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CvSU Vision

The premier University CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY CvSU Mission

Cavite State University shall provide
in historic Cavite excellent, equitable, and relevant
recognized for
excellence in the
Imus Campus educational opportunities in the arts,
sciences, and technology through quality
development of
globally competitive
Cavite Civic Center Palico IV Imus Cavite instruction and responsive research and
development activities. It shall produce
and morallay upright (046) 471-66-07 / (046) 471-67-70 / (046) 686-23-49 professional, skilled and morally upright
individuals. individuals for global competitiveness.



I. Construct at least two kernels from the given sentences. 16. The sick child tosses and turns.
Write your answer on the space provided. I. My teacher and her husband live here.
17. They live in this house.
A. While I watched with interest, the workers measured the
18. Here is a place where they live.
carpet, but they miscalculated on the amount needed.
J. The burglar entered quickly but silently.
1. I watch interestingly the workers measuring the carpet but they
miscalculated it. 2. I watch the workers measuring the carpet yet 19. The burglar strategically entered.
they miscalculated on the amount needed. 20. The burglar tactically entered.
B. She mailed the letter before the sun was up, but by noon
II. Transform the following kernels into various forms.
she began to regret her decision.
3 .She mailed the letter but regret with her decision.
NOTE: Maintain the meaning of the kernels.
4. She mailed the letter yet regret on what she did. A. The bear ate a sandwich.
C. Because they had little money, they watched every penny 21. The Bear, who was very hungry, ate a sandwich in a
that they spent. hurry. 22. The white huge bear ate a sandwich hastily.
5. Due to a financial problem, they budget every penny that B. Vanesa cooked cookies.
they spent 6. Due to lacking of financial support, every penny 23. Vanesa, a finest culinary expert cooked triple chocolate
that they have spent was watched by them carefully. cookies for a midnight snack. 24. With anger and irritation,
D. The detective descended into the basement and Vanesa forcefully cooked cookies.
disappeared into the great darkness. C. The fireman yelled.
7. The detective descended into the basement and 25. The fireman, receiving an emergency call, suddenly yelled

disappeared. 8. The basement was descended by the seeking for emergency control. 26. Due to the Delta Fire Level,
the firemen nervously yelled and go to the affected areas.
detective and he disappears.
D. Mary picked apple.
E. My mother mixed the blueberry muffins and put them
27. The sweet crimson colored apple was picked by Mary.
into the oven.
28. The rotten apple was sadly picked by Mary.
9. My mother mixed the blueberry muffins to bake. 10.
E. The dog ate the bone.
My mother bakes blueberry muffins.
29. The dog ate the plenty of chicken bones on the dog
F. After the mayor cut the ribbon, she entered the park.
tray. 30.The furious hungry dog ate the bones in a rush.
11. The mayor cut the ribbon and entered the park. 12. The
F. The professor teaches the students.
mayor entered the park after cutting the ribbon.
31. The terrorist professor teaches the students radically.
G. They will cancel the concert unless more tickets are sold.
32. The professor, with passion and dedication, teaches
13. The concert will be cancelled if more tickets arent sold.
14. The concert will not be executed if the tickets are not sold.
the students astoundingly the rules of Grammar.

H. The sick child was feverishly tossing and turning. G. John washes the dishes.

15. The sick child busily tosses and turns. 33. The dishes are washed by John last night.
34. John angrily wash the dishes last night to avoid her VERB. Ian converts his smile into frown when he saw Annies
fathers loud voice. house burning.________________________________________
H. Joe likes Mary.
IV. Give the meaning of the underlined idiomatic expressions.
35. Joe, a gentleman, likes Mary, a benignant and Choose your answer from the pool of meanings.
gorgeous lady. 36. Mary is liked by a person who has
___A_____51. That sound is driving me up the wall.
a disposition in life namely Joe.
___E_____52. This assignment is a piece of cake.
I. The movie star screamed.
___B_____53. No, I was just pulling your leg.
37.The movie star screamed loudly and furiously inside
the room. 38. The famous star in the movie screamed ___D_____54. Keep your chin up
horribly with fear.
J. The man drove the green car. ___F_____55. Hold your horses.
39. The man, a licensed driver, drove smoothly the green ___C_____56. Hes a bit of a loose cannon.
car. 40. The old man with a brown cup drove ___I______57. I will clean my room when the pigs fly.
carelessly the green car.
___G_____58. Its a Greek to me.
III. Construct sentences out of the given words. Adding letters ___J______49. Were all in the same boat.
are not allowed.
___H_____60. She was tickled pink by the good news.
A. Suspect A. Very annoyed F. Be patient
NOUN. The package that was stole by the suspect was found B. Just joking G. I dont understand
on the platform._____________________________________
C. Unpredictable H. made very happy
VERB I suspect that the man had been escorted from the
D. Be happy I. Never
B. Object E. Very easy J. same position

NOUN. He was dragging a large object. __________________ IV.F.Differentiate

Be patient the following sets of words.
__________________________________________________________ Risky Hazardous Perilous Dangerous
VERB. The defense Attorneys object that the police lacked Possibility of Dangerous Full of Able or likely
dager, especially to danger, Very to kill you,
peoples life involving a
probable cause to arrest the driver.___________________ failure, or style, health and dangerous lot of risk, or
C. Contest loss. condition or likely to
safety. cause
NOUN. Ms. Salandanan joined a contest in the category of problems.

persuasive speech delivery._____________________________ Chubby Tubby bulky Stout

Plump and Short and Taking up Somewhat
VERB. Hershey Marasigan, the class Salutatorian, contest her rounded somewhat much space, fat or of
grades to the School Principal._________________________ fat. large and heavy
unwieldy build.
D. Address
NOUN. The Political Leader of the Philippines and China
exchanged addresses and agreed to keep in touch.______
VERB. Mother Theresa addresses her viewpoints on how to
achieve world peace by nonviolent means.______________
E. Convert
NOUN. Mr. Robin Padilla, former Jehovahs Witness, is now an
Islam convert person.________________________________

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