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For the

June 23

Environmental Rules, Forest Fires: The

Y Y N N N House voted, 300-118, to waive
environmental rules for utility rights-of-way on
federal land to speed removal of dead trees
near power lines. A yes vote was to pass HR
1873 over arguments its loose definitions
would allow clear-cutting.
Rules for Water Projects: The House voted,
Y Y N N N 233-180, to ease environmental rules so as to
give state and local water officials more
authority for diverting river flows and building
dams and reservoirs on federal land in 17
western states. A yes vote was to send HR
1654 to the Senate.
Commercial Fisheries: The House defeated,
N N Y Y Y 179-232, an amendment to HR 1654 (above)
that sought to prevent environmental
shortcuts for water projects that would
diminish fish populations and cause
economic harm to commercial fisheries. A
yes vote backed the amendment.
GOP Tax Bill, Trump Returns: The House
Y Y N N N blocked, 227-188, a Democratic bid to delay
the GOPs planned tax-code overhaul until
President Trump releases his 2006-2015
personal returns and returns or tax
information for the 500-plus companies he
controls or serves in an official role.
Wage Subsidies for Welfare Recipients:
Y Y Y Y Y The House passed, 377-34, legislation that
would provide $100 million over one year for
subsidizing up to half the wages of welfare
recipients hired by companies and other
employers for work-training and
apprenticeship programs. (HR 2842)
Marshall Billingslea Confirmation: The
N N Senate confirmed, 65-35, Marshall Billingslea
as the Treasury Departments assistant
secretary for terrorist financing. A yes vote
backed a nominee who held high Department
of Defense and NATO positions under
President George W. Bush.
KEY VOTES AHEAD 2017 Voterama in Congress
The Senate will debate a partial replacement of the Affordable Care
Act in the week of June 26, while the House schedule was to be

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