Resenhas: Como Traducir La Obra de Juan Rulfo. Sergio Lopez Mena. Mexi

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Resenhas 177

intrigued him. Rodrguez includes lator consists of developing Cuba

this dictionary and a comprehen- through democracy and the spread
sive bibliography so that readers of classical, European and U.S.
are able to research any linger- culture in Spanish translation.
ing questions about Jos Mart. Rachelle Doucette
Rodrguez concludes by reiterat- St. Lawrence University
ing that Marts goals as a trans-

how it has been translated into

Como traducir la obra de Juan a variety of languages, includ-
Rulfo. Sergio Lopez Mena. Mexi- ing Hindi, Catalan, and Korean.
co: Editorial Praxis, 2000, 75 p. After a brief section dedicated to
one of the most important Mexi-
can writers of the twentieth cen-
tury, Juan Rulfo (1917-1986) and
Como traducir la obra de Juan his literary works, Lpez Mena
Rulfo is a collection of eight es- discusses how regionalism is an
says compiled by Sergio Lopez important part of the narratives
Mena, who provides a prologue of Rulfo, which the author uses
as well as an essay of his own en- to describe the circumstances of
titled George D. Schade, traduc- time and place, as well as the hu-
tor de El llano en llamas. The man condition. The challenge for
contributors all participated in the most translators of Rulfian litera-
international seminar, El llano en ture is the question of faithfulness
llamas, held at the House of Cul- to meaning rather than form, es-
ture in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, pecially since these two aspects
on May 15, 1999. The seminar of Rulfos writing technique are
had two purposes: first to honor interrelated.
the works and struggles of Rafael For Chandra Bhushan Choubey,
Gonzlez de Alba, who dedicated this idea of faithfulness is like a
his life to education and the pro- woman: lovely when shes not
motion of cultural understanding; faithful and faithful when shes
secondly, to analyze the classic not pretty. In her essay, Rulfo
book by Juan Rulfo in terms of en Hindi, she addresses the im-
178 Resenhas

portance of translating in general, This is the question that Dolo-

saying that it is essential because res Bosch I Sans poses in her es-
it allows the work to cross bound- say, Juan Rulfo en cataln: Ens
aries of culture, language, and han donat la terra. She wonders
nationality. Translating Rulfos if the reader is able to understand
work to Hindi is particularly im- what is written or translated, and
portant for Choubey, despite the asks if the translator should in-
fact that both cultures are very clude footnotes that explain the
different from one another. She Mexican cultural references as
has noticed that Mexican litera- a way of helping readers under-
ture and the prose of Rulfo in stand Rulfos work. For Bosch
particular, have not been translat- I Sans, this is possible, since,
ed to the Hindi language, which for her, to translate is to move
is spoken by 300 million people. from one place to another. She
Instead, only certain works by has translated the first story from
Rulfo have been published in In- El Llano en llamas into Cata-
dia translated into English, which lan, a language currently spoken
is spoken by less than 5 percent by eleven million people. It is
of the population. Because of an accomplishment to translate
this, the Indian reading public is Rulfos work into Catalan, con-
not aware of Rulfo. Choubey ex- sidering the fact that the language
plains this lack of translations to is enjoying a resurgence after it
the differences between the cul- was banned for forty years un-
tures, both in terms of traditions der Francos regime. In addition,
but also, of course, language. Sans recognizes the differences
In the Hindi culture, there is no between colloquial Catalan and
Virgin Mary, and words such as the official language promoted
thank you, youre welcome, by the government. However,
and excuse me do not exist. Bosch I Sans uses the latter lan-
Choubey herself was faced with guage and is convinced that this
the decision of translating liter- does not inhibit comprehension.
ally and changing the meaning or Jorge Luis Borges says that
looking for equivalents, which, there is nothing more character-
even so, still produced a changed istic of a country than its imagi-
meaning. However, where, ex- nations, but what happens when
actly, does this leave the reader? geographically and culturally
Resenhas 179

different countries find similar defends the idea that rendering

imaginations? This is the rea- the way characters speak is the
soning that Bong Seo Yoon uses essence of translation. Transla-
to introduce his essay La Expe- tors must not domesticate the
riencia de Traducir Pedro Pra- translation and make it their own
mo al Coreano, to explain why in the targeted language. Also,
Koreans want to read the work of Critchley advises translators to
Juan Rulfo. Yoon says that trans- be aware of the aridity of Rulfos
lating is not just about the knowl- language, a quality that admits
edge of the language but also neither a shortage nor an excess
of the culture. The dictionary is of words. It is this language that
not going to give translators ev- reflects the impoverished human
ery answer they need, and that condition that the characters ex-
is why, when translating Pedro perience in Rulfos work.
Pramo, Yoon gave his manu- The contributors to Como
script to three other translators: a Traducir la obra de Juan Rulfo
Korean and two Mexicans. Being all struggle to restore in transla-
informed about the culture is es- tion different aspects of Rulfos
pecially relevant in this case due work. Some attempt to convey
to the vast differences between the authors style, while others
the Oriental and Occidental: in focus on an overall meaning.
Mexico, it is customary to have What matters most, however, is
more than one coffin in a burial that Rulfos magnificent work
niche, whereas in Korea people now has been translated into im-
are buried in individual graves. portant minority languages such
Not all the contributors in as Hindi, Catalan and Korean.
the book agree, however, with These new translations of the lit-
the idea that meaning is the most erature of a regional Mexican au-
important element when it comes thor, whose main theme is pov-
to translating the works of Juan erty, confirm Rulfos world class
Rulfo. In his essay, La Traduc- stature as a writer.
cin al Ingls de No oyes ladrar Nertila Koni
los perros, Adam Critchley St. Lawrence University

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