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Simple universal RPG

d20 roll higher than skill.

Skills. may overcome obstacles, or create tags

Skill generation. Pick ~5 skills to improve to 15.
Skill ratings are failure chance.
Skill advancement. When skill is rolled and the roll fails, the skill rating is reduced by 1.
Or when skill is rolled and roll fails the skill rating is reduced by 1 so long as roll result is w/in 5
or less success
Skill rolls: roll higher than character's skill rating, or opposed (conflict) rolls, highest of opposed roll wins
the conflict, however if roll is under own skill the skill roll still fails.
Skills are narrative vehicles. Creatively used to affect the narrative and roleplaying. Skills may be used to
add or remove tags as applicable to the skill, situation, and narrative; with GM approval.

Boon/Complications. Represented as or , means to roll another d20. A boon will allow the roller
to pick the higher of the two d20 rolls. A complication will force the roller to take the lower of two
d20 rolls.

Conflicts are a push/pull mechanic where battles sways back and forth.
(?) Conflicts are opposed roll scenes which play out as multiple rounds.
- initial scene; first opposed roll winner applies a tag onto the scene or opponent as appropriate.
- rising scene; second opposed roll, if winner from initial scene wins may gain on the next
scene against the same opponent.
- resolution scene; if a character has won two rolls against an opponent and wins a third roll the
winner may resolve the conflict.
(?) OR conflicts, winner of opposed rolls give tags back and forth until 3 tags are accrued on any one
character in the conflict.

Tags. Keyword effects that can be called upon as boons, complications, or simply roleplaying properties.
Tags are always in effect, and always true, but tags can be overwritten by other tags. When two tags
oppose the most recent tag overwrites previous tags.
Backgrounds and/or professions are character tags.
Consider virtue flaw tags
Skill lists.
The skill list is broken up into categories which hold 5 skills each, categories can have more than 5 skills,
but generally breaking up skill categories into more than 5 skills adds a minutiae that is not intended for
this system. It is encouraged to only use the skills and skill categories that are applicable for the setting.

General Combat Social Subterfuge Training

Acrobatics Block Deception Espionage Animal Handler
Insight Brawl Entertain Forgery Navigate
Investigate Dodge Etiquette Pilfer Profession
Lore Shoot Persuade Stealth/sneak Survival
Physique Throw Provoke Trappery Triage

Technology Science Psionics Magic

Astrogation Academics Apporation Conjuration
Engineering Chemistry Extrasensory Evocation
Operations Electronics Metapsionics Necromancy
Piloting Mechanics Psychokinesis Thaumaturgy
Security/Hacking Medicine Telepathy Transmutation

General skills.
Acrobatics, perform gymnastic stunts, take falls, Social skills.
roll, balance, etc. Deception, action or statement intended to
Insight, ability to understand people and make people believe something that is not true.
situations in a very clear way, or its true nature. Entertain, perform or provide amusement for
Investigate, observe or study by close an audience.
examination and systematic inquiry to find out Etiquette, proper conduct or procedure
facts. required by a society or culture.
Lore, knowledge gained through study or Persuade, to move by argument, entreaty, or
experience. expostulation to a belief, position, or course of
Physique, represents a character's natural action.
physical aptitude such as raw strength and Provoke, purposely stir up anger.
Subterfuge skills.
Combat skills. Espionage, obscure the existence or true state
Block, put an obstacle in the way. Hinder or or disguise. Practice of spying or using spies to
stop movement or action. obtain information about the plans and
Brawl, unarmed combat, to hit with punch, kick activities
or other body part and maneuvers involving Forgery, create something that is falsely made
unarmed combat such as wrestling. or copied in order to deceive people.
Dodge, action of evading. Pilfer, steal, take or pick up stealthily.
Shoot, use ranged weapons. Stealth/sneak, move quietly and secretly in
Throw, propel weapons and objects through order to avoid being noticed. A secret, quiet,
physical force. and clever way of moving or behaving
Trappery, create, set, and detect traps.

Training skills.
Animal Handler, train and work with animals.
Navigate, find the way to get to a place when
you are traveling.
Profession, specialized knowledge, often from
long and intensive academic preparation or
training for a particular job.
Survival, action or knowledge of living in
difficult conditions.
Triage, medical treatment especially in stressful

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