tiếng anh 5 tập 1

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Hodng Van Vdn (Tdng Chti bi6n), Phon Hd'(Ch0 bien)

D6 Th; Ngec Hidn, Doo Nggc LQc,
Truong Thi Ngq. Minh, Nguy6n Qudc Tudn
V6i su cOng t6c,c0o Ken Wilson

(Sdch c6 kcm CO)
I Tom

Tidng Anh 5 - Tqp 1

Loi n6i ddu
tidng Anh 5, Tgp Mgt do Nhi xudt bin Giiio duc Vi6t Nam td chrlc
bi6n soan theo Chtrong tr)nh thf Cfidm Ti6ng Anh tidu hoc do Bo
GiSo duc vi Dio tqo ban hinh, vdi sr.I hop tdc chat ch6 vd chuyen
m6n vir ki thuat c0a Nha xudt b6n Macmillan (MPC). SSch drroc
bi6n soan theo cfudng huong giao ti6p, girip hoc sinh buoc ddu hinh
thirnh vir phdt tridn ning luc aiao ti6p bing ti6ng Anh, th6ng qua b6n
kT nang nghe, n6i, doc v) vi6t, trong do rlu ti6n phdt tridn hai kI
ning nghe vir n6i.
Tidng Anh 5, Tqp Mgt xoay quanh hai chi cfidm giao ti6p gdn g0i
voi hoc sinh: Me ond My Friends, Me and My School. M6i ch0 cfi6m
dugc chia thlnh ndm don vi bii hoc (Unit) tuong fng voi n5m ch0
dd c0a chr.long trlnh. Sau nim cfon vi bdi hoc li mot bii 6n (Review)
tQp trung vdo 6n tQp vd c0ng c6 c5c kT ndng giao ti6p (nghe, n6i, doc,
vi6t) vi ki6n thrlc ng6n ngr.t co b6n (ngrr 6m, til v{ng, ngLI phdp).

Tidng Anh 5,T6p MQt CfrIo. c bi6n soan dua trdn nhrrng co sd lf lu6n v)
thr"rc tin c0a viQc dqy vi hoc ti6ng Anh ti6u hoc dVi6t Nam, co tinh
ddn t6m li ltla tudi vi giao lrru qu6c t5.

Cac tac Ai6 rdt mong nhAn cfrroc nhrlng 1i kidn d6ng g6p cOa c6c
nha gi5o, phu huynh hoc sinh vd Cf6ng d5o ban doc quan tdm Cfd
sdch dtloc holn thi6n hon.

Ciic tiic ai6

Ldi noi ddu


Competences , Sentence Patterns " Vocabulary Pronunciation

address? :

o What's your address? address, lane, Word stress

questions about It's... tower, like, quiet, 'city
someone's address o What's the ... like? crowded, pretty 'village
o Asking and answering It's... 'mountains
questions about what a 'tower
village/town/city is like

H it'dri['a'r#u prg ,1.2., : '

o Asking and answering . What do you do...? brush teeth, do Word stress
questions about I always/usua llyloften ... morning exercise, 'always
sorneone's daily routine How often ...? always, usually, 'usually
r Asking and answering I ... every daylonce/twice ... often, sometimes, 'often
questions about a week/a month. once, twice, 'sometimes
partner, project

Page 18
Asking and answering Where did you go on holiday? island, ancient Word stress
questions about past I went to ... town, imperial 'motorbike
holidays How did you get there? city, underground, 'underground
Asking and answering I went by... motorbike, coach, 'holiday
questions about means of get 'family

tit,: r.tl:"ri,, ;'.'l:, :
Asking and answerinS . Did you...? enjoy, join, funfair, Word stress
questions about whether Yes,did./No, I didn't.
I chat, cartoon, post 'party
someone did something o What did you do at the party? simple of irregular 'sunday
Asking and answering t... verbs: did, had, ate, enJoyed
questions about what went, sang in'vite

lrr;.,ti',r i.n.:,;.i;ririi,.,,ii.i..., Pagiso

Asking and answering o Where willyou be ...? will, think, may, Word stress
questions about where Ithink l'll be... explore, cave, boat, 'seaside
someone will be o What willyou do...? build sandcastles, 'islands
Asking and answering I think l'll ... on, in, at, by 'countryside
questions about what I don't know. I may...
someone will do

Page 36

TiSng Anh 5 - TQp 1




. Asking and answering o How do you practise ...? speak, listen,

questions about how I ... write, read, 'How do you 'practise
someone learns English . Why do you learn English? email, short 'speaking?
o Asking and answering Because I want to ...
story, practise, I'speak'English'every'day.
questions about the foreign 'Why do you 'learn 'English?
importance of learning Be'cause I 'want to'sing
'English 'songs.

"Ufilt I illl?il
afeiyou'readi'ngpii ''
': ii


Asking and answering o What are you reading? names of book/ Sentence stress
questions about what l'm reading... sroriet kind, 'What are you 'reading?
story/book someone is o What's... like? hard-working, l'm 'reading The'Fox and
reading He's/She's ...
clever, gentle, the'Crow.
o Asking and answering generous, 'What's 'Snow 'White 'like?
questions about what the funny, fairy tale She's'kind.
character in a story is like

aidiy.a,u 'ati.tfiffid i

Asking and answering r r What did you see at the :python, Sentence stress
questions about animals zoo? peacock, 'When did you 'go to the 'zoo?
rn a zoo I saw... ' gorilla, roar, | 'went there 'yesterday.
. Asking and answering o What did the... do when move, panda, 'What did the'tigers'do
questions about what you were there? quietly, when you were'there?
animals did in the zoo They... loudly, slowly, They'roared 'loudly.

uni-t-t tffheh will,sports Day,,bc,?.i..iili l

Asking and answering When will... be?

questions about school It',ll be on ... singing 'When will'Sports'Day'be?
events What are you going to do contest, lt,ll be on 'Saturday.
Asking and answering on Sports Day? lndepe.ndence ' 'What are you 'going to 'do
questions about what l'm going to... Day, table on 'Sports''Day-?
someone is going to do/ tennrs l,m
play on Sports Day

Book Mop 'Wl S
-'t'iflllt'i"iffi t.i

Unit 1

ftffi*Ew# t
O Look, listen and repeat. @@W
Hello, Trung.
Hi, Nom! Nice to see Hi, Mqi. Nice to see Nice to meet gou.
gou ogoin. gou, too. Moi, this is
Trung. He's o new
pupil in our closs.

It's Tron Hung

Doo Street. Where
do gou live?

I'm from Do Nong. But now I live !'w
. yt!1t! _grondpqrents in Ho Noi. I live in Flot 18 on the second
floor of Ho Noi Tower.

@ Point and say W g

Whot's gour oddress? \ ,/,,2 T+r^

105, Hoa Binh 97, Village Road 75, Hai BaTrung Flat 8, second floor,
Lane Street City Tower

'fu, Ti6ng Anh 5 - TQp I

O Ler s r?rK. rg
Ask and answer questions about addresses.

Where or Uou from? I'm from

Whot's gour oddress? It's

Where do gou live?

@ Listen and complete. @ -W

1.Linda: __ *_ , High Street
2.Tony: "-*"*-_-___*, Green Lane
3. Peter: 765,
4. Tom: of City Tower

O Read and complete. ffi -W

street Trung is a new pupil in Class 58. He is (1) o
address Da Nang. Now he (2) with his grandparents
lives in Ha Noi. His (3) - _ **,-:_ is 81, Tran Hung Dao
from (4) Hoan Kiem District.

@ Let's sing. $*
The wheals on the bus
*The whaels
on the bus go round and round,
r Round and round. round and round.
d' The wheels on ths bus go round and round all day long.
Tha bails on the bus go ding, ding, ding, .A
Drng, ding, ding, ding, ding,ding.
The bells on tha bus go ding, ding,ding all day long.
The vtheels on the bus go round and round, #
Round and round, round and round.
Thre wheels on the bus go round and round
All day long, all day long, all day long.

oU, *7
Unit I Whot's your oddress?

O Look, listen and repeat. @@W
Whot's gour
Oh,I lihe Do Nong.
Did gou live in the citg?

No, I didn't. I lived in o

villoge in the mountoins.

Yes, I thinh so.

O Point and say. W g

Whot's the like?

city'big village/far town/large island/small and

and busy and quiet and crowded Pretty

o Let's talk. %
Ask and answer questions about where you live.

Where do gou live? I live

Whqt's it lihe? It',s

Who do gou live with?

Wa, Ti6ng Anh 5 - Tqp 1

@ Listen and circle a or b. @g
a. pretty and quiet village
1. Tom lives in a
b. pretty and busy town

a. crowded and busy

2. Tony's city is
b. large and busy

a. big and crowded

3. Peter's town is
b. small and busy

a. big and busy city

4. Linda lives in a
b. small and busy ciry

() write about you. W

rffi 1. What's your address?
2. What's your hometown like?
,E*" 3. Who do you live with?
tr, 4. Do you like living there? Why?lWhy not?
# i

O Let's play.Xk
the differenee

WW ,il-cnr
ww , leni
-., ,i


Unit l Whot's your oddress?

O Listen and repeat. @ W
I i.
clty Linda lives in a'city.

i---lyiths-"-- My best friend lives in a 'village.

i mountarns I live in the 'mountains.
I tower He lives in a tall and quiet 'tower.

@ Listen and circle a or b. Then say the sentences

aloud. @ g @

1. Linda lives in a big '''*

'lr; a. countF/ b. city

2. They live in the l-ffi

;'ffi a. countryside b. mountains

3. We live in Binh Minh

b. Town

O Let's chant. h\ to"a

Vhere do you live?

\r/hera do you live?
I liva in Quang Trung Straet.
Where do you live?
I live in Green Avenua.
Vhsra do you live?
I liva in Grean Tower.
\ry'hat's Green Towar like?
It's tall and quiat.
Vhat's your flat like?
It's big and pretty.

i, ti&

410 Tidng Anh 5 - Tsp 1

@ Read and tick Yes (Y) or No (N) ffi Y
Trung lives with his Y N

grandparents in Ha Noi. His

1. Trung lives with his ii tl

parents in Ha Noi.
address is 81, Tran Hung Dao t:
2. He lives in a tower. rl
il i""^t

Street, Hoan Kiem District, 3. His flat is far from l"-.1

liri t" ""1

-,,.,, , 1

Ha Noi. The family lives on the city centre.

the fourth floor of Ha Noi 4. His new school is ;

near his home.

Tower. Their flat is big and
5. Trung likes his new ti
modern. lt has a fine view.
Trung likes the new place
because it is in the city centre
and near his new school.

G) write about your friend. W

1. What's his/her name? 2. Where is he/she from?
3. What's his/her address? 4. Who does he/she live with?
5. What's his/her home like? 6. Does he/she like his/her hometown?
Why?/Why not?
A lF-+
rrofect h*)\
Draw a house and write its address.

O c"lour the stars. #

Now I can ...
. ask and answer questions about addresses
and r**
. listen to and understand texts about addresses and ***
. read and understand texts about addresses and ***
. write about my friend's address and hometown. ***

'l Who/s
Unit your oddress? W,
o Look, listen and repeat. @O @ W
Me too. I get up eorlg ond
Hi, Quonl
You're up eorlg! ffi I olwogs hove o big breolefost
before I go to school.

Hi, TomlYes,
I olwogs get
up eorlg. How
j obout gou?
Whot do gou do in I sodoLAndI
I JVUVr,r\ttu!
I the ofternoon? l - often tollt with
friends online.

After school?
I usuollg do mg
homeworh, I con see thot. Ho ho!

@ Polnt ano say . .* ,*' oo,

b -L"i--r
r " L*;

morning/usually. do

mornrnS exercrse


afternoon/often evening/sometimes
cool< dinner watch TV

Wli 12 Ti6ns Anh 5 - TQp 1

lt. i :i r-,,i'r, iiri 1,,i. ii ir,,,il.ifl
'i ..rr,
,i,.ii..i.i,rr.ifl Hirri

O Lef, s r?rK.
Ask and answer questions about your daily routines.

Whot do gou do in the morninglofternoon/evening?

I olwogs/usuol g/often/sometimes

@ Listen and tick. @ {fl

lr*,tr&.trA i=Mbtrfu ,.m"''
:tr*;# .E## iffibnffi.rm
O Read and complete. ffi -W
lt-[9 9q rv . p-l"e),. y.:y{lr
.:.'-,..nl.l-lynamelSl\am.trveD/mornlnt,lte[uPearly.l\l)-i '""=:i
mornrng exercise, have breakfast and then go to school. After school,
the sports centre and (3) football. In the evening, I sometimes fii
i;..**- watch (4) "--. | (5) watching films after dinner. .i

() Let's sing. r"-

This is tha \n/ay \^/6 do thingu
\N This is the way wz brush our taatlt
Brush our taeth, brush our taeth.
This is the way wa brush our teetlu s
@J So aarly in tha morning.

tt lhls ls the way wa wash our face, twU
, L- . So early in tha morning. ,/"'ffk"."i
,."i.-1.:r'" Thisis tfia way we e*. orr food,
Eat our food, zat our food.
*ll This is tfie way we eat. our food,
. So early in the morning.
Unii 2 I olwoys get up eorly. How obout you? Wilrfl!
O Look, listen and repeat. @ @ ffi Whot or Uou
looking for?
Whot ore Uou
doing, Lindo?

I'm surfing
the Internet.

Whot leind of
informotion ore
gou loohing for?
How often
do gou
It's for mg i come to Once o weeh.
English project. tne tiuroruz.] { Shl I'm busg,

O Point and say. W g

study with a go to the library/

partner/every day once a week

go fishing/ ride a bicycle to

once a month school/twice a week
/ aa \
'Let's talk. ':6
Ask and answer questions about your daily routines.

Whqt do gou do in the morning/ I olwogs/usuolly ,.,


How often do gou go to the cinemo/ OncefTwirc q' weh/month.

go swimminglsurf the Interhet?
r '&;

U ll Tidns Anh 5 - Tqp I

@ Listen and number. @ 'ilW

() Write about your daily routiner. ,W
1. What do you do in the morning?
2. What do you do in the afternoon?
3. Do you go to bed early in the evening?
4. How often do you watch TV?

@ Let's play.ffi
Do the crossword puzzle.

; ,m'*K
*r "flffi,

Unit 2 I olwoys get up eorly. How obout you?

w, trN#m
O Listen and repeat. @W
'always | 'always get up early.
'usually I 'usually have dinner at home.
I 'often go to bed early.
I 'sometimes go swimming on Sundays.

@ Listen and circle a or b. Then say the sentences

aloud. @ g @
1. r
to to bed early 411

a. always b. sometimes
s; '1

2.He plays football after school. '{a

a. sometimes b. often
3. She goes shopping on Sundays. {|t
a. usually b. always

4. We go camping at the weekend. /i/

a. often

@ l"t's chant. S

\ilhat do you do in the morning?

Vhat do you do in the morning?
I always brush my taath.
What do you do aftar gatttng up?
I usually go to school.
How often do you go to tha library?
I go tfiare once aweeK
How often do you play computer gamas?
I play them ev"ry weeU
,ti, :ll&

W, 16 Tt6ng Anh 5 - Tqp 1

@ Read and ans*"r. ffi @
Hoa's Day
ln the morning, Hoa gets up early. She usually goes jogging.
After breakfast, she rides her bicycle to school. After school, she usually
does her homework. Then she often plays badminton
and sometimes cooks dinner. ln the evening, {
sometimes watches TV. She watches English for
Kids once a week. She usual$rgoes to bed'ear:ly,
She goes shopping twice a week.
i.,li:i:.ii:i: i lr:' :i'

What does Hoa do in the morning?

2. What does she do after school?
3. What TV programme does she watch once a week?
4. How often does she go shopping?

G) write about your day. W

My name is
ln the morning, I always
ln the afternoon, I usually
ln the evening, !

I a week.

() ProlectS
lnterview two of your classmates about their daily routines.

O c"rour Ene srars. 'i

Now I can ...
. ?sk and answer questions about daily routines. * * *
. listen to and understand texts about daily routines. * * *
. read and understand texts about daily routines. * * *
. write about my day. * * *

2. TIENG ANH 5/1 - SHS Unit 2 I olwoys get up eorly. How obout you? Wffi,Yfi
O Look, listen and repeat. @6 @ W

Where did gou go?



I went to
Ho Long Bog.


I went on o trip
with mg fomilg. {"

Whot obout gou?

Where did gou go?

Whot wqs
the trip lihe? It wos reollg nice. I went to Ho Chi Minh Citg.

@ Point apd say. W @

Where did gou go on holidog?

Ha Long Bay Phu Quoc Hoi An Hue lmperial

lsland AncientTown City

Wffi*:: Tidng Anh 5 - TQp 1

fr 1.;


.} .+,xi+, Ir,tffi
t. O Lef, s t?rK. --s
Ask and answer questions about your holidays.
,t" , ,' ,

Where were Uou on holidoy? f,wgs

I went to
!t/,hqt was the trip lihe? f{. g$fig:'.'..r...:'r'

@ Listen and match. @ @

3 4

G) Read and match. m@

1. Where were you last summer? -., a. I took a boat trip. .l
2. Where did you go? .,j b. lt's a photo of my trip. ;i
3. What did you do? - c. I was at the seaside. 1i:

4. What was the trip like? , d. I went to Phu Quoc Island. ,

5. What's that? e. lt was great.

O Let's play.ffi Find someone who ...

Find someone who went to
the seoside lost summr.

Unit 3 Where did you go on holidoy? W"

O Look, listen and repeat. @@W

I aow aia vou get tn1::: ) )_.._: .

I went to mg
WM1'ffi* 1--
Where did gou go on in Hoo Binh I went bg cooch.
holidog, Phong? Province.

Whot obout
gou, Tong?
Where did
gou go? I went boch to Austrolio.
I went bg plone.

O Point and say. W @

How did uou qet there?

I went uu "@
\ t

motorbike underground

@{-er's alk. -q
Ask and answer questions about how you get to different places.
\n/here wr gou on holidag?/ I wos .-- **.lI went to
\dhere did gou go?' l

JiA uou get the I went bV

lflo* -.
W, 20 TiSng Anh 5 - TQp I
@ Listen and write one word in each blank. @W
i 1. Mai went to see her grandparents by

2. Linda went to her hometown by

3. Nam went to the seaside by

4. Trung went to Da Nang by

.: ;ilfl'

@ Write about your Iast holiday. @

1. Where did you go last holiday?

2. How did you get there?

3. What did you do there?

4. Did you enjoy the trip?

O Let's sing. -x"-

[''W' How did you gel. fhati:e?

went by bus,
I want by bus I went by train,
To my homatown. I wsnt by train,;l',;r
I had fun, /) Tomy hometown.
I had fun Ihad f*, h
All tha way home. I hadfun #

J All the way

Unit 3 Where did you go on holidoy? W;W,,::
O Listen and rep.... @ 'W
'motorbike Last summer, I went to the park by 'motorbike.
'underground Last Sunday, he went to the countryside by 'underground.
'holiday She went on 'holiday by coach.
'family Last weekend, I went to Da Nang with my Tamily.

O Listen and circle a or b. Then say the sentences

aloud. @ I @
1. Last weekend, Linda went to the zoo by
a. underground b. motorbike

2.YYe went back to our hometown by

a. train b. bus

3. Peter went to the beach with his

- ''- : ' -- ':'- . ' '- '.

a. classmates b. family

4. He had a nice

a. holiday b. weekend

@ l"t's chant. i..'-

Whsna did ymu gm?
Vhera did you go?
I want to the baach,
To the baach
Last summer.
How did you gat t)'vre?
I went by train,
By train
All tha way thera.
Vhat did you do?
I swam in the sea
Swam in the saa
With my friends.
Wzz' Ti6ng Anh 5 - TQp I
@ Read and compl"te. ffi -W
Dear Tony,
i r*.* island badminton plane by
1-.-.*-.'-.-+++tF+..+.!+]ir'.].!]P]*]+].!t ,h

My mother and I went to Phu Quoc (1) last summer.

First, we went from our house to the airport (2) taxi.
Then we went to the island by (3) :. lt is a wonderful
plac. ln the morning, we played (4) . ln the afternoon,
we (5) in the pool. We had a wonderful time there.
See you soon,
t'lt :
: : l ;!!:i":t' : ::
:tililiit:lti it!

O Read and write. m P

i Dear Mai,
ffiilifitnto my hometow" * ll:'1Tl"tii::tlffi::
i l,Tl'":ffi +ii:y'i*"]" .1. "'""l-",'.::*:*',il::'
ii,r iT''&Til;':';il;;'i1"i
1o Krng s
i,i'";."*n. i like train
going by
toot train to my hometow?.,,-,,^.^,o
t u nn rhe way. I
ui"'1irur views on the wav'
', [:ffii':;;;'i;; ;;;,'omy grandparents' house'
't.l"station to *v
: r' ...-u.^t fr-zrrn fhe train
',oi 1",:il:"rl;il;Hl* mY hometown'
, i, ffi;J;wonderful time in my
i ira a *ona"tt'l
I Love,
Linda ",:* -*----***'
1. Where's Linda's hometown?
2. How did she get to King's Cross railway station?
3. How did she get to her hometown?
4. Why does she like going by train?
5. Did she have a good time in her hometown?
() Prolect$
lnterview two classmates about their holidays.

O c"lour the stars. #

Now I can ...
. ask and answer questions about past holidays and means of ***
. listen to and understand texts about past holidays and ***
means of transport.
. read and understand texts about past holidays and means of ***
. write about someone's past holiday. **
Unit 3 Where did you go on holidoy? Wfu
Unat 4

O Look, Iisten and repeat. @@W
Are gou going to
Nom's birthdog

portg? It
wos lost Did gou
Sundog. go to the_
Oh no! I thought Yes, Idid. Iwent
it wos todogl with Phong.

portg, Phong?

Yesl We hod
q lot of fun!

O Point and say. W g

Yes.I did,/
No,I didn't.
go on a Prcnrc enjoy the party

join the funfair watch TV

w" TiSng Anh 5 - Tqp I

Let's talk. Q
Ask and answer questions about what you did.

Did gou go on a picnic?

Yes,I did. No, tr didn't"

Did gou watch TV?

@ Listen and tick Yes (Y) or No (N) @ {

1. Did Linda go to the zoo yesterday? NI
1._ ""- J

2. Was Mai at the sports festival? r"i

1 ."1
3. Did Tony stay at home yesterday? 1" -t

O Read and complete. ffi -W

enjoyed Linda and Tom were on their holidays. They (1)
joined to different places. Linda went to the (2) of
Flowers in Da Lat. Tom (3) _-_..-_.--.---.--- a (4)
festival. They (5) their holidays very much. #
went #
- #
() Ler's sing. *.- =qr -

'? 4

Vhat did you do on Teachers'Day?

Vhat dld you do? What did you do? Did you go? Did you go?
Vhat d1d you do on Teachers'Day? Did you !p on a plcnic?
Dld you have fun? Did you have fun?
Yes,we d1d. Veo t'-":: of fun!
had lots vr tvr r' Ve
!' didn't
' - S,o vr
Jv q picnic.
onI a l/rer rre'
\- oo@oq3,--oo6.\? -ofr"F$.?**- o. o@s )

Unit 4 Did you go to the porty? W,,


O Look, listen and repeat. @@W
Whot did you do there? I

Did gou go to Moi's birthdog

portg gesterdoy, Peter?


I ote o lot of food,

It wos greot.
Dd U", h""" , ,""d tr'l"?l

I Yes, we did.

@ Point and say WO

had nice food played hide-and-seek

and drink
,-$iiir .i$:,

chatted with friends watched cartoons

O Let's talk. ^-e
Ask and answer questions about what you and your friends did.

It wos


@ Listen and circle a or b. W ffi

1.' Nam's school had

2. Ylai bought

3. Phong

G) write about you. Wi

1. Where were you yesterday?

2. What did you do there?

3. Did you enjoy it?

@ t-.t's play. ffi


Did you have....?

Unit 4 Did you go to *re porty? W,


O Listen and repeat. @ ffi
'P-lry---j I went to Mai's birthday'party yesterday.
'Sunday They took part in the festival on 'Sunday.

. We en'joyed the food and drink at the party.

in'vite I want to in'vite Tony and Phong to my birthday party.

O Mark the word stress. Then say the words aloud. @@

1. water 2. party 3. enjoy 4. birthday

5. invite 6. Monday 7. comics 8. picnic

9. cartoon 10. Sunday 11. repeat 12. complete

Let's chant. S


a *r
s a
,. N

o sa B


Whsrt \d&s y*ur hirtlrdmyP &

N Vhan was your birtfiday? Vhat did you do?

i s
. It was last Smday. Ve atue cakes and swsats.
Vho did you invlte?
\ \ Did you enjoy lt?
All my best friends. great!
*, Yes!,It was _. "*
- **\\\."\s..

., '..*-,'"1",*
,**'fl u'* "

W, Tidng Anh 5 - TQp 1


@ Read and ans*"r. ffi W

My name is Nam. lt was my birthday last Sunday. I invited some of my
classmates to the party. They gave me presents like comic books, robots
and a teddy bear. We ate cakes, sweets, fruit and ice cream. We drank
fruit juice. We sang English and Vietnamese songs. We danced, too. Phong
played the guitar and Linda played the piano. The party ended at 7 p.m.
We enjoyed it very much. , T$' .- -q3' .- -q;f

1. When was Nam's birthday party?

2. Who went to Nam's birthday party?

3. What did Phong do at the party?

4. What did Linda do at the party?

G) write about your birthday party. W

1. When was your last birthday party?

2. Who went to your party?

3. What did you and your friends do at the party?

() Prolecr {'
Discuss in groups what present to give a classmate for his/her birthday.

O c"rour rne stars. i

' Now I can ...
. ask and answer questions about past activities. * * *
. listen to and understand texts about past activities. * * *
. read and understand texts about past activities. * * *
. write about my birthday party. * * *

Unit 4 Did you go to the porty?

Unit 5

O Look, listen and repeat. 6-aD @W Whot obout gou, Tong?
Whot will gou do Where will gou be on
this weehend? Soturdog?



I thinh I'll be in the
mountoins. :f
At home? Whg? "x

Whot obout gou, Phong?

Where will gou be? Becouse I hove to studg.

@ Point and say W g

Where will gou
be this weeleend?

b l.l.liiiil:,:i',

in the countryside on the beach at school by the sea

WM,,' Tidns Anh 5 - TQp I

C *'***ffi
O Ler s tarr. :g

Ask and answer questions about where you will be this weekend.

\,Vhere willgourbe this weeltend?

I think I'll be

@ Listen and tick ,@ Y ffi#'tffi"

3,.W otr'ffi*flr' tl
O Read and match. ffi W
I 1. Where will you be this weekend? a. He'll
i l !l', " -lg-ll!?il : : )

Il :r- ll : -!t- t!-"- -'-9?:

i c.l think I'll be at home. t

( d.She'll be on the beach. I

() Let's sing. x.-

\rurfumrm wh?t ymru ffimf
Vhare will you ba next weeKend,
In tJra mountains or tha countryside?
I think IT be in the mountains.
Whara will you be tomorrow,
At the seaside or at school?
I think I'll be at tfie seasida.
Vhere will you be next yeil,
In Viet Nam or England?
O Look, listen and repeat. @d @ W
I'll go for o picnic Where will gou go?
this weehend.

I thinh I'll go to
Ho Long Bog,

Will gou visit Tuon

Chou Islqnd?

Whot will you I thinh I'll swim I don't hnow. I mog

do there? in the seo. explore the coves. l/ - *-

O Point and say Ng

ot Ho Long Bog?
] , .
I thinlq I'll

I don't hnow.I mog

explore the take a boat trip build sandcastles swim in the sea
caves around the islands on the beach

-let's mlk. -s
Ask and answer questions about where you will be and what you will do.

Where will gou be next week? I thinh I'll

\,t/hat will gou do? I don't know.I mog


W,N TiSng Anh 5 - TQp 1


@ Listen and number. @ ffiH

aE btr ctr dtr

(O write about you. w
1. Where will you be tomorrow?

2. What will you do?

O Let's play.ffi

3. TIENG ANH 5/1 - SHS

Unit 5 Where will you be this weekend?

O Listen and repeat. @W
They'll be at the 'seaside on Sunday.
She'll visit the 'islands on Monday.

The boys will be in the 'countryside next month.

O Listen and circle a or b. Then say the sentences

aloud. @ g @

a. mountains b. islands

W 2, We'll go for: a picnic

a. at the seaside b. in the countryside

yflffi 3. They'll be in the next week.

a. city b. countryside

@ r-"t's chant. h;.

\rJhera wlll yffr b6

tihls \ir6ek6nd7
Uhara will you ba this wzzzKend?
I think I1l be in the countryside.
Vhat will you do tfiere?
I thlnl( I'lt hava a picnlc.

\dhara will you be nexl, weelt?

I think we1tlbeat tj,la seaside.
Vhat will you do there?
I tf,rinlr wa'll visit the islands.

Tl6ng Anh 5 - Tqp I


@ Read and complete. ffi -W

Hello, I'm Mai. I'll go to Ha Long Bay with my fam

'lil$iil.ijiiili'' lt'll be a lot of fun. ln the morning, I think rny par<

the sea. They love swimming! My brother: and,l will,buiH

on the beach. ln the afternoon, my mum and dad will s
ffi brother and I will play badminton, Then,well{'
Chau lsland. Seafood, I hope!




Mai and, her


G) write about you. W

Hi. My name's
Next Sunday, I think I will be
ln the morning, lwill
ln the afternoon,
ln the evening,

O Prolecr {'
lnterview three classmates about where they will go and what they will do
next weekend.

O c"rour rne srars. ){-

Now I can ...
. ask and answer questions about future activities. * * *
. listen to and understand texts about future activities. * * *
. read and understand texts about future activities. * * *
. write about my future activities. * * *

Unit 5 Where will you be this weekend?


i, ,' R
,,: i

O Listen and ticl.. @ ff



a b
I tr
@ gb
O Listen and number.

, Tidng Anh 5 - TQp 1

O Listen and tick Yes (Y) or No (N) . @ V
1. Mai often goes to the cinema.
2. Nam went to the countryside.

@ Read and circle a or b. m g

"--* ----4oo -t:'*
o 4-@ ="
,.- A# H3 1
{ Linda usually goes to school in the morning. Yesterday, she didn't go *

very happy to see them. The family enjoyed their day in

I the countryside and went back home in the evening.
Next week, they will visit Linda's grandparents again.
1 t '

\- oo .*o ff,*-*"o@V -o*"*',..-*&ff-..-*.** o' u

1. What does Linda usually do in the i a. She does morning exercise.
i morning? i b. She.g9"g:..I9..s..c.h9..9!:.................

a. Yes, she did.

l. Z. Oia she go to school yesterday? i b. No, she didn,t.
""""""' """"""""' a. She went shopping.
i ?: YT::9:9:l: F: :: j
:l: T:i:i:gi b She went to the countryside
i + wn",; ;; il;;; s;;;;o;;;; ;;;"i : : i: :5 :':l:
: 5. When will the family visit Linda's j a. Next week.
i grandparents? : b. Next month.

@ Write about you. Then tell the class. P g

1. What's your address?

2. What's your place like?

3. How often do you do morning exercise?
4. What did you do last summer?
5. What will you do at the weekend?
Hello,I'm Miu ond these ore
mg friends, Mourice ond Doris,
Hello, I'm Chit, ond these ore
mg sisters, Mimiond Ninil


Where did you go? went to

the beoch.

Did gou ond gour Did gou enjog it? f\---"----

fomilg go on holidog? Yes, we did.

We sqt on the beqch Whot obout gou? Yes, Mourice, Doris ond I
ond swom in the seo. Did gou go on holidoy? went to the mountoins.

Tidng,Anh 5,l1ffi
@ nnrwer the questions. @
1. Where did Chit and his family go on holiday?
2. Did they have a good time?
3. Who did Miu go on holiday with?
4. Where did they go?
5. Did they have a good time? WhyAA/hy not?

O Unscramble these words from the story. &H,

a. dilayoh b. cheab c. lymifa d. stamounin e. derian

t @ Read and complete. ffi W

A: Where(1) you go on holiday?
B: We (2) to the beach.
A: Did you (3) it?
B: Yes, we (4) lt was fun. What about you?
A: We went to the mountains.
B: Did you enjoy it?
A: No, we (5)
-. lt rained all the time.

O Work in pairs. Talk about your last holiday.

@ Read and match. W@
. J, { vse --!?vs- 1 F.?:9- v-": f::9-2. i i a. No, they didn't.
- "Pi "

2. Where did you go? b. Yes, we did.

d. We saw some children \


.---- -Yill'- ll-: lt l-l

I e. We went to the beach. )

Short story 1
Unit 6
ffiffi,**wffi fr
O Look, listen and repeat. @ @ W
Hi, Long. How wos Do gou hqve
your trip home? I
school todoy, Moi?

Hi, Moi. It
wos good,

How mqng lessons do gou hove todog? How qbout you?

Do gou hove school
Ihove four: Moths,
Vietnqmese, Music
ond PE.

Not todog, but tomorrow.

I'm still on holidogl

O Point and say. W g

{-fd' !r{!sdflff^d
How mqny lessons t'
t.'1en' I ues. Wed. Thurs' Frl'
do gou hove todog? ./ ,/ ./
;lrWiNiS t ./
./ ,/ '/

WM Ti6ng Anh 5 - TQp I

:jlr '


O Let s ..rK. *s
Ask and answer questions about the lessons you have today.

How mong lessons do gou hove todoy? I'hove

hlhot les'5ons .do,Uciui .hcte. todo U?

I hcve ._ _-*...**..*.

@ Listen and tick @ f

,.1,..,'$cie*te .;1

t,.;.r pUl.1.,,,,],
... 1:

ll. ll,ltl,Art lll
,Meff,iai Ete,

O Read and complete. ffi W

Art My name is Trung. I'm a new pupil in Class 5B. Today is

four (1) ____ I have five (2) -_-: Maths, Vietnamese,
Iessons Science, lT and PE. Tomorrow is (3) -_- . I'll have
Wednesday (4\ _ _ -_ lessons: Maths, Vietnamese, Music and
Tuesday (5) -- -

O Lef, s Sing. pr
How many lessons
do you have today?
Yestarday was Sunday. It was a holiday" I,
- Today's Honday and I'm back at school. L*d:: -
dl I have lhlree lassons: Haths, English and Sciencs. y\
h, "

Tomorrow's Tuasday.Ill ba at school again. ss

I1l have three more lassons: llaths, D{usic and Art.
How about you? How many lussons do you have today?

Unit 6 How mony lessons do you hove todoy?

O Look, listen and repeat. @@W
Hi, Ahilto. It's nice to Are you ot school? i

tollt to gou ogoin.

Nice to tolh to gou, too, Nom. Yes, I om. It's breol'r time.

Are gou qt school, too? Good for gou. How often do

gou hove English?

I hove it four times o week.

O Point and say. W g

How often do gou hove

.M o
! ,oi*s

once a week twice a week four times a week

every school day

O'Let's talk. !%
Ask and answer questions about the lessons you have today and how
often you have each lesson.
How mang lessops do gou hove todog? ,'Hofu.of!$n do gou hove -----j*-*?
I hqve , _ .. **_, I.hav'e,it'..,. .---.-''.

Tidng ,Anh 5 - TQp 1

@ Listen and circle a or b. @g
1. Mai has English a. four times a week

2. Nam has._, ,- today.

3. Akiko is _-__-__,_ today.

4. Quan has Maths

G) write about you. W

1. How many lessons do you have today?

2. What's your favourite lesson?

3. How often do you have your favourite lesson?

4. How often do you have English?

5. Do you like English? Why?/Why not?

O Let's play.ffi Slap the board


four times a week

,t :,,,
o'rtce a week eveq/ school day
,.t .

Unit 6 How mony lessons do you hove todoy?

O Listen and repeat. @ W
'How many'lessons do you 'have to'day? I 'have'four.
'How many'crayons do you 'have? | 'have 'five.
'How many'books do you 'have? | 'have'six.
'How many'copybooks do you 'have? I 'have'seven.

O Listen and circle a or b. Then say the sentences

aloud. @ I @

a. books b. copybooks
a. two b. six

' 2. How many do you have?

a. crayons b. lessons
I have a. four b. five

Let's chant. $
How often do you have ...?
How many lessons do you hava today?
I have four:
English, Science, Music and Vietnarnese.
How often do you have English?
Four times a weaK
How often do you have Science?
Twice awzek
How oftan do you have Husic?
Once a weeK
How often do you have Viatnamase?
i have it every day.

@ Read and complete. m -W

My name's Mai. l'm in Class 58, Nguyen Du Primary School. My school
year started in August. I go to school every day except Saturday and
Sunday. I have four lessons a day. Today is Wednesday. I have Maths,
Vietnamese, Music and English. I have Maths and Vietnamese every
schoolday. I have Music once a week and English four times a week.

1. Mai's school started in

2. She goes to school every day except - ----*--*---
3. She has lessons a day.
4. She has on Wednesday.
5. She has Music
6. She has English

G) Write about your school and lessons. 'W

My school started in
I go to school
I have
on Wednesday. I have Music
I have English

O Prolect {
Write a letter to a pen friend to talk about your timetable.

O c"lour the stars. #

Now I can ...
. ask and answer questions about school lessons. )^( * *
. listen to and understand texts about school lessons. )^( * *
. read and understand texts about school lessons. * * *
. write about my timetable. * * *

Unit 6 How mony lessons do you hove todoy?

Unit 7

O Look, listen and repeat. 66 @ W
How often do gou
hove English, Moi?

I hove it four times o weeh. Yes, I do.

How do you proctise reoding? leorn vocobulorg? ]

I reod English comic boohs. I write new words in mg

notebooh ond reod them oloud.

@ Point and say W g

How do gou proctis e
speak English/ listen to English/
speak English every day watch English cartoons
on TV

write English/ read Englishi

write emails to my friends read short stories

TiSng Anh 5 - Tqp 1

O Ler s r?rK. *s
Ask and answer questions about how you learn English.
How often do gou hove English? I hove English times o weelc.

Do gou,hove'EnElish' todog? Yes, I do. No, I don't,

'i'ir:.,.:r:..r..rr1... r | .r." iri
How do gou'prcctise ? [,i ...

@ Listen and tick @ .Ifl

,, ,&ffi c-'] a

ow .w ,w.ffi

o Read and complete. ffi ,-W ]io*'*

Trung is a newcomer in Class 5B. Today, he's happy O _"__-._ he has
& two English lessons. To practise speaking English, he (2) it every
ffi day with his friends. To learn vocabulary, he (3) new words and
ffi reads them aloud. He also learns English bv @)
ll$:. English songs.
-B* His (5) is singing English songs!

@ Let's sing. *'i

How do you laarn English?
How do you laarn English?
How do you practise spaaking?
I speak to my friends every day.
How do you practisa reading?
I read English comic books.
How do you practisa writing?
I write
emails to my friends.
And how do you practise listaning?
I watch English cartoons on TV.

Unit 7 How do you leorn English?

O Look, listen and repeat. @ W
I hove French.

English. Whot obout you, Ahiho?

O Point and say. W@

Becouse I won


watch English read English talk with my

cartoons on TV comic books foreign friends

-let's :s
@ tall<.
Ask and answer questions about how and why you learn English.
How do gou leorn English? Why do gou leorn English?

Ti6ng Anh 5 - TQp 1

@ Listen and number. @ &%

(O write about you. W

1. How do you practise speaking English?

2. How do you practise reading English?

3. How do you practise writing English?

4. How do you learn English vocabulary?

5. Why do you learn English?

() Let's play.Xk
How do I learn English?

a- rrExc ANH s/1 - sHs Unit 7 How do you leorn English?

O Listen and repean @ W
'How do you 'practise 'speaking? | 'speak'English 'every 'day.
'How do you 'practise 'reading? I 'read 'English 'comic'books.
'How do you 'practise 'writing? I 'write 'emails to my 'friends.
Why do you 'learn 'English? Be'cause I 'want to 'sing 'English 'songs.

O Listen and circle a or b. Then say the sentences

aloud. @ g @
I 1. I learn English by ulffi
b. talking with my friends

a. reading comic books b. singing English songs

i S. t t.rn learns English by

a. writing emails to his friends b. watching cartoons on TV

a. read comic books b. talk with our foreign friends

@ ,-"a s cnant. r-) -

How do yo,r learn English?
How do you practisa spaaking?
By spaaking English avery day.
How do you practise reading?
By reacl'ung comic books.
How do you practise listening?
By watching English cartoons on TV.
How do you practise writing?
By writing amails to my friands.
i ' Why do you learn English?
Because I want to sing English sorgs.

Ti6ng Anh 5 - Tqp 1

@ Read and tick True (T) or False (F). RR { i-;'L,l'l
: see 1*"
j' I: its meaning. I write the word ; ffiffi
a new word, I try to guess :jr:':::^T',:.?::9I1":l

in my notebook and say it a few times. I often stick new ilstria,

words on my bedroom walls and practise reading them i-'
aloud. I learn to speak English by talking with my foreign j
friends in my free time. My friend Akiko is good at English. j
i She usually practises listening by watching cartoons on TV. j
: She learns to write by writing emails to me every day. We i
i ,." happy because we can understand each other. English i W
:. is necessary for communication. j W

1 . Mai tries to guess the meaning of a word while she reads. i"- i
t;'"- 1

t. ".." .t

3. Al<iko usually practises listening by watching caftoons on TV. , i"--,1

'. ^. i

4. Akiko learns to write English by writing emails to Mai every day. r"--1,
L" i

5. They like learning English because it is necessary for their studies. ,


G) Write about how your friend learns English. W

My friend is

He/She learns to read English by

He/She learns vocabulary by
He/She learns English because

O Prolecr {
Discuss how you practise listening, speaking, reading and writing English.

O c"rour rne srars. >s-

Now I can ...
. ask and answer questions about how and why someone * **
- learns English.
. listen to and understand texts about how and why someone * **
learns English.
. read and understand texts about how and why someone * **
learns English.
. write about how your friend learns English. * **

Unit 7 How do you leorn English? ffipii',

O Look, listen and repeat. @ @ ffi
Hi, Peter. Let's ploy chess, Whot ore Uou reoding?

I'm reoding o storg

I con't, I'm reoding. obout Holloween.
Is it o ghost storg?

Yes. Verg scoru.

O Point and say W g

Whot or'e gou reoding? I'm reoding __ _-

Aladdin and the SnowWhite and

Magic Lamp the Seven Dwarfs

Tiing Anh 5 - TQp I

Let's talk. E$

O Ask and answer questions about the book/story you are reading.
Do gou reod boohs in yout,frre,tims? Yes,;; . 'N0, *: .

,r.r:;l.r,r ii, r:,ll ,:r.r,i. I

r. I l
Whqt ore Uou reodinE now? I.m
. .|
..]::" ]i, i

Whot's gour fovourite booh/storg? It's

@ Listen and tick @ y

O Read and complete. ffi -W

; SnO\ /

i like

O Let's play.ffi The Guessing Game

The moin chorocter is o girl.
' It's rhe Storg of
I It'r o foirg tole. I Tam and Caml ]

Unit I Whot ore you reoding?

O Look, listen and repeat. @@W
whot or Uou Who's the moin chorocter? h^,,
uv9 ..,
] reoding, Quon? Aloddin.

Aladdin and the

Magic Lamp.

Mog I borrow the booh?

O Point and say W g

Whot's lihe?

He'si She's An Tiem/


The For/
O Let's ralk. %
Ask and answer questions about your favourite book/story.
Do gou lihe foirg toles/comic boohs/short stories? Yes, , , . No,.-

Wffia*, Ti6ng Anh 5 - Tqp I

@ Listen and write one word in each blank. @ W

1. What's Tam in The Story of Tam and Cam like? She's

2. What's Doraemon like? He's

3. What are the Seven Dwarfs like? They're short and

-. and
4. What's An Tiem like? He's clever

O Number the sentences in the correct order. ffiff,

It's a Vietnamese story about two girls.

She likes reading fairy tales in her free time.

Their names are Tam and Cam.

1 Minh's my classmate.

Her favourite fairy tale is The Story of Tam and Cam.

@ Let's stng. $$

Snow Vhite
and Aladdin
Thera's a glrl who's so gentla,
So gantle and so kind.
Snow Vhite is har name.
Yes, Snow Vhlte is her narne.

Thzre's a boy who's so claver,

So clever and so bright.
Aladdin is his name.
Yes, Aladdin is his name.

Unit 8 Whot cre you reoding?


O Listen and repeat. @ W
l'm'readin g The' Fox and the',Crow.

@ tirten and circle a or b. Then say the sentences

aloud. @g @

@ l". s cnanr. :.-

Vhat are you reading?

Vhat are you raading?
I'm raading tha Aladdln story.

Vhat's he like?
He's clever and he's kind. ;

Vhat are you raading?

I'm raading the Cinderalla story.
What's'Cinderella lika?
\ry'hat's she like?
She's beaLrtiful and shz's kind.

Ti6ng Anh 5 - TQp 1

@ Read and tick Yes (Y) or No (N) ffi ffi

1. Tom Iikes reading books in his free time. nil
2. Case Closed is a Malaysian story nil
3. The main character is Jimmy Kudo. nn
4. Jimmy Kudo is a policeman. nn
5. Jimmy Kudo is clever and brave. iln
@ Write about your favourite book. m
Fll*g'i#dfu':' . ' ''. ,,::1,,', ,.':...',..t'','it."',".,'-"i-i ffiyti'eetillffi

f like himlher: yery much becausb

@ Proiectffi
lnterview three classmates about their favourite books and characters.

c"lour the starr. ffi

O 'Now
I can ...
. ask and answer questions about favourite books.
. listen to and understand texts about favourite books.
* **
. read and understand texts about favourite books. * **
. write about my favourite book. t **

Unit 8 Whot ore you reoding? M

Unit 9

O Look, listen and repeat. @ @ ffi

Yes, I did. Theg were reolly noisg!

O Point and say W@

pythons crocodiles

peacocks gorillas
about the zoo.

f went there

I sow

@ Listen and tick @ .le

1. What did Tom see at the zoo?

2. What did Mai see at the park?


3. What did Tony see at the circus?

O Read and complete. ffi -W

| (1) going to the zoo. My favourite zoo animals are

(2) I think the gorillas are very (3) . They
can (4) a lot of things. I also love (5)
They can spray water with their trunks.

() Ler's sing. 'xt-

Vhat did you see *.t*'v zoo?
did you go yasterday?
I want to the zoo.
\ilho did you go with?
went with my friend Sue. Vhat did you see at iihre
Ve saw sorne peacocks;
They we?e very beautiful
And we sa\^/ some kangaroos.
They wetefast and fumny, too.

Unit 9 Whot did you see ot the zoo?

O Look, listen and repeat. @ @ ffi
i Oia Uou go to the zoo
I lost weeh, Phong?
Whot wqs it lihe?

It wos great,

I sow o pgthon And I sow two pondos.

too. It moved Theg wer reollg cute
reollg quietlg. ond did things slowlg.

@ Point and say W @


v t --l

tigers/ peacocks/ pythons/ pandasi

roar loudly move beautifully move quietly eat slowly

O Ler's talk. -e
Ask and a-nswer questions about zoo animals.


W:' Tidns Anh 5 - TQp 1

@ Listen and circle a or b. @ g
1. What did the gorillas do when Nam was at the zoo?
a. They moved quickly.
b. They moved slowly.

2. What dt6 aSe,pandas da'W: n.Quah'was'iiat,the,ffi?, ,

a. They moved slowly and they ate quickly.

b. They moved quietly and they ate slowly

3. What did the peacocks do when Phong was at the park?

a. They ate slowly
b. They moved beautifully.

@ Write about your visit to the zoo. W

1. When were you at the zoo?

2. What did you see there?

3. What did the animals do when you were there?

O Let's play.ffi
Animals in action (Charades)

A:What did I see at the zoo?

B: You saw the elephants.
A:What did they do there?
B: They walked slowly.

Unit 9 Whot did you see ot the zoo?

O Listen and repeat. @ W
'When did you 'go to the'zoo? I

| 'went there 'yesterdal.


'What did the 'tigers 'do when you were'there?

They'roared 'loudly, ,

@ lirten and underline the stressed words. Then say the

sentencesaloud @ Wg
I saw lots of animals.

They moved beautifully.


What did you do yesterday?

I want to the circus.
I had a lot of flar.
What {rd you see?
I saw the animals.
They we?e playing games.
Vhat did they do?
The monkeys rode bicycles.
Ihe baars playad volleyball
How did tJra morkeys ride bicycles?
Ihey roda them quicl{y.
iir;3if'E, __.lh\ffi!I

TiSng Anh 5 - TQp I

t, )

@ Read and match. ffi ffi

Deor Tuon,
I went to the zoo with my clossmotes lqst Fridog. First, we sqw the monheys. They
werefunto wotch becouse they jumped up ond down quichlg. Then we wentto see
theelephants, Theg moved slowlg qnd quietlg. \,ve also sow the tigers. I liked them
vru,rnuch bedquse theg were fost.,Next; we sow the,peococfrs. Mg classmotes',,
,lihed.them becouse theg moved bequtifully.ln tll *nd, we sow the pondos. The-g'
'' ieverg cute und did everything slowlg i hoa o reoltg:gopd time'st the zoo.
Seego,u d'.'
8e sheil"'
Phong t t..i
.:.: "....':':.:l:':. .-,,.. -,..1

,: 'i: :i.
: r. ".

Z.',T n,' :

::.: , .:: ..t.

., ;::::.:i...:i


() Write about your last visit to the zoo. ffi

() Prolectffi
Draw your dream zoo.

O c"lour the stars. {m

Now ! can ...
. ask and answer questions about animals at the zoo. * * *
. listen to and understand texts about animals at the zoo. * * *
. read and understand texts about animals at the zoo. * * *
. write about my last visit to the zoo. * * *

9 Whot did you see ot the zoo?

Unit 10

I'm looking for Phong, Whot's he doing there?
Where is he?

I thinle he's proctising

for Sports Dog.

When will Sports Dog be? Will gou tolte port

in Sports Dog?

O Point and say W g

Sports Day/ Teachers' Day/

Saturday Sunday

lndependence Dayl Children's

Let's talk. Pg

Ask and answer questions about school events.

'.W nffil tt.:i,tii.iit,:lli et It'll be on

i. Tidng Anh 5 - Tqp 1

@ Listen and match. @ W
1.,'';;- --i 2.
]- ff\k\ -i

O Read and match. ffi @

i 1. Where's Tony now? iat,.ffnty;,ti swint. l

2. What's Linda doing in the gym? til1t6rs.,$h ,the,gym.

3. When will Sports Day be?

4. What will Phong and Nam do on
orl' .d;,re" ur!il.,:
.'..' 'too*_r
5. Will you take part in the singing contest? e. lt'll be next month.

@ Let's sing. $
\ilhen will Sports Day be?
Vhan will Sports Day be?
ItT ba in Saptember,
on Saturday.
\r/hen will the singing contast be?
ItT be in November,
on Teachars'Day.
\r/han will tfie music festival ba?
It1l ba in June,
On Children's Day.

5. TIENG ANH 5/1 . SHS Unit l0 When will Sports Doy be?
O Look, listen and repeat. tffi @ W
It's onlg two weelcs Yes! It'll In the sports ground
until Sports Doy! be greot! neor our school

Whot ore Uou What obout gou, Tony? Whqt ore

going to do on gou going to do on Sports Doy?
Sports Dog, Moi?

I'm going
to plog
tennis. Phong ond I ore going to
plog footboll. Our closs will
plog ogoinst Closs 5E.

I'm going to

play basketball play football play table tennis play badminton

O Ler's talk. ^-e

Ask and answer questions about what you will do on Sports Day in your
It'llbe on

I'm going to

Tidng Anh 5 - Tqp 1


@ Listen and number. @ ffir?;

# lr*
a ft
b i-r c j*l d i-l

@ Write about you.

() Let's play.ffi
Pass the secret!
We ore going to plog tqble tennis on Sports ,or,l

Unit lO When wlllsports Doy be? WW

O Listen and repeat. @&

'Whatare yo* 'gOing tol'dO on"Sports 'Day? Itm"going tO:'play 'football.

@ t-lrten and underline the stressed words. Then say

the sentences aloud. @ P g

1. A: When will Sports Day be?

B: lt'll be on Sunday.

i 2. A: What are you going to do on Sports Day?

B: I'm going to play table tennis.

Let's .hrnt. s

h{r mq
Vhat ars they going to do?
"1ti\'. Spo.ts Day will be this weekend. Hffi
Itll be this weekend. ffi
Vhat are thay going to do? lit rl lrlilit
iilii i ir: ij.lil
They'ra going to play vollayball. *, i,i!,iit:i,lili'
:i;'it:i.::::i itt':..

They're gomg to play tabla tennis.

;iiii,trr lril

They ara practising hard ,i

For Sports Day.

triiha Ti6ng Anh 5 - TQp 1

tick m { - r"' /fr'
@ Read and

Our school Sporcs Day will be

q& ft 5 t .

next Saturday. Everyone in my

class is going to take part in it.
Mai and Linda are going to play
table tennis. Tony's going to play
basketball and Peter's going to
play badminton. Phong and Nam ffi
are going to play in a football
match. Tom's going to swim. .ffiiffi
My classmates are practising hard v ti
for the events. We hope that we
will win the competitions.

@ write about Sports Day. W

Sports Day is going to be

Some of the boys are going to

Some of the girls are going to
I am going to
hooe that we
I hope w will

O Pro;ecr .{,
Draw three sports and talk about them.

O c"rour rne srars. .i

Now I can ...
. ask and answer questions about school events and future ***
. activities.
. Iisten to and understand texts about school events and ***

future activities.
read and understand texts about school events and
future activities.
. write about Sports Day. ***

Unit l0 When will Sports Daybe?


O Listen and tick. @ {f

b c
T tr
@ Listen and number. @

TiSng Anh 5 - Tqp 1

-l t

O Listen and tick Yes (Y) or No (N) ,@ y

1. Tom saw some gorillas at the zoo yesterday. ffi
2. Nam's going to play football on Sports Day. ffi

@ n"rd and write. ffi W

My name is Nam. I go to school from Monday
to Friday. I have Maths and Vietnamese every
schoolday. I have English four times a week
English is my favourite subject. I practise
reading by reading English comic books and
storybooks. Now I can read Aladdin and the
Magic Lamp in English. I practise speaking
by talking to my foreign friends. Every
day,l practise writing English by sending
emails to my friend Hakim in Malaysia.
I learn English because I want to watch
English cartoons on TV.

1. How often does Nam have English?

2.Y{hat storybook can he read in English?

3. How does he practise speaking?
4. How does he practise writing?

5. Why does he learn English?

@ Write about you. Then tell the class about it. W @

1. How often do you have English?
2. How do you learn English?
'3. What is your favourite book? Who's the main character in your
favourite book? What's he/she like?

4. What did you see at the zoo last time?

5. What are you going to do on Sports Day?

Review 2
O Read and listen to the srory. * @
Hello, Chit. Whot
ore you doing? -.- -\_--\,/
We're proctising for
Mouse Sports Doy.

Whot ore you

going to do?

Mimi is goingto
ploy bodminton.

( ruini is goirig to
lfffi"' ( ploy toble tennis.
.'; ,
@ Rnrwer the que51;en5. @
1. What are the mice doing?
2. What is Chit going to do at Mouse Sports Day?
3. What is Mimi going to do at Mouse Sports Day?
4. What is Nini going to do at Mouse Sports Day?
5. ls Jack going to take part in Mouse Sports Day?

O Umscramble these words from the sto ry.&ig

a. dunrehd b, Stayruad c. thacw d. dbatonmin

@ Read and compt"t". ffi g

A: Will there be Sports Day at your school?
B: Yes,there (1)
A: Are you (2) to take paft?
B: Yes, I (3)
A: What are you going to do?
B: I'm goingto (4) a hundred metres.
A: Are you going to win?
B: No, I'm (5) _!

@ W"rk in pairs. Talk about your school Sports Ory. %

G) Read and match. m@
| 1. What are you going to do a. Yes, with my friend.
I on Saturday?
b. On Wednesday.
l_!. where are youggle_d9_tlg c. No, I'm going to
a. nre you going to practise with play basketball.

I rr-:x3


d. ln the park.
to run?
- - J e. I'm going to practise
for Sports Day.
i5. Are you going )

Shori story 2


if',i.ii:,ri'ji,,r,::, i, ir. r:, r,,

Tidng Anh 5 - TQp 1

: f-:


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morning exercise thd dqc budisdng U2
motorbike xe mdy

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khilng bao gid :.,'

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Ti6ng Anh 5 - TQp 1



.tfi,i '.t.


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f# t, tt.. ,,,,[Jfi':'
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What's...like? 'nlt*tltd;n:d:o','. ,

Glossory WW


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