Biology Syllabus

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1. To enable candidates to acquire the knowledge 5. To develop the ability to appreciate biological
and to develop an understanding of biological phenomena in nature and the contribution of
terms, concepts, facts, principles, formulae, etc. biology to human welfare.
2. To develop the ability to apply the knowledge of 6. To develop interest in plants and animals and in
biology in unfamiliar situations. their respective environments.
3. To develop experimental skills required in 7. To develop scientific attitude towards biological
biology practical work. phenomena.
4. To create awareness about the problems of the 8. To create awareness of the fundamentals of
environment and the manner in which these human biology, food, health, nutrition and
problems can be overcome. population control.
There will be two papers in the subject. a clear understanding; the three systems of
Paper I: Theory: 3 hours ... 70 marks classification artificial, natural and
Paper II: Practical: 3 hours ... 20 marks phylogenetic; three domains of life
definition and features (archaea, bacteria,
Project Work 7 marks
eukarya); major taxonomical hierarchies
Practical File 3 marks (phylum, class, order, family, genus,
PAPER I THEORY 70 Marks species): definition and example with
There will be one paper of 3 hours duration divided reference to classification of one angiosperm
into two parts. and a mammal; rules of binomial
nomenclature and advantages of using
Part I (20 marks) will consist of compulsory short scientific names, Aids for study of taxonomy
answer questions, testing knowledge, application and a very brief idea of museum and herbaria.
skills relating to elementary/fundamental aspects of
the entire syllabus. (ii) Five-kingdom classification: salient features,
Part II (50 marks) will be divided into three Sections characteristics and examples.
A, B and C. Candidates will be required to answer Five-kingdom system of classification and
two out of three questions from Section A (each characteristics of different kingdoms with
carrying 5 marks), two out of three questions from examples.
Section B (each carrying 10 marks) and two out of
three questions from Section C (each carrying (a) Kingdom Monera: Bacteria -
10 marks). Therefore a total of six questions are to Classification of bacteria according to
be answered in Part II. shape, nutrition and mode of respiration;
differences between gram +ve and
Note: All structures (internal and external) are gram ve bacteria; economic importance
required to be taught along with diagrams. with reference to role of bacteria in
SECTION A sewage treatment, antibiotics, energy
production and house hold products
1. Diversity of Life (curd and cheese only); archaebacteria -
(i) Taxonomy and phylogeny, three domains of A brief idea of the role of different types
life; taxonomical hierarchies, binomial of archaebacteria (methanogens,
nomenclature. halophiles and thermoacidophils in their
extreme environments). Virus
Need for classification should be discussed. (characteristic features link between
Definition and explanation of the terms living and non-living, structure of TMV
taxonomy and phylogeny should be given for and bacteriophage and contribution of

the following scientists: D.J. Ivanowsky, Nonchordata - five distinguishing
M.W. Beijerinek, W.M. Stanley) and characters with two examples of
Viroid (definition only). Porifera, Coelenterata, Ctenophora,
Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida,
(b) General characteristics of Kingdom
Mollusca, Arthropoda, Echinodermata.
Protista Only two general
characteristics and two examples Chordata Sub-classification of
of subgroups: (i) Chrysophytes Chordata with reference to notochord -
(ii) Dinoflagellates, (iii) Euglenoids, Sub phyla Hemichordata, Urochordata,
(iv) Slime moulds, (v) Protozoans (to be Cephalochordata with at least one
studied under rhizopods, flagellates, example of each and Vertebrata (classes
ciliates and sporozoans with two - pisces, amphibia, reptilia, aves and
characteristics including modes of mammalia three distinguishing
locomotion and two examples of each). characters with two examples of each).
(c) Kingdom Fungi: general characteristics (iii) Morphology and anatomy of different
of each (including types of spores). systems of cockroach (digestive, respiratory,
Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, circulatory, excretory, nervous and
Basidomycetes, Deuteromycetes - two reproductive).
characteristics with two examples of
Only an elementary knowledge of the above
each. Role of fungi in the field of
systems is required.
medicine, bakery and environmental
decomposition. Definition of lichens and SECTION B
mycorrhiza (ecto and endo). 2. Plant Physiology
Life cycles not required. (i) Mineral nutrition: macronutrients and
(d) Plant Kingdom: Algae Two micronutrients (role and deficiency
characteristics and two examples symptoms); criteria for essentiality of
of Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae, elements, hydroponics; nitrogen nutrition in
Rhodophyceae; Economic importance of plants.
algae any five. Criteria for essentiality of minerals,
Bryophyta Characteristics, hydroponics, macro and micronutrients; role
classification into liverworts and mosses; and deficiency symptoms (hunger signs) of
Life cycle of Funaria with reference to various elements.
alternation of generations. (Emphasis (ii) Plant growth: phases of growth, growth rate,
should be laid on gametophyte and measurement of growth, factors affecting
sporophyte stages). growth, role of growth regulators, seed
dormancy and germination, apical
Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and
dominance, senescence and abscission.
Angiosperms five Characteristics and
two examples of each. Graphic outline of A brief idea about differentiation,
life cycles of pteridophyta and dedifferentiation and redifferentiation.
gymnosperm only. Phases of growth in meristems, growth rate
definition; measurement of growth by direct
(e) Animal Kingdom: animal construction - method and use of auxanometer, factors
body plan (cell aggregate plan, blind-sac affecting growth.
plan and tube-within-tube plan),
symmetry (spherical, radial and bilateral Brief idea of various theories leading to
symmetry), coelom development discovery of auxins by Went; role of growth
(diploblastic and triploblastic animals, regulators in development and growth of
acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, coelomate plants (such as auxins, gibberelins,
and haemocoelomate), segmentation. cytokinins, ethylene and abscisic acid four
effects of each); definition of dormancy and

quiescence; causes and methods of breaking (iii) Nutrition (human): Calorific value of
seed dormancy; definition of hypogeal, carbohydrates, proteins and fats, Organs of
epigeal and viviparous germination with two digestive system (histology of individual
examples of each; definition of apical organs not required), digestive process and
dominance, senescence, abscission, disorders of the digestive system.
applications of synthetic growth regulators
Calorific value of carbohydrates, proteins
(IAA and 2,4 - D). and fats per gram; Structure and functions of
(iii) Photomorphogenesis in plants. the digestive organs and their associated
glands; diagram of the digestive system with
A brief idea of short day, long day and day correct position of the organs and the
neutral plants; critical day length, definition associated glands; diagrammatic
and differences between photoperiodism and representation of T.S. of gut showing the four
vernalisation. layers - histology of individual organs not
required; hormonal regulation of digestive
3. Multicellularity: Structure and Functions of juices; absorption of food; factors
Plants and Animals controlling the absorptive power and small
intestine as principal site for absorption,
(i) Plant Tissues: types of plant tissues: assimilation of digested food; disorders of
Meristematic: Classification of Meristematic the digestive system jaundice, constipation,
tissue. Permanent Tissues: Structure and diarrhoea, Protein Energy Malnutrition
function of simple tissues (parenchyma, (PEM), vomiting and indigestion.
collenchyma and sclerenchyma) and complex
(iv) Respiration (human): Organs of respiratory
tissues (xylem and phloem), types of vascular
system, breathing mechanism (inspiration
and expiration), pulmonary gas exchange,
Characteristics of meristematic tissue; transport of respiratory gases, pulmonary air
classification of meristems based on origin volumes and lung capacities. Disorders of the
and location; structure, function and location respiratory system.
of permanent tissues; simple and complex Organs involved in respiration; diagram of
tissues; types of vascular bundles to be the respiratory tract and the associated
taught, difference between open and closed organs. Mechanism of pulmonary gas
vascular bundles along with the help of exchange; breathing process should be
diagrams. explained showing the action of diaphragm
(ii) Animal Tissues: epithelial; connective; and intercostal muscles; Transport of oxygen
muscular; nervous (location, structure and in the blood as dissolved oxygen and as
function). oxyhaemoglobin; transport of CO2 as
carbonic acid, as bicarbonates and
Epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous carbamino haemoglobin; Chloride shift,
tissues to be taught with the help of pulmonary air volumes and lung capacity
diagrams. must be taught. Disorders of respiratory
Location, structure and functions of system such as emphysema, asthma,
epithelial tissues with examples, location and occupational respiratory disorders.
general structure of areolar tissue - functions (v) Circulation: closed and open vascular
of different types of cells; difference between systems, structure of human heart, cardiac
collagen and elastin fibres; difference cycle, systemic and pulmonary circulation,
between bone and cartilage; T.S. of hyaline portal system, arterial blood pressure, origin
cartilage, T.S of bone, (to be taught with the and conduction of heart beat, blood vessels
help of diagrams); lymph and blood; (structure with the help of diagrams and
different types of muscles and their functions; adaptation), lymphatic system. ABO groups,
structure of a neuron. coagulation of blood. Disorders of the
Circulatory system.

Difference between closed and open vascular (vii) Endocrine System (human): hormones of
system should be discussed; advantages of pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid,
closed vascular system; external and internal pancreas, adrenal glands and gonads;
structure of heart to be taught with diagram mechanism of hormone action; effect of
to provide a clear idea; functions of different hyposecretion and hypersecretion, feedback
valves to be discussed; working of the heart mechanism.
and blood flow through the heart during
different phases should be described under Brief idea of location of endocrine glands,
the following headings - auricular systole, tropic hormones of pituitary and their
auricular diastole, ventricular systole, functions; feedback control of tropic
ventricular diastole and joint diastole; brief hormones to be discussed giving examples
idea of cardiac output; arterial blood for better understanding; role of
pressure (systolic and diastolic), double hypothalamus; hormones secreted by
circulation. The internal structure of artery, different lobes of pituitary and their
vein and capillary with the adaptations for functions; hormones of pineal, thyroid,
their functions should be discussed. parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands and
Importance of ABO groups in blood gonads; mechanism of hormone action
transfusion; clotting of blood to be taught (through CAMP and steroid hormones only);
briefly; lymphatic system a brief idea of effects of hypo secretion and hyper secretion
lymph, lymphatic capillaries and lymph
of various hormones of the above mentioned
nodes; Disorders of the Circulatory system
such as hypertension, coronary artery glands.
disease, Angina pectoris and heart failure. (viii) Nervous System (human): Central,
(vi) Excretion: ammonotelism, ureotelism, autonomic and peripheral, structure of
uricotelism, structure of human kidney brain and spinal cord, reflex action,
(L.S.), structure of nephron, role of skin and transmission of nerve impulse, saltatory
lungs in excretion, physiology of urine conduction; sense organs (eye and ear).
formation, counter current system; functions Receptors (mechanoreceptor, chemoreceptor,
of the kidney; homeostasis. Disorders of the photoreceptor and thermoreceptors),
excretory system. Nervous co-ordination: central, autonomic
Define, differentiate and explain the terms and peripheral nervous systems.
ammonotelism, ureotelism and uricotelism;
Structure and functions of various parts of
external and internal structure of the kidney
the brain and spinal cord; differences
(L.S.) with functions of the various parts;
between sympathetic and parasympathetic
structure of nephron; physiology of urine
nerve fibres; conduction of nerve impulses
formation - ultra filtration, selective
through nerve fibre and through synapse;
reabsorption and active (tubular) secretion.
conduction of nerve impulse through a
(Students are expected to know which
myelinated nerve fibre; reflex arc to be
product is reabsorbed in each part of
taught with diagram showing the pathway by
uriniferous tubule and the type of
means of arrows; physiology of reflex action,
mechanism). Counter current system,
natural reflex and conditioned reflex -
Regulation of urine formation, Renin-
definition, examples and differences; Eye and
angiotensin, Atrial Natriuretic Factor.
Ear: structure and working to be done along
Functions of the kidney.
with the help of a diagram.
Role of skin and lungs in excretion.
Types and functions of receptors:
Homeostasis definition. Disorders of
mechanoreceptor, chemoreceptor,
the excretory system. (i) renal calculi,
photoreceptor and thermoreceptors.
(ii) glomerulonephritis,(iii) uremia, (iv) renal

(ix) Locomotion: joints, structure of skeletal should be taught temperature, pH,
muscle, sliding filament theory of muscle substrate concentration, competitive and
contraction, red and white muscles, non-competitive inhibitors.
summation, tetanus and rigor mortis. (iii) Cell membranes: fluid mosaic model,
Disorders of muscular and skeletal system. membrane transport, passive and active
Locomotion: Basic aspects of human skeleton transport, exocytosis and endocytosis.
(axial and appendicular). Facilitated diffusion.
Functions of human skeleton; different types Description of fluid mosaic model; Functions
of joints - their location and function; of the plasma membrane: active and passive
diagram of synovial joint; general properties transport, endocytosis and exocytosis should
of muscles; structure of skeletal muscle - be explained. Brief explanation of facilitated
sliding filament theory of muscle contraction; diffusion (uniport, symport and antiport) with
chemical events during muscle contraction one example.
should be dealt with separately; definition of
summation, tetanus, rigor mortis, differences (iv) Cell structure: structure and functions of
between red and white muscles. nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, endoplasmic
Disorders of muscular and skeletal system reticulum, golgi complex, lysosomes,
(i) Muscular dystrophy, (ii) Arthritis, ribosomes, microfilaments, microtubules,
(iii) Gout, (iv) Osteoporosis, (v) Tetany, cilia, flagella and centrioles (ultra structure
(vi) Myasthenia gravis. and function);
Cell wall, vacuoles and cell inclusions.
Prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell a
4. Units of Life comparison.
(i) Biomolecules: Outline classification and Ultra structure and functions of all the above
functions of Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids to be taught with diagrams.
and nucleic acids. General structure of eukaryotic cell;
Carbohydrates: general classification and differences and similarities between
functions of: monosaccharides (glucose, prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell, plant
galactose and fructose), disaccharides and animal cell, microfilaments and
(maltose, lactose and sucrose), microtubules, flagella and cilia.
polysaccharides (glycogen, starch,
cellulose). (v) Cellular respiration: aerobic and anaerobic,
fermentation, glycolysis, Krebs cycle,
Proteins: Levels of structure (primary,
secondary, tertiary and quaternary) and their oxidative phosphorylation and respiratory
functions, classification of proteins quotient. Amphibolic pathway.
- simple, conjugated and derived. Types of respiration; mechanism of
Lipids classification, structure and respiration: glycolysis, oxidation of pyruvate,
functions of fats and oils. Krebs cycle, ETS (only flowchart). Oxidative
phosphorylation definition; Brief idea of
Nucleotides and Nucleic acids Structure
and function of DNA, types of RNA. fermentation and Amphibolic pathway.
Differences between DNA and RNA. Definition of respiratory quotient and RQ
values of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
(ii) Enzymes: General properties, classification,
mechanism of enzyme action, factors (vi) Cell reproduction: cell cycle, mitosis and
affecting enzyme activity. meiosis.
General properties, nomenclature and Different stages with diagrams should be
classification of enzymes according to type of explained to give a clear concept of the
reactions, co-enzymes and co-factors; Lock changes taking place at each step.
and key hypothesis should be explained with Significance of mitosis and meiosis should be
diagram to give a clear concept of enzyme discussed.
action. Factors affecting enzyme activity
5. Organisms and Environment 2. Physiology
(i) Ecosystem: biotic and abiotic components, Students will be required to carry out
Productivity and decomposition, food chain, sequence of instructions or experiments such
trophic levels, food webs, ecological as:
pyramids, niche, biogeochemical cycles. (i) Food tests: test for starch, glucose,
Brief idea about biotic and abiotic sucrose, proteins and fats.
components. Productivity - Gross and net, Food tests: tests should be reported in
primary productivity, secondary productivity. tabular form. Both positive and negative
Decomposition fragmentation, leaching, tests should be reported.
catabolism, humification and mineralization.
(ii) To study the effect of thawing, heat and
Various types of food chains grazing and
alcohol on permeability of beet root cells.
detritus, food webs, trophic levels, ecological
pyramids energy, number and biomass. To study the effect of heat on
Niche definition. Biogeochemical cycles permeability of cell membrane of beet
Carbon and Phosphorous. root cells: students should record the
observations at very low temperature,
(ii) Pollution: Air, water and soil pollution and
room temperature and higher
their control. Greenhouse effect and ozone
temperature to see the degree of leaching
and conclude accordingly. Experiment
Environmental issues: Air pollution and its on effect of alcohol on the permeability
control, major sources of gaseous and with regard to leaching. Can be done
particulate pollutants, control devices for air separately or alongside effect of heat for
pollution such as: scrubbers and electrostatic comparison.
precipitators; Water pollution, major sources (iii) Study of pH of different soils.
and its control, eutrophication, BOD; Soil
pollution sources, effects and control Collect soil samples from two different
Agrochemicals and their effects, areas and make a comparative study of
biomagnification and bioconcentration; solid their texture, moisture content and pH.
waste management, Radioactive waste (iv) To study the effect of different
management, e-waste. temperatures and three different pH on
enzyme (amylase) action on starch
A brief understanding of the concept
Deforestation, Greenhouse effect. Impact of
global warming in terms of climatic changes, Self-explanatory
rise in sea levels, melting of ice caps; impact (v) To study the rate of respiration in
on animals and plants due to climate germinating seeds and/or flower buds.
changes. Ozone depletion. Any three case Self-explanatory
studies as success stories addressing
environmental issues. 3. Morphology
PAPER II (i) Morphology and modification of roots, stems
and leaves.
Teachers can show examples of roots, stems
1. Scientific Techniques and leaves modified for mechanical support,
Study parts of a dissecting microscope and storage, reproduction or perennation
compound microscope. students should learn to identify and draw the
The students should know all parts of
dissecting and compound microscope and be Leaves: phyllotaxy alternate, opposite
able to handle the microscope independently. whorled (with an example of each), shape,
venation, simple and compound.

(ii) Preparation of temporary slides of Mucor / (b) Identification of the following specimens -
(i) Liverworts
The teacher should guide the students on the
technique of culture, staining and mounting (ii) Moss
the material and then observing under the (iii) Fern
microscope. The students should also be able
to make labelled diagrams and record (iv) Pinus
(v) Rhizopus
4. Cytology
(vi) Mushroom
Preparation of temporary slides of -
(i) Onion peel (to study the plant cell) (vii) Lichen
(ii) Stages of Mitosis in onion root tips. (viii) One monocot plant bamboo
Correct method of selecting the root tip, fixing, (ix) One dicot plant petunia
staining and mounting should be taught. Different
stages should be observed first in low power and (x) A phylloclade - cactus
after locating the area, the students should see it (xi) Hydra
under high power. Various stages should be
drawn and labelled. (xii) Liver Fluke
After mounting and observing the tissue students (xiii) Ascaris
should be able to draw the diagram and label all
(xiv) Leech
the parts.
5. Spotting: (Three minutes to be given for (xv) Earthworm
each spot which includes identification, (xvi) Prawn/Crab
drawing a labelled diagram and writing two
characteristics). (xvii) Honey Bee

(a) Identification of stained preparations of the (xviii) Cockroach

following: (xix) Silk Worm
(i) Stages of mitosis. (xx) Rohu fish
(ii) Stages of meiosis. Students should be taught how to identify,
(iii) Identification of mammalian blood draw, label and give significantly visible
cells. characteristics, as observed, of each spot, in
(iv) Bacteria a given time of three minutes.
(v) Oscillatoria (c) Comment on experimental set up in Physiology
Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration.
(vi) Spirogyra
Students should identify (aim of experiment),
(vii) Amoeba draw physiological set up and write a brief
(viii) Entamoeba description (observation, inference and
(ix) Plasmodium precautions) of the experiment in three
(x) Yeast

PROJECT WORK AND PRACTICAL FILE Suggested Evaluation Criteria for Project Work:
10 Marks
Format of the Project:
Project Work 7 Marks
Candidate is to creatively execute one
project/assignment on any aspect of Biology.
Following is only a suggestive list of projects. Presentation (graphs, tables, charts, newspaper
Teachers may assign or students may choose any one cuttings, handmade diagrams, photographs,
project of their choice. statistical analysis if relevant)
(i) Project related to experiment on any aspect of Conclusion/ Summary
plant life.
(ii) Project related to any aspect of environment.
(iii) Projects related to modern researches in Biology, Projects should be handwritten by the candidate. The
e.g. test-tube babies. written pages should not exceed 15-20 pages.
(iv) Role of genetics in investigating crimes. Practical File 3 Marks
(v) Yeast fermentation and production of alcohol or Teachers are required to assess students on the basis
any other commercial industry dependant on of the Biology Practical file maintained by them
plants and/or animals or their products. during the academic year.
In addition, students may be taught how to Each practical done during the year, needs to be
culture: recorded by the student in the Practical file and
Earthworms. the same must be checked, signed and dated by
Protozoans. the teacher.

Setting up of an aquarium.


There will be two papers in the subject. Protobionts, vestigial organs, atavism, Miller
Paper I: Theory: 3 hours ... 70 marks and Urey experiment. Evidences of
evolution: Morphological evidences,
Paper II: Practical: 3 hours ... 20 marks definition and differences between
Project Work 7 marks homologous and analogous organs (two
Practical File 3 marks examples each from plants and animals).
Embryological evidences similarity in
PAPER I THEORY 70 Marks early development vertebrate embryos,
There will be one paper of 3 hours duration divided temporary embryonic structures, Theory of
into two parts. recapitulation ontogeny recapitulates
phylogeny, definition and differences
Part I (20 marks) will consist of compulsory short between ontogeny and phylogeny.
answer questions, testing knowledge, application and Palaeontological evidence definition of
skills relating to elementary/fundamental aspects of fossils, difference between missing link and
the entire syllabus. connecting link example of Archaeopteryx
Part II (50 marks) will be divided into three Sections lithographica. Biogeographical evidence -
A, B and C. Candidates will be required to answer difference between continuous and
two out of three questions from Section A (each discontinuous distribution. Molecular
carrying 5 marks), two out of three questions from (genetic) evidences -for example genome
Section B (each carrying 10 marks) and two out of similarity, universal genetic code molecular
three questions from Section C (each carrying homology, metabolic processes, ATP,
10 marks). Therefore a total of six questions are to nitrogenous wastes, blood groups; Darwin's
be answered in Part II. finches (adaptive radiation).
All structures (internal and external) are required (ii) Theories of evolution: Lamarckism:
to be taught along with diagrams. evidences in favour of Lamarckism (giraffes
neck), criticism of Lamarckism; Darwinism:
SECTION A basic postulates of Darwinism, drawbacks of
Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism (Modern
1. Origin and Evolution of Life Synthetic Theory); Hardy Weinbergs
(i) Origin of life: living and nonliving; chemical principle; variations: causes of variation,
evolution; organic evolution - Oparin ideas, mutation, selected examples and types of
Miller-Urey experiments; interrelationship natural selection (DDT resistance in
among organisms and evidences of mosquito, sickle-cell anaemia); artificial
evolution: morphological evidences - selection; adaptations. Human evolution:
homology and analogy, vestigial organs, Dryopithecus, Australopithecus, Homo
atavism; embryological, palaeontological erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, Cromagnon
(fossils) and biogeographical evidences, man and Homo sapiens; differences between
molecular (genetic) evidences. apes and man.
Origin of life - Characteristics of living Lamarkism: Brief idea of Lamarck's theory
organisms, differences between living to be given for better understanding of
organisms and non-living objects in levels of evolution evidences in favour of Lamarkism
organisation. Abiogenesis and Biogenesis, such as evolution of long neck giraffe to be
Effect of oxygen on evolution to show that discussed. Three examples favouring
reducing atmosphere is essential for a biotic criticism of Lamarkism. Darwinism: salient
synthesis. Important views on the origin of features of Darwinism example of giraffes
life chemogeny, biogeny, cognogeny, neck according to Darwinism, criticism of
modern concept of origin of life, Oparin Darwinism. Examples of natural selection -
Haldane theory, Definition of coacervates, resistance of mosquitoes to DDT, sickle cell

anaemia, Lederbergs replica plating water potential, diffusion pressure deficit.
experiment. Types of natural selection Mechanism of water absorption (active and
(directional, disruptive and stabilising), passive absorption), root pressure,
differences between natural and artificial transpiration, transpiration pull theory for
selection. Neo Darwinism (Modern Synthetic ascent of sap, mechanism of opening and
Theory); Variation - causes of variation, De closing of stomata (active potassium theory),
Vries theory of mutation Definition of guttation.
mutation, types of mutation spontaneous Characteristics of imbibition; factors
and induced, Gene mutations (Frameshift affecting imbibition; importance of
and substitution); role of mutation in imbibition, characteristics and significance
evolution. Definition of gene pool, gene flow, of diffusion; osmosis - endosmosis and
genetic drift - Founders effect, Bottle-neck exosmosis; significance of osmosis and
effect and Hardy Weinbergs principle. turgidity - osmotic pressure, turgor pressure,
Adaptation (mimicry). Evolution of man - wall pressure and diffusion pressure deficit
three features of each of the should be explained. Students should know
ancestors Dryopithecus, Australopithecus, the significance of turgidity, plasmolysis,
Homoerectus, Homo neanderthalensis, deplasmolysis and their practical utility,
Cromagnon man and Homo sapiens leading importance of water; active and passive
to man of today; Differences between apes absorption of water; apoplastic and
and man, comparison and homology in symplastic movements, definition of water
chromosomes of apes and man, characters potential and its components viz. solute,
that have developed during human evolution. matrix and pressure potential (Numerical
SECTION B problems based on this concept are not
required). Root pressure definition and
2. Multicellularity experiment to demonstrate it. Explanation
and definition of transpiration to give
A. Plants students a clear idea; significance of
T. S of young dicot and monocot stem, transpiration. Stomatal mechanism - K+
T. S of young dicot and monocot root and transport mechanism. Mechanism of ascent
V. S. of dicot and monocot leaf. Secondary of sap by cohesion tension and
growth in stem: brief idea of formation of transpiration pull theory. Guttation
secondary xylem and secondary phloem by definition, differences between transpiration
cambium ring formation, annual rings. and guttation. Function of stomata and
Anatomical differences between dicot and
monocot root, stem and leaf must be taught (iii) Photosynthesis: ultra structure of
for better understanding. Students should be chloroplast, photochemical and biosynthetic
able to draw the T.S. of roots and stem and phases, absorption and action spectra,
V.S. of monocot and dicot leaves showing factors affecting photosynthesis,
cellular details. Difference between exarch photophosphorylation; photorespiration,
and endarch xylem. transport of solutes.
Basic idea of how secondary growth takes Photosynthesis and photorespiration.
place in dicot stems (with the help of outline Definitions and differences between
diagrams) and formation of annual rings. absorption and action spectra.
Activity of the cambium, formation of Brief idea of photosynthetic pigments
secondary tissues, differences between Heart (chlorophyll a&b, carotenoids and
wood and Sap wood. Definition of xanthophyll), ultra structure of chloroplast
dendrochronology. (with diagram) including role of
(ii) Absorption and movement of water in plants: quantasomes. photochemical phase - pigment
diffusion, imbibition, osmosis, osmotic systems, cyclic and non-cyclic
pressure, turgor pressure, wall pressure, photophosphorylation (chemiosmotic
hypothesis); biosynthetic phase - C3 and C4 water and insects. Advantages of self and
cycles graphic representation in correct cross-pollination. Contrivances for
sequence (carboxylation, glycolytic reversal prevention of self pollination. Development
and regeneration of pentose); Differences of male and female gametophytes to be
between C3 and C4 plants, C3 and C4 cycles, taught with the help of diagrams. Structure of
Photosystems I and II, cyclic and non-cyclic anatropous ovule (L.S.), types of placentation
photophosphorylation. Photorespiration with diagrams. Events leading to fertilization
pathway in brief - explanation of how RuBP should be discussed. Various ways of entry of
carboxylase acts as RuBP oxygenase. pollen tube into the ovule, definition of triple
Kranz anatomy. Blackmans Law of limiting fusion, double fertilization and significance
factors, factors affecting Photosynthesis. of double fertilization, changes after
Translocation. fertilization. Fruits to be classified into
simple (dry and fleshy), aggregate and
Transport of solutes and water; Evidences
multiple. Apomixis, Polyembryony,
which indicate that downward movement of
Parthenocarpy to be explained briefly.
organic solutes takes place in phloem;
Significance of seed and fruit formation.
mechanism of translocation; mass flow
hypothesis with diagram. (v) Differentiation and organ formation.
(iv) Reproduction and development in Embryo formation (monocot and dicot);
angiosperms: vegetative reproduction, types of endosperm (cellular, nuclear and
structure of a typical flower, types of helobial); changes in the ovule and ovary for
inflorescence (racemose and cymose), sexual seed and fruit formation.
reproduction: development of male and
B. Animals
female gametophytes, placentation,
pollination, fertilisation (Amphimixis) and Reproduction (human): internal structure of
formation of endosperm, embryo, seed and human testis and ovary, menstrual cycle,
fruits (broadly classified). Apomixis, gametogenesis, embryonic development in
Polyembryony, Parthenocarpy. Significance mammals (up to three germ layers). Medical
of seed and fruit formation. termination of pregnancy, infertility.
Amniocentesis. Assisted reproductive
Natural vegetative propagation, advantages
and disadvantages of vegetative
reproduction. Structure of a typical flower, Organs of male and female reproductive
[symmetry (actinomorphic, zygomorphic), system and their functions; internal structure
complete/ incomplete, non-essential whorls of testis and ovary to be taught with the help
(calyx: gamosepalous, polysepalous, corolla: of diagrams; gametogenesis- spermatogenesis
gamopetalous, polysepalous, perianth) and oogenesis; menstrual cycle - different
essential whorls (androecium: cohesion - phases and hormone action, Menarche and
syngenesious, synandrous, monadelphous, Menopause, capacitation, fertilisation,
diadelphous, polyadelphous; adhesion physio-chemical events during fertilisation,
epipetalous, epiphyllous; nature of implantation, embryonic development up to
attachment of anther to filament dorsifixed, blastocyst formation, foetal membranes (name
basifixed, adnate, versatile; number of lobes and function), placenta and its functions.
monothecous, dithecous; Gynoecium: Parturition; lactation hormonal control and
position of ovary epigynous, hypogynous, importance. Definition of medical termination
perigynous, cohesion apocarpous, of pregnancy (MTP) and reasons for it;
syncarpous, number of locules unilocular, causes of infertility. Amniocentesis role in
bilocular, multilocular], types of detecting genetic defects. Assisted
inflorescence (racemose and cymose reproductive technologies: IVF, ZIFT, GIFT -
definition and differences; subtypes not Definition and application only.
required). Types of pollination and
adaptations in flowers pollinated by wind,
SECTION C spontaneous and induced, point mutation;
search for DNA as genetic material -
3. Genetics Griffiths experiment, Hershey and Chases
(i) Fundamentals of Genetics: concept of alleles: experiment; replication of genetic material
dominant and recessive; phenotype and (role of enzymes, namely DNA polymerase
genotype, homozygous and heterozygous, and ligase), Messelson and Stahls
mono and dihybrid crosses. experiment, properties of genes such as
ability to replicate, chemical stability,
Homologous chromosomes, autosomes and mutability and inheritability, gene expression
sex chromosomes; alleles dominant and in prokaryotes; Lac Operon in E-coli;
recessive; phenotype; genotype; central dogma concept only; reverse
homozygous; heterozygous, monohybrid and transcription (basic idea only), genetic code
dihybrid crosses; back cross and test cross, essential features, definition of codon.
definitions to be taught with simple examples Protein synthesis - transcription and
using Punnett square. translation in prokaryotes. Intron, exon,
(ii) Mendels experiments with peas; Mendels cistron, recon and muton (definitions only).
Principles of inheritance, incomplete Human genome project: goal; methodologies
dominance, co-dominance and multiple
[Expressed Sequence Tags (EST), Sequence
alleles, Polygenic inheritance, Pleiotropy.
Annotation], salient features and
Explanation of the terms heredity and applications. DNA finger printing
variation; Mendel's Principles of technique, application and ethical issues to
inheritance; reasons for Mendel's success; be discussed briefly.
incomplete dominance with examples from
plants (snapdragon - Antirrhinum) and (iv) Recombinant DNA technology and its
co-dominance in human blood group, applications.
multiple alleles e.g. blood groups, Tools for Recombinant DNA technology.
polygenic inheritance with one example of Restriction enzymes, DNA insertion by
inheritance of skin colour in humans vectors [plasmids (pBR322 and Ti-plasmid of
(Students should be taught examples from
agrobacterium), bacteriophage, Bacterial
human genetics through pedigree charts).
Biological importance of Mendelism. artificial chromosome (BAC), yeast artificial
Pleiotropy with reference to the example of chromosome (YAC)] and other methods
Phenylketonuria (PKU). (electroporation, microinjection, gene gun),
selection methods (antibiotic resistance and
(iii) Genes: packaging of hereditary material in Blue-White selection), regeneration of
chromosomes. Linkage and crossing over; recombinants, RNA interference (definition
mutation, sex determination and sex linkage, and application).
search for DNA as genetic material, central
dogma; genetic code, protein synthesis. Applications of recombinant DNA
Human genome project. DNA finger technology: In human health production of
printing. insulin, vaccines and growth hormones, gene
therapy. In industry production of
Chromosomal theory of inheritance; expensive enzymes, strain improvement to
chromosomes in eukaryotic organisms, scale up bioprocesses, bioreactors. In
Structure of eukaryotic chromosome with agriculture GM crops by transfer of genes
reference to nucleosome, autosomes and sex for nitrogen fixation, herbicide-resistance
chromosomes (sex determination in humans,
and pest-resistance including Bt crops.
birds and honey bees), sex-linked inheritance
- with reference to Drosophila (wings & Transgenic animals significance (study of
eyes), and man (haemophilia & colour disease, biological products, chemical safety
blindness), complete and incomplete linkage testing, vaccine safety), Ethical issues. GMO
definition and example of fruit fly, crossing with special reference to Bt crops. Biosafety
over - definition, mechanism and issues: biopiracy and patents definition and
significance; mutation: definition and types two examples of each.

4. Applications of Biology cryopreservation. Loss of biodiversity -
threatened, endangered and extinct species.
(i) Crop improvement: methods of crop Strategies for conservation of biodiversity
improvement: selection, hybridisation, plant in-situ and ex-situ.
breeding, plant introduction, tissue culture;
Importance of biodiversity, Few examples of
single cell protein; biofortification;
each type of biodiversity - species, ecosystem
biopesticides. and genetic.
A brief reference to green revolution. Plant Causes and implications of loss of
breeding, introduction, definition of selection biodiversity. Categorizing species in different
(types not required) and techniques of groups like - threatened, endangered and
hybridisation. Definition of heterosis, extinct - definition and examples of plants and
protoplast culture and protoplasmic fusion. animals.
Applications of tissue culture to be discussed; Looking at various in-situ and ex-situ
single cell protein source and significance; strategies for their efficacy and viability:
biofortification: meaning and its role in In-situ - protected areas: biosphere reserves,
improving food production. Definition and national parks, wildlife sanctuaries; Hotspots
brief idea of Integrated Pest Management and red data book. Ex-situ - captive breeding,
zoo, botanical gardens. Definitions and
(IPM); Biopesticides: definition, importance
examples of each of the above.
and two examples (Bioinsecticides e.g.
Bacillus thuringiensis, Bioherbicides e.g. Only a brief understating of the following is
Cochineal insect). required:
A general idea that species share a common
(ii) Biotic community: intraspecific and
gene pool and represent the lowest taxonomic
interspecific relationship, commensalism,
group. Definition of genetic conservation,
predation, scavenging, parasitism, symbiosis,
gene bank, cryopreservation and genetic
biotic stability, biotic succession and
erosion; factors affecting genetic erosion.
ecological adaptations.
Trophic organisation, stratification, (iv) Biofertilisers: green manure, nitrogen fixation
dominance, variety of species; interactions symbiotic and non-symbiotic organisms,
Intraspecific such as mating behaviour, nitrogen cycle.
parental care, communication, animal Green manures definition and types;
societies, altruism; Interspecific positive reasons for preference of biofertilisers over
e.g. commensalism, scavenging, symbiosis, chemical fertilisers should be discussed.
procooperation and negative e.g. predation, Differences between green manure and
parasitism with examples of each. Biotic bio fertilizers. Brief idea of nodule formation,
stability: should be taught with examples to biological nitrogen fixation, non-symbiotic
show that the larger the number of diverse nitrogen fixation and symbiotic nitrogen
forms, more stable is the community. fixation (such as Rhizobium and
Succession: definition to explain the meaning, Azospirillum). Role of cyanobacteria such as
kinds of succession and significance of Azolla, Anebena, Nostoc; importance of
ecological succession. Definition of leghaemoglobin pigment. Role of bacteria
ecological adaptations, classification into and cyanobacteria in improving soil fertility.
hydrophytes, mesophytes, xerophytes, Nitrogen cycle.
osmoregulators, osmoconformers with an
example of each. (v) Human Diseases: Bodys defence
mechanisms: (specific and non-specific);
(iii) Biodiversity today: importance of immune disorders (SCID and AIDS);
biodiversity, types of biodiversity, genetic allergies, interferons. Communicable diseases:
conservation, gene banks and causative agent, symptoms and prevention of

the following: bacterial diseases (typhoid and in blood transfusion and pregnancy; brief
pneumonia), viral diseases (common cold, idea of genetic counselling, role of genetic
swine flu and dengue), protozoa (malaria, and counsellor.
amoebiasis), helminthes (ascariasis, Organ transplants and role of
ringworm, and filariasis); sexually transmitted immunosuppressants. A brief idea of the role
diseases (STD). Non-communicable diseases: of stem cells in medical treatment.
cancer (types, causes, diagnosis and
treatment); human genetic disorders: (vi) Adolescent issues: alcoholism and drugs.
(haemophilia, thalassaemia, Downs Adolescent issues:
syndrome, Klinefelters syndrome, Turner Alcoholism reasons for addiction and its
syndrome). Rh factor incompatibility during effects on health).
transfusion and pregnancy. Genetic Drugs: Types of drugs such as opioids,
counselling; a brief idea of stem cells, organ cannabinoids and barbiturates reasons for
transplants and immunosuppression. addiction, examples and effect of each on
Skin, blood vessels, WBC, antibodies to be human health.
discussed as non-specific defence Prevention and control of Alcohol and drug
mechanisms; Humoral and cell-mediated abuse.
immune system; antibody and antigen;
structure of a typical antibody molecule, (vii) Biomedical Engineering: (only applications)
types of antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgM, IgD and Instruments ECG, EEG, CT scan,
IgE: only their roles), cells of the immune ultrasound, MRI, pacemakers, implants,
system and difference between them; dialysis, external prosthesis.
difference between B cells and T cells. Students should know one application of
mechanism of action of T cells to antigens; each of the instruments mentioned above.
Interferons, defferences between antibodies Details are not required.
and interferons, brief idea of SCID and AIDS (viii)Human population: population growth
causative agent (HIV), modes of curves, causes of increase in population.
transmission symptoms, replication of
Definition of the following terms: biotic
retrovirus in the infected human cell
potential, environmental resistance and
(including diagram) and prevention; diseases
carrying capacity; population: demography,
should be discussed on basis of causative
birth rate, death rate, age distribution
agent, symptoms and prevention. Allergies
pyramids for human population.
and allergens definitions and general
symptoms of allergies. Types of growth curves; S and J shaped
along with equations for the same, causes
Communicable and Non-communicable and consequences of population growth and
diseases; modes of transmission, sexually measures to control population (natural and
transmitted diseases (STD) gonorrhoea and artificial).
syphilis causative agents and prevention; -
bacterial diseases (typhoid and pneumonia), (ix) Animal Husbandry: Dairy farm management,
viral diseases (common cold, swine flu and poultry farm management, apiculture,
dengue), protozoa (malaria, and pisiculture.
amoebiasis), helminthes (ascariasis, Brief idea of inbreeding, outbreeding,
ringworm, and filariasis); fungal crossbreeding and artificial insemination,
(ringworm); Cancer (types, causes, Multiple Ovulation Embryo Transfer
diagnosis and treatment, definition of Technology (MOET). Advantages of artificial
Metastasis). insemination; measures for proper
maintenance of dairy farms and poultry
Human genetic disorders: (haemophilia,
thalassaemia, Downs syndrome,
Klinefelters syndrome, Turner syndrome). Apiculture and Pisiculture definition, brief
Rh factor incompatibility role of Rh factor idea and advantages of each.

PAPER II (v) Study of arrangement/distribution of
stomata on isobilateral and dorsiventral
1) Taxonomy: Study floral characteristics through (vi) To demonstrate the effect of different
dissection of flowers, drawing floral formula and intensities of light on photosynthesis.
diagrams of following families:
(vii) Separation of plant pigments (from
(i) Malvaceae: type China rose / Hollyhock. different types of leaves) by
(ii) Compositae: type Sunflower/ Cosmos/ chromatography.
Marigold (with single whorled ray florets)/ (viii) To demonstrate that oxygen is evolved
Dahlia/ Zinnia. during photosynthesis.
(iii) Leguminosae: subfamily Papilionaceae (ix) Effect of different carbon dioxide
type Sweet pea/ Pea/ Bean/ Sesbania/ concentrations on the rate of
Clitoria (single flower). photosynthesis.
(iv) Solanaceae: type Petunia / Datura / Students should be taught to set up and
Brinjal Flower / Solanum nigrum. demonstrate the experiments with correct
(v) Liliaceae: type Onion or Amarallydaceae diagram of the set up, record their
type Lily/Spider lily/ Tiger lily/ Tube observations methodically and give
rose/ Gladiolus. conclusions. This will give a clear idea of the
Floral characteristics should be explained physiological processes. Questions can be
by dissection of flowers. Students should be asked based on the above physiological
taught how to cut vertical section of the processes studied.
flower and draw accurately labelled 3) Slide preparation-
diagrams. The technique of drawing floral (i) T.S. of dicot root.
diagrams with the mother axis in the right
position should be taught. Floral formula (ii) T.S. of monocot root.
should be correctly written. Identification (iii) T.S. of dicot stem.
of the correct family giving reasons,
technique of cutting T.S. and L.S of ovary (iv) T.S. of monocot stem.
should be explained and accordingly (v) Germination of pollen grain.
correct labelled-diagram should be drawn.
The technique of staining and mounting
Students should be taught the examples of neatly should be explained. Identification of
plants (belonging to each family) which the mount under the microscope should be
are of economic importance. The taught. Students must know the use of low
examples of common names of plants must power and high power microscope. They
be supported with correct scientific names should also know how to make labelled
as well. diagram showing cellular details. Identifying
features of the above should also be
2) Simple biochemical and physiological mentioned.
4) Spotting: (Three minutes to be given for each
(i) Study of imbibition in raisins/seeds. spot which includes identification, drawing a
(ii) Demonstration of plasmolysis (using labelled diagram and writing two identifying
Rhoeo leaf and onion bulb). characteristics).
(iii) Demonstration of osmosis in living plant NOTE: Spotting must be done on a separate
cells (potato osmoscope). answer sheet during examination, which
should be handed over to the Examiner
(iv) Demonstration of unequal transpiration in
immediately after spotting.

(i) Identify and comment on the following: (iii) Comment on experimental set up studied in
(a) T.S of monocot and dicot stem physiology.
(Permanent slide). (a) Osmosis
(b) T.S. of monocot and dicot root
(b) Transpiration
(Permanent slide).
(c) T.S. of monocot and dicot leaf (c) Photosynthesis
(Permanent slide). (d) Transpiration pull.
(d) T.S. of ovary of mammal (Permanent Students should identify (aim of the
slide). experiment), draw a labelled diagram of
(e) T.S. of testis of mammal (Permanent physiological set-up and write observation
slide). and inference of the experiment within the
(f) Germinating pollen grain (slide/chart). allotted time i.e., 3 minutes.
(g) T.S. of blastula / blastocyst of a PROJECT WORK AND PRACTICAL FILE
mammal (chart). 10 Marks
(h) Plasmodium sporozite (slide/chart). Project Work 7 Marks

(i) Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite The project work is to be assessed by a Visiting

(slide/chart). Examiner appointed locally and approved by the
Students should be taught how to
identify, draw, label and give The candidate is to creatively execute one
significantly visible characteristics as project/assignment on an aspect of biology. Teachers
observed, of each spot, in a given time may assign or students may choose any one project
of three minutes. T.S., L.S., model, of their choice. Students can choose any other project
whole mount, chart of the specific besides the ones indicated in the list. Following is
specimen should be mentioned as a only a suggestive list of topics:
part of identification. (i) Diabetes.
(ii) Students should identify, draw and comment (ii) Cancer.
(iii) AIDS/Hepatitis.
(a) Different types of inflorescence: fresh
specimen, model or a chart (labels (iv) Drug addiction and community.
covered) basic racemose example
(v) Endocrine glands.
gladiolus, basic cymose example jasmine
/ Calotropis/ Dianthus and capitulum (vi) Role of micro-organisms in industry.
example marigold.
(vii) Human population.
Students should be able to identify the
type of inflorescence, draw its diagram (viii) Mendelian Inheritance
and write two identifying characteristics (ix) Environmental resistance.
of the specimen.
(x) Traditional and modern methods: Study of a
(b) Flowers adapted to pollination by few traditional methods of pest deterrence
different agencies insect and wind. vis-a-vis modern methods of pest control -
Students should be able to identify the viability of traditional methods in today's
type of pollination of the given flower, scenario and limitations and dangers of modern
draw the diagram of the flower and give methods.
two reasons for the type of pollination. (xi) Role of agrochemicals in increasing food
Example: Hibiscus and grass. production.

Suggested Evaluation Criteria for Project Work: 12. Meyer Coined the term Diffusion Pressure
Format of the Project: Deficit
Content 13. Kramer Active & Passive absorption of water
Introduction by roots
Presentation (graphs, tables, charts, newspaper 14. Dixon & Jolly Cohesion Tension &
cuttings, handmade diagrams, photographs, Transpirational pull
statistical analysis if relevant)
15. Levitt Active K+ ion Transport mechanism of
Conclusion/ Summary opening & closing of stomata
16. Munch Mass Flow Hypothesis
Projects should be handwritten by the candidate.
Written pages should not exceed 15-20 pages. 17. Robert Hill Photolysis of water
Practical File 3 Marks 18. Ruben & Kamen Oxygen comes from water in
The Visiting Examiner is required to assess students
on the basis of the Biology Practical file maintained 19. M. D. Hatch & C. R. Slack Proposed C4 cycle
by them during the academic year. 20. Blackman Principle of Limiting Factors
Each practical done during the year, needs to be 21. Calvin C3 cycle
recorded by the student in the Practical file and
the same must be checked, signed and dated by 22. Decker Photorespiration
the teacher. 23. Rudolph Camerarius First to describe sexual
(The Visiting Examiner will assess the Practical reproduction in plants
File on the basis of the above). 24. Leeuwenhock Reported Polyembryony

SCIENTISTS AND THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS: 25. Gustafon First to induce parthencarpy

1. Lederberg Chemogeny, Biogeny, & 26. P. K. Sethi Prosthesis
Cognogeny 27. Spallanzani Artificial Insemination / disproved
2. Oparin Coacervates, Conditions on primitive abiogenesis
earth were favourable for chemical evolution 28. John Otto Reported Haemophilia
3. Stanley Miller & Harold Urey Recreated 29. Ronald Ross Malarial parasite life cycle in
probable conditions on primitive earth mosquito
4. Sydney Fox Microspheres 30. Karl Landsteiner Rh factor / blood groups
5. Andreas Wagner Obtained the fossil of (ABO system)
Archaeopteryx lithographica 31. T. R. Malthus Theory of Human Population
6. Ernst Haeckel Proposed the recapitulation Growth
32. Alec Jeffrey DNA finger printing
7. Charles Darwin Natural Selection
33. Godfrey Hounsfield First invented C T Scan
8. Lamarck Inheritance of acquired characters
34. G. Nawaschin Double Fertilization
9. Hugo de Vries Mutation
35. John Ray Introduced the term species
10. Raymond Dart Discovered the fossil of
Australopithecus 36. Temin and Baltimore Reverse transcription.
11. Mac Gregor Discovered the fossil of 37. H.G. Khorana deciphered genetic code.
Cromagnon man 38. Jacob, Manod and Lwoff Proposed Lac operon.

1. DPD Diffusion Pressure Deficit dinucleotide phosphate
2. HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus 14. STD Sexually Transmitted Disease
3. RuBP Ribulose Biphosphate (or 15. MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
16. MTP Medical Termination of
4. PGA Phosphoglyceric Acid Pregnancy
5. RUBISCO Ribulose Biphosphate (or 17. IVF In vitro fertilization
Bisphosphate) Carboxylase
Oxygenase 18. ZIFT Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer
6. IPM Integrated Pest Management 19. GIFT Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer
7. EEG Electroencephalogram 20. PEP Phosphoenol pyruvate
8. DDT Dichloro diphenyl tri chloro 21. rDT Recombinant DNA Technology
22. SCP Single Cell Protein
9. ECG Electrocardiogram
10. C. T. Scan Computed Tomographic Scanning 23. BAC Bacterial Artificial Chromosome
11. IUCD Intra uterine contraceptive device 24. YAC Yeast Artificial Chromosome
12. SCID Severe Combined Immuno 25. SSBP Single Strand Binding Protein


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