Sample Ojt Progress Report

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Week 1 June 5 June 9, 2017

Midyear Internship Program

SGV & Co. Philippines
6760 Ayala Avenue, Makati, 1226

June 5, 2017
On our first day of internship, we were asked to attend an orientation facilitated by
Ms. Jen, a representative of the HR Department, about all the things we need to know
regarding SGV & Co. and a few reminders we need to be aware of during the period of
our OJT program like the requirements, proper business attire and right conduct in
interacting with the associates, seniors, and partners. We were then assigned to our
respective marketing group together with some of my classmates and each of us was
distributed under different clusters. I was designated to MG 1 which focuses on real
estate under DCM cluster.
The secretary introduced me to our manager/director, Ms. Jane Carol Uy-Chiu. After
that, Ms. Jane presented me to the associates of the cluster. The associates were
very friendly and they chatted with me for a while asking a few questions about
where I came from and the like. But since almost all of their accounts were already
audited, the associates are now archiving the documents and there was no specific
task that they could really give to me as of the moment.
Still, some of the associates gave me some work like putting scotch tape on the sides
of the folder (also known as double flopping). They also allowed me to observe how
they do archiving and taught me a few lessons about it. According to them, the
allotted time for archiving the files is 60 days and they should send it first to the EY
site so that the senior associate or partner will be able to check the evidence
uploaded and for them to be able to do the necessary corrections, if any, within the
allotted period. I also got the company laptop designated to each intern during this
day which is very important especially if the associates or manager give you
something to work on or when you do field work.
Hours: 8 hours
June 6, 2017
In the morning, I still observed the associates how they archive files like adding and
uploading evidence in the EY website. The evidence are documents relating to their
audit work such as the primary and other substantive procedures of various accounts
like cash, receivables and the like. From late morning until afternoon, I did footing
and cross-footing of a real estate account of one of the associate and did some
referencing of the notes of the financial statements.
Hours: 8 hours

June 7, 2017
Theres nothing much to do in the office and the associates had no idea what work to
assign to me as of the moment. So, I just spent my morning browsing the files stored
in my laptop, found some independent auditors reports and read a few of them. Also,
I reported for only half of the day because we went to CPAR to inquire and reserve
slots for the review next year. But since our manager was not present during that
time, I asked permission from the secretary to inform the manager in case that she
might be looking for me.
Hours: 4 hours

June 8, 2017
Aside from observing how the associates archived the documents, I also did some
readings about excel shortcuts and other excel-related lectures or notes I found when
I was browsing the folders of my laptop. There I saw some exercises and spent the
rest of the day studying and doing some of the modules.
Hours: 8 hours

June 9, 2017
This day was the Clean-up day in SGV and the associates spent half of the morning
segregating their papers and threw those which are of no use anymore. When the
manager saw that I was still doing some of the excel exercises, she asked me what I
would like to do and called me in her office/cubicle a few minutes after. There she
offered to give me some International GAAP and guidelines about the primary
substantive procedures to read and study on so that I can also learn something while
Im not doing anything specific in the meantime.
Hours: 8 hours

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