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GAT Situation: Alan is cancelling an appointment
with Kevin.

Kevin: Hello, may I speak to Alan, please ?

Alan: Alan speaking.
Part 1: Expressions Kevin: Oh! Alan. I'm ringing to inform you
about the football match we've arranged
Directions: Choose the best answers to
to go to this afternoon. ______4______
complete the dialogues. Alan: That's all right, but why cant you make
Situation: Jane are Jack are trying to help an Kevin: ______5______
injured cat. Alan: I am sorry to hear that. ______6______
Kevin: Thanks. I'll contact you sometime later.
Jane: Oh look, there's an injured cat on the My parents are going to the hospital
road! ______1______ now. I have to go along.
Jack: Let's see what we can do. Alan: All right. See you later.
Jane: It's still alive. ______2______
Jack: Let's ring up the SPCA. The number is 4. 1. We have to make sure of the time.
1121. 2. I'm afraid I can't make it.
Jane: What's that? 3. I would like to attend it after all.
Jack: That's the "Society for the Prevention of 4. I will be able to go with you.
Cruelty to Animals". They'll come over
at once and give it medical aid. 5. 1. Why should I tell you?
Jane: ______3______ 2. Do you know that my grandfather is ill?
3. Let's make it tomorrow instead.
1. 1. Let's go off quickly. 4. I'm awfully sorry, Alan.
2. I think it's been hit by a car.
3. But its none of our business. 6. 1. We'll miss you at the match.
4. Why are people so mean? 2. I'm sure he'll be better soon.
3. Phone me later if you can.
2. 1. Why didnt it die? 4. Old people are so frail.
2. But, oh! It's in pain!
3. I'll punish the person who did this!
4. No need to help it.

3. 1. Why should I bother to do that?

2. Its a waste of time, isnt it?
3. All right, I'll go and find a phone booth.
4. Yes, Ill take it to an animal hospital.
Part 2: Vocabulary 12. Although she was not a ______
Synonyms politician, her views were _____
Directions: Choose the words that have the in shaping government policy.
closest meaning to the underlined ones. 1. devoted, minimal
2. competent, negligible
7. Disease was an inevitable consequence of 3. professional, influential
poor living conditions. 4. popular, insignificant
1. satisfactory 2. unavoidable
3. unreliable 4. impossible Meaning Recognition
Directions: Choose the words that have the
8. It is best if divorced parents can maintain closest meaning to the underlined
friendly relations for the sake of the children.
1. continue 2. restrict 13. You need to learn to manage your time
3. modify 4. select more effectively.
1. He was asked to manage the new
9. The key to success is flexibility. If you're too department.
rigid, you could be in trouble. 2. Paying a little each month can help you
1. generous 2. selfish manage your money.
3. He finally managed to find a new
3. inflexible 4. impatient
apartment near his office.
4. Its hard to manage your children and do
Meaning in Context the shopping.
Directions: Choose the best answers to
complete the sentences. 14. Many people do not care who runs the
10. This increase in export _____ will 1. The software will run on any PC.
_____ the domestic economy. 2. He often runs the washing machine
1. growth, harm more than once a day.
2. income, damage 3. She runs a natural therapy business in
nearby Brereton Heath.
3. controls, boost
4. If you plan to run for election to the
4. earnings, stimulate
committee, you must be nominated by
three members.
11. You may need a lawyer to _____ a serious
_____ between neighbors.
1. resolve, conflict
2. encourage, argument
3. develop, relationship
4. prevent, discussion
Part 3: Reading Comprehension The human brain has specialized
Directions: Read the following passage and functions in each of its two hemispheres.
answer the questions. Those functions which are analytic, such
as tool-using and language, are largely
Line The human body seems to have 45 confined to the left hemisphere of the
been designed for producing language. brain. It may be that there is an
The mouth is relatively small and can be evolutionary connection between
opened and closed rapidly, and the the tool-using and language-using
5 flexible tongue can be used to shape a abilities of humans, and that both are
wide variety of sounds. The teeth are 50 related to the development of the brain.
upright, not slanting outwards like those
of apes, and they are roughly even in Adapted from: Delta - Key to the TOEFL Test
height. Such characteristics are not (Paper Based) - (2000)
10 needed for eating but are extremely
helpful in pronouncing sounds such as f, 15. This passage supports all of the following
v and th. The lips have much more statements EXCEPT _____
intricate muscles than those of other 1. humans are capable of producing a
primates, and their flexibility helps with wide range of sounds.
15 sounds like p, b and w. 2. the development of language is related
Many scholars have studied how to human physical development.
the development of language is related 3. humans evolved much later than other
to the evolutionary development of the primates did.
human species. One evolutionary step 4. the human mouth is well-adapted for
20 may have resulted in the development of producing speech.
a vocal tract capable of producing the
wide variety of sounds utilized by 16. The word intricate in line 13 is closest in
human language. The assumption of an meaning to _____
upright posture moved the head forward 1. divided. 2. complex.
25 and the larynx, or voice box, lower. 3. powerful. 4. miniature.
This created a longer cavity above the
vocal chords, which acted as a resonator 17. According to the passage, what happened
for any sounds produced by the larynx. when humans assumed an upright posture?
Another evolutionary step may 1. The larynx moved forward.
30 have been development of a mechanism 2. Humans developed a mechanism for
for perceiving and distinguishing distinguishing different sounds.
sounds. However, the ability to hear 3. The human larynx became more similar
speech sounds is not a necessary to that of other apes.
condition for the acquisition and use of 4. The cavity above the vocal cords
35 language. Humans who are born deaf lengthened.
learn the sign languages that are used
around them. Still, all languages, 18. Which of the following is NOT mentioned
including sign language, require the in relation to the development of speech?
organizing and combining of sounds or 1. Tongue 2. Larynx
40 signs in specific constructions. 3. Lungs 4. Brain
19. In paragraph 4, the author implies that Cloze Test
_____ Directions: Choose the best answers to complete
1. humans developed language before tool- the paragraph.
2. specialization of the human brain is ___23___ as a lovable small bear, the
necessary for language. koala is, in actuality, not a bear but a marsupial.
3. the right hemisphere of the brain is less The female koala, like her kangaroo cousins, has
complex than the left hemisphere. a pouch ___24___ her offspring complete their
4. most people use only the left hemisphere development after they are born. The koalas
of their brain. cuddly looking grey coat, which is not so
smooth close up, shelters it against all types of
Part 4: Structure and Writing weather. Since the koala dines exclusively on
Error Identification eucalyptus leaves, it is equipped with a digestive
Directions: Choose the underlined part that is system that can detoxify eucalyptus oil, a poison
grammatically incorrect. to ___25___ animals. The koalas powerful
clawed hands and feet testify to the adaptation of
20. In order to avoid to make mistakes, take this small animal to its treetop habitat.
1. 2. 3.
your time and work carefully. Adapted from: Amazing English ENTRANCE
4. P. 94

21. Because the architects wanted to finish the 23. 1. Common fancy
1. 2. 2. Common fancying
project, they decided not to take its break 3. Commonly fancying
3. 4. Commonly fancied
until later.
4. 24. 1. when 2. which
3. in which 4. that
22. Before beginning the transformation of our
1. 25. 1. another 2. other
computer system, we need your advise 3. others 4. the others
to make sure we make the best decisions
Paragraph Writing 29. Which sentence has the closest meaning to
Directions: Answer the questions about the the underlined sentence?
following paragraph. 1. Students struggle for independence when
they study abroad.
____________________________ (A) 2. Students has limited freedom when they
Firstly, people who study abroad can get a better live in their home countries.
job when they return to their home country. (B) 3. Students have freedom and ability to
This is because their qualifications and make their own decisions while studying
experience mean that they tend to get jobs that abroad.
are higher paid, and they can also gain 4. Students choose to study abroad because
promotion quickly. (C) Another advantage of they want to live on their own.
studying abroad is the independence students
can gain. (D) For example, students have to cope 30. What is the best concluding sentence for this
with the challenges of living alone and meeting paragraph?
new people from different cultures. (E) Cultural 1. In short, it is apparent that studying
misunderstandings are the major problems abroad has both advantages and
among students from different cultural disadvantages.
backgrounds. (F) ________________________ 2. All in all, it is clear that studying abroad
is a beneficial experience.
26. What is the best topic for this paragraph? 3. In conclusion, it is recommended that
1. People who study abroad have more job students grab a chance to study abroad
opportunities. once in their life.
2. Students should be encouraged to study 4. In summary, it is agreed that studying
abroad. abroad helps broaden students horizons.
3. Students gain more independence while
studying abroad.
4. Studying abroad has two main benefits.

27. Which one can be added after sentence D to

make a good paragraph?
1. Therefore, they are friendlier than those
who do not study abroad.
2. However, some of them cannot adapt to a
new living environment.
3. Besides, they will prefer living in off-
campus dormitories and hanging around
with foreign friends.
4. As a consequence, they will become more
confident in their life and in their
relationships with others.

28. Which sentence does not belong?

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. E
1. 2 21. 3

2. 2 22. 2

3. 3 23. 4

4. 2 24. 3

5. 2 25. 2

6. 2 26. 4

7. 2 27. 4

8. 1 28. 4

9. 3 29. 3

10. 4 30. 2

11. 1

12. 3

13. 2

14. 3

15. 3

16. 2

17. 4

18. 3

19. 2

20. 2

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