiIl1.~ ""hic.b munds to {'

For II m>lgtc tl;lIp,..Qnh' Olie .modifl-lll' IIpplies 110m CR_iMer' the level of dw h.l,gheSt·Ie:vel ~ellilsed in me ttnp, ,Oft the ~v~rage dnm':]ge figu[lt, wbi,du!!ver ~~ bl.f;ger.

MUii'iip~ IrllJliS: If .1 't1'lJ!P Is reIlly nvo m'mOl:'f: con!flmed ID~ rhllr affect Dl'pmxima~dy tho! Sllme area, J.e'~ Ithe CR Ilf ~ch .oDe ri~p3rnlely...

r:; MUU1F!~ lkPMl&m:t "l"fIaJ1I: If ~e rr-ap--~p~odJo..OJl we WCCe.S5 of ~Ii::. iilthcr (dill1 I,sJ you, 1t:::JJ:I ilVQLd the ~~(IhJ1p_:dt~C mu by net f~lIiJl& vit:t~m EO th e firS"' , tb~y mw:r liieimlileUSi tt}1JIJ'lU usps..

l\Irultlrt.: Ifldtpmrlclli 'rrup:!: If lWO or ~puclJndepenik ~l'Irly (rki [' is, none depends en ~h& fU,-CCi:',s_:i!. Wn.wheuo ""cDWI1~), ~ US~ wen· C Rs TO de'JemJ,me dudrcombm.:d.EntnU!llit« k\i'~ u t Ihcug,h th.cy were .I1l0ru;1~ :1.I:c;eniillE m TlIbLu~ .Lepage .. ,}, The 1'f~u1nngli1J~Lmtecr I.cvl:llS tbe CR fur the romb.ined.J:nps.

I _---_

lAD!.:!': 3-lfLal~ MOlD I FillER!; FOR MAG~C TiRHS

~jj~ _tR' Ji1odiifl'~[

Hlgf1.~-tRI sp!!ll -'- ~,eD !I!!l!!1 QR

1 p;er., poln!!> or ~verage lI~m;lJ!~ p@> 11It,ulIdr

Mer:hanic,~ Trap Cost

The b:U;~~UD1I!chQ~~lJXlO g:p. ppi}' lill dLl:: mOOJ· Elm !rom Tabl~.l=l5 fl!lrl.l~~ .YanllUll kU:W'£5 YllU'vc _~dded ID 1M

I:Rp t'IiIBub.~IiIl~d_b~~~ _

The fi:rutLco:st is equc I [0. {mod i.r-~,i:I b~ se ~1JI5t x Ch~J1~ II';!! ,.Ra1'il'Ig)__t ~ eests, Th~lIimimll:m..rQ;ll~ mec:himlco] rnp i5 ll.CJt X lClJlgp.

.i!l.bryouvc Ilfilllt!pl.led the: modified b(ll5e' CDSlby fhe Chn.lleJlg~ ~1ltiD__g. mdd thepn;c~ oflUt}!. alcbJC'Jl'!J~IemIi O( p;J'istll.!i vcni1:'l(:tII!'poOfated into l:b~ ~he:J1Upu!>e5 :OXie' .of thes ¢1t-JlIij:.rus ~:nd has ~J1 aUIQIDal:i<: ~lle ... .mu.hi,,4':.ilil! Jlli;llis9D or 1I1clill:mlc:!!IIU~m oos( by 20 (QPlU\fjde lW ;\'d~u.i"'e. Ilppir Qr doses,

}d:ulit:l,plc hll~llllJI~~ or IliU):re eeaaecred trilpS, (r~~ermjltte I!h~, :Ilfi~l cost of.f'~ch se~l!ly. In!)<11 D.dd those 'i';ltUe!l togeth.et. This: holds "dmm_mW.ti~1e.Jl&p.ll.udl~ll' nd..:mu.ltl file indepelld~1lt '1r.!p5 (5ee r.bc.pre\!IQ~I:iiim.l-.

Magic DeviCE' Trap UHt_

,.lI_uilding::LmqlC d,~c~p mvWv.e51 ,he! g,\-:pelldl.lU[t of.~. , m~~:wcll !IL~.ld..p!i1c..es...m_cLxe'llili(el! th,c :S'c:IYJecs.,,,f ~

i.wdl~!,.r; 1"abJIl~Ui SImm'l~ri'ZeS tb~.~n:.1nfummiQlI'i £01' 1ll1I_,gi~ ~.lmP~urn;ll_lts.~:!i .IifIQre th~~ spell (filLin!:tlUJ,.Ce.....a.... SQw:ld.o_tmU:ll.l nigger 5~n iil ,add.filion ['0 me 11lilin ~dl e!e.cr),

tilt! hLUlde.U!l.IIS1. p~y _fur thi:lm 1LL! (elrolpr illlIMn, whi,cl:a i free.. II.Sjt mus[ be ~ by;m N PC; 5i!'e be!ow~

lAIBIL.£..k 5::J;:'o.crnMoD:n~u'R$ f'CII MiIEIi!HA'IiIIICAL T'RAPL-

~U"R:_ c,~" Modiliier

r.~r~~ LGcaliDi'J Prcr~lml" Tau(;1'1 TQ4Jdl @It.;~ed!J Tlrned

R~ijp,-, No Jese'I Ih~JI>llr MBtI'!uAi


-lOOgp l~iJ'OO SP

~OO!f -~EP


~}J;TrPG' lad.

Hldd~iII switcb Hidden tal

S,flrU! ,DC

, 91i1r 1QWf1 20

:1:1 or higher Djwbl~' O;:rif,c oc 191,,, IQ'WI


+ 100 l!illl !Op~1I l.Qd: DC 36J +.200 iIlP (Sieardl 'DC 25)

+]00 IlP (Opell L::d DC 30, 5l!lird! DC IS}

21 or hlgh:e ~zOO M' ~ (DC::: - 2Q)

R~~ S'gyt: DC (PI) or Dtht:r StIlI!~.,O~~"Jt"_RHlJW'

HI Cif IIiIwe.r -'00 rep (20 - OC)


2' 01 hlBner 100 gp ~ (DC - 2Cl

Atkd !lamu (MlI,uurDnj~ Ana" fAJ,p)

+'Q' \l'f loweI' -, 00 gp,\( tUD'" ben u:s)


11 Of h\Rhl!f

Oamillglll BOlJus

Hig!J il.llel1glh rmLlig -+100 gj:l ;.:. bonl.l5 (mllil 'l'4l (r~'m ~diltl~c~ b"ilpJ

Higfl Strl!nglh boonu.s 100 gp x ,~~ (mat +8l'

(1Ii!!1!!!! attack lJ~p,

lI'1i~'fC'D,ijs f~I;U~$ NlNer'miS1~


Aldt9lJical item

200 &? x (bonus - 1 III


Gm: of pcison"" (~ tab'll!!' ~, PaJ~ 291) ...rl)~m'* IseeJabJd..,g. ~it 12.8 oftk~ Pla:a:aJicmd.b.ookl

* Multfpl¥ CO~1~h)r 2.~ .rJliill fc..tu rH_;lIIJktrmlj~ r~'5~

The:~l£_d~:\red from nbl~ 30-111 ;sruIDe lhllE the 'buUdn ts c~s:[ill& I:.b.e..ne;~essny spells h:hnsdf (or perh~ps ~IIlIiC olhe~ PC Isp[oVi_uu~~ .spel.ls for fillC)..Jf ~n NfC ~P~~~5[ll'r m1Ast 'be' b.imd 10 OI5J tbl!lll. see "Elide j'--1!. Gwds mld Servke.!i, p:lge .I..2S oJ [he Pla;~r' ffuJi~k. fer mefe..coi

A m[l,gic..d~l,l'jCrl. In!;! t.:dtcS,~Jl~1;O ClJ<1IS'trUclpcr 500 gp of hs CO$.

---- --- --------

na:u: 1-116: 'COST. MODIf!US. EOA MI"cac DEVICE iu.ps

!5ealiJJIM' "~s;I: MOidifte!

~rnt ~JiI~11 u!Ji~d In ttigg~ Om:·Shol Trop

Eldi 5p~l1l11!5edill't""FJ

M.a~I~1 QQl'I)p!lIneI:l.t$ XP' wmpQl'1ent5 AUlaql~iKflGSft .Jmp Eadl ~pe:l1 I[;';~ in Inlp

Jill g!p x aI~r [lWei x !!ipelll~"'I!:', H XP)( DS[~' I~:x 5peillevel + CoI:I: o-h1l malerJlIL~9rn jlIOQW'S ~ Ti:lc:d of XP cam~l'1i1!nts 5 iP

~soo !III' X ~a5ter level X $p~a 11!It'i![' ~O l@.tc. ~:SlJe'r I~"'ld ;.. ~~n 1!!'Il~1 '- Cost of <III maleoJ1;iiI «1m pooeifits


~ Te~! of ICJII ~l)mp"ol'!elitt$ )! 500 GP

5 pel! T r:tlip Cost

A spei~ tNP hll5 ~ mst only if me builder ,mum:.!we_m.N£CspeU· Wt~f 10 C~I b. ,S~ T~b~e 7--8: G~ un.d.:s~tWc~Pl$l j21l,Orln~ .~)'I'l"t~f.ui~ImI!. for Ihf;!;~ ~I:s;

~fb Des fer Mel;h~J T rlilps

Dl1n' yell. krmw-Ih~ Ch~IJ.eIIg.1: Ratia~g (If ~ tnp dl::l,( aPe W~Jl~.~g;n nnd.iml.M, ~el:emWloi!.w.'l: C'mi!mpma...kinll) DC by rtfl.!~

M~ro ~h~ l:lIltl" end Ihe mOdlfi~1'!>~lLbelOW~ _ _ .. __ . I

f!'ill!,p._CR. ll~ mfl. {Tl1jpm~kingJl ec I

1-.3 lO

kB 2$

1-1ial JQ

Mdhl~l!aI CO!illli!'Qn!m~ PI'(!(!1i!¥lllt lrigijer AliltlJ!llatiuu.e.

Mla.dm~r tll Cl':ltIi, rrr.apm:alii\E'l DC. +S


M!Ihi~g.r.h~ !chlll~: To cl~lL'mIJlIe' hew much progms ;Jj chara~term.~kes ~fi buJMi~ .~ !FliP efith "'Cek, th~l d!~Iucl.er m~kes ~ Cr:i!ft (l!:ll!prn).i!]dng) cm""- i':lgol.! 70 of til'!'! PlI1J~~lf I·{rnuf~k Wrorai:M. d(l.~l$ em c-mfi dJ~d!s'ittd d!~'dtt~m51~n~ thn COIn d'fllalhml.


I Jwjnhii!.bnJ::1i1 du.ngeoll·~ ~:~ endWfII:tl.cmJn.mtLu£j;tsd£ Th~ a,C\:l· Hires dI.O!!' tiw .ihc~ n¢~ lO t'~t, dnnk. bre.:lJdll:, an,d~I~C'p jilS~' >1:5. jJh.il cr.e~ r:U1'6 of...r.hl:: fo,1t,l!!st ",r til ~ p:ll1fDscd!!l_~d mlQlUl0~dp;rjil.y, Cl:eilNre:o, livm"ginllbe ..-Il.lngoollo.e~dm_he.;ilbk...rQ_g!~[~rol!LDd. locked: doom. or even deees m~I' req;!JlloolundurulP..en. ,~a!l:l pre-

'iU!l.t cn~m.U11:1$ wmSt!lCill,g ~o fo-od (lr Wl'!t .... I!E:,...- _

I. Col'l1Si.d~~ '~of!Sl:f:u~[!rs w:ni!'n,~~igtlitlgl1 ds[o&t1Qn 'iC.lIl.Ylllll ~ il1i1~w....:~h.e~" J( fbi! filL'lVlworm~.lirj,!Ii'l'~ !ogJJ: bghi11dJuhc I1:Cs '~l~'~ m~ke dec:l$!o~~~d Qn ~{f1g_ w.hik ~ ilV'e!l~II'in!:.Wetl~ . .ftlr U,;i,1lI1plll. ~.!1lI.Il~~cf1r.:lh.

wlirer LXI th~ {h,m&e~:HI, ~, dm~ClI:U heuld be ~ble[t1.mak~!!he ~ssum:ptiofl rh~t millli:f tvf •. he crellJl:Ure'£.I:nhBbi.rfng. thJ:...p.b«:.c-omd eo T,h.~[ 5JlC[ of[eJ:I.. l'h!J~, the pc.' os .c;o.utl 'III. ~j~ .. irE ~mb!,l.sh 1'.·O.:t' !l.PJJm~ tnI~r cre:rt'llfe 'Utili rheyx:.afre.Wlil~ OH~iUIQI' dl1:fl~liIlogl~, such !IS~ all (h~' dQOJ:S 1.11 .~ dU~ll~Q[lI:!e<i,ng.1J:l.&ed ~7;'hen_tbC! dUI:I.ge'Dl'I Is !:tome u) In~ny c:~~m~~ dll:lltr.QY.allY ch~]1t:e: OIl vl)!n$imlHwde_


N"or I:V~_g_iliiU liv.l1~m a dll.fig,WiiL:b. a IIl~LUtI:T, _Olh~t t:fe';l' ll.l£ilS Lnh:ilii[ MJ!'Se unllr llili)'rlmm.s :tiS. 'iMd.I.

-r C'LI;e.efY£T'IIWrne:~: Insects, sl'id:~ gt.\Ib!!i._~:nd WOirnliS oJ ~11

~ds' liye' b:~ me oruk m'e-5iSes of dl!l<lge~n They dQn'r ,WePf ~ 1 ~!lI'! bur rney t1opmv.ld~ fQOd. rQfprodaOOfS ~".nd ~c~'\I'~l1Igm; rh= !li.IU!i\~!}[J~I, ... h:idLflli nn:,iI.pQ5~ a. thr~~ t fO' IIdw~'Ilull'er~ n~~5~ R!!lsm~ke u,p.;.lI!IlJm,~i pm oJ.h;.il'f du:n.geon ecolOgy.

1h~", ,t!lm!'!i"'~~~~~i:._iI.:S thc.~l[IIl:Il~.fur mQSL dl.lll~liln pred~IOrS ~nd tI;!I.~Illtil:~~. In.hl;ig~ SWams, th~y ~lJ:me ~I ib.l'l!lU d1;i!:tt'I~lv:es.

BBUt .Likt! 1'Ill1:s,b=i!S ~Ie.Jq.j;)nd i~.IJIgbQtJt ~ I1!ljI dU]lgooTli ",,;61h ~C~$~ fQ (Iu~td" ~it- Altb:t;k~lb;1JLaIl:.tlui.<!IllIgermIS. ~ ~ Qfb.a~ ClJflobKUIre vW~_,qnd hlliQllleub!!IlW91\~;d chm·

~on del\!ett-pn'tlcub[~:!!! 5~~g.. _

'Oti18:t: AriTlim3ls= Srrlldla,c~(ur~~ ~;\!j bld,gc(5(IJJ.tf:eITl"ts or

.1l1gt olzy!]:l\i'(!rcu.l.lc.h. U(IJ:S :md apes Imy wke lUOLfMlbtim~ (ot

~.lmQSiL fult.::rlm~hpl:U~Hun em ~5l~1I".~Jn IIw!l!t1d WJ!e,iI \""rh d~cms ~d c:W!l!rn~, :&edatllirf ~nim~:l51i'U~"'.lI!i dUB', wmlh .. ~.li. lI.I]iI~~Il'~ydmvJll.~d,~on5[11l(1,re~ ,_h!!('(l~~ pan of the. eco.I08'll; Deep du ngeorn d,el.ver.~ ~A:~~ . lwou.gh~cks~fl~ROfCO~QSSlfi!lC"~"'el""s r~f Un d~rgW~.JiId wi~

f1~ JJf ll~r:dsjlyIDG ~bc:url~ An.tI Df ('Otli:$~ t1tll:l~,!,gl7Cl~d ~m;S.


~~~~~~ wil:hIlLl illI)l'1!S' @f 6~h. ~V(Jt:e.r rn~ ;1l!lI~ tk:(t1pfjJt!1,

!lIIltt,thil: ~E1:r:Jti~1lI5, Ch,[l1l!lnlll ~Ilim~lti h~",e deveh'F~d.d~J:k. '",]sioll In ,cmeUQ 5Ut\lhl\~, "II~,~y hJ~:~~ sd~I,[~d 'tn thd~lI' il;nvi.t:Il!_n·

• ment, al'L-d JlI0'W th~ 'thr.i:!&.i:n dJ~ d~rk ro.nfl.nes of rnvu anJ ~s~~~eli.,They reed 0[1 ll'loJdJi.m.gi, Oi!' ~,ch "Luber.. !lec:! use .Qf r:b~ h'l.ck

of !1I1"1li!;ht,M3:1'1Y ~I;lcd~vc. h~>t:ome !;.fu.{r.,dy wI! i I~, whi le od:li!.r$ bv~ !1~olved a.:D1:n:k.co]Qrntioll. ~o hid!! {[I mt daMnOllss.

sJiIlles, Molds, <;I m:l1:Ung I

In ~ ClIrweo;M dwmp, dask reC{\SSe5j molds Ill] d ~:d'l;f. \Whd;l mmt'p~.:I]lm ~nd~~~ ,mIHlsters: (S<e:~ tb~ M~n:rti!rJvL.lUlMD.-;!.IuiL' olhie:J[ s1Lm.~, melld, mafUl18usB JIiLlSI ]W=al~1JS .sndl'.,~ fe\\' v:ru~r~ii ;;lire d\lIIl.gCroIl1l. dnngeon 'BiIl~OllIlit.m..liJlJ:.p'~~ spel1u_a!Il~rhe1:,i:pe~Ia! ~:lTe~t'!i,i).u simlfs,,;moJ.d::iLmJ.ld ~ ri!'e~Pl:d ~.!l llia 1Il!)ll, Uke U'i1pS. dMigtrou$.slim ~ mod molds b.a\l~_

~ a:nd th~~I'I:~ ~rtI XP for !:l1LiOlln£~rlll!,g rh~rn. _._

it form, of !lli~[a~ng. Dr~l1k slu~ge' cna ts ~llmo.st ~llytlltng lh~!I" ~in~ i:n [he d IIlrolL'l!ld .d~t:k for lo.cdr:m(l. rh is kind of ~bmeo.tthough h mllllu hem~];!.Ulsi\l'~, b.l'Itt~ dil:tl!lernu~

Molds ~l:Id {II ngj f;lQLlrC;h..il'l d~tk.J:.lJat d~1Jilp~ida:r~s... Wh LI~ ~(lm~ :lire !1!5 iIlOffi(t[l5lV~ as t'he nmm:ti dmlgeGll!._di.m<! .. odults 3[';1 q~11(~ • t1~I1igeWll'~' Mwhr()o;:m~s, ]1LIfl'b~, ye;l~1"i5; lIIuLi!e,Wi';Uila, QJhe.r ,m.l'[~ or Imloous.1i!i.rcQ'l.!S. (!Ir flat p-l.mej.ofm!:lgi.(:;1D.bdi!JI.m.d..iliwujlihOut m\l-~l dun.gelll'1$.l'!lllY ~I!'e Wiu~.t1'1ln~~..a.md.liome ~lL",e

eVCI'I, OOIbk (':hollllb..mos!U'lDt;: L1n~\ppit31~"".rn ... i5IL1E{.J1fig)~ 1

Ctl:l¢h.5l'imil (CR \'Ie~: This dYn~'O.n~~m.~mJ.!li,'I'1iIrl.~ DIS' of IlCimm1 :5!im~..c~eJl slime Id~olll1S £]~h ~ o{gl!_mun~te.dli OJiromlllc~ ;rnc,jll ~~I'I cjJpiI~~e of dismtving n'~_t~l:B~r gn~. \'O'er, ~:od stL&.y, U ~j<. rownlli, Ileoes, nad I:'e~ mt p;i11clae~ r,~];!rodllCia!j)~ i( _CDI]j~J:u;ne~ Qrg.'tl'l:jfll'l.~[[el". U d.mp;s: from Xlillll.5 ~l:id c~l.!.n&!5 ~~hLmJ[.d'l:h:c,t$.mo~ml::nl (~!l.dpo~siblt I~) bdo."~,

A sIngle S-(:i:lO( ~ql.l~~~ 'tlf g:re~11I sLin:l~ de~li X dill paJlus: of CClnSl:inLrifl.lll damW I'~r 'rl'lUild wh!l.e h devourn 1i:1esh, O;nl.h~ fi~r OOILI nil, Oif CO(!lr.aCE, l:h~ slimll' c::m b~ sCr3pedi off:~ Cril!~rmll': (m PS[ llJk-.cly d~$trtJf!llg the s-rupiflg d.:vi(:e), blJ~ af~t!r t~L.il mUSt b~ fr,O:l!(!:Iii, btl~il:l!,d, of cUI: i!Wili¥ (d~~.Ufig d.Dlm~.gc. tcui:Jc...llli:ll It! ;Qi~ w~n). Anyrning th~1 d.~~l$ cold o. fite dam~~t', sur.U~b~, ot;a ftniallt Ii!g.~j~ :spr:!11 dl!srt~ II :BuclJ...af~J:I ~Hm~_ Ag,od.fl!tl' wood Orm ~ l~ I,i!l.wo:n s1im~d Ci~ ls 2dtipoinlfl_of d:ot'!!i.!!:g,<:pe.r wu.nd, i:g;nQrlJligm~t\1 ~'5 W.Jli~~bLU net tlli1t o.f w'Ood. it d"oe~ l1olh;:]Jmi n(m~.

Dwm:\I"ll$ wruUer ~JUlime_;w b~CII.Il~ of me' WOf5l b Il!Zilfds ,,[minmg il.I1.d ul1;di:.QlWlI1Ja;wJl$tru~rit)l].1:bey have dlttir 0"\'UliI ~y~ .cf1.urning h out ~f Inbn~J nlte;iS,owtb.odS ~.h:rl th!:v 5i1Y ~r;: dU!toDUg,b. "I rYOL1 ':km!t ill:!' itpmper, the ~WIJ coltlE"ll t1g.ht lt~d.:." rhe'l!:WQl~

YelIo\.'{MoJd (CRJS:~: 1£ dfiroJ~J .ol 5i·r'OO:rsq.tl;J.~ of dIis mold DYrgs: fo-nh. w~rh~ cloud of ]lQ~il.Cl1J;i 5pcire5. All wldml ] D fuercf the' mcld,mmt m~b ~ DC Uhnitudul!l"'l1I)I~~J.:e l,d6 pohns, of CoJ'I5idtllltitlili dlll'Ul.~gL!:. ,&lclhl1£-DCJ.1 !brtiruCik: ~\\,f i::; teqllimd 1 minugb-,,~~eI'L ~:bo~ \\Iht;i~IJI~eede(] Of! the first say~(o .llvoju!!kun.g~ldJi:FQiJUi Q(C.:mmr\lOOll dgm;(]lIi!e. Fire desrm'f~ ydlotv .l.l\~kl:.~",it,unli,~ I rellde,rti~ dtlrllllnU,

...lImv."1l Mold (ell. .2.): Bro'/llIu::tlpld feeds (Ii'! wmnth. dmw!lfig h~t ~IJI" mytWng 'JIDund ir.ll norm:illy oom~s In p:,"Itc:nes 5 feet {]I di:JmeJ:l!I' •. lInd IIu~ J!emreF,lru:f~is IllWlll'£ cold i'lll .3-G:._fu2t_m_d!;us; Iml,lIId ti..,U\ltl'lg ~;r6t\lre-s 'I11l'tlh:m S ff.'e~ of i[ T3kie 3dG pgmf,i.,Q! rlQIl.~EthaLmld dllt!fi~.!le..Flre hri!!llJl;g.h~ wIr.b!r:J S fu~ ~ ,,,f.ln.o.'lII~n...IMJd.. ~mse-ll rUt> tU'5trJll Uy d'i4Iu.hl~ in ~c Cold (bllI111!1gl?, s!.!d.!Iili !w:m.~-.I

.fWJ~CJi'Wl!!~'Ulj;Ul,b· d'~ll1!'f.5 iJ. _ _ __

'I1;n'Q~,h~t l:uDgll!S..(No.clU;.Ilwi~g!itWld;;:;.u:ruu fuilgll!j; gnm.'5 ~l!llLlUlJIiI~ Ih~~ loo_k ~:lmostJrk~ £[l,ml~d ~ltrulJ~f'i" '~ ~j_tu1ti'l'ate u.fur food Mil Jlgll[~lt .. GL'fej_off .1 sofr'i"io.IN: .i..&1QW_tb;l;~jllwn~I1t!lles.u.l1d~f.gfO\:md ~;lveti'iS :lltld p;'Is~gell ~S wdl ~ II..qmdJll dQ~~...lt>I((1 pJI~cl!!1!5_()f fulJ,g!,lsi.l.lnlTIii]]~ ~i: ;J.!i welt ~~ ~

IOIcb dQ"~~

WA NDER~NG MON SI_....E""",R'SL- __

VI hll~ th.e ;QVED ruliet5 ~II'~ eiqllil'rtng me d Wlg'l:O'Jl.Au: lig,ht o[ thltir bmems IU11lCt5 the ~lWI1Q(l,l'l (JI£ll~ \un k wilt! rome lo-see iflh 'I (:lliIl cntt.nsomr smtll:lla juiC"l Lh.iQP. tQc<lt. On "nomer delviMI c;l'rri.on_C"J"llwll!f find Ihem Imd fQJlm'ls ,hem,ouf Dr sight. 'When it b!.l:l!I1i.lLJt~llT, j't It'rnm;b~es up fum beh.ilild ;JJil.d

r tti~ to m~l!;e ~~ with:.~ ,h~rnclcr who h>lll r.ille'J1 ill m:IIIib-.Jt. On ~ ~ili:er eXIled b(IOrl; the ,:wtli m~'Is..:llU)!dlf'J'_J;iOl.rt:y of l(hreml'!!§

If the l.WO grOlLps e~ r.1 ~'1. OoTk (o:gUh~f~ tbey ':B n. ~~ nce cVligl lnCorm.l!.rlofl, trnde v3!u:Jble: h~~ lind po~sibIYI!\Ii'!q WD log!:mer. The IllI!C!rl:ng, bowfirer. [QuId jl.1lSC as- ~sily uu·n uno It ~sn~.ii.g,h:I, Wnillcieril'lg. mo.nire[S~ch jluh~:'Ki .~dd Wl;pre-clh:·!~btl·

ity.~l'lIillliction 10 doog.!:"Qudnu:mJ ru

Wanderl uag Monster Rolls

As 1m 3d"'eDtu.r~Is £!XPJfl.tt"; ti dUhg.con. 'mllk~ rolls ta, see If dlt~ , cl1tollrue[_w~derillgJl'lWJ~~I$. Use W:lfi&erlng. :mOl1S"ler roll.~ IO ~dQ._iU'I ~~npredic"f~bl~ eklne:nt to II dUflil;eliln dd\rl1-, ro t.I'D('(IIu.~e ~~ufl'!~el:UQ._~ moving, ~:Ild 10 Pill ~ pr'k:e !lill beillg lIo.h1iJ, Th~

, ~t:t lm:mll!l~ fur whu youmllJor ""'md~~ mom1miL~ ~IjUQj you. Ge.lJ'~;L';!UY.Lthi::.dlllJfI~~' is 1Mb fou w;nded:ng ml:;rll$!~r to 5h0\\f up whli:;IiI c:e.n:a.irI ronJidol'ls Ire mer.

\~r'l.m ;I Cffl!l!JI 1\m(l1lJll Clf1'im~ Hll.r Inmd.; Making o.n~ 1:011 Fl" haur i,~ typio.L You can .ron more often 11l1l~vil)' popnlmrei!l areas, ~I,p w ~s of reD'! ~r; OnCc' ,t!'\'>ery lO ·Ill.mures, [f YOIl'~ .not ~J'l'eIlcly ~r~ck· lng lime 11''1 'rhe QUllgeoln ~n.d YOI.! do.tl~ :wm,' to ~mn, m~ fQrwmduinll mt!n~U'fS ~~'herl the chiJf~C:I1l't5 :t~jll'i.{)g.~nyrhi.r.1g dUll hlwo .. long..tlme (sud :ls: rilillg..lClw:...h:ilUi::lIriliifij ~ Wi)m fur secrd t11X1~) Lns-rea.d oflreeping rnck ofth~dc.ck.

W'hm Chllm(ltl) ,\iLtlf« NlJjst: Breakh,g ~ .dQWJH h;wJI!g.i! 1fP1ca1 tlg;bt rounts ~s IDrrkmg noise. :B~1d Ilg i_d'ojJ[;ln~n h.llV!ng ~ SI,gln rigln~w:tr ~cmnlli as WlC' lnsttl:n~~ or UlQ,is1:!. gilt.' Ol'l~ mH. Gtltring jnlO aloud argW!llel'l"i, knoddD(l O~ 3 m~d_rJllfllling up alld down st.:U in fll.1J ki r 3; fOlp pe-ed ;UltOJhe{.II&ti(l.Il~ dilll

mi_gbt.cIIU rO~ ~ wl1Jldeoll& mO.II:s"[('[ [{It _

III J,llgbi!'nlJh, Anlll~ Dectdillg wha( corn-t1UUI:S a.hlgh·traffic .trl!1l is !4IUQ 1!)DIII. \'i:lu ell!'! n:l1l ~;"e'ry tlmulte dll1nc:tetLelltllll" [I. .new co~rido:r" provided such a corridor tItI~kn tl .easy ':U:_t"r~ 'to gtr ~o ~n;d fro and rhus ~('eu lQtcfmffk- OrbCl: ~[tg;5 ... !W~ pools f ~ w.ner, miChub)o a,tu;lCt maD)' t:!'I:'Stllt'eS. ,;--1

III CIM~·o.lIl AIl'I1~; If thf. pel; hlt\!C de;lml our pin ,or (he dun-gMn, rheli! yQ"u C~l'i [On fo:~ w~nJeJl'illilIl'lIHI5'le[S 115 the)llr.il!ld ~brollgh ~pwricu!l'l de~red ~.f!eJI t{llill. 1l.1Id~fed iIl"i:'~ After ,tIoU. cre!lf1lre5 qifilild. QU!'_I:n.mL!~~~im.illg ~b;llllda,,~rll.~,m"' tory as ~'l:..O'o"fI.

Wlu'l.t.ltil!iW UU:_D.llIlgrDtKwlIri:k_YQU h;lVC fliyery ligi!! to rolJ fur WlImieriog m-oml'~;!S the pan}' i~_I~l1"iog.jbt' dungeoll. YQ!! m!gh~ J;:tidlt!Un ro. The ciJ:u:mO' rs:.JltnI!I1l1~lfi.iI1kf good time IIi5 [b!:~ n""IIti iOl the rucl'lIee, i11ll1l, [hl.lf'~~l.IS1J31Uy ~~kil"l~ ~ fOul~ U!~'l hlllX:lLlised on the.tr w~V JrhjjO h'~ ['~a:so'JI~ bk ft;Jr lh,e cl-l ~tlCI~ l'Or \VilnJkri.ng,iIlQfl5b!n; lo_ga_dOWn.. Akadflhe pMi.yer5imo,"' Ih,,! dl~ chml,cler5 mi~ht £a!';- Ill"! '~.eJi.colJ.IIt~J: 1m the W,lJ)' home, [bey lend IU br'~lIk off thelr..:~Qrn~mll wnom they lieel tbey Can :stitt hruull~ ul.Otbrr e,",~u1ner, C:irusi:ng I'h~m W act IlIIIHe' C:all.tio!.!sil' lhc:n [hey \V<lIl( '10 £If .til iJ.Q,_~'j:.W;lm dilt'cJill t.o.

Monsters Enc~qJl1 tert'''''d ... · _

In ; .spawlmg.rnndom dllils,tOJiL ~Oll Olill_ ~ii'Jl;sf.du~ r:mdtlin dWlgeon encoUD~C'r tQble~llJ<i!,geUi=. n.ttule(e.l'mine~wbidJ mOL\stl'~. W:.Indil'I by. ReIvll if tM resuk woulri be' :[[lrumary ~reI!' tullll gr ilnc uruilQdy ·to.»nde~, hUI m~lIe:r or wm:ll d.l,Jl[]~oll. In'r.Iko'_ijiIl:ULwnDh~'om.enmulrue[J ilhl~

thU'nui~I"'1 !;O$[<!.mJU'd ,...an dtrll'11:, 1III00nSler tlllilJe: om ind:i· C;1:u::jJt~lmaJmlL~g!oilPS Of.mOU!.eN buher IhrnR~kinlk o ' iII(lM~. F~r elWllpte, dte eDti)' "Urge !iI~1I -I.rom srO!pianw cOLdd..tn~IiU!..,;IflmtLlla'r !Il!:Drpll:m th:rt lives ill lb~ durRg,L'On rathe t.b~",,~ nlll®iJuooiPioll from .BI:I i.I1.de.llru,tl1]Y b'rge '~ulrut[-Oli ,Dr

WANJ:iIU!JlG M.o.:Hm:e,1I SUM MAi,!!'!' \\)i'lldeffFi& Monster' 'Cii1'l1nce .. 11m

Milke ~ nih On d96 I ~ tlil~ flillDWing CLf1;IIIl'1SIii1 nees, •. E.vff'/.hQ.lu 'U).e_CbariilcWr.S-.i!re III Ih~ dUn\g~n.

• Wli~n .he chlf!ll:t~ milke ~Qt~

• In nlgh·!fiffiCArear5,

¥ou ,may d~dd~ to !Ide! a.r omil r.o~s i 1'1 tiloe roUowil'l~ mlfCl.lm~~Jance5".

• IJi dj!,~rrd·Olil :il~iS ill~dul1!getm,

• W1i~I.e tim! t.h;) reelel! ;I.t~ 1~.a"'1 nil d1E' dlm~.

'sil:n'ihr 5CQ~ions_ Tb;t'! way, enee Ib.e ch;'lJ\tcters..h[l.\' killed MQI sml"piol.'lltIDey c:an) I:noc.un~r ir ~iB"1n. Cn>¥Lt(f;Wllul;I:5OOn.izid tQ.Dle· eould ~hQ h~,,'e ~~]['~ keyed On d}~ dliL.JJg:e-iJnJ)'l,lp • ...fjO I1ml ;dven;WUI5wilo kill a (re~uut! wh~ ir's.l!mlil.dui:ng.;~tLldJii~r fmd l~empty. SbI!!iI~d¥,I'boro "'hcdtill il Ln itffJlIjuI'Oi.lb.i never eril::Ilunlel' (I Wlllnd.~ring.

u til!:! 5:lmt ·\ViIy mil.! }'QU-cm invenl the de:nilen ".oupel':ifk dUlIgeOli moms ",~bl:.f IDllrll dc~erm.[nirq: them Rl'ldornly. VOl! een ..jJID!i:llt sped& w.1IP1_d~cin.g;.,mo;I15t1:rs • .lhese could indude ro,CiIlr" js~i!'t!I rhar fctt.:lpeil h-i;l1ll thr::· PCs bcfore.(or [b:~[ the l'Cs esrnped Er(IIU~. [Meed. you CQn repl3!:~r.he deill Q!' a:h~cle,dn,g ,m!>lmlfl with il1i'lIInd!Qm e,,'em imlea:d. lb.t: thmtreu.~ouJdJ:Le, rfigbtlng,.in I·he d'ist:mceJ(lImble ;ac:rost..__r.mdom. 11l~IO.lhe dllJlgr4JJ's.p<I$(, or 'bemml1' s-ub;w~t tOSf[~~ RuctlJu,!ing: ~~Ct: of

f:IlC(l!1{1(f'd,1l11 ~ "tllin~rmg mcrn'tt!:f _

W~m:ierlllg Monster-i'Treasure

verall, wrnnt~c:rlng,llitOl'I!i'~~ do/H'I: hav~ .3LImIW,U(!li$IiIr¢.. UnO • sters e1l.wli!tlrered.in their bin_ When NFCs.'UJ" e~lIf1(c(_eilmi1 wnndedllg mQ"n5"k~r ~r is weir [r<=l.lre, 'l'mt!1l i.g"L]~ • ,dedD!! m!tlllS"C'1'5 m.1g,lH (SO% ch~nct!) h~",~ ~ 'U"e'o1S;L1(~ wh~~1 Is e-q,"UIII1 m dlf: dUQJgoonieveL UDinl~mgl!n't m.o.nsrel::!l don11..'uy,;:_ trn1:SUI"l:.A d'rl.:' \vt3sel'uieJJ. mighT be linered witb l:hti'litu~blt~j;lf creamres it hilS ktllcd. bur it ®QSV( omry [Q.;)! miff a:rmlIld wi rh it.

Silu:c wmdl:fm.G ml;ll\~m haw I(!$$ tr¢liI~ure Lhll De.fSln

Iheh b1I5 tl'f hom es, cla.1.tilc[ern '''Ypjc~ Ill' IT)' .ic m inilllh:1! ~he-ir I!n(;:01:mlJ!f5' wilth wODlJeril'lC IIUIDSI"CIS.


This s.Ktic·1J tdls you.hoW,JQ..jWn.i!m·te DIlIlg,eorni r:mdomly, !foni [he fh'.~ldi:loI to tbe:gtmu:~:~lsb:3golt.an~ i~.s masm'," U~.lII:Ollrc hoatd Dl'ldle ~'lI(fir,mQ51...d-l!.!l~rQ~ lel~l


Some dMagOOD_li ~Te!l sl!n¢s ·oflevds or fl:oors, eac:h ~eneMh ib~ one i1bov.e~ wirh more d~.rou 1 wi:!; fORllId ]Dwer c:l:own and s!lfer one:; !'ie-ncr ili~ suriful:.e. foUIl'b. dungeon I rlu: Iloor lleart"S1 t:be !mITace ,ClIO b!! 1st k~l (uJ..) ad e.:tch 5"tl"e:s$hol~ty d£tp~ 'keve 1 ~~ 11 he one dtlrI:gecfl t~hf!r. ("[b.e socond Oll~ dlJl!\""t1 wOIl.1d ilL! zlJ1l Je",el, tb~ tJ:loIul~J:ill:J:d. MU:!. 50 mrrh.)

The.Jerm "I i'lvd"' ~jl peftlliJil 10· 'WIgeon;; meum·e bew dan-g,ero.us dli'l d~lllg~ 'QL~llr t:'Wfl'utiYEnture ~ IS it( 1IPW!:umr 1=llo:n_ G.e:ner:l!1Iy. ~ "any of dlimc~ rs ~hl)llid ~venllilre in 1IIe~ wh~b.'¢l, linQt~ ~'lie'r pan:y lmUtbolllgh brg~ gro~ C8.Il b~nd'~ rc:mgh~ir m:ea:s; md mill gWU~S mlahl IIfeil to sGL}"ln ~5fer amts~


Il..:t ¥o\~d~idw..tlw 1~"~1 ,l:If your dlm.it'. ,ft (""":;. ~~; -I )'01.1 r(!Crenmg;,J,(J.( h~5 IDlIltip,le' leveI5), dnro.!I jj ]:iii 'i!-QfI$ilP

'p~perl,m._iiny_alboC:r ·",3pet.:thllttuIIS '!RIll) '~~. . wruJmfu:l &ill~~~'" bc.wrn.none,J.lnu 1:Il13;lU"e'cS.JJ OlUq.'OU @lJ:2.m IllIlIIF'. Th.e' IlI:!II!P _hould..W~OJru! ... oon:,idor:s

nd.doQ4LJi,r.ou,:plm.l1.llLmili' Q..~r.lwJI.Dd~tlli_of ~n£lr.mmJli siU~1l don't.,l'Il:oo 10 m:lp i't :ltU OU once. - ._'imI~~JI"'H.'P3t1nc sheel Clf paper fOT rue IIIilP~S keJ~ rh~ k~ de5eri~ the dlltJ,geOJl.

r"'8LE 3~~7: R,I.Ir:.I!.'!OM IOOOJl T.l'JPES _

d% T'lpoe;· tDC ~ b~~1

O'l-n® Wood~n. i&itrrJpl~, [.I~Joded

09 WMd~n. ~im,p~. [.1M loc~ed ~ild tr.lppecl.

10-23 WOOdill1,~iin!lpt~. ~tlilck (U)

24 ~dCn.s.lmp1E.cs:tlll!::k (H) ~:nd ~'r\li~

2§....~9 ~~d~n, ~Jm,pl~, lC!d~.d (1"51

1-..'300_ Wi:KJden.s.irn,ple.leckedil S-I_,~rld'ct!',D(p~d

l~l-3S ~~d~D.B~,yn~~

~6 \Vii:iod!:ri. gD~, 1.1Il~jlfloi:l ~rilAAed

]144 Woodilm, gWdi, 5111.id t' B:~

~ \Vood~rl. gOM, SltlclqllrLmd.1ra!lped

~i-4;9 Wood~~, gQa-d, 100i:ctd n~)

Sil Woocl-en.lIli~god~ IIX~l1d p 8); Ind tnpped

S]~li WaOd'~, ~t[~IiIg, un~

55 W<IDd'~~j !i!:r'Ofit JlIljlDdi~ and I!rapp~~

t !J-6J1 Wot!'den, S~I'bPg. 511i1d: ~~)

.6~ Wgod\el'l. ~trJ)og, nlil~k '~l3!andtn'P~d

I ""'" WKct=n" :!'i~riln&~ I~ ~2~l

,] Woot:I~". ~trong, ~oc~ (1lll and~pp~d

11 £lOOlI, LlnrQC~ed

72 :Ski(!~. IlIl'Ilocked tlml u:lIpped

13-75 SIOl1l~. ~tllck {21~

;10 SI!)fI~', Mud. (2&) .lm::! u~p~

17-'19 S.tQla~. IMhd (2S)

30 SWIi~ kl~~~d l2!l} ~ncdltr~p~'

~ &1 Iml'l, ullIllXfed,

~SL 11'0111, !.m~, ~~d tr~ ~fJ

~ 8~,",80 I~n. ~loud! q:MJ

~!i Iron'l.slud: pSl ~!IId lrajlp~d

I al0. -88 1~!:Ijij, I~ (28)

l.i Iron, 1IJId«l t2S) ~!1id U'OIpped

191 ~9l Do!:Ir ~lide5 I@ one ~d~ flIlher lha.1l I;Ipani~, ncmnilJ Ir.

Rffllil tY!)i! (li!!II1~rirlg r,oH!i!aF g~ +). Add +] to I:;r~.k DC. 9.~~ ~m ~Ji~~ d'mYl'lmner th ~a~IIl.&Jlllimall)l.

lii:eHll1 tYJpoe: ~ili:rKlrrn.g rolls of'S) +). I\.di;l :1-1 to tae;l.k Dc:.

9l-99' Dot!r 'sh~ u fI rilm~t d1~!'1 ~i!l!1f m;mnaf~)',

Fler.oll tyj;l~ (~Ilm.w[ng rQJI~ w'lll+). Md +2 tl) br~ilr DC.

[Iller m~gl",lI'r r~~"fOf.~ed. J

Rero·lI '~.' (ignQJrngro1l~ Q{9l+~. B'r'eiilk IDC 1~ 3,IHof _

w~efl ~.nd 4~r,ll]!;!'ne or Iron dO'!:lr5' _

Tnpp~d: Iklll on ""j;~b;le..1-1! IRand.PiI!_TI'lIJ;rS, ell: 1 ~l. or ""[able 3-20: ll~a"IdQm ·1irap;s CIl.4-6.o.r Jabl't.l=21: R~ndoi'l'l lh[ps CIiI''':HI to 4e:!etlTli~el!!ihJ~~lb~ trotg.J~rll!f to 't"~ triilp.d'ewiplil)ns, on pa~ i,D-I!!.


E'1~~, cl)!~~e_rhe spe.!;i;'ll :p~l!'l~ of fQUJLdungeon. 'll'he-S"f( Q;!Llld b~, ~omlO \~1ik._YlJ<tIf fml.lOrt!~ mi)'~t~und n'~iW~ dtw:l.~l.1$ '~p$, r 51T'.l1niEie ['l:l!lJms: widl m~gi~ pools ,tI~ £D,d:lillJtecS:C:;lNeS, m'lsr.erits lImd. e.I!jg;m.acs, Il,~ l:l.nymiJlg: UllU:!iU3lr"'~\ WlIlI.t to lndwde. 'When l~illY.eDl" r:ne rollle~l;OiOlfi,.d~-rib~ i.1 in rhoe.key, gi.ve it a Dumber, ~:r.Icl tbel.'l P-IIIJb :tt.nu.m.b.eUlll.lhe m~p tll:lillcite:Jte \Vb~R

ehese F~,~tm'es ~ • .Ia!d~~~riII ine ",,!nU~ 5iC1,rtt [If deor (Il'.r fllllors) .B. mom. wilU~~"-lIo\:!!_ca:n mil d~ find re~r m Tab.l~ 3-t 7:

R:im:tQrn DooitT~_;;.QU.imP~1 :ll.Jwe from ,b.~t J.is<J.

NelLl, you c1l'I_fiLl mqt ilie ~~or.dJ:t!,(h"I'IgeDI1J, either by d~~tJinc \7o'ullir &= i:l'l. e.ildJ mo:mJlll'J:l:f~f'Wli:nl., ill" r;lndtunl'j;,JI.¥O):I de[~~ mInt! h ~ndO:lf!Lty, ~n Oln l~bJe.k.LS:..R3ndtllm..Room. Qrn~~;1'1.:!:.ro:r .c~1':11 .nOIn. (h,!! T'e~u.ln-ii-"O.Ilg_tr"-\lt..ilk~dl ~W.LJia..mh f!:I:...Olltdom

Ir~b1es h~ro ~:nd ~n od:l;el:d1~p.l!en,

____Xo.u.~:Q!!UD.lUQr.~rl1! dOQ;r' ~b.e;1dAlf dme I11nd li.Kori the 1u;_Cln_,V-~ex. aQu~[ol fuU;l~C~ rm"\Idomlr ~.lir,,"lI

~f._f'O-uJih. )tCl'Ll.c~1:I '~Vl.ln Stoll ~t With. II. 'blll:r.lk m~:p lIrui roll.

LlYPeUt!~m..Q_OI1!IDClUS ~sr,ht:: pby_er chata:P[eJ:'S.el"~ I QlilC 1"Il!1.D1 ill' ~ ~hlJ~.




J1m silC'd~:ILpl[cwid~s, ')I'O!) 'whh ~ \Nil,! :00 !!i~Eler~tie dungeonJ ~G~~do.mly. You CllR:ds-o u:;e i:hc. niliie5 In dm ~rton..L ~1ll'l.il.'8_fu;_!£ .Emm~t:;h ~!!I ~-hoose the ellCOIJ]:Il~e-l'S fUll \~Q.j 1Mi n.your dm'lgeGn.

Th~ d)1m!l~]I ell~!liWilliu.s_tlb~ gi~1'I here i:lffe:r,~ w~de [';lInll~ of pc~iijtl~, bl.l[g\l'm..KI W!)':.n:jJte~l'u onC.y II! ~ fraction rutile 11:ti!"~lu.re:~ '(!l!nd cO'inbinMi....9lluf CflCa'~u~~sj dun ~'ilmili:I~~.k(l' Jll'!I. 'DlPl)f'OP:ri~u: ~.fJCd;!un,.u..llU-I:~rt~bllt!"'d tyi[blfith~ du:o.s.wn. ~:r ..using thendes ~baUt ,t:hllilcfi.ll:r: R.1tLn&1> Uld..fI1c.Outll1!.r..LaW1 ~e-e rllg~ 4Il), YCli ~g,1;IId aesjgn ytlll.r 0\;"11 g[l(;C!,II:I'llm, llJ. 5!lFP1L:m.e~n or rep!ru:e ,the o!llaa.n these t\1b].e~

Using lI.h~.Iabloe-s . ~

To g~~ ; .mndolll dlllllg~ol'l elliooLl.ru,u.1QJlQdltiu~s~. t. D~tl!rm{fI~' dIe dU:ngeofl le",~1 (s~oc aoove) L1~~T 'i'tlU ~B,n ~o 4~et'~te dt~ !!I"ICCl!L1tlU'I' {or.

2. Ito M d~ .lInd reflrr tQ~he ~pp.rtlpri.3Ul dl.lDgeo[l en I;aUIltimi ~loC O,s-r~tevd ilii'nugh U~h~leJiclJ t!!l' su \Vb~t. creul.1~ 'I:I'~ jA;reawres 'IIIlInke up ili~ en~Il'!i!.!l~!)r. III ~o'mil eases, thls rell may d,iI'~ct you fO rail :Ji&li.!LOitJ~hLtlOu:WexlJjlW_er o<r'a~

hT\!lh ~r .Ievel _ __

_S. \VheJlil :I~llcaibl~,n;lllth~m~i~ted die. ~I;U~~ bQ1;'1 Iml1f.cmatuees are ,iDuthe ,~~r;._

4 .. Rer~crJo~he Mcuj1lfr M(IInu~' fOJ" i1ll. ~~_:GNilter ~'.Qf ~h{s: Ix!~k L(r}h: ,e:n,c.ol.imtT !swick '(nlt_o!f_DlQIec~m"md5tics and ether illf:Dnn!~clcTl~lxnH tb~ CI:-eU1Itm: O'L' a~~JIi res jni ~he C'I"lWIlI'Uoer. w.cl"lt! Tr~~~1:!~ '~il~l1!I:oJ~'I)ml·t1:[:S..doi:~crlP=J UC]! to def:~ rmln e hOow .muchh"'llI3£\!Ye Of ~ n..l'J Ih~_enGcUtl~9 prom:lse--<5,



"[hi!; se~d(ln p:~de!i a few enMn.pl.es o[1row H) COmp.:l~f5crip[~OI]S of OOiCCmm~r ~The..~ !liesrnpl:!o.l1:5 rnllf b!l1'!l~tiQdem deot!lil.ed thm Ih~ tl,",lc5YOU i.l:5e, b~~ the~ gi~ you. m r4.l!l c(Whal:iOu

lAULE ;3-:',8~ R:A,N DQIM RQ OM ICQ'NTE t!ff.!i:

· d% i!tOOR1! (Qp~nts;

Ol-lS M!i1II'I~tetQ~1~

19-44 M@IIIi1er ,and feiliure5

4'ii MCrlsler ,Ind n1ddeniTell5ur>ll

.filS MC)!l'Iste~ .al'Id trap

4~ Mit)fI&ter; f~lIne!;, a na !'ldclerHI~5u~

,4$ M~l'Iiter; 'f~i!IUfe5,. ~nd trap

~9 MGn.'Ster, hidden ~~eil5Ure. ~fld ~I'li!,p

50 Moi'liSMr, foe.:lil.u~~~, Mdd'~n 'i:;.c:as;ur"e., a~d trap

31 -r:6 ,Fu~ll~"~ o.nly

n Fe.ilin!~5 <IImll h idd~n 1~e:a5!1~

nr mtl!.~~,~dI t!';lf:!

19 f~a'tlllr~~. l1id-d~n treil.&fJ [e.,~d I!l':aP

,~O PI "dden Irta:ru.,~ -crn1~

· ,!'~ Jid,ddcn..lru.~u~t'.J.~l'Id 'lr.J1i!

3:t Tha,PMlIy

B3d.OO.. NOlhilJg

~u~ ,~l~]d4 mmor fUtU~5, !;)n Tallie 3-12: MrnQ'F f~'it~rn i'lld Furni~111 n,gL.(.D1-1D~. 1 di4 If!'I~Jor f~ulJ re5 onlf~ br~ J~~IH ~~IUI'U'!!J)d_FurJ11Sbrnl:s. (41l-.liIl). or bC!i:h (Sl-l 00) .

H~dd.t!i!I..ltE~s.um: ~U....randDi'II U<I!asljr-e Qf th~ dlln!Mn:~J~Lm...I 1iab!t H ]Ir~~IiIJ'e.. T~Q'1~aI11. Ihr U'~a~iJ.~ ~~ niddf!I''IJO :~.!i'tJ!uMl~ ~ It t~~~U_~~r91 mild: (IX 1(I.t dUl'lptin r~el) t~:.._. _ ~ Mon:r;~i!:;_ IR~__g..o..J.Itc_>du ng~\!l.!LJ:!I'iI~~nlllL..la~1~~eJLbdm'll'.1aufi

~ppf~prb~ dun~t1.J~I. C~turoes lnJ.oorn~_'l'dtbJirapi5.."r hldde Ji;f~:SI.l_U$.c.m~01~:..nl)J _~ab.QlJt'lh~~

· ~pUI.QU on T~bl~-J9:'~'a:ildom r-~p;s ell l-L Tabt~ 3.-2{1; 1it;liu!c;f1jI ~P'~-'U=',_1i)1. Til)b.h: J-'2l: R'Jil'liQlTI 'Tr~p~ CIR 1-101 O:r rrwent ,iI U~p

dl~t w~~ the ~~ =L~i'lt.s~r th~ .room-

1 Si"lI.evlE L IOu NI(i,!;,Q N ENC,QIIJ N1tE~5 d% £ntollllll.er

01-03 ldj MedJllm mQnmol!l5

t:elllip!.:Ies, (1li!!1IIm1Q'l) il4--Qi 1 d4 din!: ra!s

9!i-1 (I , d.ii IJiirnt ~re be~~s ,~~Ii1)

, 1-13 1 ell Srnilll mO'f1sl1i')J;Iu$ SiCDrpl>QilS.


1'+-16 1dtt ~II mo.nwous ~d'a~{wtinIwnl

]7-20 lei.'!, dW11rfwllrrfClf5i . _J

21-221rl'3 i!!irwaffll'llr~,

23-25 1 dllJ'l,;rnanlt~

~i-28 1 kre,nshlll

29'-30 1 lem u rl! (d~"'II)

31-4111 ldl~+l It!:l~'m w:lfI'f!!lf.!

4U-SIi ld4+2 IoobC!I.!lI w.arJID-i"S

51-5'6 1 d~ hUI'n~n \II1II rri{ll' 5f<iel~ilIrtS S7-62 "d'l human ~omm~ll'Ier :romhles 63-71 1 d~1 Ti"y ""PI!JI" ~n~1m$, t~ iilm~l~ 12,-80 ldll_liIlt.'o'lIaIIrlQJ'$

81~8 ld'3 slirgct-!:

86-0901 ~PJ;a~w.arm_

9~-'DO R'oI1 on 2nd.1tytll~1l1e:

2 !II ID-Ley E~D'IJ I\lGlW NUEtu:(tuJl'lln II:',

0% IEnClounte

0'1-1 Q RoiII on 1 st·Ieve_ll'IIble

11-12 1 I"n[c~nci!rdlll~n _

13-19 1 hnbgl)blr" WlIlI'ril)r Ia"d 1 d:.t goblin

w~~rjDr-~ 20-21 " b Ltg,H .. J 2~-l(i 1 ~CI~r

27-18 1 dre1!cl1 (dMlIl-n) Z9-30 I qJ.i~ 511 (demm'l) 31..,32 1 imp (devjij ia-3S 1 dire' bal

l~ll "Id4+ 1 'fiend;:." dire 1'iI~ J9-W 1el3 ... l rormian work·en; 111-43\<13+ 1 hlilOi ng_ ilUi9f5 ~4-5ll 244 '1 'kobo)dlfr.J!nio.rs

....J_l ~SL1 WC(Cf,l~IyIJ!l'lli1fl:l~} I 56-62 1',d)+, ore W;1rrltlrs .....il;6~~, 5nod:!rJi~a«l

I '5jj.-5;8 1 Il1NI eCil r !~eJe!Qn 'G9-m 1 b'a,1 S\YlI"m jl1-:12 1 r;,~5wam'1

7:3-74 1 thClq;qua

15-79 1 W(l1Ul

8iI-M 1, c:on1tric:!af i'naliel (~1iI1mllll) "4-.11 ld14+2 Small illJl'I!I' !lIl:l1lM (anlm:lI, 8&-90 I HIII~ mOil ~tflliiS C~Dlipil:d~


9'l.-1oo Roll on 3k1~1!"'il11l111'"

l$J~.llEIil'JEi. :Olll N GIEO NI JE:ttCCu,lJfIIl'lE 11:5, d% IEj\'IcJtlu"t~r

10'-'0 FI>tIII on 2nd-I!!V1!1 tabl~ l1-U 1 IlIjp

1 ~-1 G 1 oxbtriJ;e

17-19. 2~ Ldi~e. rats

-20-21 T &o~pdlr"'I'IIEI'=' 22-23_1 w)"rmllngJ)la~~ dragO-fi 24-21 MJ I!iIrGW elve:!!

2il-29 1 eiill:{eiUild'l~r

30-11. 1 elh!l;fe~1 min~uder ll.-]3.J.t:l~'~rc;a Il'

l~n 11 ~1~11!f !iJrliLli~ li\ifl~u.q

3'5-18 I ghillit IgtJoul) 3.9-43 Id3 gnalls 44--45 I grltk

ilG-48 1 !:leU hound 049-.50 ~ hOMer

S1-51 hU k~:5h!ilrs 51-55 ~ d3: Ilitliirdrolk

5:s,.:.~7 1 w.I!ir&'orr ~t}cmlhfo~l S8--6.2. 1 (ign!!

6~1 I geLilinDus ~h~ lOOlt) 66-,61 1 philflwm fun1PJ5_ G~6~ j nisi tn1KiI5~r

7fF12 1 '5hilflow

"I)-i5' 2dAt 5'ii~

1&-17 , IDCL.l5't 5Wilrm

j'~CI !wlgl:u

81--82. , yt.lall.!l "iJ~lootl 8l-B~ 1 d3 IrlO~hxlrt~ l!.!Dr.r1Iai~~

85-8& 1 d~ ~~lul'lil yt~r 51i1i1~~ ~i"ill1;dl &'-;85 1. IIllard pl'~nli m~nil~ (wm'lJ.,) 39-901 dJ. Medjum mOtlslr(lu>s: s(:Qrpl!!l(lS'


91 _:1 00 ROil Ofl 4Ih"l~ 1lI p.l~


d% Encoullm,

111-111 !!'OIl on :3 rtl·'~l tabl~ ]1-12 , D<arghe:>t

11-14 li:U i:a;lIIt!\rn ~rdlQIf~ 15-16 1 hlll.m;;Lu:dtOIl

H-20 l' a!fT1on ~eJ 2HI1 1 d,*+ l d; rkm~ntlc'S 23'-i? 1 clJ~p.~~ h~~Sl 28.-30 1 YoJ.lln.S wbit~ dragon 31-33 ld'!t 1 cllerlllf IlhH.l""~ lb13 I 8<!~'I~

19-4i!l I Jarm ri~nl~}

414.01 ldl+1 &i'Iouls

ilH7 ldJ-'-\ !!iv.rmehlln gn~me5 "IS-50 ldit] gf,Ilif1I~k~

51-52: , n ~Il"

S)-5~, 1 AJfe:~¢ri3 55-56 1 wel>e~f l~~rq"'r~~l 51-5' 1 rntl'lllc __

ro-s,2 1 rni n.ot'ill!lr

63-.!iA, 1 .gt~ (Ii1i~~ ~omJe~ 65-67 1 I}~gh

68-69 , owl,bll'l-:lf

1D-11 , Wi'lll~1! sW:lrm n-n ldl}" 1 5p;d'.er '5~iiIl1l5 1'1-76 lcr4+~ ~rogJ(lid~ 17-71 l' wmpl Fe SpliWfl 19-80 ldil WQ~

81-81 1 rnlnatalifrumbie

3~S' Id~ La"F ~I~f sn~h~ r~nTIIIII~ 86-.88 1 d4+ 1 Li!ril!il! m~n.s~rou~ ant! Jl'I!'>dc~


I!g,_gC 1 d1 L:uge mOI'l~lr'Ous 5p~ei'S' tV!!lmlPlI

9"-100 ~JLoJl51h·r~~1 table


'if" Ei'lQ)!!oW

1'11-10 Raa Iln '*In..lle\ie! tQllIe lJ=TLlb~s[lisk

la-14 1 ~alef bargf.en

~U_Jd~"tJ Ql.Igp;'IU5

, 8-19 1 dJ ~J~~alITohs 2.0::;lLLdoue.L

lil-~l 1 b~irded d t:Jf11 i.'ib;26 1 d~*"I ell r~ bils :l7-l8 1dl d'appl!lgl!l1gl!~ 29-3,3 ld4 .. 2 elmw elyllS ]~,5 1 etteK~p rmdl dl 1 MgdlUm

mOMlrolj~ 5pld'e~ III.,mtr1'l l'5-l1_j gjfnnl tgenle)

3"-l9 1 Rrbb~rl nil moulher

4.~J 1 green hag, lbag)

4l-tl hill he'll hwnd5

44!-45 1 sl1!·l1e~d", hydfil

~S-4i 1 ~H'c91 '!ralnll1r~l

~.2-49 1 d~, w.er;::'Qt'~ (J)'Ciilll'lt1lro;pc) i! nd 414

dTm~1:'S .

50-51 1 m;alfllkcllI!

~,1-n: 1 m.llImDl'- _

~Sli h:l1 ogre~

51-58, 1 oclue.J!lIi¥ (etom)_ 5'9-M 1 phise 5pid~r '1.dfi2 ] d~ nu~wml:tn'5Wr;5 &l~~ 1 ihuh!IW mi!'5tlff G5&i. Id4-t 1 ~j;um

61-68 1 d3"'14 r,at 51!r.1 rm5 69:-11 1 troll

72,;..,7l 1 eh4+ 1 ~afi'(JurllJ!'5

Li4-'76 1 w~llh

7l-1S , YJ.lilwll hal fbJoo.rJ

79-80 1 gFillnl tG[lstnc:k1r ~tlli!Jki! (anlfilal) 1I1-ti! lin ... U&~ vJper !irta~M (Mlmal) a~& ld3 giiilllt worker lints Iv!!rm[n) 85-66 ldJ+l Lirg~ m!lIJ$lmu!> !iCg[~OIl!l


~IMS 5th-level flumilll mmlk NLC!C IIg"'90 5tl1·If<\if! ~,t)bdd ~rCierer N PC ~J=l00 ~1:I11!!IlII 6'in·l~ ~j!bl~

61'IHI-llevIE'L IDu NI'C 1;0 N, l,rIIl~DII!.I ",n FilS;

d% En~lInter

ill-HI liall Olll SIIt!·levell!ilble 11-12 ld4+2Iarll.e'ltl archon

11- H 1 gilullh lbeliDlit!iI J

us-u ldi+l coc:lrllirites 17-1 g 1 ba'Di81l (de",o"1 191-21 ld}o! dm~ 2l-~ 1 ch~~n d~~11 2+25 , d1inter

2frJo. 1 tf.3; tli 51l1~oer b~.~ !its; ]1-]12 1 bfldll1l(JIllnll'li) :B-JIj 1 e!ll"

17:_J& 1 dJt 1 ;'OInn,an work~ts 309'--42 ldl prao~le!

-tl·~5 103+ 1 but:l!l!ihQu~,1

>!j:s,....(S 1 d'4~· I gnO'lIs, rKll d3 h~na5 43-5D ldl+l g~lck~

si-sz 1 'allnl~ (h~ ~

53-54 , lulf:idng<l'n '" th·revel fig,:h~~r n-56 1&l h~rpl~

)]..,58 10,3+ 1 haMer~

5~ 1 'A~~ltud~ i1td'r.I jPPfl' Of [~)

_i]=63 1 wm!bo~r Q~anthrQpcJl oJnd 1113


64-65 11 !fl+ 1 m.e"hi~ (mi~a typ~) 6S-1il 1 iI ... er.a,~ ~;"I1~m ~nde1

IIii8-Tl lM+1 ~hiU!Qw.s

72- ,3 '1!d3+2 $l1oc~~ ~iurd!l 1~-?!i ~~1+1 j~~tJi!t ~MfI'IU 'ii-11' &3+ 1 tr'Ogloajl'tms ~ni:ll d3

mlln,t1;lJ Il~;!Jd5 19-80 1 w!ll-ol-wisp B]"g2 1 ~jll

B3-3<1 T d'~+ 1 mll'lor IOFr1'!!, 115..86 1 dil+ 1 )'1.1 lin-II pLirebloods 11-8& ld4i'1 g] nt DomlurdferbRtle~,


39--90 itit-re'Y~ tl~ rdronulruid .N P.l: (wiIh ~~dHe)

91-] 00 .RoI11l1i 7th·level tII'bllli

1llll·lelilE I. IID.M Ie EQi'j IE rj (OIIJ.lNJEI!lS

d% EI1~JIO- _

01-10 Rell an ~tfl.INellilble: 1 1-12 1 iI,bof.elh

1l-14 1 cit..,.l curlon crawlers H-U Ldrr~os._be~n

17-19 1 lh~tJl

20-21 1 5IIIt'tub1l5 td~mll") 22-2:3 t hclk~1 (d~IJ 2A-25 1 ~jreJb.e

J6-28 1 ~Llllg capper DrIIl:,O" ~9-Jl 1 df.r~r

~2-31 1 ,j:3~ 1 vloll!t (ungl ;;nd 1 d3+!

Il'uieker!l Ifung~'J 34-35 hili!' 1 j,a nn (genrel 1~38 1 ghOlif. 5t1il-li:'\Id !iSM!:'! lH1 1 11m gi,lU1l

<13---4'5 1 Resh IDlem

46-47 1 eight:lteadtd i!id ra 4H'!l 111lvi'$ible slJ;!lhr 5G-S hll werUrgeJS_~)'til'nthrop=) 52-5 s hD mi!ntlC'~rie5 _4=5.L1Jll.ed.u:!iii. _

S~-59 1 dl ... l mli'Lolau t5

t 6.t1:~,1 1 o,GR ba rb;ui~t'I, ~'Ih I~~~I [ 6!Hi,3 1 b'liU~ ptld.d Ing (QO~~ _6A-B~ 1 pb.a'j,m

Ei~1li7 'Id,} ... l fiaR1f'b Olher sal<lm~ndtr5 6S~,9 1 dJ ~hil.l:ItI'W "Iii1$lilis

10-j1 1 mhfll;;d

72-704 1 ~pectre

15-7" ld~+l cenllp~de swarms 77-a'Q 1 umbi!>r hillr.

&1-&1 1 Ilamplr,e. ~LIi·j~~-r1 ng_lrllu

l-84 11:14+1 w:ignt"'- _

8~6 ~ ~ti!I"Hi :pkll1n:J1 na.tlti:n

j:7-aS 1 (I~rplll'tuaI'l1'll1li:t'~SllOl.l$ '~ntip'ede ~ 5JMirm (,c~1iI ~girlti.'1 NPCmd

5lh-MI gQblm JDglJ~ 'NPf:: 91-1.oo....RiO'J_Qd_Stb,1~@1 t,ab~e


d% EnllOUiII'lll1'

D1-10 Roll Oil '1l1..je~el tqble 1'1-11. lei .. :z hOlllnd IIr;chll1'l5 ]3--1 <I 1 ci4+2 b,lIJ'ghests 15-U 1 beklr

1 &-1 ':i 1 d3 GIII.uhs [behiclder) 2a-ll 1 bod;k

Z2-13 1 d~fl1l:h1J1IJ

Z!451 ldl+ l~.jHgfd d~~lls 2~i8 1 erlnre~ (dev,lq 29'-:n ldl br~llan15 l~clrin)

12-lS T eWi"I ~i!Jd 1 dJi b!WolJl beiif5 l!!nlmill) 16--37 , rOm'!ioi!n tnkmiiSleT in!:! 1

domilml~ Solh. !NelbUlIlii 1'1 blrbariaJM oN PC

]'R-l!l 1 rroible clJlllnl (gullel <1-0-42 ~ lerr~ti ltif;n1e~

4~-44 l'd30.1 Cn~slti ~gh'llulj MKI2d4 t

gl'\CHJls 4b116 l' j,t()ne 'gJarU 4i--.ijt 1 gorgon

!!H 1 1 ~en-~ilderl 'hydfi! (pym- ~ Cl:)'tl'-) 52-&<1 1 mind Hilyer

~ ..5 ~-.5G 1 mflIhfg

~1-5S ldl 1 rr1ummfe5 S9--GQ 1 dark !lap 61-M 1 ogre m~ill!

6S--66 1 d4+ 1 'pbillSUp,i!de:lS 61--6'9 1 gRlJte.< 5~mll;l\l.!

70-11 l dJ ,a,d.\rilIrKftlll'I'Ill~ nlptor


i2-13 1 blu;n~II~(j 14-J~ 1 11a1II11!:lsp _s'Wll'm 1'6-1tl 1 ill) 1 Irolls

~Yl 1 Ill! 1 v\lmpire Sp<ilW1l15

--+ S2-'l1l 1 d3 jj;lI~rall! ImMJ ~iI 1 all 1 yuajl,;ti_m1ThJQ.o.d~

,8J'...&S 1 dol 1 glBrnhtag beeTiI!'5 l\!ilrmmJ 89--00 1 dl 5tl'i-l!!yel tlOglOdyl'! d=ric NPCs iill-l'IJG Rt:ill Clill 9tI1-l1!~~1 table

~!!trH~LEVEIL IJ.~E:P~N Ell!\! COlli N T!HI.$

• 6neolllllll:llr

01- 1'0 Roll on 811'1.J&.'t!1 tabl@ 11-13 1 d4, _2 gliemr bir.glJe'$~ 1~-16 lliW.2Iaslll~b

17-39 ld'l+2 ,-lii1a~m.

20-21 1 d~L~

22-24 l vrock (demanl 25-27 1 bone devil lS-JIl lell tI~"'llsLfu:lkil n-n ldl l d!i;iI" d!:",Us l4-36 lldl cirrI! bell'rli

l7-JII 1 1fO~ncj c3dlJllt .bfsdl-dl1lgQfI

191 " Juvenile bn:ll'liie d'~gCl!'l

040-42 1 drtd~r nd .i!ei4+1 MeGiLlIlll ntO~'lfous; sp'ld~r~ t~e-rm]nJ 43-t<1 1 rQJiI1ian JTlyrman:11 and 2d~ 1

ianni lin. warrum; 45--41 1 rros! gl I'll

49-521 hll giill'lt !ind ~d •• 2 dire ~ .. e5 5'3-.551 IIVOtil (gua rai n.aJ)

56-511 1 11a.1r·flend 'th~I!lVfl c:'Ier[i:

S'9-I61 ~ I:C,.-i'il!ad!d n-ydm 6:1:--'63 1 U'Jf:~hlilt linewftiiDle) 1ii4--;G~ 1 ~i~l tl,l8;i1

6'-691 1 n Itht !,oilS

1(]1..11 1 ogre b;lrbllril! n, <Hh lelfel, and


7..b.75 - lre-e:ru!.Jad

1G-U hU ... 1 iMtl-O' -W~H!>

.1':'Lld~ l.ll.!liithS

SZ-3'~ 1 d! ~u~n-Il ~ct!llll1i'n-a:iitlnO$ S~::-tl ldJ :l gr~~ r~nde. 0i;0IrIbJe_5, ill-9ll 1 d~ 2 5th;·levcl ku m~'n P~IIlQ'll1


91-l00 Roll on 1 Oth-I.mIt"1 mb!l~


'd~ En~Olliii!t

01-10 Roodl GI'I 9th-l!!v!!! tabl\!! n-n ld3+l.aboletkii

130-1 5 1 dl behk'5

16-." 1 dil+2 Jr.1 uth.~ Ql~llI!lldl'JJ 18-21J 1 d.+ 1 ~1'iy.Yb

21-23 ld!l+2 b.ab.aU5 ~demQIlI~ 24-t6 1 hr.e!hlli!h (d~l'IIl;Iri) 27-29 ld'll+l.dlgcSitW_

lQ-H leI}+ 1 .l!ho5r~" 51h·1t!ll'i!I Aghti!! 5 3i<4-39l fire' g,laDt

40-.«3 1 d"y wJem

44 .... 6 lcllT1 n~:5h.iQim'l5

'17-49 1 n l'IoI!"'e1ad~ hydr.a tPYJo. !lr [r1 a-) iceS:~Jdl.±l..m.ed[jcSa!_

!i3-i4 l _guardian ltaip

S$-S,L 1 dh:gn\! m.tR~$

Ss,...,OO 1~3'+l AW;t1lge. ~11i!m~lldE.lS lH -6,2 1 n!lble ~:JJJiB.l1Iallder

61-64 1 cd a lOuni a dull '-!ld draBPlI


65-..Q1 1 d4+ 1 r~ ~11licO 6B-7C1 1 BtiIJ ~'lIad

71-73 ldl-+l $P~Clfes 1,1$-76 ldJ*l umber hulks 1?-:II.a 1 d4...1 itlll s

81-83 ld31!ldm- mfru.

I g,Ij "f1J~ n~tI ltQlJpr<: 1 abomJrn~tf,on I , dl h~IIbI[)(Jod$, ;li;~tI '~d4+ 1 pUl'Iebllloo~

&7--.88. 1 d ~+ 1 !-tug!'.! mM:lilfoo~ $corjllom l~~rmlnl

&9-90 5th;j~!'!1 tlrow wl~fd N pc. 1 hell~il!t {devil). and 1 mind fl~r 91-100 Raila" Hth'!e\i,el ~ble


Tlt - ·,LEY'EII. Dl,Il!'u:.EolN EIIl!COI.JIINUJlL

,'"' En«l!!!I'!er

01-10 Rull tJln lilth-levi! ~b11!

11-13 11113 ~ i!!101~thc!: ~nd2d1',J.1.s~lJIms 111-1 g 1 helro~ t.:;h:tI'KI'f>!)

lHl_ ]_l:ClJJ~r CQ.emwnJl

~$ 1 b:nbetl di!\il~

27-30 1 de~lIIi.J r=f

3'1-],5 1 d3+ 1efreet ~riie} 3iM'} hl~ Lblll giilll'l~ ~2'-11 > 1 'Slone ~lem

416-49 ldl iVOn.&s IHIliI'd i~ilil SO-S 1 liIarf<elE!5I];a1 pal adin 53-S16 1 me.I",.:·heOlde-;l hydra S7-6Q 1 hili gililU dire werebQ"r

~)'G11th rcp~l 81-64, ld1+1 mMrg~ 6,5'-67 ldl41 dill r'k I'IE1K~5

~71 J elder bl!!t:k puodll'lJ (OllJZil) 72-75 1d4 1 bllllil §Iaadl

76--18 1d3 1 h,~II~p !iW~rm1 1~2 f lirell hllnl!!t

iH6 1 dJ>e~d wuHh

&1...00 5U,·le'iel g:tl@11 fi[n,,"r M pc, 1 ill rnvi~ib!~ ~iiilket$, ~nd 18{~i1ll!r 9il<lnd:cw.'

91-100 Roll on 12th·rev.e1 wble


~d% Enc:ounb!t

I.Il-lO' Ro I DR Wh· !llfel tabl" 1 1-111 1d3 1 bodaks

15-17 1 "'b)'5;s"'ll!re:a~f"mills~ 1 B-24 ld3 1 ",tods (fi~mOlll 25-21 , d3 a deskolchan5 2i-M '1d3 J bo~ d!eltll~

}:;~la , d Ispb£ef' b~~5i' ~Q! !Dfd 3HS 1 d4+ 1 bs.l gla n~

,*~3 1 Il!ollal (aiJardln.:ll}

~9-51 1 ~1M1l:hmC:d!'l:lldm.~ or~~) 53-55 1 XQIya rul' jjnl!~llablilJ

55-Sa 1d3+2J1'1indJlia.~[!O

~9-<-,62 10lli-le ... !!1 haltore batbali'liin N PC

illnd llJlMe'lel hlllJ;ITa IT dent fIl ~ 153-iS6 , d'~ I spllil n am

61-12 1 ~iJrplic worm

B~n , roper

7~ 1 dB fl1iID1! salatrul.i'ldm ,BS-iO , d~ 1 l!:~r'I ~~a_~'1

9 1-'00 R:aU 0T1 lll,l1·hwel ~ble

'Bi H-teVIIiiI. 11:)11.1 N(; EO til IErilIC:OII!.i NlTEIi!l1_

d% IEneou n~e[.

01-10 Roll on l'lIh-4e ... ef ~bre 11-11 1 ~hQ d'er

19-24 1, !labrUL! (demQ:J'l) 25-31 1 Ice d~1

Ji-.33 , adult [~~Ii!ll clr.;,~~m M=3..5 1 ~!ullIg.~dlilll~lm d1*l-Pfl

)~ ~ , glia~! l!I~r:lni'll

~2:;IL1.tll.firoe.i,i~PiIl$.al1d 1.N:fl~1'iil'n w,ar ~PJ!l"d (h~11 hOtlnaJ

I 'Ii~S4 1 el3 I cb~ !ol~f'lu"

.55-61 1 rron,goll!!1'Il

5Z-'Ei6 1 twel),l!Hteil.ded I!tyd!ii, ~. or Ci)'tl"l 6,7-7" ~ Ilc;h. 11 th.l~'I'el ~Oi'iud

11-1:3 lC1.h.-Il!'II~1 drow wfura NPC lImJ

lOih~I!V1!1 goblin mgtll! NPC i4-1~ 1 mummy lord.

'SI-I4 hl~ 1 gu~r.dia.ri l'IaK~s. ~S_gO 1 4ei!ih 51~ad

511-]00 Ro1l!:lM Nth·le\'~ t.lb!e

1411"H-!.Jev EL D 1,1 N GIE'D fAl EI'!!.'w U.NUliS~

I ~ [II'1CO~I!I~l1r

OHO Roll em 13t1He\let IiIhle 11-15 1 nirilld'mI (!!nl!~jl 16-2.0 1 Ino1'lpet ilr"diiQrl

ill -21 ldl T b~l:[QU5 ~d'.I!mD!"I) 2&--3~ 1 lJalre~h nee (demO:i'lI) l~5 hU t ~arJbed dl!vll!l

~6-Sl 2-di~plllce, beill5.t pa~k I(ilr,dl; 53-63 2d1±2.£tollfJ glillf:i inti " le.ldel'


6Il-69 hI] ... l Si'b!it\f! 8~~ms

10-18. 1 werewol nord (I~i!lll h1J1pel 7g.so 1 nfchtwing llll;ght5hilde)

,81-,83 ld~Z lQ!h.I~~ ~obJ," rt)BI!~ NPC!S 84-911 1 1fL111.PrgtrlJd lIJ1\lb~r hLilk

Yl-1oo Roll Q;n 151h,1~~tl 'tabl'!:


di% IEf!lIlOU n~r

01-1 I) Ro11 O'n i"lil1.I~.~el ~~bre JJ=lLLamrl'uall ~ill~r bllsnls k 11-2.6 ] dllu!r.-n[dtf!:

...21..-.1 OsnM OO'ii!ip~labrelj,j, 11 ~U(tubLl~, :liild 111'\1, 1 vrocb ~&--04.8 Os,l ~JiI~~ 1 IQI!! rlNil. 2c1~ J be!! rd=d d1:\F115, a-ikI hi] balM! d~ls

49-58 ] dl. Rn.~el~ (e18dri'n~ 59--65 1 m:arllt (IIWlltBble) ~74 1 wlimpit:J:_~Ut~

75-44: 151FrJ~'oi!!IIt",b~b'IM fl~te' NPC 83:00 l St~Mll«tbo!d ~Ofa!r'C'! N PC 91-1QQ Roll ~n 1Sth.IJ!~tll.:lble

16.iI"""'I.e~E!. DUNGEON ENi'C;OUNTlER:i

d% ff1w!lIntel'

01-10 liIoll DJll ~tfir..levellOl'bl~ 11-15 1 pl,aI'lN~t (ang;;ol) 18-21 1 hound u!:non he r!!I 22-28 1;:13 tf\Ji:npm ,ardlo.l'ls

29--J~ 0 !'n"l:lri ~~Olip~ 1 1I~!re~~n,~~, 1

'he:lTQU, i1nd12d~.j.l vro~

31-41 1 horn~ dcv.1 .

<I'S-SjJ 1 m;1tLJIT ;adlJh bluuirag<!" 5 t-5,2 1 ~duU gQldl d'.fiIl!l(!r1

53.-60' 1 cl3+ 11 8Il!eoms. hen

~'='7 1 golclf1. -U"lrilf,~r stone 6&-74 1 IIlgln'lh.ule>, nigh~lhf ? >42 ld4 :2 rapers ~

Si-90 1!i'th·l~ l.iu1drcl:k drUid Nile 91-1 tMl R~lI QIl 17th!ltwll.1_b!~


,d%, Emwun:i«.._

(11- ~fI Rgllliiiil 16:th·t~1 Blbl~ 11...::;w 1 ~bQI~th mag~

"2:1-30 1 d4+1 beliold~8

3,1 .3 1 m~ rilith (d~mQJl) "11445 1 'l'eJ)' old white d!'"iig-on 4'6-4i 1 tlld br.n'lO dlragon

'11-49 1 "'lat.u:il! .adu.lt b"DM~ dragon 5~62 1 I'O~ giilfltja r1

63-13 gtn~Ie.v!!1 mind fl~:I'er sorcerl!

74-'32 1Sth-rwelJlIlI'n~i'i p~l~dl~ NPC ~nd 1 Sdl·r~1 hll!l1iU'l mllll~ NPC 3~~go 1 d3 mfl.IKe!i'IIOilIg:ob-lfn figkt~f NfOi·

'In -1 00 Hollon llih-re-vel ~t)le

18rH~LiE\lEl DUIN.GIE10'Nt EN'~QYINlfE~S

,d~ E!ncol.lnt~r

Cn-l'O f!l.D'IJ an 17tf1.l4!.\iel I b.~

l -1) 1 clH2 1i51lii' de:va:$ (,an,g~~ :u .... ,n 1 dl p1!llletil ~ la!!1I-1l~

J~,~ mpdd br~r;k dl'ililtll'i.

.19-41 1 ol'd df.llgo" (bl~iI!! flf 8"eefl) .A2d..iJI.....l..matlll.r;e .. ul_uJtdu~~.JJ'f; __ j

$illlt.!.rl ~

~;s....47 1 ;lIIici~ljl \IIIIIh.e araiiCl1'1

41-62 1 Il~Sboorawler (nlci'ttsn:lli:!el !i3-12 1 dl lS1.f1,·b:llel ilJIl f-,Ql1: b.a.rb~'IQIl

NPC~ i!'Kl15th·I"",!'!1 humlbl bard NPC

.ll-iD 1Sth·lel/!clli:qOOld S>lm:e~er N~C: and _ .J werewolf lord [1,ytlmthJOP'e) 91-100 RIlII on , 9th·level bible

19TH-LEVEL 01.1 IN G EQtN.. E:fI .... ;O'UIi Nf£RS

dSlll., El!I1COunl1!t

01-]0 lioll @" l8th·11M'1 lill:!le

n-n 2d~ 5 i!b:rnaJ gte'qJ~e~ b;s~115kl; .2l-~6 1 dl Flmlll tn~ td.!rtlDl'l)

3 ']""'¢E! 1 d3:itlJJo~rills_

40-~2 1 .. naeQ' bl~,t.k d ragan

5l-S5 1 Y"CQ' o'd.d!igQILlbILr~e]l. QT


§S-51B 1 w~lm \Vbltl! IIragun

SOY] hId dI~gonl (b'OM~ or cOflfler) iil-'6"l ~ mi!mre ~d~ It gol'd d~BilCi n

~ J~=D' 1 dJ "" 19rw\l:r '5tCme .plern~ :iO-g[J 11:13,.1' ~lh·!e\llB.1 gODl1 riujg~f .NPCs

.91-1 GO Rollo., lOlh-Ie\l't:1 tilbl~


11% Encol.Il'I~r

til-HI lion on '91"· eve I 'ulble 111-45 1 baler (demon)

"&--~a 1 plL RI:iI'IG tde~111

Sl-iSl W)'rm black dralllcl1l 8§.-OO i aid dragtlrn [red or sll~trl '·1-9',5 ., ~1lt.llI!n'I:~mL'5$ dragolll S6- TOO ) lo'~'111111i1 ,opper d'r.lr;a,n

1~SJLE3-11!l!: R_ANDOM TRAI!J "R' - -], ...!ll:£ Ti'llip
If"", Thlp 'Il-l:] Fi,.ffrlF
111.·-03 8!lc5tC i7J\OW Inri! ~4-45 fi~lllnp
~G yntoun~gr:cI pit U'!I! '17-'1,8 rlooi:llrlg room lr~p
07--00 ~Elper pit IJljp ;j9-S1 fu~i Ilade 'Gl,d!ii'it$.
1Q..n IOil'll rl:1Wb.5m~;n:N, with COI'Ita,ct p.i)ISOII §2"-5J Mg'lllll!.g 1!';l;~~ytiO'll(!,f 5"!:atJit~.
U-14 ~llill~dnf d~tts -I 5HS Pmm~ll.~mrlL.IiliIJ«;.Iir:ap
l~Hi PcikS(l:n C;tL trjl 5Hi Pit IllIP
11-1'9- hfcllll(l nec-dl~ Irl1p 59-61 PQi~on willbpih5 5
2Q_-22 I':ortcLlIllii!, U:I [;l! 6Z-64 5pJJ.;ed pll tfliP S
23-24 ~~r·wI~ ;IICW,s:5 hliJllw-.y 'G!S-61 Sp'lbd pil l"!-ap' ~8{) rq, S
2H? R'olllrJS rm:~ trap 15&-6 UnCDl du!;t \F,IJlor if,ap S
28-30 S~llIIiI blade ltap' 1 10-71 Built'ro.c~lIl1pse wall 6
lHl Speir trap 1 72-74 Compacting room 6"
SlNllijgi"g bkd! INp 1 '1'5-77_ flmJt :sr'I'J\t triiJ) 6
WilJ~ !11~de Uillj:l 1 1l-8ll F!f~illi! tft= of 5lPe~ ~ 5
1!lG.t;: or brown mold 2 8.'~U Gilyp" oJ WQroj""!llbhl~t}
8ril;;~ rJ"Cm '!ill!"., 2 t 8~~ jJghlli'llll:g iIoo.rt ~rap
alolrllll nil. "ill1d~ trOll' 2 ~i=Sa .SiPlbd.bl~s ftam (~Jril]g_
Cifrl(llJ~ilted pll trap 2 B~~ :Spl~td pi! inp ~ Iii() 1'1:,)
117fl1t~ j?giil ~rtds ~ilP 2: 92 . ..i9~, Wn! rlrl1g pl)l~Qii1. i)l~d~~ _
5~516 I~~elln ti'~p 2 9S.;g.7 Wii:'l~~moulh pH, tl'lIp
S1-58 ~rF.I't\!t.~l'1ip 2 ga-,OO W:f\'tfll arr()w trll;l.
59-61 Pi'! ir.!p 2
S-~ Pbl'5!l1l lleedre trip 2 T~IEI!.!; 3-21: IRAHIDOM TRAP$; CR 7-10'
65-67 Splked pit tl'";ilP 2 d$ WI'
mJ-i9 fripjiI!'ng cha.ln 2 1I1-C4 ~IrJglr.p
.10=72 Wt:11-amgil"naged pit Inll l 05-07 In:m l!,.rri'u irllp
i!-.7j 8!im-r"'11 ,ltQilds I~;P 1 ~UI !Ill rn~ mi'lu r upGr tra.p
7th78 C;lIQioufl!!pJ !pIt t,r'iI'P 3 11-H CIti:II'oIL!l,g&llIb:i,!{nap
i9-S0 alli"g~dulum ) 15-11 E'II'Q.I"~'I" WAt~ ~IWt/l!t It~p
~ ...81-83 firtllmp J 18-:Z0 Fil'~ill~d~_Cl(gn:e;nb~fKld ell diirt$
l B!I-5S Ei;1U1d~ !rom: It\1p :3 n .. 2l 1.C!d:' ~~Jed in dr.iliE,Gn bil~
!6-.S7 Chaul tii'rMh trip 3 2-.4--26 Sum'molT mOIl~r W ttap
8S--!lO Hallllr nllftlills ~ :1.7-30 'WlIte'r·lill~d loom
91-92 M~"j 11,k/ ,liIi'l"QWofi [f-ap ] 31-33 Well.('illmounlliged pU trap
91-9S Plr tr.Ip a J4-Jti DI!OIdibllld= Mill jt)'l~e
96-98 ipi~d pit till!? l 17...;n D~lIollt~p
9i}..100 Ston~ b!od:-s 'KIm ailing l 4G-41 r::rmkqlU'lki: ira,p
0-4& ~n5'~l'Iil)' mrS! \i',a~pr [IiiI'
T"I:ILE 3-20.: IRAINDOM TJlAP:$ C.R 4-6. ~~ Md'/fJ CI~d "mllII Ir~p
1:1% TriJp 5o..5L Row&f II'Dn; fWtlJlaiL B
01...,02 !Mrm..' tu& ~r~:p 5J;-.~5 ~nlk 1Ft ~r;;p II
Ol--05 QirnwJ.l:tl~g.ed.pl t l(;ip" 4 5.~S'i_ R{~r,s~ WIlIl,alf IU~ II
1)6-0,7 CQllap--sl"!i18 cilluml'l 4 60-11 ~1l-c~mDllna,gild pill rlI\p> .,
08-10 _G7l'ph..qj:llI,tln1in,g ~b1a.st) >t ,63-65.. Word oj dtQ.a~ uap II
ll~n t.!Bhll'lJ·~ ,boll h'1iIP 4 1i643 Drawer handle smear,1!d Mth QOl'1tart poISon 9
11-15 .. _~I trap' .; 6,9-71 .. Droppi ng Cie:ili,.g 9
16--13 P'i:i'!M~ dail lrdp! 4! 11.-1'4 ItJalId,aty dau.d Il'ilp 9
.9;21 S~pia m~b ~I!illdp 4 i'5-71 \llidi!·motJlh pit itI1p __ 9
22~1" Sl'lbC pit f~p 'I i!l-a!!! \II~mourn sp-Jk.ed pll wi'" poi!>GllEd ~I~ '"
~~2.6 W!!ll S'l;}'lihe tr.efl 4 a1-~ CruS'lIii1.~ ri)om HI
21-29 WlI"t-e<-.lilled r~m Vi P 'I Ss-.SJ ~hmg "",u.IIIr,ap HI
3Q-l2 Wt,h.l·ItIQulh Jpl k«l, ~~U trill P >\ BH'l &!~ druJ'1I 'I~p 10
!I~J.!i Qlm~.ul1~&1!d p<lt Lrllp S 92-94 Fl:I~B~ al'Kl ~I.i'mtnlll" monf!f!r 'Vjj ~r.ljl 10
36--3' Dl)IJr~oob ~mjl'~ n?d li'i'l!h C"QIlt.act pol$M ; 95=9J7 Pol~Cln~d ~p:lhd pkb l'fap
38--<1l-O fiUiJlg: blixk tro1;Jl S 91-100 W~iII'!J I~ fI~nJh~ t~p fli::e~lVl:«m in amultl blll'.l::J mdi'-:@"pJu..iid~itm'.e,;planned ,cur. The ""Igs in iJlIlkl}~I;3t. to lhUl5e of {hI: dungem.1in!Jp ~ nd r;yrolil~ mlhi~ 10 1'1.lltxol,lr the. 3dW,Ul1lre \vfim.minulU...ii! !igu.r,,-s. ~~'ku1iite 1UL"",~e'lItUl~ iCkndb' each ctJ.i;(ll.Il'l~U ;lre\1 iLl:u!..numl1!3:: nd label your maip at:cordi:ngl.y), Th~ n limber:; Qn'tJl~~i>!rll¥ qlJre_~lld Ito th!l ord,~UIl.whlc.b the ~I:r.i will \l'.i~lt: .. t:be..UlC'OIUI[e-tr ~:re.lli, bl.l.t cl!!ey serve ns n ''I'll' fo[ faU 1[1) kC(iiUG~f..mhi!.~Jh.1i:. cb~t'"oIa'~ IiW ~tl.d when th~y're h.e,flcled..4 !~c'l:LQHhe ~n'(}Uli'U:r ~.r'~iI$ Il!I rhls SlIIln.pl.e Q.d ... eneuee Cll!l!. be run II-

bl~d US"WE il_P'Ortlon 10£ we. fl].ple' QIl:l:lleQI'i mI diu::mck.o the:

hill1k_gtid r.l:mu::a:mr: w.i~k 'Ihis boek, _

~hruk!3l.1~t.:ndoll~'i'j:~g.l!ample e.nmH .. lQdllQ..e. sluded.{el{l; mel!!tit fCl~iUI·~'9Mmtild ,,~d IlIQUd..l~_y,oIl:r l'!~[S •. shllded le..l« menntl"1l5 diose fe~tur,e5 mat wau.M be i1ppittIlUD.the. PC~ upon ~!lf:qgj:h_aw:.m.(:IIld..ls..lhus yt ry Itdpfu1.lJUhept-fi)'Cf who's !m3~O :m.np fouhe (h~ ("lICMS). I r dcesnor moenOOn hidde!1 feQ· I ,tWeUlJchJlS..~pb.lIQr mOllsOO"!S .. and hems 0-11 r Q.ftbe res'tmmed~a~ lilll:.ofli1.&b'

YOH dtml: !ll!1IYl' [0 lirernJlymakohlldil!li.t~~ .nQ!eS. lmf be SUI[~ til hlghligh. mllr~rul in fQlli[_1Wil' rblt ¥Q:P W;m[ 10 use tD qllickly describe rhJi.ma in lID lnl('~tilog:WLy~I!uu:~f 1:11:11 to Include infarmlltimL!:h~t ~1I1d ,noLb~ 1m~;'\IH 1'O (11~ cmrn_~~r-5, ~l'Id do nor desC'rj~ PC ,~cnt'm5 0'.1' C'motiOJ1lS (Slch 1U,~As you @~1 w f,~3Jr •• ."}, &f;Jtiumnu;;pWllid'ing wel:d~y,101r5,wi,rb ,t:h,!~,~u,h "'t t1l.!:' wtb~ h:, dl~S;h~ded~Kt.fu.r ~Ra I bel!;lW, b-ut don't dr!l,\1i' ~lJ~

0'11 ro~hi):m. Tht bua M't to_lmte_wd>ll~1 or IIcr,e wh:il~ h.ru:ctA:!1:S" (!l'Il:<!!rin,ll: ~ lbcBtion wo.uld sense is to im~gille' whaf ¥OUI ~_ ~~. hear. smell, otf~1 ill'-WJ.,;__wm..enledng, dla[ IIIfe-ll. dw4. s.e1 d.own [be pert-Inc .. l infutm!l'I:lDIl ~sJ;tll:dn4:dy ~~ pOSlSlble. [

, HEMON' A.STE R .._, ..... .._.__.._...

Tnt nh:lIldoned mgrutS[,e[yJo bur.iiuw<ollt rur.rt, dc~!!Oyed when the pLtce WIl§ lIU~cked yeu.llilgU by gnolk The ilil~ rcnlllg p:!trf ti~ bdO\'1glOlI-Eld, In rh.e_cellil~"lIIltl ,t:f)'p15 I.mlierne:!1h the ruin..~ The h~Ill~l:U' h(tv tJ:nli!Wd~mt :JiUtIl'Ias-~[)' mild. rufe.!' ~Clme search~~00'Il__ el1:-ed ~- s-~inwy INd!ng down wo th.e dad:;Il.e.~, Will . ~lC1i'~deKm.~.1IDd tllell'I!id,v~: m (1,m;OUfl~~r ~ ~(1,liI t.

L IE nrrg Cb~m i2tLlH :n

ThL d mp cn3mb@lI'haS:Mllliiilhoo,,"lulled ceilinl! 20 te~t h LIb in [lilt ~eln~1';, Dc waU:S>ilFl.' made Q CII["5tO II), bl~s;; the flD!.lr oough Ihg~fI~ Thkk \,,'~hs l:'OVH' ih~ Eeiling.

~ RP!l!st'" Ilill "rl(llltbfl; [-fll 111i! 4·br-~·~mlrr 1OO11'U'!J ,rh.r kfl nd~ of c.dtnl ~"mllp (t~~·nt(ItIf 1S~III'S IfdJ~"nl rWl ~ ,~~w,re 1UIfITi). I~ 0111 lflr lIlt ,ndDulJ j1111!'Io1Jrd Illi r!lt ~il~ ~f III ~~ Ii! iJm rify H~~ rtJ(' ... tr~n5 of tf-'«ifu: f.e~-Ium. 1'1 reh ~S dC\~U-L1rJ,tl'MUlo..Jll_~C.ll:iu, plMl ~II~~ ~, tlrr 5r~ irmst ,~r~lIh iii the '~"J1I1~ !j(::WJdumtkl1U:J~hlll ~h!ltd$ ~tl'l Ill? filO""~ u~rlh Il'~l! {nnd. Ig'Illfl'l'!hr w(lllJidl~'ttn_jkRWm ~iid

Iltr 'I'Imdm-}, 'l1tr ~dV~l ~U~ ilr1f u ~rF 1 ~'lIy ~~I'rCltJJ:Jf M nllim jltJl;rml lh~ daj1'l'W mUJl/rnd IJlrmJ.!'lvu 'miJ~ frr~ JIlI~niJlI (l-lidjll~i'I to IvllL'll III r kwllrut(lrtlM Jm"llh~ J'~ndM Il1'xl, Iht:.mourJ:w!iJl.lh~~ 1111\11 wiiJ lit(Il. t ilJl'i'41"1l1l1 1.0 Ihe' PC-s ~<f tnt)' Jlllltmg~ir( lur_plJl'c~ Qm: flJ rlt, fil1~ 'illIg,!JhQ',l(;t' is II IIMr jill flit (luI l~loo:..iI_dwrallillll iilr

all)' llitrt ar(p"~ IllilIII1.1rJ_I"", " '" ...... 1'10.". d. ;;;"'~.L1 ~L'iH 1'1 !soJlllltkLy ,leHu II plir '''£)'11 h!:tj dl III If It ttnlcr IFf Ib,

!loath" I'rl~ tlf hll h ltd ~I.lt nQrth~~'I!~f ,tOnll'r; ~II ron l{lil'~ [(lIfts !'I'll mll~ rt:g nI~blf W ~!rIJ1i~' irlt~ ~l1a.ti of Illm f~llInrl, _

A Ime.r of l:l1.l5lk!;·, ~km, kille~. spml:t ~~:ttLI'Lg,s,. lind ntth be~i.m s dlsgu~n-ng pj]~ in.ilie 1iD:ld,dl~ o£..@~m. 111 DC :.i!2_SlpO~ ebeek b 1llguu-w t~ nctiu th!i t:reil-w~uplder ~t'ld {f!!, }1(Itll:i~ !;ee bd!Jw) hidJI'I.&ln_tJ,~b:li hove, The ;:Wts~R'iti.: In the mhl.dkcf the mt!i1l1 contains 'IreAS-ur~.

Th~ SpootPc fo:r th.:' lurking sptikriLimentioOllIl'l diffit:lIJt.lrll1t IlQI otll of tlu: R=!~_h 0' flu: IDIIeliJ d~Q(lll this case, illlst-l~J ~ililiLa~rsi).

Tuunoldy :;-o.dcs ",fflQLII:::mel ~il):l~ staCked ill !-It!! llonlhwe5t (lorner. The dotih t~$i.1y. I'e\l'e~lhc ruined CUIUtJlllX. Oll~ of [be sacks OOIl~1n~ID1_p.____

Tbtl!~ i$ m SI:l!~d_PiL~QQr Q'.L'l tb.~..ei:lSt ",,:ill. nle cltxn 10 nO'[ l!Xk~ I bil( it ~s 'mLditoc ]6.~M~~ru:Jl:!;renin8 :i1r '!h~ oQ(l,r whc makes ~ DC I:! Uste'D dlecR h~~~ sounil, ri!fng ~f:I,O t_h~ Eldln:g.Tbis is I:llerely ~,sl:mn~~tb.itt~1il.mJ1j!.MSQQ:rI_;tS me door opeIlS. the tUllea' ~h~wn thtl~.i;gJ_gUs!. c.'(dJii-ogukhiJii_g llCl.me~ MId _I)O$lhI~d1:mce) 'b1Ql,vln u ' ·'nlllmS l!$. ""ell. larches t'aDl be reJitm th~ laea \liliiJ ,!he door ~

__ ah.~ OC _oube l..lb--ren ro~i i~ intl!tltil!mru-,J'I)1JI wmu:he tOC:~ IaJleJJ:..dIun~:JI11lI:!g1i1l.d g.et ~k~hInking i(s..u_huSl or ¥oml:i:b i-tl,&.Sim:ihrly h !lrriblr, z-\J~, al!M:liYs Hl membC't [0 mllkl:: a

fiOl't..t>hbt.DC trulptn.Utuek m ~ked door:.)

Cv:Mit!t:il 't\ sm;dI.m!)r1SItQU5 :>pirler ~nd sill Tin}' ylJung_~j. de'r, 1.1id~~IiIP()f'.[-pjI!l1 or dJ,~ w~b$ nil clIe (leIl~er of rh_e rw~ rrth~ cb;WJ~t~li'5: filii to. spot U»I!- SIliIilI1 spIder, it drops do~vn 0.11 :m~

obIlClctel:.lUL[h.u~r of the room (II muve !icuon), Ii. SU(~md IOuch.a [lIItk rollllldie:ues dial. the ~ider Imds 'Cln ;j chmc~ttJht: 111\)1: ddr:rs.mn.a.iD in Wi'. web IJld,tSf mt91III11W ItnPI'~ tW:. w~:'b.r.bty-Ol!lly.mO!ic @wu from ilie web wht!.n. all.l~ !i'rlll TCU:!H ~

..tme~i p3cil:led 'by the lm:gIDIW!~

1 U'dre Pes bllQl_ Ille~hi, rh'll sur YiJllJlg 5pl&~ 4~ killed ~!'It1 mlC ~clulL!ipjlil~ r (if .mJLin_j,D£Wii!b) ~ke!!i :l.d 6pomES of d~JrIi'I~ge_ Th.e Y,;!OO bl!lmmdmund~

Sma.lll M~(DSttolfS s),.Mu (:l)~ b:p 7. ~

'I'm)" Ml!)!gsuoD!£ipldien {g-)t hp 2: ~

l7relli5t!ft~ ClIIle'md amid lh~ p.iJe LEI Ih~ mlddl(_ohb~1iII :Ill'll lSi sP mld IIgcbHlUktllhv rh!io gp gomer 1n:std~. ~lliUlill~ 1lO[ICe rhe gem \vith ;t DC U S~l1tch ..:b« •

Tmp: O»e of the SlId!; hi dtll 5allfh~~s 't,Otl1 ~ Jcllaw.maI4 i:llSrde iL.!£dW;!i!rblNl. it: bu-ms-alJ WifhilLLO 1i:cl mll.5t...lDl1b:..; DC: ~ I Pordnwe SBR O! t:i!ke lde:; paints. of Comillwfioil dWhll~_JJn~ luinu III! ·'BI!t!f. I!very01\~ i!l>:pilSec, '1.0 (he illiliallrul'S[ .~!It'~ Itgjil.h'l (iiamc DC) o~ ~k~ Oldl'i pOhH~ 0'£ COl'ln~'lI!mon d~m~gf' • Wl"xbe<r (IV 1!l.ot thlfYJlXIk {llIITIDigil il'l th~' h:dd41 ~:!i;pOS1lrre.

([~~ mit ~Jw,w)rsn:ec~:>:l!ry to \'lir,irtO aut compll!~~ mles, .II~ has been dOM heu, for yd!ID~1iIm1(ll_YWJ~dd.J:hi ~ leY'_f_tofde-iC":ripo DOli I!O ¥Olll noJ!.eS if yo-u tlt:.ed it. orSO\1 CJU:Uimp!y, jor d!QWJIdw

~g:e t1umbeunJ boo! whiWUt;tiou.nu.) _

2. Water RoO;;--

A ~SI-nowm!r$nJ:lIm j 10 :i fe-C't deep en:w:rs thiS' ~hamhM' ar me-llWrtb ~d II1'ld e:«~ ID rlle ¥l Lith, TIiii_ rd tbll ~lfIh mil. or ml! IdI_~mh~I. mGlll! gf me Wllti)< c:allectS ill :I, .Lepre' ll!ltlj r(lIm' ins II pool ~hoUl .. Fe.£lt de~, ~l .[I:; e~ lIn.d boUl1 Wl.!t dl!e;p cu ! nil ,r.Ul'nt!~. Yell C~ n see 1'1 ft.'~1 'blmd, white C'itlyllih !;R\_~fUWlg gm:01ilg tb.!)' roc.k~ £Ii;! th~ ~0(11).

A good €'lIlIJIlpm afwh:u ooi to includlJ:ln shaded I !xrls rheJst:.nh9t [h~·w.a~I.l[is,icYCQrd---rh~'s!llo~ dll: dlllrllOtl;llS CO\l1d..lwmuhl5 J!.ISt by looking <I[ dit= \\I';m'r from me doamlllY. Char~:J;5 who

Imply tum Ilmund and leave ilIrt~r III gbJlce iI "ld.unil)Ul~ dislXW~tll'it! suaken s:~!!lelOJ'!, much ~ the h~pfu[ items b~5ide it_

n~1$ dlllmL(r IS rq'~SiI'nltd byj he ~~r--j-~~il1l' mum IJd]I1Wfit to iJ1~ jlfOQ ,11IrU'Ii<" ~'r!' i1d~'fnl1:tn: ~fft1I.1'1It..!1Pol ClWlpitJ rllr 1-~Ii'-"'sqlr_jll't OR'II III thr Mldluilrt ~L'nlrr ~f "r~,h4m!;tl.

1:h.e. ~.a1y w~;y ou" oUhl5__;I:"CtcliQ,~cIr_f1'Om we doo1"thll' :pes entered rh l1J\J,gh. is ~ seCft:!~ ilOOf all the muth wull ill th~ s~mlh.west comer of the 'c:hllmbch ltu::OIung it requil'I's ~. DC 1S Search check (Dllll't,j.IIl' m tldatrr ell Ihc' millJ tc rnpmL'ill' iltiulaor un Id I!II! I\C~ dlflOt'tl' it)

The mlmks who OflO: lived hut w.ork~d rh:i.s: nltur:ll cilvem m om'~1' 10 ~l'1Ilr&e i .A mongo_daiDAArteZe ,makes: ir impossible to kee-p torches lit blt!r-c. Eight rnniDg_brunds r~m:3[nlil'le_d up iJJan,g iliew~t 'Iii (~~hn ihenJom ,n w;tld 10 got:her Wilier fmahe nlO~ f':m:Jw~ ~Qdil:._~ciU)Ilreotl ~I.)[ltn_

l[:n; P.Lin. itulwa.,.duilldy ttl kin'lW wb;i~ ~ [010111 or i.fl:a liIo.'M fClWl.:ti';lJ:Ssd fOr, c¥~~ [fir nClw SUVC,5i~. tlLffi_._rr:ru pu.~.o:r IlO ]}u~e at iill. Ybtrr dtst:ripnoru all Oneii, ctu:wey a.hn~ fo~l[neJ: p.u_rpo:se', ff:m il\ding the ][Ila¥ll~ mm thi5 p.liI~e has i 15 own .hjSlOl1-

ll!: fitU JJ.I~,!J~ b:lcktlrop_ jOt' ;d.Wllt1i[~es.) ~

lyiri.gAf l.bd,oJWDl or the paol iJ5" 1h~ limffi-O\I'!; skllilOnvLrh

Dbal WjrhoQ~:1l5 Spot ch~c:k; this:llppel(lu [o,_beJm:t_j!lJ'l W'tlliujll Dl i~llIIiIQrID .. rimI~ lu irs boll)' fin8!1: rlll!;,,$kelewn halds ; 'lube. 'JthUQ,[ll_de~~(llllUiD.lLWlI~ m~"tl: olldlum or ~b.meak [(lhU-eID!li~ are di tur~ed, 'l,~CI dislotl~ r.ht' [1.~heJslrelemlllt__grasJl...The str-.e~~J!lt curies QWsy ~ • .htnle!i$3 chat:nc~~ dives kiln) me iC:}'VI~ur i:mmedinely ~I;l g.:~UtI,h~n~WRs.IlJlC: ~ 3 Si-'i1im ~h.:clo: ~1'id Of.! ~nat:k rnll ~ 'W~ mb~'5:.ACl:Pf ,,_ (mllld Ifted Lo£ fi~ un:l, i.r.1 this gpoci~l .::~~.

speed1.ll die Pes do ner ac quU:kl)"_1hI I:U~ ~1!IL1I)1l~'Uld 11$r. 'in" -ifigl ~ round, n. e mbe.eonmiru;_mam~

Gllldng them!li' wtll. btl haN for dUlilc(crs..~ ml!)' 1:1 I1ast and roll we'll Howe vLlLJIhi: o:watd.J s &b:~J, b ec lLlse.J'h ~ >, art shown ~ secr~t 'PiJi:53E' ~hi:tulliZY pwbtibh' ",'Ow.:!, Q.me:n,YI!iIC IJilSl. '&em;;rue:j_Tbi.i~Ql-qll.llle-wne·J;ti,g:lH i\!CI'ry UJDC i

w1Il!lm 111Jlfp'" q~d,dur ~Ier ~~~~.

l._l)'~'Pfl.'ld!ngl1u howYO'J.]'Mc:t ro p~elild',w .. is m~mighl arpk:t l.ether I:Ooms d~epef I.nJ;j,d;~ lh~'.IDOIl_,~~:tety eellsr (II YOIl W':Jn'O ~'l:11il dwm jl'i]J cullIi:nUt: dllud~tmmre1or som~ ether ~lle_t~ you ""rul[ to' use .u; ,II :.prlngooardloUunhef gdvt:nturlng.


This mom 3ppeln J\I be de~d end. [['5 domed ceWl.l& ilrcile-s up rn 25 feet high i II the c!: III>L~r, On rho;: ~Ib'" sid", oJ (he c'b.tIm· ~.~ f3$i',ikI\'Jii"lllstt¢lllbll of\ll. lief i ~t'~wLdi! mM f1nm nonh Tn SOlilth.

rlirrs ~ nil roln !ocIll,~R'!leni«i ,~y .Hr~ ~.Jl.r·5-!!ilolill n'~jlI IQihi .H~Jh sflh~~ nmr .hi: ro ,J/i ~IJ.'i frorll, (,i!~~gJ,lIi:l !r.t Willi~ !lID r hliXlf off tht hltM' k]'I:(IIIJ"j;'~ iii, tIt!: 5Dullinm rll"lIrt~

he' rnenks brtlugln !he fili EMu I h ele ~fref d~ th, C'Onsc!cl'ill~d each cOrp!ie, nnd then CJDied il: to its I1Illl J:esrmgplllt:c illl rhe Cry)lI'S. A ;wooden pta'lfoQtm a,g!llim;[ tbe west waH 1lie:~d_aS bo~1:J g (Ms ~IpOD :wblt:h ro hold the ,cecre:nmny II!llcl !LS a 1Il~ ~Il reach tbe se!:mr door Jelilw.nglnlQ the ,cryp[~ m [h~.:wes Ihc.pluf~ Lus be n g~:ml! from ~his ~il~ for ma.ny yearsi wbenlt WIlS'A!:'-Ili!' • .i[ rose !iI reol ,!lIT the grn\l'nd_._with '}I(.: bot rom 'Clf the1i~cme.,..cloQt.!WllIg I (oo~ .~boye dlm~ lwo kmobs jW"f ~'bov-e [b.e Le.",d Q~,b~\!,lIIm5h~d p1ltfO<l11l look bk~mel;f' bumps i.1lI rbt' w~, bliuYhm mer ~re pu~boo

..slmil1fmeOlli!lly. ~ 5-fom·by· (¢OI pclrriofl oime ~:ngs OUt\.-v~rd ~\\'ith ~ piDq llIoi:;e.

TQ mOl'l:.~llJ tr!Jher inw.the: l1mnastm cclbu:hll'~~ ha;ve III sol",!; the pl1~zl,e of how [0 open rhls sec.Ol~S'(~ge_. be rwo kl'll:!bs ~llil!\.-d.m he pushed s.imulta!ll(!:!usl}:J!flLl.Qie.c:tDfI.[he growtd. in ItllljKtlU ~UIlftS in Ihe &'Outhl:l.1est comi1'r or ~roo:m. &flQll! we dtmntcr.ers I:IID begilUU giUre 'this our, 'rh~y: muSLOO - tl!:ilLU with the urber IJ'CC'l.liP:lfllS of rh~ room.

'C!ia!m:::~TJm:~ ghQl.d.luiI'k III th~t erui,i!lfl:hk.ch~'l1Iher.QI3!-J the Iil rher sicl~ ofthtt.Ho.Q t-whlr 'St nl3rn. lh~y w.s:h. forw~rd ro ~tm-ck dil: p.~ ~s SWIl all1liU of th~mh8W 1t'I00000rd in[(ll:b.is dwnber. 'Gffil,Quls.llJ; lip U..l3-.1&

GOjng aJJ..!mmJjer

If ~'Ou lI!iie~f' tnh.'ll ~nrollilter 3r~a5 a'S thC1iflUt of m l!.lIW[l~\lJ\) in [he. c.o-mcrors lind, dum bers bellle~rh dlf.1l'I QfllIISrl.'"I'1'. YOtl Cell n ~Ak - rile ad",cnlllf>;l 11'1 121'1)' di[tt:1 tln }'Oll J ike .:Iifll~r thr PCs dispost! ..aLrhc.ghouls ;Ill!! I1gl!.ltlUJl41 how l'Il.O''_~n tlti! .s-~nll'r door. Thill'

oo'J:.mighr Wid I'i) ':II km~Q_rridl)f dddltd with tc;tp~ ('rQ i!ll~urage looten- from cnfillIin.gJhIl .rrypIS) ~ if IDJght [,rQ_Vidil e.ps~ mtQ rn en;rnIl~J;hamh(lI,Mt.1u ntIlIl;be1" ilf diITlIi-w:nl wrridon; ~.e!l;diI!Ig a-w;y fum iI:.-. g.r mJ'~u:hing ~~ rli::rl:l I::Jn mi:n! o-f.


Here are m~ mrlSl:ks bIQ!ll:~lil.J~Im.d.C9llUf_mIo'-d.J;~tl .. ,ro sl;ltJ.!>" [ies) fm' me I:U-ilture~ lni~n:y m.&nti'QlWd a~~ Th~_u~mple ·1l1- ti51ks hlm::h preselllt all th~ inioU'luwlUleed~t1 rvJ:UIlJ 311 el'lcotlflleor \'11 rh tbe spidm a nd OM ''lith the ,ghouls. . ru:.rnform!l·

Oil q;D h.m1," IUremij!L!iii'llti' tics block. s~e the foRowmg pJlge.

IOl-f:tl.llln!Ml .. IIQt~SQ1dL~"fl ..w'~ QJII this inform:II]QIl in 5 u.duu.uw~.iktllil as you like. I ti b~t tQ iru:h!t1e :aJ L the infof" '.[nj'QD.~~eed I fim. thentllil-d.uaHy m;ke me cm~ m_A)re..~vJ~,'ed (fote~mp,le: .; &b.oWs, h:p U ea;:ch, ghoul! fe.'Ilt"v, pa~, iWld_g;ld l'fP'l:li§ y,Olb ~'l:romc f.QIm.il!:n.r whi:h V~!l:iQI15 C'rejl'1 mm' Oll1illlrif::i tnwLJ_gh :n:lp~ ted tfl,t:CIU!le1'S,

sow.JIl M~;W!lp,id.elr (1): CR 1/2; Sm:ill \"enni:n; 1:lDJ,d ;, hp 7, Ini{ ULSptl31l'[', climb lO rl., AC 14, !Ollcit I ~, Il:It-footed.1l I1ail:~O;.._GIP -G; Atk ..... melee l'ld+-l F'ILl5 pgiooli. biteJiEuIl IHW ml!lt3! (hi4-? pl:_115 pai~olll.bjn~); S:pl'Ce/Rea.cb 5Iit./s. ft... A polson, web;; SQu·emQ~.,1'e~ilL'l 'r:mir:s. A1 N; SV Fon +:2 ReI w. W'LU tQ; Srr 7, DItl( LZ..CQ'D H.I. Itu-, W~ W, Ghc z

SI.:, Ih:~ ml! ,ftfllr. Climb ill, mal! ·Id.l •• J UIiII'p t+. Spo~ ll~ , \\:?~pC!'l fmesse.

I'tIf,~arJ (Ex): JnjlJr)' ID.rth~dll' DC HIJ il'll.tillJII'ndi 's.econdu}, .Jodllm1l£i~ t03 Sa-;

IWtb lEx'); Thi& 5'Pid!~ r }JnxlIlC~'~ sUk. Spidl::f5 CiJlJLWiJl.Li:e their 'I"'eb~.lhen IDwil!! themselv,es .silently on 5'ilk~.IIJld1e.apDUi! pre}' PlIssi.ng bepealirL 11 sIngle .S:l1UI:Id Is S:[ID1)g..eJl~IO s1I!'pott !he $p~del.iDd OJj.C c:reilmre of the same ml:... ~ .MWl9RIJJupid~ g;!I.1n 1.iil.comp<UlI¢ncl: bonus an Hide nc ~dy . .m~ when usin,g lMU' webs.

Web-"spiJlI]~C !;pidm ali dll:'O\\1 a !;'\II~b eight tim~ vcr.dilf..lhili !IJ~~ck 1u.iml6ir lQ !!111 ~ r((l;ck WD'[n ~ I'l!e_t Dlol't maximum ml'lge of .5il lJet:'t, Jnl:lgc Wfem.-tj!llJ.tiet'J. IIIml dl'!l:ll:ti ve ~p~Jln t~,;g,e~s up ra"l' lon-e s i2.e cm:[(iC,ory 111Jfg~ [ I'h ~T.I I he :spidl1!r. The 'MIl:! ~Ilcl'ltlr.; ihl.! rarger hlplacc, BllowfIlI!JlQlll~~.ArI !!1ll::ln,gJed CWlI1UH.QfI. ~.!l('.aF~ wim ~' DC 15 E9C'llpt. A:J1Uil ched!..m.bul.15.tit, wJ[b n CC H Strength ch~~m ue5JDdilId ~J::tiQl!lS.

Web-sp1nllLn~[deni o.UeJil c.1:!~;'!~r Sh!!l;CI.LlIf.m!;;kr \\'~bbllJl!.

Appl'Ol1chilig O\e:llul'e mu I' succeed 011 11 at ':!Q SP_OI check ro nunC'1! Ii webu;rdltl'Nisil. 'the}' 'SUlIIQ ble imoJund hec.ome.uap~ed s tRough by II. S1.TcOlosml thrown web mU;I(k..6tb;Iilpt.UUJcsape

~r burn ~hc wtbbilll&.gOl ln +siwnu.s if thc:..tr.iltP~~~~ bas ~lIl;ed.'l!i:n,g to walk OIl v:r g:rob while ]Ju1Iing_free:~En.dJ SJWl sac .. V.Ci'n b~~ .. hi'r poi,ru.s:._a.nd ~Jn~el w~,bs kul'''''e d~IIUl&e.._'~d~~ 5/fit~

A mCIIstrcu:sspidl!'r Cilri mc"'~ ;~~ it!! OW'~ ~h~t \,"'I;b.i~' iIS climb ,~ed ;md eal'! d~"m'litlelhe e;;,:ll~ ]OC:l'~~CIl of ~:nv Crea,fUn:

oouc:hf Ilj rbl!; ""'i!! h. _

T1'l\mimi'll--j(' (EK): A monstrous splder an deleef ~_"d 1.cc.J11: JlPY i:'~iII~ ar DlJiett III climt!lC( \Virh the ~Wil.IiI.dI wlthllilW ~cr.li'r .. n~ li:~e:r~il1e ar obiel:t ill eontact With ~he spltler.' w Ii I 1.1:1. ImlimiwJ~.

Vtml[JI T!'I:lih: D.3rkvi5ron..JWu.Q..!lW1e!:L...Mindle~i ne ltuclll .. llenc~ SOOR. and mrmullity tQ mhlrd.-affucrblg. effe>Cl5 (Chllflll!l, l:ilmp-lIl~tWli. j)UllImsms:. p ttWlllnd mcrale ,~ffect5).

Iln:~ MQ,ll!Iuo-_u:sJipi.de~U:X<;R.li!lr:Tln.Y ~rm;ini 1::1D 1/2 dSi bfl-:l. eit'i:b. inli: '1'.3; SpUC iT" klimhltl fu.AC 1.5, t'Quib 15, &r-m(,llil:d U. i!~~ Atl; :1;0; G!=p -12; Mk Sm~!l!e tldl-4plw poisQ,IIt 1:!lh'~)i ,Fuli Alk t.5 mdel: t l d i-'I: plw p!l'isoll, bitl'): ~/:nr..te:.h H/2 li/o lit.;SJi. PO~!lQR. ~b~ SQ Il'l!mors~vemili.unLiiS; At N; V .Fort +2, Rcl'+3.\Vill..io; tr~. Dr:x 17, Con.lO, Iflf-. Wls 1 Ill, chI! 2.

sflillfllml fl'nh: Climb 11.._Hid +U·, Jllmp +0. Spar 12·, We.llpofl Elleg~

Poiml (£.I(): lllj\u'l. FoniJulil ~ DC 1.0. inlti~ I ;md 'econd!ll:~' d.IU!IHIg.e l~$tf,

'WrJU.~); 1'he~b: 'i'i rhl.unt'CI.U!Uer W~ ;ali prod.ured b).' the ID(n1er ~-pidoc:., Si!'~ ~he SJD~U rnonsu'QUS spIder enny. ~'il', fD.r d~!Iili ~O'mu:oU5 spklm Gllrn.a:z8 ~OiI'Dpel1:nC~ bOJ1:lJSjlil Hide nao MoW! Si:kffluy ch~ck-s; when 1.1.\sJ.ni!l, [neir wibs..

lh.es~ rnQI1~l'filliS !Tl.den: fiU'I m_ ~=~ lheiJrmm:ba'uh~ \'i'eb on wrlr climb 5P~-cd ~nd mit &ulCm:lin~' th~ ~£:I lrl)cadC:D.~f I ~nil' cnlltii.i~uihingJ:hc ~ 'ill,

Thmilurntt.(Ex] .. A mOlisnOIl.!l &pid.er mn cleli~et_lIlldlw;Qle C:Ull:IlIt''pUlbJ~LJfi.l:O!'ltllC'l_wi(1l i!ll,!! grolU'ld wimm,6.a.1et.t. D!

~ny CJ_'ea_ltU:C_O.f abjcet onlACl with dn,c..!ij1)jd'~~hu

l.Inlim11ed r.ifile. _ _

IVCmrll'Wll ~s: D~s-lo.n.Q:l.lt roo 60. ~.eIt..M1ndles~ no IIl'U~Uitgem:e~.me .. m'llil LIllItIUnI.t)' [Q mi:nd--dfe(;tlng~fft:c~ (,chilnn.s. t~u.LslQltlS. fJba.IlT~ims," Jlllttem'L[mci monle effects).

ChoIJ1:s (3): en h MI2.nilHl'ULrok:td;JID..2d.U....np..ll,J.3. tS; lni.r +2; spd.ao ft.~ AC HI to\!C~ 12, f11l{-fQ)J[ed LlL&:.;e.Atk +1; C;p +2i Atk +~ IT!~lee (ld(i.+-l pi us p~1'1I1)'ll;5",bilil:)i ltd.Uitk .. tZ ... ;rm:olec: (JI.l!tT1 plus p;ltil~$1 blEehlliil i-O!HllIie!n (ld.3 p~u~, paIllIlym, :I claws); Sp:n;.e/Reilcb 5 tus EL; t\ glwulfitvet. pa__f;l_lyslsr; SQ l 1!I_rll n~s~sr.mc~ U:llIiell~.AL GE, SV Ewt· _ 0, Ref 2. Will:t5' SJr l3J ;[)ex H. Con -..ll'1t U. Wls 14-. Cl:i!m U.

_ Sj,fllu fl'm Fu b: tI:lllln~ • -ttl.

Climb ,Hide Ii, Jump +5,

Mlr;'J! Sll~n.tly !I, 'pot :i'h

M:u~d3C!9Ck {s,~'I1! p3ge ~(l4 Qf rhl!J.\1olllrcr Mil Hrlfill).

Ghcul fr~rtr- (Sll)' Th!l;s~ hl1, b}, ~ ghoul's 1;.-["" mlJst su«~ 111'1 ~ DC 12 fin'rin.ld,! s;a;rc Of rucru:mb m ghcuJi feWlI (incH,,: bi1l~Dn_pcnDd 1 doty, ihIlU_II,&e. ldJ COri no ld;l_ De!!:). A h:_lIrnan.oitl.\~jJ£i:s_nf -Ghoul f~v~ rJ!5es ~!l n gl:w ul a~midnigju Df the 1ll!i'<LLiay (see' ~~ 1 ~S Dr: the ~"Wltfr~'1' ,,",fjI'lllI!l for moRt tnfcg;mcdo-.iii).

PlHl:ll)i'jl~ t&:,= Those .Db Of ~ ghoul's bUe Or clew lIulia 1lI11:1S[ succeed on II DC J:! Rlrjiwd~ SBi~~ or be p<:l'l'!llr~d ror ,j.d!4!1' J m llltl[e,S:,. Elves n-I! imrntm (0 thIS j):;!;.ilysIs"

und,ar.l ])'u Ir~; D~r b, lstan out BJ 61l feet. 1 In mun i'll ~o pO-iS!Ol'I, magiC: 1Ilr:I' effccfS, pUillys-is, 5,IlIl:nnillg. dt$eaS'e, and deDI,h ,dfc-ct:$. Nr;;l uhJeCJt t,iO'l i:ci ImLh [Jr~ :tJonJedlml d~m~-ie .... ;hllity drain, er @Iler,,, dum. I mmuility re, ~l'Iy rlI"ea dm Mqui~~$ a &Jill· md~ Sl'I'Ilf' {~m.le~s tile effeot:l alse we rks 01'1 (I"Jec(~ ,",E· Is harmless), NO[ iU risk_g£ d_"3th fiLllm m,l)ssJve dilmllge. Djlt .tJe!;t~~ wh~n redllcLld 10 oh [I points OJ: lower.. Not affecled by 1l11~ d~~d O't ",jm~rn~~t srdli er ilbUrld~~

de-.tllildsewM.re_-Huhe [Owes, For l:Xl!mples Dr v;;arlou5 t}'F~~Qf ch>Lf~i;f'~I..SflU bWc " ee dDl~ s-aIDple N I'Q; Lil CittQpIr[ 4. Fell' ex:ID'I!)les.wlill hl~!t dCHC:I1ibrf.lg -va:tm\L!l kimI:; of oe.~tur!!S, $~e_famtlL!![1-OJ_;j -P3Celi 2tUl-l "

Niirn~ The \\'"Ord, or plmts-eJ:b!li1 idJmtiflcs Ihe ~l(u're..

RlI~e a;nd C~S~ I.l'rrMded.J:Illly flll(clilllli(:IC11i \vrth levels. CR.:Th~ C:h~U~ng,e RlI rung 01 :lD.il'ld!,vjdtl~ Cft!~fWl: 'Dfth.ii kind.

Size wi:! l~e.c.telnUire'ls. m.e mte.go[),.and ilS Iyp!!land subt)'plUlr $IlIblYPc~JJf ilP~ C!lbl~).

HD: -rh~ ~~ H~'-D[C<l'! t:lDd iIfI)' hil pmDJ:i jtg;ilii~ COr 10'$tl-~ b.ec.aU5WfitU:il~ !WI'! tliQd:l.fIW. __

hp;: The cr-enur~":! :full narmal hif perIn I IOUil(umilly [I've-rage rolls on e.~ch fU~ Die).

Inl!> ThAI r::re:rtilfe"S, rnodiHr. on fnltirni~~ d.ec-J.: . Jpd:_~cre:!i1IR'S base hilld spoedJollm~cLb)r)ili1eed:!i [or Q daJCf mQ.dreH~lmtJ,vemem ~I ~p'plit'abl~ __

~c:_r.fu:J:J£ilr\!J[e's, Annal", C IIISS..agn.uLllU1U._mgy'l.ar


~folli nst ~cl! ~tt;lJj:ks,.b!.r .

diuegilni IIrmorl. mdJIr;~\·

w h ii-Q Ilae- ~1Jme.d_(QIt..ll.L;lj;L) otb(!f um~ wlten d'~l4ied it.D~rlty bonl.Wi IUC}. _

Base Atk: Thl.! matUIT~ bs;se nniicJ:oonus witham any. modi· filln.

Grp: Tbe c:lelit1Jtt~pp[~ l:wuJ;> (b:J e :ltt.!d; ilit:modifler 'rn-bollli5l-

__A~ siDgle auack du! 'li:re~nu'~ rnakes wh~n laking lll:l illtaCk. ~clion. (modified at..tll,tk anll>d_',Ibe,b.er tht! 3Hllldl is m.deeAr ~lIg,ed.. how mtu::li d~mil~ub~ !lttud d~~ls;, nnd '[he W~;;lPOIli used fur the afll;Jr:;hl.

fui] fltl!: All m-\'l p~it:illbn\'iw.ibe_a~ilture can mmiw wh~n UIldfig ~ full ilttildr .U;I1.00 (Ofl~fllhi.: lImit:lli the Atk eJ!tt)').

Sp.1-c:ciRr!tch: Mow b_rge;t ql.lilire I_he erea:(W\~ mkes up Qfi rhe ba'llN grid end hllw t-or it!; IliLwl'ld reach ~~te1l1d1s, Th~ \'IIi;[ m~;iJritV of ctemtu1n_hRvtl ~ ~pac:e/rearh_o(l ft.js; [".11$ mdl, m star i:ilQCIi m.1.shr omit tim; enlty unless i . dtlTmlill from the ·d:~iI.u1a~·

st\- TIu: c:rearun: spcd::lll.illl c:ks_Lwme of \vhi;;h rna.ybe de~trlbed In m ere d,c't.1 il b.ene<lJluhc:..Ski! Is ud Fe~~$ pn JtlEr:lph), sO!.:ril e__cr-eHlJireJl51fle~i:Il qLlilllt~(&J.ioO'me of ""l:!iclJ m~}r b~ J~ S;!:ribed III D:l,oJ',ui~rnilMlIQth dll~Skill lind FeatS P:JII':lVoIph), M: The 01!l&:· or lw(!-Il'i't~~ :lbb:mviatillifi dl!cl!lOling th l"fl!~rnFe5 m~luflj!lIt,

!iV' ]1'1.~· ITeatlilre's nl'ln,g dl!r'Ow OOnm.05,

Ability Se-ares: The ..::reat\.lre'S ~!Jtdl'l'll scores in th~Ml0W.I1If Q\tdet lStr, lk1c, ('OIlL In Wis, ,th L

s.,jjs a mj -Efflb; 1n..1l1:lf'.W po rngna-ph, ~ LlsJ D'f all th~ w,"~l I;II~UIi~~ ~nd ICJliIS.

DfhtJit;"s~ill m~ck-s_i:md 5,peCI'l1 (jllllllllieuhilUli1~d fin_m~f

d;,m[lll'll;jIlU!tIC'_QQY.eml_1!~'t __ _ __

-Spclu .f{prr)LLI'I: io~ SOK~(!ffli ~nd 1Il'l!l:[ib!:ai of o:ili~dm;e<S fh:l'l tlei IW1,;RRJi~·dl

_s~lls frl.')!gF{d: fer wizards, dedt"s,l!Jul mcmbt.!liSofo'tlrerrchilise5 rltillb.prJ:~U~.Adt'nc:s -Ia~ bloc:k a'bc Indudl$ 'dtt! do.allin'S he hM ~l;;~!:j5.-Jg [with dQm~ln spdlB iilili.!mk~d iii th~ .1lis1 oJ pre-


.6v'll!l)' (;1:1 mCII.'r ;J:nd ~~~mll ,tn Jhe D&D' g;rme lw iI n-umh.er of II tffe~'nt Qlrlll£i~:tnt! ch:lrncr~rl:S[iJ:'~> _A C reJltu ~e's -5!t.ltiSfi05 bl«1c J:"sf\'lt bJodt for ];Dortl summ-nill! dtO$f ~uri hures,

uhe end of the s~rn1i!_I lliilYe'nuU'l: >ibov~. ~ztlsIi(S bloch :Itt prodded for the' ~~dc_rs.~d. the ghouls dUll me pes C!l'I«1ul'ilJ!:!'. Tht~ i-ilfottri~lklfi l~_t~ken from the Mo,1jIt'r MIIltU~ reruries for those 'den 1Un:~ iIDitptt~j!nt;:J hW!'illllllllbbre.~·I~t~ lbn1l!. Mey published ~dvC.mfl.l~e$..ooflfllm.£'liU blom !Prlhe mnures d.1er.ein as iI rnll.vatiel'(;~ PN.~Iin,g_$lIim.1'IIl IlnfCdlng [tl look Lip mJo:rm ~~IOD fro l1li, one of ~h~ to r uloebooks (IlSIUUy [he Me rld~rI ,f_amjiln 11'1 OM';'!" re fllit thil~ .

Some' m'[ bloek~ ue less d~[~iJ~d fh~I'I_Olke~ome[Jrne~ b~~5e thl;lli~ char~'-ti!'~_Clr _C'Rililmt" iH1t _On:I~r5c~ [eommC:i1urrS·llIr,orha unlmllQ!1a:nr NPC~llml Sl!lmerlm~ ~Cllilliie o.nl.y cem.m <Ispt'ClS-llf ~ cre3UII'Eli abilities liR.R-l€valU to the d"en.ture.

ii1lS1t!I)I:,,~ th~~Il!t'bio£k rou_g.gid_dr!lgU'1iI w~!J!M -"nly n~d 1VmeJItlO:lLt~lIluh i: dr1lgon 't::ITrI b-remthe. l.u:ldC:_['I\I~~er 1.( lh~ l!Il.IlC:~ JNlI~ll. itLenCQA!ilICfil~jlldude~ ~ bg.dy 0 - )NOlter II!~ ~.:r.iO"gh f!)l' Ihls ;Iibiliry ~Q be pOlentWly useful

FoL1O,\!{ ll&-lS (J S'WlltQm:y of ~hc m.~in -eJemelus 'Df -St~ri5J I'~ MI}Ck. ,iill dle rema!> 1JSe~ In '~hi.s 5umt1i1J1ry ILt'Il _~ed tn mOrt

p~red :speLls), his dej(y (if <lllpUi:abJcl",-,wd ~~(Lpm'll_eoi of bi$ domains.

SP'J~k: Optimully (Ullidditioo tQ S!i2iill.s ~dl'...rQIJ m~y w,ish, [0 ]lfovi&~ dl~ ~UtS of II amr1; ~lThook in.hersrar block. lSe~ rh~ sll1npl~c wim~ Q:D piIIge.l.H fcr what mi liXIks nik.:.) ThIs infiDrnillIticw;m "be lmpo:fUl1t for lID N.F:'C wh~ thra.cliiH"llC.I~.. got UltowntC'L tepe;1~e.d]y D\~BE Jilie W\J:oIl or S'I:\··I d1i)l5. C~O dl:r. t 5b.e ~owd-,I:w_j)ie t~ P.ii!P~ di£fereDf sp~.


_!l:i~~!!I1l£A 1i5t of Item:i ili~.lihill!'ii1crer"ls WiE~g_Qt!. ~~

Q_bv;. QIl!ily. !!Iny !:[:It blod_,yQl.l.c:r~ le. fIX yOIJr Own !.!Ise can 'be: ,;115 &paine ul: ii.!! def;l il1:d a£ YOU..nili!id it 1:0 be. If ill tbll't rceally m llUe<..r'S £Or nil 'enCOUDu~r is a CfelllURS bit polrll:5, AC, mil 1It1;td, 'bemus, th~n Ihos~ !ttl: the cnly ch:lI:at'l:erlni~YQn I1~d to m.llke 1\OI~ o(

~,.fOu:rJm'IlJ;rntJ,I.ocks.ro slre.:m:llin~ the ~ctiMi dl1rirtg phy D}' t'illUblliJJUfOU HI b;l,ll'e' \~,.h.1'! f(,Il!l need ~JI 'i'OIU' Bfj~ips:-1tuu doni!: fud.:tbllL~l.!lcl-;;s h.,vc 10 pttI!IIid~ ~"e-r:r' CQIliiah'OfJ!ble :ilmm~ .iIlrl.."~l!ry aeanm:.(wJlm tblusw'bat ygUWilut them wdl:l; ol ~aam;~~


In the grear. CU;td.OOnl, drngl)M cross the' sky, lookiJl,g for pre)' 01'1 '[he. gmu.I\d, wI! ilt! will!s ofhobgobIIDs:snlk their !:IWIlI od.t:dms. AD! aukheg bUfSl"S f.o.rrh fiol~ til earth. md.mOl!lSl:mUll 5pidt:ts drop

the tme:f,.

" ~~~:il ;.nQ eneeunters Ollltd.cm:S.Clai.Il..b~ Im.::runllg 1)5 thD~e Wlder:grol.U'lI!i, bu~ thefre .d lit!fJrnfjJUWlny WIlr.:- Ch~l;}'-~ .un: bJiive :gt'\l~oo~om 10 wnn.J:n. il..dWlg,ellD.. ,b.II!(~er,ers ~ re ~()'J~~med, by ~hf: door.; gnillul1"\'lIvs;..a\l'~Ikbk.ID.ihfl!P.bUf m s iin-e:;t,~be}' !::lIn trnvd Ix! ~:Dy &Jrecrloo. J.bey,pl~

The "!lim wild~:rDe'!l$ can be lliR:rad:ng,JQt w,c.pla.'jeL'i. md I!

Idt!mnuls dlJ!U [he DMb~ n~ib.l~. ~d~'f! tQ..h:8'~ev~ ; '!OtlUijlLiillC or UI!.. t\b.iIDJ~Ab. Mil.Ulll~~pedJie.fure rhe a"\I'mm~ begin!>, but you s.hmdd ba:: ilbt~ uulrnwJbe 'lenlliR III [h'i: iJllm!:'~tUire;; wh~1I rbe red dtag,cm IOaalllU 0' tbl!:.sJo~ FII:nb.emJ.(}r~. you slIDWd k.nO\\l-ln gcneru '!6fi'lS, iJ[ Itasl==wh:n !he c:hiu"(Jclers will.ll.llc, if [hl!':/!. eeess irull:.ridSil: er fonI mn.sue:.uu.

Ifewnd d1fferem:::e between m.ldeme§lS ~dvemllft$ ~n.d £Nil" g;eo:n lIIdvenme.sis th~ pwil:7~l ry mUJffS.lI!L In iI dW~gC:Oll. Lh~ :ocs t:lln gen~rnlily re tIei1[ anrl reeUpimLC wji.hoUI moo )nlllcli dlfficulll". Btll[ mewiidemCSijs b}' doellnltiout from till!; coillfOftS of elV]" IJZi1llCliI1J~~ch.inli:J:eJU!W,~nudy m~m! 0[1 th~ir ~~V 11 ~UIU[l:e~. Delt pmhlbl)' fsll'u. friendly Il:IIIpjoe fullof hull! L'S tn the mlddk.N meU\l.d:L~5 no',wnp me: chIlmc~m 6ghtlog rhwr W~f through .. so thlo' PC cleric ~vill h2V~ KI handle. LI the pDlrtys .he~~s DC illlll, so some £.h;n:ra;ClI'~ts".w.illJmve [0 sm}' :l\\~e ~dl.kecp WlItm. 'While dle am.er m;arnctec; S'kep. Alia if r.hie ch.ilcr~t~~ bi1;S~t by ,foes. 'the}! hllllC.nO~t pI!tC~ ro rul'l1!:I-or ;It'

le'3suw,s3le pla~ nea.rb)o._ __

EIiII~lIy, wlld~~ud.V,:e,!J1Utt~ differ from dlll11ge.cm ODes bt'CDU$; tha 'v.i1d,;m~cfreamdUary to thil" dli:l.,;tIlr'S' J.gr:g~r pll.1I"?Ok, WildemE;S'ud.~u[1lt'1: W:U1~1Jy inyolv~ 1r.ly:11'I 'Ihmu,g:b me \...ud [0 !:! ~c de~J:I.JW'te:K,I~l'llooll.1}r r.be WJJd.em~~!or 'il:!!l OWIl~.e. A d IlIlgOOl'l is ... .il.plJli:t )'QJII.ml;'e~ ~OJ but Lhe wild~milUi$ is ill FI~il:ce fUn tl'iilvd dUQtlgIq...ch:uJjI'c[WJiIIi:d~Jfjqclmt:tlllo hugu withclIl [ m good rrnOn, bfca 1J.$.f...dli:.J'tt IlStliU1 all tbt\lr "~'l!'i 'to romepJ:1I« !!I:s~

Fot ob'!j'i[;Hla.lt!!Sl:'ns~.cI.QlCJfi., fl®~:md \v:ills4ire fe~ flltf betweenkI me w.ildi!mt..:iUmlud thecl!arac;[~f5 ,vi!lh:l.ve. [OJ;OQ·cnd.wldu::\I~g ftomEO\ srln.g,.~e'S"cDqiDl:k5andJis they ,akiUM.iIl.-'~Jl.uD\ijlh~be w Idem~~. n~ kinds of cliDger'S ~t.U!!~ QJ:1.J.Ile...l:ett3tIl (fausl. mout"am. a.nd s~ ,illiiCI c:1iw.iu~b.or, lemp~rllt.e, or wId),

GmlNlJ lOn

lh~~;mornp'i!llY ro g~i 10 lin the wildl:flll:5'S. NII~1rlng.m !l~. UJiid~miJ cr f~itl.lte ' 1.l'eli liS ~ru-eiiIlill Df liluwelim-pRVe:JiIl8Jwy ~iibLlhf tlbeco.milIg !nest, btu P'i'lv~l.ers srnkln,-oJL

~~roll[1tt .. y IDl1.Y' b«1Jm.e..diKrrie.nnJ..-.e~~ditilly in cani.l Itic.ns !,of poo:r vf:JihWly ar tn..dJ:lllc:ult l'emjP.

rofl~ Vi!:iblJj:~Y'.1Ul.~; Ilm~ chiUllJC:t~f$ a:llnOt!j1i'1: ~t ,I~~~f 6!.'1 ~~"l In ll.tept@\I'~Ulng..J:W1.dkWl'I~ ,of ,,'hiiMlfty. the}t..mm~· b~toln~ 1.!l~L Cbat.Elt:t(!r5 n·.t\l'..dins; thl"O'~g:h fog. :in-Cw. aLa atlwlJ,p.CIu:f ...mlg1u t'uily lost' cl.~;Lbility to sell any W:uimiids.not..il:l.~ immctibre ~dnil')' .s imilady, C:h::J.nl:!ers tf;I\~Ulich[ mil}' l be IlI.t di>k,.·IDD, d,~peJild.ing 1i),11 Urle qu;li'ty of Utcll"lr!cbutlurce.!i. th'l: mou'll! of moon.ligbt. lIn.J ,,,,helber (h~ I:til~! d::l:rkyi:s Lon o:r_IIllY'

ligl!l'l viSI(]IJL

DdIi~Tea;1Jin: Any rnlltiiclleii' in rilw:t.m~. ctmO~ ltiill~~~n ~3Y bcCOI!rU:l',o r ifh.~llIr shl: illU1Jil:UWlIf fmllllL:lJ tIlJ~, .roMJ. s:tli'~arn, or !llhe:.r QbViiousp.rub Or ttlId.. fu:rests U~ espedill.y .iiLt1"lJl:~U5J becaase they obscure f~~off mrulm:J.rks, an d m~lke i[ T biWil ~i;I ~ee the ~{)U1lU'S'>

,ciulIlI.c,c '~1lI Cel !<M:U :I! UI .. d,ltlcN t!"~ d1~~ ilIib.~e S,et11:1l1l\ 1051 m po~r.y. [be c.h.:tE'll~~U lcaJil:Eng du: Wilf titI.I.S'I succ!!Cd Qn il.5L1tvi~'![l "Ched!. oe.beeeme lose, 111 e Wffic:.ultJ alilils .. clteclt..!l&Lrie based i1ID I:bete;~, rile virJbil!tY'CofldttiON~!lfidw.hl.l:cln:rj:u;:.nol the ~~r..hilS ill JruI;P oLthii ~ldl being ~gh...Rcicr to ith.e lllhk helow md IL..<I(! the higniB't DC.ili~

Moortlf kill, milp Mounllliin. m~ pc MAOf or hill, no m~J!I

Sl!l'Vh!~l DC 6



il, ch~f\1c~~ \"i rh III 11i'i!I~t.5 IIIMt'5 iII. };:nii)"\'\I'ledi~ (glil~,bylJ;JG KntJW1edge "~IJ pemi.n.ing liD (11 ~ ;r..e~ bring tl'~dJhro1l.Ch.l pw ~ +2 00:m.r5 an dris d1ed:.

clwck: 'once pu heur (or pon~ol'i ~r ran noW') SPl':IlIfJ.ll..Jg, lor o,,~rl:md IDO\IeJlll:nUO see if rravelef5 !.la.ve bet:'O'me 'wu. In the We I)F;jj p;my moving together. only (.he .c:blll!tl"we!ldin& the willy mllk(!~ the du:cck (Tip: M ke this !l:'hed In secrer, 5iim:e th~ chu~a.el:5 may DO rnllize.J:hni r~iliS1 rig.ht :IWlIy.)

EEiilustl'fBl:!ing :tost:J!,1I p:lXI)' De(J)me,s,.kS't. if k; IiIO .fDnger i:ernm lifmovini!l. il'l th~lll:dwJ..t mf~:I!d~d 10 tr:iveJ iR2:ndC'mly dflemli:au:.rhe dirKticn W. whiili lll;.pW}! ~~rrnl.U:f l:mvels during ellib bouLd leeal ox o",crland ... I!I:U;lli'I:~!IleJ'lt~The ehnracrees' moveIlIH.Ir w.pmll.lei 1[00 be__:gndClltlIPlIilJdll!y ... bI under mm ~ 'li1m;l.m~.r.k tne'f (:aw"t ~. or u:ntiJ tbl'Y ret:08Uiiz~ r.h~t. 'me'}' ,!l~ "'~I ,~f.ld :m:l.kie IlIl &.I.1.m.~gg.h\ u.eir be-ariag

~i..'illg,"mt 1(011'1'1' bit: Once p6 heueef nndom ffiwd, each ch;.l rncu:r hulLe. p~l'Ily Itt:f)' 1Ift.!e:m:pt " SIJJ"'II'iwl check {DC 20. -1 peer hour !:If ""f.idom rn!l>el) ~o re!;Qgnilt:.l.ba~ thq ~ Ill) long t"l:ertlnn Q! ilieir dbi:rncm oflnvl:L SDill~lmIl5~n~es IlliIIl' m:dte it ob\'iiD~ ID;tl dt~ dumu;ie.n arl' Jost.i:fthq.expened ro reaeh II (:~t1J:Ii.Ci sponwhiJ1.lln,llour b.u:rtl.'llnm: .ou:o:w:...hours p:i$S by with no,sign of diclu~~I~ruI!km • .Il'!!JUW3d S'!gn.._

_5[<UUlIl j1 Nl.':I·' CUlU'~r- A rQSit p.'irt}' fl; :also Ill:iCcm~ Iii of dl\:~llrm{n· 1lIg..rn..whh:h dil'"r!t"lioll il: 5ht;lul4.wj,i~~ in mtle;rra l'e:i~11 d~flld, ~b'octi"L!"~veo un objective' rm:h 1Ii!i ~Ihe poin t wDere' ~Ie:fr r'be ro\1d~nd mmr 9ff iTlm [be~ d raned woods:." Di:~e:rmlrung.:!h~Q~ recto di ~IiDn 'Clf rn"d.Qn~1l ~ lhlfi)' h~s bernm~ .!rn;;tllllll!l.I [nu.SurvivlIlcltedU.D.C lS, ta_p~ !tou.r ofmlldom tr::Ivcl.) •. J!II!.ch~t f3ils.lh,js....c'.h.e.k...~c.hoon!!s l! mndom dirrc:d®~Iliu:..J: ... ~

..tdill',eof;n .. wU~!.I.I~JiI'lIl Lrilvd.lDp: A.gk1I:.1l .. t.h~td~ 'shlJuJd milkilul:c:~~,IhUo· cb.llrulem.md whey 1a\o.w:. th~ W~}l' tl) [fil!.vd dtu regninlng.lhi!ilt beanngsJ,mu:ould be

fCl:lm1'ywro~inJ __ _ __

.............lJce..I:h.e. chQ QKftrS.il:I:e' .ttnveb,g ~lolfig r.hdr fie~\I C(:IU~C. 00'i!'- 1j'.l:cLct..lIiiCij!rr~t rbl!YJD!o1Y ger 1D5[ ~lI~l[l.lhhc condhions SitUI

roam it p~ih1r:Jlf'~.ilI"'elus liD ~~cme lQ',il, ,di~d. 1l'1IC"l:: pe:E lUi!ur

Clf rr.'l~1 es tltsc:ribt:d in chaJilCf._m.;GeL.f.mt~~o !i1i_eJ{ me panymaintains ils t1!!,!N CO!!fSC O[ beglrn 10 mflVutJiiWdQm 2glilll.

C~llfll,jlllg DiIW'H",,.s; hi; pass-ill Ie. ihau!Yer4Lch:nKt~fll !!Da¥ Iltlcmpl fQ dl:~t:!llIDe me_rlgin rl,irec:_timUoproeeed atter be('l1ming w.st l1nu'sJust fi:h~ make ~.sU{v~wl check fuI' eacb chlJ'=-T ac::ter '[[I SIK[et, mel;!!. ~ClI. w£.p~ers whcst.!Ch!ll'iiJ,(;t'eTS sll4:::~l!:!~ded tb ~ C:O'IWI;T d itectitlfl ill w;nkb ~o I~el. m'CI :~cli .:br l'~~fer!;,o;hlU~ d:wlacws ful1eil ~rnn_d=_db~~ 'lhlilki5 'righ[, ("riP! A k'w eJ!)rt;lllreOUS die oo&behillui yoU,SctelClLmlg}u m.<l~ i~ less ~FP~ ell' ~b.~h dlllGlcters ine. rlgbLllniLltI.'hiclu::hilI'ilCfCf.5 lin \~

J\.cg:~lning YOW" :Be:u::~~ Ih~ :m: 5r;o;'L'l'lljM~s EO ~C:!imlC: ndQiSr. Ersi, jf I'ht! c:hwcutul.1OCessfully set ~ Dew GOWSl: and.

:Iol:tow. it 1'0 ,the, d~l1Q.titul. m¢re !:tying !O reaeh, Ihey'l:e not Wsl IIJlymon:. o(!collil. d~c ~c[ers dm;lIlgh random movlmilmE might run Ltuo an IlJlliItlsmkable lmntlmuk.Third. if ,mlldirhms suddenlrim;pmve--the IilgJiflS lOt the sun. COIDfiS up-los;[ char·

ere", m ¥ !tempt n~""it'ULIle,\~,-outSt!, ~.s described ~OOI!o!'8. 'vith ~ M b-ol'iW;.On rhe..Surriwl cbed;. Fi.n'1.ily, mng:lc 5uch 1Uj;}ittd Ih(Pl'lth .:IlllIjIi' w~b rhm «I'I.Im: dl'l!!f.


FOTCSI It<n~il! 'C!ln be dlvide,g il'lro 'three cllregone~: :5,P'IIUC', m.edlun:i,lIl1d dMl5e:.. An bnmH!se forest ('oudd hll\'e ~lJtbmc all:gOrle.s ,?/il'hin 1~1i bord4n, wi!:h more 51 tS~ terraln lit dUl' 'I;ltU~ edge Oflh!:, 6:msr 3rul dense fares[ at iIS heart,

Th.etlWe Wow Q:esmbes In get'lWJ [eJ!l!l~(lW .Likely it is 'm:it gi!;'tn :>quare has g remdn cl""m:tll in if. 'iau.sbol!.ldn1t !gil fn'r caclu.QW'L(t., 'hlSff'md, 1I!Sf' [b.~pe:l'Cmt<l,g'~5. inJthe t.lbl~ below I!O gLJIik:th! I:rUlp& 11'011 C'!el![e_

rr;fl1C~1 tn'ei!~ Ma..5;5i!;'eIJ.en

Lgh I u ndeilftCwth Hi!iiY)' ui'ld'el"8rllWlh

---C!~.or}' ,"[E~--Mtdilil".._ __ t)~~s~

10% 8l)4J(,

looL .lG%


S'pn~ ~1J'lIb

'nee:!!: 'Ute IDOSE impol1llllt re=i.n eliml lit in :I fo:rw:!s.me.uef.S. ob~1jallil,y, Place II dot in die center of ~3cli squ.at'~ thou y~1I dewl~ bL1Sa [~~ in if,~lIId C!'olll);lUIuy :lbviJtrl:te It~' ,,~ .. ,:u:t1ogdol:lw~i1Ua me ~u:Jre. A ereamre stIInding lJuhe same .squll.It.olIS ~ H'II!i~ gpil'l!> ~ H beaus 10 AIr.It'!Q[,CW5 :lInd lI.:.tJ hcn:l'IIHm Rdle:x;. ~~~ (dll::Sle ~:J:lU$I;lSl...doJ;iI.sL~ik w.ithJ:o~~~i &Dm cm:r:r ®l.J.1;ces),1h~ pres(:IWI! ~fo lice dC!'elm'l tlthHwls:.~e'f1J CRi[urre's 6ghdn~ ~J::J:, b~a~'U.:lsumtd.dlM the c~.is mtqg_W treL' tolls ~dViili1' Glg.e whenj( ell]!, l'h!nIDk ~(iI 1"i'P1<:.jIj_tf.edl:IS.l'liC II. bmdm~5S :!i, fIDel 1.50.bp. ADC U Clmthdt~ is.milcleD tel climb ; tree.

.t\4e!dium 'mel, dellse WDelits, hlil.!£ Ina sil!o!'l!: tree lIS well, These IRes I k>e up !Ill l!l1rne :sqU;3r~ II m1ptaoddle: CCWi:r to :l1tfOllt" behind J:htmJhey h Dive AC 1...I:wdne~ 5. ;rnd1iOCl b'~ Like [nelt smidier ~IJiUl!rpilrt ,it Wwu.DC 1, Climb clJ~"ck EO ~limb them

Ulllda~o,wtb:: ),lincs"fOil~ruidH;n busbes rover mlll:b ohh~ grn:lli.md in a Wt'1ll:fl:. A ~I:t! eoy,mdJ \1o'iili ltglu uDdl!!rgrowtb m'5~ ::i! sq11.U?j1 of move;m'~IliUo.m.v~ •. w:ld llpmYid~~ cOfl.~C'ilmei'lr. U!UlergrowLh i:ncre!l!s.e.sth~ D..c ~]1lmbIJ!l n.f!d Move sjj ~ fly checlc:$ by :1. bec.;]llllSoll th~ ~~d-1mu~ ~UDllc!hcl\'il.Y;

HeaV)/ Wldergmw,1h ~ocm; 4, 5J)li!~m ,gf mt1WrIieIll UlLroO'l"e i!tIO\ !llld It provides Olntt!4!m~11t mth 1I~ ~chlUlc~ead of th!l u5~iaillO%). It inCIe;l5e5 me D.C_o(J\lIInhle iil.ld MOi,t Silelllly dH.~ck5 by.s. HellVY llildeIgJ;llWih Is f:1IS¥.-'O hide in, gmnrklg;.11 iirutum· ~nct. ~ide.cb~R1m1Wl md."hupn,g,i[1'C im]lQ~sibll:!,

_ 'LlMe W h.!.Itldt~wth ME' ,of reD clustel:lld LQ.gecilier .. lhJliler· ...,gt,QiV.tb..llrul Jtt:l!:eu[e;n:r~!.Iru~n)' e!!tW.s.W.e1 it's l:ommcn.i:cu ~fQQt_:;q~ t~b~Y~~h i! Uile :L1'Id IIIIderg:ro\101fb. (Q«~__C;rnop]T: h's common for .dve's uul mdlillf rl:!lr~.il... dwul.l.l:J:S Ja. Ii''ie.oll rn iset! :p!1;cl":orm5 f::lT ;bov,~ rill!! s\U"r~J:1'! fIoDr..,

~ cn-M 'Cl5dO lH,6

A ... ~pEL i a.,


1 d.t.3 liIf1ild~ 1 t~e:ar:lL_

3 th·ll!.'Ijej nZ:lJ~rolk druid N PC

-;ml ic:MtlIul!I 'H'i 1 n~mpb_

~25 ]~ unic(im~

J6--J3 1,dS+ 1 wc4~~5

3<H,1 td1! t:1!,rlillJlt.S

~£ 1 Id~ dire wo!~~

S2~1 1(13 owlilealrS

U",9 ]d3 "bilc:!.

70--13 ] RJ1a:!il (£lmlll} ilIl'ld 2. glftoUl5

74-79, !Hh:fNeI GMlIran;gi1:f NPC

8I()-,85 ld4+' ~~.t'Jrt s

g&-lS liM+l t1w1beaf,sk~l~ti:ln~ __s___

a'3-J93 1 wJlIHh .5

;J4-'Ji 2 bl~~b!li1f,q~nr'm'~I) "I

9&--1001 1 wymDtw ll~~1trop~) "I

for i rifarRla~ion on nQW.:tMJ,llr~k~Q1.I r..o.wn \IIJ!d=.tn~UIllCQU ~teL tsiJie:s. sel!' pafie 95.


t 7 6

Thc~ \vilIodt'1'I pWfDrimS pneully hllve mpclu:id~ Oll pilg,t IHtben\Cee:ll them. 1"0 get Ito LhcIied:JQ.IIS~ cliMaCEUli g~n1ly !IS~nd Ibe ~e~ Ilmnche.s (,ClimbJJ.t..J.sl. ~pcJath den (Climb DC: 1),or~kepulleydeYaro '1l'hiciUd'm bun;de 1'0 j',ise ~ nu:m~u;)~t.equ:ll to II Srnmgth checlt. made:~ liS ~ fun·round sellonl._ C;~e~~res ,em pl~dG.rm5.gt.bmn.ckti.n n.; fotest ~opy ~~~ltW._~md mlm'!.'e co .... er Wh~liLEigh~ Ud.rn m 'I:bco gMurulI,JUldJf.I m.edium O~' dem;~ ,ftlrurs tfu:V Jt~\i'c:.. 'tI'llI::e~lmcnrr ~5 ,,,,~ll. _

,Other :FOR t H:n"llin .~[D!~fim&: F~ ]lell Jogs c,ell ~rnnl' .n~ nboar 3; 'eel high IIl'1d, pmvide cover jUS1, ~s 10\" \\I~lls.il~e'Y COSt 3i rC~I: of ,monmem to troiS. FoFeSt srreams n~ g:m". S [I)I 10 ~eet wide 11'1'11:); .IilO mOTe dun S ifC'u deep, Paduu~ mrll:! Ihrough. most fClR';Io1:S;, IIlknv.ing tionnml I1tClvcmc'nt.!W.d..pro:o;rlding nel.dler cever nor Oln~lme:n[_ These pildul-are less common in dease rll)feslS. bur even unC'.'{JlIm~w will hilV\e oc~tmal c",'me trllits.

'tealth ,md Dc,'!!crion irul: Eofl!st In. ~ sp.am' li:Jrest, the m~~ i.mll.m disronce at whkb :L~p'HJChtck1or__d,e~e~'(lng the ne'..IIrby pr~i.em~.Q.f ,o'l:hel1l cal'! ~~j;~e:iil,.'d~ .346)::11J fet'L. [:0 0 medlum fore5[..mI~ d:l¥lIlloC.e.k.:dli!)!UlIllcet.llIlid '0 ~ d.~s~ f'Cl!'~I' U Is 2d,~Ul ree'c~

li!ecilLU~lli)'sql1Dl'lI!! wuh l.m.deIgJOWtbprO\lilts COIl.c:tnlment. {['s ~1.l;dl'1_~asy ror a creamrerc US~ die Hide skill ii! du: foren. Lop ,md.JliJllsrlw t.N~ p1'01lIde._kf.Wer. whic:h also mllkes hi:dmg FOsslb!e,

The b'lc;k;gmlmd :!Ioise if] (be fOrest millkes lislen cheeks mere (I,ifficlllr, i,,-ueoa.~iDg.the DC of.Ih.c:. d~cl:.by 2~r til ieer. ruu L (hLlr .. ow lilial .Move ilently 15 dw.mq_re diHh;:uh in Illld!!'l'gmwdt).

Forest fjre~ICR 61-=---

MmU_OWl,fue$p~d:s_ Igo it.: ,ttO'thinK. but if oolHlitiO'~ dl)'. \l'iDd~ are .smmg, 01" the :W.r~l &o.i; is titLed om il!fld Jllimm:Lbl.e, ,m f'.QfeSt ire _ClII'I ~esu.lt. lightning !>rrlki!s Oflil!Jtl s.:[ ne!l;i~d srnn fQl!I!st 6 res i'D thili W:I)t Wh'llile:\te( ~h~ ,00Ust' cf ah flIll!Ltw."tl: i!fS Cllf.Ii_£I:!JCBJl.ghl lin dll~ eOllfl~gl1ltloJJ.

A limasl ilK.~ be ~tled from ItS f.J r lIWIIY_M, ~d6Z.UIO fe:_1:Ih~~ !l diil{;lS;l'er_who_m!1ke.~II5'rol dlll~ck. l:R lillg..tbe..:l:im JI£ 3..C~ CttliMC..(rOOudDg_the.D,Cby,.W !.oill..chll r.tcterullllthei.t._S~t check '...Ihe fi1le m~s .c~..r In them. Th~}UUIlOJl:l"'lital1}'..~~ i

~ml[J:.loKU:O..b;drlk_oLigi:iI~a:l_di.s;tml;e' _

..ch&ma!:lefS wh!l' .:Ire bliDd('d ar ciherl'f;oJ51!: umbk liO lIliilke Spot dlG~n f.eel,_;th~mLof lk fire_(mlld thus m,ml'm!lric~l1y ~spot· itl "...henlw-lOO ketn~~'1ly.

The Inding edge of a fil't..trhul~da dl,ljJ1ilc~ fasfl!JI' m ilIli a human CBfI run (~ ume 120 'l¢e~r Itll1lld fonYindt of rnclilernle stRllgtb). On~ a partic;ul:Jr poo.n:iOD (;of !!hdo['es[ ts lIiilia1;e, n ~'lBiJbI$SO fm:2LkxlO mill.l!IJies.,befi:ifl: dying [0 ~ smoking smelder, Ch~ta.c:l~fS tJv~ !'I~kenb}r m ftJl'lm fUn:: rna~r fifld the leild I!:l,g Cdgl.!..ilf ~6 ~dw:lJld;I11! ~\'Jl~y [1Jilm I'hem f:l,S>llE!r lh ~ffil

• diey (;BI:! k!:p up,tIwPPI[!g them deep~'u Ilnd d~per III ju FlI'f!, j Wimm dl.l:: biJlln& obJor~t .fiR'. =!...C:llu,t~t~ir Iaces ril'ree.d"fI:: ge~ h,"lIr[ d!!m!ll~, c~tt:blng Ott fire, ~ncl ~ITIIl'b Inh~l~tion.

e4>t Da.Di~: G,millg_ClllIglu within 0I1oJ:eS-f Jhe ts even w:ox:s ~hllJl_ boeing esposed ro extl(em e Ile.:u (ree ].kB[ Dan,gen:, palle .3D3). Br.eJltidng fhe ::W: ClIIl5ef,', ,dura.t'~eu tkt I d6 pjlLT\tS of dlllmlge

.flRr [O'llll1d (ItO :5:i1\1~). rn ad~itioll, I:hmtctu w~, 111,,11;: ;J Fanirude save ~ry S muoo U1C.J -, +1 p""J;'~vkll!l~ mo..:!.:) or tilh :td4 pOilU:!l ofnonlclhBI d31t1!1!g • AC!,~_I1]i:it'rwb.o hlillds his: bre,jlth ~i!n Il/void t.ne 1cr.h~ d!DlIlq~btit nor th~ nonlethal dml~ge. Those

~N:~.fi flg.h~Ill.'J' do thillg or .l1y,JOJ1; Crl1'1mClr take: ~ -4 pelli1th;y QII .Jh~J:r ~::JviQc tbmw s, In ~dditiClC, those weartl.ng metel armor Qr j ~\j1)&i'fl;m~QnI3c~.:wirb. ver"JI' h(ll mem1I'lt,ell1Qi:cl>eL'i ,!l~ .lfby 'II. iW11 rImjil~ !>peU (see,Jj.~gl:\ :i!309 oJ thl: £lllly;t'TJ; "'h1ud!wk).

cnchinC Qafl:l:c~ c.h~:I:t!C:lctiJ cg:jgu.rfiNI '1\ ~ flilf1l!$f fire ~re at risk of CilrICb.ifig on Ore WhM Ihe' leadinG ed,g~ of m~ ill'!! ovt!:l1:!!kts memo and :Ire dlen!:lt risk once per 'millime lhetealii):t (see CIlch,mg on Firer P~IV 3(3).

SimDb Inhalni:iHI' Foresl fire Duudy pirodu~~ Q lPl!'.lIf de:1t (if &molle. A dl!lrattf~' who hreilthe h~ilVY smoke aniSE mll'kie II orrlrude :>!l ... ec:rch round (DC 15,1 p~tpre~ious.check) orspend . :!l[ round. chQk:~n.g ~ndi cl;mgbnrt,g..~'e1'.w.b(l chokes fo~.1 rotl~ecl.H.lve roD nds Ill.k@'S D ds PORfll5 of l:Iofilt~hlilf d.Dmollg~. Abc, ,srno.ki:! ohs(:\Jll'~;!iViRlorl, IU'(lvidlng,.con~~rn@t lc..du!I"lIcren,

l-Wirh [1'1 lac __


"[w" "~I(l:gorfeJ; of maflSn t!l:is rel tivrl'~ drx moon Alild.YIlrl!iY 'swl1mPLIlcah-al' often bomer,eo h'lI.n1:e5id~iQ'ih~d Inl!ltlllarte Terrain. below). wh.teh effec.dvely :I roe II thim cluegor¥ _of termin (OLin II III lWll'>.he.s.

The liIIlble below deoaibes tl!'IT, ill earuR.ji foulld fn llliln,he~.

Th~ Fil't;;:~:naE~s; He ind ieativr of IYpiC;lll m~r.th t~1TiIill lind .daa'L reprr~S~fit dil.! e-l'tBC' ell aJl.U th!lt i! given ~(jWIR will oonClin the ~fi" r~il'll.!Wmem~

M,AJ~ S H 'TEA:A:A~ N FEIl,lUl ~EI

=" Ml1rsbJ.';al:eiO!)' - Moorb:l,ftiip'

200.;, 4m

i'l" 206

3mb ~

11m _2Q.%

.shlliClwibcg Del!p bo,R-,

LIEn t lIi!I~rs.l'lIWtll L..Hoe:a1j),-pi!deillt,o.wUt

Jlo~~ ]f lI.!iqll~!~ is.pm of sltilllQ'iY blllJ!, 1.1 JliI~, di!'lilp mud or stlUlflJng Willer oC ~~JuJ Co I hi d~:Pfh..lI cwrs 1 sqlil.m~s> OIf movem~lII: co mJ;!\l'~ In[.Q..a @:ttilt '1lrith ,~, 51;.~How bog, ~f'd the DC of l'umblt c]iI:l:k~ h~ ~1J.ch ~~u.!!!ltJru;:re~se~ by ::2

A S(],'IliI1't fb~f Is: F~iJI.of~~~pJxlgj, ~ !1l:lJugM'I4 .r~t Ilf sr.am:l.ir.lg ~."'lnl!'!f.1t Ul$ts M~d~iam O~ hrrglll ,"r:l'liltll~l'.s + ~:n9 of mcvemelu ~o mov.e II1;OO 11 s'lmm.' \%'ilh_lImp_bog. OI~ ch~rn,criC-ts C:IoIl. 5wim ~r mey wisb. SIl'I;[lU ors.IDIiHI1~ ~3fU~\Il'ilIlSuw!m 19 movcmt'(lugh. ~ de-ep bog, Thmbli.ng Is fm~ btl: ]DJi.c!~~

Th~ 'water It II J~p bog pwviile5 'l;C:WeT fur M~tllumRr lar&'f!r ures~_SmililleuTcBw't'el 1[1 n Improy,ed 'rnllcd~ bonus ~t)AC. !JJus_an.Refl~ saY(s) tdiu.m or ilnget 'Q;'J;!Iil1l.fl$ 'lID CfOJJW ~ 1Il-.IDl'i: 4Icilru'l mg.1~J'I1hfJI £mpmv,cd 00tttr.. C~ltlm "'Irh thi.$ .im,1i!~ OJo'te['fJlIke ~ -Ul pl!n.ak on ;umcks 3iilinSI cre:lI.!!W! a:h~[ ~ r:f'nJ IJ rld~rw .. !tt'r.

D.e.~bQg.li.'Ql.i~rcl'i :lru_l.I~.u~lly clustered mgethef lind .~~ mUlIlded b)'. Q;n ijr:rc~pfu1" dog or iihillilow bng ~~s.

BqtbAaUow :mt!. deep bogs jll:laelli5~ du.> DC !JfMove i1cndy eboc,b by..l._

!lJ.li!d,t.I'tp:. wtL.; Th~ btlsh.· ~. rushes, ~nd other tall IJ,[1I run m~rth~s nmc;tt~n;'l u.D(l,~rgrgwlh (IDes !rJ iI fJ;l~S'! (see ~bavc), II ~L!lI're thll[ ji!J pan of I IxIg dOl!S JlOE ~1so hil",!! U!J:I.d!.!i!'gmMk

'Qoid;sa1l,d: I'IItche£jl(qllf;C.k~al'idpf~rl[ Q u.eo.lp!Lv,fil". ~oIid ~Flpearor.lc:e (appoeQrl;ng_aunde~growth or OIHll'IJ ~d,) dtm[ m.lly . frap esreless ~h;.t'Ii1(I1m..A c.ha:tll.l::~~f. Itppt'O~cl1!i:Ulg iI IXIt~b of quJ.!:::k· !>lllld ~r ~ :nmma] P:l~JunI;[I.I~d 10 ~ DC: tl SI:INhl!i,1 dICC::~ to SpOt ,_the danger liIi!€ore sn~ppll'lg i!'l,iltH cllfifgltlg..Or. :onl rling eh n:mCI:!I:5 don) have ~ clt"n~ ~Q.tI!lf~tt hu.idt:1'I bog itefo.re~bhmdf'Wil.C_in. A ryph::al paid. Ilf''IIJidss::ind is:.'10 £eet in dt.1im.et:,t1"~Qrnei'l[um oJ :II clu~& or rUllllmg d'l;llc'll:u~r Cllof.l:'[~ him t' h t;[_ llOiZXS fei![ Irn:o the 'l~icks<JJ:ld

EJ1«f:r~ _Qili.d:ml ",I; d'l3lUCDf'1'S i.n quick:sa~ tn 'ku ncJLO Swim che& every rmmd eo simply lrf';ld. w.lur LlI pl~ct, O~ oc t - tSwim eherk ~D mlWf' :s (e~ t 11'1 wb.lu~ver dl1t!:CtiDI'I i:s. d ~ittd" 0: ~ 'mpperl cli<1.niCllt:f f~i! thlnhtck by 5 or mt:!~, he r;:!flks brlCt"' I h~ ~!I'.fio~ :ll.1d begins ]lUiIil1'iT1 'WhE"~.e,ye(.he C~ II. 00 IO'fl,g~ r 1101.1:1 b is

bJ.e~rh tsee me Swim ~klll cle,.;r:tIplLC!t'I. pageM or u,f' p,f{l)'1'r'1 HID tl~' £1(Itj!~ Inc! ])ro\loll\it'lg. ~gt 31l1.Qf dW_~.k),_

Ch~rnct,e;r~ belew (he surfllce or a ~~r woo mck to the S;L1r't"ii,;e. with It access{1I1 .!W.lim...£h.edc U!}C .1i..5...±l PJef nm S~I: IJti"'~ I;(n.!ol1di ofb~i[LL.und~r rhe urrtaceJ.

BntIU'; PuUil1g,ollt:l ehantter rrap,p .. d In qlij[~qde;ll1 b d:ifkult. A ~\Ll1!r needs abnJllo, ' pro1 r haft. wp.c!L ouimtbr wol rh~,t el'l11lble§, hlm 1'0 resch l'iIe lIicl'l.m wfth Q~e..bd 0(' DII[I he must mDke II ItC l.£Jhnngtb check !~'II.,G~lI th vlctirn,llllJ meykrim mU5T m~k.e ~ DC HI SlWlgtlu:hec.k tQ held onto rh e l1raL·uili'_P'IkoJDrrope. II T_h~ ",i~lm f.!.hlu~ bold~nJl,c. m1dSE milk", II DC Jl.5 5'I!.Iim met:k l.mm!~dJa.trl", [.0 £t'll.',r' iI~~tt a he sur.fuee, If Dolh dleckuluxred, due "'~aim. i~ fllllcd 5 fe@1 desee ~Il ~krr.

Hcdgiil\C'w: Ccmmcn In mOlJlfS, h~dgeIDW5 IIlr,~ tangles of ~IO'I1es, roil, !U!d ~horny "Luhes.

Nllifi!'I)W hl:.{!geanv$ flll1t::TIO!'l tI5 !Q\\1 wills, and it t:t kes S fOJe t of fi\tlIWlnl!hf r", Ql(IS':Ii l.he.m

widt: h~:d!!erow.s:irc more th.l!fl S Feet I'lLl1lrnd tm tip mire iKJIUIllrr£. 'Iltl[! • pflwul,1! loral (,a\'(!r"J\I~t;lS iI wiUdo~.lt rake + 5qltaJ"CS of mowm~nr re m.mtlUhTO.ligh 11 ~qu~re wl[h ~ wjd~ hedgeroW', crtlll[W'e$,Ij! I su<:~eed O~1i DC JO Climb check need (jilly ~ ~g~~ ·of mOll'eml!'nuQJr.i~ duuiJ.gh the squ!ilre.

$AMJPlE..1l~M IPEIR,A TE MAIt~SH e tiC01U N!UIR; TUUi {El '9J}

4%, fEn~.\U'ller A¥era~ E~

01-01 I e!eveJ1·h=.ded Ir)odrll 10

Ol-n IIU mc.nrp 10

12--15 I :fOlHlll adull b KIi dragon 91

1&-19 Id4 2 5tn..level kdbold SOfoe~! N~ 9

ID--31) hI] mlluk 9

31-3& 1113 me~I'IHilili 9

li~S Id~.2 S ",.Jlvel BpbJin rogll~ NPC!O 9

4 6-~L 1 dl ~p~lte~ g

S~ liCl4 w1lloC' .wt~P'~ g

~D l~ gril)" f(!nti!!'r z·ol'tlb[~J:. '!l

"~1 1 grilf fIl;i'flilu .II

&2-91 " h itg ~o;i~e~ ISL!-a hi!:!, ~m ni5. g/'een h~g·, I

~2-t7 ldOl nllJpieos. 8

!P8-1QU__j~I1~ mblll'l&jI'IQund Q

Oth~It'_MllnJl.llell'ilin Elem,ems: Some mtmh~!> .. ranklil!J.rly' 5WIm'IIlSLb lI'I!'_~ ~ j IlfLaU(ll.'tSfS, .do._I!sl.l.iJlluhtlii~djJ:Um~lI 5t~n~. Plirb'5Je;(o IIcro]ts man' m~l'Shell._windL1'lgm g\'oid 1>1:1 ~ fl;ilWI . _}li!Lh$ lIlli1w oIll1lrm;1 m~fil'lli:1'1f .. m.d don'!! pm'o'id'l ilir. WJl~ilhne'nt obmt IJl'ldf'rgt'OWlh does.

"e~thil~~I'~(la bllm,MilfSh= J~ arnC<lf,r.he lIli:dmum d t~'":mC~ ~ ,.J,i~:h.;t Spc:t· ~heck fo[ det~~illlg; Ift~ lle;r1:Jy j:lre$~I'I,e

oJ omen can S'Ucc!:lI!d ts lid:6K1 0 'I!et...ln a .wi:un~i5tlllll« is:


Umlerg)rO\'!iIw ~liid deep wgspl'tjride.,,.klilti!1ili:gfi~.~T1r:, so irs CIIi!Y 10 hide in a mllcl1

A marsh lmpases lUI IiI!!1n:i1tl!!$Oll L[~l!n checks.. ;md uillIg th MmreSi.lendyskill isl11o[eitilIkult in both UIlde~g~ Md.bog$.


1\ 111111:3.11 ,t!Xis'l in rna I ether rvpr~ of ~i!ml11l, bu.t mIls 'elm ~]~ .diOm! I"I.lUe. rl'le landse npe; H~ LIutWIn is diVided uno lWQQlU::.,... ~ go;ri~s: gmtlc hills a'lila rtl~ &.i1J.'!l. HiIb,~e.rIllln cf~~I1 $wv.e~~a ~dQn zcn~ ~ilItWem ~mr~uc.h 1I5I'1'lDlmfmrn~.lltl, fbI[

,1err.W! $lIlch :taplains. __

HJIk 'ie:r:mm reqwresJe.. ... !)"ti foilel:hCJllgin O"J:! yOL~r pnl beutlSt! plj,y. ers:will_llilltumuf~t !o knO\\' whichdJrecikl'J:I ill uljlllillln-ll to!!.ble helm" In cll.c:J:les typic:gl p~tUl:l~g6 of gnclu:'l1 ilind iOle~p' stt!P~s in bills 'turn1n • .hul~II'ltbv.iIil_j!",.dmw your l'filIiP clU!eCuIl." 50 uphiH;nd! il~wi1biH 3re elear and, log.i.C!l The pffKiml:!l8~5 bf!lO\v tnelude .!!IO tp.r.Wsi(U! for.:~llifJLOI!, but ycu milly \lll"al'lt [b~ 'kIpll (1£ }'l.:fUf; hUk~

ah~' ~rtoms of YOUTVllileY5 1:0 h:u'l: D1~~1 ~ fiw sqmI:re5 orEb!t iip!I~


--Ii1[II~ Ca~o1')'~ CGflIiillt ,·mll R"gl!~ Hill

USb 40%

20% 5~

5% l~

15% US,- __

(ini:lllli slope Sil~~p "loFle

r (tiff

LLi8b~ I:IJldr::rpowd-!

1'0 dnw hil.1k; 'lremlin qulckh', d,~~de whmsou mIn )!.Uti. hillt reps mild ",ill~9~ to lMl, t!nell cruiittl'lJflt1 dt~_Md'l.ting;5 ofgtlldllaI slope end !1~ep :s!op;e squllteS. If you 1I~ ~PY[ '!hem Il.elil [0 or "yjtb:ln, S'l.l!el' slepe iqruJI-e5". ~y. d.nw a~poimil:lg_.dil""nbilL

Grnd.lma] '; La,,,: Thls tnclint 151'11 eep,'lmQygh Ita'lIfftCtIDG'le-!1Dev'f" bJJJ ch~t'Il.C"ti!l"$.g.lIi.n ol +llm:r:IIU:; Qlll. meleu,[It"3~~;W!Iimt f[!l~ d.Q\liItlh i! Lfwm rhem,

S:~R"1~bi Charaerers movin,B Y!1iliil1 ([0 ;m;IdjIiCC:Ilil. !i.J1IUl[e of htgher elevn!~Il) m1J5[ ~rel\d ~ $qullr.es (l.r mCl\"Ul'i.Ir~1I [(1 ;Jiltrr ~lIih ~qll;![(i of ~Ieep slape, ell n r:lc~~n mi'!ll1mg ~r e,h;!rglng_dQXl!~ hill tmovlng (0 en ~.dja(leru 5t1.lI~re cftowfr e.kvJllio-n) mun~~ teed (11'1 il DC Hl &1l'an.ce...dJ~c.k u:jl'On ent~nn,g We, m steep ~IQp;:

qU;ln~. Mg'lUUl!d cbnn~rlill;S m:tke DC LO Ride chtdc Insread Ch:tJ:i::llt:tc~ wbtl &il [hl$ dim, sn~mlbl!l ~ m! m~,sl end Jhe.b:Il1O\!e· meru ld1~ [1-etJIlI~r. Ch3[;ic!el:$ .. wJwl~n1 by 5 ormo[1!' fml1pl'One il'l me.5tIlJli(e ",h.Cft l.llIeyenti .. dleir movemenr.

A:~~JU1qp~ lru;;r_~ rbe D.coriwnble .. d",~ks by.z.

Cliff: /l,iliff typiA;:illy i1:~,1.If:~1!5 ~ DC 1$ Climb_wedt IV ~cgle :3.1'Id 15 1 d"X:I0 (\let tall, :dt_1;.qugh di(!liItcdLOf)ml.r 'map mill}' mmnm~ ~ I lit'!" clif[ A cliff iBn'" j)!!necdy VCI1l(:llJ mkmg Ill' Moor S!:IU ares 11" i ;s.k$ .. Jnali1 3D f~r ralhnd U}-fQClf :;qmt'N5lfifs. 30 ct[ oual.l~lr

Ucln Uhd~rgt~~1};,_S~g~bru~n~l!ld~ther 51!rnbbv bashes grmv on hUh;, ;moQ2h tll~!)I' ~O!ler ~h-e L:truL~c~~ ns th!y dQ in IiOre5LS and rwL~.ugbt undergrowtb t'oovide:l cQllcealim(ml and I1tcr.eas~ the Oc..Q[Tllw;bk !liI.d Move' Sl:lell'tly cl!~c;;k by 2.

Othli!;~ H.m~C£~r~in :E]~mc;m1~'1'f'ie1t5 _lul::f.lln;lI.Lt oJ-plmce III hills teml.f!, iIif.Id vMI.eys f!f[~n m,* ~ctiw 5'tI;eillm!l (s; ~D 1 III fetor' ~~de'lI.Dd no mOIe Ili~1iI5 rl!~[ deep)_Qt.dq.: i:tIm:wlblild, fttW;lI:lJI n'eneh 5 00 10 fu~t.a;:wss) in li:U::Iii, ]fYOU_3dd Hl'e"lllltt.S~t!. I1:'mem' boe-r Ih~'~ WlIte'r ~Wiilrs f10\~ J~ hilt

S~e;1Jbihl, Md,DIf1i~donmHilb! Jn~cle hills;, iIIlt~ ~mum oisllUlce 11.1 \dUch 3 Spe:1 dflt'(:k for deuc-l1l1 rhe ne::[!,'Dy FRill nce Q[mIrn'U~~ll:.eG ~ :l.dl!.TX11l' eel,lanl!f;led b'ilb.J .. Jhis dIS> ti.n,-e_~ 2J.G&1J'. ~t.

Hidi ngJIl.hiI~rnl n C:hnb~ difflmJtiflhll'fi.! i~J]'[ l.md!~rilUwth ,around. A hJlltop or rldll/i!. pwvldes enough cover to hide 'from IlY~ . rhe hilhop or riag!!

1-tiI1Ld(lIl'r ~ffe~t· Lu, ... u!ft ,!If ,MO\If' S!le:llcly C'he~

SAI'd.f:.LE __ i[iE.M.r~JR.uI~HI'II!.U ENCOllNTEI TAI!!I1bE IIE,L 5)

I~ E"~lInw A~er:;lge [L

01....m , )'flu nil OD,~p_e'" ilirngon ,

OJ..:05 1 bllle't~7

()6...Og , hill gi<!nt 1

lG-U ld,;1 dj~P'~(;~I be:;r.~b, Ii

1&-2:7 ldil Briff'm~ Ii

2.l-3.4 1 W)i\'er Ii

1Jl..4ot 5,th·ln humin bli~d NPC: S

'\l~53, 11 ogf~~~!Id 10"+2 n.1)'bgoblrn warno~_ _j

S:9"-'EiS l lii3 ~~ ~rnbF~~

611-11 1 ra£t

7Ui ld~ wight'i 5

&G-'9_S J dl hj~mni~

og.6-loo 1 doppelg<lnw


T"'~ three mOUfllain terealn cate!lori~s are BJpfue meadows, nl,gged m cu urmi [I" .... lWdJoJ"bidcli~_.m.OiU IH~i ... s, As ,",b ~1'\l!t tc r!! ;~~efjd inm ~ mountllil'lous ~tel, I'hey're JJkdy ~o f::It"~ each te-m ill ctJrf!gory 1111 turn, 'In::g.im:ril;l!A wJlit..a.Iplne' mlladc~~5. ~w.mding rhrouch lrugg,eil moun!:0iQ$. and rea,hwUlJ.d,jd...di,ng iTloum_9lD~ Mllf [he nllnmlt

TI) dmw ~. m:@..f.or m:oWlI'ali.n [~ITlIm, !,I~I:..:~b· pJiOO¢.Mi&'IlS Uri Ih,e tabl be'hr.\< 1'0 !lfrAnge '[he FeJrrnin e1il:m;:~s:.wi1h hills mrrra hll.,_}'O.uU want to P->lY dose q[[enri(!lll!:L_~cLioOOJtlilll. nien ri fylng. 't he d1tecti Ol'l of des~ennnl llJ*~...c;eJlltle ,;lop.~~;, $eep ~1Q}les, d ilI~nd ch~!nnj, w:a mli!tll~lb:.;~i.lI:...Eimu..d:. the slape (Ype''' ,rna)' h:tYe llIi.dergrowth, scu~ar d~f1sr: rubble

Oil it. --;

MoUlUJJ,iJil~hllV!ltlln itnpc!rmfl't r,errni.n e ~e iDe:J:Il. tht" t:ot:k • .w,~11 I.b;lC .Is ID.;I:J:ked en the ~«IeT bctw~el"1 :sqU~5 nmer th~r1 r!!.ktD up ~1-ioiIn! ~1Sd£. Afleif $Iii! dr:aw 1:b~ot1t{!r Qerrrul:lJ df:m~ru ell th mil', :add reck W~US. plad.og. 'rh.em witliLi.lJ or !!djDCecJUJQJfj'f'el' sJopes mid cliff§:.

(imdiJ~~ slope Stgep s;lllp~ CUff


Ugh~ I1I'1GlIfgroWlh 5cree ~ntHlilible

---M'!)!l!nl~inl Ca-Iqm)' ---

Ar;pln.dw~d'cIY"" Fllli.Ed for:bidd'i!lll

5lW!1 251% 1'$%

~ 5S~ 5~%

J~ 15"; 10%

s,%, UI%

2D% lf$

2096 lcm.

,~ J~

Gud:uu~ad . teep l~'Ji'~3~s.e f11ll!cdol!l ll:~' de.'rib~ in Rlll.s Te1Tillln, ru:ii:we. -

Cliff: Th ~e temin f.tement a(gp Rrm;lion like !heir htlk ref'l'il.i.l'l...cour:u'Crp;lI;tS, btl[ lh~'re '[i:~jcally l(6)(liO fetl rsll, CU.ffs 1"Jler [h~n 8{1 furt :tike up 20 ft~t.or hori:xQll[IlII, spllce.

Clli.. ~;...:U.£YJ.1Il1y lWJl~.1}' -;"ru<'QI geologtcal prCCIH;;5"C J dl~smj fo IICrit:llll Ii ke phs in ;} dl1n_gf'i)1i serdng, C r..:tIDI . are n't hi~ 1o.ch~~creu WO',I'I't f~Il.w1'" them by m~cid,tmt {~JthmJgb. bt1J1 rushes ~fc anerher SKU:'!'). A typio:d ch13sm Is ~X1 (I feeccleoep. III le.;J-st 2Q.. f'C.t"t fong. al~d lI.nywJJele' from S" 6:,~ to 2.0 (~[ ¥ld~. J t _ lobs a 0_1: 15 Cli.mb~h .,,1-: to clilnh 011'1. of:L chasm.

Iln foJ:.bjddiflgmO:lil.J;It~ill h:rnl.n, eliaSi'm nI~ typ~HV.1d.wll

(l!.l."f iilGllp, _ _ _

I.i,ghtJJndel"EmlQ'lh: h~tiJflcr[OIls1l8 d.e~ri~ inio,):~ll.i· mIn. ~~-

SI:RC: A fieldQf ~JJifrifig g"l:l'll'd, 'it're~ d~ .ill~a SJl~cd, hu~,it !Jl!11l~~ nuc~~3 sl.opeL "Ih~ DC:: OlE B'illllllce ~lld TlImbJe l e.bed:s..jncrellsesJjy :2 iftlJ:m's !Cl'ee OIB 1) UMIual slop.e an.J by :s: l!f [h~Ill • <W:!Jt'S:[ee:p..slope. 1tt'..llC of Movt ~ilendy c:bKks in .. r:1'f~S~S~ iflb~ is em ;I ~11lIil'f' or ilny kll'ld.

D~D8"e :aubbllil: The grlll.lllJCi i5J:~-d~f';IUj.12e· JI COSI 2 ~:uaw of movt'menf till imler II. :;qll3R with d~e ffibble. Th~ DC or l!nalltse md TUIllble checks.on.denn.rubb1tincr.eases by .5, and [he DC aC Mcu..S 11HI.11y chc.!;ks mCI:~ase:; by l.

R~ck 001: A ven'kal p-J:m~ of 51.O.n~ • .roc.k willli; I:eqUi ~ll DC as, C1iJiilb chccll~[>Q IIS4:ilmd. Jj.t)1li~I w:.k wrutL'i ld4x:l.tI fc~t t;u] i.Iil ruiMe'dI!QOU!H3mS :md 2ds;.u,o teeltllll fn finbjddmg, IDCOO [gins, ,lI:i:id: w;ill!;.··· . ~te dnwf'l (m_thc.ed;g($,oUqll:II~ • .not ill the S{jW!tRS.

I ilit'm~l~.

IWtiJ!no-;mGe: fmmd ill d.if[aIld~lU:'()PIi1: sqll~s andneJ.« tQ~~wills, eave enlnalru:e It lfIiially ~lWCI!:fi.5 llIid 20 fNt \!ddt_a.nd .5 feer dl!ll.p. B~")J:ld r!Je I:ntmgClI:. Ii aJ.ve could be lilly~g,fmm ll. simple ch~o Ihe entmnee tom ,ebbonle dun·

geofL Q.ve!l used 9$ ma~1l: lil~ 1 rptcIDly have til.!!· rooms .:bIn ire Ui4XI1l r~t scmSS.

ilDrb.c:f Mo1!U!ll!!m Terrain Pe;)!tw~ . M05t ~lpiJ.'lC! mesdews Iw;gjIULbi:iYe.du. truJine ... sIlJli!iC!S; ,and CI~JiJe'.r [Ol'e5t elements are

a~JlIlI ~he'.mQI1O~!!i:ns • .MQlIIU!lin '~fIl!il'l C,W l.ndl.1d~ acriv,£' 5i~~ ~o..luJ~~iLwld~ dl!J1Qna IJ'IOTE: ~h~[1 :s:[eet deep) ~ odik:y sn;~'lInbl:lds ttr~l ~ ~ ~ lTe.lI:b..5 ttl til fel1'l aeress ),1'; rUcuwcl'l I1lih.a!t'l,ruae ~limd .!l;I b~ oold~r thrm the lQ\~ ueas ma:r sUrm)Il:i:uil dlelDj sO' w,ey ro~)' be' c~vel'ed in ice 5beC1$ (d~criboo bdow).

terurh and DCI\fll~tlo.n ill. 1YfOImt4.i.m1~~ A!l .. gu.ld.(:]ine, l:he 'maximum disrance hn 'mommlln li!mlIID r.I[ whldl.n Scpol checkfo'l[ d~tecd.tig dlt,lle:arby plieSlllllte of Q!hen..C\lH.ftOCteQ. is old mxru eet, Cel'tilln penh and. rid,gel tnes llffhId much be floe. \,., nf3gl:' ~!)!i. c£.Cl'J.lw.It. lind. t\vl ([fiB V\l1J£.)!.!i liiIld.can~~ l:!jI\l' much EhoIllet Sp'C!lring d!isr,!lnu$,a:~t~US the:[~~Jlul~ vege tllltJon to ~$I rucr 1i.fl~ o£:sigiu, .he spIlci6.ts gD y.m.rr;m ilIp are your best guldill rot the .,~ge Ilt whk.b ~!IiI eflemtlllie~ ~ul~i.n.

As In bills l~nllm,~,ridgl:!'QI,,'p~ik-pmvid~i!chro\!le' i'O.h:id~

fwrn ~'Il'ft'I:l~b~lQW t.be high poll'll:. _

[['s ~""l: [iO heer r~mw",1V oollJl'ldsJn ~ III!Llttl)lItDitl~~ DC. of Li. le.n..chL.cb tncrease h}' 1. pU.2ll. (Hi hnwunJi!fUlne r and SQ'II[Ce, DJ:l1 ~ 10 reel.


em Encounter ii ... .illi!ge.il

01-04, I behol.d~ n

05-01 I young~cluJuUver df\1FI1 11

O~-19 I d~ 1 OJ:I'II-JI!'!lf1ltalf-OfC ~ilrt~ttalll NPCs 12

Z0-29 1 d~yol)rer 11

3'[:I .. .0!17 1 d3 fll'9it !lii.a ~t.i n

48-58, _jd~.iParttt'sh~dQW5i n

519-75 1 imll nun f!r 11

7,&-.88 .JOttHe~el drew I,/j\j~ird NPC 11

and 11 5hldd il!:Uirdi"n

t S9-HlO Zd~ ltOII5

Awla.D.ches (CR n

l'.be romblnliriOliJ o£j]jgh J!-1l;JJ.;s.llmJi he.>l\"f snowtalli.me;]JMthall ~"-'Ill.mdo5 !JIll II d>e:ldly~pef!iUJUruU'iY fflauMlllruiWl ~JN;ISi, wb.iie ~YilI .. ,nchl!'S Clf mc:lw..4!l!,1dJr;e~.JJmmon, ii'S ~lsiJ pG:I1iihlli '10lnVC .rn !lIvruooche.ofrod!!:!il.d..ro!L._

,An a",ili:nc:he CIIIl be ~p.ouedJl'o.m :l..! kr !Ii.\\I',ay .n~ 1 dl(lil(500 foot downslope by ~ cll~rn(:~~LwihQ.Dl:~m DCJ,o..sp,Qu:hf!~ UllRt· [lig dle !ltv~llln,h.e;lS:a 'GDIQ$s~~ ClWflJre', IfIiIl.dHIO.t:tlm rmt rh.e.ir SPOOl chew IV detmnin!llht.e:ru;wmlU !iI~wwe..tht.a~"91:UiU::ilt~ moves doseItt! them, IInd_t'b!l'f.Jllltom~I[!ClIltly hooom~~ of ir

wlumJ( d~,n lJ half lb.!t.Q[iginnJ dblllllce. lis.posrlblc:.liClhE;;tr~aLmth Cl;lmIDg eveIl if YCl\U;i1~..r.ee it, Undu I:!pW;Itwn.tOMi.f on (110 oIlier J"l'l.Id no~~ WCl.Imng), ~ ~~s.,m.UCJs L' len chec:k.~D heaT, chu1j'ah1nc-he'

,Or ]1li1J dsl.id~ when jf L:;; ld:~X5(JO feel IMI,Y. This ciJ.ecic mlJl.lu havu oc.'~:ZIl •. 2So.!or hig.1u~df.l C'ondil'iIll'Ji15 wh~,fII:) hel!Mg lJ; dll1it:td (sudi.P5.1.JJi the .:mlddl! of ~ mun.d~ri~DiTII),

Ajilll.W.~ QJ:.mlanc.be ronsisl5 of rwo I1isrulCI .:I.~f3S:: thelra~ zone IJn.dK..dlIect p:lrbof rh" f~l1£fig debris} ~fld !:bcslidl: 1D1l' ([he: llT~\1 th~-d:.l:l105..Sp~.d out to ~Hmnl:pn5S'. Cluru:l:f'a.in the blllll"f-Wlle a!\Y;1Ys tllke. d'il.lJl.llge from. aneo ~"iil:mcilti c-.il4lt1lcters in th~ wae zone mil)! be ,!l!bkJio ~LUl.rt chh~\i.li!I}~

'Ch~,mam lntbc l:lU.u:)':JW:1ilt lUke sd-6poiIm of d~m:~ge. Q[ h"jf cll'l:l Ihll'IO'Uf.U if [he~~ aJ)C 15 ll:efl~& ~liW, They ~:r.'ll mbsll'I!llIlendy b'l.Ilir!:ll~~iLbclmlU-

~aers~ ~s.ll&:zonc 1Iik;.: ld6p;:!in.tsoidmm.ge..OHlOd:UDllge. _if !hey [Q:;mke II UC lSJ!.dleK ;!iIlc.'e;. 'Iihoo.e who fuilih.~1J;Ji_g:1jInam.bwie.d.. T' Blilried t:b.1Il":lC;U~~ lilllk'f li:ll'> poinf~ of nonlethd.damage per m.l.nUI[~ If JIj lrutied..char, Err falls 1l.IICOIlSdoWi.lll: Dub . rLi< I. nlilke iI DC l.5 GcmsrillHiol'D check or rIlk.:.id,li_pWms:.ol1 rhnl d\1Il'll~.Ilc.each rIlinure Ilh~rell ~cr unl.il freed <lLdc.ad..

Th~ Q'P:1giWll!~nt.bl': has. width afJ.d6>ucllfec:t. fmmonc edg.t:; of i:hc= ~!J.de JOllie 110 Lhe gpposit~ edp!. The but}' 4me..m lID!

~iI' of rh~ iM'i.1Mlch~ !~ half ;19 wid.e II!; the avru:mt:he's1u.ll.w:idtb..

Th ,dete:l"IIIi:ne the p:meds:e iOClhtrof.l of Ch31:',]:CtJilts in a.he p3r!, of en Jl.li'~ricbe, l<l111d(i~ZD;_:ah.e~h is rn4! m.u!lhc~ of ,c.:~ .fliLlJlJ'I th~ c~ n~u of ilil.t p:arb t k~ by [.hI: bury ~l'Ie lD ~h ~ cemer of thlt P'.rn:y'~ !tM:Bli.on. A~t:1.Qf .mQ-w.:;mdj~=-!!d~n~ .:It lil ~~!.d];lf .sOil fe~rper !:Quad, and :rock a.1J.nlrulth~e.uluIL~eed ofZ51l. f~t rer mYod.

Mountain Travel HIg,b, urHude can be: t'xtremely fru::.ig1nn - :r swnetimel>. delidly-rQ crtlitll:lie.s: dmr IJreDI used ro iT..Co.Id beoome~.f:.'{treme md rhe bc:kJ)f..Il~YG.en In the aIr Call wm dc.w.n.~vm.thc.maR h:n.n:ly or tv!! mOil>

AcdhiiM!J[ed .Ch~:~nt Cliell t'lJrr¢S ~ccu~it1:Imd.J'O.1iigludl:i.::. ~t1de gene..fGIlly br~bCtl:1" ~hBfi 100"lmd.er5, Any Cl'earo!l:' \~t:lul!i [EnVl!:roillLm.e!!1.!: C!lllQI' .th.t~ mcludl!5 inlliiDmirn is· wlJnd.end IllItIV~ ro th;, a~.,lI!ntl ~cclimll~lld tOI:h~ bigha[tii1Lcle..C.nm~m5 Glma ILccli:mOle-the.m~l\l'!!' b~'liv1n& mt high ",Id!lllde for.~ ,month, CharIIC~fiS who s:p~l!d morl! th n fwo mOrlth·.llwJI}' rmm.r~· ~~tIlS IDUC5t H\lacel[m.:ue memsdvil5 wben di.ey ~emm.

Untle;ad. (;orutrul:l:§, ~11111 eWer C'~DlllilRS: m:lr do..nOJ . .breil!ll1C'.lk immunL'! 10 altitude clIecl .

Aldimde Zone:;: In gLl!lllU"lI.l.JIlDUIJlt im.p~llt three possible ~lb]Judi! bJ~ld5: l.ow ·FlI55, luwpeuWhlgh p;il55. W'lQ .high ~ "-

tWUi F~rs (l~iilt'r rh~n l.oolfttll; .tJwt m:id I1!l Jew m.oUl!Iull'l5 I;lI:k~ ]lIW:~ lnJawp;I!ssts.a.z;aneclWtswlghrge.1yc( a:lplrlf' ml'~d. DW;5 ~:n.d r!Ores[~. Tf3",.de~l' fln.dJ'in'.i!ol1'lg dii'ffirnh (whkh I~ reikt;<I&U'I tbe.mlly,emMnil"Ulers.fm:~:~tclitig tho:ou,gh mOIl:l1- ta.ita:lS); bUl the. i:l.lliruile itsd£ l\11'.no game e£i"t!a.

UlymftDrBigh llIu (; .. 000 la 1S,VOO f~ftk h:cMthr.l,B: 10 tb!Z blpen slopes .. oJ low mOllrll ins, or mos;~ no:rmotl mIv~l r.hrnllgD I,igh ml)llIIl:ains...flllls 1mo I.hls ciilrep,ty, All n.onacdim~~~ Cfe!lWI'tS IlIb.of to brelltil e in me [hin .. i at this a lrirode.. CIUClI:tHS mli:s~ 5UJt"~f(hll'lll Farri't\l,ae lI\I'e~li:;u:hllC1W: (DC is. 1 per preYious. cb'f'c:'k) Of b~ (pUgllcd. The (nt 19ue I!.Ilds whl!J!j dlI! c:'h;!f~!:tet d~ sc!!:llds IIl.~fI li.lriflldeJvilh mOflt:.m:.

.Acdim'l.tcdsh.~I=.donc:th~~[o Ilnem;pt fht Fortitude .. ve UlJiJI Pr!'!k (m~rr 11m rr J£.OCI!J/tci): Th~ hJglws[ mOl-mains ~td 2fMWU~Il'I: ID,Jn~I~r, Ail: riwsu!eJl'~tfcrn. I:IeIlJt!ilR;S ~l'Uiub,Jm 1:0 ooth hLgD dtiittlde fllltLgar. (il.'5 d~s~ib~d 1Ib.w~) ;mel alnmde S<Lckqwss, whewex Of D.Q[ rney1r..e ilc.dirumoo h;I rug;b Il!ki.mdei.

AlrilUde..ildc:n6 rtpRStllU long·[rtlll ,o:xygi!il dtpriwti~tldllild lr ilffcm..mi!llW nlld Rh'lsic~l ;jbil ty scenes. Aft~ ell.c~w:... period 1I_c~:rnChl'r.:Spe.nds at nn rutl.tude of ov~'i::.J5&!m1~.la .IJfi tlSUllt(:~ tI FOlitllQGC S:!I.l«' roc u, "'1 p~JtI;.ti ·~J..il.chedl.!

or lak~J..p.oJflloUl.llm ~g.c to ill.abillt')t~C.iln:t, _

Cre!!nm'Il";tdin:I t~ I!!' high a1 tiwde n.:'1:~i\lC 41! toTl'!pt:!eno:

.... i&mrl Plld;h;:;ir s3\Tln,g rhrm1l'.'U:QI. ~Hi.s i l!.ig.h..:lJd twle em~cr§ ntllfJ fl.lmu.d e. ,v~kne~f. hut eye IttUJIllrl!\1C'PI $e~$oned moulItl1iJilccrs ~~I;l!'!! thw_d~ogeID'Ui.d~I1:t.l'ms,


.Oesen: t~m.1tt (!J(iSLS Ul W<J:ml!, u::lliper:t[e,nJU1,~ldcltma,[cs~bunJJ desem share one cammolJl mrl& JitduniJl.Ih.E.,wc.~ ~Iie.s of d!.'sen!~ili ar,c: 1Un~ '~illd: des:c:ttsl.J:c!dy iles:erl (often lem' P"''11U'~)! ilfid sand" d~erdNren \YiUDII).

D~UT TEIF!!i1!~1 rill fiUlT!JIIiIIE'$

-- D9c:d.£a~'egolJ~~

liullda Rodq S';m!il),

l!ii% 5% 5j16

25" ~

Llg'" ulldelgl'wlb 1«: 511~t

Ughl fUlml~ rbl;fl~e rl,l~b'~


d%__ EiI1COi!Me~

01-i1j'jl 1 iUlillrospbjm

03-_lS_ LJ)I.ilQ'S~l1in~

1 ~23 hl~ j~m~as

24-31 ldlbasllJs~

12-4] 1 t.rlo~pilln:t

,42-49 5~h·leye' nll!l'flllr'l mr;II'I'k NPC

ami 5d1·lel'el hum.l'I,) blind N PC

1 fI~~h!ol~1'IfI

1 d3 1l1~BoM:p:hi~

1 Huge mOI15i:tol.ili, 5llGtp'ion ['letfl'i ill}

ldl jillmn 1ge1'lle) .; _

, d4+2 L.uge ml3nSUOlJ~ norpiDrlS (varni"l 11'1'i11rnmy


Avemge El

'9 iS --+ 8

'1 i 7

7~80 1-811 S~91i

I 9<7-100

Thndnl dlffm from 'me ether dese Et ClItegQll<eunll'o'c unportmt .vays. ReCIIl..ll~ sMw;rna Iee CO\I'iU mlJ~eJand_S'Cl!pe irs ell '11t1 find \valler. And during mil he.icbUlf summU: me pel". m~uh:u1""l: ~u d!pli:I mill oor ilUO. rumm~ lmds~poe 000 ., V.[S[ field. of. !nud. The mudd'y nmdm aa~a...5.mQ~.muu iU'ld s;kill use Jo1!uiluhdl"" .. bO'g~ d.·~crib.cd,..m.miLa:h. [efnli.n. Ilkbp_;u,gh the~e'~ liID2 stlirLdh!g 1Ml~rt.

The mblJ: ;1bovr describes ~~mAl1emrntd'mmdJD..l'<J'!cb arme I r.hree d(:S:i;!i'~ c~~egories. The peKelUligei (lire rnJtefldcd I:t! p.l.dc..,... your map-dr;lwillgj doIDJ.m1I for each square, The ltmm eltl=. m,em:s on this Glbl.e a:r;:e mlilUl,aUy. e:il:dwiv~ €Of msu.nce, ~ sqlhU>C of fu.nan mi:l'j Cl:lflflffiin either ~ lidn..!md~'[grow~h Of an itll! sht:.el'

bue Ilo[ ~!h. _

Ligb~ IJn_dugrooo;>'th: CQlillil5tmg of u:ru.bb-)', .n wniy bushes ililld ca~ght;_umiCl'gmwfh fu:nn!tm5..aul~bed fDr ciliu [19"nt,in types.,

~ce shia:li.._ThIl ground iss (lover.:d 1 .lh.s1ippI1!y eli!:. It tosrs :1 ~JJrliJ~S of mo·~~b'lI'O'~filJCr~_,5q~~d 6y 311l kesbee[, ililG me.nr::: of .B.lIlmnoe Ind TWkb!e chcks tbL'~ iili(:~e!oby 5. A OC J tJ Bmm~e ch~rlc: is r~.q~d 10 mlUJ c:hil~;I,a1)$S an lell! ~h.eet.

11.gg[ Robbk: Smillrow are S!uewn lIt'RlSS the gUUlhd. malclDgD1mblc..m~!l~CJLIIt mow diffiMI~ Tbe DC Qf Ilnl~I'lC_@: Ilmtnmilik,_,~eckUnoe~~~ by 2.

Dmsc RBbb[,~ IhLs.l~fl:iiIruIRJ~Il'JII5L.s'tli Df more ~Ild b:rg~. 5l:orle5, I, WS~ 2 !iql!ntt\iaf UiClv..emcal ro enter II. S{jl1tlil'~' Will:! d4l!nii~ rubhl~. The DC of Bl1IiIll~.1'umbl.e..chw.m"remsbv__;. :I!II.d the OC of Movellennv ~bechiDcrnllSes by2

,gtld Dune ~ 'Cr'I:JUcd byJhu.crl".Il.flbtind llJ:LlllJ1d, S-.:Iild .duiI'lil5 fU:!'lctlolt a hi.lluhtlif 1l:!(!Jie.1f tbe wind i.:; :5tWIl,g,.lmd c,~!is.i:st~w, ,~ :;;~I.'I:d d'lJl.'le C'liJl.jlilOVe' si:vemUnmdn:(i f.tctJJU w.~ek's ..wne..sM.d..d1JIl.eu;~(lIJ;~liU'ld[ed5...0I~Wl.I'~~' l'.h.e~~.hil'l'E .kae1~rl ~ ~QI~inting I n the dirmion cUhe P~'IIiIl.1ing_ wtnd md a ~reep..3l~~~ I~ skle.

O-rhrt:J)t en: TeU<!'in }'e;nHues: TlJlulrn is . .o;ome:tim¢.'S bop de;t:e~SIS, ~nd, t;be '=n si on!!! tree 151'1'[ ,our ,af place in [hie. cokLw.d!.lt~. Ro.cJry de:>ens: MW foW!.l<S ~ nd. mc.~'" COI:L5-{stin,g or

&Laiml;l!;I,d,JiUlI:IWIllded 'on ell sides by dtElE mrld steep 5Ia~{d.~ senhed...bt..M~uIl1)llliB Terrafn, ~bove). Saill.dy dt!~~Tts !i!:)medm!:l~ b~Wckiilll1dJ I:b.is IUlCtiOM as ,de~crihea in hi:lr h TgrnJn.

bC!ll!. illlWgh_;d~ql.'lid:5:1nd is " w.,rll:dt'Sl'l m:b;;rure_cl&'4 1s_iIlnd ~,Ild dust, AU desuue.r.nin is crlssaossed whl-utt1 mambeds (ueal-~ s ..«e:udle.sJ_JIo lS fe~'t Wl.d~) t.hl'l~ B.II wia.b w.il'[e:~ Oli me :~ ~~ca:!lmll5 w.b~ !:ills.

S~cdtk ud De~tiQ" I .. dl,l~ D~5en: lnlt~nI!11itI.,m~ JIm.'dmum ~t!;1:-lln~e in aesen:.ttmliII , i whKb, :I Sput clwck..fur w:re,f[" mg rb e nt:iliril}' 'P11l:~.ru:e of albers; C'I1n sur.~.itedJ>s 6tl.6>->2.01'ee1O ~eyQnd this dina.m:e, ~1~va~I(if.! cha,nges_.U'uiheu.distw;til;l:Q in W;I,ml deserts ma:k~ , pc:ttti:l1g impossible. 1'he_p__n::se:n«.oUt!.!U In smdy desemlimi!ts .sponl.lll!l dl<;;!IIt1~e m ~J Q ft:e;l'.

The- aCie:tt imposes Mim'l!r bcnlll$\!$ 11m ~On.Jls[Jm._~ ptIt ~,nc liClIIKlq or undergn)\"vrb. aI mbiC:I cl"llIIent" Ihat• affer ~CI.ni:~!'lII[ 1:11." I:~el" m:dc.es hldingmofCJlJff!l!o.!.Y!!..- __


fA,.ioo:<isrDL'3l'1 ~ed"'Cie'51...1"i5ib:ilit)· to ldl~ feet n rqd pmvlde~ a ::4,

;I:Ia,llY fill ,:U.5u:n, Sf~ r~h, ~]ld SPli cheda A ~:nd$l'Qrm cl~~ls U!J po11l1S of Ilonlel'ha.l d::lDlllge pe:OOULIO .m~<!.lure5 c:all-£ht-.i:n[be open, :lIla [9ve5 a thln..ca:llin&-oLsmd IclLS wue-. D:riYin_ , sand cr,ee'[i.l~ In mwugh .:d11b.LIt thun"~ ~~d SIilIlm5.IO t:.'bllfe skin nmi.cmamrnilfJ.!ll!!:dC «[ttl. gtAL


Plairu are whete' most civill~tlcl'ls nourisb~m..WumJi~ d~d, f'Lrirn' cQme.ini.bme Cli'il!gori~$: rMnU.-~ds • ..md..b~ - firMs. f;t1lllS im~ com:mcm in 5e111ed reas, of CQ~ . ",hIle ~s~lUlds r~pr~sent VJ~ pillin5. Thl;l h~~d,~fi,~~ Hm.if'$ d.a~h.>Lre H~ml'Jtrn ry P:~I:i~$. u$uiliy ~:~it'D1Cd b,y_ruwt~lJ \lieG,Il'[~li1)n 0;1: rhe.i;:u·m,en.plow. Bcttl.efieldl5; jl:j:!n'S~.ru:.uhmi~ urn I:.;JU!gory betalUsudvclilrure:rs leJIiIll m ~Ddl il..lQr of time. th~, nM beeause l:bey"1I::e Pluti!i;ul rly prcv;t_l.ent.

The rob.l.!! he[m\! shows the ~nopolFtion!i Dr ~t!rn:il'l e.lemerusJn th e diffe.l1mt ~~le.goi1i~S iJf pJl!l.l:l's. 01'1 ~ :fi1~r.niI.Jigh[ IULdl:I.,g~wtb rep:!'e'5enISIT,I0$I. !in~~rt gr.l!r.i t:.'I'O'fs, so fum$~g;rIlf.W:W.c~p,~ble Ci't!pS wl!11 hilV(! less 1Igbl 111!1!l~rg.m\~'th. Ii willAl.l..:l'Kms dUring d:i~ rimt=beM't;e1'l niilrvcn ~ ed ~llllltb:sJille'Q.laDtin&.

Till; IHI'iI:I.n elemenrs mAe. E:IlWe below He. IRutlWlly I!:~.

FILA I N,s...,DIlRAIIN FE. ... llI Ii!il_

-.~ -_ ·I:a.im; (;tt~goi1i' ~-

fmn __ 'W!t$slancl B:atlleli~kiI

~096 200(. 10'}(,

light 'UI:uilefil'OMh

e. 'q undeq:rowth Ug:'hll'1llbb:l~ T~.ndl


Uuergr.m\Vt'l!I: Whe t:heu:by.:.m cmps 01' Ilnllm veget;atiDII, the t::llLHrl!S5es..of Eh pJ:U.ns funawnlUul! Ifghr wlrle:rg;mwth in a fQre_nJiu'~)' .. d:l_id. b,l.l5he:;.J~m1 p,,~el:t,,~ of hea\l'f underg(t).Wd,_thatdtX[ the 1~l'Ld~peli~IId.~,

l.ig!.t' :RJJ:b'bJ.e: On thll 'b.on]m.e.ld. Ugh ~rnbble 1I$\I,!l.ll), R~~ S1!!llS ro~ ~dl ing 'elm w~s d.e.stm'fil'tl: rlre nrirn of a buildirlg <rr.me cattered IemnJlJ]i!i.of a S~Ollt wlllil. ('Oil' 'll'lmDp!,e. h,~.:> _ilL:>., de.5cri_~.ifllhe des en tmmn wotiOll JI~

Tr~dWlfil!1l dug_bd'Ne II hank '" pICre« SQ1dEiU)S~1n:JlCbJ fUBC'WDl!I..f ;w__ Jo.w.;w.wli, eKt'e-ptrJrnl it frovM~ flO C!WcJ' a~ l~diill()~~~llu,l[~i.:if mll\!crt\il,IU ~Q lU\!:e>L.~~1m it cD~D~g.:IU.1:ii1Lit'ce.ll!!.ttmc. C~~Wr£: ~w.dc~ch..w.b ~

m~ke ~..meleu~ck ilg<lWl-a C[Utu~c iM~dc.ili.umnch g;Jin ~ 't --"", ............. Q.I!_ mi'J~ ~~y h:l~_;t_g[(lumi. ...In.fmn. [~rDi.nL.nen{'.he~ are ,generally inlgildoll d!.meL ~W.inm®..dcl'e~'i'e.sUllC(IJre. a 1lil'm1 is a low, ~tth(':n w,rull thiU .. sl.g~'i!5-.ID£I),'eilllefi ~ wdp.fIlvllles II mi~,II;S\I re nL cover. fur a

~~.rm.l[m the m:ap by d:rn.w{ng_t''iiiUld..llltlfllLm.WLOlGI~IU1~p;e (dA::>clJlh~d InffillsThrni1l!. ~~~)I Vilith 1M_~dteS.M:rn~ b~nn OIl [be downhill side .. 'tbui,. a.dI~Cl.1;r~:r~tPIi.lW9~l.I.l!lte b~rm will lClvdu.phltllor LSoijWlrc, th~fLd~wllh.IU (M '~ ;5q.UilU.l'\~'o· square berms provide .cQJ,!~f ~s low w~ll:s for <1.ilYC.!1·C ~!:B:ndif],&l hi!!hiI'lJlh~m'_[~il:ge.~~t':!tI"'idi(!rhd.ow.w;AiU ~~ItI!'Hr (o~ afi)'<liUe S[a Ililing 1. sq\lm~C'_d"'lI"~hUl from rite I~P O'f fill: ~~

Cl':m~(l.li~ \'tVoood~n rmc~~.~tleW1y.u:i.~d to ~Ol:!.!i<lfl'l ti\!~st~~ lO'r imp.!:!dl: ontQrn~I'I .•. g~CJll1tllt"~. It CoS1t5 ~]] exJm! ~U. a~~'Clf mO\l'~1 jJiD~iltt tc.ceoss ~''l\lCGdilIl! f(:J;'(j~.ll...$I(I~~1! p~e~ II :m~asl!l(~o.~ tOOYeE:.~S; \1;'ilt [lI1Ilc[io.n:Lll,g ~~::dh. Mm.limed cbaraetees Ct!.1'1.4 ~JertC~ wilb01l' slo~ ro.'il¥ernl(:.n~ if die)"\' succe~.J Qn !LOC 15 ru.d~ .d!~('.k I( W,C cbrt_ll; F~ili, ilic ~ucdm:ll!scS" r.hc Fe:n.c~,

bl;!!~ ~ .rl.J~!!' {tIllli o~ ~( tile S!l!ddJ!~

SA M Pt.t'fE Ml Pi~R.IliTIE IPI.A UlI.S h~.oU NITEIR T AlSLE ~.,El.4) ~ d:%_Sl1I!:OLi!liIter_

,01-.03 1 hal klF.lI@~m, 4tli·l6el hUIll1~1iI Ii~~er


t es- 13 \tlJ [?ocl:~nn!~

14-]9 ld1Ug:W$I'!iw~ml:!i

lQ-2~. S:til·lcl!'el hum~rn p~ladll'l N P(_

l7-J5hf~ bl~nl( dog!j

36-<1~ " d ll}'i~I'IT .:wIdler 111It&

~s;..;511 d4+4 IlDb:1~I'I$

SJ.--m 1 dJ Wel>~IIIII!i~t~I;iI!1lhK!peJ

70-7;21 v.amplrey~p~

~ i'q..~ l-allr,p

87K!}4 1 arl~-he.Jl

9s- \O\!ll 1:13 EfI~1 I.;

AIII~eEL ,fl'


Otthcr: 1E!'l~ins, l'¢lU!l!l Fg;1itj!;tfI!S~ OCCI1SIO'JII:ru:reli5 • .dal th.c trunrle

.5.Q1~ m m.:mypiIJ Lni, alrnougb on b:uddiddub.Ww_Qflen fe;Ued to pwyide 'rnw m~ ~.:nit (T.lf sii\l'Ste!i!.I1Jnt..!ltd~be:d in Urhiln fcII-

,~,_ .. 'l. H~~l&1I (d:~rl~d. in Mm!U!'i·m.i,g. p~ge :Eill)

are fl) W\~11. &treams,.gemr;JJlll.y S ~lJ 20 re~[ wIde· and

5·~ 1:O:l"~ ~I~ ~ommQ.llilLlr;;e. _

SII!:1i!1tlO~!iDd. De(ec:ti.on, m rJllios: [:n -phitl15 ficn1lm.~ll;ci· mum cltsl~n.~1! ~ [ whkh ;Ii Sp r clreck [or de~!:~ting d.~ he'ILrlutL prCSIHn::<t! of Q~fllil!~ 'C~iIJ stlce!l'~d ,~ 6d6X40 fi!u. ~hl1Jb~ghL.l.b!;J. 5p~dflcs 01 'fO'ill' m~pRUl~~trict .Un.e.JlhiJ::b I~ r

lPl.Ii1r.lslemai.n pnwid~s no hon~s..g~ pertJJll.ties.(In Llsren ~nd :Spt:l~ 1::hl.'~.k!i. CO'l1er. ~:IlId c:on~c.a!mcn:! ~!!'e r.l1lI~ uJlco.mD'l:l:!Il:I. ~o ~ !!i»d!!l~ o( ~r!.!.ce U; ofren ne~OO'-;if Il,Dl ri.!lb.~ ill hmd.

AQ.U AT I C"TI.&[{A,i N

Alj,m:ll:k: ~ir'CI.~IIi5the !mlsl:hospi~~ble mrn~gtID, b~rnil ~hll)'GI.n] b~~I:b~ there, Ch~r:ac!ers ~ tl$llI!d~d.dlt,l'l!ge'lW'illtnw!.llmgly 1 tl'lnflSl irlitO dw w:n~[ (wleIl irt's M dl'l::OOnOm of~pi[, for e'xam~I~)a~ j.ihe:v. ~m.ro :w~mi.omll¥s~ludvelt[l!lre under me ViliJ'reS,


tliqUiltit~OOe.m[ ~Jl[er the \\'lU'lery thai. land t:eIT";uil. d~

The QCe~fI !loo'( helds m~nv m~.rvels., !ndudillg IUIl!d,m~ :ma"~ lQgLKi.of~:![If_ohhe:'.lemin ·el~me;nts desel'i,b~d fi:lruier {Ill Us.~ ~rOfiL..Bu~if ')fOUL d1!~I':=~ flntl .hernsi!l~i in me wlIrer bitr;IIM.S'~ w,e.'1 w~!:!buU oo\:d (lame. d~~k of II pirn!i(: ship, (h~ !:s.U kdp

~ l:iutuimd£Q!.f~Qt~bcllti dOll! milln:~r.

}o\.«:Qnill'lgiy, !:h(t~:ui:deulmpj¥ di"'id~ ~qll;:ul{: r~rain Imo nvo C'I·~JCWlrl()5; f1o,wj;!],g.:.wMCr (~W il$ .s[r~~:!DU!ll1,tI d.vcr~ ~ntl tiOIil' Howttlg W~1!I:~t (StIdlJ as bkes ii.!),d ~f.IiS,),

.... -4 Q;IM pllC TEfl .. ' PIIHI:AJ'e . .AQ'UlIA1lilC :EN'C)O U INn II TD!.!.E [E.LJ) 1

11% IE"~DU il~~ _A'Ife1l!lI~ EL.

Dl~<l 1 h~"~liIil~ lH,~rm= dl'iaEElll 9

'o.~s 1 dr.lll,M tlirtre 9.

00- H 1 gi~nl sqLlTd l~t1Uf'l;ll 9

UI-26 1 :EJant O~l:Oplll~ tanl FI'Ia~, J

29-319 1 d4+2 ~~ COit~ ~

r~ fi 1 d4+~ H LtJ!lC!' 5h~rk~ (anlmOl Ii !l:

51-10 1d4>H tFlllHll~ 8

i 14~ 1 cadlalo~ 'l'ffia!~ [alllirn~1l 7

.Bl!~ 1 "'r.Uj!i! "ilg~ ,.

91s;..;~~ hi~m~tr~w (agee) G

mowing ~eI:: Large. pl~tLd nv~~ ml1'i.Ll;.,lt.~Qnlu kw mi!~ per houll'. t1.0 the)" rlilll~[jQn. Q~ srill \'I'll ~et fo:r..ma~urr~Sf'S. Jhu Sl:lIlnc tivc:r:; ~ ncl $Wl!llm::; ~r~ swl£lfr; itliLyrn,iIlgjloarI1tg.m._,lheID move" d(IWn.st[l~:UIl ;1: ~ speed of 10 to 4~!:"pu.;pJ<U.l1dL Th~ [ili[e!i{ rn:pid'!!~el!l.d.:smmm~rSoobbjJlg d ~J;tlllUtiMU.P...sU.~ per reund, F~iI rtv'LI~ Jlre i!!Iw~vs m l.e~!>[' mngh ~tJSwim DC

] 5), Mild, wM(~\'i'nu JriiIi!lld:t:l.~~ S[lIltmYWolI[<tI! (SWim.IE. 2D)~

If ~ ~.h.nr:r.cler is In m(l.v1~!,: WlI~er. m.()'II'~ Il.~.r down¥~remm th~ In&~u:d dl5't~n«Ju thc_~l'Id of her lurll. A ch~rac:-~ul:'jI'jng lQ.; mlmrlliin nerpoSiiiiRJ;! I;t'I!;l!ri\i~ ~D the nverbiiililk 0010 ~.p'(m,d ~,omt;,ud mil ofh~r tm'~u'vinl!MHta1; l!(p;Sll"('~.m.

Sl.wpl An'~)': Cb.HillC'r«.S sw~pr ilw.lIIyby ~. riv.er I'flIll~g.:G{lli1:~~ per rollJld m£irstl'.f muM mill· DC .~OI Swim dmOO::s e~eo :rolml:lto Ilvo:~d going 1Jllil~l:. If ~ chmcter gets .~ di~(k 'result g£ 5..AtGlQi1)DYer r.he mirum~m.[jecas:;lryi h~ ~ITt!5~s.11i5 moniQJl by c~tcbti1g ~ welt. tt~~ 11mb, or "hi<! ~'ttl'lD $n;llIi,:~bi:J5 fi.Q krng.l!r bdng Cll:rrJ~J !:lIn!]!! hll th~ nmY of ~h~ \~~IliI.Uf, .Es.OlpitI,G tbe Ic.i:jllils hy r.e3~h~.ng d'lE' .b~llk Ileq~ires du~.lJ.C ~;;b~&s iII D(PW. Ch:r..~uers .~rrested_b" ~. roc II, 1~ Q.'Ib._OLffili.& c~li'Les:e;lpe =(1 ~ r th etr 1j),,1;':n :p~!i,~t'r L1l1Jle'8~ lh~:r stcll:~ jI,lIi: lIlI·W .:th~ ~)'ilreJ: ~I:td ~Ui~mpllo swim U:.eJ.:r way ~1Ir. odJ~ ch~lcn: C(Ul.wcue Im.m IlS :tr r.bey ~,V~!ie ttIIipped in qu ic.ksaIld (dE1S1:cibe.d in Mn..;h TCIT:IJiil14 ~bovt.,}.

NClfliLGwb!g 'W1iler.1.ak.:s IIDd oceans :>Unf!lYll:llw~ ~ ~rn 5~d er R1~~f'sdt:d BI.'rII.m dtecks to Jl\~'I'e mrnugh r DC 1.0 in C:1lrn WQli~f, DC U in. mugh wn:t~$, DC 20 m ·5~o.rmy Wiln~r). cmrn.cllel'll hll>l:d ~ W;J.)' 00 b~:the if thr:r'ri.! ltilden~at!!l1 f:ill1rJg ~It(n, dt>e)' ruk drowfulIg (see .Drnwntng. ~geJ~. \When IlJH-!e'[w.~I:e:~, (;b.:IDlC~

T ~at Yl: "Co M O!!l.T .ADJ USi!i'~ 11 N 1::1, IUNtlJ!j;R''l,Jif,A.TJ;:!!!

~~~~ ;!\tl:a.di/O;a;l'IIIagl!l~~~~

G'~i'ldmDi'I SI~~_Iiti1g:~r a:ludgecillni: 'iI'~ill MO'ij\~m~fit ,Oli' ~liaJm~

f~m qfm,(;il1tm~j'J' rnlilrrn~rim"M~1 na!l1l'1'ilillllJDrm~1 !OOrm~1 ,NlJ

Ha5 ~mm .. peed -Jlhiilf nOfJlll1i1 rt'DJ1Il'liIl IMc

S'1J~~~~$FliII SWim I:het::k. -2Ih~lr -:lJkatr ql:[.;U1C! Of fulllf'l 'No

Firm. fo.o-U,nl1' -2./filar,r -2Jn~~f Ihalf No

f'!QflIHlf~h~ jIIb-o",~ -1jh~IF -1Jh~fF f1Qfmi!l9 Yl:09

1 AO"-e,,:~ure witliwut ,iii f~~~m of rrl~v~mnl: efferu Or ~1~wh1iS~ m~k~gri!pple oIillds 1lmd'rn.'illP:t..il il: -1 pgrt~t)'. but. d!!~k i:I~.m~S;t! 'MQfm~l~ 'HllM IltaJPplir'l,B~

2. Asu"ll'6~rul Swim, (l,~~ r~l~ ~ ~~~Iui'e m()1,!~·on~.qu~r~r.lls :!l~ed as a mo~elctlon crc.oJu::·h.~ln~ ~~ ,[s.iiI. rl:lll·rnlJnd ~ellon.

3 cn.rWn!'s "~ye firm rooting whm wiill~it1i8 ;~ong t:he lbol~om,;bTace:d a~in~t .llJBhip'.~ h1o!1~.o.uh~ rb. A ae.ULJrE' CliW! oni:r wlii~k aillng.lhe botUim if It ~~ Ilr .r:a rtrt!~ eMugn&l!l':!J 10 'U~lgn It!.elf d~wl1-~t 1~t.UI J)Ilunds rlilr M'~dl w tn~l~tu rr~. twlc~ I:h~ t rDr ~m:n ~lz~ ii:~~g~1)' I ~rg~rth~n MOO'IYrrl. and h~~rmiilfQr ei~h $i:ze Qtegtlfy lSfI1:;!llertfJ~n Medium.

4 ueaM'eS ib~ling ~bout jn Ih~'w,a!~t I[LJcSiIJ~'~ bec~iI~~·they fai'l~d Ih~l~ Swim ci1eo::ks) I'Iil'i'U limt1l trm~:n~I1Ungerr.ectivil!!l~. An ol·b.al~nte ~Hllltu!e ~I!!i It!; ID,~~nl)i IiKfnIJ1 !(l' ArmcH" CJ:a~~. and (l1l\P'Q~~n~~ gain ~ +2.hojliJJ<s. Qf! aHll~k$ ~g~iI'lM It.

rers can move' in ~I'I.}' dir«f:ion ilSj(~~ rb..,p.uree't

m<!ileuv,el'llbillry. .

S[e,~1th and .lJe'ECCriOIii Un,ile:l:'w"Ri~ H~~~[.:)'41l .cM see u.ml~i\WI[r!.~ di!p~liId5 0 th:t w;tller's_cl3f~ty. Mit guJddille, creafUr(!,!! Q1.n see 4dSX10.f.e.etif:llu! WlItell" i~deillr.IIJld, 1.£iBX10 [eeLinf~ I mu.rty_ Ml)\I'i.nC WlI.l.e[j~¥S murky, ull.lc.ss k~ In ~ p:ln[l;u£~dy l~Igt:. &liow-mwm,g ti"'~r,

tsh m'rd 10 fl.nd clJoVe:r jJ c,onccalmt:lliJO h IIJ!~ U lIId!epO'll[ct; (except illong rhe seafloor). Listen nd Mcwc sil~luly chew fum:tim;! normiilly underwllliCL_ ,

r'wlsl~rh fy: An II1I,vW~bJe ,cw~~diwbC'es Wdll'~e:r ~lld, ~oI:~~'es,jl ViiIh1t,-bodY-M~ped "bubbk:.when: du:_wau~r \m dis:pb~!:d The: c:reuu.UI!' s:w,1 hru;, ~ont~iiliDejJI (20% WH WI:ICl"}, but 1101 reeel eeneealmenr (,SO\'O mi:5sci.nc:d.

Underwater Comb

J.3ntb:bastd. cre.atmeu;an .b~'i'iLtOIl hknM dlfikult)'. wwm 6gh.ling ill wa~~X". WateE .llf.EtcI.Ul.crelD.llltfiAanor C:b~. ~u<lck r.Qfu,_d~mase, ~I1d move-

mUl.[. lrI o:ml.' ,"~'e5 II c::renure'5 !O'P:!'!;P n,eJ:lr.fl may g~~' ~, 'bonus on ~,I,tIIdc::;. 1i:llu~: eff~. are SUm· marized 11, the' rnQOO IiIIP~ l'IytDg lll:de. lh~y ~ppl), \\'henC'v~r I ch:rraccfer [~ :swi'mmLng. wdki !l,g ilil chestd«p w:I:cer, or w:lIlkmg aloDg the DOIlDl'ii_

Ra:llged, M:tait-Kl!

U!!idt~illlflr. Tl:imwn we:JiIIDJII:li an- i:mdfeoCdv~ L1!ndJ,nv.l[eI. I:VC.n whim l!lunt:~ l'd &.o·m Ia.D . d. Aumd. \"1~h. orber t';I'Ig~d W'elIpcru Ink:e ~ -l, penalty on ~q'ld [ollar evErY 5 eet of ~"IIfJer they piSS l.h.wLJl'lh. i n ,~ddlti.Qn f,1l' du~ norma] pmalMi.fur ttU'lge.

An'llC;:k:s f[-(l •• Land: ChO!'[· :Jict~r~.5l\rimmiilg.lWnwg" 1liJ:

Ue.1.d:lDg 1iIl'1IItcn'I1II'ln~ mrr~~l:l> or Mlaing ~n Mt'e'~' arleasr cltes~ deep, blWl:.~Bd eave! (+8: holl~ to AC bonus Of.! Reflex s;:I!I'es} fr'D.m opponenrs Of! Illllld. Land!,,gulld opponents \Vb 01 na""fm;ip;;I uf flfMrnf!l' eIfuccs Ignort lb.i.!; 'COV«J6'hlLD JIL,lti:n,g, m:el~ ~UJKI!s: ~gW.nsL mrgelE in !'he W~ tl!r. A ~mpwl1"'lI' "ubm~rg.ed twa~ fuls ~1:31 CO"i'e1" mllainit: oppommts or. buid unless wm__e._QPjX>.Jl,elltSJ;.aW Jrtedbfn 11} mtJ~"'lIIm I ~Hil;;1$. Mjlg~~ effecl£ i!~ec;ted e.<o:wp liar rhose '!hill requ:ifl:' :l1t~tk COlliS (Whi~lu«.t"AllIld~iID¥-",uh,er ~fftthOJ I.I!L~ ~ e€fc!:'l~.

'm;'il:e: Ntmm~gic:ll Aft (i.ndu.dmg dchrmh1"$" rite) d.oe~ ]10[ blil!':n underwater. Spelb..2upcl!Jl.ke_df~cts..lIf:jduhe Ir~ desCrip!or re i.neffecd ve II nd~wlllllr U IlIleath.: _CA'Sle['makes ~ Sj)!:lkrnft c:.heck COC :2'D + ~.dJ l'it~ 1).J! Ihill ch~~eJ:cl~. the :;pen ae~t~s ~ bubble o!:;:~ilIm 1.n'litt:.l1d_of h>ItSWlLfi~'I'Y e.rre~[. byt

Ih~t:i\'iS'e III.e. ~ll WoRs.;),5 desmbe.d..A S1lipern~tll:tll1 i1re. c-&a: " mei&iOf~[\'lll.tI:I..unil:SS Il:ulfScrlp-rltlll states otherwise.

Thc,S'Ufm:e tlfa bad.y.oi \\!:'Ilief blod~~1l of eff~t:f fur :rn~' fire

_s:pc1l.JI ~~aun~di!!:Ill Sp~'lkruuh~clc w m.ll:ke thf'~ spell usn])] , I!lfidcmtlllrer~ rhe runace stiliI blocks the ~~:U's line_of e(fecUIJ.r.e!mlllPi.e., (ljl.lJ'.krll C:3! l.I,noer.vilUll:: CmI.\()[ be large tl;>J ru:

C('i:~'[:'!.I.~H,ilboowe the: stlr6K~,


In mauy...w.nd~D'les$ IlirI:Q~ rivt.lr floods: are a ceraman OCC'Urfelltm. W.5)lM.,,:ltl..@(lQrmous ~1l{l'Wmeh!::ln "ngDrg~ ~:pc 'S'mamuml.. river5 it f~edli. Other__J;~ 1'~lroph~!C events such as ma:ssi"'~

~rms or the ,desrrnctilln.QW m OUi cre:ue floods <lSi welL

+- OIlir'~ a nglld, nveri bi~mc\vilhr, deeper. ~nd S'Wifi~r.. As:;1J!1ll~ ~h:1I ,~ rriv.e r d~~,Jb}>..LodlU.l+ 1.0 fe.ilj dllt1J!I& Ih~.wrin!! flood, : <l!lld ils wid1.b. m~m..£ru:ror of 1.d4X5M'i. Fctd:s iru1y ..d:Is~ p~.ar for d.al'5, Imdg~ $'Wt.p~ ~\\,(ly, Dd ~v~nJeIrjes might

Ql be able 10 manageili m;)Ssing of .0' i]ooded.rtKL

A rive{ in £loo.d m.l!k~s_s"vim cillKks one Cil:11~AOt't-hB.t1kr (CIIbn wnter beooml.$ Klugh. iI!l.d mugh WllJ~~r 'beoo~'ilJti'lj'~n illso beeeme 50% s:wif{~t.

WEATH .. ,,""-_

S(lJllet.ilm~ 5 Wl'i!.1 hCLC~TLPlil.V-~ Il i'mpOlrtllAt mJle III IiUJl.dv..tmU.lfe~{"j!J !b::ilii w~5h ~wa')' 'Itlil!di. ;[ l];IIJ,"dersto'rm~mll (orc:~ the ~ dVi'IlIIIII~rs: I,ll! seek

6he]lLf,..QJ; It g l~ taIl .d.day heJt.sJlIP fuun.s.iuling.

If roW'. adYCJLlrun: w1i~lv15 S'pil!ndi.ng,..3lm_o£ Lim..g Ol:l~doo rt.._ru:llu . .mnd.OID. .. rable to dl!U:D1I.W~_':hc...oo:lIlh.pr c-mdtdcll.!l m p.ur[n Iu; .. ~.r~ LocaLcoJld.w.ol:l,i

hn\l1' d"'lllilaU I!ffecton. we;JIthet..1hgh..-;U1 wd~ ~rell~ ~ ('iILI:) (ten m.u.cltJ celder dum lowbnd~, Ier ~ample'. ~ rfe-S~ilce 0 .a moun.· riUli!l'l [l:rnge.QIIlllL~~

I1f1lik<l djllte['l.'r 10 Ihc._mmrnUilll> ~!i'ltere 1tnh~pn' !!;Ilmed'alil (~.Ik T~b1.e 3-2.3;~ndom Welllth~i.' is ~1iI 'p'propflmte' Wem th~r I'Q b le

f~r g~·rU:fA] lise. ~ nd you c:m Wit: ~f ~~Ihl! 'basis' fur yeLlu: OIWn weiirher ~abl~5. 'Term_ 01:1 Ih~l rable ue o,d'LTiletI~s follows'

Caffim.:JWJ;nd 5peOO,o;.~re 11gb I' ([UQ IOmph).

Cold: BetWiZll v"lIIlld 40· f:lhR'nhcil durin,g tb.e day, 1Q [(]I :al) dil!gu~5 toldit'nn rught.

CoLd Stmp: low!.'[S ~ernpWJl.lr~lO- F:

Down~:w:: Jre!IUIltl[lJ:m (5ed,ftd.p!!1IIlon, beiowMR1IH:Cru:eil ts :ES rug._DAt:teiU.~~515Jr_g .1Ijb!m:).. A..dmvnpour 1!lISI:5 for 1M hOIl3, HciU 3.W~",~ lbi5e~ te:mpr:rnrureby +til' E

_Bat" ... llcUw!!eg 8; mid' J 10' blmmlidr duvi'ng tbe dayJI) KIlO degT~es clJIl.dJilr~t mi~ht.

Moderate; Between 4Q" lEnd 60' F;l:iInmhei" dunng_rlu: .. d;y.._j(l IU lOdegref rolcler _i:night,

~WCl'UtL.Siomt.1WjtlidJ h,r;mlah~t11't11 HUrI'f_rIUT"9' ' ..

W'niL.spei!dur~r 50 mph ($eeT~hh:. 3-2-1': w.t:nd~ . .l.D !lddilio.n,_bJJ~.NS_illC. ~WlIDi!IDIt-d: b1 he;Hl}' snawlld3 fu.ed. . hum ~UIl.l.ai:t!;lntPWd_1zy _,down;po ~Ir 'Lseubw.'r:l. Mild=.. SCIiUIT,IS mUQ'1 J iI'a ..boLUS, BItaa,rds Iasr [lJf~)'s._Jf.urrlC9fi~ ,.c:I1i! 1~~~d._1tiJI.l,t'tbclr'm.;1JQrim~Jlch.nttters wiI1 :I-(om..u_n_.a_ "J+~~B·b~u.!r perled \vhen me center of the storm ~ ilimlygluhcl:r re - TOfudaes:ue very shon·liytd (tBEiX11J

minutes), ~)'pi~lJv f:armha& 3 .p.arr Ilf ~ ~huJld~nl'1l}nn. '~~t~m.

R;tin, SflCW, Sleet, ~'nd Han

,Jl~iI W\~~ther £~.quenrl1' s:I.o!lll$ (It b;atnJn:V>.elmd :ti'I;;]bs H !firm-

~U.'i." i.mp.o .. SSlblill .. (0 ni! .. ig~tl: ! .. ~cm. Qnl:~R~. n.Q ~ nrltr. bi!il"; l!. or~~.nti~~ l;Iy,~np~(li.illJd bli~;;:!ln:b ol:i;5,c;:ul'UtiJia;n ~uf&:'tive't~ as ~


Mosr:pr«~ifMtOn. i:;mn.I:II.'l:Lirleol~ (;"(I~Jl.'!i H~ilf.I~ ~s.nC;tWI i!leel; or jmtL Preciph;llton, of I[ny~;ill."illd:.by n cold J"'~p 'jnwb.kh tile re:(lllp!lnm~l'!.dip6 frc!llll..!~f"rei!z.lJ1g_w 30' I hQ,tbdow 1ruY~U('.(.! icc (~~ Cold DlVllge~d)i!!l' 3D2:)

l Rt! II!!: JUif.l reduees ~,bilitqr r::tnFP iJ,~il!l£ ·~5.mi:ag .lJI:Ill -4 ~lJllhy jJn Spol1rnd Se~I'cb dn,eGl\:s..lt_h\1;t.lhe .. s~~1 em [I:J!m e5, .~«I ""e~II?'1.1] 1lin:1I~ '1lIci1 L~fl ot;;h~~$lle~ wmJ (S~ii W,e MI01¥IDg PiIJ~),

S'ICW~ fJllIl!Lng mmo,' !lUIS lhl\._S;lrn'~ t'(f!:t:l~ ~:IlI. W.ib:ill~'iJ1UJjg~dfr' we,~.polunild:s,.mil sktl:l~t:d:iili!,rQm.J ~n([ It co:~s ~~ :DIIQve.merl[ ·tiel eruer il.lllmY·~iOl'e'{Jed. sqlI~:re. A. (I;y _~r g,~1 ]ei\llgS 'J;d6, lncli~ ofnmujpwf: gwttb.d.

Bi'~vr Sll~nt: H~VY.inQW:..hmi ,h~me~~c~ u nOL'mn.1 mrnvtil], blJt~I:>tI~e5il'rk:~l> ... ~[~il.L[).' a:5.,oog d()~ll (s~ :Fog, below). A d~Y' afhe~,vy mQ}"".1m.~ f~e,r~llil.W..o~ t:be gwu]}d, :nul i!t'L::()sors 4 ~ql!;)!i:e.sorm'lllflml~1liI to ~1l~.r:I:~~:lIi1 rov~'[ed ~v~rj] h~:wym~w. ~vy_a~,Piu:li~ br .5fWII.Il grSleVCR wml5 m~y;r~:mlir in snowdrifts ld4K!1 '~r deep, es:peciaJ1y in ~llId: arolJlnd objet:iS big

-reJlOlJigh w_de1if'C[ the wjtn.d~ CablUl.P~ l::!l)ge ~em, for m:srl1llt',e, ~.. !fh~.t);! Is ~ l~' ih~tI~~D.~I a hL'lIV)f.$tlO'lvWll .[5 ~OOlmF.m!Ieif by !.I:iglrt;L'lIn,g (~ee rhul1i1ern:£Irm. ~low.

~v Ms.1ihe .$lI]itil. ~ on:&mes.~ mode.mre wind (see ~ ful.

loVO'ir.tgp::ig). ~ ~~

5~l'd; ESBefldill.)L.w!)~n.~n..;slf.e~ h~s clte :;>;]1Il!l~ ea:ec:1 ~s :I'.lIiJ'ii wbd~ flUtng (il'xc;gpt;.th~r l~haclI!: [I) eJltm,guis.it pm[et::wd &mrs is 7:i~) ~J:hy~mt: ~ffec:Uls SIlO"'! on'~ 01'1 [h~ g~l!I:!ld,.

HIl! r: FilIil does tlOl ~u'l!visibilirt}11;Ji.!t theiOOUlld ~r (tilling b'lli! mRlke;s ti:s~e1iI eb. m~Aiffi1lllh~~,I}~Xl¥.l..&lm®liu-ll lSi. c1u:ne~) .h~lI C>lIlf.l berniit'll: J;I1J:UI11)J.lgJu~1 Lp.QiVnr gf lel'hillli d~m~i~ ('p~tt' $Io:r:m) !lO ~fiVm~m iliIl.opc~c~u.rou"d" .hll ~I.hn:!l ~.h~ SII.me eiTltor OIUflD'll!llD:enl' :lS!il1l0\1,1,

l1lmpll!!'ijU! cnm"~_~ __ Mafll1ll (or ~e.iSen~

H~!Ii! w~ t0il=liO~..o.t.o!)l~!n~p t5 ]-lOO~ Pr,~c:lp!IiUIM l~o~1M1 Filf 'Se;aso.n)

Thu l'I(itF~l~rm • .si)~tl)M'l,~

W'lndMom'l, bJl:::nrcl~, t1 utl'li~:IIn~'. !Qtn~dD

HIIII,c;lIfm i4cu. windy HOI. wjlfd-~

1D1.Ists~ri'in DdliolflPCIIU,

'T~JIE Ji-li: RA~ID,OIM WEA"IiH Eli:

d~ _ ~_'Wt'.a/!hlf Celt! 'lrff!<~~

~111-7(1 Norm!!1 ~~ilgel O:!4d, COIlm

1]..,8.11!.. JbMmJaJ "",~a~~ 19'~~I' 'Jj\iI!l;\~ !'fll-JOl m.cotd g!I~ t31-100~

~T~' Inel~m~"'t we.a'tke, Por~~ip:lMio:n t'llllil!!W}

~'1-". S'torrn lInOW!lh~rrn

100 Powcrf'u1 5lClltlllllill:2~rd

] T~mp~at~ ~n~l!lde~ fQr.ett, hill~.JIII~t~h, .It'lmI1ilta!LfI~. pLal,,~. and wmn ~qU:1l1C. 1 W'il!i~~t i,~ rule', Slllli'lill1~r is w.arl'll.~pilD.~"llll1..aI.!'tj.rnlJUIC 't~i'I'Ipeta~. ;M;ir~.h r.~ilQns a~ sllg1ltl~ walm~( 11'1 !l';'H,!M.~

JtedfjWtia<l'I~ Rlcl! dN. to d'ltll.ltm:illlc whuheir the p<rl!>!:lpil:tj fma~ic~Uy eKtillg-u:h;h t'~lmH~, tg.n:he,~r IImi 5:hniJru:..ullpm~e'cre~J

l~ fag; (In-S'Cll, r.lill/_,5~~). or deetlll.lil (91-DIIl), £imme.:;: Th~y CI1w;epmt~!:ed ,i:hm~~ .!Om:h ;S tb~~J:Ithru!!r.lU'~

SIl;[lW and sleet ooOOr olilwt'n tlu l'!1'mpoe.r,a[ufe i5 30" F~hn!!rI'- d:;ulI:e wildly ;:nd h~",Ol- l 500,;, ehaeee te a'itinlC.tLiih dl~g.hl'!i. Bell ..

neb or below, Mo.s;[ pr:ecjPtl!}JJO'ft lasts for llii'l ilQUIS. By CO[U'L'llM, T~ble ~14~ 'Wind EffeoCiS for pos.lb1e, C:U!lWl~C'~~ .. un~

h;llill~;5t5 fcrt' olll'tidzo mi]lU'Ul~ but ll5i1mJy ::Icccmp!lllliill'\'lldl~ a.ugh~.l1ut!i~rl~~"'ithuj'utsb.eher dUlir.lg 5'U~h~. Stmm~~~

notn:'.5cif rain, dtvtdedil'liltl rh{l f~Uawin;& [brl~e ~ _.

t-S:~Qi[m (DmlsJl!!:f'~1QL~~njlldmt'{lnn)~ Wind :~e,f'diilre ~n{!~M~tI [Cltl}: Tlrese deseer lilllirrn'8 d1i!IT~f f-rom a~ll'Il~

Fev. cgl:.e: (3jl~(I.,0 mp} ~1iId! Yi.lSibWt}" is .. C~t bY. tbroCe •. qlli.m~ ... ~ b~t tlleyha~ Il. i) ,.redpil~~ro .. 1Il. [1l~te'Jd,1l au:>t5ro:rrn h1iJ'iN.,5 .. M.ei

~~ilbl.h.ours. S,.ee Storms, bcl~w,. fOf mere de [!lib W of s~lld ili~um.sO!Ie' m[on.;l!!tQlhe-r IJIIl'J!iw~iec[edfil~me!l

W!I:mI! i!e1W~eQ ~'O. uld 8S· fal.U'.~Jn.h!llj[ durlm:g, [n~ dQY. HI !'O 2Q t~lt'Id~.IlI.e\litn uoke prt!ltC\i:u~J J111'1iQ1!'~' (SO'% ~MDJ:~'). MoS'[ {h,!l:i'~'1

d~!llr~s cold~r·~~. ~:[~:r.mll nre ~J:tl!:)mpnQd by ~eR1'~.!'Iinds.Lse~uh~ foliDVi"l!1lIg;_~,gd~

Wil:u!h-: Wind ~J:!d:s ~re roode:nne to' SIT'I)ng (1 () ~o 30 mph); SC;:IlM JeIIIlfe 'behillld; II d~j ~.O! 1 dt; j!J..Ch~.Q[~1I;rul~e .... ~J;;,~th.~ T~bl~ 3-~'!i~m th~ ilOl101.vin.g p~g~. is ~ t ~ c'hgnc-e. for 1I.3n'muh!.s.tstortD ·~Ill!~:tCll:lllmf1a.[j ied.hr ,

wind:stol1tl·m~~,t\!de winds '$~ ~ T~IbI~4d'fJllu.[(:r:: qd. Ihl$e_gl'f!a~!l'i[ dlUJtsIDrllls'd~a11d3 I'QlIlts'Il'LJlwetbal d~II!I~e eQcll ro'l.md to UIiVOn.!:.. C~l!l!.hl OlLltin ~h~~J.QUllsMtli!::fJl1'ld .dso IJOS~!I dwhng. iii =:I'd r:se~ nw\vlI~ni' pq~Pl rh::lt"l ~II dUr'aC'I:uwith ~~n gf '5hr]'ilil""P:LVtttti.tliU,~.'U.IDWld:Lmd I nese d~~l'lot begin:Jo ,~hoke until ~fn~l' n numQgg;\i£:w.umlS.fqJ;ti!!l til HI )0;: he r COilil~:I'i:q1'l s:<:oore),. Grearer ,aU:>i:sr,[lrms h~il\I'C.~~

f.e~( DHmesa:n!iliJ:! theil'",,~e. . I

S~ ~lIJI!Qml~ m ilddll~t\n.lo.. [b~ w.intl a:ni!!l, precl;pitlllt[on ~Q1'IUIiIcn ~'O c,~b,~, S'lom.s, ~n!l~L"'rmsJ~~,,~ td6l,IlCh~ of S!:lew all, tbll Jli!'Ound Mtern:mL

Th!lIllJ~~Jf@l"m: Ln :trldiUol:I t(I wind and prec{pil~l~:illy r,llio. b!jl~ somenmcJj a~~CI' hi!ii:Uf tb.iluef.5·Wml.l ~l'~ ~.-ccrullJla:i1ied: by ]i~tnitl,g th ~~ em p<I'S!: ~ lim ill tc ciJ.!i1i~Ctr:m1!ldlbaiJ:t :p.op~;r ~I:t!:'.hn (l!Sp&i~nV ~bo~~in 1t!~~~1 ~rmQlrt A.s' a rn~~ ohhU:lDb. 'awrumc QI1~ bo.l:r pll:rmitll!t,t (or~~. ·ho,uf.,p.e.dod:~!I' Uic ~enr.ef of

~he $!OIDI. E~(:h bQh c!llJ,tc'~_dt:crr~~[1IY dllJp!1~ge eqUiIl,I.I\Q Idu ~ll'lghH;;fded dice.. 'OI1Jl in!'m..dn.l]ldtl!.i::lilll)rm5.1~ ~OIXIm;pmi.ed by ~.

ror.n;dQ_!~~e ~hn",>, _

~lroIwel:fu~ Storms, Ve~ 'II i&h J1l"Inds 31'1d ~l)rreJ'l:[ialpl'(lcillitil. riiln ~oouce, y:lfiibil,ily:.ltQ ~efQ;mak.Lll~p;o[.Se~:rdl, and U~ren dle~'k~ '~rLd :lJU ull,glld W~~F(}n :litlU~k~irnPPS8ibl,e:. UOFwlec1ed amme~.ilm~1JIrn n)[;-:ll1y e:m:ngtl ish:;d, ~d p~(lt~~~ f:I~m~ .h~".!;! B 7% ch;tLn('f' of being doused. C L1e~tU[M C'.:I:lIIgln m the ilrenm,ust· I1Illlke n :m:.:w Fordlillile $~ve or ft(l~.lhe e.1Jec1]i ba.sed en the sizeQf the Cf;:~tuIe (s~eT~bl~ '_J'4l.l'o~ul iro-n:ns!ltt dM't!e(I illJtoili~ roU"wiIlg fl!lilll'r~.

Wi~~li5Jl:lml; While ~J:rnmpJI.n:ied..by.Jj nle 0'1' l1C1pr~lpil';!lJbol'l, ~'i'indnor;ms C01.I1 'J:~u~_COI\l:si.del(Bbl~'A~'llI~l!e !limply mmugh the rQ-t:Ce.D£:the<r win_ll.

Jllwnrrf. n~ "ombla~tll!lll of h~gh wm~ lle~ry' ~nnw (qrplr.lllliy .ld;VtI~(), ~fldJbfm!'r ~td (~e CoW Da.nga ~ Ji;!_gil ~(2) JI:iI~~ biliz. zaLils- d(:~dly for ,~JI who ~re Ul!I]fftl-P;J;reil, for ilio!"lIL, E1nm~IlI~J~1:nR{ldirLOlllO_~~~l" high 1,.'lUid5:lLnd he~~p);IDj.ll\lirri~~ ~tiC,.mwnpll:l]j~d 1n a~~ (~ 'pii.g¢ ~m. MOSI ~rlV«ltlltinll 'i!CnivilY i:Um.'RO~iWI: ~mlef ~u:,~ c.andiriO\!lS.

rrn'w~'n'c~ Q~Jf:Lu,:jj l'hui1d.~rs!iOEmS j~ .lI.c~o,m~nitdk~ ,

• ~orll.ado._ .


Large 01 larger !iifiii II ilt 5malter Mi!dlLim

L:lill'! 01' Hog<' Cl;tgantIJan or COlos5 a I M~dlum or sm~iti!r L3rge


Gtitfiin tJii~nClr Co1osnl Ln'f!.~ Dr $m~ll!j'


C;~tglhniUlln or Colossal

1 The ~iege! wnpoJl t:~t.egOf)' lndudes.b~I(i'!lI<l, ,a,nd Cil~pllrt altack~, as WIlli a~ boulders 'IO~5ed b)' gi~JJI'5. % Flying OJ lIirborn~ c;rei!t!.!~ a r~ tr'l:~ ted i!5 one 5 ill! C3tt!gOry smalle!r than 'the~r lIC!tLlIlI size. 50 an illrbome Cirpll1tlJ'iI!'I dl'ilgQl'l1 is trC\a,tt=d as Huge for Ptl~PQSl:s."r wind ~ff~Cl'.i.

CI~Jc;~d; CreaturES ate uRal'll!! it!) M~ rorward agatn'5t 'th~ fQr«of:lhe wind. Flying (;r~t!lre5 ,i!~ blown Me; ]cl6:.:.'5 'fiet!1. _KnllCk.e~ 0Qw.1iI! Creatures ire knoded pr,on~ b1 th! tOI!l:iI! erf!'n!! w[l]d.,Flylng ,crealures <J.!'C illlSle.aa 1:111)'1'0''' b,a,d ld!6xlQ' feet.

!iM111Jr Awtl)'~ 'r'l:<ature~ on the gro1.il1di ~re knod.oo j)'rOrt! and rollcd],d,4:w:~ I] fut, t",klng ~ dol P9lnk5 or IJonleithlltl umi;&c pet '~O fe!l:. ,Fltl nt _a:e~u res are blolltl1 bitk 2d06;!(1 tl [ee:t ~ nd htke 2d6 polnts af Ill;lrtlel:hal dam:~,m:~ dlli! 10 bll~~,r1'11!l ,Inc! b.uffetin,g.

T.a.i'lLE J-14,; WIND !EfFECTS

W:ll'ld WInd

IFor.QC speed

UI!;t G-10 rnph

MOtfl~ri:t,~ 11-21]' mph

~trnnK 21-3U mph

JR.a_. Atl2dlos

NII~rna'l/S1qe:. W.eilli'O:nst -1-




51-14 mph

75-174 mph


:the wind con erea te B sliill.g:ing sprav of sarm.t!<[:...!lulit,l,iIl ~ I~:r;gi! llR, heel over ~ sm~U bo~(, ;in!:! blow gsses 00.1: w,pJ:Iu_aW;J,~ 11 pow. li!uul enOUJgh. II till'! l:V1m !mock eh :IliKCl:ISi dO'1'1;'1'I (see llIble 3-24; ~wd .Ef'fe.C' ,int~~IJet-.= with r:mglld IIIT.1W cr i.niJPIl'~pcll!dties

on so.m.e skill checks. _

Liglll ~ud; Ag,,"lnl~ bree~ 'Jh~'\'ifigJlnle_o -tlo..g,amulfecr. MadrnTIC '~'1:d: A ~tatdy willlctWJlh,~ ~(}\\, CRi:I:J:ICe of e:«i!lgllt~h-

illg sm~lI, Wipn:H~llI=d 11~, sudus c.lln.dle~, I

Slmllg W'iTUi~ Gu~1!S t:h~UI'U~orn~ncallf ~,gUi'5h 'ulll'mr~ flames (c::tmUeo, wrclJl1!i. :l..Ild the tl«:l. Such 81,1HS i.mpos't 0=1 pen~hy on IClDged ~u~ck t-o.lb and j;[Jl Lisf,~D wcc:k,t!;:.

Seum Wi~l d: lct.LnddUklu to "olutill:m~,li'311y '~xNngull.s'Mp,g ~Vly ul!!prrm~cl~d &ml::'~',~jDds ~u~g[],itudr: cause 'pxJ:lll'l;c[~d, ibm e8_{sudJ Il£tbooe 0 r lon~Wlsl. m d:l'fl-c. ' ;,'l'ikilly mnd hllve ~ :5"ll'.'O ch~Qu~'1ingu:bhWg_~Jig:lll:5i • .R;ili~d._wClt'P"fI ~ nll~k'!i' ~nd L.siM ciJ~ks M~ at -:I penmlty. This: J.:;; thl! velociry of wind Jlfl!!Iduct::d b)' II ~1S14 Wjllli spell,

. WHldtfDrm: POtwerful e-noug,b. EO, Dring down branehes if !lim

,lVhD:Ie..trees, \"'l.nils[Ormi1tl.lro:m<l!ll~Y cli:rmg:Ulsn unpmtecrud Oilmb..iIlncl 1iI:I've ~ 7'\,dun~ (I ldQ\~l'Ii aul pr'l:l[,ec-Iea f1runes. such a mo~ of l!!muns • .Ritn&W Weilpo'll attn;ck ine irn~~bie, 11I1ld e'~'l!1'I ~lege .weEl'pm:lS hilVC m -~pen<ltl')' 011 m;ta,c:k mlk L:i.:lu:" checks llire or ~ =S.!l~al~~' dUf-w tbe howJing of the wiild.

Hilm'~i't~ F~ .. c W:iIld~ Ml ih:1J,l.1!.5:.lr(:xNd'nglltl!iled. :RnIng~d ~(tacks are impos5:Lblll (~'eFit with 'i~ w~1fOn", whIch h~'\Il' ~ -;8, pi!J!'i211)! OlD ~:tllla rofu).l15te'Jl di~ks J!iC iID~ li::J'JL di,;umcl~.rs. c~n heRr is' dte fO;l.ting .oc.dtf.l¥.ind.J;iuHiQ]l.ciort;e winds often fell trees,

Tl>J'II!ldJ) (eR 10): AU ~a an:..txtilJ"gulshed. All rnllg~ -:JI'll1W are lDlpos~1 'Le.va:! wjth si~e ¥.IleaFclns}. as . ., Uslea_ched!$. .IDiLem of.hdtr,gJilin,VJI,~('S~ Tilble.3:;;; 4: Wind ffI~t$J, c~r'afr:s.jtLCfu~J'oximityro Q~Dm~dtJ who filii rbeirJonittldi!.

...,sav.es ~I'UlJC • e 'lliJo.wa.l1bhi! mm~clD, Ih~ wI'lo t!;lm~ in CD!J!t:ln wirh. tbl::Jl:~; Lfunnr.l doud !!~ picl;~d up rmd whirled Mt'IUJld for l.d1 (lmulllh •. trIkii.ng_5d6.,poillts.cl" damage per round, b.efore bctlig '1rolel'i'~peUed (~lJ!ll;g damil,ge m.~!y IIrPP1y). '\\lAbile ~ wm~rhi:t

Cre'atUI"ll SIZIIll1 AjIjjl


TillY Gr ~Ii~r Si1n~ II t}r I a ~t!r liil1)l'


Wind_'Effect 9'r.I~~tliires NOllie

NOIll~ KI'IGc:ke:ti:1~o\lll1l Non~

Blowill ~WlIy KnN;W d'o.w.f'l Chahd


FolfitSue DC


olowlII ~Wllr KIJodi:ed..daWln Oiecbd



otOWI! ~Wilr KIlGCJI,e,blilw.n Che(hd



Blhli'l ~Wi\l' KI1K~do\loln Che'fhd


1:'0 i:~[io:n~1 ~p eed e ~TI he >lS g[\~llt a 5 30(1 mph. ~h.!JLlm.n.d ll~df

n'lO'L'e-s !orW'~Id 3UJn. aYnage (If 3P mph {TOuJilbly ljO f~~t~· round). A ~orn~do 1l1r.QOti IU~., df.!itliOf! bu.~ilings. ~D.d t:.~ug~ ather slmilu fonru of majc! cieslin'Jl::aDJl.


When .setting O!l~ to glm(mm~ rnIldom ellc.olJ!nters.Iru-~vell.!Un! tha~ mvol!,'~.s ,rnvd dtoou,gb the , lld!ilrnc~s. dli: Fim llIing YOll Reed t,C! do is rlt'l!!rn!i.n·e tbe.chlll1G.e.for:Lll ellcolmtll:I tc happen iii a giV1!!1'I ~te:'I. :Rde.ucuhe mille below, de [ermil'llillg ml: t}'p~ of III1l'll [Ill qLle.5nQ.ll.,llIltU~.IJ..IQ_iling d~ ~ ~ the en dI of e'U'ery hour tbr. P.Cs spend in th~ ~ ~~e.1f;Ull!nt:oUilt~'r OC:CUrl>.

c Hi,N'c:E__PF WI LDE IUlii E~"'S; ':'~I!::lOU'N1IDER

'ijjpe of lim !em Ohl!'na

De~~b~/W8ltelli ~ 5% Wilililte' pel OOlJlr

Frontll:l fWlld~fIt~S'.i a%. ch~n2 per no!.!r

Verd.ilnl/dvlli2!J!Jd am 10% J:i'l1I~ per 1'I0u, Heavily b'lI'tlflled 12% dtill~ per hO!:lr

Building i'I Wiloili!mess Enca.wllerr Tabh:

[[I this ~~(tIO!lJl.~ dhhe to(l-l!i 'fQ'Lueea ttl liJw:ld ellOO!.ID1el' l~l~ 5nLlCcUo. 'iotQj- Q~QW O~'£iWlPJig;n WQrld. These t,Qi;l!;: inducltTable ~25; Sfild,emess.Jl:ni;ViIl:lrer Lis!51 in whidl C'feUniim f'l1,llm th~· M~nsli.'r M~m~~' giPL:. .r;rQU:~.w ICl:DOOiog 10 [11.; c..nvimn· 1Ill'1l!1 wb~~e thfl)\' can I)'PiCOLny I:M: enccu:n~t!{ed. The.IIstsJnduu'C ,,11 c:rellil U F.U from [b,~, ,"'f"Jlg'~r MiI1~.III~ r extl~']J[ for th.QS~JthaE He ~YIlCI 0:0 Ly q_.ncl~rgmUI)J i~e alIe earlier se~[ioll e this ~ilt~J. ",beg! diJU)lgmn eUtQ!ID[U tilbl~ arepre .. i.dI~d}. r~ L~ m!'l:Ivc: [0 aplmJ· Qf.J:.~u:f.j,i:t: ower l:h n m.e M;It~UsL Adwnrur flfjjlfl OlherPl:rneS'. begblDi:ng Ol1P~R-L~l). md.sO~ c.reuul'jts idn lQW CRli· ~:u:e ll,w.lly IlJ ~p.IC:jli:~fQ e[i'OllMI!Ql_(syd!_ilS.th~toidi me lizlut II!ll.dJthlOnonk~y}.

The mm~I:Clwm:r I\lhll:Sp',r.l!.gIl1~ m~~C1l'lon femm ,leatultslb.eginnm&-",oim fo-n:;Sl [!!lTIli'n 0):1 'page 87) were 'CO:I];nm.c nt'd.Ju; Lng_th.e:.~eedu re..dilj'j;;ti bd~ lxl ]0-\'10). Refe. ~(I thOSi:! tII,bhcs y,'h.eo ¥JlI.I hegm buIldlD.G fl'tur 01i'm.

nl!,J.E 3-2!j,:

'WILO'EIRN'ESS ItNICOUNTE'R IllSTS eft Any V/ifdemi!ss Etw.tf,onm~n'l

1 fa !lin fitlil"il'ITillJI

1}3 Dlri: rilt

, /1 Humjll1 Iff<! rrlQf 51il~lt.t~m , /2 Tin~ ~ n ilii'~te~ .olrjlld

1/2' Hunnliif! ~FJlIJiI~'n~~ ~m~ 1 Srrr.l11 ilntm~'ecl alljed:

T Gholill LHOffiLillOUh.l5

I 2. Medrumiullmililet'l gpJ~ -1 .2.. Wefl!l'al Ilyr.onlhm~J

:l Iht $\'f,I rm

] AII~1l

J 1.;i;'~"i.,im~1'ed o!bi~~1

1 DOflpelgi!ll'l~ ,CR C:old M(nlllitJdll~

a: Ch~!i~ ~inQIl~ 1. W!f(iTdlilG wltlt! lili-ago"

1 'Sh~dl1W ] Very :rtl"UI'IIll white.dr~~gn

J Wi!li~ ~ l lI'r011 ~kt<I~,to"

~ Glllr8:Q)It~:._________ .:ll Young whi~ dral!cm

4 V'aimpir:£: ~pawn 5 TulU

.5 HUfl~ ;lnl i'I'I~I'eiCI QbjC'tt Ci 1!J~1l/,.1e wnltt!.' dragQn

S Mum i'ItI' 'fallng .ulult while dr.lga!li1

S, W~lth --.+ __ _..._. {ost ~3nl

7 Cilr:gimll.lil1 ill'limatea objeti' Adlull while dragon

] rl!!'5h gokm.. TI'olI nlllll~r

7 S;p«II1!! MatilR! iltlull whl~~ clr~gM

S lei fllater ::shad-oW' Olel wblte clra,gQII

8 MQhrg 11 Vcf~ i:l.li:d IMhltt dtagcm

! Shi~'t~i.a;n r 7 Frou ~I~nt la,1

, 0 C~la'S!ii!II~ ~l'1ilm ;!lIed aD-Jed 1 ,8, A.fld~lII~ wtq'le dl1lgqr1

10, Cl~y gol!!'ml 9 W1fm wnltu'r.lIgDl'I

11 Dey~ur~r 21 ClT~l wyrm wl'll~ dl'ilgw

n Dmila Wfilnth

" Smnll' 80lllm tcR C~ld PilIln$.

13 Irall gallm .. Poblt heit (;lnfm I,

H Lidl. mh·re\'~1 hllmin Wlft! 12 Fm5t worm

14 Nlgktwirlg. 111igJ:i~~de) 15" Mumm71ii1rd lLti~a~.lIe... .

Hi NI£n'tWli!I~er Inlghuhia,de) ..u__Higb'tw~ler.. ~oiehl5hid~l I 20 T;rflil<5iljl.o!'


C:PI Oltd 1iq.l:IlJt[c

1 Medlulil-shark ~lIlhtnl) 2 Large sh:irk iinim~ll

4. Hllge !iIlSt" (al1.mall

5 ~1!{t~lIl

S' Orc3 whi!1e (iI!l1 mill) ':I Dlre Si'lll'*

1:11 G()1d ~rt5 "7 ~emoarl'l!ai~

CR COld F.o~

2 Wl;)tveril1e' '!II"'mmlj

~ ElrQWIl ~r j~"lm11] • Olrt:: woiJ.fetil'le'

S We£ebe3.t1~;rrthropi!!J 5 Wi ntier w:glr

1 .l)ite.:De;a r

lOR Cold I-lill~_ 5 IEftl n ~~~h:I~'" 6 IEttln

6 Cauih (~l1o!dt!tJ 6 Ogre mige

1 ] B,*,o!der

(:Ii' 'CoTe!' IM~rsihil!'$

4 Ci fa1 OIUI! (tIO:i;~J 6 Aril11ls (h<ljl'

Ii: FlY~h~"ild!d e1~Qhydfa 75 i:c-lie3Jdedl tryohf<lf~

S S"even.tl~de-d' cJYl:lh~rlll , EJgtll~Gildc:d tl)'ol1)'tlra

10 ~tne-headed ~h)ldr.; 11 Tl!n-JlI~aded (rya~.a 12 EieYl!R,hl!laded O!'I'oh:rd~

, 1 lWd~(!<loet.l crynhydrc

til 1'empemlC Aqujltic 1 fl Aq~tk elf

1/2 M!rfGlk

1/~ PiJrj1Wl-s! l'''im~11 1 til i~i~ (~~(it.)

1 lilllljd ';mlm~l~ 2 t(ijQ-lg<a

1 Trimn

3 Merrow logre} 4 Sea cal

4, Sea hill (h~1

1 Ciiw;!itlt wh~11:! (iimillllilll 7 IIiIIItet 1Ii!g>~

') Dr~:gl1l" ~IIJt'~

') C; larrt 5II:Iuld ~ilnlrn~l) tz Krll~"9I

eli fem~J"i'!e·I)es:eru. 1/6 Llicil'lb!)' tm1lm ~ I)

:2. Dire liIal

2 Bat:iI\li;J1IIIlII

l WyrmliTlg blue: dtilg(f11l 01, \l'e'ty)'Dli:n8 blue dtig91J 6 "(O\lIrill b1ur:.dl"il,gon

6. Lanii~

7 Drag:onni!'

a J UYII!'n il~ ~Iu~ drigot1 ·8, u.mmilw

1 1 YQung ad ulr.bllJ>!.. dragoi'l 1<4 Mull blLle drip"

16: M~l\!fUdult blllli!_dragpfl 18 Old bly~ B'lgOIl

19 ~q WtLblue dI.i!ltm

2.1 ~n'Ol~l Mu,e dr'il!l!~m 23 V4'rrn.bluulE;a;~1lJ.

.25 t;,rNl W)'rm bll!J~ d ... glDn

eft Temperaitc' Forests 1/~' Kt.bold

1/4.11 ny mOt\stl'o!,JS $!l~der ~ver!Dlnl 1/11 Kobold zomDll!'

, 1'2. Badgel.(a,Fllm :1.1)

'(1. Wood ~Ir

'/lJallrellow hillnlng

1 ~2 Hilr·elf

112 small mQnWo~ ~jd~r (ve'li1l1ml , GioB,

, I(re~d'lii~

, Ml!tiium fIlJilIfl5.rrous 5~ld~r (~umlni 1 P~~udodt.llgoil

1 Wofrs'k'llllktJI

1 WlIIr(:lnlmil)

2 Blad bnr [an11m1j 2 BClllr filn1mlilll'

2 Ol~ Ir.adger

LlM&~ mQiWl"i.IiUP ~r (~rmha:~ 2 Sali)ir

J__Dwlhel'!t !llt!ll:"lot\. 3 A.~~S$'~ YI]'Ii'!

1 .(~n~aL!r

3 Dlr~ oJdl,r

,l W~rmlill& gffle!l d'filgO!l ~ DI')'3"d

1 Cia1'1t pra~i"g manti'S (ytrmli'l) 1 Cilint WUF! (vi:~mln)

3 Werewolf tly~"lhl1l!pel 3 CHiintowl

]. P,eg&5Y5

a U"lrnrn


~. [;lit'!! boQ~,F

~. 'lief! ~ow.nR S~!!"INi I'iIragcJi 4 GI;i"l !t~l be~IJ~ rWl!tmil'l1 .. Wmblm ~yc;a.nth FOp~)

~ OWlceat

" Pllcie (5pri~)

5 Yaung :~reetI dl.\;lgQ.lI

HLtg_e 1'I10llslrgliS sjlldt!' (-.rermliil) 5 P'iici~ "".lm OtllO's 'tmini61~ dalla


5" Sp[.d~r .l:ii~. ~ Tendrlclil~ 1 N~mpn

8 II.M!J1iII~ If~n dP':l:~tr~

II C~rgjlfll:u.aJl mDIl'Str.ol.l$.~pj,de;r ~'termi n] 8 Treilll'Jl

11 Ce:l~'5Il~1 cch"lEl:r {u nl,om} 11 Young dull g,T!~ d~

111 Oi:II'o::i$almoo~I{QLll~"ft:I.er· (vl!ll!I1inl n A.duh Ir1!BIl d r a~n

'14 \:rkrewa1nord (iyl:<i"llJrilp-i:) 1 S II. mpi re, elite

1 6, M~tLlre adult green d ~;jg()n , B OM I!fII!!en dFOliDI'I

eli: Te.i'iltl! Hills , f2 Cindl'i1l!

l/1 Forest gJ1tli1i~ il2 Ore

2 Dire weasel I HlppogrllT

l W~rmJl!llg bronze dlilZOfl 3, Qim

], Ogre %Ombl~

4 Displaorr ~'5t 4 Gd{fIlJR

5 ~r')' 'yili,lqg 'br(lr'J/!le d rOIlpn 1 lBulel~e

? Chlli1'1l!1ti1

? l'l:ILJ~~. bronzt.dral:9'.i1. , Hili g~al'lb

, Clg~ bJa rb.aflHIl.. a Allu:h

g IU"'~i1lle bfDI'YR dl'ilgt'11 .........

8 Dark n 'G~

11 HlII gi~"d.dir1:.~a::bQaf;_(I~~illlibro~L 12 DI slllllCiier b.e<1I&t plIc;k l(!nJ

12 You~g_ dWl bI!QIJZUti&9n

ts Ad Ll~t brol'le dl1lgon

17 MMilll! adw~ bLOP~t_dr""'&o,i,L.._-- 19 Old br(!II:~z~ dl1lgoo

2Q Ve~ ",I-d bron z:t d'ra60~'

II #Indent bflllrnle diI'il1'll(ll11 23 W\'rm Di'Qt'I!@· dfagoo

~ Greill W)'rl'll broJl~ dl'alE.ol'I

1'9 Very old Gll!t!1'1 drago.lll 21 Mei ent green engol'l 22 Wyrm green rdr~gon

.2A Creat W!ftm I!l'II!II!!n n:fr.agofl

'eA: remp!!iQ~ Ml!rg~~

1 n "III)' "'I~r sna ~ (imim;al)

1 (2 Sma II vipe r.J~kl!.{a.olrmJl ~ LIl"lIrdf!;lLIl

l M'~clf1JJDjI:IIl~e '[~!if[JIa(\I--_- 1. L~rge ~r~r ~"~ke (1I111m<IJl

1-1 ElJ.lje'.!l'~p'~r.Jm~~ (<I n im!Wl~ Jj H'~rp.r

....:!. F~..!he;w=dll1~dr~, 5 Greelll Mitis. IMig)

5 Si~·headefJ hydt.J

S Ocllfll 11!1I1 (O<IZIl],

Ii SC'>len·heided hydri 6 Shambling mOiln.cl Ii Wilk1',wlsp

6 C;m~ tl!J1lil!!p:omb,ie '7 Chuul

'7 lE'ilht,..h~;dtcl krdl'll 1 Medu$~

I "t.a'~ rem:!~ NI"~t'~d'N, i'rydl"ll 9 Ten,liud~ l1yrllfill ~ S]:Iiril nwga

1 C E4e ... en·he,nlled hydra 11 HilrfllUltl:h er

1 I TW~'\'f'ohearded h)'Cf1'll

CR TempcrjlJ~eJJl!u"l:Ilns HZ [)w.~rr

1 t'LEagJe

1 ti 't:;n),lillf

2 SugliL'!ar

:z Bu:gbeir~umliie J Grant t'a,~

4 Wynnlf"1I ~11"'t.f dr.lcon 5 Very yo u nil 5il~er d.r.lgon 1 YOlmg ~~r dtlllg,M

7 ([till!:! gia"' $~IM;;Ii'l

S· .5liO!(1~!i~r1t

\l! 'l'1'lt1~k

10 IUlwnlle: '5lho'erdf'igtll'l ,] _tmud gIll nt

, 3 Y_nll adult ~ll'ller dr~gbn 15 lIdul~ s.il ... ~r dng~Ii'

18 M.tll re ild,lIuHvN dragon 20 Old sil~ IID&Cn

21 Wq old ~II~~, dngon 23 Ancient 5i1yer dlragoil 2.4 W~fm ~11IIe-I dm,ijQn

26 Creiil~ W)ltli'l~il~~t t:lr~i,&QR

C~ T~i'!'!~~e~Pf:iiTns. 1 t~ PtIon1 (aqIFl'llli)

J~, Pon),. \~U (~nrmill~1 , 13 Dog (;mrrml,)

11.3 'CDbli11

, 12 ~int bee (ve.rmilll

1 A;simu (plilinetcudled) t Deg. tldlna {a"rm~')

G,ant an-I, iNOJiker ~ ... ~rminl H~~~~, l1e.:lV)' (ani m~l) HQ~~, Ilfiht t~ni",,;ll H!i:!rSte, I~hl waor (a M 11Iil.a1) il~njl!l& lPllWeIQudl'~)

, Bison (",n;im aij Z Jllfn~ dlJ.g.

2 ,Cj la nt .anl. q,uec,n IVC'TNlln) 2_Gi."nt al!Jl.~oldi'l:'r (vmninl Z O;5e. he<l.VY Wilr t~iI,rnaIJ 1 WQrg

J CockiI1'i-ce

], laC:L!S't SWlII rm

Ii H~Jr"lit:lliGti ~tn-I_I nLlm~n lIs,hter 7 Ci host., S~IJ:J~1 bJJm~n iigbmr

1 Trbr.arMps (dlfliil5al,n)

1 Vo1mpl·I~. ~tn·I~~~1 nu l'JI~n Ii~hlw 8 G.Qlg-on

9 Ha If.ji~fld. 7d-1·le .... ~1 hurnilll (lime 10 Cv""rdiOin n~",

11 HlIli<el~(I,,', 9Iil·IC!{'e1 bUn1i1ll1 paladi"

CIR W.iliml' AqU:a11c 1 rJ I.ocallhah

1 MBJfltiil R1 (Jinlm~1j 1 Ocmfll.l.'f ~nlmall

2 S.anullgin

6, Saleen wlure ~\ln IlfJiil'l]

7 1E1.~S.nIIDS.~'1.l11i5 ,(i:llnQ\,!!~lJIrl 8 G1~ ITI O~l;IpW<$ (01 n imal)


'/4 iiI\)' 1I1(1f1slrDll5i '!iCliltp!;lIn Iii rmln) '/2 Sm~1JI morutrtlll5 ~rplon (\fermilll

1 c mtll (3nlm:.l) 1 'H~en~ lanililtal)

,M edllffll mi:fI\W{!U~ '$COfJ:Ihln ('IoIlllll1lnl il Larg!: mClIIWous; ~alrplan ~I{~rml n)

3 Wyrmtlrng Ilr:i~JI dra I~n

4 Vef)' ynillng bra5t5 d'ragDll 4 lilflnl {gtnle)

s lBa~ill~k

S l-liers~D'.}'phl~

G It:I:ILrng: bril!~5.dll'!go;Jl '1 Cr[OIiphln~

1, Mug.unwtSilKUJ,UOOI:piclII_(wrmlrll' ! lu~enil~ b~$$ d'rllg,ol'l

..a _(;iyr1'DiSpn~n'il ..

9 As1drlil~pohlnx

10 YOi,l'Fijl adult. br:l~~ dl:J~n

10 Cil-iF ti1uan IinCHtiltous 1corpion


tz Adiill.bra~ulnIlOn

12' o,IMs,a1 iiMonS"IJ'()lJ:Hcc~Fllon (lierimtn, ,IS. 'MiI"lu[e ~dult brass aragpn

17 Old b.~~ dJ3gQ"

HI ~'Y !:lId b'~!t~ cJ,rIl~(lrl 10 ,l'l.n~~l1Il bl'ii$~ dT.a:B,on 21 vryrm Dr.lS;S dr.ru~'Od

:U, Cirei!ll Wl'rm ~f-as$ dr,lliEllI'I

CR Wilirm Fofftts, 1/2 wlld~1f

1 5pld'~1' sw,aIDl' __ -_ :a A~ (<mimil')

2_ GT<at'll bomb~lder.beth:. ~rml!'l) 2 LmP'H rd Canlma.11

2 MCll'Ilt'01.1I2ir.d_(a!'llim~~

~ Conslncl~r !l'nR ~ nrm~l~ 1. D~lnon)':Ch<~.s !d'I'IGU u~,

l rn~>lJX'

3 Ellttc.1p

3 'i1J<!n·tl prun!bl~d .. Tiger ~1I'lImil~

j Ciralloj'l

5 ~~ti~~r llY'iln b,rope)

5 G~II"l COlistritlW ~nil~~ Cammall 5" 'llJiln>'ti h"lfbfQQd

fi Dig-es~e,

(I Ml~~raptor fdirlDUUI)

& A~a"i:«I rne.B!lIf.alPtor !hfeton ? "!'\J~n.ti abq.m in;etlon

8i Dite 1I.B.-e'f

10' GfJiJ.at~

CR Wmn Hlils

1 fl !hep ~.ilh1II'1B 1 f2. HlIi:!&oblilil

3 WJlmlfng topp<tr dragon 4 W.~rn zomliie

S Very },()ul'II CDllper dtaga n S P;hll,54!' s.pjdet

.:5" Rest

G. WrveJIl..____

7 Young.oo,ppet drllm;on a i!diir'

9 lwel'lile ~"Ii'per driillf=ln

11 YounG- ~QuJt «lppel lih&OIJ ,.. A.dult c;op,per d'iJs~n

n Mature.ac:llJ'lI cupp.w d'ragol'l 19 tlm Ulppl!t macm

XI Very old c'DJ)~r aragO!! 21 Anei!:lit "tipper C1ragOll 23 Wylm copper dl'il:(!DfI

2~ Gr~.a.t wy,rm [oPFer dr.l(CJIn

2Q Wyr~ bl!adl:: dr~;tln

2:2 Cre~l"')'l'm DI~~ dlr~i'ln

!Cl[l: wa~m M~~ni!S If.i! Sll~~

:2 Q,J)C(Idil~ (.aM imal) :z SnDdi~ n~j!~d

J W)'~mling bll¥lCk drl'liS@r!

~ Cio1 nt !;l'£jcQirllle ,t;mlm~~ ,~ v.el)' }'(iI!lng b!lfck. d'!'\i!gOCil :5: YoU"~g bl.ildr llI~p

s Mllntf~fe

F IY~,h~aQed P1~ oltydm Ju]j~nlli! bl~cl:: Cr,llllli1 'Sl~ch~ldl!d p)lrQhrd'rEi S>e'~!>'-h~aded Ip)'rglfly(lfli '(OWIl'JI ~dLllt I:dack dr.a.:~~]11 EA£frt,-n!l~di!)d ~ro'l1ydr:l

UI Nrn~h~'tl'ed p')'roh~1'i!

10 Ri~sh~n '

n Muh b-13di!lJ!i!~~n

11 Tc:nJiJea_d~~ P:tll:lbJd(il

, 2. Eh~ ... ~n-h~~ded ~Dr(l'dril

13 'I\~~h,r~pp:clt)fdl:.._ __ ~

~~; M~~~r~ ~dllir bl:ad:;drag.on ,C:It.\Y:Irm ptaii!i~

1IIi Old! blatl~ ii, G1, glifL ~ 1/1' GI~nIR~~ bt:~II~' (~I:!mtlfl')

11 v~ry IiIr.d ibl:ll~k, d'~gclfl lt2-- bhClOI'i (~nlm~~}

HI Arl~bltl:k.,tm!~ ___j 1J2 f-n~mjrll

iii I '1

~ .,

_I_a ~ 9

,eli! Wilrm t.l!@unl:ain$

~ Wyr,m~il1li1 r~ drllgqn 1 V~ry ~I1II!1'~ dr.!!l9'l1

7 'ri!Iung tw d~E"n

8 Yglll!l;K ildlllh r,~d dr,;; ~cti~Jekln s R«

III J\iI~.ilnire ,rtd d~gM HI Flrl! gi:ai'll

J 3 Y(\Iurljg_.ijduH red d'r;l~r11 H SI(ill'nlgi;l1tl.

15 Mull f~d ,Qr;I!lIpn

U ~~ ~lI~ adiiJ II r~ dfllg4!l'1 l!l Old'~ !ira&.g:n

21 'lief)' ,ole! rei:! d,f~&On 23 An~~rrt r~ddragtm N \'111"'1' red d~n

26 Ci'l'~t W)flll'lnd dr~~~n

_To (:re3U~O wi'MernE!1~ eJ:IOOUlll~~ ~~.hk, flat d~de WDll [ fQ9 I ~ ~l UI;'tJ!r.!gl! bCMllll'[~r il'~cl ~Il bt:Jhml~~t th~ rrl~"',llJIl'~ llisl, cOOoIDlg mo.uI!1!~~ wilb. ch~I1~~1t!Jt!:~ Ih~JW[i~ C, flUlgt l!rollt.(El- 6) JiQ_ OiL ... 2).. SUppleme,J!U .ilirn:.dt.o~.wl!tb -iit,lcc!.

i haJJ!!> frolil:l ilili.~.rou~~, S1lcli JlS tb~.; , ,

., 1'he Any Wih:leml1.5S ..EI'lYin::ll'ilrll:.nI !hr. \~,]~ hulllldes wid~-

r.I'fiIgi.ng ere~fureS •

• ' "JtIre fullS fot a'lh~t dIm;Jt~S ~~ddliDg ~ fID~..ful:eSil.C~~ _ lQ__1'.£l,1l ucm;pe'L~JQ~r, ror ii!X:l!m\')leJ,_

.' Scm.~.Nf~~] ~tl.IlJr 11} die ;tre~ (dw~rfh~~~e:n]tOlm- 1:;]1ns~WPii Of ~i\\l!l'Il:l:ruld5:in m~)._

}l.(l1i¥ huild }'.o!,[_j' cnoolrnl-er t.;Lhle Im~ l"l1 h~. SttiVlC: fur:.s.OOl.e EJ. v;IIne'roo the taMe. Just es yuu l,','{IIi.Iltln~ desi:p ~l;h;lD,gt[QD~ every ~jng~i) I1llctn 'is exliIctIy 1!iL 7, 'YOU :shcU!ld:n~ c:ren;r(l ~ w!ld~-t ness l::Iblr wh,e:~ ~i1'ry 'E~il1' IS EI. IL

If ~ f.i!!J!:I1'!&~cr!; Cb<J1t!11ig1: .iUriQ Is I,]ight~ dun ~ur~1it~~ E[, rh~ s.1Jm~ D1,l!;Q.kr~ o.r -L 10'\~. ilim ~OIH tm.rgt:r ilL. h 0.11 go MOO W~ ~hl~JJi$ ~cSglloo;,t1l1I;mMt ... J:f-1Iil1,l,1!1J1r~' ELL~'~ )i'i:J'liJ ~,IiI,1n .. i1d 311 ~try thllUim 1'!1V re.Ad.~·:Th"~:ull'- b!:calJ sot' U:~;on:r.s, ~JII~ CR 8.

For 11l0llHt:"IJ5..tiw h~'Ie:t C:R:s!g~y.1aM'~ lhIm y;ElW' fm'get ELyou'U ,..,;nw d~e_e!lIJ:(I,Il]Iu:r lO ,rea tllre.JIlO:re_~ ome of ~ ~tu~es. T~bk.3=- t (P:l£.1: 49) ~I;'U5 'ymi how IIIllIilY;.mQD$[~r51'OLllI1e~d f6r

1~:JlI ftICClII, ~tl'J:l}f.:l gi,,", ell! .rr...Ci, oilli,,'"ertJhar J!llIJjm" W, f,(!I nilll ilpprotll:liI~~ dl~~ Cor dt~ t:nccumtt,tlIbw-ft!r,e.'Qtriplt, if you bQIA' y.o~ 'W;IlIr [iii $('J)Llnf~ii'''''1clh H\lI~e'~ (illlili\lichj:;jll~CR~l ~l:I iltaJ::e ~t1 E[ 8.!:n~.nIl:tr, you'll ndd :L'lti±g;!.~'l~ _e.uttY to wC' ~EJCQWlJ.wtlbk,

~~!7QIliIili! 2~"-f:I.dd.s.1ItI Mtil~ pwl~ d:£.

n~ qrg;a,!tJzw~il:n mmcs f",uh~ '~nu'Ui in [~~ M~Ufr.rr}!!.&Ir!!I!I1 RD be :r~ighclr_UIef~'dilrel~~'il.m.mJS[~ds m congregare wim (nhers of iIts ,kmd.Il~>lre_~O!!luJW:ifS solimry, for e:MIl1!l)p!e, ~i;l YQl! dom 'W'.aIl[,~ ~2d!6 ,,-Uj:p:t!W'm'.J:lR.Jtlte WQPlJm~~n!bl(:.1'1w Qirsru:tWitklil entries: a1solndi,*"~mMn~t1Wl~o!:.m,OJ1:ste;r~ th~t rn~I:L1'al'l e!ifllmve ennrun~[.li~~~We~p hmWH.~~>!s pets.

,50 :rn !mil"'! ~r·J:ttin arulld2: bwwJl oo:mi~wQuld b_~ aJ;!;pWpLi:ue.

~ -OG, c, ,(l:_)i'CI,u..h, '~,!l!l!C t:'r','~tf.!IZI'I,,' fQ',' ,fOr,Y", 1.1.(,' ~!11. Will,' tn, ~,eU4!i, b, lU,-~dY'.J'QU n~,jl,!tl)! l!!S~ ~mtJlgcs:.IO thc_~h1t._xsu CUI rigarQ'w;ll'AGjl.!St

~~It~ tit!' !1'llSure th~, ~I:te e.l'lCltlWll~ 'tQbJ~ y1dds m ~wmg'e _1.¥~~qwiLm,.YJL1;ILulIge:r JELl b~u fmnW:y J( lllil'( Iiec~:hlf. I ,SLmpb"'1t!li&l'I br1]e't clIaltLcei to di~ ,tin~j, 11'01.1 kil'l]}\,\' g.11'l'leTIIle._e'il-

~o"l:rll'erufQS]!_lI!o yml'r IiJIJCg! HL, iUld ~I:l SD:l,:J1:!itf cl:t~Il'Or/.~ ,to_lh~ I Im~s_:dlil.t h:w;j: EL ii:iF1tiJElca:nfl'111fihc: r Or lower :th~!'i 'YOUI!" mrlJ::t. r


1 Mule' t:mrmil~1

2: ICI1t1!~h (ani mal) 3 An~heg

~ ~i'Dn..(i!~irn:Jal)'

~ 1iI~1 nOlletl;l~ (OInlm al) S DirdD.n

s WifimU nil!' &illd dl'i!iGpn 7, Vuy you ng,goJi:I u'r;!lil!pn , Elepnalll r~nim~IJ

a. '1ifra"'n~~rU's (d~iIlQ~~I;Ir) 9' 'j'oil!1lg-:Slllld !'J~goJil '

1'1 J !,I~nJ!e gQrtI d rilgon

H 'ti!:!ung ~ d:...1t gold dr'~Bpn 1 i .Atlull'&(lfld d~glli'l

19 'M !n~r'e ~d~lt. gtJM dfll~"fl l21 'obi gold dr~colil

22 Ik"r I1ltd ~~!I dt~M!l ,2~A.nderd gold dilllgtlTl -25 Wyrm gllItl:! d'!'8g(!~

:n Cn!\alt IN)'ml ~1'tI mgc,f] 25 WyrmE:oJ!d dJ.a~JL

2' (J F:t-at wyrm 1Il~ld dt;1~n

tCh1~ a~ of~~fI ili~ ,la('C~ Wh1!:Il~ char:a~~~ M ~nd:lime Nl'31'!en '~d'll\enlurlt'S_ BlIll_~m(l~ Illr~rhtm,~el\l11$ ncltill mmy__ai~14 t!'1!()~enlUh;jI makit. for ~'Il t)rCi.tifit!l ~!dVe!lillUe;ciu1cles w:PQ~hJ Winding 5tfU~~! dllliliiJIl lb!.l CDLntyrnrd, :llld fntrlg;i.l~l.1rijJ&J:h.l.:. lr:EJlgS bn:nq}Il~t., Th~ ~robbl~ooll~ jll,n~e~ of~ mel:m~ I::md'e,~ ibag,erous ;is ;my d!.!:l1ti'OD-

At fi~[ gilJllOf!, ~ ctl)' is much lib ~ (lWlIl,~n. m3Qe.up..o£\ _ ooo.r!l, ,I'QOJlIj,g, 01ld CQ;rrd'Ctoi!'S, AJ'IIt:i'ir_lIr,es lh~1 1,!lJIl~ pbc_e in due:;; h~\I'~ tW~ ~lli~rI[ differ,~nCl; ~ JErl:l'n'I lh Ltlr du ng~t;!I!l.~~IJIIUlL~~.!ii, hCW!lweL CII~mcl.'Cr~ M\l'!:. gre::lte.r ~ 'OOS5 W' ]'~O'!:!t'!;e:;:, ~ the}' m~s~ (;lmt~liId wilk htw ,~nfO'~l!I1)!~I!.L __

A~ress [0 &~lHI,]mCC~': Afritllld1YfEJlDpie @f h~1I:lm tni,gbr 1bi1 just daw!, lh~ 5i!~f'11 c.Ild ;.kmif clJi~d$ct(;!li] em be ,b~d I!IIl ~ qu tclt: ~5hol?:pirIg mp. Unlib iluilU:n~~1li!i ;mtl [he' wUil~"g~!, ch!l1ll!!tt~;rs; ICmlil.i!Y IULd $!UI ~ q\\[ckhlm iLClU/, A.1:.1"g(; d~' Qtwu.::rroPQLis p.oh .. bly hIi!UJlj!>h-bd N_EC~J1d ~ in pb~UIff; fidil! 00: mL\llwlHlIl,!t W.Do .:liD, Fm'\l'id~ :lSil1~tBllt:.~ Ifld df'dph~i!' cluf',~. J\lul wh~f.I Ithe_PC!: !l4~ bs't'tered Il1Irl bruised, ~y em '~Hre~9: to the O(imiOl1 ab :rool:l:!, ~~ Ihe i;nn.

Jn~ fr.eU{lm to r~ne:a[ Illld.u~d:y access to flu rn~rkup:l!ll9~ meal\!l tb~,rr.be plmy~~ h:ilve ~~g:reiljf'; Jd e,~e 'm£" C:IIIlIml, ovoi:r the .p;~d:n,g of otIlUtWII ~dWJIl~tf.Ihl!~cb{~h! h~1J~'1l.g ~fld f'l="t~n. l~h th~,i.r rJ:SQ.l!r,tv~ :lfa:r:r ~\lI~Q'_JltlW.u litc:f, j f rl:t~y' wf ~1'iL ]'D~ r.ltls re,[!$e<Qj~1;I i:.:we.Jbe fuedQtluo.j.I:5_\t.highl);r·](!vd (!:ncl)uil~~~ gg;olnstmwn m'ilIi ~tlWt>tddm_~. di«~"~! ~l"!iilg.. Iti, !II dn.~yotI an J)~Vldl! ih~U~ (llIie ,Of ""'>:0 Eru:Ol1l1ll~r ~vels hlghulr dun ilia-PCs ~\JIOuldlbc.(l m a dWlg~d oonvrnlcnuy. citkl! IIII!' bill of itigh-]~".d NPCs ,lhal J?rovtde tho~e Cfe.atJer eha!1en,gf!S,

Law Em'ol'i;~mt: ThI:'Qthi:.f k~y dist~f1(:ric~ bet'l'l>l.:e:.o~'I£~fi,· tluingt.!lc ~ _City3l:\d dd~iE: into; dUDgeOn is lh@1 ~ dlJf.II_g~Q'tJj5. ~lmm;LwmruOOn. abw!ess plmce ~ ... het~m~ ~IlIV. b;1lu.L:Pij lbe)W1gJ~: El:Ll QJ: 00 ki! t~d. A City,M th.e orne:r h:rnd~hcld~~ get!h~~Qlli~5, film)' of whh;h ,a~1! ~i'>l!1.idrly_&.5i~ ~~t.Jt~tufbdn..lI.vl!l'r. k~d:,~nl~~gtl~mLcllll'_ time: killinll.lIJ1d lo[u:ing.

.!_.E..Y~'H.,:>D,_mQ5t cil:i~\",u_e.rognim mOn5tel;t_~S .iI~b:re~i to th~ 5J1iiillilY [bf ~h)' ~Jiil:~OI'lJ JUlQ pmbibinom IJ1DCUllllltl.nte:r =ely IIJlrbr_'~tuDim.S~l"Sos·l,Icl! '* ~bl:lI'~fi~N Qf ~'I;'il GIJ:[!1ide~, MO!n em b.uID.ilinQil:d!.ll1:t\\'£V,~:r, ,~fl: w:~jC>1Uy pro'~cl;ed hy lh~: ~I:! l~w~

dm p'oorea ~U the c:i.i~1I$ pfJh~.d'~, 7:l(l;'liD,g o,.e.Yil;dig!l!Ju:m ~ f.lo't m ofme· \except hi some: S~~I'1lh .. cwtlc ,dll.e.5;,pah~ps. with Ihe: iIr.lgi.clll powel'IJQ' k-tck up (ht.k\'Ikwb cviLd.eeili s 3"' :lIg!limr rHe Jaw. liven when ;ldll~ntuW5 tll«lwue-rMi evildoerm the act of p!:qretrating wille he'lnO:tI~ iJ u(K>n [h~ populru::e. rIle city, me lllrW roodu,a.fwwlIl O'lii !he 5:Ot[ Ql"' \\'l&ilm(~ jusria. that

I ~\'e'9 tne! e\'li1dlJ~!;_ d.e~.d or ~j!r'iv* 'Lu'l:abte to t,~srify ;~ .1i ~~:r 1b~ Lll)p(ln~1'1[ pomuo_me!l!llIber~bmn C'Iqr llwil whe:a~~ ning ~ dry c3mpaign is co use them to eJilctl~e' ettA !ii,'e thinkUl& nd il.ltc.rmrive "1IlYSe 'o~1viDg..p;lQ~.m5. If rile playerump having: fam and tong (til' Il R!Um tocube dWlgeGl'I. w,llIl~ue dll:Y am LISe dte.ir ~ambli r mighl KUts"jJ.IJto:,-':.'~I:CI:!'i:iJ I. it's gtme;r;) lIy ; good

Jdell Co eli!: the.m SCIrnrt: m~hHe Ihc..~ity ~!IIf\VS ;'~e' C·oncer_d, lI.ud I~L fh~m fOC1J!$ on. me. (Kdliug ISpl1lCrS of ndrwllm«!in 'Ih~ ,Of}!. 011 flu: omeli' hand. if.your i:l1~yl'l'!l in'l dty-centere:iI camPi-lgt! mllke fen, $ill, ,;m d spdl S!eleCliol'ls in orJer [D opnm lze Iheir I.Characl·ers,' tUecn'i'f'n'~is..w..~kmg w:lrhin and ~roul'ld Lhe hw, ~ ~hen mey. arli ~PFrnllclnng I:h..e p:roblem ereJlivdy and cle~[!I'C dr~ dllm~n' Q.!JI·t..dum' ~emli:~.


Som ciries dem:l!11Id Ithlll ch:mietf'ES 'Y.I:! D enter the d'l}' bind, lhl).hr W~3PD1!5 mlO lhm shead!s wHh knotted am;iw' ~1I1 Cll-sy ~ OLb~ dtir:5 Jilay forbid CIiIchmtme.ms ar Wvin:lllons suih es !kIm IIIII1l81ru m the b:c1miT,. rnEf1o'.f!!:ltIIr dlilt:s !aIIVC drhJl!mt b\m oom :ru_dJ Iss Lies m~ C;Jfl''l'iI'Ig weilllfllOllS, ln 1'1.1 blic~l1d t!eSItilniDI speIlCl~,ren:" ~.wh~n you ~b..n ~n urban ac'veJlliIlIe, dmde \\'Iu!r m.e.relevant kw~ ~~

. The most t.mportal'll coMilllf<nu.Qilrl-UoW <In.baqCl:. the glIme wId! 's:uth t;(WS, nO~ inl~rr'Cre \vi.th the playel"Si' f1ll'1. While It might bi! qlll!e [coglc:l1 fu:r .t:~l)' re ,ccmfuc:n~ ~pl:lrul md.m~iJerin.h;Clmpo-

nents, ~lX~l:! r;:~rncdclI]s c.~I'I, ft.1lIy p"llt ~ d~mp.etJll11 '~~ye;[ enjO"~·

em of ~.II.lJj[biUlo ~d,lIllliltll;r1:. l! you Wilfill ~D Jru:U;ilS~ dn:.ihallrncl':

I:lf urb:ln [if!!: by flOrcing dunC"i1~r"S 10 m:Jk~ to w.ilhQULWCllPCl'1lS or

'I pells. tit t'll fine-but be S\II:~ rh3[ fhl:' ch111lellge~ thc.y uce aullP'J,UOpri;lrlLto tbl!i.r.. II mdered Sllll:r. U aless ~ID.re llc:courued fOilF tbe w~rj(ijjs:.1rn 'YOLlr a;dv'f!.l!Irllfe. u'~ besr if tfu: ~hu;t1:tet5 bJ:lyt; rel~tlYd~j;CeS& loll1l ~.hetr ;;~p.1bl!Ut1ieS".

Th~ !:'i!y'!iJ~~ mllll' flm 1I!ffi:c1 11111 'ChillJllc!(!f~ equiUly. Amtlllkl:!ill'L hsmpered ~1 ~IJ b'~. 1I bw IlhOI!H p 'ace-bolJd.ing \Yll4PM~, !lUlU I cleric i5 reduced [0 II fmcuon of his POWI:I: J' !IIJl holy symholun= confls:c~fC:d (If 'mf .:l ty . g;I tf¥

Ar the ~~me di'lle.lf'~ OlgoClIiIJd,e, .«0 ~et L':1'IUilC~er who ~re reso1Jireeful ur clever eno'ygll. gtlJl"fQ1JIlld §;Ll~b ~~elio~loLclJ ms- th~'IVU;IJ.d w:ith..tile..Eldie.wJ'<tIlJI.erio!s fuu VI' 1m dQe~n't rI1~-e~ toQll!'dllJ eofrllpopena o.r· th~ b~ with ~ I'lIpil:r Ctll:U:(:aIrt..-d In tHt' nedt(f[his lUI!.


~:db, dOQt:S.. poor llglnmg, md Ilne\1leJ;l fOo"tlng: III mmy Wa}'li A .oJy 'LI,h lil~e- II. ,th.mgeol!l • .Miinv of tLudl!lJ:lg,eCllri t~rrllin I:IC!me'lllS described ,earliedn thiii ch"pt~ work equnJly wdl in rue ciI:)' Sam!;! JleW ronsideClltigmIor!lin utbm s~tting.llr~ OOI1~red bd011,'I'.

Walls and Gate

Many dJti.e-£ !lIe. s;um:Jurul~ b~lIs. A I)'piQd, $m~1i dt}' li'.ral1.ill ~ folrtifi~d SKIn!! WIlli 5 ff~lt thiek Ilnd 20 feel high. Such II. \1i'~]J is fui.rly smooth. ~irillg tll!:..lD..Cllll1b du-"k lo..KJIt, Tb~. wotlb 'Ire Cl."endhl1ld 01'1 Dlne' side ItI plo.Yid ~ Jcw..wdl il\f me~.glJilnb IUOP ii, md dt.im.~ is fun barely llI~m far gtlll_MiS 1O",'lI'alk MDJ:lg tb.e

~op ofoili~ 'Will... _ _

ll. o"Piru 5W.~U (J,t¥ ,~[ h ii,~, AC.~, h~rcl.DJe-S:S :fI ... Btld..:1£C bp_pe-J'

:w-lolilurol:ol:L.._ __

A tYPicillul'WL city \w.tll is 10 J:eet l.Dkk ~ nd !C r~el bjg.h, with rwe&twnLOJJ..l.oJiLsides fmrhe guanis..on mp.of Jhf'WaU.1t js lik~w]se rmoolh. re'lui.l'img 1I DC I) Climb dledi ro $(4I Ii!.

Su,rul.mllh~ AC l. horMnWi 8, a.lld 720 .bp per 1 IHw[cafoJi.

A ~ic~l menuP'OH~ \!oI.!IIJ Is 15 liecnhiu ruld 40 f~[ lilll [t h:lS1

e rendliuiru.l£JlUQll:! s ide.s an d Qfl'llil h~!S Ii 't U r.I ~d m:n(bmdl rwms,running .. dm:lJ.!igQ l.n:s mT~.ri1l!r:. I }.I.lelltl~ .mUs hll"~ AC :I, hardness S, md t ,170 hp pe~ fl)Ol 5ecriuli.

Unl.ike.SJriiillerdr1~m~~i;S~en h~\1!: Ulterior \...aIls as will :as: S"lII'I'Ilood.il'II. mills-:cl'l.hucld w.aJ1s tb~t the dry h:jS Olll:gmwn, Il:r \wllii di-o.~.dJ.n.G Eedividlliil d~ from ed Qlili~r. Som~l:imrl:lMse w;ills!;l1:'C ,1lS ~aifge :a~s LDe' olllerw.ills. bur mmc.o.ftl!"n they hll1;'l'! too thmlaedmC$.of.a.~ tiL}'· or iOull city5 \~';dk

Wllt;cb Towers: '~om dry wOIlls life Mom Wkh_W'ilil~

e~ Q I il't\tgub.r i.nrel·'II':ds. Fe-w cid.e.~ htlve 1m000gh_gu nh w h~p SOrnf!'rJllr l:.oJ'lSt;.ntiy st:nione.d n ev Q' !0'I1l'13'.1lJlJu.s .rhc..i:lly_ls ~od·n.g auacJ:.: from out.5iide.l1m to'l'o'CrS.p'rtJ1ddu su~rJ~.Yi~w of d:!~~m.a~u mel log co'tmnY5i d~1I5 ""·cll....il~cUeftlllS~ sgalnslln.'lai:lelS.

WOlrbh !Owen are ryp:imlIy 10 fee'. higDeJ' thmJ. cl1c:.w.all.MI!:Y

f,tfjoiil, uu dlcir di!llll,ewt' 1'5" 5 umes [IDe thieme-SIS Q(~L 6uo~!I' IDii)Sli.Il'e m.e ourer 5idl1l5 of tbe uppc--~ miirW.5 ·Qf ~ tQlo!l'el:, m:id the: tD:p is otf"ef]'IlUs~t.lh~ run'J:!lWding w;!,lh lire. [.n II muill. towtr (25 flCf!'r I.n dhm11l!HI! ;tdjolning a.j·fuct-tb.i& W!liI). ~.~mpko ]'ad.dt!t typhll' c'cum~[ dle.row~r:·5~i.cr.i~~:ui.iI. the roofJtuJ1l!l'Il~r: 'lower, ~rI11n; set\~ thar purpPSe.

Heavy WQgd'~D 000£5. -ooiDfg1ceti \~'ilh imlUD.d beml~ ~ !Dd".~ (OpeD.Lcocll;DC 31l), blQd~ I.:!fltr}' La ~ JQ'i'lofl' .. lmfe6c'5 ilie.lowe:~ ~~. In tegil.1!!'tU!Se.

As II m1ii:. the Cilp,t:l.ln of we guard ke:~J:)'..nuh~· ~. seeured IJII herperson, ~lld ~ second copy !S'.iiu:lJi:,"~Ln.m1[, (lnl'8~ or bamdls. ____.

Qalm~: A typical city g;u:e .is II Itl(tt!hnll~ wilh lWO. p.ortcullis.('s

and mti~er b.ot~~e.spl(cebl:tw~ dttIDl.....__ ~

ln W\VIill uul S'Qme !ijiI1aH drie5, ~h~ prlm.~ry ~:IlU'f Is ~l. irr.:lJ1l d!:ill.lh!~ aQtl:i'UI!.L iJJm.IDe 'c:!ty \~all.

Ca res :lf~ UStUnl'.D~!th during thl! day Ilntl locked. QL_b~ ott nighl'.. UStlll.lIy, nllt: grase lerr iJll1\1.orelers a[reJr Su.nSet 1Il.Hluud!c:d b· gumbi who l;.~ilIl:)lXll if for someone who. 5'eem~.Iume~~ l)\W" ellIS proper 'p3pous,. or ,,(fuTIO a 'w! Ill£! ellouGh bribe !cl~pel.1.di'ilg:_D'n lUr: ~[I:y .:lnd ~hr: gu.1ms).

GlJf,l,nh ud Spldie~

dty typ call)' ruts ful}r.imc milItllfY p~r5mmil'1 equal 10 rJ.. aHts a.dWt poplll:uilJll!; in ,addir[gil,ttll militu or ca.lliCriP! soidlers equ:ll 10 5% Ii W rt'pulal:ion.. h_.fuI.btimc.soIdiets ~n: tily gu~rd.5 reospolBsibkfm mild!llilini.nlG.D~"il·tbilu,be city; 'EfflllDr m lne rn.~e coJ wlhldef.li poHee, ItIld1Hl aJe~eLil:;S;l1mt) fu'i: .iI~i:.1iIdlng the cIty (J!!Im O'LIrsld~ [Wolult. COOStnp<f 5cldjers >lIe mllled. up 10 rerv~ in C3Sie of.1W ;rr.Lclt "'Ill th ci lV·

A'lypiClli eiqr guard torm works till dutl! Clgh r~hCFl.Jlr sh.ifts, wah. ~ohb~ fgfi:11 on II @t1y'£hIItUi.ll.~,I. [{) 4, r.M~). 3~~ en <In e¥e:ltlng

o.i.Et (-'lI!loL '0 'l2 .... M.). ~'IIId ]5"',) ou nlgln shifi (UUL UlI' II ,\,MJ 1\,1' ~ny ~ve:tI 1!ln~, ;8~ ot tb..!:.gtI_SJ;lfl dyfY arf: ,[In du~! ~trEef~ parn:illllJ(!. whJlc J h~ lIemaining ~Ll stationed ~ I' \I'mfiol.lS l,'I'O"S~ rb [Ough<tll:t rhe.dltY. where. mey ~13~Ild to I1~ rby ~lrul:IIl$. Ar Jenn oOe ·wch.~ po~l.il>.lt-:reserll . ..wiEh in ~~ch l1(;j&hborhood of a dty (rilm ll~Jg.hborbood_ooll5isdl'llg. of ~! d Lmlc:IS).

tb~ .maJwitJ,af ~ city guam fared! Illmde up ,gf ''I':t.mor5!;_mosdy t 5:1' ley~l offic:el's ilildl.l~';: II kglier·l(lvd \'IlarrIors:, fIghrer's. ~ faii:

Ill!miler of deuts. md ~s o:r ron::eu:n, 115 weU Qo~luc1w fighter/atellrutl:i'$,

S ege Engines -~

S:l~~uleU~il.lajrge we!lpg:l1ii. film_pQ:rur S~IJ;Nlo. o"LPI~~ of equlpID.~Ji.. mdil r(m.!!.!.ly;.m;~d tlil. bll:s~n~u;l:~llt...Cdcm'l: '. 'DllI>!'ptJ1~,Rtavy. A !reav)" ~ilIpclr is ~lJJi!8S5i~ne..Cl3p:tbl.e of tht{lillnL~__..{)l htll~Qbjf~wiIh greatS~ C3.Us:e the ~t&o [Rdub[Q~ 'i[5.~)'lbjld mil blEh illG ij mn hlI~ out of Its lme 'sigIlt. To1ke.ll b~tlIpi.IlI.Ih.r:.new clli.c:frnilires ,a S"pe~ cltedt

~GrI inst' m::: lLwln.g only his bil!i-e OI;ft.Jl.cli bQnw, IMfilll~ modI"

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