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Deception Detection

MYP Personal Project

2016 - 2017

By: Kitty Chin

Supervisor: Mr. H. Rubio

Victoria Shanghai Academy

School code: 002634

Word Count: 3,486

Table of Contents
Investigating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Taking Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Works Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 -

Extracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 -
Criterion A - Investigating

Goal, Global Context, and Personal Interest

My goal is to investigate the basics of deception detection along with its influence on
crime investigation, and making a website to showcase my findings to further educate
middle to high school students to deepen their knowledge on lie detecting. This goal is
directly related to my interest of exploring the human mind and crime solving. I was
inspired to focus on this topic as I was always fascinated by the countless movie and
television mysteries, and how the investigators succeed in solving crimes.

Creating an html website can easily be used to educate middle to high school students
especially when students nowadays will mostly search the internet for information.
However, this is a challenging goal for me due to my limited prior knowledge towards this
topic, as psychology is not a course that Ive studied in the past years. Most challenging
was the process of understanding the subject-specific terminology used to describe the
stages of crime investigation, specifically interrogation.

The global context of my personal project is science and technological innovation.

Specifically, I will explore the influences of the polygraph on our society, involving its
evolution. By creating a website that will incorporate my investigation on the growth and
impact of deception detection towards our society along with case studies, it will inform
the audience regarding the truth about lie detectors. It was a suitable area for my goal as
I investigated the growth and impact of deception detection towards our society and I
aimed to educate middle to high school students towards this topic. This is evident in my
research stage as I have understood the impact and development of polygraphs and
expanded my knowledge required to achieve my goal. These actions showed my
understanding of the key question How do we live in the worlds in which we live?

Prior Learning and Subject-Specific Knowledge

Concerning prior learning related to my project, I had previously read books and
news-articles about lie detection in crime solving. I have also developed an interest
towards crime solving by the numerous television series and books I have read regarding
the topic. This prior learning was highly relevant to my project's focus on crime solving
and lie detecting, as it assisted me in narrowing down my research and providing me
with basic knowledge.

Inside of school, I have developed subject specific knowledge in biology, as I have learned
briefly about the circulatory and respiratory system, specifically heart rates, blood
pressure and respiratory. This is directly related to lie detecting since those are some of
the factors that impacts the polygraph results and what makes it unreliable.
Outside of school, I had subject-specific knowledge from reading about interrogation in
crime investigation, which helped me the functions of polygraphs as they are mainly used
in interrogation. In addition to that, I had also briefly talked about detecting lies with a
student studying forensic psychology. Regardless, I still needed to gather more
information specifically on the how polygraphs has influenced crime solving along with
the correlation between my research and investigation question.

Research Skills
I used a range of primary and secondary sources to investigate how deception detection
has impacted crime solving. Primary sources includes interviews, questionnaires (see
extract 1), and books, whereas secondary sources consists of videos, scholarly articles
along with other information found on the internet (see Works Cited). Throughout this
project, I used a broad range of research skills to investigate, plan, and take action on my

Concerning information literacy skills, I found information in different media to learn the
basics on deception detection. For example, I used Polygraph Expert Shows How to Beat
a Lie Detector Test, a video by Bloomberg to investigate why lie detectors (polygraphs)
are found unreliable. Ultimately, I found videos most useful because they offered
additional visual images along with voiceovers, thus engaging two communication
pathways at once. I have also utilized different media platforms to source information
from and communicate with others hence obtaining distinctive perspectives. As a result,
this has prevented the information from being biased and more authentic, since relying
on only one source is usually receiving information solely from one perspective.

Concerning media literacy skills, I evaluated the relevance and reliability and selected key
research sources based on their appropriateness and functionality, By analysing each
source based on their origin, purpose, values and limitations (see extract 2). Through
using the OPVL on each source, I was able to compare the authenticity of all sources. I
also pointed out how the key findings from the sources influenced the commitment I
made towards accomplishing my goal, which conveyed a clear link between my
investigations, planning and action-taking. Another method I used was using and
interpreting a range of content-specific terminology in order to represent the
information. Since my topic is based off of an unfamiliar topic, it required me to
investigate and comprehend new terminology.
Criterion B - Planning

Product Criteria
After doing sufficient research to assemble a basic foundation for my knowledge at the
start of the project, I established some specification for the design I created in order to
effectively analyse and evaluate the outcome of my product to ensure it fits the purpose
and target audience. The criteria has been categorised into four main criterias:
aesthetics, function, process of creation and content (see extract 3). Each criteria will be
measured by indicators of unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good or excellent, which can be
measure by contrasting them to one another. To establish these expectations, I had to
distinguish the purpose of each feature, including how one stage assists the next.

The criterias I have set has supported my design process, as they provided me a clear
direction whilst making my product as well as setting standards that I need to reach. The
criteria also served as an effective checklist, that could be used in evaluating the success
of my product.

My product criteria was informed by research (see extract 4?). For example, in order to
set criteria for designing a website, I had to investigate about deception detection
in-depth, this will give me a brief idea of the information I should incorporate into the
website. It was only after doing this research that I was able to determine the relevancy
of each piece of information.

My product criteria relates to the global context of scientific and technical innovation as
they align with some of the principles: the impact of scientific and technological advances
on communities and environments, specifically on crime solving. Setting this criteria
reflected my exploration of the key question, as I had to consider the impacts science
and technology on our community and environment.
Action Plan and Record of Development
I developed an action plan where I divided my short term goals (to 3 main categories:
plan, research, design, create) at the start of my project, and kept a corresponding record
of development. Majority of the records consisted of the major changes I have made as I
worked through the whole process. (see extract 5)

Creating an action plan was critical to my success, as this made the tasks more
manageable, and enabled me to see what I needed to complete in a certain time frame. I
was also able to prevent myself from completing the work under pressure and stress,
additionally, this allowed me to see what I needed to do as an overview.

Keeping a record of development was very useful as well. This assisted me in sticking to
my plan, keeping me alerted and aware of what I have accomplished. This has also
helped me when I was off track with my research, it made my action plan more flexible,
allowing me to adjust and allocate my work accordingly.

Self-Management Skills
Concerning organisation skills, this was demonstrated through devising an action plan.
As I was working to achieve my goal, I set reasonable and realistic short term goals based
on each criteria for myself. I also prioritized tasks according to their urgency and
importance. I ensured that I kept a logical and orderly system of recording completed
tasks and significant adjustments, while also working on it consistently. Since I kept to
schedules, work plans, and project deadlines, I was able to work ahead of my action plan,
hence I had extra time for unmet expectations.

Concerning affective skills, I practiced focus and concentration to overcome distractions. I

was able to stay focused and work on my project consistently. Due to the time I was
ahead of my action plan, I did not face any difficulties with balancing my time within
school work and my project. I also seeked out criticism and feedback from my friends,
family, and through surveys, hence incorporating their ideas into my final product. For
example, when I first completed my website, I sent out surveys to a minimum of 10
people from my target audience to ask for their opinion. This gave me a clear idea of
what I still need to accomplish, which allowed me to improve on my product and ensure
it pleases my target audience. However, I can still improve in practicing positive thinking,
especially when dealing with unmet expectations. Though I was working ahead of my
plan, I did not dealt with unmet expectations well, and because of this, the unmet
expectations were a major setback in regards of this project.

Concerning reflection skills, I kept a journal of personal learning experiences focused on

both process and content and created a record of personal learning changes and
improvement. I constantly updated my journal as I was working on my personal project,
it helped me identify the major changes I made, whether it is on research, planning or
product. This allowed me to reflect and evaluate on my work, which enabled me to set
goals for myself. I have also demonstrated reflection skills through building
understanding of my personal learning strengths and weaknesses, as I have evaluated
my final design through the SWOT analysis in order to attempt and view my final product
with different perspectives.
Criterion C - Taking Action

Creation of Product in Response to Goal, Global Context, and Criteria

I successfully reached my goal as my product was made according to the designs and
requirements, as I have created an html website to showcase the research I have
conducted upon deception detecting. Moreover, I was successful in creating a product
that responded to my goal, global context, and product criteria. I was able to achieve the
goal of educating elementary and middle schoolers through the website as I have
consulted my criteria regularly to assure that I was fulfilling the expectations I had set in
the html website (extract 7).

My goal and product is related to the global context of science and technical innovation
since my research connects to the impact of deception detecting and polygraphs on
communities and crimes investigation. Specifically, this is related to the focus on the
impact of scientific and technological advances on communities and environments.

In this case, I decided to educate middle to high school students, which will deepen their
understanding on polygraphs specifically on its low reliability. Due to the fact that the
entertainment industry portray polygraphs as such a significant part in crime solving,
making most people overestimate how reliable it really is.

I consider my website to be a good quality product overall. I am pleased with how it

turned out because not only was it able to showcase my findings, but also the effort I
have put into creating the website. However, if I were to recreate my website, I would
definitely work more on the improving the information provided, specifically making
information more detailed and indepth. Overall, this is a problem that could have been
solved by incorporating more

Thinking skills
In order to take action on my project, I had to use thinking skills to brainstorm ideas,
organize information, construct plans, and solve problems. I used critical thinking skills
during the process of creation as I had to use multiple processes and perspectives to
explore alternate solutions. For example, murder cases are usually kept private and
confidential, hence I was unable to access detailed information that specified on the
impact of polygraphs. However, I was able to find an alternative solution by finding more
in-depth information from research articles and linking the information from various
different sources. Additionally, I persisted in finding an alternative when I was unable to
embed certain codes into the html website or complete tasks I had in mind.

Concerning transfer skills, I transferred my existing knowledge, ideas and skills acquired
from my investigation upon lie detecting into my own words to utilize as content for the
final product. By summarizing my understanding on the topic, I was able to present the
information with appropriate language, containing some subject-specific terminology,
hence making it easy to understand. Moreover, I was able to transfer what i have learned
in individuals and societies and biology into researching and analysing, by making
connections between my prior knowledge and my current tasks. This has helped me to
fully understand my topic and completing the workload more efficiently.

Concerning critical thinking skills, I increased my efficiency by identifying the obstacles

and challenges I have in my designs or creation process and coming up with solutions.
For instance, I had to understand the coding completely in order to make the overall
outcome more advanced, but I was able to overcome these challenges through trial and
error by considering ideas from other points of view. Moreover, I created a table (see
extract 5) to break down big ideas and large projects into smaller components by
planning and outlining what I needed to do for my product.

Communication and social skills

I occasionally engaged in meaningful interactions with people who were relevant to my
project, which required me to step out of my comfort zone and use my communication
skills. For example, when I met up and did an interview with a student studying forensic
psychology, I was able to use active listening techniques to understand and interpret her
response to my questions. I also used a variety of media to present information to an
audience, as I was able to incorporate videos, images, slideshows and texts in the
website, which helped explain the information through various techniques. This allowed
my target audience to learn from different methods, (visuals, audio or reading), hence
engaging them through the variety of media used.

Concerning collaboration skills, I was able to accept and respect the opinions and
feedback that different people had on my final product and was able to compromise all
of it and improve it in order to meet a majority of their standards. For example, while my
cousin believed that the content of my website should be more detailed and could focus
more on the impact of polygraphs, according to the survey Ive completed with students
from elementary and middle school, they believed that the vocabulary was too advanced
and could be explained more straightforward and direct. In this case, I was able to
compromise the opinions and include more information and explanation.
Criterion D - Reflection

Evaluation of Product
Utilising the criteria that I developed in the planning stage, I can evaluate the success of
my website based on whether it met all of my requirement (see Extract 8). My product
criteria was based on the four categories of content, aesthetics, function, and process of

Concerning aesthetics, I was able to fulfill all the goals set for myself. As seen in extract 7,
the main colours used were black and white, and I have also incorporated a variety of
media to educate the readers in more than one method. The outcome of my product was
also really organised according to the feedback Ive received, and I was able to present
my product in a organised and thorough manner.

Concerning the functionality, my product was able to and fulfilled the purpose I aimed
for and the overall goal of educating middle to high school students and showcasing
what I learned throughout this project. A majority of my target audience has also
changed commented that the website has impacted their opinions on polygraphs (see
extract 6).

Concerning the creation process, I created the website completely from html codes
through the use of an application: Komodo Edit. However, I was not able to complete my
website within the timeframe Ive set for myself, instead it took a lot longer than I
expected. Another problem that I encountered was publishing my website onto the
internet, as it required a server to publish. Though, I was able to find an alternative.
Instead of using a server, I used the existing codes and pasted it into a well known social
media: Tumblr.
Not only has it met my expectation, but it is also easier for people to find and access.

Concerning content, both the layout and language has met all my expectations. The
language was kept simple, hence readers can easily interpret the information even when
they do not have prior knowledge. However, I was able to include some subject-specific
terminology in order to enhance the readers understanding.

Overall, my product is successful as it fulfilled the product criteria and my expectations.

Additionally, nearly everyone who took my survey agreed that their perspectives were
changed at some point, hence certifying that my final product is effective.

Extension of Knowledge and Understanding of Topic and Global Context

My knowledge and understanding of crime solving and deception detecting has
deepened as a result of this project. I used to think that deception detecting was a
significant process and when it comes to criminal investigation due to the way most
movies portray it. I also used to think that polygraph results were considered reliable.
However, after my research, I learned that the seemingly reliable invention does cannot
detect lies, but instead measures physiological indices such as respiration and pulse,
which is mainly why they cannot be used as evidence in court. Overall, through the
process of creating my product, I have increased my understanding towards this topic.

I also have a deeper appreciation of the global context of scientific and technological
innovation. Through this learning process, it has required me to investigate the impact of
polygraphs on communities, specifically criminal investigation. Even though the
polygraph is beneficial tool in investigations because of its reputable past of putting
guilty suspects in prison. It has also been a drawback up until 1991 when the admission
of polygraph evidence is banned in court in the United States, as the test itself could
create anxiety to the suspect, leading to false information.

Developed as an IB learner
Throughout this project, it has helped me grow as an IB learner in multiple ways. I have
became more knowledgeable through educating myself on the impacts of deception
detecting on criminal investigation. Also, through conducting research upon the
unfamiliar topics has helped me gain more skills, in-depth knowledge and develop
understandings across a broad range of sources. This has also given an opportunity to
further familiarise with this topic and explore concepts, ideas and issues.

In the investigation stage, I have developed as an inquirer by practising how to gather

and analyse information to deepen my understanding on my global context. Through the
process of collecting crucial information for my final product, there are countless times
when the information cannot be found directly through books or the internet. As a result,
I seeked help from people with experience on criminology or crime related psychology to
help me answer my questions.

During the process of creating my final product, I have developed as a thinker and
became more reflective. As I explored and experimented with creating my product, I
encountered plenty of issues, I had to constantly apply thinking skills and reflection skills
in decision making and problem solving. This led me to reflect on the decisions that I
made, and consider the possible consequences, hence I asked for comment and
feedback from family and friends regularly. Through this process, I was also able to step
out of my comfort zone and eventually seek help and communicate with others
whenever I encounter a problem unable to solve.

Overall, I have developed as a risk taker, as deception detection is an unfamiliar topic to

me due to the limited knowledge I had. In addition to that, making a website based on a
topic Im unfamiliar was an extremely challenging goal, thus, I frequently had doubts and
uncertainties as to whether or not I should make a website. For example, creating a
website was time consuming, hence it was definitely a challenge to balance the workload.
Despite the doubts I had, I was able to complete my work on time through organising
and using my time wisely. Consequently, completing this project has not only helped me
further improve my ATL skills, but also grow as an IB learner.
Work Cited

Alfonsi, Sharyn, Sarah Netter, and Russell Goldman. "Evidence in Murder of Yale Student
Annie Le May Point to Suspect." ABC News. ABC News Network, 14 Sept. 2009. Web. 13
Jan. 2017.

Bloomberg. "Polygraph Expert Shows How to Beat a Lie Detector Test." YouTube.
Bloomberg, 04 Aug. 2015. Web. 24 Jan. 2017.

Boatright-Simon, Matt. "10 Questions for Deception Detector R. Edward Geiselman."

UCLA Newsroom. UCLA Today, 08 June 2011. Web.

BrainStuffShow. "How Do Polygraph Machines Work?" YouTube. BrainStuffShow, 01 Nov.

2013. Web. 09 Jan. 2017. <>

Brayne, Hugh, and Helen Carr. Law for Social Workers. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008. Print.

Chambliss, William J. Courts, Law, and Justice. Los Angeles: Sage Reference, 2011. Print.

Geiselman, R. E., Fisher, R. P., MacKinnon, D. P., & Holland, H. L. (1985). Eyewitness
memory enhancement in the police interview: Cognitive retrieval mnemonics versus
hypnosis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 70[2], 401-412.

Gale, Thomas. "Polygraph, Case Histories." World of Forensic Science.,

n.d. Web. 02 Jan. 2017.

Granhag, P. A., & Strmwall, L. A. (2004). The detection of deception in forensic contexts.
Cambridge University Press.

"How Reliable Is a Lie Detector Test?" Holistic Survival Show by Jason Hartman. N.p., 28
Feb. 2012. Web. 17 Jan. 2017.
How To Beat A Lie Detector Test. Dir. Adam. Perf. Adam. How To Beat A Lie Detector Test.
CollegeHumor, 19 Oct. 2015. Web. <>.

Manning, Sanchez. "Convicted Killer Filmed 'passing Lie Detector Test'." The Independent.
Independent Digital News and Media, 13 Jan. 2013. Web. 12 Jan. 2017.

Maschke, George W. "Polygraph Policy." N.p., 04 Nov. 2013. Web. 13

Jan. 2017. <>.

Meyer, Pamela. "How to Spot a Liar." TED Ideas Worth Spreading. TED Talk, July 2011.
Web. <>.

National Association of Computer Voice Stress Analysts. "NACVSA: Killer of Five

Teenagers Passes Polygraph." PR Newswire: News Distribution, Targeting and
Monitoring. N.p., 25 Mar. 2010. Web. 05 Feb. 2017.

News, CBS. "Angel of Death: Killer Nurse Stopped, but Not Soon Enough." CBS News. CBS
Interactive, 29 Apr. 2013. Web. 01 Feb. 2017.

Raab, Selwyn. "A SLAYING CASE AND A POLYGRAPH TEST." The New York Times. The New
York Times, 01 Nov. 1981. Web. 26 Jan. 2017.

Roufa, Timothy. "Everything You Need to Know About Polygraph Examiners." The Balance.
Web. 04 Jan. 2017.

Saul McLeod. "Cognitive Interview." Simply Psychology. N.p., 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 08 Jan.
2017. <>.

TEDSUMMARIES. "Pamela Meyer: How to Spot a Liar." TED Summaries. N.p., 02 Aug.
2014. Web. 04 Jan. 2017.

"The Relationship Between Criminal Investigations And Polygraph Examinations Criminal

Law Essay." 11 2013. All Answers Ltd. 12 2016

"The Curious Story of How the Lie Detector Came to Be." BBC News. BBC, 21 May 2013.
Web. 09 Jan. 2017. <>.

The Truth About Lie Detectors (aka Polygraph Tests) Pardon Our Interruption. Web. 04
Mar. 2017. <>
Extract 1 - Interview

October 24th, 2016: Sending out interview questions

Today, I prepared a few interview questions to ask a student, Lily, currently studying on
forensic psychology, currently getting a doctoral degree. This will benefit my research as
she has a lot of experiences on crime solving and analysing study cases. The question are
as follows.
1. What experiences have you had with lie detecting?
2. Do you find polygraphs unreliable?
3. In your opinion, do you think polygraphs has impacted crime solving in a positive
or negative manner?
4. What are some techniques used in deception detection?

October 26th, 2016: Response

Today I received a response from Lily. The response I received from her is significant to
my research as it could be used later when I am creating my product. Since my product
should be informative to my target audience, using information received from someone
with experiences and knowledge towards this subject will increase the reliability of my
Extract 2 - OPVL
Source Origin Purpose Value Limitation Key Findings

Blog/Webpage -Internet -Tell us the real -easily accessible -since the source itself -lie detector tests are
Lopez, German. "Why blogging reason behind online is not scientific based, unreliable
Police Use Lie Detectors
- Even Though the Tests
service why police uses -specifically talks about the vocabulary may not -main reason why
Are Bogus." Vox. Vox, 18 -American lie detectors why police use lie be as technical police used the
Oct. 2015. Web. 15 Dec. multinationa detectors -the blog did not polygraph is to
2016. l digital - it's tied to my necessarily had any intimidate the
< media personal project goal reliable source, except interrogatee into
company it kept referring to a confessing
video that was made -you're never required
for entertainment to actually take a
purposes polygraph during a
criminal investigation

Essay -A UK -Helps students -Reliable source -Does not provide -the polygraph has
"The Relationship Between
Criminal Investigations And
company with their - According to the concrete ideas or become an invaluable
Polygraph Examinations called academic and website, 30+ in-house instructions instrument
Criminal Law Essay." LawTeacher professional team of professionals -Lack information and -almost every law 11 2013. All legal studies are committed to advice about more enforcement agency
Answers Ltd. 12 2016
< -An writing an essay practical, day-to-day either use the
t/free-law-essays/criminal-l academic -Highly specialized applications polygraph for
aw/the-relationship-betwee legal writing vocabulary -Requires further pre-employment
d-polygraph-examinations- service -Refers to additional research purposes or for
criminal-law-essay.php?cref sources -lacks audio and video criminal investigations
=1>. modality -polygraphs are being
used by the CIA and
military in Iraq,
Afghanistan and Cuba
for interrogating
suspected terrorists

Interview -Lily Chan, a -learn more -Has previously studied -Information was -police tend to ask
Chan, Lily. "Lie student about lie about Lie detecting mainly based on her open ended questions
Detecting." E-mail
interview. 26 Oct. 2016.
studying detecting from a -Experience: getting a opinion, some of it may when using the
forensic professionals doctoral degree be biased (disregarding polygraph
psychology point of view -allowed me to ask the questions asking -polygraph results
in Newcastle -give me an clarifying questions for her opinion) cannot be used as
University insight to what more information evidence in court
most - -lie detection is does
professionals not only find out lies,
might think of but also correctly
polygraphs classifies the truth as
the truth

Video -Bloomberg -Bloomberg -Information from a -Did not give much -It does not record
Polygraph Expert Shows -Internationa Television offers former detective background deception, but instead
How to Beat a Lie
Detector Test. Dir. Doug
l news extensive sergeant information on the nervousness
Williams. Perf. Doug agency coverage and -gotten the opinion process of -only indicates
Williams. Youtube. analysis of from the former interrogation deception 50% of the
Bloomberg, 4 Aug. 2015. international detective sergeant time
Web. business news -duplicating the
and stories of physiological reaction
QQ>. global to fear at the
importance appropriate time can
mess up the results
-police analyses the
results by comparing
the reactions
Extract 3 - Product Criteria
Category Criteria Justification
Aesthetics The website should be made according to the I chose the basic colour scheme of black and white
colour scheme of black and white. to keep the design of the website simple. Rather
than having a splash of colours, using black and
white may help my audience get to the point faster
and not get distracted.
There should be pictures matching the content in visuals, audio or reading could help the audience
most pages. better retrieve and remember information.
Each page should be able to communicate with
readers through reading and visuals or audio.
Function Educate middle school to high school students Though deception detection is not a topic that is
about lie detecting. useful in everyday life, having a limited amount of
knowledge may still be able to help. There are often
Teaches readers why polygraph results cannot be misconceptions when it comes to polygraphs, as
used as evidence in court. most people think it is reliable. This will help achieve
Teaches readers the truth about lie detectors. my goal of showing the readers the truth behind
Process of The website should be made from scratch. I chose to use the application, Komodo, because it
Creation may allow myself to develop more ideas along the
Made from a software (Komodo Edit). process of creation. Which will not only make it
easier to create the website, but also make the
website more organised and original and eye
The process of creating the website should only This will help me stay on track by not spending too
be about a month. much time on the website.
The website will be published to the internet This will help further reach my goal by spreading
awareness and educating more people on the truth
Anyone can have access to my website. behind lie detectors.
Content The HTML website will include a page for Although my project focuses on the impact, I think
teaching people how to detect lies. teaching people how to detect lies should be a part
of the website because I believe identifying liars are
something that will benefit them in the future.
The website will contain videos and images rather Only incorporating words into my website will be too
than just text. boring, hence I decided to include videos and images
to make it more interesting. Additionally, a
The website will have a slideshow or timeline to slideshow/timeline could present the information in
present the history of polygraphs. a clean and organised manner.
My HTML website will consists of about 5 to 7 I chose to include 5 to 7 pages in my HTML website
pages. This is because this will allow me to because using 5 to 7 pages would properly help me
properly organise and distribute all of my distribute each topic in deception detection that will
information. be discussed into sections.
The website will not include information that are Since the target audience for my website are mainly
too complex. middle school students, they might not understand
information that are considered complex or anything
too scientific.
The language in the website should be kept They will likely have minimal knowledge on lie
simple, with some subject-specific terminology. detecting, hence the website will be able to educate
them on the topic.
Extract 4 - Product Study
Aside from research about deception, I also completed an analysis based on other html websites.This one in particular, I
analysed an existing website made by past students. Through analysing their website, I looked into substituting, combing,
adapting, magnifying, putting its features into other uses, eliminating and rearranging. This gave me a brief idea of what
my website should and should not include, hence helped me build my product criteria.
Can I replace or change any parts?
If I had to replace something in the HTML website, it would
probably be the text on this page. This is because the text on
the homepage wasnt exactly informative, I think the text
couldve been an introduction for the homepage. Including an
introduction on the homepage of the website would help the
readers and target audiences understand what the website
was about fully. I believe including an introduction would be
better as not only for organising the website better but also be
able to represent the creators aim, vision, motive etc for
creating the website. Therefore making a more convincing and
stronger claim for persuading the readers and/or target
What can be combined to maximize the number of uses?
In order to maximize the number of uses, I think would be the
gallery and the home page. This is because a good website
usually showcases a variety of images and diagrams of the
topic. Such as a promotional website like Apple, in order to
show people and teach them more about the product. The
home page showcases most of the products in its homepage,
so i believe including more images into the homepage would
be more eye catching therefore increasing the awareness of the topic.
What could I borrow, copy or steal?
I think ideas that can be incorporated into the website would be to include a video, a quiz, infographics etc. This is
because most people wouldnt enjoy reading a long paragraph. Therefore including a video or infographic wouldnt have
to make them read a long paragraph. Having more more photos in the website would help the target audiences
remember the information easily, as people usually get attracted more to images.
What can be exaggerated or overstated?
I think the statement of the website could be exaggerated. It can simply be done by questioning the target audience
about arm controls, by questioning him/her will help them build up the suspicion and have them start worrying about the
topic more, therefore hopefully helping the community improving its environment. I believe that this would work
because by questioning the target audience, we are making him/her feel unsure about the situation therefore, may start
decide to take action and help the environment. Which will prove that the website is a success.
If I knew nothing about it, would I figure out the purpose of this idea?
I believe I would figure out the purpose of creating the website even if I dont know anything about it. It is because firstly,
it was already mentioned that he website will help the target audiences learn more about arm control and teach them in
how to take action for whats happening around them. Secondly, the website is very informative, therefore, simply
reading the information provided by the creator of the website, it will be sure that the website was created for informing
people about arms control.
Whats non-essential or unnecessary?
I think something non-essential or unnecessary would be the audio which was inserted in every page, but however doesnt work.
This is because when I opened the homepage, the the audio inserted was distracting, but when I attempted to pause it, it didnt
exactly work. Eliminating the audio wouldnt really affect the website as a whole. However, I think that instead of eliminating the
audio, inserting a video into the homepage would be better, as not only would most people prefer watching a video, visuals also
help remember things due to its better description of the information.
Are there other patterns, layouts or sequences I can use?
I think that the layout of the website could actually change. This is because I dont find the color scheme too attractive or
relatable to the topic. I think that the website could probably use colours such as grey or military green to represent the weapons
in arms control and use a dark, dull, and sad colour such as a blue-ish grey for representing the weapons as well. The layout
could also change by adding a header, or even changing the appearance of the navigation bar. I think changing the navigation
bar and adding a header would definitely help organise the website a lot more.
Extract 5 - Action Plan
Month Category Action Plan Record of Development

Jun Plan -Brainstorm ideas -Done, this was completed through the use of mindmaps
-Research question -Done, was later told to narrow it down
-Global context -Done, the use of technology in my project linked it to the global
-Record development in process journal -Done, consistently taking notes for the journal, 3 entries so far

Jul + Research -Conduct basic research (books - Recidivism, -Done, research was conducted upon the 3 main research areas
Aug Interrogation, Deception detection) of crime related psychology

Plan -Narrow down the topic as according to my interest -Done, as I narrowed down my topic, I chose deception
out of the 3 detection over the other 2
-Record development in process journal -Done, consistently taking notes for the journal, 9 entries total

Sep Research -Complete primary research -Done, looked through a few books in the library
-Interview an expert at lie detecting or crime related -Postponed, I was not able to find any experts or anyone that
psychology has knowledge towards this topic, this task will be moved on to
the next week

Design -Create product criteria -Done, separated into different categories

-Complete final designs -Done, final designs has passed the product criteria
-Send out a survey to Y6 to Y12 (target audience) for -Postponed, as I spent too much time on the product criteria
further research and the designs, I did not have enough time to create the survey

Plan -Record development in process journal -Done, consistently taking notes for the journal, 11 entries total

Oct Research -Send out interview questions to an expert at -Done, I have sent the survey, however, I did not receive the
deception detection or crime related psychology response until early November
-Send out survey to Y6 and Y12 students for further -Done, the data has also been analysed as the response came in
research really quickly
-Start secondary research -Done, I have started secondary research but not too much

Create -Start final product -Done, completed the navigation bar and header
-Record development in process journal -Done, consistently taking notes for the journal, 17 entries total

Nov + Research -Complete secondary research -Done, the secondary source has mainly consisted of videos and
Dec information from the internet

Plan -Record development in process journal -Done, consistently taking notes for the journal, 34 entries total

Create -Finish the final product -Done, still have to do some touch ups

-Finish written report Crit A+B -Done, I spent a sufficient amount of time to write the first
drafts, and submitted it in order to understand the areas for

Jan Create -Edit the product -Done, I made some changes according to the feedback given
from my target audience

-Finish written report Crit C+D -Done, I spent a sufficient amount of time to write the first
drafts, and submitted it in order to understand the areas for

Feb Create -Finish my final product -Done, I proofread the information and edited any grammatical

-Finish my written report (final) -Done, I have further improved my report based on the areas of
improvement from my first drafts

Mar -Submit my final written report -Done, I proofread the report before handing it in
Extract 6 - Survey Results (Feedback)
January 12th 2017
In order to further test the impact of my final product - the website, I have created a
survey to my target audiences, and according to a majority of the results, the website
was able to learn more about deception detecting.
Through the survey results, I have received feedback from my target audience based on
what I did well at, and my areas of improvement. By receiving the constructive criticism, I
was able to further improve my website to please my target audience.
Extract 7 - Design VS Final Product
extract 7.1 Design

extract 7.2 Final product

(Screenshots of the final product)

To visit the website, go to:
Extract 8 - Evaluation
I evaluated the success of my final product (html website) by comparing the website
against my product criteria. Ive also sent this to multiple different people to ask for the
opinions of others.
(evaluated by indicators of Unsatisfactory, Satisfactory, Good or Excellent)
Criteria Kitty C. Nicole L. Sally L. Edmond L.
Aesthetics Level achieved
The website should be made according to the colour scheme of E G E G
black and white.
There should be pictures matching the content in most pages. G G E G
Each page should be able to communicate with readers through E E E G
reading and visuals or audio.
Function Level achieved
The function of the website is to educate middle school students E E E G
about lie detecting.
Teaches readers why polygraph results cannot be used as evidence E E E G
in court.
Teaches readers the truth about lie detectors. E E E G
Process of creation Level achieved
The website should be made from scratch. E E E G
Made from a software (Komodo Edit). E E E G
The process of creating the website should only be about a month. S / / /
Anyone can have access to my website. E E E G
The website will be published to the internet for anyone to access. E E E G
Content Level achieved
The HTML website will include a page for teaching people how to E E E S
detect lies.
The website will contain videos and images rather than just text. E G E G
The website will have a slideshow or timeline to present the history E G E G
of polygraphs.
My HTML website will consists of about 5 to 7 pages. This is because E E E G
this will allow me to properly organise and distribute all of my
The website will not include information that are too complex. G G E G
The language in the website should be kept simple, with some G G E G
subject-specific terminology.

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