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Alphabetical Sorting 02

Listing words in order of the alphabet is known as alphabetical sorting. Revise and remember
the rules for alphabetical order! If you've done the first Alphabetical Sorting quiz, then try our second
English quiz on the subject. You might find it a little more challenging.

Which word completes the following lists alphabetically?

1. ....... advanced, advancement, advancing.

o advance
o advantage
o advantaged
o advantageous
2. ....... clearance, cleared, clearly.
o clear
o clears
o click
o clock
3. Wash, ....... washes, washing.
o washed
o wish
o wished
o wishes
4. Continuance, continue, continued, .......
o contain
o content
o continual
o continuing
5. Close, ....... closely, closer.
o closed
o closest
o closet
o closing
6. Writ, write, writer, ....... written.
o wary
o wiry
o writing
o wry
7. Strong, stronger, strongest, .......
o strength
o strengthen
o strengthening
o strongly
8. Began, begin, ....... begins.
o beacon
o beacons
o beginning
o begonia
9. Create, creative, ....... creatures.
o created
o creates
o creating
o creator
10. Adapt, ....... adaptation, adapted.
o adaptable
o adorable
o adoration
o adore

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