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)J=, =====
region, especiallysuch a com- animals. White-lippedpeccar- 146. (3)The Attorney General of
munity that has developed to tes, gortllas and hippopota- ,I Indtats appointed by the Pres-
climax.Biomes are often de- muses all have fearsome 'ca- ident of India under Article
fined by abiotic factors such nines. and the largest in the 76(1) of the Constitution and
as climate.relief geology.soils world actually belong to holds office during the plea-
and vegetation. hippos.When herbivores feed. sure ofthe President. He is the
138. (3)Theprocessby whichplants they rely on their molars and Indian government's chief le-
lose water m liquid form is premolars the most. Besides. gal advisor. and its primary
, called Guttatton. In guttatton, their Incisors are sharp for lawyer in the Supreme Court
the loss of water in the form tearing plants. but they may of India.
of liquid takes place,from the not be present on both the up-
147. (4) Silicon is the most used
uninjured margins of the per and lowerjaw. Carnivores.
the meat eaters of the animal semiconductor for discrete de-
leaves. It mostly takes place
world.haveverydefinedcanine vices and integrated circuits.
during night. On the other
teeth for tearing at meat. Its combination of low raw
hand. if the water is lost from
material cost, relatively sim-
the plant body in the form of 143. (2) Priority Sector refers to
ple processing. and a useful
water vapors; then the phe- those sectors of the economy
temperature range makes it
nomenon is called Transpira- which may not get timely and
tion .. currently the best compromise
adequate credit in the absence
among the various competing
139. (4)Minamata diseaseis a neu- of this special dispensation.
The broad categories ofpriori- materials. Germanium (Ge)
. rologtcalsyndrome caused by
ty sector forall scheduled corn- was a widely used early semi-
severemethyl.mercury poison-
mercial banks are as under : conductor material but its
ing. It is caused by eating large
Agriculture and AlliedActivi- thermal sensitivity makes it
quantities offish and shellfish
polluted by methyl mercury in ties (Direct and Indirect fi- less useful than silicon.

I factory wastewater. The dis-

ease is named after Minamata
city in Kumamoto prefecture.
Japan. where it was first dis-
covetedin 1956.
nance); SmallScale Industries 148. (4)NIT!Aayog. or the Nation-
(Directand Indirect Finance);
Small Business / Service
terprises; MicroCredit. etc.
144. (2) Incomefromsale ofshares.
al Institution for Transform-
ing India is a Government of
India policythink-tank estab-
lished 'by the Narendra Modi
140. (1) The Tropic of Cancer and bonds and debentures is not government to replace the
the TropicofCapricornrespec- included in national income Planning Commission. The
tively lie at 23.50 latitude calculation as such transac- Union Government of India
north and south 0' the equa-
tor. Both the lines pass
tions do not contribute to cur-
rent flowof goods and servic-
announced the formation of
NITI Aayogon 1January 20 is.
through Africa giving it the es. These financial assets are 149. (2) Example of liquid in solid
, name of "Tropical"continent. mere paper claims and involve type solution are hydrated
141. (4)Rihand Dam. also known , a change oftitle only.However. salts. amalgam of mercury in
as GovtndBallabh Pant Sagar. any COmmissionor brokerage silver. etc. Gel is a colloidal
is a concrete ,gravity dam lo- on such flnanctal assets is in- solution in which liquid is the
cated at Pipri in Sonbhadra cluded as it is a productive dispersed phase and solid is
District in Uttar Pradesh.' Its service. the dispersion medium. Some
reservoir area is on the border 145. (*) A volt-second (V-s) is a de- of such examples are: butter.
of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar rived SI 'unit of magnetic flux. cheese. jelly and curd.
Pradesh. It is on the Rihand which is equal to weber. Mag- 150. (1) Under the three-tier Pari-
River. a tributary of the Son netic flux is also known as chayati raj system of India. a
River. magnetic induction. By detm:i- Panchayat Samtti is a local
142. (*) Herbivores are animals tton, a change in flux of one government body at the tehstl
that only eat plants. their' weber per second will induce (block)level. They operate at
teeth are specially adapted to in a circuit of one turn an the tahsil (taluka) level and
cut through leaves and grass. electromotiveforceofone volt. govern the villages of the tah-
They have strong and flat mo- In SI base units. the dimen- " sil that together are called a
lars that are made for grind- sions ofthe weber are (kgm2)/ development block. The Pan-
ing leaves. but small or non- (s2A). In terms ofother derived chayat Samiti is the link be-
existent canine teeth. Some of units. the weber is expressed tween the gram panchayat (vil-
the largest canines in 'the as the teala-square meter lage council)and the Zila Par-
world belong to herbivorous (Tm2).or volt-seconds(Vs).or ishad (district board).
joules per ampere (J/A).

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