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Chapter: AVERAGE

(BASIC Formulae+ fast method)

Q.1)Find the average of 146,150,156,158 &160.

Basic Formulae (this will take more than 1 minute for

: average of n numbers a1, a2, a3, a4,

a1,+ a2 + a3+ a4++ an.

= ------------------------------------
Average = = 154

Fast method (this will take only 30 sec. for calculation)

: take any number for example take 150 and compare all and take
sum of the differences between 150 and others as follows:
Now 146-150 = - 4
150-150 = 0
156 -150 = + 6
158 -150 = + 8
160+ 150 = +10
now final result is + 20 now divide it by 5 (total numbers ). Result is
+4. now add it to150 then ans.=154.
(You can Do practice in mind and then u feel in very less time you
can solve it. Do all + , - in mind.)
Now take up another two questions of same type (Try to solve firstly
by writing and then in mind only:

Q.2)Find the average of 126,120,118,129 &124.

Q.3)Find the average of 36,30,46, 40 & 35.

Now check your Answers with explanation:

Ans. 2) Think in mind that 120 + 17/5 = 123.4
3) 36 + 7/5 = 37. 4 ans.

Types A,B,C,
Type A) Find out the average of first 30 natural numbers.
Trick(in 10 sec only): take 30+1=31 and divide it by 2;
ans. will be 15.5.

Basic nature (First understand the basic nature of

problem: .
We know the formulae of sum of first n natural numbers= n(n+1)/2
( is it ok ?)
: average = total sum/no. of items. here no. of items = n.
= = (n+1)/2 = (30+1)/2 =15.5 ans.

Type B) Find out the average of all natural numbers from 1 to 100.

Ans. We know that sum of natural numbers between 1 and 100.

Sum= n(n+1)/2; here n =100
average = total sum/n = = (n+1)/2 = (100+1)/2 = 50.5 ans.

Type.C) Find out average of all natural numbers between 20 to 40.

ans. For this type of ques. : is Average = (first natural no.+last natural
average = = 30 ans.

Practice Ques. Based on type A,B,C.

Q.4) Find out the average of first 200 natural numbers.

Q.5) Find out the average of all natural numbers from 1 to 80.

Q.6) Find out average of all natural numbers between 80 to 120.

Answers: 4)100.5 ; 5) 40.5; 6) 100

EVEN NUMBERS TRICKS: If you know the following tricks,

you can solve it in mind . time = 5 secs

Q.7) Find out the average of first 30 even numbers.

For first n even numbers

Trick-: trick is Average= n+1=31 ans.

Q.8). What will be the average of continuous even numbers from 1 to 40.

For continuous even numbers from 1 to 40, you have to find out number of even
No. of even numbers ( n)= last number /2 ;
half is even and half is odd. So n =40/2=20,
now average of n even numbers ka trick hai.

Trick-: Average = n+1

so ans. = 40+1 = 41 ans.

Q.9) What will be the average of continuous even numbers from 10 to 61.

Trick-: average = (first even no.+last even no.)/2

here first even no. is 10 and last even no. is 60
so average = (10+ 60)/2 = 35

Q.10) What will be the average of first 40 continuous odd numbers.

Trick for first n continuous odd numbers = n = 40 ans.
Q.11) Find the average of all odd numbers upto 100.

For odd no. Trick is same Average = total no. of odd numbers as in Q.10. but you
have to find out that how many odd numbers upto 100. Half are even and half are
odd. It means no.s of odd numbers = 100/2=50

Trick-: So Average = n=50 ans.

Q.12) What will be the average of continuous odd numbers from 18 to 81.

Trick-: average = (first odd no.+last odd no.)/2

here in the series 18 to 81, 18 is clearly even number, but we have to take first odd
no. that is 19 and last odd no. is 81 already given. So
so average = (19+ 81)/2 = 50 ans.


Dont touch pen, do it in mind. Sirf answer likhne ke liye pen touch Karen.

Q.13) Find out the average of first 300 even numbers.

Q.14). What will be the average of continuous even numbers from 1 to 90.
Q.15) What will be the average of continuous even numbers from 11 to 81.
Q.16) What will be the average of first 25 odd numbers.
Q.17) Find the average of all odd numbers upto 121.
Q.18) What will be the average of continuous odd numbers from 20 to 80.

Q.19. If average of 9 continuous natural numbers is 43, then find out the smallest
and largest number.

Without Pen: for smallest ke liye 43 me (9-1)/2 ghatayen, yani 39 ans hogaa.
Isko 10 sec me kar sakte hain.
Largest= 39
largest ke liye 43 me (9-1)/2 jode, yani 47 ans hogaa.
Iskon 10 sec me kar sakte hain.
Soln: By Method: If you solve it by method, it will take much time. But for
knowledge, you should know it.
Take 9 continuous natural numbers as x, x+1, x+2, x+3, x+4, x+5, x+6, x+7, x+8
x + x+1+ x+2+ x+3+ x+4+ x+5+ x+6+ x+7+ x+8
Now average = --------------------------------------------------------------- = 43 given.
9+36 9(+4)
Now = 43; = 43; x+4 =43; x=39
9 9
So smallest is 39 and largest is x+8 = 47 ans.


In Ques. No.19, smallest = 43 - = 39 ans.

And largest = 43 +

Q.20). If average of 8 continuous even numbers is 19, then find out the smallest and
largest even number.

Q.21) If average of 10 continuous odd numbers is 58, then find out the smallest and
largest odd number.
Ans. 49 & 67

Same Trick for continuous even or odd numbers;

See below:

Trick-: Smallest even/odd no. = average - (n-1) where n = total no. of even

Trick-: largesgt even/odd no. = average + (n-1)

Now solve Q. 20) given that n= 8, and average = 19

Put in trick smallest even no. = 19 (8-1) = 19-7 =12 ans.
(Now Do it in mind only in 5 secs. 19 me se 7 ghatayen. 12 ans.)
Largest no. = 19+7 = 26. Ans.,
Now By Method:keep in mind that difference of each two consecutive even
number is 2, so
Take 8 continuous numbers as x , x+2, x+4, x+6, x+ 8, x+10, x+12,x+14
+++ ++ ++ + + ++ +++
Now average = =19 (given)

=19; x+7 =19; x=12 ans.

Largest even no. = x+14= 12+14 = 26 ans.

Q.21) If average of 10 continuous odd numbers is 58, then find out the smallest and
largest odd number.
Now take q.21;
By trick; we know that
Smallest odd no. = average - (n-1) = 58 (10-1) = 58 - 9 = 49 ans.
largesgt odd no. = average + (n-1) = 58 + (10-1) = 58 + 9 = 67 ans.

Solution by Method:
Take 10 continuous odd numbers as x , x+2, x+4, x+6, x+ 8, x+10, x+12,x+14, x+ 16,
+++ ++ ++ + + ++ +++++++
Now average = =58

10x +90
(given) 10 =58; x+9 =58; x=49 ans.
Largest even no. = x+18= 49+18 = 67 ans.

Q.22). If average of 6 continuous even numbers is 21, then find out the smallest and
largest even number.
Q.23). If average of 5 continuous even numbers is 36, then find out the smallest and
largest even number.

Q.24) If average of 9 continuous odd numbers is 19, then find out the smallest and
largest odd number.
Ans. 11 & 27

Q.25) If average of 11 continuous odd numbers is 33, then find out the smallest and
largest odd number.
Ans. 23 & 43

Answers: 22) 16, 26; 23) 32,40; 24) 11, 27; 25) 23, 43.

Q.26) The average of 58 numbers is 38. If two numbers 45 and 59 are removed,
then what will be the average of remaining numbers.
Soln. By Method:

We know formulae that average = sum of numbers / no. of numbers

38 = sum of numbers/58;
Sum of numbers = 38x 58 = 2204;
Now as per data, subtract 45 and 59 from 2204
Now sum of numbers = 2204 (45+59)= 2100;
Now remaining numbers are 2 less than 58 = 56
Now average of new set of numbers= 2100/56 = 37.5 ans.
Ans. 37.5

Trick-: Do it in mind : assume that each number is 38 . now there are

58 such numbers as 38.
38,38,38,38,, 38; these are 58 in numbers .
Now remove 45 and 59
It means two 38s are removed rest is now 56 numbers
and also difference of 45-38 and 59-38 = 7 and 21 are also removed.
Total 28 is removed from total of 56 numbers.
Now find out each se kitna gaya. 56 aadmi se 28 vasool karna hai to each se
28/56 = = 0.5 nikalna hoga.
So 38 -0.5 = 37.5 ans.
(Understand the above trick very carefully by reading again and again.
When you understand it, you can solve each of average question in seconds.
Once make habit of doing every calculation in mind, you will save enormous

Q.27) The average of 42 Natural numbers is 32 . If two numbers 45 and 59 are

removed, then what will be the average of remaining numbers.

Q.28) The average of 18 numbers is 48. If two numbers 51 and 53 are removed,
then what will be the average of remaining numbers.

Answers:27)31; 28)47.5
Type: when some numbers are added :

Q.29) The average of 38 Natural numbers is 41. If two numbers 49 and 53 are
added, then what will be the average of remaining numbers.
Soln. How to solve in mind.

Trick-: assume that each number is 41 and it is given that there

are 38 such numbers as 41.
41,41,41,41,, 41; these are 38 in numbers .
Now add 49 and 53
It means two 41 are added and more 8 and 12 also added. Now total
numbers is increased now and become. 38+2=40 numbers
and also difference of 49-41 and 53-41 means 8 and 12 are also
added. 20 is added, distribute 20 among 40 numbers, each get 0.5
so new average will be 41.5 ans.
Try Q.30 by yourself:
Q.30) The average of 22 numbers is 67. If two numbers 78 and 80 are added, then
what will be the average of new numbers.
Ans. 68

|x 31) - 6 J+ E +i 19 * n BE J Ub n i +i 15
Vi i Ub M< J C * (The average of 6 numbers is 19. If
we leave a number then average is 15. what is the left
number?) =k - 39
By Method: E 6 J+ E +i = 19 x6 = 114
BE J Ub nx E n E 5 J+ E +i = 15 x5 =75
Ub M< J E +i = 114 - 75 = 39 ans.
By Trick : J+ E +i 19 * x V J Ub =E
+i 19 * {i J Ub nx E +i 15 Vi x 4 E
Vi * <E +l E V J Ub M< 19 i M< l l
E 4 M< x {S J E 4-4 M<* E 4 x 5 = 20 M< * x
J 19+20 = 39 *
Q.32 n 7 Mi GE J+ E +i 40 i =x J+ b
J C il
U] J C M* ( If average of 7 continuous numbers is 40,
then find out the smallest and largest number.)
Soln.By Method: x E 7 Mi GE JB x , x+1, x+2, x+3,
x+4, x+5, x+6
x + x+1+ x+2+ x+3+ x+4+ x+5+ x+6
Now average= ------------------------------------------------------- = 40
Now 7x + 21 = 40 x 7 ; 7 (x+3) = 40 x 7; x+ 3 = 40 ; x=37 .
smallest no. = x = 37 and largest no.=x+6=43
By Trick: smallest no.=average - ---------- = 40 - (7-1)/2 = 37
Largest no. = smallest no. + (n-1) = 37 + 6 = 43 ans.
33) If average of 7 continuous numbers is 42, then take the
next 2 more numbers, then find out the increase in
average.) Ans.1
By Method: x E 7 Mi GE JB x , x+1, x+2, x+3, x+4,
x+5, x+6
x + x+1+ x+2+ x+3+ x+4+ x+5+ x+6
Now average =--------------------------------------------------------- = 42
then x + x+1+ x+2+ x+3+ x+4+ x+5+ x+6 = 42 x 7 = 294 ; 7x + 21= 294 ; x = 39
now take 2 more numbers x+7 and x+8 and add it to
294; means
total sum = 39 + 7 + 39 + 8 + 294 = 387 Average
= 387/9 = 43 ans.
n ( n =+M E < J)
By Trick New average = old average + --------- = 42 + 2/1 = 43

increase = 43-42 =1 ans.

34) If average of 6 continuous odd numbers is 48, then find out the smallest and
largest number and their difference.)
Ans. 43 & 53 and diff. 10
By Trick : smallest no. = average - (n-1) = 48 - (6-1) = 43

and largest no. = smallest no. + (n-1)2 = 43 + 5 x 2 = 43 + 10

= 53 ans.
Difference = 2(n-1) = 2 x 5 = 10 ans.

The average of 58 numbers is 38. If two numbers 45 and 59

are removed, then what will be the average of remaining
Ans. 37.5
n J+ E Vx E n 56 S M<* { J +{x l 38 E l l 7
extra M< il n J 38 E l 59-38= 21 extra M<*
+i: nx JB +{x l l 7+21=28 extra M<* +i: +i 28 /56
E VBM* x x +i M 38- 0.5 = 37.5 ans.

practice que. ) The average of 24 numbers is 15. If two

numbers 19 and 22 are removed, then what will be the average
of remaining numbers.)
Ans. 14.5
The average of 11 numbers is 32. The average of first 5
numbers is 30 and last 5 numbers is 35 then find out the sixth
Soln. By Method: 6th number = 32 x 11 - ( 5x30 + 5x35) = 352
-325 = 27 ans.
By Trick No.37:
5 32 (-5) 5
-------------- -------------------------
30 35
-10 +15 result = +5 balance Ex E
B 32 5 P]n*

<ix vx J E +{E x x Ex * E E{ E x UB*

=M + nM E E x * xS V Instructions n V
= x x Ex * calculation x x =M +
nM E Ex * n +{E + x i E< i x *
v v + +{x +{ VBM* i BE n J E E x
Ux *

|x - 10 +n E +i = 3 EO P] Vi V 80 EO
E BE +n E VM n +n + Vi * xB +n E C ? ( The
average of 10 men is decreased by 3 kg. when a new man
comes in the place of 80kg man.)
ans.. 50 kg
=k - By Trick :{ vx nx E E Eix P]i * x S E V
+i 3 EO P]i i 10 +n 10 x 3 x 30 EO P] Vi *
x x +n V +BM { +n 30 EO E M +li 80-30 =
50 kg By Method: weight of new man = 80 - 10x3 = 50


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