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Contact Address : House178, Green Road, Dhaka1205, Bangladesh
Permanent Address: Village: Rabir Mara, Post Office: Bhait kandi, Thana:
Phulpur, District: Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Contact Number : 01727559421
Email :
Gender : Male
Nationality : Bangladeshi.
Marital Status : Married
Date of Birth : 20 October 1966
Mothers Name : Ms. Halima Khatun
Fathers Name : AKM Harunor Rashid
Core Competencies: Management of Finance, Administration and Operations, Budget Management, Donor Grants &
Contract Management, Donor Reporting, Sub- Grants Management, Financial System,
Procurement and Logistics.
History of Professional Experiences:
More than 15 years of professional experience out of which 5 years with FAO of United Nations, 4 years with Save
the Children and 9 years with Care Bangladesh by providing technical support and leadership in management of
financial and operational functions, budget management, grants contracts management with donors and partners for
large development projects funded by World Bank, USAID, DFID, EC, Global Fund (GFATM), CIDA, UN and GAFSP.
Efficiently managed the activities related to procurement, logistics, inventory management, facilitation of audit and day
to day office administration for long time. For example successfully managed the grants/budget and contracts
management functions for big budgeted project with large number of service providers/partners/farmers organizations
under Integrated Agricultural Productivity Project in FAO of United Nations funded by World Bank/GAFSP/GoB,
National Food Security Program funded by USAID in Care Bangladesh and national HIV/AIDS Program funded by
GFATM in Save the Children with considerable capability and achievements in the following positions:
Position Organization Duration Report to
Project Administrator- Finance, FAO of the United 22 April 2012 to 31
Team Leader
Procurement and Operations Nations December 2016
Major Responsibilities:
Ensured day to day operational activities for smooth implementation of the project and look after overall office
administrative functions and ensured international and local travel arrangement such as security clearance, travel
authorization, ticketing, venue/hotel reservation, training event management, vehicle management etc.
Efficiently developed procurement plan, tender documents/RFPs for goods and services to be published by FAO and
participation in procurement review committees, bid evaluation meetings, and prepare necessary minutes.

Successfully managed the grants and tracked/monitored the budget and expenditure of the project and daily financial
management functions including all sorts of donor financial reporting, delivery estimates, progress reports, fund
requests and periodical management reporting. Facilitated audit of the project at project end.
Properly maintained up-to-date accurate financial and administrative records of all disbursements and receipts.
Efficiently developed all Letter of Agreement (LoA) and Service Contracts against the project and monitoring of the
contract budget against the service to be provided. Ensured accurate tracking of project assets and inventory.
Promptly prepared budget forecasts for future periods in light with the approved work plan and donor approved
budget in collaboration with FAO National Team Leader & Technical Unit in FAO head quarter.
Efficiently reviewed and processed all project disbursements/payments with FAOBD finance.
Regularly analysed project detail project budget and disbursements by extracting financial transactions for periodic
budget monitoring, rectifying wrong charging, reporting to donor and project management.
Critically reviewed the budget submitted by the partners/service providers before signing of the contracts by FAO.
Actively worked for oracle budget revision process as necessary and delivery estimates and uploads in FPMIS.
Efficiently reviewed the fund requests and ensured timely disbursement of funds/instalments to the partners/service
providers of the project in accordance with the authorized budget limits and applicable procedures of FAO.
Coordinated the procurement of goods and services from local and international suppliers/service
providers/consultants adhering to FAOs procurement rules and procedures.
Facilitated recruitment of International and National consultants with FAO country office, regional office.
Reviewed monitored and ensured submission of TEC and invoices of international consultants to FAO RAP and FAO
Budapest and monitored the timely settlement of the payments and ensured proper documentation.
Worked closely with the government officials of respective ministries and ensured required support.
Efficiently ensured necessary logistical support of the program events and different training programs.
Successfully maintained the vehicle operation of the project and supervision of the drivers of the project and
allocation of their duties to support regular project activities and international mission.
Maintained liaison with FAO headquarters and regional office on financial, operational and reporting matters.
Efficiently performed all closeout activities such as asset handover, final reporting, office closer and documentation of
IAPP TA project in collaboration with country office and government.
Position Organization Duration Report to
Financial Analyst Care Bangladesh 20 Oct 11 to 16 Apr 12 Finance Controller
Major Responsibilities:
Efficiently managed grants and contract management functions for several projects funded by USAID, EC and DFID
from grants management section of the central finance department of Care Bangladesh.
Prepared financial reports for the projects funded by USAID, EC and DFID using prescribed reporting templates.
Efficiently developed contract documents for the partners and reviewed the budget submitted by partners in light with
the compliance with donor approved budget and organizational policy/requirements.
Monitored and analysed the budget and expenditure of the assigned projects by extracting financial transactions
from system after financial month closing for necessary corrections of wrong charging and prepared management
reports with necessary narratives on budget variance.
Coordinated internal and external audits conducted by national and international audit farms for donors and NGOAB
and prepared audit responses and implementation action plan on audit recommendations.
Analysis of country office budget and expenditure including pipeline budget to assist mission management on future
strategic decision making in relation to resource management and compliance matters with donors.
Developed fiscal year detail operational budget guideline and calendar for circulation to all the projects and
departments of Care-Bangladesh and guided projects finance persons to prepare software based detail budget.
Reviewed and compiled detail annual (fiscal) budget of all the projects of Care Bangladesh from grants/budget
section of central finance department before submission for management approval and uploading in the financial
system including coordination of midyear budget revision process of country office projects.
Developed expenditure charging guideline for the projects as per approved budget and chart of accounts to ensure
proper charging of expenditure to project funds and to reduce audit observations and for accurate donor reports.
Facilitated proper preparation and execution of grant contract documents and disbursements in line with donors like
USAID, EC, DFID, ECHO following organizational procedures and practices.
Managed humanitarian emergency grant funds received from Consortium, USAID, DFID, ECHO and EC including
management and monitoring of partners agreement/budget/reporting against the emergency funds for SIDR/AILA.

Designed reporting system using scope in accounting system of organization for reporting tor different donors.
Analysis of the shared budget requirement of the country office against available shared budget in the donor
agreement and monitoring of the actual charging and monthly reporting to senior management.
Ensured fund disbursement to partners, reviewed financial reports and adjustment of advances in the system within
time line for proper reflection of financial achievement against physical achievement of targeted program activities.
Ensured result based budgeting and financial reporting for EC funded emergency projects and settlement of queries
from donors. Provided training to local partners on financial reporting, compliance issues and budget management.
As a team member of country office cost proposal development team prepared multiyear project budget for
submitting to major institutional donors such as DFID, USAID, EC and ECHO for regular and emergency programs.
Position Organization Duration Report to
Deputy Manager-Grants & Finance Save the Children 02 Mar 08 to 30 Sep 11 Deputy Director-Grants & Fin
Major Job Responsibilities: Grants Contract, Budget Management and Accounting Functions:
Successfully developed multiyear cost proposal budget for Global Fund (GFATM) for around 60 million dollars for
project proposal submission to Global Fund on HIV/AIDS Program in collaboration with program team.
Ensured the overall compliances of using grants funds as Principal Recipient (PR) of Global Fund grants on
HIV/AIDS Program from the grants management unit of Save the Children USA, Bangladesh Country Office.
Efficiently prepared quarterly Financial Progress Update (PU) report and Disbursement/Fund Request (PUDR)
following the prescribed templates and guidelines of GFATM for submission to Local Fund Agent (LFA) and GFATM.
Prepared program cash flow statement, bank reconciliation, and activity wise forecasted expenditure for the Principal
Recipient (PR) and guided 13 Sub Recipients on preparation of activity wise forecasted expenditure and project cash
flow statement at their end in order to preparation of the Disbursement Request (PUDR) for Local Funding Agent.
Preparation of Enhanced Financial Report (EFR) for Global Fund periodically/yearly as required by Global Fund.
Coordination of LFA review on submitted Progress Update (PU), Disbursement Request (DR) and Enhanced
Financial Report (EFR) including preparation of different reconciliation and analytical statement on results.
Designed detail activity wise financial reporting system for both program and financial result side by side for the 49
(13 SR+ 36 SSR) Sub Recipients to establish a strong reporting system onward to Global Fund.
Established system of tracking for activity wise expenditure against activity budget in the accounting system used by
the organization and partners and regular monitoring of charges.
Review of accounting system generated detail transaction file before financial month closing in the accounting
system (Sun System) to identify wrong charging and initiated necessary journals for accurate financial reporting.
Successfully and efficiently facilitated the OIG audit conducted by The Global Fund in the area of grants
management functions without any major findings/observations.
Sub Grant Management Activities:
Efficiently developed the agreement templates for Sub Recipients (SR) in light of the rules regulation of Global Fund
and Save the Children (PR) and law of the land and obtained approval through grants management system of SC.
Developed the budget template for the Sub Recipients (SR) and critically reviewed the detail budget submitted by
Sub Recipients in light the approved budget with donor and program targets in the work plan.
As part of Capacity development activities provided training to finance and non-finance program staffs of Principal
Recipient (PR) including 36 Sub and Sub Sub Recipients (SR/SSR) on compliance issues and for understanding the
activity based budgeting of performance based funding and reporting requirement of Global Fund.
Developed audit plan and ToR for the auditor in light of the guideline of Global Fund and facilitation of yearly donor
specific audit of the project including 49 Sub and Sub Sub Recipients. Reviewed the draft audit reports, prepared
action plan of implementing audit recommendations and follow up with partners.
To ensure the timely fund disbursement, reviewed and analyzed the reports submitted by Sub Recipients (SR) on
quarterly basis in order to take fund disbursement decision to SR against their fund request.
Took part in pre-award/risk assessment of Sub Recipients, gap analysis during the selection of the Sub Recipient.
Initiated training for capacity development of Sub Recipients finance staffs for the area identified including regular
monitoring of Sub Recipients.
Position Organization Duration Report to
Finance & Admin Officer Care Bangladesh July 07 to Feb 2008 General Manager
Major Job Responsibilities:
Managed and supervised overall financial and administrative functions of the Transport Services Department of Care
Prepared annual budget of vehicles to be used by the projects of Care Bangladesh and ensured allocation of the
budget for incorporating with the annual budget of the projects for using vehicles by cross charging mechanism.
Monitoring of the charges and reporting to projects and senior management of Care Bangladesh.
Assisted General Manager Transport Services in supervision of store and inventory management of TSD.
Prepared quarterly income and expenditure statement (vehicle cross charging mechanism) for using vehicles by
different projects from the central vehicle pool. Monitoring of fuel consumptions of Care Bangladesh vehicles and
performance and took necessary initiatives in time for ensuring the effective use of resources and reporting.
Ensured collection of relevant financial documents and reports from field offices in time for using the vehicles for
review and monitoring at the end of each month.
Reviewed monthly fuel bills of Care Bangladesh, prepared summary statement of appropriate charging to the user
projects and ensured the vendor payments in time. Supervised the overall safety and security functions of Transport
Services Department and the resources.
Position Organization Duration Report to
Finance Officer-Budget Care Bangladesh 22 Aug 99 to 30 June 07 Manager-Budget
Major Job Responsibilities:
Efficiently managed the grants and contracts management functions including budget/donor financial
reporting/auditing for more than 20 grants and contracts with several international donors such as CIDA, DFID, GoB,
and USAID etc. from the budget section of central finance department of Care Bangladesh for more than 5 years.
Developed cost proposal budget and narratives in collaboration with program team members for different donors
such as USAID, EC, DFID, and SDC on Health, Education, food security and emergency program.
Reviewed the donor compliance of draft contracts using organizational checklist before signing the contract.
Ensured timely and accurate submission of all financial reports to donors as per prescribed format.
Liaison with Care international member country offices in relation to grant management issues.
Monitoring of grant contract compliance issues for the grants received for different international donors.
Prepared projected expenditure of projects for periodic fund request to donors and monitor the project fund liquidity.
Established and ensured regular monitoring system of expenditure charging against donor approved budget.
Actively participated financial month closing in the accounting system and reconciliations of general ledger accounts.
Compilation of budget of country office yearly operational budget of all the projects during starting of fiscal year and
midyear budget revision process. Guided the project staffs in preparation of yearly operational budget.
Developed country office shared budget and allocation based on shared cost ratio to different project budget as per
donor approved allocation and monitor the budget and charges on regular basis.
Pipeline budget preparation and analysis for future strategic planning of the organization as per calendar.
Coordinated internal and external audit conducted by different national and international audit farms and prepared
response and action plan for implementation of audit recommendations.
Prepared financial statements for external and internal audit purpose, especially project proposal (FD-6 & FD-4) to
NGO Affairs Bureau of Government of Bangladesh to obtain approval following the low of the land.
Proactively worked for managing the sub grant related activities such as agreement signing process, budget
monitoring, expenditure certification before advance adjustment, capacity development for using grant funds,
reporting, auditing as per the requirement of donor and Care Bangladesh and NGOAB.
Position Organization Duration Report to
Assistant Admin Officer Care Bangladesh 08 March 98 to 21 Aug 99 Project Support Manager
Prepared field office financial statement/reports for reporting to Care Bangladesh head office on monthly basis.
Reviewed bills and vouchers submitted by vendors, employees and consultants for processing the payments.
Preparation of field office fund requests based on the requirements in consultation of project management.
Preparation of monthly payroll and QCF information (PIR) and submission to CBHQ Finance for staff separation.
Preparation of annual procurement plan (AIP) of the field office and ensure the overall procurement of the field office.
Ensure logistical support o he project events and oversee the vehicle operation of the field office.
Experience of working in Emergency Projects/Response with Care-Bangladesh and Save the Children:
Developed the detail activity wise budget for 20 international donors in collaboration with program team.
Analysed all donor budgets to fit with the requirements of the operation of the response in compliance with the policy
of Care Bangladesh and different donor rules regulations and restrictions.
Organized the communications and documentations and filing system. Financial monitoring of partners by field visit
EDUCATION: Masters in Management (M.COM) from Dhaka University in 1989 (Exam held in 1993).
LANGUAGE: Bengali: Mother Tongue, English: Fluent in Speaking, Reading and Writing.
Training received on General Resources Management System (GRMS) and FPMIS/IMIS provided by FAO of UN.
Training received on PeopleSoft, ORACLE provided by Care International.

International training on Public Procurement-Level 2 (CIP) in Bangkok provided by FAO/UNDP
Received training on rules regulations of USAID, DFID and EC provided by Save the Children.
International training on Grants and Financial Management provided in Nepal by The Global Fund
SCALA financial operation & Accounting Software provided by Care International.
Training on Financial Management and Internal Control provided by Care-Bangladesh.
Training received on gender and ethics provided by Care-Bangladesh.
COMPUTER SKILL: MS word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Internet
Financial/Accounting System: Online GRMS and FPMIS/IMIS system of FAO, SCALA, Sun System, Budget
Mate, Peoples Soft, Oracle and online based grants management system (GMS/CGRS)
OTHER INFORMATION: Appreciation received from the country director of Care-Bangladesh for:
Preparation, monitoring and analysis of project financial information and reports for donors.
Implementation and maintenance of Care financial monitoring system.
Liaison with donors, partners on financial issues.
Training to project finance staff for developing budget and budget monitoring tools.
Reference: 1 Reference: 2 Reference: 3
Md. Ekramul Hoque Ahsan Sabir Nesar Uddin Sayeed
Assistant Representative (Admin) Director-Finance & Support Services Director-Finance & Grants
FAO of the United Nations Save the Children Helen Keller International
House 37, Road 8, House- CWN (A) 35, Road- 43, House 10E, Road 82,Gulshan 2
Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1207 Gulshan 2,Dhaka 1212 Dhaka-1212
Cell: 01755521143 Cell# 01712113906 Cell: 01786049010

I hereby declare that the information provided above is true and fair in my knowledge.
Signature: ______________
Md. Enamul Haque Date: June 11, 2017

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