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MAY 25 2010 Volume XXXV Number 11

ibo analyzes mayor AVAILABLE JOBS

members offer 30+ jobs
bloomberg’s 2011 The Cooper Square Mutual Housing
Association is looking for someone
executive budget who can report to the Executive Di-
rector as an Administrative Assistant.
They are also looking for someone
The Independent Budget Office (IBO) with a social conscience to be a pru-
just released its analysis of the Mayor’s dent bookkeeper for them. These are
2011 budget plans for NYC. just two of many positions offered by
several ANHD members in this issue.
See more on page 11
The report finds that fiscal challenges
facing the City are evident in the breadth
of spending cuts proposed by the May- GRANTS
or, from eliminating 6,400 teachers to
closing city pools to shutting 50 senior grant deadlines near
centers. Large cuts to the city’s library
systems and cultural programs are also June 1. That day is deadline for all
part of the plan for 2011. The number non-profits applying for the Research
of HIV/AIDS case managers would be on Foreclosures and Crimes grant
reduced while child welfare workers will funded by The U.S. Department of
have to handle larger caseloads. Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Pro-
grams (OJP) and National Institute of
As difficult as these and other proposed CAPTION: Hon. Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Justice (NIJ). June also is the month
cuts may be, some New Yorkers braced that is deadline to 3 other featured
themselves for even steeper reductions “There are indications that grants related to civic volunteerism,
economic development and weather-
in anticipation of the Mayor’s release of the residential real estate
the Executive Budget earlier this month. ization. See more on page 7
In the prior budget plan the Mayor pre- market is improving...
sented in January, he proposed $1.1 The median sales prices UPCOMING EVENTS
billion in measures by city agencies to
reduce spending and raise revenue in inched up to $446,000. ” Understanding

Credit Scoring

These measures, the Mayor empha-
sized, did not take into account the ef-
fect of the estimated $1.3 billion in cuts Executive Budget eliminates two tax in-
to the city proposed by the Governor. creases proposed in the January plan
Although the state budget remains un- that had been projected to generate
resolved, the Mayor’s Executive Budget nearly $220 million in revenue for 2011;
for 2011 presumes significant cuts in restores funding next year for about 900
aid to the city from Albany. police officers, summer jobs for youth,
and for some summer after-school pro- On Friday, May 28, Citi Global Con-
grams previously slated for elimination; sumer Group Community Relations
Yet the Mayor’s latest budget plan in- wants you to partake in the Neighbor-
cludes a surprisingly modest addition of and provides $83 million in new city
funding for the Health and Hospitals Work Center for Homeownership Edu-
about $175 million in agency actions— cation and Counseling training “Credit
on top of the $1.1 billion proposed in Corporation and nearly $6 million more Counseling”. Most lenders use credit
January—to reduce the city’s budget for Governors Island in 2011. scoring as a tool to judge the credit risk
shortfall. At the same time, the Mayor’s of borrowers. See more on page 13
cont’d on page 
3 MAY 25 , 2010
volume xxxv, number 11

analyisis cont’d from cover

These changes are enabled in part by the availability of IBO estimates that under the Mayor’s Executive Budget
new funds from the Battery Park City Authority [which the city will end the current fiscal year with a $3.4 billion
were secured with the help of housing advocates led by surplus, $101 million more than anticipated by the
ANHD] by moving into the general fund dollars previ- Bloomberg Administration. The entire surplus will be
ously held aside in the city’s labor reserve for future con- used to close what would otherwise be a budget shortfall
tract settlements; and by the assumption that Congress in 2011. With the use of the surplus to prepay some ex-
will extend the temporary increase in the federal share penses, IBO expects 2011 will end with a modest sur-
of Medicaid. plus of $356 million.

Latest revenue forecast has risen a bit since IBO’s pro- Fiscal Year 2012 still poses a significant fiscal chal-
jection three months ago, largely because local eco- lenge, although our projection of a $3.3 billion shortfall
nomic growth and tax collections in 2010 have been (7.2 percent of city-funded revenue) is $479 million less
somewhat stronger than previously expected. IBO now than the Mayor’s estimate. Neither of these budget gap
forecast taxes will total $38.3 billion in 2011, $1.9 billion estimates reflects the elimination of $853 million in fed-
more than the 2010 projection. IBO expects job growth eral stimulus funds for schools in 2012. The Mayor has
to be modest this calendar year and next, with employ- said the loss of these funds could force the city to cut
ment rising just 29,200 from the fourth quarter of 2009 about 14,000 teachers. There will likely be substantial
to the fourth quarter of 2010 and then by another 30,800 pressure on the Mayor and City Council to fund these
by the fourth quarter of 2011. teachers with local dollars, which would add to the city’s
budget shortfall, if new federal or state resources are not
The pace is expected to pick up in 2012 through 2014, forthcoming.
averaging 65,000 a year. Based on our latest economic READ FULL REPORT
and revenue forecast and projections of city spending,

Banks Redline Minority Communities Again

By Eileen Markey
As featured in City Limits

Redlining is making a comeback.That’s the warning is-

sued in a new report that analyzed lending patterns
before and after the subprime mortgage collapse. Al-
though communities of color were flooded with often
unaffordable, high interest mortgages and home equity
loans in the first half of the decade, after 2007, lending
in those communities fell off sharply.

“The financial crisis has led to significantly reduced

access to mortgage credit for all borrowers and com-
munities. In communities of color, however, where the Colin Lenton/City Limiits
foreclosure crisis has taken an especially severe toll, A house in southeast Queens, an area hard-hit by the foreclo-
access to prime, conventional mortgage loans has de- sure crisis. See full image:
clined precipitously,” the report states. articles/3996/banks-redline-minority-communities-again

Conducted by the Neighborhood Economic Develop- That’s having a direct effect in neighborhoods like Bed-
ment Advocacy Project and six partner organizations ford Stuyvesant and Jamaica that were hard hit by the
across the country, the study examined Home Mort- wave of foreclosures that followed subprime lending.
gage Disclosure Act data in seven cities, including New
York. For the five boroughs, it found that between 2006 “The impact is that people right now who are really
and 2008 quality mortgage lending dropped 40 percent struggling with loans that were predatory are being
in communities where 80 percent or more of the resi- denied the credit they need to make their homes af-
dents were people of color. In neighborhoods where at fordable,” said Alexis Iwanisziw, program associate at
least 90 percent of the residents were white, lending NEDAP and one of the report’s authors. “We’ve seen a
dropped too, but only 23 percent. lot of people who could have sought a good, high qual-
ity refinance loan who are unable to qualify for them.”
The discrepancy between which neighborhoods were
able to refinance loans was even steeper: Refinance
loans – the kinds homeowners might use to get out of Read full article here:
an unaffordable mortgage – dropped by 68 percent in ticles/3996/banks-redline-minority-communities-again
communities of color, compared to 39 percent in pre-
dominantly white communities.
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571810 11/09
5 MAY 25 , 2010
volume xxxv, number 11
Member News

ANHD member launches green agenda for Queens

QUEENS - Last Saturday,
May 22nd, Queens Com-
munity House, Jackson
Heights Beautification
member in focus
Group and Pratt Center for Queens Community House is our ANHD
Community Development
presented the Green Agen- member in focus for this issue. QCH has
da for Jackson Heights—a
neighborhood blueprint been a member of ANHD since 1986.
that addresses residents’
ecological, economic and
social concerns—in the
playground of Travers Park The history of Queens Community House began in 1967, when New York City Mayor
on 34th Avenue between John Lindsay announced a program of “Scatter Site Housing.” The program’s aim was
77th and 78th Street. to locate low-income housing projects in middle class neighborhoods. The concept
was similar to that of the 19th century settlement house movement which held that
Over the past five months, some of the problems of poor ghettos could be alleviated by greater integration of the
more than 400 community
members have contributed classes.
to multi-lingual grassroots
planning sessions which After an unsuccessful attempt to locate the project in Corona, a site was selected in
were held by volunteers in Forest Hills on the spot of a former golf range. A group of neighborhood residents
living rooms, schools, hous- mobilized against the proposal using stereotypes to play on fears of their neighbors.
es of worship, community People picketed, engaged the support of some elected officials, and brought a lawsuit
centers, and senior centers. against the city. One angry resident even firebombed the site. Neighborhood support-
ers of the project, other elected officials and the city administration held their ground,
More at http://www.queenscom- however, and the courts eventually approved development of the site.
newsawards-aboutmenu-12.html Visit their site at:

Artist’s rendering of the entrance to Luna Park

Image: Astella Develoment Corporation

Amusement Park set to open near ANHD Member

ASTELLA ACTION NEWS - Mayor Michael Bloomberg and will feature 19 rides, including “Air Race” that will make its
Central Amusement International (CAI) unveiled plans back worldwide debut in Coney Island; and by summer 2011, the
in February for a new amusement park to open on Memorial “Scream Zone at Coney Island” will provide additional at-
Day, May 29. It will remain open daily until Labor Day and tractions, including two roller coasters, a human slingshot
weekends through Columbus Day for its inaugural season. ride, and go-karts. In total, 23 new rides will be installed.

CAI is leasing 6.2-acres for 10 years and is investing nearly The park will also have games, food and beverage conces-
$30 million to build and operate the amusement park. The sions, and live entertainment. In its inaugural season, Luna
park features both traditional and cutting edge, state-of-the- Park is projected to create 247 new jobs in Coney Island,
art rides from ride designer and manufacturer, Zamperla. increasing to 330 full and part-time positions in 2011, with
an emphasis on local hiring.
The new amusement park is being built in two stages: this
Check out Astella Action News:
summer, CAI will open “Luna Park at Coney Island,” which php?p=1&s=1
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7 MAY 25 , 2010
volume xxxv, number 11

Millions in grant opportunities

For Research, Weatherization, Economic Development, Etc.
Research on
and Crime
feature funding opportunity
deadline: june 1

Agency: NYC Civic Corps
National Institute of Justice Deadline: June 30, 2010
(NIJ) seeks to fund research
proposals that explore and Eligibility: Recent College Graduate,
explain the links between
place and crime in the spe-
experienced professional or community
cific context of the recent leader interested in dedicating a year of
wave of residential property
foreclosures. In this context, service to New York City.
proposals may address ei-
ther short-term or long-term Grant Summary: New York City is looking for a select group of dedicated individuals to
patterns linking place and commit one year to the NYC Civic Corps, an AmeriCorps affiliated program. By joining
crime. Applications propos- the NYC Civic Corps, you will have the unparalleled opportunity to serve New Yorkers
ing research should explain where the City’s needs are greatest: education, health, economic opportunity, environ-
how the proposed project ment and clean energy. NYC Civic Corps members will serve full-time (40 hours per
will fill a critical gap in the week) for one year, beginning in September, 2010.
field’s knowledge and prac-
tice as well as identifying Grant web link:
policy implications related to
criminal justice.
More details on this grant Weatherization MAIDEN LANE Economic
sl000894.pdf Innovation Pilot AND PIER 15 Development
Program COMMERCIAL Assistance
Deadline:  June 2 PAVILIONS Program Funding
Deadline:  JUNE 11 deadline: sep 30
Charrette Grants US Dept. of Energy, Golden
OPEN Field Office is accepting ap- New York City Economic The Department of Com-
plicants under a $30 million Development Corpora- merce Economic Devel-
Enterprise Green Commu- Weatherization Innovation tion  (NYCEDC) is seeking opment Administration is
nities offers grant opportuni- Pilot Program for competi- proposals from qualified in- soliciting applications for
ties to help cover the costs tively selected innovative dividuals or companies to public works, planning, local
of planning and implement- weatherization projects. lease, operate and main- technical assistance, and
ing green components of This program intends to tain two enclosed pavilion economic adjustment assis-
affordable housing develop- promote innovative ways to spaces (the “Pavilions”) and tance to address pressing
ments, as well as tracking weatherize homes of low- adjacent accessory outdoor economic recovery issues,
their costs and benefits. income customers. spaces along the East River particularly in economically
Waterfront in Lower Man- distressed regions.
They offer up to $75,000 in Non-profit entities such as hattan.
planning and construction community development The planning program helps
grants, up to $5,000 to co- organizations; for-profit en- Through this Request support planning organiza-
ordinate green design char- tities; institutions of higher for Proposals (“RFP”), tions in the development,
rettes, and up to $5,000 for education; Indian tribe eco- NYCEDC aims to identify implementation, revision or
post-construction sustain- nomic development entities; tenants with innovative pro- replacement of comprehen-
ability training. and, consortia of these enti- gramming concepts that will sive economic development
ties. create a vital node of activ- strategies to create and
ity on the waterfront and will retain higher-skill, higher-
attract local residents and wage jobs, particularly for
visitors to the water’s edge. the unemployed and under-
More details on this grant More details on this grant More details on this grant
http://www.greencommunitieson- More details on this grant http://www07.grants.
rette.asp#charrette1 gov/search/search.
Pages/Opportunity109_PC.aspx 6=false&oppId=48106
9 MAY 25 , 2010
volume xxxv, number 11
Resources -Apartments

Affordable Apartments up for Grabs

Hundreds of apartments available in City housing lottery
For low- and moderate
income earners seek-
ing an apartment in New
York City, applications
for hundreds of afford-
able apartments are up
for grabs.

Until June 10, the amount

of affordable units avail-
able on HPD’s current
lottery list stands just
above 800.

According to this list, it’s

not Brooklyn or Queens,
but the City’s 3 other less
populated boroughs, that
currently offer apartment
seekers affordable op-
tions to apply and pos- Architectural rendering of 507 east 161st Street in the Morrisania section of The Bronx.
sibly secure their own Image source: Atlantic Development Group
private sanctuary in the
City. Borough & Size of Units Annual Gross Application
Neighborhood Apartment Available Income Deadline
Of the 3 boroughs, the Bronx
Bronx currently offers
the largest amount of Morrissania section 1,2 & 3 Bedroom 155 View advertisement August 15, 2010
vacant affordable units, Morrissania section Studio 179
with about 500 total af- 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom View advertisement June 10, 2010
fordable units currently
Anderson Avenue Studio
available. 1 & 2 Bedroom 63 View advertisement

More than 300 of these East Tremont

Studio 95
1 &2 Bedroom View advertisement
units are housed in The
Northrose Site D and F Manhattan
(in the Morisannia sec- Ellington on the Park 1,2 &3 Bedroom 133 View advertisement
tion of The Bronx); two
moderate-income apart- 34 West 139th Street 1 & 2 Bedroom View advertisement
ment complexes man-
aged by Atlantic De- Staten Island
velopment Group and 180 Broad Street 1 & 2 Bedroom 104 View advertisement
currently being built
under New York City Willowbrook Studio 72
Department of Housing 1 & 2 Bedroom View advertisement
Preservation and Devel- information provided by HPD(
opment’s (HPD) Multi-
Family New Construction Deadlines to apply for number of occupants to the apartment in focus.
Program and the New apartment units in Sites and apartment size,
Housing Opportunities D and F are June 10 and must make at least Click 'view advertisement'
Program (New HOP) of August 15, respectfully. $37,680, and no more above for specific details.
the New York City Hous- than $115,830.
ing Development Corpo- Although income guide- Each application notice
ration (HDC). lines may change, ap- will contain a chart of in-
plicants, depending on come giudelines specific
10 MAY 25 , 2010
volume xxxv, number 11

Habitat-NYC’s Loan Rangers:

Educating New Yorkers About Credit

Host a Free Workshop to Help Your Community

Members Improve Their Credit and
Manage their Debt!
Habitat for Humanity - New York City is providing free workshops for New York City
consumers on the details of new credit card reforms, how to understand their credit reports,
tips for improving their credit scores and where to go for help when they face a credit crisis.
We’ll give members of your congregation, school, or community group vital information about credit
cards and debt, including:

- Free and trustworthy local credit counseling services you can turn to;
- What affects your credit report;
- How your credit score affects you;
- Pitfalls to avoid when choosing a credit card;
- Steps you can take to improve your credit score;
- What you need to know about recent credit card reforms.

Habitat-NYC Loan Rangers provide:

- A short presentation on credit and debt issues, given by trained volunteers;

- Fact sheets and flyers with useful information and a list of helpful free resources;
- Details on services available to New Yorkers struggling with debt;
- Information about affordable homeownership opportunities through Habitat for Humanity-
New York City.

This is a FREE service for congregations, schools, community groups and other venues that
can provide space for a presentation and an audience of 10 or more people.

All inquiries are welcome. For more information or to schedule a presentation for your
group, please contact Tristan Dreisbach at or 212-991-4000 x318.

For additional materials, or to learn more about other financial issues, please visit:
11 MAY 25 , 2010
volume xxxv, number 11 Job Listings

Place your want ads in our job listings for free. Email:

MEMBERS seek to hire for 30 positions

Employment for Nurses, Bookkeepers, Executives, & more
29 vacanies to fill at
promesa systems inc

Promesa Systems Inc, is

seeking applicants to fill 29
Help Wanted
positions. Job titles for these
29 vacancies are as follows:
1 LMSW Several ANHD members are
1 Operations (1199)
3 P/T Substance Abuse
seeking to fill vacancies by
Counselors (1199)
1 MSW (1199)
hiring for these positions:
1 Nurse Practitioner
1 P/T Nurse Practitioner/
Physician Asst. Administrative Position
1 LPN (1199)
1P/T LPN (1199) Chief Operating Officer
2 LPN (Per Diem)
1 Medical Coders Organizing Director
4 RN (Per Diem)
2 Medicaid Svc. Family Specialist
Coordinators Property Manager
1 Medicaid Svc.
Coordinator Supervisor Facilitated Enroller
1 Director MRDD
2 Direct Care Workers See ANHD’s complete job listing:
3 Case Managers
1 CDL Driver/Clerk
1 P/T Psychiatrist administrative social services
1 Risk Reduction Counselor Chief operating assistant coordinator
For more detailed information, officer
e-mail resume and cover letter to or Fax to The Cooper Square Mutual NICE seeks a full-time So-
(718) 716-1499, attention: Vivian Neighborhood Housing Housing Association is also cial Services Coordinator
Lewis, Human Resources Services of New York City, looking for someone who will be who will be respon-
Inc. has an exciting oppor- can report to the Executive sible for coordinating three
COMMUNITY tunity for a Chief Operating Director as an Administra- primary programs within
HEALTH WORKER Officer. Qualified applicants tive Assistant. NICE social and educa-
are encouraged to submit tional services: 1) the ESOL
Northern Manhattan Im- a cover letter, resume and To apply to either posi- thorugh Civic Literacy Pro-
provement Corporation salary requirements to: tion, send your resume to gram 2) Immigrant Family
(NMIC), is seeking a full-time Search COO, Neighbor- Valerio Orselli, Executive Services 3) Parent Work-
Community Health Worker hood Housing Services of Director of Cooper Square shops
who will be responsible for NYC, Inc. Mutual Housing Associa-
providing community-wide Efax; (646) 383-9325/ tion, 59-61 East 4th Street, Applicants should send a
asthma education and iden- Email: resume@nhsnyc. 3rd Floor, New York, NY resume and cover letter to
tifies, enrolls, and supports org / Fax: 212-242-6680 10003. You may also send Valeria Treves, Executive
families of children with Click here for Job duties and ap-
your Resume via e-mail to Director at valeria.nynice@
poorly controlled asthma for plicant qualifications or visit: www. or via and Patricia Ba-
the period of one year. In
fax to: (212) 477-9328 tista, Social Services Coor-
particular, CHW offers fami- dinator at patricia.nynice@
lies individualized asthma assistant Click here for Job duties and ap- Call 718-205-
education, asthma manage- bookkeeper plicant qualifications of both above 8796 if you have any ques-
ment support, trigger reduc- mentioned positions, or visit: www. tions.
tion strategies, and links to The Cooper Square Mutual Click here for Job duties and ap-
clinical and social services. Housing Association is look- plicant qualifications or visit: www.
Click here for Job duties and ap- ing for someone who can
plicant qualifications or visit: www. be a prudent bookkeeper with a social conscience.
12 MAY 25 , 2010
volume xxxv, number 11
13 MAY 25 , 2010
volume xxxv, number 11 Calendar of Events

Place your events in our calendar for free. Email:

May-June Calendar
Place your events in this calendar for free. Email your events to:

may May 28
BEach opens!
Tuesday, May 28 H0104 - Understanding Credit Scoring

Most lenders utilize credit scoring as a tool to help evaluate

May 28 9:30 pm the credit risk of borrowers. This is certainly the case with
Beach Opening Ceremony many mortgage lenders.
On the Boardwalk, between
West 10th and West 12th Credit scores aid lenders in predicting how creditworthy a borrower is or how likely they
Streets are to repay the debt. Many lenders also incorporate risk based pricing into their credit
decisions based upon the credit score. With this knowledge, homeownership educa-

tors and counselors are better prepared to help clients improve their credit scores and
positively impact their financial status.
Luna park opens! Date: May 28, 2010 Time: 8:30 - 5:30 (workshop ends at 12:00 pm)
May 29 Location: Hispanic Federation 55 Exchange Place Suite 501 New York, NY 10005
Opening Day of Luna Park Cost: None Contact:
amusement park at Surf Training: H0104 - Understanding Credit Scoring
Ave. and West 10th Street
Citi Global Consumer Group Community Relations would like to invite you to participate
in the NeighborWork Center for Homeownership Education and Counseling training
“Credit Counseling”.

(Near W. 124th Street)
NHS is now accepting appli-
cations to purchase a fully
dents. This will be an oppor-
tunity to meet with lenders,
counselors, legal services
pacc annual meeting
renovated mixed use build- attorneys and other pros On Wednesday, June 23,
workshop ing in Harlem. This building to talk about your current PACC will celebrate its 46th
On Thursday, June 3, Bridge is located on a well trav- mortgage and/or housing Annual Meeting. The meet-
Street Development eled street in central Har- concerns. The following ing will take place at 6:30pm
Corporation will host a lem only steps from 125th topics will be covered by at South Oxford Art Space.
free workshop that will be an Street and a short walk to workshops or representa-

overview of the homebuying shops, restaurants, muse- tives: Loan modifications &
process ums, jazz clubs, and the avoiding foreclosure rescue
The workshop will take place world famous Apollo The- scams.
on Thursday, June 3, 2010 ater. It is accessible by the The homeowner’s fair will walk for camp
7:00 pm 8:30 pm at Pentecos- A,B,C,D,2,3 subways and take place on Saturday On Thursday, May 27
tal House of Church commuter rail. This “Green” June 12, 2010 at IS 302 St. Nicks Alliance
203 Nostrand Avenue building is energy and wa- 350 Linwood Street be- staff & supporters will Walk
Brooklyn, NY. ter efficient and is expected tween Atlantic Ave. & Liber- for Camp to raise money
Topics will include: to earn NYSERDA Energy ty Ave. Saturday– June 12, for activities at St. Nicks
The home buying process; Star Certification. 2010 10AM to 2:00PM. Alliance and School Settle-
The Pre-Approval qualification ment Association Summer
Day Camps.
steps; How to identify preda-
tory lending; Steps to take to- The walk will begin at 11
Catherine St, Williamsburg,
wards Foreclosure Prevention
mermaid parade Brooklyn.
June 19
(rain date Friday, May 28)
east brooklyn Mermaid Parade Day
homeowner’s fair See
storeWorks Harlem: On Saturday June 12, for details as they become
Open House! Cypress Hills will be available.
Wednesday, June 9th sponsoring the Homeown-
[6:30-8:00pm] er’s Fair for Cypress Hills
2073 Adam Clayton Powell and East New York resi-
Blvd,New York, NY

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