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Aa BART Silicon Valley Berryessa Extension Contract Delivery Strategy April 1, 2010 Definitions and origins for each delivery method + Design/8id/Build (088) ~ the traditional project delivery method, ~ the owner retains @ designer to furnish complete design services, = ativertves and awards a separate construction contract, — owner is responsible forthe details of design and warrants the quality ofthe construction documents to the construction contractor, and — cam be traced back to the Braaks Act of 1972 + Besign/Build (D8) project deivery method in which the ewner procures design and ‘constuction services in the same contact from 3 single legal entity, the OB entity i able for al design ane consteuction costs, — provides a trm-fned price (FFP) proposal, and = introduced was Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (1891) and explicitly autho zed for use on federal projects nthe Federal Acquisition Reform Act (3986) 4/1/2010 4/1/2010 VTA has the authority to award Design/Build contracts using a “best value” criteria Califoroia Public Contract Cade (PCC) affords VTA the authority to award a design/buld contract under best value erteria + PCC Section 20209.6 — Use ofthe design build process wil accomelsh one ofthe following, objectives: + neduce project costs + Expedite pret comletion + Prowse desi features not achicsable through the sind method » PCC Section 20209.8 — authorizes a transit district to award a design-build content to the ‘esponsible bidder whose proposals determined to be the best value ese Cucnaanany mmm A BART = DB allows construction to begin prior to the completion of design DESIGN/BID/BUILD onaton DESIGN 100% concn Sar coven cn ae sraintce DESIGN/BUILD eae twinnidimta marae BART « Bae. Additional differences between delivery methods Teagne ompwg roe once ihe peta ost con fice with rncres some spceaty otra de ce ewer canes ee, S'Scowraly uartedome-tawic® |S tan ou cae wt eee fae ‘apart erie te sen pase 7 Nogafcan alarsaeeae”” | > eae lista nthe seme eo vos “hsuiing susan sree | Sigerort of asnuny pn omsrement | [one pore sfncarecbny | re 2 Dane stans nin eaten | One alates a ak tne osereuirg Bam Contact eam ene Deeg ugsney kstance oss ch fetarsioed eee thc it The risk assessment provides an analysis of cost and schedule implications for a DB Contracting Strategy «Factors considered in the SVBX Comparative Risk Assessment include, but are not limited to... ~ potential owner engineering risks ~ potential contractor engineering risks, ~ project definition {Level of Design), ~ consoldation of she civil and systerns contracting packages, ~ status & schedule or agreements, city, utility relocation, & ROW, ~ the FFGA schedule mnie camwanainy annum A BARE - 4/1/2010 The risk analysis forecasts a $147M savings in pre- mitigated Risk Adjusted Cost ‘* $85Min reduction in the Base Cost Estimate ~ Lower Project/Construction Management Oversight costs ~ Shorter schedule duration + $62Min reduced Cost Risk ~ Alocation of risk to the DB contractor nit 30 oncoming kuttonien 6 BART, The risk analysis forecasts a 12-mo savings in pre- mitigated Risk Adjusted Schedule * 6 month reduction in the Project Schedule = Overlapping project phases and activities = Optimal use of resources * 6 month reduction in Schedule Risk ~ Allocation of risk to the DB contractor sein to Sittin Mn tner tanita A BAL frdonnte 4/1/2010 The changes in Cost and Schedule Risk are a result of the allocation of risk + Under design-build, several risks can be shared, transferred or avoided ‘+ The guiding principle is that every individual risk should be possessed by the group that can best handle it * DB Contractor is best able to manage: — Design & Construction integration/interface risks — Guideway & tation construction risks ena cnc nimi sonennwn AZ BARE Results Assessment Summary ‘+ $147M in Risk Adjusted Cost Savings SSM lower Base Cost Estimate — $62M reduction in Cost Risk + 12 month savings in Risk Adjusted Schedule = 6monch shorter Project Schedule = Smonth reduction in Schedule Risk 1+ The Risk Profile shifts ~ Management Risks are the key Multiple design and construction risks are transferred tothe contractor = Managernent risks are incurred by VTA but are easily mitigated if action 's taken quickly = New epportunities arise and can be exploited if action i taken quickly ‘+ Applying lessons learned from other agencies can ald Project Leaders in mitigation of management risks coannonerwan enim BART, = 4/1/2010

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