Judgment at Nuremberg - Robert Shnayerson

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Article 68

Judgment at Nuremberg
Fifty years ago the trial of Nazi war criminals ended: the world had witnessed
the rule of law invoked to punish unspeakable atrocities

Robert Shnayerson

In the war-shattered city of Nurem- Supreme Court to prosecute this case, filled six freight cars. Nearly all were
berg, 51 years ago, an eloquent Ameri- quickly addressed in his opening state- ready to acknowledge the horrific facts
can prosecutor named Robert H. Jackson ment. while cravenly assigning blame to oth-
opened what he called the first trial in With the kind of moral clarity that ers. (Gring, who died unrepentant, was
history for crimes against the peace of marked American idealism at the time, the exception.) When it was all over in
the world. The setting was the once Jackson declared, That four great na- October 1946, and ten defendants had
lovely Bavarian citys hastily refur- tions, flushed with victory and stung with been hanged messily in the Palace of Jus-
bished Palace of Justice, an SS prison injury stay the hand of vengeance and vol- tices gymnasium, this first Nuremberg
only eight months before. In the dock untarily submit their captive enemies to trial stood as the judicial Everest of those
were 21 captured Nazi leaders, notably the judgment of the law is one of the most who hoped, as Jackson did, that the rule
the fat, cunning drug addict Hermann significant tributes that Power ever has of law could punish, if not prevent, the
Gring. paid to Reason. The real complaining atrocities of war.
Their alleged crimes, the ultimate in party at your bar is Civilization. [It] The exercise of justice at Nuremberg
20th-century depravity, included the asks whether law is so laggard as to be ut- reverberates across this century. And
mass murders of some six million Jews terly helpless to deal with crimes of this next month, on November 13 and 14,
and millions of other human beings magnitude. scholars will ponder the lessons of his-
deemed undesirable by Adolf Hitler. So began, in November 1945, the tory at an international conference on the
The wrongs which we seek to condemn centurys most heroic attempt to achieve trials, sponsored by the Library of Con-
and punish, said Robert Jackson, have justice without vengeanceheroic be- gress and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial
been so calculated, so malignant and so cause the victors of World War II had ev- Museum.
devastating, that civilization cannot tol- ery reason to destroy the vanquished How this trial, and the 12 that fol-
erate their being ignored because it can- without pity. Heroic because they ulti- lowed, came to be held is a story in itself.
not survive their being repeated. mately resisted the temptation to impose In April 1944, two Jews who escaped the
Here were satanic men like Ernst on the Germans what the Nazis had im- Auschwitz death camp described its hor-
Kaltenbrunner, the scar-faced function- posed on their victimscollective guilt. rors to the world. They detailed Ger-
ary second only to Heinrich Himmler in Instead, they granted their captives a pre- manys technology of genocide, such as
overseeing the death camps and the Nazi sumption of innocence and conducted a the camps four new gas-and-burn ma-
police apparatus; Alfred Rosenberg, co- ten-month trial to determine their per- chines, each designed to kill 2,000 pris-
founder of the Nazi Party and chief theo- sonal responsibility. oners at a time. They pinpointed a huge
rist of anti-Semitism; and Hans Frank, Locked up in solitary cells each night, slave-labor operation at nearby Birk-
the vicious and venal Nazi proconsul in constantly guarded by American M.P.s enau, run by Germanys fine old indus-
Poland. At the time, many asked why mindful of recent suicides among high- trial names (I. G. Farben and Siemens
such messengers of evil were to be al- ranking Nazis, the defendants spent their among others), where Allied prisoners
lowed even one day in court, much less days in a giant courtroom built for 400 and kidnapped foreign laborers were fed
the 403 sessions they were about to un- spectators, listening to evidence drawn so little and worked so hard that as many
dergo. It was a question that Jackson, on from 300,000 affidavits and meticulous as one-third died every week. Their testi-
leave from his job as a Justice of the U.S. German documents so voluminous they mony paved the way to Nuremberg.


UPI/Bettmann Archives

Death camp images, such as this one from Buchenwald, helped convict Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Himmlers deputy. Elie Wiesel, future chronicler of the
Holocaust, is indicated by the arrow.

The Allied leaders had little trouble find it was Murray Bernays, a 51-year- Before Nuremberg, jurisdiction over
agreeing that German war crimes must old lawyer turned wartime Army colonel war crimes was limited to each countrys
be punished. But punished how? Trea- in the Pentagon. military courts. After World War I, when
sury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr. Immediately, a basic but legally com- the victors accused 896 Germans of seri-
urged that all captured Nazi leaders be plex question rose to the forewhat is a ous war crimes, demanding their surren-
shot immediately, without trial, and that war crime, anyway? At the end of the der to Allied military courts, the
Germany be reduced to the status of an 19th century, the increased killing power Germans insisted on trying them and ac-
agricultural backwater. Secretary of War of modern weapons led to the various cepted a mere 12 cases. Three defendants
Henry Stimson thought dooming all Ger- Hague and Geneva conventions, binding never showed up; charges against three
mans to a kind of national execution most great powers to treat civilians hu- others were dropped; the remaining six
would not do. It violated the Allied (if manely, shun the killing of unarmed pris- got trivial sentences.
not Soviet) belief in the rule of law. It oners and avoid ultimate weapons, such Bernays envisioned a different sce-
would deny postwar Germany a working as germ warfare, calculated to cause un- nario: an international court that held in-
economy and perhaps, ultimately, breed necessary suffering. Such laws of war dividuals liable for crimes the world
another war. are quite frequently applied. They have deemed crimes, even if their nation had
Roosevelt, who wanted to bring saved thousands of lives. In combat the approved or required those actions. The
G.I.s (and their votes) home promptly, basic distinction between legitimate war- accused could not plead obedience to su-
sought a compromise between Mor- fare and atrocities occurs when acts of periors. They would be held personally
genthau and Stimson. The man asked to violence exceed military necessity. responsible.

Article 68. Judgment at Nuremberg

Other big questions remained. One was 5 feet 6 inches tall). His entourage ting in the dock guarded by young Amer-
was how an international court trying included a nurse, four aides, two chauf- ican soldiers. Gring had shed 60 pounds
war crimes could legally deal with feurs and five cooks. His fingernails and during his six months of confinement,
crimes committed by the Nazis before toenails were painted bright red. His 16 acquiring what novelist John Dos Pas-
the war. Another involved the sheer vol- monogrammed suitcases contained rare sos, reporting for Life, called that
ume of guilt. The dreaded Schutzstaffel, jewels, a red hatbox, frilly nightclothes wizened look of a leaky balloon of a fat
or SS (in charge of intelligence, security and 20,000 paracodeine pills, a pain- man who has lost a great deal of weight.
and the extermination of undesirables), killer he had taken at the rate of about 40 Next to him in the front row were the
and other large Nazi organizations in- pills a day. He managed to charm some ghostly Rudolf Hess, feigning amnesia;
cluded hundreds of thousands of alleged of his captors to the point of almost for- Joachim von Ribbentrop, Hitlers for-
war criminals. How could they possibly getting his diabolism. eign minister; and Field Marshal Wil-
be tried individually? Bernays suggested On August 8, 1945, the Charter of the helm Keitel, the Fhrers Wehrmacht
putting Nazism and the entire Hitler era International Military Tribunal (IMT, chief. Next in order of indictment came
on trial as a giant criminal conspiracy. In unveiled by the victorious Allies in Lon- Ernst Kaltenbrunner (ill and absent for
a single stroke, this would create a kind don, declared aggressive war and inter- the first three weeks), Alfred Rosenberg
of unified field theory of Nazi depravity, national crime. The IMT charter was and Hans Frank, who somehow thought
eliminating time constraints, allowing grounded in the idea that Nazism was a his captors would spare his life when he
prosecution of war crimes and prewar 26-year-long criminal conspiracy. Its handed over one of the trials most damn-
crimes as well. He also suggested pick- aim: to build a war machine, satisfy Hit- ing documentshis 38-volume journal.
ing a handful of top Nazi defendants as lers psychopathic hatred of Jews and (He would be sentenced to hang.)
representatives of key Nazi organiza- turn Europe into a German empire. Throughout that first day, as black-
tions like the SS. If the leaders were con- Judges representing the four powers (the robed American, British and French
victed, members of their organizations United States, Great Britain, France and judges and their two uniformed Soviet
would automatically be deemed guilty. the Soviet Union), plus four alternates, colleagues peered somberly from the
Result: few trials, many convictions and were named. They were to take jurisdic- bench, listening via earphones to transla-
a devastating expos of Nazi crimes. tion over high-ranking Nazis deemed tions in four languages, the prosecutors
Roosevelt promptly endorsed the personally guilty of war crimes, conspir- droned an almost boring litany of sicken-
plan, with one addition. The Nazis acy to commit war crimes, crimes ing crimesshooting, torture, starva-
would be charged with the crime of against peace and crimes against human- tion, hangingto which, in descending
waging aggressive war, or what the ity. tones of indignation, from Gring down-
eventual indictments called crimes The 24 men named in the original in- ward, the accused each pleaded not
against peacethe first such charge in dictment represented a wide spectrum of guilty.
legal history. Germanys political-military-industrial
Nobody was more enthusiastic about
the strategy than Robert Jackson. Then
53, Jackson was a small-town lawyer
complex. With Martin Bormann (tried in
absentia), the list of those actually pre-
sented for trial was further reduced by
T he next morning, Robert Jackson
opened the prosecution case on Count
from western New York with a gift for two surprise events. Robert Ley, the al- One, conspiracy to commit war crimes.
language. He had served in various posts coholic, Jew-baiting boss of the German This war did not just happen, Jackson
in New Deal Washington before Labor Front, which had governed the told the judges. The defendants seizure
Roosevelt elevated him to the Supreme lives of 30 million German workers, of the German state, he continued, their
Court in 1941. By July 21, 1945, barely hanged himself in his cell on the night of subjugation of the German people, their
two months after Germany surrendered, October 25. And, at the last moment, the terrorism and extermination of dissident
Jackson had won President Trumans ap- prosecutors realized their key industrial elements, their planning and waging of
proval for a four-power International defendant, the weapons maker Alfried war, their deliberate and planned
Military Tribunal and had persuaded the Krupp, had not personally run his fam- criminality toward conquered peoples
Allies to conduct it in Nuremberg. ilys slave-labor factories until after the all these are ends for which they acted in
A master list of 122 war criminals war began, giving him an easy defense concert.
was put together, headed by Hermann against the prewar conspiracy charge. We will not ask you to convict these
Gring, the ranking Nazi survivor. (Hit- (Krupp was later sentenced to 12 years men on the testimony of their foes,
ler, Himmler and Goebbels were dead by for war crimes, but he was released from Jackson told the court. There was no
their own hand. Martin Bormann, Hit- prison in 1951.) need. Allied agents had found 47 crates
lers secretary, had vanished, never to be The trial of the remaining defendants of Alfred Rosenbergs files hidden in a
found.) Reichsmarschall Gring, a dar- began on the morning of November 20, 16th-century castle, 485 tons of diplo-
ing World War I ace, had not allowed de- 1945. In the refurbished courtroom, matic papers secreted in the Harz Moun-
feat to tarnish his reputation for candor, floodlights warmed the new green cur- tains, and Grings art loot and
cunning and gluttony. He had turned tains and crimson chairs, illuminating Luftwaffe records stashed in a salt mine
himself in at a weight of 264 pounds (he the two rows of once fearsome Nazis sit- in Obersalzberg.


One especially incriminating find

indispensable to the conspiracy theory
treasury was almost empty. A diversion
was called for.
H itlers campaign to Aryanize
Germany began before the war with the
was the notes of Hitler aide Col. Thrilling his admirersmillions of deliberate poisoning of incurably sick
Friedrich Hossbach from a meeting be- still worshipful GermansHitler bullied people and retarded childrenlabeled
tween Hitler, Gring and other Nazis in British and French leaders into selling garbage children. The regimes con-
Berlin on November 5, 1937. Hossbach out Czechoslovakia at the pusillanimous tempt for non-Aryan life conditioned
quoted Hitler insisting that, as Europes Munich conference in 1938 (SMITHSO- millions of Germans to turn a blind eye
racially purest stock, the Germans NIAN, October 1988). Next, Nazi thugs to more and more epidemic evilsthe
were entitled to more living space in were unleashed on Kristallnacht, the death camps, the ghastly medical experi-
neighboring countries, which he planned Night of Broken Glass (November ments, the relentless massacres of those
to seize, he said, no later than 1943 9)a nationwide campaign of anti- Hitler called Jews, Poles, and similar
45. Semitic violence. Huge chunks of Jewish trash.
During the opening weeks, the pace of wealth wound up in Nazi pockets. Listening to the facts, the almost in-
the trial was slow. Most of the American Gring, the biggest thief, further de- comprehensible facts, even the defen-
prosecution team neither read nor under- meaned his victims by ordering German dants longed for some answer to the
stood German. What with translation Jews to pay the regime a fine of one overpowering questionwhy? Why did
gaffes, repetitions and monotone read- billion marks ($400 million). As he ex- one of the worlds most advanced na-
ings, the documentary evidencereams plained it, The Jew being ejected from tions descend to such acts so easily? So
of itat times had judges yawning and the economy transfers his property to the swiftly? The trial provided few answers.
the defendants themselves dozing off. state. Hitlers truly diabolic achievement,
Hjalmar Schacht, then head of the French prosecutor Franois de Menthon
Of course, the banality of overdocu-
Reichsbank, warned Hitler in January observed, was to revive all the instincts
mented evil did not soften the prosecu-
1939 that his arms race was fueling run- of barbarism, repressed by centuries of
tions gruesome narrative. And a month
away inflation. Hitler immediately fired civilization, but always present in mens
into the recitation of Hitlers prewar ag-
Schacht and ordered new currency, innermost nature.
gressions from the Rhineland to Austria
largely backed by stolen Jewish prop- For weeks, the prosecution cited such
to Czechoslovakia, the Americans sud-
erty. Schacht, long a Hitler apologist, acts as the use of Jewish prisoners as
denly animated the documents by show-
then began working secretly for U.S. in- guinea pigs in military medical experi-
ing films of Nazi horrors. One German
telligence and wound up at Dachau. ments to determine the limits of high-al-
soldiers home movie depicted his com-
Now, to his disgust, he sat in the Nurem- titude flying by locking them in pressure
rades in Warsaw, clubbing and kicking
berg dock. chambers, slowly rupturing their lungs
naked Jews. In one scene, an officer
According to trial documents, Hitlers and skulls. How long downed German
helped a battered young woman to her
profligacy helped propel his aggressions. pilots could last in the ocean was deter-
feet so that she could be knocked down
By 1941, Hitler had made his suicidal mined by submerging prisoners in icy
decision to renege on the nonaggression water until they died. To develop a
An American movie documented the pact signed with Stalin in 1939 and in- blood-clotting chemical, the doctors shot
liberation of concentration camps at Ber- vade the Soviet Union. What one does and dismembered live prisoners to simu-
gen-Belson, Dachau and Buchenwald, not have, but needs, he said, one must late battlefield injuries. Death did not
filling the darkened courtroom with conquer. end this abuse. A Czech doctor who
ghastly images of skeletal survivors, It began well, on June 22, 1941, and spent four years imprisoned at Dachau,
stacked cadavers and bulldozers shovel- ended badly. By late 1942, with German where he performed some 12,000 autop-
ing victims into mass graves. In his cell casualties soaring at Stalingrad, Hitler sies, told investigators that he was or-
that night, Hans Frank burst out: To had lost so many soldiers in Russia that dered to strip the skin off bodies. It was
think we lived like kings and believed in he had to keep drafting German workers cut into various sizes for use as saddles,
that beast! Gring was merely rueful. into the army, replacing them with for- riding breeches, gloves, house slippers,
It was such a good afternoon, too he eign laborers, mainly French and Rus- and ladies handbags. Tattooed skin was
said, and then they showed that awful sian prisoners. In early 1943, with more especially valued by SS men.
film, and it just spoiled everything. than five million industrial slaves al- The scale of Hitlers madness was al-
Even when badly translated, Jack- ready toiling in Germany, the surrender most beyond imagination. The docu-
sons documents made a mesmerizing at Stalingrad forced Hitlers manpower ments showed that after conquering
record of Hitlers appalling acts on the boss, Nuremberg defendant Fritz Poland in 1939, he ordered the expulsion
road to Armageddon. They revisited his Sauckel, to kidnap 10,000 Russian civil- of nearly nine million Poles and Jews
rise to power as the peoples choice in ians per day for work in Germany. Few from Polish areas he annexed for his
the depression year 1932. Billing himself survived longer than 18 monthsa pow- promised Nordic empire. The incoming
as Germanys economic savior, the erful incentive for Russians still at home colonists were racially pure ethnic
Fhrer immediately began spending so to flee the kidnappers and join Soviet Germans imported from places like the
much on weapons that in six years, the guerrillas in killing German troops. Italian Tirol. The SS duly began herding

Article 68. Judgment at Nuremberg

the exiles from their homes toward eth- They managed to outflank the courts Jackson conducted a bizarre cross-ex-
nic quarantine in a 39,000-square-mile ban on tu quoque evidence (meaning, If amination of Albert Speer, Hitlers per-
cul-de-sac near Warsaw. Opposition I am guilty, you are, too)a stricture sonal architect of gigantic edifices and
grew; progress slowed. In righteous aimed at keeping Allied excesses, nota- stage manager of the Nuremberg rallies.
rage, the SS unleashed hundreds of Ein- bly the mass bombing of German cities, Smart, suave, handsome, not yet 40, the
satzgruppenkiller packs assigned to out of the trial. In the dock was Adm. wellborn Speer ranked high among Hit-
spread terror by looting, shooting and Karl Dnitz, accused of ordering U- lers few confidants and was chief of all
slaughtering without restraint. Thereaf- boats to sink merchantmen without Nazi war production for the regimes last
ter, the SS action groups murdered and warning and let the crews drown when- three years. He oversaw 14 million
plundered behind the German Army as it ever a rescue attempt might jeopardize workers; he could hardly claim igno-
advanced eastward. the Germans. Dnitz never denied the rance of their condition or how they were
By January 1946, prosecutor Jackson charge. Instead, his lawyer produced an recruited. In the spring of 1944, for ex-
was at last animating his documents with affidavit from Adm. Chester Nimitz, ample, he ordered 100,000 Jewish slave
live witnesses. The first was a stunner. commander of the wartime U.S. Pacific workers from Hungary as casually as if
Otto Ohlendorf, blond and short, looked fleet, stating that American submariners they were bags of cement.
like the choirboy next door. In fact he had followed the same policy against On the witness stand, Speer said he
was 38, a fanatic anti-Semite and the Japanese ships. (In the end, he was sen- had become totally disillusioned with
former commander of Einsatzgruppe D, tenced to ten years; upon release in 1956, Hitler when the Fhrer responded to
the scourge of southern Russia. He testi- he lived 24 more years, to age 88.) Germanys inevitable defeat by ordering
fied with icy candor and not an iota of re- The prosecution had depicted a vast a nationwide scorched-earth policy: the
morse. conspiracy to wage war and commit total destruction of everything in the path
How many persons were killed under atrocities. But in choosing representative of the Allied armies. Rejecting Hitlers
your direction? asked Jackson. From Nazis as defendants, it wound up with 21 monomania, which he called a betrayal
June 1941 to June 1942, Ohlendorf flatly men who, though all pleaded ignorance of ordinary Germans, Speer told the
replied, 90,000 people. or powerlessness, were otherwise so dif- court, It is my unquestionable duty to
Q. Did that include men, women, ferent that many hated one another. Each assume my share of responsibility for the
and children? A. Yes. tried to save himself by accusing others. disaster of the German people. And he
As a result, the defense naturally failed revealedoffering no proofthat in
Rather proudly, Ohlendorf asserted
to muster a united front, and the prosecu- February 1945 he had set out to assassi-
that his 500-man unit killed civilians in
tions conspiracy theory steadily unrav- nate Hitler by dropping poison gas
a military manner by firing squads under
eled. through an air shaft in the Fhrers bun-
command. Asked if he had scruples
ker, only to find the shaft sealed off.
about these murders, he said, Yes, of The trials highlight was the star turn Speer, the most attractive defendant
course. of its one wholly unabashed defendant, at Nuremberg, had been debriefed by in-
Q. And how is it they were carried Hermann Gring. In three days of direct terrogators avid for his special knowl-
out regardless of these scruples? examination, Gring sailed through an edge of how German war factories
A. Because to me it is inconceivable insiders history of Nazism, defending managed to keep humming despite im-
that a subordinate leader should not carry Germanys right to rearm and reoccupy mense Allied bombing. Some saw him as
out orders given by the leaders of the territory lost by the Versailles treaty. He just the kind of man needed to rehabili-
state. laughed off the notion that his fellow de- tate postwar Germany. Under cross-ex-
The prosecution rested after three fendants were ever close enough to Hit- amination, he got mostly easy questions,
months, capped off by another movie ler to be called conspirators. At best, typically prefaced by Jacksons dis-
distilling still more Nazi horror, and dis- he said, only the Fhrer and I could claimer, I am not attempting to say that
plays of macabre human-skin lamp- have conspired. you were personally responsible for
shades and shrunken Jewish heads Jacksons cross-examination was a these conditions.
submitted as evidence. disaster. Gring understood English That Speer actually received a 20-
well; while questions were translated year sentence seems remarkable, given

G erman defense lawyers then spent

five months trying to cope with major
into German, he had time to improvise
his answers. At one point, Jackson prod-
ded Gring to admit that the Nazis plan
his adroit performance. That his equally
(or perhaps less) culpable colleague,
Fritz Sauckelbrutal, lowborn, ill spo-
handicaps. Most had grown to abhor to occupy the Rhineland, enacted with- kenwas sentenced to death, seems as
their clients. All were unfamiliar with out warning in 1936, was a Nazi secret, legally unfair as it was morally deserved.
adversarial cross-examinations used in hidden from other countries. Gring After Robert Jacksons powerful
the United States and Britain, to say smoothly answered, I do not believe I summation of the trials mad and mel-
nothing of key documents that the Amer- can recall reading beforehand the publi- ancholy record, the case went to the
icans tended to withhold before spring- cation of the mobilization preparations trial judges, from whom no appeal was
ing them in court. of the United States. permitted. The great unspoken issue at


Nuremberg was the question of collec- madness of Hitlers erratic orders, exe- 16, 1946, ten men died in the courthouse
tive guilt, and hindsight clarifies the ex- cuted by lackeys too blind, venal or terri- gymnasium in a botched hanging that
traordinary dilemma those eight judges fied to disobey. The evidence seemingly left several strangling to death for as long
faced 50 years ago. Collective guilt had proved chaos, not organized conspiracy. as 25 minutes. Ribbentrop departed with
tainted the Versailles treaty and helped The judges, risking a backlash from dignity, saying, God protect Germany.
ignite the Holocaust. It is the fuel of hu- Europes Nazi victims by sharply limit- Gring had cheated the hangman 2 1/2
man barbarism, currently on display ing their verdicts to the hard evidence, hours earlier. He killed himself in his
from Rwanda to Serbia. And though the ruled that the war conspiracy began not cell, using a cyanide capsule he had man-
Nuremberg judges were given every rea- in 1919 but on November 5, 1937, at the aged to hide until then. In one of four sui-
son to savage the Nazi tyranny, they Hossbach conference in which Hitlers cide notes, he wrote, I would have
came to believe that justice could be aides heard his schemes for conquering consented anytime to be shot. But the
served only by asserting the principle of Germanys neighbors. Reichsmarschall of Germany cannot be
individual responsibility. Justice re- The conspiracy charge (Count One) hanged.
quired, in fact, a virtual rejection of the was restricted to eight defendants (led by The Nuremberg trial never remotely
United States whole grand conspiracy Gring) who knowingly carried out Hit- enabled the world to outlaw war. By
concept. lers war plans from 1938 onward. In ef- 1991, the wars of the 20th century had
The Nazi Party founders had been fect, the defendants were liable only for killed more than 107 million people. And
charged with conspiring for 26 years actual wartime crimes beginning Sep- given Nurembergs uniquenesswin-
(191945) to launch World War II and tember 1, 1939a dizzying number of ners in total control of losersthe court
related atrocities. All 22 defendants (in- crimes but one that eliminated perhaps a of 1945 may seem irrelevant to the wars
cluding Bormann) stood accused of third of the prosecutions evidence and of the 1990s, in which ethnic killers,
planning aggressive war; 18 were produced three acquittals, including that such as Gen. Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian
charged with wartime crimes and crimes of Schacht. Serb implicated in the mass murder of
against humanity, such as genocide. If Under such an approach, guilt for unarmed prisoners, manage to avoid jus-
the court approved, seven Nazi organiza- simply belonging to the Nazi organiza- tice.
tions would also be convicted, rendering tions was impossible. The court held that Yet the United Nations seven
all their thousands of members guilty only the SS, the Gestapo-SD and the top Nuremberg Principles hold that no ac-
without trial. Nazi leadership had been proved crimi- cused war criminal in any place or posi-
The problem was that conspiracy is a nal, meaning that their members had tion is above the law. What the
crime of joint participation. Conviction voluntarily joined in committing war Nuremberg judges really achieved, in
required proof that two or more people crimes after 1939. That left several mil- fact, has never been more relevant. By
knowingly agreed at a specific time and lion potential defendants for lower rejecting group guilt and mass purges,
place to use criminal means to achieve courts to handle. But since the Nurem- the 1945 judges defied hatred and struck
criminal ends. But the distinguished berg judges ruled them all innocent until a blow for peace that may yet, half a cen-
French judge, Donnedieu de Vabres, proven guilty, relatively few were ever tury later, help temper the madness of
urged his colleagues to observe that the triedthe prosecutorial job was too for- war.
defendants had seemed to act less in ca- midable.
hoots with, than in bondage to, a megalo- The trial removed 11 of the most des- The author, formerly editor of Harpers, has
maniac. Jacksons documents showed picable Nazis from life itself. In the early written extensively on the U.S. Supreme
the Fhrer Principle in practicethe morning hours of Wednesday, October Court and on legal matters.

From Smithsonian magazine, October 1996, pp. 124141. 1996 by Robert Shnayerson. Reprinted by permission of the author.

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