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" lt one way be better than another, that you may be sure is Nature's way.


ARTSTOTLE (384 -322 BC)

My understanding ol Gann has the most potential. lf price A prolessionaltrader does nol
exploded in the past monlh, and that parameters are right in a right time have an attitude problem. lt is com-
makes this first issue of 1988, the parameter, one is ready to move. pletely irrelevant lo him whether he
most exciting newsletter I have ever buys or sells a given commodity on
written. But about price, it is much more a given day. He goeswith the market
difficult to make intelligent state- when the evidence, to him, is over-
Markets are created in two menls that will still seem intelligent whelming. He has been humbled
dimensions; time and price. in a month's time. That is the nature enough times to know, that what he
of commodities. lt is important to try personally wants to happen is total-
Both are equally important. But at to isolate the "natural" vibration of ly irrelevant.
certain points time overrides price. lhe commodity that interests you,
Therefore, certain conclusions can and Gann is of immense help here. Sound methodologies are ab-
be made about time, independently solutely essential, because many
ol price. The Oct 19 crash is a taste of crazy things are going to happen in
what we are in lor in price. The 19BB. "We believe 19BB is shaping
The bulk of this letter focuses on market can discount fundamentals up to be one ot the most sig-
time, because timing is the most in minutes. The market can move niticant years of the 20th cen-
critical lactor to moving successlully so deeply in a single day that the ex- tury." That is from Ray Merriman.
in markels. Powerful argumenls for pectation and lhe event occur simul- (Cycles Report, Box 1074, Birmin-
both inllation and deflation exist. laneously! We will see a LOT more gham, Ml 48012). Ray does solid
Both can be right over time, but ol that in 1988. "Systems" are going geocosmic work. One doesn't need
usually one or the other dominates lo have a devilof a time in 1988. to look deeply into lundamentals to
in specilic lime frames. That is what see the forces that are building up,
I expect of 1 9BB. Huge moves where One must have a methodology and preparing to unleash.
now deflation rages, and now infla- in place to deal with changing
tion. markets. Markets ARE changing Read this issue with great care.
with computers and systems. I do a Every number you will see is sig-
lf you look at past price charts, VERY DETAILED study of the dates nificant. Numbers have lheir own
you will see that only a few dates such events are likely lo occur, so "natural" sequences and properties,
dominate per month. So the lirst task that I am very clear about when price and , if you can discover lhem, and
I undertake is lo reduce 20 potential- behavior is more likely to be at an move in harmony with lhem, it gives
ly hazardous days of decision to 2 or exlreme. you an entirely different sextant,
3 per month. I do this by reducing lrom which to take market bearings.
raw data lrom Gann into pattems of When price appear to be at an ex-
time, which are generally related to treme, I run several Computrac First relax deeply. Get into a quiet
the solar clock of the change ol programs to measure EXACTLY inner space. Proceed slowly. Other
seasons. "how" extreme that exlremity was. I wise these are just words, and we
apply Andrew's techniques, and the are already plagued with too many
The process is somewhat Gann nalural number sequences, words.
laborious, but the conclusions are plus the Ganntrader. lf enough
simple and straight forward. Certain evidence lines up, a commitment is Good luck and Good trading!
times are more pregnant than made.
others. One is alerted fully a month
ahead of time, as to which times are
/Y" I
6) Cycle Analysts - the greatest groups ol commodities together;
HOW TO USE THE weakness of cycles is the plus or bonds, stocks, the US Dollar, gold
minus 10 "/" variability in timing. and the CRB lndex. Think of it as 5
GLOBALTIMES. Gann is very exact, usually within a parts of one big market. Large fun-
day ol signilicant pivots. Cyclic ex- damental lorces causing a radical
1) EIIiott Wave Theorists - look pectations can be merged with the shift in one, will affect the condition
for wave counts to work themselves MORE SIGNIFICANT Gann points of allthe others, AND THEY REACT
out on EXACT Gann days, as a con- in time. SWIFTLY.
firmation of signilicant turning
points. 7) Option players- Buying options The same holds true for many
only makes sense if a MAJOR move Gann squares. Each market has a
2) Computrac Users, elc. - on is in the ofling. Otherwise the time uniqueness, but many share the
exacl Gann days run severalstudies erosion ol options eats you alive. same squares. A good example is
to help deline il the market is at an Look lor MAJOR aspects lo square gold and bonds. All markets will
"extreme". My own lavorite study is out to purchase options, especially vibrate off every major square com-
the "detrend" which plots a moving in lhe commodities that appearto be ing lrom Oct 19 lor the next lew
average (l use the 10 day and 2 "ready to go" around equinox's and years. Watch them all.
month separately) as a straight line, solstices. The rest ol the time, stay
and measures the distance the oul, or use a sophisticaled option Remember to always place
market travels lrom the moving writing program. more emphasis on what I say about
average. I got the insight ol the value TIME than what I say about PRICE.
ol this approach lrom Drummond's 8) Day traders - look for sharp
Point & Line charting. ("How to Make movements on the Gann days. We are going to see more deep
Money in the Futures Market", Ghas "Market prolile" patterns should one day corrections in 1988. Espe-
Drummond, Box 985 St. Q., Toron- occur on these days. That means, cially watch Jan 18. The square ol 9
to, Canada, M4T 2P1). you have a much higher chance of chart is powedulon such days, as is
getting in WITH THE TREND, and the Computrac detrend. Watch my
3) Ganntrader I Users - The the market will move enough to let January dates and these tools on
monthly "aspectarian" I produce is you out on the same day, with a those days, and you will see what I
the perfect companion for Gan- profit. Especially on Mondays! mean.
ntrader lfor it tells you what squares
to use lrom what dates, and you can 9) Position traders - position only The next thing, is that I see very
quickly visually see how much ener- on major working out ol the massive shifts in MOST markets
gy that square is emitting to that dominant squares. When several very shortly after the winter solstice
market and which angle lines are occur within a f ew days, the odds in- (Dec 23). lt should create HUGE
signilicant. lf your Ganntrader has crease dramatically that a major MOVES, that I see climaxing on Feb
been gathering dust through f rustra-
lion, it usually means you weren't
shift is in process and a significant 17. More on Feb 17 next
move will result. Waiting forconfirm- month...For the record, I see bonds
focused in the right place. (Gan- ing news is a sure way to miss the UP, Stocks UP or DOWN, gold
nsoft, 11670 Riverbend Dr., Leaven- move. You need to be able to an- DOWN, US Dollar UP, CRB lndex
worth, WA 98826) ticipate lhe news and position pure- UP or DOWN and grains and live-
ly on technical considerations. stock UP. But remember that TIME
4) Andrews Students - While overbalances PRICE on CRITICAL
Andrews lechniques combine time 10) Farmers and grain elevator DAYS!
and price, lhe timing is still diflicult. operators - acquire and dispose of
Plotting Median lines and A/R lines your inventory with the same at-
on Gann dates gives a sharper BONDS
titude of the position trader. That
focus. (Reinhart I M, Suite 210,125A means conf ining pricing decisions to
Oakmean Pkwy, Silicon Valley, CA Fundamentals
one or two days per month, when Bullish The stock market crash
94088) major Gann aspects are squaring
suggests a recession which would
out. lt will eliminate a lot of luzzy curb demand for loans. Hence the
5) Wyckoff students - The Wyck- decisions.
off material is brilliant. Look lor the enormous rally. lf a recession
significant points (Such as "last point develops, bonds have MUCH higher
of supply", "jump across the creek", to go.
etc.) to occur on very exact Gann
days, and increase your confidence Bearish The fundamentally
on the validity ol the signal il it oc- Rememberthatthe market is one weak US Dollar creates pressure on
curs on a critical day. (SMl, 715 Sier- big ball of wax, and what happens in interesl rates to compensate lor cur-
ra Vista Dr., Phoenix, Ariz 850'14) one market aflects the others. That rency losses. The crisis almosphere
is why I have placed the lirst live of the dollar forces interest rates
9di5 dominated bonds in 1987, squaring
out. The completion of that square
94ffi should bring powerful energy into
ALL MARKETS on Monday, Jan 4.
I td5

0?i0 2) The next significant pivot should

occur Jan 18 as several squares
8d95 come in on the weekend (see the

8225 3) Then look to a very extreme

close on Friday, January 29 as no
79?0 less than 4 squares occur on Jan 31 .

It should cause a very important

7755 pivot on Feb. 1.ln such a situation,
where several squares occur on the
/520 weekend, ALWAYS assume that
, .UJ
strength on a Friday will cause
MORE STRENGTH on the lollowing
Monday. lf January is up, as I
1- JLINE '88 T BONDS suspect, look for a signilicant
CLIMAX the {irst day of February.

higher. WATCH THE DOLLAR A NOfE...Astro-physical

AROUND THE EQUINOX! evidence suggests a climactic en-
vironment in MID-FEBRUARY, and
my Gann material CONFIRMS
Technicals 17. lt could be FINAL CLIMAX in
many markets. More in the next let-
On Oct 19the bond market ex-
Look at the Dec 10 break. lt oc- ter.."
ploded upward in knee jerk reaction
curred on the 52nd day from the I will assume the trend out of
to the dellationary implications o{ the
crash. lt was the 17 billion US trade the equinox is capable of being sus-
stock market crash. There was no
time to think. Either one saw the im-
deficit ligure that triggered this tained into mid-February.
plication of the crash or one didnl. move. Fundamentals happen on
exact Gann days. The square of 52
See the Nov 1 issue of The Global
is alive and well! Watch the second
Times to see why il happened on
square of 52 on Jan 31 , 1 988.
Oct 19.
Especially watch the square of
Get Oct 19 very firmly fixed in
76 which falls on Sunday, Jan 3. lt is Bullish- The economy SO FAR
your brain, for it is THE MOST lM- has only slowed marginally.
the prime reason why bonds should
PORTANT DAY of 1987, from which
GAP into 1988.
to measure time lor the NEXT TWO Bearish - Total debt to GNP
YEARS, IN EVERY COMMODITY! remains at untenable levels and this
That is attested to by the quantity of The natural vibration of price
appears to be 24, a numberthat one willcreate instability untilthat debt is
blood letting that day. A lot of the more closely aligned with the value
brothers faced total ruin, and it burns constantly runs into. The drop from
contract high to conlract lowwas just of the underlying earning power.
deeply into the consciousness. $150 billion fiscal de{icit plus $150
under 24 points ($24,000), so that
one can break the price into 4 trade deficit, plus a recession com-
Look at the chart and you will ing equals a mess of red ink. The
naturaldivisions of 600 points.
see two important highs in Novem- stock market is rightly worried.
ber. Now see where they fallon the
square of 144. The Nov 6 high was FORECAST
Are we going to have a depres-
the 18th day, and the Nov 24 high The 3 most important days in sion? My own opinion is yes. How
was the 36th day, the 1/8th and 114 Bonds in January, 1988 are Jan 4,
can one have another opinion when
divisions of that square. Next watch Jan 18 and Jan 29.
the problem is that spending must
the 72nd day (Dec 30). The square contract by $SOO billion? But it will be
o1144 is alive and well! 1) On Jan 3, a Sunday, we have very confusing, because some sec-
that square of 76 (see Dec issue of torswill boom, and likely inflationwill
flare when deflation produces politi- spread out suggests volatility. I think 20 high. The volatility of the past f ew
cal alternatives. The last depression the close on Dec 31 will decide the weeks is more reminiscent of dis-
will not be a good guide. direction for January. WHEN lN tribution than of accumulation. The
DOUBT, STAY OUT! deep sell off of Dec 17 occurred at 1
Technicals A very powerful close should 1/2 squares of 90 {rom Aug 4 top. I
This is a difficult market to quan- occur on Jan 29 culminating in a would assume that more tesling of
tily technically, because the Oct 19 climax on Feb 1. supply around the equinox, or short-
crash likely represents a 60 year ex- ly thereafter can set up the makings
treme and augurs in a new era. lt can ol a powerful bear move as 19BB
stay in a trading range for several GOLD begins. The proper approach is
months. 19BB will be the year when to GO WITH WEAKNESS ON.Dec
{he reality of our collective irrespon- 30 and 31, as there should be
Fundamentals powerful follow through of trends
sibilities are focused upon, and one
Bullish - a deteriorating US Dol- into the first half of January.
can hardly get enthusiastic about lar has inflationary implications. A
the stock market if one knows some-
resort to easy money to come out of PRICE
thing of economics.
the current crisis of debt would Feb gold has a range of $132,
cause inflation.
PRICE or almost '135. Since Feb gold has
Since the S&P gapped exactly had a high of 510, and has general-
Bearish - The stock maftet ly held $45 below that, one can
al 270 and hit 't8l on the low, a crash suggests inherent def lation in
natural division for the S&P is break this contract into 3 nice
the economy, and gold is divorced divisions of $45.00 (112o190). Thus
divisions of 45 (like July corn and from the monetary system. ln a
Feb gold!). breaking below $465 would give a
depression, the fear is a resort to in- "natural" objective of $420 at the
flation, but the current reality, is that bottom of the second division. The
FORECAST people eat food, not gold, when next natural support would be
lf a major transition occurs, it things get difficult. So gold can be $375.00.
should happen out of the winter moved by powerfuldeflationary for-
solstice. See bonds because the ces before an inflationary option be-
same squares are at work in almost FORECAST
comes politically viable. This is my
all the markets. lf bonds go into a The market will GAP into 19BB
bull, that should leave stocks in a run sharply, especially if it is
bear market into 1988. Look for a . A minor pivot should be
GAP on Jan 4, either way. ormed on Jan 8., but the time of a
nificant pivot should occur about
18, as 5 squares complete in
Minor pivots occur Jan 7 and
weekend period. lt should be
Jan 14. Seyeral squares come in the
week of Jan 22, and the way they are PROJECTED GOLD PIVOTS QUITE IMPORTANT.

A minor pivot should occur on

ly bearings off Jan 25, and a more important pivot
the gold on Feb. 1 as 3 squares complete on
market is AC- Jan 31.
In 1987 al-
t all the Bullish-Crashing US Dollarhas in-
najor pivots
n gold were f lationary implications.
onds. Ex- Bearish - Money supply is again
ect that contracting dangerously, as the
lationshipto economy appears overwhelmed by
nue. inherent def lation.


14 high was 4 The range of the Dec CRB
squares of 52 lndex is 36, so that gives 3 natural
from the May divisions of '12. That means watch-
2 -JUNE'88 GOLD ing the square ot 144 in it's divisions
of 12 once this range is exceeded. market, or heavy chop (So far it's
The objective as per Wyckoff would SW/SS FRANC chop!) which will linally appear as
be a move of 36 points ($18,000), FORECAST accumulation in a wild market. But
once inf lation or dellation moves lull
1) Jan 4 should be a GAP. We
the issue should be resolved on
tilt, for a total movement of 72 or 1 /2 Dec. 31, the anniversary of last
have a 120 from Sep 3 on Jan 1, a
ot 144. year's low. From Dec. 26 no more
144 from Aug 11 on Jan 2 plus the
strong days appear, until Dec. 31,
76lrom Oct 19.
FORECAST when I have no less than four points
2) Jan 14 - a square of 52 f rom Aug
in time f rom the past focusing on this
11 (3 squares) and Oct 1 (2 squares)
My outlook is mixed, for I see me- day. So Dec. 31 should be a very
hits today. powerful day of over 100 points, and
tals bearishly and grains and live- 3) Jan 18 - This day should cul-
stock bullishly. the close on this day should mark
minate several squares; a square of the direction in which the market
52 from May 1 (5 squares ago), and should GAP on Jan 4, and the
Watch Jan 7 as it is the end of the the square of 90 from Ocl22 which generaltrend through the month o{
second square ol 144 from March also includes the Sep 3 low at 1 1/2 January.
25, and Jan 6 is the 3rd square of 52 squares (135 days).
from Jan 6. A Jan 7 extreme can 4) Jan 26- Square ol270lrom Oct
pivot the lollowing Monday, Jan 11, PRICE
1 and a square of 144 the previous
as the 2/3rds of 360 squares on Jan The seasonal drop in prices
day from Sep 3.
10. was EXAOTLY 900 points, or
5) Feb 1 - on the weekend before
Then watch Jan 18, as Jan 17, a $3,600!
the square of 120 from Oct'1 and the
Sunday, is 90 off the Oct 19 mas- 2nd square of 52 from Oct 19.
sacre. (Watch this in all markets...) FORECAST
The lirst thing to note, about the
Look for the next signif icant pivot Gann aspects for January, is that
to be on Feb. 1, as the square of 52
CATTLE they are more di{fused than in the
catches the October 19 high (two hogs. ln other words, the dates are
squares out);plus a second square Fundamentals not as bunched and about half the
of 90 from Aug 3 to add zing. Bullish - Live cattle supplies should days have some aspect coming in.
be down 4 % in 19BB So the dates I give are likely NOT as
- We are in a seasonaltime reliable as in the hogs. ln such a cir-
of strength. cumstance, it makes a lot of sense
U S DOLLAR INDEX to run a program like Computrac,
Bearish - A recession would hurt
demand. sell when one is a set distance
The outlook for the US Dollar - Heavier supplies ol other above a 10 day moving average,
has MAJOR implications for ALL meats will and buy on days when one sees
commodities. The fundamenlals on
hurt demand.
the US Dollar are bearish, and I per-
sonally have no idea how the US is
going to balance it's books. ln fact, Technicals
in the next few years, the red ink will An in
likely double and triple as the credible
economy contracts severely. amou nt of
dates line
But I also know that the dollar has
with high
been falling for 2 years and dis- energy day
counted a lot of bearishness, and almost
day from
the dollar will already be a long way
up before dullards as myself have 14lo Dec.24
Iigured out why. Watch the solstice, and at lhis
point, I do not
as the dollar has made severalturns
know whet
already around this time frame.
that means a
the sig
nif ican
support at a preset levelbelow or at From Jan 29 to Feb 2, we have PRICE bottomed on Dec. 4. Be-
that moving average. squares of 90, 144 and 52 coming in cause PRICE was ahead of TIME, it
and it should result'in a more took TIME untilthe 17th to "run out".
For Ganntrader users, run allthe dramatic extreme around Feb 1, Thus the market"marked time" near
squares from the January aspec- than the intra month highs and lows. the lows, This is a phenomenon lhat
tarian to identify which squares are Odds would favour a SIGNIFICANT you will see many times in the next
in power. And if you are conlusedt it HIGH in this time frame. yeat, so it is important to understand
is really simple, STAY OUT! how time and price balance.

FORECAST HOGS December 17 was also the

powerfut square of 52 from the con-
Jan 4) Cattle should start the first
trading day of 1 988 with a banE, and Fundamentals
tract low on April 1, that has
the bang should be UP. Look at this dominated the hog market. At 104 it
Fundamentals are pulling in oP- marked the July 14 low (see Dec
4 tne ruov 3 low to Dec 4 low is 31 posite directions in hogs. The in- contract). At 156 it market the Sep 4
days to Jan 4 is 31 days creasing herd size suggests that contract high. At 208, it market the
ii) The Oct 13 high to Nov 23 high lower prices are in store in 1988. But Oct. 26 low (See the June 'BB con-
is 41 days to Jan 3 is 41 days. So we seasonally we are now in a time tract), and on Dec 17 we were 260
have mirror dates from highs and when prices generally go uP. Whe.n days out! lt market the TIME low,
iows focusing into the same time one looks at the current wave struc- while the PRICE low occurred on
frame. ture, the argument lor higher prices Dec. 4. That was how I pegged the
iii) Jan 3 is the second square of in the near term is stronger. Dec. 17 low last month low as the
52 {rom the Sep 21 contract high. probable date of a major bottom.
Because the dates in the Look at the time symmetry of Monday, Dec. 28 is a culmina-
January aspectarian are so inter- the Feb hog contract. lt appears to tion of several Gann points between
spersed, and seasonally we should have completed a nice 5 wave bear Dec.25 and Dec.28, and likelyto be
expect STRENGTH in this time very powerful. At this point, it would
frame, the market could be vol appear important lows should be be-
and correct as it moves up. 2 da hind us, and the direction should be
200 point corrections are entire for a strong move into 1988. lf
possible. Dec 28 is a strong day up, I will as-
me that January, 19BB will be
See the aspectarian for the PROJECTED HOG PIVOTS generally a bullish month, until the
month dates. maket itself shows me otherwise. lf
this day is down strongly, it should
2) Feb. 1 pattern out of the August 26 high. set a bearish tone to January. Let's
The put it this way. I would invest more
rop from in a bullish than in a bearish
the Nov 4 scenario.
high is in-
eresting in FORECAST
time The most important days in hogs
nd price in January are; Jan 11, Jan 13, Jan
nt e ract. 18, and then Feb.1.
The pre-
ious drop 1) January 11
wave 3 This Monday falls at the end of
ook '21 several sequences that are current-
alendar ly exhibiting great power in hogs.
lays (in
he Dec I Look at this sequence, moving in
multiples of 34 days from the con-
o nt ract tract high;
as Nov.
). 21 Days Date Event
alendar Aug26 contract high
from 34 Sep29 important low
ov. 24 68 Nov 2 important low
as Dec. 10.2 Dec 6 important low
17. But'the 136 Jan 9 ???????????
144.11you count the square
i/ On Jan 10 and the squares ol
11 144by'12's you have the
52, 90 and 144 all square out. Jan tract high and low ol
10 is 216 days from lhe Jun B high. wheat in the sequence. Look
Jan 1 1 is 104 days lrom the Sep 29 12 24 36 48 60 72
low, and 90 days lrom Oct 13 high. 84 96 108 120 132144
So we should assume Monday 156 168 l80r 192 204 216
willbe an extreme day in hogs. 228 2401252D.M 276288
300 31 z@sa348 360
2) January 13 372384 396 408 424 432
Normally I would ignore this
date, but it is the second square ol By seeing where the high and
144lrom the April 1 low of last year, low fall you can see why the
and this square picked the Nov 3 low next point ol resistalce on
along the way. lt could be a high or breaking above 324 0s 360.
low depending on whether this But there should be FOR-
square is working in harmony, or in MIDABLE resistance at $3.60,
opposition to the Jan 10 and 11 especially if it is reached on a
squares. Either is possible. key Gann date. A proper aF
proach is to sell out longs at
3) January 1B $3.59 and await a close
Look at this sequence from con- $3.60 to go long again. 5 -JLILY'88 WHEAT
tract high moving in 48's which cul-
minates the square ol 144 on Jan FORECAST
17'. Dec 23 is a pivotal day
DAYS Aug 26,87 contract high wheat, and lwould expect a
48 Oct 13,87 high rally lo occur from that date, EX
96 Nov 30, 87 last break ACTLY. The Dec '87 contract
144 Jan 17, BB pivol??? occurred on Oct. 17, '1986, and
winter solstice is exactly 3 squares
January 17 is also 135 days from of 1 44 lrom that date ! Dec 23 is also
Sep 4. Therelore be very sensitive 2 112 squares of 90 from the con- ABRUPTLY, and certainly the
to a significant shift in hogs on Jan evidence suggests UP. As I write,
18. Study these numbers wheat is at 3.12, and il it should hap-
pen to sell ofl to 2.88, it will be a
4) Feb. l from the contract highs sucker play and a clean out ol weak
Like in a lot of other markets, and lows of March '88 longs before a major rally. A swing
strong aspects come in on Feb 1. upward should go to $3.60. More
They are 216 lrom Jun 30 and 90 wheat! bullish developments would give a
{rom Nov 3. $3.96 objective.

/ ,-=,1396\
16.'>eOO fl3boo."s ll my thesis is right, wheat will
WHEAT '','\ ":-t'frsza'1'*{'ocY
h? A close strong on Dec 30, 1987, and
gap up on Jan 4, 1988.
\\ \
Wheat fundamentals continue to "izsz
' _ e enlrar/
improve asthe USDAcut 100 million
- I l/ ,
Days that stand out in January
bushels f rom the latest carryover es- '"144 - are the 7th, the lBth, and the 27th.
timate. Check the detrend at that time. I

think strength out of the solstice can

tract high. Finally Dec. 24 is 3
conlinue into February.
Let's look where the Dec pivots squares of 52lrom the contract low.
in the MArch contract occurred. The So many lhings coming together ex-
Dec 2 high was exactly 2BB days actly at the solstice is not a co-in-
(144.2) from the Feb 17 low. The cidence. The market will do a
test of that high on Dec 14 occurred profound shift from that time. SOYBEAN OIL
208 days (52-4) lrom the May 12
contract high. These conclusions about TIME Soybean Oil fundamentals con-
are more important lhan con- tinue to improve, and lwould expect
Pricewise, the March contract is clusions about price. WHEREVER the bean oilto take leadership of the
vibrating directly off the square of wheat is on Dec 23, it should shift bean complex, as the world focuses
on FOOD versus FEED. Bean oil still have suggestions on how lo
should remain in a muhi month bull The signilicant ciates in January, proceed.
market that still has a long way to go. alter Jan 4 (which should GAP), are It defines different categories ol
the 7th, 11th, 18th and 27th. But I risk, and suggests the capital re-
Key dates in January, are the think strength out ol the equinox will quired to "shi{t" categories. When
1th, 19th and Feb 1. A lirst "natural" conlinue into February. you have too many losses, you
objective would be doubling the size "shift" your risk downward, untilyour
of the trading range, or around 22 I will cover these grains more capital is rebuilt. lf you win, you can
cents. Next objective is 150 % of the thoroughly in an upcoming issue. accept larger risks, but continue to
lows or around 24 cents. respect rnoney management. The
base is capital preservation, with
several built in insurance policies to
ANNOUNCEMENT lessen the risk of disaster.
I am interested in working with Using such a model, one builds
The overallfundamenlals in the several dozen of you personally, the inevitable losses that happen,
grains and oilseeds have improved who think that your expertise and into acceptable operating costs. The
dramatically in the past half year. mine together could make a power- emotion of decisions is removed,
That lends a bullish 'tone" to the lul team, whether it is hedging, in- because the risk is always carefully
market, and one should watch the vesting or speculating. But don't studied and acceptable to that
technical market {or places to buy. delay too long. Very soon, I will be amount of investment capital. One
lorced to restrict access to myself ! awaits the key dates before deciding
The Gann TIME vibrations in whether to assume the next risk.
corn, meal and beans are exactly IN NEXT MANTH'S ISSUE... Discipline!
the same, meaning that they share
the same high and low dates of The biggest problem most ol us As you can see in this newsletter,
major pivots. My observalions on face in becoming successful inves- the opportunites in the next 20 trad-
wheat generally hold true to these tors, is that we are lacking in the dis- ing sessions are many. That is al-
other grains. ciplined money management that is ways the case. The problem is a dis-
absolutely essential. ciplined use of capitalthat is in har-
mony with that capital's ability to
FANECAST I am currently working on a grow, without trying to overworkthat
I expect that the grain comPlex Gann based calculalor, thai defines amount of money.
will stage it's next rally out of the acceplable risks that can be under-
winter solstice, with wheat and bean taken with different levels ol capital, The modei is built around the
oil taking leadership. Bul soybeans lrom as little as $7,200 to over a mil- natural numbers one finds in study-
and corn should also respond up- lion dollars. lf your capital is less, I ing Gann. lt is very exciting!

GLOBAL FUTURES CORPORATION My best wishes to all of you lor a

Prosperous New Year!
A full seruice futures brokerage house devoted to providing the be
possible seruice to it's clients.
We offer:
Jlash tills
-satellite Iinks to all major exchanges FOR NON-CLIENTS IS $360.00
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-ours and STOTLER'S monthly newsletters WEEKLY ELECTRONIC
-24 hour trading desk NEWSLETTER ACCESSIBLE
-Wats line (1-80A-663-1122) good throughout North America FRIDAY, 3:00 p. m.
-a wide range of successtul managed account programs
-com pet itive com m issio n rates

Published monthly by Global Futures Corporation , Suite 600,808 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B. C.Y6C.2X4
The informa[ion contained in this publication is accurate to the best our knowledge. However, it should not be construed a
a direct solicitation to take positions in futures or options. Conditions change quickly in futures markcts. Therefore you arc
advised to have a comprehensive strategy before engaging in the volatile futures or options markets.

Dec 24 - 135 - Aug 11 Dec 23 - 216 - May 21 Dec 17 -260 - Apr 1

Dec27 - 240 - May 1 Dec24 - 90 - Sep 21 - 156 - Jul 14
Dec30- 90-Oct 1 Dec 26 - 72 - Oct 15 -104-Sep 4
- 72- Oct 19 Dec 31 - 240 - May 5 Dec 27 - 270 - Apr 1
- 135 - Aug 18 - 180 - Jun 30
- 104 - Sep 'lB Dec 28 - 90 - Sep 29

Jan 1-120 -Sep 3 Jan 3-104 -Sep21 Jan2-180-Jul 6

Jan 2- 144 - Aug 11 - B0-Oct15 -120 -Sep 4
Jan 4-384-Dec16 - 41 - Nov 23 (Mi - 60-Nov 3
Jan 13 - 104 - Oct 1 Jan 5-180-Sep21 JanlO-216-Jun B
Jan 14 - 156 - Aug 11 - 90-Oct17 - 180 - Jul 14
Jan 16 - 260 - May 1 JanT-120 -Sep 9 Jan11 -104-Sep29
-135-Sep 3 Jan 9-144-Aug18 - 90-Oct13
Jan 20 - 90 - Oct 22 Jan 13 - 90 - Oct 15 Jan 1 4-2BB - Apr 1

Jan 25 - 144 - Sep 3 Jan 15 - 24O - May 20 - 72- Nov 3

Jan 26 - 27O - May 1 Jan 17 -27O - Apr22 Jan 17 135 - Sep 4
Jan 29 - 120 - Oct 1 Jan 19 - 120 - Sep 21 Jan 24 - 208 - Jun 30
Jan 30 - 104 - Oct 19 -260-May 4 Jan 25 - 104 - Oct 13
Jan 20 - 180 - Jul24 Jan 26 - 144 - Sep 4
Jan 21 - 156 - Aug 18 Jan27 - 12O - Sep 29
Jan 23 - 120 - Sep 25 Jan 30 - 208 - Jul 6
Jan 29 - 270 - May 4 Feb 1 -216 -Jun30
Jan 31 - 144 - Sep 9 - 90-Nov 3

Dec 25 - 135 - Aug 12 Dec 23 - 225 - May 12 Dec24 - 104 - Sep 11

- 72- Oct 14 Dec24 - 156 - Jul 21 Dec 25 - 156 - Jul22
- 52- Nov 3 Dec 25 - 72 - Oct 14 - 52- Nov 3
Dec 26 - 208 - Jun 1

Dec 26 - 208 - Jun 1

Dec27 - 54 - Nov 3
Jan 3 -216 -Jun 1 JanT-24O-May12 Jan 3-216-Jun 1
- 144 - Aug 12 Jan 12 - 90 - Oct 14 Jan 9-12O-Sep11
JanT-240-May12 Jan 15 - 360 - Jan 20 Jan 13 - 240 - May 1B
Jan 10 - 208 - ..luir t O - 72- Nov 4 -208 - Jun 19
Jan 12 - 90 - Oct 14 - 60-Nov16 Jan14-72-Nov3
Jan 15 - 156 - Aug 12 Jan 17 - 180 - Jul 21 Jan 18 - 180 - Jul22
JanlB-216-Jun16 Jan 26 - '104 - Oct 14 Jan21 - 216 - Jun 19
- 336 - Feb 17 Jan 27 - 260 - May 12 Jan24 - 135 - Sep 1'l
Jan 26 - 104 - Oct 14 Jan 27 - 240 - Jun 1
Jan 27 - 260 - May 12
-24A - Jun 1

Febl-90-Nov3 Feb 2- 90-Nov 4 Febl-90-Nov3

Feb 2-260-May18 - 144 - Sep 11
Dec 20 - 27O - Mar 25 Dec 23 - 260 - Apr 7 Dec 23 - 240 - Apr27
- 180 - Jun 23 Dec 26 - 360 - Dec 31 Dec 26 - 144 - Aug 4
Dec 22 - 216 - May 20 Dec 30 - 72 - Oct '19 Dec 30 - 72 - Oct 19
Dec 26 - 144 - Aug 4 Dec 31 - 90 - Oct 12
Dec 30 - 135 - Aug 17
- 72 - Oct 19
Jan 3- 76- Oct19 Jan 2-270 - Apr 7 Jan 3-76- Oct19
JanT-2BB-Mar25 Jan 3 - 76 - Oct 19 JanT -156-Aug 4
- 156 - Aug 4 Jan 6-120 -Sep B Jan B-520 -Aug 6 86
Jan B-144 -Aug17 JanT-135-Aug25 Jan12-260-Air27
Jan 15 - 24O - May 20 Jan14-104 -Oct 2 Jan 15 - 240 - May 20
Jan 17 -2OB - Aug 4 - 240 - May 20 - 576 - Jun 18 BG
- 90-Oct19 Jan16-144-Aug25 Jan 16 - 208 - Jun22
Jan 20 - 156 - Aug 17 Jan 17 - 90 - Oct 19 - 72- Nov 5
Jan 25 - 216 - Jun 23 Jan 1B - 360 - Jan 23 Jan 17 - 90 - Oct 19
Jan 31 -312 - Mar25 Jan 20 -2BB - Apr 7 Jan 22 - 270 - Apr 27
-180-Aug 4 Jan 21 - 135 - Sep B Jan 24 - 216 - Jun 22
- 104 - Ocitg Jan 28 - 156 - Aug 25 Jan 31 - 180 - May 20
- 72- Nov 20 Jan 30 - 144 - Sep B - 104 - Oct 19
-12O -Oct 2
Jan 31 - 104 - Oct '19


Dec 25 - 144 - Aug 3 Dec22 - 120 Aug 24 - Dec 23 - 2BB - Mar 10

Dec 26 - 225 - May 5 Dec 27 - 156 - Jul24 Dec27-135-Aug14
Dec 30 - 72 - Oct 19 Dec 30 - 156 - Jul27 Dec 30 - 240 - May 4
72 - Oct 19

Jan 6-156-Aug 3 JanT -135-Aug24 Jan 5-144-Aug14

Jan 7 -2BB - Mar25 Jan 9- 52-Nov18 Jan B- 90-Oct10
Jan 10 - 240 - May 15 Jan 1 1 - 180 - Jul 15 Jan 17 - 156 - Aug 14
Jan 17 - 90 - Oct 19 Jan 1 5 - 144 - Aug24 Jan 19 - 260 - May 4
Jan 30 - 260 - May 15 Jan 17 - 90 - Oct 19 Jan 21 - 72 - Nov 10
-180-Aug 3 - 60-Nov18 Jan22-104-Oct10
Jan 31 - 104- O6t tg - Jul24
Jan 20 - 180 Jan 29 -270 - Mar 4
- Jul27
Jan 23 - 180
Jan 31 - 104 - Oct 19
Please note: This aspectarian has been designed for use with "GANNTRADER 1". The first
figure is the_date a square falls due. The second figure is the amount of days (a multiple of the
squares of 52,90 or 144), and the third figure is the date of origin. Begin s{uares at the third
figure,-use the square suggested by the s-econd, and you will have a square completing on the
date of the first fiqure! This will allow you to quickly ey-eball up the relative value clf that square.

Good luck and goo$frading!


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