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FERNANDEZ, Christeline
GAERLAN, Jeisela
GENILLA, Mary Rose
GERONIMO, Marielle


1. Elater is a structure that changes in shape in response to changes in moisture. The

difference between pseudo elater and elater is that the former is single celled and
utilized by hornworts while the latter is multi celled and utilized by liverworts. They are
similar in their function- aid in spore dispersal

2. The upper layer is photosynthetic because of the said structure while the lower layer
is said to be non-photosynthetic, instead for storage.

3. Bryophytes possess hygroscopic structures such as elaters and rhizoids especially at

the sporophyte stage because these structures help in spore dispersal. These
hygroscopic structures also help maintain moisture because unlike vascular plants,
bryophytes lack specialized conductive tissue like roots that will allow them to absorb
water and nutrients from the soil.

4. The intercalary meristem in hornworts is different from other Bryophytes. The

significance of this is that it allows hornworts to have a relatively long period of spore
production since they have no specialized structures to aid in spore dispersal.

5. In mosses, Sphagnum or peat moss can be used as fuel, or as means to convert

organic compounds into alcohol, or as starting materials to several industrial products
such as ammonia, paraffin and tanning dyes. Liverworts, on the other hand, serve as
food for some fishes, mice, and other animals. They also aid in the disintegration of
rocks and the decay of logs. Lastly, the hornworts are important to their ecosystems
because they are indicators of pollution and they help stabilize soil and recycle

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