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TITLE PlaceCal + Community Technology Partnerships

EVENT Introduction Presentation

DATE 21 / 6 /2017
Introduction to PlaceCal
What is it?
A community-sourced events calendar for Manchester
A new way of creating technical interventions for communities
Practice and theory for delivering community technology products
Introduction to PlaceCal
So many events!
Introduction to PlaceCal
Current situation
Lack of training and support
Siloed thinking
Lack of overall strategy and support
Using a place/health approach to community technology
Intervention 1 - Skills audit
Smaller organisations have a skills deficit
Larger organisations often have dedicated IT support services, but often no
dedicated communications staff.
Organisations feel pushed to use services like Facebook and Twitter, but
dont really like them
Lots of interest in the PlaceCal concept
People on the lookout for more volunteers and transport help
Using a place/health approach to community technology
Intervention 1 - Audit form
Using a place/health approach to community technology
Intervention 2 - Training and Support
Training Program. Brochure and support services for event information
(for now).
Calendar Secretary. One person in each area who maintains the calendar.
Using a place/health approach to community technology
Intervention 2 - Support brochure
Using a place/health approach to community technology
Intervention 3 - PlaceCal
PlaceCal Overview
Key Features
Geolocated. For older people, hyper-local events are really important,
maybe even within 1km.
Community-sourced. As mentioned, its really key that its updated by
community organisations themselves with the least stress possible.
Designed for a range of outputs. Designed for web and phone and
brochures and posters and flyers and
PlaceCal Overview
How it works
PlaceCal Overview
Features we hope to add
Centralised geolocated web calendar
Creation of printed events brochures
Auto-updated widgets for websites
Creation of posters and flyers
PlaceCal Overview
Current situation
Interviewing initial cohort with our technical audit.
Working out the details of the training plan and support.
Version 1 of PlaceCal in August or September
Get in touch!
PlaceCal Overview
Future ideas
API/Platform. Working with CityVerve and MCC services.
Membership. Automated event statistics and email for organisers.
Room Booking. Open up free and cheap community resources.
Action Plans. Local place reporting and feedback tool.
Lifts. Crowd-sourced transport options.
Any ideas?
Geeks for Social Change
Dr Kim Foale
0774 3917404

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