Word Formation 3

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NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED! ‘Sky-diving isn’t something new, but cameramen jumping out of planes. COURAGE with all the necessary to film a sky-diver, is. The cameramen are not of | EQUIP. course totally as they ge through a _— programme EXPERIENCE, TRAIN After alot of __and careful planning this amazing idea was put into THINK practice so that judges could observe the sy-divers’ __manoeuvres from SKILL the ground. Then they judge them accordingly in___ ata of COMPETE, HIGH ‘over 10 000 feet! The pictures are shown on huge screens on the ground for the judges. Crowds gather and look on with and at seeing sucha CU dangerous sport in action, 1, We shouldn't hire such a young and ____ man for a job as difficult as this one 2. Itis said that clectricity is the greatest 4. Everybody liked the play and the critics said that it was definitely a 4. Briering the burning house to save the litle boy was a very {Despite their terrifying appearance, most dinosaurs were 6, We didn’t find our trip although it was raining. 1 His to the news was unpredictable. §. She looked at me in : A HANGOUT During cold winter afternoons, __ meet my friends at the local fast food restaurant. [t's an ‘meeting place as there is lots of _—— food (which my mum calls___) is also available. So, it's a place to chat. Young people, like me, need a place to go and talk. We usually talk about our interests and hobbies, mine being _ <3 or behaviour is typical of many teenagers, 1 suppose. However, my parents think I go ut too often, Luckily, though, after many they have begun to accept my especially if they _— that young people need to find ways to relieve their ___, ve ina small town like Edo. VISITING LAS VEGAS Las Vegas has a new 5 the tallest American building west of the Mississippi Its owners have high certainly to anything ever seen before. Taller than the Fiffel Tower, the of its success, The design is ___ and building has something for everyone. The of what the building offers is quite amazing. The building has a casino, for which the state is famous for. Also, there is, a decorated revolving restaurant, so that clients are able to see the views through the glass windows. Three chapels are available for znyone ‘who would like to get married and have a. ceremony, 800 feet in the a In . two of the highest rides are available for ride lovers. The roller coaster, 865 tracks in__, and the Space Shot ride, which goes up to the top of the tower ‘at approximately 90 km per hour. Anyone for a 0? IRIOUS, AMAZE, EXPERIENCE INVENT SUCCEED COURAGE HARM, PLEASE, REACT AMAZE NORMAL IDRA, WARM. ‘TASTE, POISON COMFORT PHOTO. ARGUE. EXPLAIN, BORE ATTRACT EXPECT, ORIGIN DIFFER DESCRIBE, FASHION IMPRESS RELIGION ADD LONG SSH, LET THEM SLEEP! The _thatamember of your funily is sleepwalking may be DISCOVER but itis not an uncommon pheromencn. Both adults ané children ALARM sleepwalk, however i is more common in children. ‘SLeepwalking is nota psychologicsl___, as some may think. Noristhee ORDER ay __ between dreams and sleepwalking. The explanation which expents. CONNECT. sive for Sleepwalking is tut it is mainly due to being andunder aotcf TIRE sess 5 ‘at work or at school or even the lose of a ANXIOUS, PRESS fivourte __ sould trigger it oft POSSESS Sleopwalkers move ossily around tho house Gespite the ___ sometimes. | DARK. opening drawers as if searching for something. It is difficult to wake up a sleopwalker aad it is considered bbevause it ean cause great distress. The following WISE, ‘morning the sleep walker doesn't usually remember anything, LION KING ‘The lion is known as the king of the jungle, Perhaps this is because ofits size, and ___ torun up to 35 mph, STRONG, ABLE Yat, for twenty hours a day, the lion just lies unde: the sun doing nothing. However, whea iiges_ its manner changes and it becomes__ ts only HUNGER, THREAT is to satsty its encrmous appetize INTEND. ‘hits natural __ the lice will eat anything, from rets to animals as large as SURROUND. sirafes, But zebra meat provides the lion withthe greatest SATISFY Lions ive in groups called prides. The lioness is_amazing. She is quicker TRUE than the male, She is so that she will hunt and look after her young for CARE, two years before they become __ DEPEND CLIMBING UP THE STARS! ‘The highest mountain in the world is Moun: Everest, 8 $48m high. Many ADVENTURE, climbers have sisked their lives climbing i. More than 140 people have died, some in their attempt to each the peak, and others who were ‘in their return trip from the top. FORTUNE: Being __ isnot encagh for this trip. You should be fit, skilled and you must take CONFIDE tte proper____with you. This could moan the difference between life and death Nevertheless, such an _ _— is full of danger, Rarely does a climber return from Mount Everest without needing ___ attention, Some come down, with fingers or toss so_that they eink like glass. ‘Bat shat is i that makes people cisk their lives or take the __Mr Byerest imposes PUNISH. ‘on tem? Why fs ic that even the death of fellow climbers doesn't then? COURAGE E _climbers’ reasons may be difficul: Perhaps it's the thrill of standing an the UNDERSTAND ptak ofthe highest mountain, the place on earth that's the closest to the stars. SOME GUYS HAVE ALL THE LUCK? his thoughe that some people are jast bom ‘They seem wo have everything, LUCK {rom the perfect family tothe best a the most suocessful company in own, EMPLOY Thoir good fortune causes —_ in less fortunate people, whe do all sors of things JEALOUS to bring luck into thei Hives, Some people cary good luck charms, suck as blue siones and horseshoes on a Day basis, to make sure that they wil stay «Safe ond free from HEALTH, INURE, Also, some otherwise people go through superstitious actions like touching LOGIC \woal in order to bring themselves good Luck [Burs hte ally any __eeween all these things and sucoess in life? Many RELATE. people consider good hac chars and "They believe that FOOL, REASON success in life comes throu working hac

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