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At Miss Details Design, we are Apple fanatics.

We use Mac computers, we lust over iPhones, and

when the logo of iTunes changed, it was a topic of conversation in our office. Since we werent
all working together when Apple Computers Inc. rebranded to Apple Inc. in 1997 and changed the
logo around the same time, we figured now would be a good time to look at the rebrand.

Removing the colors from the logo gave the company a clean, fresh look and also made the
company appear more modern and sophisticated. When the company removed Computer from
the name it removed the limit that the company only specialized in computers. It enabled Apple to
develop new and innovative products in other areas, such as the iPad, iPhone, and iPod.

Apple has come a long way since 1997, becoming a leader in not only the personal computer
market, but also creating a successful platform for mobile apps (with the App store) and music
(with iTunes), breaking into the mobile phone market (iPhone), capturing market share in tablet
computers (iPad), and making music portable (iPod).

Both of these companies illustrate the importance of market differentiation through brand
development. Their financial success is a direct result of the emotional connection theyve
created with their target market, and their ability to generate brand loyalty. Unfortunately,
branding is sometimes thought of as something that can be postponed until later, when
organizations have more time and money to invest in their growth. However, branding yourself is
one of the most important things you can do for your business, and failure to develop a cohesive
brand may severely limit your growth potential.
When youre developing your own brand, any branding decisions you make should be guided by
these three questions:
Will this increase consumer knowledge about my business?
Will customers choose me over my competition?
Will they recommend my business to others?
If your answer to each of these questions is yes, your branding efforts will increase the value of
your brand and allow you to reach new customers.
Determine what your company does well and how you want to make your customers feel,
and design every brand touchpoint accordingly. When your branding creates an emotional
connection with your customers, they wont merely do business with you they will become loyal
and enthusiastic supporters and ambassadors of your brand.

The Apple organization culture is based on the value which Steve Jobs said many times: You
have to start with the consumer experience and work back toward the technology, not the other
way around. Im a Mac. And Im a PC ads of 2005. To me, those ads capture the brands soul
on film. Internally, those TV ads were a rallying cry for the Apple culture.

Apple manages the purchase moment extremely well, especially within their own stores. They
allow consumers to play with products right in the store taking them on a test drive and get
comfortable with how it works. They provide training and a genius bar to offer technical support
whether through a class or 15-minute appointment with an Apple expert. The in-store sales
colleagues are there as consultants, with a very soft-sell approach.

Apples retail network of stores generates twice the sales per square foot of any retailer in the
world, yet it is a very soft-sell environment.

Apple a parcurs un drum lung din 1997, devenind lider nu doar pe piaa personal a calculatoarelor,
ci i crend o platform de succes pentru aplicaiile mobile (cu App Store) i muzic (cu iTunes)
), Capturarea cotei de pia n computerele tablet (iPad) i crearea de muzic portabil (iPod).

Echipa de cercetare i dezvoltare a continuat s gseasc noi inovaii n jurul simplitii, fie prin
intermediul computerelor de birou, portabil, mobile, de divertisment sau de platforme sociale, toate
se aliniaz sub Ideea Mare de simplitate. Frumuseea utilizrii Apple este c totul funcioneaz
ntr-o manier similar i intuitiv i exist o integrare ntre ele care face mai uoar.
5. Extend the Experience
Have you ever heard of an unboxing? I hadnt either until recently, when I learned that not only was I

not the only one keeping Apple packaging post-sale, but that there are legions of people that record

the actual process of unwrapping their newly purchased Apple products.

Do a search on YouTube and youll find hundreds of Apple unboxings, each from different users

from across the globe. Its pretty crazy right?

No one tells these people to video their experience, but they do it because the process is so Zen that

you cant help not to.

Apple does this by making sure that the experience doesnt end at the cash register. They take great

care in designing a user experience from browsing to unwrapping, which relies on incredible

packaging and installation procedures.

By reducing installation to the lowest common denominator, they make buying new products a snap,

and by spending as much time on designing packaging as they do on the products themselves,

theyve ensured that the box matches whats inside.

As a result, theyve built an experience that is nearly impossible to match.

Mixul de comunicri de marketing Apple explic poziia companiei fa de elementele individuale ale

mixului de comunicare n marketing, cum ar fi publicitatea tiprit i media, promoiile de vnzri,

evenimentele i experienele, relaiile publice, marketingul direct i vnzarea personal. Scopul

principal al mixului de comunicri de marketing Apple este de a comunica mesajul de marketing al

mrcii ctre segmentul de clieni-int prin intermediul elementelor de mai sus ntr-o manier


Apple folosete extensiv print-urile i publicitatea media pentru a-i promova noile produse. De

exemplu, iPhone 6 a fost promovat prin peste 10.000 de panouri publicitare n 73 de orae din 25 de
ri. [1] Apple adopt o abordare simplist n strategia sa de publicitate, n conformitate cu designul

general al produselor i strategiei sale de afaceri.

Apple folosete publicitatea n pres i mass-media ntr-o manier integrat pentru a comunica

mesajul de marketing al inovativitii i simplitii designului. De exemplu, anunurile Mac versus PC,

cu John Hodgman n rol PC i Justin Long ca Mac, nu comunic informaii despre detaliile tehnice

ale produsului sau despre avantajele de pre i ncearc doar s sporeasc gradul de cunoatere a

mrcii n general.

n mod similar, un exemplu de panou Apple, ilustrat n figura de mai jos, nu comunic nicio

informaie n afar de imaginea IPad2, mpreun cu numele produsului i logo-ul mrcii.

Compania ncearc s mbine perfect emoia cu tehnologia n campaniile sale de publicitate.

Campania de marketing viral Apple intitulat "ntlnete-o" (2010), n care un bunic i vede nepoata

pentru prima dat folosind iPhone 4 este o ilustrare relevant a acestui punct.

Promovarea vnzrilor reprezint stimulente pe termen scurt pentru a se angaja la cumprare, iar

Apple folosete cteva forme de tehnic de marketing pentru promovarea vnzrilor, dup cum


Punct de vnzare materiale. Apple Stores sunt proiectate ntr-un format atrgtor, unde oamenii au

ansa s utilizeze produsele Apple.

Cadouri gratis. Apple nu ofer cadouri gratuite ca parte a strategiei sale de marketing. Apple a folosit

pentru a rula 12 Days of Free Gifts giveaway n perioada de Crciun din 2008, de la App Store; Cu

toate acestea, compania a ncetat aceast practic n 2014. [2]

Programe de loialitate i carduri. Interesant, spre deosebire de majoritatea mrcilor premium, Apple

nu are un program oficial de fidelizare a clienilor. Sa observat c "motivul pentru care Apple nu are

un program de loialitate nu are nimic de-a face cu dificultatea potenial de a ncepe un program de

loialitate pentru marca lor. Fiind una dintre cele mai bogate companii din lume, acestea pot dect s-
i permit o strategie de reinere eficient care s-i recompenseze pe cei mai buni clieni pentru

loialitatea mrcii lor. Nu, motivul pentru care Apple nu are un program de loialitate se datoreaz

faptului c are deja o strategie de reinere - nu este etichetat ca unul "[3]

Promoii sezoniere de vnzare. Apple rareori folosete tehnica de marketing promoional de

promovare sezonier. Cu toate acestea, revanzatorii majori anun n mod regulat tehnici de

promovare a vnzrilor pentru a vinde produsele Apple. De exemplu, n ultima Black Friday din

noiembrie 2016, iPhone 5, care de obicei se vinde pentru USD149, a fost oferit de Walmart pentru

99 USD, iar Best Buy ofer pn la un card cadou USD250 pentru iPhone 7. [4]

Segmentarea, direcionarea i poziionarea segmentului Apple reprezint nucleul eforturilor sale de


Segmentarea implic mprirea populaiei n grupuri n funcie de anumite caracteristici, n timp ce

direcionarea implic alegerea grupurilor specifice identificate ca urmare a segmentrii pentru a

vinde produse. Setul comun de caracteristici comune segmentului de clieni Apple include

aprecierea designului, calitii i performanei produselor i serviciilor tehnologice asupra preurilor

acestora. Poziionarea se refer la alegerea mixului de marketing cel mai potrivit pentru segmentul

de clieni vizai.

Apple utilizeaz tipul de poziionare mono segment i, prin urmare, recursul la poziionare se face

spre un singur segment de client ilustrat n tabelul de mai jos:

Apple Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

Posted on March 6, 2017 by John Dudovskiy
Apple segmentation, targeting and positioning represents the
core of its marketing efforts.

Segmentation involves dividing population into groups according to certain

characteristics, whereas targeting implies choosing specific groups identified as a
result of segmentation to sell products. Common set of characteristics shared by
Apple target customer segment include appreciating design, quality and
performance of technology products and services over their prices. Positioning
refers to the selection of the marketing mix the most suitable for the target
customer segment.

Apple uses mono-segment type of positioning and accordingly, the positioning

appeal is made towards a single customer segment illustrated in table below:

Apple target segment

Services: iTunes Operating Accessories

and the iTunes system & Apple TV,
Devices: iPhone, iPad,
Type of Segmentation Store, Mac App software: Apple Watc
Mac, iPod
segmentation criteria Store, iCloud, iOS, OSX, and related
Apple Pay, iLife, iWork accessories

US and US and US and

Region US and international
international international internationa
Density Urban Urban Urban Urban

Age 20 45 18 30 20 35 20 45

Males & Males & Males &

Gender Males & Females
Females Females Females
Life-cycle Bachelor Bachelor
Bachelor Stage Bachelor Stage
stage Stage Stage
Newly Married Newly Married Newly Newly
Couples Couples Married Married
Couples Couples
Full Nest I
Full Nest I
Full Nest II
Full Nest II

Income High earners High earners High earners High earner

Professionals, Professionals,
Occupation managers and Professionals, managers and
executives managers executives

Hard core Hard core Hard core

Hard core loyals
Degree of loyals loyals loyals
loyalty Switchers
Switchers Switchers Switchers

Sense of achievement
and belonging Recreation
Speed of service
Benefits Self-expression Self-
sought Speed of expression
Behavioural Speed of service, service
advanced features and

Determined and Determined and Determined Determined

ambitious ambitious and ambitious and ambitio

Users Users
Non-users, potential Non-users,
User status Non-users, Non-users,
users potential use
potential users potential users
Middle and upper Middle and Middle and
Social class Upper class
classes upper classes upper classes

Psychographic Aspirer
Aspirer Aspirer
Lifestyle[1] Succeeder Succeeder
Succeeder Explorer
Explorer Explorer

Apple segmentation, targeting and positioning

Apple Inc. Report contains a full analysis of Apple segmentation, targeting and
positioning and Apple marketing strategy in general. The report illustrates the
application of the major analytical strategic frameworks in business studies such
as SWOT, PESTEL, Porters Five Forces, Value Chain analysis and McKinsey 7S
Model on Apple. Moreover, the report contains analyses of Apple leadership,
organizational structure and organizational culture. The report also comprises
discussions of Apple business strategy and addresses issues of corporate social

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