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Reading and Listening Module = (Standard Test)

Reading and Listening

The Reading and Listening module is an adaptive test, so there is not a fixed number of questions. Each question the
candidate answers helps the computer to understand their level better. The test finishes when the candidate has answered
enough questions to identify their level accurately.

Length: About 60 minutes

Number of parts: 7
Number of questions: Varies
Length of texts: Candidates read texts of about 250 words in length

Speaking Test - available in English

The Speaking test is taken on a computer, using a microphone. Answers are recorded and sent to examiners for marking.
Length: 15 minutes (5 parts)
Format: Single candidate records answers.
Example Topics: buying and selling
entertainment of business clients
business travel
human resources
training and development.
Part 1 (Interview) Eight questions about the candidate and his/her background/work/future plans, etc. (e.g. What is
your job?)
Questions: 8
Part 2 (Reading Aloud) Eight sentences to read aloud
Questions: 8
Part 3 (Presentation) A business or work-related topic (e.g. the perfect office) is given for the candidate to talk about for
one minute. The candidate has 40 seconds to prepare.
Questions: 1
Part 4
(Presentation with Graphic) The candidate is given one or more graphics (e.g. pie charts, line graphs) with a business focus
(e.g. company exports) to talk about for one minute. The candidate has 1 minute to prepare.
Questions: 1
Part 5 (Communication Activity) The candidate gives his/her answer to five questions related to one scenario (e.g.
planning a conference). The candidate has 40 seconds to prepare.
Questions: 5

Writing Test - available in English

Length: 45 minutes (2 parts)

Example Topics: buying and selling
products and services
the office and general business environment
entertainment of business clients
business travel
human resources
training and development.
Part 1 (email) The candidate types a short email of 5060 words.
Questions: 1
Marks in part 1: One-third of the final Writing mark.
Part 2 (Long Text) The candidate types a report or a letter of 180200 words following instructions.
Questions: One of a choice of two tasks must be chosen.
Marks in part 2: Two-thirds of the final Writing mark.

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