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Mental Status Examination

Appearance and Behavior

Patient is a healthy adult who is neat looking, dressed appropriately, and has a straight posture.
She is restless and has poor eye contact but is cooperative when interviewed.


Tagalog was the language she used during the interview. She spoke at a normal rate and was
able to pronounce words clearly.

Mood and Affect

Patient has a depressed mood with flat affect.

Perceptual Disturbances

Auditory hallucinations were noted. The patient described it as hearing voices in her head and
was instructing her to end her life by placing a pillow over her face until she can no longer breathe.
There were times when she did what the voices told her but immediately stopped when she felt that she
could no longer breathe.

Thought Content

Patient thinks that there are people who dislike her and wants to quarrel her, but she said that
these people are just jealous of her beautiful long black hair. She is afraid of Manananggals. She
attempted suicide several times in the past because there were voices in her head telling her to do so.

Thought Process

Patient exhibits circumstantiality, there are times that she loses connection with the examiners
in answering questions but after a short while she manages to get back on track.


The patient is awake, oriented to person place and time, has good attention and concentration.
She has good memory. She can read, write, name objects and do abstract thinking.

Patient is does not manifest any aggressive behavior.


Patient is not aware of her current condition. When asked about why she was in the hospital,
she said, wala lang, dalaw dalaw lang dito. She denies having any medical or psychiatric illness.


Patient able to make her own decisions.

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