How Pandemics Spread

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Watch the talk and answer the following questions:

1. Whats the difference between a pandemic and an epidemic?
A They can be used interchangeably

B A pandemic is an epidemic that spreads to multiple countries, or even

C A pandemic is an epidemic that causes more than a thousand deaths

D A pandemic affects multiple animal species, not just humans

2. Why are epidemics and pandemics a relatively recent phenomenon in

human history?
3. Scientists have extracted from human remains which of the following
infectious agents?
A Tuberculosis bacteria from ancient Egyptian mummies

B The bacterium responsible for the Black Death in 14th century Europe

C The strain of smallpox virus that devastated the Aztecs in the 16th
D DNA from the earliest known case of Ebola virus in Sudan, 1970

E B, C and D

F A and B

4. How do war zones and natural disaster sites become breeding grounds
for infectious diseases?
5. How many Europeans succumbed to the Black Death?
A More than 30 million

B 2.5 million

C Unknownwere still discovering the plague burial pits

D Lighten up, TED!

6. What happens to the influenza virus every 20-40 years, and why? What
are the recent example(s)?
7. What is antigenic shift?
A The molecular mechanism that allows antigens to hide from the
human hosts immune system
B The phenomenon of viruses and bacteria mutating so that vaccines and
antibiotics are obsolete
C When two or more known strains of a virus combine to form a new
D Ill answer after I dunk my iPad in disinfectant
8. Where did the 2003 SARS outbreak originate?
A Malaysia

B Euro Disney

C Hong Kong

D Hanoi

E A Carnival cruise ship docked in Acapulco

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