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SUPA ARES Supernova Wena aentscy Cee oy =o Supernova Development and Editing: Greg Farshtey Graphics: Cathleen Hunter + Cover Art: Lucasfilm, Ltd Interior Art: Paul Daly Special Thanks: Kevin Anderson Publisher Danie Scot Patter» Associste Publisher Teeapurer: Dene aller * Assciote Publier Soles Morager Richard Hawran © Serio Cdr: Greg Farsey Eitors- Bil Sith, "Ea Stark » Art Director. Stephen Cane » Graphic Arts: Caters Hater Joba Pal Lows ‘les Aswoclte: Bill Olmesds »Ucensing Nanager Ron Selden archouse Manager Hl RR 3 Box 2345, Honesdale PA 18431 40066 1. and ba act. (UF) A igs Teena lL wa by Wet En Gane unr stort, Demophon. by Eli Demophon ‘TheDemophonsystemislocatednearwhat was the very heart of the Old Republic. itis very much in the sway of the Empire and has few, if any, serious Rebel agents amongst its inhabitants. Its ‘sun is an ancient one. Even now it draws closer to the moment when it will go supernova and destroy all life in the system. ‘The main world in the system is also known as Demophon, Both planet and star are named after the system's discoverer, Alres Demophon, one of the founders of the modern Scout Service. System Datafile System name: Demophon. Star: Demophon, red giant going supernova. Five planets in system, Demophon, Zenobah, Jatee, Enarc, and Derr. Demophon, main system, planet Demophonis a heavily industrialized world. The planet contains many light and heavy industrial complexes, lo- cated here due to the abundance of otherwise hard to find resources. Imperial presence is also concentrated on Demophon, due to the large number of classified projects being carried out here. ‘The capital is Byrne City, and likeall cities on the planet, itis completely covered by transparent dome made from a neutronium alloy, designed to filter out hard radiation, Byrne City is also the site of the largest starport on the planet. While most major cities have starports, 90% of space traffic is routed through Byrneport. Alargeimperial force is quartered here to protect the facility against industrial spies and pro-Rebellion agitators. TRAVELLER'S ADVISORY: Space travel in the Demophon system is considered to be hazardous due to the impending supernova, Pilots are advised to pay strict attention to all warning beacons and the directions of pianetside controllers, particularly in view of the ever- increasing amount of traffic connected with evacuation operations. ‘The Empire has imposed martial law on Demophon for the duration of this crisis. Search and seizure of contra- band from visiting ships is a daily occurrence. Demophon ‘The planet Demophon once had normal sea- sonal variations. Now, with the destruction of its ecosystem, the planet has become a barren waste- Jand with unstableand unpredictable weather pat- terns. Searing heat and dust storms are the norm, but periods of heavy snow and arctic cold have also been reported. Temperatures outside of the domed cities vary from about 35 degrees Centi- grade to as low as 40 degrees below zero. Demophon has one moon, Nestro. This satellite is home to a small scientific enclave, charged with monitoring the status of the sun, By charting the activity of Demophon’s sun, Imperial scientists have managed to learn a great deal about the impending disaster. Since the sun is in such a dangerous state, it is vital that it be constantly monitored, so that local populations will have sufficient warning of the supernova’s approach. Demophon has been inhabited by Humans for hundreds of generations. If there ever were any native lifeforms, they have been extinct for many, many years. Society Demophon life is highly disciplined and regi mented. There are rules and regulations for every conceivable activity. This is largely dueto the very sensitive nature of the scientific research. being pursued on the planet and the need for tight secu- rity measures. But some of the responsibility also lies with Illor Ptore, the Imperial Governor. Ptore rules the planet with an iron fist, priding himself on the low crime rate and high productivity of its citizens. Astint workingin the labs and factories of, Demophonis somethingthatisnoted onacitizen’s permanent record, and the measure of success there counts heavily toward future assignments. ‘A typical day on Demophon for a mid-level employee goes something like this: 0800 hours — Rise from off-duty sleep cycle. Visit communal wash facilites. Eat in the housing complex cafeteria. Ride underground shuttle train, ‘Supernova — =—S— PLANET LOG Planet Name Demophon Planet Profile Barren Desert ‘Type: Terrestrial Size: Moderate ‘Temperature: Hot ‘Atmosphere: Type ill (Breath Mask Required) Hydrosphere: Arid Gravity: Standard Terrain: Urban, desert Length of Day: 32 Standard Hours Length of Yes 01 Local Days: Sapient Species: Humans Pal ts of Interest: Byrneport, various megacorporate offices ‘Starport: Imperial Population: 43 million Major Exports: Precious minerals, new technology ‘System Name: Demophon| Major Imports: Food, manufactured goods, luxury items SYSTEM DATA Star Name: Demophon Type: Red Giant Cae ‘Name "Type ‘Moons Demophon Barren Desert snc Zenobah Hot Plains 2 Jatee Barren Rock 0 Enare Frigid Rock 0 | Derr 1 Supernova astern Hemisphere Hemisphere World Summary ‘The planet Demophon is located in a star system near the heart of imperialspace. This, combined with the fact that the Empire controls the Demophonian. government, has kept Rebel activity in the area to a Demophon boasts only two continents, Junno and Kis. Junno is the site of all the domed cities, as, Klis’ climate is even harsher than that of the former. Junno is the site of the planet's capital, Byrne City. Currently, Demophon’s star is in the process of building up to a supernova, increasing the mean temperature of the planet and making the climate- controlled domes more important than ever before Plains Jungle/Rain Forest (Deer STAR (ARS Planet Log Terrain Key [£2] Barren Rock © Craters ” Hills °~ Mountains to work site, (0900 hours— Arrive at worksite. Identification verification. Random{fullsensor scansand searches. Proceed to work cubicle. Begin work 1200 hours — Meal break. Proceed to commu- nal feeding facility. Random security checks con- tinue. 1230 hours —Return to work cubicle. Continue day's duties. 1800 hours — End of work day. More rigorous security checksand scans, Proceed tounderground shuttle train for trip home. 1900 — 2300 hours — Free time. Must visit company stores or entertainment areas. Citizens may gather in groups of no more than ten for relaxation nd talk. mperialforces monitor groups for unauthorized discussion of current projects. 2400 hours — Curfew. All residents must be within their assigned rest area by this time or Imperial security forces areinformed. Anyone miss. ing more than three curfews per year is placed under arrest and either deported from Demophon or tried as an industrial spy. ‘Theregimented schedule, strict enforcement of the curfew and laws against large gatherings have made it very difficult for agents of the Rebellion to gain a foothold in the Demophon system. While it ight seem as ifthe excessive security measures might make life intolerable, the benefits accrued fromworkingonDemophon morethanmakeupfor any inconveniences Pay forscientfic workhereisamongthehighest, in the Empire. Nearly all an employee's creature comfortsare provided byhis company. Food,cloth- 1g and shelter are all free while working on Demophon, This allows many of the employees to save their entire salaries and retire at the end of their five year shift, never havingto enter the work force again, Another reason Demophon attracts as many workers as it does is that the work going on there is some of the most fascinating and important in the entire galaxy. Research into warp physics, artificial intelligenceand other new technologies: going on here, backed by some of the most well known megacorporations in the galaxy. Oke Water [21] urban/industriat City A Volcano 3 Plateau => Canyon Spaceport Site of Interest Social Structure Demophon society is split into three major groups. At the top is the managerial class, mace up ofindividuals ranging from site and project manag- cers to those responsible for overseeing individual buildings. A management council, made up of the highest officers of each megacorp, is in constant ‘communication with the Imperial Governor. ‘This upper class enjoys a myriad of additional benefits, over and above those granted to the average worker on Demophon, These include ac- cess to health clubs, private entertainment facili- ties, special transports and choice housing. Mem- bers of Demophon society are expected to wear their corporate badges whenever they are not in their homes. This makes the separation of classes even more pronounced than usual, as most upper management employees won't associate with un- derlings, unless absolutely necessary. Beneath the managers are the laborers, includ- ing the research scientists, engineers, designers, artists, skilled workers, graduate students, ete. A workers’ council meets once a month with repre- sentatives of management to discuss production quotas and other topics of mutual interest While not as pampered as management, work- ers dohavetheir basicneeds met. Theyareencour- aged to spend their weekly pay in company shops, which carry a large assortment of luxury items produced by the parent companies both onand off ‘world. Members of the labor class generally spend from five to ten years on Demophon, working on various projects. Atthe end oftheir terms, theyare either promoted, reassigned to other work on the planet, transferred to another planet where the corporation has facilities, or given a favorable review and allowed to either retire or seek employ- ment elsewhere. Demophon's lowest class is made up of “Sla Kar,” or slaves. Sla Karis a corruption of “slacker,” and those Humans whoarethe poorest ofthe poor often wind up with this designation, ‘TheSla Kar are used primarily for dangerous or heavy labor. They work primarily in the mines, located in the wastelands, to retrieve the Rylith Crystals which are plentiful there. The Sla Kar are housed outside the protective domes of the cities, Supernova the inhabitants having no choice but to provide labor for the Empire. The alternative is complete exile from the cities and painful death from con- stant exposure to hard radiation. Even with some timeinsidethe domes, the average life expectancy of a Sla Kar is only twentyetwo years. TheSlaKar classis madeup ot only ofthe poor, butalso criminals and other undesirable elements from the rest of the Empire. The life of a Sla Kar is, full of hardships. They are constantly monitored and the slightest deviation from the norm is sav- agely punished by the Imperial police force. Still it is not a life totally without hope. Occasionally, a very gifted or talented Sla Kar will be granted laborer status and a regular position inside the dome. Economy Demophon’s major industries include mining, almost every conceivable type of hard science researchand manufacture, weapons and computer manufacture. The availability of raw materials was amajorfactorin the Empire's decision to locateso ‘much vital industry here. The crystalline struc- tures found on the surface, called Rylith crystals, can collect and store solar energy. These are gath ered by the vast slave labor force and used to powerweaponsandmany other goods. Demophon depends on the Rylith crystals to sustain the local economy. Small chips of the crystals are used instead of normal credits by many of the domed cities, as yet another way to encourage workers to spend their pay on the planet, rather than saving it or sending it off planet, Workers leaving the em- ploy of one of the corporations will be paid fair market value for Rylith chips in hard Imperial credits. Byrne ByrmeCityisthesprawlingcapitalofDemophon. Underground trains link Byrne City to the other domes and allow for quick and convenient travel. Byrne City is inhabited by over 25 million be- ings, includinga slave force of 5 million. Itis a busy town, designed formaximumefficiencyratherthan beauty. Its a technological marvel, with a perma- nent dome, gleaming towers and underground levels that stretch for hundreds of meters below the surface, often being built above old mining facilities. Corridors have been carved from the bedrock of the planet, covered with a thin layer of plasticrete and smoothed over to form regular wallsand floors. Itis said that many of the buildings areriddled with secret passages and escape tubes. Whether these were built in anticipation of aslave uprising or for some other reason is unknown. In the center of Byrne City is the corporate shopping district. The many companies that pro- videemployment for the planet's population main- tain shops where their employees can spend their credits on luxury items. Anything from the latest model of droid to high fashion clothes can be purchased. The shopping district also contains an area known as “the Block.” This is where employees Demophon Supernova Der smophon who have the credits and the inclination can pur- chase those Sla Kar who are either too old or weak to work in the mines for use as servants. Slave trading is a major industry in Byrne City. Law Law on Demophon is enforced by both Imperial forces and large private forces, paid for by the myriad corporations. In Byrne City, this private force is called the “Byrne City Unified Protector ate,” or“‘theProtectorate.”for short. Imperial forces ‘make up arelatively small percentage of the popu- lation, most of these in clerical positions. The Imperial Governor himself employs over 500 indi- viduals in his palatial estate, located outside of town beneath its own dome. ‘Thelmperialsspend most of theirtimeon patrol inand around Byrneport.Itishere that they check incomingand outgoingships for contraband equip- ment, weapons, stolen technology, etc. A small fleet of twenty TIE fighters continually patrol the system around Demophon and is capable of quick response to an emergency. Since Imperial Governor Ptorc took the mantle of leadership for the planet, several new laws and taxes have been put into effect. Several of these ordinances are regarded as ridiculous by many of the law enforcement officers, but they are still enforced. Theseinclude laws governingdress, hair length, personalcleanlinessand taxes onimported food, wines and other leisure items. Most inhabit- ants ofthe planet regard these new rulesas annoy- ances. Just another reason to put in their time on Demophon and then get back to the real galaxy. Evacuation Most of the residents of Demophon believe that thereis plan for the evacuation oftheplanetwhen the sun finally goes supernova. Unfortunately, no one knows the details of the actual plan. Prior to the arrival of Imperial forces, the civil government maintained a sufficient number of ships in the vicinity at all times and had a fairly large fleet of ships in drydock on the planet itself. However, the Empire has failed to continue this program. Asitstands now, there are only enough ships in the general vicinity of Demophon to move a frac- tion of the population. Most of the larger Imperial vessels are either occupied cleaning up outbreaks of Rebel activity or enforcing the will of the Em- peror elsewhere. Supernova Tal =wal El infiltration In This Adventure ‘The party finds a way to make a few credits by shipping some equipment off the doomed planet Demophon. Atatimewhenallthecompaniesseem to be trying to get their personnel off-world, one prefers shipping heavy equipment. ‘The characters discover that the crates they carry actually contain people. Talking to the refu- gees, they learn that they are political prisoners who their employer helped rescue from the ISB, and who he is now smuggling off the planet. The characters are then persuaded to return to Demophon and rescue this kind-hearted indust alist. Adventure Synopsis The adventure begins as worker droids finish loading the characters’ freighter with crates sup- posedlyloaded with heavy equipment. Duringload- ing, ISB agents show up and attempt to impound the ship. The shipping agent offers an extra 500 credits ifthe characters blast their way off planet, which hopefully they will do, During their escape, they discover that the cargo which they've been contracted to carry is actually Human. Not sure what they have stumbled into, the characters realize that their cargo consists of po- litical refugees. Knowing that the man who risked his lifeto get these people off-planetis still trapped ‘on Demophon, the characters are persuaded to return to rescue him from the clutches of the ISB. Returning to Demophon, the party must break into the ISB regional office in the city of Selkren. ‘There they must spirit away not only the poorman, who managed to get himself arrested, but help him to rescuethe few other prisonersstilibeingheld in the ISB detention center. Episode One: The Run ‘The adventure opens with the action already begun. The characters have contracted to take a load of computers and heavy equipment off-planet for a small firm which has managed to make a Supernova healthy credit ortwo designingdlroid components. ‘Theyareto be paid 10,000 credits upon delivery to the planet Mowgle. Informing the characters that secrecyisof paramountimportance (because they are handling high tech prototypes), the firm has given them specific coordinates on Mowgle to which to deliver the crates, ‘The characters probably feel like they can take the money and run, figuring the credits are high and they don'thave to worry about stocking extra enforcement agents and a contingent of Imperial security officers show up. Flashing badges and insisting that everyone lie down and do as in- structed, the SB agents attempt to arrest the char- acters’ employer, Thadius Black, and the charac- ters themselves for being associated with this “criminal.” Black immediately opens fire on the agents, as do his men, and throws another 500 ‘credit stick at the characters, telling them to blast off immediately. Read aloud or paraphrase: ‘The worker droids have just carried the last of the 1.5 cubiemeter crates onto your ship and you areironing out the details with ThadiusBlack, the gentleman whocontracted you tomake thiscargo run. Two more of Black’s associates, a tall, thin woman, Daria Kellner, and a Sullustan male dressed in bright tacky garb, Vernuss, alkamong themselves a few meters away. Standing near Black, like a bodyguard, is another associate, a The airin the dome is warm today, much more so than usual, due to all the traffic taking off and Ianding these past few days. Everyone is perspir- ing slightly and the thought of leaving soon is a pleasant one. Preparing to board your ship, everyone sud- denly turns toward the entrance of the grey stone and chipped blue stuccoed landing pad. Immedi- ately, you recognize the grey uniforms of ap- roaching Imperials, The tall thin Duros who serves as Customs Infiltration Officer for thislanding pad, anticipating trouble, ‘veers toward his office and then ducks for safety behind one of the landing guide pylons, even as the seven Imperials fan out and draw their weap- ‘The approaching Imperial agents are members of the Imperial Security Bureau (the ISB): Captain Wallace Fisk, Lieutenants Donson and Artel, and four standard Enforcement Officers. m Captain Wallace Fisk ‘Type: 186 Investigations Agent DEXTERITY 3Ds1 Blaster 5D, blaster: blaster pistol 6Ds1, dodge 6D:2, gre- nade dD, melee combat 40:2, mele parry 4D+1 KNOWLEDGE 20e1 Bureaucracy ADI intimidation 4D, streetwise 4D MECHANICAL 20.2 Space transports 3D:2, starship gunnery 30-2, starship shields 30-1 PERCEPTION 4D Command 6D, search 5D-2 STRENGTH 3D+2 Brawling 4De2 TECHNICAL 20 Computer programming/repair 4D, fst aid 4D, security D2 Force Points: 1 Character Points: 4 Move: 10 Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D damage) knlfe(STR+2 dam- age), protective vest (1D for physical atacks, +1 for energy attack), command eylinder, datapa Capsule:Fiskisa very charismatic ISBlovestigations Agent. He wasamotivated and charmingpersonality in the ISB Surveillance branch who made his activi- tes and successes widely known. Although not @ “yes-man,” Fiskhas always known what his superiors wanted and was always willing to supply whatever ‘was needed. He was assigned to Demophon because of his understanding of the technology being pro- duced here, Fisk is of medium build. His handsome appear- ance comes from strong facial features, a cleft chin, and he is known for nearly always being the last to break eye-contact with someone. Fisk is generally likable, but has very staunch views about the sanctity ofthe law and punishments. for lawbreakers. Raised on a harsh colony by very strict parents, Fisk takes personal pleasure in seeing tolt that criminals are dealt with effectively. Currently, Fisk is polishing his record as he pre- pares for his next assignment. His hope isto lead a sector Investigations olfice forthe ISB, m Lieutenants Donson and Arte! ‘Type: ISH Enforcement Agent DEXTERITY 3st Blaster 4D.2 blaster: blaster pistol 6D, dodge SD, grenade 3-2 KNOWLEDGE 20+1 Bureaucracy 4D+1, streetwise 4D MECHANICAL 2042 Space transports 80-2, starship gunnery 3D-2, starship shiekls 3De1 PERCEPTION 4D Command 4D, search SD-L ‘STRENGTH 3D+2 Brawling 40.2 TECHNICAL 2D First aid 3D, security 3De1 Move: 10 Equipment: Blaster pistol (4D damage) protective vest Supernova STAR nfitration FO = (1D forphysicalattacks, «I orenergyatacks), command ylinder, datapad, wrist manacles (beat Strength 6D to break irc), comlink Four ISB Enforcement Officers. Dexterity 30+2, blaster 5D+2, blaster: blaster rifle 6D+2, dodge 4D+2, grenade 4D, melee combat 4D+2, melee parry 4D+1, Knowledge 2D, bureaucracy 3D, streetwise 2D+2, ‘Mechanical 3D, repulsortift operation 3D+1, Percep- tion 3D+2, search 4D+2, Strength 3D+2, braving SD, Technical 3D, demolitions 3D+2, first aid 3D+2, secu rity 4D. Move: 10, Blaster pistol (4D damage), blaster rifle (6D damage), knife (STR+2 damage), body armor (+1D+1 physical, +2 energy) protective hel met (+1D physical, +1 energy), 2 grenades (SD damage), retractable billy club (STR+1D damage), comlink, wrist manacles (beat STR 6D to break free). When the Imperials show up, they will demand that the ship be powered down, that anyone on board comeoutwiththeir hands intheair, andthat everyone in the landing pit lie down on the ground with thetr hands out Read aloud or paraphrase: ‘The lead Imperial, dressed in an officer's uni- form, speaks up. “Anyone on the starship will immediately debark with their hands in the air, and everyone will immediately lie face down. with their hands in plain view. Youare all under arrest for crimes against the Empire and for aiding and abetting known criminals.” Assoonas thisis said,Black’s companions draw concealed blasters and begin firing, Makesurethat the characters get the impression that they will be dealt with severely if they stick around. Black will, turntothenearest character after thefirst round of combat, hand him an extra 500 credit stickand beg the characters to lift oft. Read aloud or paraphrase: Black turns quickly toward the nearest of you and says, “Please, you must lift off now! There's more at stake here than you realize. Here's an- other 500 credits for your trouble. We'll cover you, but go! Go!” Black tossesacreditsticktoyou and then turnshisattention backtothe Imperials. Iithe characters decide they want to engage in prolonged combat with the Imperials, have rein- forcements start to show up after a couple of rounds, Three or four more security guards and another lieutenant will arrive, and general alarms withannouncementstosealoffthelandingpad will be broadcast. It should be clear to the characters that they willeimprisoned and willlose their ship (and more)ifthey arefoolish enough to get caught. Blackand histeam will gainas muchtimeasthey can fortheescapingparty by keeping the lmperials occupied. Supernova mi Thadius Black “Type: industrialist, DEXTERITY 20:2 Blaster 4D-I, dade 4D+2, melee combat 3D, melee parry 2D KNOWLEDGE sD Bureaucracy SD: 1, survival 3D-2 MECHANICAL 302 Repulsorit operation 5, starship gunnery 5D PERCEPTION aD+1 Bargain 4D, command 5D, hide 2D, search 5D, sneak 4D STRENGTH 2011 Brawling 4D+1 TECHNICAL 3D Computer programming/tepair 4b, irstaid 3D, security 4D Force Points: | Character Points: 4 Moves 10 Equipment: Glow rod, modified heavy blaster pistol(+1 to if SD damage), comlin, blackjack damage STR), pro- tective vest (1D against physical attacks, +1 against en ergy attacks) Capsule: Black is late middle-aged but stil able to hhandle himself in a fight, He has been in the droid ‘components business on Demophon since he was a ‘youth and has worked his way up to the top spot in the firm. Blackis, above allelse, acompassionateman. Not political by nature, he stil felt compelled to take action when he saw political prisoners being mis treated by the Empire. He is willing to sacrifice his fortune, his reputation and his life to see this wrong undone, ‘Vernuss. Dexterity 2D, blaster 4D. dodge 3D+1, melee combat 3D, Knowledge 1D 1, languages 2D+2, Streetwise 2D+2, survival 3D, Mechanical 3D, starship shields 3D+2, Perception 2D, gambling 3D, hide ‘SDs, search 3D+2, sneak 3D+1, Strength 2D, stamina 2DsI, Technical 1D+2, demolition 2D+1, first aid 242, security 3D. Move: 10. Special Abilities: For ‘complete information on Sullustan special abil ties, see page 136 of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition. Glow rod, blaster pistol (4D damage), comlink, protective vest (+1D against physical attacks, +1 against energy attacks). Daria Kellner and Joren Hunt, Dexterity 3D+2, blaster 4D+2, dodge 4D+1, melee combat 4D, Knowt- ‘edge 20-1, languages 3D, streetwise 3D+1, Mechan cal 3D+2, starship gunnery 4D, space transports 4D, Perception 3D+I, con 4D, gambling 4D, hide 4D+1, search 4D, Strength 2D«1, brawling 3D+1, Technical 3D, first aid 3D+1, security 3D-1, space transports repair 3D+2. Move: 10. Comlink, glow rod, blaster pistol (4D+1 damage), knife (STR+1 damage), pro- tective vest (+-1Dagainst physicalattacks, + Lagainst energy attacks). The Escape The characters’ ship should already be pow- ‘ered up and ready to go. Blasting off can be tricky though, because of the artificial dome which cov. ers the city. I the characters don't have a ship allow them to use the Black Obsession. m Black Obsession (Craft: Mocitied MonCal A7.7 “Type: Modified light freighter Seale: Starfighter Length 24 meters Skill Space transports: AZZ transports Grew: 2 gunners: 2 Crew Skill: see player characters Passengers: 8 Cargo Capacity: 60 metric tons Consumables: ? montis Cost ot avaliable for sale Hyperdrive Multiplier x Hyperdrive Backup: x12 Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 1D ight Freighter ‘Space: ‘Atmosphere: 295; SOKMH Hull: 20-1 Shields: 20 Sensors: Passive: 10/00 ‘Sean: 21/1D Search: 37/20 ‘Focus: 2230 Weapons: ‘Two Laser Cannons ire Are: Turret Grew: 1 Skil Starship gunnery Fire Control: 20. Space Range. 13/2/25 ‘Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2KM/2.5KM Damage: 4D Capsule: Since the Black ObsessionisofMon Calamari design, it features some of the design elements that make Mon Calamari starships rellable. The Black Obsessionhas backup shield generators 2D), backup ‘sensors and a backup life support system. If one of these systems is disabled, the backup system auto- ‘matically comes online. Flight from Selkren The city of Selkren is covered in a synthetic dome which protects the city from the extensive radiation of the sun and the harsh atmosphere of the planet. For the characters to get out, they will have to navigate the maze of entry and exit tubes that go through the dome, while being pursued by Imperial TIE fighters. There are four major tubes which criss-cross each other at various points. Because most of the chase will take place above the city in the exit tubes, use atmosphere speeds anddistances forall starships. The tubes are 10,000 meters long, and characters must fly through all 10,000 meters to get out of the city. Movement through the tubes is a Moderate task. ‘Scene One: The scene begins with the charac- ters blasting off of the landing pad. Their only chance for escape is to make it through the exit tubes that pass through the city’s dome. When the characters liftoff, they will be5000 meters fromthe i A STAR EES iARS— entrance of the tubes. Flight above the city is Very Easy. Encounter One: On the second round of flight toward the tubes, two TIE fighters will appear on the scopes giving chase. The TIE fighters will be 1500 meters behind the characters when they are first noticed and will close to engage the charac- ters. The TIE fighters will pursue the characters into the tubes. If at any point in the chase the characters are able to put 5000 meters between themselves and the TIE fighters, they have eluded. the starships and the chase is broken off im Two TIE/In Fighters Craft: Sonar Feet Systems TIEIn “Type: Space superiority starihter Seal: Stari Tengihe 63 meters ‘Shi taightrpoting TIE Grew: rev Skil Starfighter piloting 4D-1, starship gunnery 4D Cargo Capaety: 65 ogra Consumables? days {Coat Not forsale Maneuverabiity: 20 Space! 10 ‘Atmosphere: 415;1200KMHL Hull: 20 Shields: None Sensors: Passive: 20/00 ‘Sean: 40/10 ‘Search: 60/20 Focus: 33D Weapons: ‘Two Laser Cannons (irelinked) Fire Ave: Front ‘Skill Starship gunnery Fire Control: 20 ‘Space Range: 1312/25 “Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1 2KM/25KM. Damage: 5D When the characters reach one of the four entrances to the tubes, they will have to enter the tubes and travel through them to get outside the city. Scene Two: The characters have reached the tubes and must navigate through them at high speed, with TIE fighters chasingthem, and without, clearance from Selkren traffic control. Because of this, the characters will encounter several ob- stacies which they must safely navigate to make good their escape. Any movernent failures which cause collision result in thecharacters’ ship hi ‘one of the tube walls. All turns from one tube into anotherat an intersection are less than 90 degrees and should only increase the difficulty ofthe move for that round by +1 to +5, according to the skill of the characters. Include these encounters randomly throughout the chase sequence: 1. twill be a Very Easy task to safely pilot the ship into the entrance of the tubes ifthe ship is Supernova making a half speed move. If the ship is moving at full speed, the difficulty will be Difficult. The same numbers apply also to the TIE fighter pilots. 2. At the intersection of two tubes, the charac- ters will have to maneuver past a Ghtroc freighter which is Just entering the intersection. It will be a Very Easy task to avoid the ship if the characters. are making.a half speed move and aDitficulttaskif the characters are moving at full speed. 3, At these intersections, the characters will encounter large scaffold frameworks attached to thetubes. Thescaffoldsareformaintenanceteams working on the surface of the tubes. During the chase, there are no workers on the scaffolding. It would be an Easy task to navigate safely past the scaffolds if making a half speed move and Very Difficult at full speed 4, At another intersection, the characters will see that thereis a very large bulk freighter lumber- ig along the tube they were headed along, The characters will have to turn into another tube to avoid a collision. ‘The turn is sudden, and the difficulty for the turn is Easy at half speed, and Moderate difficulty at full speed. 5. At this point the characters will be catching up witha Corvette which is movingslowly through the tube. The Corvette is moving 150 meters a round. It will take a Moderate piloting roll for the characters’ ship to safely pass the Corvette. 6. The last obstacle the characters will encoun. teralong the tubesisa flight of four7-95 Headhunt- Supemova cers which are leaving Selkren.It will take a Moder- ate piloting roll for the characters’ ship to safely pass the Headhunters. End the scene when the characters exit the tubes outside of Selkren. Scene Three: The characters have escaped the tubes and have flown up through the atmosphere of Demophon and are now heading toward deep space so they can make the jump to hyperspace. Since they are no longer in the atmosphere of Demopion, use space speeds and ranges for all starships. Just as the characters break out of the atmo- sphere into space, an Imperial Patrol Craft, the ‘Auditor, hails them and orders them to shut down their engines and prepare to be boarded. The Auditor shows up on the characters’ sensors 37 units away. The space around Demophon is crowded with starships of every size and shape arriving and departing. All movement difficulties are Difficult at full speed and Very Easy if making a halt speed move. Describe the chase in terms of the charac- ters narrowly dodging incoming and outgoing starshipsofeverysizeand description. What seems to bea fortunate swerve this round may place the characters on a collision course with a large gun- ship or bulk freighter. Keep the tension high, but remember that if the characters fail here, the ad- venture is over. The characters must pilot their ship 50 units away from Demophon before they can activate their hyperdrive, with the Auditor and possibly TIE fighters in pursuit. If the characters do not shut down their ship as ordered by the Imperials, the Auditor will begin firing on them. mm The Auditor (Craft: SienarFlet Systems" IPV 1 ype: Intersystem patrol Scale: Capital, Length: 120 meters ‘Skill: Capital ship plloting: PV 1 gunners 4, skeletOn: 3/65 pital ship piloting 5D, capital ship shields '3D+2, sensors 3D+2, starship gunnery 4D Passengers: 10 (tr099s) Cargo Capacity: 100 metric tons Consumables: 2 months Costs Nat available fr sale Maneuverability: 20+1 Space: 7 ‘Atmosphere: 295; S50KME Hulls 3D-1 Shields: 3D Sensors Passive: 30/00 Sean: 6oj1D Search: 130/30 Focus: 94D Weapons: Four Laser Cannons Fire Are: Turret Crew: 1 Seat: Startighter ‘Sell Starship gunnery Fire Control 20 ‘Space Range: 15/10/25 “Atmosphere Range: 100/500/2.5KM Damage: 40 Capsule: The Auditor is a system patrol crait de- sighed for engaging small ships in prejump combat, Ithas starfighter scale weapons and makes good use ofits high speed and maneuverability. The patrol craft is meant to intercept smuggling ships and oc- ‘cupy them until reinforcements can be rallied. It has no hyperdrive and is not meant for pursut. ‘The Crumpled Cooling Tube During the chase, either a collision with a tube wall or alaser blast managed to destroy one of the exterior cooling tubes to the hyperdrive engine. ‘The hyperdirive will not engage until it is properly cooled. A Moderate space transports repairroll will benecessary to determine the nature of the prob- Jem when the engine does not activate. ‘There are several different means by which this problem can be addressed. The same roll that discovers the problem will give the charac- ter the following information on what can be done to fix the hyperdrive: + Someone could go out and patch the tube. This Is probably not a good idea at these speeds and with other starfighters blasting away at the ship. + The ship's computer could be used to disable the ailsafes on the hyperdrive. The drive will run hot because it isn’t being adequately cooled and may suffer a burnout after eight hours of flight yf ct PY STAR —————————————————————————————y (ARS (roll 1D forevery hour of flight after the first eight hours. A result of I means the engine has cut out and needs further repair.) This solution requires a Difficult computer programming roll, but will only take two rounds (rushed to one round at increase of one difficulty level). * The coolant system could be rerouted manually. This would require someone crawling into the superstructure of the ship with tools and physi- callyreroutinganadequatetubingsystemfrom the coolant plant to the hyperdrive actuator. This solution requires two Moderate space transport repair rolls and will take four rounds to complete (can be rushed to two rounds at increase of one difficulty level on each roll). This solution will cause the hyperdrive to function within safety parameters and the drive will not experience any further damage through the application of this solution Itis not necessary to inclucle this complication. Itis added to give every character somethingto do during the escape and to add tension. Once the hyperdriveisrepaired and the charactersareS0or more units away irom Demophon, they can engage the hyperdrive and escape to the planet Mowgle. ‘The trip to the planet Mowele will require a Moderate asirogation roland will ake onedayand three hours at hyperdrive XI. If the characters want to throw the Imperials off by first jumping in arandom direction simply to escape, renavigating later, an Easy roll to prevent them from flying into anything is still required, and once they emerge into empty space an hour later, they will need to make a Moderate astrogation total. The duration of the rest of the trip will be 30 hours. Episode Two: The Deal ‘Thecharacters reach the planet Mowgle, alittle richer anda little harried. Atthis point, the charac- ters are aware of the fact that they are hauling people and not computer parts. Begin the scene aboard the ship in hyperspace. As the characters settle in the for the trip, an Easy Perception roll will allow them to hear strange sounds comingfrom their cargo: banging, scraping and what sounds like an infant erying If they investigate, an Easy search roll reveals that the crates are not filled with heavy equipment atall, but with people. One of them, a pretty young woman witha baby, introduces herself as Kymber Black, the wife of their employer. Read aloud or paraphrase: Your answersto Kymber’s questionsabout the circumstances of the departure from Demophon, bring a griefstricken expression to her face. “You see, the Empire is controlling the evacu- ation,” she says, “And, in an attempt to control ‘Supernova STAR fitzration ———— =wal publicunrest, the ISB has been cracking down on anyone who is in any way unsupportive of the Imperial effort on Demophon. “Everyone we smuggled onto your ship is a political prisoner that my husband's team helped rescue from the ISB. These people would prob- ably have been left in their cells to die when the sun went supernova.” “That's not all, though,” Kymber says. “She's right,” one of the refugees says. “If the ISBshowed up, somethingmusthavegone wrong. By now, Thadius is definitely in the hands of the ISB, no doubt under interrogation by Wallace Fisk.” “He'll need to be rescued. Could you do Kymber asks. “We could make it worth your while. And don'twantmy child to grow up never knowing his father.” the characters ask about payment and/or the logistics of returning to Demophon, read the fol- lowing aloud: “The coordinates you were given are for our base of operations,” Kymber explains. “My hus- band used the money from his business to fund this operation. There’s still plenty on the planet Mowgle. My father'inJaw is there already, he'll ay you for your trouble.” ‘One of the refugees offers, “You can’t go back there in this ship. Even if there were time to alter the transponder, they'd recognize the markings on this ship at the starport.” Kymber says, “I'm sure my fatherindaw can get you back to Demophon.” Mowgle ‘The characters and their unexpected passen- gers arrive on the planet Mowgle. It is a quiet agricultural planet. ‘The population is small and sensors do not read great amounts of technology. Black's base of operations is here. The base isittle more than a clearing in the woods, with a few pre- fab shelters thrown up. Read aloud to the characters upon reaching Mowele: ‘You come out of hyperspace just outside the gravity well of Mowgle. As you approach, sensor information begins streaming in across the cock- pit readouts, ‘Mowgle is an agricultural planet responsible for much of the consumables produced for Demophon. It has a relatively low technology evel and the population is still small; thousands of kilometers of land have yet to be developed at all due to a lack of people to tend the land. Asyousweep past the terminatorline of night, Kymber, lookingover yourshoulder, pointsatan ‘energy fluctuation on one of the sensor readouts. “That's it. That's the base. Fly there,” she says. Supernova Dropping into the atmosphere, the ship passes over several farms and then over a broad expanse of dense forest. Skimming close above the tree- tops, a Very Easy Perceptionrollallows the charac- tets to spot a clearing. As the ship approaches, people can be seen moving about the clearing among several prefabricated buildings. Upon landing, Kymber insists on debarking the ship first, and meets the armed crowd at the bot- tom of the entry ramp. Tense expressions melt from the faces of the people waiting at the bottom of the ramp as they see Kymber. Many of the recently rescued individuals rush off the ship and ron to their families, and there is quite a bit of hugging and crying. Peoplemoveabout the camp, allofthem|ooking as if they were still recovering from some great ordeal. Notlongafter landing, a group of men hurry out of a shed and cover the ship with camoullage and sensor deflector netting Read aloud or paraphrase: In the middle of the crowd, standing firm with hands on his hips, isan older Human man whom. Kymber runs to, shouting “Perth!” Kymber's fatherin-law, Perth, isa large, over- weight man, balding with white hair. He hasthick white sideburns which swing down along his jowis and up to a thick, bushy moustache. His, ‘square shoulders and thick forearms show hints that he was once a physically imposing man. His face ischiseled stone which meltstojelly when he smiles at seeing his returned daughterinJaw with his grandchild, He is instantly likable and continuously ex- plains that if he were only thirty years younger, he would go in there and kick some Imperial tail himself. Perth will extend his hospitality to the charac- ters, He willask them to join inacelebratory toast. After a few minutes, he will ask Kymber where ‘Thadiusis. Kymber will detailthecharacters' story and her proposal that the characters rescue ill agree to nearly any plan to rescue ‘Thadius. He will add that he is willing to pay the characters 10,000 credits forrescuing Thadiusand an additional 2,000 credits for each of the other three members of Thadius’ team brought back alive Perth will make arrangements for the charac- ters to return to Demophon. He can get them passage on a transport, but they will be on their own from there, They will either have to book passage using false IDs or steal a ship to get away from Demophon. If, for some reason, the characters insist on being difficult or rude, Perth will start his offer at 5,000 credits for Thadius and 1,000.credits for each of the other team members. This would bea good ‘opportunity for someone with the bargaining skill to work the price up. Perth has a bargein skill of 6D+2 (he is an old businessman with many years experience). if the characters are using their own starship, they may be hesitant about leaving their craft on the planet. Perth will do his best to assure them that their space transport will be well cared for in their absence. If the characters are absolutely insistent that they will not leave their ship behind to return to another planet, then have Perth sug- gest to them that they at the very least land in another city on Demophon, and then take some sort of public or private transportation back to Selkren to rescue Thadius. Perth will hold a small celebration for the safe return of the refugees, Kymber, and her new child. ‘The characters are welcome to attend if they like or they can spend the night on their ship. This segment dloes not need to be roleplayed, but you maywant tonarratesomehighlightsoftheevening, Highlights could include storytelling, singing, surely some small change gambling, a speech by Perth, and a fine meal with plenty to drink. Natu- rally, everyone will want tohear of how thecharac- ters managed to escape from Demophon alive. I your characters are enjoying themselves, then let them play this part out. Iit looks like itis going to get slow, move things along, Cut to thenext morn- ing and get the story going again. Before they leave, the characters should take the time to replenish their supplies and equip- ment, tend to their injured, and make any minor iARS— repairs needed to their ship. Perth will give them any reasonable supplies they necd. Episode Three: Back to Selkren ‘The characters have restocked their supplies from Perth and Kymber's base of operations and arereadyttodepartforDemophontorescueThadius Black and return him to his new family. If the characters do not insist on taking their ‘own ship back, Perth will book the party passage ‘on the Dred Imperative, a transport ship which is headingbacktoDemophonto pick upanotherload ofrefugees. Passageis relatively inexpensiveasthe Dred Imperative is going in that direction regard- less, and so few people are heading to Demophon. Infact, the captain looks at them with amazement, since they want to go to a world with a sun about, to go supernova. Perth will pay for thelr passage. Duringthetrip.allow thecharactersto relaxjust alittle Dit. There is a little time to get to know the ‘crew, and itis possible that the characters may try to convince the captain of the Dred Imperative to book the party and those they intend to rescue passage backto the planet Mowgle whenheleaves. Ifthe characters pursue this, Captain Janczyk will reserveenough space for everyone at 5,000credits ahead, to be paid in full when they board, But he willnot beabletostall departure forverylongonce allthe passengers have boarded, sothecharacters had best make haste. IF you played out the party the night before, it ‘Supernova STAR nitration — eee =wai might be best to skim over the trip back to Demophon. Unless a player has a strong desire to do or see something, just do quick camera pans and describe a scene or two indicating that the characters are having a nice quiet ride. Demophon, Sweet Demophon Itis early in the day when the Dred Imperative lands. Things have gotten much worse in Selkren. People are becoming more and more desperate and panic and chaos are everywhere. The increas- Ingtemperatures within thedomehaveonly served to fuel the tempers of the city's residents. Read aloud or paraphrase: ‘Youreach the bottom of the Dred Imperative's entryrampjustasimperial guardsopenthedoors to the hangar bay. Instantly, hundreds of desper- ate citizens push past the gate and up the ramp, frantically waving passage vouchers. You are nearly crushed by the wall of refugees as they push pastyou. immediately, the Dred Imperative’s crew begins boarding passengers. At the rate things are moving, the transport ship will be fully loaded and ready to leave in just a few hours. There will be little time to rescue Black and return to this ship before itis ready to leave. Fighting your way past the crowd and into the streets, you notice that all of the city is in an emotional as well asa physical boil. Not only has the tension level in Selkren risen, so has the temperature. [fithad been hot two days ago on Demophon, it is simply boiling now. The city's atmosphere is thick and dank. A thin haze hangs over the city as the dome’s environment genera- tors fail to keep pace with the heat and pollution, being generated by the coming and going of countless starships. In the sky above, the sun glares menacingly, taunting the population of Demophon to escape before it does its death dance. Arriving in Selkren, the characters debark from the Dred imperative. the characters ntendtotake the Dred Imperative back to the planet Mowgle, they will have only a few hours to organize and. execute a rescue. Captain Janczyk will not be able to wait long for the characters, but may be per- suaded to wait just above the city somewhere until the characters are ready to leave. They will stil have to find a means to get to his ship, though. He will not be able to land again. Ifthe characters can finda small transport, they could fly upand dock with the Dred Imperative, and then transfer to the larger transport. Captain Janezyk will do his best to honor any deal the characters make with him. ‘Any reasonable plan alongthese lines should be allowed to work. Ifthe characters target an Impe- rialstarship, remember that it willbe well guarded, Supernova and therefore more difficult to take initially, but leaving the planet in an Imperial ship will be some- what easier; the Empire honestly isn’t expecting anyone to steal an Imperial starship to get off world. If the characters took their own ship, they will need to land in one of the evacuated areas of the city. Hopefully, none of the scavengers will steal or dismantle their ship while they are gone. Getting around won't be easy either. Public transportation is only running between the evacu- ation centers and the landing pads. There are no vehiclesto purchase orrent. Everything which was in working condition has either been shipped off planet or dismantled and used! for spare parts. Rising temperatures and rising panic have had. their effect on the city. The crime rate is soaring, and Selkren has in fact become so crime ridden in these last few days that there is currently adusk to dawn curfew on the small city’s streets Asthecharactersmovethroughthecity’sstreets, describe scenes of frenzied citizens rushingabout, draggingfamily members and personal belongings behindthem, desperatecitizensbeggingfor money to buy passage off world or preaching the end of the entire universe. The characters will be ap- proached by aman claiming to be a freighter pilot, who offers to fly them off Demophon for 20,000 credits each. The characters will also see argu- ‘ments in the streets and fights breaking out all over. The characters would be wise to avoid any of these altercations. ‘The characters will also notice a service droid exiting what looks like a sewer access hatch. Ifthe characters investigate this, they will be able to enter the sewer chutes without any difficulty. If they do so, a Difficult search roll will enable them tofind asecret entrance to the ISB building. Ifthey try to enter this way, they will emerge in sublevel two, location 1 (see “The ISB Building” below). I'the characters speak toanyone on the streets, they will be told that they can find out anything they want to know at Mazzoney’s. If they pursue this, cut to “Mazzoney's.” They will also probably be warned to stay away from the ISB building if anyone knows they are headed that way. Characters will need to make an Easy stamina rolltonot becomeoverwhelmed by the dankatmo- sphereinSelkren. litherollisfailed,thecharacter's movement is dropped by -2 and the character suffers ID penalty to all rolls. The penalty will continue until the character spends at least one hour insomesort ofclimate-controlled buildingtor eachdielost.(The|SBbuildingas wellas Mazzoney's are climate controlled.) Every hour the characters spend outside a building, moving through the streets of Selkren, they will have to make an Easy starnina roll Mazzoney's If the characters go looking for help on how to get into the ISB building, an Easy streetwise roll will letthem{ind out aboutacantinacalled Mazzoney’s. Cantina scenes are always at least a little exc ig. Add some colorful descriptions of the activi- ties goingon: heated debates, gamesof holo-chess, gambling, drinking contests and the like. Describe ‘odd and exotic aliens imbibing steaming drinks, falling off stools and so forth. If the characters are enjoying themselves at Mazzoney's, let them play out their encounters there for a while. Possibly some strange creature will approach the characters begging for money foradrink. Keep the encounters lively and don'tlet the scene drag. ‘The front of Mazzoney's is typical of the seedy cantina, and typical too of the rundown neighbor- hood where itis located. There are no windows on any of the dirty, cracked, exterior walls. Only a ‘small front entrance with several Humansin lineto getingives any indication that the establishments even open. If the characters go in, read aloud or para- phrase: ‘You find little relief from the hot, humid air of Selkrenas youenterMazzoney's. The air that hits you isacrid and warm. Itisliterally the “lastcall” for people before they can leave — or for those who have given up trying to leave. And although it is somewhat cooler in here than outside, the dank air, combined with the general dimness of light inside, do nothing to relieve any physical duress. Added to the noise of the patronsis.a foul tableau in the center of the ringshaped bar, where two unidentifiable aliens are either dance: ing or killing each other — it's unclear which. Between the ring-shaped bar and the eircular stage within the ring, stands a large ogre of an alien, Over two meters tall, the brown skinned, four armed bartender with the bright orange mohawk hairdo and the fangs waves at you to enter. “You're letting all the good air out!” he shouts as you stand aghast in the doorway. ‘Mazzoney's is a den of decadence and corrup- tion. It is the one place in Selkren where any pleasurecan bepurchased. Next to pleasure, infor- mation is the most valuable commodity at the cantina. Someone at Mazzoney's can be counted on to have heard something about virtually any- thing. ‘There is a30-credit cover fee per person just to get into Mazzoney's. At the door, a dilapidated factory droid slides the cover charge into a small chute at its side. The droid looks as ifit has been permanently mounted to its position at the en- trance. Ontheoutsideoftheringshaped barare booths Fi STAR 2 ————————————SSS=——=*" ARS and ables. Betweenevery other boothisahallway, whichleadsto the privaterooms. Theseareguarded by armed Gamorreans. The bartender at Mazzoney’s is Mazzoney him- sel m Mazzoney “Type Bartender DEXTERITY 3D+2 Blaster 40-2 dodge 4D, melee comb 4D:2, meee parry Deo KNOWLEDGE sD Languages 50, streetwise 6, survival 4D+1 MECHANICAL 1Ds1 PERCEPTION 3De1 Bargain 4D, con 4, gambling 4D, STRENGTH 5D-1 Brawling 7D, iting 7D, stamina 7D ‘TECHNICAL2D Mover 2 (Character Points: 2 Equlpment 2 blaster pistols (40-2 damage each), mace (GTREID.2 damage), 1.000 cre, comlink. Capsule: Mazzoney sa large, dark-skinned and very ‘muscular humanoid alien of unknown origin. Small, sharp fangsprotrudeup{rombislowerlip. Mazzoney has two arms on each side of his body, each heavily muscled. ThetopofMazzoney'shead iscapped with anorange/yellow mohawk, theres ofthe hair on his. hheadis crew length: hs forehead is heavily scarred His white shits filthy and torn in several places Due to Mazzoney's relatively high dexterity and coordination, he can make two Brawling attacks a round without suffering a 1D penalty for the sec- fond action, All subsequent actions alter the first two brawling attacks will incur the -1D penalty. More than one obnoxious patron has been sur- prised by his speed and coordination after being roughly ejected from the bar. If anyone is foolish enough to get into combat with Mazzoney, he will invariably closeto brawling distance. Heparticularly enjoys grabbing an oppo- nent with two of his arms and then head-butting them into submission. Mazzoney also keeps sev- eral Gamorrean guards on hand as bouncers. 6 Gamorrean Bouncers. Dexterity 3D, blaster 5D, dodge 4D+2, melee combat 5D, melee parry 5D, Knowledge IDs, streetwise 2D+2, Mechanical 2D, Perception 2D, gambling 3D, Strength 4D +1, brawling 5D+I, lifting SD+1, Technical 2D+1. Move: 10. Spe- cial Abilities: For complete infor Gamorrean special abilities, see page 134 of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition. Mace (STR +1D+2 damage), blaster pistol (4D damage). Mazzoney can sell the characters the Informa: tion regarding the secret entrances on the deten- tion level of the ISB building for 350 credits. He won't help anyone for any less than this. He will give them directions to the three entrances and complete instructions for their use. Allthe while heis talking, atleast two ofhis arms are working on something— either mixing drinks, Supernova Infiltration or wiping the bar, or taking money. He seems always to be doing at least three things at once. Ifthe characters treat Mazzoney with respect and give him the money he demands, they should havenoproblemgettingthe information theyneed. li they anger him, he will tell them only ofa “secret entrance" just off a docking bay in the spaceport (which there is not). The locations of the three secret entrances to the ISB building are in adjacent buildings. One of them is in the basement of the nearby civil affairs offices. One entranceis hidden in a large shopping ‘mall across the street, again in the basement. The last entrance is located in a public san (bathroom) ina small park. ‘The fourth secret entrance, reached through Selkren’s sewer system, is unknown to Mazzoney. If the characters don't approach Mazzoney, & Difficult streetwise roll will enable them to spot a sewer technician who might be able to help them. His name is Bartell Isskand he sits alone at a booth in the corner. Bartell Issk: All stats are 2D. Move: 8. Wading in filth all day, Issk smells horrible and no one will sit with him. He is dressed in his overalls, and quietly sips his drink. He is past middle age, and looks lonely and fatigued. If the characters are polite, and offer to buy him a drink, hecannot only be persuaded totell themabout the sewer chutes and the secret entrance therein, but he will take the characters there himself. Ifthe characters do not go to lssk or Mazzoney, they will have to make Difficult streetwise rolls in addition to payinga bribe ofat least 100 credits ust to find someone who knows someone who can help them. Bargaining rolls with a person who knows the entrance to one of the tunnels will be necessary. The person will start by asking for 500 credits, or passage off the planet, in return for the information. ‘Theentrances will require a Difficult search roll to find once the characters are at the appropriate location, unless they have a guide who knows the spot. It is possible for the characters to get them- selvesarrested in Mazzoney's.lfthecharactersare giving Mazzoney a hard time, or if they provoke a fight or are causing any trouble, Mazzoney can easily summon ISB agents to come and haul the characters away. f Mazzoney has to do this, have six security guards and one warden come rushing, out, seemingly from nowhere, to deal with the unruly player characters. Have the fight escalate ‘quickly, andincludeMazzoney'sGamorrean bounc- ers and Mazzoney himself on the side of the ISB. Ii the characters get arrested here, have them thrown into the east detention block of the ISB building and have them treated the same way as if Pi eh STAR CC ——————————————OX—X—W [ARS— they had turned themselves in. See The ISB Build- 3" below. The ISB Building A Moderate streetwise roll or an Easy bureau ‘racy roll will glean the location of the ISB head- quarters office in Selkren. Its location is not a secret, although few ever visitthere,andmost who do don't come out again. It is here that Thadius Black and his team are being held prisoners. (Con- sult the maps on page 21, 24 and 26 while reading this section.) ‘There are several means by which the charac- ters may attempt to gain access to the building Remember that players will be players and they will no doubt come up with other methods in addition to those suggested here. Allow reason- able plans to work within the guidelines of the layout of the building, For instance, the characters scaling the side of the building and cutting hole through a wall with allightsaber probably wouldn't go unnoticed dur- ingthe daytime, but with several tough rolls, might be successful at night. Remember, you are the gamemaster and the final judge. ‘Among the means of access are: * Chutes used for waste disposal connect sublevel twoand the municipal sewer system. See “The Lay of the Land,” below, for more information, The existence of these tubes is not common knowledge. But if the characters spotted the ser- vice droid emerging from the sewers earlier or spoke to Issk in Mazzoney's, they may learn of them. * The ISB maintains several “secret entrances.” ‘These passages allow ISB agents to come and go from their headquarters without being noticed ‘These entranceways all open onto the detention level of the building, See “The Lay of the Land,” below, for more information. * The characters may decide to sneak in on the sground level. See “The Lay of the Land” for more Information. + The characters may attempt to turn themselves in as criminals in an attempt to get inside the building. Ifthey do this, the reception droid at the entrance will summon Wallace Fisk and six secu- rity guards. Thecharacters will bestripped of their ‘weapons and will be placed in separate cells in the east detention block. Oncein thecells, thecharacterswillbeleftthere to wait for the destruction of Demophon. Make them aware of the fact that they will not be evacu- ated by lettingthe characters overhearaconversa- tion between security officers, or have a guard taunt them with this information. The adventures ‘essentially over for them unless they can orches- Supernova =wal trate a fabulous con or distraction, The magnetic locks on the detention cells all require Very Difficult security rolls to disarm and the person attempting to do this must at the very least have some tool or piece of equipment to be able to make the attempt. The cells are protected with blast doors (Strength 6D). the characters are interested in attempting a breakout fromwithin the cells, they willnoticethat the guard who feeds them is rather young and inexperienced. More than once, he has been slow inlockingthe cellsafter leaving the food.{fthey can figure out a good distraction, they may be able to overpower him and escape. lithe characters wait more than a few hours to attempt an escape, Black and his team will have been evacuated toan Imperial base. Cut tosublevel one, locations one and two under “The Lay of the Land” for details, ifthe characters should attempt an escape. the characters can get to the roof of the ISB building, it is possible to gain entrance to the interior through a turboshaft. Moderate climbing rolls are required to reach the roof. Once there, a Moderate security roll will allow them to defeat the turbolift’s security system. Ifthe characters enter this way, they will come into the ISB building on level nine, location 6. See “The Lay of the Land.” Two Lambdaclass shuttles are parked on the roof,ready for launch. Two pilotsare inthe cockpit ‘of one doing preflight diagnostics. The entry hatch is open and the ramp down on this particular eraft Lambda-Class Shuttle Pilots. Dexterity3D+/, blaster 4D+1, dodge 4D+1, Knowledge 2D, planetary systems 3D, Mechanical 4D, astrogation 4D+1, space transports 5D, starship gunnery 5D, starship shields 4D+2, Perception 3D, command 4D, search 4D, Strength 3D, stamina 4D, Technical 2D, computer programming/repair 3D+1, space transport repair SD. Move: 10. Blaster pistol (4D damage), fight suit, comlink, survival gear. these pilots are attacked, any who survive the firstround of combat willsoundanalarm. This will put the rest of the building on alert. Ifboth pilots are killed, they will not be able to pilot the shuttle in the event that it is used for escape by the Imperials. In this case, use the piloting skills of one of the lieutenants or Wallace Fisk, as they will be flying the shuttle. The shuttle with the pilots has slowly been filing up with prisoners from the detention level who are to be shipped off Demophon. Already on boardare seven prisoners, including Daria Kellner. Iithecharacters completely ignore the shuttles, an Easy Perception roll on the part of one of the shuttle pilots allows him to notice the characters, breaking nto the building, Ifthepilot succeeds, the Supernova characters are spotted and a silent alarm is act vated. Wallace Fisk is aware of the characters presence and all Imperials will be on alert. The Lay of the Land ‘The ISBis officially a branch of COMPNOR, the Commission for the Preservation of the New Or- der. The SB is separate fromand arivalto Imperial Intelligence. The ISB consists of a larger body of ‘operatives, though generally they are less well trained than standard Imperial Intelligence. The ISB office is a large building of modular design (in the fashion of most prefabricated Impe rial facilities). The facility is nine stories high and. has two sublevels. tis long, bulky and antiseptic and stands in contrast to the spiral architecture of the city that surrounds it. The very look of the ISB. building stands in defiance of the rest of the city and indeed the entire planet, as ifit dares anyone to challenge the authority which it houses. The building takes up half a city block, the other half occupied by local security offices and magistrate. Personnel ‘The ISBotficeis stowly being evacuated. Most of the divisions have already left. ReEducation, Surveillance, and Interrogation have already re- ‘moved their personnel and downloaded the data from their divisional computers for transfer. The levels that housed these branches are locked and deserted, and all security systems will be deacti vated. Internal Affairs, Enforcement, and investigations still have officers and operatives in the city. They will be among the last to leave. There are well over 100 security guards still in the building. Wallace Fisk is the highest ranking Investigations officer still atthe facility. He has taken personal charge of seeing all prisoners “safely” off Demophon. Inside the ISB If the characters manage to sneak into the facility unannounced, they will havea much easier time of things. All access to the computers will be Difficult computer programming/repairtolls. Open- ing any door on any of the levels other than the detention level requires a Moderate security rolls; all turbolifts will be operational. Doors on the detention level will require Very Difficult security, rolls to open. Ifthe characters fail any of these rolls by 10 or more points, alarms will sound, Due to the evacu- ation, most of the additional security cameras, motion sensors and the like have been disabled Alter all, no one expects people to be breaking into the ISB building now. If the characters trip any alarms, engage in combat, or fail a security or ‘computer programming/repairroll by morethan 10 points, the base will be alerted to their presence. Ii the installation goes on alert, all difficulties, will be increased by one level. Additionally, the characters will encounter squads of two security guards on a roll of 1-2 on 1D. Rollforencountersevery third roundtheyarein, combat, and roll once for every two to three min- utes of travel the characters do within the facility. Security Guard. Dexterity 2D, blaster 4D+1, blaster: blaster rifle 5D«1, brawling parry 4D, dodge 3D, melee combat 3D+2, melee parry 4D, Knowledge 2D, alien species 3D, bureaucracy 3D, sireetwise 3Ds, Mechanical 2D, Perception 2D, bargain 3D+2, ‘command 3D+2, con 3D+1, hide 3D, search 3D+1, sneak 3D, Strength 2D, brawling 4D, Technical 20, security 4D. Move: 10.Body armor (+1D vs. physical damage, +1 vs. energy damage), helmet (+2 vs. physical damage, +1 vs. energy damage), blaster rifle (BD damage) blaster pistol (4D damage), force truncheon (STR+2D damage), comlink, 2 sets of wrist restraints (Strength 6D), fi PA STAR i iARS— Security yuards are always on alert and cannot be completely surprised. If surprised, they will at least be able to take defensive maneuvers during the firstround of combat. Security guards are loyal, and cannot be bribed or, considering the circum stances, conned. Itis possible that the characters will attempt to disguise themselves as security guards. Ifthey do this, they will need to make con rolls of at least Moderate difficulty ifthey encounter any other ISB personnel. If they encounter any other security guards, they will havetomakeaDifficultcon roll, the security guards are always paying attention and aremorelikely tonotice elements ofa uniform. that are not being worn correctly. Naturally, there are no non-Human security guards. lithe charactersattempt tousethe"Chewbacca prisoner gambit” which Han Solo and Luke Skywalker used, they will have to make Moderate con rolls as they encounter ISB personnel within the facility, and Difficult con rolis in the detention center. All unlocked doors will automatically lock if an alarmissoundedand havetheir securityaifficulties increased by one level. Sublevel Two — Support Sublevel Two houses the building's power sys- tems, life support, auxiliary control systems, com puters, support offices and supplies. This entire level will be deserted unless the group sounds an alarm, Sublevel Two includes the following locations: 1)ReactorRoom. Thisroomhousesthe reactor and life support systems: heating, ventilation and the like. Waste and water treatment are handled through this room. Itis possible togainentranceto the ISB building through service chutes which ‘come out here. ‘The ISB has screens and monitors on these chutes and has MSE droids wandering these areas. Difficult security rolls can get intruders past, the alarms and Easy sneai rolls will fil the droids. ‘The MSE droids can be destroyed without act vating any alarms. MSE General Purpose Droid. Dexterity 20, Knovwledge ID, Mechanical 1D, Perception 2D, search 4D, Strength 1D, Technical 1D, security 3D. Move: 3. Electro-photoreceptor, auditory sensor, holocamera, retractable heavy manipulator, (STR-2), retractable fine manipulator (STR+). 2) Auxiliary Power. This room houses the aux- iliary reactor and life support systems. The waste and water treatment systems in the auxiliary. con- trol room are not currently online. 3) Storage. These areas are for support ser vices, and house tool rooms, diagnostic comput- ers and out of service maintenance droids. Supernova = =wa Infiltration SUBLEVEL 2 Support Reactor room Auxiliary power Storage Turbolifts Office blocks Shops System control SUBLEVEL 1 Detention 1. Special interrogations 2. Detention blocks 3. Guard station 4. Turbolifts 5. Detention block containing Black 52 Locked door Supernova 21 Infiltration 4) Turbolifts. 5) Offices. Offices/barracks of the support tech- nicians. Random personal effects can be found here, but nothing of value. 6) Shops. Machine shops for manufacturing of custom or replacement parts. 7) System Control. Monitoring of the this sub- level is done from here, with security cameras feeclingimages to control consoles here. This area is deserted, but if something should go wrong, a signal will go off in the command center (level 8, location 1). Sublevel One — Detention Level The detention level is standard Imperial con- struction. Cameras, sensors, and duty posts dot the entrances to the four detention blocks: north, south, east, and west. The ISB, being in the business of information, aneed for its people to be able to come and go ecret. On the detention level, there are four secret exits from the building which access service tunnels. Each of these tunnels can be reached through a hallway whichis hidden behind adoorin each of the four interrogation offices. A Very Ditli- cult search or Perception roll must be made from, inside the building to locate one of these hidden doors, if character is unaware of its existence. A Difficult roll must be made if the character is actively searching the wall where the tunnel is. Once in these tunnels, it is possible for an ISB agent to get to the other buildings without being hi AR /ARS— seen. The existence of these tunnels is common knowledge among the ISB and is known to some of the seedier elements in Selkren, 1) Special Interrogations. Specialinterrogations and torture are conducted in these areas. interro- gator droids and electronic and manual means of inflicting painarescattered aboutthese chambers. The walls are soundprooted. If the characters have turned themselves in, they will spend an hourin their cells. After that, one by one they will be removed from their cells for “questioning.” Wallace Fisk will conduct the inter- rogation. Any character being interrogated must make a Difficult stamina roll to resist telling the Imperials anything Every other round of “questioning” will result in 3D+2 damage to the character. If a character is stunned or wounded, the difficulty of their stamina roll will increase by one level. ifthe character fails the stamina roll, hey will reveal information in the followingorder:their name; thenamesofthepeople they are with; why they are here; who hired them; whohelped themgetin. After that, they willhaveto make a Very Difficult stamina roll to keep from signing a confession that they are Rebel spies, (whether they are or not), 2)TheDetention Blocks. 6D Sirengihblast doors off the turbolift cluster protect each of the four detention blocks. Each block is manned by one warden and three security guards, The warden i each block has a rank cylinder for computer ac- cess, which can be falsified with a Difficult security 22 ‘Supernova STAR nfittration ooo awa_aa—O roll Ifany alarms have been set off, he guards and. wardens will be on alert; if not, the characters will have initiative in the first round of combat. At least ‘one Imperial will attempt to sound an alarm each round during combat, Tanalarmis sounded, moreImperials will begin. to show up on the second round after the alarm. The first to arrive will be guards from the other detention wings. Six guards, two from each of the remaining blocks, will arrive first. They will enter from the hallway where the turbolift cluster is. IF any of those guards comlinks for assistance, a warden will arrive in two rounds with three addi tional guards. Detention Guard. Dexterity 2D, blaster 4D+1, brawling pany 3D+1, melee combat 3D+1, melee pany 3D. Knowledge 2D, alien species 3D+1, streetwise 3D, Mechanical 20, Perception 2D, bar- ‘gain 3D, command 3D+1, cons, search 4D, Strength 2D, brawling 3D-+1, Technical 2D, security 4D. Move: 10. Blaster n‘le (SD damage), blaster pistol (4D damage), force pike (4D damage), comlink, wrist restraints (Strength 6D). Detention Warden. Dexterity 2D+2, blaster 5D, ‘brawling parry 4D, melee combat 4D, melee pany 4D, Knowledge 2, alien species 3D, bureaucracy 3D, law enforcement 4D, streetwise 3D, Mechanical IDs 1, Perception 2D, bargain 3D+1, commnand4D-1, con 3D, search 4D+1, Strength 2D+1, brawling 4D, Technical 1D+2, security 5D. Move: 11. Blaster rifle GD damage), blaster pistol (4D damage), force pike (4D damage), comlink, wrist restraints (Gtrength 6D), rank cylinder. Black and his compatriots are housed in the northwest detention block. This information can be discovered on any computer inside the ISB building with three successive Easy or one Moder- ate computer programming/repair roll. If any of these rolls are missed by five or more points, an alarm will be set off in the command center. The Rescue Blackand all ofhis companions, with the excep- tion of Daria Kellner, are in the northwest deten- tionblock Blackis wounded, TheSullustan, Vernuss, is incapacitated. The characters will either have to fixthem up, or carry them out of the facility. Joren Hunt is fine Once rescued, Black will insist on finding Daria. ‘A Moderate security roll and a Moderate computer ‘programming/repair oll ona detention block com- puter will reveal that she — along with the rest of the prisoners — was taken to the roof and placed aboard a shuttle bound oft-world — the same information can be obtained automatically if the characters have a command cylinder from one of, the wardens. Black and his companions will carry weapons and fight ifthe characters choose to arm them. Supernova Ground Level ‘The front facacieof thebuildingsportsametallic plaque with the ISB letters and the Imperial logo inseribed. 1) Entrance. The front entrance of the building consists of a formal entrance area, with a black polished stone floor (like dark marble). In the center of the floor is inlaid the Imperial logo in white stone, and in the center circle of the log apedestal, atop which rests the torso ofa protocol droid. The droid is painted to match the floor, sporting a shiny black casing. Itis very formal and efficient. It will absolutely not allow the characters toenter the buildingwithoutan escort, whichit will gladly summon if they would be so kind as to state their business, ‘There are no cons that this droid will fll for, with the exception of valid Imperial ident ‘And even if the characters have such tion, the droid will still insist on summoning an escort for the characters. If an impatient character decides to blast the droid, a silent alarm wil and the entire building wil be on alert. 2) Office Blocks, In these areas are the offices which run the day to day business of the ISB building, These offices also serve as a meeting rooms for low level conferences. 3) Administrative Office Blocks. These offices are the main administrative offices of the ISB facil ity. The offices closest to the front of the building are often used for preliminary interviews with suspects and citizens brought in for questioning. 4) Turbolifis. 5) Initial Interrogation. ‘These rooms are for Interrogation of citizens who are not being de- tained, but who require a touch more persuasion than casual conversation can provide. The rooms are stark white, with observation rooms nearby. Generally a suspect or citizen will be questioned while sittingona single chairintheroom. Oftenthe interviewer will be in the observation room next, door, monitoring reactions and recording the wit- ness’ statement. 6) Motorpool. Naturally, the ISB office has a smallmotorpool. Theentrance/exittovehiclestor- ageisin the rear of the ground floor ofthe building. Thisis an obvious entrance. ‘ibe motorpoo| is guarded at all times by both sensors and video cameras. Ifthe characters want toattempt entrance to the building this way, twill take a Difficult security roll to get the motorpool doors open. After that, the characters must make two Moderate security rolls, one to disarm the ‘cameras and one to disarm the sensors. They will also have to deal with one lone guard. Froma terminal inside the motorpool, they will have to make one Difficult computer programming repair oll to disable the diagnostic routing, which Infiltration LEVELS 2-7 Division Levels Barracks Recreation Mess hall 4. Turbolifts 5. Administration 6. Support office blocks blocks 1 2, 3 8. Comy SS ity 9. Divisional office blocks = Locked door 24 iARS— GROUND LEVEL Main Entrance 1. Entrance 2. Office blocks 3. Administrative office blocks 4, Turbolifts 5. Initial interrogation 6. Motorpoo! Supernova SN nitration ration =wa monitors whether the caineras and sensors are operating. If the characters don’t immediately think of disabling the security systems, then allow an Easy Perception roll to recognize that there are indeed ‘motion sensors and cameras in the motorpool. If the characters do nothing about this, secretly make a 3D Perception roll for a security technician tose fthecharactersarenoticed movingthrough the facility. f they are, the guard will sound an alarm, and the facility will go on alert. In the motorpool are six speeder bikes and four landspeeders. Along one wall is a console which houses the security controls. fthecharac- ters enter here, there will be one security guard at this location Security Guard. Dexterity 2D, blaster 1D+1, blaster: blaster rifle 5D«1, brawling parry 4D, dodge SD, melee combat 3D+2, metee parry4D, Knowledge 2D, alien species 3D, bureaucracy 3D, streetwise 3D+1, Mechanical 2D, Perception 2D, bargain 3D +2, command 3D+2, con 3D+1, hide 3D, search 3D+1, ‘sneak 3D, Strength 2D, brawling 4D, Technical 2D, security 4D. Move: 10, Body armor (+1D vs physical damage, +1 vs energy damage), helmet (2 vs physical damage, +1 vs energy damage), blaster rifle 6D damage), blaster pistol (4D damage), force truncheon (STR+2D damage), comlink, 2 sets of ‘wrist restraints (STR 6D). ImISB Speeder Bikes \ratech 74:2 Miltary Speeder Bike Type Specter be Seale: Speeder engi: 3 meters ‘Skill: Repulsorift operation: speeder bike Crew: | Crew Skil repulsorlit operation 4 abe Cargo Capacity: 3 klograms (personal gear) Cover: 1/4 Altitude Range: Ground level—25 meters Cost Not available forsale Maneuverability: 30:2 Move: 175; S0OKM Body Strength: 20 ‘Weapons: [Later Cannon ire Are: Pront ‘Silt Vehicle blasters, Fire Control: 20 ‘Range: 3-50/100/200 Damage: 3D mISB Landspeeder (Crafts Ubrikddan 8880 Limousine ‘Type: Limousine landspeeder Seale: Speeder Lengtt 7.6 meters Skill: Repulsorlit operation: landspeeder cl vehicle blasters Cover: 1/2 for crew, flr passengers Altitude Range: Ground level I-2 meters (Cost: 85,000 credits Maneuverability: 20 Mowe: 140: 400K (with two ors) 85; 250KMB (when fut Body Strength 29 Capsule: he Ubrikkian 8880 Limousineisa pleasure craft. The enclosed passenger areas equipped with two large, comfortable benches. it is meant for the securetransport ofthe richandimportant. Thebody js well armored and, when not fully loaded with passengers, the vehicles repectably fast and ableto get out of tight situations quickly. The Empire uses these landspeeders for transportingimportant vsit- ing officials and dignitaries. Division Levels (Floors 2-7) The second through seventh floors of the ISB building each house a particular branch of that organization. Everything from housing through security is located on a particular division's level. All six of these levels have the same layout. The divisions are ordered as follows: Level 2 — Surveillance. Level 3 — Investigation. Level 4— Internal Affairs Level 5 — Interrogation. Level 6 — Re Education. Level 7 — Enforcement. Because of the conditions on Demophon and the resultant evacuation of Imperial personnel, only askeleton crew remains in the building. Lev- els 2 through 7 are deserted. All doors are locked on these levels, and security monitors are active. The rooms on each level are: 1) Barracks. Bunks for general office personnel, operatives, technicians and the like are located here. 2) Recreation. Training and recreation areas are located here. Exercise machines for agents ‘who wish to work out are available. Additionally, there are tables for casual talk and congregating. 3) Mess Hall. 4) Turbolifts. 5) Administration. The officers and high rank- ingoperatives of any division have personal offices in this area, Computer access for divisional infor- ‘mation is of Moderate difficulty on the computer terminals in this area. 6) Support Office Blocks. Communication, re- pairs, fling and data processing for each division takes place in these areas. Divisional encryption and decryption of information also takes place in these offices. 7) Meeting Room Blocks. These rooms are secure divisional meeting and operations rooms. Each room is equipped with several terminals, blast doors (Sirength 6D), and, holoprojectors. Any division operation can be monitored in comfort from one of these rooms. 8) Computer Labs Security. Sinceno branch in the ISB particularly trusts any other, each Supernova 25 Infiltration Flight Support Deck Launch elevator Hangar area Support services Turbolifes Flight contro! Turbolift to roof Repair bays 26 ARS LEVEL 8 Command Level 1. Command center 2. Supply 3. Communications centers 4, Turbolifts 5. Medical center 6 Station security 7. Office blocks = Locked door ‘Supernova STAR infiizration —————————————————————————rr——vm handles its own internal security, manning secu- rity stations with their own personnel. Although thecomputers reall connected, itrequiresa Very Difficult computer programming/repair roll to get access fromone division toanother (theexception to this is Internal Affairs, which can access any other division with only a Moderate computer pro- -gramming/repair rll). 9) Divisional Office Blocks. These are the main offices for each particular branch. Computer ac- cess for divisional information is of Moderate diff- culty on the computer terminals in these olfices. The Command Level (Level 8) ‘The Command level is the heart of the ISB facility. Data on major operations involving the ISB is routed to the “war room” on this level. Overall building security is monitored from this level, and resources (such as the landing pad, and the ve- hicles of the motorpool) are monitored and con- trolled from here. 1) Command Center. This areais used for coor- dinating operations between divisions. Fach divi sion has its own terminals arranged roughly in a ring and can transfer information back and forth. ‘There are also two standard duty posts and a holoprojector and tactical map in the middle ofthe ring. Outside the ring are seats for officers and observers. This room is protected by blast doors (Strength 6D) and will requirea Difficult securityroll to breach if the base is not on alert, and a Very Difficult security roll ifalarms have been sounded. ‘This Is where the characters could encounter Supernova Wallace Fisk (see “Encountering the Imperials,” below) 2)Supply. These rooms are for equipment stor- age. Light machines and service droids can be found in these rooms. 3) Communications Centers. Encryption and decryption computers are located in these rooms, ‘The bulk of the heavy-duty computer work for coordinated missionsisdonein these rooms. Each division is able to access their divisional records from these rooms. 4) Turbolifts. 5)Medical Center. This s themedical centerfor the entire ISB building. Six bacta tanks line the walls, and asmall operating theater and examining cubicles are found in this area. Difficult security rolls are needed to get into this area, and Difficult security rolls are also required to get to any of the medicines in the med cabinets. Five medpacs can be found, one in each of the five examining cu- bicles. There is a deactivated MD droid here. 6) Station Security. This is the main security station, [tis continually monitored by six security techniciansand three lieutenants. Ifthecharacters have activated any alarms, itis the officers in this security station who have responded. 7 Office Blocks. These offices are for the tem- porary use of all division officers during coordi- nated missions. The terminals in these offices can access the Command Center on a Moderate com. puter programming/repairr0ll. 27 Encountering the Imperials Currently, the bulk of the remaining ISB Investi- gations officersareintheCommandCenter. Wallace Fisk and a team of his operatives, two lieutenants, sixsecurity guards, two computer technicians and an engineer are here. Thelmperialsaredumpingall oftheirdatabases, into alarge portable computer bank. The bankisa ‘mobile storage platform with an amazing memory capacity. It is approximately one meter by one meter by two meters Jong. It is large, slow, and bulky, and rides on a low hover cushion, The Imperials are also initiating a sequential wipe; as the information is downloaded into the portable unit, the computers are wiping all memory and storage. Fisk will have sent an additional three security guards anda lieutenant into the corridors outside the Command Center if heis expecting the charac- ters, and will also arm the technicians. If the characters enter the command center, read aloud or paraphrase the following: ‘The doors open on to the ISB operations com- ‘mand center. It is from this room that all inter- divisional ISB operationsare executed and mont- tored. Computer stations line all the walls, with swivel chairs at regular intervals in front of the terminals. In the center of the room is a holo- graphic projectorand, nextto that, avertical map of the city of Selkren. Flanking the center of the room are two standard duty posts. lithe characters encountered any guardsin the halls, the Command Center will be empty. A Mod- erate Perception roll will be required for any char- acter to notice that the blast door on the opposite side of the Command Center is just closing as the characters enter. Ifthe characters did not encounter any guards and set off no alarms on their way in, read the following: ‘You take this all in, and as you do, you notice a team of Imperial ISB agents and several techni- cians at work near one of the computer terminals on the far side of the command center. In front of the terminal is a hovering box, connected to the computer. The Imperials look up as you enter. ‘Thelmperialsareroughly40metersawayatthis point. If the characters are dressed as security guards, the Imperials will walt two rounds before deciding that the characters are infiltrators, draw- ing weapons and demanding explanations. If the characters are not dressed as security guards, the Imperials will open fire in the second round after they arrive. Security Guard: See above for statistics. ISB Enforcement Lieutenants: See Episode One. If the characters have the benefit of surprise, yi a STAR ee none of the technicians will be armed. The techni- ciansarelogalimperials, though. Theengineer will grab a spanner (STR+ID) and attack the nearest Character. One of the technicians will grab the ‘weapon of the first Imperial to fall, and then fightto the death. The other computertechnictan will ook for away out and hide behind the storage system, while trying to speed up the download. Ifthe characters have not made their presence known, the Imperials are not ready for them when. they arriveand they will get one round of surprise con the Imperials. Only two of the six security guards willbe ableto fire. Alother Imperials in the roomwillonly beableto performdefensive actions and draw weapons during the initial round of combat. It the characters have made their presence known before they arrive in the room, the Imper als will have guards posted at the entrance to the ‘command center. The guards will comlink for help at their first sign of trouble or something wrong. ‘These are not ignorant troops. They won't go idly looking down a hallway to see what is making a squeaking noise. They are on alert and will call for help at the first sign of anything at all The Imperials will only have three more rounds of downloading before they have enough that they can attempt a withdrawal. There are exits on the northwest and northeast walls of the command center,andthe Imperials will backawaytowardthe northeast exit, fit is not blocked by thecharacters, ‘ducking behind computer consoles and duty sta- tions all the while they retreat. Onee through the blast doors, the Imperials will disable the door and head to the roof of the com- plex through the turboliftin the hall. If the charac tershavethenortheastexittothecommandcenter blocked, the Imperials will go through the north- ‘west exit, disabling that door. They will then head for the northwest turbolift cluster to goto the roof. ‘The Imperials will disable any doors and lifts be- ‘hind them if they can. The characters can chase the Imperials to the roof. All of the Imperials move at a rate of 10. The two technicians will be pushing the databank, and their movewillbe8.Ifanyof the techniciansisshot, one ofthe guards will drop backto help the techni- ccian who has been injured. the characters do pursue the Imperials to the roof, cut to “Top of the World.” Level Nine — Flight Support Deck 1) Launch Elevator. This elevator goes to the roof. Small craft are oiten brought down on the elevator fromthe roofforaddedsecurity, or during inclement weather. 2)Hangar Area. Twosmallcloudcarsareparked in this area, Otherwise the hangars are empty. ‘There is room here for approximately four small ships. ‘Supernova TAI =wal 3)SupportServices. Refuelingandmaintenance roomsare locatedat these areas. Toolsandservice droids can be found in this area. 4 Turbolifts. 5) Flight Control. Clearances and communica- tions with incoming and outgoing starships are coordinated through thisoffice. Currently, theflight control center is manned by two guards and one lieutenant. 6) Turbolift to Roof. Thisis the only turbolif to the root 7) Repair. Machine shops for fabricating cus- tomor replacement parts for starships are located here. The Roof ‘Thetop floor of the ISB office has been modified toallowsupportforseveralsmalltypesofstarships, including shuttles, drop ships, andstarfighter class ships with landing gear (there are no TIE launch frames). Cut To ... When the characters have Black and his party and are ready to make their escape from the ISB building (or the planet as awhole), cut to"Episode Four: The Great Escape.” Supernova The Great Escape ‘The characters choose to escape the ISB build- ing via the shuttles on the roof or leave from the ground level and make their way to the Dred Jm- perative. Both options are explored below: Top of the World ‘The Imperials are making quick work of loading and boarding the Larnba-classshuttleand leaving the planet as quickly as possible. There are prison- ers onboard the shuttle. Black indicates that he knows that prisoners were being removed from the detention area all day. He feels confident that they are on the shuttle and the Imperials are securing the data on the shuttle as fast as they can. On board the shuttle are a pilot and copilot, who are feverishly working to bring the engines online. By now, the ISB captain has made it to the roof (if he is still alive) and is boarding the ship as the characters make it to the roof. The pilots are not seasoned veterans and have just gotten it through theirheads that theydon'thavetimetodo a standard engine warm-up. They are hesitant to really push warming up the engines, and won't exceed Imperial operating standards for an emer- gency startup. In short, it will take them five rounds of combat before they will lift the ship off the roof. ‘The characters probably won'tbe able to blast theirwayontotheshuttle although theyarefreeto attempt todoso. Ifyouallowthis,a battle including thetwopilots, survivors fromthecommand center and two fresh security guards from flight control ‘on level eight should ensue. Ifthe characters man- aged to disable the flight control center, then no additional guards will show up. Ifthecharacters choose to pursuethelmperials in the other shuttle, they should be allowed, ak though they will definitely have a dificult time of things. Use the chase rules as before for travelling through the access tubes, which grant starships entry and exit through the city domes. A normal engine warm up should take ten rounds and a Moderatespace transpori rll. Ifthe pilot wishes to cut this time in half, the difficulty of the space transports roll will be Difficult. I the pilot wishes to start the engines up in two rounds, the difficulty will be Very Difficult, and if he tries to start the engines in one round, It will require a Heroic space transports roll. Ifthesamecharacter pilots through the mazeas did in the first episode (when the characters first made their escape), reduce all dificulties onelevel for maneuvering during the chase. This allows for thecharacterto be somewhat experienced at what ahead and a little more prepared for the danger- ‘ous twists and turns. If the characters chase the Imperials in the other shuttle, use the map from Episode 1. m Imperial Shuttle (Graft Sienar Feet Systems Imperial Shuttle “Type: Lambdrelass Shuttle Seate: Starfighter Length: 20 meters Skill Space Transports: Lamba shuttle (Crew: 2.2 can coordinate; sunners: 4: skeleton 1/10 Crew Skil: Space transports 5D, starship gunnery SD, starship shields 4D Passengers 10 (codified to hold up to 20) Cargo Capacit Consumables: months Cost: Not avaiable for sale Space: “Atrnosphere: 285; 850KMH ull: 2D Shields: 10.2 Sensors: Passive: 20/00 ‘Scan: 40/10 Search: 80/20 Focus: 4/20+2 ‘Weapons: ‘Three Double Blaster Cannons Fire Are:2 front, Yack ‘Crewe 50-1 ‘Sil Starship gunnery Fire Control: 20, ‘Space Range: -3/1225 TN STAR —o— __——w«—nwaww wR Atmosphere Range: 100-3001 2KM/25KM Damage: 40 ‘Two Double Laser Cannons irelinked) Seale Starfighter Fire Are Front Crow: ‘Shi Starship gunnery Fire Control 30-1 ‘Space Range: 14/12/25, “Atmosphere Range: 100-400/1.2KM/25KM Damage: 40 Once in space, the characters will have to dis able the other shuttle in order to keep it from escaping with its load of prisoners. Require the ship only to scorea severely damaged result on the other shuttle in order to disable its systems. If the characters wish to rescue the prisoners ‘on the other shuttle while in space, they will have togetinto EVACsuitsand breakintotheothership, ‘or make a Difficult space transports roll to get the ships close enough for an emergency umbilical to connect them. There will be another gun battle with the remaining Imperials on the ship or, ifyou prefer, the remaining prisoners can have escaped their cells duringthe battleand have overpowered the Imperials, Inthemeantime,an Imperiallnterdictor Cruiser has finished up with a small skirmish andis hailing the shuttles because its sensors have picked up blaster fire. The cruiser will investigate regardles: of any con the characters may attempted. If the characters pull offa Very Ditficult con or better, or the con seems reasonable and is well roleplayed, the cruiser will not come at top speed, giving the characters twominutesto escape.Ifthe characters, botchacon, ordonot respondatall, the cruiser will arrive in five rounds and will use its gravity well projectors. This should still allow the characters time to evacuate the other prisoners. When the cruiser doesarrive, twill beata distance of 100unitsaway from the shuttles. Details on the cruiser follow. m The Talon (Craft: Sienar Feet Systems Immobilizer 418 ‘Type: Interdicionclass Heavy Crulser ‘Scale: Capital Ship Lengt 600 meters ‘Skill Capita ship piloting: Interdictor cruiser (Creve: 2,783, gunners: 24, skeleton $40/+10 ‘Grew Skil: Astrogation 4D, capital ship gunnery 4D+2, ‘capital ship piloting SD+1 Passengers: 30 (troops) Cargo Capacity: 5.500 metre tons. Consumables: 1.2 years ost: Not availabe fr sale Hyperdrive Multiplier x2 Hyperdrive Backup: 38 [Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability: 10 Space: 6 Hoos Shields: 3D Sensors: Passive: 30/10 Sean: 75/20 ‘Supernova =TA =wai Search: 150/30 Focus: 5/4D Weapons: 20 Quad Laser Cannons Fire Are 10 front, Set 5 right Grew: ‘Skil Capital ship gunnery Fire Control: 20. ‘Space Range: 1312/25 “Atmosphere Range: 26/24/50KM Damage: 4D Four Gravity Well Projectors Fire Arc: Turret ew. ‘Skil Captal ship gunnery Fire Conro:60 Space Range: 1-515/180 Damage: Blocks Hyperspace Travel Capsule: The Inferdctor-cruiser is designed to pre- vent other starships from entering hyperspace or to ‘cause ships already in hyperspace to drop out by Projecting gravitational fields close to the starship. ‘The former is achieved by placing gravity wells close enough toa starship so that the ship cannot cengageitshyperdrive. Thegravity well projectors fired the same as any other starship weapon. The gunner targets a location where the gravity well will be centered. Difficulty is based on range (Very Easy at point blank range, Easy at short range, Moderate at medium range, and Difficult at long range). There is no die cap for scale. For more information see pages 17-20 of Wanted by Cracken. Itherollis successful, the gravity wells placed where the gunner intended. Otherwise it is cen- tered somewhere else. Use the "Grenade Scatter Diagram” on page 167 of Siar Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition to determine the direction of thescatter and roll for distance on the chart below. Gravity Well Projector Range Chart Range Of Attack Distance (units) Point-blank 1D Short 2D Medium 40 Long 8D ‘The effect of the gravity well depends on how close itis to the target starship. Find the distance between the target ship and the center of the gravity well. Increase the_difficulty of theastrogation roll on the chart below. Astrogation Gravity Well Difficulty Modifiers Range Difficulty Add 06 Ship cannot jump into hyperspace 72 +30 or more to difficulty 1318 +21-29 to difficulty 19.24 +11-20 to difficulty 25:36 +6:10 to difficulty 37-48 +15 to difficulty Infiltration It takes six rounds to power up the gravity well projector. The projector will be powered up by the timetheInterdictor cruiser engages the characters in combat. The projector can be turned off immediately, but it will take an additional eight rounds to re- power the projectors. The operator of the gravity well can rush this recharge times follows. Add to the difficulty depending on how many rounds the ‘operator wants to take to recharge the projector. Gravity Well Projector Recharge Chart Rounds Difficulty Modifier +50 +40 +30 20 415 +10 Ifthe operator misses the roll by more than five points, the projector is blown out To relocate a placed gravity well the dilficulty for the capital ship gunnery roll is as below: Gravity Well Relocation Chart Distance to be Difficulty moved (units) 12 Moderate 4 Difficult 56 Very Difficult me Heroic (add +10 for every additional two units) Supernova 31 Fi A STAR Oy Additionally, for every gravity well that the cruiser is maintaining, it will suffer ID to maneu- verabilityand- to move. This effect is cumulative. Ifthe cruiser actually engages in the battle, its ‘most likely that the characters will be captured. In this case, improviseasmall escape scenario where the characters must move through the ship and disable the power couplings to the gravity well projectors and then hijacka ship out of the landing bay. The Dred Imperative Itis possible that the characters will rescue all theprisoners, defeat the Imperials,andstill wantto ‘make their escape on the Dred Imperative. Ifthe characters managed to rescue the prison- ersand didn't set offonealarm,allowthemtomove through the ISB building to the ground level with little or no problem, For the sake of adventure, though, havea squad of three security guards stumble onto the charac- ters. These guards should not suspect anything, so the characters may be able to talk their way out of this predicament. Use the same statistics as above forthesecurity guards. Oneoftheseguardsshould be able to sound an alarm, Once the alarm is sounded, the characters will be pursued out of the building, ‘The Imperials all move at a rate of 10 for a full move. Ifthe characters go through the tunnels or chutes on the lower levels, the Imperials will chase after them, sending six security guards. The tun- /ARS— nels or chutes are about thirty meters long. Iithecharacters decide to go out of the building ‘on the ground level, or through the motorpool on foot, Imperials will follow in hovercraft from the motorpool. Six Imperials will pursue in the landspeeder, two on speedier bikes, provided the characters have not already disabled these ve- hicles. ‘A chase through the city of Selkren will be riddled with obstacles. For purposes of the chase, the characters will have to travel a minimum of 3000 meters to get to the Dred imperative, though they may not want to lead the Imperials to their escape ship. During the first 1000 meters of movement, the characters will still be close enough to the ISB building that there will be little commotion In the streets. After that, movement of any type will be a free action at half speed and Difficult at full speed, because of all the people Conclusion Once the characters have jumped into hyper- space and left Demophon behind, they are safe. When the characters return to Mowgle, they will receive their monetary rewards and their starship, will be unharmed and waiting for them, Rewards Award 7 Character Points for the successful completion of this adventure. 32 Supernova STAI =wai Mll@iThe Mynock Conspiracy Tyed Kant ‘Tyed Kant is the only planet in the Kantel sys- tem, The Kantel systems warmed bya yellowsstar, Kant, surrounded by two gargantuan bands of orbiting dust and captured debris. ‘The only world is a gas giant, Tyed Kant, with a breathable atmosphere at specific altitudes. Ex- plorers from the days of the Old Republic realized carly that if a way could be devised to exploit the fertile conditions of this planet, bountiful crops would be the result. These could be sold to worlds innearbysystems, includingDemophon.Currently, the threat of the supernova in that system has companies fighting for new markets, ‘The major challenge involved in harnessing the potential of Tyed Kant lay in the inherent hostile Qualities of agas giant. Theworld has.asmall zone of habitability” and at lower altitudes, the atmo- spheric pressure is such that it would crush the hulls of most spacecraft in seconds. The solution the engineers came up with was to manufacture platforms which would be held high upin the upper atmosphere by repulsorlift genera- tors. These platforms developed into the floating ranches that now cover almost half of the visible surface of Tyed Kant. mm Tyed Kant Type: Gas giant “Temperature: Hot Atmosphere: Type IV (envionment suit required) Hydrosphere: Wet Gravity: Standard (a certain zones) Terrain: Gaseous Length of Day: 26 standard hours Length of Year: 335 local days Saplent Species: Human Starport: Imperial clas Popilation: 12 milion Human Planet Function: Agriculture, food processing Government:Privateenterprise wth animperial overseer Tech Levet: Space Major Exports: Foodstutls “Major imports: Dro‘ds, hightech,bulldingmateral, usury Supernova The Floating Ranches ‘Tyed Kant’ floating ranches produceatremen- dous amount of fresh food for immediate con- sumption. A small percentage of this is packaged and shipped, destined for the government offices and quality restaurants within thesector. But most is processed on planet for ship consumables and. standard food packages, tobe shipped to the other systems of the cluster, primarily Demophon. The food production complexes on Tyed Kant are also called upon on occasion toresupply imperial ships as they travel through the area. The following are the major corporations on ‘Tyed Kant: Nebula Consumables: Nebula consumables is the largest food producer on Tyed Kant. Com- bined, its platforms sprawl out over neariy four million square kilometers. Nebula Consumables sells most ofits product to the planetary govern- ‘ments, and to the Imperial military: as far as there arerecords, Nebula hasnever failed tofillan order. Grysefum Incorporated: Up until about eight ‘years ago, this prosperous ranch was owned by an enterprising Sullustan named Huegu Eib. Unfortu- nately the New Order’s policies makeiit difficult for non-Humans (Eib included), to run an honest busi- ness without countless bureaucratic hassles. Huegu Eib sold his company to Rigis Corazon, founder of Corazon Industries, then retired. Since then Rigis, and now his daughter, Sabel Corazon, have used Gryselum Inc. to try and cor- ner the Demophon food market. Gryseium is now responsibleforalargepercentage ofthe consumer sales (roughly 65 percent), but is still unable to compete with Nebula Consumables or Imperial Meats and Produce, due to their government con: tracts. ‘Though the day-toxlay business of the ranch is handled by a Corazon Industries junior executive, Sabel Corazon often visits in order to personally oversee delicate matters. Imperial Meats and Produce: Thisis the oldest ranch on the planet. The founders of this company The Mynock Conspiracy rhe Mynock Conspiracy Tn ge ———————————— Sr THE MYNOCI CONSPIRACY Fee elie Use the following script to start the adventure. Your gamemaster will tell you what part (or parts) to read Ist Character: Hyperdrive cutting out Sublight online ... We've arrived guys. Tyed Kant is dead ahead, 2nd Character (sarcastically): Hooray. Soup- kitchen of the Empire, or at least of half the Imperial navy. 3rd Character: | think you mean just “soup.” ‘There isn’t enough solid surface in that place to balance a Hutt's scruples. 4th Character: Hey, which one of these corpo- rate platforms belongs to our contact? 5th Character: Premier Provisions Company, Sprawl #34, located in the northwest quadrant. Gamemaster (as spaceportcontrol): Greetings, incoming freighter. Welcome to Tyed Kant air- space. Please forward your transponder-coded Identification and intended landing site. 2nd Character: All set control, sending tran- sponder LD. now. Requesting clearance to land on farming sprawl #34, Gamemaster (as spaceport control): Negative, freighter, the landing pad on sprawl #34 is tem: porarily out ofservice. Youare being re-routed to land on sprawl #41, in the same quadrant. We apologize for the inconvenience. Ist Character: Acknowledged, control, shut- ting down main engines, and locking onto trac- tor-beam guidance systems towards sprawl #41. 6th Character: What's all this about, “tempo- rarily out of service?” I don't think they're being straight with us. 4th Character: Relax. Thatcontroller wouldn't know any more about it than we do. Besides, it isn't uncommon on heavy-traffic worlds to leave one or two platforms unused for awhile 5th Character: It's uncommon enough when that “unused” platform is our rendezvous point with the Rebellion agents stationed there. 3rd Character: We should be able to take a skiff over to #34 once we secure the ship. Still, would be nice if we knew what is going on. 6th Character: Hey, what's going on’ 3rd Character: That's just what | 4th Character (interrupting):Shut upa minute, I think we have a problem, Sth Character: By the Force! We're heading straight for that bulk freighter over there, and fast. 2nd Character: Well, don’t just stare at it! Do something! Ist Character: I'll see what can be done. 6th Character: I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this. Cut-Away to: EXT: NEBULA CONSUMABLES, RANCH- ‘SPRAWL #41 The camera slowly sweeps across a grassy field. Grazing animals glance nervouslyatthe column of smoke which appears in the distance. The camera ans in on the smoke. Dozens of assorted droids ‘are working frantically to coniain a brush fire, using chemical extinguishers and digging breaks around the blaze. In the center ofthe disturbance, ‘wo technicians are studyinga crashed airspeeder. “Poor guy,” comments one tech “He must have tried to eject himself right into the roof of the speeder,” explains the second. “Well, the flight computers smashed; it won't tell us what happened.” ‘An unseen conversant says, “Foop-Boodeep?” “Hey, there's an R2 droid back here!” exclaims the second tech. “A little banged-up, but still functioning.” “Let's get it back to HQ where we can hook it upto our computers. Maybe it knows what hap- pened. “And we should probably get a message to Premier. They'llwant to know what happened to their pilot.” “That's management's job, not ours. Let's go report in.” Wipe to: INTERIOR: REBEL SPACESHIP 34 Supernova =wai had originally named it Republic Meats and Pro- duce, dueto the grants they received from the Old Republic to build the first floating ranch on Tyed Kant. The company was renamed with the rise of the New Order. For many years, all of this company’s products have been shipped directly to Demophon. Withthe impending doom of that planet, the company will have to quickly finda new distribution scheme and new consumers in order to remain economically viable. Premier Provisions: This smaller ranch is re- sponsible for less than two percent of the actual exports from the planet. They package specialty orders of fresh foods for yachts, restaurants, and cater functions at hotels in Paragon. ‘The most interesting thingabout Premier Provi- sions is that it is actually a cover for a Rebellion listening post. Nestled in between the legitimate processing factories is a complex filled from floor tocellingwith power-boosted receivers, decipher- ing computers, and tight-beam transmitters. All of this equipment, and the company employees who operate it, are committed to discovering large Imperial movements in and out of the sector and relaying any significant Imperial information they overhear to Alliance High Command. Sehn Baroule, the company director, and head of the operation, is a native of Alderaan, which explains his sympathy for the Rebellion. The Starlight Festival For about30 days out of Tyed Kant’s year, when the planet's orbit takes it closest to Kant, it passes through an area of space known as the “stardust pass.” Here, Tyed Kant's orbit passes through the belts of stellar debris, providing weeks of intense sunlight and almost constant meteor showers ‘Thesesparkatmosphericfires which, though beau tiful to look at, are quite dangerous. During this time of the year no crops are grown, protective shields are raised, and the people of ‘Tyed Kant enjoy a 30 day holiday, complete with feasting, shopping, drunkenness, and everything else holidays bring with them. Tyed Kant’s elabo- ate meteor detection system allows for the de- struction of potentialthreats by missile, withsmaller meteors often allowed to pass through. During this period, the starport is closed to all but emergency spacecrait. Many wealthy people from around the sector like to arrive a few days before the festival and spend the season partying “with the natives.” Paragon Paragon is the major starport of Tyed Kant, providing all the modern technical services that most corporate landing pads cannot, Paragon also servesas thetradeport, administrativecenter,and Supernova social center of the entire planet Over 90 percent of the Human population is located within this hoveringmetropolis. Thecity is, roughily disk-shaped, with skyscrapers towering above the base, and power complexes, repulsor- supports, and stabilizing fins stretching far below. The Starport The outer edge of Paragon features landing ads, repair bays, and cargo platforms of varying sizes. Everything from cargo skiffs to bulk freight- ers stop dally to move goods to and from the tradeport. The repair bays are fully equipped to ‘overhaul, repair,and modify most spacecraft. They arefullystatfedwithtop-of the linetechnical droids and owned by the city of Paragon. Due to the superior organization of these bays, most repair operations can be completed in one- half the standard time (of course, this means charges for repairs will be twice the standard rate as well) ‘The Mynock Conspira rhe Mynock Conspirat ‘The Freemarket The freemarket is a wide street, just inside the city, which completely encircles the rest of the platform. This “ring,” over five kilometers in diam- eter, contains warehouses, merchant offices, banks, public-access computer-etworks, and just about every kind of high-class seam imaginable, from insurance fraud to designerdrug manufacturing This area does not havea very largesecurity force. (Most of Overseer Garret's troops have been trans- ferredtothe Demophonevacuation project.) There- fore, response time to disturbances in the market tends to be slow. However, crime is still kept toa minimum by the number of private security forces ‘employed by just about every company on the planet ‘The Metropolis ‘The “heart” of Paragon is the metropolis, be- sieged on all sides by the freemarket and the starport. Here is where anybody who's anybody lives. On the street level are restaurants, bars, dance halls, and retail shops selling everything a wealthy, law-abiding Human could ever want, at prices that will make his head spin. With the excep- tion of food products, triple the normal prices of almost everything. (There are no energy weapons for sale anywhere on this planet. There isnot even ablackmarket for them. OverseerGarret has macle their exclusion a top priority, even though a strict enforcement of the ban increases the risk of other types of contraband getting in.) ‘The upper levels of the city are primarily resi- dential. Thereare hotels to suit most every budget, and apartments ranging from one room to pent- house flats. Most of the corporate executives and managers of the floating farms maintain apart- ments and offices here as well as on their company platforms. In some of themoreaffluentareas, there are also health spas, beauty salons, and other, service-oriented, businesses available. The Shield Completely covering both the freemarket and the metropolis, this invisible energy shield allows Paragon tomaintainacontrolled atmosphere. This means that characters can walk “outside” without encounteringthenormalhazardsofbreathingTyed! Kant's atmosphere. Atcertain times, theshieldcan be altered to block dangerous levels of solar radi tion or strengthened to resist meteor bombard- ment. The atmosphere shield requires much more power to operate at these levels, so temporary power outages may occur in other parts of the city when shield strength is increased. The Atmosphere ‘The atmosphere of Tyed Kant’s “zone of habi ability” is a combination of oxygen, water vapor, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and at least traces —_—_— ee WARS of just about every other element. The high tem- perature, combined with the steady winds, tends to keep even the heavier components suspended in the mists. Thismixture offife-givingelementsmakes upfor the lack of soil on the floating ranches. These ranches are, in fact, massive aeroponic gardens that don’t require earth for crops to grow. Once introduced tothis world, plants ofalltypesflourish and reproduce at alarming rates. ‘Tyed Kant's atmospheres ratedas Type lV, not because of toxins in the alr or oxygen deficiency, but because’ is the perfect environment for every typeof bacteriaand virus toexistin. Every disease- causing agent ever brought onto this world is probably still living happily in the misty clouds they share with the floating platforms. In addition, the dampness and nutritive quality of the air make the bacteria already present in the bodies of larger creatures reproduce at incredible rates. Ifa character decides to travel outside the protected areas without an environment suit, ors ‘wounded while outside protected areas, roll a ‘Strength total for that character in secret and com> pare the results to the list below: VERY EASY: Deadly Infection Over the next few hours, the character will become deathly il. Wounds may become gangre- rnous,and the lungs willstart to fillwith fluid, About three hours after the character is infected, in- crease his wound status by one level (je., from woundedto incapacitated). Thecharacter willdiein about 30 hours without a bacta treatment. EASY: Serious Infection Sometime within the next 24 hours, the charac- tershouldsee clear signs ofa problem; old wounds could become painful, nausea, a rattling cough, etc. Reduce all die codes by 1D until the character is treated by a physician. MODERATE: Mild Infection ‘This is comparable to a bad cold, or a group of swollen muscles in one side. It is not serious, reduceall die codes by IDuntil someone performs. a Very Difficult first aid roll,the characteris treated bya physician, or rests for 1D6 standard days, DIFFICULT: Minor lliness This can bea slight cough, a headache, or any other minor affliction which’ does not seriously hamper a character's actions. All Dexterity and ‘Strength skill codes are reduced by 1D until some- one performs a Moderate rst aidon the character, the character consults a physician, or the charac ter rests for 2 standard days. VERY DIFFICULT: No Ill Effects The character suffers no harm from the mi robes in the atmosphere. You should make one of these rolls every timea Supernova =sTAl =wai character is injured while outdoors, and once for every hour the characters spend outside without breath masks or environment suits. If the charac- ter is already afflicted with an ailment and is in- fected again, choose the more serious infection. ‘Another noteworthyattributeofthisatmosphere Is that itis fairly volatile. The high oxygen content and the carbon-based molecules will rapidly oxi- dizein the presence of heat. This means any weap- ons or tools which involve plasma, open flame, or electrical arcs are very dangerous to use on this planet. For this reason, there isa planet-wide ban on all energy weapons. Overseer Garret does not even allow his own security forces to carry blast- ers. Instead, most professional guards on Tyed Kant use high-tension, compound bows as their ‘ance weapon of choice. Characters who use blasters, bowcasters, lightsabers, or any other energy weapon in the ‘outer atmosphere of Tyed Kant suffer 3D damage for every round they use the weapon, due to being scorched. In addition, anyone within a two meter radius takes 2D damage at the same time. Anyonewhoishitwithsuchaweaponisscorched also,and suffers IDin addition tothe damage of the weapon. Characters who use powder-based_slug- throwers, arcwelders, or any other incendiary device in the outer atmosphere of the planet suffer 2D damage for every round they use the device. Slugs do not cause the target any additional dam- age. Fires, once started, are very difficult to control Almost every droid on Tyed Kant has program- ming for firesafety, and many have fire extinguish- ers installed, in order to minimize the response- me to put out fires. lagoin ‘The lagoin are the most visible of Tyed Kant's indigenous life-forms. These semi intelligent crea- tures float among the gaseous clouds, feeding on the microbes and small flying animals found in the skies around the planet. Their gelatinous, ovoii bodies can be as small as a few centimeters, and the largest recorded was as large as sixty meters. ‘They havea singleeye, whichcanmovearound the surface of thecreature to lookin any direction. The. “mouth” is actually a conical opening with a series of filters, which catch the minuscule prey the lagoin eat. The lagoin have long, paddle-like ten tacles, hanging below their bodies, which they use for propulsion, stability, and defense. These creatures are docile unless injured or confused, then they will attempt to grasp and crushsmallerfoes withtheir tentacles Iattackper appendage every round.) Iagoin. Dexterity 20, Perception 1D+2, Strength 1D (verysmall) to 12D (very large). Special Abilities: Supernova Tentacles: One per meter of length, do Strength damage. Move: 20. In This Adventure Rebels travel to Tyed Kant to bring new orders to Sehn Baroule, chief executive officer of Premier Provisions and an Alliance operative. When they arrive, they find that Baroule’s firm has been sabo- taged and destroyed. The Rebels must discover the source of the sabotage and neutralize it before they can safely leave the planet. Adventure Background Sabel Axis Corazon, CEO of Corazon Industries, has been trying for months to secure government contracts for Gryseium Incorporated. Currently, only Imperial Meats & Produce and Nebula Consumables have such contracts with the Em- pire, Overseer Xun Garret has consistently refused to negotiate a deal with Gryseium, supposedly because he considers Imperial and Nebula suffi cient to meet the need, but actually because he is biased against Gryseium due to its being founded by non-Humans. Inresponse,Sabel has hatched a plot which will crippleher competition's production, thereby forc- ing Garret to negotiate with someone else. And since the only other facility on planet large enough to handle the government's demand is Gryselum, he will have to come to her for assistance. This plot hinges on the use of a computer virus, developed by technicians at Corazon Industries, nicknamed “Mynock.” It has been designed to quickly and completely scramble the memory and The Mynock Conspiracy The Mynock Conspiracy srr eo eee 38 programing of both droids and computers. Aiter anywhere from three minutes to two hours, the infected device is capable of only one thing. infect- ing another computer or droid. ‘Since the floating ranches are heavily depen- dent upon their droids, the virus could have a devastating effect upon productivity once it is introduced. Sabel decided to test it on a small company, one which posed no threat to her if the program failed. She chose Premier Provisions pri- marily because it wouldn't be missed. When the Rebels arrive on Tyed Kant, it is already too late to save the people stationed at Premier Provisions, and Sabel is preparingtosend a group of infected droids to similarly destroy Nebula Consumables. Adventure Synopsis ‘The Rebels arrive at Tyed Kant and aredirected to land at Nebula’s ranch sprawl #41. After nearly colliding with an outbound freighter, and clearing Planetary Customs, they are loaned a cloudskiff to visit Premier Provisions’ floating ranch. What they discover there sa technical nightmare, which has left nearly everyone on the platform dead. The characters learn about a computer mal- function which caused the catastrophe, and have abrief encounter with corporate spies before they must escape the crippled ranch ‘The Rebels then must face accusations of sabo- tage from Nebula Consumables, which has been sufferingequipment failures sinceroughly thetime theRebels arrived, Thecharactersmust offer some explanation to Overseer Garret for the destruction of an entire ranch sprawl. ‘Their investigation leads to a computer virus, carried byR2 units, propagated by Gryseium Incor- porated. Nebulahires the Rebelsto assistin defeat- ing the virus, then convinces them to attack Gryseium Incorporated with its own weapon. ‘The characters must sneak onto Gryseium’s ranch sprawland insert the Mynock virusinto their main computer. Before they can escape, they are spotted and must fight their way through security to escape the platform and the planet. The story ends in a dramatic starship chase above Tyed Kant. Episode One: Getting Acclimated ‘The Rebels arrive at Tyed Kant alter narrowly escaping collision with another ship. They must clear planetary customs and survive a couple of minor computer failures before they can beloaned a cloudskiff to visit ranch sprawl #34. ‘The Rebels’ Ship For this mission, the Rebels have been loaned a light freighter, which is loaded to the brim with seed and supplies for Premier Provisions. If the Rebels have their own transport, and you wish to let them use it, go ahead, but you will probably need tojury-rigthechasescene inthefinalepisode to compensate for any differences in speed or weaponry between the two vessels. I the characters are going to use the Alliance transport, use these statistics: mi The Evening Star rat: Kuat Drive Yard's Corona Transport Type: Stock light freighter Seale: Starfighter Length: 28.4 meters ‘Skill: Space transports: KDY Corona transports (Crew: I: can coordinate: gunners: 1 Crew Skll: Varies Passengers: 6 Cargo Capacity: 89 metric tons ‘Consumables: 2 months ‘Cost: 105,00 erect (new), 27,000 eres (used) Hyperdrive Multiplier x2 Hyperdive Backups «10 Nav Computer: Yes Maneuverability:1D+2 Space: 4 ‘Atmosphere: 280; 800 KMH ul: 30-2 Shields: 1D Sensors: Pascoe: 10)0D ‘Sean: 25/10 ‘Sear: 40/20 Focus: 2/30 Weapons: ‘One Laser Cannon Tire Arc: Turret Crew ‘hilt Starship gunnery Space Range: 3/12/25 ‘Atmosphere Range: 100300) Damage: 4D M2SKM. Near Miss! As the adventure opens, the Rebels’ ship is being pulled right into the path of an outgoing space barge by the tractor beam that is supposed to keep them away from other ships. When the Rebels notice that they are in trouble, they have three rounds before impact in which to react. Characters may try to power shields up or call the other ship. You can describe to the heroes the desperate antics of the bulky craft in frontofthem, but that it simply wasn't designed for splitsecond, performance. In order to avoid the collision, the pilot must both overpower the tractor beam and steer the craft clear without losing control. During the first round, the maneuver requires a Moderate space transports roll. I the pilot fails, or doesn’t try until the second round, then the difficulty increases to Difficult Ifthemaneuver hasstill not been success- Supernova STAR the Mynock Conspirac Te Mynock Conspiracy fully attempted by the third round, the difficulty, increases to Very Difficult. Ifthe characters fal to avert the collision, their ship is heavily damaged by the collision. Roll dam- age effects as described on page 104 of the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition. ‘When the characters finally land on sprawl #34, cut to "The Welcoming Committee.” The Welcoming Committee ‘There are currently no Humans working on the landing pads. There generally won't be, unless there is a scheduled delivery or departure requit- ing Human supervision. Now, as most of the time, thelandingpadis overseen byaspaceport control- ler droid. This droid is responsible for both direct- ing sky traffic and assigning labor droids on the pads themselves. Unfortunately, this controller has been infected by Mynockandits judgments are clouded and erratic. If the Rebels’ craft suffered damage due to the collision, they willland to the fanfare of emergency sirensand five whiteand crimson firefighter droids ready toattackthe ship andits crew with liters and liters of white foam. This isa safety procedure that the droids will not ignore, even if there is no evidence offire. fany ofthe characters completely {ailto see the use, or the humor, ofthe fire brigade, have one of the droids douse him with foam. After the excitement dies down, read aloud: Before long, a bronze protocol droid carrying ‘adatapad emerges from the nearest building and approaches you and your companions. It strides without difficulty over the wet landing pad, and addresses you in a deep, charismatic voice. “Greetings, and welcome to Tyed Kant, gentlebeings. Tam J3PA and am programmed to function as your customs officer. May please see the contents of your cargo holds?” 43PA will inspect the cargo and should find everything legal and proper. He will explain the energy weapon ban, which requires that any and all energy weapons must remain on board ship or behanded over tolocal security for the duration of the characters’ visit. Possession of an energy ‘weapon is a capital offense. ‘The droldisalso abletto sell breath masksto any. characters who do not own them (for 100 credits each, mind you) and will explain the potential dangers of not owning one like a professional salesperson. After they have bought breath masks, he will strongly advise them that they should also purchase full environment suits. When J3PA is finished with his lecture he adds: “Oh, and Manager Waleth would like to meet with you as soon as possible. His office isthrough those doors, takea right, and it’s the fifth door on your left.” Supernova ‘The droid knows nothing about any accident or the problem with the tractor beam guidance sys- tem. Despite any argument or evidence the Rebels present him with, he states that the controller would have informed him of any incidents, so they must be mistaken. If the Rebels persist, or get violent, he calmly tellsthem that they willjusthave to take it up with Manager Waleth, and then walks away. SPA. All stats are 1D except: Knowledge 3D, bureaucracy: Tyed Kant law 5D, business 3D+2, languages 5D, Perception 3D, search 4D+1. Move:8. Meeting the Manager When the characters are finished dealin; with the customs droid, they should enter the building that J-3PA pointed out. When they do, read aloud or paraphrase: ‘The doors open and close without s0 much as a whisper. The inside of this office building is so clean itis hard to believe anyone actually works here. There are three hallways lined with doors before you. And apart from the housekeeping droid diligently scrubbing the ceilings, there is little activity at the moment. ‘When the characters try to find Waleth’s office, they will discover that thedroid'sinstructions lead them straight to a utility closet. Ifthe Rebels make an Easy search roll, or ask any passing droid or employee, they will nd Waleth’s office down the next hallway. Waleth is in his office, working at a desktop computerstation. When the Rebelsarrive,hestands, and greets them in a friendly, almost casual man- ner. Read aloud or paraphrase: “Ah, youmustbe the people from that Premier delivery ship. Welcome to platform #41, I'm the manager of this facility, Faerz Waleth. Sit down, have some coffine, and let me explain to you the reason for this detour.” m Faerz Waleth ‘Type: Corporate Businessinan DEXTERITY 20. KNOWLEDGE 4D Bureaucracy 40.2, business 5D, value SD MECHANICAL 3D PERCEPTION 3D+1 Bargain 4D-1, command 4D, investigation 4D+1 STRENGTH 20 ‘TECHNICAL 2D Force Polats: | Character Points: 6 Move: 10, Equipment: Company uniform, corporate ID, comlink Capsule: Waleth is a middle-aged, honest business- ‘man who believes in playing by the rules whenever possible. He can be quick to anger, but he wil listen to reason in the most adverse circumstances. Anyone who makes a Moderate Perception roll ‘The Mynock Conspiracy will notice that something is bothering Waleth, though he's trying not to show it. Waleth explains that it was he who told spaceport control that platform #34 is closed for maintenance, not Pre- mierProvisions. Waleth suspectsthat Sehn Baroule ishaving problems with the company and doesnot need Overseer Garret and his troops interfering. He does not know anything about Baroule’s rebel- lious activities, and thinks Baroule is guilty of nothing more than “normal” industrial espionage. “I realize that this is really none of my busi- ness, and I should just leave italone, but... Sehn Baroule of Premier Provisions is a trusted ally and a good friend to me and to this company. Since no one over there has responded to my messages in the past day and a half, I have to assume he is up to his neck in trouble. 'd like to know whatkind oftroubleitisbefore sendingthe government in to check it out, but I don't know how long I can cover for him.” Waleth will gladly loan the Rebels a cargo skiff, and load the cargo fromtheir ship ontoit.Inreturn, the characters must promise to return and brief Waleth on what's happening at Premier Provi sions. If the Rebels tell Waleth about the incident with the space barge, he will be very concerned and remark that itis strange how he was not informed of any incident. He immediately offers to have his technicians repair any damage, and he will person- ally lookinto the matter. However, Waleth knowsa hook when he sees one, and he will certainly use AR the Rebels’ ship as.a bargaining chip when negoti- ating for thelr cooperation, If the Rebels agree to Waleth’s proposal, pro- ceed to Episode Two, “Disaster.” Episode Two: Disaster ‘The Rebels travel to Premier Provisions, only to find the entire crew dead, and the processing station in ruins, with every droid and computer malfunctioning. Duringtheir explorations they find ‘one functioning messenger droid, holovid record- ings detailing the destruction of the base, and a ‘group ofintruders with unknown goals. The Rebels, arediverted fromchasingthem by thethreat ofthe platform’s utter destruction The Cloudskiff Waleth will loan the Rebels a cloudskiff for use on Tyed Kant. This vehicle was originally designed for this planet, though it has been modified for use on many other planets that utilize their upper atmospheres. The cloudskiff owes its invention to Huego Eib, the founder of Gryseium Inc. The inventive Sullustan’s basic design is stil in use long aiter he left the planet for good. The Eib Model-D features enclosed, pressurized pilot and passenger sec- tion and as much cargo capacity as a small space freighter. The cratt sacrifices any hope of speed in favor of the incredible altitudes it can attain. Thus, ‘Supernova STAR the mynvck Conspira =wi on planets where crime is aconcern, some models do have defensive weaponry. On Tyed Kant, how- ever, where blasters present more of a risk than criminals, the craft is unarmed. m Eib ModelD Cloudskiff Craft fib ModeLD Clouelskit Type: High atitide cargo shit Scale: Speeder Length: 18 meters ‘Skill Repulsorit operation: Eib Model-D Crew: 11 an coordinate) Crew Stall: Varies Passengers: 10 Cargo Capacit Cover: Full Altitude Range: Tyed Kans zone of habitability Cost 150,000 credits Maneuverability: ID Move: 18,50 KN Body Strength: 2D 0 metric tons ‘The cloudskiff has been loaded with the Rebels’ cargo and Is ready for departure. The characters have been given directions to ranch-sprawl #34. It Is about 90 kilometers to the northeast of spraw! #41, The journey should take the characters just under two standard hours. The characters will have to pilot the skiff themselves because Waleth, cannot spare any of his workers to ferry them across. A Monster in Distress AstheRebelsneartheendoftheirjourney,read aloud: The misty clouds glisten in the sunlight. De- spite the haze, you can just make out the shape of another ranch sprawl in the distance. You can, also see up ahead a large shape moving directly into your path. Give the players a round or two to worry about ‘what it might be, then ask for a Perception check. A result of Moderate or better discerns that the shapeis a creature about forty meters long, and it issurrounded by three or four smaller objects that seem to be flying around and behind it. Model-D Cloudskiff ‘Supernova 41 1e Mynock Conspira If the characters decide to investigate it any further, Difficult alienspeciesroll reveals that this fs an lagoin, and it is not normally dangerous. However, this particular individual hasa problem: it has been set upon by three half-crazed pest- control droids, who have decided to destroy the hulking beast with insecticide spray and clipping shears. They have managed to injure it seriously, but not fatally. If the characters wish to intervene, they can disable the droids by ramming into them with the skiff. The difficulty is that the lagoin is confused and terrified. twill attack the skiffevery time itgets close enough to attack a droid. So the crew of the skiff must both hit the droids and avoid the ten- tacles of the lagoin during the same round, Adult lagoin. Dexterity 2D, Perception 1D+2, Strength 8D. This individual will make 1D attacks against the skiff each time it tries to ram a droid, attacking with its Dexterity score and applying damage with its Strength. ‘Three Pest-Control Droids. All droid stats are 1D, as wellasanyapplicableskillstowards combat. Remember to take scale into account while running this combat, i¢, the droids are character scale, the lagoin is creature scale, and the skiff is speeder scale. Ifthe characters decide to avoid this encounter thereisnothingto stop them, but keep thisin mind when giving Character Points at the end of the adventure. Droid-n-The-Box Alter the lagoin encounter, the Rebels reach ranch sprawl #34 without any’further problems. ‘When they fly toward the loading docks, they will see that there is no visible activity around the processing sprawl whatsoever. The whole place appears quite dead. I anyone tries to radio ahead, they will get nothing but white noise in return: When they land the craft, read: As your skiff floats gently onto the loading dock, you notice that there is no activity any- where near you; no traffic, no workers, nothing. Toolsand equipment lie scattered about the floor like discarded toys. And every once in a while work:lights flicker on and off for no discernible reason, which adds to the sense of foreboding which hassettled over youand your companions. ‘Theres very lttle of interest in the loadingarea itself. They can find equipment of various types, and a droid similar to the ones in the previous episode, except for the vibroshiv that has been viciously inserted into its electronic innards. The droid is irreparable and there is no sign of its attacker, Alter a round or so, anyone actually making a thorough search, or achieving a Difficult Percep- star eee oe tion roll can discern muffled tapping and scraping sounds comingtromsomewherenearby. Thesound is coming from a sealed shipping crate, about one and a half meters tall, emblazoned with the com- pany logo of Industrial Automaton. It has shipping labels addressed to the Premier Provisions Com- pany. If the characters listen closely to the box, they will hear pathetic whimpering noises, as if some poor child has been sealed inside. ‘The box actually contains LB-K2, one of the first production IA courier droids. “Elble,” as she is likely to be called, is competent for communica tions with both organic and artificial beings, and ‘will be of limitless assistance to the characters during the rest of this adventure. ‘When the Rebels open the box, read aloud: ‘There is an audible “pop” sound as you break the airtight seal on the packing crate. The cover falls to the ground, and a round, spherical droid floats up and out of the crate with a distinctly relieved sigii. “Thank you, kind masters, for freeing me from that plastic prison. On behalf of Industrial Au- tomaton, loffer congratulations for the purchase of your new LB series courier droid. [am LBK2, and Iam happy to be at your service.” Ebiehasinstructions to“sell”herselftoher new owners, describing her capabilities and offering assistance at every other moment. She will follow the character who opened the crate doggedly un- less given other instructions. m LBZ (Elbie) ‘Type: Industrial Auton DEXTERITY 1D KNOWLEDGE 20 Languages 4D ‘MECHANICAL 1D Communications 50 PERCEPTION 1D STRENGTH 1D, TECHNICAL 3D Computer programming/repairSD,crold programmingSD quipped With: + Fine work grasping arm {Extendable video sensor + Full range audio sensor + Broadband Transeelver + Holorecorder/projector + Vocabulator/sound system *Translang 2A comm module + Universal 1/0 eoupiing ion surge shielding + Repulsor unit (1 meter cling) Special Abilities: Remote Programming: class dros can program com- puters that have radio or audio receivers at acistance of TW meters their normal die codes. Jon Resistance: Ths cass of droié resists fon fields and Jawa DEMP guns (add 8D to drold's Srengih to resist damage) Move:® Size:75 meters tall Cost: 8500 Credits Capsule:Elbie is oneofthenewest produets rom the mn Courier Droid ‘Supernova ‘The Mynock Conspirac sti =wai f ff a (i Supernova 43 \e Mynock Conspirag labs of Industrial Automaton. She and only a few hhundred like her are currently active at this time. 1A is prepared to produce millions more if these first few work out well, The LB series is designed to be a reasoning com: munications device, capable of both intra-system data transfer, and normal “lifeform” communica tions. Thus, it functions both in class 2 and class 3 applications. LBK2 is cooperative and verbose. Unless in structed otherwise, the little spherical droid speaks in the tone and register of a Human female. She is clever and inventive, but is yet too young a unit to realize the value of such talents Elbie and the Mynock Virus ‘The LB series is designed to safely transport messages from one location to another. The de- signers set up the internal programmingto protect whatever information the droid is carrying from any sort of damage, be it electrical, or physical. ‘This design makes Eibie immune to the virus with- ‘out direct exposure to the agent (Le., the R2 units are the only thing that can infect her). Elbie can interact with other infected machines with no danger to herself. When the characters learn the nature ofthe problem, Elbiecaninform them ofthis munity. During the following events, Elbie can assist in any data transfer without being contami nated by Mynock. Ghosts in the Machine When the characters attempt to enter the pro- cessing plant itself, they will discover that all avail- able entrances are locked, even those that are designated public access, emergency, or other entrances, which would normally never be sealed. twill take aDifficult security roll to disable the lock mechanismonany outerdoor. Ifthecharacterrolls a Very Difficult on this roll, he will notice that the central computer locked all of the doors remotely, and would not open for any clearance codes what soever. Once inside the plant, the Rebels will notice a definite lack of oxygen. The hallways are uncom- fortably warm, and thereis the sour smell of death ‘everywhere. Read aloud or paraphrase: ‘The interior ofthe factory iseven more ghastly than the desolation outside. There are dozens of bodies lying on the floors of the hallways and rooms. They seem to be piled up against the locked doors, as if still trying to escape through the unyielding surfaces. No one in this base is still alive. With an Easy ‘medicine roll or a Difficult frst aid roll, it can be determined that all died of heat exhaustion and asphyxiation, a fate that the characters will share if their breathing apparatus breaks down while inside the plant. —_—_——————————— STAR eee eer After the characters have a few minutes to take in the grisly scenery, ask for Perception checks. On a Moderate result, the Rebels notice that there are functioningsecurity cameras trained onthem. I{no one else thinks oft, Elbie will suggest that perhaps. the cameras made recordings of whatever hap- pened here. The characters shouldn't have any trouble lo- cating the security offices. They re behinda large, imposingdoor on the first level labeled “SECURITY OFFICES: Authorizeci Personnel Only,” protected by a high-tech security lock. Just like the locks outside, the main computer has “fused” the secu- rity program on this door, so it requires a Difficult securityrolltogetitopen. When theydo,read aloud, or paraphrase: ‘Two corpses were propped against the other side of the door and they fall to the floor of the corridor as the door slides open. One of the figures matches the description of Schn Baroule, your contact on Tyed Kant. Baroule was carrying his corporate LD., a datapad, and a holovid data spool from the secu rity system. There is nothing of interest on the other body. The Datapad The datapad displays Baroule’s will on the sereen, in which he names a man known to the Rebels to be a high-ranking Alliance operative as, the new owner of Premier Provisions. An Easy computer programming/repair roll causes the datapad to yield a more personalized message (Cut to the sidebar, “The Datapad,” and read it aloud to the players.) The Datapad Read aloud or paraphrase: If you are the crew sent by the home office, then this message is for you. {don’t yet understand what has happened. The fact that you are reading this means that I didn’t find out. It is obvious to me that we have been the victims of sabotage. Every- thing computerized, from the food dispens- cers to our air circulation systems, has bro- ken down in some fundamental way. The computer has sealed all the doors, s0 none of us can escape into the breathable air. 1 don't know how, why, or by whom we have been attacked, but [ask you to discover the cause of our deaths and put an end to it before any other innocent lives are lost. There isno more air... everyone isdying... avenge us ... Supernova ‘The Holovid Spool ‘The spool contains the recorded images of the security cameras over approximately a twenty- four hour period. Though the vidprojector in the security station is not working, Elbie can display the information using her own holovid projector. When the Rebels stop to watch the recordings, read to them the “Montage” provided in this sec- tion, Montage Thisis aselection ofshort scenestaken fromthe security vid-spool. Read these scenes aloud Scene 1: On the screen there is a picture of platform#34,abechiveof activity. Twofullyoaded cloud skiffs are parked and droids and people move in and out of the frame. In the foreground, a Human wearing a Premier uniform is arguing with askiffdriver, but the background noisedrowns out their words completely. Then in the background ‘you see six assorted R2 units emerge from one of the skiffs and disappear into the crowd. Scene 2: You see an immaculately clean hall- way. Potted plants grow in niches set into the wall, and there is a computer terminal set into its own, niche as well. ‘There is a young executive and an older techni- ‘ian working on the terminal. The technician takes out a comlink and says, “Yeah this is Den on. hallway 15. Can I get a tech droid down here, this access terminalis acting up again.” (pause) "Okay, thanks.” He puts away the comlink. After a few itturnsthecomerandapproaches the two workers. Scene 3: The third scene depicts a landing pad, much like the one you landed on at Nebula Consumables. It looks like there has been a battle here. Two piles of wreckage that used to be space transportslitter thedeck and peopleare frantically fleeing towards the apparent safety of the factory building, Almosteveryonegetsinside, butthedoor seals itself shut in front of one Human worker and alittle domed droid “Comeon, litle fella,” says theyoungman. “ican get us both out in that cloud car there. Maybe we can get some help.” The young man starts towards the waiting cloud car, with the R2 unit at his heels, chirping excitedly. And Then the World Collapsed When the characters are finished watching the security tapes, ask for an Easy Perception check. It they succeed, they notice that afew of the security monitors are still working, and they are showing something worth viewing. Read aloud or para: phrase: On the security monitors, you see several armed men, dressed in black atmosphere suits, their large helmets obscuring their faces. Several of them seem to be searching for something, and others are referring to small electronic devices they carry. These intruders are Gryseium agents, here to collect the R2 droids before they are found or The Mynack Conspirag Supernova 45 ‘The Mynock Conspirai destroyed. The same hardware that contains the Mynock virus also gives off a faint homing signal which the agents are now following. ‘The characters may start off to confront these intruders, or they may decide to lie low and watch the monitors. They may even decide to go back to the skiffand escape. Give them a couple of rounds to start something, then read aloud: ‘Suddenly, everything goes dark for a second, and you all feel a sudden shock of vertigo as the sprawl starts to tilt toward one side, Warning sirens are going off all around you, and the corpses nearby just seem to roll over lazily. Thesystems that maintain the repulsor engines for the sprawl have begun to fail, and the entire ranch is about to fall deep into the planet. The characters have less than five minutes to get back to their skiff and take off or face certain death, either from the fall or being crushed by the atmo” spheric pressure down below. ‘When the characters reach the loading dock for their cargo-skif, read aloud or paraphrase: As you exit the buildings and stand on the Joading dock, a movement to your right catches your attention. You look and see one of the intruders, standing near the oppositeside of your platform. He looks up and, seeing you, drops the device he is working with and ducks out through another doorway into the factory buildings. ‘The agent has too much of a head start to be caught, but the Rebels should take interest in what he left behind: a receiver of some kind. (i they still choose to pursue, cut to “Chasing Shadows.”) An Easy Technicalrollmeans the characters can figure ‘out that the receiveris somekind of homing tracker. lithe rollis Moderate or better, they canalso igure ‘out that thas alimited rangeandis set up todetect avery weak signal. ‘Thisis one of the homing devices set up to track the Mynock-carrier R2 droids. I the characters do not think to take this with them back to Nebula, have Elbie suggest that the frequency of the signal the receivers programmed to pickup beadided to her memory banks, and penalize the characters a Character Point ortwoat theend of theadventure. Chasing Shadows Ifcharacters insist on tryingto catch the intrud- ers, it should be impressed upon them that this is a potentially fatal course of action. Have them start dodging rubble that falls from above. Shake the floor beneath them so they have trouble standing upright. Do everything you can to lightly damage the Rebels, so that they will try to escape to safety. li this doesn’t dissuade them from going after the agents, then describe to them in gory detail how miserable their deaths really were and have them roll up new characters. You may write a follow-up, AR (ARS where Nebula Consumableshas been forced out of, business and Sabel Corazon has tripled her capital base, or you can assume that nothing major really changes and start the new characters somewhere else. Escape from Platform #34 Make the escape sceneas dramatic as possible. Have the landing dock collapse noisily just as the cloudskiff pulls away from it. Dress it up all you want, this should be exciting and suspenseful When the cloudskiff is safely away, read aloud or paraphrase: ‘You look back over your shoulder and view the colossal floating ranch starting to break into pieces as it falls to its destruction many kilome- ters below. Bright explosions pinpoint power stations and fuel deposits as their destructions ignite the atmosphere around them. One of the fireballs is so violent that after the spots clear from your vision, you see that the outside of your vehicle is now covered with scorch marks and black soot. The craft's windows and sensors have been partially blocked by soot as well. The pilot can still, operate the craft normally, but all difficulty num- bersareincreased byonelevel, Other than this, the trip back to Nebula Consumables is quiet and ‘uneventful Episode Three: Caught in the Middle ‘The characters return to Nebula Consumables, only to be arrested and questioned by Waleth. He and the Rebels put together what is happening to the complex, find the droid who brought the virus, with it, and avert the planned catastrophe. Aiterall this, the characters get to deal witha rabid kitehen- droid and Waleth’s vengeful plan of retaliat Arrested Whenthecharactersarrive backatranch spraw! #41, they havea little problemahead ofthem. Tobe precise, they are met by ten corporate security guards, armed with bows and vibroweapons, who politely ask the Rebels to accompany them. They search the characters for any illegal devices, but donot take any legal weapons from them, and lead them into the factory building via a different door than that used previously by the characters. The guards donot know why they havebeeninstructed to apprehend the Rebels, and politely say so if asked. ‘Thesearetough, well-trained professionals who know whento be rough and when not to be. Unless provoked, they will not behave violently toward the characters. ‘Supernova STAI =wai ‘Ten Corporate Security Guards. Allstatsare 2D except: Dexterity 3D+1, bows 5D, brawling pany 5D+2, melee combat 4D+2, Strength 4D, brawling SD. Move: 10.Corporateuniforms, comlinks, ID badges, ‘compound bow (4D damage), stun clubs (STR+2D, stun damage). Interrogation ‘Thecharactersare brought to aholding celland left alone for about 35 seconds before the door ‘opens, revealing the familiar face of Faerz Waleth. Behind him, on the opposite side of the door, are two guards who do not follow him into the room, but wait outside in case of trouble. When the door closes, Waleth speaks: [don't know yet who you really are, who you ‘work for, or why you're here. But I do know that things have been goingslowly and steadily down- hill since your arrival. Overseer Garret is no fool and he’s bound to know that something is up ‘when this facility slate with itsnext shipment.So you had better tell me everything you know, before I decide this is sabotage on your part and give you to Garret! Waleth actually doesn’t think the characters have caused the problems, but he will use them as, a scapegoat if he can't save his company in any other way. Ifthe characters areso trusting (or so naive), as totell Waleth that they are with the Rebellion, then. they deserve no mercy. They must either roleplay for their lives, or roll two Heroic persuasion rolls to convince Waleth that working with them fornowis in his best interest. Characters may combine ac- tions in accordance with the rules on pages 68-69 ‘of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition and use ForcePointsand CharacterPoints to affect the result. (The idea here is to make it very costly. for the characters, without finishing them of, if possible. Ifyou think they are aware of how much trouble they are in, and have worked hard enough, let them off the hook, but Waleth is no longer an ally, just a temporary associate at best.) ‘The characters should mention the R2 droidsto Waleth. When they do, Waleth interrupts, and asks, for all details regarding these droids. He will then tell the characters about the speeder crash, and the R2 unit, which was described in the adventure script. Once convinced the characters had nothing to do with the sabotage at Nebula, Waleth will allow thecharacters limited freedom. Heis willingtofind out where the techs put the R2 droid and get it so itmay be examined, When he calls the tech depart- ‘ment on his comilink, he is informed that after the droid was questioned by the technicians at the scene, using a translating computer, it was placed in cold storage, and should still be there. Gamemaster Note: Thefact thatthetechnicians did not dump the droid’s memory into their main ‘computers is the only reason that the virus has traveled so slowly and no one knows what has occurred at Premier Provisions. Cold Storage Waleth leads the Rebels to the cold storagearea of the complex and proceeds to the droid section, ives his authorization code to the terminal, and scowls. Read aloud: “Oh great,” exclaims Waleth. “Now the inven- tory computer has crashed. We'll have to go in and find it ourselves. This shouldn't take too Tong.” He opens the door and the storage room be- yond is filled from floor to ceiling with over 300 ‘roids, Ata rough estimate, at least one fifth of these inactive units are basic R2 design. The Mynock Conspiracy Supernova a7 ‘The Mynock Conspiracy With sixty droids to choose from, finding the right one mightseem an impossibletask. But there are several methods the characters can use to find it Method 1: Ifthe characters picked up a tracker from the agents on platform #34, they can use that, to find the droid. Remember that the memory holding the virus is completely separate from the droid's normal circuitry, and is not deactivated with the rest of the lroid. This method takes about two minutes and an Easy search roll Method 2: If Elbie has had the opportunity to memorize the signal's frequency, she can tell the Rebels that she is detecting the signal from some- where in the chamber. If the characters cannot track it themselves, Elbie can trace the signal in about eight minutes. Method 3: This is the method for characters who never came upon thereceiver on platform #34 and haven't a clue about the signal. They must locate the technicians who found the droid and have them pick it out from the sixty or so R2 units in the chamber. This method takes about three hours, at best. The characters do not have time to dissect every droid in the area to look for differences. Discourage this course of action in any way pos- sible cutaway This incident takes place during Episode Three. Read aloud: FADE IN: The office of the CEO, Gryseiam Incorporated. A door opens at one end of a dim room, revealing the silhouette fatal, burly man, dressed in expensive clothing. He steps into the room, and waits fora moment. The camera focuses on the other end ofthe room, where an attractive, lighthaired woman sits in a plushofice chair behind a desk. “You called for me, Miss Corazon?” says the burly man. “Yes, Ryek,” replies the woman. “I would like a report on. the Mynock project. How went the field-test?” ‘went very well, Miss. The diagnostic R2 units brought Premier Provisions’ systems to a halt just hours after they arrived. Everything from worker droidstto the main comput- ers were ruined by the time my men and |arrived to retrieve the drofds.” “Excellent. Have the tech people ready the second group for shipment. By this time tomorrow, Nebula Consumables will be completely destroyed, and | will make my ‘offer of assistance’ to the Governor. Anything else to report, Ryek?” “Yes, Sabel, there is. We only managed to retrieve five of thesix R2 droids we sent. Since we didn't even find its tracer signal, [have to assume it has been destroyed. But it may have been found by someone else.” hat is no matter, The Mynock Project will be completed and scrapped before anyone finds out what happened. And Ryek, do not call me Sabel again. Ever.” stra /ARS— Once R26 has been located, Waleth will have t brought to a nearby workshop, where it can be properly analyzed. Countermeasures Exploration of the R2’s internals leads to the extra processor which handles the virus. In order tofindthevirus without contaminating every piece ofequipment they usein the search, Elbieneedsto be used as a go-between. If any of the characters rolls a Moderate droid programming, they figure out that Elbie can store the virus as a message, while using its natural shielding to protect herself from the virus. ‘The communications droid can then quickly feed the information into computers andwipethememoriesofthese machinesoncethe virus is analyzed. Ino one thinks of it, have either technician or Elbie herself suggest it Waleth will be pleased with these results. He explains tothecharactersthatinamatter of hours, the rest of the company’s systems can be inocur lated against Mynock, and the infected systems ‘can be purged. He thanks the characters, and is, eadingthem outof the workshop when something. bizarre occurs. Read aloud Waleth leads you out into the hallway and is heading for his office when you hear noises behind you. The noises do not sound friendly. When you turn, you see a multilimbed food preparation droid approaching youfrom behind, screaming, “Serve the Humans! THE HUMANS MUST BE SERVED!" This fourstar chef droid has twisted one of his prime directives into a positronic pretzel. He in- tends to use his varied, builtin kitchen utensils to prepare Humans for some random entree it's de vised. It has no regard whatsoever for its own safety, and willattack whatever Humanitis closest to that round. It will not recognize the existence of anything thatis not Human orat least near-Human. FDP-6000 Culinary Droid. All stats are 1D ex- cept: Dexterity 3D+2, melee combat 4D+1, Knowl edge 3D, alien species 6D, cultures 6D, cultures: culinary arts 8D, Strength 2D-+1. Move: 9. Equipped with: tractor tread mobile unit, numerous kitchen utensils, Running The Combat Whenever the droid makes an attack, roll adie. ‘The implement the droid uses that round will do that many dice in damage. The gamemaster may tellthe player exactly what the tools (.e,.you roll a lonthedie, sothe damage will be 1D. Youtellthe player that his character is being attacked with a spatula.) Thiscombat shouldbesomewhat comical. Dress up the action any way you see fit for this purpose. 48 ‘Supernova STAR te yc Conspira ero Corey Waleth’ Plan When the threat of the kitchen droid is elimi- nated, Waleth brings the characters to his office. His mood reveals that he has something on his mind that involvesthe heroes, but heis withdrawn and quiet until he closes the door to his office. Waleth tells the characters they are free to go; he will buy their cargo if they wish, or have it reloaded onto their ship. Or the characters can hire themselves out to Waleth for a little wrap-up work he wants done. It would involve some risk, but they could potentially put Gryseium out of business, thus stopping the virus being spread anywhere else. His plan calls for the characters to take their vessel back into orbit and land at Gryseium's plat- form on the pretense of restocking their ship consumables. While that business is under way, the characters will sneak the R2 droid into the complex, find a computer access terminal, and infect the production facility. Fscapingshould bea simplematter of climbing on board shipand taking off. Waleth's technical staff will have altered the program slightly and the droid will be informed of its modification, lithe players ask for compensation, Waleth will pay as much as 10,000 credits for services ren- dered to Nebula Consumables. Ifthe characters wish to go ahead with the plan, cut to Episode Four, “Vengeance is Mine,’ Sayeth the Droid."Itthey wish toleave without performing. this task, end the adventure here. Refer to the end of the adventure for Character Point awards. Episode Four: “Vengeance is Mine,” Sayeth the Droid The Rebels smuggle R2-V6 into Gryseium Inc. and load the modified Mynock virus — Mynock il —intothemain computer. Ontheir waybacktothe ship, Ryek Lauhsin sees them and afight breaks out in the loading area of the complex. The episode ‘concludes with the Rebels being chased off planet, by a corporate gunship, Mynock I R2V6 has been refitted with almost the same virus software that Gryselum sent it out with. “Arto” isa willing participant in this operation; he israther upset about what Gryseium did to it, and would like to take revenge. The little droid will communicate this if asked. Atthestart of this episode, Waleth has escorted the Rebels to their ship. It has been repaired (if necessary), overhauled and cleaned by the land- ing;pad droid staff. (No, there are no glitches this time, the virus has stopped spreading in the com- ‘Supernova plex) As the characters are about to board their craft, Waleth says: “Your ship’s supplies have been hidden in the engine room, so you won't starve if you have to leave in a hurry. Gryseium’s landing pad is lo- cated on sprawl eighteen. Thank you for helping me eliminate this menace, and good luck to you. Oh, by the way, do you want this droid?” Elbie has been patiently hovering by the board- ing hatch all this time, and now looks sheepishly at thecharacters. the charactersand the gamemas- ter agree, Elbie can become a member of the gamecastandjointhecampaign asa gamemaster character. Otherwise, Waleth would be happy to keep her at Nebula Consumables, where she would be very useful ‘When the characters take off, read the cutaway before proceeding to the next event Sneaking In The characters leave Tyed Kant, just to turn around andenter itagain. Though this might catch the attention of a living controller, the spaceport trafficcontrollersaredroldsand.couldn'tcareless. ‘When the Rebels ask to land on ranch spraw #18, itrequires an Easy con roll to convince the control: ler that the ship isin direneed of supplies, and that sprawl #18istheclosestfacility that can help them. ‘They should be able to gain permission and land safely. When they arrive, they are approached by protocol droid, very similar to the one they met in Episode One. It asks the same predictable ques- tions, and arranges to have the ship restocked for 500 credits. The procedure will becomplete in one standardhour. (Refer toEpisode One for the droid’s statistics.) If the characters ask about a waiting room, or other such comforts, the droid will point out a bright green door on the other side of the landing bay and tell the characters that tisapilot's lounge. ‘The characters are invited to walt there instead of p, if they so choose. lithe charactersare in heir ship, then gettingto the door of the complex unseen is going to require three Moderate sneak rolls, as they jump behind, ‘one bit of cover after another. If the Rebels are supposedly staying in the pilot’s lounge, it only requires two Easy sneak rolls. R2-V6 will not ham- per theirsneaking, heis usta droid, afterall. they failany of the rolls, give them every opportunity to hide or bluff their way out of trouble. They really shouldn't be chased until after they are finished downloading the virus. While they aresneakinginto, and later breaking out of, the complex, refer to the map provided for this episode ‘Themainentranceto the complexisnot locked, oreven particularly wellguarded. Once the group gets to that door, they have no trouble getting in. Once inside, characters who make an Easy Percep- tion check will see a computer access a short way downthehallway. Therearecurrentlynoguardsin the vicinity. When the characters get to the termi- nal read aloud or paraphrase: The litle R2-unit, without needingacue, plugs into the access terminal before you. Your ears fill with the sounds of computer hums and droid beeps. Before too long, information scrolls by on the screen at an alarming rate. For about two minutes, the little droid continues to happily ‘communicate withthe company'smain computer. ‘Then, just asR2-V6 logs out of the access, the unit briefly shows an error message, then goes dark. Behind the now defunct viewer screen, you can see the tiny security camera staring out at you. Let the characters decide they are in trouble, then the alarms sound. Cut to “The Chase.” The Chase “The characters have loaded the virus into Gryseium’smain computer, so theres nothingleft to do but leave, The Rebels should realize that staying to fight along battle is as useless as itis dangerous. When the characters reach the door they entered through, they find that it is now locked and needs a Moderate security roll to force open. Once out in the open again, the landing bay is exactly as they left it, except that there are five corporate security guards there waiting for them (use the statistics for corporate security guards giveninEpisode Three). The guards haveorders to stop thecharacters killingthemifnecessary. They have no energy weapons, so once the characters recon board ship, they are safe [or the moment). ‘Threeroundsinto the combat, themaindoortothe complex opens and Ryek Lauhisin, followed by four more security guards, enters the combat. If the Rebels are already on their ship, then they arrive just as the Rebels take off m Ryek Lauhsin ‘Type: Corporate Security Chef DEXTERITY 3D Blaster 40.2, bows AD-1, brawling parry 5D, dodge 30-2, ‘meice combat 4D, melee parry KNOWLEDGE 2D Intimidation 4D+t, languages 30, law enforcement 6D, stretwise 30-1, willpower 30 MECHANICAL 20 Communications 3D, repusorlit operation 4D+1 PERCEPTION 20-1 Command , con 301, hide 4D, investigation 3D, search 40, sneak 3D-1 ‘STRENGTH 4D Brawling 5D, stamina 4-2 ‘TECHNICAL 20 Demolition 3-2, trst ald 30-1, security 60 “The Myock Corsi STAR eee aR Force Points: 1 Character Points 8 Move: 11 Equipment: Security uniform, protective vest (1D phys: calf energy). Corazon IndustresID.vbroknife Stenath £30 damage). compound bow (4D damage). 20 arrows, Capsule: Ryek has been the second-in-command of Corazon Industries foralmost twenty years. He was with Sabel’s father when he was killed and has never forgiven himself for falling to prevent the murder. He has served Sabel Axis with the same loyalty as he did her father. He loves her like his ‘own daughter, and tends to overlook her vengeful temper and evil methods. Ryek is a man of action. Unless he is Issuing orders, or giving a report, he does not say much. While on assignment, he follows instructions fanat- cally, leting nothing get in his way. Let the Rebels think that they are homestree for a moment as they speed upward toward the top of the atmosphere, then space. Everything is going perfectly! Then read aloud: ‘Your ship careens through the green mists of ‘Tyed Kant. Gryselum’s ranch sprawl is almost invisible behind you now. But the skies are not clear—somethingisbehind you, andit'sgaining. What the characters will soon discover is that they are being chased by a Corellian Corvette. The Corvette Tyed's Valiant is significantly faster and better armed than the Rebels’ ship, and will over- take them in just a matter of minutes. Now the real chase commences. While the characters are trying to figure out ‘what is following them, theirsubspace radio crack- les to life. A woman's voice says: “Attention, fleeing craft. This is the Tyed's Valiant of Gryseium Incorporated. recommend that you halt at once and prepare for boarding. You have no chance at escape. You won't be out of the atmosphere before our firepower makes you into memories. Heave to!” The voice belongs to Sabel Corazon. She is chasingtheheroes herseli primarily becausesheis angered by their meddling (and also because she does not want to be trapped on the platform ifthe techs fal tocontain the virus). Her plan of actions, simple: either the Rebels will surrender, and she will interrogate and kill them, or they will not and she will simply destroy them and their ship. m Sabel Axis Corazon Type: Corporate Executive DEXTERITY 20.2 Bureaucracy €D, business 9D, intimidation 6D, languages SD, streetwise 4D-1, value SD. willpower 6D MECHANICAL 2D Capitalship piloting 3D, repulsorit operation, starship, gunnery 20-2 PERCEPTION 4D Supernova =wal Security Main Door Room Bargain §D, command 7D+1,con 7D, forgery 4D-2,investi- gation SD-1 persuasion 4D~2, search 30 STRENGTH 3D Brawing 4D-2, stamina 4D TECHNICAL 20+1 Computer programming/repair 30:2, droid programming D+ Ie fist atl 4D, security 6De1 Special Abilities: Photographic Memory: Add +20 to all Perception, forge invesigationand search rollsinvolving things shebas seen betore Force Points: 4 (Character Points: 15 Move: 10 Equipment: Datepad/appolntment book, personal com puter expensivectothesaispeeder. 5000 ereditson hand. hidden vibroshiv (Sir+ID damage). compound bos damage) Capsule: Sabel Corazon inherited Corazon Indus tries when her father was assassinated by agents of a rival firm. Five years later, she drove that very ‘competitor into bankruptcy and had the CEO ‘maimed. Since then, she has purchased dozens of small companies, including Gryseium Inc. Every fone of them has flourished under her control. Her employees do not like hier, but they respect her judgment. Sabelisruthless,cunningand usually patlent. he does not have many allies (she prefers subordi- nates). Once crossed, she is @ tenacious foe, who does not forgive ancl cannot forget. However, even ‘when bent on revenge, she seldom loses her temper ‘and will wait for the perfect moment to strike ‘TheRebelsshould soon realize that they cannot outrun theCorvette. (Itwillhave already destroyed them before they get far enough from the planet to jump into hyperspace.) Nor can they outgun it However, characters making Very Easy Perception checks realize that theCorveiteisnot firingat them even though itisin range. (They should remember what blasts will do in the atmosphere.) Sothe solutionisthis:thecharactershaveto get, their ship out of the atmosphere first, then fire all out at the Tyed's Valiant just before it leaves the atmosphere, the result being that the Corvettes’ viewports and sensors will be covered! in organic soot (much like the cloudskiffat the end of Episode Two). Iinone of the characters think of this, find a way tosneakit to them viaa droid, asilent message toa Force user, etc. Run the ship chase and any combat as per the rules on pages 104112 of Star Wars: The Roleplay- ing Game, Second Edition. m The Tyed's Valiant Graft Corellian Engineering Corporation Corvette Type: Md-sized mull purpose vessel Seale: Capi Length: 150 meters The Mynock Conspiracy Supernova 51 star ‘The Mynock Conspirai ees oun Skill: Capital ship piloting (Crew: 30, gunners’, skeleton 10/+15 (Grew Sulil:Capita ship plloting3D-2, capital ship shields 3D, sensors 2D+1, astrogation 2D, capital ship gunnery pa Passengers: 100 Cargo Capacity: 3000 metric tons Consumables: 1 year Cost 2:4 milion credits Hyperdrive Multiptie: x2 av Comy Sensors: Passive: 40/1D Sean: 80/20 ‘Search: 100/30 Focus: 5/40 Weapons: ‘Six Double Turbolaser Cannons Scale Starfighter Fire Arc3 front, I elt, right, 1 back Grew: 1 ‘Skill Starship gunnery Fire Control SD Space Range: 15/35/75 “Atmosphere Range: 30/70/150km Damage: 4D-2 When the characters escape the Tyed's Valiant, the adventure is over. If you think you may use Sabel as an antagonist in other adventures, read the cutaway below to your player Rewards Givethe characters 3 Character Points for com- pleting the adventure, and another 2 if they suc- cessfully infected Gryselum Inc. with the virus. ‘Award an extra Character Pointto the groupifthey defended the lagoin against the gardener droids. Grant extra Character Points to players who roleplayed especially well or skillfully. Finally, return wellsed Force Points, and grant. additional Force Points for heroic deeds commit- ted during the adventure. Cutaway FADE IN: The bridge of the Corellian Cor vette Tyed's Valiant. Siting in the command chair of the bridge, Sabel Axis Corazon frowns angrily. At her side is Ryek Lauhsin, looking equally bellicase. “Ryek, want youto find those fools, Sabet! states coldly. “Put your best people onit. This setback will cost me a bundle, but nothing compared to cost that those meddlers who caused it are going to pay, when I get my hands on them.” Aftera moment, Ryek replies, “As youwish, Miss Corazon. Captain, chartacoursehom “Yes, sir,” says a voice offcamera. FADE TO BLACK, 52 Supernova STAI =wai Ei Triple Cross Diarah Dilarah is one of the more affluent industrial cities on the planet Demophon. Like all the other Cities on the planet, it relies on a dome to protect, it from the harsh environment. Life in D'larah tends to be much less harsh than that of other Demophon cities. Where many of the planet’smetropolises are reminded oftheImperial presence every day, D'larah has been left mostly to itself, owing to the fact that one of the previous ‘governors wasrelated toan Imperialofficial of high standing, The name of the governor and his Impe- rialrelation have long since been forgotten, butthe benefits accrued from their relationship continue. Geography Dilarah’s city planners decided from the outset that it should be a pleasant place to live, raise a family and spends one's final years. The result of this was thatthe the city does not lookatalllike the center of scientific research and development itis. ‘The avenues of D'larah are broad and allow plenty of room for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic, Wide sidewalks with many shade trees and potted shrubs are the norm in the commercial district, makingshoppingtherefarmoreappealing for residents. Downtown D'larah sports many shops and ser- ‘vices, as well as many diverse forms of entertain- ment and dining establishments. All ofa citizen's needs can be fulfilled here, from ordinary food stuifs to rare, imported delicacies, furniture and the like. The lifestyle in D'larah is upscale, even for those in occupations not normally thought of as ‘well paying. Dilarah also has the distinction of boasting one of the few parks in any of Demophon’s cities Jhonterius Park, although small, isthetruejewel of Dilarah, Many starship crews are amazed at the sight of an emerald-green oasis of nature in the center of what is expected to be yet another tech- nology-flled dome. The park is populated with a variety of fauna, almost all of which were imported from other worlds. The sole exception to this is the Darah palm, which was genetically engineered specitically for the park. These trees are notable for the fact that their long leaves are of a bright crimson color. The fruit of the D'larah palm is a deep red shelled seed that produces a sweet milk, which is considered a delicacy. The fruits are considered city property and theit of them is punishable by a fine of 500 credits Jhonterius Parkis approximately four anda halt hectares in size and is crisscrossed with walking paths. Italso features benches and tables forrelax- ing and picnicking, There are also a few sports fields and plenty of areas to laze the day away. During the day, the parkis largely empty, but in the evening, many workers stop here on their way home for a few moments relaxation. However, long after dark, Jhonterius becomes the site of most of the city’s crime. The nocturnal populationis made up of those who have lost their jobsandareunabletosupport themselves through any other means but thelt. City authorities make every efforttofind these peopleand either remand them to jail or send them off toother domes to find work there, The park also is a meeting place for those with ties to industrial espionage and other illegal activi ties. With the imminent supernova, the incidence of industrial espionage has nearly oubled. Not a day goes by when someone isn't looking to peddle some minor industrial secret in exchange for pas- sage off planetor the money tomake arrangements to leave. The local law enforcement agency has -mademanyattemptsto curb this activity, but their numbersarenot largeenough tomakeany sizeable dent in the problem, Rumor has it this situation may prompt the return of a heavy-handed Imperial presence to the city. But at this point, these remain just rumors. Still, the supernova has forced a radical change in the way the DCP works and in the amount of crime in the city (see “Explode, Explode, Little Star ..." below), Triple Cross Supernova 53 Triple Cross Law and Justice Law enforcement in the city has traditionally been the province of the Darah City Patrol (OCP) One of the clauses written into the original charter vwas that it could maintain its own police force, and the City Patrolis the result. As the city isa peaceful one, DCP members rarely wear armor, although light armor is available for their use. Officers gen- erally seethemselvesmoreasstewards than peace ers and maintainagenerally good relationship with the citizenry. ‘TheDCPalso handlesall security for thevarious Industries in the city. As a result of this, the latest in technology is always available to the DCP. Business and Industry ‘The major employers in the city of D'larah are the Shankti Drive Works, Tumleh Navigation and the municipal government. The remainder of the ‘work force is employed in the service industry. ‘The Shankti Drive Works commands the largest share ofthe city’sindustrial quarter. Shankti is one of the foremost manufacturers of hyperdrive sys- temsand boastsalargeresearch and development section, They are always experimenting with dif ferent types of hyperdrive components and tech- nologies, from simple shunting circuitry to the Rr large scale hyperdrive motivators found on Impe- rial Star Destroyers. The presence of prototype drives and ships means that security at Shankti is very tight. Em- ployees are subjected to both regular and random checks, but the number of DCP members leaving Demophon of late has caused some holes to open in the security net ‘TumichNavigationisasistercompany ofShankti Drive Works. These two industries were founded on the planet almost simultaneously and have been working hand in hand since their early years. Tumleh’s primary product are hyperspatial navi gation systems and programs. Tumleh helped per- fect many of the compact hyperdrive navigation computers found aboard smaller starships and. yachts. They are constantly searching for new ways to streamline course plotting programs and trim the time needed tocalculatejumpsintohyper- space. Tumleh’s latest project is a means to allow hyperspace jumps in the vicinity of gravity wells, such as those around a planet or star. Although ‘quite risky, the theory is that ifless time is needed to transfer out of the mass shadow ofa planet and into open space, a great deal of money could be saved in the long run. So far this project has met 54 Supernova STAR rite cross =wal with little suecess, and it has been found that the moremassive the ship using the program, the less likely the jump will occur successfully. AAs with Shankti, security at Tumleh fs handled by the DCP and is fairly tight. However, Tumleh is already making preparations to move off of the planet and relocate in another system. Security therefore has had more problems maintaining a tight rein on personnel, A significant number of ‘Tumleh’s employees have already quit their jobs and left the system. Dilarah itself also employs a significant part of the population, With a city so devoted to maintain- ing itself as a pleasant place to live, the work force needed is significant. All manner of workers are needed, from administrators, accountants and bookkeepers, tospaceport workers, intercity rans- port pilots and groundskeepers. ‘Alongside the DCP as the most visible members of city employees are the groundskeepers and gardeners of the city. These people are involved allthe day today upkeep of thecity streets, its flora and fauna, and also Jhonterius Park. As they con- stantly patrol the city, they come into contact with, many people and tend toaccumulatea good dealot information about goings-on. Places of Note Dilarah enjoys a healthy tourist trade, as there area few casinos, entertainments brought in from of-planet, and the most famous restaurant in the system, "Marqo’s.” This renowned eatery serves a variety of delicacies, including chef's salad featur- ing the leaves and fruit of the Darah palm. ‘There is also a small starport in Darah, which straddles the commercial and industrial zones of the city. Almost half of the 50 docking bays are reserved forthe prototype vehicles that are tested there. The remaining bays are available for com- ‘mercial and private starship traffic and they have seen a great deal of use lately. Many traders and smugglers have been taking advantage of the citizenry's desire to leave before the star goes nova. The DCP has even been involved in a few shootouts with smugglers and industrial spies, so caution and vigilance have become the watch- words in the D'larah starport. Government In its early days, the city of D'larah enjoyed special ties with the Empire via its governor and profited from that affiliation. The city was allowed. to grow and flourish with an unprecendented de- ‘gree of autonomy. ‘The chief administrator is the City Governor, who is appointed by the Empire from a pool of Citizens, with the approval of Shankti and Tumleh, ‘The current City Governor is Jaspar Skeete, a personable man but not very skilled in crisis man- agement. With the advent of the current situation, Supernova Skeete has had more and more difficulty keeping the populace in line. Rumor has it that Skeete has a ship on standby at all times, should the super- nova alarms go off. he City Council is made up of two appointees each fromShankti and Tumleh, as wellastwo each selected from the residential sector of the city and from the commercial sector of the city. This coun- cilisthemajor policymaking body forDilarah, Final approval of any measure enacted by the council must be given by the governor. His veto can be overriden bya two-thirds majority ofthecouncilor by Imperial representatives (although the latter has never happened in the history of the city). For the most part, city officials have not had to make many difficult decisions and exist primarily as caretakers, overseeing the day-to-day opera- tions that keep the city functioning. However, they are currently facing a mammoth crisis and their lack of experience has hampered their implemen- tation of evacuation plans. Explode, Explode, Little Star. The reaction of the citizenry to the current situation has been one of barely restrained panic. With Darah having been a corporate city for most of ts existence, most of the residents believe they will becared forby thefirms thathaveseen totheir families’ needs for generations. Whether this aid ever materializes, only time will tell. The evacua- tion of acity of six million would be expensive and, timeconsuming and would strain the corpora- tions’ resourcesto theirlimits. Shanktiand Turleh have issued statements that plans for evacuation have been created and are continually being re- vised, but word around the city is that only the top echelons of the corporations are to be saved, with the rest left behind to die. Many of the smaller businesses have already shut down and left the planet, feeling that waiting for the last minute would only guarantee that their assets would be lost in the destruction of the star. ‘The only industries flourishingat this pointare the trade ships, which bringin needed goods and take people out with them, and the shops that special- ize in luggage and packing materials. The DCP has been forced to start shooting first and asking questions later, as arguments over berths on evacuation ships at the starport have escalated into shootouts. One industrial spy even staged such an event as cover for hijacking a prototype vessel The city government's view mimics that of the general populace. They are aware that the immi- nent danger is causing some serious breakdowns in the social orcier, but they are hoping to some- how ride out the crisis. Many city employees have been able to make travel arrangements ahead of time owing to their positions, but there is some speculation that actually gettingtto their ships may not be as easy as they had thought. Shanti Drive Works and Tumleh Navigation have already started taking steps to ensure the survival of their upper echelons of management and research staff. Approximately 1000 of the top employees of each company have been chosen for evacuation, and ten ships are waiting in heavily guarded docking bays, ready to blast off minimal notice. The top management people of bothcorporationshavealreadyleftthesystemand are running things through well paid and loyal subordinates, willing to keep quiet in return for the extra money. Lower-level employees are unaware of the absence of their employers. ‘The most dramatic change in the city has been theincreasein violent crime, Assaults, murder and sabotage have increased throughout the city, ‘mostly n the vicinity of thestarportand.Jhonterius Park, Many illicit deals for travel and information have been made in the park of late. The DCP finds Itself involved in nightly firefights with smugglers and other members of the criminal element. Any person receiving travel waiver chips is immed? ately a target for theft and assault. Many of those who have received their chips wisely keep the information to themselves. Industrial espionage has also flourished in this, crisis atmosphere. Many employees have turned tostealing corporate secrets in order to fund their passage off Demophon. There are a variety of slicers now working covertly in both Shankti and Tumleh, pulling up whatever secrets they can muster and usingthemas credit towards promises of escape, Hand inhand with this, asmall blackmarket has. also sprung up, dealing in the some of the less availableluxuries.“TheG'uotr Network" has turned fantastic profits selling goods no longer available inD'larah, and themastermind behind it remainsa mystery. Many attempts have been made by the DCP to crack this crime ring, but each time a Network location is discovered, raids come up empty. There is growing concern that someone inside the DCP is tied to the G'uotr and is leaking them information. DCP efforts on behalf of Shankti and Turlen have also increased many-fold, as they try to stop crimes ranging from petty thievery to fulkblown industrial espionage. Many employees have found the current situation aripeenvironment to pick up a few extra credits by selling off valuable equip- ment or stealing company secrets. Itis not uncom- mon for the DCP to make a half dozen arrests at ‘each company on a daily basis, DCP counter-intel- ligence units have been hard at work monitoring almost all of the computer use and information traffic at Shankti and Tumleh. ‘Triple C1055 een STAR eee eee Criminal offenders nowadays will find them- selves spending time in D'larah’s new makeshift located in an old spare parts warehouse. The jail now boasts over 2,500 inmates, held on crimes ranging from assault to espionage and murder. Over ninety percent of these prisoners have yet to receive a trial, having only been arraigned and ordered held without bail ‘As with all things on Dilarah these days, how- ever, freedom can be purchased if the proper amount of money makes it into the right hands. Greasingpalms up the ladder usually requiresalot of capital and also someone able to get the cash to the right peole. This being the case, a burgeoning messenger service and law practice has sprung up near the jail. If you are not lucky enough to have family members available, there are anumber of services available to expedite your case if i's a minor charge, ike assault. Ifi’s a major crime, they will see to it that your bribe gets where it will do the most good (for a nominal fee, of course). This “industry” has also been rumored to have ties to the Network. Sincethe onsetof the currentcrisis,thestarport has been crawling with activity. Dozens of ships leave every day with passengers lucky enough (and wealthy enough) to get passage away from Demophon. Any number oflocaltradershavefound ‘great profits in the ferrying of passengers to plan- ets outside of the system. Many of these passen- gers simply connect to other flights elsewhere, while some others have specially chartered flights taking al their belongings on to their final destina- tion, Along with the starship traffic has come a tre- mendous amount of smuggling. Many of the trad- ers have taken to bringing in goods to sell to the Network. With prices up to ten and twenty times the market value of the goods, the market is boom- ing, with the most frequent cargo consisting of people. Theseillegal evacuees sharecrampedquar- ters with as many others as can be safely stulfed into whateverhidden compartments areavailable. Starship traffic has also started to appear out- side the dome. Though landing space is severely limited and dangerous, some brave smugglers and braver refugees have been rendezvousing outside the domes in order to get off planet and tosmuggle goods. The attitude of the DCP is that this fool- hardy practice is so rare and dangerous that at- tempting to pursue and apprehend those using this escape route would result in an unacceptable Joss in manpower. Personalities of D'larah Elena “Black Manta’ Ray Elena Ray is an employee of Shankti Drive and secretly the leader the G'uotr Network. Notable for Supernova Tal =wal hersmall, compactframe, blackhair and darkeyes, she madé her way to the top of Research and Development through careful and precise manipu- lation of those working above and below her. Her corporate battle tactics have earned her the nick- name “Black Manta,” and it is an image she em- braces and works hard to maintain, Elena saw the coming supernova as a chance to make some extra capital and used her manage- ‘ment and computer skills to set up the Guotr Network. Her lanis totap into as many resources as possible and createa fund with which to get the members of the Network off Demophon and then set upshop elsewhere. A number of hangar baysi thestarport are currently under the control of the G'uotr and shipsand supplies are almost ready for their departure. Another factor in Elena’s plans is the subver- mn of members of the DCP. A considerable num- ber of officers have been contacted, with the inten- tion of making them part of the Network. Anumber of midevel officials have joined the ranks of the Guotr to ensure their departure from Demophon. This also helps to guarantee the safety of the supplies stored in the starport. At this point, how- ever, the public is not aware of any connection betvieen the DCP with the Network, m Elena “Black Manta” Ray “Type: Computer Programmer/Black Marketeer DEXTERITY 3062 Blaster D1, dodge 4D12, melee combat 3D, melee parry Del KNOWLEDGE 4D Supernova Business: 6D, business: nav system R&D 6De1, tntimida tion 5D2, law enforcement 5D, law enlorcement: Darah S5De1, streetwise 6De1, willpower 5D+2 MECHANICAL 2D+2 Space transports 3D+1 PERCEPTION 4D Bargain 5D+1, command 5D, co ‘50.2, persuasion ED-2, sti 3D STRENGTH 20 Brawling 20s TECHNICAL 5D+2 Computer programming/repale 60-2, security 6D+1 ‘This character is Forcesensitive Force Points: 2 Dark Side Point: 2 Character Points 7 Move: 10 Equipment: Blaster pistol (AD damage), vibroblade (STR:BD damage), datapad,comlink,breathinask, record ing rod Capsule: Elena Ray has discovered a whole new side of herself since creating the G'uotr Network She enjoys the danger and excitement of outwitting the DCP, possibly even morethan she enjoysallthe money she's making. Ray is well aware that even her skill and luck will ‘only allow her to get away with her double life for so Jong, But by the time that happens, she fully intends tobelivingona resort world with her il-gotten gains. Cradjius Lucern Lucernis the current owner of “Margo's.” Once aluxuriousrestaurantwithacharmingatmosphere, “Margo's” is now a dark and moody gambling hall and cantina. The former owners of "Margo's" relo- cated to another system shortly after the impend- ing supernova was announced. With all income D2, forsery 6D, hide

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