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[Can Engineer Ali: Mirza: Jhelumi: Explain Verse 16:40 According
To His Principles As Apparent From His Lectures?]

NAH:L [16:40]

1. "For to anything which We have willed, We but say the word, Be, and it is."


2. "For to anything which We have willed, We but say the word, Exist, and it


3. Certainly,Only Our saying to a thing, if We Willed it, that is We say to it: 'Be,' and it is.

4. Certainly,Only Our saying to a thing, if We Willed it, that is We say to it: 'Let There You BE,' and it
is. [16:40]


6. Cerainly Only Our DICTUM TO A THING ,WHEN When We Willed It, That We Say to It
Be and It is . [16:40]

7. Verily Only Our Imperative Word to a Thing,When WE Have Willed It, That is We Say
to It Be and It is (There). [16:40]

This is a verse which Engineer Ali: Mirza: cannot explain according to his own principles.


First Preliminary
The Word Kun /Cun which is an Imperative form of verb derived from Mas:dar [Grammatical Infinitive
Kaun/Caun or Al Kaun/ Al Caun = To Be or To Exist] meaneth Be or Exist.[It may be translated as Let You
Be, Let there you Be, Let There Be You (with some liberties),Let There Be Thee etc.]

In General The Word Shai is used in two meanings in Qura:nic Theology [Qura:nology].

1]Existent , One That Existeth. 2] An Individual Absolute Possibile.

In this case the Arabic word stated immediately above is used in the second meaning. Since it is Tah:s:i:l
Al H:a:s:il [Achieving of the Achieved] in the First Meaning. To Create an already Created Thing is

Absolutely Impossible unless and other wise it is annihilated after its first Creation by the Divine

Attribute Of Creativity and then Recreated.Qura:n doeth not believe in the occurrence Of Absolute
Impossibility and Rational Impossibility. The Basic Axiom of Tafa:si:r.

Second Preliminary


This verse implies that If Divine Essence [Dh:a:tul Ba:ri:] Willeth to Create a Thing He Saith Be (Be
There) and it immediately Commeth From Potentiality or From the Domain of Possibility in the Line of
Actualization. The Word /Dictum Be/ Exist is Spoken By the Divine Essence Nounly/Namely ALL-H.

Third Preliminary
One may Analyze the Verse as follow:

Let A Be A Thing That Doeth Not Exist.

Let Divine Essence Willeth to Create It.

Then Divine Essence Commandeth/Saith to the Thing Be/Exist.

Immediately the Intended/Willed Thing Commeth in Existence from Non Existence.

[Ex Nihilo]

Fourth Preliminary
Now if this Word Spoken By ALL-H the Only Deity and Only the Divine Essence is Eternal then it implieth
that the thing Commanded must Necessarily have come in Existence in Eternity. So the thing becometh
Eternal. Does Ali: Mirza: Explain this verse as stated above?

If Not then the word stated above is not eternally Spoken By ALL-H and this implieth that the Word Kun
is Not Eternal.

If Not Eternal [i.e Temporal] then the Question is as follow:

Is it Associated With the Divine Essence or It it Sustained in Divine Essence or both. In any case Divine

Essence becometh a Locus of Not Eternal Words? (1) As the word Thing may be predicated to One That

Existeth the word Thing may be Predicated to the Spoken Word or Sentence as well if it existeth.

This implieth that Divine Essence is a Locus of Non Eternal Things.

Does Engineer Ali: Mirza: believe in these?

If Not then it meaneth that Engineer Ali: Mirza believes that the word Kun Spoken by ALL-H is neither
Eternal Nor it is associated With Divine Essence Nor Is Sustained in Divine Essence ; and this implieth
that the Spoken Word Kun is distinct, Separate and Incommunicable from Divine Essence. This implieth
that it is a Creation.

Does Engineer of Jhelum believes that the Divine Spoken Words/Sentences are Creations and Creatures?


[Creature means One That is Created in Theology i.e a Created Thing o a Created
One. In this meaning the word is used throughout the article.]

If so then does Engineer believe that there are two types of Spoken Divine Words one which are Eternal
and Associated With Divine Essence [/Sustained In Divine Essence] Two Which are Separate from Divine
Essence.? If so then he cannot agree with his former simple minded teacher Zubair Ali: Zai who did not
believed in such a distinction.

Is the Divine act of Speaking a word or a Sentence a special case of Divine Act of Creation? In what
meaning Sentences / Words ascribed to Divine Essence are called Spoken By Divine Essence [Dh:a:tul
Ba:ri:] if they are distinct and separate From the Very Self of the Divine Essence.

Are the Words, Sentences, Speech( ) ,Letters Spoken By Divine Essence are Spoken by the Divine Will or
Without Divine Will?

If Engineer Ali: Mirza: Jhelumi believes that a Word or a Sentence Spoken by Divine Essence
[Nounly/Namely ALL-H] is Separate and Distinct From Divine Essence [ALL-H] and Without Divine Will
then the question is:

Are these distinct and separate spoken Words /Sentences of

Divine Essence [DH:A:TULBA:RI:] Eternal or Not?

Engineer Ali: Mirza: cannot provide a proper explanation of this verse according to his own lectures
,addresses and sermons which he regularly uploads in his site.

This verse also implieth that the Spoken Word Kun is posterior to Divine Will and if anything is Posterior
to Divine Will it cannot be Eternal.

Does Engineer of Jhelum believe that the Word Kun was Unintentionally Spoken BY ALL-H in Eternity and
the thing came in existence after the Eternity?
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Does Engineer of Jhelum believe that the Word Kun was Intentionally Spoken BY ALL-H in Eternity and
the thing came in existence after the Eternity?

We do not expect that Engineer Ali: Mirza: of Jhelum shall say the following:=

The Word Kun Spoken By Divine Essence (Dh:a:tul Ba:Ri:) is Creation/Creature.

But in the case if he says so then the questions are as follow:=

Did the Divine Essence Say the word Kun when he Willed to Create the Word Kun? If the answer is in
affirmation then this implieth that to each and every word Kun there is another Kun which is Created and


Spoken Prior to It. This implieth an infinite beginningless series of the words of Kun. That is to each
an every word Kun there is another word Kun Created and Spoken before it. This implieth an Infinite
Beginning-less series of the words Kun [Say Kuns for sake of convenience].

But if so then Ali: Mirza: according to his own verdict becomes a Munkir.Since this belief is a Kufr
according to him. So he cannot respond in affirmation and assertion.

If the Man From Jhelum responds in negation then atleast there is one thing that is Created by Divine
Essence with out saying the Word Kun and that is the Created Word Kun Itself. So the Created word Kun
[if it is assumed to be Created ] is excluded from the very verse itself that is under discussion. If so then a
number of other things may safely be excluded from the verse. This particularize the verse.

Does the Engineer from Jhelum believe that this verse is particular and not general?

If the word Kun is excluded from the very verse and it is created then this means Neither the Holy
Prophet Nor the Heavenly Pen are the first Creations but the First Creation is the Word Kun, if it is
Created without saying/creating/both the Word Kun before it. Does the Engineer believe in it?

Also another question is raised . The question is as follow:= Can the Divine Essence Make a Thing With
Out Saying the Work Kun and keeping Eternally Silent? In other sentence it is asked as follow:

Can Divine Will Create any thing with out saying Kun before it just by Willing It to Exist?

If so then for what reason Divine Essence say Kun prior to any thing which He Createth, When He Can
Create things with out saying it just by Willing them to exist and maintain Eternal Silence while Creating.


We do think that Engineer Ali Mirza Cannot make a Commentary in regard to this verse, while keeping
all these questions in his mind. Since he know the consequences and results of his views.

We could ask some more questions but we have only ask those questions which are related to his belief
and whose ascertainment to his believes are investigated and studied. He cannot make an Explaination
with out a Contradiction or a Self Contradiction or a Paradox.

Engineer Ali: Mirza: is asked to make an Explaination of this vese while keeping all

these questions in his mind.

Lastly it is asked whether the things commanded had a Pre Existence. If they have then are they Divine
Attributes . If so then this implieth that they are Uncreated prior to Commandment of Kun and ceased
their Pre-Existence and Createdness, and became Creation and Post -Existence after commandment of

This is a verse Engineer Ali: Mirza cannot explain correctly and strictly.

This exposes that Engineer Ali: Mirza: is a Mutazili and cannot explain on his own principles , upon
which he accuse others of heresy.


NOTE: We do Know the Islamic Theology of different Subsects of ahlussunnah and

Heretic Sects and Subsects. What we want to investigate is that what is the
explaination of the verse as according to the system of the Engineer Ali: Mirza: Of
Jhelum. It is often noted that when he is unable to answer an Excogitative Answer
he begins to ask Counter Questions immediately . This means that now he has got
no answer . So it is informed as a precaution that if this Engineer of Jhelum tries to
escape from the conundrums by asking Counter Questions what he has termed as
Phakki (A digestive medicine in form of Powder), Non Serious Term, then this is a
certain proof that Engineer Ali: Mirza: cannot answer them properly and cannot
Explain the verse according to his own system of believes as it is found in his

This is some thing like If I cannot answer them others also cannot answer them
them why to ask me.But the point is that in this case he must have to admit and
confess that he cannot do the tasks stated assigned to him.

So it is informed that if this Engineer Of Jhelum uses this technique then this is a
proof that he neither can answer these questions nor can make an explaintion of the
Verse 16:40 according to his own teaching and preaching which are found in his
lectures,sermons etc.what so ever they are.


( ) It is possible that there may be some mental or logical differences between the concepts of
Associated With and Sustained In but in this article they are taken as Synonym Terms, to represent
the concept of Qa:im Bish Sai unless and other wise stated explicitly.

(2) The word Speech has no distinct plural form. The same word Speech is used as Singular and as well
as plural. How ever one may make a Forced Plural Speeches if needed. But one may not make a Force
Plural unless and otherwise it is inevitable.
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Engineer Ali: Mirza is a heretic.

He cannot explain the verse
according to Orthodoxy but he
interpret according to heresy.
How many proofs you need to be
convinced that the Engineer Of
Jhelum is a Heretic and
Please to not spoil your faith by
follpwing such an Apostate.
He is not only a Heretic but the very Heresy Itself.

It is necessary to inform you so

We cannot be accused on the
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day of Q-ya:mah for not






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