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Alphabetical Sorting 01

Alphabetical sorting is to order words according to the alphabet. To put words into alphabetical
order, start with the first letter of each word nearest the letter 'a'. If two words start with the same
letter, look at the second letter of each and so on.

Try our first quiz on Alphabetical Sorting.

1. Which of the following lists is in alphabetical order?

o Add, added, additional
o Decide, deduce, decipher
o Mean, might, map
o Product, people, place
2. Which of the following lists is in alphabetical order?
o Boxing, boxed, box
o Mat, mate, material
o Never, near, nevertheless
o Talking, talk, talked
3. Which of the following lists is not in alphabetical order?
o Essence, essential, essentially
o Head, header, headline
o Point, pointed, pointer
o Quotation, quota, quote
4. Which of the following lists is in alphabetical order?
o Advanced, advancement, advance
o Commonly, common, commoner
o Jig, jiggled, jiggle
o Jog, jogged, jogging
5. Which of the following lists is not in alphabetical order?
o Full, follow, flash
o Leave, lesson, letter
o Person, predict, preview
o Separate, single, strong
6. Which of the following lists is not in alphabetical order?
o Ice, iced, icy
o Latitude, latter, letter
o Spice, spiced, spicy
o Veto, vet, vetted
7. Which of the following lists is in alphabetical order?
o Capitals, commas, colons
o End, exclamation, exit
o Persuade, punctuate, pretend
o Speech, semi-colon, subordinate
8. Which of the following lists is in alphabetical order?
o Anger, angered, angry
o Maintain, maintaining, maintained
o Pencil, pen, penned
o Using, used, user
9. Which of the following lists is not in alphabetical order?
o Differ, different, differentiate
o Eat, eaten, eats
o Stop, stopped, stopping
o Understood, understand, understanding
10. Which of the following lists is not in alphabetical order?
o Rule, ruler, rules
o Slip, slipped, slipping
o Snap, snapped, snapping
o Voiced, voice, voices

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