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Physics Education dateline (inserted by Editor)

The falling woodpecker toy:

a simple model for non-smooth motions.

L. Moggio, P.Onorato and S. Oss

Department of Physics
University of Trento
38123 Povo (Trento), Italy

(Submitted dd-mm-yyyy)

The woodpecker toy is analyzed according to a simple, linear mechanical model which permits
the understanding of the most relevant features of the observed motion of the falling mass. A
typical non-smooth, slip-and-stick motion is obtained and described both via a pure numerical
approach as well as an analytical treatment which leads to close formulas for the kinematic
phases of the motion itself. Emphasis is given to the interplay between the external pulling force
and internal friction forces, along with the harmonic action of the oscillating body.

1. Introduction
There is a lot of physics behind an apparently
simple toy such as the falling woodpecker shown in
Fig.1 [1]. And this kind of physics can also be quite
a difficult one [2,3]. Science toys are more and
more frequently adopted as inspiring tools for the
study of motivating subjects in several physics
areas [4-9]. The falling woodpecker is an excellent
example of non-smooth motion in which friction
forces (of both static and dynamic nature) play a
fundamental role. Literature about friction forces in
an educational perspective is broadly established
[10-12], given the importance of these topics in
basically every field of science, going from
quantum to astronomical scales. Literature about
FIG.1: The woodpecker toy.
non-smooth motions is also quite extended, since
these phenomena are well known in several fields occurring in the falling woodpecker toy, from a
of mechanics as well as of non-linear behaviors in didactic viewpoint, i.e. by adopting simple
differential equation problems [13-17]. Despite the approaches based on elementary models of
wide interest to these issues, much less has been classical mechanics [18]. Reasons are that friction
written about the stick-slip motion

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forces can be very complex to be properly treated simplest way as a force that is proportional to the
in a quantitative way and their contributions to non- normal reaction force N between the mass and the
smooth motions are typically involved in extended supporting plane, i.e.
formal computations of analytical mechanics [3],
Ff , max s N s mg . (1)
thus making these aspects far beyond the
possibilities of college as well as undergraduate
Starting with a standing mass (v=0) and with a
students. In this work we present a very basic
pulling force F smaller than the maximum force (1)
approach to the falling woodpecker toy going
the mass keeps standing. When the pulling force F
through a series of simplified treatments making
becomes larger than the largest static friction, the
use of both analytical and numerical calculations.
mass starts moving with an acceleration which is
Despite the simplicity of the present approach, the
obtained solving the Newton equation for the non-
interplay between external and internal forces is
equilibrium problem
such that the onset of slip-stick transitions is
appropriately described and the comparison with ma F Fd F d N F d mg , (2)
the experiment leads to fair results.
where we introduce the dynamic friction between
2. Pulled-pushed mass: origin of the the mass and the plane in terms of the dynamic (or
kinetic) coefficient d which is known to be
stick-slip behavior typically smaller than the static coefficient s for
the same system. We thus expect for the mass a
We start our analysis with a zero-model, which uniformly accelerated motion with acceleration
contains the needed features of the so-called slip-
F d mg F
and-stick motion. This kind of motion is indeed at a d g (3)
the basis of the understanding of the non-smooth m m
behavior that happens when friction forces are
and speed/position with their elementary time
present in the phenomenon at issue. We consider
here the simple case of a point mass on a horizontal
plane with a constant force acting on it in the same F 1 F
v(t ) d g t , x(t ) d g t 2 (4)
m 2 m
which is of course a result accessible to college
students. It represents a first, simple case of stick-
to-slip transition of the dynamics of the pulled
mass. At this level the pulling force is kept constant
and static/dynamic friction interactions are

FIG.2: Forces in action: static/dynamic friction.

direction of the plane (Fig.2).

The plane is a scabrous one, i.e. a friction
force comes up whenever the mass is pulled/pushed
as in our example. The pulling/pushing force has to
overcome the maximum static friction force for
starting the acceleration of the mass, otherwise a
static equilibrium condition will hold. The largest
FIG.3: Pulled mass with a pushing normal force.
static friction force is usually modeled in the

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modeled in such a way that there are no Even though this acceleration can be of course
dependences on complex features of the physical integrated in closed form to provide speed and
objects at issue, such as its speed, shape, material position of the mass m, we observe that because of
and so on. Very complex aspects related with the harmonic time dependence of the expression
friction forces at almost zero speed will also not above, it could happen that at a certain time the
accounted for. We just consider constant acceleration becomes sufficiently negative to lead
static/dynamic coefficients and used as in the the mass to a complete halt. In this case, which we
equations above. call return-to-stick condition, the cycle in which
A second force is now introduced acting on the the static initial state has to be reiterated once again,
mass perpendicularly to the first one, i.e. in the reproduces a cyclic, periodic slip-and-stick
normal direction to the plane (Fig.3). This second sequence, which is the non-smooth motion we are
force has an intensity that changes periodically with addressing in this work.
time. This could be quite easily obtained with a
second mass m ' connected to the first one with a 2.1 Numerical solution
spring which is initially compressed/stretched far
from its equilibrium elongation. As a consequence It is possible to make some simple, effective
of the vertical oscillating mass m ' the normal and numerical computations to spot the stick-slip
reaction of the plane itself becomes an oscillatory phenomenon explicitly. At this aim, we consider
force and, as such, it gives rise to varying m= m ' and, with a proper choice of phases, the
conditions of the above mentioned stick/slip states. elastic force can thus be written as
In more detail, the equation of motion becomes
Fel (t ) W cos t , W mg m ' g (7)
(m m ') x F d N , N N (t ) mg Fel (t ) (5)
where we introduce the elastic force Fel associated
with action of the second mass/spring connected to N (t ) W 1 cos t . (8)
the pulled mass. In the simplest case of a non-
damped harmonic motion one of course can write Starting by this time-dependency, the acceleration
Fel (t ) k y P cos t , with pulsation (6) provides the speed
k m ' and P= m ' g. t
v(t ) a(t )dt
The solution of (5) can be outlined, even if not tSL

analytically, following the same reasoning adopted 1 F g

in the case of a constant reaction force. Here, d g t tSL d sin t sin tSL
2 m 2
starting from a standing mass m, the stick condition
, (9)
remains until the oscillating reaction force does not
overcome the maximum static friction. The mass in which the slip time, tSL, is introduced. It can be
then starts moving with a non-constant acceleration analytically obtained by imposing the condition in
given by which the pulling force F equals and then
F d N (t ) overcomes the static friction, i.e.
a(t )
m m' (6)
Ff ,max (t tSL ) S N (t tSL ) F , (10)
F d g m m 'cos t

m m' from which

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1 F motion. First, if the pulling force is sufficiently

tSL cos1 1 . (11) large (F >2sW, as Eq.(11) explains), the slipping
SW of the mass m starts at t=0 and it never ends.
The speed may go to zero within a complete cycle Second, if F is smaller than 2sW, but larger than a
critical value related to both dynamic and static
coefficients, the slip starts at a finite time tSL>0 and
then the mass m keeps accelerating even if non
constantly. Third, for values of F smaller than the
above mentioned critical value, a stick time tST<T is

FIG.4: Non immediate slip-stick condition: x(t) [blue, cm], v(t)

[red dashed, m/s, 20x], a(t) [orange dotted, m/s2, 0.8x]. s=0.4,
d=0.25, m=0.06 kg, k=45 N/m, F=0.08 N. Numerical

of the oscillating mass depending on a non-analytic FIG.6: Non immediate continuous slip condition: x(t) [blue,
condition in which values of F, W and the cm], v(t) [red dashed, m/s, 20x], a(t) [orange dotted, m/s2,
coefficients d and s have to be accounted for. In 05x]. s=0.4, d=0.25, m=0.06 kg, k=45 N/m, F=0.18 N.
Numerical solution.

observed such that the mass m stops again within

one cycle, thus activating the whole slip-stick
sequence. The main consequence of this condition
is that, despite the constant action of the pulling
force F, the mass m acquires on average a constant
speed since this quantity is zeroed at every cycle.
This result is of capital importance in a wide
spectrum of interesting case studies, such as for
instance in the classical Drude-Lorentz model for
FIG.5: Immediate continuous slip condition: x(t) [blue, cm], v(t) the drift of electrons in a solid conductor [19].
[red dashed, m/s, 20x], a(t) [orange dotted, m/s2, 5x]. s=0.4, We have performed a simple computation leading
d=0.25, m=0.06 kg, k=45 N/m, F=0.48 N. Numerical to the numerical solution (for speed and position of
solution. the pulled mass) of the equation of motion (6) in
some case of interest according to the discussion
fact, a stick time, tST, can exist such that v(t=tST)=0
above. We show in Fig.4 the typical behavior of the
for tST<T, where T denotes the period of the
non-smooth motion in which both times of slip and
oscillating mass, T=2/. Yet, looking at Eq.(9), it stick are within on period of time of the oscillating
is evident that such a condition cannot be expressed mass. Acceleration goes to a minimum value at t=
in a closed, analytic form. However, it can be tST where we observe that the speed goes to zero
understood that there are basically three possible (we force the numerical solution - based on a
regimes in this simple situation of non-smooth simple Euler integration with finite steps that can

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be done with just an excel spreadsheet to put to F d N (t )
zero the acceleration as well, otherwise we would a(t ) . (14)
have a nonphysical backwards motion of the mass).
At this instant of time, the space coordinate x ceases from which
to increase: the mass is again standing still in
F 2t
2m d g 1 T , tSL t T / 2
equilibrium under the action of the static friction,
until the cycle repeats itself. In Fig.5 we show the
a(t ) . (15)
case in which the pulling force overcomes the F g 1 2t , T / 2 t t
critical value 2sW, thus leading to the immediate d
2m T

and irreversible slip of the mass. In Fig.6 we report

the intermediate case in which the slip is not We thus have a non-zero acceleration starting from
immediate, yet it is irreversible once again. t=tSL given by

2.2 Linearized analytical solutions F d

aSL a(t tSL ) 1 , (16)
2m s
In order to get a deeper insight into the
model of the pulled mass, we address in the which is positive if d <s, as expected.
following an analytical treatment of the periodic Acceleration, Eq. (15), is plotted in Fig.7, where we
slip-stick motion. At this aim, we replace the also show three characteristic times for this system.
harmonic behavior of the oscillating mass with a Besides tSL of Eq.(13), we spot tM, the time at which
periodic, linear dependence on time. This will the acceleration reaches zero and, consequently, the
allow to solve the equation of motion of the speed goes to its maximum value in the cycle. The
slipping/sticking system in closed form. As a first explicit value of tM, is obtained from the second
step, we introduce, in place of the pushing elastic ramp of Eq.(15):
force (8), the expression
tM 1 . (17)
2W 1 2t / T , 0 t T / 2 2 2 dW
N (t ) . (12)
2W 1 2t / T , T / 2 t T
Before addressing the third characteristic time, the
The slip transition is once again established by
comparing the static friction force sN(t) with the
pulling force F. We obtain, from the condition
F=SN(t=tSL), that
tSL 1 . (13)
2 2 SW

We also notice that, in order to be physically

remarkable (i.e., to avoid a continuous slipping
regime), the instant of slip must satisfy tSL>0, i.e., FIG.7. Acceleration in the linear model.
according to the expression (13), F<2sW must be
fulfilled. stick time, we observe that a necessary yet non-
The acceleration is obtained starting from the sufficient condition for the stick to happen is that
equation of motion the acceleration must go to zero within a cycle, i.e.
tM<T. This implies that F must satisfy F<2dW.

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In order to obtain the analytical expression for the The necessary condition for the stick to happen is
stick time, which was not manageable in the that tST T or, according to Eq. (18),
harmonic model, we need to go through an explicit F 1
. (20)
W d , s
computation of the speed of the pulled mass and to
impose that its value goes to zero for t=tST.
The computation is straightforward. The final result
tST 1 d , S (18)
2 W

where we introduce the dimensionless friction

parameter FIG.8: The three regimes for slip-stick non-smooth motion.

As discussed above, when the pulling force is

smaller than W / d , s , the system is in the

FIG.9: Domain for the stick-slip condition (dark gray area). Light gray areas are not allowed in the pulled-mass model.
Intermediate gray area corresponds to the non-stick area according to inequality (20).

s s2 2d s d2 stick-slip regime. Thanks to the linearization of our


d , s . (19) model, we see that, for a given F/W ratio, the

2 d s threshold for this regime depends only on the
relative magnitude of static/dynamic friction
coefficients according to the dependence (19). The

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overall situation is summarized in Fig.8, which has
been settled taking into account that

1 2 / 2 d s

d , s 1/ 2s , which holds since d <s. 2 2 . (23)

d s 2 s 2
We notice that for smaller and smaller values of the 4s
pulling force F (i.e. in the limit F / W 0 ) the
stick-slip phenomenon keeps happening. This The analytic expression for the speed v(t) is readily
since, in the present configuration, the pushing recovered via integration of acceleration (15). The
force has a minimum value of zero. However, in final result is

this limit the duration of the slip phase goes to zero gT 2 2 d 4 s2 ( d ) 2 2 s d ,
at the time tSL T / 2 . This result is obtained from d 2 16 s2
1/ 2
the explicit calculation of the slip-stick time SL (24)
duration, which leads to v( )

gT d 2

2 2 d 4 s2 ( d ) 2 2 s d
16 s2 ,

T F s d s 2 d s
2 2 1/2 . (21) 1/ 2 ST


2W 2 d s
where we adopt the abovementioned relative
strength of the pulling (horizontal) force, F,
It is also possible to connect specific values referred to the pushing (vertical) one, W, and we
of friction coefficients in the domain of stick-slip introduce t / T , the time relative to the
regime by considering explicitly that, in this oscillating period. We also introduce, according to
condition, one has to warrant that d / 2 , in Eqs.(13) and (18), characteristic dimensionless
which we introduce the dimensionless strength slip/stick times
parameter F / W . Since the static friction is
1 1
always larger that the dynamic one, we also write SL 1 , ST 1 . (25)
that s / 2 . These inequalities fix the allowed 2 2s 2
domain for static/dynamic friction coefficients.
It is also possible to compute the maximum speed
One has then to require, in order to permit the stick
that the pulled mass acquires during a single slip-
condition to happen, that also Eq.(20) holds. This
stick cycle. This happens at the time tM, Eq.(17), i.e.
condition will reduce the domain of friction
when the acceleration goes to zero. The
coefficients to the area shown in Fig.9, in which we
corresponding speed is given by
also show that, according to the model being
discussed here, the minimum value of friction 2 2s d d2
coefficients is analytically obtained and given by vM v(t tM ) gT 2 s . (26)
16s2 d
1 2
d ,MIN s ,MIN . (22) We finally observe that, because of the
2 2 cyclic halt of the mass, one can say that on average
its motion, even if not in a smooth way, resembles
In this same figure, we also point out that the stick-
a constant-speed (non-accelerated) movement. It is
slip domain is bounded according to the analytical
of course possible to recover the average speed
according to

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xT gT 2 3 s , d . (30)
We show in Fig.10 a typical slip-stick sequence
with position, speed and acceleration of the pulled
mass computed according to the analytical results
above discussed and based on the linearized
behavior of the pushing force. In Fig.11 we show

FIG.10: Slip-stick sequence, analytical results for the linearized

model. Position continuous blue line, speed dashed red line,
acceleration dash-dotted yellow line.

1T 1 ST
v v(t )dt v(t )dt
T0 T tSL , (27) FIG.11: Sleeve position over 10 periods (blue line) and average
gT s , d
3 speed (slope of the red line). Analytical results for the
linearized model.

in which we introduce the dimensionless, positive the behavior, over a large number of periods, of the
quantity positional coordinate of the pulled mass. We notice
s , d
the average progression of this coordinate
following a linear time dependence in agreement
2s d d2
s 3s2 d d3 s3 . (28) with the specific characteristics of this non-smooth
motion. In this same plot, in fact, we show also the
96s3 d2 best fit of the x coordinate according to a linear
We see, from Eq.(27), that the average speed
depends on the third power of the pulling strength
or, equivalently, there is energy dissipation during
the motion that is characterized by a constant
mechanical power P:
PF v (s , d ) F 4 , (29)
W 3
Fig.12 Sleeve speed/acceleration (left/right side) computed
numerically (continuous blue line) and obtained in the linear
i.e. depending on the fourth power of the pulling model (dashed red line).
force F. It is finally possible to compute the explicit
behavior of the coordinate of the pulled mass, once behavior, whose slope is equal to the average speed
again through integration of Eq.(24). What one given by Eq.(27). It is also important to emphasize
obtains is a monotonic increase of the position of that the linearization procedure herewith adopted is
the mass with time. In case of stick-slip behavior, a safe way to account for analytical results without
at every cycle the coordinate increases by the affecting too heavily the numerical (exact)
amount xT v T which, according to Eq.(27), is results. This can be seen, for example, looking at
given by the comparison between speed/acceleration

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obtained according to the two approaches there are three main working parts. The first one is
(numerical/linearized) and depicted in Fig.12. the woodpecker, i.e. the falling mass. This mass is
attached to a relatively stiff spring which, during
the action of the toy, keeps oscillating in a basically
3. The falling woodpecker harmonic fashion, thus transferring the periodic
We address in the following the description motion to the falling mass. This, in turn, is such that
of the falling woodpecker toy, in which the non- a reaction force is applied to the opposite side of the
spring which is attached to a light sleeve. This
sleeve has a hole which permits the actual fall of
the whole system along the pole. Because of the
oscillating force applied to the sleeve, a periodic
torque is generated relative to the center of the
sleeve. This torque makes the sleeve rotating by an
extremely small angle thus creating alternating
points of contact between the sleeve itself and the
pole. In these points friction forces are thus
generated which can be of sufficiently large
intensity to halt the sleeve or at least to slow it down
thanks to a dynamic friction. We show in Fig.13 the
simplified scheme which represents the mechanism
above sketched. The equation of motion for the
FIG.13: Schematic geometry and forces for the falling falling sleeve can be obtained, in its easiest form,
woodpecker. The inclination of the sleeve is greatly
by imposing a continuous equilibrium of the torque
associated with the force due to the spring, Fe in
smooth motion is of similar nature as that observed Fig.13, and the torques of the reaction forces in the
and discussed in the previous section. The main contact points between the sleeve and the pole, N1
difference between the pulled mass and the falling and N2 in the same figure. Denoting O the total

FIG.14: A complete cycle of two slip-stick sequences. Contact forces are drawn in red, friction forces in green, the spring elastic force in brown,
the weight of the sleeve in black, see text. The speed of the sleeve is the large orange arrow. The woodpecker is the small circle.

woodpecker is in the driving mechanism which torque with respect to the center of the sleeve, the
produces the oscillating periodic force. In this toy, equilibrium conditions leads to

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h choose to model the spring deformation coordinate

0 O Fel 2N z according to the harmonic law
2 . (31)
l z(t ) z0 d0 cos(t ) (35)
N1 N 2 Fe Fe
in which z0 is maximum displacement of the
in which we introduce the dimensionless parameter woodpecker from the sleeve, d0 is the amplitude of
=l/h, that, according to Fig.13, is related to the the oscillation and k mW .
geometry of the sleeve. As it will be further
As already hinted to, it is the oscillatory
commented in the following, because of the
motion of the woodpecker which leads to varying
physical dimensions of the sleeve, is always
reaction and friction forces according to Eqs. (31)
larger than 1.
and (32). More explicitly, depending of actual
The equation of motion for the sleeve, with
values of the involved parameters, a possible
acceleration aS, is thus obtained along the vertical
sequence of events could be the following, as
direction, parallel to the pole, in terms of the weight
shown in Fig.14.
of the sleeve WS, the elastic force of the spring and
We start with the sleeve bending on its right
the friction force Ff in the usual form N, where side and the woodpecker which is pulling to its
is friction coefficient of either static (for the maximum extension the spring downwards, (a). In
standing sleeve) or dynamic values (for the moving this situation, there is maximum strength of the
sleeve). We thus write reaction forces in the contact points between the
mS aS WS Fe 2Ff mS g Fe 2 N (32) sleeve and the pole (red arrows) and consequently
maximum friction forces (green arrows). If the
We can also write the equation of motion of the sleeve is initially standing, the friction is of static
woodpecker, with mass mW and weight WW=mWg, type and it has to be overcome by the resultant
in the following form: downward forces (weight of the sleeve, black
arrow, and spring force, brown arrow). Since the
mW aW WW Fe . (33) spring is at its maximum extension, the woodpecker
starts going upwards pulled by the spring, (b). In
The coordinates used to locate the sleeve and the
this situation, the elastic force decreases its
woodpecker, yS and yW, are also shown in Fig.13
intensity and, because of the equilibrium of torques,
and they are of course such that
Eq.(31), also reaction forces and the associated
aS d yS dt , aW d yW dt . We introduce the
2 2 2 2
friction forces decrease. With the spring
coordinate continuously extending itself in the upwards
z yS yW (34) direction, one arrives at the point in which the
sleeve detaches from the pole, (c). In this situation
which, neglecting the very small oscillations of the one has the first slip condition, i.e. the sleeve begins
sleeve, represents the elongation of the spring. We its motion downwards whilst the spring goes
assume that the woodpecker will oscillate through an equilibrium condition which is however
according to a simple harmonic motion, i.e. we will crossed when the spring itself begins to get
not couple nor formally neither substantially its compressed, (d). In this situation the sleeve starts
motion with that of the sleeve. In our simple model, bending along its left side and both contact and
in fact, we do not explicitly address quite complex friction forces become again active. Since the
aspects related with the resonant interaction of the sleeve is in motion, friction forces are now of
oscillating mass with the collisions which the dynamic nature. We also notice that, even if the
sleeve is undergoing throughout its motion. So, we sign of the z coordinate (spring elongation) has
changed, the effect of the elastic force is unchanged

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in the sense that the reaction forces in the contact model, which are s=0.65, d=0.32, k=20 N/m,
points change according to the intensity of the mS=0.006 kg, mW=0.014 kg, l=0.016 m, h=0.007 m,
modulus of Fe: the torque produced by the reaction z0=0.007 m, d0=0.009 m. The values relating to the
forces maintains always a counter effect compared sleeve/woodpecker toy - masses and geometry -
with that due to the elastic force (torques due to have been directly measured on the real object,
friction forces are always of opposite sign, so these whilst friction coefficients and initial
cancel one each other). During this phase the displacement/extension of the spring have to be
sleeve starts decreasing its speed upwards because varied in the attempt of obtaining a sensible
of the (dynamic) friction forces acting on it which kinematics.
are moreover enhanced in their effect by the elastic By adopting these values, the numerical
force which is also directed upwards. The slowing solution of the equations of motion for the
effect is such that at a given instant of time the sleeve/woodpecker toy leads to a double slip-stick
sleeve stops (i.e. it sticks again to the pole), (e). sequence, as shown in Fig.15, where the position of
From now on, the force of the spring changes its the center of mass of the sleeve and its speed as a
direction, (f). In this situation, the reaction forces function of time are shown. We observe the typical
start decreasing till they become zero and the non-smooth behavior similar to that obtained in the
weight of the sleeve is again sufficient to put itself initial simplified model of the pulled/pushed mass,
in motion, (g). In this situation the sleeve, because
of the combined torques of contact forces and of the
elastic force, start bending itself in a clockwise
direction, (h). The friction forces start again acting
on the sleeve slowing it down till one assists to a
second sticking to the pole, (i) and the cycle starts
again, (j).

3.1 Numerical solutions

In view of the description of the actions of
forces provided above and according to the scheme
of Fig.14, one expects a sequence in which
eventually two phases of stick-slip motion happen FIG15: yS coordinate (blue continuous line, mm) and speed (red
in a complete cycle. It is possible to confirm this dashed line, cm/s) as a function of time with the double slip-stick
kind of motion by directly solving the equations of sequence. Case with intermediate halt. Numerical computation.
motion (32) and (33) in which the reaction force in
the contact points, according to Eq.(35), is given by
N Fe k z k z0 d0 cos t . (36)
The equations of motion cannot be solved the only difference being in the double sequence of
analytically but their solutions can be easily start/stop events in a complete cycle of the spring
obtained in numerical form once again, and as and as already discussed. In particular, we notice
already done for the pulled/pushed mass example, the steps of the coordinate yS which are the direct
by adopting a simple Eulers approach. We show in evidence of the drift motion of the system under the
the following some results based on this kind of action of the (constant) action of its weight.
We consider a set of physically sounding
numerical values for the parameters at issue in this

Volume xx, Issue y, Article Number : nn. (to be assigned by Editor)
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The double slip-stick condition is critically linearization adopted in the pulled/push mass case.
related with small changes of the parameters. For Despite its simplicity, this method allows a clear
example, by changing the parameter z0 by just introspection of the quite intriguing double stick-
slip sequence treated in the numerical solution of
the previous section.
We introduce the linearized spring coordinate to
model the harmonic coordinate z of Eq.(35) as
shown in Fig.17:
0 1 0 , 0 t 2

(t ) . (37)
3 t , 2 t 4
0 0
FIG.16: yS coordinate (blue continuous line, mm) and speed Here we take on the characteristic time =T/4 (so
(red dashed line, cm/s) as a function of time with the double that the full period of the motion is 4) whilst 0,
slip-stick sequence. Case without intermediate halt.
Numerical computation.
0, are the linear counterparts to d 0 and z0: they

0.001 m, and letting all the remaining parameters

untouched, the numerical calculation leads to a
single slip-stick event per every cycle, as shown in
Fig. 16. In this case, the explanation provided
above for the sequence of movements of the
sleeve/woodpecker toy is modified at the step (e) of
Fig. 14: here the sleeve reduces its acceleration but
it does not come to a complete halt because of the
dominant effect of the downwards forces over the
friction forces. We consider appropriate either the
double or the single slip-stick sequence after
comparison with an actual observation of an FIG.17: Linearized spring coordinate vs curvilinear z
operating toy, as we will address in the following. coordinate of spring.
Before doing so, and with the aim of basing
our model on more explicit physical insights in the give the same information as d0 and z0, but 0, 0,
meaning of the parameters involved, we consider can be eventually fixed (normalized) to different
the linear version of the computation, i.e. we follow values. We obtain analytical expressions, based on
the same approach as that adopted for the pushed- the solvable equations of motion in the form of Eqs.
pulled mass in which the oscillating component is (32) and (33), in which the z coordinate is replaced
described as a linear, triangular function of time. by the coordinate of Eq.(37). More specifically,
This will allow for an analytical treatment of the we are interested in the description of the double
most relevant parts of our discussion. slip-stick sequence which we observe in the
numerical solution of this model. We thus divide
3.2 Linearized analytical solutions the problem in two parts, (I) and (II). We start with
the prompt/delayed slip conditions in phase (I),
already discussed in the introductory model of the
We address an analytical approach to the
sliding mass. For this purpose, one has simply to
problem of the double stick-slip sequence of the
require, through Eq.(32), that the sleeve does not
falling woodpecker. The model resembles the
start its motion in the static condition (aS=0). One

Volume xx, Issue y, Article Number : nn. (to be assigned by Editor)
Physics Education dateline (inserted by Editor)
thus has to compare the two competing forces compared with Fig. 10 for the single pulled/pushed
WS+Fe and 2Ff,max=2sN=2s|Fe|. If the combined mass. We see that the in both cases the resulting
acceleration and on consequence speed and
position of the sleeve, have the same functional
dependences on time, i.e. the typical slip-stick
condition occurs in this first half-period of motion
(I )
if tST 2 . Correspondingly, we expect, in the
second-half period of motion, a new occurrence of
slip-stick conditions, as it will in fact shown in the
following and as already obtained in a purely
numerical way in the previous section.
We now develop, in close, analytical form the
characteristic kinematic quantities and specific
FIG.18: Competing forces (maximum static friction, red, and conditions for the first half part. For obtaining an
weight-spring, blue) and non-immediate slip time
tSL .
immediate slip condition (i.e. the sleeve starts its
motion as soon as it is left free to move), one has to
satisfy for the static friction coefficient the
action of the weight of the sleeve and the elastic condition
force is larger than the maximum static friction
1 WS
Ff,max, slipping will begin, as sketched in Fig.18, in s 1 . (38)
which we also depict the characteristic times 2 k 0 0
(I ) (I )
tSL , t0 which correspond to the instants of (non- Conversely, one can obtain the condition
immediate) slip and of maximum acceleration of according to which the slipping will not happen at
the sleeve, respectively. Overall, we also have to all, i.e. the sleeve remains stuck to the pole. This
occurs when
s 1 , ( 0 0 ) . (39)
k 0 0
We consider at this point the characteristic time t0( I )
such that the coordinate goes to zero:
(t0( I ) ) 0 t0( I ) 1 . (40)
We will always consider the onset of a non-prompt
slip condition of the sleeve, which occurs at the
FIG.19: Acceleration, speed, position and characteristic times time given by
of the sleeve, in the first half-period.
tSL t0( I ) (41)
consider a maximum speed (zero acceleration) time
in which
(I )
tM( I ) and a stick time tST when the sleeve reaches its

(I )
first halt. The time tST will be obtained via the ; (42)
explicit integration of the equation of motion k 0 2s 1
providing the sleeve speed and by putting its value is a positive quantity since, from Eq.(38), in
equal to zero. The overall kinematics for the phase order to have a delayed slip condition, one obtains
(I) is sketched in Fig. 19, which should be

Volume xx, Issue y, Article Number : nn. (to be assigned by Editor)
Physics Education dateline (inserted by Editor)

that s 1 2 . This condition assures also that WS

tM( I ) t0( I )
(I )
tSL in Eq.(41) satisfies 0 tSL
(I )
t0( I ) , i.e. the non- 0 kud( )
. (46)
immediate slip condition is realized. us( ) 0 us( )
t ( ) 1 ( )
(I )
As soon as the sleeve starts its motion at the time 0
ud ud
(I )
tSL , its acceleration will be obtained according to From this time on, acceleration becomes negative
Eq.(32), which now becomes and the speed starts decreasing, until it eventually
k (t ) becomes zero. If this happens, the regime of forces
g m 2d 1 goes back to the static one, i.e. the acceleration
becomes instantaneously again zero and the sleeve
k 0 ( )
g 1 ud t t0( I ) , tSL (I )
t t0( I ) (I )
sticks to the pole at the time tST . The first stick time
Ws (43)
is obtained after looking at the analytical
aS (t )
(I )

expression of the speed, which is obviously

k (t )
g 2d 1 obtained by explicit integration of its acceleration.
mS Explicitly,

g 1 k 0 u ( ) t t ( I ) , t ( I ) t t ( I )
Ws d (I ) 1 ud( )
g t tSL 1 ( )
t tSL 2t0( I ) ,
0 0 ST (I )

2 us
Here, and from now on, we adopt the following t ( I ) t t ( I )
notation: SL 0

. (47)

us / d 2s / d 1 (44) vS( I ) (t ) (I ) 1 ud( )
g t t 1 ( )
t t0( I )
2 us
The friction coefficient in the acceleration is the
dynamic one: we compute the initial value aSL (I )
of 2u u
() ( )
g s ( ) d ,
(I )
the acceleration (43), i.e. at the instant tSL : 2us
(I )
t0 t tST
(I )

(I )
aSL aS( I ) (t tSL
(I )
) As an intermediate result, we compute the
u u
( )
s d ,
( ) (45) maximum speed vM( I ) , attained at the time tM( I ) , of
g s
2s 1
( ) Eq.(46). This is given by
a positive quantity since it is always true that s>d. vM( I ) v(t tM( I ) )
ud( ) 2us( ) ud( ) us( )2 .
This is also in agreement with the fact that in the
dynamic regime the friction is reduced and the 1 (48)
g ( ) ()

acceleration is non-zero and directed in the 2 u s ud
downward direction of motion. According to
Eq.(43), and as shown in Fig.19, the acceleration We finally obtain the explicit value of the first stick
(I )
increases until its maximum value g in time t ST by simply solving the equation
correspondence with the time t0( I ) . For times larger vS (tST ) 0 , the result being
(I ) (I )

than t0( I ) , the acceleration starts decreasing until the (I )

tST t0( I ) S ( I ) , d , d , (49)
time tM( I ) , when it becomes zero. It is thus possible in which we introduce the function S(I) depending
to compute a monotonically increasing speed of the only on the sleeve geometry () and on
sleeve in the interval of time t SL ,t M . We obtain,
(I ) (I ) dynamic/static friction coefficients according to
for the time t M( I ) of the null acceleration (i.e.
maximum speed, see below),

Volume xx, Issue y, Article Number : nn. (to be assigned by Editor)
Physics Education dateline (inserted by Editor)

S ( I ) ( , d , s ) (I )
yS (tST ) g ( I )
v ( I ) WS ( , d , s ) (53)
us( ) us( )2 2us( )ud( ) ud( )ud( ) . (50) tST tSL
(I ) (I )
6 0 k
in which we introduce the new function of
ud( )
geometry/friction coefficients
For the stick to happen, and as already noticed, it is
necessary that tST (I )
2 , i.e. that the stick occurs ( I )
3us( ) S ( I )2 4S ( I ) 1 ud( ) S ( I )3 6ud( ) S ( I ) 2ud( )
within the first half-period of the motion. By
imposing this condition to Eq.(49), one obtains that
the dynamic friction coefficient have to overcome ud( )2 S ( I ) 1
a minimum value, otherwise the motion, once
. (54)
started, does not end and a second phase of stick-
As already done in Eq.(29) for the pulled mass
slip has to be accounted for. This minimum value
model, one can also obtain the average energy
can be explicitly written as
dissipated per unit time, which in this case is
1 us 2 2us 1
( )2 ( ) constant and depending on the second power of the
d( I, )MIN (51) weight of the sleeve. Finally, also the total distance
2 2us( )2 1 traveled by the sleeve in the first half-period of
where we introduce the parameter motion is readily obtained:
k 0 0 / Ws . We finally obtain the time g 2
yS( I ) (t T / 2) WS2 2 2 ( I ) . (55)
dependence of the sleeve position yS after explicit 6 0 k
integration of Eq.(47). The computation, albeit a This completes the analytical calculation of the
little annoying, is straightforward and, as already time-dependence of acceleration, speed and
done in the case of the pushed/pulled mass, leads to coordinate of the sleeve, along with the
a ramp behavior in agreement with the basic characteristic times of this first half-period of the
nature of the slick/stick sequence of this first half- non-smooth motion, which are shown in Fig.19,
period of motion. The analytical solution is in the which is strictly similar to Fig.10 for the pushed-
polynomial form pulled mass model. We want to emphasize that,
a t t ( I ) a t 2 t ( I )2 a t 3 t ( I )3 , through the linearized approach, it is possible to
1 SL 2 SL 3 SL
obtain explicitly that in the non-smooth motion of
tSL(I )
t t0(I )
the first phase the weight of the sleeve is dissipating
yS( I ) (t )
energy at a constant rate depending on the third
b0 b1 t t0 b2 t t0 b3 t t0 ,
(I ) (I ) 2 (I ) 3
power of the weight itself. One can also derive
(I )
t0 t tST kinematic quantities for the woodpecker, besides
(I )

in which the coefficients ak, bk are easily obtained those obtained for the sleeve. Without any further
as above mentioned after integration of Eq.(47). relevant calculation, from Eq.(34), we can write for
What is important here, rather than the explicit the woodpecker coordinate that
formulas for these coefficients, is the value of the yW( I ) (t ) yS( I ) (t ) (t ) (56)
total distance traveled by the sleeve during this
half-period, since this can be directly put in where we adopt the linearized spring coordinate, .
correspondence with the average speed over this We extend here the computation to the second-half
same interval of time, as already done in the period of the motion starting from t=T/2.
simplest case of the pushed/pulled mass, Eq.(27). Depending on the history of the first-half period, it
In this case, it is straightforward to obtain that such can happen that the sleeve is already in motion
an average speed is given by (when the condition d d( I, )MIN discussed in
Eq.(51) is not satisfied) or it sticks to the pole. We

Volume xx, Issue y, Article Number : nn. (to be assigned by Editor)
Physics Education dateline (inserted by Editor)
will discuss briefly both cases: the main idea is to Likewise, and according to Eqs.(49) and (50), one
reproduce in this second part all the calculations of can write for the second stick time that
the first-half period with the needed adjustments
but with no conceptual changes. More specifically,
( II )
tST t0( II ) S ( II ) , d , d (60)
and as already shown in Eq.(37), the second-half where
part of the motion is based on an increasing
coordinate. It is thus possible to proceed with the
whole set of computations required to solve the S ( II ) ( , d , s )
equation of motion for this second part of the period us( ) us( )2 2us( )ud( ) ud( )ud( ) . (61)
by simply adjusting the coordinate. Such change
leads to a convenient consistency in the final results ud( )
in terms of changes of signs in most of the The time at which the maximum speed is attained
characteristics quantities encountered in the first in the second-half period and its value are given by
half of the motion. We start with the null- the following expressions:
acceleration time t0( I ) of Eq.(40) which becomes, in
WS us( )
the second-half part, t ( II )
t ( II )
t ( ) ,
( II )
M 0
0 kud( ) 0 ud
ud( ) 2us( ) ud( ) us( )2
t0( II ) 3 0 . (57) 1
vM( II ) v(t tM( II ) ) g . (63)
0 2 us( )ud( )
We observe that, as expected, t0( II ) t0( I ) 2 T / 2 One also obtains for the initial non-zero slipping
. If in the first-half part of the motion a non-prompt ( II )
acceleration aSL , similarly to Eq.(45), the
slip condition holds, the same will happen for the
second-half part. The slip time is given by
( II )
aSL aS( II ) (t tSL
( II )
tSL t0( II ) , (58)
u() u() d (64)
where, similarly to Eq.(42), g s ( ) d g 2 s
us 2s 1
which is such that aSL ( II )
(I )
for every possible
values of dynamic/static friction coefficients,
provided that s>d. Despite of that, one observes
that the maximum attained speeds in the two phases
of motion are always such that vM( II ) vM( I ) .
Concerning the critical value of the dynamic
friction coefficient which, for the first-half part of
motion was given by Eq.(51), the analogous
calculation for the second-half part leads to

FIG.20: Slip-stick cases for critical values of dynamic friction. us( )2 2 2us( ) 1
d d( I,MIN
) ( II )
. (65)
Orange continuous line: ; red dashed line: 2 2us( )2 1
d , MIN

d d ,MIN ; blue dot-dashed line: d d ,MIN .
(I ) (I )
A close, analytical comparison between these two
WS different critical values, d( I, )MIN and d( II, MIN)
, is not
. (59)
k 0 2s 1 allowed since it would require solving a fourth
order inequality. However, in view of sensible

Volume xx, Issue y, Article Number : nn. (to be assigned by Editor)
Physics Education dateline (inserted by Editor)
numerical values for the involved parameters (as it
will be also discussed in the following), one obtains
that the critical value d( I, )MIN is always larger than
d( II, MIN
. This fact has two important consequences:
first, if d d( I, )MIN , the sleeve gets stuck in the
first-half of the motion, as already discussed.
Because of the inequality d( I, )MIN d( II, MIN
, one also
has that d d( II, MIN
which implies that the sleeve,
after its second slip at t tSL
( II )
, will eventually get
stuck also in the second-half part at t tST
( II )
. It is
however possible for the sleeve to remain in motion
at the end of the first-half of the motion, yet
remaining stuck in the second one if

FIG.22: Kinematics of a double slip-stick sequence in a full


which is obviously obtained from Eq.(47).

Integration of speed leads to a result corresponding
to Eq.(52). Once again, what is important here is
the average speed for the second-half period or,
equivalently, the total distance traveled by the
FIG.21: Slip-stick cases for critical values of dynamic friction.
sleeve in the interval of time tST ( II )
( II )
. The final
results for these quantities are, in the case of double
d( II, MIN
d( I, )MIN . (66) slip-stick occurrences,
Finally, if d ( II )
, following the first slip the
d , MIN
yS (tST( II )
) g ( II )
sleeve will not stop anymore. These three cases are v ( II ) WS ( , d , s ) (68)
shown in Fig.20 and summarized in Fig.21. tST tSL
( II ) ( II )
6 0 k
We now extend to the second part of the motion the
calculation of the yS coordinate of the sleeve. In a for the average speed and
completely analogous way to the calculation of the
first part, one integrates the speed
( II ) 1 ud( )
g t tSL 1 ()
t tSL 2t0( II ) ,
( II )

2 u s
t ( II ) t t ( II )
SL 0


vS( II ) (t ) ( II ) 1 ud( )
g t t 1 ()
t t0( II )
2 us

2u u () () Fig.23: Position (blue continuous line) and speed (red dashed
g s ( ) d , line) of the falling woodpecker.
( II )
t t t ( II )

Volume xx, Issue y, Article Number : nn. (to be assigned by Editor)
Physics Education dateline (inserted by Editor)

g 2 already hinted to, it is also possible to compute/plot

yS (T ) W ( I ) ( II )
2 2
the coordinate of the woodpecker according to
6 0 k
Eq.(56). The resulting coordinate and speed are
g 2 shown in Fig.23.
W 2
, d , s
6 02 k 2
4. Comparison with the experiment

for the total distance traveled in a whole period T. We made some comparisons between the results of
In the expressions above we introduce the quantity our model(s) and the actual behavior of a falling
(II) which is the equivalent to Eq.(54) for the first- woodpecker toy. For this aim, we have tracked the
half period, i.e. position of certain parts of the moving toys starting
from a slow motion acquired with a smartphone.
( II ) The tracking software is Video Physics, a free app
3us( ) S ( II )2 4S ( II ) 1 ud( ) S ( II )3 6ud( ) S ( II ) 2ud( ) . (70) made available by Vernier. A snapshot of the

ud( )2 S ( II ) 1 falling toy as seen by the tracker is shown in Fig.24.

A high contrast marker was placed on the sleeve for
In Eq.(69) the quantity , d , s ( I ) ( II ) a better tracking of its position (the yellow dot in
is then a function only of geometry () and friction this figure). This same software then allows, after
coefficients acting in this system as are (I) and
(II). The total average speed for the whole period
is thus given by

v yS (t T ) / T yS (T ) / (4 )
g , (71)
WS2 , d , s
24 0 k
2 2

which, once again, allows the description of the

non-smooth motion in terms of an equivalent
viscous force such that the average acceleration is
zero whilst the constant average speed depends in a
quadratic way on the force itself, i.e. the weight of
the sleeve. When considering an arbitrarily large
number of periods, and as already discussed for the
pushed/pulled mass model and shown in Fig.11,
one recovers the main feature of this non-smooth
FIG.24: While tracking the woodpecker with Video
motion, i.e. the on-average uniform motion with Physics.
speed given by Eq.(71). The kinematics (sleeve
position, speed and acceleration) for a full period T
associated with a double stick-slip sequence as that proper calibration of axes, to export rough data of
described above is shown in Fig.22. Similar the tracked coordinate as well as a first evaluation
computations (and plots) can be of course done in of the associated speed (which is obtained by
the case in which the speed in the first-half period numerical differentiation of the coordinate). A
does not go to zero and thus one has just a single sample of such data is shown in Fig.25, where we
stick-slip sequence for every full period. The results report both the sleeve position and its speed. After
should be compared with those obtained
numerically and shown in Figs.15 and 16. As

Volume xx, Issue y, Article Number : nn. (to be assigned by Editor)
Physics Education dateline (inserted by Editor)
this, one can pass these data through a more direct measures made on the toy. The friction
sophisticated treatment for smoothing out the coefficients and the initial spring conditions (z0 and
acquired values as well as for a more reliable d0) have to be varied to a small (a few percent)
speed/acceleration computation, always based on a extent for the purpose of obtaining fair agreement
direct differentiation process. We show in Figs.26 between observation and computation, as that
and 27 the comparison between tracked/computed shown in Figs. 26 and 27. The average speed
sleeve position and speed, respectively. The associated with this motion is 20 mm/s. As a
numerical values of the parameters in this general comment, we observe that the toy motion is
computation are s=0.65, d=0.332, k=20.3 N/m, indeed such that a double slip-stick condition
happens within a whole period. The resolution of
our tracking is however not enough for establishing
whether the sleeve comes to a complete halt or it
just slows down before accelerating again.

FIG.25: Tracked position/speed of the falling sleeve.

mS=0.006 kg, mW=0.014 kg, l=0.016 m, h=0.007 m, FIG.27: A brief portion of computed (black curve) and tracked
z0=0.007 m, d0=0.0095 m. The masses of the sleeve speed (red curve) of the sleeve.
and of the woodpecker, the spring constant k and
the geometric parameters l and h are obtained by 5. Conclusion
The complete dynamics and associated kinematics
of the falling woodpecker toy has been treated
according to a simplified model with linearized
friction and binding forces/torques. On
consequence, analytical expressions for the most
relevant quantities at issue in the study of this toy
have thus been obtained. A comparison with the
even simpler case of a single mass pulled by a
constant force whilst an oscillating force is pushing
on a scabrous surface is also considered. As an
important effect, we straightaway recover the
FIG.26: Computed (black curve) and tracked positions (red characteristic non-smooth motion in which stick-
curve) of the sleeve (in mm). Error bars (1 mm) are related
with the tracking software.
slip conditions alternate within a period of time. In
the case of the falling woodpecker toy, of particular

Volume xx, Issue y, Article Number : nn. (to be assigned by Editor)
Physics Education dateline (inserted by Editor)
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Volume xx, Issue y, Article Number : nn. (to be assigned by Editor)

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