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Series BRH ast. 37 Code No. wiani ots a snx-yfiror & yay Roll No. We rae fee | Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. err ota a G fe wae 4 ahs ee wes Fo afet era at sik feu me ae Fea a OM SUC UeaaT F ASPs TH fae | gra ata at a fe wa wea #87 wT Bre wet aT sat fra YS A A vee, we aT ania saya fire | a yee Ht ost & few 15 fee Hwee fea ar 2 ee a fee ale 7 10.15 3 fet FT | 10.15 FF 10.30 a we oe Sam seta aT VET sik wa saft & che @ sacgiea & ay on a fret Please check that this question paper contains 11 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 37 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m,, the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. Soft wen - 0 SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT -I qe fer HOME SCIENCE Prats arr: 3 wee ITT 1% : BO Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80 1 P.T.O. rarer Faaer @ (i) (iii) (iv) @) (vi) at ver sifted @ 1 aH eT TT BIBT IEEE sete er % fre fraftta ate sae aret fad #1 wer We 1 HL ae aH aetracias wes 1 gat sret we ae RrmeT an Tae ae 8, 34 eT we aT oe BL FeT HON 12 G24 TH THD sie BST HF oe eS 10-20 weet % at aes Wed GON 25 8 33 THs HES oe a1 gt Hee se Ee 20-40 wat % ert set 1 WET GG 84H 37 TH HH HA Hee) FT TRH H aa Wie Se 40 - 100 veel % at alee 1 (vii) et a orarae Barat sav & ands F sage saree afar | General Instructions : w ii) (iti) (iv) (w (vi) All questions are compulsory. There are 87 questions in all. Marks for questions are indicated against each of them. Questions number 1 to 11 are of 1 mark each (multiple choice), one correct option has to be chosen. Questions number 12 to 24 are of 2 marks each to be answered in 10-20 words. Questions number 25 to 33 are of 3 marks each to be answered in 20 - 40 words. Questions number 34 to 37 are of 4 marks each to be answered in 40 — 100 words. (vii) Support your answer with suitable examples wherever required. 37 et ao ant aur fee me & atk we oer ant & fore aed & are aan Pars fem é 1 gat # aad ad far gee a aaa at ge aT Following are some incomplete statements. Four choices are given at the end of each statement. Choose the most correct choice which will complete the statement. frafatad 2 8 amaax dar 2 1 A B® (©) area () at A non-human resource of the following is (A) Knowledge (B) Money (©) Skill () Energy wa dane ar pea aon sed 2, sits 1 (A) @ ander @ ® ten wa we (©) saat warm Fe fer a Aa (D) a eR tea WT ae A eee We need to manage resources because (A) they are unlimited (B) _ they save our time (C) they cannot be substituted (D) they help us achieve our goals 3 P.T.0 3. 5. 37 a yehrat saad sary ste ge HF agent @ 1 ae saat ar a sitar 21 (A) sea srr (B) 3a a (C) Arefea srt @) aes sa Two housewives exchange the pickles prepared by each one. This is a means of increasing their (A) _ indireet ingome (B) direct income (C) _ psychic income (D) money income free feet ofan at aera aT @ (A) set ar agr F (B) ser et aaa aT (C) afer & fare ae at gam ae A (D) sie wi Investment helps a family to (A) increase its money (B) keep its money safely (C) save the money for future (D) All of the above aig Ream set arate ra Agr ae @ (A) amt ee at aa a (B) Aedter S (©) set rant at agi ates ) aif wt A family can increase its psychic income by (A) saving its money (B) bargaining (C) buying good quality products (D) All of the above frente ea are Te? & fore savas gas Te KH fae Sea cee ae e L (A) ISI (rg.ta.arf.) (B) FPO (w.4.3i.) (©) wer ©) tame While buying unadulterated salt, you should always check on the packet the (A) ISI mark (B) FPO mark (©) Ag-mark (D) Hall-mark feet aa at sage at fra #8 St rated set oem ae 1 (A) 3@ & 7g ofeepfa (freer) (B) saat ye ata (sift) (OC) saat sragtar (search) at ama (D) saat Gaz Durability of a fabric is influenced by all but (A) Finish (B) Origin (C) Absorbency (D) Weave 8. 37 Yen at fart gaat vgacr @ ae @ (A) B) © ®) wate ait ate dew wat ait farca-fire atte dea sit win (ala) fae-finr sit aie ate Silk gets damaged by (A) (B) ©) (D) perspiration and carpet beetle perspiration and silver-fish carpet beetle and moth silver-fish and carpet beetle gong 4 geo (waar) fal tie a wet @ (A) B® © @M) Frafer (aq) ter a ug ta ae reg att dag & ang sit frags & Suction washing helps to remove dirt by (A) (B) (©) (D) Creating vacuum Scrubbing Rubbing and kneading Kneading and squeezing 10. wa & wat vert & few wet a (A) saat wet sik Ger B®) deri sk yer (C) germ sit aritfrar (D) Ataf Rate site gern Stains of tea can be removed by using (A) boiling water and borax (B) cold water and borax (C) borax and ammonia (D) methylated spirit and borax lL Het H gem a va tt? (A) fests sit aera 3 & few (B) fess sit oan 84 & fare (C) ag sit are 2 & fore (D) ararior der wea fare Bookrum is inserted in a collar for (A) design and stiffness (B) design and shape (C) _ stiffness and shape (D) _ attractiveness 37 7 PTA 12, 13. 14, 15. 16, 17. 18. 37 ang ah at sre aga Gticy & fore sry suet fer an faint Kea Ti? Which four characteristics would you check for buying good laundry soap ? amy ana after # stan, ait, gu sik ya at afer & amt st wea Se st 7 How will you identify stains of pickle, coffee, milk and shoe polish on your dress ? am & we & faq ‘gar af fefe’ (fetta tae) & an eet at yt arse List four steps of dipping method of removing stains. a ait agi thems 8 vet & set cern aed @ 1 Fe MS fale aT Fae | Nina wants to remove curry stains from her cotton dress. Write for her the specific steps of removing them. aet a faeat % vai at ee tage tis @ cen ae fet aR vee & ae fefar | Name any four grease absorbents which are used to remove stains from garments. a ret facia wad ot Sat @ age ai) seat age & ax a eT a wad € ? Sudha is not satisfied with the pockets of her readymade skirt. What could be four reasons for her dissatisfaction ? feat qa % tact we fefefad gars a dea set & fae see faal at fate fae: G) gain a Gi) ite aire ar aT aE Gi) SH ay F geht ae Gv) orn # are 19. 21, 22, 23, 37 Draw suitable symbols to indicate following instructions on a label of a garment : @)— dryclean (ii) chlorine bleach (iii) iron at low temperature (iv) dry in shade fast sari ais 9 od cea Stet S far a gas acre 2 Write four indicators of a poor drape in a woman’s shirt. ‘sen’ we a am en wag & 2 ara dan & ot screw de 2 What do you understand by the term ‘resource’? Give two examples of human resource. wae @ ae ofee & sorden x fae ae wh at sor afer wea A ere eae ae Tenia se FT eT THT ze ? 2 Rajesh finds it difficult to meet his family expenditure. What could be four reasons for this ? att das ot st aaa aot # fegara agi act a are a8 act an safest a seta af | 2 Mr. Bansal does not believe in saving money. Specify four disadvantages of this. anal word fear rar @ fe a we a at aie & daa ar fda ad wT sad wart 9 suit at ag eoeh, saw a as fag, soe fal ait aie war at ait am & 1 a wit at ais sme fem fea sen saat st wat @ 7 2 ‘You have been advised to check the label of a jam bottle for its ingredients, standard mark, manufacturing date and lot number. How can this information be useful to you ? fae ora SMa AT aT aeET SHA ST TTT St eT e | Se Fe TE aye 3 wet % aR aR aR I 2 A vendor is trying to sell fabric to your mother by coming home. Convince her not to buy it from him, with four reasons. 9 P.T.O. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 31. 32, 37 Site ara’ at afta diac ote st aret ga ara at age & an soa YET Define money income. Suggest four ways a family can increase its money income. . art ae SS mes H wo HT ses or afeert at smart df 1 Educate your sister for her six rights as a consumer. ‘yen fae’ ea dat @ 7 BS fae a scar at wie ee a ang wai Hers 7 SK FT FART | What is a quality mark ? Give four reasons why you would prefer to buy products bearing a quality mark. OR oot set & der & fee ong sheet w areal ser ae 7 What six precautions would you adopt while storing wollens at home ? am augt 1 sem (era) aad gy fa oF arene at aecar ae 7 Write six precautions you would adopt while starching clothes. ans ott & fore aed sitt fretet at fate ar tn aa fear ore @ ? ga fate aT aos aif | While washing your clothes, when do you use the method of kneading and squeezing ? Describe the process of kneading and squeezing. vit 3a Si & am a age tqe 2 fee ae oT wee fear 2 | Es feang & watea saat age & awda For dea aren fear | Geeta is very satisfied with the stitching of her blouses from a tailor. Give six possible reasons regarding the stitching, for her satisfaction. ue dar (atts) ate & gen at anind siet & fore cH sie-get saree Make a check-list to evaluate the workmanship of a lining of a readymade coat. da at often & faq Grr aad ana aed @ aga ae ont @ 1 saat GT a St steer ot ote act & fae we steph dar sf | Reena gets very tired while cooking meals for her family. Make a check-list for evaluating the cooking procedure she follows. 10 34, 35. 36. 37. aim KF MA art wt at ward & an adet at year sifee | caat dea & ar sae sf fafa | Identify four ways water gets wasted in your house, Suggest four measures you can adopt to check it. RW Gi alsa at dae yica dan eet & stort at sega afc | Outline the steps of laundering cotton saris at home. fet year shea 8 oP wail a eer & fare cere at se ad wee ay fit one waar a acd 2 What eight precautions would you adopt while using chemicals for removing known stains from an expensive dress ? wet fate es a out % fer fer one adel a ser waar @ ? fafa | In what eight ways can a vegetable vendor be responsible for cheating consumers ?

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