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Name ____________________________

Class ____________________________

7 Quick Test

Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: My name _____ Robert.
A am c B is c C are c
1 The bus didnt stop in Lyon. It only _____ in Paris.
A did stop c B stopped c C stoped c
2 Picasso and Monet _____ famous painters.
A is c B was c C were c
3 _____ your computer very expensive?
A Were c B Was c C Did c
4 I _____ my boyfriend yesterday. He was in London.
A didnt saw c B dont see c C didnt see c
5 Did you _____ a good time?
A had c B have c C has c
6 He _____ work yesterday. He was ill.
A didnt c B doesnt c C wasnt c
7 Wallis Simpson _____ English. She was American.
A doesnt c B werent c C wasnt c
8 A Where _____ you born?
B In Liverpool.
A were c B was c C did c
9 They _____ tennis yesterday.
A plaid c B plays c C played c
10 I _____ last night.
A not cooked c B didnt cooked c C didnt cook c
11 A What did you _____ on Saturday night?
B I went to a party.
A do c B go c C doing c
12 A What _____ at the National Portrait Gallery?
B I saw a collection of portraits of famous actors.
A did you see c B saw you c C you saw c
13 We _____ TV last night.
A have watch c B watched c C watch c
14 He _____ me beautiful flowers for my birthday.
A buy c B buyed c C bought c
15 He _____ at a football match when I called him.
A was c B were c C is c
16 _____ you text Peter?
A Had c B Were c C Did c
17 I _____ to a Japanese restaurant yesterday.
A was c B go c C went c
18 She didnt _____ out last night. She was very tired.
A go c B went c C going c
19 A What did you wear?
B I _____ my new jacket.
A wore c B weared c C wearing c
20 A Did you study French at school?
B No, I _____ German.
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

7 Quick Test
A studyed c B studied c C am study c


a Tick ( ) the correct job.

Example: sport
A sportist c B sportsman c C sporter c
1 paint
A painter c B paintor c C painting c
2 lead
A lead c B leader c C leeder c
3 politics
A politician c B political c C politikian c
4 write
A writing c B writter c C writer c
5 music
A musician c B musical c C musiccian c
6 art
A artist c B artor c C artiste c
7 science
A sciencist c B sciencer c C scientist c

b Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the expressions.

Example: _____ a friend
A meet c B look c C come c
8 _____ breakfast
A can c B come c C have c
9 _____ by bus
A get c B take c C go c
10 _____ dressed
A make c B get c C go c
11 _____ long hair
A have c B go c C be c
12 _____ a drink
A go c B have c C come c
13 _____ an email
A get c B take c C do c
14 _____ shopping
A have c B see c C go c

c Tick ( ) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

Example: I missed my English class _____.
A last week c B the last week c C ago a week c
15 We went out on _____.
Name ____________________________
Class ____________________________

7 Quick Test
A the night c B night of Friday c C Friday night c
16 I started a new job _____ yesterday.
A day before c B a day before c C the day before c
17 She didnt come to class _____.
A afternoon yesterday c B yesterday afternoon c C the last afternoon c
18 We didnt go out _____.
A last night c B night last c C tomorrow night c
19 My sister got married _____.
A the last year c B last year c C year last c
20 I started learning English _____.
A ago three years c B three years ago c C three years before c


a Which word has a different sound? Tick ( ) A, B, or C.

Example: A am c B thanks c C car c
1 A made c B bad c C came c
2 A bought c B wore c C no c
3 A looked c B relaxed c C chatted c
4 A asked c B started c C finished c
5 A said c B want c C went c

b Which is the stressed syllable? Tick ( ) A, B, or C.

Example: A computer c B computer c C computer c
6 A afternoon c B afternoon c C afternoon c
7 A photograph c B photograph c C photograph c
8 A composer c B composer c C composer c
9 A yesterday c B yesterday c C yesterday c
10 A director c B director c C director c
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

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