SAP Memory Management

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18. System Monitoring:

GUI Time
Dispatcher Wait Time
Rollout Time
Rollin Time
Processing Time
Load Time
Database Time
Enque Time
RFC Time
CPU Time

GUI & CPU are not part of response time because GUI is not part of application server.
GUI time is expensive if it goes beyond 200ms .

Steps to be taken:
1. Check networking connectivity.
2. Check for user desktop resources.
3. The amount of time taken by Work Process to get data from database is called
Database Time.
4. The amount of the time spent to load the program is called Load Time.
5. The amount of time spent by Work Process in CPU is called CPU time.
6. The amount of time requires to get the lock is called Enque Time.
7. The amount of time the user request is spent in queue is called wait time
8. The amount of time taken for rolling to work process is called Roll-on process
9. Time taken to user request to roll out of the work process is called roll out time.


10. The time taken by the work process to communicate with external device is called
RFC T ime.
11. The time taken from application server to database server is called Network Time.
12. Time taken by single dialogue step is called response time; it is usually in
between 600 ms - 1800 ms (800/900 ms)
13. Roll in and Roll out time is expensive if it goes beyond 50 ms.
It is expensive due to :
a. Excessive Authorization
b. User is fetching large amounts of data
Solution: try to look into authorization of user SU56 and try to take out
redundant/repeated authorization.

14. CPU time should not be greater than 40% of (RT-DWT)

RT - Response Time
DWT - Dispatcher wait time
Solution: In this case we need to identify ABAP programs, we need to
inform the programmer to tune the program
15. If dispatcher wait time goes beyond 50ms or at a max of 10% of response time .
16. Processing time should not be more than twice of CPU time .
17. RFC time is basically dependant upon the response from external systems, This is
usually 100 ms.
18. DB Hit Ratio = (ST04)

DB Hit ratio = (reads - physical reads / total Reads) x 100

19. If database time goes beyond 40% of RT-DWT
(The reason for subtracting Dispatcher WT is actually the process starts only when the
user requests assign the work process. ) ?
a. Check Update statistics
b. Run optimizer, best execution system
c. Missing indexes[DB02]
d. Identify expensive SQL Statements in user, customer programs.


20. Load time: it should be 100ms buffers are not effectively maintained, we may
need to change buffer parameters.

Workload time statistics include:

Response time in milliseconds: Starts when a user request enters the dispatcher queue; ends when
the next screen is returned to the user. The response time does not include the time to transfer from
the screen to the front end.
Wait time in milliseconds: This is the time a user request sits in the dispatcher queue. It starts
when user request is entered in the dispatcher queue; and ends when the request starts being
Roll-in time in milliseconds: The amount of time needed to roll user context information into
the work process.
Load time in milliseconds: The time needed to load from the database and generate objects
like ABAP source code, CUA, and screen information.
Processing time : This is equivalent to response time minus the sum of wait time, database
request time, load time, roll time, and enqueue time.
Database request time : Starts when a database request is put through to the database
interface; ends when the database interface has delivered the result.
CPU time in milliseconds: This is the CPU time used by the R/3 work process
Roll-wait time and GUI time are covered in the unit Interface Monitoring.


Physical Memory:
It is a memory which is installed on the system RAM

Virtual Memory
Sum of physical memory and OS SWAP space 3 x Physical Memory + 500 MB

Shared Memory
Memory which is used by all the Work Processes

Extended Memory
A part of shared memory which is used by all the work processes

Local Memory
Memory used by a single work process, it is locally available

Buffers are temporary storage areas in the memory of application servers.
It is refreshed when the servers is restarted. R/3 buffers will reside in physical / Virtual
memory. The data will be stored as Bits / Bytes.
Types of Buffering

Full Buffering:
The table which is small frequently accessed is rarely changed
Ex: Currency table, measurement table timing
Single Record Buffering
Primary key information is buffered Ex: EmpNo, CustNo
General Record Buffering



A group of one or more keys bunched together for buffering. Ex: Primary and Foreign
No Buffering:
Table is not qualified for buffering. Ex: Transactional Tables.

These are important entity which needs to be monitored daily. Swapping i.e.; Object
swapping occurs when there are not enough space or directories in the buffer element.
Based on the company usages we can define swappable limit up to 5,000-10,000 per day.
1. In order to evaluate all the times go to ST03 in Export Mode.
2. ST03 is used to generate management reports, to measure the system response in
terms of Dialogue, User, Transaction and reports.

The user context is stored in roll area.

ROLL MEMORY: It is a common area where roll area is referenced. User

Logs into the R/3 System
a. Request is received by the dispatcher and kept in dispatcher queue.
b. When ever a free Work Process is available dispatcher assigns the work
process to the User Request.
c. User Work Process copies the user related information(User Context)
from the shared roll file into the work process local memory(roll Memory)
d. Before the transaction ends Work Process copies the user related
information into shared roll memory. This process is called roll out.
e. While copying the information it only points to R/3 buffers. While the
information is copied into the Roll FILE(DISK) or in Roll Buffer(Physical



This parameter is used to set the initial memory which will be used by
work process to roll in. it is part of roll area.

The amount of memory specified to roll the user context into local
memory of the work process
The amount of extended memory allocated for the work process to roll
the user context information into the local memory of the work process.

Heap Memory:
If ZHA/roll_area is not specified to roll in, work process uses heap
Which is specified by parameter: ABAP/heap_limit

Memory Allocation of dialogue Process: * * * * *

1. Part of roll area defined by ZHA/roll_first
2. Extended memory defined by parameters ZHM/roll_extension
3. Remaining part of roll area
4. Heap Memory: Non dialogue process like BTC straight away goes fro heap
memory. If the work process uses heap memory it goes into private mode and the
parameter rdisp/max_wprun_time will not be effective to the dialogue process. If
too many Work Processes goes into heap mode. Private mode work process
conjunction occurs.
1. Extended memory is defined by parameter em/initial size_mb
2. If too many work processes goes into private mode work process conjunction
occurs. The only possible way to resolve this is to kill the work process by using
dpmon or restarts the instance. Preventively we can configure enough extended



memory or we can restrict the number of work process that goes into private


Here we check the Max in Use and In Memory of the
At any point Max Usage and In Memory should not be the same.
If it is same it will be shown in RED color and we report it as an error. Also here we
observe SWAPS; if it is an error the swaps will be shown in RED color.

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