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Ashton Shelby
Social Media Policy
February 8, 2017

Too Much Sauce Manufacturing Company Social Media Policy

This policy will outline and state specific guidelines in which the employees of Too
Much Sauce are authorized to utilize social media accounts. Our company respects the legal
right for each employee to partake in both company related accounts and personal accounts, but
encourages employees to keep these guidelines and the image of our company in mind while
doing so. Too Much Sauce strives to maintain a positive public image, as well as continuously
incorporating the companys core values into each post while interacting on social media.

Establish a clear and concise list of guidelines to aid employees in the decision-making
process of what should and should not be posted upon social media.
Clarify what is considered confidential and is not permitted to be discussed anywhere on
the internet.
Promote positive and genuine posts for both personal accounts and company accounts, in
order to uphold every aspect of the companys image.
Express the dos and donts of interacting with both positive and negative customer

Guiding Principles:
Carefully read each policy stated and let it be a guide for what is acceptable for an
employee to post on the internet.
Inappropriate posts regarding race, language, slander, harassment, etc. may result in
disciplinary action for that particular employee. If this is to become a reoccurring
problem it could result in the termination of that employees position.
Always be respectful of coworkers, customers, and the companys image. Do not result
to posting about personal/work related issues upon social media, these things are to be
handled off of the internet.

When posting information make sure it is entirely accurate before you post it. If a
mistake is made, act quickly to fix it or take full responsibility as an employee and do not
let it fall on the company.
Be mindful when using social media during work hours. If it is in your job description
and duties to be posting for the company during these hours, that is permitted. If not, you
are unauthorized to be partaking in these accounts at this time, unless otherwise
authorized by a manager.
Never disrespect a customer, or retaliate to a customers negative remark upon social
media. Always respond with a positive tone.
Emphasize the repercussions that will take place if an employee fails to comply with the
listed company guidelines.

Confidentiality Guidelines:
Always strive to maintain the confidentiality of Too Much Sauce Manufacturing
Companys trade secrets and private or confidential information (Luttrell, 2016).
Do not create a link from your blog, website, or other social networking sites to an
employer website without identifying yourself as an employee associate (Luttrell, 2016,
pg. 164).
Never share personal information about the company, a coworker, or yourself on social
Disclosure of customer information is never permitted.
Too Much Sauces company logo or any other copyrighted material is not permitted to be
used on any social media posts, unless otherwise authorized.

Social Network Activity Guidelines:

The Social Media Director will be responsible for organizing all social media content.
Do not post on social media accounts without authorization from the Social Media
Director or the Social Media Assistant Director first.
Always strive to incorporate the companys core values into each post, and make an
active effort to maintain a positive light on the company at all times.

Too Much Sause has the authority and right to monitor all employee activity taking place
on social media.
Only utilize social media during work hours if it is in your job description, or you are
otherwise authorized to do so.
Never post negative material targeted towards a customer or competitor, or anything that
could have a negative reflection on the company or its employees.
Make sure that all posts created on a personal social media account remain positive and
reflect you, as a Too Much Sauce employee, in a positive light.
Monitor yourself in making sure that you are being consistent in upholding the
companys values on both personal and company accounts.
When making a post regarding a personal opinion, make sure to state that it is NOT the
opinion of the company and that the company gives no support in whatever remark is
made. Any post regarding a personal opinion are NOT to be made on a company

Customer Interaction Guidelines:

Always remain positive and respectful when interacting with a customer via social media.
Any incident where an employee is demeaning, condescending, or disrespectful to a
customer will result in immediate disciplinary action.
Be consistent in responding to customers online. Make sure to always offer help or
guidance wherever necessary, if a mistake is made take full responsibility and offer a
solution, and always apologize for any misunderstanding that may take place. The
customer is never wrong.
Positive customer comments should always be responded to with gratitude and
When responding to any customer, whether it be positive or negative, be consistent in
upholding the companys values.
Never use distasteful or inappropriate language or tones when interacting with customers.
Always encourage a customer response when posting on social media, and always
respond when being engaged.

Disciplinary Guidelines:
Failure to comply with any listed guideline with this social media policy may result any
of the following in disciplinary actions:
o Being suspended from duties related to social media posts or networking until
further notice.
o Removal of any access to company information.
o Two-week suspension from work with possible termination upon return.
o Lawsuits deemed necessary by mal actions.
o Immediate termination of job without prior notice.
If job is terminated, employee must immediately return all company equipment and
material that has a logo or copyrighted material on it.

For more information regarding this Too Much Sauce Manufacturing Company Social Media
Policy, please contact Ashton Shelby, Director of Public Relations, at

By signing the indicated fields below, you are giving the company your consent to comply with
each of the listed Social Media Policy guidelines. Failure to comply after giving consent could
result in disciplinary or legal action. Signature is required to move forward with a job in this

Employee Signature & Date:

HR Representative Signature & Date:

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