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Verbos Frasales Transitivos V+Preposicin+Objeto Directo


1. Look into (investigar examinar We need to look into our expenses.

2. Cope with (soportar bien algo, They found it difficult to cope with the
llevar bien una situacin) situation.
3. Put up with (soportar a alguien o I wont put up with this behaviour.
4. Deal with ( encargarse de algo) He cant deal with the problem himself.
5. Face up to ( enfrentarse a You have to face up to what youve done.
algo/alguien) Can you get rid of her? Im very busy.
6. Get rid of (librarse de
algo/alguien) I havent done my homework yet. I really
7. Get down to (ponerse manos a la need to get down to it.
obra, comenzar) Ill get on with the work tomorrow.
8. Get on with (1.continuar con algo/ She never got on with Mary.
2 llevarse bien con alguien) We need to come up with a solution.
9. Come up with
(encontrar/descubrir) I ran into my teacher yesterday.
10. Run into ( encontrase con
alguien) Weve run out of petrol!
11. Run out of (quedarse sin algo) He fell in love with her last year
12. Fall in love with (enamorarse de
alguien) The burglars broke into the flat at night.
13. Break into (robar en una casa) Have you got round to watching that
14. Get round to (tener tiempo para) film?
Verbos Frasales Transitivos Verbo+Obj Dir+Preposicin
Separables Verbo+Pronombre+Preposicin

1. Find out (averiguar) Can you find his phone number out?
2. Sort out (organizar) Ill sort the dates out with the secretary.
3. Carry out (ejecutar, llevar a cabo) They will carry the plan out.
4. Work out (dar solucin a algo) We can work the problem out.
5. Think over (Considerar) I need to think the offer over.
6. Put off (retrasar algo) They have put the meeting off.
7. Tell off (reir a alguien) The teacher told her off.
8. Bring up (criar o educar a My father brought the family up.
9. Talk over (discutir algo en detalle) We need to talk a few things over.
10. Clear up (resolver, solucionar) They have cleared the mystery up.
11. Cut out (eliminar) Im going to cut ice creams out

Verbos Frasales Intransitivos Verbo+Preposicin

1. Get by (arreglrselas bien) We make money enough to get by.

2. Turn up (aparecer) He suddenly turned up yesterday.
3. Break down (estropearse) Their car broke down.
4. Break out (comenzar The fire broke out downstairs.
5. Die out (extinguirse) Many species will die out.
6. Passed away (morir) Her cousin passed away.

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