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Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy

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Welcome to Y2K: Is Art Therapy a Profession or an

Cathy A. Malchiodi MA, ATR, LPAT, LPCC
Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association
Published online: 22 Apr 2011.

To cite this article: Cathy A. Malchiodi MA, ATR, LPAT, LPCC (2000) Welcome to Y2K: Is Art Therapy a Profession or an Idea?,
Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 17:1, 2-3, DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2000.10129435

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E ditorial
Welcome to Y2K: Is Art Therapy a Profession or an Idea?

Cathy A. Malchiodi, MA, ATR, LPAT, LPCC, Editor

In recognition of a turning point on the calendar to the year titles besides strictly art therapist (Berkowitz &, Gussak, in
2000, the next four issues of Art Therapy feature a series of essays press). Like me, many art therapists have additional licenses and
by prominent art therapists clinicians, educators, administra- certifications outside the field to give us the possibility of a high-
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tors, artists, and writers in the field. This group of individuals was er salary, flexibility of employment, and more easily obtainable
asked the following question: Is art therapy a profession or an third-party pay.
idea? The question was offered to stimulate discussion and dis- I dont believe that this is a particularly bad thing, but it does
course on: 1) how we define both the profession and ideas behind bring up questions about the status of art therapy as a profession.
what we call art therapy; and 2) how or if the field has truly estab- Art therapy has achieved licensure by name in only one state so
lished itself as a profession in its own right. far (Licensed Professional Art Therapist in New Mexico; in sev-
A recent survey by the Committee on Professional Practice eral other states art therapists with appropriate coursework and
underscores many of the practical issues that emerge from the degree titles may apply for licensure as professional or clinical
question of whether or not art therapy is a recognized profession mental health counselors and, in California, as marriage and fam-
or an idea (Berkowitz & Gussak, in press). The authors state: ily therapists). While there is a licensure specifically for art thera-
Overall, this study supports the belief that art therapists contin- pists in New Mexico, art therapists in that state are still fighting
ue to be creative in their job pursuits; maintain many other duties the battle for equivalency to other licensed masters level clinicians
than just art therapy; are not reimbursable in most settings unless and to obtain third-party pay. Some are optimistic that the LPAT
working under another title or credential, or creative in finding will be helpful in establishing a place for art therapy in health
other funding sources. Naomi Berkowitz goes on to say that it care, firming up equivalency to its counterparts in counseling,
appears that much more work is needed to truly find out what it marriage and family therapy, and social work, and eventually
will take to establish our profession more solidly. David Gussak, securing third-party pay for art therapists. Others are not so
whose essay appears in this issue, also brought similar observations hopeful, feeling that art therapy has very little chance of achiev-
to an oral presentation at the recent AATA Conference, What ing meaningful parity and wishing in retrospect they had applied
Are Art Therapists? Finding a Place That Makes Sense. Gussak for counseling licenses rather than the art therapy license.
observed that the profession has difficulty articulating exactly In this issue three well-known art therapists David
what an art therapist does, and suggested that this struggle to Gussak, Cathy Moon, and Millie Lachman-Chapin present
explain who we are and what we do may arise from our own lack their views and visions for art therapy as both a profession and an
of understanding how and why art therapy works. idea. First, David Gussak observes that there is an invisible col-
I have personally grappled with the question of whether art lege of art therapists that create the profession, but that we still
therapy is a profession or an idea at various times in my own have some distance to go before art therapy is truly a profession
philosophical development and have often come face-to-face in its own right. He notes that we naturally assume that because
with it in the work world. I function primarily as a clinician and art therapy is overseen by an organization that has bylaws, a mis-
therapist, but I also serve as part of a research team, am a writer, sion statement, and defined ethical standards, that art therapy is
and have been an educator for the last 15 years. I wear these other a profession. He concludes that art therapy is really a discipline
professional hats both out of personal interest and for additional formed around ideas, and that art therapists comprise a group
income. But for the most part, the majority of my income comes that can be defined as professionals.
from providing art therapy services. On the surface it sounds like In Art Therapy, Profession or Idea? A Feminist Aesthetic
I am employed in a profession called art therapy, but on closer Perspective, Cathy Moon emphasizes valuing the multiplicity of
look that is not completely true. In order to provide art therapy ideas inherent to the nature of art therapy. Using a feminist per-
services and make a living as a clinician, I am, by professional spective, she highlights the ideas behind professionalism in art
title, a licensed clinical counselor. In my state of residence and therapy: flexibility, creativity, relationship, inclusivity, and artistic
many other states, art therapist is not a specific profession list- sensibilities, among others. But she also cautions the field to be
ed by the behavioral science board, business code, or any other aware of a dark side of professionalism, noting that art therapy
regulation. Even in states where art therapy is listed within a as a profession must question the potential pitfalls in its gate-
code, regulation, or registry, art therapists may be employed to do keeping function. Moon observes the small percentage of art
art therapy, but they may be doing so under other names and therapists of color, the effects of socioeconomic status, and the

low number of males in the field. She also challenges us to look I hope these essays stimulate you to think more articulately
at both overt and covert outcomes of education, registration, and about what art therapy is, how we define it through our invisible
certification, recognizing that these structures not only protect college; how we can take a more feminist, aesthetic perspective of
the public, but also are designed to protect economic and power the field; how our relationship to the art world can inform what
positions for art therapists, creating circumstances of competition we do and create new possibilities for art therapists; and ulti-
and cohesion. mately how we can identify art therapys place in the professional
In the final essay of this issue, Millie Lachman-Chapin world and what steps could be taken to help it achieve parity with
reflects on the relationship of the profession of art therapy in rela- other established health care professions. Most of all, I hope these
tion to the art world. She notes that as a profession we added essays will expand the possibilities for art therapy, the idea to
something, and, indeed, lost something. What we have added is prosper and be recognized.
that we study and analyze the artwork in the framework of a
therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists knowledge about to heal References
or help. What we lost was the simple focus on what it might
mean for the client to do something he considers beautiful. Berkowitz, N., & Gussak, D. (in press). AATA qualitative report of pro-
She proposes that we reexamine the mantra of the profession, fessional art therapists: Data compilation. AATA Newsletter.
that the process is more important than the product, and consid-
Gussak, D. (1999). What are art therapists? Finding a place that makes
er what would happen if the product were equally as important sense. Oral presentation at 30th Annual Conference of the American
as the process. Lachman-Chapin believes that this simple para- Art Therapy Association, Orlando, FL, November.
digm change would honor the clients desire for the beautiful,
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and enlarge our vision of both what the profession and idea of art
therapy could be.

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