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My Journal Entries

October 24, 2016 (Monday)

Upon waking up, I read a story on Wattpad entitled The Girl He Never Noticed. After
twenty minutes, I stood up and proceeded to fix my beddings. I washed my face and ate my
breakfast of rice with ham and egg. After eating, I swept the floor and turned on the laptop. I
watched Anime and other movies. After a few hours, my grandmother and I had lunch together. I
washed the dishes after eating and continued watching. At around 3pm, I took a bath and listened
to music while taking a bath. After a refreshing bath, I ate snacks of Pic-A, V-cut and biscuits.
Then, I went out to the balcony while listening to music and watched the people passing by.
After sometime, I went inside since it was starting to get dark and I checked the time and noticed
that it was just 6pm. Too early for dinner, I decided to turn on the laptop and opened my FB
while eating chips. I finally decided to eat dinner at around 8:30pm. I washed the dishes after and
went back to finish what I was watching. I finally decided to go to bed at around 10:30pm after
saying my evening prayers.

October 25, 2016 (Tuesday)

I received a text from my friend Jaila while I was eating breakfast. She requested me to
accompany her to BUCAF to meet a friend from whom she was borrowing a notebook. We
agreed that she will drop by my grandmothers house at 8am to pick me up. She promptly arrived
at 8am and after leaving the house, we proceeded to BUCAF and met her friend who has the
notebook. From BUCAF, we passed by the cemetery and there were already quite a number of
people busy cleaning and painting the graveyards of their dead relatives. We then proceeded to
LCC to buy some personal stuff and some materials needed for school. We also bought ice-
cream and I requested her to accompany me to our house to get some clothes to bring with me to
my grandmothers house. Since it was almost 11:00am, we decided to part ways.

While eating lunch, one of my group mates texted me that the video shoot scheduled for
today was cancelled because some of the members will not be able to come. We then decided to
postpone it for the next day. I went inside the room and took a nap. When I woke up, I drank
cold Zesto and ate some cookies. I noticed that my left eye was a little painful and there was
swelling under the eyelids. I did not mind it and I continued reading stories in Wattpad. I ate
dinner at 8pm and went to bed at 10pm.

October 26, 2016 (Wednesday)

When I woke up, I noticed that the swelling in my eyes was getting worse and my
grandmother noticed it too. After breakfast, my mom and I went to the doctor to have it checked.
She said that I had eye infection and prescribed eye drops for my eyes. I decided to rest my eyes
and I refrained from using my cellphone. I had lunch and then I took a nap. When I woke up, I
felt a little better although there was still swelling and redness underneath my eyes. I texted my
group mates that we cannot have our video shoot since my eyes were swollen. I used my
cellphone for a while and then decided to rest again. I had early dinner and went to bed early.
October 27, 2016 (Thursday)

I noticed when I woke up that my eyes were less swollen and painful compared to the
previous day. I ate breakfast and at around 10am, I took a bath. I asked my grandma to put
eyedrops on my right and left eye. As I was feeling a little better, I decided to start rewriting my
journals. It was a rainy and gloomy day. I decided to start working on my AP assignment as it
was quite long. Then I had lunch. After lunch, I played a game on my cellphone and read for a
little while on Wattpad. I spent the afternoon resting my eyes, eating and using my cellphone. It
was an uneventful day and I went to sleep early.

October 28, 2016 (Friday)

My eyes were definitely showing signs of improvement and I was so happy! The swelling
has gone down and it was not anymore painful. I continued working on my journal and some
other assignments while listening to music on my cellphone. I texted my group mates and
informed them that they can come the following day, Saturday to continue our video shoot. I also
laundered some of my clothes and underwear. Then I took a bath. Since it was almost lunchtime,
my grandma and I ate lunch. I had pork chops and some mixed veggies. After lunch, I washed
the dishes and cleaned the table. I spent the afternoon lazing in bed. I started reading a new story
in Wattpad and I didnt notice the time pass by so quickly. My mom bought J Co doughnuts for
me and I ate three pieces!! I had late dinner because I was still full from the doughnuts. After
dinner, my grandma and I said our evening prayers and I slept.

October 29, 2016 (Saturday)

I had a late breakfast and my eyes were a lot better. Jaila called me to say she was coming
over after lunch. After lunch, I took a bath and got ready to meet my group mates near our
school. While I was out, Jaila arrived in our house with Najima, who was my classmate when I
was in grade 6. I havent seen her for quite sometime because she is now studying in Naga City.
I was so happy to see her!! While waiting for the rest of my group mates to arrive, we had fun
exchanging stories. Unfortunately, the rest of my group mates did not come and so we were not
able to continue our video shoot. My other group mates decided to go home afterwards but Jaila
and Najima stayed behind. They went home at around 5:30 pm. After they left, I continued
reading the story I was reading on Watt pad. I had dinner and later I decided to sleep at around

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